
charlie-tcaGood morning14:08
charlie-tcaImages seem to be working today, let's get them tested if possible, please14:08
charlie-tcamr_pouit: probably a regression since beta1 - bug 84009414:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840094 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[xubuntu] There is no screen title" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84009414:28
charlie-tcatesting Ubuntu image now to see if it happens there too14:29
mr_pouitmmh, the ugly theme has always been there afaik14:37
mr_pouitbecause xfsettingsd isn't started in this "session"14:38
charlie-tcaI had the headers in beta1, I think. 14:38
charlie-tcaThe ugly colors were gone, in the header panel14:38
charlie-tca(looked specifically for the pink panel )14:39
charlie-tcaUbuntu has its own problem, since when you choose "Install Ubuntu", it goes to the desktop14:40
charlie-tcaknome: Are you able to do a countdown banner for the website for oneiric?17:46
charlie-tcaRelease date is October 1317:46
pleia2I nudged the website team about generic ubuntu countdown banners17:47
charlie-tcaYeah, but they are always Ubuntu specific17:48
=== xrdodrx_ is now known as xrdodrx
PjotrYesterday we talked about the translations problem: Debian apparently only updates the Xfce core translations, not the translations for the panel plugins and the goodies. So Xubuntu inherits an incomplete and outdated pack of translations for the goodies and the panel plugins....18:38
PjotrI think this matter is crucial for the success of Xubuntu. Many people who dislike Gnome 3, will soon want to switch to Xubuntu. For this to succeed, adequate and up-to-date translations are very important. 18:38
PjotrHave you found a solution yet? If it's too much work for the small crew of Xubuntu developers, how can I help?18:39
micahgPjotr: convince upstream to make new releases with the translations :)18:42
PjotrOK, whom can I contact, and what is the best way?18:59
micahgPjotr: I was referring to the upstream app devs19:00
micahgPjotr: maybe wait for mr_pouit, he knows all of this much better than I19:00
PjotrOK, I'll wait for him. Nevertheless, I'm also willing to help with manually transferring all recent translations at Xfce.org straight into Xubuntu 11.1019:02
Pjotrat least the Dutch ones, which I've translated myself.  :P19:04
Pjotrmr_pouit: yesterday we discussed the fact that Debian apparently only updates the translations of the Xfce core packages, and not the panel plugins and the goodies20:31
Pjotrthis is a serious problem for the success of Xubuntu20:31
Pjotrhow can I help?20:31
mr_pouitwe don't update translations right now, we use what is released by upstream20:41
PjotrBy upstream you mean Debian and not Xfce, I take. So perhaps I can contact Debian?20:45
mr_pouitno, I mean Xfce20:45
PjotrBut I had completed my Dutch translations at Xfce in June, and the translations of the goodies and the panel plugins aren't in Xubuntu 11.10 beta20:46
mr_pouitPjotr: if the panel developer (nick) didn't release a new version from the 4.8 branch, then the new translations won't be in xubuntu (nor debian)20:47
mr_pouitxfce4-panel 4.8.5 was released on June, 21th20:48
PjotrThis is critical for the success of Xubuntu in Holland and Belgium.... How can I help getting those translations in Xubuntu 11.10? I mean the translations here: https://translations.xfce.org/projects/p/apps/r/master/l/nl/20:50
mr_pouit(Pjotr: you've committed a dutch translation on the day before, and one two weeks after, and another one yesterday)20:50
Pjotryes, I've been busy polishing. But the joib was essentially done at the end of June20:50
Pjotrjoib = job20:50
mr_pouitwthen it's in xubuntu 11.10 for xfce4-panel20:51
Pjotryes, but there are many more packages... for example the plugins as well: https://translations.xfce.org/projects/p/panel-plugins/r/master/l/nl/20:52
mr_pouityes, I know, but most of the panel plugins don't have an active developer upstream20:53
Pjotrso how can I help breaking this vicious circle? I think it's really important to have those translations in Xubuntu.20:54
mr_pouityou can try to raise this issue on the xfce4-dev ml, e.g. saying that for many panel plugins, you feel that we you translate will never be useful because they have very few new upstream releases20:56
mr_pouit(tbh, I don't think this is sane to focus on Xubuntu only: if there are new releases, all linux distributions will benefit of that :))20:57
PjotrOK, that sounds good.... Do you know which developer in particular I can approach best?20:57
mr_pouitPjotr: you can raise that on xfce-i18n (https://mail.xfce.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce-i18n/) to know how other translators feel about that21:00
mr_pouitthen, xfce4-dev (https://mail.xfce.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev/) to contact the xfce core maintainers21:01
mr_pouitand goodies-dev (https://mail.xfce.org/mailman/listinfo/goodies-dev/) for everything else (panel plugins, etc.)21:01
PjotrThat sounds even better. The more translators support this, the better. I expect that many of them don't know that much of their work is useless right now.21:02
mr_pouitor, you can also try irc (#xfce-dev), there are often developers present ;-)21:02
PjotrMerci beaucoup. I'll do that.  :-)21:04
Pjotrand I'll keep you informed about the results. 21:05
mr_pouithttp://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/goodies-dev/2010-October/002778.html for an attempt to... grmpbl he left21:09
charlie-tcahe'll be back...21:14
mr_pouitanyway, I'm subscribed to xfce4-dev@ and goodies-dev@, so I'll see ;-)21:14
Unit193Live session worked for you?21:15
charlie-tcaboth hardware and VBox21:16
Unit193Sorry, still only doing VBox :/21:16
charlie-tcaI updated my VirtualBox, and got it to work again today21:16
charlie-tcaThat is a bit faster than hardware only21:17
Unit193They sure did change Ubiquity a little...21:34
charlie-tcaSo, it is not just me, then?21:36
Unit193I noticed it in "Location" the most. Still always has The name is already on the Network21:37
Unit193We just got a call from...Avalon?21:38
astraljavaUnit193: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Avalon?21:42
Unit193astraljava: That's the only one I know of...21:42
astraljavaWell, there's this: http://www.avalonrecords.com/21:43
astraljavaAnd this: http://www.avalonhollywood.com/21:43
astraljavaAnd this: http://www.avalonuk.com/, which must be pretty close to the original, mind you. :)21:44
astraljavaAnyways, I'll try to test tomorrow again. Pretty exhausted, have been for several days now.21:45
Unit193Yeah, I've been a little lazy I guess...21:45
Unit193Oh, I'll be afk over the weekend (Major scrollup I will have...)21:46
astraljavaYeah, don't even try to read it all. :)21:46
charlie-tcaastraljava: no problem. Get some rest, if you need it.21:50
charlie-tcaUnit193: testing over the weekend would be great!21:50
astraljavaUmm... I'm afraid AFK means something else, not testing.21:51
astraljavaBut I should be able to test over the weekend. Do they spin images over the weekend, though?21:52
Unit193Well, bad dial-up at best, nothing is more what type of internet I'll assume21:52
charlie-tcayes, they spin everyday21:53
astraljavaOh okay, cool.21:53
knomepleia2, i can do the countdown banners23:14
knomejust need to clear my head of beer23:14
knomeso see you tomorrow ->23:14
Unit193Update your beer tracker!23:17

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