
ScottKAnyone packaging up mgraesslin's kwin fix for 4.7? (see packagers)01:31
micahgany idea what caused this build failure? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/79514260/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-ia64.qt4-x11_4%3A4.6.2-0ubuntu5.3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz02:30
* micahg dreads the idea of respinning qt4-x11 for ia6402:37
ScottKmicahg: No.  I'd hit retry and see if it magically works.03:28
micahgScottK: ok, it's only 12 hours, thanks03:34
debfxScottK: quassel-core creates world-readable directories :(10:25
debfxand the generated ssl cert+key file is world-readable10:29
debfxalso the logs10:29
Quintasan_ScottK: urgh, some idiot broke phone line here and I dont  have internet10:29
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
bulldog98Quintasan: that’s always a nice feature :)10:30
Quintasanbulldog98: Care to elaborate how having no internet while runtime is apparently broken nice?10:31
bulldog98Quintasan: it was meant ironic10:32
* bulldog98 handles cookies and tea to Quintasan10:33
QuintasanOh, I see10:33
QuintasanWell, now the damn PC wont boot10:33
* Quintasan need to take the pc to the shop to get it repaired or replaced10:33
bulldog98Quintasan: have you tried to recover grub?10:34
Quintasanbulldog98: It's not GRUB related10:35
QuintasanIf it was GRUB then I would have fixed it by now10:35
Quintasanit's faulty hardware10:35
bulldog98Quintasan: that sucks10:35
bulldog98Quintasan: have you put new RAM into it? that was my problem at friday10:36
QuintasanI believe it's a shitty power supply but I dont have a spare one confirm it10:36
Quintasanbulldog98: I did but the problem was occuring even before I added memory10:37
Quintasanwhen I shutdown the PC it refuses to boot when I turn it on immediately after10:37
Quintasanit powers on, fans spin, hdd starts working but nothing happens10:37
Quintasanwhen I reboot it from os it reboots normally10:38
bulldog98Quintasan: have you placed the RAM tight enought, my PC refused to boot, cause I hadn’t put it in hard enought10:38
Quintasanthats not the case10:38
QuintasanIm telling you I had this even before putting new memory10:38
Quintasani know. that's why Im going to shop tomorrow and tell him to fix at once or rma the parts10:42
QuintasanI dont care which part is at fault10:42
debfxapachelogger, ScottK: the quasselcore-makecert is currently broken (tries to write into the wrong dir). do you want to keep it? I think we shouldn't encourage creating self-signed ssl certs ...10:49
debfxon the other hand quassel doesn't seem to be able to verify certificates :/10:50
bulldog98debfx: I think any cert is better than no cert at all10:50
debfxbulldog98: yes but that's hardly a justification for telling people to create self-signed certs10:53
apacheloggerdebfx: the point of the cert is not for it to be verified but for it to encrypt communication from core to client11:05
apacheloggermuch like an ssh cert11:05
apacheloggerkubotu: order coffee11:05
* kubotu slides coffee with milk down the bar to apachelogger.11:05
bulldog98kubotu: order tea11:06
* kubotu gives bulldog98 a nice hot cup of tea.11:06
apacheloggerkubotu: order a plate of eggs in the basket11:06
* kubotu slides a plate of eggs in the basket down the bar to apachelogger11:06
bulldog98kubotu: order pork with potatoes11:07
* kubotu slides pork with potatoes down the bar to bulldog9811:07
debfxeh? if you don't verify the cert somehow ssl is mostly useless11:07
apacheloggerdebfx: nonono, you verify the cert11:07
bulldog98debfx: I think the guys, that install quassel-core know how to check the fingerprint of an ssc cert11:08
apacheloggermuch like an ssh key11:08
bulldog98you can scp the cert to your pc and import it as knowen cert11:08
apacheloggeronce you have established that your server has a given cert you get encrypted connection plus man-in-the-middle would trigger a cert warning or something11:08
debfxsure, but if quassel had a proper certificate you wouldn't need to verify it at all11:10
debfx*verify manually11:10
debfxbulldog98: yes, but not all users install their own quassel core11:11
bulldog98debfx: then the guy that installed it has to send them a gpg encryped mail containing the ssl cert11:11
bulldog98on the other hand gaining a singed cert is a bunch of work11:12
apacheloggerwith no advantage11:12
bulldog98as one can see in the nice problems of ssl certs11:13
bulldog98namly google.com11:13
debfxbulldog98: quassel is supposed to accept certs signed by trusted CAs so that won't help you at all11:16
bulldog98debfx: one point for you :)11:17
debfxthe advantage is of course that you don't need to verify the cert manually11:17
bulldog98still it’s much overhead getting a ssl cert singed and most times you have to pay for that. (If you only have 6 users, you can tell them: that’s the fingerprint, import it and everything will work fine)11:18
debfxit takes about 30 seconds to create a cert signed by startssl and doesn't cost you anything11:21
debfxanyway that makecert script is completely broken11:24
debfxand has been since at least lucid 11:25
bulldog98debfx: maybe we should just print some instructions howto create a singed cert?11:26
ari-tczewapachelogger: bug 846027 is a bug which I said you last time here11:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 846027 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "strange behavior of second panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84602711:26
apacheloggerari-tczew: quite honestly I believe this to be a graphics driver issue11:30
apacheloggerI know that JontheEchidna is also running a 2 panel setup, and he does not have this problem11:30
debfxbulldog98: imho the ssl cert business is something server admins should know about (or be able to google), so creating an inital certificate on package install is good enough11:30
apacheloggerari-tczew: you should move the bug to bugs.kde.org, it does not sound particularly kubuntu specific IMHO11:31
bulldog98apachelogger: yofel and me also have 2 panels11:32
ari-tczewapachelogger: look at this my report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28073911:32
ubottuKDE bug 280739 in general "plasma crashes when I have second panel" [Crash,Unconfirmed]11:32
apacheloggerthat BT suggests that it is not a bug in plasma but the message indicator11:33
apacheloggeragateau_ ^^^^^11:33
debfxari-tczew: does it still crash with the latest message-indicator package?11:35
debfxthe backtrace looks a lot like bug #63179411:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631794 in plasma-widget-message-indicator (Ubuntu Oneiric) "widget crashes when starting Thunderbird or Evolution" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63179411:35
ari-tczewdebfx: hmm not sure, because now I'm ingoring all crashes due to out of time. I'll make sure on next time boot.11:36
ari-tczewdebfx: I use evolution, so maybe this is the bug which you gave number11:36
ari-tczewbulldog98, yofel_, JontheEchidna: what's your graphic card?11:37
bulldog98ari-tczew: nvidia11:37
ari-tczewbulldog98: my too ...11:37
bulldog98ari-tczew: but I also had that running on intel11:37
bulldog98ari-tczew: nouveau or nvidia driver?11:37
ari-tczewbulldog98: nvidia driver11:38
* bulldog98 too11:38
bulldog98hm strange11:38
bulldog98ari-tczew: where are the 2 panels? At the bottom and the top?11:39
bulldog98hm I’ve got one left and one right11:39
bulldog98and that works11:39
apacheloggerthat is vastly different though :P11:39
apacheloggeralso mind that a dual screen setup could be messing with it11:40
apacheloggerthe plasma is not particularly dual screen friendly11:40
ari-tczewapachelogger: hmm, I'll plug-off TV11:41
ari-tczewbulldog98: yes bottom and top (up and down)11:41
bulldog98yofel and me don’t use that setting11:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelari-tczew, bulldog98: I actually saw that bug yesterday after finally rebooting in a while11:43
bulldog98apachelogger: I thought aseigo was going to fix that11:43
yofelI don't get a crash though, just that one panel isn't where it's supposed to be11:43
bulldog98yofel: I haven’t got that with the packages of 8th11:43
* apachelogger stopped caring about plasma 5 releases back11:43
bulldog98but I only have one monitor on my screen11:44
yofelbulldog98: not sure if I had all updates installed, I don't have much bandwidth here11:44
apacheloggersheytan: dude, I like need a quick n dirty mockup for muon on a mobile phone11:44
yofelwill try later11:44
bulldog98ari-tczew: maybe you should talk to the guys in #plasma they know best how to handle with stuff like that11:45
ari-tczewyofel: did you see wrong panel displaying like in my bug?11:45
yofelari-tczew: yep, like an additional invisible panel beside it11:46
ari-tczewnice! I'm not alone with that bug11:47
ari-tczewyofel: what's your graphic card?11:47
bulldog98ari-tczew: btw why don’t you have the panel completly at top, you can move the crashew to change that11:48
yofelbulldog98: *that* is the bug11:48
bulldog98yofel: ah ok11:48
bulldog98then I haven’t get the numbering of the stuff11:49
ari-tczewyofel: me too nvidia11:49
yofelI set mine to the left, but when I login again it's a bit away from the screen edge like there's an invisible panel now11:49
yofelonce you adjust the screen edge it moves back where it's supposed to be11:49
bulldog98yofel: and I hadn’t that when I logged in this moring11:49
yofelok, installing updates again, will take a while11:49
bulldog98ari-tczew: do you have latest packages installed?11:50
ari-tczewyofel: could you comment on my bug reported?11:50
ari-tczewbulldog98: which package?11:50
bulldog98ari-tczew: all?11:50
yofelari-tczew: later once I know if the updates help or not11:51
bulldog98there was an x update yesterday or the day before yesterday, maybe that fixed it?11:51
ari-tczewbulldog98: x* packages are up-todated, kdegraphics has got something to update (new upstream release 4.7.1), I'll update later my system because I need to go out in a while11:53
bulldog98ScottK: workspace compiles, doesn’t it?12:01
* bulldog98 takes over fixing that12:05
bulldog98yofel: it could also be a qt regression12:13
bulldog98since I don’t have 4.7.4 installed by now12:13
bulldog98seems I have12:14
Mamarokshadeslayer: any news about 2.4.3 packages for Natty?13:09
MamarokAlso there still is no announcement for Oneiric and the packages are available since quite some time13:10
bulldog98apachelogger: does that looks like a bug fix for you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/686855/13:20
apacheloggerwhere did you get that from?13:21
apacheloggerit looks rather bogus13:21
apacheloggerthe length has nothing to do with the width really... one could wordwrap and whatnot13:22
bulldog98apachelogger: I wrote it myself13:23
apacheloggerwhat are you trying to solve?13:24
bulldog98apachelogger: problem is German translation is cut of13:24
bulldog98in shutdown dialog13:24
apacheloggeralso what class does KSMPushButton derive from?13:25
bulldog98apachelogger: can you do a screenshot, while logging out?13:25
apacheloggerksnapshot with time set to 3 seconds or so13:25
apacheloggertrigger logout dialog13:25
apacheloggerwait for ksnapshot to take a shot13:25
apacheloggercancle logout13:25
Mamarokapachelogger: that guy again with his broken Kubuntu: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=96851&sid=e9737065e8f68f47c773187d9094b7f2&p=203673#p20361413:25
MamarokI moved that part of the thread as it has no relation to Amarok whatsoever13:26
Mamarokalso, what in the word "revoked" didn't he understand?13:26
apacheloggerhe did not do what I told him13:26
apacheloggernamely wipe all of qt apps and reinstall kubuntu-desktop13:27
apacheloggersince he does not do what I tell him to, I really cannot help him13:27
apacheloggerthat guy is rather confused I might say... but, but! someone should make him a minion13:27
apacheloggerI feel he would make a great minion, he certainly doesnt give up easily13:28
bulldog98apachelogger: can I batpaste screenshots?13:28
apacheloggerthere is a plasmoid13:29
apacheloggeryou can drag right form ksnapshot13:29
bulldog98apachelogger: pastebin?13:30
apacheloggersome paste13:31
apacheloggerthere are of course more paste plasmoids than clock plasmoids13:31
apacheloggerof course just like with the clock plasmoids they all seem rather pointless to me13:31
bulldog98apachelogger: btw did you manage to get the unicorn in the analog clock to vomit?13:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://i.imgur.com/ZwntD.png13:42
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
d_edhey all, is there a way to do an apt-file search on the kubuntu backports PPA ?14:04
d_edin particular kwineffects.h (and all other related kwin headers) which were in kdebase-workspace-dev appear to have vanished14:05
d_ed(they're back in project-neon though)14:05
apacheloggeradd the the ppas deb-src line to your sources.list :P14:05
d_edit's there.14:06
d_ed"deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/ natty main "14:06
d_edand on apt-file update I get: 14:07
d_ed  http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/dists/natty/Contents-amd64.gz14:07
d_edIgnoring source without Contents File:14:07
d_edon a quick check there doesn't appear to be a Contents.gz file on any ppa.14:08
apacheloggermaybe indeed it does not work14:14
apachelogger#launchpad will know alllll the details14:14
apacheloggeralso they are at fault if it does not work :P14:14
debfxgreat, we throw away all upstream quassel desktop file translations14:48
debfxapachelogger: evaluating if we should get rid of that desktop file stripping would be a good uds session14:49
apacheloggerplease add14:50
apacheloggerI was thinking about it14:51
apacheloggerwe are having l10n sessions for decades and nothing ever changes14:51
apacheloggerdebfx: actually the stripping has advantages... like when you edit a desktop file using menuedit it will be copied to your home, meaning you'll not get translation updates and stuff14:52
debfxapachelogger: imho that's a small advantage considering how hacky and broken it is14:58
apacheloggerjust saying14:59
* bulldog98 is in favour of that14:59
bulldog98btw if up update an iso, will the installation (not done yet) also include the latest packages?15:01
bulldog98s/iso/live system/15:01
kubotubulldog98 meant: "btw if up update an live system, will the installation (not done yet) also include the latest packages?"15:01
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: sexy15:05
apacheloggeroioi, I am a married man15:06
JontheEchidnalol, was talking about your screenshot15:12
JontheEchidnabut grats on the marriage15:12
bulldog98apachelogger: http://imgur.com/V6uHQ15:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thx ^^15:14
apacheloggerbulldog98: this is a non-trivial problem and the patch you presented only works around it15:15
bulldog98apachelogger: that’s exactly what it was supposed to do :)15:16
bulldog98apachelogger: how to fix that properly?15:16
apacheloggerbulldog98: fix the ksmpushbutton15:16
apacheloggerbulldog98: I suppose that the ksmpushbutton is a regular qpushbutton with a pixmap15:17
apacheloggersomething seems to go wrong with the layouting of the text and the pixmap15:17
apacheloggerso first you'll have to find the logic for layouting15:17
apacheloggerwhich probably either is a qlayout or manual layout calculation (probably in the paintEvent())15:18
* apachelogger points out that this dialog might actually be best implemented in qml + plasma15:18
jussiapachelogger: you are married? to who? (or is it just phonon :P?)15:18
apacheloggeras it is themed to the point of not looking like qwidgets anyway15:18
apacheloggeryou could achieve the very same result by using qml and at the same time resolve the layout problem15:19
apacheloggeras that button would be a  Rectangle { MouseArea{} Text {} Image {} }15:19
apacheloggerin case you want to actually redo the thing properly ;)15:19
bulldog98apachelogger: point me to a good qml tutorial and I maybe able to do that15:19
bulldog98apachelogger: but for 4.7.x I suggest that workaround15:20
apacheloggerno, the workaround is bogus and might fail for various languages15:20
apacheloggerthe layout code needs to be fixed for 4.7u15:20
apacheloggeras for qml tutorials -> qt documentation on qt quick15:20
apacheloggerbulldog98:     p.drawText(10, 0, width() - (m_smallButton ? 16 : 32) - 8, height(),15:20
apachelogger               Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::TextShowMnemonic, m_text);15:20
apacheloggerin KSMPushButton::paintEvent(15:21
apacheloggerso it does in fact calculate layouting by itself15:21
apacheloggerand that is probably where it goes wrong15:21
apacheloggeror the sizehint is just wrong ^^15:21
apacheloggerwho'd know ^^15:21
bulldog98apachelogger: I guess it gets width() only form the "&Cancel" and not from the translated stuff15:22
bulldog98apachelogger: file?15:22
apacheloggeralso se ::init()15:22
apacheloggersee even15:22
apacheloggerthere it does some calculation on minimumsize15:22
apacheloggersupposedly the calculation is wrong15:23
apacheloggerthough it is using qfontmetrics, so technically it should be good15:23
apacheloggeryou could probably just add some 4px additional padding to the final minimum width as workaround15:24
apacheloggerthough finding out why the width calculation is off by a couple of pixels would of course be better15:24
apacheloggerbulldog98: FWIW... the size calculation is done on m_text, which is the translated text as per i18n() 15:25
bulldog98apachelogger: as I read the code there should be a space of 4pix between text and pix15:38
apacheloggersee, in qml that would again be very simple :P15:39
apacheloggerImage { anchors.left: text.right; anchors.leftMargin: 4; }15:39
bulldog98apachelogger: what do I have to do to convert that stuff to qml?15:41
bulldog98where do you have your dragon qml, I want to learn form that15:42
apacheloggerI am not sure it is something you would want to learn from for starters :P15:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: kde:scratch/sitter/muon-mobile15:49
ScottKbulldog98: It did compile, but I think we definitely want to add mgraesslin's kwin fix that he mailed packagers about.15:53
bulldog98ScottK: that’s what I’m up to do15:54
bulldog98ScottK: when I finished it should I request a merge for it?15:57
ScottKYes.  You might also check the kde/4.7 branch in KDE's git for anything else that is worth a cherrypick.  We'll release with 4.7.1, so we'll only get further bug fixes we manually cherrypick.15:58
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: bash: git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/sitter/muon-mobile.git: No such file or directory16:03
apacheloggerits broken16:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe anongit takes a bit16:04
bambeeif nobody works on it, I propose to backport the kwin's patch into kde-workspace-4.7.1 (see kde-packagers)16:04
CIA-130[lp:~rekonq/rekonq/rekonq-ubuntu] Jonathan Kolberg * 5 * (11 files in 3 dirs) Update for rekonq daily build16:06
debfxbambee: bulldog98 is working on that16:08
bulldog98bambee: I’m currently doing a test build16:09
bulldog98should I push it to ninjas then, so we can test that16:09
bulldog98is the tarball still in ninjas? So can I upload only the other stuff?16:10
bambeeyou could even blog about that, it's an important fix...16:10
bulldog98bambee: problem is I’m not in planet ubuntu16:12
bambeeoh , right :\16:12
bulldog98bambee: but maybe that will change on tuesday16:13
ScottKbulldog98: Not ninjas.  There's nothing private about it.  Ninjas should only be used for pre-release tarballs that aren't public yet.16:17
bulldog98ScottK: so experimental?16:17
ScottKSounds reasonable.16:17
bulldog98apachelogger: do I have to wrap all the stuff ksmserver can do into QObjects to do qml?16:19
apacheloggerdepends on how you do it16:19
apacheloggerbut generally that would be an approach16:19
bulldog98apachelogger: does stuff like i18n("&Cancel") works in qml?16:19
apacheloggeryou'll need magic for that16:20
bulldog98apachelogger: then we can’t use qml for ksmserver, since we would drop features16:21
apacheloggerI did not say you cannot do it16:21
apacheloggerI said you need to pull magic to make it possible16:21
apacheloggerthat said, the plasma foo might actually have something already16:21
bulldog98apachelogger: but kdeclarative will break as soon as Qt 5.0 is out16:22
apacheloggerwhat you be talking about?16:23
bulldog98apachelogger: they said it at ds, that libkdeclarative (the plasma foo) will only work until 4.8 later it won’t be possible the way they do it atm16:27
apacheloggerthe plasma strikes again16:27
apacheloggerhigh quality code at work16:28
apacheloggerbulldog98: write your own then16:28
bulldog98apachelogger: problem is that every foo will break with 5.0, since they change the way Qml works16:28
apacheloggerthere will be qt quick 216:29
apacheloggerqt quick 1.x stays the way it is16:29
apacheloggeranything you do in qt quick 1 will work in qt 516:29
bulldog98ah ok16:29
debfxScottK: do you have some time to review my quassel packaging changes?16:47
CIA-130[lp:~rekonq/rekonq/rekonq-ubuntu] Jonathan Kolberg * 6 * patches/ (fix_history_ordering.diff dont_set_app_as_parent.diff series) Updated the patches for the new version16:48
debfxmicahg: do you think bug #846922 warrants security uploads?16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 846922 in quassel (Ubuntu) "quassel-core creates world-readable directories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84692216:51
micahgdebfx: looking17:12
* bulldog98 testbuilded the fix, I will now upload it as 0ubuntu2~ppa1 into experimental17:13
shadeslayerMamarok: iirc i did see natty packages in backports17:14
micahgdebfx: indeed, I think so17:14
shadeslayerand by backports i mean the kubuntu backports ppa17:14
Mamarokshadeslayer: nice, thank you, now it should be announce as well17:19
shadeslayerMamarok: yeah, ryanakca_ was working on that iirc, i've lost the credentials to login to the site and can't make a announcement myself17:20
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
bulldog98kde-workspace with the fix is up at experimental18:22
bulldog98someone needs to test it18:26
micahgScottK: qt4-x11 seems to have built on ia64, gnash is test building, time to look at kdesdk18:29
* micahg just has to figure out how to use the porter box now18:29
bambeebulldog98: next time, add a better description "Added a fix for kwin" is too ambiguous. For example "Backport revision e142a1a1 from kwin's repository. It fixes an important bug which improves performance greatly" 18:44
bulldog98bambee: I never was very creative at writing texts18:44
micahgScottK: I actually have to wait for access for the porter box, so it'll be sometime this week for kdesdk18:53
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
debfxapachelogger: desktop file translations are even more broken than I thought. the assumption that gettext domain = desktop_<source package> isn't true anymore.20:06
debfxe.g. for kate it's desktop_kdebase_kate20:06
debfxmaybe we should drop it already this cycle and rebuild the packages20:09
ScottKmicahg: Thanks for looking into it.  If you get access, you might see if you can figure why the latest qt4-x11 upload on oneiric failed on powerpc (I already retried it once and it hung at the same point).20:34
micahgScottK: I'd prefer to leave that for didrocks if he'll take it20:35
ScottKUnderstandably ...20:35
apacheloggerdebfx: it makes me lol all over20:41
apacheloggerdebfx: quite honestly to me that sounds a lot like we need to act, fast, as the release is drawing close20:41
apacheloggerso I propose you bring this up at the meeting on tuesday and we'll have the council make a call 20:42
ScottKapachelogger: If it's broken, it sounds like someone who understands the problem ought to just write kubuntu-devel and explain the options.  KC is only needed if we can't agree.20:48
apacheloggerbecause discussion on kubuntu-devel is always very conclusive, right? :P20:49
apacheloggerbut yeah, anything will be fine... just thought since we have a meeting anyway we might as well run it through there20:50
ScottKIn any case I'd like a discussion in advance so people have a chance to think it over.20:57
apacheloggerlike there is much to think :P20:58
apacheloggerdebfx: please toss a mail on kubuntu-devel20:58
apacheloggerif no decision was reached by tuesday we'll make one at the meeting based on the discussion until then or something like that20:58
ScottKdebfx: I'd appreciate it if you'd run your ISO size diff script again on our alternates relative to beta 1.  I made some changes yesterday and they didn't help nearly as much as I'd anticpated.21:39
debfxapachelogger: mail sent21:46
apacheloggertime to debug video players \o/21:46
debfxScottK: the script won't pick up your changes if the image hasn't been rebuilt since then21:48
ScottKIt has.21:48
ScottKThe current one reflects the changes.21:48
debfxah ok, then it should already be up-to-date21:48
debfxit runs every couple of hours21:49
ScottKWhat's the URL again?21:55
debfxScottK: http://felix.fobos.de/kubuntu/kubuntu-oneiric-cd-alt-amd64-diff.htm21:56
apacheloggeralso I think we should throw some locales out21:57
apacheloggerde, fr, pl, ru and ja surely consumes a lotta space21:57
apacheloggerand pt it seems21:57
apacheloggerand it21:57
apacheloggerand es21:57
micahgapachelogger: the langpacks pull the firefox locales in now since they're built from the firefox source, this should be fixed either for or after the LTS21:59
* apachelogger would rather have it fixed for right now :P21:59
apacheloggerbut I think simply moving some languages off the seed would be a good enough thing to do for now22:00
debfxthe language packs are a bit broken22:00
debfxlanguage-pack-kde-de depends on (and replaces) language-pack-kde-de-base22:01
apacheloggerah, nothing's like old news :P22:01
ScottKapachelogger: That's true, but we also got llvm2.9 and gtk3.0.22:01
apacheloggerScottK: we need gtk322:01
ScottKI'd like to see if we can get rid of those first.22:01
ScottKapachelogger: Why?22:02
apacheloggerso I can make fun of kubuntu when I am socializing with opensuse people22:02
ScottKYeah, well I got it fixed once before.22:02
apacheloggerScottK: didn't you try to give it the boot last time we were oversized?22:02
debfxlooks like the translations have been moved from -base to the non-base package22:02
ScottKI did and I succeeded.22:02
debfxbut -base is still pulled in (and contains old translations)22:03
apacheloggerit is like a zombie, no matter how often you kill it... it keeps coming back22:03
* apachelogger shivers in fear22:03
debfxso I guess currently translations take up twice as much space22:03
apacheloggerthat is unfortunate22:03
ScottKall:libllvm2.9                                                  | llvm-2.9                                     | libgl1-mesa-dri                                      | Ubuntu Developers <ubunt22:05
ScottKSounds like fixing that would help too.22:06
debfxwhat is there to fix?22:09
debfxmesa uses llvm for software rendering22:10
micahgapachelogger: well, WRT the firefox-locales, it's the same as before, just as a separate binary22:10
ScottKdebfx: No, I meant the translations.  Sorry.22:11
ScottKI guess I'm not sure why we didn't have llvm2.9 there before.22:11
debfxldm (seeded in ship) pulls in compiz22:14
debfxthat doesn't seem right22:14
ScottKNo.  It doesn't.22:15
debfxldm is on the cd and depends on compiz-core22:18
ScottKAt the very least that can move to the dvd I think.22:19
ScottKIIRC it's there for some probably not very relevant ltsp related reason.22:19
ScottKIt's possible it could be removed entirely.22:19
* ScottK needs to go out, so see you later.22:19
ScottKSo far the seeds are really confusing me.22:20
* rbelem pokes ScottK 23:48

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