
ScottL i think i just received sponsorship to go to UDS this november00:17
ScottLi was surprised especially because i didn't apply for sponsorship02:38
micahgScottL: I think I'm happy for you :)02:39
micahgbe sure to say hi :)02:40
ScottLthank you micahg, i'm happy about it too :)03:11
astraljavaScottL: Damn! :( Now I'm really sad that I couldn't apply. We have to go, one of these cycles, so that we can catch up. :)07:52
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:53
quadrisprohi all!08:45
quadrispropersia, will you join the UDS-P?08:45
ScottLastraljava, did you get any responses about which applications to include to the seeds?12:04
ScottLif not then i can assist either during my lunch (+5 hours hence) or this evening (+12 hours hence)12:05
ScottL 12:06
ScottLi would also be very keen to get a better theme going....even if it means ditching our current theme altogether12:07
ScottLthis might be just for oneiric and we can do a better job for oneiric+112:07
ScottL 12:20
ScottLfalktx, do you think you might be able to help us get a theme together before oneiric ships?12:20
falktxheh, I'm also asking for a theme for kx12:21
falktxScottL: the gtk theme is already nice, we should keep it12:21
ScottLfalktx, can you help get it correctly implemented?12:24
falktxScottL: gtk? what is missing?12:25
ScottLi don't know that anything is missing, but it isn't installing when ubuntu studio is installed from ISO12:26
falktxhm, seed?12:27
falktxisn't ubuntustudio-look pushed?12:28
ScottLfalktx, i believe it is12:28
ScottLalthough i suppose it might even be ubuntustudio-default-settings12:29
falktxScottL: transmission is in the seeds. is it really necessary?12:29
falktxtorrents are not a good idea for a clean US install, at least I think so12:29
ScottLhmmm, not sure, i'll give some more thought to it12:30
ScottLi've gotta get the kids out the door for school/day care12:30
falktxI need to eat12:30
ScottLi'll be on in an hour or so at work :)12:30
holsteinScottL: geeze12:33
* holstein is busy12:33
holsteinsorry i havent had a chance to look at that link12:33
astraljavaScottL: I was told there were updates on the mailing list, but I didn't see any. Will check the archives, though. Something might have slipped past me, or I've accidentally deleted them, or something.12:47
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=== SergeLion|shifti is now known as shnatsel

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