
zopiacOur router died so I am using an ethernet hub that we scavenged, but I can't get internet through it. I've never used a 'hub' before, or even a switch. How do I get internet through it? (using it fine via a windows machine right now)00:01
axelI try to encrypt a partition with luks but it doesn't seem to work:00:01
axelsudo cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 luksFormat /dev/sda200:01
gmachine_24Good evening. I have removed the speaker/volume control from my taskbar and cannot restore it - have tried system>preferences>startup applications but that gave me a different icon00:01
gmachine_24so anyway I want to restore the original volume control00:01
gmachine_24and I also searched for answers but whatever I tried it hasn't worked00:02
Toph2gmachine_24,,, good question,, i have the same problem00:02
gmachine_24oh no!00:02
rypervencheaxel: I think you have to use -s 256 since it does it twice or something00:03
mkanyicygmachine_24: have you perhaps tried to right-click the panel and click add to panel00:03
gmachine_24mkanyicy, absolutely. Went through all the possibilities - a generic volume control is not among the choices.00:03
rypervencheaxel: And you forgot what you want it named00:03
Toph2mkanyicy,,, i tried that, but the simple volume control isn't in the list of icons to add00:03
jamiewangmachine_24: alt-F2 and bring up the run applications screen the gnome-volume-control-applet will run from there and shows up on the panel and works correctly.00:03
gmachine_24I got the fish thing to work ok, though.00:04
rypervencheaxel: sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -c "aes-xts-plain" -s 512 /dev/sda2 LUKS0100:04
rypervencheaxel: Or something like that00:04
rypervencheaxel: it will show up in /dev/mapper/LUKS0100:04
gmachine_24jamiewan, et al, I cannot find the gnome-volume-control-applet anywhere. That's been one of my problems.00:07
Toph2jamiewan,,, i don't see that as an option under the alt-F2 choices00:07
jamiewangmachine_24: alt-f2 then start typing gnome-volume-control-applet and it should appear in the list before u finish typing00:08
axelrypervenche: Sorry. It didn't work.00:08
gmachine_24no, wait. I do have the gnome-volume-control-applet running .... but that's different than what is installed by default00:08
gmachine_24Toph2, I installed it under right click>add to panel, etc.00:09
gmachine_24and then application launcher, sorry00:09
Gredeuis it theoreticallly possible for ubuntu to be backported to the ti99/4a ?00:10
rypervencheaxel: Did you try it with -s 256?00:10
Toph2gmachine_24,,, i have a volume control on my panel as well,, but it is more complex than the origional and I kind of prefered the simple version00:10
photonI have a large hard disk that I want to backup to DVDs. for that I have to (virtually) divide up my hard disk into ~25GB parts, each of which I can burn to a DVD. no file is larger than 20 GB, so I won't have to split up files. is there any way to automate this process? having to find files which add up to ~25GB and then marking them as backed up is kind of annoying and cumbersome.00:11
rypervencheaxel: And what is it showing when you try the command?00:11
axelrypervenche: Yes, I tried that, too.00:11
axelrypervenche: Nothing.00:11
gmachine_24Toph2 - me, too. I think we have the same icon on our task bars and I think we both want to restore the same older, simpler one00:11
Toph2gmachine_24,,, indeed00:12
billybigriggeranyone here have experience with NFS shares on a wireless N network?00:13
gmachine_24back up your hard drive to a hard drive. backing up to dvds is a bad idea00:13
mkanyicybillybigrigger: no00:13
vfw_billybigrigger: Yes00:14
vfw_on a mixed network.00:15
billybigriggervfw_, i can't seem to get more than 8.8Mbits/s on a file transfer...that works out to 1MB/s00:15
billybigriggeralthough iwconfig is telling me it's in 150Mb mode, i know i won't get near those speeds, but alot of speed tests i've been looking at should atleast give me 20Mb/s00:16
mkanyicyphoton: 25GBfora dvd?00:16
mkanyicyphoton: 25GB for a dvd?00:16
bastidrazorbillybigrigger: its actually less but that is a non-issue00:16
vfw_iwconfig  #What does the signal to noise ratio look like?00:16
andrew____will wubi screw up windows in any way00:16
photonmkanyicy: er, blu ray00:16
billybigriggerim using wpa2/aes, tried changing the channel width, from 20 and 20/40auto00:16
andrew____will wubi hurt my windows partition00:17
axelrypervenche: I've got it. I've read to fast:00:17
axelrypervenche: "Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes):"00:17
axelrypervenche: I've typed "yes" istead of "YES".00:17
billybigriggernothing will even put my router into 300Mb mode that it claims it will do, but thats besides the fact...00:17
mkanyicyphoton: you can use a shell script that will do what you want00:17
mkanyicyphoton: and then make a cron job00:17
andrew____Will wubi ever screw up my windows partition00:17
billybigriggeri've played iwth rsize,wsize in my fstab for the nfs4 mount...that doesn't really help00:17
axelrypervenche: Thank you for your help. But sorry for disturbing you with such a mistake of mine.00:18
billybigriggerany other NFS/wirelessN pointers for me?00:18
gmachine_24Toph2 did you get it working00:18
photonmkanyicy: sure, but how would I do that?00:18
vfw_billybigrigger: What is the signal report?00:19
gmachine_24Ok anyway this is how you get the generic volume control back on the task bar: 1. Right-click on the panel where you'd like the volume controller to appear and select "Add to panel"00:19
gmachine_242. Choose "Indicator Applet" from the list and click on "Add" and you're done. The volume control should be back.00:19
mkanyicyphoton: by reading 'man rsync', 'man cp', 'man tar', 'man gzip', 'man bzip2', 'man unison'00:19
mkanyicyphoton: once you have identified the right tool for your  needs I can help you with the script00:20
billybigriggeri've tried the auto chan, and chan 1 3 6 8 and 1100:20
billybigriggerno big difference00:20
RB2Good Evening. I've run into a problem and it's made me a little nervous. After mounting an NTFS partition in Ubuntu and copying some data, I booted into Win 7. It wanted to run checkdisk and after that, the partition was no longer readable by Windows or Ubuntu. I'm currently doing data recovery, but I'm not sure what caused the issue.00:20
RB2Some googling revealed people with similar problems with a drive that moved from Ubuntu to Win7 and back again, but no solutions or insights into what caused it.00:21
RB2I've never had this issue with my WinXP/Ubuntu 10.10 dual-boot setup, just the Win7/Ubuntu 11.04 setup.00:22
mkanyicyRB2: interesting00:22
vfw_billybigrigger: Have  you captured some packets to see if there are  retries?00:23
mkanyicyRB2: what does ubuntu say when it refuses to mount it?00:23
RB2mkanyicy, if I do it from Nautilus, I get that it exited with a code 2... from the prompt, no errors, it just doesn't mount.00:23
vfw_billybigrigger: iwconfig | pastebinit00:23
robin0800zopiac, has it a "wan" connector because if not I'm not sure you can00:23
gmachine_24RB2, I don't know - have you read something such as this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15761/recover-data-like-a-forensics-expert-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/00:24
RB2gmachine_24, I'm using Restorer2000 right now (awesome Windows app btw) to recover the files to another drive.00:25
vfw_billybigrigger: 2.4GHz porpagation requires line-of-sight and you may need to improve location(s).00:25
RB2gmachine_24, the partitions are still there... actually two of them (both NTFS)00:25
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
RB2One is readable (my old WinXP boot partition), one is not (Data Storage)00:26
gmachine_24so if one is not readable how do you know it's there? I take it the volume info is missing??00:26
mkanyicyRB2: how are you mounting that partition on terminal?00:26
RB2gmachine_24, an fdisk -l will show both partitions on the drive00:27
gmachine_24RB2, ok.00:27
RB2From my reading, exit error code 2 means the drive has the checkdisk flag set on it, so ubuntu won't mount it00:27
RB2In Windows, it wants to do a checkdisk on boot now... (which I aborted until I'm sure the data is off and safe), when Windows is loaded, it sees no file system on the partition and wants to Format it00:28
mkanyicyRB2: then you should let windows check the disk00:28
billybigriggervfw_, http://pastebin.com/1LH9gF1v00:29
RB2mkanyicy, my plan is to let it do the checkdisk after the data is safe on a removable drive. I've had checkdisk make a bad problem worse in the past.00:29
vachoI have a public_html folder, I want to zip everything in the folder including the file permissions (but not the file owner name) and move it to a new server (that will have a different file owner name)00:29
vachois that even possible?00:29
edbianvacho: yep00:29
zopiacrobin0800: what is a 'wan' connector exactly?00:30
vachoedbian: what command do I use to copy all files (including hidden) and keep their permissions?00:30
mkanyicyRB2: if you are just accessing your files on Linux for reading, mount your ntfs read-only then00:30
gmachine_24wireless area network00:30
mkanyicyvacho: cp -p00:30
billybigriggervfw_, ?00:30
vacho-p also preserves ownership??00:31
edbianvacho: I can't find the flag for permissions.  but the zip command without it is  zip -r outputfile.zip /path/to/public_html/00:31
eligijushey guys, have someone of you heard anything about nvidia optimus support in ubuntu 11.10? there will be it or not?00:31
zopiacrobin0800: ah, i see, googled it.. Yes it does have one, and I know you can get internet through it because im using this win7 computer off of it, but my ubuntu, arch linux, and winxp computers all are not working with it00:31
RB2mkanyicy, I'm still trying to get to the bottom of why it occurred in the first place. I don't know if it was ntfs-3g or Win7 that caused the issue, so I'm hesitant to plug anything into my machine now. :(00:31
mkanyicyvacho: tar -p00:31
gmachine_24sorry, it's wide area network - bigger than a lan00:32
vachonevermind, I wil figure out something else.00:32
MrGizmo757i have a question about using PAE.  What will i be sacrafising if i run 32 bit with PAE rather then full 64 Bit?  i have 16 gigs of ram and a 6 core cpu.00:32
mkanyicyvacho: good luck00:32
bazhangMrGizmo757, pae is fine00:33
mkanyicyRB2: without any info, we cannot tell00:33
bazhanglinux-generic-pae to get it MrGizmo75700:33
RB2mkanyicy, indeed. Just wondered if anyone has seen anything similar happen.00:33
mkanyicyRB2: but if you mounted it on linux and then a shutdown was forced without umounting it00:34
bingopajamawoooo hooot!00:34
rachoMrGizmo757, PAE will work, however I have found that every single distro to behave snappier under 64bit with the appropriate hardware00:34
dev1lshi, ubuntu's guru00:34
vfw_billybigrigger: Sorry, was on the phone00:34
mkanyicyRB2: that might cause the partition to be marked unclean and prompt for checks to be done on it00:34
billybigriggeroh ok, p00:34
bingopajamaI have not bin on an irc channel for over 5 years00:34
dev1lstoo night i need a favor?00:35
rypervenchebingopajama: Welcome back :)00:35
bingopajamathanks  =)00:35
bingopajamai feel dirty00:35
dev1lshow can help me to shared network via ad-hoc00:35
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
bingopajamaall that time wasted with microsoft00:35
MrGizmo757Yeah i want 64 Bit but the 64 bit drivers in ubuntu have been giving Me problems wince 10.10.  still hasent been fixed yet. PAE is My only option i think. untill this issue gets fixed.00:36
vachocan I copy from server to server with filezilla?00:36
vfw_billybigrigger: Ok signal report looks good "Link Quality=69/70"  but that is only half the story and you would have to see what it looks like from the other end.  If is that good or better, great, if it is lower, not so good....00:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:36
qinbingopajama: *been00:36
RB2mkanyicy, I've been in and out of the Live CD for a few days.. it's possible. Still doesn't explain why Windows ran the checkdisk and then I couldn't access the data. But, If I figure it out, I'll definitely come back and share anything interesting.00:36
rachoMrGizmo757, and exactly which drivers give you the headache?00:37
IdleOnebingopajama: ask.00:37
mkanyicyRB2: was the whole drive inaccessible or your data? were you able to create new files or folders into it or not?00:37
bingopajamai am having a wireless network issue00:37
mkanyicybingopajama: no you dont00:38
MrGizmo757Well whenver My blu-ray player is hooked up in 64 Bit it wont even boot.  i later learned that its a problem with the internal SATA controller.  THe 64 bit version of the driver just dosent work right.00:38
bingopajamai have installed wicd and uninstalled network manager00:38
bazhang!wifi | bingopajama read this00:38
ubottubingopajama read this: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:38
vfw_billybigrigger: Another thing,  you need to look at it a number of times and if you see the signal report fluctuating quite a bit, you be fairly sure that there is an interrference problem, which could be intermod or whatever.00:38
bingopajamai am hardlined in right now00:38
mkanyicyvacho: of course yes00:38
bazhangbingopajama, please read the link00:38
RB2mkanyicy, the first ntfs partition is fine, the second ntfs partition couldn't be mounted or accessed by Windows... Windows even still assigned it a drive letter...00:39
MrGizmo757i have posted this issues in launchpad and in a few other places back when i had this issues in 10.10. still no solution. th eproblem even still exsist in the 11.10 beta100:39
vfw_billybigrigger: If you have a low signal report or interference problem there will be retries...00:39
FirefisheIs the Folder View panel widget in kde set up like it is in kubuntu due to the coding--ie, click-on-one-folder-go-to-the-next-folder-but-not-open-dolphin--in kubuntu/kde directly, or is is the same for all distros?00:41
Firefisheor is it00:41
bingopajamawell it looks like they have a fix for my card but not for the version of ubuntu i am using 11.0400:41
crash1hdI use x11vnc to connect to my ubuntu machine when I log out of ubuntu it kills my session and my putty terminal is still showing, I try to rerun the x11vnc and it says it cant connect (because it is sitting on the login screen) is there a way of connecting without physically going to the machine to login?00:41
vfw_billybigrigger: and it could be a bad signal-to-noise ratio on either end.00:41
RB2mkanyicy, I can't do much with it at the moment anyway, it's restoring 331GB to an external drive via USB 2.0.. :-S I didn't have an eSATA cable handy.00:41
vfw_billybigrigger: In other words, there are a lot of factors to consider and some may be unseen ...00:42
MrGizmo757i have tried to replicate this problem on non ubuntu distros using the same kernel. and the problem dose not exsist in those. it is specific to ubuntu that much i have verified.  but that is all i have been able to figure out. all other roads have been a dead end so far00:42
vachowhat's a good ftp client for MAC that can copy files from server to server?00:42
bingopajamai have set avahi local to 000:42
bazhangvacho, for mac? try an apple channel00:43
bingopajamawhich has gotten rid of the .local domain warning that pops up every time i connectionlose my00:43
vfw_crash1hd: Can't you ssh in and restart x11vnc?00:43
bazhang!alis | vacho00:43
ubottuvacho: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*00:43
vachofor ubuntu?00:43
vachotell me for ubuntu00:43
zulaxwhen i run top i see the cronjobs are executing, but i dont know where the cronjob is executing my files at00:43
billybigriggervfw_, for some reason, loading a directory on the nfs share takes ages too....00:43
rachobingopajama, check linuxwireless.org for possible updated drivers and compile00:43
billybigriggerwonder if it's an nfs problem?00:43
bingopajamaok will do thanks00:44
suniceVacho scp00:44
vfw_billybigrigger: I doubt it, but you run a hardline and see.00:44
crash1hdvfw_, I am ssh in when i try to restart x11vnc I get an error00:44
vfw_crash1hd: What is the error?  Quote it to me.00:44
crash1hdvfw_, the error is  XOpenDisplay failed (:0)00:44
rachoMrGizmo757, unfortunately that's why i left ubuntu behind my back...nice little tweaks and candy but lacks some serious support when you need it00:45
vfw_crash1hd: what command did you send?00:45
vachosunice: secpanel??00:45
crash1hdvfw_, I have been sending x11vnc -usepw -display :0 -xkb -solid -noxdamage -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth00:45
MrGizmo757Yeah. Well i Distro Hop.  i use a diffrent Distro almost every Week. LOL!00:46
crash1hdvfw_, am I missing something?00:46
vfw_crash1hd: Are you sure you ssh'ed  into the right user name?00:46
Gredeuafter a package update the package doesn't appear in the unity menu.  this cannot be a bug.00:46
crash1hdvfw_, yes00:46
vfw_crash1hd: Just try  x11vnc   with no arguments.00:46
vfw_see if you get an error00:46
rachofor now I find fedora 15 pleasing and calm ;)00:47
suniceVacho, I guess if you feel you need the gui, but scp is super easy to use. Plus great learning how to not fear command line00:47
vfw_crash1hd: Why are you specifying "-display :0"  ?00:48
suniceVacho: scp <file you want to copy> username@serer:<directory to copy to>00:48
crash1hdvfw_, this is what I get when I run just x11vnc http://www.pastie.org/251131300:48
MrGizmo757i Like Ubuntu But Unity is still very very buggy for Me. and i am annoyed that the overheating and battery drain bug that showed up in 11.04 still hasent been fixed. :-(00:48
billybigriggervfw_, it must be an option someone00:48
suniceVacho: you can switch the server and file directory and pull instead of push00:49
billybigriggersomewhere, i just hit 50Mb/s on a file transfer, but then it stalled out00:49
rachoMrGizmo757, actually that's still the power regression from the kernel...which has been up for like 3+ months00:49
vfw_crash1hd: is there an X server session running for that user?00:50
crash1hdvfw_, not that I am aware00:50
vfw_crash1hd: Then that is the problem.00:50
Gredeuis it necessary to kill xserver to update unity newly installed package icon ?00:50
vfw_crash1hd: x11vnc was unable to open the X DISPLAY: "localhost:10.0"00:50
MrGizmo757Well that power regression PRoblem i still have in the latest Beta of Ubuntu runnign the 3.0 kernel.   But  i also ran the MileStone 5 of OpenSUSE 12 the otehr day. it has the same Kernel. didnt have that issue.  so i am starting to think that this regression may be ubuntu specific. you think?00:51
crash1hdthis is what I am saying00:51
crash1hdThe machine is at the login screen atm00:51
crash1hdno user is logged in the command I run x11vnc -usepw -display :0 -xkb -solid -noxdamage -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth works great when I am logged in00:52
rachoMrGizmo757, you could try adding the -apci=off in the grub.config. for some hardware configurations it works, others get unstable. About being ubuntu specific idk really.00:52
MrGizmo757not baching ubuntu or anything i just trying to get me system right.00:52
crash1hdbut I am trying to figure out how to get it to allow me to see the user login screen through vnc00:52
vfw_ crash1hd Oh, well, you will not be able to run x11vnc until  you go and get it logged in.  If it does auto-login, you can reboot it...00:52
bingopajamahow do i check current driver for my wireless ?00:52
billybigriggervfw_, maybe i'm looking at iftop wrong, do you know another bandwidth monitor i can use? maybe the numbers are messed....i dunno00:52
crash1hdvfw_, yes I can but there is no way to get vnc to allow me to see the login screen?00:53
rachoMrGizmo757, or actually it was "pcie_aspm=force" i can't remember now00:53
vfw_crash1hd: Not that I know of.00:54
crash1hdvfw_, ok :)00:54
lingolatzDoes anyone know of a text editor similar to textmate for Mac that is compatible with Ubuntu?00:54
vfw_crash1hd: Sorry. And sorry it took me so long to realize what the problem was.00:54
MrGizmo757i did try forcing the cpu scaling down and ramping the fans up. but it wouldnt let me do it. it took the commands but nothing happend00:54
billybigriggerhmmmm 2m3s to transfer 691MB00:55
crash1hdvfw_, no problem I am trying to figure out how to change the system from logging in as ubuntu and instead logging in as ubntu classic00:55
billybigriggeraccording to the 'time' command00:55
crash1hdwhich I seem to only be able to change on the login screen00:55
billybigriggerso thats 5.75 megabytes a sec...not bad....thats like 3.5x faster than 802.11b00:56
vfw_crash1hd: I suppose you could start the xserver for that user via startx00:56
crash1hdvfw_, that might work thanks for the help :)00:57
vfw_crash1hd: You may need   export DISPLAY=:0.000:57
vfw_first .....00:57
jamiewancrash1hd: cant u just set it up in login screen settings, choose classic as the default session00:58
SteristQuestion: i just replaced my 1gig ram card with a 2gig. win7 recognizes it but ubuntu reads it as 1gig. what to do?00:59
mkanyicylingolatz: how does textmate look like? or what features are you looking for?00:59
crash1hdjamiewan, I tried that it seems to still boot to ubuntu and not classic00:59
vfw_billybigrigger: I don't know really.  All I can do is give you possiblilities.  You could just use trial and error, like improve your location on one or both ends.00:59
=== Guest14869 is now known as LjL-Temp
racholingolatz, gedit and the githhub project gmate may be of interest to you01:00
vfw_billybigrigger: For best performance 2.4GHz needs clear line of sight.01:00
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest1332
SteristQuestion: i just replaced my 1gig ram card with a 2gig. win7 recognizes it but ubuntu reads it as 1gig. what to do?01:02
vfw_gotta go for now...01:02
guestIm using an old version of ubuntu (10.10) I think, and the icon for wireless connections on the top bar has disappeared.  Therefore, I cannot connect to the internet while logged into my main account.  I am currently running a guest session in order to contact you, which has the default icons on the user bar and allows me to select a network to connect to.  I expect that the fix for my problem is resetting the bar to its standard setting.01:02
edbianSterist: What makes you say Ubuntu sees only 1Gb?01:02
suniceSterist: what does it show for memory if you type "sudo lshw"?01:02
edbianSterist: You shouldn't have to need to do anything01:02
vfwFYI:   http://www.smallnetbuilder.com/wireless/wireless-basics/30664-5-ways-to-fix-slow-80211n-speed01:03
guestHow do I reset my menu bar to its default setting?01:04
rachoguest, In System > Preferences > Startup Applications is Network Manager shown - and ticked?01:04
suniceguest: if you right click on the bar you can re-add it. It's something along the way of notification bar...01:04
Steristsunice i cant find on the list where the ram info is, any pointers?01:04
edbianSterist: free -m01:04
suniceSterist: it should be labled under *-memory01:05
guestI need to log back into my main account to test those things.  If they do not work I will be back.01:05
Steristsunice okay found it. thats the only place its reported as 2gig01:06
edbianSterist: Where else is it reported?01:06
Steristsunice i actually have 2gig integrated ram but the card i replaced was 1gig, totaling 3gig (now 4)01:06
Steristsunice so it says 4gig there but on my applet and in the system monitor and with the 'free' command it's all reported as 2960 ish mb01:07
Steristsunice same as it was reported with the old ram card01:07
Steristsunice i've rebooted twice and of course it was a hard boot after replacing the card so apparently that's not it01:08
rachoSterist, your new card's memory is 2Gb?01:08
Steristracho yes, 2gig card just put in, and 2gig integrated on mobo01:09
suniceSterist: I would not expect a reboot to help. I would see if you can get any more info from the breakdown under *-memory. Perhaps it's not using the integrated ram.01:09
guestNetwork manager is checked under startup applications.  It is also not in the list of elements that I can add to the bar.01:09
Steristsunice it used 100% of ram prior to replacing the card. 3gig01:09
Steristsunice already tried rebooting, as explained above. win7 recognizes it and uses 100% of what i now have (4gig)01:10
guestWhat is the terminal command to reset the menu bar01:11
suniceguest: try this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-network-manager-applet-missing-from-notification-area-in-ubuntu-10-04.html01:11
guestI know it is"unity --reset" for the newer version of ubuntu01:11
sunicesterist: who is the manufacturer01:11
suniceOf new ram01:12
Steristsunice PNY01:12
suniceSterist: are you using a 32 bit install by chance?01:13
Steristsunice no, 6401:13
RomanceHello, I want to redirect www.youtube.com to www.google.com ... how to do that in Ubuntu? what should i edit?01:14
edbianRomance: /etc/hosts01:14
Romancehold on01:14
shaun413i need help01:14
GRMrGeckoJust to verify, when you have a user account without admin prividges on Ubuntu, can that user change DNS? If so, how I can change that?01:14
shaun413installing ubuntu01:14
wildbat!help | shaun41301:14
ubottushaun413: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:14
edbianGRMrGecko: change DNS ?01:14
GRMrGeckoedbian: The DNS server it asks for domain names01:15
shaun413my boot disk doenst work01:15
rachosunice if you have 2900mb+ free how much mem is occupied?01:15
rickb|You guys think that this http://astore.amazon.com/pennymon-20/detail/B003UL37NS will work on linux? Really wanna buy it!! lol01:15
edbianGRMrGecko: They cannot specify it unless they are root.01:15
Romanceedbian : can i exactly use www.youtube.com or use its IP ?01:15
edbianGRMrGecko: They'd have to edit /etc/resolv.conf01:15
GRMrGeckoedbian: Which means normal user accounts cannot change it which is good in my case01:15
edbianRomance: I'm not sure.  I think you have to use it's IP (not really sure though)01:15
edbianGRMrGecko: That's root01:15
wildbatshaun413: did you check your iso with md5sum ? you using CD?01:15
edbianGRMrGecko: That's right :)01:15
shaun413yes a cd01:15
GRMrGeckobecause then I can force people to use a custom dns that only allows specific domains01:16
shaun413check my iso?01:16
wildbat!md5sum | shaun413:01:16
ubottushaun413:: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:16
edbianGRMrGecko: yes.  You're assuming they cannot edit the router as well01:16
GRMrGecko(Hopefully they won't be smart enough to know IP addresses)01:16
edbianGRMrGecko: they could write them down and bring them in but that would get tedious quick.01:16
sonelliothi all01:17
GRMrGeckothanks edbian for confirming my suspecion. I could of booted my Ubuntu Virtual Machine, but this is quicker:P01:17
guestsunice, I got an error saying there is no mailcap for some stream.  Also, when I try to add network panel to the list it is not an option.01:17
edbianGRMrGecko: sure :)01:17
suniceSterist: I use Htop to show used and available ram.01:17
guestDoes anyone know the terminal command to RESET the menubar to its default setting in ubuntu 10.10?01:17
elbetovlc wont play dvd, Im running ubuntu studio 11.0401:18
coz_guest what is happening with the menu bar?01:18
rachoguest, -> try sudo killall NetworkManager 2) sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 3) sudo NetworkManager01:18
Romanceedbian : it won't work :(01:18
guestcoz_, network manager disappeared.  I expect I need to restore default settings.01:18
edbianRomance: use the IP :P01:18
coz_elbeto,    run this command     sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh01:18
Romanceedbian : i use the IP :(01:19
guestcoz_, Im done trying to readd the network manager.  At this point I just want to restore the default settings of the menubar.01:19
edbianRomance: it's cashed. (you're been to youtube recently and it's remembering the most recent IP)01:19
JabDesignso, anyone seeing a significant outage across the US - like services originating in california being out?  is there some sort of massive californian power outage going on?01:19
rachoguest, do you have a notification area in the bar...that's where the icons show up01:19
Romanceso i have to delete cache and all history?01:19
bazhang!ot | JabDesign01:19
ubottuJabDesign: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:19
elbetocoz, thanks! I am running it right now01:20
guestracho, yes01:20
suniceSterist: Sorry being pulled away by the old lady. Hope I helped.01:20
Steristsunice htop shows 2989mb01:20
rachoguest then -> gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel01:20
shaun413i cant figure out ho to check the iso01:21
JabDesignlooks like multiple backbones are timing out, comcast, layer 3, etc01:21
coz_guest in terminal try  gconftoo-2 -- shutdown    then   gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel   then    rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel   then   pkill gnome-panel01:21
suniceSterist: The only experience I've had close is while running a i386 install. Sorry I cannot help more.01:21
coz_guset sorry that first one is  gconftool-2 --shutdown01:21
coz_guest you may also want to either log off and back on or restart the system01:21
Steristsunice that's what i have lol i386 64bit01:21
sonelliotim a gnu/linux newbie having trouble installing grub on my white macbook '09. would anyone be able to provide assistance? :)01:22
coz_no you dont have i386 64 bit01:22
elbetocoz, thank you, it is working, why vlc did not come with that package?01:22
shaun413i just extract the files to the cd right?01:22
guestcoz_, racho, thanks01:22
coz_elbeto,   because of licensing issues01:22
elbetocoz, thanks!01:23
coz_elbeto,   no problem01:24
tab1293 i have a 1TB external hard drive that I want to share between my linux and windows systems. do you think ntfs is the best way to go? i will just have music, movies, documents etc on the drive01:24
wildbatshuan413, you don't extract them ~ you just burn the iso with like nero, poweriso, magiciso, etc..... , iso is cd image not mean to extract and burn.01:24
rachotab1293, well afaik windows can't recognize ext# filesystems01:24
coz_tab1293,  ntfs should work fine  as would fat 32  but ntfs  should work yes01:25
tab1293what about guid vs mbr?01:25
tab1293i will only have one partition on the drive so will it even matter?01:25
shaun413so whats  a free program i can use?01:25
shaun413to burn the iso?01:25
guestracho, I followed the steps and I get an error while parsing.  Apparent the gconftool doesnt exist01:26
coz_tab1293,  should matter01:26
shaun413it doenlads as a zip file01:26
tab1293should or shouldnt?01:26
wildbattab1293 stick with MBR unless you have a reason to use GPT.01:26
coz_shaun413,   dont you have  brasero on board there?01:26
shaun413what i dont know what that is01:26
coz_shaun413,  the iso is in zip format?01:27
shaun413no its an .iso01:27
shaun413what program can i use to burn it?01:27
coz_shaun413,  did you right click  "Extract here"  to see if an iso is in there?01:27
shaun413the whole thing is the iso01:27
coz_shaun413,  oh ok,, use either brasero which is already installed or   install gnomebaker01:28
shaun413what free program can i use to extract01:28
shaun413im on windows01:28
rachoguest, then apt-get it and then run the command. it appears that somehow it got baleeted from the system...01:28
coz_shaun413,  brasero you can open aith alt+F2  type  brasero01:28
wildbatshaun413, it isn't zip then many "zip" application can extract iso too ~ but you DON'T extract and burn ~ you just burn with image burner01:28
guestracho, sudo apt-get networkmanager?01:28
shaun413ok i need a free image burner for windows01:28
wildbatshaun413, poweriso can do it .01:29
wildbatshareware thou01:29
rachoguest, gconftool..but search it cuz i don't know it's exact name in the buntu repos01:29
guestracho, whats baleeted01:29
coz_shaun413,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Windows01:29
rachoguest, epic fail :)01:29
lingolatzmkanyicy, textmate looks like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhMBawN1F0M#t=12001:30
lingolatzracho, I will look into that, thank you01:31
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racholingolatz, also take a look into scribes01:31
lingolatzIs scribes on github?01:31
elbetoshaun413, InfraRecorder is free and open source.  I dont use windows but I heard about it01:31
racholingolatz, it tries to mimic textmate in a way01:31
rachoi think there was a ppa for ubuntu01:32
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lingolatzracho, I'm sorry, 'ppa'?01:33
elbetoshaun413, or ImgBurn01:33
coz_shaun413,   imra recorder   http://infrarecorder.org/01:33
yeats!ppa | lingolatz01:34
ubottulingolatz: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa01:34
racholingolatz, just take a look http://tinyurl.com/4yzhojo01:34
shaun413ok im burning with infra01:36
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shaun413its writing01:36
shaun413any good programs i should get for ubuntu?01:38
shaun413and how much hd should i partion to it01:38
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bazhang!manual | shaun413 please have a read01:39
ubottushaun413 please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:39
Guestshaun413: 10gb is enough for /01:39
coz_shaun413,   wel that depends on what you want to do....  parition as much as you like,, more is usually better :)  and as far as applications... do you like graphics,, o r music  or science01:39
coz_shaun413,  it will depend on your interests01:39
shaun413graphics and science01:39
Guestyeo, like coz_ says01:39
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Guest84700Can someone please help me01:39
coz_shaun413,   for graphics... gimp...inkscape...mypaint...pinta01:40
mahir256the maximum of partitions on a single hdd should be 3: one for /home, one for all other dirs, and one for the swap file.01:40
Guest!ask | Guest8470001:40
ubottuGuest84700: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:40
GuestWhen I hide ALL desktop icons it also hides Conky. what I am doing wrong?01:40
SteristRAM QUESTION: I replaced my 1gig ram card with a 2gig and it's recognized as 1gig by all applications except 'sudo lshw' command. win7 reads it right. what do i do?01:40
shaun413and is 50 gigs good?01:40
Guestshaun413: it's too much.01:41
Guest84700I am getting errors about downloading an update saying that the repository no longer exists, Can someone please help me correct this problem01:41
coz_shaun413,     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScience01:41
Guestprograms hardly use 50 GB but yeh01:41
MonkeyDust'why' is a philosophical question ;)01:41
shaun413so how about 30 gigs01:41
Guestshaun413: I have a lot of apps installed and im only used 4.5gb01:42
mahir256Guest84700: the repository may no longer exist. ever thought about that?01:42
lingolatzracho, I have installed scribes through the provided link. There is no toolbar?01:42
shaun413i have a 1tb hdd01:42
coz_shaun413,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicsApplications01:42
shaun413so it doesnt matter how much i use01:42
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GuestGuest84700: open a terminal and type gksu software-properties-gtk01:42
Guest84700but it is about the Kernal01:42
Guestthen enter password01:43
mahir256shaun413: honestly, that's too much for you to handle now that you're asking what programs to use and how to partition it.01:43
Guest84700mahir cmon man please don't be like that01:43
shaun413what too much for me too handle?01:43
GuestGuest84700: open a terminal and type gksu software-properties-gtk01:43
rachoSterist, what does lspci -v shows?01:43
Lithos84shaun413: this may help you with size and partitions: http://ur1.ca/51v7c01:44
GuestGuest84700: then to go Other Software tab. and btw tell us which repositories are failing.01:44
mahir256what i would do is allocate 75% to system files, 12.5% to /home, and 12.5% as a swap file. i would also get all the gnome and kde programs and actually use them. they're called desktop environments for a reason.01:44
shaun413will it do this in the install?01:45
shaun413or i have to partion it seperately somehow01:45
racholingolatz, try to hover over the top of the window.. i think it's a 'desing' decision01:45
GuestI love Ubuntu now that I'm used to it.01:46
Lithos84shaun413: You can partition it during install if you want.01:46
shaun413ok so 20 gigs?01:46
doggyslobberMy backspace key is gone.  Does anyone know of an app/script that can remap keys? I never use the "home" key and and want to map it to "backspace"01:46
Guestshaun413: think this way: how much space you want for /home and /swap01:46
shaun413what is that?01:46
Guestshaun413: /home is from your documents, videos, etc... swap is for virtual memory01:47
rachodoggyslobber, man xev, man xmodmap01:47
Lithos84shaun413: I'll recommend 30 GiB if you want to install a lot of software. You can add more if you want more space for your personal files.01:47
doggyslobberduh, I knew that thanks!01:47
doggyslobberthanks, brain fart01:47
shaun413do i havve to partion home and swap seerately?01:48
SteristRAM QUESTION: I replaced my 1gig ram card with a 2gig and it's recognized as 1gig by all applications except 'sudo lshw' command. win7 reads it right. what do i do?01:48
shaun413or just say 30 gigs and im done?01:48
Stanley00shaun413: swap is alway on its own partition01:48
Guest84700ok i will give you what it told me01:48
rypervencheshaun413: Check your private message.01:48
Guest84700W:Failed to fetch http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/natty/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'mirrors.us.kernel.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)01:48
Guest84700, W:Failed to fetch http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/natty-backports/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'mirrors.us.kernel.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)01:48
Guest84700, W:Failed to fetch http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/natty-proposed/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'mirrors.us.kernel.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)01:48
Guest84700, W:Failed to fetch http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/natty-security/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'mirrors.us.kernel.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)01:48
mahir256yes, shaun413. the / in /home and /swap means that they are separate and as such they are partitioned separately.01:48
FloodBot1Guest84700: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
shaun413so how much swap should i give?01:48
Lithos84shaun413: You can have just "one" partition if you want. Ubuntu installer will separate / and swap automatically.01:48
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coz_Sterist,  not sure actually,, it should have been picked up and used  automatically,, is it the correct memory for your system?01:48
shaun413how much should i have ins swap and home?01:49
Stanley00shaun413: how many RAM do you have?01:49
shaun4134 gig01:49
coz_Sterist,  also did you put it in the slot closest to the CUP? that is generally slot one01:49
rachoShaun, 8 Gb swap01:49
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shaun413ok and home?01:49
lion42Shaun, are you installing this on a dual-boot computer, and are you doing anything special with it?01:49
Stanley00shaun413: I think 2GB swap or 4GB swap is enough01:49
rypervencheshaun413: If you like, I can remote assist you through the process.01:49
shaun413its dual boot yes01:49
Steristcoz_ i only have one slot and yes its compatible with my laptop01:50
rachoshaun413, you can make home as much as you want depending on your needs01:50
shaun413well what is home?01:50
senchaDoes anyone know how ubuntu sets firefox to open default applications for certain types of files (e.g. audacious for mp3s, openoffice for .doc files) ?01:50
sonelliothi all, im a gnu/linux newbie having trouble installing ubuntu on my macbook '09. is anyone able to assist? :)01:50
coz_Sterist,  oh laptop... ok my experinece with laptops is severly limited so I am going to hand t his off to someone else,,,01:50
Guestshaun413: it's where you save your documents, videos, music, photos..01:50
lion42shaun413, then just use the installer which will allocate the space automatically, and don't worry about all this stuff. How big is your hard drive, and how much is being used by windows?01:50
shaun413and where do i put programs?01:50
SteristRAM QUESTION: I replaced my 1gig ram card with a 2gig and it's recognized as 1gig by all applications except 'sudo lshw' command. win7 reads it right. what do i do?01:50
yeats!home | shaun41301:50
ubottushaun413: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving01:50
Guestshaun413: they will be installed at /01:50
shaun413i have 784 gigs free01:50
lion42Sterist, asking repeatedly will not get you answers but will frustrate people.01:51
coz_Sterist,  although "theoretically" on any system, it should have been picked up automatically,, check the bios to see if it is recognized there and if there are settings for it01:51
Guestshaun413: and configuration files will be located at /home and /01:51
Guestshaun413: tell us which programs you want to install01:51
mahir256shaun413: how many documents and personal files do you have on your win7 partition? we can base your requirements on that01:51
shaun413nothing really01:51
Steristcoz_ good idea :) win7 does read the full 4gig ram onboard but ubuntu only sees the new card as half of what it is. i'll check the bios in a bit01:52
lion42Dude, does this really need debating? They don't need to manually allocate partitions. They can use the regular installer in the easy-as-pie mode, allocate 100gb, and have more than enough space on the ubuntu partition and windows partition to last until christ's second coming.01:52
shaun413can i choose 50 gigs?01:52
coz_Sterist,  that would be where I would start with hardware issues like this01:53
shaun413instead of 100/01:53
lion42Shaun, sure.01:53
lingolatzracho, is there a way to enable syntax-highlighting?01:53
Lithos84shaun413: you can. It is more than enough.01:53
lingolatzI like it so far01:53
lion42Yes, sure, shaun413.01:53
shaun413ok ill do that01:53
shaun413cya im installing now!01:53
mahir256lingolatz: what editor are you using?01:54
lingolatzmahir256, scribes01:54
racholingolatz, it should automaticly highlight depending on the file extension. which means you should probably save first...01:54
michael__W:Failed to fetch http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/natty/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'mirrors.us.kernel.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)01:54
michael__Can someione help me with this error message01:54
shaun413egh im confused01:54
shaun413can someone hop on tv and help me?01:54
rypervenchemichael__: Try changing your server.01:54
rypervencheshaun413: Either you have be blocked, or you are ignoring me. I said I would help you with it.01:55
rypervenchehave me*01:55
michael__to which server tho? i am confused01:55
lingolatzI see, I thought changing the document type in the preferences was what determined the highlighting. Thank you01:55
rypervenchemichael__: Do you live in the US?01:55
rachomichael__, the server may be busy or down or sthg01:55
druid1231Hey can someone help me troubleshoot a problem I'm having with ubuntu?01:55
Guestmichael__: change repositories server.01:55
shaun413ill bee back on in a bit01:55
mahir256druid1231: elaborate01:55
michael__yes i do01:55
teratornhi, does anyone know how to mount an encrypted home directory manually on a different computer than the one it was originally configured on? I have a backup of /home/.ecryptfs and /home01:55
teratornit's ecryptfs01:56
jrib!encrypted | teratorn01:56
ubottuteratorn: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory01:56
druid1231well my problem is I've had ubuntu/xubuntu installed on my computer for awhile and decided to stay with Xubuntu just because I liked the environment better. Anyways one day I boot up the computer and it loads just like normal but when it gets in the environment everything just sits and loads, their is a blank background and my cursor is an X01:57
druid1231I then run it in limited graphics mode and it looks/runs fine01:57
druid1231but won't keep those settings, so I feel SOL on fixing it, haha01:57
rypervenchedruid1231: Does this happen everytime you boot up?01:59
druid1231yes everysingle time, unless I do the limited graphics boot option02:00
druid1231It didn't used to do that, I'm thinking something updated or something was corrupted02:00
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druid1231Right now I'm on the same computer just booted into Windows 7 instead02:01
rachodruid1231, do you use the closed binary drivers for your graphics card?02:01
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druid1231racho, I'm not sure, this is just an old core 2 duo a company was throwing out so I put a new hd in and am using it for school, let me check the graphics chipset02:02
Guestnice password02:03
druid1234hey sorry my irc window closed, same druid over here02:03
druid1234I'm running an intel chipset02:04
rachodruid1231, usually these type of problems occur when using the proprietary drivers and you apply a kernel/xorg update02:04
druid1234racho I definitely remember there being a kernal update recently02:05
druid1234if that's the case what are my options?02:05
rachodruid1231, does everything work normal in the old kernel version? have you tried?02:06
WHAT_UPdoes the standard ubuntu dvd have the capability to resize a win 7 partition, or would i need gparted?02:07
WHAT_UPerr, cd02:07
druid1234I'm not sure, I'm a little rusty to linux, but when I tell it to boot using the older kernal version it pops up with a window and I tell it to use a safe graphics mode and then it works, it could be because it's using the old kernal i'm guessing02:07
SinghamWHAT_UP : Yes...while installing ubuntu,select "Install with other os"02:08
WHAT_UPSingham: ok cool. thanks!02:08
shaun413so i click on install ubuntu in lubuntu and it doenst do anything02:09
rustyshacklefordI'm still on 9.10, and I need to get a version of libc6 >= 2.11. How can I force apt-get to give it to me? Is that a really really bad idea?02:09
SinghamWHAT_UP : Welcome.. :)02:09
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shaun413so whats the issue?02:10
rustyshacklefordI want to upload my music off this machine before I wipe the OS. that's what takes most of my storage space02:10
Jordan_Urustyshackleford: Yes, it is a really really bad idea.02:10
Singham<rustyshackleford> : Have you tried "sudo apt-get install -f <name of package>" ?02:11
rustyshacklefordno I hadn't. Not sure I want to do something I wouldn't know how to undo if it caused a breakage02:11
lostinherehas anyone played around with loading drivers from "Sabrent" for the USB to DB902:12
druid123mIRC is evil, keeps closing when I minimize it02:12
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rachodruid1231, you can check the chipset manufacturer for binary drivers (highly unlikely), disable the the ones you are using now and it will automatically switch to the apropriate open source driver, or use the older kernel until there is some support patch or new version of your drivers02:13
lostinherethey sent a cd with drivers on it but the files done make sence to me02:14
druid123Okay Racho, how would I disable the drivers I'm using now?02:14
zHammeRzOk - so I upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04.  So far the only thing I see is when watching a movie full screen via totem the screensaver still kicks on after XX amount of time as specified in the screen prefs.  11.04 did not do this.. ?02:14
rachodruid123, from System -> Additional Drivers. also make sure that you actually have restriced drivers in use by running "jockey-text -l". the output is quite descriptive02:16
rustyshacklefordI've never done a reinstall of linux where I save any of the partitions. I've always just bought a new HD and copied the data (The "Windows Way"). Link to a tutorial on the right way to reinstall or test a new OS?02:17
druid123Thanks Racho. I'll try that and we will see how things go02:18
druid123ill be back@02:18
Steristanyone know of a command that will re-assess the RAM?02:19
luc_hi does anybody knowhowto fixmy compit has nosound  on nvidia card with hdmi audio out to tv02:19
urlin2uSterist, free -m02:19
Steristurlin2u didnt solve the problem. you have seen what's happening with my laptop right?02:21
Steristurlin2u the explanation a bit ago02:21
urlin2uSterist, no just logged back on.02:21
almoxarifeluc_: does the comp have onboard sound? assuming it does, first thing is to change bios to exclude it02:21
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luc_almoxarife, yesidid02:22
doggyslobberOk, so remapping home key to backspace, trying.. Figured out Home is Home | m:0x0 + c:110 but I can't get the code for Backspace to map, because you have to actually push the button to get the address and it is missing.. can someone tell me the backspace code?02:22
almoxarifeluc_: what version of ubuntu you running?02:22
Steristurlin2u aah. well... my laptop has 2gig ram integrated in the mobo and 1 RAM slot. the card in there was a 1gig (total 3gig), and so i just replaced that with a 2gig (total 4gig). my bios and win7 read the new ram, but ubuntu sees it as a 1gig card.02:22
luc_almoxarife, 11.0402:22
almoxarifeluc_: what nvidia card?02:23
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luc_almoxarife, evga 1gb 880002:23
urlin2uSterist, not exactly sure bit I think you need the pae kernels to read ram above 3 gigs.02:23
almoxarifeluc_: what do you see in sound>hardware?02:24
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luc_almoxarife, what dou mean02:25
almoxarifeluc_: see the sound applet in the top right?02:25
szalSterist, urlin2u: if that is 32bit, then yes02:25
Steristurlin2u szal i'm using 64bit (pretty sure)02:26
szalSterist: 'uname -a' please02:26
Steristszal 2.6.35-30-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 30 15:58:00 UTC 2011 i68602:27
szalSterist: definitely 32bit02:28
Steristszal how can you tell the difference lol02:28
szalLinux zalle 2.6.38-11-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 29 19:02:55 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:28
szalSterist: that's a 64bit kernel02:28
szalracho: traitor :P02:29
berendhi guys, workspace switching with natty is very slow for me (was fine with maverick). I.e. feels like 2 seconds or so. Anything I can do to speed this up?02:29
rachoszal, :P02:29
Steristracho ?02:29
rachoSterist, fc15 stands for Fedora 1502:29
urlin2uberend, what is your cpu and ram?02:30
rachoSterist, so you have a 32bit OS02:30
Steristracho i don't see the relevance there. szal how can i set the update manager to provide pae kernels by default?02:30
szalSterist: install one02:31
gwb1231Hey druid here again, using IRC on my phone now Haha02:31
szalSterist: you can then decide whether you want to keep the non-PAE kernel or not02:31
zHammeRzupgraded to 11.10 - flash won't work in FF7..how to fix?02:31
szalzHammeRz: please ask in #ubuntu+102:31
berendurlin2u: Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9100 2.26GHz, 4GB of run (run in 32-bit PAE mode)02:31
urlin2uzHammeRz, ubuntu+1 is your destination02:31
nytek_zHammeRz: Download from adobe directly?02:31
berendurlin2u: video is Quadro FX 2700M02:32
luc_almoxarife, yes where is the name ofit02:32
berendso all pretty high-end for a laptop I would say.02:32
Steristracho this laptop runs 64bit win7, does shouldnt the installer have given me a 64bit ubuntu..? what happened :(02:32
Steristracho -does lol02:32
rww!membership > Singham02:32
ubottuSingham, please see my private message02:32
almoxarifeluc_: what?02:32
MaxHRHello, just installed ubuntu  a week ago, have a couple issues... firstly, hibernate is not offered as an option for shutdown, only standby02:32
rypervencheSterist: You do it via wubi?02:32
rww!canibeanop > Singham02:32
zHammeRzI don't see why I have to goto another channel, but w/e.  I upgraded to 11.10 thinking I was just updating the operating system..not load me up with a bunch of beta software packages02:33
rachoSterist, you installed via wubi or like a real man ;)02:33
Steristrypervenche no, it's on it's own partition02:33
urlin2uberend, have you installed the restricted-extras02:33
bastidrazorzHammeRz: knowing what you're doing is half the battle.02:33
silverarrow1is there an alternative to adobe flash player in chromium ?02:33
Steristracho never used wubi. eva02:33
luc_almoxarife, where is the name ofit at02:33
rypervencheSterist: Then you had the choice of which architecture to download.02:33
Steristracho disc FTW xD original install was 9.10, i've done several updates02:33
gwb1231Hey when i type jockey-text -1 it says jockey-text command not found02:34
berendurlin2u: "Unable to locate package restricted-extras"02:34
urlin2usilverarrow1, flash installed works in al browsers02:34
berendwhat's the package name?02:34
rachoSterist, is it 64bit?02:34
urlin2uberend, ubuntu-restricted-extras if ubuntu Kubuntu if kde02:34
rachogwb1231, what about lshw -c video02:34
almoxarifeluc_: you need to look at your 'sound' configuration, I assume you want to do it via the 'sound' applet located on the desktop, yes?02:34
szalSterist: then you originally installed a 32bit Ubuntu, simple as that02:35
silverarrow1urlin2u: yes but are there something else than the adobe flash player? there are addons for chromium, but does not included in ubuntu packages02:35
berendurlin2u: the answer is no, what does this do for me?02:35
Steristrypervenche aah... well i dont remember seeing 32 / 64 options on ubuntu's site downloads. perhaps i was too young and reckless :P only option for a 64bit install is reinstall, correct? ( racho szal )02:35
szalSterist: the default install medium doesn't provide both architectures, you choose 32bit or 64bit by downloading the respective CD02:35
urlin2uberend, soory meant for another user my bad.02:35
gwb1231Warning you should run this as a super-user is what its.telling me02:35
luc_almoxarife, is there a linux program that you can loggon to my computer remotely  and check02:36
szalSterist: yes, reinstall is the only option if you want 64bit02:36
rachoSterist, unfortunately yes02:36
almoxarifeluc_: yeah, but I won't do that02:36
rachogwb1231, sudo lshw -c video02:36
luc_almoxarife, i guess im new to linux though02:36
Steristszal racho looks like i have dark days ahead of me (-_-) thanks for the help :) i'll report back if pae helps. not that i doubt you guys :P02:37
gwb1231Alright racho, its showing me a list02:37
szalSterist: very simple to tell the ISOs apart: 32bit end in 'i386.iso', 64bit end in 'amd64.iso'02:37
almoxarifeluc_: looking at your desktop, see a speaker icon on the top right corner?02:37
luc_almoxarife, yes02:38
Steristszal i have intel. not amd02:38
rachogwb1231, configuration: driver=*some text*, what does it say?02:38
Steristszal does that not make a difference?02:38
almoxarifeluc_: click it, see something about settings?02:38
newerthheroubuntu doesnt save my screen resolution02:38
szalSterist: doesn't matter, the naming is legacy since AMD made the first 64bit CPUs02:38
rachoyep it's just a convention02:38
urlin2uSterist, what is being sais is the disc does not choose the 32 or 64 bit yoiu do seperate cd's02:39
Steristszal aaaah well that should be a front page bit of info lol02:39
luc_almoxarife, sound preferences02:39
MaxHRHave a weird issue with laptop, when playing a video, the screen will dim briefly, then go back to normal every 30 sec or so... I already disabled dim on idle also, any ideas to fix?02:39
gwb1231It says driver=I91502:39
almoxarifeluc_: yeap02:39
Steristurlin2u yeah i understand where i'm at now. thanks though :)02:39
luc_almoxarife, what  should they be set at02:40
szalSterist: did you say that that was a laptop?02:40
Steristszal oh i should probably ask.... any limitations or drawbacks to pae?02:40
rachogwb1231, is your desktop running fine or it's still the same?02:40
Steristszal yes, laptop02:40
luc_almoxarife, hardware  tab shows 2 things02:40
szalSterist: drawbacks - none that I know of; limitations: 2 GB memory per process max, 64 GB overall max02:41
gwb1231I'm running in safe graphics mode. I tried a normal boot but it kinda just freezes loads with no background, x as cursor and let's me move and click but no response02:41
rachoSterist, and the subjective feeling that under a 64bit os everything is faster and snappier :)02:41
almoxarifeluc_: which two?02:41
luc_almoxarife, one hdmi out and one internal digitalstereo02:41
szalSterist: for a laptop you might want to consider installing Lucid instead of Maverick (longer support cycle) or Natty (power cycle recession in kernel 2.6.38 and newer; drains your battery faster, and no fix as of yet, i.e., Oneiric will have that too)02:42
danielif I am using Ubuntu 10.04 is Ubuntu Linux toolbox which was written during an earlier release still going to be helpful02:42
almoxarifeluc_: I assume you chose hdmi out since you want to have sound via hdmi?02:42
Steristszal what happens when 2gb limit is met? force close?02:42
DarkenvyHey does anyone know how to 'burn' an ISO to a HDD partition? (ISO to portable bootable HDD. Unetbootin is not a solution)02:43
szalSterist: no idea02:43
DarkenvyI do not have a DVD drive and cannot burn a DVD02:43
luc_almoxarife, yes but which profile should i use02:43
rachogwb1231, what is your ubuntu version?02:44
Steristszal i sure wouldn't mind reverting to lucid :) all time favorite version, i'm not a fan of reinstalling but i suppose i will in the near future.02:44
Steristszal thanks for all the info n help :)02:44
almoxarifeluc_: I assume you chose hdmi out since you want to have sound via hdmi?02:44
danielmy version is 10.0402:45
luc_almoxarife, yes02:45
almoxarifeluc_: playing something? connected to a hdmi tv? is the tv on?02:46
luc_almoxarife, yes im on it now02:47
rachogwb1231, it seems 11.04 intel card drivers have a bad bug in them....02:47
almoxarifeluc_: the output tab shows what?02:48
gwb1231Ahh, so I'm not the only one. Should I use an older version of the OS?02:48
ubthgwb1231, i joined late, whats going on with your inten video?02:48
almoxarifeluc_: and of course is the volume indicator at least at 50%02:49
luc_almoxarife, hdmi02:49
matryxhi, I lost my windows 7 boot entry after installing ubuntu...how do I edit grub 2 to add the entry back in. My win7 is on sda202:49
almoxarifeluc_: and of course is the volume indicator at least at 50%02:49
luc_almoxarife, yes 75%02:49
dsnyders Hi all!  I have a DVD which looks like it has information burned onto it, but it will not mount.  Are there any utilities out there that might help me retrieve the data?02:49
rachogwb1231, from the ubuntu wiki => Systems with i915 or i945 graphics may experience frequent graphics freezes with a blank or corrupted screen. This issue is present in the release but fixed in an update. (727594)02:49
gwb1231Ubth xubuntu just stopped working after an update02:50
almoxarifeluc_: I assume you don't have any sound yet02:50
ubthgwb1231, no fun02:50
lion42luc_, some ideas. Try increasing the volume on both your tv and your computer. Try restarting the sound souce, like VLC or your browser or whatever. If that doesn't work, try rebooting with the HDMI still plugged in.02:50
lion42On 11.04, HDMI behaves super funny for me without rebooting. NO idea why.02:50
gwb1231I'm checking for updates02:50
rachogwb1231, -> check this link http://tinyurl.com/3shkrp202:51
luc_almoxarife,  no not yet02:51
almoxarifelion42: me too02:51
almoxarifeluc_: logout and back in, start something that would create sound02:51
Absinthiushmm, thinking of getting a new laptop, posibly Dell since they seem to be well supported by Ubuntu, can anyone offer any anecdotes on real world usage and reliability?02:53
almoxarifelion42: tried cheap speaker on the output of the tv itself ? I get awsome surround without the cost of a surround system02:53
lion42almoxarife, do you mean outputting ubuntu's sound to the tv, or outputting the TV's sound to external speakers?02:54
lion42The former, yes. The latter, no.02:54
ubthAbsinthius, my dell latitude has been very reliable02:54
rachoAbsinthius, my Dell Inspiron too02:55
Absinthiusubth: ah, would love to get a latitude, bit out of my price range as a student though02:55
Steristszal whats the command to update grub again?02:55
almoxarifelion42: I mean output ubuntu sound to the tv via hdmi then on the tv connect speaker to the output, makes for a sweet sound02:55
ubthAbsinthius, get a laptop not a dell desktop, unless you like replacing the power supply lol02:55
elbetoAbsinthius, Dell work fine.  I have a Toshiba and works great too.02:55
dbcOkay. Given that I have Natty on my laptop, can I produce a Natty boot/installation CD to reinstall Natty on a desktop without having to download it all over again?02:55
dbc(And if so, how? I know this should be really easy.)02:56
lion42almoxarife, no. I watch TV with my headphones, grado SR325is.02:56
rachoubth, yep a 90W properietary trap02:56
Absinthiusracho: whats the keyboard like on your inspiron? im a bit wary of ones that are a bit too springy02:56
elbetodbc, yes you can, copy the iso file02:56
almoxarifelion42: cool02:56
gwb1231Racho, I see they fixed it, now how do I install this fix? Really sorry to bug you, you've been awesome!02:56
rachogwb1231, xserver-xorg-video-intel - 2:2.14.0-4ubuntu7.1. that's the bugfix patch02:57
bogorwhen i do sudo apt-get install kernel-doc. It returns no package. What should i do to get kernel docs ?02:57
dbcThanks. Where's the iso file, and what do I have to do to make the CD bootable?02:57
rachogwb1231, see if you have it installed02:57
gwb1231Okay, where do i check that?02:58
rachoAbsinthius, I find the keyboard really comfy for long hours of typing02:58
elbetodbc, where did you down load the orignal iso to install ubuntu in your laptop?02:58
julius_ass monkey doosheballs02:58
julius_jew faggot shit dick ass fuck02:59
dbcNot sure. That was a while ago, and it was Maverick.02:59
dbc(Does that mean I can't make a Natty CD without downloading it fresh?)02:59
elbetodbc, from the ubuntu website you can download the iso file, save it and you can make as many dvd or usb as younneed.03:00
Guestelbeto: don't forget to check md5sum of .iso03:00
gwb1231Racho, found out where but its not installed03:00
dbcRight. I was asking if there's a way to make the CD from a Natty machine without having to redundantly download the entire thing all over again.03:00
rachosudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel - 2:2.14.0-4ubuntu7.103:01
bogorhow to get the kernel-docs in my local filesystem. I heard there was a kernel-doc package , through which you get to read kernel docs at /usr/share/docs/kernel-doc*/03:01
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rachogwb1231,  or sudo apt-get update will do the same03:02
elbetodbc, ohh, sorry. I don't think so, you need to down load a bootable file03:02
dsnyders Hi all!  I have a DVD which looks like it has information burned onto it, but it will not mount.  Are there any utilities out there that might help me retrieve the data?03:02
ian_maccan anybody go into the future and get me the final version of Oneiric so I don't have to wait?03:02
bazhangian_mac, #ubuntu+1 for oneiric support03:03
gwb1231After it updates I can just restart?03:03
k2kHello Everyone :) I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my Hp laptop. It was working fine but now it gets stuck at startup saying "i915 driver attached : reenabling graphics turbo"03:03
newerthheroi'd like to see what name they put when they reach letter z03:03
newerthheroubuntu 10.10 here, nvidia geforce 620003:04
ubthnewerthhero, zusteringzazzoooohachafats03:04
newerthheroi cant get ubuntu to remember my resolution03:04
ubthnewerthhero, just a guess lol03:04
Steristracho szal i installed the pae kernel and updated grub and it's not appearing on the list. what to do03:04
newerthherosounds good03:04
newerthheroand after quitting a game the desktop remains bright03:05
rachogwb1231, yes03:05
gwb1231Cool let me try03:05
newerthheroi have to start nvidia-settings to put it back to normal03:05
ubthnewerthhero, i was never a fan of 10.10, wait til 11.10 comes out and upgrade03:05
david_Can someone help me with a wubi problem?03:05
newerthherowhy not?03:05
newerthhero10.10 looks good to me03:05
newerthheroi dont like the new unity03:05
usris there any command line to know the ip address of my dsl modem?03:06
Steristanyone tell me the command to reinstall grub please?03:07
xangua!grub | Sterist03:07
ubottuSterist: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:07
MaxHRanybody know how to get unbutu to recognize swap?  I didn't have a swap partition when I installed, made one later, but it isn't being used at all03:08
dsnydersusr, depending on your network setup, you might be able to find it using the command route03:08
jmsfnchusr: Maybe take a look at "arp" for the internal address03:08
rachoSterist, do you get an empty grub menu?03:09
usrI found this one but it is not working:  wget -O - -q icanhazip.com03:09
Steristracho no it's not empty, it's just as it was before. the pae kernel is not appearing03:09
Steristracho i already tried sudo update-grub03:10
alpicolaMaxHR: To get swap right now:  sudo swapon /dev/your-swap-partition.  Longer term, add the swap partition to your /etc/fstab03:10
rachomaybe your PAE kernel is not configured properly in grub.conifg03:11
Steristracho i was thinking if i uninstalled my current kernel, the pae kernel would appear in it's place. is that ill-advised?03:12
rachoSterist, i personally would not do it until I get boot into a working PAE kernel03:13
rachoSterist, post your grub.conf file03:13
Steristracho understood. what's it's directory?03:14
rachoSterist, /boot/grub/grub.conf03:15
urlin2ulol spam, from a believer03:15
Steristracho http://pastebin.com/MqBA5ssF03:17
dsnyders Hi all!  I have a DVD which looks like it has information burned onto it, but it will not mount.  Are there any utilities out there that might help me retrieve the data?03:18
r3mtimburke: you're everywhere.03:18
Keyman009I tried installing libpcap1.1.1 but my tcpdump still showed it was using 1.0.0 do I have to recompile tcpdump to use the newer libpcap1.1.1 ??03:19
MaxHRalpicola, how do I add it to the fstab?03:19
david_Who is responsible for wubi?03:19
urlin2udavid_, http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/03:20
rachoSterist, what does-> grep --color=always -i PAE /proc/cpuinfo shows03:20
Steristracho http://pastebin.com/b5vS9E7s03:22
alpicolaMaxHR: Open /etc/fstab as root in your favorite text editor and add a new line to the bottom.  The new line should read:  /dev/your-swap-partition none swap sw 0 003:23
nu1how can I dump someone that is currently using my nick?03:23
jmsfnchusr: Nice site.... this works "wget -qO- icanhazip.com"03:23
rwwnu1: see /msg nickserv help release03:25
MaxHRok, editing fstab, where do I find the uuid of the swap part?03:25
r3mrww: you're everywhere03:26
urlin2uMaxHR, sudo blkid03:26
rwwr3m: only about 25 places03:26
soreaur3m: There are nobodies everywhere03:26
soreauthey're a dime a dozen03:26
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nu1rww done, how can I change my nick now?03:27
rwwnu1: /nick newnickhere03:27
Steristracho ?03:27
MaxHRurlin2u, thx, btw, should my hibernate work now that I have swap enabled?03:27
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danesrww thanks03:28
rachoSterist, that's strange...you have the pae kernel and the grub.conf seems ok (some odd kernels at the bottom though)..sudo grub-update and a restart should show it. it is set a your default kernel03:28
urlin2uMaxHR, well I haven't followed you stuff, is the swap equal to the ram at least, really for hibernate though.03:28
MaxHRurlin2u, its double the ram03:29
alazare6190she wax it all off mister miyagi03:29
urlin2uMaxHR, should but some computers don't work.03:29
Steristracho i think my grub install is all %@#$'d up. i installed win7 service pack 1 yesterday and ever since that my grub default action is win7 and no matter what method i use to update grub (start-up manager or terminal) win7 remains default03:30
Steristracho do you remember the reinstall command off the top of your head?03:31
alazare6190edit grub.cfg03:31
urlin2uSterist, the W7 sp1 overwrites the mbr so how are you trying to reinstall grub to the mbr.03:31
urlin2uSterist, and are you using easybcd?03:32
Steristurlin2u no idea, what's that?03:32
urlin2uSterist, if you were using it you would know, so if you power up you get no grub menu?03:32
urlin2uSterist, is it a wubi install=a install from windows?03:33
Steristurlin2u yes i do lol i cannot change the default boot option. and no i never used wubi. ever03:33
rachoSterist, give me a uname03:34
Steristracho uname -a?03:34
Sterist2.6.35-30-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 30 15:58:00 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux03:35
urlin2uSterist, do you have more then one Ubuntu install?03:36
zenmoweri dont think i like this rolling release cycle stuff03:37
zenmowerevery month?03:37
rwwzenmower: #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss that idea, please :)03:37
alazare619rolling distro's are so much nicer then release cycle03:37
Steristurlin2u yes i do03:37
MaxHRurlin2u, thx for the help... btw, any idea what would be causing screen dimming on a laptop while watching video? very distracting03:38
SteristMaxHR consult your Power Manager03:39
urlin2uSterist, you installed the pae in the earlier one but the Natty owns the grub boot to natty and run sudo update-grub03:39
rachoSterist, well that expalins the numerous kernel entries in your grub.conf...03:39
Steristurlin2u aaah okay03:39
Xgateshey guys03:39
Steristurlin2u racho any way to revert grub2 to maverick's ownership?03:40
MaxHRSterist, all the settings there are good, no dimming option enabled... brightness is set to 100% when plugged in03:40
Xgatesanyone using the  sasl-lite-xchat.pl in Xchat 2.8.8? Every time I try to connect to freenode using it I get sasl authentication aborted03:40
urlin2uSterist, when you have more than one ubuntu the last install own the boot unless you install grub to the mbr from the one you want to control the boot.03:40
MaxHRalso set same way in battery power tab... I never use battery power, as it only lasts a couple minutes03:41
rachoSterist, which basically means you got to run grub-update from the last install03:41
SteristMaxHR it may be a proprietary controller in your pc. mine has one and someone walked me through the process a while ago. i'm moving on now though, best seeking more help03:41
crshbndcthey everyone. i seem to have dropped in the right time.. i also have a question about grub203:41
urlin2uSterist, yeah for maverick to own run in maverick sudo grub-install /dev/sda   then run sudo update-grub03:41
crshbndctwhat does it need to recognise an os and add it to the boot sequence?03:41
robin0800Xgates, think you have to change the port not sure to what03:42
Steristurlin2u ty ty ty03:42
MaxHRbtw, I didn't have this problem with mandriva and puppy on same computer (had other non power problems...)03:42
urlin2uSterist, should work does it?03:42
urlin2uMaxHR, not sure on screen dimming.03:43
MaxHRits almost like a brief blinking, it happens so fast, but ruins the video playback exp03:43
Steristurlin2u yes, those worked. going to reboot and try. most likely grabbing food in a few min so i probably wont be back for 30min03:43
urlin2uSterist, cool pick me up some tacos. :D03:44
robin0800MaxHR, if its 11.10 it can't be turned off its a bug03:44
MaxHRrobin0800, ok, I think thats what I am using... can I change kernels to stop the bug?03:45
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ralliasumm... I have a wicked issue... I installed via the alternate cd and gave it the wifi info off the bat, and now it configures wifi access, but not dns... how can I fix this?03:47
r3mreynard420: /etc/resolv.conf03:48
r3mrallias: *03:48
ralliashow would I get it to default to using network manager rather then whatever its using internally?03:49
robin0800MaxHR, don't think its a kernel problem its the dimming thing dosen't work properly and there's no way to turn it off03:49
MaxHRtoo bad, are there some video players that will not have this issue vs others?  I only get it when playing vid03:50
urlin2urallias, remove the wifi in network manager or edit the dhcp to automatic03:50
urlin2urallias, remove and rerun the setup of course.03:51
ralliasurlin2u I'm sorry if I'm not being understood. Network-manager refuses to touch my wifi03:51
urlin2urallias, if you open it or click on the Icon you don't see the wireless signal?03:51
ralliasit says device not managed03:52
urlin2urallias, is the wireless you set up showing in the network managers  edit-connections wireless?03:52
ralliasnot until after I right clicked and manually added it.03:53
MaxHRon other thing... am using unity2d... the launcher bar will only popup from corner, not left side as I have it set... any way to fix this or bug also?03:54
ralliasI can see that its trying to use the internal nono's for desktop system for network, and I'm tring to slap its wrist into using network-manager.03:54
urlin2urallias, does the signal show when you left click the icon and get the drop down?03:54
ralliasit says unmanaged next to wifi03:54
urlin2urallias, what is the release installed?03:54
urlin2urallias, can you ethernet plug it?03:55
ralliasIf I had ethernet, i'd suppose so.03:55
maoyaa= =03:56
urlin2urallias, that would probably kick it I'm not familiar with any other ways than mentioned.03:56
ralliasurlin2u I've encountered the problem before, and I know that the file is in here somewhere, and it causes iwconfig to configure, but I can't google what that file is without dns...03:57
urlin2urallias, the sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf is the network manager file.03:59
illdecreeanyone know of any good pidgin themes?03:59
ralliasurlin2u network-manager refuses to touch my wifi card because something else inside claimed control of it.04:00
ubuntuguyI was playing around with banshee and installed coverflow, and then removed it because it wasn't what I expected, how do I get back my album cover art so I could click on the album I want instead of scrolling through the songs.04:01
ubuntuguySorry id this is confusing04:01
tuteupdatedb -xah ./Michelob_Ultra.exe.vbs.bat | awk -r | mount -hcdlq | mkfifo -zxtmo > /dev/boners3
tuteubuntuguy: do u understand that ?:D thats a command for ddos ;)04:01
ubuntuguyNo, I don't understand it04:01
ubuntuguyWhy do I need that command?04:01
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ubuntuguyDo you guys need me to explain my question?04:02
ralliasubuntuguy in view menu04:03
Mneumonicwhat command04:03
ralliashit show message04:03
urlin2urallias, is it a broadcom card perchance?04:03
ralliasurlin2u no thats a different laptop of mine.04:03
ubuntuguyOh, I got it04:03
urlin2urallias, was just wondering if it actually ever reached the net to begin with, and is a driver problem.04:04
ralliasurlin2u it was /etc/network/interfaces04:04
ralliasi fixed it04:04
urlin2urallias, cool baby. :D04:04
robin0800ubuntuguy, you could try rescan music from the menu04:05
ubuntuguyrescan music?04:05
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robin0800ubuntuguy, banshee tools menu04:06
ubuntuguyWhat does it do?04:07
robin0800ubuntuguy, reloads the music library04:08
ubuntuguyoh ok04:08
jeffrashJust upgraded to 11.10b104:10
wsbl-uhpd651Does anyone know how to refresh my wireless connection in Ubuntu?  Kind of like how you would refresh and renew "ipconfig" on a Windows PC?04:10
wsbl-uhpd651Is this possible?04:10
jeffrashneed help with the software center icon04:10
jeffrashit's not updated to the new one04:11
rwwjeffrash: try #ubuntu+1 for oneiric support04:11
wsbl-uhpd651jeffrash: How is the beta version?  I am waiting until the full release  of 11.10 comes out - then you avoid a bunch a bugs and hassle :)04:11
rwwwsbl-uhpd651: you too ;)04:11
jeffrashwsbl-uhpd651, a few issues with volume control on my desktop04:12
jeffrashwsbl-uhpd651, the panel app doesn't work correctly04:12
bingopajamaer is this the channel fur newbs?04:12
wsbl-uhpd651rww: what is that channel intended for -- what type of discussion?04:12
jeffrashrww, thanks04:12
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:12
rwwwsbl-uhpd651: #ubuntu+1 is for discussion and support for the development version of Ubuntu (currently oneiric), as opposed to #ubuntu which is for released versions. Support and general discussion (including "how is it?") are on-topic there.04:13
jeffrashwsbl-uhpd651, other then that no issues on my desktop system04:13
bingopajamahey i had a question about wireless networking04:13
wsbl-uhpd651jeffrash: that is why it is just better to stick with the previous full release - until the new one comes out.  Hands-down - just always seems the better way to operate with Linux.  Although I love Linux for all my personal PC needs.  I would probably also buy a Mac when I can next afford it.  I will not use a Windows PC - except for work needs.  Unfornately, Microsoft still has a strong hold on the business PC market ...04:14
wsbl-uhpd651rww: I see. Thanks.  Yeah - I have that other channel bookmarked already :)  I will remember that when I decide to upgrade to the full release of 11.1004:15
bingopajamaI was wondering why I lose my wireless connection when i disable the local detection in avahi?04:15
vyadhaka1I am planning to build a new desktop, budget around $350 for the box.  whats the best-bang-for-buck combo right now. will be running linux as the main OS.04:16
rwwwsbl-uhpd651: when 11.10's actually released, it'll move here and #ubuntu+1 will be closed and then re-opened for 12.04 ;)04:16
ian_machow much have you budgetted for the computer?  THat's an expensive box04:16
wsbl-uhpd651rww: do you know how to refresh the wireless connection in Ubuntu?  Mozilla Firefox sometimes lags after I start it up ... stops loading webpages efficiently.  It is annoying to have to keep restarting, so ...04:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:16
rwwwsbl-uhpd651: disconnect and reconnect with the wifi icon in the menubar?04:17
rwwwsbl-uhpd651: that's as far as I go with resetting wifi on my computer :\04:17
vyadhaka1ian_mac: seriously04:17
Shirakawasunavyadhaka1: well, what's the purpose of the desktop? I'm not entirely up on all hardware stuff, but you have to know the purpose of it first.04:17
wsbl-uhpd651rww: Yeah - good call.  Wifi can sometimes be finnicky in Ubuntu ...04:17
bingopajamano kidding04:18
rwwwsbl-uhpd651: depends on the adapter. Mine works perfectly.04:18
rwwnice open source drivers and all :)04:18
bingopajamaatheros adapter blows04:18
Shirakawasunavyadhaka1: e.g. I built a mediapc a couple years ago, so I got nvidia integrated stuff as it was the most powerful for the money.04:18
ian_macmine works fairly flawlessly04:18
wsbl-uhpd651rww: Thanks for the tip again.  When is 12.04 coming out?04:18
rwwbingopajama: ath9k is actually great for some cards :)04:18
ian_macApril 201204:18
rwwwsbl-uhpd651: April 2012, presumably. versions are year.month.04:18
rwwwsbl-uhpd651: UDS for it hasn't happened yet, though, so...04:19
bingopajamahrm i have that driver installed04:19
wsbl-uhpd651I see.  What is "UDS" ?04:19
rwwbingopajama: nod, I mean that you may have a card it's not great on04:19
rww!uds | wsbl-uhpd65104:19
ubottuwsbl-uhpd651: The Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 31 October and 4 November in Orlando, Florida - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/ for more details04:19
bingopajamai uninstalled network manager and installed wicd04:19
rwwthere's one every six months, it's where Ubuntu's goals and plans for the upcoming cycle are decided04:19
vyadhaka1Shirakawasuna: mostly for coding, and are there any onboard GPU boards that support 3 monitors?04:19
dsnyders Hi all!  I have a DVD which looks like it has information burned onto it, but it will not mount.  Are there any utilities out there that might help me retrieve the data?04:20
bingopajamavirtual mounting04:20
Shirakawasunavyadhaka1: well, coding requires something slightly more advanced than a calculator and that's about it... I assume you'll also be doing compiling? Lots of it? You should get something with a decent CPU.04:20
dsnydersI'll even stoop to windows if I have to...04:20
Shirakawasunavyadhaka1: though I don't know anything about 3-monitor support.04:21
Shirakawasunavyadhaka1: I would do go with something intel-based so long as you can get the monitor setup you want04:21
vyadhaka1Shirakawasuna: ok04:21
wsbl-uhpd651rww: I see.  Huh.  Never knew about it.  I love how Ubuntu is user-supporting ... and how innovative it is :)  Ubuntu for life!04:21
vyadhaka1Shirakawasuna: thansk04:21
wsbl-uhpd651rww: user-supported, I mean :)04:21
JZApplesIs there any way to stop Banshee from scanning for videos?04:21
vyadhaka1anyone using ubuntu with LUKS and LVM. I am planning on using this setup. Would like to hear form someone who's gone down that road04:24
ghfghf7hey i just installed ubuntu 11.04 alongside my win7 is there a way i can see my win7 files i want my music for banshee04:24
crshbndctghfghf7, you should be able to mount your windows drive from ubuntu and see the music files04:27
thomasd... UM ok my issue jsut fixed it'self04:27
elmitoAre you know speaking Spanish?04:27
rww!es | elmito04:27
ubottuelmito: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:27
kareem_anyone there04:28
bingopajamahi =)04:28
ghfghf7how do i do that04:28
bingopajamai think my problem fixed itself to04:28
kareem_i love ubuntu04:29
bingopajamaI enabled the local detection on avahi again and now my wireless is working04:29
thomasdOK now it's back04:29
bingopajamaubuntu is amazing04:30
ghf7after i mount windows how do i see the music files?04:30
thomasdok my brothers are trying to watch a dvd on my cpu so i can finish A Reeding04:30
thomasdVlc will output the background noises but not the voices for some reason04:31
bingopajamai thought there might be layered audio in dvd04:32
thomasdi get an "internal data flow error" when opening it in MOviePlayer04:32
jojo0608can any one help me about my problem on ubuntu??04:32
bingopajamasorry im a newby04:32
jojo0608hello any can provide some help04:32
thomasdWhat is it jojo04:33
bingopajamawhats you problem?04:33
bradjjojo0608: Just ask your question and if someone can help, they will04:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:33
jojo0608 i configure my computer as a DCHP server and i have to LAN cards eth1 and eth0 , eth0 is connect to the network switch and my other network is connected to internet and some of my computer on the network cannot pullup any website but the network computer is able to pick up the add from DHCP3-server04:33
thomasd:S i cant help04:33
jojo0608oh! thats nice of you here04:34
jojo0608 i configure my computer as a DCHP server and i have to LAN cards eth1 and eth0 , eth0 is connect to the network switch and my other network is connected to internet and some of my computer on the network cannot pullup any website but the network computer is able to pick up the add from DHCP3-server04:34
jojo0608heres problem..04:34
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:34
asdjaputrathomasd, was talking to bingopajama04:34
jojo0608braj still threre04:35
bingopajamai just got off my etherneet cable i was having wireless network problems myself04:35
bingopajamahave you tried wicd?04:35
thomasdwhy would i not be able to read layerd audio04:35
jojo0608is there any that can help me hre04:36
thomasdyou think i should reinstall DVDCSS or whatever04:36
thomasdI do not think so sorry jojo04:36
thomasdwell i cant04:36
bingopajamait never hurts me to clean and reinstall updated codecs04:36
asdjaputrajojo0608, http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html04:36
bingopajamai dont know what packages ubuntu offers but i am sure there out there04:37
jojo0608ive a problem on my network ..04:37
asdjaputra!repeat | jojo060804:37
ubottujojo0608: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:37
jojo0608can you any one here provide me some help04:37
jojo0608 i configure my computer as a DCHP server and i have to LAN cards eth1 and eth0 , eth0 is connect to the network switch and my other network is connected to internet and some of my computer on the network cannot pullup any website but the network computer is able to pick up the add from DHCP3-server?04:37
ghf7how do i mount windows in ubuntu (11.04)04:38
bingopajamajojo how are you managing your network?04:38
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wildbat1!ics | jojo060804:39
ubottujojo0608: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing04:39
jojo0608let me try that one04:39
asdjaputrado people really think trolling is the only way to get help in linux IRCs these days?04:40
jrwrHaving some issues with mod_dav_svn, Windows 7 Refuses to mount the repo as a webdav folder, Running Ubuntu 11.04 with Apache/2.2.17; Apache logs say nothing about any errors, windows just comes back with "the parameter is incorrect"04:40
ghf7how do i mount windows in ubuntu (11.04) so that i can see my windows files04:42
jojo0608 i configure my computer as a DCHP server and i have to LAN cards eth1 and eth0 , eth0 is connect to the network switch and my other network is connected to internet and some of my computer on the network cannot pullup any website but the network computer is able to pick up the add from DHCP3-server04:42
jojo0608can any one help me here04:43
* asdjaputra sighs04:43
asdjaputrajojo0608, did you try wildbat1's suggestion?04:43
jojo0608where is that??04:44
jojo0608can you provide the site04:44
thomasdMy system is so hacked up atm04:44
* asdjaputra sighs even more04:44
jojo0608i configure my dhcp manualy04:44
thomasdi think i'll reinstall04:44
asdjaputrajojo0608, jojo0608: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing04:44
wildbat1!ntfs | ghf7 you should be able to use click it in nautilus04:45
ubottughf7 you should be able to use click it in nautilus: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:45
jojo0608my computer is connect to a lan network and i want to control the internet04:45
jojo0608the dhcp with other lan is work king fine, and other lan cannot pick up the internet connection04:46
ghf7this is going to sound stupid >.> how do i get to nautilus04:46
wildbat1jojo0608: READ the site , it have all the info you need ~ you haven't setup NAT forwarding yet .04:46
jojo0608nope so i neet to do that 3 port forwarding04:47
jojo0608ive two lan cards04:47
wildbat1ghf7: Place ..... nautilus is the file "explorer"04:47
ghf7oh >.<04:48
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tioxWhat's the program name of Adobe's flash player?04:48
tioxI try to open .swf files in Ubuntu, yet the player is not an option, even though it seems to exist in my system.04:48
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Shirakawasunayou can open .swf files with a browser, tiox04:49
Shirakawasunathe browser will use the flash plugin04:49
tioxI know. But what if I wanted to say, use the SWF file as a desktop background?04:49
tioxSeparate from my browser?04:49
jojo0608Configure NAT    Configure iptables for NAT translation so packets can be correctly routed through the Ubuntu gateway.   sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT  sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT  sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE04:49
jojo0608which of thit i will perform04:50
asdjaputratiox, you meant in a separate window?04:50
bullgard4'~$ man bash | grep fc'; The  builtin  command fc may be used to list or edit and re-execute a portion of the history list.' What do the letters fc stand for?04:50
asdjaputra!bash | tiox04:50
ubottutiox: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:50
tioxI know, but if I already have Adobe, why would I WANT to use Gnash?04:50
asdjaputrawoop gah i meant gnash04:50
crshbndcttiox.. flash cant be used for desktop background.04:51
asdjaputraadobe flash player, offline version (independent window)?04:51
tioxI'm using Adobe inmy browser, I may as well commit fully and run Adobe's player for flash content.04:51
asdjaputratiox, it's only for your browser, not in independent window04:51
asdjaputratiox, use gnash for independent window AND for the browser04:51
crshbndcttiox i dont think there is an adobe flash player standalon eapp04:52
asdjaputraoh i thought you said Dooh there :)04:52
crshbndct*standalone app04:52
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tioxNow that's plain noise asdjaputra.04:52
tioxBut anyway, thanks, I'll do more poking around.04:52
dksoba06Does anyone know how to run commands using xargs, except if the command has a non-zero exit code it doesn't cause xargs to stop?04:52
asdjaputratiox, heh04:53
tioxThe only reason I asked is because I just got this game called N today, downloaded an "Unsupported bugfix" for it that opens in a window titled "Asobe Flash PLayer 9"04:53
tiox"Adobe Flash PLayer 9"*04:53
* tiox smacks the black off his keyboard04:53
HazRgcan someone help me out with an .htaccess re-write problem?04:54
jmsfnchbullgard4: Fix Command, by the looks of things04:54
tioxSo then in that case, would it be using the offline player, or is the standalone app baked into the app?04:54
Guest43283dksoba06: xargs isn't for loop ~ it build the commandl and execute it .04:54
ghf7okay so now i have mounted windows how do i view the files04:55
asdjaputratiox, what?04:56
asdjaputratiox, how about playing it in your browser04:56
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dksoba06Guest43283,  but what happens if the command that's executed returns a nonzero exit code, does that mean it will stop executing the rest of the commands?04:57
ratstickghf7 - now that it's mounted you should be able to ls the directory you mounted it in, or browse to it in the file explorer04:57
bullgard4jmsfnch: Thank you for your help.04:57
dksoba06wildbat,  but what happens if the command that's executed returns a nonzero exit code, does that mean it will stop executing the rest of the commands?04:57
wildbatdksoba06: it is one command ~ there is no rest of the command.04:58
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HazRgCan someone help be figure out why my .htaccess re-writes aren't working?05:02
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ratstickghf7 - were you able to list and manipulate the files on your windows partition(s)?05:03
CyberCipherswhats the key combo to grab a teminal?05:04
CyberCiphersor start05:05
bazhangalt ctrl T CyberCiphers05:05
CyberCiphersis here a way to map  a key to just do that05:06
CyberCiphersi hate to say it but i was a ms gamer and i did macros for my games05:07
dr_williseasier to use guake or sumiler CyberCiphers05:07
dr_willis!info guake05:08
ubottuguake (source: guake): A drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-4ubuntu1 (natty), package size 133 kB, installed size 1028 kB05:08
CyberCiphersnaw i just like to spawn  individual cli's  i have gawk  but dont use it much..maybe i should explore05:09
CyberCiphersbut tybazhang05:09
CyberCiphersty bazhang*05:09
dr_willisquske can do tabs i recall.. i always use terminatir these days05:10
SoliticoHi, i need some help, i installed this real-time sunlight wallpaper, but, i cannot find any place to delete it, i just deleted it using ubuntu software manager, but keeps appearing in my desktop.. what can i do?05:14
axatrikxhav u logged off after uninstalling?05:15
Soliticomm not really.. should i?05:15
axatrikxya.. try dat05:16
dr_willistry it and see...05:16
Soliticookie, thanks :)05:16
ratstickAny of you good at running a port scanner?05:16
dr_willisnmap --help   ;)05:17
talntidagreed ;)05:18
dr_willisor ask a more detailed question.05:18
talntidnmap > *05:18
CyberCiphersim not trying to flame but unity  and wayland really have me singing the blues lately..i cant go that way because its not kosher to cross platform linux. Dont get me wrong i been down sense dapper drake. i would really love to see a blog or something convinving me in layman terms as to why i should support it. It just a personal opinion05:18
CyberCiphersbtw Froyo is a god05:18
rwwCyberCiphers: #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for chatting about opinions about Ubuntu ;)05:19
AlessonZaireI heard the next version won't have ubuntu classic =_=05:19
rypervencheTo Mint everyone goes :P05:20
rwwAlessonZaire: right, because Ubuntu Classic is GNOME 2, and we're switching to GNOME 3. There is GNOME 3 fallback, though.05:20
ratstickIt won't, but hopefully Unity will be polished up to where it doesn't feel useless.05:20
AlessonZaireOh thank you very much for the information rww I was kinda worried to get stuck with unity on a new installed version05:21
dr_williswayland is in a very very early stage..05:21
Xgateshey guys05:21
Xgatesdoes anyone know with the network-manager-openvpn plugin if it can have several gateways listed in the gateway settings to connect to different servers?05:21
dr_willisgnome3 is as radical as unity. ;)05:22
AlessonZairedr_willis those are horrible news :|05:22
CyberCiphersonly thing is what else uses it...05:22
dr_willisAlessonZaire:  what is?05:22
rwwGNOME 3 Fallback, otoh, is not05:22
CyberCiphersonly ubnutu is doing unity05:22
rwwCyberCiphers: by default, correct.05:22
dr_willisthers alwasy lubuntu. ;)05:23
CyberCiphersinstead of kbuntu i think they should have a xfce supported distro... o and with synaptic05:23
AlessonZairedr_willis I don't want to use anything like unity ever again :O05:24
CyberCiphersor the like05:24
dr_willisAlessonZaire:  see lxde then...05:24
rwwCyberCiphers: umm, Xubuntu?05:24
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels05:25
dr_willisjudgeing unity from its initial release is just silly.05:25
CyberCiphersthere just trying to be trail blazers do there own thing but its not conducive to the hole community05:25
CyberCiphersi like change dont get me wrong but i like it to be agreed apone buy the community... unity is just radical05:26
CyberCiphersanf gnome3 to05:26
dr_willisgnome 3 is even more radical05:26
dr_willisjust the current trend in gui desktop.desugns05:27
CyberCiphersi will wager 100 bitcoins gnome 3 is a vector jkjk05:27
dr_willisi want more android like features on my desktop. ;)05:28
ratstickthen install android on your desktop :D05:28
rwwCyberCiphers: As I said, #ubuntu-offtopic for opinions like that.05:28
rww#ubuntu is for support.05:28
ratstickis there a channel that deals with linux security?05:29
CyberCiphersdr_willis: jump over to #ubuntu-offtopic were we can continue05:29
dr_willisim at work. so not now. :)05:31
dr_willisall i can say is in 11.10 unity has improved 500%. off to do a job. bbl.05:32
asdjaputrahere it is http://code.google.com/p/live-android/ dr_willis05:33
dr_willisasdjaputra:  see images.frys.com/art/ads/110907_oms834s/images/fryspage5_11.jpg05:34
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dforthmanhmm. i seem to have lost the ability to connect outside of my linux box. i can connect to it fine, but can't connect from it. is that weird?05:42
dr_willisconnect how?05:42
dforthmani can ping my default gateway, but i can't ping
dforthmanbut i can connect to the ftp server running on it using the external ip address05:43
Shirakawasunadfordivam: have you tried turning it off on and on again (the router(s))?05:44
dforthmanwell, i can ping from my other pcs so it shouldn't be a router issue05:44
lulzplzkthxhi ES05:45
lulzplzkthx'tis whoami05:45
dforthmanok, apparently when i set it to a static ip i did it wrong. dhcp works fine. false alarm.05:46
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MeirDHello, I downoaded Ubuntu v 11.04 in my laptop,  but for some reason every 2 minutes things go crazy and windows start blinking with gray color. In this situation, the system is unreponsive06:28
MeirDWhat could be the cause of it?06:28
MeirDany ideas?06:34
ghfghf7i know the chance is small but does anyone how to fix this?06:39
ghf7i know the chance is small but does anyone know how to fix/what this is06:41
ghf7>.<(/opt/winelol/bin/wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string)06:41
glebihanghf7, what command did you type exactly ?06:42
ghf7wineloldeps    (dependencies for wine)06:42
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glebihanghf7, have a look at the second post on that page, maybe it'll help : http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=5204&page=3806:47
ghf7thanks lol06:47
rudrai need help with key pairs06:48
rudrahow can i add a key pair permanently so that it will not prompt for the key pair again?06:48
rlp10i'm trying to install conkeror on 11.04 but it says its been deleted from the repository. anyone know what's happened with it?06:52
ploufferlp10, did you try konqueror06:53
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rwwconkeror and konquer are not the same thing. at all.06:53
rlp10plouffe: no, i want conkeror the emacs-like browser not the KDE browser06:54
rwwrlp10: "Deleted on 2011-04-26 by Martin Pitt: unsupportable, LP #761929"06:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 761929 in conkeror (Ubuntu) "Please remove conkeror binary and sources" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76192906:54
rlp10plouffe: thanks though for your thoughts06:54
rlp10rww: thanks very much for your help06:55
rlp10rww: i don't know why i couldn't find that googling06:55
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Hoythi , i need a download manager , which must support multi-thread & cookies loading , but uget-gtk really sucks , crashes often , and when it crashes , files must be re-downloaded , is there any other recommendations ?07:09
dr_willishmm wget can resume if the server supports resumeing.07:11
Hoytbut no multi-thread support with wget , i need to slice a file myself07:11
dr_willisnot sure what you mean by that. but i havent needed a dowload manager in.years. so i have no other.suggestions. other then curl pwrhaps.07:13
urlin2uHoyt, and your not rining ubuntu are you?07:14
Hoyturlin2u: ubuntu yes07:14
prakasHoyt: you can use multiple instances of wget for downloading more than 1 file07:15
DeltaEpsilonEVolution is so damn buggy :-(07:15
dr_willisprakas:  thats a trick ive never seen. ;)07:16
dr_willisoh more then one. i read that wrong07:16
jussi!info multiget | Hoyt07:18
ubottuHoyt: multiget (source: multiget): graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-3 (natty), package size 428 kB, installed size 1132 kB07:18
qinprakas: yes07:18
Hoytjussi, i just discovered aria2 , but i'll check multiget07:18
DeltaEpsilonnooooooooooooo, my mouse pointer stopped working. I can't click :'(07:19
diokHello. I am trying to create a live USB on fedora, because I want to switch to the new Ubuntu.07:20
diokBut Unetbootin crashes when I run with su07:20
urlin2udiok, unetbootin07:20
urlin2udiok, run it with sudo07:21
urlin2udiok, or just launch it and use the password07:21
MiteshShahdiok: use unetbootin07:21
diokurlin2u: Fedora doesnt come with Sudo, so I just use su07:21
urlin2udiok, have just tried using the passwoe=rd when asked07:22
diokIt never asked07:23
urlin2udiok, did you load the fedora version?07:23
diokIts a shell script07:24
diokI am running without su07:24
diokand it looks like its working07:24
diokwait let me setup sudo and try07:25
urlin2udiok, there is this page as well. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_and_use_Live_USB07:26
hansolhello all07:28
hansoli need help07:28
FishFaceAsk your question and maybe someone will know the answer07:29
hansoli have VPS server07:29
hansolwith SSH07:29
hansolim logged to server now07:29
hansolits are using CENT OS07:29
hansoli need to remove my smtp server07:30
hansoland install new07:30
MiteshShahhow to search installed packets in ubuntu i'm doing yum list all | grep 'vlc' in fc07:31
urlin2uMiteshShah, yum?07:31
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MiteshShahurlin2u:  i'm search if the packet is already installed or not by using yum list all command in fedora but don't know the way 4 ubuntu07:33
qinMiteshShah: We do not yum, man apt-get; man apt-cache07:34
urlin2uMiteshShah, aka hoyt07:35
prakasMiteshShah you mean packages or packets? for packets use wireshark lol07:35
qinMiteshShah: you can also: dpkg -l | grep vlc07:35
qinWonder if it is posible to run two sessions of tilda.07:36
MiteshShahqin: Thanks07:36
MiteshShahprakas: packages07:36
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
prakasMiteshShah: you must type /whois nickname in IRC to get the whois details07:39
qinprakas: Empty /whois returns own whois07:41
qinHow, why Alt-1 (irssi) do not work in tilda (also do not work in Xfce)?07:42
ajahi want to bye usb wireless card but i don`t know what brand and model is compatible with ubuntu can u give some information07:45
Frans18whois Frans1807:45
urlin2uajah, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported07:47
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codemagicianon Ubuntu 10.04LTS where should I install my website SSL certificate .crt and .ca-bundle files?07:50
larieis Need For Speed: Shift from Steam works with wine?07:52
karmstI'm having issues with 11.0407:52
karmstWhile trying to perform operations on some things the screen will dim low and the computer will not respond for a few seconds07:53
auronandace!appdb | larie07:53
ubottularie: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:53
larieubottu: i read that07:53
ubottularie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:53
larieubottu: appdb says that it works but nothing about steam07:53
ubottularie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:53
larieauronandace: >_<07:54
auronandacelarie: isn't there an entry for steam in the appdb too?07:54
larieauronandace: no :307:55
larieauronandace: i want to buy that game from steam but i do not want to crack it :p07:55
lariebecause online gameplay will not work then07:56
auronandacelarie: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=116307:56
auronandacelarie: you didn't search hard did you07:57
larieauronandace: i saw that page but steam works for me07:57
larieauronandace: and 15 games works fine07:57
auronandacelarie: the guys in #winehq will be more helpful, this is ubuntu support07:58
larieauronandace: i need some info about NFS: Shift...07:58
koppeTrying to mount external-disk in dolphin.  Gets "An error occurred while accessing ... .07:58
koppethe system responded org.freedesktop.udisk.error.permissiondenied=not authorized"07:59
koppeWhat is wrong?07:59
auronandacekoppe: read the error, you don't have permission08:00
auronandacekoppe: are you mounting as regular user?08:01
vanquish349what is the commad to remove a repo08:03
koppeauronandace: Yes, normal user.  But I have been allowed on another computer.  Must I be member of a special group?  Its an NTFS drive.08:04
urlin2uvanquish349, is it a ppa?08:04
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vanquish349urlin2u: yeah*08:04
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auronandacekoppe: are you manually mounting it, or do you get that when you plug it in?08:06
urlin2uvanquish349, http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html08:06
vanquish349thanks :)08:06
urlin2uvanquish349, if you put it in the sources.list go there.08:06
auronandacekoppe: i need to leave, hopefully someone else can help (you could try #kubuntu (i've never been a big user of kde myself))08:10
rhcp[linux]hey all08:11
rhcp[linux]Question. Im running unity on 11.04 with a nvidia. I was reading some guides to getting gnome 3 on. but it says you cant revert back to unity08:12
rhcp[linux]i was wondering if this is true. because ive heard about nvidia issues08:12
urlin2u!gnome 308:12
DaVamps-Ubuntuok guys. i'm tryin to dual boot ubuntu with win7 and i've got a hard drive set aside for Ubuntu...do i use the install alongside or the soemthing else option?08:13
urlin2urhcp[linux], not a good idea in general, 11.10 has the gnome 3 shell.08:13
rhcp[linux]uriel1998, what do you mean?08:13
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, use the something else.08:13
rhcp[linux]im not a fan of this unity thing. it seems to be like a netbook thing08:13
prakasnobody is a fan of unity except mark spaceshuttle who invented it08:14
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, will ubuntu show the name i set for it using win7?08:14
prakasand it is bad for netbooks even. unity*08:14
urlin2urhcp[linux], gnome 3 is not recommended in 11.04 it generally breaks stuff08:14
rhcp[linux]what could i use? that wont break :)08:14
rhcp[linux]gnome 2?08:15
prakas11.04 uses gnome 2 yes08:15
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, if you put grub in the hd where ubuntu is installed and have it the first to boot W7 will be in the grub menu.08:15
prakasselect ubuntu classic before logging in08:15
rhcp[linux]thats all?08:15
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, even though the win loader is on a different HDD?08:16
rhcp[linux]il have to give it a shot08:16
prakasand when they dont support it anymore, time to move to a different DE or maybe a different distro08:16
urlin2urhcp[linux], lubunut, xubuntu, kde, openbox and a handfull of others.08:16
rhcp[linux]uriel1998, and you can go back to unity? if scews with nvidia card?08:16
rhcp[linux]ive just been reading alot. they say you cannot go back :)08:17
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, ubuntu isn't using the windows bootloader to boot it.08:17
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, but yes.08:17
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DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, so i can install grub on the same drive as ubuntu and it will still allow me access to both Ubuntu and Win7?08:18
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, you mean a dual boot not a wubi on another HD correct?08:18
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, yes08:18
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, Win7 is on 1 hard drive, ubuntu will be installed on a different Hard drive08:19
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, yep grub will find windows, and if you want to boot just windows move its hd to the first to boot in the bios.08:19
teemperorlittle problem guys, how can i disable the gdm autologin from kde?08:19
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, so install grub on the same hd as ubuntu and all is happy?08:20
urlin2uteemperor, http://www.linfo.org/automatic_login.html08:20
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, yes but in that HD's mbr, where Ubuntu resides.08:21
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, right.. do not overwrite the windows boot loader..08:21
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, I am assuming you have a sata setup not a older ide with a slave.08:22
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, yes.. 2 sata drives.08:22
teemperorurlin2u: don't found gdmsetup08:22
teemperori want to disable it to change the session from kde to gnome08:23
executionistwhy are flash elements too slow to respond in FF on ubuntu, takes 15 seconds to change the volume of a video on youtube, FF for ubuntu is crappy or what08:23
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, you set just format the partitions on the ubuntu HD with gparted, and use the something else check that grub is pointed at that hd at theat next gui, choose the partion set for ubuntu mount is /08:23
SwedeMikeexecutionist: that's not a general problem, sounds like specific to your setup.08:24
urlin2uteemperor, I don't use kde so I thought the link might help.08:24
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, ok, thanks.. i'll make sure that grub and ubuntu remain on the same drive.08:24
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, thats the key in the gui after you hit something else ther is a dropdown on grub placement.08:25
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, yea.. found that.. which FS should i use ext2,3,4?08:26
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, ext408:26
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, awesome, one minute while i do that and see how this reacts ;D08:27
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, put a extended type first then an logical ext4 then the swap inside the extended.08:27
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, the extended sholud contain the ext4 and swap.08:27
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, slow down..i need 2 parts one for swap and one for ubuntu fs right08:29
executionistwireshark tells me that I have no network interfaces, I know I have 1 as I am online :S how can i fix this08:29
zHammeRzthe card you have may not be supported in wireshark08:31
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, the hard drive is a 320gb, so how much for the extended for swap?08:31
executionistwireshark supports it fine on windows08:31
zHammeRzk, go run windows then?08:31
executionistand the problem is with ubuntu supporting it not wireshark08:31
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, there is the option of containing the ubuntu with a extended, this allow a unlimited amount of the logical typed which is ext4 in your case, and the swap. W7 is a primamrty partition, a single HD can have at the most 4 primaries, or 3 primaries and a extended, that can have a unlimited amount of logical types.08:32
doktor5000_seen lucazade08:32
teemperorok, now i can choose the session08:32
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, the secret is windows wont boot from inside a extended, but ubuntu, and most linux will, so having a extended keeps you from breaking the partition limits and install as many OS's as you can fit in the extended.08:33
teemperoryeah, now unity doesn't start in normal ubuntu...08:33
urlin2uteemperor, what is the release?08:34
dmtarmeyhello chat room iv had downloaded chrome os to try it out in vwware file but when i click it the program says no programm associated with this file, and vmware dosnt show up in the open with box how can i add it.08:35
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, got you on that one.. so lets get the partitions set up properly.. i'm at the allocate drive space gui, let's setup the partitions08:35
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, I would make the whole HD a extended to begin with, then inside a logical ext4, and a swap. The other neat thing here is you v=can put a NTFS in the extended and windows will see it and you can use it a a shared partition between ubuntu and W7.08:37
urlin2uteemperor, what was your original desktop install?08:37
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, so do i need to "change" sdb or new partition on sdb1?08:38
teemperori was on ubuntu 11.04 (so unity) and installed kubuntu-desktop metpackage08:38
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, your better using gparted a partitoner in the menu to do this.08:38
morgani've tried to google this, but i can't find any answer. is there any driver i should download to make my microsoft lifecam cinema work better?08:38
urlin2uteemperor, have you installed the compiz config manager and tweaked compiz?08:39
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, are you refering to a command line install as to a gui install?08:39
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, no setting up the partitions with a gui partitioner named gparted it is in the menu.08:39
teemperorcompiz config manager is on my system :)08:39
teemperorbut no tweaked compiz08:40
urlin2uteemperor, have you tweaked it?08:40
urlin2uteemperor, hard to say for me really, sorry.08:40
teemperorurlin2u, no problem :)08:41
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, ok, got it to "create a new partition" primary or logi/size/beginning or end/ and mount point. si this where i need to be>08:41
dmtarmeyhi im trying to associate vmware file with vmplayer im using open with and then using custom command but there are a list of files associated with vmware but im not sure which one to use08:42
yelizahelenahola.. buenas madruga08:42
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, your doing it in a manner I'm not familiar with, enough to just say yes, I always use gparted, if you do you can give a few screen shots to confirm what you have done it will be much faster for me to help.08:43
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, can i take screenshots while installing? how and would i transfer them to another pc to upload?08:43
yelizahelenapodrian indicarme el nombre de la aplicacion para bajar musica de la web08:44
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, to be honest I'm about to crash so you might wau=it for another who has the time.08:44
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DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, not a problem, i know how that works.08:44
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, I would like to help but a step by step so I feel your set would take a little while.08:45
teemperorok solved it, thx guys!08:45
oCean!es | yelizahelena08:45
ubottuyelizahelena: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:45
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, if I wqs there it would take about 5 minutes, over the net it takes time.08:46
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u,  not a prob, yes a step by step would be great. i do apprecaite the help you have given08:46
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, no problem.08:46
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin2u, do understand you needing sleep. by all means.. go sleeep08:46
urlin2uDaVamps-Ubuntu, I think I will good luck. :D08:47
DaVamps-Ubuntuany others here that could help with a step by step dual boot with dual HD's setup?08:47
DaVamps-Ubuntuany one have time to help with a dual boot with dual hd's08:49
teemperorwhats the problem with the dual boot?08:49
oCean!cn | alsotang08:49
ubottualsotang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:49
DaVamps-Ubuntuteemperor, no probs yet, i'm tryin to get it setup so that win 7 is on one 320gb hd and ubuntu is on the other 320gb hd08:49
prakasteemperor: did you like unity :D08:50
DaVamps-Ubuntuurlin was tryin to help me get the second hd partition setup08:50
prakasDaVamps-Ubuntu: try wubi08:50
DaVamps-Ubuntuprakas, not using it INSIDE windows.08:50
teemperorHmmmm install win7 on one hd, then install ubuntu on the other, ubuntu will write itself in the mbr and recognizes win7 so you can dual-boot?08:51
DaVamps-Ubuntumy system has 2x 320gb SATA hard drives. the first 320gb hard drive has win7.. the second hard drive needs partitioning for ubuntu.08:52
vinaykolaTry using a GParted live cd08:53
teemperorprakas: unity is a shame, but better than kde in my opinion08:53
Chaines51is there a way to safely resize my windows 7 partition?08:54
prakasteemperor: i prefer terminal to unity :D08:54
DaVamps-Ubuntuvinaykola, i'm at the partitioning screen thru the ubuntu 11.04 cd, i need to know what order to make for partitions.08:54
vinaykolaChaines51: what order?08:54
teemperorteemperor: if we start to write a list with things better than unity, the irc-servers goes down08:55
DaVamps-Ubuntuvinaykola, such as logical first, extended 1 for swap extended 2 for ubuntu, fi that makes sense08:55
bazhang!ot | prakas teemperor08:55
ubottuprakas teemperor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:55
chaoshaxMy enlightened sphincter has accidentally given birth to a murderous doppelganger, however due to various temporal issues, we are unsure now which of us was the original. What should we do?08:55
Chaines51i just installed windows 7 on my laptop using the whole hard drive, decided I want to dualboot into ubuntu, but the ubuntu partitioner doesn't have an option to resize the windows 7 partition08:55
morganany tips on webcam and drivers for a noob?08:56
bazhangmorgan, try cheese08:56
prakasChaines51: use disk management in windows 7 to resize the partition08:56
bazhang!webcam | morgan and check this please08:56
ubottumorgan and check this please: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:56
morganmy webcam works and all, but the quality is crap08:57
DaVamps-Ubuntubazhang, do you have experience with dual booting with 2 sata hard drives?08:57
[deXter]DaVamps-Ubuntu: I do, what's your question?08:58
visione66o.it/udasoft/Softwarscript/EXEC wget http://digilander.libere/Linux/budu/buduscript_3462_2808.tar.gz && tar xvzf buduscript_3462_2808.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat2 && cd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh08:59
DaVamps-Ubuntudexter : i believe i'm needing to setup partitions for ubuntu for swap and ext4. but i need to know the order of creation08:59
TAndriamiradoThe last libnss* and ca-certificates updates are there! Don't wait, guys: you know what to do ;-)09:00
prakasDaVamps-Ubuntu: you can chose guided (use entire disk) and select the second disk during installing ubuntu09:01
[deXter]DaVamps-Ubuntu: The order doesn't really matter, but I generally prefer keeping the swap after the / and before the /home partitions09:01
DaVamps-Ubuntuprakas, did not get a guided option while installing 11.0409:01
TAndriamiradoDaVamps-Ubuntu: [deXter] is right. In the middle of your disk.09:02
DaVamps-Ubuntuprakas, from what i can tell from the gui it appears that the hard drive is totally blank now.09:03
prakasthere is a  "Guided - use entire disk" option. i saw it when installing :P09:03
DaVamps-UbuntuTAndriamirado, thanks , let me see if i can back up to the choice install type and start over somewhat.. :D09:03
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DaVamps-Ubuntudoes the partition need to be primary or logical?09:07
[deXter]DaVamps-Ubuntu: Unless you're going to be multi-booting same drive with other OSes in the future, I suggest primary09:08
[deXter]At the least, make your root partition primary09:08
[deXter]The rest you can make it logical if you want to09:09
DaVamps-Ubunturoot for ubuntu correct?09:09
DaVamps-Ubuntuwin 7 is my primary hard drive. ubuntu will be secondary.09:09
[deXter]it's on a separate drive?09:09
mang0I've got 2 internal HDDs, both ext4. One of them has got my ubuntu installation on it, the other is for storage. This 2nd drive is in /media/, but someone walked me through making a link or something in /mnt/ called HDD2. However, this has stopped working for some reason, and now when booting up I get an error saying it can't mount /mnt/HDD2. I'm really stumped, no idea what to do....09:10
DaVamps-Ubuntuyes.. both oses are installed on different hd's09:10
[deXter]Then you can make them all primary if you want.. as long as you're not going to have more than 4 partitions on your drive09:10
DaVamps-Ubuntuok, so primary.. gotcha.09:10
DaVamps-Ubuntufirst mount is /  then swap then /home09:11
DaVamps-Ubuntuso created logical drive for the mounts correct?09:11
DaVamps-Ubuntuuse 320gb as primary, how much for swap09:13
[deXter]primary for /09:13
DaVamps-Ubuntuprimary for / ok, swap is logical? how big09:14
[deXter]DaVamps-Ubuntu: 320GB is way too much09:14
[deXter]for the / partition09:14
[deXter]Usually 16gigs for / is more than enough. Remember all your data will be stored in /home so you want that to be as large as possible09:14
[deXter]As for swap make it atleast a  few hundred megs more than the total amount of RAM in your system09:15
DaVamps-Ubuntu[deXter], so primary - 16gb - /09:15
dr_willisi make / 20 gb .  ;)09:15
dr_willisperhaps 30 tops09:15
bindiDaVamps-Ubuntu: how much ram do you have?09:15
DaVamps-Ubuntu3 gb ram09:15
bindicarry on then09:15
dr_willisi filled up a 10 gb / befor09:16
JadedJacobI'm trying to play a dvd on my ubuntu using vlc player but it doesn't open09:16
bazhangJadedJacob, get libdvdcss2 from medibuntu.org09:16
nickmoeckDaVamps-Ubuntu: if you're not on a laptop, you don't even really need a swap partition09:16
DaVamps-Ubuntuok so for / primary part 20gbs sound like that would work?09:16
JadedJacobi can see the contents of the dvd in the file manager, but vlc is being strange09:16
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  yes09:16
DaVamps-Ubuntunickmoeck, it is a desktop09:16
JadedJacobi already have installed libdvdcss209:17
bazhangJadedJacob, try mplayer then09:17
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, ok one minutes while i set that partition09:17
JadedJacobi think libdvdcss is installed as well, how can i list what dvd packages i have installed?09:17
dr_willisJadedJacob:  run vlc from a terminal. play disk. look for errors in term output09:17
nickmoeckDaVamps-Ubuntu: If you're never going to use Hibernate, I'd say nix the swap.09:18
dr_willisivwoyld bet the dvdcss thing is not installed09:18
=== static_void is now known as static_void_
linuxuz3rdm4x works with ubuntu?09:18
nickmoeckDaVamps-Ubuntu: 20GB for /, the rest for /home09:18
dr_willislinux4u:  wgats thart?09:18
[deXter]dr_willis: I usually switch distros before I get to fill up my /  ;)09:18
DaVamps-Ubuntunickmoeck, sry. ok...09:19
JadedJacobwhere do i find error messages for vlc?09:19
DaVamps-Ubuntuall using ext4 correct?09:19
nickmoeckDaVamps-Ubuntu: yes, ext4 for everything09:19
JadedJacobtools -> messages09:19
DaVamps-Ubuntunickmoeck, ok thanks09:19
asdjaputraDaVamps-Ubuntu: yes, except if you want to share /home with Windows, use FAT3209:19
[deXter]Um, don't use FAT32, ever.09:20
dr_williserr. you dont make home fat3209:20
asdjaputramaybe not, never mind09:20
[deXter]It's a PITA09:20
nickmoeckasdjaputra: nooo09:20
DaVamps-Ubuntuwhat is the exact numerical for 20gb?09:20
DaVamps-Ubuntumine showed up as 19999909:20
dr_willisJadedJacob:  in the terminal you ran ir from09:20
bazhangasdjaputra, thats is incorrect09:20
mang0I've got 2 internal HDDs, both ext4. One of them has got my ubuntu installation on it, the other is for storage. This 2nd drive is in /media/, but someone walked me through making a link or something in /mnt/ called HDD2. However, this has stopped working for some reason, and now when booting up I get an error saying it can't mount /mnt/HDD2. I can still mount it from /media/ but not from /mnt/ really annoyingI'm really stumped, no idea what to do....09:20
nickmoeckDaVamps-Ubuntu: Mine does that too09:20
asdjaputrawhat i first meant is make a partition for sharing files with Windows09:20
[deXter]DaVamps-Ubuntu: 2048009:20
DaVamps-Ubuntu[deXter], thanks09:20
linuxuz3rits an hp laptop09:21
dr_willisits not like the sizes have to be exact DaVamps-Ubuntu09:21
mang0pcmaster112 what?09:21
asdjaputrapcmaster112: thanks for the ad09:21
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, awww why not.. i like even numbers :D09:21
mang0!ot | pcmaster11209:21
ubottupcmaster112: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:22
DaVamps-Ubuntunow for the /home that needs to be logical ext4 and uses the remaining free space. correct?09:22
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  actually the tools will want to riund to the even cylinder i belive.09:22
[deXter]I thought they fixed it to round to the MiB09:23
[deXter]for performance reasons09:23
JadedJacobwhen i try and play the dvd, vlc just sits there displaying09:23
dr_willissimthing like that. i never worry about it09:23
JadedJacobgonna try mplayer09:23
gbear14275hello, how can I tell where a usb stick is mounted?09:23
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  it can be primary09:24
mang0places > it'll be listed here gbear1427509:24
dr_willisgbear14275:  mount command09:24
mang0or if you want to know the exact /sde3 or soemthing09:24
mang0then the mount cmd09:24
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, ok so primary /home remaining free space. any other mounts i may need?09:24
[deXter]gbear14275: Usually removable disks are mounted in /media , but of course, you can check for sure using the mount command09:25
mang0I've got 2 internal HDDs, both ext4. One of them has got my ubuntu installation on it, the other is for storage. This 2nd drive is in /media/, but someone walked me through making a link or something in /mnt/ called HDD2. However, this has stopped working for some reason, and now when booting up I get an error saying it can't mount /mnt/HDD2. I can still mount it from /media/ but not from /mnt/ really annoyingI'm really stumped, no idea what to do....09:25
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis : /home is a beginning or end ?09:27
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gbear14275if I mount an iso should I be able to see the contents using ls?09:27
syslqgbear14275: yes, but you need to go to mountpoint fcourse09:28
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  dont matter much i do / /home then swap09:28
[deXter]gbear14275: Not necessarily though, sometimes ls doesn't show up files on UDF ISOs09:28
dr_willisgbear14275: acts same as mounting a filesystem09:29
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, ok.. on a desktop they suggested i wouldnt need a swap, would you suggest making one?09:29
[deXter]It is needed if you want to hibernate09:29
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  who suggested? nake a swap...09:29
DaVamps-Ubuntuso if i'm not using hibernate its unneeded?09:30
teo_sound preferences > input > choose a device for sound input >   "and there is nthing there"  ...i got ubuntu 10.04 ...recenlty i found this problem because i use skype almost every day09:30
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  make a swap....09:30
[deXter]DaVamps-Ubuntu: It doesn't hurt to have it there, I would recommend making a swap09:30
gbear14275syslq, [deXter] dr_willis:  I'm mounting a BIOS update iso... but when I go to the mount point the directory is blank... was wondering if that indicates it didn't mount correctly (also using the '-o loop' arguments)09:30
[deXter]DaVamps-Ubuntu: Sometimes you never know when a memory hungry app will eat up all your RAM. *cough*firefox*cough*09:31
dr_willisgbear14275:  could be a weird iso.09:31
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, ok.. 5 gb swap work?09:31
JadedJacobi'm setting up smplayer to try and get dvds to play :)09:31
DaVamps-Ubuntuhahah [deXter]09:31
scarleomang0: you can do: sudo mount --bind /media/disk-by-id/yourdiskid /mnt/HDD2. Put it in /etc/fstab for autobinding but check up on syntax09:31
JadedJacobIf I'm on a laptop, what's the best way to setup power management?09:31
zastaphrunning Ubuntu virtualized in vbox, is it better to use PIIX3 or ICH9 chipset?09:32
[deXter]gbear14275: Ah that would make sense; you won't be able to see the contents of that ISO like that09:32
syslqgbear14275: I'd say if it mounted without errors it mounted properly, check your mount output09:32
scarleomang0: sorry: /media/your-disk-name09:32
JadedJacobI want to be able to  throttle the cpu, dim the lcd, etc09:32
[deXter]gbear14275: Usually BIOS update ISOs have their program stored in the boot region and you'll need a special tool to view/extract that data09:32
mang0scarleo great thankyou :)09:32
[deXter]gbear14275: I believe ISOMaster can save/load the bootable data of an ISO09:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:32
gbear14275[deXter], i'll google that... been trying to get this working for a couple days now09:33
[deXter]gbear14275: sudo apt-get install isomaster09:33
[deXter]gbear14275: Out of curiosity; may I ask what you want to achieve by trying to mount this ISO?09:34
gbear14275[deXter], I have a laptop with no cd drive... trying to update my bios by USB09:34
gbear14275[deXter], following this howto... repeatedly:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81789709:35
[deXter]gbear14275: Ah, then you don't need to bother with looking inside the ISO, just mem-map it directly from your bootloader09:35
DaVamps-Ubuntuok one final question. does natty come native with an easy to setup dual head system09:36
dr_willisyou may have to boot the actual cd.09:36
mang0scarleo what do you mean put it in /etc/fstab? *confused noob*09:36
[deXter]gbear14275: Those instructions are outdated, there are better, easier and more reliable methods09:36
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  you mean multi monitor supprt?09:36
gbear14275[deXter], please please please point me to any updates... i'm nearly at the end of my rope trying to get this to work09:37
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, yes.. 2 monitors both indepently displayin09:37
[deXter]gbear14275: I suggest installing grub4dos onto your USB and then map the ISO in your menu.lst  .. the stock menu.lst that comes with the package has an example which you can easily modify09:37
mang0what's the terminal cmd to see mounted disks?09:37
gbear14275[deXter], Alright I'll try that09:37
[deXter]gbear14275: use this version, updated 2 days ago: http://code.google.com/p/grub4dos-chenall/downloads/detail?name=grub4dos-0.4.5b-2011-09-07.7z&can=2&q=09:38
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, such as an irc on monitor 1 and email client displayin on the second09:38
scarleomang0: sudo nano /etc/fstab, put in a line like /media/yourdiskname /mnt/HDD2 bind defaults 0 0. Read up on it here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab09:38
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  not too hard to do. depends on your chipset09:38
mang0scarleo: Thanks :)09:39
scarleomang0: np09:39
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, i'm using a nvidia gt 220 card09:39
mang0scarleo: Wouldn't happen to konw the mount cmd would you? I did know it but I can't remember it ^.^09:39
[deXter]gbear14275: after extracting, cd to the folder and do a "./bootlace.com /dev/sdX"  , ofc replace sdX by the actual device name of your USB. Then copy over the files grldr and menu.lst to the root folder of your USB, edit menu.lst. There are a couple of entries in there on how to boot the ISO file. Also, a good guide is here: http://diddy.boot-land.net/grub4dos/Grub4dos.htm09:39
gbear14275[deXter], yeah cause I keep getting this error: gbear14275@mustache:/tmp/bios$ sudo cp -af /tmp/bios/ /media/EED3-FFBD/09:40
gbear14275cp: failed to preserve ownership for `/media/EED3-FFBD/bios': Operation not permitted09:40
JadedJacobI installed smplayer, and it's playing dvds!09:40
scarleomang0: what do you mean? It's just 'mount'09:40
mang0scarleo: Sorry, I mean the cmd to show mounted diskt09:40
DaVamps-UbuntuJadedJacob, awesoem job .. enjoy the movies :D09:40
mang0JadedJacob: What wasn't playing them before?09:40
gbear14275[deXter], I'll definetely go do that! thank you very very much09:40
scarleomang0:  try df -h for example09:41
mang0scarleo: Perfect, thanks :)09:41
scarleomang0: or sudo fdisk -l09:41
JadedJacobvlc can  divx but dvds09:41
JadedJacobmang0, VLC wasn't playing them09:42
mang0did you make sure all the libs were installed? Synaptic is handy for that09:42
DaVamps-Ubuntuyea.. synaptic is better then tryin to do it alone.09:43
DaVamps-Ubuntumore so for those with limited ubuntu/linux knowledge09:43
mang0does ctrl + s save when editing in nano?09:43
DaVamps-Ubuntumang0, should09:43
mang0wait sorted09:43
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mang0if you modify and then exit it asks to save09:43
DaVamps-Ubuntuyaaaayyy ubuntu is half installed ...09:45
mang0am restarting brb09:46
DaVamps-Ubuntuman.. if ubuntu installs propery i'll have to get dr_willis and [deXter] a gift :D09:47
dr_willisits not very hard to install ;)09:48
DaVamps-Ubuntunot on a dingle hd , and if it work for this dual hd .. i'll know what to do in th efuture ::D09:49
dr_willisits not hard on a 2 hd setup.either. it just depends on what you want to do09:49
dr_willisyou can get real fancy if you want. but irs not needed for most peoplw09:50
DaVamps-Ubuntuack.. grub didnt start.. it went start to win709:50
mang0scarleo: Great, worked a charm. Thanks :D09:51
dr_willisyou can get real creative. i got a /boot of 10gb with like 6 iso files on it for rescue/testing/reinstalling. ;) and a 3 tb hd. set for a single.users /home/willus  ;) thats fun09:52
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, ok. so on reboot win7 started with no grub... grub was installed to the hd with ubuntu... was that incorrect?09:53
dr_willisyou did tell the pc to boot that hd?09:54
JadedJacobis there a cpu-z for ubuntu?09:54
DaVamps-Ubuntuit auto booted tot he first hd.09:55
dr_willisset bios toboot ubuntu hdby default09:55
dr_willisor ysebios menus to boot it09:55
dr_willislogical ;)09:55
DaVamps-Ubuntuok, let em reboot and try that09:55
scarleomang0: yw09:56
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, doesnt have an option to set which hd boots first. its generic usb cdrom/cdrom/sata hd09:58
Hail_Spacecakehow do I blacklist a rogue dhcp server in networkmanager?09:59
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, should i have installed grub over the win boot loader ?10:01
zastaphI can't decide if I should or shouldn't run Unity when running Ubuntu though VirtualBox10:01
zastaphi guess it means I need to enable 3D acceleration, which is still experiemental10:02
xiangzi888maybe gnome-clasic is a good choice in virtualbox10:04
xiaoyHail_Spacecake, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1065481.html10:05
DaVamps-Ubuntuwhen dual booting, does grub need to be installed over the windows boot loader?10:05
dr_willisDaVamps-Ubuntu:  you must boot the GSM that has grub on it to get to the is10:06
dr_willisyou could swap cables10:06
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Hail_SpacecakeDaVamps-Ubuntu, yes10:06
Hail_Spacecakeyou need to chainload to the windows bootloader10:06
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samfreedhi all, running Natty, recently my double-click button stopped working. xev still shows that the button generates four events, i.e. a double click. WHO is eating my double-clicks?10:07
DaVamps-Ubuntuis it possible to reinstall just grub over winbootloader without reinstall natty?10:07
dr_willisif the bios it brain dead I would swap the cables10:07
dr_willisdouble check your bios settings10:08
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, not a brain dead bios.. its a sata setup.. so it looks for the first hd and first bootloader10:08
dr_willisit would be an odd or old bios with that limit these days10:08
dr_willismine boots what dusk. I tell it.10:09
dr_willissata  hard disks10:09
DaVamps-Ubuntueh, its a dell machine10:10
dr_willisso?  :-D10:10
DaVamps-Ubuntuso back to the other question, can i install grub without reinstalling natty?10:11
dr_willismy HP has. a  F12 BUTTON MENU also10:11
samfreedWhere do I ask X/unity type questions10:11
dr_willisboot live cd istall grub10:11
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DaVamps-Ubuntuok, lets try that.10:12
dr_willisor as i suggested open.up.pc. swap cables. keeb grub on ubuntu hd10:12
DaVamps-Ubuntuon top of the win boot loader coirre3ct10:12
hobbelAnyone can help me with getting a VPN to work? Im behind a HTTP proxy on educational, and need VPN for certain license files (software)10:13
DaVamps-Ubuntuill try live cd idea first10:13
hobbelIts VPNC10:13
dr_willissata are normally easy to swap10:13
dr_willisi still find it odd the bios is missing the feature10:14
DaVamps-Ubuntuthe machine was bought when win vista came out.. unfortunately everything is very generic.10:15
DaVamps-Ubuntuleave it to dell to do that.10:15
dr_willisor you are overlooking how to.change the boot order.in the bios10:17
dr_williskeeping grub on the ubuntu hd. and not touching the windows hd would be ideal.10:18
DaVamps-Ubuntulet me review my bios setup once more to make sure i cant select the ubuntu driver as primary boot10:19
dr_willismine is a list i move the hd or cd.up or down via the f.jeys10:20
dr_willisi cant recall a bios ever.where i.ciuldent.select the cd or hd to be first.10:21
DaVamps-Ubuntuyou ever see a bios that list the sata drive in the form of sata-0 sata-110:23
Benkenon ce ne sono italiani?10:24
DaVamps-Ubuntui'm thinking that if i were to (like you suggested) switch the cables so the ubuntu HD is sata-0 then it would see grub first.10:24
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DaVamps-Ubuntuwhich ever sata slot they are connected to make no difference to me as long as i can boot to either ubuntu or win710:26
dr_willisshouldent matter with win710:26
DaVamps-Ubuntuand grub should have already applied the ability to boot to win7.10:27
dr_willisbut id bet the bios can change the one to boot somehow.10:27
DaVamps-Ubuntuit does not allow me to specific which hard drive to boot to..10:28
DaVamps-Ubuntujust either to hd or cd or usb10:28
dr_willisf key. or del. or bs. herw othen has a pick hd to boot. menu item10:28
dr_willisswap cable.and get on with it then :-D10:29
DaVamps-Ubuntulol kk10:29
xircxhey ALL10:30
xircxoops sorry for caps10:30
hobbelAnyone can help me with getting a VPN to work? Im behind a HTTP proxy on educational, and need VPN for certain license files (software)10:31
xircxo.O you need to download a file from a remote pc?10:31
scarleohobbel: what's the problem?10:32
beastyuse dropbox :p10:32
Sidewinder1DaVamps-Ubuntu, It's somewhat drastic (I hate doing it), but you might upgrade the firmware on your BIOS in order to boot to multiple disks; if nothing else works; it can be dangerous.10:32
hobbelscarleo im behind a HTTP proxy on educational web. A) cant update B) cant access my VPN which allows me licencing on software like matlab10:32
ikoniahobbel: if you speak to your educational campus administrator and they can help you10:33
hobbelscarleo the system wide proxy settings dont work10:33
ikoniahobbel: we are not going to help you bypass your networks security / access policy, talk to the systems administration/I.T group and explain10:33
hobbelikonia you're aware of the fact that even apt-get doesnt work now? Only browsing does10:33
xircxomg i can see now XD10:33
hobbelthere is a bug in the "apply system wide" function10:34
ikoniahobbel: you can configure apt to work through a proxy, again, your network team should be able to help you10:34
ikoniahobbel: if it is a genuine bug, then you will need to log the bug to get it resolved10:34
xircxuse scp to get files from remote locations10:34
=== qin is now known as qinbye
=== qin_ is now known as qin
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, i give didnt work10:40
xircxhas ubuntu 11 fixed the root lock?10:41
ikoniaroot lock ?10:41
ikoniawhat the devil is a root lock ?10:42
DaVamps-Ubuntui should have just installed grub over the windows boot loader.10:42
xircxya it dont ask for root password when you install it and you cant login as root10:42
xircxyou can only sudo10:42
qinxircx: It was fixed in 4.04 (not sure)10:42
ikoniaxircx: that's not a bug, thats design, it's meant to work like that with the root account being disabled10:42
ikoniaqin: please don't be silly - that is a design of ubuntu to not allow the user root to be used10:43
xircxwhy is it disabled?10:43
ikonia!sudo | xircx10:43
ubottuxircx: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:43
ikoniaxircx: it's a security feature.10:43
xircxah ic :)10:43
qinikonia: I thought his question wasnt serious, anyway, sorry.10:44
xircxenyone know how to get FreeNAS to work with ISCSI?10:45
xircxim only asking :)10:46
executionistwhat is a good virtual desktop software for using winxp?10:46
ikoniaxircx: please don't ask, we only support ubuntu here10:46
ikoniaexecutionist: sorry, what do you mean10:46
xircxExe use Orical Virtual Box10:47
executionistoracle's virtual box?10:47
xircxuse that to vm winxp10:47
executionistok ty10:48
Abu-Aishais there anti virus software for ubuntu10:48
qinexecutionist: virtualbox-ose, in repos, you might need to get guest additions, also channel #vbox can offer you more support.10:48
ikoniaAbu-Aisha: there is, but it's not normally needed10:48
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executionistqin, is that the one Oracle developed?10:49
xircxVirtualBox is supported by Oracle now10:50
executionistgonna give it a try10:50
xircxI use it and work for testing SLES11 Server/ Windows XP for Bat Scrtipts10:50
Loki^hey guys.. i got a weird bug on ubuntu 10.10 ... cant find any solution with google so far... my laptop only boots well if the ethernet cable is plugged in, if its not and i want to work with wlan and without any wires, it wont boot to runlevel 2, alot of services and stuff wont get started, not even tty's... i cant read cd's anymore etc... but it boots with x and i can connect to wlan and work and stuff, but that alot of features are missing if im not connected t10:50
ikoniaLoki^: when you boot without a lan cable, what point does it stop10:51
Loki^ikonia: it boots like normal, but alot of services are missing10:51
xircxLoki when its rlvl 2 does it give a shell10:51
xircxlike a command promp?10:52
Loki^xircx: no theres no tty, only x server starts10:52
Guest11991try to reinstall10:52
xircxso you couldnt type telinit 5?10:52
ikoniaLoki^: which ones10:52
Loki^Guest11991: i think it can be fixed easily10:52
ikoniaLoki^: how do you think it can be easily fixed when you don't know why it's doing it10:52
Loki^i can type init 2 also, and tty's start, but its still buggy10:53
Loki^and it must have a reason why this bug occurs right?10:53
xircxtry typing telinit 5 once10:53
ikoniaLoki^: do not do that !10:53
executionisthow can I make apps autostart on boot?10:53
xircx5 = gui10:53
ikoniaxircx: no it does not10:53
Loki^ikonia i thought its probably a common bug and someone knows how fix it :)10:53
ikoniaLoki^: when the machine first boots, please open a terminal and type "who -r" and let me know what it says10:53
ikoniaxircx: ubuntu uses run level 2 only10:54
Loki^ikonia now it booted with lan cable and it says run-level 2  2011-09-10 12:4310:54
xircxcrap thats right sorry10:54
ikoniaLoki^: boot it without a lan cable, and do the test10:54
Loki^ikonia i try without lan and write again ok10:54
Loki^ikonia ok brb10:54
MetsavaimHello! Anyone would like to earn some money online?10:54
xircxi forgot ubuntu uses the runlevels diffrently10:54
ikoniaMetsavaim: please don't advertise that sort of thing10:55
executionistno Metsavaim, ty for the offer10:55
Guest11991so its booting in GUI or just text??10:55
Abu-AishaMetsavaim - got a real job - thanks10:55
Guest11991Metsavaim > i have too, but in here don't advertise that please10:56
ikoniaAbu-Aisha: please don't provoke something, he's been told not to do it,leave it10:56
xircxso it works fine with the ethernet connected but wont boot gui with out it o.O10:56
Loki^ikonia: it didnt give any response, but as soon as i plugged in the lan cable it said run-level 2 again10:57
ikoniaLoki^: you need to be clear, what do you mean it didn't give any response10:57
ikoniaLoki^: what didn't give any response10:57
Loki^see pm10:58
DaVamps-Ubuntudr_willis, still here, i reinstalled natty and set grub to overlay the windows boot loader....switching cables made no successful change10:58
sattu94hi i just switched to xdm from gdm, however when xdm starts up at boot i see no option to selector the DE environment/session to boot into, hw do i add this functionality?10:58
sattu94sorry, i switched from gdm to xdm,10:58
Loki^ikonia i tried 2 times "who -r" while the lan cable was plugged out, no response at all, just another command prompt, as soon as i plugged it in it responded run-level 210:58
ikoniaLoki^: if you remove the cable now, does it break again10:59
TheBixi've got trouble connecting via SSH to my server.10:59
xircxbix whats the problem?11:00
jribTheBix: give more details (on a single line please)11:00
max_THANKS BRO11:00
TheBixIt was working 30 minutes ago11:00
Loki^ikonia: no, it remains11:00
jribmax_: stop please11:00
qin!caps > max_11:00
ubottumax_, please see my private message11:00
TheBixand other people can connect11:00
TheBixsome shit happened on my end to block SSH11:00
TheBixI need help trouble shooting11:00
Loki^ikonia: once i plugged out, and type who -r, it still says run-level 211:00
ikoniamax_: please don't start messin around, if you wish to discus why you where kicked you are welcome to join #ubuntu-ops an I will explain11:01
jribTheBix: what happens when you try to connect?  And please stop pressing enter to break up your responses11:01
TheBixConnection times out.11:01
xircxcan you ping your server?11:01
jribTheBix: pm me where you are connecting to11:01
max_oh god11:01
ikoniaLoki^: understood, sounds strange would you be willing to do some more tests11:01
Loki^ikonia: so i figure the system somewhere hangs up until the lan cable gets plugged in, once it is it executes the rest of the stuff that should be loaded anyway, and then they remain loaded11:01
TheBixeverything else works, even FTP11:01
TheBixSSH just stopped working on my end11:01
sattu94nevermind, doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xdm, did the trick.11:01
Loki^ikonia: of course i'd be happy to :) i want to fix this without reinstalling :(11:02
ikoniaLoki^: the fact that "who -r" isn't responding is a big concern to me at his time11:02
max_ikonia > what do you mean by messin around?11:02
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jribTheBix: check auth.log on the server11:02
jribTheBix: I get password prompt here11:02
BiKER-JENSftp server for ubuntu ? something better then vsftpd?11:02
max_Loki^ > can u loging to GUI?11:03
jrib!ftpd | BiKER-JENS11:03
ubottuBiKER-JENS: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP11:03
Loki^max_ : yes11:03
ubottuFor at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.11:03
max_Loki^ > what GDM do u use?11:03
Loki^max_ : GDM?11:03
Loki^max_: gnome?11:03
xircxbix is ssh daemon running?11:03
ParkerRgraphical desktop manager11:03
Loki^max_ gnome 2, standart ubuntu 10.10 installation with no big changes11:04
jribTheBix: can you check /var/log/auth.log on the server?  Are you running something like fail2ban or denyhosts on the server?11:04
TheBixNot sure11:04
TheBixi'll check that11:04
Monotokoalso check /etc/deny.hosts11:04
xircxubuntu$ ps -aef | grep sshd11:04
max_Loki^ > so the problem is about the minimal service11:04
Loki^max_ whats that?11:04
Loki^ikonia is there anything i can try to give you more information?11:05
max_Loki^ > u said ur ubuntu running with less feature?11:05
xircxbix if dont see it listed under ps then you can probly do a service sshd start11:06
ikoniaLoki^: sorry, I was just waiting for you to finish with the other, I'm not doing over lapping conversations11:06
jribxircx: sshd is running since I get a password prompt when I attempt to ssh to his server11:06
Loki^max_ yea for example the power management doesnt automatically switch to powersave on startup, like with lan cable... the ttys 1-6 are not starting, i cant read cd's from my cd drive etc11:06
xircxso that rules that out11:06
TheBixI don't have a deny.hosts11:06
Loki^max_ as soon as i plug in the cable this stuff is working mostly11:07
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max_Loki^ > the LAN cable contain internet or not?11:07
Loki^max_ yes11:07
xircxjrib when you enter his password for the ssh connection is that when it times out?11:08
DaVamps-Ubuntuikonia, how easy is setting up multiple monitor in natty?11:08
jribxircx: I don't know his password; I just tried to connect as jrib.  I assumed he didn't get a password prompt, but that is a good question for  TheBix11:09
ikoniaDaVamps-Ubuntu: I've not done it personally, I'm told (and I've read) it's a little more complex than normal and has a few bugs, but I've not done it personally.11:09
TheBixI just time out from the get go11:09
TheBixI do not get a password promt11:09
jribTheBix: did you check auth.log?11:09
DaVamps-Ubuntuikonia, really.. the ubuntu site seems to say that its just as easy as windows. maybe i missed something.11:10
max_Loki^ > have u trying to update system? maybe the kernel...11:10
xircxso wan = password and lan = time out11:10
ikoniaDaVamps-Ubuntu: markting and reality can often be different, I'm sure in some situations it works perfectly, however there appears to be some situations where it can be a problem11:10
Loki^max_ system is up to date11:10
xircxi dont know if this will help or not but you could try restarting the sshd service :S11:11
DaVamps-Ubuntuikonia, yes this is so true. i'll have to try it once i get ubuntu full installed.. and am able to boot either that or win7...11:11
max_Loki^ > maybe u can start to disable ur LAN first, and see what happen next ..11:12
maxagazwhat tool should I use to configure my touchpad11:12
jrib!synaptics | maxagaz11:12
ubottumaxagaz: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:12
DaVamps-Ubuntuie grub working the way it should and my system being "a good boy"11:12
TheBixwhat should I look out for in my auth.log jrib?11:13
TheBixits started working again11:13
Loki^max_ just disable it from the panel icon and reboot computer or with another method?11:14
qinTheBix: try on server: sudo service fail2ban status11:14
TheBixunrecognized service11:15
Loki^max_ rightclick on the icon and unselect "enable networking" ?11:15
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max_Loki^ > little deeper than that11:16
Loki^max_ how? disable "connect automatically" on auto eth0?11:16
qinTheBix: Well, you cancheck logs, to see what happened, in /var/log/: auth.log syslog messages11:16
max_Loki^ > yes, and give '#' mark on '/etc/network/interfaces' configuration files11:19
Loki^max_ on wich line? i only got 2, auto lo and iface lo inet loopback11:20
Loki^max_ both?11:20
max_Loki^ > yeah, both of them11:20
teddyroosebelthow do i go about opening a terminal immediately when i login, on my 2nd workspace?11:20
Loki^max_ ok brb11:20
chaoshaxUmm so I have setup samba using this, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260511:21
chaoshaxDon't I have to change smbusers as well?11:21
xircxhi damien11:23
DaVamps-Ubuntudoes enable updating during install and third party installs extend the time of installation, and possibly make it look like the system has locked up?11:23
DamienCassoumy laptop life span on battery is twice as short on linux (1h30) as on windows (3h). Can I do anything about it?11:23
Loki^max_ it didnt help11:24
DamienCassouDaVamps-Ubuntu: I don't think so unless you have a very slow internet connection11:24
max_Loki^ > oh,,, too bad11:24
DaVamps-UbuntuDamienCassou, 24mb down 5mb up.. so no11:24
Loki^max_ thx anyway11:24
max_Loki^ > ur welcome11:25
oCeanLoki^: do you know which driver you use for the lan?11:25
xircxDavamp that would put alot of stress on your pc, do you have a tool to check cpu usage?11:25
maxagazthe touchpad work on my vaio vpcf1 but there's no touchpad in the mouse configuration11:25
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, only if there is one accessible during install11:26
oCeanLoki^: running lspci -k | grep -A 3 net should return some useful information on module in use11:26
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, unfortunately my HD lights on the front panel are very dim11:26
xircxDaVamp are you installing updates for 2 diffrent programs.11:27
xircxat the same time?11:27
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, no, i'm running the intial install of natty, with install updates and install 3rd party during11:28
Loki^ikonia im done testing with max now :)11:28
clalmoin moin11:28
ikoniaLoki^: sorry, I'm busy at the moment11:28
oCeanLoki^: do you know which driver you use for the lan?11:29
oCeanLoki^: running lspci -k | grep -A 3 net should return some useful information on module in use11:29
Loki^ikonia: i also just found out that it doesnt help to just plug in the cable, it needs to establish a connection also to start runlevel 211:29
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Loki^oCean: 00:04.0 Ethernet controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 191 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev 02)11:30
Loki^oCean: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)11:30
xircxDaVamp im sure that going to max out your cpu with all that data fighing for cpu time11:30
oCeanLoki^: please use paste.ubuntu.com for output11:30
oCeanLoki^: that's not  lspci -k | grep -A 3 net11:31
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, agreed, the mouse pointer is no longer spinngin and the splash ad during install is no longer rotating, why i wondered if it had locked up.11:31
Loki^oCean it is :) i paste the full output on that link, one second11:31
oCeanLoki^: the -A 3 should return more lines11:32
Loki^oCean yea i just pasted the lines i thought were useful.. heres the link for the full text: http://paste.ubuntu.com/686334/11:32
keyzsinstalled driver for my wireless card alfa networks awus036h but my conection drops or takes ages to open, changed wireless channel on shell still smae, can anybody give me a clue why it happens?11:33
xircxdavamp the only way to really tell at this point if its locked up or not would be to check the hhd activity light on your tower.11:33
oCeanLoki^: I was looking for the "Kernel driver in use: sis190" line, so I could search Launchpad for any known bugs. Please run a  dmesg | grep sis19011:34
Loki^oCean ah ok :)11:34
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, agreed, yet those are too dim to see. if i have to restart the machine will i be able to resume the natty install?11:34
Loki^oCean http://paste.ubuntu.com/686335/11:34
xircxDavamp if you do a hard reset on the pc you most likly will have to start the install process over.11:35
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, sounds bout right, which is no prob, just wont enable updating and third party next time :D11:36
Loki^oCean but now the lan cable is plugged in, should i write that command while its plugged out?11:36
oCeanLoki^: I think from that output, you inserted the cable between line 12 and 13, I don't see anything there to worry about.11:37
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Loki^oCean ok where else could the problem be then11:38
keyzsinstalled driver for my wireless card alfa networks awus036h but my conection drops or takes ages to open a page, changed wireless channel on shell still the same, can anybody give me a clue why it happens?11:38
oCeanLoki^: Launchpad searches don't return any known bugs with this. Is there anything you changed recently i.e. switched to dhcp? Changed hostname, edited /etc/hosts etc?11:38
xircxkeys what kind of wireless card is it?11:39
Loki^oCean not that i was aware of... but maybe some program changed values? the hosts file looks quite spammed :P11:40
keyzsxircx alfa networks Awus036h11:40
xircxvender name?11:40
Loki^oCean http://paste.ubuntu.com/686336/11:40
keyzsxircx alfa networks11:41
xircxkeys is this card in a laptop?11:42
xircxahhhh ic its a external wireless card11:43
nobitanobiHello.  I just installed some updates on my 11.04, and the @ every web that has flash it says "flash is not installed".  I tried removing it from Ubuntu software center and installing it again, and it keeps saying taht I don't have flash.  Any thoughts?11:43
oCeanLoki^: can you also paste the output from the  ifconfig -a  command? Or check yourself whether this first address is on which interface11:43
qmrANOTHER KERNEL OOPS.  Ubuntu is a joke.11:44
max_nobitanobi > install flash plugin11:44
nobitanobiI have done that max_11:45
nobitanobiI can see it checked in the repo11:45
idefixwhat can you do against e-mailaddress-spoofing?11:45
tuxerhello i wanted to know how can i make an ubuntu derivative11:45
Loki^oCean yes is my static ip adress to the router11:46
oCeanidefix: this channel is for ubuntu technical support only11:46
max_nobitanobi > from which source do u install it?11:46
oCeanLoki^: on the lan or the wlan? If it's on the lan it might be the cause it waits for the link to become ready11:46
nobitanobimax_: I did this in terminal : sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer11:46
Loki^oCean on the lan... i set it up as my static adress on rightclick -> edit connections in the panel11:47
xircxKeys whats the name of the driver your used11:47
nobitanobiflashplugin-installer is already the newest version.11:47
Loki^on wlan i dont have any static adress11:47
oCeannobitanobi: installing flash-aid firefox plugin ensures me of having a working flash install11:47
max_nobitanobi > maybe u can install from paa11:47
max_nobitanobi > sorry, i mean ppa11:48
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nobitanobippa ok... I will look into that11:48
nobitanobiit's really weird. Everything has been working fine since I first installed it11:48
nobitanobibut today I installed some updates and the flash is gone11:48
nobitanobion both firefox and chrome11:48
oCeanLoki^: maybe that's the reason it waits for the link to become ready, since you added that to your hostname. Give it a try by editing the /etc/hosts file and starting the first line with # (so that entry is 'disabled')11:48
oCeannobitanobi: as I said, Flash-Aid plugin for firefox always solves my flash issues11:49
nobitanobiwill check that11:49
nobitanobithanks oC11:49
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, i do believe that my system had become locked up, after a hard reset, and unchecking the install updates, it is smooth installing now11:49
oCeannobitanobi: it fetches and installs latest 64bit beta or stable if you wish, and then I'm done11:49
max_nobitanobi > good luck,,, btw, i prefered use ppa than standard repo11:49
max_nobitanobi > coz it more update than else11:50
xircxglad to hear Davamp11:50
oCeanLoki^: I have to leave in a couple of minutes, but I think that last one is worth trying.11:50
dr_willisits scary that after all these years.. flash is still like a top 10 problem in linux.11:50
Loki^oCean ok thanks i'll try and give feedback...11:50
xircxwell not that your system locked up but that you are on your wat to a good install11:50
mario^m1join  #rsyslog11:51
DaVamps-Ubuntunow i only hope grub will work right.. and i'll get boot options.. and yes.. i knew what you meant :D11:51
BoomerBile_Laptook, so on one computer i've mounted an nfs share, i can see everything on that share that i'm supposed to see, but when i try to mount the same share with the same rules, just a different ip address, i can only see two directories, what gives?11:51
xircxwhat happen to grub davamp?11:51
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, haha. i installed grub on the same hd as ubuntu when i believe it should have been installed over the windows boot loader11:52
nobitanobithis is really weird. augh!11:52
xircxah ic11:52
max_weird what?11:53
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, and unfortunately my bios only support generic boots from either cdroms, hdd's or usb devices and doesnt allow me to specify a certian HD11:53
xircxya dual booting works best with grub being the bootloader. the windows loader hates linux lol11:54
nobitanobiI've installed flash-aid for firefox and it keeps having problems11:54
DaVamps-Ubuntuwindows boot loader hates any thing that isnt windows.11:54
xircxlol it will even wipe out MS-DOS now XD11:54
DaVamps-Ubuntuyea.. started that with vista.11:55
no-name-can somebody help me understand me sensors output? http://pastebin.com/wUiTxxjR11:55
DaVamps-Ubuntuxp was so so11:55
assemdoes anyone use emacs/vi keys for gnome/gtk through gconf?  i can't seem to get chrome/firefox to scroll up/down with emacs keybindings set in gconf11:55
Loki^oCean i changed the wired network connection back to dhcp but its still not working :(11:55
Loki^oCean thanks anyway11:56
ShogootSo i get this This driver is activated but not currently in use.... (using the aditional driver program in ubuntu) Ive tried what is sugested on google, but im not getting anyway. You people got experience in this error and how to solve it?11:56
xircxShog what driver and device are you trying to install?11:57
dr_willisShogoot:  ive seen where that error message is displayed.. but the driver IS in use.  what chipset are you using?11:57
max_Loki^ > its not bout LAN, but about the connection to inet11:57
l330i want to install 10.43 LTS from usb flash device, but i cant do it with the ubuntu server edition only with the desktop ....can any one here show me a link which explains why server edition cant be installed from usb stick??11:58
Shogootdriver is nvidia_current, the card is Geforce 540 m, the chipset is intel i7 Quad11:58
zykotick9l330, you could try unetbootin11:58
xircxShog you can download the drivers from nvidias web site11:59
Shogootxircx ive tried those aswell11:59
xircxstill dont load?11:59
majdekalelhello guys11:59
majdekaleli need help11:59
dr_willisl330:  i belive theres was some known bug/issues with using the server edition on a usb-flash. I thoght it had been fixed.  You may want to chek the askubuntu.com site or forums.  You might want to try setting up a grub2 flash to boot the iso file.12:00
BenXYZWhat's a really quick way to see if Compiz is working on my fresh Natty install?12:00
Shogootxircx, nope and i cant get unity to wrk wich is the goal of all this :)12:00
majdekalelhow can i make calls using bluetooth my phone is connected to my laptop using bluetooth im using ubuntu 10.1012:00
dr_willisBenXYZ:  try to se eif any of the plugins work? like the transpaancy plugin?12:00
dr_willismajdekalel:  you want the pc to dial your cellphone?12:01
BenXYZdr_willis: I've got transparency on the Ubuntu button panel - so that means compiz is on? Also, I'm really looking to test 3D acceleration12:01
majdekaleluse dr_willis12:01
dr_willisBenXYZ:  compiz has a benchmark plugin.12:01
Shogootany suggestions on my problem dr_willis ?12:01
majdekaleli want to make calls from my pc using bluetooth12:02
dr_willisShogoot:  run the nvidia-settings tool - see if IT says the drivers are being used.12:02
DaVamps-Ubuntuusing a mic and speakers instead of holding the phone.12:02
dsnyders Hi all!  I have a DVD which looks like it has information burned onto it, but it will not mount.  Are there any utilities out there that might help me retrieve the data?12:02
dr_willisthats not really making calles.. its just using the pc as a fancy headset/mic :)12:02
xircxdid you removed the driver then reinstall it?12:03
xircxthen do a system restart?12:03
majdekalelyes dr willis12:03
majdekaleli want to use my pc as phone and mic12:03
Shogoot"You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."12:03
l330thank you dr.willis12:03
majdekalelso what ?12:03
majdekaleli can do that with microsoft but i dont know how to do it with ubuntu ?12:04
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l330i tried it with unetbootin, didnt worked12:04
AscavasaionCan someone tlel me what software I could use to draw a simple flow diagram that I can insert into an OpenOffice document.  Or should I use the provided Draw shapes/tools that are built into OpenOffice?12:04
dr_willisShogoot:  run the nvidia-settings tool and have it save the xorg.conf then restrt the X server perhaps?  thats about all ihave to do with my nvidia systems12:04
dr_willisl330:  theres other tools at the pendrivelinux web siet. I rarely use unetbootin any more. it has been problematic for me in the past.12:04
Loki^ikonia please tell me once you have time again :)12:04
raj-darkmysteryweared issue... ubuntu 10.04 don't have graphical interface while running live CD.. how can I install ubuntu in such scenario?12:04
markturnipHey, I'm trying to sync a folders from headless computer connected to a NAS drive. Does anyone know of an application which has a WEB GUi to manage folder sync?12:05
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:  what chipset?12:05
l330i know, i tried the usb creator first, didnt worked12:05
dr_willis!nomodeset | raj-darkmystery12:05
ubotturaj-darkmystery: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:05
th0rAscavasaion: dia might work12:05
Ascavasaionth0r: thank you.12:05
ImaginaryFriendhey is there an EASY way to search inside files? ms windows allows me to search keywords in pdf, doc, rtf and html from one simple interface - if there a way of searching inside a folder recursively - some gui app?12:05
dsnydersImaginaryFriend, there is a utility called grep.12:06
raj-darkmysterythanks dr_willis i'll go through the provided link and will update you the status.. thanks once again12:06
dr_willisgrep wont look in pdf that ieve ever noticed..12:06
majdekaleldr_willis im here !!!!12:06
l330can i switch from ubuntu 10.43 LTS desktop amd64 toubuntu 10.43 LTS server amd64 later?12:06
majdekalelthe bluetooth stuff you forget me man !12:06
dr_willismajdekalel:  so? :)12:06
ImaginaryFrienddr_willis: thats what i noticed12:06
ImaginaryFriendi need pdfs and docs mostly12:06
ImaginaryFriendwasnt there any app? i remember something a couple releases ago12:07
dr_willismajdekalel:   You did pair thhe thing to the pc?12:07
majdekalelyes i did12:07
dr_willisive only done bt transfers of files.. or used a headset to the pc..12:07
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zykotick9ImaginaryFriend, grep might not help for PDFs and DOCs12:07
ImaginaryFriendzykotick9: hence my question ;)12:08
ImaginaryFriendi know grep12:08
ImaginaryFriendmore or less12:08
Sidewinder1ImaginaryFriend, Have you tried Gnome-Search -Tool? I believe you can search for text/string.12:08
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majdekalelso you cant help me man !12:08
majdekalelok thank you for trying ..12:08
Sidewinder1ImaginaryFriend, Not sure if it can interpret .pdf files.12:08
* majdekalel NEED HELP12:08
xircxmaj whats your problem?12:09
dr_willisyou will get better help by stating  your question in clear and concise terms. :)12:10
ImaginaryFriendSidewinder1: it doesnt :(12:10
ImaginaryFriendfound strings in txt files12:10
ImaginaryFriendbut not pdfs12:10
Sidewinder1ImaginaryFriend, Rats!12:10
dsnyders Hi all! What do I use to get at previous sessions of a burned CD?12:10
l330how can i get the longtime support of the ubuntu server edition for the desktop ubuntu ?12:11
BenXYZdr_willis: Thanks for your help earlier, it solved my problem!12:11
ImaginaryFriendSidewinder1: beagle? can it help?12:11
zykotick9l330, 3 years isn't long enough?12:11
Sidewinder1ImaginaryFriend, I've never used it; give it a try.12:12
l330it is long enough12:12
zykotick9l330, well LTS = 3 years for desktops, 5 years for servers.12:12
l330server and desktop edition are basically the same12:12
majorastrowin t stater runs way better on netbook then ubuntu12:13
zykotick9l330, it's not a server vs desktop for support term of Ubuntu, it's LTS vs NON-LTS.12:13
l330ok, server has no live system, no gui for the install12:13
DaVamps-Ubuntuhow do i restart x for multiple monitors?12:13
l330both are called LTS12:13
xircxwell you have to look at who is using the desktop compaired to the server edition12:14
xircxthats where the support comes in12:14
zykotick9l330, so what is your question exactly?12:14
DaVamps-Ubuntuxircx, how do i restart X after editing for 2 monitors?12:14
Screwyв fstab cdrom авто прописывается!!!12:14
Screwyкто говорил что не там? )12:15
Sidewinder1l330, Couldn't you just install the server edition, then install ubuntu desktop GUI?12:15
xircxmore companys use server and dont change out os thats often compaired to home users12:15
l330how do i get the longest support concerning security updates without burning a cd/dvd?12:15
zykotick9DaVamps-Ubuntu, "sudo service gdm restart" will restart Xorg12:15
xircxdoes "startx" also load the gui in ubuntu?12:15
zykotick9l330, put Lucid 10.04LTS desktop onto a USB?12:16
dr_willisl330:  so you dont really need the server setup but want a desktop setup?12:16
l330yes, i need the desktop version12:16
l330but i want to get the longer secuiry updates support12:16
dr_willisl330:  then install the desktop edition.12:16
zykotick9xircx, "startx" can work, but by default is not required/setup12:16
l330because from what i have readt, they are both the same12:16
dr_willisYou are conrused abouthow security updates work.12:16
xircxkk XD12:17
dr_willisits not like they are going to fix 'desktop' security issues longer.. just the server packages..12:17
l330will the desktop os also be updated after the "support" time ?12:17
dr_willisotherwise the distinction dosent make much sence from the Support time12:17
zykotick9l330, for desktop you'll get 3 years12:17
l330after that, no security updates anymore?12:18
dr_willisthe packages that need security updates.. ..  the fact you installed a desktop on top of a server will not make the desktop packages get security updates longer.12:18
xircxI330 what will probly happen is when your desktop updates wit will roll over to the newest ubuntu12:18
dr_willisYou planning on keeping the same desktop install for 5 years?12:18
usr13l330: Doing a distribution upgrade is not difficult12:18
zykotick9l330, and keep in mind Lucid was released in 2010, and we're closing in on 201212:18
l330yes, i would love to keep it that long12:18
Sidewinder1l330, You seem to be a little overly concerned (if there is such a thing) with security; perhaps this might allay your concerns: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081212:18
l330apt-get dist-upgrade12:18
l330thank you12:19
zykotick9l330, dist-upgrade doesn't move to next ubuntu version!12:19
DarkStar1Lucid was an awesome dist imo12:19
dr_willisid be suprised at hardware that lasts 5 years these days... :)12:19
zykotick9DarkStar1, +112:19
DarkStar1dr_willis: My Q6600 and parts are stll going12:19
xircxno ubuntus gui inistaller should keep it updated with current versions12:19
dr_willisl330:  you running some business on this? or a normal home user?12:19
Sidewinder1DarkStar1, Still is. :-)12:19
dr_willisDarkStar1:   i got a C64 :)12:19
xircxgui updater*12:20
dsnydersWhat do you put on the end of a command line to launch a program and return to the prompt?12:20
DarkStar1dr_willis: lolz12:20
dr_willisdsnyders:  command &12:20
dr_willisdsnyders:   bash job controll basics. :)12:20
dsnydersdr_willis, You are a fountain of knowledge.12:20
dr_willisdsnyders:  use exit command to  close the terminal window later if you want. avoide using the close button in such a case.12:21
DarkStar1Sidewinder1: I will cry if any parts give up within the next two years... The only thing I'm worried about is my 8800GT on the board12:21
dr_willisdsnyders:  'Using Bash' - a book worth reading. :)12:21
dr_willisDarkStar1:  my 8800gtsxxx is so loud now i cant even stand to turn on the pc that has it. :)12:21
xircx^^ agree on that book12:21
usr13l330: sudo do-release-upgrade12:21
usr13apt-get dist-upgrade has been replaced12:22
xircxShell command reference is another nice one to have by your side12:22
DarkStar1dsnyders: That he is.... It's.12:22
DarkStar1dr_willis: Mine is barely audible12:22
xircxwell im out for the day all12:22
dr_willis'mastering regular expressions' also worth grabing if you can find it in thebargin bins12:22
xircxfun talking to ya bye :)12:22
DarkStar1dr_willis: and runs EvE Online with no hassles12:22
dsnydersdr_willis, I'll have to add those two to my bookshelf.12:23
DarkStar1dr_willis: bear in mind tha I also run that setup all on a 500 watt PSU12:23
blake_Hi, what would I have to change to change the colour of the window top (With the title and open/close/exit) buttons when using GNOME Shell?12:23
droogieso, quick question. I'm on a tablet which has multitouch and touch is working normally. I'm told that in Natty I should be able to do multitouch, so I'm actually running the Live CD for Ubuntu Natty right now and the obvious multitouch things don't seem to be working. Is there something I need to enable?12:23
DarkStar1the only loud thing in my case is a case fan12:24
usr13!upgrade !l33012:24
usr13!upgrade 2~|!l33012:24
usr13!upgrade |!l33012:24
ubottu!l330: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:24
dr_willisheh in 5 years time i imagine my Cell Phone will have more power then any PC ihave now in the house.12:24
dsnydersblake_, I think you can do that through system->preferences->appearance.12:25
dr_willisI dident think gnome3 was very customizeable at this time.12:25
usr13dr_willis: desktop computers will be obsolete in 5 years12:25
dr_willisat least not for the common user.12:25
dr_willisusr13:  i recall seeing that said years ago. :) still hasent happened.12:25
DarkStar1usr13: I disagree12:25
dr_willisliwei:  Huh?12:26
DarkStar1usr13: in 10 years.. maybe12:26
usr1310 years for me, because I stay about 5 years behind anyway, (on hardware).12:27
blake_dsnydners If I change the theme in appearence it only changes the GTK3 stuff and not the top bar or colour, which means it looks like arse...12:27
droogieI guess multitouch isn't yet popular enough that people can help me with my question. ^_^12:27
ajahi`ve logged in ubuntu class ( no effects ) i turn on ccsm and when i enable some effect from the list doesn`t work any help12:27
dr_willisdroogie:  yep. its a bit of a new fad. still hasent totally caught on for the masses.12:28
usr13You can bet something will change because people are tired of the desktop cosuming almost 100W12:28
DarkStar1droogie: Or rather not many ppl have tablets enough to have suffered configuring it :)12:28
dr_willisajah:  you mean you turned on 'compiz' ? via 'compiz --replace' ?12:28
Sidewinder1droogie, Kinda' like A Clockwork Orange. ;-)12:28
usr13small laptops are catchingon12:28
usr13catching on12:29
dr_willisusr13:  saw an 'android desktop' machine today. :)12:29
DarkStar1usr13: I decided to drop out of the upgrade race when PSUs hit the 600watt barrier12:29
ajahdr_willis, just start it from shell ccsm and try the effects12:29
Monotokodon't suppose anyone knows where I can get the current upstream version of the Linux Kernel? XD12:29
ajahdr_willis, doesn`t work12:29
usr13dr_willis: Yep.  See DarkStar1, 5 years12:29
dr_willisajah:  you ran 'compiz --replace' ? yes/no?12:29
droogieSidewinder1: yes. playfully so. >:D12:29
DarkStar1usr13: The idea of having something more powerful than my microwave on my desktop just seemed wrong for me :)12:29
Monotokokernel.org is down :(12:29
DarkStar1usr13: Naahhh...12:30
usr13Apple is leading the way12:30
droogiedr_willis: okies, thank you. will try installing a multitouch game and seeing if that works, and that should narrow down the possibilities. :D12:30
DarkStar1usr13: as long as gaming still drives the desktop market (and it will for a while yet) then 5 years is too short12:30
ajahdr_willis, i run this now i don`t see the top button on windows like remove and minimize12:30
dr_willisdroogie:  i cant even think of a game that has multitouch... or much else that has it really...12:30
ajahdr_willis, and i cant move the windows12:31
DarkStar1usr13: maybe 5 years time will be the beginning of the end12:31
usr13I don't know about gaming, I think gaming is a fading fad.  My son has an ipad now, he used to be a gamer but not any more.12:31
dr_willisajah:  compiz handles the 'special effects' If it carshes or cant run due to drivers/hardware - you lose the titlebar/contorlss on the top of the window.12:31
dr_willisajah:  thts why ccsm was doing nothing.. compiz was not running.12:31
dmtarmeyhi can anyone help me iv moved usr file to desktop what folder should it be in /12:31
ajahdr_willis, so compiz is not compatible with my machine?12:32
dr_willisdmtarmey:  what 'usr' files? and dont do that??? stuff :)12:32
dr_willisajah:   Youhave not stated what your hardware is... so we dont know.12:32
DarkStar1usr13: not just gaming, also professional work, of which screen real estate plays a very important part12:32
dsnydersI hate to do this, but I'm going to have to try recovering the DVD data in windows.12:32
dr_willisdsnyders:  multi sesion disks have alwaysbeen a problem for me in the past. I never use them any more. :) under any os.12:33
dmtarmeyit was an accident it has bin lib share in it12:33
dori922_hey! is setting up a sftp server the same as an ftp server? im planning on using vsftpd12:33
usr13DarkStar1: You may be right.  But, a friend of mine, about 5 years ago, predicted that the cell phone industry would be providing the Internet for use in the future.  I told him that he was full of bull.  I'm pretty sure I was wrong.12:33
dr_willisdmtarmey:  if it from /usr/ then it would to to /usr/ :)12:33
DarkStar1dmtarmey: shouldn't it be in "/" ?12:33
dr_willisdmtarmey:  or /  if it IS the /usr/ diretory you moved.12:33
Frotsmy system freeze completely when using libtorrent based clients (rtorrent or deluge), there is no log entry or error, I have to do hard reboot to get back in the system12:34
dsnydersdr_willis, I think I accidentally wrote a blank session on top of the original.12:34
ajahdr_willis, i hope this can help to tell me 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)12:34
ajah00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 03)12:34
ajah00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (secondary) (rev 03)12:34
FloodBot1ajah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:34
dr_willisdori922_:  sftp uses ssh.. You should be using ssh whenever possible and forget ftp ever existed./ :)12:34
DarkStar1usr13: That one I saw coming in 2002.. I even foresaw the ubiquity of wireless networks12:34
Frotsanyone experienced something alike? or has a clue how to troubleshoot this madness?12:34
dr_willisajah:  so you have a Intem GM965 like it says.12:34
markturnipHey, I'm trying to sync a folders from headless computer connected to a NAS drive. Does anyone know of an application which has a WEB GUi to manage folder sync?12:34
ajahdr_willis, is this compatible with compiz?12:35
dori922_dr_willis: i know :P just trying to figure out how to set it up.. cant find a guide on google :s12:35
dr_willisajah:  should be if the drivers support 3d.12:35
usr13DarkStar1: I live in a rural area, I've been on a wisp for a long time.12:35
raj-darkmysterydr_willis, thanks for the link but all they described is about installed OS.. 'm not able to install the OS as I am not getting any interface for installation12:35
dr_willisdori922_:  for ssh/sftp// install the ssh server.. done. :)12:35
raj-darkmysteryany other thoughts?12:35
dori922_dr_willis:  thanks :D12:35
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:  i dont even rember the original problem.//. restate it to the channel.12:36
DarkStar1usr13: You're forgetting that as long as the desktop computing powers other related industries the inertia of change is goingto play a huge part....12:36
raj-darkmysteryweared issue... ubuntu 10.04 don't have graphical interface while running live CD.. how can I install ubuntu in such scenario?12:36
usr13  wisp - wireless internet provider12:36
DarkStar1usr13: and that's not something you can counteract in 5 years, but I hope I'm wrong12:36
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:   there is a nomodset option on the live cd/ hit spae at the man logo. then f5 or f6.. you did try that?12:36
dr_willisI thought the url/guide showed how to do that.12:37
raj-darkmysteryyes dr_willis i did that but no luck12:37
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:  so whats was the video chipset?   Nomodeset was needed for some of my Nvidia and ati systems.. never needed it for intel.12:37
dr_willisi will also mention that with 11.10 - ive not needed to use nomodeset on any of my pcs :)12:38
droogiedemmit. the multitouch games for Ubuntu are all compiled only for x386 D:12:38
JadedJacoblinux is such a bitch to get webcams to work12:38
dr_willisJadedJacob: oh? i normally find they are supported and work fine.. or have totally no support.. and are useless. :)12:39
raj-darkmysterydr_willis, from where can I get that chipset info ?12:39
DarkStar1JadedJacob: NOt really.. I run 10.10 on my MBP and I have no problems with apps that use webcams12:39
Frotsmy system freeze completely when using any libtorrent (rasterbar or the other one) based clients (rtorrent or deluge), there is no log entry or error, I have to do hard reboot to get back in the system. other clients dont have any problems ?!?!12:39
usr13JadedJacob: On the contrary, they usually word when you plug it in.12:39
jianfeiI have a desktop PC with a Belkin Wireless USB, works fine with windoze tried to install Ubuntu - installs fine but doesnt detect the Belkin Wireless, do I need to manually copy the driver across?12:39
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:  if you have windows.. see what windows says it is..12:39
JadedJacobi'm running a syntek web cam12:39
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JadedJacobtried so many guides12:39
dr_willisJadedJacob:  i think theres only like 2-3 people/devs  that do most all the webcam drivers for linux. :)12:39
raj-darkmysterydr_willis, no i don't have windows12:40
usr13JadedJacob: The problem is that some of them do not have Linux support.12:40
JadedJacobit's getting too advanced for me12:40
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:  its your pc..  look at the manual/docs/open it up.. i guess..12:40
BusMasterhow can I force install a package using apt-get?12:40
Sidewinder1!br | desconhecido12:40
ubottudesconhecido: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:40
jianfeiwell without the Belking wireless usb working - Ubuntu is useless to me..12:40
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:  or try a simple live cd. like tiny-core linux and see what lspci says.. You did or did NOT try the nomodeset option at the start of the cd boot menu?12:41
wilhartfucking flicker shit for 2 years now12:41
Frotsno torrent uysers here?12:41
dr_willisFrots:  lots of people use torrents...12:41
wilhartyes ubuntu ftw!!! gnn12:41
s5shi guys. I remember there was a package that installed all octave-* packages. I think it was called octave-all but I can't find it. Anyone know how to install all octave packaged without listing them explicitely?12:41
BusMasterlibopenal-dev: Depends: libopenal1 (= 1:1.11.753-1) but 1:1.12.854-0ubuntu1~lucid1 is to be installed What do I do now?12:41
DarkStar1I am one for starters12:41
JadedJacobi'm trying to get this up and running12:41
Frotsdr_willis: yeah but nobody seems to be able to help in here12:41
ortsvorsteher!language | wilhart12:41
ubottuwilhart: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:41
JadedJacobneed to go back to the drawing  board.12:42
wilhartubottu: sorry but i'm pissed12:42
ubottuwilhart: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:42
Sidewinder1Frots, I use Vuze, formally Azureus with no issues; it's a little 'heavy' though.12:42
wilhartlol bye12:42
dr_williss5s:  apt-get install can support wildcards.. (but be carefull with that)12:42
FrotsSidewinder1: I refuse to use anything java12:42
JadedJacobAzureus is nice.12:42
Frotsand I dont think it would scale to 1000+ torrents12:42
JadedJacobOverkill for torrents though12:42
l330sorry, phone: i want to use the ubuntu server edition for making music12:42
DarkStar1Frots: I haven't run one for a while now but I believe uTorrent is now available for Ubuntu12:43
dr_willisl330:  so you want a console only system?12:43
Frotsso no rtorrent or deluge users12:43
l330no, i want to use lxde desktop12:43
MonkeyDustFrots: i use deluge12:43
dr_willisl330:  so install lubuntu.12:43
DarkStar1Frots: sorry never heard of those12:43
FrotsDarkStar1: that's a good suggestion. It seems there is a server version available12:43
l330but there is no lubuntu server12:44
FrotsMonkeyDust: nice nick ;)12:44
dr_willisl330:  you are gainign nothing by going 'server' in your case12:44
DarkStar1Frots: there was another I used about 2/3 years ago that was really good12:44
DarkStar1Frots: but can't remember atm12:44
Frotsbut deluge probably doesnt crash your system12:44
l330i thought i just get  longer support time, which is something i guess12:44
JadedJacobl330, what you mean you want lxde desktop AND you want server12:44
dr_willisl330:  we explained why that wasent true earlier.12:44
l330the server has no gui at all??12:45
l330i thought only install is command line12:45
* Sidewinder1 Sighs.12:45
dr_willisl330:  the SErVEr packages would get longer support.. not lubuntu you intalled on a server..12:45
dr_willisserver is cli only - yes..12:45
DarkStar1dr_willis: but doesn't have to be :)12:45
l330but technically i can install lxde on it12:45
dr_willisif you want a dektop system. install one,. :) easier then adding a desktop to a server install.12:45
dr_willisYou are not gaining anything in your ase by doing that.12:46
DarkStar1Frots: Torrentflux12:46
JadedJacobi love the boot time of lubuntu12:46
l330lubuntu is only at 10.40 from what i saw, so no lubuntu 10.43 right?12:46
usr13JadedJacob: Is it faster than 11.04's boot time?12:46
JadedJacoblubuntu is 11.0412:46
dr_willisi will also state that Lubuntu/LXDE has improved GREATLY in the 11.04 and 11.10 releases.. using an older lts for lubuntu - would be.. painfull. :)12:47
JadedJacobI'm running it right now12:47
JadedJacobusr13, not sure12:47
dr_willis11.10 of lubuntu is getting very very nice.12:47
Frotsisnt lubuntu just ubuntu if you dont start x ?12:47
l330i need to run 10.43 because there is a special ppa for it with rt kernels12:47
dr_willisLubuntu = lxde Frots12:47
usr13JadedJacob: Well, yea, I think the difference is that openbox loads faster than unity12:47
dr_willis .43 > theres no .4312:47
Frotsdr_willis: well I dont think that is true ^^12:47
l330there is a new light lxdm loginmanager12:47
dr_willisFrots:  what? Lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE...12:48
Frotslxde is just a desktop environment (at least lat time I checked)12:48
devishi want to move all items above 500 MB to some folder but cant figure out the command12:48
Frotsoh wait I forgot12:48
JadedJacobwhat login manager is ubuntu 11.04 running?12:48
Frotsubuntu creates a different distro for each DE12:48
dr_willisFrots:  not for all of them. Lubuntu has/is becomming an official release (or will be soon)12:48
Frotswhen does cubuntu come out? (like Cli Ubuntu)12:49
dr_willistheres no Icewm-buntu : )12:49
dr_willisFrots:  that would be the Server install...12:49
Frotsdr_willis: not really, doesnt have X by default12:49
devishdoes some one can help me out as the data is huge and moving each will be difficult through gui12:49
l330so, if i install a deskop like lxde on ubuntu 10.43 LTS server it isnt server anymore??12:49
dr_willisl330:  basically.12:49
JadedJacobnight all12:49
FrotsI was aiming at ubuntu with just terminals and a nice tiling window manager12:49
usr13dr_willis: There SHOULD be an xfce-ubuntu12:49
Frotstubuntu then12:49
dr_willisl330:  the server Packages would be updated12:50
l330than i dont have to use eserver, sorry that i asked you so much12:50
dr_willisl330:  we said you didentneed server ages ago. :)12:50
Frotsusr13: never heard about xubuntu !_!12:50
l330which  dont use becausei donbt use it as server12:50
|Slacker|Devish, is the data all in ine folder?12:50
dr_willisFrots:  heh. You are out of the loop. :)12:50
Frotsdr_willis: is xubuntu gone?12:50
DarkStar1Well folks I think I'll go game for the rest of the day.. asta la vista :)12:50
dr_willisUbuntu, Kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu,  are the 4 official variants Ibelive.12:51
devish|Slacker|, yes in one folder12:51
dr_willislubuntu is sort of semi-offical i guess.12:51
usr13Frots: Oh, I guess there is. There are so many I loose track.  But I sometimes instal xfce and use it.12:51
JadedJacoblubuntu isn't official12:51
Frotsall those changes make me hate ubuntu ^^12:51
Frotswhen does pubuntu come out?12:51
Frotsjust because it sounds like shit ^^12:51
extorSo is Ubuntu 8.04 LTS still "supported" in the sense that apt packages are updated? I wanted to install it on an OpenVZ container and then run gnome inside it and connect remotely via VNC. Feasable?12:51
FloodBot1Frots: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:51
|Slacker|devish: you wanna do it via command line, i understand, isn't it?12:51
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.12:51
JadedJacobedubuntu is official though12:51
Frotshairy hardon lol12:51
devish|Slacker|, yes i would be easier that way12:51
raj-darkmysterydr_willis, its inetl but i am not sure what details you want and where to find that out... I can open the system but what info you need from that?12:52
dr_willisextor:  server packages/seucrity - yes.12:52
Frotsyou could've warned me first, not very userfriendly kthx12:52
|Slacker|devish: and you wanna move the entire folder?12:52
JasonGriffeewhat does "unable to resolve host" mean?12:52
JadedJacobHi FloodBot112:52
usr13!lts | extor12:52
ubottuextor: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)12:52
devish|Slacker|, nope the data having size >=500MB12:52
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:   If its intel. thats about all that matters.  Most intel should work fine out of the box. but i dont have much expeorence with intel video so cant really suggest much else.12:53
usr13extor: See:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS12:53
IdleOneFrots: the guidelines are linked in the topic (first warning), I removed you ( second warning).12:53
extordr_willis, usr13 OpenVZ was only supported in Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron), and not in Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVZ12:53
|Slacker|devish: oh..is it a single file?12:53
FrotsIdleOne: ok, so that's the new ubuntu style of user friendly? Ill go somewhere else for help :)12:53
extorusr13, does 8.04 give you a choice NOT to upgrade to 10.04?12:53
Frotscant even make a joke anymore12:54
IdleOneFrots: go where you like but this channel is for support not joking.12:54
l330have to go12:54
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l330thank you and cu all laters12:54
dr_willisextor:  you are never forced to upgrade.. unless you want to keep up woth the security updates and so forth.12:54
JasonGriffeewhat does "unable to resolve host" mean?12:54
usr13extor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVZ12:54
FrotsIdleOne: you should get laid some more ;) (that's supportive, not a joke)12:54
dr_willisJasonGriffee:  it cant find the host you are telling it to access..12:54
extordr_willis, oh so the security updates for 8.04 are no longer current then12:55
usr13extor: http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-and-using-openvz-on-ubuntu-10.0412:55
JasonGriffeedr_willis: my own computer?12:55
dr_willisextor:  for server stuff it is..12:55
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.12:55
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dmtarmeyDarkStar1 it seem the usr file was part of a download that i put on desktop and had instructions from a web page to install it, this was a fix for flash problem12:55
dr_willisserver support till 2013 for it.12:55
Sidewinder1extor, It's my understanding that you could run 8.04 forever; there just will be no updates.12:55
extorusr13, not trolling but if my base distribution is centos then am I better off installing fedora+gnome or centos+gnome in my container rather than ubuntu or does it make any difference12:56
extorSidewinder1, being rooted is not an option12:56
dr_willisJasonGriffee:  you are telling some pc to accessit by name.. and it cant figure out the ip from thename.. you may want to give some more details as to what you are doing exactly12:56
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:56
dr_willisextor:  'in my container' ?12:56
extordr_willis, in my OpenVZ VPS then12:57
devish|Slacker|, there is a folder "A" having no. of file and i want to move all files >500MB to some other folder B from A to B12:57
usr13extor: Well, I don't know, I haven't used fedora in some time and am unable to compare.12:57
JasonGriffeedr_willis: i am trying to install planeshift12:57
X0Rc0reFF ?DCC SEND “ff???f??????????????” 0 0 012:57
dr_willisextor:  never used it. so no idea.12:57
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.12:57
dr_willisJasonGriffee:  never heard of it. what is it?12:57
thebastlhi is the beta version of 11.10 ready for daily use?12:57
metacoderI am trying to find a module for making Ubuntu detect my ADSL modem (ID=12a7:3160) connected via USB. I tried greping the source but I think I couldn't find any module. Please help.12:57
JasonGriffeedr_willis: a mmorpg12:57
dr_willisthebastl:  if it was.. it would not be called beta/ :)12:57
Polahthebastl, it's still in beta, so no.12:57
dr_willisJasonGriffee:  if its a windows game.  in wine. check the wine app database.12:58
thebastland   can i just install gnome 3 on it?12:58
JasonGriffeedr_willis: no, its linux native12:58
dr_willisthebastl:  gnome3 is in the repos for thenext release.12:58
dr_willisJasonGriffee:  so tell the channel the issue you are having with it?12:58
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JasonGriffeedr_willis: i run into the host issue when i chmod the .run file12:59
dr_willisJasonGriffee:  clarify a bit more.. You have a host issue when using chmod? or after you are RUNNING the .run file?13:00
dr_willischmod has nothing to do with the host that ive ever seen..13:00
dori922_does rbash allow sftp?13:00
dr_williswhats theexact command you are using.13:00
JasonGriffeedr_willis: when chmod13:01
dr_willisdori922_:  you want users to have sftp only access?13:01
bagelsDoes anyone know how to use Mount Manager?13:03
dori922_dr_willis:  right now i have users rbashed into home directories(no cd) on monday i want to set up the sftp, want to make sure sftp and rbash get along though :P i dont mind if they ssh/scp/sftp etc13:03
dr_willisdori922_:  test it and see i guess. :) ive never really used rbash. but if they can ssh in i think sftp would work also.13:04
metacoderHow can I make Ubuntu detect ADSL router (ID=12a7:3160) connected via USB. I tried 'grep'ing the linux-source but I couldn't find any relevant module. Someone please tell me if there is module for 12a7:3160.13:05
dr_willisIm not sure if you an somehow break out of rbash with ssh either.. (never tried)13:05
padi999anyone using shotwell in here? I get so frustrated about this piece of s... oftware13:05
bagelsI'm using Mount Manager to automatically mount my NTFS drives, and now it won't let me mount them at all.  I keep getting errors.13:05
dori922_dr_willis: awesome :P just running through ideas for monday to try.. and i dont need it to be mega secure(rbash will do) as most clients are farmers and housewives :/13:05
Fish-FaceHey, I just installed the kde-standard package in ubuntu with a view to switching to KDE. I fired up KDM and logged in, but I only get a KDE background with a terminal - no plasma desktop or anything, unless I start it manually13:06
Fish-Facethere appears to be no way to choose a KDE session in KDM13:06
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Polahbagels, what errors? Why not just add them to your fstab manually?13:06
bagelsPolah, I've never edited fstab manually.  I'd love to learn.  I can dump the error.13:07
meta-coderI was disconnected for a moment. Please reply again. I am trying to find a module for making Ubuntu detect my ADSL modem (ID=12a7:3160) connected via USB. I tried greping the source but I think I couldn't find any module. Please help.13:07
bagelsPolah nvm now it doesn't show up on my list. brb my baby needs attn13:07
vincent_wangI have an ubuntu installation issue:13:07
Polahbagels: It mainly requires understanding how to use mount. Pastebin the error if you want, or you can provide the UUID and mount options and I'll make you an fstab line for it13:08
vincent_wangI want to install ubuntu 11.04 amd64 server version on my computer13:08
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vincent_wangbut my computer does not have cd-rom installed13:08
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Polahvincent_wang, you don't have a CD drive? You can install from a USB key as well.13:08
Andnuxcould not online install?13:09
dr_willisive seen people with issues putting server edition on a usb.13:09
vincent_wangI managed to create ubuntu installation files on a USB just as described on ubuntu's official website13:09
Polahdr_willis: Really? What issues?13:09
dr_willisPolah:  it not working/booting right. :) there was someon in here not more then an hr ago with the issue13:09
vincent_wangboot from the USB is good, but during the installation, it always checks for cd-rom13:09
vincent_wangand I am blocked by this issue right now, any ideas ? thanks13:10
McQueenhi... can you help me about mysql... http://p.defau.lt/?AkUkbRHYETvub5lGmpxoRA13:11
dr_willisvincent_wang:  you are not planning on installing the server edition, then installing a desktop are you? :)13:11
raj-darkmysteryweared issue... ubuntu 10.04 don't have graphical interface while running live CD.. how can I install ubuntu in such scenario?13:11
zykotick9raj-darkmystery, did you try the nomodeset suggestion?13:12
dr_willisraj-darkmystery:  if you did use the nomodeset option at  the install menus.. you should say so.. otherwise that will be the first suggestion people iwll give.13:12
Sidewinder1raj-darkmystery, Did you md5sum the ISO prior to burning?13:12
dr_willisand state the chipset.  (you said it was somthing intel I think)13:12
Sidewinder1Just to be different..:-)13:12
bagelsPolah http://pastebin.com/KR2ygwGg13:13
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zykotick9raj-darkmystery, ummm, if it is Intel then I doubt nomodeset will help13:13
dr_willisnight all..13:13
Sidewinder1Night Doc.13:14
PolahMcQueen: Try with the arguments -u <username> -p, fill in the username accordingly so you end up with     mysql_upgrade -u root -p    for example, then enter your password when prompted13:14
raj-darkmysteryzykotick9, Sidewinder1 it is intel13:15
meta-coderGood IDEs for C programming on Ubuntu?13:15
raj-darkmysteryzykotick9, Sidewinder1 i do tried nomodeset but no luck.. or i might be doing something wrong in that.. can you please guide me in using that as well13:16
Sidewinder1raj-darkmystery, That, with respect has little to do with md5sum. :-)13:16
raj-darkmysterySidewinder1, no i ddn't md5sum before burning :(13:17
julie101010my screen doesn't get refreshed properly when I close a window...  how can I fix that?13:17
bagelsPolah was that enough?13:18
Sidewinder1raj-darkmystery, Try it now on the ISO, you've got nothing to loose and everything to gain. :-)13:18
Sidewinder1!md5sum | raj-darkmystery13:18
ubotturaj-darkmystery: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:18
Sidewinder1!hashes | raj-darkmystery13:19
ubotturaj-darkmystery: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.13:19
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pentesterHello There13:20
McQueenPolah, http://p.defau.lt/?H6auX7T9Qa_tJT83nfbAVg13:20
zykotick9raj-darkmystery, do you happen to know, do any other GNU/Linux distros work on your computer?13:20
vincent_wangdr_willis: I planed to install a server version13:20
vincent_wangdr_willis: is it impossible to install server version through USB ?13:21
zykotick9vincent_wang, dr_willis may have left: <dr_willis> night all..13:22
raj-darkmysterySidewinder1, have checked the hash and it matches with ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso13:22
zykotick9vincent_wang, you might want to ask in the #ubuntu-server channel13:22
raj-darkmysteryzykotick9, I dont have any other distro disc with me at this moment :(13:22
zykotick9raj-darkmystery, ok, i was just curious.13:23
vincent_wangzykotick9: oh, sorry, didn't notice there is another channel for server version , thanks13:23
Sidewinder1raj-darkmystery, Did you burn the CD at the slowest speed? If so did you "check the disk" in the menu? I forget the exact listing in the menu.13:24
yorickhello, I'm having some troubles with unixodbc. what channel should I ask?13:24
c|onemanafter I create pppoe connection the GUI, it doesnt appear to be listed in the dropdown... how do I connect to it?13:27
yorickah, I got it to work13:27
mirkolub1104hello guys! I have installed Lubuntu 10min ago and I'm having troubles with my keyboard...I can't adjust volume with special button of the key...13:28
mirkolub1104anyone can help me?13:29
hospital23hi all13:29
McQueenhere is a mysql upgrade error... how can i fix it? http://p.defau.lt/?H6auX7T9Qa_tJT83nfbAVg13:30
raj-darkmysterysure Sidewinder1 i will give it a try13:31
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Sidewinder1raj-darkmystery, Desperate problems call for desperate solutions; or, sometimes, the simple ones.13:33
raj-darkmysterySidewinder1, disk is ok13:34
Sidewinder1raj-darkmystery, Then I'd defer to zykotick9 to further trouble-shoot your situation; sorry I couldn't be of further assistence. :-(13:36
zykotick9raj-darkmystery, sorry, if you have Intel and your CD is fine - I have no ideas.  Good luck.13:37
raj-darkmysteryohh.. anyways thanks for some guidance zykotick9 Sidewinder113:38
winnie666Hello! I always update with apt-get. I've added the playdeb repo and the the perforpous PPA. I wan't the performous PPA version, how do i tell apt-get to use specifically the PPA version and not the playdeb REPO?13:38
zykotick9raj-darkmystery, you might want to consider trying a more recent Ubuntu version (that suggestion hurts a little) or another distro13:39
Sidewinder1raj-darkmystery, Our pleasure. :-)13:40
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winnie666i can't seem to figure out how to edit the /etc/apt/preferences file13:42
thiebaudewinnie666, did you use gedit?13:42
zykotick9winnie666, preferences it that a real file?  I use /etc/apt/apt.conf?  I do see preferences.d/13:43
jonaskulwinnie666 sudo gedit /etc/apt/preferences13:43
rigvedwinnie666: are you sure that you are not using the ppa version?13:43
winnie666i use nano to edit that file, i can save it i can't figure what to write in it13:44
winnie666right now i am using the ppa version13:44
xangua!sudo | jonaskul winnie66613:44
ubottujonaskul winnie666: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:44
winnie666but i want to pin it so i can upgrade without going back to the playdeb!13:44
Sidewinder1jonaskul, I believe it's "gksudo gedit" :-)13:44
winnie666gksudo if run from gnome run utility13:45
winnie666sudo if from a terminal :)13:45
winnie666you can still run gedit from a terminal13:45
thiebaudewinnie666, thats how i run it :)13:45
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:46
winnie666so nobody knows how to pin a package?!13:46
thiebaudesorry i wish i did winnie66613:46
rigvedwinnie666: do this in the terminal: apt-cache policy perforpous. if it shows ppa version, then you do not need to do anything.13:46
winnie666Installed: 0.6.1~ppa1~lucid Candidate: 0.6.1-1~getdeb113:47
BluesKajHey folks13:47
thiebaudeBluesKaj, hi there13:48
winnie666so i have the ppa installed since i did a force-version, but i can't so sudo apt-get upgrade without braking the package!13:48
rigved!pinning | winnie66613:48
ubottuwinnie666: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:48
Sidewinder1Mornin' Blue!13:48
BluesKajhi thiebaude13:48
BluesKajhey Sidewinder113:49
rabbi11my synaptic manager says this on "reload" \, any thing i got to do?13:50
winnie666thnx for the help!13:51
zykotick9rabbi11, following a very old guide you found online I take it?  Feisty is OLD.13:52
sourchimpWhy has the Ubuntuone command line u1sync been removed from the repos, is there a replacement tool?13:53
rabbi11zykotick9: what should i do?13:53
zykotick9sourchimp, you might want to try the #ubuntuone channel13:53
sourchimpwill do didnt realise it would have it own channel,thanxs13:54
thiebaudebbl time for sunderland:)13:54
zykotick9rabbi11, i have no idea - i don't know what you're doing, what version of ubuntu you are using... etc.  Don't reply to me, just give more details to the whole channel.13:54
prakasrabbi11: did you fix the sound problem? PM me13:56
rabbi11http://paste.ubuntu.com/686380/ === using ubuntu 10.04 64 bit on amd 64 X2..13:57
xanguarabbi11: just remove that repository13:57
rabbi11xangua: that repository is not important ?13:58
manishanyone on oneiric and having problems with gnome-activity-journal? Anyone having this problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-activity-journal/+bug/83143613:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831436 in GNOME Activity Journal "Upon opening GNOME Activity Journal never gets past "Loading journal"" [High,Confirmed]13:59
zykotick9manish, re:ask in #ubuntu+113:59
manishzykotick9, tjamls13:59
* zykotick9 had to google what tjamls meant14:00
rabbi11http://paste.ubuntu.com/686380/ === using ubuntu 10.04 64 bit on amd 64 X2..  please help to get rid of this14:03
gtgfrrhow to fix this please ?  findServiceByDesktopPath: kded/networkstatus.desktop not found14:04
OerHeksrabbi11, you have an old Feisty and Gutsy repository in your sources list14:05
OerHeksopen synaptics, in the menu open sources, and delete them, close, reload and you are fine14:05
rabbi11OerHeks: that's not required is it? ok great removed and now W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net gutsy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3B81A3FBA47394CE14:06
ntr0pyWhich vncserver is the best for using with gdm to login into persistent gnome sessions??14:06
OerHeksrabbi, 10.04 is lucid lynx14:07
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rabbi11OerHeks: yeah, got to remove that as well?14:08
OerHeksrabbi11, yes14:08
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Katie19Hi! My name is Kelly and today I'm going to be your porn model! Wanna see my pics? Too bad...wanna click any really cool banners? ohh wait...shit...I forgot my own webpage..tehe! :)14:09
Katie19Ohh well...sorry guys, no porn for you today :( bye 4 now!14:09
rabbi11how did i get that thing in there ?14:09
bfighello, how can i know if my mic is correctly installed? (11.04)14:10
zykotick9jgalt2059, fail ;)14:10
zykotick9ntr0py, check if x11vnc fits your needs14:10
OerHeksrabbi11, after this, you can add the source of avant-windows navigator again, see > http://wiki.awn-project.org/Installation:Ubuntu#PPA14:10
rabbi11OerHeks: great, no errors this time, anyways i don;t use AWT :)14:13
ntr0pyzykotick9: Is is possible to preserve the gnome-sessions between logins with x11vnc?14:13
zykotick9ntr0py, not sure14:13
OerHeksrabbi11, nice, have fun !14:13
rabbi11OerHeks: thanks14:13
rabbi11in syn mgr the version of netbeans is 6.8 but in netbeans they are already giving 7.0114:16
engammalskoHi, how do I add a user to proftpd and how do I access it? I tried to just make a user and then navigate to ftp://localhost and tried to login with the new user, but I doesn't work.14:16
ArneyAhoy, anyone having problems with Alacarte failing to add menu items? I also have broken links in unity, that I can't find anywhere.14:17
Warthog ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨14:18
Warthog ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ ı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨14:18
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Fish-FaceHey, I just installed the kde-standard package in ubuntu with a view to switching to KDE. I fired up KDM and logged in, but I only get a KDE background with a terminal - no plasma desktop or anything, unless I start it manually14:22
Fish-Facethere appears to be no way to choose a KDE session in KDM14:22
baloi have a problem with libglib2.0-0 package version in oneiric14:23
zykotick9Fish-Face, you "might" want to try installing the kubuntu-desktop package14:23
xanguaFish-Face: want full kde¿ install kubuntu-desktop14:23
baloi upgraded from natty to oneiric beta. in this page: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/i386/libglib2.0-0 the current version is 2.29.90-0ubuntu114:24
Fish-Facezykotick9, "might"?14:24
OerHeks!oneiric | balo14:25
ubottubalo: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:25
zykotick9Fish-Face, ya, if you're trying for a minimal KDE then you "might" not ;)14:25
BluesKajFish-Face, just install kubuntu-desktop14:25
baloin the repo i'm using there is the new version. but i run apt-get update, upgrade and it's said no updates14:26
Fish-Face(I wonder why the guides I read said otherwise!)14:26
KevinAnyone know why ubuntu is only requiring me to enter my Sudo password once? Even if i logout and logback in its still cached until i clear it with sudo -K14:26
baloand my version is  2.29.16-0ubuntu214:27
tuxer@pankaj how to install14:27
balo(sry for i've mistyped)14:27
zykotick9Kevin, sudo password is saved for 15 minutes (but i'm surprised you can logout/in and it still works)14:27
Kevinoh hmm, i'll try waiting 15 and seeing if it works14:27
pankajInstLl wath14:27
Kevinerr stops14:28
Kevin@zykotick9, thanks14:28
zykotick9Kevin, fyi, every time you type sudo the timer resets14:28
raj-darkmysteryunable to install ubuntu 10.04 no graphical interface to install and system running live in text mode only14:28
pankaj@tuxer create new channel14:28
Kevin@zykotick9 thanks, that's good to know14:28
pentesteris blackbuntu available around ?14:28
zykotick9Kevin, "sudo ls && sleep 16m && sudo ls" should reask for password14:29
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xangua2pebrester not supported here14:30
zykotick9!tab > xangua214:31
ubottuxangua2, please see my private message14:31
Kevind@zykotick9 does sleep 16m simulate that time?14:31
zykotick9Kevin, it waits for 16 minutes14:32
Kevin@zykotick9 oh so i still have to wait for 16 minutes, got it14:32
xangua2Zukotick9 is stupid android autocorrection ...14:32
zykotick9Kevin, realtime, no way to simulate that14:32
zykotick9xangua2, :)14:32
MonkeyDustblackbuntu does exist, it's for testing purposes14:32
ikoniaMonkeyDust: blackbuntu is nothing to do with ubuntu, we don't support it in this channel14:33
MonkeyDustikonia: you need to address pentester14:33
ikoniaI'm sure he's seen14:34
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ramuupdating package info in offline pc14:37
ramuupdating package info in offline pc14:37
ramuupdating package info in offline pc14:37
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flibble_Can I replace a PCIe half mini card with a normal PCIe card?14:39
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flibble_Can I replace a PCIe half mini card with a normal PCIe card?14:42
zykotick9flibble_, you might want to try asking in ##hardware14:43
qinHave black out, what is New York time zone?14:44
zykotick9qin, Eastern14:44
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filePeterThis 10.04 amd64 cd image raises a loopback squashfs error… MD5 matches… What’s the matter?14:51
gfdtyboth my monitors display same stuff!14:53
Odd-rationalefilePeter: tried burning at a slower speed?14:54
jjjwould someone be able to help me with a Ubuntu in VirtualBox file permissions problem?14:54
gfdtyjjj: with shared folders?14:55
filePeterOdd-rationale: It’s a dvd-RAM burned with dd actually… So there’s error correction buil-in…14:55
gfdtyjjj: add yurself into vboxsf group14:55
jjjyes, but new folders are created as root owner and my compiler cannot write to the new directory14:56
jjjhow do I add to group?14:56
filePeterjjj: adduser jjj groupname14:56
jjjis there a graphical interface for this?14:57
filePeterjjj: WTF?14:57
MonkeyDustjjj: in Users & Groups14:57
jjjto jjj:  do we have the same nickname?14:57
gfdtyboth my monitors shows dame picture14:59
zykotick9gfdty, are you using Nvidia?15:00
gfdtyno free radeon driver15:00
gfdtygallium or whatever that is called15:00
LinuxGuy2009Can apt pinning be used to prevent a locally installed package from being removed. For example if I perform "dpkg --clear-selections && dpkg --set-selections < PackageList". If I pinned a package before doing that would it prevent removal hopefully, even though this use case has nothing to do with version numbers?15:01
jjjI am already in the group15:01
zykotick9jjj, personally I've always used SSH or NFS (Samba also possible) to share files between VBox VMs and physical boxes15:03
madurax86i cant play video on natty with openchrome driver(defaults)15:04
madurax86xorg crashes15:04
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jjjIs there a way to make new folders read write?15:05
Kevin@zykotick9 - waiting 15 minutes seem to do the trick! thanks again.. though it is odd that a logout wouldn't do the trick but good enough15:05
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zykotick9Kevin, FYI it is possible to change the timeout value (sorry off the top of my head I don't remember how however)15:05
zykotick9Kevin, in fact if you set it to 0 it won't be remembered at all15:06
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Kevin@zykotick9 https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+question/15128515:06
Kevinsomeone mentions that adding sudo -k to your log off script15:07
Kevinis a good option as well15:07
YaminAnyone have any idea why the konsole closes after I put in my password for my user account? I have a program that uses the terminal and it using my user account, so it asked me to first input my password, but then the konsole just closes.15:07
YaminDidnt mean It, mean't I'm*15:08
jjjhow does everyone know who's talking to whom in this chat?15:08
zykotick9Yamin, gnome-terminal has a "keep open" option, not sure if KDE has a similar option15:09
pamwe-chetejjj: like this, i think15:09
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zykotick9!who | jjj15:09
ubottujjj: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:09
Yaminzykotick9: how would I find a "keep open" option?15:09
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zykotick9Yamin, sorry I don't use KDE so have no idea there15:10
Yaminzykotick9: Alright thanks for the help15:10
jjjI'm looking for help with permissions problem, perhaps in separate chat if that is possible?15:10
zykotick9Yamin, if no-one else here has an answer for you, you might want to try the #kubuntu channel15:11
SchalaI've been doing some research and found that Lubuntu is the most memory conservative while Kubuntu uses the most memory. I've been testing them all and well... how much does Kubuntu take up in memory as opposed to Windows 7?15:11
SchalaIt's difficult to find benchmarks15:11
zykotick9Schala, this is from 10.04 http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_vitals&num=115:12
txithihausenHi guys, how could I enable the the boot message on a ubuntu server 11.04?15:13
txithihausenI tried to change the value of the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT var15:13
txithihausenbut didn't work15:13
gfdtykubuntu needs more 1 GB just to boot to desktop15:13
zykotick9txithihausen, remove quiet and/or splay from /etc/default/grub and run "sudo update-grub2" after15:14
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ElderDryasSchala: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/kubuntu-natty.html about 2/3 the way down...he says ~500meg RAM for his system15:16
txithihausenzykotick9, I already did that and don't work15:16
txithihauseni'm dealing with a problem to boot a customizable version of a kernel15:17
txithihauseni'm using the same config of a runnable kernel and don't worked15:17
SchalaI wonder.... if Comp Janitor is supposed to be scrapped next version, what do I use to detect unused packages?15:18
Schalacause I liked what I saw of Xubuntu except for the utilities15:18
qinSchala: scan acces time of binaries.15:19
Schalaoh dear15:21
Yaminkubuntu channel isnt help at all15:22
Schalais Comp Janitor  still going to be maintained, just not installed by default?15:22
Yamindoes anyone use kde here?15:22
SchalaI've tried it15:23
madurax86via, cant play video files anyone?15:24
zykotick9madurax86, if you have mplayer installed, try "mplayer -vo x11 file.foo" and see if that crashes Xorg as well.15:25
madurax86zykotick9: thanks15:26
jonywhy I have a much slower samba transfer speed than in windows?15:27
SchalaFor some reason, when I uninstall a package, links tend to stay in Applications menu and what not. Is there a way to purge them?15:31
madurax86zykotick9: i cant see anything15:31
madurax86but can hear15:32
zykotick9madurax86, you should also try "mplayer -vo xv file.foo" and "mplayer -vo gl file.foo" but i'd guess one of those might crash Xorg15:32
madurax86zykotick9: i see what can i do about it if it crashes?15:33
madurax86can i use some software render?15:33
ViperfangI have sucessfully built a deb package and wish to put it on my ppa (just opened) yet I am having trouble finding good documentation, any good urls?15:33
zykotick9madurax86, i have no idea - i've never used via graphics before.  Best of luck.15:33
madurax86zykotick9: ok thanks15:34
zykotick9madurax86, it would certainly help to know which one of those outputs cause the crash however15:34
kasiis there any password manager for linux that works with firefox other than keepassX (bridge to FF doesn't work) or lastpass (don't want to store on third party page)?15:35
MrPopinjayHow do I move an applet on gnome panel that doesnt have the move option in the rick click menu?15:35
BluesKajmadurax86,  is it necessary just to use mplayer ? if not maybe VLC will work.15:35
jonywhy is slower samba transfer than in windows?15:35
TripleTeais there a fix for Anthy(ibus) usage on skype 2.2 beta ? any info is greatly appreciated15:36
madurax86BluesKaj: im going to see this is lubuntu and i have gnome-mplayer by default15:36
zykotick9MrPopinjay, is Lock To Panel selected?15:36
MrPopinjayNo it's not15:37
MrPopinjayIt's the network indicator i want to move15:37
w30 MrPopinjay maybe it is locked to panel; unlock it first?15:37
MrPopinjayit's the onyl one I can't work out how to move15:37
grumblyis anyone else experiencing audio-video sync problems with vlc?  its every video and only in vlc15:37
MrPopinjayOther ones either I can middle click or select move15:37
djpkcan you hear me ?15:37
MrPopinjayOh, and the xchat icon has joined it. Some sort of program icon applet15:38
zykotick9djpk, yes, we can read you15:38
BluesKajdjpk, no , but we can see the text15:38
PhaseWhat's a small (small as in window size, not filesize) program that provides both a countdown timer and a stopwatch-like timer?15:38
djpkI have a problem with ubuntu natty15:38
hydruidPhase, stopwatch?15:38
Phasehydruid: Is that the name of it? I'll grab it :P15:38
djpkI just upgraded my system to natty.15:38
hydruidPhase, sudo apt-get install stopwatch , might work for you15:38
Phasehydruid: Alright, thanks15:38
jonyhow can I moove the taskbar up?15:38
jonywhy is slower samba transfer than in windows?15:38
djpkI currently use fluxbox.15:39
hydruidPhase, i was amazed a while back that it was called stopwatch lol15:39
Phasehydruid: lol15:39
djpkXorg takes 90% of CPU (that is to say, all the cpu time available).15:39
hydruidjony, you want to move your bottom panel to the top?15:39
SchalaHow do I remove app links in the categories once I uninstall it?15:39
jony... in kubuntu15:39
djpkCould you help me to investigate this problem ?15:39
Egup738Привет всем руссикие есть?15:39
majormeng#ubuntn cn15:39
djpkEgup738, this an english chan.15:40
zykotick9!ru | Egup73815:40
ubottuEgup738: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:40
SchalaCause I uninstalled an app but there's still a link to it in the app categories15:41
djpkwell, any idea of why my Xorg is eating all the cpu time ?15:41
madurax86zykotick9: it needs root acess to play a video!!!15:42
Phasehydruid: I don't really like the UI much (at all), but it doesn't have to be perfect.. it does what I want. Thanks :)15:42
zykotick9madurax86, that is messed up!15:42
hydruidPhase, glad i could help15:42
madurax86zykotick9: VIA is messed up! anyway good that it some how plays it15:43
djpkhttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/473643/ a paste of my system.15:43
djpkI'll ask again, why xorg is stuck with 100% of CPU time ?15:43
hydruiddjpk, what speed is your CPU (dual core, single core?)15:43
=== themill_ is now known as themill
djpkjust read the pasted text. One core. intel pentium 4. fluxbox. direct rendering enabled.15:44
hydruiddjpk, try this to see what process is killing your system: sudo ps -aux15:44
hydruiddjpk, wait, this would be better: sudo top15:45
djpkroot      1128 78.9  2.3  34420 23720 tty7     Rs+  17:23  17:01 /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-B15:45
zykotick9hydruid, "ps -aux" is incorrect, you'll get a warning/error message at the top.  It's "ps aux"15:45
djpkI already told you that it's xorg in fault15:45
Schalahow do I remove dead app links from the app category menus?15:45
hydruidzykotick9, thank you15:45
Thiago_Bmxhello my brothers15:45
TripleTeaanyone got Anthy(ibus) to work with skype 2.2 beta ??15:45
hydruidzykotick9, it's a funny message too lol15:46
Loki^ikonia are you back? :)15:46
ikoniaLoki^: I am, however I'm going other things at this time15:46
=== Loxaris is now known as flirinx
Jackneillhow can i update my gnome to the latest stable realesa?15:46
escottSchala, does purging the application work15:46
Loki^ikonia ok too bad :(15:47
escottJackneill, generally you don't upgrade specific applications, just upgrade your ubuntu release when the next version is released15:48
Loki^i still have the problem that i need to establish an ethernet connection until my computer loads runlevel 2 (and essential drivers and scripts i need)... x server and most of the programs are starting though.. but i cant read cd's for examples and my tty consoles are not starting etc until i plugin a lan cable... anyone can help me?15:48
Schalawell I can install it but it leaves the link to it in like... for example, Accessories category15:48
hydruidLoki^, thats crazy, what kind of changes did you make to cause that15:49
* Aquix is currently playing: Klute - Fabriclive.55 (DJ Marky) - Will You Still Love Me?15:49
Aquixnice :)15:49
zykotick9Aquix, wrong, not nice15:50
djpkI removed gdm, it was faulty.15:50
Aquixzykotick9 why the wrong?15:50
djpkNow my system is smooth15:50
djpkI just have one question.15:50
Loki^hydruid i have no clue :( tried alot of stuff already to repair it, googled alot, asked in here and i cant fix it yet... i used to run this laptop as desktop workstation and always had it connected to lan cable... but now i moved and use wlan most of the time and i just found out about that problem then, so i cant say when it started15:50
zykotick9Aquix, please disable that "now playing" thing15:50
djpkWhat is the standard way to use kdm ?15:50
hydruiddjpk, was it using high cpu usage on a fresh reboot?15:50
djpkWith gdm I could choose the keyboard layout.15:51
djpkhydruid, yes15:51
hydruidLoki^, what release are you running?15:51
Aquixzykotick9 I'm testing out a script. It's not automatic..15:51
hydruidLoki^, and by any chance is it a hp laptop with a broadcom?15:51
djpkit was gdm-guest-something. But I kicked it, now I'm on kdm.15:51
Loki^hydruid ubuntu 10.10, its a msi vx60015:51
djpkDo you know how to switch keyboard layout with kdm ?15:51
ghabithello. I'm looking for ubuntu video player with crop functionality - like shift+w @ smplayer for example.15:51
zykotick9Aquix, ok, that's less obnoxious15:51
Loki^hydruid my configuration is pretty default, no big changes15:52
hydruidLoki^, you change the way things start up at all?15:52
SchalaI can uninstall the package but if it placed a link in an app category in the menu, it sometimes leaves a dead link15:52
tim167hi, I have a *.txt file that is hundreds of MB big, how can I split it into several *.txt files with for example 1000 lines in each? so I would need to split it in chunks of lines, not of bytes...15:52
Loki^hydruid for example?15:52
hydruidLoki^, you tell me, you mentioned some startup scripts that you need and etc.15:52
zykotick9Schala, Gnome or Unity?15:52
escottSchala man apt-get | grep purge15:53
Schalaah I see15:53
zykotick9Schala, then use alacarte to remove them15:53
heverlHello, I'm looking for an really easy and free solution for video conferencing. Something like skype, but free. Whats good?15:53
Schalaeven if I use Xubuntu?15:53
Loki^hydruid haha no i mean basic ubuntu start scripts... like setting the cpu on powersave by default cuz else my laptop always almost burns and shuts down automatically... when i dont come to run-level 2, the power manager script isnt starting either for example15:53
Loki^hydruid or the default script to launch the tty consoles15:54
djpkheverl : for two guys or multiple cams ? (>= 3 guys )15:54
Gredeuis it harmful to run your cpu at full power always ?15:54
zykotick9Schala, i thought you just said: <Schala> Gnome.  I have no idea about xfce15:54
heverldjpk, 2 persons15:54
djpkGredeu, it depends on your heat exchanger.15:54
hydruidLoki^, lol sounds like you have bigger issues with your hardware15:54
sourchimpGredeu: it is positivly15:54
Schalawell Xfce does install gnome stuff.... so maybe it works15:54
djpkheverl, ekiga.15:55
SchalaI'll look into it15:55
Gredeudjpk, do you know how to acomplish that on a desktop ?15:55
heverldjpk, but it would be interesting to hear your recommendation for more cams...15:55
hydruidGredeu, if you're refering to the "steps" that new cpu's run at, I think it's more about saving power than anything else15:55
Loki^hydruid, well everything works smooth as long as my cpu is on powersave and my lan cable is plugged in... but when i start the computer without lan its not15:55
djpkI have no recommandation :| I just know ekiga can work for two persons.15:55
Loki^hydruid so any suggestions for that? it cant be a hardware problem15:55
heverldjpk, Is there anything that doesn't need registration. (Like setting up camera streaming via VLC)15:55
djpkyes for example you could stream with VLC.15:56
djpkgood idea.15:56
hydruidLoki^, it sounds like something is waiting for the lan to be connected to work. does the lan cable have to be plugged into just the laptop, or the laptop and something else?15:56
TripleTeaanyone here got Japanese Anthy(ibus) to work with skype 2.2 beta ?? any info is much appreciated15:56
heverldjpk, yes but thats not that easy ;) (for other people)15:56
djpkheverl, yes it's a good idea, you stream to an url and the receiver read the video with vlc15:56
hydruidLoki^, what i mean is, just plug a cable into the end and see what happens but don't plug the far end into anything else15:56
jony gb vith VLC? windows can play the same movie with ease...15:56
Loki^hydruid no, it needs a connection, not only the cable plugged in15:56
BenXYZWhat does it mean in netstat when a Local Address is listed as *:<port> rather than localhost:<port>15:56
Loki^hydruid run-level 2 starts as soon as i get the message "connection to eth0 established"15:57
djpkit means any adress I think.15:57
zykotick9BenXYZ, it means ANY address15:57
Loki^hydruid not earlier15:57
jonywhy I can't watch a movie that is about 20gb vith VLC? windows can play the same movie with ease...15:58
BenXYZLoki, zykotik9: I see... Museek is supposed to be listening on this port but external tests show it's refusing connections...15:58
BenXYZ(this port being 2234)15:58
hgb^harryjony: mkv video?15:58
ghabithello. I'm looking for ubuntu video player with crop functionality - like shift+w @ smplayer for example.15:58
hydruidLoki^, sorry dude it's beyond me, you could try setting your eth to a static ip or using a loopback plug for now15:58
jonym2ts extension15:59
Loki^hydruid i had a static ip all the time , i tried with dhcp and without, i tried even to prevent lan connection from starting, nothing helps, i uncommented loopback features in the /etc/hosts file15:59
djpkguys I have a bug16:01
zykotick9jony, do other media players play the file?  Is this limited just to VLC?16:02
djpkwhen I use alsaplayer with ubuntu natty, xorg starts to eat 90% of CPU time.16:02
Loki^i still have the problem that i need to establish an ethernet connection until my computer loads runlevel 2 (and essential drivers and scripts i need)... x server and most of the programs are starting though.. but i cant read cd's for examples and my tty consoles are not starting etc until i plugin a lan cable... anyone can help me?16:02
djpkDid anyone else already noticed that ?16:02
re2Nope, alsaplayer works fine with me16:02
djpkIt must be a problem of dependencies with gtk or something...16:03
rigvedjony: have you installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?16:04
jonyevery player plays it the same way16:04
hydruidLoki^, disable the lan int he bios?16:04
jonyi have kubuntu16:04
Loki^hydruid ok i'll try brb16:04
jonykubuntu-restricted-addons is installed already16:05
blsh0phow do you add or subtract a workstation in ubuntu?16:06
blsh0pnone of the instructions i googled work16:06
rigvedjony: in that case, install the kubuntu-restricted-extras.16:07
blsh0phow do you add screens to your workstation16:08
TripleTeadoes ubuntu firewall turn on by default ? and how do you go about configuring it ? sorry for the newb question, ubuntu newbie here...16:08
escottblsh0p, nvidia or ati/intel16:08
blsh0pescott whats that?16:09
zykotick9blsh0p, CCSM / General / tab on far right16:09
ghabitHow to install chrome browser in ubuntu?16:09
escottblsh0p, it depends on what kind of video card you have. is it nvidia or at/intel16:09
Loki^hydruid i cant find any option for that16:10
blsh0pamd is my processor16:10
rigvedTripleTea: no. it is switched off by default. install the gufw package. then you can configure firewall using it.16:10
zykotick9ghabit, "sudo apt-get install chromium-browser" will install the open source one16:10
=== Guest52 is now known as LjL-Temp
BluesKaj!chrome | ghabit16:10
blsh0pescott how do i check my video crd?16:10
rigved!gufw | TripleTea16:10
TechnicusHello . . . I am searching for a tutorial on how to establish file sharing between Ubuntu machines.  Samba is installed on them but they do not see each other on the network.16:10
TripleTearigved, thanks for the info16:10
hydruidLoki^, darn lol16:10
BluesKaj!info chrome | ghabit16:10
ubottughabit: Package chrome does not exist in natty16:10
zykotick9blsh0p, "lspci | grep -i vga"16:10
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest61148
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa16:10
rigved!info gufw | TripleTea16:10
ubottuTripleTea: gufw (source: gui-ufw): Configure system firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 11.04.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 197 kB, installed size 1252 kB16:11
rigvedTripleTea: you are welcome.16:11
blsh0pescott this is what i have i guess16:11
blsh0plspci | grep -i vga16:11
ghabitBluesKaj, zykotick9, thanks!16:11
blsh0pi mean, VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M880G16:11
blsh0pat i think16:11
Loki^hydruid but i think its a very deep issue... it checks if theres a lan connection even before grub starts... if i have to lan cable plugged in, grub doesnt show the count down and shows the selection menu all the time... if its plugged in, grub counts from 10 to 0 and starts ubuntu automatically16:11
blsh0pescott how do i do it if i have ati?16:11
BluesKajghabit, actuallly zykotick9 is correct , install chromium-browser16:11
x3qt0rMathematica works in terminal mode (except the graphics part), but not in GUI mode, It once functioned well when started with mathematica -nosplashscreen mode16:12
x3qt0rbut now its dead.16:12
hydruidLoki^, yea wouldn't hurt to upgrade to 11.04 or wait a little longer for 11.1016:12
x3qt0rHelp plz16:12
riverstyxhi guys16:12
escottblsh0p, in that case you can use xrandr or the gui (its called "Displays" in the application search) to configure your second monitor16:12
Loki^hydruid nah the risk is too high that the upgrade crashes my system like with so many people i know16:12
blsh0pok thanks16:12
Loki^hydruid and im happy with my system except that issue, no need for an upgrade16:13
hydruidLoki^, I understand dude, kinda darned if you do, darned if you don't16:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:13
hydruidLoki^, Live CD to see if the same problem exists? lol16:13
ksx4systemwhat exactly does compositing effects on Ubuntu 11.04? Compiz?16:13
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:13
zykotick9ksx4system, yes compiz16:14
hydruidLoki^, try the live cd for 10.10 and 11.04 to see if the problem occurs there too16:14
blsh0pescott there is no displays when i search16:14
blsh0pim using 11.04 if that makes a difference16:14
ksx4systemIdleOne: I already have them running but I wonder if I can recreate expose-like (show all virtual screens, show all running windows) effects on Debian16:14
rigvedTripleTea: gufw is a gui to ufw (uncomplicated firewall). gufw a simple-to-use GUI frontend for iptables.16:14
escottblsh0p, are you using gnome/unity16:14
blsh0pescott yes16:15
TripleTearigved, i see thank you once again16:15
MissingPersonI'm having problems getting my openvpn connection working.  Every time I try to connect, I'm told there are "no VPN secrets," and when I look at the configuration again, it shows an empty password field in the connection properties, so obviously it seems like a problem with keyring or seahorse.  Anyone know how to fix this?16:15
rigvedTripleTea: np. :)16:15
blsh0pthere is a monitors, page, but it doesnt do anything16:16
MissingPersonI'm having problems getting my openvpn connection working.  Every time I try to connect, I'm told there are "no VPN secrets," and when I look at the configuration again, it shows an empty password field in the connection properties, so obviously it seems like a problem with keyring or seahorse.  Anyone know how to fix this?16:16
IdleOneksx4system: if your running debian ask in #debian perhaps16:17
Loki^i still have the problem that i need to establish an ethernet connection until my computer loads runlevel 2 (and essential drivers and scripts i need)... x server and most of the programs are starting though.. but i cant read cd's for examples and my tty consoles are not starting etc until i plugin a lan cable... anyone can help me?16:17
escottblsh0p, it is part of the system settings/gnome-control-center. not sure why it isn't showing up for you. you can use xrandr directly the commands are of the form xrandr -display DVI0 1280x1024 --left-of -display DVI1 1280x102416:17
ghabitHelp me please to find video player with sound normalisation.16:17
eltigrehey, I am having some trouble with my wlan, and don't know how to diagnose it.... it looks as if a lot of packages are dropped, connection is at 3 bars of 4 though....16:19
ksx4systemIdleOne: I run Ubuntu on my PC (and I love its Compiz behaviour) and Debian on a netbook. Because I'm trying to recreate behaviour of first one I'm asking on this channel. Simple :-)16:19
r_f_ayee vls is grat - not beauty but great16:19
r_f_avlc *16:19
eltigretcp ip ping packets for example16:19
IdleOneksx4system: you're trying to recreate on debian system?16:19
c|onemantry different drivers :.16:19
IdleOneask in #debian!16:19
ghabitHelp me please to find video player with sound normalisation. Also about chromium - how to enable him as default browser?16:20
ksx4systemIdleOne: whatever, I already have an answer16:20
* ksx4system went away to read about Compiz16:20
eltigrec|oneman it's just an usb wlan stick with zero configuration....16:20
r_f_aghabit:  VLC - and about defalt browser is too easy to help you ;)16:21
c|onemanI dunno how to install drivers in linux... but I assume they are the issue16:22
_formhi. how to search with grep BETWEEN two strings? (print all lines between them)16:22
c|onemanLinux isn't known for it's ability to work well with wifi out of the box16:22
ghabitr_f_a, chromium asking each starting about default browser, but it does not working.16:23
x3qt0rc|oneman,  is it?16:23
eltigreI don't know, I just plugged the stick in and it worked...16:24
r_f_aghabit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azqoG50YQiE16:24
eltigreit's also a very strange problem....16:24
c|onemannot really16:24
madurax86strange problem with video, can't click while it plays xorg crashes!16:25
c|onemanMy brothers intel N laptop card was running slow for a while16:25
c|onemanand that's a major brand16:25
eltigresometimes it works nicely, sometimes not... and even if I have trouble I still have a download rate of at least 20kb/s16:25
eltigreand still page load times can exceed a minute16:26
c|onemanWhat brand is it16:26
TripleTearigved, how would you go about knowing whether the firewall is running or not ? from ufw16:26
awarsalve a tutti16:26
awarc'è nessuno16:27
awarci sei?16:27
awarchi sa programmare in c?16:27
c|onemanlol, prova altro channel awar16:27
awarnon mi fa entrare dice che è possibile entrare solo su invito16:28
ubunim trying to use playonlinux. to play SC2. it says i dont have 3D acceleration. is that something i do through POL or through synaptic or through wine. and HOW DO I DO IT???16:28
jonywhy doesn't play smooth a high de movie (1080p) in kubuntu?16:28
Calinouubottu: y u no give translations16:28
ubottuCalinou: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:28
c|onemanawar: hai regisrato il nome su freenode?16:29
jonythe movie has a huge lag, freezing, and so on16:29
Calinouubun: you will need to install closed source drivers16:29
ghabitr_f_a, thx!16:29
Calinouwhat's your graphics card?16:29
r_f_aghabit: you welcome16:29
ubunCalinou: closed source= pay for?16:29
Calinouclosed source stuff can be free16:30
CalinouI mean, you need to install graphic drivers. so, I was asking before, what's your graphics card?16:30
Calinouif it's a integrated chipset (Intel GMA), it will have problems running 3D games16:31
ghabitr_f_a, but it doesn't work for me )16:31
ghabitfirefox is still default16:31
r_f_a1 mom16:31
TripleTeais it impossible to join 2 chat rooms using empathy ? I don't seem to see any messages from the 2nd chat room ?16:32
jonyso NOONE is watching high def movies (1080p) in linux????16:32
r_f_aghabit:  11.04?16:32
ghabitr_f_a, yep16:32
mranimajony not that I know of.16:32
guest0000666how to increase the window size of terminal is there some option16:33
mranimaguest0000666 just hover the mouse icon. And then Drag or move.16:33
r_f_aghabit: try this > https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/net-default-browser.html16:34
iceflatlineHave you tried right-clicking in the terminal window?16:34
Lantizia!seen allquixotic16:34
ubottuI have no seen command16:34
pulgokiallquixotic ~allquixot@ was last seen Sat May 21 09:15:08 2011 joining #ubuntu16:34
guest0000666mranima, hehe i meant number of lines16:34
mranimaoh, um...16:35
ghabitr_f_a, works! Btw, vlc is under qt? Is there some gtk alternative?16:35
guest0000666all the data goes up and i can see a limited size window only16:35
guest0000666neither i  can scroll16:36
Myrttipulgoki: turn that off16:36
mranimayou wanna see a scroll bar on the Terminal window?16:36
r_f_aghabit: no - its not qt i think - its not beauty soft - but it play (almost) everything16:36
blsh0pok i have a serious problem16:37
Myrtti!google | test16:37
ubottutest: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.16:37
IdleOne!seen Myrtti16:37
ubottuI have no seen command16:37
blsh0pwhen i add a repository, or in regard to the repositories i have already added, I cannot download the repositories16:37
blsh0p90% of all the repository items its supposed to download are "failed"16:38
Myrttipulgoki: thank you16:38
soreaublsh0p: Can you ping google.com?16:38
Gredeuif i didn't want to save power, would it be harmful to run the cpu at full speed ?16:38
soreaublsh0p: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin.com?16:38
blsh0pi dont know16:39
soreau! pastebin | blsh0p16:39
ubottublsh0p: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:39
blsh0phow do i do that?16:39
czardozopen the file with gedit, and paste it to pastebin.com16:39
czardozand give us the link here16:40
soreaublsh0p: Open it in a text editor and copy it to that page in your browser, then click Post and paste the link it gives you back here16:40
soreauor install pastebinit and use: pastebinit /path/to/file.txt16:41
soreauor just leave the channel :P16:41
Brutus-Hi, i installed my wireless printer. I can print and scan from pc. But my printer doesn't see my pc so i can't start the scanning from the printer, i necessary must send the command from pc. How can i fix this? Thanks16:41
pmitrosI'd like to record a 30 minute video with my webcam. I'd like to start recording from the commandline. cheese doesn't appear to have commandline options. mencoder gives me bad videos for some reason. Any clues as to the best way to do this?16:42
eQuiNoX__hey guys, in order to change my computer name i just edited /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname ; however the commandline prompt does not reflect that change; how could i change that?16:42
ikoniaeQuiNoX__: reboot and it will16:42
eQuiNoX__i see16:42
eQuiNoX__ikonia: thanks16:42
pmitrosSpecifically, cheese properly aligns audio and video. With mencoder, the video plays superfast, and is unaligned to audio.16:43
soreauBrutus-: Maybe a copy function might work without a computer plugged but scanned data needs somewhere to go, like a program or whatever16:43
eQuiNoX__ikonia: um, would there be a way to do that without rebooting? :|16:43
rumpe1eQuiNoX__, try "exec bash" or reopen another terminal somewhere16:44
ikoniaeQuiNoX__: it's pointless as your machine won't know it's new hostname until you reboot anyway16:44
Brutus-soreau, so i must have a prog open to scan from printer, right?16:44
eQuiNoX__i see16:44
ikoniaeQuiNoX__: the prompt is just the PS1 varible, however, just because the prompt may say the new hostname, your machine will need a reboot to know it's new hostname16:44
soreauBrutus-: Well yes, that, and you need to invoke the scan function from the computer, not the printer/scanner16:45
eQuiNoX__i see16:45
eQuiNoX__thanks ikonia, rumpe116:45
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
TripleTeais ubuntu-jp channel dead quiet or am i not seeing any chats due to an Empathy bug ?16:46
soreauTripleTea: Its probably just quiet16:46
luc_hi can anybody helpme i dual booted ubuntu and windows 7 and now windows wont boot up anymore not even in safe mode16:46
Brutus-soreau, but my printer is far from pc and i have to keep the cover shut. I cant invoke the scan from computer16:47
soreauluc_: Sounds like a windows problem16:47
TripleTeasoreau: its too quiet to be true O_O isn't it a support room ??16:47
soreauBrutus-: What does keeping the cover shut have to do with anything?16:47
soreauTripleTea: I will join and see16:47
TripleTeasoreau: thank you !16:47
soreauTripleTea: There are only 38 people there16:48
Brutus-soreau, to have a better scan. The book to scan is hight16:48
TripleTeasoreau: thank you for verifying !16:48
soreauTripleTea: And you see the message I sent you there16:48
soreauit works16:48
TripleTeasoreau: yes i see it clearly thanks for verifying it for me16:48
soreauBrutus-: Ah I see.. well I dont think any scanner works this way.. sounds like a two person job, or you need to move it closer to your machine16:49
Brutus-soreau, so what does the scan button stand for on the printer?16:50
soreauBrutus-: I really couldn't tell you. What does it do with the bundled software that it comes with? anything?16:50
soreauBrutus-: On my printer, there's a 'Copy' button, not scan, which works even with no computer16:51
waperboyFocus shift: guitar god: Steve Vai: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw74sDWPH7U&ob=av3e16:51
soreau! ot | waperboy16:51
ubottuwaperboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:51
Brutus-soreau, good for you16:51
soreauWe do not shift focus here, sir16:51
TripleTeawhat is ot O_O ??16:52
soreauTripleTea: Off Topic16:52
KevinIs there an Apache channel on freenode?  I can't shutdown apache and looking for a place to ask a question or two16:52
waperboyworth a try, sitting here on my ubuntu puter (no double boot here, pure ubuntu), wanting to share this excellent musical experience :)16:52
IdleOnewaperboy: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for that16:53
soreauKevin: #httpd16:53
rumpe1Kevin, /msg alis list *apache*16:53
Kevin@soreau thanks16:53
soreauKevin: They are very strict there, so word your question(s) wisely16:53
Kevin@soreau I'll consider myself warned16:53
=== skoef_ is now known as skoef
waperboyIdleOne: I consider myself cautioned - one does stupid stuff on the beer trip ;)16:54
IdleOnewaperboy: understandable. I suggest you part this channel to avoid upsetting the ops :)16:55
waperboyAt the risk of extending my off-topicness - I think I can handle myself :)16:55
luc_can anybody helpme with rebotting windows on mycomputer16:57
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soreauluc_: So ubuntu works ok?16:57
Gredeualt-f2 :(16:58
luc_soreau, yes but not windows16:58
soreauluc_: Can you pastebin /boot/grub/grub.conf file to pastebin.com?16:58
Gredeui hate killing my xserver :(16:58
szalsoreau: you're shooting in the dark, as it seems16:58
szalluc_: what exactly is the problem?16:58
TripleTeaerm...how do you differentiate the op from non op ?16:59
IdleOneTripleTea: assume everybody is an op :)16:59
szalTripleTea: huh?16:59
IdleOneTripleTea: /msg chanserv access #channel list16:59
luc_cannot reboot back to windows even in safemod16:59
soreauszal: I'm not 'shooting in the dark', I'm confirming that things are ok on ubuntu's side of things. Beyond that, we can't do a whole lot16:59
TripleTeaIdleOne thank you16:59
szalluc_: why not?16:59
luc_just freezes on start up screen17:00
Kevinwould the assumption be, that in order to get webrick to launch on port 80, that i first need to shutdown the apache2 process that is listening on that port?17:00
jonysame problem17:00
szalluc_: that would then be a Windows problem -> ask in ##windows17:00
jonyGDMITp movie in linux?????????????????17:01
szaljony: whole sentences?17:01
jony1080p movie watching in linux... noone ?17:01
szaljony: whole sentences?17:01
jonymedubuntu didn't help17:01
BluesKajjony, did you run sudo apt-get udate , then upgrade after installing the medibuntu repos17:02
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shaun413whats a good fan control software for amd gpu and cpu?17:05
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shaun413they are getting too hot for my liking17:05
TripleTeahas anyone successfully used Japanese Anthy(ibus) with Skype 2.2 beta ??17:05
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pid_Anyone got a minute to troubleshoot something with me17:06
soreauTripleTea: Are you already using ubuntu in Japanese?17:06
soreau! ask | pid_17:06
ubottupid_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:06
zachkhow do i sudo with pipes? well the ">" symbol and double quotes17:06
shaun413so anyone have an answer?17:07
zykotick9zachk, tee17:07
TripleTeasoreau nope, im using english17:07
pid_No sound through headphones, just through laptop speakers. What do?17:07
shaun413fan control software for amd??17:08
soreauTripleTea: Does it work if you boot a live cd in Japanese or why do you only want skype in that language?17:08
soreaushaun413: Many fans are controlled directly by the hardware, without the option for user intervention17:08
Gredeupinnacle video capture doesn't work17:08
TripleTeasoreau: i dont want skype in that language, i just want to type in japanese17:08
TripleTeasoreau: in skype that is17:09
shaun413but my gpu has an option for fan control on windows17:09
zachkzykotick9: could you give me an example of sudo with tee?17:09
shaun413i like for it to stay around 50c17:09
soreaushaun413: If your gpu is running too hot, it could mean the graphics driver is not cool enough..17:09
ecofriendHi all17:09
soreaupun intended :P17:09
GRMrGeckoHello, I am appearently getting a Kernel panic.17:09
TripleTeasoreau: its working for my firefox and gedit, but it doesn't work with skype17:09
aciculazachk: depends on the command you are using, mind you that command1 | command2 are separately executed, so if you need root permissions on either they both need sudo, just sudo command1 | command2 in that case wont work17:09
GRMrGeckoHow can I get a screencap/text version of it?17:10
aristarchusdoes anyone know how to enable /var/log/secure?17:10
shaun413well i dont know what the temp is17:10
aristarchusi want to log bad attempts17:10
GRMrGeckoso I can share with you guys17:10
shaun413how can i find out? is there a program?17:10
aciculaGRMrGecko: eh can you describe your system? what hardware, is this a new installation, did you customize anything?17:10
=== Guest61148 is now known as LjL-Temp
zachki am attempting this : sudo cmd-here > fileIWantToDumpTxtTo.txt17:11
shaun413its a amd hd687017:11
GRMrGeckoacicula: It's a MSI (I guess you'll say wind)17:11
GRMrGeckoIntel Atom17:11
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest40367
GRMrGeckoit's basically an all in one computer17:11
jribzachk: that executes "cmd-here" using sudo but the redirection (>) happens as your user17:11
soreaushaun413: You probably want to look into lm-sensors17:11
shaun413where can i download that?17:11
aciculaaristarchus: i think by default bad logins are logged in auth.log, but its rsyslogd is a good place to start17:12
zachkyes i realize that. how do i work around it?17:12
jribzachk: either pipe to sudo tee, or run « sudo -i » do what you need and then exit17:12
Loki^i still have the problem that i need to establish an ethernet connection until my computer loads runlevel 2 (and essential drivers and scripts i need)... x server and most of the programs are starting though.. but i cant read cd's for examples and my tty consoles are not starting etc until i plugin a lan cable... anyone can help me?17:12
GRMrGeckosays process wpa_supplicant17:12
soreaushaun413: If you're using the open radeon driver (not proprietary fglrx), you can ask in #radeon for gpu specific questions17:12
soreaushaun413: #ati for fglrx17:12
wukuihello, i have installed the bootloader on /dev/sda1 where is the C: in Win7, so now i can't boot in the Win717:13
ecofriendI have one strange problem. I have Ubuntu 10.04 and winx xp dual boot.  I am experiencing very very slow Internet connection from Ubuntu firefox and very fast net from win xp. Usually net was faster from ubuntu than windows. Note: I always update my ubuntu with update manager. i don't have any other web browser in ubuntu17:13
eQuiNoX__hey guys, i just tried partitioning with ext4 and im getting -> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/473693/17:13
aciculaGRMrGecko: when do you get a kernel panic, what ubuntu version are you using, is this a new installation?17:13
shaun413sorry caps17:13
shaun413i cant get it to run17:13
eQuiNoX__that was the paste for ext3, but the same error shows up for ext417:13
soreau! who | shaun41317:13
ubottushaun413: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:13
GRMrGeckoacicula: I don't know exactly when I get it, this is the latest natty version (I believe)17:13
GRMrGeckoI just installed it this morning17:13
soreaushaun413: The default is the radeon driver on linux..17:14
aciculawukui: you will have to boot the windows recovery CD and have it fix the windows bootloader, then you can try installing grub again(on /dev/sda instead of sda1 i presume?)17:14
soreaushaun413: If you cant get it to run, how is it getting too hot?17:14
GRMrGeckoacicula: This machine was bluescreening windows at boot17:14
ecofriendsomebody please help: I have one strange problem. I have Ubuntu 10.04 and winx xp dual boot.  I am experiencing very very slow Internet connection from Ubuntu firefox and very fast net from win xp. Usually net was faster from ubuntu than windows. Note: I always update my ubuntu with update manager. i don't have any other web browser in ubuntu17:14
aciculaGRMrGecko: did you dowmload it from the main ubuntu site?17:14
GRMrGeckoacicula: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:14
shaun413soreau it is running, idk if its getting too hot i just like to see the tempurature17:15
soreauecofriend: How do you connect to the internet on that machine? wirelessly?17:15
aciculaGRMrGecko: k, where do you see the kernel panic, what do you see on your screen?17:15
soreaushaun413: lmsensors17:15
shaun413soreau i did not download any drivers though17:15
carindermalhii want to make a channel17:15
aciculacarindermalhi: ask in #freenode17:15
GRMrGeckoacicula: That makes no sense. I just see black background with text and a curser17:15
GRMrGeckoI expect it to be a kernel panic17:15
aciculaGRMrGecko: i see17:16
GRMrGeckoas whatelse would it be?17:16
MissingPersonI'm having problems getting my openvpn connection working.  Every time I try to connect, I'm told there are "no VPN secrets," and when I look at the configuration again, it shows an empty password field in the connection properties, so obviously it seems like a problem with keyring or seahorse.  Anyone know how to fix this?17:16
soreaushaun413: That means you're using the default radeon driver17:16
wukuiacicula, how to fix the bootloader in win17:16
aciculaGRMrGecko: do you have any lights on the keyboard that blink when that happens?17:16
GRMrGeckoacicula: Nothing is blinking17:16
GRMrGeckomouse works17:16
aciculaGRMrGecko: not every (apparant) hangup is a kernel panic17:16
soreaushaun413: There's stuff you can edit/cat in /proc/ IIRC but you'd have to ask in #radeon to get more specific details17:16
aciculaGRMrGecko: how can you tell if the mouse works?17:16
soreau! pm | ecofriend17:17
ubottuecofriend: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:17
GRMrGeckoacicula: The curser moves:P17:17
shaun413soreau how do i install lmsensors?17:17
GRMrGeckoDare I find a camera and take a picture?17:17
aciculaGRMrGecko: what text do you see, and what shape is your mouse cursor?17:17
aciculaGRMrGecko: yeah that actually would be helpful, heh17:17
soreaushaun413: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors17:17
ecofriend soreau:i have a router but i connect the net with the cable from router to PC. this is because i don't have wi-fi at my old PC.17:17
acicula!Dualboot | wukui17:18
ubottuwukui: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:18
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:18
shaun413soreau:  apt - get do i need to downlaod that?17:18
soreauecofriend: Well then, it seems strange that it's slow and fast on xp17:18
soreaushaun413: That's a command you run in your terminal to install lm-sensors17:18
Raresianhi all17:18
soreau!info lm-sensors | shaun41317:18
shaun413soreau:  how do i get to terminal?17:18
ubottushaun413: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.2.0-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 95 kB, installed size 460 kB17:19
aciculawukui: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsRecoveryCd this describes how the windows recovery procedure should work17:19
soreau! terminal | shaun41317:19
ubottushaun413: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:19
ecofriendsoreau: yes. i searched net but there are some tips to increse firefox17:19
carindermalhii need some help register17:19
aciculaactually, nvm that link, that one is terrible17:19
soreauecofriend: Can you be more specific about what is slow exactly? Flash videos?17:19
wukuiacicula, ok, i 'll read it17:19
aciculaanyone got a decent link on how the xp/win7 recovery cd works?17:19
soreau! register | carindermalhi17:19
ubottucarindermalhi: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:19
GRMrGeckoacicula: http://mrgeckosmedia.net/grab/3f9ee28b9a19eb98f1725b34ab12a107.png17:19
pamwe-chetei want to change the mail key on my keyboard to launch a terminal and then mutt, where is that done?17:19
pamwe-cheteinstead of evolution17:19
aciculawukui: from what i can recall its basically insert your windows CD, let it boot and look for an option that says fix my windows or fix my bootloader/mbr, etc17:20
rigvedacicula: this is the support channel for ubuntu. ask in ##windows for windows-related questions.17:20
ecofriendsoreau:ok. google... fastest web address is also taking few seconds. high graphic speedtest.net never loads fully17:20
acicularigved: thanks for that17:21
RaresianCan someone help me? I have the following problem: After choosing "install" in the boot menu from natty narwhal my monitor shuts down...17:21
soreauecofriend: Well I guess it's not inconceivable that it's a problem with the driver for your ethernet card although I'm just guessing17:21
rigvedacicula: you are welcome.17:21
GRMrGeckooh look17:21
GRMrGeckoI got out of it by pushing keys17:21
shaun413soreau:  so how do i run it?17:21
scxis it possible to use OpenGL apps on Ubuntu LiveCD?17:21
GRMrGeckodon't know what it was17:21
FloodBot1GRMrGecko: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:21
soreaushaun413: No idea ;)17:21
mranimajust goes black or shuts off?17:21
scxI have Nvidua GT 43017:22
aciculaGRMrGecko: it looks like something in the kernel is crashing, but i dont think the entire kernel crashed17:22
Raresiangoes black and says "energy saving mode"17:22
shaun413soreau   but i installed it?17:22
GRMrGeckoacicula: Would that be ram related?17:22
ecofriendsoreau: ok. but i have always turned to ubuntu for faster and safer browsing. but now i have to go back to M$.17:22
soreaushaun413: gimme a sec17:22
GRMrGeckoI was scrolling in an libraoffice document17:22
rigvedscx: yes, afaik. you can even install graphics card drivers and test them.17:22
scxrigved: on _LiveCD_ (without restart)?17:23
rigvedscx: yes.17:23
soreauecofriend: Like I said, I can't tell you why it's slow. Try a different version of ubuntu live session and see if it's still a problem17:23
aciculaGRMrGecko: looks more like its related to the wireless, though if you had bluescreens before using the ubuntu livecd to run a memory test, its in the boot menu, wont hurt17:23
soreauecofriend: If it's an older system, try an older version of ubuntu17:24
aciculaGRMrGecko: did you have to do anything special to get wireless working ?17:24
GRMrGeckoacicula: I plan to17:24
GRMrGeckoacicula: No, I didn't do anything special17:24
scxrigved: ok, thanks17:24
Raresianif someone wants to help me please, pm me17:24
GRMrGeckothe hardware whatever it is says I'm not using propairatory hardware.17:24
soreaushaun413: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163939117:24
ecofriendsoreau: ok thanks soreau. Is it normal to put my question again to get more answers from other members in the channel??17:25
executionisthow would I open a conf file as root, when i double click it is opened read only, when from the terminal I type sudo abc.conf it cant open it17:25
soreaushaun413: You can also try 'lm_sensors --help' or even 'man lm_sensors' to see if there's a manual page17:25
aciculaGRMrGecko: under System->Administration->Log file viewer there is a log called kern.log that should contain the entire sequence of text you photographed17:25
soreauecofriend: You can ask later, sure. Just not frequently enough to become annoying17:26
aciculaGRMrGecko: can you put that up somewhere on pastebin or something?17:26
soreauecofriend: also can ask in ##linux if you want17:26
ecofriendsoreau: thanks fro the info.17:26
aciculaecofriend: #ubuntu only has a one-line memory anyway ;)17:26
DaykerasWhich channel should I go to ask questions about vsftpd configuration and autostart?17:26
aciculawell except the ops i suppose17:26
ecofriendsoreau. ok.17:26
soreauecofriend: I didn't make that last statement...17:27
* acicula hides17:27
aaasdo i have to add anything to the upstart script found here (first gray box): http://askubuntu.com/questions/47918/how-can-i-enable-wake-on-lan-permanently17:27
ecofriendacicula: i didn't understand.17:27
executionisthow would I open a conf file as root, when i double click it is opened read only, when from the terminal I type sudo abc.conf it cant open it17:27
aaasor just copy it to /etc/init/17:27
soreauecofriend: He was joking and probably shouldn't be17:27
edbianexecutionist: sudo nano abc.conf17:27
Daykerasexecutionist it's because your browser isn't being run as root17:28
soreauedbian: !17:28
Raresianso..can someone help me?17:28
executionistok ty17:28
edbiansoreau: hi :)17:28
Daykerasyou can either enable the filebrowser to run as root, or create a script so when you right click you have the option of "open as root"17:28
Daykerasor you can use the terminal to open it17:28
edbianexecutionist: sure17:28
DaykerasSo, anyone familiar with vsftpd?17:28
shaun413should i just not worry about temps?  will ubuntu keep them down with the stock drivers?17:28
soreauRaresian: When does the monitor shut down?17:28
ecofriendsoreau:: ok17:29
Daykerasshaun413 are you overclocking?17:29
Daykeraswould you normally worry about temps?17:29
Daykerasthen ubuntu's drivers will be fine, unless your computer has really poor cooling or you're overclocking17:29
GRMrGeckohmm… ifconfig doesn't want to run17:29
shaun413its in a haf932 case i dont have to worry about poor cooling17:29
soreauGRMrGecko: What happens when you try?17:30
aciculaecofriend: i ment half the time questions that dont get answered or picked up right away tend to be missed. Though i think there still is a channel that keeps track off which questions still need a response17:30
GRMrGeckosoreau: It just hangs17:30
GRMrGeckothe internet doesn't work ether17:30
rigvedexecutionist: install nautilus-gksu package. it will add a "Open as adminstrator" field when you right-click a file. then, it will open the file as root in gedit.17:30
GRMrGeckomaybe it is something to do with the network17:30
soreauGRMrGecko: That doesn't sound right at all.. ifconfig should work regardless what the state of the network is17:30
aciculaGRMrGecko: does ifconfig just hang when you run it?17:30
soreauGRMrGecko: When did this start happening?17:31
executionistrigved, is that package in ubuntu software center17:31
GRMrGeckosoreau: After I got that kernal panic17:31
rigvedexecutionist: yes.17:31
DaykerasMy vsftpd isn't autostarting, and I don't know why. I've reinstalled it twice. :(17:31
GRMrGeckoor whatever it is:P17:31
ecofriendacicula: interesting. which channel is that?17:31
aciculaGRMrGecko: can you post the kern.log?17:31
GRMrGeckoI will after I reboot to fix the network17:31
GRMrGeckoif it boots17:31
soreauGRMrGecko: Yea, start looking at 'dmesg' output17:31
aciculaGRMrGecko: save it first, before rebooting, or it wont be there17:32
aciculajust copy paste it to a text file17:32
Raresian:soreau I choose th CD with ubuntu in the boot menu, than it loads, i choose my language, choose isntall, then the monitor goes black17:32
GRMrGeckosoreau: Will do17:32
soreauRaresian: Ah, what gpu is it?17:32
TripleTeaanyone got Japanese Anthy(ibus) to work with Skype 2.2 ??17:32
aciculaecofriend: dunno, one of the ubuntu-* i presume, but i cant recall the name17:32
Raresiansoreau: nvidia 9800gt17:33
executionistrigved, do I need a restart after installing that package for the menu to appear?17:33
rigvedexecutionist: just log out and log back in.17:33
soreauRaresian: Well you can try booting with nomodest option.. I assume it doesn't work if you try ubuntu without installing option too?17:33
soreauRaresian: It's actually nomodeset17:34
DelphiWorldHey all !17:34
DelphiWorldcan ubuntu installer push by default to serial console ?17:34
Raresiansoreau: no it doesn?t wok as a lve cd17:34
soreau! nomodeset | Raresian17:34
ubottuRaresian: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:34
Raresiansoreau: okay, thanx17:35
Annananyone know about z68 mobo and ethernet problems?17:35
DelphiWorldif someone can give me a clue would by botyfull.17:35
soreau! anyone | Annan17:36
ubottuAnnan: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:36
soreauDelphiWorld: May I ask why you'd need that?17:36
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:36
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.17:36
DelphiWorldsoreau: Good Question;17:36
DelphiWorldsoreau: cause i am blind and i want to install ubuntu myself.17:36
soreauDelphiWorld: You are blind as in you cannot see?17:37
DelphiWorldsoreau: yep.17:37
soreauDelphiWorld: How are you talking to us right now?17:37
DelphiWorldsoreau: using Windows17:37
TripleTeai guess by voice ?17:37
DelphiWorldsoreau: Jaws For Windows Screen reader, the equival to Orcas in GNOME17:37
Annanor braille pad17:37
soreauDelphiWorld: ah ok..17:37
=== christian is now known as Guest49932
DelphiWorldAnnan: brail is not available right now17:38
GRMrGeckoacicula: soreau http://paste.ubuntu.com/686475/17:38
Guest49932Can I ask question? What is a good alternative to Notepad++?17:38
edbianGuest49932: gedit17:38
TechnicusHello . . . how can I change the boot splashy?  I configured grub so that it would display verbose ( and that is the configuration I prefer ), but after it loads the bottom init scripts the Ubuntu splashy flashes for a moment while gdm loads.  How can I suppress this behavior?17:38
Braber01Where to I put fonts?17:38
DelphiWorldsoreau: i thinked a lot and didn't found any solution :(17:38
soreauDelphiWorld: That might be a question for #ubuntu-devel or ##linux perhaps17:38
DelphiWorldsoreau: i'm allready in ##linux :(17:38
DelphiWorldsoreau: no Clue at all17:38
soreauDelphiWorld: I'm really not familiar with serial console myself17:39
GRMrGeckohere is the dmesg one http://paste.ubuntu.com/686476/17:39
Guest49932yeah i use it. Is there much better?17:39
Technicussoreau: !17:39
rigved!info gedit | Guest4993217:39
ubottuGuest49932: gedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.4-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 515 kB, installed size 1860 kB17:39
soreauTechnicus: !17:39
DelphiWorldsoreau: don't wory17:39
DelphiWorldsoreau: hopfully well get a solution soon17:39
rigvedGuest49932: along with some developer plugins.17:39
DelphiWorldsoreau: sunse ubuntu is affrican... and i am too ;)17:39
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/17:39
Guest49932like what?17:39
aciculaGRMrGecko: there is no error in there, did you save the kern.log file before you rebooted?17:40
soreauDelphiWorld: I'm trying to think of a solution.. let me see here17:40
Guest49932what plugin?17:40
DelphiWorldsoreau: :P17:40
GRMrGeckoacicula: This is the knerel log which I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/686475/17:40
GRMrGeckoit's what the black screen said17:40
rigvedGuest49932: check out this session of app developer week: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/appdevweek1109/MakingAppDevelopmentEasyGeditDeveloperPlugins17:41
acicula crashing its wpa_supplicant17:41
DelphiWorldsoreau: if i come to #ubuntu i would become very mad17:41
ecofriendecofriend: somebody please help: I have one strange problem. I have Ubuntu 10.04 and winx xp dual boot.  I am experiencing very very slow Internet connection from Ubuntu firefox and very fast net from win xp. Usually net was faster from ubuntu than windows. Note: I always update my ubuntu with update manager. i don't have any other web browser in ubuntu17:41
GRMrGeckothere was stuff 1 minute back17:41
GRMrGeckobut didn't think that was a part of the error17:41
DelphiWorldsoreau: look like a Opticall fiber passing 1000000TB/s17:41
hareldvdWhere is the log file that registers rc init files execution (/lib/lsb/init-functions: log_begin_msg)17:41
Arneyls is igonring files, find is not finding them, nautilus is showing things that don't exist... .WHAT IS GOING ON?17:42
AnnanI have a z68 mobo with r8168 ethernet.. modprobe by default loads r8169 driver, but after rmmod r8169 and install r8168, ethernet works fine. however, when I reboot r8169 loads again automatically17:42
soreauDelphiWorld: Well the only thing I'm getting from google is you need to get Orca up and running and apparently it's installed by default so it should work on a live cd17:42
filePeterI deleted the wifi icon in the very top panel… How to get it back?17:42
ziggyhi guys i need a small favour can anyone access http://developer.amd.com ?17:43
aciculaGRMrGecko: yeah that is the crash alright17:43
DelphiWorldsoreau: lol17:43
DelphiWorldsoreau: i googled allready and no way17:43
soreaufilePeter: You probably removed notification area..17:43
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BluesKajecofriend, then try a different browser , so we can see if FF is faulty.17:43
DelphiWorldsoreau: cause i am doing ubuntu server not the desktop17:43
GRMrGeckoacicula: The messages above is setwirelessmode17:43
urlin2uecofriend, what does a whats my speed check on the net show for both OS's17:43
soreauDelphiWorld: How, you're just all kinds of complicated, aren't you?17:43
GRMrGeckochanging channels17:43
filePetersoreau: No not the whole… Screen and sound icons are still there…17:43
DelphiWorldsoreau: hahaha why ? am i ?17:44
soreaufilePeter: In that case, you need to start nm-applet17:44
Cem_Nome5Hello! I'm trying to configure a wireless network in my new computer (I just bought it). It's Ubuntu 10.04. It's everything ok, but the computer seems to not recognize my wireless dispositive. Can anyone help me?17:44
soreauDelphiWorld: Yes, you are ;)17:44
ecofriendBluesKaj: ya. i thought about that but dowloading chrome is taking lot of time17:44
ArneyThis is driving me insine, why do commands fail to see files that nautilus sees.17:44
DelphiWorldsoreau: give a readson:D17:44
filePetersoreau: thx a million…17:44
soreauDelphiWorld: Well if I were in your shoes, I'd get someone to help me or at least get started17:44
GRMrGeckolooks like a memory error to me17:44
soreaufilePeter: no problem17:44
* DelphiWorld is alone, soreau !17:45
DelphiWorldsoreau: take your passport and Welcome here ;)17:45
Cem_Nome5Hello! I'm trying to configure a wireless network in my new computer (I just bought it). It's Ubuntu 10.04. It's everything ok, but the computer seems to not recognize my wireless dispositive. Can anyone help me?17:45
soreauDelphiWorld: I would help you if I was there.. how do you know we're not already in the same country?17:45
aciculaGRMrGecko: its an error in the kernel i think17:45
DelphiWorldsoreau: maybe ;)17:45
DelphiWorldsoreau: i'm in +213:D17:45
GRMrGeckoacicula: So it's not a problem I can fix without code to the kernel?17:46
soreauDelphiWorld: Never heard of a country represented by numbers :P17:46
DelphiWorldsoreau: hahaha17:46
soreauGRMrGecko: You can try a different version of the kernel, which is different for each version of ubuntu17:46
kervalahi there !17:46
ziggyhi guys can anyone resolve developer.amd.com ?17:46
aaasis the ubuntu menu->suspend supposed to call pm-suspend?   sudo pm-suspend works for me but the menu just locks the screen17:47
ziggyI'm not sure if it is amd or google.com's giving me the problem17:47
aciculaGRMrGecko: not sure, what specific model of nettop do you have, and do you know the ubuntu versioin you installed , type lsb_release -a in a console and itll show you17:47
DelphiWorldziggy: not resolvable17:47
soreauziggy: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/17:47
ziggyDelphiWorld:  thanks17:47
AnnanI have a z68 mobo with r8168 ethernet.. modprobe by default loads r8169 driver, but after rmmod r8169 and install r8168, ethernet works fine. however, when I reboot r8169 loads again automatically. tried 'echo "blacklist r8169" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf' but permission denied even with sudo.. Suggestions?17:48
ellogovernwhat is it17:48
GRMrGeckoacicula: Says 11.0417:48
julie101010my screen doesn't get refreshed properly when I close a window...  using an Acer notebook...  how can I fix that?17:48
DelphiWorldhahaha soreau got a solution from sladen in #ubuntu-devel !17:48
kervalaplease someone could help me about commercial app packaging ? i have an account and registered my application but i don't understand what to put in .tar.gz file :(17:48
GRMrGeckoand the model is MSI MS-A92317:48
soreauAnnan: You need to use tee or edit the file manually17:48
JamesMR'Lo, when I try to boot my machine I get dumped into a BusyBox terminal, I think there's a problem with reading the hard drive, anyone able to point me in the general direction of advice or let me know what other info you need?17:49
soreauAnnan: Also, add the correct module name to /etc/modules so it's loaded by default at boot17:49
GRMrGeckoI've got another one I can test with behind me if we need a machine which never knenelpaniced with windows17:49
soreauDelphiWorld: Cool! What is it?17:49
DelphiWorldsoreau: he say the alternate CD do that17:49
DelphiWorldsoreau: and is required to install to sparck machine17:49
ikoniaDelphiWorld: may want to keep support in this channel and out of #ubuntu-=devel, please.17:50
soreauDelphiWorld: Is that going to work for you?17:50
ikoniayou can't use the alternative install to install to sparc17:50
aciculaGRMrGecko: its just the wireless driver thats causing issues, just googling for a solution atm17:50
soreauikonia: I sent him to #ubuntu-devel because he's trying to install ubuntu.. but he is blind17:50
DelphiWorldikonia: never mind. i am sory17:50
ikoniasoreau: DelphiWorld not a problem17:50
ikoniaDelphiWorld: are you trying to install to a sparc ?17:51
soreauikonia: He was asking something about install output to serial console17:51
DelphiWorldikonia: no17:51
SoothsayerCan  I change the location that a symlink points too without deleting it?17:51
soreauikonia: (ubuntu installation output)17:51
DelphiWorldikonia: to a X86 machine but through console17:51
ikoniaDelphiWorld: oh, my apologies, I thought from reading you where trying to install to sparc, my mistake17:51
DelphiWorldikonia: and you know17:51
DelphiWorldikonia: here in #ubuntu i take me one our to read a message17:51
DelphiWorldikonia: because too much traffic17:51
Annansoreau: I inserted "blacklist r8169" into the blacklist.conf using vim, didn't help. What's tee? and /etc/modules only has two lines: "lp" and "rtc", what does that mean?17:52
DelphiWorldand i am sory for my first days trying to PM everyone asking for help !17:52
aciculaGRMrGecko: did you enable drivers via the Additional drivers tool?17:52
soreau! tee | Annan17:52
soreau! blacklist | Annan17:52
ubottuAnnan: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »17:52
GRMrGeckoacicula: I said no17:52
sladenAlanBell: can you remind DelphiWorld what the F-key sequence is to enable audio/braille in the installer?17:52
GRMrGeckosays No proprietary drivers are in use17:53
sladenDelphiWorld: read  http://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com/2011/04/06/meet-daniela/17:53
DelphiWorldsladen: reading17:53
soreausladen: cool, thanks17:53
rigvedkervala: i guess your source code would come there, unless it is proprietary.17:53
DelphiWorldsladen: but remember, doing ubuntu server not desktop17:54
DelphiWorldsladen: and no brail display here17:54
aciculaGRMrGecko: oh right.17:54
_schulte_hey, anyone know how to boot directly into a text tty rather than the graphic tty717:54
Gredeuthats cool brail on ubuntu17:54
IdleOne!nox | _schulte_17:55
ubottu_schulte_: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode17:55
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soreauIdleOne: Why is that factoid called nox?17:55
_schulte_IdleOne: beautiful, thanks17:55
soreauNo X?17:55
IdleOnesoreau: correct17:55
soreauoh ok :)17:55
cactusshey i just got an ethernet connection installed into my house, and I was hoping to use an ubuntu laptop as a wifi router, mac's have a GUI feature that let's you create a wifi network.. is there a simple way to do this on ubuntu?17:55
TripleTeaIdleOne: great info, thanks17:56
Annan! modules17:56
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist17:56
aciculaGRMrGecko: i can find plenty of people with issues, but nothing much in the way of resolving the problem you are having17:56
GRMrGeckoacicula: The wireless card is Realtek Semiconductor RTL8191SEvA17:56
soreaucactuss: I know there's an automatic way to do it on fedora.. on ubuntu I use hostapd17:56
acicula*issues with that wifi card17:56
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cactusscool soreau i'll install that package by 'typing' :)17:57
Annansoreau: if I was going to add something to /etc/modules, would I just put 'r8168' on a new line because that's what I want it to load on startup?17:57
chamunksIs there anyone here who has had luck with setting up dual ati video cards (crossfire) with two monitors?17:57
soreaucactuss: It works by putting the card in master mode.. your card/drivers have to be capable of this mode17:57
Myrtti!ics | cactuss17:58
ubottucactuss: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing17:58
soreauAnnan: Yes17:58
rigvedcactuss: network manager (the icon on the top panel) has a "Create New Wireless Netowork" field. just right-click on the icon to access it.17:58
cactussah that seems the simplest rigved :)_17:58
Joshunhi. is it possible to change the lcd backlight brightness for the login screen?17:58
soreaucactuss: Ah, it's in ubuntu too ;)17:58
executionisthow can I share files from ubuntu so that a windows machine can see them? right now windows is able to see the folders but tells me I dont have permission17:58
soreauGuess hostapd isn't needed in this case anymore17:59
ArneyThere is a ghost in my machine! A file does not exist, but nautilus shows it.17:59
sladenexecutionist: either using Samba, or Ubuntu One17:59
AlanBellhi DelphiWorld and sladen17:59
infexionI am not sure how to update my Nvidia drivers can anyone assist me?17:59
soreauArney: It's more likely a bug or feature, not a ghost :P17:59
rigvedArney: refresh nautilus. press F5.17:59
DelphiWorldhello AlanBell17:59
executionistsladen, sharing with samba right now, not working17:59
soreauinfexion: Why do you want to update them?17:59
Arneypressed F5 still there, LS doesn't see it, find doesn't find it.18:00
chamunksIs there a community doc for crossfire'd ati video cards?18:00
aciculaGRMrGecko: you could try enabling the backports in software-sources, its under one of the menus in the software center18:00
infexionI want the newest one because a game that I am playing puts me in a lower graphics mode because of it18:00
soreauchamunks: There is to crossfire support for the radeon driver at least.. not sure about fglrx18:00
aciculaGRMrGecko: then just let it update18:00
rigvedare you using an encrypted home directory?18:00
chamunkssoreau, I basically ask because I hate tweaking Xorg.conf it always hates me passionately.18:01
infexionsoreau: I want the newest one because a game that I am playing puts me18:01
infexion                  in a lower graphics mode because of it18:01
Arneynot at all. there is only one file in a specific directory that is doing that.18:01
ArneyI can see all other files there.18:01
Arneywith ls and find18:01
soreauinfexion: We only support ubuntu packages here.. you can install a newer version but that is beyond the scope of this channel. Maybe try #nvidia18:02
rigvedArney: does the name of the file start with a '.' (dot) ?18:02
semitoneshey everyone -- say I wanted to search running processes for "foo" how would I do it?18:02
hgb^harryare there any recommandations for irc channels which focus more depth technical discuissons on ubuntu/linux (server,kernel, security,... stuff) ?18:02
GRMrGeckoacicula: No updates available18:02
soreauArney: Try ls -a to see hidden files18:02
infexionsoreau: ok yeah the only problem I am having when trying to update it is the updater is telling me that I am running an X server and it wants me to quit the X server before installing18:03
Arneyrigved: lol, nope its name is Eclipse. Infact, Ctrl+H makes no difference. LS -A doesn't show it.18:03
infexionsoreau: but I will go to #nvidia to see what they have to say18:03
aciculaGRMrGecko: oh well, was worth a shot. game across an email about that driver causing kernel crashes and hoped a fix was put in backports. idk then, ive seen people using both windows and linux drivers straight from realtek, but its not really clear if that will make it work18:03
infexionsoreau: Thanks18:03
soreauinfexion: To stop X, use sudo service gdm stop18:03
BlackBishopwhy the heck would gnome force me to go to hibernation when power is critically low ?18:03
rigvedhgb^harry: #ubuntu-server, #ubuntu-kernel18:04
BlackBishopit's not its problem if my battery can only hold 3% power .. it's more than enough for me to move from one room to another ..18:04
aciculaBlackBishop: its a setting in power-manager, you can disable that behaviour18:04
soreauBlackBinary: Because if it gets too low, you will have more problems18:04
BlackBishopacicula: it seems I can't18:04
Arneyrigved: soreau: I'm thinking of doing a disk check. or something.18:04
chaoshaxUmm so is it possible to launch a gui with no monitor?18:04
BlackBishopsoreau: I know my battery is funked up already, still, I should be free to do however I choose.18:04
chaoshaxI am asking this as I want to just rdp into it.18:05
TripleTeaanyone got Japanese Anthy(ibus) to work on Skype 2.2 ??18:05
BlackBishopwindows allows me to do that and it's great.18:05
dankestWhat's the command to get my current path?18:05
BlackBishopacicula: it only allows shutdown and hibernate.18:05
aciculaBlackBishop: ah18:05
soreaudankest: You mean the current working directory?18:05
rigvedhgb^harry: #ubuntu-security18:05
dankestsoreau: yes18:05
DelphiWorldsoreau: join:)18:05
dankestsoreau: thanks :D18:06
GRMrGeckoI'll try http://bit.ly/ndcqGA18:06
BlackBishopso, anyone any ideas ? :)18:06
rigved!jp | TripleTea18:06
ubottuTripleTea: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。18:06
Arneyrigved: soreau: I copied the file to the desktop... I can see it visually, but not with ls or find18:06
aciculaGRMrGecko: best find a guide tailored for ubuntu first, preferably one where people say it worked, heh18:06
hgb^harryrigved: thanks...quite obvious. sry for asking18:06
rigvedhgb^harry: np :)18:07
aciculaGRMrGecko: i googled on rtl8192se and the other name you gave me18:07
soreauArney: ls -a? Does it start with a .?18:07
rigvedArney: run the file command on it. what does it tell you?18:08
TripleTearigved: ihv joined ubuntu-jp, its.....pretty dead18:08
SpiderFredhow to display pictures in terminal? I know its possible with urxvt but I dont know how18:08
sum1nilHi all!18:08
Arneyrigved: Eclipse: ERROR: cannot open `Eclipse' (No such file or directory)18:08
sum1nilWhere would I ask a question about building unity.18:08
sum1nilhello krewak18:09
krewakhow to update pidgin from terminal18:09
jribkrewak: sudo apt-get install pidgin18:10
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Arneysoreau: It doesn't start with a .? ls doesn't list it... I think its showing as .metadata, while nautilus shows it as Eclipse18:10
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soreauArney: I think you're just confused. I asked if it starts with a '.' aka period18:11
soreauArney: The filename that is18:11
Arneyrigved: soreau: I got it... its a .desktop file named alacarte-made-1.desktop18:11
rigvedTripleTea: you could try again at another time. or a better option is to ask on askubuntu.com.18:11
krewaktq jrib18:11
ArneyNautilus changes the name on the fly.18:12
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randomuserI'm trying to set up basic iptables rules. I'm accustomed to the RH methodology of persistent rules in /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config - where does ubuntu store persistent rules?18:12
ArneyAlso makes it really hard to find.... thanks for the help.18:12
min|dvir|usHi. Is there any way to monitor a process to see its inbound and outbound resources?Hi. Is there any way to monitor a process to see its inbound and outbound resources?18:12
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kervalakervala: i guess your source code would come there, unless it is proprietary // yes it's open source, i will try that,  thanks :)18:13
soreaurandomuser: /etc/bash_completion.d/iptables ?18:13
kervalaoops :p18:13
_schulte_to follow up on the nox instructions, they didn't work for me, but a slight modification did18:13
rigvedmin|dvir|us: do you mean network bandwidth?18:13
ArneyThat should be a bug... its way too seemless, I could never tell thats a .desktop file and not an actual file. Even properties doesn't tell me its name.18:13
TripleTearigved: ok i guess i should stop asking for today....18:13
bonez2046I am running 10.04.3 LTS.. this morning I attempted to logon and entered wrong pwd, and my system delayed another logon for 4 minutes. How can I alter that timer?18:13
kervalarigved: "i guess your source code would come there, unless it is proprietary" // yes it's open source, i will try that,  thanks :)18:13
randomusersoreau, bash_completion? that's.... counter-intuitive18:13
_schulte_there was no "kernel" line in my grub command, but there was a "linux" line18:13
soreaurandomuser: yea, idk18:13
rigvedTripleTea: ask this question on askubuntu.com.18:13
soreau_schulte_: They are one in the same18:14
_schulte_changing "ttyhandoff=7" to "ttyhandoff=1" in the "linux" line starts in text mode18:14
min|dvir|usrigved: including, but not limited to: network bandwidth, file handles, USB device interaction, etc.18:14
_schulte_soreau: not clear from the instructions18:14
soreau_schulte_: That's why I'm telling you ;)18:14
TripleTearigved: ok ill give it a try18:14
randomusersoreau, thanks for trying, i guess.18:14
_schulte_soreau: :), thanks18:14
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_schulte_if it is easy to update the !nox snippet that might be a usefull addition18:15
RobinJi've got a very strange problem.... my usb mouse doesn't work, but whenever (AND ONLY WHEN I DO THIS) i run lsusb in a terminal window it works for about a minute18:15
rigved!info nethogs | min|dvir|us18:15
ubottumin|dvir|us: nethogs (source: nethogs): Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0-3 (natty), package size 25 kB, installed size 100 kB18:15
RobinJwhen i run lsusb again it sipmply works again for about a minute18:15
min|dvir|usOK, that's not what I wanted.18:15
rigved!info htop | min|dvir|us18:15
ubottumin|dvir|us: htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2 (natty), package size 57 kB, installed size 204 kB18:15
urlin2uRobinJ, is it a serial mouse?18:15
keegeri seem not to have inittab?18:15
keegeris that no in ubuntu anymore?18:15
RobinJehwat? simply usb urlin2u18:15
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zromaynteam - i'm getting the error "Transport endpoint is not connected" when unmounting a file system. I've tried the elfi, but I guess Ubuntu doesn't use that command, what am I'm doing wrong?18:16
jrib!inittab | keeger18:17
ubottukeeger: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:17
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elemashineHello !18:17
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keegerah, thanks18:18
doglinohello, I want to create a new location and move beyond the home.(google translate, sorry)18:20
doglinosome tip?:18:20
GRMrGeckoacicula: I'm reading 2.6.39-3 may fix it18:21
doglinonew partition18:21
GRMrGeckoI'll enable the proposed repositories18:21
GRMrGeckoand see if I can install it18:21
elemashineDoes anybody know how to change default Empathy client ID in newest Ubuntu? Is there any config file, or setting, that can manage it without adding random symbols on the end of ID line?18:21
keegererm, i don't have a /etc/event.d folder either18:22
kervalagood evening there :)18:23
hydruidkeeger, me either18:23
keegerisn't that where upstart puts its files?18:23
filePeterHow to start the battery docklet?18:23
jribkeeger: why do you expect one?18:23
jribkeeger: it's in /etc/init18:23
aciculaGRMrGecko: i did get the impression its something that is still worked on yes18:23
* elemashine angry18:24
keegerapparently the docs i'm finding said it'd be in etc/event.d18:24
urlin2ufilePeter, power has choices on displaying it.18:24
jribkeeger: what docs?18:24
hydruidkeeger, i think /etc/event.d is no longer used18:24
keegergoogle :)18:24
hydruidkeeger, from karmic on18:24
keegeri can't navigate the upstart wiki18:24
bonez2046timer for logon dialogue; how can i adjust it18:24
jribkeeger: you're reading outdated documentation, use the official upstart page18:24
hydruidkeeger, i would assume it's /etc/init.d/18:24
soreaubonez2046: gdmsetup ?18:24
soreaubonez2046: sys>admin>login screen IIRC18:25
filePeterurlin2u: Ah… Great! Thankyou…18:25
elemashineHow to remove default Empathy clientID symbols?18:25
urlin2ufilePeter, no problem.18:25
jribkeeger: the first thing the wiki points you to is the cookbook, which is pretty easy to read and very informative ;)18:25
* randomuser assumes that nobody in #ubunto is doing firewall administration and wanders off18:25
hydruidelemashine, where do you find those in the first place?18:25
pamwe-chetein the preferred applications settings, how to open a terminal and run a command (mutt) -  instead of loading evolution?18:26
bonez2046soreau: thanks, I'll check that18:26
keegerjrib: ah found it18:26
hydruidrandomuser, lol18:26
aciculaGRMrGecko: you could try the next ubuntu version, you can make a bootable usb stick of the beta release and see if its more stable18:26
jribpamwe-chete: see what the options you can pass to gnome-terminal are in its man page18:26
TripleTeais there a global shortcut key to spawn a terminal ?18:26
jribTripleTea: not by default, no18:26
aciculaGRMrGecko: the wireless that is, dunno about the rest of it18:26
hydruidrandomuser, need help with ufw?18:26
urlin2uTripleTea, ctrl-alt-t18:27
TripleTeajrib: i see......mind giving me details on how to do it ? =D18:27
GRMrGeckoacicula: I'll see what'll happen after updating with proposed enabled.18:27
TripleTeaurlin2u: ohh, thank you18:27
DesyncifyWhen I try to sudo apt-get update everything fails, tries to connect to, I was messing around with privoxy the other day and now I can't update anything, anyway to fix that?18:27
keegerok, all good.  thx guys18:27
TripleTeajrib: doesnt work though O_O18:27
jribTripleTea: hmm?18:27
Cluberhey guys18:27
TripleTeaurlin2u: doesn't work though18:27
Cluberhow do i get a 'open command window here' option on right click?18:27
Cluberwhat do i need to install?18:27
hydruidDesyncify, messing around with privoxy?18:27
bonez2046soreau: thanks, but that doesn't allow for adjusting the failed passwd timeout18:27
chaospsychexanyone know why i am getting errors in calibre when plugging in my kindle? 'error communicating with device'18:28
urlin2uTripleTea,  you may need to use the compiz manager then hold on to set the keys.18:28
randomuserhydruid, i think i just needed to get to #ubuntu-server, probably better question for that type of group18:28
jribCluber: install the nautilus-open-terminal package18:28
elemashinehydruid, in Empathy settings there is field with name "service -(on Russian)" And when I fill this field with "laptop" - Empathy add some symbols: http://juick.com/elemashine/152889718:28
Desyncifyhydruid, yea a proxy service18:28
Cluberjrib: thats the one i was looking for :)18:28
jribTripleTea: you can modify keybinds using gnome-keybinding-properties18:28
hydruidDesyncify, remove the proxy stuff18:28
epzil0nDesyncify: is a loopback address = localhost18:29
urlin2uTripleTea, in gnome copatibilty -commands18:29
DesyncifyI did remove the proxy stuff, still won't update18:29
elemashinehydruid: And this symbols changes every time I change ID18:29
TripleTeajirib: where do i find that ? in /etc ?18:29
bonez2046soreau: any other options?18:30
urlin2uTripleTea, you can set any that work key commands for terminal in compiz cofig manager gnome compatibility commands18:30
DesyncifyThis is what happens when i sudo apt-get update    http://pastebin.com/rE1vkkkV18:30
hydruidDesyncify, can you browse the internet?18:31
TripleTeaurlin2u: where do i find that ? im a newbie in linux18:31
dankestWhere does apache keep it's error longs?18:31
hydruiddankest, i think /etc/apache2/18:31
jribDesyncify: disable your proxy in your settings (or activate your proxy server)18:31
Desyncifyhydruid, yea18:31
urlin2utriple you need to install the compiz config manager look in sysnaptic to install.18:32
hydruidDesyncify, can you ping: us.archive.ubuntu.com18:32
ArneyIAll I have access to is tty, how do I go back to the login stcreen?18:32
urlin2uTripleTea, you need to install the compiz config manager look in sysnaptic to install.18:32
dankesthydruid: There's no log dir there.  Is there another location where logs are kept18:32
jribTripleTea: gnome-keybinding-properties is a command, just run it; you don't need to find it18:32
elemashinehydruid: any suggests?18:32
Desyncifyhydruid, yea ping works18:32
epzil0nDesyncify: are you sure that u removed all proxy stuff.. how did you remove it?18:33
TripleTeajirib: ok thank you !18:33
urlin2uDesyncify, lok in  /etc/apt/sources.list and see if the cd is commented out with #18:33
oCeandankest: it's in /var/log/apache218:33
TripleTeaurlin2u: ok thank you !18:33
Desyncifyepzil0n, I did sudo apt-get remove privoxy18:33
hydruidDesyncify, what other settings did you change while it was installed?18:33
epzil0nDesyncify: do sudo apt-get --purge remove privoxy18:34
urlin2uDesyncify, might just need to change the mirror as well.18:34
Desyncifydoh, got it18:35
DesyncifyI went to System > Prefrences > Network Proxy and changed that, forgot all about changing that18:36
jonywhy I have lag when playing high def movies (ex. 1080p)?18:36
BlackBishopcheck your proc usage ?18:37
elemashinejony: videodriver installed?18:37
jonyhow can I check it?18:37
BlackBishopthat too18:37
jonyyes, it's installed18:37
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:37
DesyncifyOk i'm in my etc folder and I still have a privoxy folder in there, but it won't let me delete it18:38
jonyvideo driver installed18:38
jonyhow can I chechk proc usage?18:38
jonyi have Kubuntu 11.0418:38
TripleTeacan someone tell me what this means ??18:39
TripleTea((gnome-keybinding-properties:1010): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class EggCellEditableEventBox doesn't implement property 'editing-canceled' from interface 'GtkCellEditable')18:39
elemashinejony: 1080p plays without freezes only in my notebook with 4G of RAM and i3 CPU. PentiumD+1500M RAM soooo sloooow18:39
TechnicusHow do I configure two Ubuntu machines so that I can login to the other remotely from the gdm and other users at the machine can still use the machine?18:39
urlin2uDesyncify, open with sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:39
jribDesyncify: if you did not "completely remove" (i.e. "purge" in apt-get) the package, then its configuration files are retained18:39
jonyokok, I have a much better PC, and it sucks18:39
jonyin Linux of course18:40
PerfieMWell, well, well, what do we have HERE18:40
bonez2046login timer? anyone know how to change for failed password entry?18:40
jrib!vnc | Technicus18:40
ubottuTechnicus: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:40
Desyncifyjrib I purged in apt-get but it said 0 was removed18:40
jribbonez2046: I don't know, but my first guess would be to look into pam18:40
elemashinejony: just monitor your load, when play 1080p18:40
jonyannnnnnyone watched a moovie under linux that is bigger than 20gb for ex?18:40
jribDesyncify: what does dpkg -S /path/to/file/in/question return?18:40
jonyhoow can I monitor18:41
jribjony: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)18:41
urlin2uDesyncify, thought you meant the sources.list to remove the deb link.18:41
elemashinejony: gnome-system-monitor18:41
Desyncifyurlin2u, no, I'm inside my etc folder and I still see a folder called privoxy, but it won't let me delete it18:41
PerfieMJane has 10 chocolate bars, she eats 8 of them. What does she have now?18:42
PerfieM Diabetes, amirite?18:42
urlin2uDesyncify, whats inside it?18:42
jrib!ot | PerfieM18:42
ubottuPerfieM: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:42
Desyncifyjrib, dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /path/to/file/in/question.18:42
PerfieMjrib: awh, I can read the topic. But thanks for that! :D18:42
jribDesyncify: replace "/path/to/file/in/question" with the path to the actual file in question18:42
epzil0nDesyncify: open nautilus as root then and delete it that way18:42
elemashineany suggestions to change Empathy's clientID in jabber without default addings?18:42
shaun413I am looking for some cool programs to insall on ubuntu, im interested in graphics, and science18:43
elemashineshaun413: inkscape, blender,gimp,tuxpaint...18:43
shaun413any dscience related programs?18:44
jonyin system monitor the CPU usage is 100% when playiong 1080p movie :((18:44
neil_mvdpau that shit18:44
elemashinejony: what player do you use?18:44
infexionsoreau: I shutdown X and installed the update. That failed but I managed to get it running. Thank you for your help.18:44
aciculajony: thats possible, what kind of hardware do you have?18:45
neil_massuming you have a nvidia card18:45
Desyncifyjrib, it just gives me a list of everything inside the folder18:45
jonysame thing happens when i'm using any other player18:45
jribDesyncify: pastebin18:45
elemashinechange video output to X11 for test (I deal it in smplayer)18:45
shaun413elemashine any cool programs, anything really?18:45
jonyPhenom II X2 3,8ghz, 4gb ram ddr218:45
soreauinfexion: cool, no problem18:45
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aciculajony: what gpu18:46
Desyncifyjrib, http://pastebin.com/kWU5uc4k18:46
jonyATi 4550 I guess18:46
jonyit's integrated18:46
aciculawhich chipset?18:46
jribDesyncify: if you purge the "privoxy" package, those files will be removed18:46
shaun413anyone reccomend some cool progeams for an ubuntu newbie?18:46
jribDesyncify: I have to go now.  But make sure you purge, not just remove18:47
Desyncifyjrib sudo apt-get --purge remove privoxy??18:47
elemashinejony: test in smplayer with X11 output18:47
aciculajony: what kind of 1080p scene is it vtw?18:47
jonyw a minute: I will set the defaults in BIOS18:47
jonymaybe because the OC I have this issue18:47
urlin2ushaun413, this is a busy support channel we don't do that unless specifically addressed18:47
shaun413urlin2u ok what would you reccomend?18:48
urlin2ushaun413, we don't do that this is for support like problems, sorry18:48
elemashineshaun413: If you search COOL programs, you shall go to google - ubuntu have 80% of cool programs and your roster will crash if anybody paste list of it18:49
TripleTeaelemashine: lol18:49
jonyno, it's not because OC18:50
jonysame issue.. :)18:50
elemashinejony: just try to change output source18:50
urlin2u!tab | jony18:50
ubottujony: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:50
aciculajony: you have an hd4225 or something similar wich supports uvd2, which is what you need to use. What particular 1080p scene are you using to test?18:50
Cluberany idea why unetbootin wouldnt be showing my USB flash drive in the options?18:51
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urlin2uCluber, is it mounted?18:52
starnHello every one.18:52
Cluberurlin2u: it is, i see it on my desktop18:52
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jonyelemashine: how can I change it?18:52
urlin2uCluber, are you hitting the usb dropdown18:52
Clubermy hard drive shows18:53
aciculajony: no, i mean what kind of scene, a famous 1080p test scene is with birds, which is very heavy to render. Anyway, you will need to look into using the video decoder in your graphics card, its called uvd2, think you need to install the binary amd drivers for it and use a player that supports vaapi18:53
Cluberbut when i choose USB nothing is listed18:53
urlin2uCluber, did you mount it after opening unetbotin?18:53
elemashinejony: I can help only with smplayer18:53
starni have a mildy annoying issue with "flash" videos on ubuntu... i use duel monitors and when i fullscreen on one screen and try to do stuff on the other it kinda goes out of fullscreen.. i don't have this issue on windows.. but i dislike watching videos on windows.18:53
Cluberurlin2u: i mounted it18:53
argTAeth, you suck18:53
hareldvdHad to go so if I got reply I can't see it anymore. Anyone can help regarding where log_begin_msg from /lib/lsb/init-functions saves the log from init.d start files?18:53
Cluberand then i opened unetbootin18:54
urlin2uCluber, with unetbootin open?18:54
Cluberno, unetbooin closed. mount usb drive. open unetbooin18:54
urlin2uCluber, try opening it again after unmoutning the usb then remounting.18:54
aciculastarn: my solution is to use the popout function if its there18:54
GOMIhi i need some help or a tutorial on how to install gspcav1 , its for a webcam . cant get it to work dont know how to start18:54
aciculastarn: but if you find a better one id love to know18:54
epzil0nDesyncify: how is it going for you?18:55
jonyacicula: where can I download uvd2?18:55
GOMIlinks are good to18:55
elemashinejony: in settings tab find output source and change it to X11 or another, that will not slow your video18:55
starnacicula: would the old way of hacking windows flash work on linux?? "Hex" editing? i am sad they added the support for windows but not linux.18:55
Gredeuwhy can't science backport natty to the ti99/4a ?18:55
argThey, does anyone know how to host an ubuntu update repo?18:55
urlin2uGredeu, ask them.18:56
starnoh and acicula so far my solution for hulu at least.. is hulu desktop.. haha.18:56
pureevolhow can i make disk space bigger for c: ?18:56
urlin2upureevol, that is a windows question #windows18:57
jonywith X11 it lags the same way18:57
pureevolim not using windows18:57
aciculajony: uvd2 is what the decoder in your gpu is called, think just installing the amd proprietary gpu drivers via additional drivers should do it18:57
urlin2upureevol, then you have no C18:57
aciculastarn: dunno what you mean by that18:57
urlin2u!details | pureevol18:58
ubottupureevol: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:58
starnacicula: about what?? the hex editing bit?? or the hulu bit?18:58
aciculastarn: the first, but hulu does not work in europe either18:58
jonyacicula: from where it could be downloaded?18:58
aciculajony: System->Administration->Additional drivers18:59
starnacicula: oh! well windows if you used a hex editer to edit a .dll file you was able to force flash to stay full screen.. but in recent versions of flash that is no longer needed. and as for europ i suggest a proxy :P18:59
pureevolubuntu 11.04 natty ( i believe) im installing eve online. and im halfway through and i got a pop-up saying "Not enough drive space on C:. Please free up some disk space and retry"19:00
jonyit's installed19:00
aciculajony: hmm it should be used then if its there19:00
Chaines51k, so question. Why is it that, when running off the livedisk, Ubuntu 11.04 will detect my wireless card, but when I install it to my harddrive it won't?19:00
AethHow do I create an unofficial mirror of the Ubuntu repos?19:00
urlin2upureevol, is this a install into windows using wubi or a minimal installl?19:00
AethFor the LTS19:01
jonyacicula: so what can I do? :((19:01
pureevolim not in windows19:01
pureevoland i am using wubi19:01
jonyI have an Nvidia video card, I wil try with that too19:02
neil_mvdpau and enjoy 5% cpu usage when playing back 1080p19:02
pureevolthere isnt a mininal install option19:02
urlin2upureevol, so you need wine I think are you trying to use wine in Ubuntu, the c refrence seems to that your windows partition may be fi=ull?19:03
gwinbeepureevol: this might be a silly question but have you checked if there is enough space left on the drive you are installing to?19:03
Cluberurlin2u: will it only read FAT32 formatted?19:03
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Cluberurlin2u: because its currently NTFS19:03
urlin2uCluber, I think so what do you have?19:03
pureevoli have 78gigs free space on my drive. and im using crossover. everything is working great till i got this pop up. which says i need more free space19:04
urlin2uCluber, yeah what is the OS you want in it?19:04
Cluberwindows 719:04
pureevolfree space on c:19:04
Cluberim trying to put windows 7 into usb19:04
aciculajony: you can try installing and running vainfo19:04
urlin2uCluber, easy put a boot flag on it and extract W7 to it with the file roller19:04
Cluberurlin2u: I have the win7 iso file19:05
aciculajony then run that in a console and see what it tells you19:05
Cluberwhat format does the flash drive need to be in?19:05
urlin2uCluber, exatly click on the iso and extract to the thumb put a boot flag on that partition with gparted and it will boot.19:06
urlin2uCluber, keep the NTFS19:06
M4d3Lhi. anyone run ubuntu on virtualbox with 2 screen and integrated desktop active?19:06
urlin2uCluber, thumb is a name for a pendrive19:06
Cluberah okay :P19:07
bullgard4To produce backtraces during a LIbreOffice crash is it enough to install additionally the package  libreoffice-dbg?19:08
mmustomWhich email client allows to store emails in text format?19:08
pureevolok im running ubuntu 11.04 natty, im install eveonline.exe. using crossover. everything was going great untill i got a pop-up saying i needed to free space up on my c: drive. i need to know how to do this whilst i still have the install running and waiting19:08
mneptokpureevol: you purchased Crossover?19:10
erkan^Is Ubuntu 11.10 Gnome or Unity?19:10
erkan^Gnome 3*19:10
mneptokpureevol: then their support will probably be a better resource.19:10
jiltdilerkan^ unity19:10
free_riderI am unable to kill one opne-with window. How to kill the process associalted with it? lsof | grep ???19:10
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free_riderjiltdil: how to find out the name19:16
epzil0nDesyncify: gksu nautilus /path/to/dir ;)19:16
jonyOMG, it sucks19:16
jonyGDM linux19:16
urlin2uDesyncify, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo19:16
jiltdilfree_rider use pipe and grep19:16
jonyI even can't watch a high def movie with it :(((19:16
jonyI'm very dissapointed19:16
urlin2uepzil0n, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo19:16
Desyncifyurlin2u, ah thanks19:17
epzil0nDesyncify: anyway, are you getting the same error when running apt-get update?19:17
free_riderjiltdil: actually I am not sure what will be the name of the process. :(19:17
blackcatnekonegrHello, since I installed firefox 6 in ubuntu 10.10 flash crashes my system, what packages I need to uninstall to do a clean flash installation?19:17
free_rideri mean what should I look for while doing grep19:17
Desyncifyepzil0n, no I got working now :)19:17
epzil0nurlin2u: i have always used gksu as that is what i hav learned from the beginning19:17
erkan^and can you use gnome 2 in 11.10 too?19:18
jonyif it can do multimedia, then...19:18
epzil0nDesyncify: great =)19:18
jonyI tried already 3 genrations of ubuntu19:18
jonyneither was acceptable19:18
Desyncifyepzil0n, just trying to figure out how to get a proxy, a vpn, and tor running correctly in ubuntu, I'm still new to linux19:18
urlin2uepzil0n, etheir work no need to correct me as if your  use is correct.19:18
blackcatnekonegrI have this errors, in ubuntu 10.10 using firefox 6, flash crashes my system http://pastebin.com/tQSjKv3B19:18
epzil0nDesyncify: well i use a vpn provider..19:19
jonyif I install any crappy win, it would play my 1080p movies ASAP...19:19
blackcatnekonegrHow I manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?19:19
rapageI have a questioni19:19
epzil0nurlin2u: did you test it :D19:20
BluesKajjony, which graphics card and have you installed the recommended driver in kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers ?19:20
urlin2ublackcatnekonegr, I just open nautilus in root my self19:20
rapageI want to know if ubuntu 10 adds a new hardware on profile when I install a new hardware but only hides it like windows xp does when you remove it19:20
Jayfacecan i get help with scripting questions here? or is there a better room for that19:20
* epzil0n is using archbang atm..19:20
jonythe recommended19:21
rapagedoes it hide the device or removes it19:21
urlin2urapage, yes unless you purge generally19:21
oCeanJayface: there are probably better suited places, such as #bash for shell scripting19:21
guerrilha__hello! im trying to install ubuntu 10.04.3 on a desktop computer, which previously was running xp. Iv booted up by usb drive, and can use the system just fine, but when i try to install at some random percentage (all more than 50%) i got error 5 i/o19:21
guerrilha__tryed to use another pendrive, burned the image to disk19:21
jonyand another issue: copy from samba share speed it's about a half of copying the same thing in windows19:21
rapagebecause I had to use a very old pcmcia 10mbps card when I couldn't find my 100mbps one but now I found it and don't want the drivers to remain for the10 mbps19:21
fr0ggieI need help with getting a *barebones* Xen dom0 setup-- i'd *love* to automate the install, i have very little ubuntu experience, bit of debian experience, lots linux experience.. Pleaseee halp19:22
urlin2urapage, many varibles as there are sveral ways of installing be specific.19:22
BluesKajjony, are you talking to me , if so pls address ppl with their nicks19:22
guerrilha__changed the memory with from another computer.. always stop in the same part19:22
bullgard4To produce backtraces during a LIbreOffice crash is it enough to install additionally the package  libreoffice-dbg?19:22
rapageI didn't install the drivers ubuntu automatically did it19:22
BluesKaj!who | jony19:22
ubottujony: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:22
jonyBluesKaj: I'm talking to you too :)19:22
rapagebut I want to know if it still shows on profile as disabled and so how can I remove it19:22
guerrilha__iv tryed downloading the iso again, didnt worked also19:22
blackcatnekonegrThis is the error menssage I got http://pastebin.com/tQSjKv3B I am at that folder now in root mode, what I do now?19:22
Desyncifyepzil0n, vpn good enough to run by itself with a proxy?19:22
guerrilha__can anyone help me with this i/o error? odd thing is that the cpter is working.. on live boot and the previous xp install worked just fine19:23
jonyBluesKaj: can u help me, please?19:24
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urlin2urapage, are you sure there is a specific driver installed, and it or they just work19:24
BluesKajjony, what file extension does the movie have ?19:24
=== guerrilha__ is now known as guerrilhaa
rapageI just chekced myh ubuntu and it says no propietary drivers are installed does this meaN THat no additional swoftware was added when I insterted thr 10mbps19:25
urlin2urapage, does the new card work?19:25
rapagethe 100mbps yes and 'I dint' install anything for it19:26
urlin2urapage, your set.19:26
rapageubuntu adds it manually as it did with thr 3com 10mbps19:26
rapageI justr don't want drivers I don't use19:26
jonyBluesKaj: m2ts, mkv19:26
urlin2urapage, a little OC but okay.19:26
jonyBluesKaj: in most cases bigger than 20 gb19:27
chmod711Anyone familiar with mod_security?19:27
rapagewhat;s oc19:27
raymonTrying to install a program to download a tracklog from gps variometer but get this: http://pastebin.com/418qMz3i19:27
jonyrapage: OC - OverClock19:27
raymonAny clues?19:27
rapageI doidn't say anything about oc my net card19:28
oCeanchmod711: there's a specific #httpd channel, might be more helpful?19:28
chmod711oCean thanks, I will try it!19:28
urlin2urapage, just remember I was kidding. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocd19:28
jonyBluesKaj: any idea for solving this?19:29
rapageI just don'ty want drivers that I don't need clogging my speed19:29
rapagejony how do you put your self with highlighted yellow letters19:29
BluesKajjony, I asked earlier which graphics card , but you din't answer19:30
jonyrapage: press tab and select the name whoo you want to talk19:30
urlin2urapage, if no drivers are showing being used in the additional drivers there are not any.19:30
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jonyBluesKaj: first: ATI 4550 integrated, second Nvidia Geforce 950019:31
urlin2urapage, yopu are yellow on my xchat the tab makes the answer red to you.19:31
BluesKajjony, so which one is default in your bios ?19:31
rapagecuz in xp when I remove a hardware it still shows as being listed on device manager19:31
urlin2urapage, ubuntu is not XP.19:32
jonyBluesKaj: itás nomatter, 'cause it lags with both19:32
jonyBluesKaj: with nvidia is a biiit better19:32
jonyBluesKaj: but still 100% CPU usage when playing the moovie19:33
BluesKajjony, yes it does , you need to choose one or the other as default19:33
urlin2ujony, have you tried various players like vlc or smplayer19:33
jonyBluesKaj: righht now thr onboard-one is disabled19:33
jonyurlin2u: same scenario :((19:34
rapageI want to know if you can hide viruses on flv or mp4 files19:34
BluesKajjony, using nvidia-current driver , 280.13 ?19:34
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rapageI have a whole bunch from an infected pc and I fear running them on my clean laptop with windows19:35
jonyBluesKaj: 27019:35
fr0ggieguess im asking something too advanced for this room19:35
jonythat was for me the "recommended"19:35
fr0ggieI need help with getting a *barebones* Xen dom0 setup-- i'd *love* to automate the install, i have very little ubuntu experience, bit of debian experience, lots linux experience.. Pleaseee halp19:35
BluesKajwhich kubuntu , jony 11.04 ?19:36
jonyBluesKaj: yes19:36
blackcatnekonegrHello, since I installed firefox 6 in ubuntu 10.10 flash in firefox crashes my computer, I removed all flash packages and I got some errors19:36
jonyBluesKaj: what do you say: if I would moove to ubuntu, the issue will be dissapeared?19:37
BluesKajjony, no19:37
urlin2urapage, scan them if it makes you feel better with a av.19:37
jonyBluesKaj: did you tried to run a hiiigh def movie?19:37
mostyblackcatnekonegr, downgrade firefox?19:38
blackcatnekonegron linux?19:38
BluesKajjony, have younupdated and upgraded lately ?19:38
blackcatnekonegrHow I even do that?19:38
urlin2urapage, for windows problems ask at #windows as well.19:38
blackcatnekonegrHello, since I upgraded firefox 5 to firefox 6 in ubuntu 10.10 flash in firefox crashes my computer, I removed all flash packages and I got some errors19:38
urlin2u!tab | blackcatnekonegr19:39
ubottublackcatnekonegr: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:39
BluesKajjony, yes I run them all the time , nvidia 8400gs here19:39
blackcatnekonegrHello, since I upgraded firefox 5 to firefox 6 in ubuntu 10.10 flash in firefox crashes my computer, I removed all flash packages and I got some errors http://pastebin.com/ZdXY1p9B19:39
jonyBluesKaj: I had installed all the recommended updates19:39
jonyBluesKaj: I didn't modify annything in linux19:40
BluesKaj it should be the 280.13 driver ...jony , ctrl+alt+F1 , sudo service kdm stop then , sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current , then reboot19:40
mostyblackcatnekonegr, apt-get remove --purge firefox ; apt-get install firefox19:40
blackcatnekonegrmosty, downgrade firefox? How the hell do you do that on ubuntu?19:40
usr13blackcatnekonegr: Does your system become completely locked?19:40
blackcatnekonegrah okay19:40
jonyBluesKaj: just the stock + the neccessary softwares installed19:40
mostyblackcatnekonegr, i assume you downloaded a .deb and installed that? if so the commands i pasted might work for you19:40
usr13blackcatnekonegr: Test your memory.   memtest19:40
urlin2ujony, have you installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras19:41
blackcatnekonegrusr13, Does your system become completely locked? No, it just has the usual crash, logging out seems to work19:41
BluesKajok, jony have it your way , but that driver is incorrect for that card19:41
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usr13blackcatnekonegr: sudo apt-get install -f19:41
blackcatnekonegrmosty, I need the same command but for gnu icecat19:42
fr0ggiewow this channel is useless19:42
mostyblackcatnekonegr, i have no idea what icecat is19:42
blackcatnekonegrmonsty, icecat is the gnu version of firefox19:42
jonyBluesKaj: send me your last lines pls19:43
jonyBluesKaj: cause I restarted my system when enetring ctrl+alt+f1 :P19:43
rabbi1sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun RESULTS IN  directory does not exist: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun -------What's the solution ?----------19:43
raymonTrying to install a program to download a tracklog from gps variometer but get this: http://pastebin.com/418qMz3i19:44
urlin2u!spam | DonGruby19:44
usr13blackcatnekonegr: Try firefox19:44
blackcatnekonegr usr13, is the same thing19:44
blackcatnekonegr usr13, is like the difference of Chromiun and chrome19:45
BluesKajjony,  sudo nvidia-xconfig19:45
mostyblackcatnekonegr, how did you install icecat?19:45
BluesKajjony, then dpkg -l | grep nvidia , to check the driver version19:46
blackcatnekonegrmosty, http://www.gnewsense.org/Documentation/IceCat19:47
glebihanraymon, did you compile the application before running "make install" (ie run "./configure" and "make")19:48
raven_how to "integrate" instruments to ardour to start external plugins/instruments automatically while opening the project? (ardour 3.0 alpha)19:48
ComradeHaz`Hey all. I have a machine running an mdadm raid that has all but frozen19:48
HelloWorld321I'm downloading a Brother printer driver for Ubuntu.  Do I want LPR or CUPS?  Do I want RPM or DEB?19:48
EgyParadoxraymon: Did you try removing the dot?19:48
blackcatnekonegrokay I am gonna try as pruge and reinstall, bye19:49
EgyParadoxor here is a missing dot I think19:49
GOMIdid anybody installed "gspcav" and got it worked ???19:49
GOMIit are drivers for webcams19:49
jonyBluesKaj: it's the same problem19:50
raymonglebihan: Running "make" gives this: http://pastebin.com/XXfbJWLh19:50
ComradeHaz`Hey all. I have a machine running an mdadm raid that has all but frozen. I know if I just kill the power the software raid will refuse to boot as the disks will be active. Is there a way of making the mdadm array stop using sysrq's or will the standard Alt+sysrq<RSEIUB> do the job OK?19:50
glebihanraymon, did you run "./configure" ?19:50
BluesKajjony,I asked before do you have libdvdcss2 installed?19:50
jonyBluesKaj: yesyes, and medubuntu too19:51
BluesKajmedibuntu , not medubunu19:51
jonyBluesKaj: yes19:51
raymonglebihan: no19:51
jrtechuse rpm if you comfortable extraxting the file yourself or deb to install it auto <helloworld321>19:51
glebihanraymon, you have to run "./configure" then "make" and then "sudo make install"19:51
raymonglebihan: here goes...19:52
HelloWorld321jrtech: tx: I'll use deb.  What about CUPS vs. LPR?19:52
rabbi1sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun RESULTS IN  directory does not exist: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun -------What's the solution ?----------19:52
BluesKajjony, can you run any other mkv movies ?19:52
jonyBluesKaj: I can run all of them, but with lag19:52
HelloWorld321In the case of a CUPS printer vs. an LPR printer, I obviously don't know enough to change it, so therefore must have whatever the default is  :P19:53
BluesKajjony, lag ... lag between audio and video?19:53
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raymonglebihan: "./configure" gives: bash: ./configure: No such file or directory19:54
jonyBluesKaj: for ex: I have this movie: Source Code19:54
jony200 gb19:54
DaVamps-Wincan anyone remind me how to run wine in ubuntu... its installed just cant remeber how to start it19:54
BluesKajyes I watched it already ...it was fine , jony19:54
jonyBluesKaj: and I see only about  every 10'th frame19:54
jrtechuse lpr helloworld321 I am not sure about cups19:54
glebihanraymon, ok so this is not a standard installation process, you should have a INSTALL of README file with instructions on how to compile/install19:55
HelloWorld321great.  tx.  LPR deb it is, then.  tx19:55
jonyBluesKaj: lag only in video19:55
jonyBluesKaj: audio is fine19:55
BluesKajwhere did you get the movie , jony ?19:56
jrtechyou are welcome helloworld32119:56
HelloWorld321drat.  that was over quick.  I downloaded the deb LPR and opened it in Ubuntu Software Center and got: "Wrong architecture 'i386'"19:56
glebihanraymon, also why did you download the source and not the debian package ?19:56
jonyBluesKaj: it's not this movie19:56
raymonglebihan: Not a widely used program. Not so many Linux-using paraglider-pilots around I guess. The readme says to run "make" then "make install"19:56
jonyBluesKaj: all of them19:56
ixxui tried to manually install xchat in a special folder, i compiles it with --predir /path/to/install. after installation it doesn't create the /bin/ dir everything else is there. now i installed it via apt-get to standard dir. is it possible to do it to another dir ?19:56
jonyBluesKaj: ex. the piratebay.org19:56
BluesKajare they all 20gb19:57
raymonglebihan: Tried to run the debian package but it was the wrong architecture "i386"19:57
jonyBluesKaj: no.. some are smaller, other are bigger19:57
HelloWorld321extract the rpm to /usr?  or is that asking for trouble?19:57
raymonglebihan: I'm amd6419:57
jonyBluesKaj: if one is smaller, than lagging is reduced either19:58
rabbi1sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun RESULTS IN  directory does not exist: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun -------What's the solution ?----------19:58
chrono86is there any way to downgrade compiz to 0.8.6 (9 is slow) but KEEP unity 3d?19:58
raymonglebihan: It might not work even if I manage to compile it hey? :(19:58
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jonyBluesKaj: for ex: when playing source code, the CPU usage stays at 100% all the time when playing19:58
rabbi1chrono86: purge remove and install again19:58
DesyncifyAight one last problem19:59
Cluberurlin2u: i've but the iso files into my NTFS formatted usb drive, now how do i set the boot flag with GParted?19:59
oCeanraymon: from your output it seems you have to install the program cmake  sudo apt-get install cmake19:59
chrono86rabbi1: when I tried all that unity wouldn't install claiming it wanted different compiz packages19:59
DesyncifyTweetDeck won't connect now after I removed all my proxy stuff19:59
raymonoCean: will try this19:59
rabbi1then you cannot. compatibility issue19:59
glebihanraymon, it looks like you will also need to install some Qt libraries if you don't have them already20:00
rabbi1use gnome instead20:00
chrono86man I wish compiz 0.9 wasn't so slow then...you would think version upgrades would improve performance20:00
dbristowhey, why isn't cdimage.ubuntu.com letting me in via anonymous FTP?  says login incorrect20:01
jonyBluesKaj: any suggestion?20:01
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jonyBluesKaj: I'm thinking to move back to 720:01
ixxunot possible to install xchat to the path i like to ?20:01
johwilHi! Have anybody succeeded in getting the external dound card from TASCAM (Us144 mk2) to work with Ubuntu?20:01
BluesKajjony , the cpu should not be at 100%if you have more than one core  , check with system monitor to see what is using up your cpu20:02
jonyBluesKaj: when playing that movie, than VLC uses 80 %20:03
raymonglebihan: Got a few pages of various cmake Errors then the same as runing "make" before.20:03
jrtechixxu how did you installed the xchat?20:03
ixxui tried to compile it with --prefix /path/i/like20:04
ixxudoing the make (install) stuff20:04
glebihanraymon, could you pastebin the error message again ?20:04
ixxubut it doesn't create the /bin/20:04
BluesKajjony, how much RAM , what's your cpu specs etc ?20:04
ixxuactually i did it via apt-get20:04
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ixxubut i like to have it to another path20:04
BaribalHi. What's the equivalent of Fraps?20:04
jonyBluesKaj: phenom II x2 3,2 ghz, 4GB ram DDR320:05
FRodrigueshow can i create a shortcut to a directory?20:05
raymonglebihan: http://pastebin.com/XXfbJWLh20:05
jonyBluesKaj: where can I see, how mannny cores is using?20:05
glebihanFRodrigues, ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/link20:05
ixxujrtech, it has alle been fine with that, but it didn't create the bin's20:06
th0rjony: htop20:06
blackcatnekonegrOkay, I learned to never update firefox again -_-20:06
glebihanraymon, did you not install cmake ?20:06
FRodriguesglebihan, thank you20:06
glebihanFRodrigues, you're welcome20:06
Dalailamerbug 77643520:06
raymonglebihan: ah, hang on...20:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776435 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77643520:06
jrtechyou would install it with apt-get and move it to whatever path you xant after ixxu20:06
chrono86man this is ridiculous, the speed issues in compiz 0.9 haven't been fixed after some time now, so i'm stuck with either unity (I like unity) + slow compiz or ubuntu classic + fast compiz20:06
ixxujrtech, ok that's fine for me, didn't know apps are still running after moving20:07
jonyBluesKaj: thr?20:07
rabbi1where and how can i find my JVM ?20:07
oCeanraymon: I'm trying to compile too, but you need more then just the cmake program, apparently you also need qt devel programs20:07
th0rchrono86: how long you going to whine about that?20:07
BluesKajjony , kmenu >apps.>system>system monitor > cpu1 cpu2 , should show cores/usage20:07
mostyrabbi1, ls -l /usr/bin/java ?20:07
rabbi1it's not in /etc20:07
chrono86th0r, all done whining, just making what I would think to be a valid point20:07
tatahow to install video driver,it is on my desktop:  VIA k8m800 driver linux/via-xserver-86a-50283_src.tgz20:07
Dalailamerbug 77643520:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776435 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77643520:07
kikehi all20:08
rabbi1mosty: http://wiki.netbeans.org/InstallingNetbeansUbuntu7.0420:08
FRodriguesi used sudo and i cant creat a shortcut to /usr/share/icons -.-20:08
rabbi1gedit /etc/jvm20:08
jonyBluesKaj: 1 CPU ... why? :((20:08
raymonoCean: OK, which ones?? glebihan; Here's the whole thing: http://pastebin.com/kHgji2dm20:08
mostyrabbi1, that is very old (7.04). these days i think you can just do "apt-get install netbeans"20:09
ixxujrtech, how to learn ubuntu the new path to xchat afterwards ?20:09
FRodriguesforget it20:09
jonyBluesKaj: reinstall kubuntu?20:09
mikigirlHello in here. We have now installe LInux Ubunto 11.04. But we have a problem downloading Google Earth correctly20:09
oCeanraymon: not sure, after installing qtmake I still get errors20:09
rabbi1mosty: din't find the newer version of NB in syn mgr20:09
aj00200I'm getting errors when trying to install postfix on an 11.04 server. Any ideas? The error is as follows: chown: invalid group: `root:root'20:09
jonyBluesKaj: brb20:10
rabbi1mosty: anyways, got to have my jvm somewhere right ?20:10
jrtechixxu> all you have to find the whereis xchat20:10
mostyrabbi1, the jvm is /usr/bin/java20:10
Dalailamerbug 77643520:11
ixxujrtech, /usr/bin i guess. when i just cut it out there, are the config paths moved too ?20:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776435 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77643520:11
glebihanraymon, your errors are not related to Qt (for now), try "sudo make" as this looks to me like some permission issues20:11
raymonglebihan: very well...20:11
rabbi1mosty: even that file has nothing in it, i mean it's creating a new file "jvm"20:11
Dalailamernooooooooooooooooooooooo help here20:12
glebihanDalailamer, what about that bug ? just posting a link to it won't let you get much help...20:12
bazhangDalailamer, with what20:12
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johwilAre there anyone with a working TASCAM US144 mk2?20:12
Dalailamerthis vbug annoyes me can somebody fix it20:12
ixxutrying it...20:13
jonyBluesKaj: a core was disabled by default in BIOS20:13
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bazhangDalailamer, follow up on it; asking here won't get it fixed in real time while you wait20:13
raymonglebihan: New errors at least... :) Here: http://pastebin.com/FmcevMCE20:13
meandmesadfjskdavahi question: it seems that since I got a new router, my two computers can not see eachother via avahi. avahi-browse -a only shows the local services. Any suggestions?20:13
jonynow the video is ok, but the video/sound are not synchronized20:13
Dalailamerbazhang: but i need workarounds20:13
jonyBluesKaj: now the video is ok, but the video/sound are not synchronized20:13
bazhangDalailamer, then follow up on it. and be patient20:13
glebihanraymon, ok now those are the Qt errors... sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake20:13
Dalailamerok bazhang my question is, will it be fixed or is the bug closed20:14
oCeanglebihan: that's still not enough20:14
glebihanoCean, I know but that's a step towards it (or should be)20:14
oCeanglebihan: I tried that, and the next error is But QtCore couldn't be found20:14
oCeanglebihan: ok, fine with me, I gave up :)20:14
bazhangDalailamer, it's Medium, Confirmed, just on 5/1120:14
mostyrabbi1, the "jvm" is whatever the java binary does when it's running. i have no idea what you're looking for20:15
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BluesKajjony, I have to leave for a couple of hrs ....bbl20:15
rabbi1mosty: trying to edit the "jvm " as mentioned in that post20:15
Dalailamerbazhabng why is it not "importantz"20:15
raymonglebihan and oCean: I got that also.20:15
ixxuhow to change config path of xchat ?20:15
SchalaI have some trouble installing Ubuntu from USB flash drive. I followed instructions but when I try booting it, it just shows the SYSLINUX copyright notice and hangs20:15
glebihanraymon, ok hold on checking it20:15
lysgaardAnyone know how i can change the default resolution from console. I'm struggeling with a too high resolution, my screen can't display it.20:16
jonyBluesKaj: ty for your help20:16
bazhangDalailamer, like I said, follow up on it, the bug should be looked into. no need to repeat20:16
jonyBluesKaj: bb20:16
jonyBluesKaj: your're a nice person20:16
jpmhI have a revocation key for a key that I no longer wish to use - I know it is valid since I can use it on my own gpg fine,  When I upload to public key servers I get : Add failed: Malformed Key --- unexpected packet type and/or order of packets20:16
Dalailamerbazhang yes but why medium why not iimportamt20:16
bazhangDalailamer, no idea20:17
HelloWorld321By "follow up", you mean keep checking the web page, and expect it to take several months for any progress?20:17
HelloWorld321I see that one can "subscribe" to the bug, so as to be notified about progress20:17
SchalaI used usb-creator.exe, copied the ISO contents to my flash drive but attempting to boot from the flash drive just shows the SYSLINUX copyright on command line and nothing else20:18
M4d3Lis it possible to have desktop look like 10,4 in 11.4?20:18
jpmhhttp://pastebin.com/Mxu2TBzy contains a revocation key for gpg - why will the public keys servers not accept it?20:18
HelloWorld321I think you can full-on run the old 10.4 desktop?20:18
tatahow to install .tgz files ?20:19
Logan_!classic | M4d3L20:20
ubottuM4d3L: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".20:20
M4d3LLogan_: ty20:20
Logan_M4d3L: You're welcome.20:20
wildbat!tgz | tata, read README after decompressed it.20:20
ubottutata, read README after decompressed it.: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression20:20
glebihanraymon, install libqt4-dev20:20
bastidrazor!compile | tata20:20
ubottutata: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall20:20
SchalaAm I supposed to wait longer than usual when I do USB boot?20:20
raymonglebihan: will do20:21
Schalacause all I'm seeing is it hanging at a copyright info20:21
jrtechtar -zvf file.tgz I havd use in while <tata20:22
rabbi1mosty: found, and installing :) thanks20:22
M4d3LLogan_: I dont see setting to change to ubunto classic20:23
Logan_M4d3L: Did you log out?20:23
bazhangM4d3L, click user name, then check bottom menu20:23
cpruittPossibly a stupid question, but does netstat -s show a summary of the HISTORY of the network or the ACTIVE information.  Specifically if I see TCP: 1757 active connections openings is that 1757 ACTIVE connections or 1757 connections made since last reboot?20:24
M4d3LI dont have button menu lol20:24
bazhangM4d3L, did you log out and choose user nick?20:24
M4d3Lah! I have to scroll down the VM windows20:25
bazhangM4d3L, this is gnome?20:25
tataok thanks20:25
Star_Lighthello guys20:25
Star_Lighthow are you20:25
raymonglebihan: make seems to have worked ok, now I run make install yes?20:25
glebihanraymon, sudo make install20:25
mikigirlwe have a problem downloading Google Earth to Ubunto 11.0420:25
Star_LightI have a problem not with ubuntu but with 4G in the wireless telecomunications does anyone know some room for this?20:26
Logan_!anyone | Star_Light20:26
ubottuStar_Light: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:26
bazhang!alis | Star_Light have a search20:26
ubottuStar_Light have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*20:26
Star_LightI have searched20:26
Star_Lightbut nothing20:26
Star_Lightis topic of my work in university :/20:27
bazhang##networking perhaps20:27
raymonglebihan: New error, but shorter this time: http://pastebin.com/f8ekDU9e20:27
Star_Lightok thanx... Look the internet has informations for this... but in the 3rd section of my work things are more particularly and specific :/20:27
meandmesadfjskdavahi question: it seems that since I got a new router, my two computers can not see eachother via avahi. avahi-browse -a only shows the local services. Any suggestions?20:27
bazhangStar_Light, try in #freenode as well, perhaps they can point out a channel for you20:28
Star_LightI am entering in #networking20:29
rapageanyone here knows how to remove or change the password on the login keyring20:29
Logan_meandmesadfjskd: Have you tried asking in #avahi ?20:29
Star_LightBut i will note and the #freenode channel with purpose to go after20:29
glebihanraymon, looks like there's an error in the makefile, line 30, replace "cp ./src/images/flyhigh.png $(prefix)/usr/share/flyhigh/" by "cp ./src/res/flyhigh.png $(prefix)/usr/share/flyhigh/"20:30
mikigirlis there anyone who can help us downloading Google Earth20:31
meandmesadfjskdlogan_: yes, earlier but the guy went to bed20:31
rapageanyone here knows how to remove or change the password on the login keyring20:31
rapageI use it for emphaty messenge3r20:32
rapageI can't access it now cuz I changed my login password and it affected it to20:32
Cyrax5So today I tried to update to 11.10 but got in a tad of trouble http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1841930 (maybe related). I removed unity when coming to 11.04 but today I decided to install unity2d and the normal unity package.20:33
Cyrax5Upon restarting I've faced with this http://i.imgur.com/oZ5ln.png20:33
bazhangCyrax5, #ubuntu+1 for 11.1020:33
Cyrax5bazhang It didn't update to 11.10 though I'm still on 11.0420:34
paul3hey, guys. I'm logged on through xrdp to ubuntu box, just added a new keyboard layount. any idea why it doesn;t show?:)20:34
Cyrax5I'm gonna remove unity2d and unity see if that helps20:35
glebihanraymon, any progress ?20:35
raymonglebihan: Did this and got this: http://pastebin.com/VefVLDpL20:35
raymonNearly hey? :)20:35
iamgillespieAnyone want to help me with a macbookpro nightmare?20:35
dominicdinadaok so what is the easiest way to make a liveusb installer for natty narwhal20:36
dominicdinadai am on the page and it doesnt say what to do20:36
iamgillespieIm not that familiar with mac so it may not be that bad but to me I'm completely lost at this point.20:36
wildbat1!anyone | iamgillespie: Apple Store may be :)20:36
ubottuiamgillespie: Apple Store may be :): A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:36
mostydominicdinada, it does say what to do. but you have to read it20:37
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iamgillespieHaha. It's for a friend of mine and we tried installing ubuntu. He has no warrenty.20:37
dominicdinadawildbat: wrong person who said anyone20:37
dominicdinadamosty verbaitim it doesnt say mount the iso and copy just says some programs20:37
glebihanraymon, well that file does not even exist in the source... you can either try to comment out line 31(the one containing that filename) in the Makefile or you'll have to contact the developers for further help20:37
mostydominicdinada, because you run those programs. you don't need to mount any iso20:38
dominicdinadaVirtual Clone Drive, Load the image capture ISO file by using Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel or other ISO-reading software, or Ubuntu installation CD20:38
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iamgillespieSo far we can access of what appears to be a remnant of bootcamp (a picture of a hard disc that says windows) other than that there is nothing on the hard drive other than a failed FreeBSD installation. We have some alt discs and all that but we keep running into various problems.20:38
dominicdinadathats it20:38
DeltaEpsilonhow does Ubutu partition encryption work? do I have to enter a password when Ubuntu boots (at the bootloader)?20:39
raymonglebihan: very well20:39
Phoenix87what's the best way to virtualize a macos on ubuntu?20:39
fermulatorUpgrading from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04: This sucks: "No longer supported by Canonical" (lm-sensors, hal), "Remove" (gcdemu, awn-applet-dockbarx, python-awn-extras-trunk,awn-applets-python-core-trunk,ubuntu-tweak) .... why?20:40
mostydominicdinada, "This process is described in detail in a video on this website."20:40
th0rfermulator: what is your question....why are they no longer supported, or why does it suck?20:41
wildbat!hfs | iamgillespie: you will need install hfs to mount MAC partition.20:41
ubottuiamgillespie: you will need install hfs to mount MAC partition.: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:41
fermulatorth0r: haha; the unsupported I guess is OK, I can always get them from another PPA, but the "remove" items, I want to keep those packages; how can I upgrade without removing them?20:42
iamgillespieThanks, Ill look into your link!20:42
Phoenix87fermulator, u can put them back after the upgrade20:42
dominicdinadamosty http://403forbidden.dyndns.org/?page_id=31620:42
dominicdinadahaha but it is more detailed yes20:42
DeltaEpsilonis it possible to boot Ubuntu with a security file in a usb stick just like Windows 7 Bitlocker?20:42
Phoenix87i have deskbar-applet that keeps being removed at each upgrade20:42
paul3how do I reach ubuntu box remotely without SSH ?:)20:42
fermulatorth0r/Phoenix87: I suppose it's just the package removal right?  settings and etc. will still be kept in $HOME20:43
Phoenix87after the upgrade is finished i put it back20:43
Phoenix87fermulator, yep20:43
th0rfermulator: right...unless you purge20:43
glebihanfermulator, it's actually the removed ones that you'll probably be able to install from ppas, the unsupported should still be available in the universe reposz20:43
mostydominicdinada, eep :)20:43
fermulatorso you guys would recommend allowing whatever the upgrade manager wants to do, make a list of the items that I'm concerned about, and address them after the upgrade?20:43
DeltaEpsilonany one?20:43
DeltaEpsilonis it possible to boot Ubuntu with a security file in a usb stick just like Windows 7 Bitlocker?20:44
RvPupinstaller help ? ...trying to install 10.10 to its own partition ...not sure what the installer wants me to do20:44
fermulatoralso, could someone (just for my information), explain why it needs to remove all of those packages to upgrade?  is it because I have the PPA tied to Maverick, and it auto-disabled those repositories?20:45
Phoenix87some packages are not supported any longer20:45
Phoenix87e.g. deskbar-applet20:45
Phoenix87with gnome 3 this app will die20:45
Phoenix87how sad ç_ç20:45
fermulatorPhoenix87: well I'm using AWN w/ dockbarx, that should still work right?20:46
Haumeahey guys, I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 and am a bit new to linux. I was wondering why, even though java usually runs faster on linux than windows why I get so much lag on things that used to run fine.20:46
Phoenix87fermulator, i think so20:46
wildbatDeltaEpsilon: try that. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76153020:47
fermulatorwhen does gnome3 get introduced to the stable ubuntu release?20:47
TechnicusHow can I configure an application so that if multiple operators are logged onto a system ( but only one is present ), and wants to manipulate the function of a process that is associated with a different profile, the others can stay logged on?  For example: my friend logs on to a computer, starts VLC and plays some music, then leaves, the screensaver starts and locks me out; I don't want to log him out of his session by restart20:47
glebihanfermulator, it should work, question is : do you need awn with unity ?20:47
Phoenix87Haumea, maybe it a problem of the browser you're using20:47
mostyHaumea, which jvm? gcj (yuck) or openjdk?20:47
glebihanfermulator, in oneiric (11.10)20:47
Phoenix87did u try something like iceweasel or chromium?20:47
fermulatorglebihan: I find unity GREAT for a netbook, and a media center, for my main desktop Unity is /terrible/20:47
Haumeamosty: I tried openJDK and sun java but neither ran Minecraft well20:48
glebihanfermulator, then start looking for another distribution, starting from oneiric, unity3D will be default and unity2D the fallback20:48
HaumeaPhoenix87: I am running java outside a browser20:48
Phoenix87Hamlin, ops ^^20:49
fermulatorglebihan; really? we won't be able to fallback to gnome-classic from oneiric onwards?20:49
glebihanfermulator, gnome-classic is gnome2, oneiric will run on gnome3 so no gnome classic anymore20:49
fermulatorand, gnome3 seems to use unity (as I'm reading)20:49
Cyrax5Desktop troubles when trying to use unity http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11238695#post1123869520:49
ikoniafermulator: unity is built on gnome320:50
mostyHaumea, if sun/oracle's jdk doesn't run a java app well, it's the java app's fault20:50
glebihanfermulator, there are several shells for gnome3, unity is one them, the one chosen by ubuntu20:50
glebihanfermulator, you'll be free to install gnome-shell or any other one you might want to, but they won't come by default20:50
fermulatorSo far I haven't been able to -- but maybe I just don't know -- is Unity "as configurable" as AWN?20:50
Kronsbyjust upgraded to 11.10 and can not get the software center to install ndiswrapper any help?20:50
bazhangKronsby, #ubuntu+1 for 11.1020:51
shaun413what are you opinions on gnome, should i get it?20:51
ikoniaKronsby: try #ubuntu+1 for 11.10 support20:51
ikoniashaun413: you've already got gnome - you're using it20:51
shaun413Oh how can i add cool effects?20:51
fablehas anyone succeeded with installing ubuntu on a mac with a usb drive?20:51
glebihanfermulator, I'm not the right person to ask to, I don't use unity...20:51
ikoniashaun413: what sort of cool effects ?20:52
feydso as of last night, my sound has simply stopped working. There were no updates related to pulse or alsa, yet I have no output. In pavucontrol I see that sound is being registered on the meters, but even after deleting .pulse and endless restarts, nothing works. Anyone have any input?20:52
shaun413i dont know im new to ubuntu i just want to try some new stuff20:52
ikoniashaun413: then try it out,20:53
fermulatorhm, any1 know where the unity people live in IRC?20:53
ikoniashaun413: just use it20:53
ikoniafermulator: what sort of unity people ? developers ?20:53
shaun413use what? im confused20:53
fermulatorikonia: developers, power users, etc.20:53
ikoniashaun413: use ubuntu20:53
ikoniafermulator: well there are a lot of power users in here as ubuntu is the only distro really using unity20:53
fableanyone at all?20:53
bazhang!ccsm | shaun41320:54
ubottushaun413: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:54
fermulatorQuestion about gnome3/unity: Is it as configurable, as say, gnome2 w/ AWN? -- example -- http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/683/fermmydualmonitorawn.png/20:54
ikoniafermulator: it's as configurable as you put the effort in to do20:54
shaun413which one is better to download?20:54
Haumeaif it's the applet's fault, but it runs fine on windows, what is wrong?20:54
ikoniafermulator: the comparision you make is like asking if a guitar is as musical as a piano - they are different tools20:55
bazhangfermulator, not currently no20:55
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Jason2gsUbuntu 10.04. Sound will only work in either Flash or vlc/totem/etc., but not both at the same time. How can I troubleshoot this?20:55
feydcan anyone shed light on pulse audio output? My audio refuses to output anything, yet everything shows that it's working as intended20:55
mostyfeyd, checked the mixer? eg alsamixer20:55
fermulatorikonia; I don't see how they're different tools.  unity provides a "menu/bar", AWN also provides a "menu/bar"20:56
lorenzoHello, can someone help me with a BIOS update?20:56
bazhangfermulator, and I just answered you20:56
ikoniafermulator: they are built on different technologies, one is a shell, the other is a menu bar,20:56
fermulatorlorenzo: you can private message me if you like, I might be of assistance20:56
feydmosty, yes, didn't see much in there, levels are where they should be20:56
ikonialorenzo: following the instructions in your motherboards manual is the best way as each hardware device can be different20:56
RvPupsry got disconnected ....anyone know how to use the installer to put ubuntu on its own of 4 partitions?20:57
ikoniaRvPup: just define the partitions at install time20:57
ikoniaRvPup: it's that simple, select custom partition layout and select the partitions you want to use20:57
fermulatorbazhang/ikonia; thanks  it sounds like, at least for now, my desktop will stay with gnome2+AWN+gnome-do, media center and netbooks can use unity/gnome320:57
RvPupthe installer is showing all 4 ...but im not sure what its asking me to do20:58
ikoniaRvPup: select a partition to put ubuntu on20:58
ikoniaRvPup: whats the question then ?20:58
spilllooking for a simple way to send log files from local to external address with maverick server, any sugestions?20:59
avinashhmHi friends, i have a laptop which has ubuntu 10.10 .. The brightness of the screen varies a lot .. it dims by itself and then brightness increases .. sometimes, it is very frequent .. This happens during active scenario itself .. i don't know what is causing this .. another 10.10 pc , doens't have this problem .. can any help to nail down, which module is causing this .. any help pls20:59
feydIs there anyway to troubleshoot pulse other than clearing the .pulse directory? Levels are fine, meters are working when sound is playing, but there's nothing else I can find wrong anywhere20:59
fermulatorUbuntu Upgrade Question: in the upgrade, it lists a whole bunch of packages that will be unsupported/removed;  I can't copy/paste this list, does anyone know of a more efficient way to make note of the packages I'm interested in re-installing after the upgrade?21:00
chaoshaxI am rdping into my ubuntu box, how can I elevate to root?21:01
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chaoshaxBecause when I launch programs such as the samba gui, it's not root21:01
ikoniachaoshax: gksudo or sudo21:01
urlin2ufermulator, prtsc to the desktop21:02
chaoshaxikonia, so I just launch a shell and type sudo?21:02
desnaikefeyd: did u look under sound preferences under output , hardware etc.21:02
ikoniachaoshax: gksudo $command if it's graphical, or sudo $command if it's not21:02
spillavinashhm, goto power managment and uncheck "dim display when idle"21:02
jrtechavinashhm: it be video card going bab what computer yoy using21:02
chaoshaxikonia, ok21:02
fermulatorurlin2u: sure I guess that's the next best thing; (was hoping for a log or something generated by upgrade manager)21:02
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avinashhmjrtech, i am using a dell 6410 laptop ..21:03
urlin2ufermulator, those removed are not generally stuff you want to save outdated ot packages not needed.21:03
feyddesnaike, I'm in xubuntu if that counts for anything, and in xfce4-mixer everything is fine, but it's just a mirror of alsamixer21:03
avinashhmspill, i ll check this .. just a doubt, are there any applications which cause this brightness up, down .. should i check for them21:04
fermulatorurlin2u: nah, they're packages from PPAs I've added manually for Maverick 10.10.  Looks like they're auto-removed upon upgrade, so I'll just have to re-add the PPAs for Natty 11.0421:04
spillNot that I'm aware of unless you added additional power managment21:04
urlin2ufermulator, the ppa's will still be there uncomment them and make sure they support the release.21:05
jrtechavinashhm: it can also be wrong driver for the video card which I believe can damagd tbe vcard21:05
kingofswordshi where are my prgrams located in ubuntu? everytime i start a realpllayer stream it opens in default movie player...and i wanna use vlc?21:05
spillavinashhm, if its the option I said, it would get bright when you touched the mouse.21:06
desnaikefeyd: from what info u provided sounds like the speakers are muted do headphones work21:06
urlin2ufermulator, actually they will be uncommented enable them21:06
elianealguém sabe sobre o Mandriva?21:06
spillavinashhm, on battery there is also a "reduce backlit brightness" which can do the same thing.21:06
dominicdinadamosty: eep ?21:07
fermulatorurlin2u; oh true, they're just commented out; just need to update the distro version name, should be good to go I'm guessing (after the upgrade that is)21:07
avinashhmspill, actually .. even when i type i see that the brightness is less .. this happens mostly during evenings .. so activity isn't a problem ..21:07
spillavinashhm, both settings are in the "power manager"21:07
urlin2u!es \ eliane21:07
ubottuurlin2u: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:07
* ES sexes \ eliane21:07
dominicdinadaall u had to say was extract the file lmao21:07
ESwell that was unfortunate21:07
urlin2u!es | eliane21:07
ubottueliane: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:07
spillavinashhm, I'd still check that first and see, its a quick fix if its that and an easy elimination if its not.21:08
mostydominicdinada, as in "eep, that sucks"21:08
avinashhmspill, sure .. i ll check both now ..21:08
elianeentendi, ubottu.21:08
jrtechavinashhm: did you use to have windows on this loptap?  Did you notice problem before?21:11
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avinashhmjrtech, yep ... had windows before and was working before ...21:12
jrtechI assume you running ubuntu?21:12
avinashhmjrdnyquist, yep .. 10.10 ..21:13
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avinashhmjrtech, i am doubting some birghtness controlling applications .. they have been installed, which r causing this ..21:13
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Cyrax5So I tried to upgrade to 11.10 today but it kept freezing during the upgrade. Then later that day I attempt to reinstall unity as I had previously removed it. I installed the unity2d package for some reason. Now when I log on I'm faced with http://i.imgur.com/oZ5ln.png21:14
urlin2uCyrax5, #ubuntu+121:15
avinashhmspill, i checked the settings in power management .. reduce brightness on idle wasn't set ... and backlight  brigtness setting is also proper ..21:15
Cyrax5urlin2u I'm not actually on 11.10 though I'm still on 11.0421:15
jrtechavinashhm:  when you start whatever o/s you using you nltuce anu error?21:15
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avinashhmjrtech, let me check in /sys/log ..21:16
urlin2uCyrax5, I wondered, if such, good luck.21:16
avinashhmjrtech, nope .. i checked in dmesg .. they are good ..21:17
spillavinashhm, hmm. how fast does it fluctuate?21:18
avinashhmspill, quite fast .. within a second , brightness reduces to half .. then randomly sometimes, it increases again within a second .. sometimes 5 min .. sometimes 1 min21:19
spillavinashhm, when plugged in or on battery?21:20
avinashhmsorry got disconnected .. back21:20
avinashhmspill, happens even when battery is plugged in ..21:21
rapageanyone here knows how to remove or change the password on the login keyring21:22
rapageI can't access it now cuz I changed my login password and it affected it to21:22
rapageI use it for emphaty messenger21:22
CaseyPCHow can I enable "beam up" close window animations on Ubuntu 11.04? The effect is not in the list.21:22
jrtechavinashhm:  any line going across the screen?21:23
spillavinashhm, I would try turning off the power manager at boot from the "startup applications" menu and see if it still does it.  Should be able to check in off and back on again if it doesnt change.21:23
avinashhmjrtech, nope .. no line ..21:23
avinashhmspill, i will try to disable power manager ...21:24
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spillavinashhm, also see if there are any drivers made just for you video card?21:24
spillavinashhm, go there after you check power man21:24
avinashhmspill, sure .. i ll investigate this pointer also .. thanks very much ..21:25
spillavinashhm, sure. I've been there so keep at it and you get it ;). its trial and error trying to find the source sometime though21:26
avinashhmspill, is it ... ? good 2 know, i am not the only 1 ;-) ...21:26
avinashhmspill, jrtech .. .thanks very much guys .. both u guys spent a lot of time .. thanks very much ...21:26
spillavinashhm, no prob. good luck ;)21:27
MarcoPauhi, I was trying to get into my router for some settings and I'm not getting its interface any more. it's now loading a page "mikrotik routeros". do you know what that is?21:28
PiciMarcoPau: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?21:28
JasonnHi, I just deleted everything in my /home/user folder by accident21:28
Jasonnhow do I get it back?21:28
jrtechyou welcome you prabable want to look into a cooling system for your loptap.21:28
rapageanyone here knows how to remove or change the password on the login keyring21:29
urlin2uJasonn, you can't basically21:29
Jasonnurlin2u: D: ??21:29
mostyJasonn, invent a time machine21:29
Jasonnurlin2u: there is NO way?21:29
MarcoPauPici: I don't know, I was assuming it's some package coming from the repos...21:29
mostyjasonn: no reliable way, no21:29
PiciMarcoPau: Your router is running Ubuntu?21:29
urlin2uJasonn, you deleted a major area, reinstall21:29
JasonnI was not looking to do that21:29
Jasonnand I dont have my ircd services file saved anywhere else21:30
Fuchsurlin2u: reinstalling will not bring back his home folder21:30
FuchsJasonn: again, please put the output of mount to a pastebin service21:30
urlin2uJasonn, if it helps I did the same thing 4 years ago as a new user.21:30
Fuchsif the home folder is mounted on a separate partition, unmounting is a good idea21:30
MarcoPauPici: of course not, but I don't see how something would get into the router by itself. well thanks tho, I'll try the netgear way21:30
urlin2uFuchs, I did not say it would.21:30
Jasonnurlin2u: im not a new user, I typed rm -rf darkbot * instead of rm -rf darkbot*21:30
organikshey all21:30
qinJasonn: How did you remove it? testdisk, photorec, scalpel, good luck.21:30
Fuchsurlin2u: then why should he even reinstall? He did not delete any system files. It won't help, it will make matters worse at best.21:31
organikstrying to run a program and i keep getting syntax error any ideas?21:31
urlin2uJasonn, didn't say your were I sais=d I was.21:31
Jasonnqin: rm21:31
Fuchsqin: rm -rf * by accident, and only the home folder21:31
Jasonnurlin2u: oh21:31
Fuchsqin: so I'd say unmount and then use extundelete or similar21:31
JasonnFuchs: but its not a separate partition21:31
mostyjasonn: google "undelete <your filesystem type>" and then sacrifice small animals in honour of your imaginary being of choice21:32
FuchsJasonn: do you have physical access to the machine?21:32
JasonnFuchs: no21:32
organikswhen i sudo filename21:32
JasonnFuchs: if I did, I could do it21:32
urlin2uFuchs, instead of waving your ego around at me why don't you help them do it.21:32
qinFuchs: Make image (is you have separate /home partitions) first of all.21:32
Fuchsqin: not mine, his21:32
FuchsJasonn: then in the meantime make sure that no read/writes are performed on that partition and contact the service of your server provider21:33
FuchsJasonn: creating an image of the partition is not a bad idea. Do you have any spare space on a different partition at hand?21:33
JasonnFuchs: I have an hdd I can write it on21:33
JasonnFuchs: Well, time to restart my IRC network. Again.21:34
FuchsJasonn: then you should be able to perform dd over ssh21:34
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Jasonntoo much work for too little success rate21:34
FuchsJasonn: you could still try extundelete on a mounted partition I guess  (assuming it was ext3 or ext4)21:35
Jasonnstefan@ytalk:~$ mount  ||  /dev/simfs on / type reiserfs (rw,usrquota,grpquota)21:35
JasonnFuchs: ^21:35
Loki^i still have the problem that i need to establish an ethernet connection until my computer loads runlevel 2 (and essential drivers and scripts i need)... x server and most of the programs are starting though.. but i cant read cd's for examples and my tty consoles are not starting etc until i plugin a lan cable... anyone can help me?21:35
mostyLoki^, nfs?21:36
JasonnFuchs: cant do it?21:36
organikscould someone help me run a file i keep getting cannot execute binary file21:37
FuchsJasonn: not with the tool mentioned, no21:37
urlin2u!details | organiks21:37
ubottuorganiks: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:37
Fuchsorganiks: what file, and what does the command `file filename` and `ls -l filename` tell you about it?21:37
RvPupok im off the laptop and on the tower i am trying to install to ...can someone help me use the installer to put ubuntu 10.10 on one of 4 partitions?21:37
Loki^mosty whats that?21:37
mostyLoki^, network filesystem21:38
organiksim trying to run cgminer in 11.04 but i keep getting connot execute binary or syntax21:38
organikswhen i ls - l i get the following21:38
Loki^mosty go on?21:38
organiks-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root21:39
urlin2uRvPup, are the 4 partitons windows?21:39
organiksare the permissions set right21:39
mostyLoki^, is your machine on some company/university network and use a network-wide login or network-shared filesystems?21:40
RvPupno ...i did sda1 as ntfs ...the other 3 aew ext3 ...but i can change that if needed21:40
Loki^mosty no its a simple home installation21:40
Loki^mosty ubuntu is running from native harddisk21:40
mostyLoki^, how long have you had this problem? is this a new install?21:40
urlin2uRvPup, if you have the space unallocted after the sda1 you can just use install alongside.21:41
avengreHello, I've got a linux desktop with a Nvidia 7800 GS videocard... if I install no drivers (In additional drivers) Everything works okay, tho through my TV the card is a bit jittery..  if I install the Version Current (reccomended) it is hella choppy and says that they are activated but not currently in use21:41
avengresuggestions as to where to look?21:41
organiks-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root are these permissions set right to be able to run?21:41
avengreI tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138620721:41
avengrebut found no changes21:41
Loki^mosty no its about 6 months old or so, i cant tell how long it existed since i always used that laptop as desktop workstation and it was connected to the lan for the first 4 months... now i moved to another place and i use wlan now most of the time, this was when i noticed the bug21:41
urlin2uRvPup, if your trying to have a seperate home use something else21:41
georgyOhai, if anyone knows what uses more cpu resources i.e. cpu/ram etc in regards to unity vs gnomeshell21:42
shaunlewisorganiks, the execute bit is set for world, so yes, permissions look good21:42
RvPupi just wanted all the linux stuff on a seperate drive ...so when windows blows up the good stuff is unaffected21:42
georgyI have 2gb of ram. I am running chrome, xchat, pidgin, terminal, conky, banshee and it uses almost 60% of my ram in unity ;_;21:43
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Loki^mosty the problem seems to be very deep, i already notice bugs in grub, only a few seconds after i turned the laptop on, if the lan cable isnt plugged in, if its plugged in grub works fine21:43
Nach0zlol. georgy that's why I use LXDE. it runs with so little ram...21:43
shaunlewisorganiks, is your paste the whole output for ls -l?21:43
georgylol, I see Nach0z21:44
organiks-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root21:44
georgyWhat does your LXDE look like? Can you make it look "purdy"?21:44
urlin2uRvPup, why is it taking to the last post to mention a second HD?21:44
RvPupthe whole pc is a new install of everything so i can change anything ...whatever the best method you advise21:44
urlin2u!details | RvPup21:44
ubottuRvPup: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:44
georgyAh, LXDE kind of looks like windows21:46
organikswhat is the remove dir cmd and remove file noob21:46
urlin2uFuchs, so you came up with no help for jasonn, don't address me again unless you know what your doing.21:46
spillI'm trying to find a way to do a daily email of a log file to and external email address from maverick server, any thoughts?21:47
Fuchsurlin2u: please keep it polite. Doing a full system reinstall would not have helped him at all, while it would be hard to do so on a hosted server.21:47
shaunlewisorganiks, 'rm'21:47
Nach0zgeorgy: LXDE looks pretty good, yeah21:47
urlin2uFuchs, the original post had no mention, of over a hosted server when I answerd.21:48
Nach0zgeorgy: lubuntu-desktop is the full LXDE setup for Ubuntu, but doesn't look QUITE as good as LXDE. i can't make it look the same exactly. but it runs well.21:48
georgyhah, I see21:48
georgyWhat do you normally run and how much of your juice does it suck up? If you don't mind me asking21:49
Nach0zgeorgy: I run the lubuntu-desktop setup and it sucks FAR less ram than Win7, UBuntu with Unity, or even the old Ubuntu Classic (Gnome) setup21:49
georgylol wow21:50
georgyYeah, unity seems to be a blood sucker so far21:50
Nach0zyou aint kiddin. it's as bad as KDE.21:50
urlin2u!ot | Nach0z21:50
ubottuNach0z: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:50
georgythe ubuntu software center rapes me computer pretty hard as well too21:50
georgyuses 90-100% of the cpu and i have a atom 33021:51
Nach0zurlin2u: X managers for Ubuntu is Ubuntu related, is it not?21:51
georgyI would think so Nach0z21:51
urlin2uNach0z, complaining about W7 is not,21:51
guntbertNach0z: georgy ubuntu related yes, but no support questions21:51
Satisfiedhey guys, just installed 11.04 and this new interface is garbage.  maybe mac fanboys will like this dumbed down nonsense but come on.  how do i switch back to normal gnome ??21:53
RvPupok ..the details are .... old dell tower with 2 hard drives ...i halfed the harddrives to get 4 partitions ...sda1 is ntfs with windows xp pro ...sda2,sdb1and sdb2 are ext3 (blank at the moment)...loaded ubuntu 10.10 and am trying to use the installer to put it on sdb1 (first partition of the 2nd harddrive) ... can you advise what to do?21:53
guntbert!classic | Satisfied and drop the ranting please21:54
ubottuSatisfied and drop the ranting please: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".21:54
FuchsSatisfied: in the login dialog, after entering your username, you can switch to ubuntu classic21:54
mostyLoki^, pastebin your grub conf maybe?21:54
DeltaEpsilonwhat virtualization software can I use to run a Ubutu server in the background on Win 7? I don't want to start the virtual machine each time I turn on my laptop. I want it run as a service.21:54
lorenzoHi I need to know if I can use ubuntu startup disk creator to burn a live .iso file to a USB drive21:54
rapageanyone here knows how to remove or change the password on the login keyring21:55
guntbertDeltaEpsilon: how is that an ubuntu support question?21:55
Loki^mosty i doubt it has something to do with grub since it probably doesnt check if theres a network connection right? maybe its some script error in /etc/rcS.d?21:55
shaunlewisRvPup, which bit of the install are you at?21:56
RvPupallowcate drive space is what the window says21:56
mostyLoki^, grub might be trying to boot via the network21:56
=== derpz is now known as derp
lorenzo"_can someone help me?_"21:57
usr13!usb | lorenzo21:57
ubottulorenzo: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:57
mostyLoki^, it's a strange problem, you should check things from the very start since the problem occurs very early when you boot21:57
shaunlewisRvPup, I'm figuring from memory, but is one of the options something like 'use as mount point'?21:57
usr13lorenzo: Instructions for burning the install iso to USB stick can be found at:  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download21:57
Loki^mosty well the system starts anyway, even without lan cable, but with less services and without run-level 2... /etc/rcS.d is the script folder wich gets executed at boot and should set the runlevel afaik21:58
Loki^mosty but i have no clue wich file to check21:58
mostyLoki^, /boot/grub/grub.cfg21:59
RvPupshows all 4 partitons and another box to where i want bootloader21:59
dominicdinadawow how the hell21:59
pureevolim running ubuntu 11.04 and i made the mistake of not increasing the size of the partition. can i change the size without reformating?21:59
mostyLoki^, and maybe pastebin your dmesg21:59
mostyLoki^, i don't know what's wrong but that's where i would start looking21:59
shaunlewisRvPup, is that the dialog where you can select the partition and click 'change'?22:00
usr13pureevol: yes22:00
arooni-mobile__have a lenovo t420 running ubuntu 11.04; is there a reason why my motorola atrix smartphone only seems to charge on the usb ports when the laptop is plugged in?  can i make it so it charges all the time?22:01
jfdrboth my monnitors shows the same image, and 2 mouse poiners22:01
Loki^mosty http://paste.ubuntu.com/686567/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/686568/22:01
usr13pureevol: Boot the LiveCD and use gparted to resize partition(s).22:01
RvPupi tried clicking the line for sdb1 and put the bootloader on sda1 but got a popup says no root file system is defined22:01
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usr13pureevol: LiveCD=Install-CD22:02
shaunlewisRvPup, yeah, ok, which did you want ubuntu on? first partition on second HD?22:02
pureevoli d/l ubuntu22:02
lorenzoCan someone help me?22:02
shaunlewisRbPup, select /dev/sdb122:02
lorenzoI need to burn an .iso file to a USB drive.22:02
usr13pureevol: How did you install Ubuntu 11.04?22:02
usr13pureevol: What method did you use to install Ubuntu 11.04?22:03
shaunlewisRvPup, click 'change' and set the mount point to '/'22:03
RvPupchange ...on the sdb1 line?22:03
jfdrboth monitors show the same, how to fix?22:03
usr13pureevol: Maybe you should re-state your question. (I am not sure I understand.)22:04
shaunlewisRvpub, make sure that isnt your win partition. From what you said, it should be sda1, but double check22:04
lorenzoCould someone tell me how to burn a .iso file to a USB drive?22:04
pureevoli need to make the linux side of my partition bigger22:04
pureevolcurrently i only have 10.4g22:04
usr13pureevol: Did you install from Ubuntu CD?22:04
pureevolno i downloaded it from ubuntu.com22:05
usr13pureevol: What did you download from ubuntu.com?  An ISO?22:05
RvPupthat opens another window ...options for "use as" and mount point ...so use as ?22:05
qinlorenzo: usb-creator-gtk22:05
usr13pureevol: And did you burn this ISO image to a CD?22:06
shaunlewisrvpup, I would recommend ext4 for general use22:06
pureevolwubi i think is what your asking22:06
usr13pureevol: Oh, you installed wubi ?22:06
aj00200I'm trying to install Postfix for multiple domains and I am at the point where I am setting up tls. What do I need to do to make each domain use its own TLS cert?22:06
usr13pureevol: How did you install it?  From a CD?22:06
SpaceBasshey folks22:07
usr13pureevol: Oh, ok. Just a sec.22:07
MonkeyDustpureevol: wubi is not a "real" installation22:07
qinlorenzo: In terminal type: usb-creator-gtk, or install unetbootin and use that, and do not PM, please.22:07
usr13pureevol: What version of MS Windows do you have?22:07
SpaceBasshaving a hard time, making me feel like a novice (which is pretty much true?)22:07
pureevoli went to ubuntu dot com click the get it button. next page i selected run it with windows. that gave me wubi22:07
RvPupcheck the box for format and the mount point is just .../..?22:07
shaunlewisyes '/' is the root file system22:07
pureevoli dbl clicked wubi.exe and now i have ubuntu22:07
SpaceBassboot drive on headless server is out of space, how can I use du -sh and not include everything on /mnt (which is 6T and takes forever to index)22:08
jfdrpureevol: just use host's HD for extra stuff22:08
shaunlewisRvpup, 0if you intend on having ubuntu on the one partition (recommended) you just need '/'22:08
usr13pureevol: Oh ok.  Then this is what you  need: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:08
MonkeyDustpureevol: wubi uses a pseudo-partation inside windoze22:08
shaunlewisrvpup, and maybe a second for swap22:08
aj00200SpaceBass: try --exclude=/mnt22:09
RvPupits warning i didnt add swap space do i want to coninue?22:09
SpaceBassaj00200, was just reading the man, will it patter match on path names? Will try22:09
usr13MonkeyDust: He no longer has wubi (as he stated just now).22:09
hydruidRvPup, you definitely want to add swap space22:09
usr13MonkeyDust: He now has normal Ubuntu.  (I think... )22:09
shaunlewisRvpup, did you make the 2 partitions on sdb the same size?22:10
aj00200SpaceBass: I assume so22:10
usr13MonkeyDust: But thanks for your help anyway.  :)22:10
RvPupthey are close to the same22:10
SpaceBassaj00200, strange behavior. worked, and quickly but reported only 4.7G (drive is 60g and 100% full according to df )22:10
shaunlewisrvpup, how much RAM do you have?22:10
RvPup1 gig22:11
pureevolok, so just d/l this .iso and burn it as an image to a cd. when i put the disk in ill have an option to change the size of my partition? or will i have to redo ubuntu all together?22:11
shaunlewisrvpup, are both currently empty?22:11
jfdrmy monitors show the same image, how to fix?22:11
shaunlewispartitions, I mean22:11
usr13pureevol: Yes, boot to the CD and you will be presented with a non-destructive partition manager called gparted.22:11
inphernalHello. I am running 11.04 on my Toshiba laptop, which has a Intel Mobile 4 chipset. Ubuntu was working fine before, but after some update a while ago, I stopped being able to boot into Ubuntu without using teh failsafeX option in recovery mode. When it did work, restarts would not boot, and would just go to a black screen.22:12
shaunlewisrvpup, OK, I would recommend resizing sdb2 to 2GB, and the sdb1 the rest, assuming you have a reasonable sized disk22:12
aj00200SpaceBass: are you looking at partitions in df or the whole drive?22:12
SpaceBassaj00200, partitions (which happens to pretty much be whole drives)22:12
vehemothhi, I can't get sudo pm-suspend to work without a password22:12
pureevolah ok. just asking because everytime i got get this to fix this and that. i always run into a wall. but ill try this. thanks22:12
alkisg_webHi, if I put acpi=off to get around a laptop brightness problem, am I losing anything significant? Fan will be on, right?22:12
usr13pureevol: But I recommend that you boot to MS Windows first and back any critical data and do defrag before attempting to re-size the MS Windows partition (assuming you are going to shrink it).22:12
RvPup2nd drive is 30 gig ...i can let ubuntu have it all for now if thats easier22:12
aj00200hmm, I don't know why that is22:13
shaunlewisRvpup, you will, but we will put aside 2gb for ubuntu to use as swap space22:13
pureevolok thanks22:13
usr13pureevol: It is a relatively save proceedure, but...22:13
usr13just as precautionary measures...22:13
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shaunlewisrvpub, half your disk is way-overkill22:14
RvPupwhatever you thinks best ...what do you want me to do22:14
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shaunlewisrvpub, resize the paritions on sdb, so one is 2GB and the other occupies the rest of the space22:15
mostyLoki^, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces22:15
mostyLoki^, and is that dmesg when the network cable was plugged in? if so, pastebin dmesg when you boot and it's not plugged in22:16
jfdris it u$a channel?22:16
bazhangjfdr, its english only, what language did you want22:16
shaunlewisrvpub, one way of doing that is to 'delete' sdb1 and sdb2, then click the 'free space' line under /dev/sdb and 'add'22:16
RvPupcan i do that from the insaller or quit the installer?22:16
jfdrbazhang: it's not language but lack of ppl around'22:17
Loki^mosty in interfaces theres only auto lo and iface lo inet loopback... i tried to comment out both and reboot already with no success... the dmesg is when i booted without lan cable and i plugged it in after a while22:17
bazhangjfdr, whats your ubuntu support question22:17
shaunlewisrvpup, would suggest setting one 'primary' to 2000mb, location 'end'; use as 'swap space'22:17
jfdrboth of my monitors shows same image, even 2 mouse pointers22:17
Ttechjfdr, Have you tried changing the settings in Display Properties?22:18
shaunlewisthen repeat, 'primary', use as 'ext4', mount point '/'.22:18
mostyLoki^, could be a problem with network-manager22:19
Loki^mosty is it executed before grub? if so it might be it :)22:20
mostyLoki^, no network-manager starts from an init script22:20
inphernalHello. I am running 11.04 on my Toshiba laptop, which has a Intel Mobile 4 chipset. Ubuntu was working fine before, but after some update a while ago, I stopped being able to boot into Ubuntu without using teh failsafeX option in recovery mode. When it did work, restarts would not boot, and would just go to a black screen.22:21
Loki^mosty when i boot without lan cable plugged in "who -r" doesnt even give a response, so no runlevel is even initiated22:21
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mostyLoki^, that is pretty strange. if you have enough space to backup somewhere, i would do that and reinstall. when was the last time you backed up anyway?22:22
mostyLoki^, got to go, good luck22:22
dasdaboth of my monitors show same image, i'm on xfce junk, how to fix?22:22
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RvPupok... sdb1 1999 swap "end"  ... sdb2 28018 "begining" ext4 mnt point /.... continue?22:24
shaunlewislooks good22:24
RvPuplol cross your fingers22:25
Jason2gsUbuntu 10.04. Sound will only work in either Flash or vlc/totem/etc., but not both at the same time. How can I troubleshoot this?22:25
inphernalHello. I am running 11.04 on my Toshiba laptop, which has a Intel Mobile 4 chipset. Ubuntu was working fine before, but after some update a while ago, I stopped being able to boot into Ubuntu without using teh failsafeX option in recovery mode. When it did work, restarts would not boot, and would just go to a black screen.22:25
RvPupoh crap ...boot loader ....? ...it was on dev/sda...no partition22:26
shaunlewisrvpup, should be fine22:26
RvPupkeep going or put it on like sda1 with windows?22:27
Bixitanyone here who got time to/can give me a little support on libreoffice?22:27
Bixitah, thanks ;)22:28
forrestvanybody know how i can make networkmanager pay attention to additional interfaces? i have firewire0 and i want to share a connection on it..22:28
shaunlewis/dev/sda, no partition is likley to be safest, but I have no experiance of dual booting, so someone else might like to confirm22:28
RvPupits copying files22:28
* dasda wonders why Ubuntu spoils itself on desktops again and again22:29
loxodesAnyone have a spare default copy of 11.04's /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh ? I accidently deleted mine22:29
RvPuplike i said its all a completely new pc install ...so if it screws up ill know what not to do next time22:29
dasdaany ideas?22:30
OerHeksloxodes,  /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh  does not exist, sorry22:31
loxodesOerHeks: thanks, it may not have existed to begin with22:32
loxodesbut I'm too spooked to reboot and find out22:32
inphernalHello. I am running 11.04 on my Toshiba laptop, which has a Intel Mobile 4 chipset. Ubuntu was working fine before, but after some update a while ago, I stopped being able to boot into Ubuntu without using teh failsafeX option in recovery mode. When it did work, restarts would not boot, and would just go to a black screen.22:32
* Sanchezql is sending22:33
loxodesit looks like it didn't exist, mountdevsubfs.sh isn't in my locate database22:36
loxodesalright, thanks22:36
dasdaBoth my 2 monitors show the same image. Need to fix without gnome :(22:37
Jordan_URvPup: You were correct to install grub to "sda" rather than a partition. You should almost never install grub's boot sector to a partition.22:38
organikscan a atom 450 run ubuntu 64bit22:38
fermulatorI'm having a poor experience with Ubuntu 11.04 installation on a fresh notebook.  the installer keeps crashing :-(22:41
ikoniaplease define crashing22:41
trismorganiks: yes, the atom n450 as 64bit support22:41
fermulatorI've tried the "try without installing" (which loads the whole GUI), and the "instal ubuntu" which just loads ubiquity22:41
fermulatori'll try to reproduce iwth more info22:41
StevenRorganiks: http://ark.intel.com/products/42503 suggests that it should be able to22:42
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1741684.html organiks22:42
Jordan_Ufermulator: Have you run the integrity check?22:42
fermulatoronce it gets to that "select location for timezone" screen, the display gets crazy, i will ellaborate22:42
RvPupoh good ....its installing as we speak ...language packs right now22:42
bazhangfermulator, md5 the iso, burn slowly on decent quality media, then do the disk integrity check22:43
bazhang!md5 > fermulator22:43
ubottufermulator, please see my private message22:43
beachedhey can anyone help me with running this .jar file?22:43
fermulatori'm booted off a USB22:43
fermulatorcreated from unetbootin, 11.04 desktop ISO22:43
dasda(snakeoil) Both my 2 monitors show the same image. Need to fix without gnome :(22:43
bazhangfermulator, still md5 iso22:43
dasdabeached: "this"?22:43
beachedI get quite a long error message22:43
fermulatorfigured out if I don't "touch" the graphical part of the location selector, and just type my city and search, it doesn't crash22:44
bazhangbeached, minecraft or what22:44
rypervenchebeached: Minecraft?22:44
beachedi run java -jar ach-2.0.5.jar22:44
fermulatorbut if i try to "click" on the global map close to where i am, it crashes the gui shell22:44
fermulator(no response from window), moving it around starts to "erase" the window22:44
fermulatorvery strange22:44
inphernalHello. I am running 11.04 on my Toshiba laptop, which has a Intel Mobile 4 chipset. Ubuntu was working fine before, but after some update a while ago, I stopped being able to boot into Ubuntu without using teh failsafeX option in recovery mode. When it did work, restarts would not boot, and would just go to a black screen.22:44
kingofswordshi i have audio sync problem in lucid...is there anything i can do?22:45
roccosalve a tutti22:45
shaunlewisinphernal, can you post your xorg.conf on a pastebin?22:45
fermulatormd5 on the ISO yields: "8b1085bed498b82ef1485ef19074c281  ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso"22:46
inphernalshaunlewis: Sure, where is that?22:46
fermulatorthe hash matches w/ UbuntuHashes22:47
shaunlewisinphernal, if it exists, usually /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:48
Jason2gsUbuntu 10.04. Sound will only work in either Flash or vlc/totem/etc., but not both at the same time. How can I troubleshoot this?22:48
inphernalshaunlewis: The one in there is xorg.conf.failsafe22:49
fermulatorJason2gs: running pulse-audio?22:49
Brutus-HI, where i can paste a screenshot to show you?22:49
Brutus-HI, where can i paste a screenshot to show you?22:49
fermulatorBrutus: http://imageshack.us/22:49
Brutus-Isn't there a ubuntu service?22:50
Jason2gsfermulator, I believe so? /usr/bin/pulseaudio shows up int he process list.22:50
bazhangBrutus-, no22:50
shaunlewisinphernal, in that case you can try generate one, sudo Xorg -configure, i beleive22:50
aj00200what is the default chat client in Ubuntu called?22:50
IndustrialI'm trying to run a game on Wine (RIFT) and it says I need to update my drivers directly rendered on the video output in the game, the screen is all messed up with that test on it. Does Ubuntu have the latest version/22:50
bazhangaj00200, empathy22:50
Brutus-mmm i used it but i don't remember the address22:50
Brutus-thank you anyway22:50
aj00200bazhang: thanks22:50
bazhangwinehq repos Industrial22:51
bazhangerr #winehq22:51
bazhangIndustrial, wait the drivers? for which card22:51
fermulatorJason2gs: maybe this is useful : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=843012, I would also checkout the pulse-audio mixer applet, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/pulseaudio-mixer-applet-lets-you-change.html22:51
Industrialbazhang, 8800GTS22:52
bazhangIndustrial, you would do that in ubuntu not via wine22:52
Industrialhm sudo apt-get install nvidia-current is up to date22:52
BrandonBoltonBrutus: Are you talking about Ubuntu One? That is the only thing I have learned of.22:52
Industrialbazhang, yes, I know22:52
inphernalshaunlewis: "xorg: command not found"22:52
bazhangBrandonBolton, he's gone22:52
shaunlewisinphernal, capital X?22:52
Industrialbazhang, I was trying to see if I should set my init level to 3, run the installer from nvidia, go back to gui, or just apt-get it22:53
BrandonBoltonbazhang: Ah, sorry I did not read that line I was just going down the line.22:53
inphernalshaunlewis: "Fatal server error, server is already active for display 0"22:53
shaunlewisahh, you need to kill it22:54
shaunlewistry switching to another console 'crl-alt-f1', log in,  'pkill Xorg'22:54
ikoniainphernal: why run level 3 ?22:54
ikoniaIndustrial: why run level 322:54
sysop3I am installing ubuntu server 11.04 and I have two 500 gb sata hdd's but I dont get the configure software raid option in the disk partitioner. I even tried expert mode. what am I doing wrong?22:56
BrandonBoltonI have a question. How come I can never adjust my screen brightness on my netbook? When I hit fn up or down on the D-Pad a bar fills up and decreases but nothing happens.22:56
ikoniasysop3: the server install can do software raid, are you sure you're not using the desktop installer ?22:56
ikoniasysop3: it's part of the server install, so you just need to look a bit better, it's in the custom partition option22:57
sysop3filename is ubuntu-11.04-server-i386.iso22:57
RvPupshaunlewis: wish me luck it says restart now22:58
sysop3I see the lvm option.22:58
ikoniasysop3: you need to create partitions and configure them as raid devices22:58
ikoniasysop3: it's not a raid option, it's a partition option, you can then create raid devices once you have raid partitions defined22:58
shaunlewisrvpup, good luck22:58
sysop3do I hit yes or no to the activate serial ata raid devices prompt?22:59
ikoniasysop3: are you disks on serial ata ?22:59
sysop3sata yep22:59
ikoniasysop3: then yes23:00
sysop3but then it doesnt allow me to configure any partitions, I just have these two software raid devices than I can make one big partition each.23:01
ikoniasysop3: you have software raid devices already ?23:02
ikoniasysop3: by software raid, do you mean fakeraid, or linux software raid23:02
VesuvenAnyone got a minute to pm me about installing Ubuntu 11.04? Need help setting up my partitions and such23:02
ikoniaVesuven: just ask23:02
antidhi. i m on ubuntu ``try without installing`` and i tried firefox to notice a very slow loading of pages. i have a router. is this something that can happen without installing if not what should i try?23:04
sysop3linux software raid. my motherboard doesnt have any fake raid stuff23:04
ikoniaantid: your machine may just be struggling a little running in ram from the cd23:04
VesuvenI got 4 partitions on my HDD, 9.65 gb (Unallocated) 5.10 gb (Free Space) and 4.88 GB (Unallocated), when I try to install Ubuntu it tells me my partitions are under 2.5 and I need more sizes, I don't understand that part23:05
ikoniasysop3: ok - so have you made a raid device now ?23:05
ikoniasysop3: you've got 2 raid partitions, have you made a raid meta device ?23:05
sysop3do I do then in the menu?23:05
sysop3or from a shell?23:05
crankharderhow do I tell a service to start when the system comes up?23:06
ikoniasysop3: have you read the server install manual at all ?23:06
sysop3let me look through it again. but my problem is the screen shoots look the same I am just missing options.23:06
lars_Can anyone help me? My problem is that I can't log in to some websides i tryet Chrome, Firefox and kongquere23:06
Laserscrankharder: Most services/daemons are started automatically as soon as it's installed.23:07
ikonialars_: define can't login23:07
crankharderLasers: and this one isn't.23:07
mmiller1is it possible to boot linux from a external hard drive?23:07
ikoniammiller1: yes23:07
Laserscrankharder: You could add it to Gnome's Startup (or /etc/rc.local) -- See !boot or !startup23:07
ikoniammiller1: if your motherboard supports it23:08
dforthmanmmiller1 - your motherboard has to support booting from USB devices.23:08
mmiller1ikonia: how can i determine that?23:08
Lasers!startup | crankharder23:08
ubottucrankharder: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot23:08
crankharderLasers: ubuntu-server23:08
Lasers!boot | crankharder (update-rc part)23:08
ubottucrankharder (update-rc part): Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:08
ikoniammiller1: read your motherboard manual23:09
lars_ikonia: i try to login to my account on nextgen.org or cam4.com and more23:09
nmittalI am not able to get sound working on Ubuntu 10.10 (Macbook Pro 4,1)23:09
ikonialars_: and what happens when you try23:09
mmiller1ikonia: how can i find the motherboard manual23:09
nmittali hear no sound whatsoever23:10
lars_ikonia: nothing23:10
ikonialars_: what do you mean nothing, no error, no page changes, nothing23:10
lars_ikonia: It's like hit reload23:11
mmiller1what BIOS version supports booting from a usb drive?23:11
ikoniammiller1: it depends on your motherboard23:12
ikonialars_: what do you mean like you hit reload ?23:12
sysop3my problem is I get use as physical volume for lvm but I never get the option physical volume for raid.23:12
mmiller1ikonia: i have BIOS version A0323:12
ikoniammiller1: bios versions are specific to motherboards23:12
mmiller1ikonia: thanks, trying to fix my stepdad's computer23:13
ikoniasysop3: you need partitions defined as raid23:13
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w0_nosin around with c .. how come the stdio.h files in /usr/lib/syslinux/com32/include and /usr/include are totally different?23:15
ikoniaw0_: try ##c23:15
w0_ikonia: thanks! ;)23:16
lars_ikonia: when I'm on login page my browser remembers my login info i hit login botton and nothing happents just like the page reloads and the login page is still there.23:16
nmittalMacbook Pro  + Ubuntu = No Sound!!23:16
ikonialars_: sounds like you've not got cookies enabled23:17
nmittalcan someone here help or is there another forum for macbook + ubuntu23:18
lars_ikonia: Cookies is enable23:18
RvPupshaunlewis:...install went perfect got a grub window with windows and ubuntu ....thank you very much23:19
ikonialars_: no idea, the behaviour you suggest is similar to not having cookies enabled,23:20
Surp24/7 indie gamedev stream http://www.twitch.tv/bigblockgames23:20
lars_ikonia: And it's not only my default browser it's all of them23:22
ikonialars_: no idea23:23
dr_willislars_:  try with a newly made user,  see if it works properly for them23:24
mightyballdoes anyone have any experience with laptops using the i5 Intel HD graphics? Just Intel, not dual with Nvidia.23:24
mightyballI'm considering a laptop, but want to know if things will work or not first.23:25
lars_ikonia: you named cookies and i found the problem my rouder had a cookia filter Thanks!23:26
blahblahbuZh!~buzh@oldpete.uio.no at Fri Jun 10 10:49:36 201123:28
blahblah<blahblah> I am having trouble installing ubuntu on a friends computer, it says I need to run chkdsk in windows and restart twice, something is wrong with the partition that windows is installed on23:28
blahblah<blahblah> and when I try to run this command in wi23:28
FloodBot1blahblah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:28
blahblahwindows, it says I need to be an elevated user, but becoming root on windows is seeming to be harder than linux, so does anybody know how to do that?  google returns useless solutions23:28
mightyballto be elevated in windows, right click on command prompt shortcut and pick "run as administrator"23:29
BrandonBoltonblahblah: You cannot become root on Windows. On Windows, it is different, they use Administrator. Just right click and run as Administrator.23:29
[deXter]root / admin, same thing23:32
fermulatorsigh: ubuntu 11.04, GDM login screen, I can click around as much as I want, but as soon as I try to type a username or password, the system locks up23:33
fermulatorhow does one troubleshoot "lock ups" (no logs to look at)23:34
josepbuntuHey guys, any1 has google+ so i can add and stuff?23:34
shaun413hi, My screen shows absolutely nothing, not top bar, no sidebar, no icons23:34
shaun413help me please23:34
ikoniajosepbuntu: please don't ask for that sort of thing in here23:34
josepbuntuwell ok23:34
ikoniajosepbuntu: we just do ubuntu support in here23:34
fermulatorshaun413: try; "ALT+F2", and run, "metacity --replace"23:34
josepbuntuit was only for having people interested on linux23:34
ikoniajosepbuntu: I understand that, but it's not something that's done in here23:35
shaun413alt f2 brings up nothing23:35
fermulatorshaun413: what were you doing when this happened? (freshly logged in, everything suddenly disappeared?)23:36
shaun413_i was usin compiz23:36
fermulatorwhat version of ubuntu?23:36
shaun413_i guess23:37
fermulatoris it using the new "unity" stuff?23:37
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:37
fermulatorshaun413: what about "CTRL+ALT+T", does it bring up a terminal?23:37
shaun413_yes new unity sidebar23:37
shaun413_that does not bring up terminal23:38
shaun413_i cant move windows either23:38
fermulatori'm trying to find a way to get a "terminal" open for you23:38
shaun413_i managed to get into firefox by going into folders and clicking online help23:38
fermulatoroh you can go into folders?23:39
fermulatorright click , "open terminal here"?23:39
urlin2ushaun413, application button in unity paen working?23:40
shaun413_thats not even there23:40
shaun413_nor is the bar at the top23:40
fermulatorurlin2u: everything is "gone" for him (window manager, buttons, panels, etc.) --- if everything is crashed, with Unity, I don't know how to bring up a terminal or run dialogue23:40
urlin2ushaun413, have you tweaked compiz?23:40
fermulatorat least in gnome2 classic, you could ALT+F2...23:41
shaunlewisshaun413, what about Alt gr-print screen-k??23:41
shaun413_i tweaked compiz23:41
shaunlewisthe alt on the right hand side23:41
envidowhere is the source of gawk? i need install with apt-get23:41
envidoim user of 11.0423:41
shaun413_does nothing23:42
urlin2ushaun413, that is your problem, go to tty crtl-alt-f1 and reboot to the classic, and look for a compiz website if your trying to get the cube.23:42
fermulatorFYI: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/omg-5-five-ways-to-add-altf2-fun-to-unity/ <-- alternatives with Unity for running commands23:43
urlin2ushaun413, compiz is tricky in natty, it is part of the unity shell.23:43
fermulatorurlin2u: do you know how to get compiz to work WITH unity? last time I tried it didnd't work, so I had to do something like this: http://www.howtoforge.com/enabling-compiz-fusion-on-an-ubuntu-11.04-desktop-with-the-unity-desktop23:44
urlin2ufermulator, yeah cube and all, want a link?23:44
Picienvido: 'source of gawk'?23:45
envidoPici, yes23:45
fermulatorenvido: http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/23:45
shaun413__ok i rebboted and am in failsafe graphics mode23:45
Picienvido: apt-get source gawk23:45
shaun413__in classic mode23:45
ixxuif i minize a running application to tray, how can i get it back ?23:45
shaun413__so i can get to stuff nw23:46
fermulatorshaun413: the QUICKEST way to get back is to rename ~/.compiz to ~/.compiz.bak23:46
shaun413__where can i do that?23:46
fermulatorshaun413: one of hte settings you applied is broken w/ unity, so you'd have to try one by one until you find out which one it is;23:46
envidoPici, thank!!!!!23:46
fermulatorshaun413: in a terminal, "mv ~/.compiz ~/.compiz.bak23:46
urlin2ufermulator, shaun413_ here is how you set up the cube, read carefully http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/23:47
shaun413__how can i revert it to original settings?23:47
ixxuthey really killed the systemtray in 11 ?23:47
urlin2ushaun413__, in the terminal unity --replace23:47
fermulatorshaun413; that'll do it (settings are stored in the .compiz directory in your home dir, so just "moving it" will lose your customizations, and restore to defaults)23:47
urlin2ushaun413__, sorry unity --reset  I think23:47
devcalaisHow do I log in as root in order to modify /etc/default/xorg.txt? I don't remember ever setting up a root password.. If I could do this through the xWindow system (non terminal) it would be alottt easier.23:47
devcalaisI'm running 11.04 and Unity.23:47
shaunlewisdevcalais, try sudo gedit <whatever>23:48
ixxudevcalais, try it with your userpassword23:48
shaunlewisthen your own passowrd23:48
Pici!gksudo | shaunlewis devcalais23:48
ubottushaunlewis devcalais: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:48
shaun413__ok i did unity --reset23:48
urlin2ushaun413__, may need a logut it takes a bit for it to do it.23:49
shaun413__its done23:49
urlin2ushaun413__, compiz is tricky here a reboot is probably best  to kick it in.23:50
heikohello, i have some problem. i had important files on my ubuntu one account, but they're gone??23:50
shaun413__ok rebboting brb23:50
ixxuhow to get a program back from the systemtray23:50
shaunlewisdevcalais, ok, for sake of completeness, gksudo gedit <file>, from a terminal in X.23:50
shaunlewisThanks Pici23:50
fermulatorurlin2u: oh, so this link, the cube doesn't work with the unity menu though, you need to use a 3rd party (i.e. AWN, cairo, etc.)23:50
ixxui minimized to that and afterwards noticed that it isn't there anymore23:50
urlin2uixxu, back from?23:50
ixxuback from tray23:50
ixxuurlin2u, i don't see any tray23:51
urlin2ufermulator, it does read closer the awn or docky is for extra stuff, and a way to use the terminal to run compiz --replace to restart it.23:52
heikocan someone explain to me why my ubuntu one files 8exept one) are gone? they're really important23:52
ixxui tried google and found something about confity on a blog, but i think that's the sidebar23:52
shaun413ok it worked23:52
shaun413im back in unity23:52
urlin2uixxu, what desktop and release?23:52
fermulatorurlin2u; sorry yes, I see now, cool, i'll give it a shot23:52
urlin2ushaun413, yipee :D23:52
shaun413now can someone help me set up ubuntu because ive been having alot of issues23:52
ixxuurlin2u, it's probably gnome ubuntu 1123:53
shaun413i want to have the cool effects, and some cool programs23:53
ixxuhow to finde out ?23:53
dr_willis!ccsm | shaun41323:53
ubottushaun413: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz23:53
urlin2uixxu, SO be clear here, 11.04 classic desktop?23:53
ixxuurlin2u, how to find out ?23:53
shaun413thats what ruined it in the first place23:54
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases23:54
ixxuurlin2u, i installed it today23:54
dr_willisshaun413:  read here also -> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html23:54
dr_willisunity and some ccsm plugins can fight. :)23:55
shaun413yeah i just did that23:55
shaun413are there any videos of the compiz effects i can watch?23:55
urlin2uixxu, lsb_release -a in the terminal, unity has a panel on the left of the screen, classic does not23:56
aroonihave a lenovo t420 running ubuntu 11.04; is there a reason why i cant charge my motorola atrix smartphone  via usb?23:56
ixxuso i have unity23:56
w1bobw1can someone hep me with some facebook promotion?23:56
Pici!ot | w1bobw123:57
ubottuw1bobw1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:57
ixxuurlin2u, lsb_release returns "No LSB module are avaible"23:57
crankharderhow do I specify that a service starts at startup?23:57
urlin2uixxu, lsb_release -a23:57
crankharderservice --status-all is showing [?] next to it23:57
ixxuurlin2u, in my sysinfo there is linux 2.6.38-11-generic-pae23:57
urlin2uixxu, okay Natty what do you exactly mean by systray?23:58
urlin2ushaun413, this link should help read it all carefully before tweaking. http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/23:59
ixxuurlin2u, the exact problem is, that i started filezilla and marked "minimize to systray" now i minimized it and can't find it any longer anywhere23:59
jameswis there a way to shred previously deleted files / shred empty space to ensure previously deleted files are not recoverable?23:59

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