
MutantTurkeydirty power supply D:00:12
rmg51is that your new nick?00:30
HowdyDoodyfan still spinning on graphics card.  My oiling musta been good enough.01:03
HowdyDoodySTILL cannot figure out where unity disappeared to.  Or how to get it back.01:04
HowdyDoodyI opened compiz settings mgr and turned off then on Unity in prefs.   STILL nogo.01:17
HowdyDoodyTried rebooting tween, still nogo.01:17
rmg51just give up01:20
rmg51learn to live with Gnome :-D01:20
rmg51I have two laptops that won't run Unity01:21
HowdyDoodyseems too much like my 'cheap' 1 core computer......01:21
rmg51and two that will but don't01:21
HowdyDoodyThis one is the cheapie until my main one gets fixed up right.01:21
rmg51I'm waiting for 11.1001:22
rmg51maybe by then some of the bugs will have been worked out01:22
HowdyDoodyand a new round of bugs to play with01:22
rmg51almost always the case :P01:23
HowdyDoodybtw: seems I will be getting my HP tablet afer all.  They sent apology and admitted that they over sold them.  So to fill rest of orders, I have to wait 6-8 weeks while they build more....  Is HP going nutz ?   They're spending $328 to build a tablet then sell it to me for $149?   Strange-------------01:25
MutantTurkeyhp is going nuts..02:30
MutantTurkeyi think that been clear for FEW years02:30
HowdyDoodyWow, ur all late, Good Morning Philly !!10:17
JonathanDSo now when I go walk, all the corners are full of kids.10:26
rmg51just walk over them =-O10:27
JonathanDdepends on how early I go10:27
JonathanDThey get smaller roughly each hour.10:27
rmg51the earlier the better10:28
JonathanDI guess I forgot just how early high school started when I was young.10:29
rmg51I'm off to do my shopping10:40
waltmanWhy are the high school kids out that early on a Saturday morning?12:15
JonathanDThey aren't12:47
JonathanDthis was yesterday.12:47
jedijfHowdyDoody: i am convinced that the graphics card is the problem, do you have another to plop in and test?13:07
rmg51jedijf: it might not be the card as much as the driver13:38
rmg513 of my laptops have Nvidia13:38
rmg51non of them are using the driver13:38
rmg51the driver is active but not in use13:39
rmg51Teddy's Sys76 laptop has an ATI card and the driver is both active and in use13:40
rmg51two of the Nvidia boxes won't run Unity13:44
rmg51one, my newest will13:44
rmg51Teddy's also will run Unity13:45
rmg5111.04 has messed up things nicely13:45
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!14:44
waltmanmmm, bacon14:48
SamuraiAlbaSociology research is not as fun as I thought it would be LOL14:48
jedijfrmg51: i mentioned driver yeaterday, but got no response15:55
rmg51jedijf: remember who you were trying to help =-O16:05
rmg51afternoon andrew16:06
jedijfpleia2: i guess i need access to the pa launchpad page..have to change contact info there22:52
pleia2i can set you up when i get home, bret will need to transfer ownership od the team in lp itself though23:12
* pleia2 furniture shops23:13
MutantTurkeylonghorn woot woot!23:17
MutantTurkeythe tides have turned cow lovers, the turkey is back on the totem pole23:17
ChinnoDogI think you mean pork lovers. There is much mention of bacon in this channel.23:21
jedijfMutantTurkey: just had terrible bonnet lane meal23:34
jedijfeven starving, it sucked23:34
jedijfpleia2: no rush, i'll email bret23:35
jedijfgazelle offered me $14 for my iBook23:37
jedijf102 for my captivate....gone...my inspire is on it's way23:37

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