
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
twblilstevie: OK, kernel building time02:58
twbIs your tegralinux kernel available on git?  launchpad only tells me about the silly bzr lp: repo02:59
twbHa, and git.kernel.org is down of course, so I can't see mainline03:00
twbnm, mainline is over there (github)03:03
twbWow that's a lot of CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA03:13
lilstevietwb: https://github.com/lilstevie/linux_kernel_TF101 <-- runs on asus bootloader only, https://github.com/lilstevie/CrOS-Hybrid-Kernel <-- runs on u-boot only03:39
lilsteviethe CrOS kernel tree also has linaro packaging stuff in it cause I am getting ready to turn it into an installable package03:40
twbI'm avoiding uboot for now because you said it's not ready03:40
twbOh, I see, that repo isn't a normal branch off of linux-2.6, it's just a tarball unpacked with some defconfig patches03:54
twbmostly defconfig, anyway.  Some code changes and modules pulled in, too03:57
lilstevieall android manafacturers only dirstribute their sources as tarballs04:21
twbrassum frassum04:21
twbBut the cros one is big, so I guess that is a fork of a fork of a fork of ... back to mainline04:23
twb(I'm still cloning that one.)04:23
twbI guess what'd be useful is a synopsis of what does/doesn't work in each choice.04:24
twbIs l4t just the graphics driver, or is it more than that?04:26
twbafk playing computer games04:39
lilsteviecros kernel is the chromeos kernel, but it also is required for acceleration05:20
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
lilsteviehave fun with games?08:10
lilsteviewhat were you playing08:15
twbDeus Ex 308:36
twbSo I'm going to try using multistrap to build a Debian armhf chroot dir, then initiall try uploading it as a simple 512MB ext2 rootfs to the APP partition.08:41
twbI'm still dithering about which kernel to use08:42
twbYay for qemu-user-static and binfmts, I can just chroot into it :-)08:54
lilstevieyou should just repartition and make your own partition layout :p09:17
twbPresumably I should avoid moving around the other partitions, tho09:20
twblike don't mess with EBT09:20
twbdpkg: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 4 package 'dpkg': missing description09:26
SysTomubuntu-11.04-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img <- DD'd that across last night, I'm not getting any output from the display- this *isn't* the headless version- right09:31
twblilstevie: comparing arch/arm/configs/tegra_defconfig  arch/arm/configs/tf101_gnulinux_defconfig in CrOS-Hybrid-Kernel repo, why does the latter have lots more stuff in it?  Like, even CONFIG_ARM=y isn't set by the former.09:33
SysTomAlso does it matter that I dd'd it over with a 16M block size09:35
lilstevietwb: anything after EBT is fine :p10:52
lilsteviejust keep SOS and LNX as the partition identifiers for the kernels10:52
lilstevietwb: also the reason is tegra_defconfig is a minimal config, which gets populated with defaults from the Kconfig10:53
lilsteviebut the tf101_gnulinux_defconfig is me just coping the working .config in place10:54
ssami have put an ubuntu headless image onto an sd card for a beagle board, by instructions https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPHeadlessInstall18:21
ssamif i run fdisk on the partition it made i get "The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 390546 blocks" "The physical size of the device is 389576 blocks"18:21
ssammy sd card is 4GB18:22
ssamis there a way to fix this?18:23
ssamah, think i may have found the answer at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/24/%23ubuntu-arm.txt18:29
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi

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