[00:03] Probably some local issue. [00:05] Took the plunge. -runtime uploaded. [00:18] Meh. Someone else's turn. [00:18] Oh. I know. [00:22] * ScottK tries again. [00:30] ScottK: I would hope so, I did not check [00:34] * ScottK gives up on -runtime for the night. [00:34] Someone elses turn. [00:35] apachelogger: I'll approve the FFe if you'll approve it. [00:35] you'll upload it [00:45] * ScottK goes and reviews kgamma instead. [01:01] right guys, I'm off. Bed beckons, and I'm answering the call! [01:01] See ya [01:08] ScottK: I'll look at it tomorrow then [01:08] if I do not get interrupted by research again [01:40] debfx: OK. You win. Please fix kde-runtime. [01:41] (separate sources if you prefer, up to you as I give) [01:42] btw, now doing kgamma. Got distracted by ballet related sewing. [03:28] Now kgeography. [03:31] Now khangman. [03:33] you are my hero, ScottK [03:34] * valorie awards ScottK some voodoo donuts [03:34] For the 4.7.1 uploading or the sewing? [03:34] both! [03:34] it's awesome when daddies do sewing [03:34] :-) [03:34] my sewing machine needs some love [03:34] It kind of blew my daughter away that I was capable of it. [03:35] the navy teaches people to be capable! [03:35] my neighbor is home on leave [03:35] thus the voodoo donuts [03:35] boys brought a box of fresh, up from Portland [03:36] First day at Officer Candidate School uniforms were issued with sewing kits and we were told to have them properly hemmed by morning. [03:36] Nice. [03:36] Now on kig [03:39] kiten [03:42] kmplot [03:46] kolourpaint [03:48] kruler [03:52] ktouch [03:55] rocs [03:58] step [04:08] kwordquiz [04:13] There's a chance that (except for fixing -runtime, that's it. [04:20] No, kwordquiz was already done, just Quintasan didn't tag it in bzr. === emma is now known as em [07:04] Is it normal that oneiric is searching for i386 and amd64 apt lists? I am using amd64. [07:08] JabberwockyA19: Yes. [07:08] That's multi-arch. You can now run i386 binaries on amd64. [07:08] It's not handled very well in the package management U/I. [07:08] ok I thought as much [07:09] extra support for ia32libs [07:09] The goal is to make it die. [07:10] jockey-kde breaks because I don't have i386 lists in my local mirror (raise FetchFailedException(e)) [07:10] That's worth a bug. [07:11] I see some bugs already reported against jockey-gtk [07:13] Just mentioning it affects jockey-kde too might be enough. [07:14] But it's 3AM here, and so I think I'll say good night. [07:14] Good night. [07:43] night [09:38] morning [10:44] * afiestas is starting to think that (k)ubuntu has a magic button for good intel performance [10:45] or maybe is just because I'm usually running self-compiled master we'll see in a few minuts [11:14] oh [11:14] right [11:14] profiling [11:14] * apachelogger adds spec idea [12:13] afiestas: do we have the latest and greatest bluedevil yet? [12:15] apachelogger: nope, afaik we were too late to put 1.2 so kubuntu will be shipping with 1.1 [12:15] :O [12:15] this is an outrage [12:15] * apachelogger waves fist and all that [12:16] afiestas: 1.2 isn't released yet? [12:16] apachelogger: it is [12:16] ah [12:16] then I really don't get it [12:16] I haven't blog about it, but the tarbal is uploaded and tag is pushed [12:16] surely there is plenty of reasons why a feature freeze exception for 1.2 would be desirable, no? [12:16] let me check [12:17] ScottK: release team opinion plz ^ [12:17] Version: 1.1.1-0ubuntu1 [12:17] apachelogger: We've had pretty good luck with bluedevil updates. I'd be willing to consider it if it was packaged and someone tested it. [12:18] that implies I can find my bluetooh stick thing [12:18] :P [12:18] ScottK: qtwebkit-source will be in queue soonishy [12:18] i.e. in 1MiB :P [12:18] Cool. [12:19] ScottK: I will be more than glad to test it all [12:19] also I converted the tar to .xz [12:19] so I shall hope launchpad accepts .xz tars these days [12:19] I'm using 1.2 now (with Kubuntu 11.10) so far so good [12:19] that knocked almost 10 MiB of the tarball size :D [12:19] <3 xz [12:20] Uploading qtwebkit-source_2.2~2011week34-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done. [12:20] Successfully uploaded packages. [12:20] ScottK: ^ [12:20] Cool. [12:20] * apachelogger hates it when there is no flipping watch file [12:38] * bulldog98 has a working main pc again [12:38] afiestas: where did you upload bluedevil? [12:38] cant find it on ftpmaster [13:17] * bulldog98 now has 8G of RAM -> I can build kdepim in tmpfs :) [14:17] weird weird weird, Xorg crashes when enabling composite in KWin master [14:25] yofel_: digikam has a new release [14:29] afiestas: where to find the bluedevil 1.2 tar? [14:30] downloads.kde.org.. let me check for the full url [14:31] weird, it isn't there :s [14:31] iirc sysadmins told me that it was moved, let me check... [14:32] they tend to move things into wrong dirs ^^ [14:32] fuck, seems that I forgot to make the final release somehow :s [14:32] wtf... [14:32] :P [14:33] apachelogger: can you use 1.2rc2? 1.2 final will be the same tarbal/tag [14:41] afiestas: no new libbluedevil, right? [14:41] apachelogger: nope [14:41] perfecto [14:50] we shoudl transit our compression from lzma to x [14:50] z [14:50] lintian gets all cocky about the data.tar.lzma [14:54] yeah but not this cycle [14:57] * bulldog98 wishes to have debdelta and pdiffs, too [15:00] whom to poke about that [15:40] shadeslayer: rekonq doesn’t freeze if opening a build log [16:19] huh [16:19] afiestas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluedevil [16:19] you might want to look at this at some point [16:20] JontheEchidna, afiestas: bluedevil is now tracked by the kubuntu-bugs team [16:28] * ScottK stabs at -runtime again. [17:07] Let the record show that debfx was right. Separate source is needed. [17:07] I think I got that managed from the same source package, so it's only annoying right now and not every time the package has to be updated. [17:25] afiestas: ping [17:27] apachelogger: pong [17:27] afiestas: so, I installed bluedevil, plugged in a bluetooth usb adapter thing and bluedevil reports there is none :( [17:28] apachelogger: hcitool scan? [17:28] syslog says the device is detected and initialized and all that [17:28] >>> hcitool scan [17:28] Device is not available: No such device [17:28] qdbus --system org.bluez ? [17:28] >>> qdbus --system org.bluez [17:28] Service 'org.bluez' does not exist. [17:28] no bluez for me :( [17:28] /etc/init.d/bluetooth start ? [17:29] eff [17:29] now it worx [17:29] so I guess the question is why the rubbish bluez of mine did not start automatically? [17:29] apachelogger: iirc that's something that only happens in ubuntu but I may be wrong [17:29] well ubuntu or debian based dunno [17:30] * apachelogger waves fist at ubuntu [17:30] but I have received many reports with the same issue, all of them by Kubuntu users [17:30] afiestas: maybe it does not start bluez when no adapter was detected at startup? [17:30] I did some launchpad-fu to find a bug report and I did iirc but I don't remember the details [17:30] which I do consider a feature... though the bug is not starting it once a bluetooh device is detected [17:30] which I reckon is entirely possible using a udev config [17:31] apachelogger: then that udev rule is missing [17:31] probably [17:31] though I am gussing blindly [17:31] so it might not be the case altogether [17:33] when I try to scan, the adaptor dies [17:34] apachelogger: with hcitool ? [17:34] with bluedevilol [17:35] G [17:35] also when pairing [17:35] it falls over like a dead rabbit [17:35] ah [17:35] dead parrot :D [17:36] apachelogger: Any good tv show to watch? [17:36] depends on what you have in mind [17:36] the new torchwood is rubbish [17:37] 'suits' seems rather good... [17:37] apachelogger: just say a few [17:37] or I am biased due to hawt actors, dunno [17:37] game of thrones markey recommends very much [17:37] already saw suits [17:37] then there is a new season of true blood coming along [17:37] same goes for futurama [17:38] shamelss is very recommendable (first season anyway) [17:38] saw and saw [17:38] the UK version, not the US one!!!!! [17:38] shameless ? [17:38] google it [17:38] story about a drunken father and his kids, living in the greater manchester area [17:39] any more? [17:39] well, since I was talking about dead parrots [17:39] ALL OF MONTY PYTHON@! [17:39] also fawlty towers [17:40] I think this just about all I ever watched [17:40] * apachelogger aint much of an entertainment program person [17:40] * apachelogger checks his trash for other material [17:40] * afiestas just got lazy and decide to pass the rest of the day watching stuff [17:40] dexter [17:40] ohohohoh [17:40] ALL OF DOCTOR WHO!!$! [17:41] that will keep you busy for the next 5 years :P [17:41] saw and saw [17:41] I MEAN ALLLLL [17:41] SAW ! [17:41] dude, like when did you ever do work :P [17:41] finding good versions of the really old series alone takes forever [17:41] nah kidding :p [17:41] * apachelogger refuses to watch the fake-color-versions [17:42] they make me go ewww [17:42] so [17:42] ... [17:42] glee [17:42] hellsing [17:42] hercule poirot \o/ [17:42] little britain [17:42] kathy griffin [17:42] skins [17:42] TBBT [17:42] ah [17:42] epic [17:42] the golden girls :D [17:43] it crowd [17:43] campire diaries [17:43] the wire [17:43] apachelogger: skins uk, right? [17:43] yus [17:43] Hogan's Heroes [17:43] whenver there is UK vs. US, one shall click the UK link as the US one will likely be a bad rip off [17:43] although there have been good ones too [17:43] like queer as folk [17:44] The Young Ones (UK) [17:44] on a related note... RTD came up with queer as folk [17:44] oh ohoh [17:44] weeds [17:45] only yesterday a friend told me they apparently still produce that show [17:45] * apachelogger personally got bored after the first 1.5 seasons [17:45] * afiestas likes weeds and weed [17:46] afiestas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/686480/ [17:46] was running hcitool scan and kded went kaput [17:47] ehm [17:47] so [17:47] a) my device is broken [17:47] b) there is a kernel bug [17:47] c) something is wrong with my bluedevil pkg [17:47] oh and d) something is wrong with our bluez stack [17:48] at some point bluetoohd goes "HCI dev 0 down" [17:50] well [17:50] it does not work for me [17:50] amd64 available in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental [17:50] i386 should be soonish [17:55] apachelogger: well I'm developing bluedevil in kubuntu now.. os bluez kinda works at least for me === yofel_ is now known as yofel [19:30] afiestas: must be something on my system then [19:30] JontheEchidna: qapt has no models? [19:32] nope [19:32] why nut :( [19:32] also qapt Package needs to grow properties [19:33] JontheEchidna: so to get a list of packages I'd create a backend, init it and then call availablePackages? [19:33] yus [19:35] apachelogger: are you looking at doing QML stuff? There is a package model in libmuonprivate [19:35] bleh [19:35] that should totally move to libqapt IMHO [19:35] * apachelogger should be able to do it with a list of packages for now [19:35] (or so I think) [19:38] oh, right, no properties and no q_invokables [19:38] that makes matters more complicated :S [19:39] would adding properties affect ABI? [19:41] nope, they are part of the MOC [19:41] oh lord [19:41] Package is not even a QObject [19:41] ewww [19:41] :S S:S :S:S [19:41] that is a major PITA [19:42] if you want to keep it a non-QObject we'll have to derive it into a QObject [19:42] PackageQObject or something [19:42] I did that to lower memory overhead, plus it wasn't using signals/slots anyway [19:42] have additional getters in the backend [19:42] JontheEchidna: well, it would be using properties in qml :P [19:43] JontheEchidna: are copy ctors implemented for package? [19:43] nope, but they only way you get them is in pointer form [19:44] that doesn't help the cause :P [19:44] so we'll have to have some sort of harness for qml [19:44] taking a pkg pointer and providing Q_PROPERTIES on it [19:51] JontheEchidna: http://i.imgur.com/8K3Zb.png [19:51] :o [19:52] what if you had a .cpp object in the background that could mark a package from its model index? [19:52] what? [19:52] http://paste.kde.org/120217/ [19:54] OK. Another shot at -runtime uploaded. [19:56] JontheEchidna: now I need a UI mock :P [19:56] :P [19:57] JontheEchidna: as the style suggests I am thinking about deploying it for harmattan btw ;) [19:57] I have a feeling people will come up with shitty pkg managers again [19:57] maemo 6? [19:58] yus [19:58] JontheEchidna: Is the xapian-index problem fixed? [19:58] ScottK: upstream, yes. The 1.2.1 release is scheduled for tomorrow. [19:58] Cool. [19:59] * apachelogger takes markey and dances [19:59] while it already could tell if an existing xapian index was out of date, it didn't detect the lack of one [20:01] bleh the listview in qml1 is so utter shite it makes me wanna barf all the time [20:01] you have to manually tell it to clip [20:01] also you have to wrap it in a super item or you'll get an uncontrollable white background [20:02] that thing has more pitfalls than java's string class [20:05] 5 of the 11 armel builders are building qt or qtwebkit. Pretty wild. [20:06] \o/ [20:06] qt takes over the farm [20:06] Mostly due to Qt security issues, but WTH. [20:08] apachelogger: I have been thinking about making a BackendInterface class that is basically a bunch of virtual functions for interacting with the QApt backend. (Pure virtual for the ones that really need a GUI, like warning or error reporting) Basically like MuonMainWindow is now, but without all the GUI stuff wired in. [20:10] tricky to not make assumptions about the UI there, but yeah, that'd make sense [20:10] JontheEchidna: how do I get all packages in a group? [20:11] apachelogger: master phonon, it seems that Muon is not mooing anymore. It's using this code with a filename that I know is correct: http://paste.ubuntu.com/686532/ [20:11] uhh [20:11] I presume availableGroups returns sane groups [20:11] the API docs are not very useful there bTW [20:12] yeah, availableGroups returns a list of every group that has been found in the availablePackages [20:12] so how do I filter? [20:12] manually? [20:12] Oo [20:12] I used a QSortFilterProxyModel [20:12] ... exactly why there should be models in libqapt :P [20:13] JontheEchidna: about the phonon issue... you are not runnning phonon from git by any chance? [20:13] nein [20:13] because I thought it to be an issue with the refactoring in pgst [20:13] no goody [20:13] [lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 131 * debian/rules Also install zsh completion files [20:13] [trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110910201342-ouwycuda47crfo9k * debian/rules Also install zsh completion files [20:13] JontheEchidna: techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/Phonon [20:13] I have 4:4.7.0really4.5.1-1ubuntu2 [20:13] bulldog98++ [20:14] apachelogger: thanks [20:14] why do I still have two of those commit messages? [20:14] cause ye broke it [20:15] how can you break it? [20:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/686534/ [20:15] dunno [20:15] well [20:15] it is clearly emitting two messages [20:16] one with weird path and one without [20:16] JontheEchidna: most puzzling... also is your pulseaudio broken? [20:16] it appear syour pgst is using alsa directly [20:17] it is not installed, due to bug 591036 [20:17] Launchpad bug 591036 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Sound comes out the main speaker even though the headphones are plugged in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/591036 [20:17] ah [20:18] might just be an alsa compat problem then [20:18] "just" [20:18] apachelogger: I think I found the problem [20:18] pgst works w/ dragon, though [20:19] someone had pinged me? [20:19] apachelogger you? [20:19] no, I touched you inappropriately [20:19] apparently you did not care :( [20:19] oh dear [20:20] you shall repent [20:21] JontheEchidna: int state() const; [20:21] that is nothing short of horrifying TBH [20:21] markey: just don't tell my husband [20:21] he might want to kill us both [20:23] [lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 132 * debian/rules Cleaned up the rules [20:23] [trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * bulldog98@kubuntu-de.org-20110910202318-c9yur3hkv1xj13dg * debian/rules Cleaned up the rules [20:23] dam it [20:24] yofel: do you know what the problem could be? [20:24] Heya BarkingFish. [20:24] Hi ScottK [20:24] bulldog98: remove the other hook? I'm not too familiar with bzr post commit hook invocation internals [20:25] I'd been meaning to get a word to you, I'm not gonna be around for about a month, unless I can get my other PC loaded and working with Kubuntu on it. I've got to lend my laptop to a friend, so I'm transferring all of my data off here and into one of my spare drives for now. [20:25] Riddell: how can I disable bzr plugins that are buildin and replace them, without deleting the file [20:26] JontheEchidna: http://i.imgur.com/iuhih.png [20:26] :D [20:26] bulldog98: how do you mean "buildin"? [20:26] I don't know how my old PC will adapt with Kubuntu on it, it's only got 1GB of RAM, and a cruddy little P4 Xeon in it, so I hope it'll work [20:27] That is, of course, assuming I can find my Kubuntu disc to install from :) [20:27] Riddell: I don’t want the stuff under /usr/share/pyshared/bzrlib/plugins/cia to be called, but the stuff in ~/.bazaar/plugins instead [20:28] brb [20:28] you can use BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=cia [20:29] Riddell: where do I put that in? ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf? [20:30] bulldog98: it's an environment variable [20:30] see also http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-reference/configuration-help.html#bzr-plugin-path [20:30] or point it directly at the plugin you want with http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-reference/configuration-help.html#bzr-plugins-at [20:31] shadeslayer: an news regarding Amarok 2.4.3 for Natty? [20:31] BZR_PLUGINS_AT=myplugin@/home/me/bugfixes/123456-myplugin [20:32] * bulldog98 needs to logout and login again [20:36] BarkingFish: It'll work, but you'll probably want to investigate apachelogger's kubuntu-lowfat package. [20:37] bulldog98: why? [20:37] Riddell: cause I want to test it with your dolphin plugin :) [20:37] an ~/.kde/env is only parsed while login [20:38] At the moment it looks like I'm gonna have to install it via a USB key, I just discovered my old DVD drive is borked. [20:38] back [20:39] BarkingFish: That should be easy enough. [20:39] As soon as this -runtime build finishes (one way or the other) I'm going to go collapse for awhile. [20:40] BarkingFish: Use usb-creator-kde from your existing Kubuntu install and it's dead simple to put the install media on a USB stick. [20:40] excellent [20:40] Thanks [20:48] great [20:48] JontheEchidna: I refactored into brokeness :P [20:53] ah [20:53] fixed [20:53] yay [20:54] Sigh. [20:54] -runtime failed again. [20:54] Builds on a PPA now. [20:54] Not on buildd. [20:54] * ScottK goes for a rodrigo. [21:00] hf [21:00] JontheEchidna: http://i.imgur.com/0NLVj.png [21:01] I really need some mockup [21:01] I am not meant to design guis [21:02] I am not even meant to design APIs and that is what I do most of the time :S [21:03] lol [21:03] looks cool [21:03] [lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 133 * zsh_completion/_kgetsource Made completion for kgetsource better [21:03] JontheEchidna: commitChanges after having marked package for removal/install? [21:04] yus [21:04] ok, so I only needed to do that and have a working mobile package manager :P [21:04] then you'll need to listen for workerEvent, errorOcurred and warningOcurred [21:04] * @see workerEvent() [21:04] * @see commitProgress() [21:04] JontheEchidna: docs need update I guess [21:04] * bulldog98 fixed that CIA think, kthx to Riddell for the pointer to the bzr setting [21:05] bulldog98: what did you have to do? [21:06] Riddell: since I use yofel’s plugin and I have cia-plugins installed (they add a plugin to bzr) I had to set BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=cia [21:06] yofel has a bzr plugin? [21:06] to do what? [21:07] Riddell: it's a mod of jelmer's old one [21:07] since I couldn't get the one in the archive to work when I wanted one for neon [21:07] Riddell: to notify CIA-130 that there was a commit in the repro [21:08] also, the archive one shows junk as revno (revid I think) [21:08] yofel: maybe you should tell upstream to add your plugin [21:09] bulldog98: tell the LP devs to add cia support, that would be even better (there is a bug about that) [21:10] yofel: agreed, maybe we could add that in lp, but lp is a ugly moster, so only apachelogger could tame it :) [21:10] markey: y u not hanging? [21:11] sec [21:11] bulldog98: I am not touching python, sir [21:11] bulldog98: well, and I don't really get how the cia plugin in the archive is designed, and no real intention to dig into it [21:11] * bulldog98 didn’t know lp was written in python [21:12] you never wondered why it was so slow? :P [21:12] apachelogger: hanging out [21:13] but I could have guessed it nearly everything written within Canonical is written in python [21:13] markey: need to install plugin -.- [21:13] k [21:13] Mamarok: join us [21:13] yofel: I always thought it would be my connection :P [21:13] Sput: you too? [21:14] bulldog98: your connection is hardly to blame if you get timeout errors :P [21:14] yofel: right :), maybe they should switch to assambly [21:15] that would go against the idea of being easy to contribute to... === jussi01_ is now known as jussi === bulldog98 changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Feature Freeze in effect - 11.10 Beta 1 Released | TODO: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-kubuntu.html | TODO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Kubuntu Meeting at Tue 13th of september === bulldog98 changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Feature Freeze in effect - 11.10 Beta 1 Released | TODO: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-kubuntu.html | TODO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Kubuntu Meeting at Tue 13th of september at 10 pm UTC [21:46] right guys, I'm off for the night. I'll see you round, and hopefully my other PC by tomorrow will also be on kubuntu, so I don't have to quit while the laptop's gone :) [21:46] void emitWorkerEvent(int event); [21:46] JontheEchidna: int? [21:46] int!!!????? [21:47] why private to begin with, this is weird my friend [21:47] it sets d->state to the current event, and then emits workerEvent() [21:48] you dun need to worry about any of those private slots [21:52] apachelogger: btw, http://api.kde.org/extragear-api/sysadmin-apidocs/libqapt/html/index.html [21:52] JontheEchidna: it aint working [21:52] !!!!! [21:52] so toInstallCount is not null [21:52] but calling commitChanges does absolutely and entirely nothing [21:54] you should get a popup asking for a pass from polkit [21:55] I don't [21:55] :s [21:55] though, I think I do not even get it with qapt-whatever [21:55] another successful kitware [21:55] \o/ [21:56] * apachelogger goes for a cig [21:56] you can also run as root to bypass the problem :P [22:03] ah [22:03] it werx [22:03] sorta [22:03] does osmething [22:48] * debfx prepares a kde-workspace upload with the kwin performance patch [22:49] ScottK: how is the kde-runtime situation? [23:21] debfx: Still broken. [23:22] I thought I had things all nicely separated and it built locally and in a PPA. [23:22] It didn't, so I took a nap. [23:22] I didn't have a chance yet to examine the debris and see why. [23:25] * valorie passes the coffee and another donut to ScottK [23:26] Thanks. [23:31] anyone wanna hang out on G+? [23:31] apachelogger is there, and Mamarok, and Sput [23:32] and me [23:45] apachelogger: invite me please [23:45] markey: done and done [23:46] kk