
DelphiWorldhi TheMuso18:00
DelphiWorldand sladen18:00
DelphiWorldsladen: so who's daniela here ?18:01
DelphiWorldhey ScottSanbar18:02
ScottSanbarThis IRC is pretty cool - I am using Trillian18:02
sladenDelphiWorld: TheMuso is in Australia, and it's the weekend, so might not be around18:02
DelphiWorldsladen: i see.18:02
DelphiWorldsladen: so TheMuso is daniela ?18:03
sladenDelphiWorld: I don't think daniela is here, but Pendulum is a good starting contact18:03
DelphiWorldsladen: Fun.18:03
sladenDelphiWorld: ScottSanbar: who has what kit?18:03
DelphiWorldsladen: i am surprised, i never used linux like she do.18:03
DelphiWorldWelcome AlanBell18:03
ScottSanbarwhat do you mean by kit?18:03
sladenScottSanbar: braille terminal, speech synth, USB, serial, ...18:04
AlanBellDelphiWorld: I am just starting a server install in a virtual machine18:04
DelphiWorldGood, AlanBell18:04
DelphiWorldsladen: i have only serial cable, nothing else18:04
ScottSanbarI am not blind yet - just going blind slowly.  I have big screens and they are close to my face, and that is enough for now.  I am slowed down by not finding stuff on the screen sometimes, but not that bad yeat18:04
sladenDelphiWorld: what do you have on the end of the serial cable?  Another machine/18:05
DelphiWorldsladen: would by fun to test those stufs in ubuntu but sadly no brail display sales here18:05
DelphiWorldsladen: right, a Windows Spoken machine that 99.99% of blind users use it18:05
AlanBellso it boots to a list of languages, enter to select english then F5 to open a list of accessibility options18:06
DelphiWorldAlanBell: i see.18:06
AlanBellthis contains "none", "High Contrast", "Braille Terminal"18:06
DelphiWorldAlanBell: but can not read those in the screen :)18:06
AlanBellso you want a serial port tty right?18:07
DelphiWorldAlanBell: yep18:08
DelphiWorldAlanBell: i am trying sladen suggestion, the alternate cd18:09
sladenDelphiWorld: alternate CD is basically plain "Debian-Installer", which I've used for dozens of serial-only installs (but not for several years)18:10
sladenDelphiWorld: so it /is/ possible.  Just that I've forgotten how18:10
ScottSanbarMight this help:18:12
ScottSanbarSorry:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto18:12
AlanBellthat seems to depend on you having already installed it18:12
ScottSanbarOh, I see - sorry18:12
PendulumScottSanbar: I think you're referring to the Daniela persona? She's not a real person, she's a composite of several people we surveyed who have visual impairment/are blind (and the back story is all made up)18:14
DelphiWorldhello Pendulum18:15
ScottSanbarOK, thanks18:15
ScottSanbarPendulum: OK, thanks18:16
AlanBellhttp://www.howtoforge.com/setting_up_a_serial_console this looks helpful, it describes some boot options that can be added to get it to talk on a serial console, I am just wondering how I could test them18:18
PendulumDelphiWorld: oops sorry, I guess I meant you in that18:18
DelphiWorldPendulum: :)18:18
Pendulum(sorry, my brain is about 5 places at the moment)18:18
ScottSanbarhttps://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-parms.html seems helpful18:19
sladenDelphiWorld: /I/ think roughly what you want to do is put the CD/USB in and install that it is booting (this will vary depending on BIOS setup)18:19
DelphiWorldsladen: :)18:19
sladenDelphiWorld: then interrupt the bootloader by using the serial port, at which Grub will use serial and the rest should all just work18:19
sladenDelphiWorld: or worst case, you need to interrupt the bootloader (Grub) from the keyboard by pressing shift repeatedly, then type18:20
sladenDelphiWorld: 'e' (for Edit).  'space', 'console=ttyS0'   (capital 'S' for serial)18:21
AlanBellit is isolinux though from the CD18:23
DelphiWorldsladen: :)18:23
* AlanBell has server booting over serial port \o/18:35
AlanBellDelphiWorld: I have it working with the ubuntu server 11.04 CD18:38
AlanBellput in CD, enter to select english18:38
AlanBellF6, then escape18:38
AlanBellspace then console=ttyS0 then return18:38
DelphiWorldAlanBell: do i need to type something ?18:39
AlanBellDelphiWorld: enter, f6, escape, space 'console=ttyS0; enter18:41
AlanBellDelphiWorld: then it starts working on serial18:41
DelphiWorldAlanBell: but ttyS0 is selectable or would i need to typ it ?18:42
DelphiWorldi see torrent through Ipv6!18:43
AlanBellneed to type it18:44
AlanBellyou type console=ttyS018:44
AlanBellwith a space in front of it18:44
DelphiWorldAlanBell: hmmm let me look where's = in Qwerty leyout18:44
DelphiWorld=yeah lol AlanBell is same as AZERTY !18:44
AlanBelloh, want french?18:45
DelphiWorldAlanBell: yeah i am from algeria:D18:45
AlanBellif you want Francais then press cursor down 7 times right at the start18:46
DelphiWorldAlanBell: :P18:46
DelphiWorldAlanBell: i should wait for my friend to come online18:47
DelphiWorldAlanBell: so we do skype and he see my screen and tel me what's hapening;)18:47
AlanBelldon't bother trying to put it in French, it doesn't seem to make any difference!18:48
DelphiWorldAlanBell: yep, no need it at all ;)18:48
DelphiWorldAlanBell: would by a streaming server:P18:49
DelphiWorldAlanBell: i am planing to multicast through my Wifi from a DVB card18:49
DelphiWorldAlanBell: you see right ? not blind i mean18:51
AlanBellyeah I am sighted18:51
DelphiWorldAlanBell: and would i by able to help ubuntu accessibility ? if yes, what should i do ?18:52
AlanBellwe would love more help :)18:52
DelphiWorldAlanBell: yeah ? you're also sighted ?18:52
DelphiWorldPendulum: you too ?18:52
PendulumDelphiWorld: yes, I'm sighted.18:54
DelphiWorldPendulum, and AlanBell where are you from  ?18:54
AlanBellI am from the UK18:54
PendulumI'm in the US18:54
DelphiWorldwe maybe should do a Ubuntu Accessibility Day18:54
DelphiWorldand you Pendulum ?18:55
DelphiWorldi am from Algeria18:55
DelphiWorldPendulum: so Welcome both to algeria ;)18:56
DelphiWorldPendulum, AlanBell please think about a Ubuntu accessibility meeting18:56
ScottSanbarDelphiWorld:  I cannot help because I am new, but I am hoping to help before I go blind and learn18:56
DelphiWorldScottSanbar: you're welcome :D18:56
ScottSanbarDelphiWorld: Thanks!18:57
DelphiWorldScottSanbar: got it allready:D18:57
ScottSanbarDelphiWorld; Yeah, I am REALLY new!18:57
DelphiWorldgetting ubuntu alternative CD 27%18:58
DelphiWorldusing torrent18:58
PendulumDelphiWorld: we're going to have a meeting the end of this month18:58
DelphiWorldPendulum: where ?18:58
Pendulumin this IRC channel18:58
PendulumI just haven't been well enough to hold one recently (I had surgery about 6 weeks ago)18:58
DelphiWorldPendulum: i see18:58
DelphiWorldPendulum: better to do a real meeting like in south affrica18:58
DelphiWorldand you, sladen ?19:00
AlanBellthere are local team meetings in different countries, and every 6 months there is a conference about the next release of Ubuntu19:00
DelphiWorldAlanBell: yeah19:01
DelphiWorldAlanBell: i was hoping to go to ubuntu tunisia but sadly was a bad time19:01
DelphiWorldAlanBell: what are you using right now  to chat ?19:02
AlanBellirssi which is a command line IRC client and I am running it in a screen session so I can leave it running all the time19:02
DelphiWorldAlanBell: and tts or brail ?19:03
AlanBelleyes :) I am sighted19:04
DelphiWorldAlanBell: ahh19:04
* DelphiWorld getting food... too late !19:04
ScottSanbarAlanBell:  Have you tried Trillian?  Or do you prefere the command line for IRC?19:05
AlanBellI kind of like the command line for IRC, it works on my phone too19:07
ScottSanbarAlanBell:  In what sense do you use your phone for IRC?  Just talking to IRC posts messages???19:08
AlanBellI have an android phone with an ssh client on it19:10
AlanBellScottSanbar: I can ssh in and connect to my running IRC client, which is in about 50 channels and has all the scrollback19:16
ScottSanbarAh, I see - stable, solid and if you disconnect, just re-ssh and reconnect without losing your sessions, right?19:16
AlanBelland I can start a conversation on my laptop, and continue on the phone without disconnecting19:17
ScottSanbarOnce you ssh in, you must have a background IRC client, like a daemon, that is maintaining state and that you can connect to.  What is the software that does that?  Am I describing it right?19:17
AlanBellabout right :)19:17
ScottSanbarAlanBell:  What IRC client?19:18
AlanBellscreen is the software that allows you to have running terminal sessions that you can disconnect from19:18
ScottSanbarOh, now I see - is screen available by default in Ubunto, or must I get it?  Link?19:19
AlanBellor you can run byobu which is 'screen' but set up right19:19
AlanBelljust run byobu19:19
ScottSanbarOK, thanks.19:19
ScottSanbarI am using VNC right now since I do not have a keyboard or mouse for my Ubuntu machine.  That would work in a similar manner (I use tightvnc as the server, and Real VNC on my Windows Vista Box.  TightVNC maintains a stable, standalone complete desktop that I can connect/disconnect from at will just as if I was directly on the Ubuntu keyboard/mouse/display19:21
AlanBellyes, same kind of thing, but for a terminal session19:22
ScottSanbarThe terminal session thing would work for iPhone, Android, Tablets where I am betting VNC is not available, right?19:22
ScottSanbarAlanBell:  Are you using IRSSI?19:26
AlanBellyes, irssi19:26
AlanBellworks anywhere with an ssh client basically19:27
DelphiWorldbrb installing19:31
DelphiWorldAlanBell: :P19:32
DelphiWorldhi valorie19:39
ScottSanbarAlanBell: I am now on this forum using irssi in a screen session over a terminal from a windows PC to my Ubuntu PC20:08
ScottSanbarAlanBell:  Thanks for your help.  I like this20:11
ScottSanbarAlanBell:  I just disconnected, killed my terminal, and reconnected - works great!  Thanks!20:14
ScottSanbarI am not receiving messages.  If anyone can see my messages, please reply, if you do not mind20:15
valorieScottSanbar: I can see you20:23
valorieand your texting20:23
ScottSanbarvalorie: ok, thanks20:23
ScottSanbarvalorie:  my user_name was incorrect20:23
valorie13:07] --> ScottSanbar has joined this channel (~scott@ip68-97-25-128.ok.ok.cox.net).20:24
valorie[13:23] --> ScottSanbar has joined this channel (~ScottSanb@ip68-97-25-128.ok.ok.cox.net).20:24
ScottSanbarAlanBell: I am now on irssi in a screen session, and have successfully disconnected while the irssi screen was maintained, killed my terminal, reconnected and this is really cool - thanks!20:25
ScottSanbarvalorie:  did you see my message to AlanBell?20:27
valorieif you send to the channel, everyone in channel sees it20:29
valorieyou can also private message, but I'm not sure how you do that in irssi20:29
valoriealso, in ubuntu namespaces, it's considered rude to PM without asking permission20:30
ScottSanbarok, thanks - sorry20:30
ScottSanbarvalorie:  you are a very nice person20:32
Pendulumvalorie: can I PM you for a sec?20:34
DelphiWorldhow are you valorie ?20:37
valorieI'm good20:39
valorieand you, DelphiWorld?20:40
DelphiWorldvalorie: as sound i found #ubuntu-accessibility, i am ferly happy, valorie !20:40
valorieI don't really help out here, but I'm interested in progress20:41
DelphiWorldvalorie: Welcome:)20:42
DelphiWorldwhere are you from valorie ?20:44
valorieI live an hour from Seattle, Washington in the US20:46
DelphiWorldvalorie: Algeria20:47
valorieI love that we have world-wide scope20:49
DelphiWorldvalorie: Seriously... i Love UBUNTU.20:49
* valorie is a Kubuntu user20:51
valorieI love the community20:51
valoriethat we are KDE and Gnome people together20:51
valorieand also LXDE, etc.20:51
DelphiWorldvalorie: :D20:52
DelphiWorldvalorie: AlanBellnd are you blind too ?20:52
DelphiWorldvalorie: are you blind too ?21:00
DelphiWorldSORY AlanBell :P21:00
valorieno, I'm sighted21:00
valoriejust interested in a11y, because I think it's key21:01
DelphiWorldvalorie: i am totaly blind21:01
DelphiWorldvalorie: no eyes at all21:01
valoriediversity of all sorts is needed for a healthy project21:01
valorieI love that you are able to be online21:01
DelphiWorldvalorie: seriously, here in our country everyone think that a blind man can't do anything at all21:03
valoriedo you do testing for ubuntu?21:04
DelphiWorldvalorie:  a bit21:04
valorieI used to ride the bus with a blind man daily21:04
valoriehe was on his way to work, and me on my way to college21:04
DelphiWorldvalorie: i see21:04
DelphiWorldvalorie: sadly GPS maps is not yet up to date here21:05
DelphiWorldvalorie: otherwise my iPhone:)21:05
valoriepeople can do a lot, if they are open to the possibilities21:05
valoriehave you tried Marble?21:05
valoriewhich is a KDE product21:05
valorienot sure that runs on iPhone, but there is a Qt-only version for phones21:06
DelphiWorldvalorie:  didn't try21:06
valoriemight work well for you21:06
valorieit's a very active project21:06
valorieand KDE apps run in Ubuntu21:07
AlanBellScottSanbar: great! glad it is working for you!22:07

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