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asdjaputradoes ubottu have seen command?04:21
rwwasdjaputra: no04:22
rwwin fact,04:22
ubottuI have no seen command04:22
rww(this is a deliberate design decision)04:22
asdjaputrait would help to have one, since ubuntu is a big channel04:22
asdjaputrasince ubuntu is a big channel, and people come in/out everytime i can't see where did my friend go04:25
asdjaputrai would like to see when he last logged in04:25
rwwif they use nickserv, /msg nickserv info nicknamehere04:25
rwwif they don't use nickserv, too bad :\04:26
rwwwell, assuming they're not in your logs. I usually just /lastlog to find that out if need be04:27
asdjaputrahmm i think nickserv will do the job04:27
asdjaputrai won't be online 24/704:27
asdjaputrathanks rww04:28
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Ms_Angel_DIs there anyone I can speak with about recieving an IRC cloak?08:13
bazhangMs_Angel_D, irc cloak? or ubuntu member cloak08:22
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership08:23
bazhanggeneral cloaks in #freenode08:24
Ms_Angel_Dbazhang I'm a ubuntu member and I would like a cloak...sorry I was afk for a few https://launchpad.net/~mrsangeld08:28
bazhangMs_Angel_D, okay just wait for someone to approve and activate jussi tsimpson nhandler topyli ^08:31
bazhangwell activate, no approval needed08:32
rwwbazhang: you forgot elky, and nhandler isn't a group contact :P08:36
Ms_Angel_Dsorry I'm a bit confused on how this works...basically I'm trying to be given permanent access to the ubuntu forum mods IRC channel..which they say can't be done w/o a cloak..and I'm not really sure how the cloak works..lol08:39
rwwMs_Angel_D: basically, we have to wait for one of the IRC Council people to appear08:40
Ms_Angel_Daww ok well then I guess we wait ty rww08:40
rwwMs_Angel_D: also, you may want to relay to that channel's staff that invite exceptions can be set per nickserv account with (for example) /mode #channelname +I $a:Ms_Angel_D08:41
rwwi.e., no, you don't need a cloak to do it :)08:41
rwwand it's even preferred to do it that way, since it doesn't break on cloak changes08:41
oCeanrww: there isn't an ubottu factoid for this (pinging ircc members for cloak request I mean)08:42
rwwoCean: no, there isn't08:42
oCeanI thought IdleOn e suggested one, but maybe I'm mistaken08:43
Ms_Angel_Drww: I relayed the message08:43
* Ms_Angel_D is away: Gone away for now08:48
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rafaellagunaHi there!17:28
rafaellagunaI need a bit of help with cloaking17:33
ubottuTo get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.17:35
rafaellagunaI'm already registered at IRC, and my launchpad page is launchpad.net/~rafaellaguna17:37
rafaellagunaThe FAQ says I need to ask about it here17:37
rafaellagunaSorry, I'm a noob with this17:37
IdleOneno problem. :)17:41
IdleOnetopyli elky tsimpson We have a new Ubuntu member who would like a cloak.17:41
IdleOnerafaellaguna: Just be patient and someone will activate your cloak soon and congratulations on membership :)17:42
rafaellagunaThank you so much :)17:42
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* Ms_Angel_D is back.18:26
* rww looks for IRC Council people again18:32
rwwwow, really, still none around18:33
IdleOnewonder if we should ask to add a couple of GC's and would they consider it.18:33
IdleOneneed break.18:34
rwwmaybe we should just mandate that IRCC members can't be from the same country as another member :P18:34
rwwalso, the maximum is generally four18:36
m4voCean: the IRCC has "IRCC" as a highlight, so no factoid needed18:41
m4vircc ircc ircc ircc ircc18:41
oCeanm4v: ah, ok18:48
* Ms_Angel_D is away: Gone away for now19:31
FuchsMs_Angel_D: could you turn your public away message off, please?19:37
bkerensa* ubuntulog_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:07
bkerensahe rejoined all the other channels just not ours20:07
rwwwhich channel are you again? i forgot :<20:09
rwwWA or OR20:09
rwwoh, there you are20:11
rwwbkerensa: email rt at ubuntu com asking for it to be fixed, it's Canonical-maintained20:11
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Nafallojpds: seems ubot2 isn't triggered on !info in #u-se again.22:15
Nafallojpds: !ping works :-p22:15
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