
ScottKProbably some local issue.00:03
ScottKTook the plunge.  -runtime uploaded.00:05
ScottKMeh.  Someone else's turn.00:18
ScottKOh.  I know.00:18
* ScottK tries again.00:22
apacheloggerScottK: I would hope so, I did not check00:30
* ScottK gives up on -runtime for the night.00:34
ScottKSomeone elses turn.00:34
ScottKapachelogger: I'll approve the FFe if you'll approve it.00:35
ScottKyou'll upload it00:35
* ScottK goes and reviews kgamma instead.00:45
BarkingFishright guys, I'm off. Bed beckons, and I'm answering the call!01:01
BarkingFishSee ya01:01
apacheloggerScottK: I'll look at it tomorrow then01:08
apacheloggerif I do not get interrupted by research again01:08
ScottKdebfx: OK.  You win.  Please fix kde-runtime.01:40
ScottK(separate sources if you prefer, up to you as I give)01:41
ScottKbtw, now doing kgamma.  Got distracted by ballet related sewing.01:42
ScottKNow kgeography.03:28
ScottKNow khangman.03:31
valorieyou are my hero, ScottK03:33
* valorie awards ScottK some voodoo donuts03:34
ScottKFor the 4.7.1 uploading or the sewing?03:34
valorieit's awesome when daddies do sewing03:34
valoriemy sewing machine needs some love03:34
ScottKIt kind of blew  my daughter away that I was capable of it.03:34
valoriethe navy teaches people to be capable!03:35
valoriemy neighbor is home on leave03:35
valoriethus the voodoo donuts03:35
valorieboys brought a box of fresh, up from Portland03:35
ScottKFirst day at Officer Candidate School uniforms were issued with sewing kits and we were told to have them properly hemmed by morning.03:36
ScottKNow on kig03:36
ScottKThere's a chance that (except for fixing -runtime, that's it.04:13
ScottKNo, kwordquiz was already done, just Quintasan didn't tag it in bzr.04:20
=== emma is now known as em
JabberwockyA19Is it normal that oneiric is searching for i386 and amd64 apt lists? I am using amd64.07:04
ScottKJabberwockyA19: Yes.07:08
ScottKThat's multi-arch.  You can now run i386 binaries on amd64.07:08
ScottKIt's not handled very well in the package management U/I.07:08
JabberwockyA19ok I thought as much07:08
JabberwockyA19extra support for ia32libs07:09
ScottKThe goal is to make it die.07:09
JabberwockyA19jockey-kde breaks because I don't have i386 lists in my local mirror (raise FetchFailedException(e))07:10
ScottKThat's worth a bug.07:10
JabberwockyA19I see some bugs already reported against jockey-gtk07:11
ScottKJust mentioning it affects jockey-kde too might be enough.07:13
ScottKBut it's 3AM here, and so I think I'll say good night.07:14
ScottKGood night.07:14
* afiestas is starting to think that (k)ubuntu has a magic button for good intel performance10:44
afiestasor maybe is just because I'm usually running self-compiled master we'll see in a few minuts10:45
* apachelogger adds spec idea11:14
apacheloggerafiestas: do we have the latest and greatest bluedevil yet?12:13
afiestasapachelogger: nope, afaik we were too late to put 1.2 so kubuntu will be shipping with 1.112:15
apacheloggerthis is an outrage12:15
* apachelogger waves fist and all that12:15
apacheloggerafiestas: 1.2 isn't released yet?12:16
afiestasapachelogger: it is12:16
apacheloggerthen I really don't get it12:16
afiestasI haven't blog about it, but the tarbal is uploaded and tag is pushed12:16
apacheloggersurely there is plenty of reasons why a feature freeze exception for 1.2 would be desirable, no?12:16
afiestaslet me check 12:16
apacheloggerScottK: release team opinion plz ^12:17
afiestasVersion: 1.1.1-0ubuntu1 12:17
ScottKapachelogger: We've had pretty good luck with bluedevil updates.  I'd be willing to consider it if it was packaged and someone tested it.12:17
apacheloggerthat implies I can find my bluetooh stick thing12:18
apacheloggerScottK: qtwebkit-source will be in queue soonishy12:18
apacheloggeri.e. in 1MiB :P12:18
afiestasScottK: I will be more than glad to test it all12:19
apacheloggeralso I converted the tar to .xz12:19
apacheloggerso I shall hope launchpad accepts .xz tars these days12:19
afiestasI'm using 1.2 now (with Kubuntu 11.10) so far so good12:19
apacheloggerthat knocked almost 10 MiB of the tarball size :D12:19
apachelogger<3 xz12:19
apachelogger  Uploading qtwebkit-source_2.2~2011week34-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done.12:20
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.12:20
apacheloggerScottK: ^12:20
* apachelogger hates it when there is no flipping watch file12:20
* bulldog98 has a working main pc again12:38
apacheloggerafiestas: where did you upload bluedevil?12:38
apacheloggercant find it on ftpmaster12:38
* bulldog98 now has 8G of RAM -> I can build kdepim in tmpfs :)13:17
afiestasweird weird weird, Xorg crashes when enabling composite in KWin master14:17
bulldog98yofel_: digikam has a new release14:25
apacheloggerafiestas: where to find the bluedevil 1.2 tar?14:29
afiestasdownloads.kde.org.. let me check for the full url14:30
afiestasweird, it isn't there :s14:31
afiestasiirc sysadmins told me that it was moved, let me check...14:31
apacheloggerthey tend to move things into wrong dirs ^^14:32
afiestasfuck, seems that I forgot to make the final release somehow :s14:32
afiestasapachelogger: can you use 1.2rc2? 1.2 final will be the same tarbal/tag14:33
apacheloggerafiestas: no new libbluedevil, right?14:41
afiestasapachelogger: nope14:41
apacheloggerwe shoudl transit our compression from lzma to x14:50
apacheloggerlintian gets all cocky about the data.tar.lzma14:50
debfxyeah but not this cycle14:54
* bulldog98 wishes to have debdelta and pdiffs, too14:57
bulldog98whom to poke about that15:00
bulldog98shadeslayer: rekonq doesn’t freeze if opening a build log15:40
apacheloggerafiestas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluedevil16:19
apacheloggeryou might want to look at this at some point16:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, afiestas: bluedevil is now tracked by the kubuntu-bugs team16:20
* ScottK stabs at -runtime again.16:28
ScottKLet the record show that debfx was right.  Separate source is needed.17:07
ScottKI think I got that managed from the same source package, so it's only annoying right now and not every time the package has to be updated.17:07
apacheloggerafiestas: ping17:25
afiestasapachelogger: pong17:27
apacheloggerafiestas: so, I installed bluedevil, plugged in a bluetooth usb adapter thing and bluedevil reports there is none :(17:27
afiestasapachelogger: hcitool scan?17:28
apacheloggersyslog says the device is detected and initialized and all that17:28
apachelogger>>> hcitool scan17:28
apacheloggerDevice is not available: No such device17:28
afiestasqdbus --system org.bluez ?17:28
apachelogger>>> qdbus --system org.bluez17:28
apacheloggerService 'org.bluez' does not exist.17:28
apacheloggerno bluez for me :(17:28
afiestas/etc/init.d/bluetooth start ?17:28
apacheloggernow it worx17:29
apacheloggerso I guess the question is why the rubbish bluez of mine did not start automatically?17:29
afiestasapachelogger: iirc that's something that only happens in ubuntu but I may be wrong17:29
afiestaswell ubuntu or debian based dunno17:29
* apachelogger waves fist at ubuntu17:30
afiestasbut I have received many reports with the same issue, all of them by Kubuntu users 17:30
apacheloggerafiestas: maybe it does not start bluez when no adapter was detected at startup?17:30
afiestasI did some launchpad-fu to find a bug report and I did iirc but I don't remember the details17:30
apacheloggerwhich I do consider a feature... though the bug is not starting it once a bluetooh device is detected17:30
apacheloggerwhich I reckon is entirely possible using a udev config17:30
afiestasapachelogger: then that udev rule is missing17:31
apacheloggerthough I am gussing blindly17:31
apacheloggerso it might not be the case altogether17:31
apacheloggerwhen I try to scan, the adaptor dies17:33
afiestasapachelogger: with hcitool ?17:34
apacheloggerwith bluedevilol17:34
apacheloggeralso when pairing17:35
apacheloggerit falls over like a dead rabbit17:35
apacheloggerdead parrot :D17:35
afiestasapachelogger: Any good tv show to watch?17:36
apacheloggerdepends on what you have in mind17:36
apacheloggerthe new torchwood is rubbish17:36
apachelogger'suits' seems rather good...17:37
afiestasapachelogger: just say a few17:37
apacheloggeror I am biased due to hawt actors, dunno17:37
apacheloggergame of thrones markey recommends very much17:37
afiestasalready saw suits17:37
apacheloggerthen there is a new season of true blood coming along17:37
apacheloggersame goes for futurama17:37
apacheloggershamelss is very recommendable (first season anyway)17:38
afiestassaw and saw17:38
apacheloggerthe UK version, not the US one!!!!!17:38
afiestasshameless ?17:38
apacheloggergoogle it17:38
apacheloggerstory about a drunken father and his kids, living in the greater manchester area17:38
afiestasany more?17:39
apacheloggerwell, since I was talking about dead parrots17:39
apacheloggerALL OF MONTY PYTHON@!17:39
apacheloggeralso fawlty towers17:39
apacheloggerI think this just about all I ever watched17:40
* apachelogger aint much of an entertainment program person17:40
* apachelogger checks his trash for other material17:40
* afiestas just got lazy and decide to pass the rest of the day watching stuff17:40
apacheloggerALL OF DOCTOR WHO!!$!17:40
apacheloggerthat will keep you busy for the next 5 years :P17:41
afiestassaw and saw17:41
apacheloggerI MEAN ALLLLL17:41
afiestasSAW !17:41
apacheloggerdude, like when did you ever do work :P17:41
apacheloggerfinding good versions of the really old series alone takes forever17:41
afiestasnah kidding :p 17:41
* apachelogger refuses to watch the fake-color-versions17:41
apacheloggerthey make me go ewww17:42
apacheloggerhercule poirot \o/17:42
apacheloggerlittle britain17:42
apacheloggerkathy griffin17:42
apacheloggerthe golden girls :D17:42
apacheloggerit crowd17:43
apacheloggercampire diaries17:43
apacheloggerthe wire17:43
afiestasapachelogger: skins uk, right?17:43
ScottKHogan's Heroes17:43
apacheloggerwhenver there is UK vs. US, one shall click the UK link as the US one will likely be a bad rip off17:43
apacheloggeralthough there have been good ones too 17:43
apacheloggerlike queer as folk17:43
ScottKThe Young Ones (UK)17:44
apacheloggeron a related note... RTD came up with queer as folk17:44
apacheloggeroh ohoh17:44
apacheloggeronly yesterday a friend told me they apparently still produce that show17:45
* apachelogger personally got bored after the first 1.5 seasons17:45
* afiestas likes weeds and weed17:45
apacheloggerafiestas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/686480/17:46
apacheloggerwas running hcitool scan and kded went kaput17:46
apacheloggera) my device is broken17:47
apacheloggerb) there is a kernel bug17:47
apacheloggerc) something is wrong with my bluedevil pkg17:47
apacheloggeroh and d) something is wrong with our bluez stack17:47
apacheloggerat some point bluetoohd goes "HCI dev 0 down"17:48
apacheloggerit does not work for me17:50
apacheloggeramd64 available in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental17:50
apacheloggeri386 should be soonish17:50
afiestasapachelogger: well I'm developing bluedevil in kubuntu now.. os bluez kinda works at least for me17:55
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerafiestas: must be something on my system then19:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: qapt has no models?19:30
apacheloggerwhy nut :(19:32
apacheloggeralso qapt Package needs to grow properties19:32
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so to get a list of packages I'd create a backend, init it and then call availablePackages?19:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: are you looking at doing QML stuff? There is a package model in libmuonprivate19:35
apacheloggerthat should totally move to libqapt IMHO19:35
* apachelogger should be able to do it with a list of packages for now19:35
apachelogger(or so I think)19:35
apacheloggeroh, right, no properties and no q_invokables19:38
apacheloggerthat makes matters more complicated :S19:38
JontheEchidnawould adding properties affect ABI?19:39
apacheloggernope, they are part of the MOC19:41
apacheloggeroh lord19:41
apacheloggerPackage is not even a QObject19:41
apachelogger:S S:S :S:S19:41
apacheloggerthat is a major PITA19:41
apacheloggerif you want to keep it a non-QObject we'll have to derive it into a QObject19:42
apacheloggerPackageQObject or something19:42
JontheEchidnaI did that to lower memory overhead, plus it wasn't using signals/slots anyway19:42
apacheloggerhave additional getters in the backend19:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, it would be using properties in qml :P19:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are copy ctors implemented for package?19:43
JontheEchidnanope, but they only way you get them is in pointer form19:43
apacheloggerthat doesn't help the cause :P19:44
apacheloggerso we'll have to have some sort of harness for qml19:44
apacheloggertaking a pkg pointer and providing Q_PROPERTIES on it19:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://i.imgur.com/8K3Zb.png19:51
JontheEchidnawhat if you had a .cpp object in the background that could mark a package from its model index?19:52
ScottKOK.  Another shot at -runtime uploaded.19:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: now I need a UI mock :P19:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: as the style suggests I am thinking about deploying it for harmattan btw ;)19:57
apacheloggerI have a feeling people will come up with shitty pkg managers again19:57
JontheEchidnamaemo 6?19:57
ScottKJontheEchidna: Is the xapian-index problem fixed?19:58
JontheEchidnaScottK: upstream, yes. The 1.2.1 release is scheduled for tomorrow.19:58
* apachelogger takes markey and dances19:59
JontheEchidnawhile it already could tell if an existing xapian index was out of date, it didn't detect the lack of one19:59
apacheloggerbleh the listview in qml1 is so utter shite it makes me wanna barf all the time20:01
apacheloggeryou have to manually tell it to clip20:01
apacheloggeralso you have to wrap it in a super item or you'll get an uncontrollable white background20:01
apacheloggerthat thing has more pitfalls than java's string class20:02
ScottK5 of the 11 armel builders are building qt or qtwebkit.  Pretty wild.20:05
apacheloggerqt takes over the farm20:06
ScottKMostly due to Qt security issues, but WTH.20:06
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I have been thinking about making a BackendInterface class that is basically a bunch of virtual functions for interacting with the QApt backend. (Pure virtual for the ones that really need a GUI, like warning or error reporting) Basically like MuonMainWindow is now, but without all the GUI stuff wired in.20:08
apacheloggertricky to not make assumptions about the UI there, but yeah, that'd make sense20:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how do I get all packages in a group?20:10
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: master phonon, it seems that Muon is not mooing anymore. It's using this code with a filename that I know is correct: http://paste.ubuntu.com/686532/20:11
apacheloggerI presume availableGroups returns sane groups20:11
apacheloggerthe API docs are not very useful there bTW20:11
JontheEchidnayeah, availableGroups returns a list of every group that has been found in the availablePackages20:12
apacheloggerso how do I filter?20:12
JontheEchidnaI used a QSortFilterProxyModel20:12
apachelogger... exactly why there should be models in libqapt :P20:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: about the phonon issue... you are not runnning phonon from git by any chance?20:13
apacheloggerbecause I thought it to be an issue with the refactoring in pgst20:13
apacheloggerno goody20:13
CIA-130[lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 131 * debian/rules Also install zsh completion files20:13
CIA-130[trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110910201342-ouwycuda47crfo9k * debian/rules Also install zsh completion files20:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/Phonon20:13
JontheEchidnaI have 4:4.7.0really4.5.1-1ubuntu220:13
bulldog98apachelogger: thanks20:14
bulldog98why do I still have two of those commit messages?20:14
apacheloggercause ye broke it20:14
bulldog98how can you break it?20:15
apacheloggerit is clearly emitting two messages20:15
apacheloggerone with weird path and one without20:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: most puzzling... also is your pulseaudio broken?20:16
apacheloggerit appear syour pgst is using alsa directly20:16
JontheEchidnait is not installed, due to bug 59103620:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 591036 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Sound comes out the main speaker even though the headphones are plugged in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59103620:17
apacheloggermight just be an alsa compat problem then20:18
bulldog98apachelogger: I think I found the problem20:18
JontheEchidnapgst works w/ dragon, though20:18
markeysomeone had pinged me?20:19
markeyapachelogger you?20:19
apacheloggerno, I touched you inappropriately20:19
apacheloggerapparently you did not care :(20:19
markeyoh dear20:19
markeyyou shall repent20:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna:     int state() const;20:21
apacheloggerthat is nothing short of horrifying TBH20:21
apacheloggermarkey: just don't tell my husband20:21
apacheloggerhe might want to kill us both20:21
CIA-130[lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 132 * debian/rules Cleaned up the rules20:23
CIA-130[trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110910202318-c9yur3hkv1xj13dg * debian/rules Cleaned up the rules20:23
bulldog98dam it20:23
bulldog98yofel: do you know what the problem could be?20:24
ScottKHeya BarkingFish.20:24
BarkingFishHi ScottK 20:24
yofelbulldog98: remove the other hook? I'm not too familiar with bzr post commit hook invocation internals20:24
BarkingFishI'd been meaning to get a word to you, I'm not gonna be around for about a month, unless I can get my other PC loaded and working with Kubuntu on it.  I've got to lend my laptop to a friend, so I'm transferring all of my data off here and into one of my spare drives for now.20:25
bulldog98Riddell: how can I disable bzr plugins that are buildin and replace them, without deleting the file20:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://i.imgur.com/iuhih.png20:26
Riddellbulldog98: how do you mean "buildin"?20:26
BarkingFishI don't know how my old PC will adapt with Kubuntu on it, it's only got 1GB of RAM, and a cruddy little P4 Xeon in it, so I hope it'll work20:26
BarkingFishThat is, of course, assuming I can find my Kubuntu disc to install from :)20:27
bulldog98Riddell: I don’t want the stuff under /usr/share/pyshared/bzrlib/plugins/cia to be called, but the stuff in ~/.bazaar/plugins instead20:27
Riddellyou can use BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=cia20:28
bulldog98Riddell: where do I put that in? ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf?20:29
Riddellbulldog98: it's an environment variable20:30
Riddellsee also http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-reference/configuration-help.html#bzr-plugin-path20:30
Riddellor point it directly at the plugin you want with http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-reference/configuration-help.html#bzr-plugins-at20:30
Mamarokshadeslayer: an news regarding Amarok 2.4.3 for Natty?20:31
* bulldog98 needs to logout and login again20:32
ScottKBarkingFish: It'll work, but you'll probably want to investigate apachelogger's kubuntu-lowfat package.20:36
Riddellbulldog98: why?20:37
bulldog98Riddell: cause I want to test it with your dolphin plugin :)20:37
bulldog98an ~/.kde/env is only parsed while login20:37
BarkingFishAt the moment it looks like I'm gonna have to install it via a USB key, I just discovered my old DVD drive is borked.20:38
ScottKBarkingFish: That should be easy enough.20:39
ScottKAs soon as this -runtime build finishes (one way or the other) I'm going to go collapse for awhile.20:39
ScottKBarkingFish: Use usb-creator-kde from your existing Kubuntu install and it's dead simple to put the install media on a USB stick.20:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I refactored into brokeness :P20:48
ScottK-runtime failed again.20:54
ScottKBuilds on a PPA now.20:54
ScottKNot on buildd.20:54
* ScottK goes for a rodrigo.20:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://i.imgur.com/0NLVj.png21:00
apacheloggerI really need some mockup21:01
apacheloggerI am not meant to design guis21:01
apacheloggerI am not even meant to design APIs and that is what I do most of the time :S21:02
JontheEchidnalooks cool21:03
CIA-130[lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 133 * zsh_completion/_kgetsource Made completion for kgetsource better21:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: commitChanges after having marked package for removal/install?21:03
apacheloggerok, so I only needed to do that and have a working mobile package manager :P21:04
JontheEchidnathen you'll need to listen for workerEvent, errorOcurred and warningOcurred21:04
apachelogger     * @see workerEvent()21:04
apachelogger     * @see commitProgress()21:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: docs need update I guess21:04
* bulldog98 fixed that CIA think, kthx to Riddell for the pointer to the bzr setting21:04
Riddellbulldog98: what did you have to do?21:05
bulldog98Riddell: since I use yofel’s plugin and I have cia-plugins installed (they add a plugin to bzr) I had to set BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=cia21:06
Riddellyofel has a bzr plugin?21:06
Riddellto do what?21:06
yofelRiddell: it's a mod of jelmer's old one21:07
yofelsince I couldn't get the one in the archive to work when I wanted one for neon21:07
bulldog98Riddell: to notify CIA-130 that there was a commit in the repro21:07
yofelalso, the archive one shows junk as revno (revid I think)21:08
bulldog98yofel: maybe you should tell upstream to add your plugin21:08
yofelbulldog98: tell the LP devs to add cia support, that would be even better (there is a bug about that)21:09
bulldog98yofel: agreed, maybe we could add that in lp, but lp is a ugly moster, so only apachelogger could tame it :)21:10
apacheloggermarkey: y u not hanging?21:10
apacheloggerbulldog98: I am not touching python, sir21:11
yofelbulldog98: well, and I don't really get how the cia plugin in the archive is designed, and no real intention to dig into it21:11
* bulldog98 didn’t know lp was written in python21:11
yofelyou never wondered why it was so slow? :P21:12
markeyapachelogger: hanging out21:12
bulldog98but I could have guessed it nearly everything written within Canonical is written in python21:13
apacheloggermarkey: need to install plugin -.-21:13
markeyMamarok: join us21:13
bulldog98yofel: I always thought it would be my connection :P21:13
markeySput: you too?21:13
yofelbulldog98: your connection is hardly to blame if you get timeout errors :P21:14
bulldog98yofel: right :), maybe they should switch to assambly21:14
yofelthat would go against the idea of being easy to contribute to...21:15
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
=== bulldog98 changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Feature Freeze in effect - 11.10 Beta 1 Released | TODO: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-kubuntu.html | TODO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Kubuntu Meeting at Tue 13th of september
=== bulldog98 changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Feature Freeze in effect - 11.10 Beta 1 Released | TODO: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-kubuntu.html | TODO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Kubuntu Meeting at Tue 13th of september at 10 pm UTC
BarkingFishright guys, I'm off for the night.  I'll see you round, and hopefully my other PC by tomorrow will also be on kubuntu, so I don't have to quit while the laptop's gone :)21:46
apachelogger    void emitWorkerEvent(int event);21:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: int?21:46
apacheloggerwhy private to begin with, this is weird my friend21:47
JontheEchidnait sets d->state to the current event, and then emits workerEvent()21:47
JontheEchidnayou dun need to worry about any of those private slots21:48
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: btw, http://api.kde.org/extragear-api/sysadmin-apidocs/libqapt/html/index.html21:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it aint working21:52
apacheloggerso toInstallCount is not null21:52
apacheloggerbut calling commitChanges does absolutely and entirely nothing21:52
JontheEchidnayou should get a popup asking for a pass from polkit21:54
apacheloggerI don't21:55
apacheloggerthough, I think I do not even get it with qapt-whatever21:55
apacheloggeranother successful kitware21:55
* apachelogger goes for a cig21:56
JontheEchidnayou can also run as root to bypass the problem :P21:56
apacheloggerit werx22:03
apacheloggerdoes osmething22:03
* debfx prepares a kde-workspace upload with the kwin performance patch22:48
debfxScottK: how is the kde-runtime situation?22:49
ScottKdebfx: Still broken.23:21
ScottKI thought I had things all nicely separated and it built locally and in a PPA.23:22
ScottKIt didn't, so I took a nap.23:22
ScottKI didn't have a chance yet to examine the debris and see why.23:22
* valorie passes the coffee and another donut to ScottK23:25
markeyanyone wanna hang out on G+?23:31
markeyapachelogger is there, and Mamarok, and Sput 23:31
markeyand me23:32
markeyapachelogger: invite me please23:45
apacheloggermarkey: done and done23:45

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