[08:22] hi, wanted to know if anyone is willing to help me understand why something is happening with launching an instance upstart job [08:22] basically i'm using sudo -u someuser and some jobs start with that user and some do not [08:22] I'm launching about 48 instances and it's really odd that some are starting with the proper user and some are starting as root [08:25] thank you in advance, this is happening on Ubuntu 11.04 [08:31] I seem to be able to start all my processes as the correct user if I use su -c command user [08:31] but I cannot stop them now [08:32] using sudo -u user seems to work for both starting and stopping but it doesn't seem to guarantee that the user will be the user i want it to be === Md_ is now known as Md === iverson0881_ is now known as iverson0881 [22:46] Hi. How do I get an upstart embedded script to be executed by bash not dash? [22:46] Why? [22:47] exec /path/to/your/script [22:50] right.. I wonder why there is a "script" feature if it's essentially useless [22:50] like using a shell which doesn't have arrays