
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
pmatulisanybody else stuck trying to install 64bit server beta?  the main menu appears and you can't select anything, keeps coming back to 'Configure the clock'00:58
=== G is now known as Nigel
dravekxanyone know a good link on how to jail users to their home directories via sftp/ssh?01:32
pmatulissounds mean01:33
dravekxjoin openssh01:35
=== JoeGazz84 is now known as AFK
lajjrkim0, are online?01:48
pmatulisthe server beta is seriously borked01:51
jmarsdendravekx: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bork02:23
dravekxworks fine for me. I guess it depends on what you are doing.02:24
hydruidwhy am i banned from #ubuntu02:25
dravekxhydruid it might require that you login or else you did something deserving?02:26
hydruidi did nothing wrong02:27
jrwrHaving some issues with mod_dav_svn, Windows 7 Refuses to mount the repo as a webdav folder, Running Ubuntu 11.04 with Apache/2.2.17; Apache logs say nothing about any errors, windows just comes back with "the parameter is incorrect"04:29
emaulausing apache2, i can access my site in firefox at localhost:80, after changing the ports.conf file to listen on port 8080, i get the 404 error The requested URL / was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.17 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 808004:36
emaulafirewall and routing are correct04:38
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
jrwrI know it sounds strange, add a Listen 8080 at the top of your default sites-enabled04:39
emaulaok will try that04:41
emaulayou are right04:44
emaulaand that is strange04:44
jrwrmake sure its still not listening on port 8004:46
ratstickIf I were looking for a channel to have someone run a port scanner against my ubuntu server and make security recommendations - would this be it?05:32
=== ratstick is now known as dforthman
=== dforthman is now known as ratstick
=== ratstick is now known as dforthman
=== jmarsden_ is now known as jmarsden
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quentusrexAnyone know of a good channel to talk about proper setup of redundant email systems?06:47
rDx3glebihan: are you there?10:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #846365 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84636510:16
=== AFK is now known as JoeGazz84
tohuwUbuntu Server 11.04, Samba: I've created the [homes] shares, with browsable set to no and nothing set for "valid users". The goal here is that anytime a user is on this network, they can access their home share, but it will still prompt for a password. Which it does. My problem is I don't know what domain to use with the username. I know I'm using the right linux username and password, but every domain I try causes rejection15:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #846486 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84648615:43
T3CHKOMMIEhey guys, i have a question. its not a ubuntu sever one but ive been all over IRC channels and this has been the only channel i can reach somone that is competent and not douchey.... its about changing the default jframe java icon. i have been workin on this for 8 horus in netbeans cant get the damn thing to change :( help?16:22
hydruidrandomuser, i'm in both channels, whats your firewall question18:28
randomuseri'm trying to figure out where persistent rules are stored18:28
hydruidrandomuser, are you using ufw?18:29
randomuserthe 'community documentation' i found suggested that there is no default file for a ruleset18:29
randomuserno, just /sbin/iptables18:29
hydruidrandomuser, with my understanding with iptables, there is no "static file with rules"18:30
randomuseri dont need help configuring the rules, just ensuring they are persistent18:30
hgb^harryyou need to write a script with the rules in it18:30
uvirtbothydruid: Error: "^" is not a valid command.18:30
randomuseri suppose I'll just add something to rc.d with iptables-restore <18:32
randomuseron ufw, i don't see the point of learning a second syntax to administer iptables18:35
hydruidrandomuser, it's a personal preference, I think it's easier18:37
qman__I create an iptables script and put it in if-up.d18:38
randomuserthat makes sense.18:41
qman__it works well with DHCP and port forwarding setups18:42
qman__I have a static IP now, but when I wrote it, that's why I did it that way18:42
=== Guest63482 is now known as airtonix
randomuserqman__, meaning you had an external interface and an internal interface, and you only wanted the kernel to be bothered with rules for active interfaces?18:50
=== himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf
qman__I actually have four interfaces, and the firewall is irrelevant until the internet interface comes online19:10
sms_cp -r -v /media/trucky/* /home/sms/music through putty resulted in åäö getting messed up, like this:  Aaveenpää -> Aaveenpää21:14
sms_where might the problem be?21:14
PiciSometimes weird control characters echoed to the terminal can result in odd effects on the terminal itself.  Try entering 'reset' on your terminal and see if it fxes it.21:15
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
sms_It still reads the filenames wrong. But I retyped one filename through winscp, and that name has question marks: Rytmih?iri?21:20
sms_I meant renamed21:20
qman__the latter is most likely because of windows21:21
qman__linux can have files named literally anything, but windows can't21:21
qman__as for the first one, are you crossing filesystems?21:22
sms_yeah /media/trucky is a 20gb ntfs usb hard drive21:23
qman__windows' idea of non-english characters is different from unicode21:23
qman__that's why21:23
sms_I see21:23
qman__bytewise, the names are identical21:24
qman__they are simply interpreted different on each system21:24
sms_Any idea how I could fix the Rytmih?iri? thing?21:27
sms_Also if I type ö in the putty window, it doesn't show up until I press something else too21:27
qman__check on the local machine to see if that's just a failed representation, or the actual name21:27
qman__if it's been changed to the actual ? character, it's not undoable21:28
qman__if it hasn't, it's just a failure to translate in winscp21:28
sms_WinSCP sees it as Rytmihäiriö21:28
sms_putty as Rytmih?iri?21:29
qman__then the filenames are not themselves mangled21:29
qman__they're either in windows or unicode, can't really tell which at this point21:29
qman__this has been a fairly long standing problem, so I assume there is probably some software that can convert the two21:30
qman__but I don't know of one off hand21:30
HenriquezHi everyone can someone mention an alternative for OCS inventory? > http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org/en/21:31
sms_Well this is weird, I can cd into Rytmihäiriö and Rytmih?iri?21:32
sms_sms@2xc:~/music/Rytmihäiriö$ but both show up as this21:33
qman__it's even more confusing now because windows can be coerced into using unicode21:33
qman__so sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't21:33
sms_The folder was Renamed through winSCP21:33
sms_But when I press ö in putty, it doesn't show up. But if I press k after that, only ö shows up. Then if I press l, ökl shows up21:35
sms_Any idea what's whit that21:36
qman__it's always fun when I rip CDs which have song names that use ? in them, and then try to browse them on a windows machine, only to get some random string of characters21:36
qman__which may or may not be usable21:36
qman__that I couldn't tell you, it's going to either be a font thing, a putty thing, or a terminal version thing21:37
qman__well, terminal type21:37
sms_Maybe I'll stop listening to scandinavian music..21:37
qman__nah, it happens with all kinds21:38
qman__better solution is to stop using windows21:38
qman__then the problem goes away21:38
qman__I have run into a couple problems with NFSv3, but NFSv3 is _old_21:39
qman__and really should be used anyway21:39
sms_If I could put the server and my pc in the same subnet I wouldn't have this problem though..21:41
sms_But then other family members can't use msn messenger21:41
qman__people still use that?21:42
sms_Still somewhat popular in Finland21:43
qman__fair enough21:43
sms_I wish everyone used irc :-|21:43
qman__heh, yeah21:43
Myrttifilesystems and network sharing protocols treat non-ascii characters differently21:43
qman__in the US, facebook has taken over all the other IM softwares21:43
ersiwhich is even more pathetic imo21:45
j0nrI am trying to set my sevrer up to run xbmc. I need to get some sort of X server installed and get my graphcs card drivers working.... having problems! I tried installing the Catalyst but its not working... now I cant remove it21:49
ersi1) How did you install Catalyst drivers? 2) What's the exact problem, consequence? 3) What are you not able to remove?21:52
ersiI can probably not help you, but someone else who reads might be able to - if you provide more information21:53

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