
bazhang<Gredeu> is it theoreticallly possible for ubuntu to be backported to the ti99/4a ?00:10
bazhanga calculator?00:10
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (julius_ appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)02:59
bazhangappears to be indeed02:59
rwwnobody's spoken in #ubuntu for 25 minutes. Who broke the channel?06:10
elkyshh, you'll wake them06:10
Flannelrww: Ubuntu is mature enough that all the bugs are fixed and everyone knows how to accomplish everything.06:11
* ldunn giggles06:11
Flannelrww: Someone discovered that there's a channel mode that fixes the distro, it's +m, for maturation.06:12
rww35 minutes06:20
rwwand ended06:21
pleia2I'll have what Flannel is drinking :)06:23
rwwapparently I am a "unity nazi"07:03
rww(CyberCiphers is PMing me)07:04
rwwgord: you'll probably find that amusing, given past conversations07:04
* rww goes to bed07:04
bazhanghave chaoshax in PM09:03
bazhangthought it was a good idea to post that in #ubuntu09:03
bazhangremoved the +q , may want to watch nonetheless09:15
bazhang<asdjaputra> DaVamps-Ubuntu: yes, except if you want to share /home with Windows, use FAT3209:20
Omegaikonia why was Guest11991 kicked?10:58
ikoniaOmega: that's not your concern10:59
OmegaSo if I see someone happen in a community IRC channel and I don't know understand the reasoning it's not my concern?10:59
OmegaWhose concern is it then?11:00
Myrttimainly the person who got kicked11:01
Myrttiif you read the channel guidelines, you might get the idea why the kick happened11:01
Myrtti!guidelines | Omega11:02
ubottuOmega: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:02
OmegaFor the record, I don't know Guest11991, I just found it weird that he told someone not to advertise and got kicked.11:02
OmegaMyrtti: That is like telling someone "if you knew the law, you'd know why he was executed"11:03
Myrttithanks for your concern11:03
OmegaMyrtti: Are you able to tell me why he was removed from the channel?11:04
MyrttiOmega: if we would discuss kicks and bans with people who arent in anyway related to the incident, we'd double or triple our workload. So we categorically, with few exceptions, don't11:05
MyrttiOmega: it is up to ikonia to do so, I have limited IRC access atm11:06
ikoniaI don't feel it' something you need to concern yourself with, the matter is resolved11:06
Myrttidoes look like that with a quick glance11:07
MyrttiOmega: ahem?11:10
OmegaMyrtti: The problem is that you are stopping discussion altogether11:11
OmegaMyrtti: Not even mentioning the reason11:11
ikoniaMyrtti: sorry, I'm just following something else to make sure something dangerous is not given as help11:11
ikoniaOmega: ok - so that's the answer, we don't discuss other peoples bans/kicks with other people.11:12
OmegaWe are to trust blindly that channel operators always act rationally and that no abuse occurs?11:13
ikoniawe regulate ourselves as a group and this is being discussed11:13
oCeanOmega: but there's peer review between ops11:14
Omegaok, well that's all I wanted to know, good day.11:15
ikoniano problem11:15
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:57
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:57
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:57
merniliohm.. my plan was to get to the "real" ubuntu channel..i dont want to hang around you op-fuckers :-)13:33
IdleOnemernilio: with that attitude you aren't getting into #ubuntu either. have a nice day.13:33
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Warthog appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)14:18
Myrttioh lordy15:00
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
ikoniahas anyone seen gnomefreak in a while ?16:46
IdleOnesaw him logon yesterday iirc16:47
IdleOnewas in -ot, didn't speak.16:47
ikoniafine, just not seen him in a while16:47
IdleOneprobably busy with life. I read somewhere people have those.16:48
IdleOneus AI bots well you know.16:48
mneptoki installled the Xubuntu 11.10 beta on the wife's new laptop. first thing you see when booting is a black screen with the single text message "error: incompatible license"16:48
IdleOnethat's a bug but doesn't seem to affect anything16:49
mneptok"disconnected from Plymouth:16:49
IdleOneI saw it at bug jam few days ago16:49
IdleOnethat isn't good.16:49
IdleOnetry +1 must be a bug filed16:50
ikoniaI only put a ban on as he started sending me messages insulting me17:07
IdleOneWhy people get so emtional at the no cursing rule is beyond me17:08
ikoniait's really easy to have a conversation without it17:09
mneptokfuckin'-a right it is17:13
ikoniaHmmmmm not really helpful17:13
ikonianot really a fan of it either, pretty hard to complain that a users doing it when we are using the same langauge17:14
Bigboabbythere is an operator abusing his privellages I wish to report please17:22
Myrttigo ahead then17:23
Bigboabbyhaving a laugh with a newbie, then I get kicked! I didnt swear or abuse or cause insult17:23
mneptokikonia: this from the person that responds to users' insults by insulting them himself?17:23
mneptokikonia: when you live in a glass house ...17:24
Bigboabbyi even spoke to the user I was having fun with, he is currently in query with me and we are contuning this laugh17:24
BigboabbyI ended a sentense with  #$%#$# and I got kicked! so this is how OPs act in ubuntu world ?17:25
Bigboabbynotice I still have not pointed finger or mentioned nicks17:25
ikoniamneptok: yes, I took that on board17:26
IdleOneBigboabby: the usage of the @#$%$ after being told that obfuscating is still cursing even though you meant it as a joke is like you were daring the ops to remove you.17:26
BigboabbyI bloody well was not!17:27
Bigboabbydont people have a sense of humour these days?17:27
BigboabbyIdleOne: you said it all17:27
IdleOnealright then guess we are done.17:27
Bigboabbyone is supposed to trust an op, not fear them17:27
Bigboabbyso.. thats that.. apparently I was daring an op? that is the conclusion?17:28
mneptokBigboabby: one is supposed to follow channel guidelines, not ignore them17:28
Bigboabbysome social channel.. okay, Ill respect this, but I may take it further, as its just not a way to conduct operator privellage, I should have been warned first!17:29
ikoniaI should point out that during that whole conversation the users is insulting me in pm17:30
ikoniaand is now making threats to report me/us to freenode17:31
ikoniaI've not responded to him at all17:32
Myrtti!search share17:57
ubottuFound: fusesmb-#xubuntu, ubuntuone, samba, pronouce, pronounce, trash, vncfix, overshare, kopete-remove-tab*, ics and 3 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=share17:57
oCeanPerfieM  supposed to be in #u ?18:40
ikoniait can't be good that everyone asks that18:41
oCeanrww: what does that mean?18:42
rwwwhat does what mean?18:42
rwwas far as I know, PerfieM does not currently have any active bans in #ubuntu18:42
oCean"yes" - are they allowed?18:42
oCean42821 seems active18:42
ikoniaoh come on, look what he's just done18:42
ikoniawhy does he do this ?18:43
oCeanis so..18:43
ikoniarww: I'm assumine you've spoke to him18:43
rwwoCean: then I must have missed it, I reviewed and removed them a week or two ago18:43
rwwikonia: yes, they're well aware of our expectations18:43
ikoniathen why has he just done what he's done18:43
rwwbecause she doesn't care18:43
ikonia(not expecting you to account for him)18:43
ikoniasorry, "she"18:43
rwwnp, i got that wrong for a while too18:44
oCeanrww: nvm, I can't keep track of all those specifics, but BT is so slow, then I ask here if anyone remembers active bans.18:44
rwwoCean: no, it's quite possible that there were active bans that i missed. gateways are a pain18:44
oCeanrww: I pasted wrong BT id, I meant 42724 (is yours)18:45
rwwI removed that :S18:47
* rww kicks BT18:47
oCean* Dalailamer (57906827@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
oCeanin #u+1, matches lars t his range19:40
bazhang<Dalailamer> i heard formatting is dangerous19:55
bazhangyep him19:55
oCeanhe mentioned his bug again19:56
oCeanoh, man20:13
bazhanghis bug messages are exactly the same: Need Help!20:15
* oCean admires bazhangs patience20:16
bazhang<Phoenix87> what's the best way to virtualize a macos on ubuntu?20:40
bazhangthought server was allowed desktop not20:40
Myrttipretty much yeah20:41
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