
Kilossorry nlsthzn 06:30
Kilosonly saw the work one here06:31
nlsthznnp... hi uncle Kilos :)06:31
Kiloshi nlsthzn all good there?06:32
nlsthznNot to shabby Uncle Kilos ... fresh from a night shift... no sleep until 10 tonight... (even if the brain has already shut down...) :p06:32
Kilosour channel shrinking all the time06:33
Kilosand some leave the work pc online so one doesnt know if they are actually here06:34
nlsthznLow tide now :)06:34
Kiloshey nlsthzn can you look at gtwitter 06:35
Kilosi got it installed but cant find a connect button06:35
Kilosits in synaptic06:35
Kilosgwibber uses data like i am uncapped06:36
nlsthznI have never seen or heard of gtwitter...06:36
nlsthznI can install it and see06:36
Kilosit tries to connected but the preferences where you put username and password only has an ok button but it doesnt connect06:37
nlsthznyou already have a twitter account setup?06:38
Kilosprefs only has a sign up button not sign in06:38
nlsthznfrom what I can see as soon as the info is added it starts running...06:39
Kiloskeeps saying posting failed06:39
nlsthznEish... I have never heard of this app... I don't think it is used a lot... probably because it isn't that good :/06:41
Kilosi even tried to man it but nothing06:41
KilosMaaz, google gTwitter on ubuntu maverick06:43
MaazKilos: "Ubuntu -- Details of package python-twitter in maverick" http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/python-twitter :: "Ubuntu -- Details of package libtwitter-glib-1.0-0 in maverick" http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/libtwitter-glib-1.0-0 :: "Ubuntu 'Maverick Meerkat' erects own App Store • The Register" http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/03/ubuntu_maverick_meerkat_beta/ :: "Ubuntu Gives Maverick a shot in the ARM | OMG! Ubuntu!" htt06:43
Kilosnever mind nlsthzn i will try find what the prob is06:43
nlsthznKilos, I am not getting many hits on gtwitter... not much help out there in Internet land on it :/06:45
Kiloswhat is it actually06:46
Kilosa client like xchat or what06:46
Kilosi even tried python-twitter but dunno what to do there either06:47
Kiloscant even find it06:47
Kiloshehe nlsthzn it refreshed and last post was 94 days ago07:06
Kilosso it cant be connected to twitter properly or something07:07
nlsthznKilos, I will give it an install now and see...07:08
Kilosdont worry nlsthzn 07:08
nlsthznI don't worry about it :p07:09
Kilosi just needed to find out if it was me ty07:09
Kilosit must be disconnected for posting because the refresh works07:10
nlsthznProblem with many services like twitter is they change there API and ways to authenticate on a whim then all apps have to scramble to change :/07:10
Kilosso then its a job for the gnome peeps07:11
Kilosnlsthzn, i went to #gnome and left a post there07:14
Kilosbut dunno if they gonna reply07:14
Kilosubuntu-za seems to be the friendliest irc channel07:15
nlsthznKilos, well I installed it... now I will wait 5 minutes and see if it updates...07:15
nlsthznthen I will try and post...07:15
nlsthznAfrikaners is plesierig07:15
Kiloshee hee07:15
nlsthznI made the mistake the minimize gtwitter... now it is gone>!07:21
Kilosopen again in terminal07:22
Kilosi did that too07:22
Kiloshee hee hee07:22
Kilosi rebooted07:22
nlsthznThen it says connection failed07:23
nlsthznbad application is bad...07:23
nlsthzninstalling it added 7 packages... removing it only removes one...07:24
nlsthznoh well07:24
nlsthzncan always do with more mono libraries07:24
Kilosi also dont let any internet app start on boot07:24
nlsthznGood idea with limited cap07:25
nlsthznautoremove ;)07:25
Kilosgtwitter is actually letting posts in but doesnt show when07:29
KilosJust watching Guide To The Good Life. Typical thing a 15 year old does on a Saturday.07:29
Kilosthats from some chick07:29
Kilosmaybe its one of those apps you first have to go register att07:35
Kilosbefore you can post07:37
nlsthznNah... as soon as you have a twitter account it should work (but I think for it to work properly it will be about the same data usage as gwibber)07:38
nlsthznI am getting to tired to think straight now... going to be back later... good luck Uncle Kilos 07:38
Kilosty nlsthzn  go sleep lad07:39
KilosYour client does not have permission to get URL /p/gtwitter/ from this server. That’s all we know.07:41
JabberwockyA192 more bugs reported07:44
JabberwockyA1913gb of my mirror done, a lot more to go07:48
Kiloslol JabberwockyA19 you prepairing for when you are capped?07:49
JabberwockyA19yeah trying to get my money's worth out of this uncapped connection :P07:50
Kilosoh my09:11
Kiloscant click links to open them anymore09:11
KilosFailed to execute child process "http://links.mkt41.net/ctt09:11
Kilosgoodness gracious bally dammit me09:12
Kiloswhat did i do?09:12
JabberwockyA19webgl running without any issues in chromium-browser 13 with NVIDIA 280.1311:29
Kilosafternoon all14:57
nlsthznHey uncle Kilos ... seems you have had a hard afternoon IT related15:02
Kilosnot too bad nlsthzn ty. was visiting some with ian . he stopped here on his way back from pietersburg and will leave later for rustenburg15:03
Kilosbut the pc went into that strange tiny font boot mode for some reason and now i did a rsync from backup and all looks good again15:05
Kilosonly i lost everything we said today here15:05
Kilosgot another stupid prob though. i used another drive as boot and did gparted to name my 40g free space as storage and now when i boot it has probs seeing it but once booted it is there in places a storage and i can maount without probs15:09
Kilosbut when booting i gotta tell it ss to skip looking for it15:10
Kilosnot ss15:10
nlsthznyou can have a look at eh /etc/fstab file... this is where you put all drives to mount... 15:32
nlsthznKilos, ^^15:32
Kilosty nlsthzn  will do15:32
Kilosit shows there15:35
Kilos# /storage was on /dev/sda8 during installation15:35
KilosUUID=8dec497d-6b55-46c8-abcb-185ca9398a72 /storage        ext4    defaults        0       215:35
Kilosmaybe the uuid is wrong or something i will look for them commands and try see wassup15:35
Kilosits not serious though , i hit s and it boots15:37
nlsthzncool... in the LPI study guide they have all the commands to-do with UUID's etc (I should know them by now but I can't remember them :/)15:40
Kiloshehe. i think i got it all saved on external un apie commands15:40
inetproKilos: I would suggest you simply use the mobile version of twitter directly in your browser https://mobile.twitter.com/16:16
Kiloson my pc inetpro 16:16
Kilosi have lost that link you gave16:16
Kilosoh i see16:16
Kilosty sir16:16
inetproany client software will have constant communication going in the background in order to look for new updates16:17
Kilosah ty16:18
Kilosgwibber was killing me16:18
Kilosi tried fro elinks but couldnt type in the username and password so dunno where i went wrong there16:19
inetprojust use chromium16:21
inetproor firefox16:21
Kiloswill do ty16:21
Kilosepiphany works16:22
inetproshould not eat to much if you stick to basics16:22
inetproor even epiphany16:22
Kilosdunno what happened to corrie16:24
Kiloshe didnt even answer me16:24
inetproKilos: he's on holiday in the UK16:24
Kilosya but he asked who is tara16:24
inetprowell I guess he is a popular man and has many tweets to answer16:26
inetproKilos: I see others also asking "Does @corrie206 still tweet?"16:28
Kilosyeah looks like he stopped this morning16:28
Kilosi only see you few guys i follow16:28
inetprothat is how it works16:29
inetproKilos: but you can do a search to see others16:30
inetprolike https://mobile.twitter.com/searches?q=corrie20616:30
Kilosno he will surely get those messages when he goes online again16:31
Kilosmaybe he found an engelsman that doesnt talk too much16:31
inetproKilos: he has 1,880 Following and 1,125 Followers16:32
Kilosbrowser eat data too16:33
Kilos1m already16:33
Kilosi watch everything16:33
Kilosmust be all you guys profile pics16:34
inetproKilos: you can always try to reduce it by not displaying the images16:34
Kilosin settings?16:35
Kilosdidnt see it16:35
inetpronot sure where you will find that option these days but a few years back I used to do that16:36
inetproin firefox On your toolbar, click on Tools, then select Options, then select Content from the top bar. Uncheck the box that says load images automatically.16:37
Kilosok will try the fox next time16:38
Tonberry try the imglikeopera firefox addon16:38
Tonberryit allows you to easily set image loading settings per tab16:39
Kiloswill do ty Tonberry 16:39
Kilosnext time i use the fox16:39
Tonberryit makes gprs tolerable 16:39
inetprofirefox is to me still the most flexible browser16:41
inetproso many extensions that you can load for just about any purpose you can think off16:42
inetproto save bandwidth you can load the following16:43
inetproFlashblock, Blocks Flash so it won’t get in your way, but if you want to see it, just click on it. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/433/16:43
inetproImgLikeOpera, ImgLikeOpera allows load only the images that you want in Firefox browser. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1672/16:43
inetproNoScript, This extension allows JavaScript, Java and other executable content to run only from trusted domains of your choice. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/722/  16:44
inetproAdBlockPlus, Ever been annoyed by all those ads and banners on the internet that often take longer to download than everything else on the page https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1865/  16:44
inetproplus it's companions like Adblock Filterset.G Updater, etc16:45
Tonberrymmm, never tried noscript16:45
* inetpro has NoScript on by default16:45
Kiloswhat does noscript do?16:46
inetproKilos: many/most pages these days have javascript and other excutable code that runs after you opened the page16:47
Kilosand those moving pics and things16:48
inetprothe code is typically stored in separate files which are downloaded automagically16:48
Kiloswill they be blocked as well16:48
inetproNoScript will even stop the browser from downloading the stuff16:48
inetprothen you have the option to whitelist a site 16:49
inetprowhich will then obviously download the code and run it16:49
Kilosah that sounds great ty16:49
inetproit's mostly for fancy menus but there's lot's of other fancy stuff these days16:50
inetpromany sites are simply not usable without the scripts16:51
Kilosi actually just wanted to go twitter and fb to follow taras stuff but think she popular enough now16:51
inetproKilos: oh and many web developers simply forget about the blind or the deaf who can no longer use these fancy websites16:57
Kilosor the aged16:57
Kilosthe youthfully handicapped16:58
* inetpro wbb17:02
* inetpro is back17:49
Kiloswb 17:50
superflyKilos: if you didn't chat so much in IRC, you'd have more bandwidth! :-P17:51
Kiloshee hee17:52
Kilosyou chasing me superfly 17:52
inetproheh superfly, that is out of line :-P17:53
Kilosnee man inetpro 17:53
superflyinetpro: yes, well, you don't talk enough! so there! :-P17:53
Kilosha ha ha17:54
superflystill no sign of my grass :-(17:54
inetprosuperfly: grass?17:54
Kilosgreen stuff17:54
Kilosmowed once a week17:54
superflyinetpro: yeah, we got a dog, so she chased the cats, and tore up the lawn.... now we just have sand17:55
superflyso I bought some lawn seed, and closed off a section of the "lawn" and planted my lawn seed.17:56
Kilosget a bag of LAN sprinkle and water well17:56
KilosKAN in die taal17:56
Kilosoh i see its new seed you waiting for to germinate17:57
superflyKilos: yes17:57
inetproKilos: LAN = Local Area Network17:57
superflyplanted it last saturday, it's supposed to show up any time from today onward17:57
Kiloslimestone ammonium nitrate17:57
superflyKilos: will that help it grow?17:59
Kilosonce it is already growing you can sprinkle on 17:59
Kilosand once going well you will mow twice a week17:59
Kilosnitrate is same as what rain puts in18:00
superflyYou know, I'm slapping myself here... why didn't I come and ask oom Kilos in the first place?!18:00
superflyKilos: you're not dom, I am!18:00
Kilosmakes everything grow faster18:00
inetproKilos: how do we ask Maaz to give him a klap?18:00
KilosMaaz, hit superfly 18:01
MaazKilos: Excuse me?18:01
Kilosstupid bot18:01
inetpro:me lol18:01
KilosMaaz, slap superfly 18:01
MaazKilos: Sorry...18:01
superflyKilos: is it ok if any of the animals eat the nitrate by mistake? or should I keep Zak inside?18:02
inetprosuperfly: I don't think they will eat the stuff18:03
Kiloskeep zak in and it disolves fairly quickly so water till its gone18:03
superflyah, OK18:04
superflysee, us geeks don't know this stuff, that's why we need oom Kilos around18:04
Kilosbut not too strong on new plantings as it is quite potent18:04
inetproKilos: is LAN like Ureum? 18:04
Kilosureum is stronger18:05
Kiloslike pure nitrogen18:05
Kiloslan has limestone added so peeps cant make bombs with it18:06
inetproon the farm we used ureum quite often18:06
inetprovery good for maize18:06
inetprovery potent18:06
Kilosyeah urea is the pure potent form but can burn plants dead if not watered in properly18:06
Kilosits same as brandy or brandy and coke18:07
Kilosend result is the same. but one takes longer18:08
inetproKilos: eish, we have kids in the channel18:08
Kilosonly Tonberry 18:09
Kilosand he is going uncapped so will need every cent for data18:09
inetprohmm... can Maaz tell is his age?18:10
inetprotell us*18:10
KilosTonberry, ping18:11
Kiloslook in his facebook profile18:11
inetproKilos: you still using facebook?18:13
Kilosmust have one somewhere. if he dont hide his info like some do18:13
inetprothere goes all your bw18:13
Kilosi just went there with gwibber yesterday and day before i think18:13
Kilosyeah i hate fb18:14
inetprono wonder your gwibber is so hungry18:14
Kilosbut thats where the kid was before i got her to go twitter18:14
Kilosi have purged gwibber now18:15
Kilosi will use sim in cell if i wanna go fb i think18:15
inetproKilos: use the mobile version on the pc18:15
Kilosbut then i off here and miss important stuff18:16
Kilosoh the m.facebook18:16
inetproyebo yes18:16
Kiloscan try that again one day18:16
Kilosmy daughter Tonberry 18:17
Kilosyou didnt go see her sing?18:17
Kilosshame on you18:17
Tonberryno the bit before that18:18
Tonberrywhere you called me the only kid on the channel18:18
Kilosinetpro, what other places you go other than twitter and floss etc18:18
Kilosi spoke avbout alcohol18:18
Kiloshow old are you Tonberry 18:19
* Tonberry ducks18:19
Kiloshee hee18:19
Kilosyou younger than my daughter who is 10 years younger than my son18:20
Kilosi think it is acceptable to call someone kid if they more than 10 years younger than you isnt it18:21
Kiloslike the oom thing18:21
inetproKilos: eish, too many to count18:21
inetproKilos: places18:21
Kiloshave you put tara's link on them all18:22
* inetpro wonders whether firefox has an addon to get some stats from the browser history18:22
Kilossome other peeps uploaded the song to other servers or something and so far there has been a total of 175 000 views at them all18:23
* inetpro found about:me18:26
Kilosgoogle keeps nice stats. i can see how many peeps been to my blog18:26
Kilosmost peeps hide behind nicknames18:26
inetprothat is one very cool addon18:28
Kilosbed time for ballies20:00
Kilossleep tight all of you still awake20:01
KilosMaaz, night20:01
Maazkbye Kilos20:01
inetprosuperfly: nice blog entry at christianoss.org21:09
superflyinetpro: thanks :-)21:09
superflyinetpro: I agree. bzr is far superior. The more I work with git, the more I hate it.21:47

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