
Azelphurthe compiz in natty is really old, how can I update it? :)00:14
hamitronupgrade to oneiric?00:18
Azelphurjust found soreau has a fancy script that does it all for you00:18
Azelphurrunning it now :D00:18
Azelphurgood news, I broke that script, twice.00:39
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jpdsAzelphur: "Good news everyone" is the traditional way of saying it.01:10
Azelphurgood point :)01:10
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AlanBellmorning all08:05
AlanBellGuest51641: LjL-Temp: have you got a connection problem?08:05
nigelbMorning AlanBell!08:17
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dwatkinsClearly we need to chat more to obscure LjL-Temp's joining and leaving.09:23
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czajkowskieveryone watching the rugby,,,09:48
Myrttino... ;-)09:58
MyrttiIm picking plums09:58
czajkowskinot missing much england are doing badly09:59
Myrttipit spitting competition with myself09:59
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brobostigongood morning everyone.10:18
czajkowski13 -9 to england10:20
christela tad close!10:21
MartijnVdS\o/ working sat (RTP) streaming throughout the house \o/10:46
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majdekalelhi hello guys12:00
majdekalelhow can i make calls using bluetooth my phone is connected to my laptop using bluetooth im using ubuntu 10.1012:01
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czajkowskicongrats to MooDoo14:20
czajkowskiMooDoo: had a baby girl14:21
PendulumMooDoo: congrats!14:28
Myrttifinally :-)14:30
MartijnVdScongratifications MooDoo14:34
MyrttiMooDoo: congrats on forking a child process :-)14:35
AlanBellyay MooDoo \o/14:51
Monotokocongrats MooDoo :)15:04
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smittixcongratulations MooDoo!15:58
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DJonesCongrats MooDoo16:48
DJonesand Mrs MooDoo of course16:48
christelcongratulations Monotoko17:07
christelerr MooDoo17:07
pid_Anyone free to help me out with something?17:09
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:10
pid_Was that really easier that saying yes?17:10
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Monotokochristel, not yet for me ;)17:11
christelsorry about that! :P17:11
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Monotokos'all good :)17:11
pid_Anyway, I have no sound through my headphones, when I plug them in, it still plays through my laptop speakers.17:11
pid_What do?17:11
Monotokopid_...hmmm...heard about that problem before, which ubuntu version are you usinh?17:12
Monotokodid it work on previous versions or are you not sure?17:12
pid_Yeah, it has worked before17:13
pid_Any ideas?17:14
Monotokotry: gnome-volume-control and tell me which "bars" you see...does it seperate headphones and speakers?17:15
pid_No, just internal speakers17:16
MonotokoUSB or analogue?17:17
Monotokoyou can try this: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-natty-generic ... it might work but I think the milage varies17:18
pid_Unable to locate package17:20
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oracologySevenMachines: if you're the same SevenMachines that maintains all those PPAs for useful applications, thank you very much!17:44
Azelphurholy crap Iiyama monitors are built good17:59
AzelphurReally windy here, Curtain blew out and picked up a 14" desk fan, rammed it straight into one of my monitors, throwing the monitor across the desk and knocking it down18:00
Azelphurand the monitor isn't even scratched18:00
Azelphurit landed face down too18:00
SevenMachinesoracology: thanks! but maintains might be a stretch, mostly ignores is probably more accurate :)18:07
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zleaphow are you18:47
jesuisorangeHow's you?19:22
jesuisorangeOkay. Really not liking irc on phone. Back in a bit.19:22
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j0nr\join #xbmc19:42
MartijnVdSj0nr: your / fell over ;)19:47
mgdmit was trying to escape19:47
MartijnVdSIt is a kindness.19:48
AzelphurI got so fed up trying to find a tool that simply tell me who's currently hogging bandwith, that I wrote one >.<19:50
Azelphurtrying to get it working my router now, python+libpcap \o/19:50
mgdmAnd presumably does lots of fake ARP to knock them offline...? >:-)19:50
Azelphurnah I just want to know who is doing it19:51
AzelphurIt's a case of there being around 10 computers in the house, and everyone saying they are playing nice19:51
Azelphurbut most of them being too stupid to know if they are actually playing nice19:51
MartijnVdSAzelphur: apt-get install iptraf19:52
Azelphuriptraf / iftop are useless, they do per connection which makes the output virtually unreadable19:53
AzelphurI don't care about per connection in the slightest :(19:53
MartijnVdSthey have per-ip and per-mac modes19:53
MartijnVdSiptraf does, anyway19:54
Azelphurthey do?19:54
MartijnVdSlast time I used it, yes19:54
* Azelphur installs iptraf19:54
MartijnVdSI think19:54
MartijnVdSbut it's been a while19:54
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I've got both, any idea how to do it?19:55
Azelphuroh yea, I see it19:55
Azelphurnow I just need to get iptraf to work on the router \o/19:55
MartijnVdSAzelphur: "LAN Station monitor"19:58
Azelphuryea, that's pretty much what I want19:58
Azelphurmain problem now is that it won't work on the router, I got it installed but it says "Aborted" when I try and run it \o/19:59
MartijnVdSresize your terminal19:59
MartijnVdSto at least 80x2519:59
Azelphurit is bigger than that :)19:59
* penguin42 giggles at cablesearch.org - the most popular searches seem to be 'aliens' and 'ufo'20:11
emorrisHi, I'm trying to create disk image using dd. I'm dumping a 60GB partition on a laptop IDE disk connected via a USB adaptor to a file on a FAT32 partition on a desktop IDE disk in a USB caddy. I set bs=32M, but my calculations show that it's going to take 17 hours to copy. Does this seem reasonable, or how can I do it quicker?20:11
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AzelphurMartijnVdS: yea, iptraf just isn't working. I've installed the package and it's got all it's dependencies and it still just says aborted :/20:13
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Azelphurmost useful error in history :(20:13
zleapsoftware freedom day 7 days away :)20:13
MartijnVdSAzelphur: aww, too bad :(20:14
AzelphurMartijnVdS: dd-wrt is really annoying me, I wish I could have openwrt :(20:15
MartijnVdSdebian ;)20:15
MartijnVdSthe tuning bug in my sat tuner's driver seems fixed20:18
MartijnVdSin oneiric20:18
MartijnVdSrecording the proms now (for my dad, in hd)20:18
brobostigoni havent tried 11.10 yet, i need to get a bigger sd card.20:19
MartijnVdSYou boot from SD?20:19
brobostigonMartijnVdS: no, it means i can try it, without messing with what is already there.20:19
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i like my eeepc, i think it is a very good use case, limited resources, but fairly standard hw.20:20
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I've sold mine to by brother20:21
MartijnVdSI use my Vaio now20:21
MartijnVdSor my "normal" PC20:21
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i wouldnt get rid of mine, i have debian  sid on it at the moment, it is almost my only viable machine atm.20:22
MartijnVdSyeah I'm rolling in hardware a bit.. not quite at Popey-levels20:22
MartijnVdSbut coming near ;)20:22
brobostigonexcept for my ums old machine, which almost double, the resources of my eeepc, but need desk space. and anthusiasm, to put it back toghether, inclusive of installing an newer Os on it. ie, form debian lenny, to sid.20:24
brobostigoni mean, putting my desk togehter properly.20:25
* MartijnVdS watches more Proms20:26
* brobostigon is watching QI XL.20:26
MartijnVdSI watched the normal QI yesterday20:27
brobostigonwhich is also pretty good.20:27
MartijnVdSaye aye ;)20:27
MartijnVdSah yes.. one is "affirmative"20:27
brobostigonyep :)20:28
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Azelphurhttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/07/anonymous_lulzsec_hacking_trial_peter_cannot_use_name/ haha :D21:23
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brobostigonapparently. john lloyd, who created QI, lives just down the road from me, in, great tew.22:16
NafalloQI? Quantative Intelligence?22:17
brobostigonand being a QI elf, could be an interesting job.22:17
brobostigonNafallo: the tv program.22:17
Nafalloah. I don't do TV...22:18
brobostigonit is a famous tv show, mr fry, has presented the last 9 years now, since 2002.22:19
brobostigonstephen* fry*22:19
brobostigongood night, sleep well.23:03
mgdmcheerio brobostigon23:04
brobostigonnos da mgdm o/23:04
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