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ubuntu_Hi! After installing Kubuntu I desided to move Windows 7 partitions around to find out what may happen. As expected, the sistem won't start even GRUB. May someone google a solution for me, pleas?01:42
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:44
ubuntu_Oh, yes, sorry! I'm on the latest Kubuntu and no, it wasn't after installing Windows, it's because I wanted to delete the recovery partition of Windows 701:46
ubuntu_Yes, I know it's kind of an odd thing to do, but I'm trying to make myself a documents partition to share between the two OSes01:47
ubuntu_ubottu, I'm checking your links, thank you01:48
ubottuubuntu_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:48
ubuntu_Oh, my goodness, how on earth? :P thanks, claydoh, then :)01:49
claydohubuntu_: you should stillbe able to recover the grub boot info the same way, iirc01:50
ubuntu_OK, thanks01:51
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ubuntu_Now I have another little problem... Boot-repair is asking me for a password, but I'm in a live CD boot, so, I don't have any password, but it won't accept a blank space... claydoh?02:04
claydohubuntu_:  hmm02:04
ubuntu_I think I'll have to use a repair disk on a USB drive02:05
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SchalaI'm wondering... It's said that Kubuntu uses the most resources/memory out of the four Ubuntu distributions. Is this still less than Windows 7 Aero or... about the same?03:45
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CrellHi folks.  I want to give the Kubuntu 11.10 beta a try on my laptop.  It doesn't appear to have a download ISO that I have found yet, though.  Is there one available, or should I install 11.04 and then upgrade?05:22
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:24
CrellSince that link has no downloads on it, I assume that's the short version of "go ask in the other channel"?05:25
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:42
westyis there a channel for the beta?05:52
westyi am trying to update the beta (not update to the beta) and it seems stuck at preparing kde-data05:54
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* Guest86172 say hello06:02
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mario_#nick testd06:06
mario_#join bandung06:06
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transformershi every one my new web site about KDE plasma project God save Kubuntu and Canonical06:47
moetunesan ad ?06:49
transformersSwiss group Loco where are you men`s ? kubuntu - ubuntu group in Swiss06:52
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transformershi every one06:54
transformerswine in packed play on linux not working what can i do help please06:55
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:57
transformersNew web site about Kubuntu screenshot`s and desctop plasma http://kubuntu-11-10.narod.ru/06:59
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transformersLjL-Temp hi07:06
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* _pez_ needs help08:50
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transformershow can i change home page in kubuntu recond browser ?09:29
jepongclick the wrench09:30
jepongclick Configure Rekonq09:30
transformerswhat mean wrench ? my lang. russian09:35
jepongsorry...i mean the one in the right most09:35
jepongthe one that looks like a tool09:35
jepongjust below the close button of rekonq09:36
transformersmy mouse for left hand09:36
shinglesCould someone point me to a kubuntu 11.4 Samba guide ? Thanks :)09:37
transformersSHINGLES have a quastion about Kubuntu &?09:54
shinglesTo enable or disable automount open a terminal and type gconf-editor followed by the [Enter] key.10:02
shinglesWhy cant i do that in kubuntu 11.4 ?10:02
BlaXpiritHey, when is KDE 4.7.1 coming to Kubuntu?10:03
DaemonFCit's already in Oneiric10:04
BlaXpiritwell OK, but why would I install beta stuff?10:05
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DaemonFCbecause Beta is just a word10:06
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BlaXpiritwhatever. I tried it, not without problems.10:07
BlaXpiritright now I have Natty and want KDE 4.7.110:07
DaemonFCI've had more problems with Natty than with Oneiric10:08
DaemonFCand they introduced a configuration problem in Natty that's still there10:08
BlaXpiritOK, but i'll still wait for the release.10:09
DaemonFCthe X server doesn't terminate when you log out so the system just hangs :)10:09
DaemonFCtook me a few minutes to figure out how to solve that10:09
BlaXpiritumm, will Oneiric (what a strange name) have KDE 4.7.2 in it?10:10
BlaXpiritthat's nice.10:10
DaemonFCit's due to be released a few weeks before Oneiric is10:10
BlaXpirit2 weeks, i yhink10:10
DaemonFCyou could try the Kubuntu backports PPA10:11
BlaXpiriti have it.10:11
DaemonFCit's not officially supported10:11
DaemonFCit "could eat babies"10:11
DaemonFCbut your whole system wouldn't be "untested"10:11
BlaXpiritit's fine for me10:11
BlaXpiritbut even that ppa is "quiet" about
DaemonFCit was unusually large for a point release10:12
DaemonFCI've found it to be pretty stable10:13
DaemonFCit got rid of that stupid Akonadi crashing constantly mess10:13
BlaXpiritthat thing is strange indeed. scares people away.10:14
DaemonFC"Here, it's totally unstable, by the way, we've integrated more things into it, have fun" :)10:14
DaemonFC4.7 makes a big difference unless you're using AMD's proprietary video driver10:15
BlaXpiritand intel probably too.10:15
DaemonFCthe rest get kwin using the new OpenGL 2 backend10:15
BlaXpiriti hope the hardware support is better in new Linux and Ubuntu. Some stuff like backlight change didn't work on my laptop; was damn difficult to make it work.10:15
DaemonFCno, even most Intel users will get that10:15
DaemonFCas long as the hardware is capable10:15
DaemonFCFGLRX is a piece of crap (AMD Proprietary)10:16
DaemonFCit's probably one of the reasons Ubuntu uses Compiz10:16
DaemonFCit goes out of its way to work around broken drivers10:16
BlaXpiritcompiz. what a piece of...10:16
DaemonFCIf KDE detects FGLRX, it gives it the old OpenGL 1.4 backend10:17
DaemonFCI've tried installing FGLRX and forcing OpenGL 2 with kwin10:17
DaemonFCthe result isn't pretty10:17
BlaXpiritwhatever. KDE is good without effects.10:17
DaemonFCFGLRX breaks lots of other things10:18
DaemonFCso that wasn't the deciding factor for me10:18
DaemonFCjust the latest thing it can't do, on a long list10:18
DaemonFCI decided to just use xorg-edgers and the s3tc library and tweak it around a bit10:19
DaemonFCmy RadeonHD 5670 is running fine with that10:19
DaemonFCFGLRX cases all kinds of hell10:19
BlaXpiriti really don't know much about hardware stuff.10:19
DaemonFCand Ubuntu and AMD claim to support each other10:19
DaemonFCit's as bad on Ubuntu as it has ever been anywhere else10:20
BlaXpiritby AMD u mean Radeon graphics cards?10:20
DaemonFCthe only difference is that on Ubuntu, it always builds and works poorly, on other systems you may not get that far10:20
DaemonFCtheir proprietary drivers claim to support Ubuntu10:20
DaemonFCbut like I said, it depends on what your definition of support is10:21
BlaXpiritsupport = works out of the box, or suggests drivers to install10:21
DaemonFCtheir 2d acceleration is garbage because proprietary games on Ubuntu don't use it10:21
DaemonFCthey can't run Mutter at all, oh well, Ubuntu isn't using it10:21
DaemonFCkwin with OpenGL 2 isn't supported, but you'll quietly get the obsolete rendering path10:22
DaemonFCand kwin isn't a proprietary game on Ubuntu, so oh well10:23
DaemonFCAMD's unwritten policy seems to be, if it's not a proprietary game on Ubuntu, it doesn't matter10:23
BlaXpirityou're talking too much O_o10:24
DaemonFCso I quite using FGLRX some time ago10:24
BlaXpiriti kinda don't care about this?10:24
DaemonFCspeaking of KDE 4.7 kind of got me going10:24
DaemonFCpeople with nonfree video drivers miss the most noticable improvement10:25
BlaXpiriti always avoid radeon10:25
BlaXpiritgot nvidia on pc and integrated intel on laptop10:25
BlaXpiritworks fine (on pc with proprietary drivers, on laptop without).10:25
BlaXpiritbut yes, i had to do some stuff with kernel to make brightness change work (was it called kernel patch or what?)10:26
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DaemonFCit depends10:27
DaemonFCyou can change a lot of kernel behavior by setting module options10:27
BlaXpiritu think i haven't tried that?10:28
freakshi there, i have sound problems .. in system-settings >> multimedia >> phonon, if i click test, i can hear the sound test.. but in all apps: no sounds.  (example: vlc, dragon player)10:36
kbroulikwill Digikam 2.1 be available for natty in the backports?10:42
transformershello kubuntu fans10:50
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BluesKajHey folks13:47
transformersGameOnLinux not work help please13:50
transformerskubuntu games i do not understood what sc 2 service games on kubuntu&14:05
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raj-darkmysteryunable to install ubuntu 10.04 no graphical interface to install and system running live in text mode only14:28
BluesKajraj-darkmystery, 10.04 or 11.04 ?14:29
raj-darkmysteryBluesKaj, 10.0414:30
BluesKajraj-darkmystery, which graphics card ?14:30
Ddpbfraj-darkmystery: did you tray special boot options?14:30
raj-darkmysteryit is an integrated graphic card from intel14:33
BluesKajraj , to make sure , lspci | grep VGA14:34
jonyhello all14:45
jonywhy I can't write to newwly created partition in Kubuntu 11.04?14:46
jonyI have a second partition beside the main14:46
jonyand this big partition was created during kubuntu setup14:46
BluesKajjony, is it listed in dolphin places?14:47
jonyI cannot create a diractory even :(14:47
jonyI cannot work with it at all14:48
BluesKajjony, to what file system is it formatted?14:48
jonylike the main partition14:48
Lithos84jony: You need to change its permissions.14:48
jonywith sudo?14:48
Lithos84jony: Yes: sudo chmod u+wrx <partition>14:49
jonyu+wrx what it does?14:49
jonyI don't wnt to be vulnerable the partition14:49
Lithos84jony: Let the user to Write, Read and eXecute14:50
jonyI want to be as same secure as the main partition is14:50
Lithos84jony: It change permission just for you ;-)14:50
BluesKajjony, you should add it to fstab14:51
jonysudo or fstab?14:51
jonyand why not is writeable when it was created with kubuntu setup14:52
BluesKajjony, what did you callm the partition  when you created it ?14:52
jony /dadat14:53
jonyit's empty anyway so I can play with it :)14:54
jonyso where is the problem?14:57
kbroulikhm, whenever I sent my mom's PC into standby, it doesnt wake up but when turning it on, it starts briefly, makes meeeeeeep meeeeeeeeep meeeeeeeeep and then goes off again. so seems the memory doesnt work with the standby or something?15:01
jonyhow was that command for partition?15:06
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Lithos84jony: sudo chmod u+wrx <partition>15:07
Lithos84jony: You're welcome.15:07
jonynonononono... :( it does not work15:09
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jonystill write protected15:09
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jonyI dont't u nderstand: how can it be when the HDD partitions was re-created during kubuntu setup?15:10
Lithos84jony: Try this (<user would be your user name): sudo chown <user> <partition>15:10
jonyI didn't mess annything15:10
jonyit worked !15:12
Lithos84jony: Good. You're welcome!15:12
jonywhat does chown command?15:12
Lithos84jony: It changes the owner.15:13
jonyI want to stay wint linux with all my heart :)15:15
jonybuut it haves many thing to set up manually15:15
YaminAnyone have any idea why the konsole closes after I put in my password for my user account? I have a program that uses the terminal and I'm using my user account, so it asked me to first input my password, but then the konsole just closes.15:17
jonywhy I have a much slower samba transfer speed than in windows?15:20
jonyhow can I moove the taskbar up?15:38
BluesKajclick on the cashew on the right edge of the panel and then drag it15:39
BluesKajhmm, odd , dragging used to work15:41
s1gsegvhi, having trouble installing adobe flash player15:50
s1gsegvsays channel 'natty-partner' is invalid15:50
s1gsegvi enabled that source in pkg manager and did an update15:51
BluesKajs1gsegv, it should be listed as canonical parther15:53
BluesKajerr patrner15:54
BluesKajanyway canonical partner15:54
s1gsegvBluesKaj: yeah its not working15:58
s1gsegvget an error in apturl when trying to download from the adobe site about 'natty-partner' being invalid15:59
BluesKajs1gsegv, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ..and which kubuntu version are you running?15:59
s1gsegvthe latest15:59
BluesKajs1gsegv, open a terminal , sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer16:01
s1gsegvok, installing aptitude first, i much prefer it16:02
s1gsegvpackage doesn't exist16:04
s1gsegvi installed flashplugin-nonfree which installed but it doesn't work in forefox16:04
jonywhy it wont play smooth the larger sized movies any video player in kubuntu 11.04??? :(16:07
BluesKajs1gsegv, nonfree has been replaced by flashplugin-installer16:07
s1gsegvok well, it's not in the repo according to my system :(16:07
BluesKajjony, install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:07
s1gsegvxand@ubuntu:~$ sudo aptitude search flashplugin16:08
s1gsegvi   flashplugin-installer                                                                   - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer16:08
s1gsegvhmm, apparently it's installed16:08
BluesKajs1gsegv, same for you , install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:09
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s1gsegvi've been running kubuntu for like 10 minutes and really love it so far16:12
s1gsegvkde has come a LONG way16:12
s1gsegvi started out with linux about 14 years ago with slackware and afterstep16:12
s1gsegvBluesKaj: thanks, that is complete16:15
s1gsegvstill cannot install from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/16:15
BluesKajs1gsegv, checkout www.medibuntu.org as well for media apps and libs16:16
s1gsegvthanks BluesKaj, i just have a hard time believing this is so hard to get flash player installed16:17
BluesKajs1gsegv, there's no need to install from adobe , the flash installer is default in 11.04...it's in the repos16:17
s1gsegvlast time i ran ubuntu desktop it was very simple16:17
s1gsegvyeah and it's installed16:17
s1gsegvi just don't know how to run it16:17
s1gsegvi ran `locate flashplugin-installer`16:18
s1gsegvhave the path to a couple app-install/desktop files16:18
s1gsegvoh whoops16:19
s1gsegvi ran updatedb and now see where it is :)16:19
s1gsegvno binaries or scripts though, it seems16:20
BluesKajs1gsegv, seems to me your source.list is corrupted somehow , pls pastebin it so we can have a look16:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:20
BluesKajs1gsegv,, it's in /etc/apt/sources.list , which lists the repositories in your package manager16:21
s1gsegvoh so it just adds the source16:22
s1gsegvthanks again16:22
jonywhy doesn't play smooth a high de movie (1080p) in kubuntu?16:27
jonyneither player cannot play them right :((16:27
jonyso NOONE is watching high def movies (1080p) in linux????16:32
BluesKajjony, vlc plays them if you set it up to do so.16:34
jonyany idea?16:34
BluesKajdragonplayer is not very good imo16:34
BluesKajjony, VLC16:35
jonyokok, but the specific setting under vlc, pls if you know16:35
BluesKajvlc/tools/preferences/video , but the default is to play the video in it's native resolution, so these settings should be left alone ...Hidef movies run fine on my setup ...you may need to tune up the audi tho, if you are feeding a spdif out to a an audio digital input/amplifier16:40
jonywaht the heck? I have a high-end PC, and it cannot play a gd 1080p movie in linux??? :(16:45
jonyI'm very disappointed :(16:45
BluesKajjony, what happens when you try to play it ?16:46
jonyi see two-three frames, than it hangs, than shows again a couple of frames with a huge lag, and so on16:47
jonyand sometimes the video dissappears left behind a gray screen and the sound goes on16:48
jonysame issue in dragon player too16:48
BluesKaj!medibuntu | jony16:49
ubottujony: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:49
BluesKajinstall those repos , update and uipgrade and install libdvdcss2, jony16:49
jonyBluesKaj, you had the same issue like me?16:50
BluesKajno , I always install all the media requirements nefore trying a dvd or video file16:51
jonycan I install all of packages from medibuntu at once?16:52
jonyor which I sould instal from there?16:52
BluesKajjony, just read the tutorial I posted about medibuntu ...it's quite clear about what it's for and wht it does.16:54
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jonyI installed it16:55
BluesKajjony, , make sure you have libdvdcss2 installed16:55
jonysame issue16:55
BluesKajnow update and upgrade with apt or aptitude16:55
jonyneed a restart?16:55
BluesKajwell, maybe16:56
BluesKajlibdvdcss2 ?16:56
jonyI've installed it16:56
jonydone updating16:56
jonysame problem :(((16:56
BluesKajthen reboot16:57
s1gsegvBluesKaj: perhaps my issue is that i'm running 11.1016:57
jonyok, I will do that16:57
s1gsegvdo i need to enable the natty backports?16:57
jonyTY anyway for your help16:57
BluesKajs1gsegv,  no , I thought you said you were on 11.0416:58
BluesKaj11.04=natty ...youshouldn't have that on 11.1016:58
BluesKajs1gsegv, #ubuntu+1 is the support for 11.1016:59
s1gsegvok i asked there, thanks17:01
s1gsegvthis is bizarre how difficult this is17:01
s1gsegvwonder if it's because my system is x6417:01
BluesKajs1gsegv, you shouldn't have any natty repos in your package manager , unless you added a ppa .17:03
s1gsegvit's all natty... maybe i DO have natty17:05
szals1gsegv: uninstall any 32bit Flash stuff you might be having installed, get the SevenMachines PPA & install flashplugin64-installer17:06
s1gsegvyep, it is natty17:06
s1gsegvszal ok17:06
BluesKajs1gsegv, run lsb_release -a , in a terminal17:08
s1gsegvall set17:10
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s1gsegvthanks szal!17:10
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asheswhen i boot my laptop i get a message about my battery capacity status. what program reports that? it's not acpi. i don't mean the charge balance, i mean battery health18:19
ashesit is acpi. nevermind18:21
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transformershi everyone19:27
transformers_how can i change language in virual screen keyboard in kubuntu?19:30
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BluesKaj!ask | Dalailamer19:35
ubottuDalailamer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:35
DalailamerwELL I installed kubuntu 11.10 but some crashed and so on19:35
Dalailamerwanted to ask if downgrade to 11.0419:36
OerHeksDalailamer, downgrade is not possible, sorry19:37
Dalailameryes i meant19:38
Dalailamernew install19:38
OerHeksnew install is possible, backup your documents and data, and start a new installation.19:40
Dalailameri know19:40
Dalailamerbut does it make sense19:40
Dalailameri installed about 5 times today, i do not want to crash my hdd19:41
Dalailameri installed about 5 times today, i do not want to crash my hdd19:49
OerHeksyou installed 10.10 five times ?19:49
Dalailamerno 11.10 and some others19:51
Dalailamerbug 77643520:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776435 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77643520:02
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ipeacockshi, guys!21:55
ipeacockswhy in this room so quietly?21:56
James147ipeacocks: because there appears to be no one with problems related to kubuntu21:57
ipeacockstrue )21:58
ipeacockskubuntu and kde rocks!21:58
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:38
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ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)23:02
Guest30737Quassel vs. XChat...  wich is best!?23:13
DaemonFCKonversation and XChat are both better23:14
DaemonFCbut Konversation is a KDE application, and I like it better23:14
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valorieKonvi uber alles23:16

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