
evonIs there a sound editing program that will allow me to load tracks and play them individually with the click of a button?01:36
evonIs there a sound editing program that will allow me to load tracks and play them individually with the click of a button?01:56
holsteinevon: hey04:02
holsteindo you want to play sound files? or edit them?04:02
holsteini mean, VLC'll play em with a click of a button04:02
holsteinalmost any player will play them with a click of a button... the play button04:02
holsteinaudacity is the usual 'starter' editor, and its quite nice04:03
holsteinaudacity pulls audio files in and converts them to its own format though04:03
holsteinbut, you click the play button, and they play04:03
holsteintypically not in a playlist kind of set-up that i feel you are looking for04:04
holsteinanyways... im here, and if im not when you get back, feel free and elaborate over in #opensourcemusicians :)04:04

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