
Noldorinis there any short version of bzr help?00:20
Noldorinhow do i diff two different branches at different revisions?01:05
Noldorin...is anyone here alive? :-P01:57
AuroraBorealisi am01:58
Noldoringood to know01:59
Noldorinhow do i diff two different branches at different revisions?02:01
=== AuroraBorealis is now known as aurora|away
axatrikxcan anyone suggest any good books for bug fixing in launchpad?05:18
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Noldorinhow do i diff two different branches at different revisions?12:10
maxbSomething like -r 123:abc..456:def I'd expect12:14
Noldorinmaxb, revision:branch format?12:21
maxbbzr help revisionspec for more info12:22
Noldorinok cheers12:24
zulaxwe have 2 projects, 6 ppl13:16
zulaxand all collaborators will be working on a window machine13:17
zulaxbut i would like to have the repos on ubuntu13:17
zulaxis bazaar right choice for me?13:17
zulaxand i m hoping tortoisebzr will let us easily browse/push/pull repos without having the need to install a bazar-server13:18
vilazulax: If bzr is installed on the ubuntu machine, you already have the simplest setup for a server. Configure ssh and you're done.13:20
vilazulax: setting up ssh clients on windows is only slightly harder (but you may already have that)13:21
zulaxwould tortoisebzr take care of that?13:22
zulaxor do i need putty like13:22
vilayup, putty like and then tortoisebzr should work13:22
zulaxwe have svn but i dont think its built for collaboration13:22
zulaxand git is slightly more complex13:23
zulaxand lack of windows support13:23
* vila nods13:23
wilxWhat am I doing wrong with fast-import?16:45
wilxSee the paste.16:45
wilxI have installed the module into ~/.bazaar/plugsin/fastimport and I have added the path...16:45
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
pznI'm an old-style programmer from cvs era. I did the cvs->svn step some years ago, now I'll give a try to bzr. can someone recommend a quickstart to brz for someone that is used to svn?18:28
pznsorry for the bad english: does bzr supports this development model: personal merge can be made by anyone, blessed maintrunk merge can be made by anyone (but it has to be someone else). I mean that if userA requested a bless, then userB userC anyone (except userA) can bless. if userB requests a bless, then userA, userC, ... can bless it18:37
pznmaybe I should have read more docs before asking my previous question...18:37
pzndoes using debian squeeze bzr version (2.1.2) will be good for most projects, or does this old version misses some main and good new features from 2.4 version?18:42
fullermdThat sounds like a development ruleset, not so much a VCS thing.  I s'pose you could loosely enforce it with hooks some way or other if you tried...  sounds more trouble than it's worth.18:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
fullermd2.1 should _work_ OK.  But it's a fair ways back; 2.4 will have rather better performance, and there've been a fair number of features/etc since then.18:53
pznfullermd, tks! better impose some "by mouth agreement" enforcement, than "hook software enforcement", if that is what I understood18:59
pznfullermd, for regular workflow (sorry for the svn terms) create, checkout, update, commit, merge, I'll have no problem with 2.1, ok?19:00
fullermdWell, I was gonna go with "pair of pliers and a blowtorch", myself, but whatever works  ;)19:00
fullermdI'm not aware of any showstopper bugs in up to date 2.1.x, thought that may not mean much.  But certainly the workflow would be the same, so it's at least good enough to experiment with.19:01
pznwill bzr work ok for "binary" files (just for version control, not for diff between versions) like spreadsheets or pdf files?19:02
pznfullermd, it took me some minutes to understand "pair of pliers and a blowtorch" in my language, but google helped me :-D19:03
fullermdAs long as they're not too big.  Presumably you're talking about sub-few-dozen-megs.19:03
pznfullermd, in current SVN, 10Mb is the bigger one and it has a 20 different revisions (2000 revisions in full project head). I don't intend to put iso CD or iso DVD images on bzr :-)19:07
fullermdNo, that's a significant difference between bzr and systems like SVN/CVS.  The only granularity you deal with is the branch; neither more nor less.19:16
pznso you mean that people that work with documentation will need to have the full project on their computers... that is bad for me...19:16
pznbut if that gets really bad, I can workaround by creating one repository "/project-sourcecode" and another repository "/project-doc"19:18
pznI didn't get the idea behind "use of memory"... suppose I do an "get from server" in the full project. then I open "gimp" to edit an jpg binary file of the project. then I open "openoffice-calc" to edit an spreadsheet. why would it use several times in memory?19:20
fullermdWell, for instance, packing up diffs when you commit/etc has to hold at least an "old" and "new" copy in memory, plus whatever is taken up by the differences.19:30
pznfullermd, ok, got the point. the memory usage is only at "commit" operation. no problem19:37
fullermdWell, at various others to.  I wouldn't attempt to compile a complete list.19:38
pznfullermd, thanks for your help. I'll go home now. bye19:45
AuroraBorealiswhat does "bzr: Error 5" mean? o.o20:33
fullermdIt's like error 4, but more so.20:36
AuroraBorealis(aka error codes are the worst things ever)20:36
AuroraBorealisi just got this and i dunno if i should do something about it haha20:37
AuroraBorealisbzr: ERROR: [Error 5] C:/Users/Mark/Code/bzr/python/FASubmissionScraper/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock/releasing.fb82ujn47r8758ue2z3g.tmp/*20:37
fullermdOn my system, errno 5 is EIO...20:37
* fullermd has no idea how consistent that would be...20:37
AuroraBorealisas in it couldn't read the file?20:37
fullermdUsually something like that.20:38
fullermdSeems kinda odd that a file would be called '*'.20:39
AuroraBorealisand that there is no stack trace either20:39
fullermdIs it happening more than once?20:40
AuroraBorealisbut i have been having problems (in earlier problems of bazaar) where the lock file doesn't get deleted20:41
fullermdI think that branch/lock/ directory should be empty (but extant) if you don't have anything running.  Any droppings in it?20:41
fullermdI think a common suckage source on Windows has been that (a) you can't delete a file that's open, and (b) virus scanners have a tendancy to open files for arbitrary lengths of time.20:42
AuroraBorealisalthough my problem was in the ~/.bazaar/lock directory20:43
AuroraBorealisnot the actual branch ones20:43
AuroraBorealisannnnd opening that location makes explorer say "location is not accessible: access is denied"20:43
AuroraBorealisoh god, "unable to display current owner"20:45
AuroraBorealisso now i have a rogue folder that i am unable to delete ;<20:51
zulaxi just setup up apt-get install bzr on my ubuntu22:35
zulaxthen i installed bzr on windows machine22:35
zulaxcan i now browse the repo on ubuntu from windows?22:35
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=== AuroraBorealis_ is now known as AuroraBorealis

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