
duanedesign'lo all00:24
mhall119jcastro: why does summit have duplicate rooms?01:35
mhall119curacao-1 and bonaire-6 are in there twice01:36
jcastroone sec01:36
mhall119also, do you want me to run init-slots, or have someone in IS do it, or do you have access?01:37
jcastrook fixed01:37
jcastroI don't have access01:37
jcastroyeah if you could run it that would be sweet01:37
mhall119still 2 bonaire-601:37
cjohnstonmhall119: would it be better to run init-slots after the db migration stuff? or does it matter?01:38
cjohnstonand whats up with hackfest and test the world01:38
mhall119doesn't matter01:38
cjohnstonthats more of a jcastro question01:38
cjohnstonlook at the tracks mhall11901:38
mhall119jcastro: you have slots01:39
mhall119cjohnston: cute linaro names01:39
cjohnstonmhall119: do you have display issues with the second-nav or is that just me01:39
mhall119cjohnston: only when I'm logged in, admin link is still in the mainnav01:40
cjohnstonforgot about that01:40
cjohnstonanother reason to release trunk01:40
mhall119does that have the main-nav links to match uds.u.c?01:41
cjohnstoni think so01:41
cjohnstonone sec01:41
cjohnstonthe new "cute linaro links" dont work mhall119 jcastro01:41
mhall119also, I think we'll need to update the theme to decrease the padding inside the mainnav items01:41
mhall119cjohnston: ah, it's because of the period01:42
cjohnstoni hate periods.. always ruin a day01:42
mhall119jcastro: for some reason, those summit fields use a special type that doesn't allow periods01:42
jcastrofor the rooms?01:42
jcastroI didn't put periods there01:42
cjohnstonno.. for the tracks jcastro01:43
jcastrothat was linaro who wanted that01:44
mhall119oh right, it's not the database field, it's the regex to match the url01:44
jcastrofor some reason they want their marketing information in the blueprints01:44
jcastrodon't ask me why01:44
cjohnstonperiods == bad01:44
jcastrowe could just do that01:44
mhall119yeah, until I can figure out why django's regex parser dies on periods01:45
cjohnstonperiods last uds is one of the things that killed stuff and made us do hacking during uds01:45
duanedesignhello jcastro cjohnston01:46
cjohnstonhey duanedesign01:47
cjohnstonmhall119: with the main nav padding... what does the design guidelines say?01:48
cjohnstonotherwise, we may need to edit uds.u.c01:48
duanedesigncjohnston: whAT have yo been working on?01:49
cjohnstonsummit/loco directory as usua01:50
cjohnstonin the ubuntu world..01:50
cjohnstonif you have a week, i can tell you about outside the ubuntu world01:50
duanedesignsuch a great tuul01:50
duanedesigncjohnston: maybe at UDS01:51
cjohnstoni wont have time.. lol01:52
duanedesigncjohnston: this will be my first uds as an employee so i doubt i will have much free time01:57
cjohnstoni didnt know you were an employee01:58
cjohnstonwhat do you do?01:59
cjohnstonmhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/linaro-link-fix/+merge/7487702:07
cjohnstonmhall119: i dont know if we can squeeze the other link in02:07
duanedesigncjohnston: I work on Online Services02:13
duanedesigncjohnston: spwcifically Uuntu One02:13
duanedesignthanks, everyone us awesome02:15
* cjohnston wants a canonical job02:15
duanedesigni think you and nigel will get one for sure02:16
duanedesignTHThat is waht i did for 3-4 years was volunteer and do all the work i could and a job doing what i had benn doing came up02:17
duanedesignsorry for the poor typing i got a new ketboard and the keyboard sixw if different02:19
jcastrogood lord, is it dvorak or something?02:19
duanedesignjcastro: I am a bad typer to begin with02:20
pleia2a friend of mine uses dvorak at work, she calls it her security policy against anyone messing with her system :)02:21
pleia2it amused me until she sat down at my machine once and swapped my keyboard on me02:21
duanedesigni bought a typing book and have been spending an hour a day learmimg to type02:21
duanedesignit is embarresing to admitt i hunt and peck still02:22
* duanedesign waves at pleia02:23
pleia2hey duanedesign :)02:23
duanedesignwhich reminds me i need to fix my server02:23
duanedesignjcastro: ping05:58
nigelbhey duanedesign06:38
jcastroYo duanedesign14:11
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi

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