
pleia2nlsthzn: forums staff? :)02:24
nlsthznpleia2, ya... just happened... oddest thing ever :p03:29
* nlsthzn will also be getting into some summaries on this day of Saturn...03:35
pleia2nlsthzn: congrats!04:08
nlsthznpleia2, thanks...04:12
* nlsthzn tries again to get into some editing... some sleep helped :p15:32
nlsthznWould have loved to do a few more tonight but again I find my tank on empty... let us hold some over till tomorrow then :)17:13
philipballewany weekend work needed?17:20
nlsthznphilipballew, there is the news letter as always :)17:23
philipballewnlsthzn, whats needed. finding articles or summaries?17:28
nlsthznphilipballew, week is for finding articles, week-end is for summaries... do you have the link...?17:29
philipballewyeah i do. sometimes on saturday morning their still lookin for articles17:33
nlsthznphilipballew, true... I guess it depends on which time zone you are in :)17:34
philipballewCalifornia FTW!17:34
akgranerpleia2, I wrote a couple this morning and moved some stories around19:00
akgranerI'll jump in and do some more in a few hours...19:00
akgranerI'll try to run those scripts correctly this week :-)19:01
akgranerBut won't add anything til after Sunday  - I just want to see if I can get them to work today :-)19:01
akgranerJust wanted to let you know I was around :-)19:02
pleia2thanks :)19:02
pleia2I have some furniture shopping to do today, and we have an ubuntu booth at an outdoor festival in berkeley tomorrow so I won't be around much19:03
akgranerok I'll be around Pete doesn't want to do anything but stay home and rest...19:04
akgranerhe gets in later this afternoon19:04
pleia2travel will do that :)19:04
akgranernods especially like he travels19:04
akgranerso don't worry it will all get done ...19:04

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