
OoberbuntuIs off topic chitchat allowed in this channel?00:19
philipballewOoberbuntu, it really depends on the amount of trafic00:20
Ooberbuntu Iam not seeing anyone asking any questins unless I don't see everything o nthe freenode.00:22
philipballewwhat do you want to talk about00:23
holsteinOoberbuntu: you can /join #ubuntu-beginners-team for OT00:24
philipballewprobably better holstein :)00:25
OoberbuntuI'd have to think of a worthwhile topic.00:25
philipballewhaha. well have fun00:26
OoberbuntuLike off topic and not even ubuntu topic. Like the fact that I have the sneaky suspicion that Ad-Aware is up to no good since I havn't used that program in 2-3 years and ......00:28
iceflatlineno good?00:29
Ooberbuntushould have uninstalled it. It never had an auto-update that updated but the same day that they started to ask to update I get browser redirects and havn't  and don't get anything that irritating  but once every 3-4 years.00:29
OoberbuntuI would bet money  on it and just kills me what some companies try to do.00:30
OoberbuntuThats on a windows maching of course00:31
iceflatlineInteresting. Yeah, I haven't run that program for a few years.00:32
iceflatlineUsing Malwarebytes for the occasional spot clean :)00:32
OoberbuntuIt lost its flavour and usefullnes a few years ago wich is why I havn't used it iether.00:33
iceflatlineStarted to become really bloated as I recall.00:33
OoberbuntuInterestig that Malwarebytes nor Spybot Serch and destroy would pick anything up.\00:33
OoberbuntuSo I am goin gto have to dig deeper.00:33
iceflatlineAnother I use is Superantispyware00:33
iceflatlineStupid name but is seems to catch a thing or two that MB misses.00:34
OoberbuntuJust so, so irritating when you click on ubuntu.com and are taken t oa search page and page back and click on the same link and then go to the right site the second time.00:37
holsteinOoberbuntu: what link?.. what page?00:37
OoberbuntuWas talking about browser redirect malware or virus or whatever it is.00:38
OoberbuntuClicking o na link i n a serch engine00:38
OoberbuntuGoing to a search page initially but the second time going to the intended page.00:39
Ooberbuntucould be any URL00:39
holsteinwhen i ran windows i would just reinstall it every 6 months or a year00:39
iceflatlinelol, that's what I'm doing as I type this :)00:40
iceflatlinereinstall on my Lenovo t41000:40
OoberbuntuI should do that but when I first installed, never really made a propper image and it already got to the point to where I didn't want an image of what it became.00:40
holsteinive got windows 7 on this EEE for dual booting, but ive only booted in a couple times... im going to wipe it next time i do some maintenance00:41
OoberbuntuKeep telling myself that I am goin gto reinstall fresh and then take a good image.00:41
iceflatlineI need to for work, but yeah I dual boot too.00:41
holsteinyeah, you could just image when life is good, and restore that image every now and then00:41
iceflatlineOoberbuntu: right, you have to do right off.00:41
Ooberbuntuiceflatline, is that a lenovo thing or just your model?00:42
iceflatlineWadda ya mean?00:43
OoberbuntuYo usaid is sucks reinstalling on yout T410. I have a T6000:44
holsteinyeah, installing windows is a drag00:44
holsteindealing with the drivers and all that00:44
iceflatlineOh, no, I just mean the fact that I have to do it at all.00:44
holsteincertain hardware can be painful with linux, but usually its all just out of the box easy :)00:45
iceflatlineI didn't do an image when I got so now I have to a full factory reinstall00:45
iceflatlinevery time consuming.00:45
Ooberbuntuholstien, I take it you never use any defualt windows driver then?00:45
holsteinsometimes, depends00:45
OoberbuntuHow many cows do you have?00:48
OoberbuntuI never read up on reinstaling on an IBM/Lenovo laptop. I assume that a windows reinstall is easer than othre mashines since I hav't seen the stupid backup partitin that other manufactuers put  on theirs. Any comments?00:49
holsteini find the backup partitions to be easy.. or the maufacturer CD's00:53
holsteinusually all the drivers are in place00:53
OoberbuntuWhat about upgrading say from winXP to 7 with a backup partitino? Is that easy?00:55
holsteinthat wont ever come up00:56
holsteinyou have the backup partition to whatever OS came on the box00:56
holsteinyou get a newer OS, and you get a different CD or whatever00:56
OoberbuntuI think yo have to mess around a bit and waste more precious time. You have to wype out the partition don't you?00:57
holsteinits your machine00:57
holsteinyou might choose to, or the installer might try and force you to, but you dont *have* to00:58
holsteinpartitioning doesnt take much time00:58
OoberbuntuI have heard, though never encountered becuase I have only had personal custom built boxes untill I bought a Lenovo laptop, that some OEM's becomeing proprietary, would put a little chip on the MB so that it would defualt to the backup partition on installs.00:59
holsteinbeats me...00:59
holsteinnothing i own has that00:59
urlin2uOoberbuntu, that is a myth. :D01:00
holsteini would imagine that would be something the hard drive could do that would make it seem like that is happening01:00
OoberbuntuMe either. Just heard of others even buying new HDD's and even though they got rid of the partition. THe MB would look for it and cause probs since it wasn't there.01:00
* holstein is skeptical01:01
urlin2uholstein, hey man sorry to interr. :Dupt01:01
holsteinurlin2u: whats up?01:01
OoberbuntuI thought htat would be redidculous.01:01
urlin2uinterrupt doh01:01
urlin2uurlin2u, just lurking.01:01
holsteinoh... hello :)01:02
urlin2uOoberbuntu, you can have problems when you change a HD, but those can be worked out generally.01:02
OoberbuntuAre you the 'Locating Uniform Resource Locator King"?01:03
urlin2uOoberbuntu, no I'm a queen lol :D01:03
Ooberbuntuor your'Uniform Resource Locator in 2U'?01:03
urlin2unot really but it sounded funny.01:04
Ooberbuntuhmmm, queen could be a girl or a gay guy.01:04
urlin2uI'm neither01:04
Ooberbuntuhermaphrodyte, good. covers all the bases01:05
urlin2uI have vhelped a lot on the windows channel and see some of the problems you mentioned, they are the best resource if not here for Windows Myths.01:05
urlin2uholstein, gigs going good you mentioned more were on the table a short time ago?01:06
holsteinyeah, its going well01:06
OoberbuntuI don't have any of thos probs. Was just shit chaching. I don't own any of the rack systems unless sombody dumps one on my doorstep.01:06
holsteini have a few days off, and my bass is in the shop01:06
urlin2uholstein, what's the repair01:07
holsteinno big deal.. wear and tear pretty much01:07
OoberbuntuThat was sopposed to be chit chatting01:07
Ooberbuntu(looking to see why the 's' is not even close to my'c' on my keyboard.)01:08
urlin2ufigured as much I wish I was near a place you played to come see you live. :D01:08
holsteini streamed tuesday nite01:08
holsteini should link it in *-beginners-team01:08
urlin2ureally, do you have a url to check for that?01:09
holsteinnot really... i just share on the IRC01:09
holsteini should01:09
urlin2uyeah, I wold be watching01:09
holsteini used to do it more often01:09
holsteinits just audio, not the video01:09
holsteini could use ustream though01:10
urlin2uholstein, you use a pickup, or just mic the bass?01:10
OoberbuntuHey, new topic for coment. What about that guy that had over 140 linux distros dual bootable on one maching? THen almost a year later in 2007 or 2008 he said he had over 200.01:10
holsteinurlin2u: depends... i usually just use the bass acoustic, but i have an amp i can use with a pickup or a mic or both01:11
urlin2uOoberbuntu, with a extended anything is possible.01:11
urlin2uholstein, I figured you were a straight acoustic unless otherwise needed, many players have gone back to that iot seems.01:12
OoberbuntuI don't think he had an extended unless you mean partition then yes, he did. But that probably had to be what yo were refering to.01:12
urlin2ua lot01:12
holsteinurlin2u: when theres drums around, or other amps ill use the amp01:12
holsteinsome drummers can play acoustic with me though01:13
urlin2uOoberbuntu, only 4 primaries per HD or 3 and a extended are possible01:13
urlin2uholstein, your not a gut sting user I think I asked this before.01:14
holsteini have in the past... i like them01:14
OoberbuntuI just remembe him telling someone the whole reason as to why he did it was just becuase he wanted to see how many he could do, the process, Then when asked why he kept them, 'becaus I wanted to maintain what I had'.01:14
holsteini use velvet blue gut-like core strings wrapped in bronze01:14
urlin2uholstein, yeah they have a unique sound01:14
urlin2uah that makes sense.01:14
OoberbuntuNot sure I would want to have to update or upgrade that many distros.01:14
holsteinmore bow-able, and easier to keep intune01:15
holsteinno substitute for gut though...01:15
urlin2uOoberbuntu, I have had about 7 as the max yeah updates are a chore.01:15
urlin2uholstein, are the gut strings a little more sensitive, so hard to bow basically.01:16
urlin2uharder accurately01:16
holsteinjust different01:16
holsteintakes more effort to bow them01:16
holsteinlike twice as much work with the box01:16
urlin2ualways played electric to frightened of the upright and no fret lines, I play fretless, but I jerked the frets.01:17
OoberbuntuYou two talking about violins?01:17
OoberbuntuI thought you were first talking about guitars01:17
holsteinits whatever you get used to... frets just annoy me01:18
urlin2uI don't like frets either, but am used to looking at the fretboard while playing01:18
urlin2uOoberbuntu, upright bass is the main reference01:19
holsteinOoberbuntu: if you are interested http://www.mikeholstein.info/01:19
holsteinshameless self promotion ;)01:20
OoberbuntuI didn't think they had frets. Like a violin where the strings don't really run paralel lto the bridge.01:20
OoberbuntuYou shold play i ncleveland holstien center, since its named after you.01:21
holsteinOoberbuntu: if you type 'hol' and then hit the 'tab' key, it'll auto complete holstein :)01:22
urlin2ulistening to sender excellent man great intonation. :D01:23
Ooberbuntuholstein: hey your right.01:23
holsteinurlin2u: thanks :)01:23
Ooberbuntuholstein: I spelled it wrong I know01:24
holsteinOoberbuntu: no worries, just leting you know about the time saving auto-complete :)01:24
Ooberbuntuso there are bases with frets then? I didn't know this. Didn't have stings i nmy symphonic band in hich schol and didnt' take music in college01:25
holsteinOoberbuntu: my bass has no frets, but they make whatever you want :)01:25
OoberbuntuThough some high schools now accross the country are introducing strings interestingly.01:26
urlin2uOoberbuntu, electric basses generally01:26
* pedro3005 waves01:27
urlin2uIt is a shame to see music programs disappearing in general, there is proof through studies that a person who starts music at a young age has a different brain development that is a advantage01:28
OoberbuntuWe had s liitle more wealthy cashinfluence I remember in my high school. We could afford a few things others didn't have. We were one of the few marching bands in ohio tha thad  realostrich plume in our hats.01:29
Ooberbuntureal ostrich plumes01:29
urlin2uOoberbuntu, what did you play in marching band?01:30
Ooberbuntucouldn't wear them at rainy football games though. Would let us. They cost too much, didn't want to ruin them.01:30
OoberbuntuFirst chair in Symph and seconf in jazz01:31
OoberbuntuI wich I still messed around an need to get the chopps back in shape.01:31
urlin2uOoberbuntu, ohh cool have you checked out Delfeayo Marsalis,I saw him with Elvin Jones waxed the whole band.01:32
urlin2uexcept Elvin off course.01:32
OoberbuntuI always wanted to get a trigger trombone and never did. Never too late I guess.01:33
OoberbuntuMaybe even a vale bone01:34
OoberbuntuNo, not a vale bone. They are usually researver for trumpet migrants01:36
urlin2uone of my best friends growing up was a T-Bone player, more natural talent then I would have in 10 lifetimes, I have a great respect for trombone player not an asy instrument to master.01:36
OoberbuntuHe's a year older than I am.01:36
OoberbuntuThings never realized. I was pretty good and had potential, Now my tone is terrible.01:39
urlin2uholstein, that is very good the album I will buy a copy when I get my tuition dispersement next Friday, glad you linked us up. :D01:39
OoberbuntuRemember my band director, who was a great guy, kept tring to get me to chalange for seat position becuase he knew I could go up a positino and did every time. Those were the good ole days.01:40
holsteinurlin2u: thanks.. you can listen all you want for free :)01:40
urlin2uholstein, gotta support the team though.01:40
holsteini'll take it :)01:40
OoberbuntuSounds like you start off as a drummer.01:43
Ooberbuntuholstein: did you secretly want to be a drummer also?01:43
urlin2uit's a rhythm section thing01:44
OoberbuntuONe problem with your site and listening to your misic is that it doesn't seam to buffer when you pause like normal flash does.01:44
urlin2uI think01:44
OoberbuntuI am using a government wifi from 300 feet across the street wich is not real fase unfortunately and have to let it buffer.01:45
OoberbuntuIntersting I can get G from 300 feet though. Probably only becuase its on top of an 8 story building? Yeh probably.01:46
Ooberbuntuholstein: I take that back, it is buffering,but slowly. So slow I didnt' notice at first.01:48
holsteinOoberbuntu: i was a percussionist... i went to school for that01:48
holsteinOoberbuntu: thats all coming from bandcamp, http://holstein.bandcamp.com/01:49
urlin2uI suspected you were a multi instrumentalist, many Jazz players are01:49
Ooberbuntuholstein: I am sorry "percussoinist' , I used the rock and roll lingo.01:49
OoberbuntuHow unrefined of me.\01:50
philipballewoh hey everybody!01:51
OoberbuntuHere is a link to a good pal from high school. I remember he decised he wanted to stick with music and wanted to learn other instruments in high school and the dir. even let hem dierect aa coule pieces. http://www.gvsu.edu/music/barry-martin-4.htm01:52
OoberbuntuLearning other instruments in high school was usually unheard of but he said he wanted to be a band director.01:53
holsteinyou'd be surprised what they'll *let* you do... getting paid to do it... thats a different story ;)01:53
OoberbuntuNot that anyone cares, he's not famous or anything.01:54
holsteinseems like a nice progream01:54
OoberbuntuBut that was his dream and he went after it and lived it.01:54
holsteini wanted to be a band director, went to college for that01:55
philipballewcollege is awesome!01:56
philipballewhow many interments you play holstein ?01:57
holsteinphilipballew: just a few well enough to actually play them live or whatever01:58
holsteinbut i dabble01:58
holsteini even studied a bit of trombone01:58
OoberbuntuWell I remember hhim telling me he wanted to be a band director of a school and I said, ' oh yeh right, there are only so many people want to do that and how many high schools and colleges there are' You wold have to be the best I told him to get your chane.01:59
Ooberbuntu I will give him that, he focussed and accomplished his goal.01:59
holsteinthats interesting01:59
holsteinaround here its hard to keep them01:59
holsteinthe gigs dont pay well typically, so its a high burn-out position02:00
holsteinlots of work for the bread02:00
holsteinand lots of responsibility02:00
Ooberbuntuholstein: Where is 'around here'?02:01
holsteinasheville north carolina US02:01
OoberbuntuI wold imagine its harder if your classically trained as apposed to looking for gigs in a rock and roll band.02:02
iceflatlineI'm in VA02:02
* holstein grew up in west virginia02:02
OoberbuntuI have seen an influx of rock and roll activity the last couple years of more great talented bands and cities having 'music i nthe park' type concerts that they sponsor.02:03
philipballewno ca love on this channel :)02:03
OoberbuntuIts almost like a movement.02:03
iceflatlineMy Wife's from SFO02:04
OoberbuntuThere is also a traveling circuit of non famous bands traveling around the country playing at small venues and city centers and ever going internatinoal.02:04
iceflatlineI'm originally from OR02:05
OoberbuntuI used to live in Walnut Creek and Danville right up the valley fro mSFO02:05
holsteinthey sponsor them?02:05
holsteinthats great02:05
iceflatlineCool. She's a grad from UC Davis02:05
OoberbuntuHere in Akron we have a lot of tribute bands that shouldn't really be tribut bands and should be dong all of their own original stuff but we had a Jimmy Buffet tribut that actually came with Buffet's sax player.\02:07
OoberbuntuWe had the actuall 'Family Stone' reorganized group with 3 original member that were on the cover of 'Rolling Stones' mag02:07
OoberbuntuA lota good talent.02:07
OoberbuntuSly didn't make it with the Family Stone02:09
holsteinalright... GN all02:10
OoberbuntuTHat song 'Sender' still hasn't fully boffered. I need to build a nultra wif antenna. Our city here actually provide free access but am just a few blocks too far away.02:11
Ooberbuntuholstein: nice chattin02:11
Ooberbuntuholstein: Thanks for the link02:12
OoberbuntuHave to use my other machine maybe.02:13
k2khello :) my Ubuntu gets stuck at startup saying 'i915 driver attached: reenabling graphics turbo' what shall i do?03:09
urlin2uk2k, what release?03:12
urlin2uhere is a really long thread but the same problem. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159498103:13
GeocosmHow do I change my terminal to not be purple in Unity?03:14
urlin2uGeocosm, preferences top panel when the terminal is open03:14
bodhizazenEdit-> Profile preferences03:14
GeocosmI keep forgetting the menu options are in the panel. Thanks.03:15
GeocosmUnity is infuriating.03:15
bodhizazenIt is "OK" on small monitors / netboot03:16
bodhizazenbut on large monitors it is irritating03:16
bodhizazenon dual 1920x1200 it is hopeless03:16
bodhizazenGeocosm, sort of makes me appreciate fluxbox =)03:17
GeocosmI have a 20" monitor. The most irritating thing is when I click on a window and it's full screen and another window I was using goes under it.03:17
GeocosmThere's no way to get that window back. Except to go into the super+a thing.03:17
Geocosmor try to open the side panel, which is a joke. It opens on its own when I don't try to open it, and when I need to get at something in it, it won't open.03:18
bodhizazenwindows key ?03:18
bodhizazenalt tab ?03:18
GeocosmOoh alt tab. okay.03:19
GeocosmUnless it's on a different desktop.03:19
GeocosmAnd the windows key seems to have random behavior.03:19
Geocosmsometimes it opens the panel. Sometimes it closes the panel. Sometimes it opens the search thing. Sometimes it closes the search thing.03:19
k2kits 11.04...03:20
k2kthe problem is it doesnt even boot after saying that graphics turbo reenabled and just gets stuck there03:22
philipballewwhats this guys problem?03:25
k2kUbuntu is not booting up03:26
philipballewdoes your grub boot loader menu show up?03:28
philipballewwhat does recovery mode do03:29
k2keven it does the same thing03:29
k2kat first it says failed to get i915 symbols03:30
philipballewdoes it give you the menu where you can drop to like a root shell?03:30
k2kin recovery mode?03:30
k2kit shows the terminal in recovery mode03:32
philipballewand you can boot into the terminal?03:37
philipballewif you can do that it soulds k2k like your graphics drivers might have some problems03:37
k2kcan i disable it somehow?03:37
philipballewis this a fresh install?03:38
philipballewwhat graphics card do you have?03:38
philipballewand did it work in the live dc mode or did you use alterninite03:39
k2kATI Radeon 547003:39
k2kbut i installed it inside windows03:39
k2kits not a fresh installation03:39
bodhizazeninstalled what inside windows ?03:40
bodhizazenUbuntu ?03:40
philipballewwubi probably03:40
bodhizazenwubi ?03:40
k2kyeah WUBI03:40
bodhizazenwubi should not matter re radion driver03:40
philipballewwell the same rulls still apply even in a chroot like enviorment03:40
philipballewhe probably might wanna run jockey-text -l or whatever it is03:41
bodhizazenI don't think wubi is a chroot =)03:41
philipballewbodhizazen, its the same idea :)03:42
bodhizazenmore a loop mount03:42
bodhizazenmore like using a file, rather then a partition, for swap03:42
k2kshall i remove this installation and do a fresh installation?03:43
bodhizazenno k2k , how would that help ?03:43
k2ki dont know.. I am still a beginner :(03:44
philipballewnothing would really change03:44
k2ki tried booting from the dvd itself03:44
k2kbut it wouldnt03:44
k2kagain says some error03:44
philipballewwhat error?03:45
k2ki dont know exactly :( it displays lot of text and then holds out03:45
urlin2uk2k, did you save that link I gave you?03:45
k2kyeah i did.. but that was a diff problem..03:46
urlin2uk2k, same exact error message are you sure?03:46
urlin2uI thought anyway03:47
k2kno not that one..03:47
bodhizazenWhat version of Ubuntu ?03:47
bodhizazenTry this : http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Natty_Installation_Guide03:47
GeocosmI would like a way to see what windows I have open on my current viewport and swap to that window with a single mouse click. Why was this functionality taken away in Unity?03:48
GeocosmAnd is there a way to get a gnome2-like bottom panel in Unity?03:48
GeocosmI can't function without my bottom panel.03:48
bodhizazenk2k there are two ppa listed there, Ubuntu-X and Xorg-edgers03:48
k2kyeah i think that should fix my driver :)03:49
k2k@bodhizazen thanks :)03:50
bodhizazenk2k see also : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8972359&postcount=303:50
Geocosm"Classic GNOME panel applets are not supported in Unity, only indicators" does this mean I can't create a bottom panel that shows all of my windows on my current viewport?03:52
philipballewdarn video drivers03:53
neil1Does anyone know how to make the BBC Iplayer work with 11.04? I am using classic Gnome instead of Unity if that makes a difference.05:29
benonsoftwareneil1: Where do you live?07:06
benonsoftwareneil1: Also it needs Flash07:10
tuxerplease help me in network installation of ubuntu12:16
neil1Sorry I did not reply earlier, I had to go to work. Many thanks to the person who answered my questions about installing BBC Iplayer on Ubuntu 11.04.13:23
ecofriendsomebody please help: I have one strange problem. I have Ubuntu 10.04 and winx xp dual boot.  I am experiencing very very slow Internet connection from Ubuntu firefox and very fast net from win xp. Usually net was faster from ubuntu than windows. Note: I always update my ubuntu with update manager. i don't have any other web browser in ubuntu17:53
holsteinecofriend: you could try another web browser, but i would try rebooting into an older kernel17:54
ecofriendholstein: I tried to install the chromium. but net access is very slow.17:55
holsteinwith chromium?17:55
ecofriendholstein:  no.' ubuntu s/w center '17:56
ecofriendholstein:  i can't update and install new s/w into my ubuntu machine.17:56
holsteinor its just too slow?17:57
ecofriendholstein:  sorry to say can't. it is very very slow.17:57
holsteinanyways, reboot into an earlier kernel and test17:57
ecofriendholstein: ok thanks. i will try with that.17:58
philipballewcould be his wifi driver holstein18:01
holsteini was assuming this was a new development18:01
holsteinsomething that broke18:01
holsteini shouldnt assume :)18:01
philipballewmight be a new laptop with a newer wifi card that has issues18:01
philipballewbut probably not18:02
holsteinnah, thats plausible18:03
holsteinit was just that 10.04 is so old, and the 'i always update with...' comment that made me think this was something that had recently broken18:03
urlin2ua new computer with a newer wifi wouldn't be running running XP probably I vote ancient machine low ram and cpu.18:03
holsteinmaybe... XP comes on some fairly recent netbooks18:04
philipballewahh. my bad18:04
urlin2umy acer as[ire 2 years ago did yeah.18:04
philipballewi see them still sometimes18:04
philipballew7 is to resource hungry18:05
holsteinphilipballew: you're right... i shouldnt assume18:05
philipballew8 beta comes out soon. im gonna test it so i know about it18:05
philipballewi want to see what the other guy is doing so i can tell people about it vs ubuntu18:06
holsteini have to say, the screenies look nice18:07
philipballewthey do have a nice look lately. those xp hills are peaceful18:08
philipballewwell off to a lunch date :)18:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
CaseyPCHow can I enable "beam up" close window animations on Ubuntu 11.04?21:20
CaseyPCThe effect is not in the list21:21
urlin2uin compiz21:23
CaseyPCI guess there is an "animations addon" that needs to be checked, ut I can't find it anywhere.21:24
urlin2uIt is in mine look in synaptic for th extra plugin packages21:24
urlin2uCaseyPC, type compiz in the seareach and look for plugin, there is not a specific animations single plugin21:26
urlin2ufor plugins*21:26
CaseyPCyep, I was missing the extra plugins package21:27
CaseyPCthanks, that'll probably fix it21:28
urlin2uprobably :D21:28
CaseyPCsweet, my windows can now catch fire21:31
urlin2ucough tetsdisk21:37

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