
twbre defconfig -- that's what I guessed.  Would be nice to distill it down sometime.03:07
twblilstevie: what is "the blobs-be-gone enhancement"?03:18
Galaxor2Hi. So I installed an ubuntu chroot on my andoid tablet using debootstrap. Debootstrap didn't give me a sources.list. (Actually it gave me an empty one). So I made myself a sources.list and ran apt-get update. It 404ed on all the repos. What is up? Here's my output from apt-get update: http://pastebin.ca/208071803:22
twbAlso, why is http://lilstevie.geek.nz/ports/nvflash-ubuntu.tar.gz a tarball when it contains only one file.03:23
twbGalaxor2: resolv.conf03:23
Galaxor2Hm. Resolv.conf exists and has the contents I expect. debootstrap doesn't seem to have installed any other programs capable of attempting to resolve domain names, so I can't check it with another program. I don't have host or ping or wget pr nslookup...03:30
twblibc performs hostname resolution03:31
twbTry "getent hosts"03:31
twbOr just put IPs in sources.list for now03:31
twbI mean "getent hosts example.net".  Also check nsswitch.conf, I guess.03:31
Galaxor2getent hosts ubuntu.com resolved it.03:35
Galaxor2Also I notice that the error I was seeing was not a hostname lookup failure but a 404. The webserver was in fact contacted.03:37
twbThen I dunno03:43
twbSorry, I should've read your error pastebin, I just jumped to the DNS conclusion03:44
twbYour problem is that armel isn't carried on that mirror03:45
twbIt looks like armel isn't hosted in the normal archive at all.03:45
Galaxor2Mrr...? Where should I look for the armel stuff? Debootstrap seems to have found it somewhere...03:46
twbDunno, I use Debian.03:47
Galaxor2Ha. I have sometimes gone to #debian for help if I have a general enough problem but they always get mad at me when they find out I'm actually using ubuntu. I guess the rivalry isn't so intense in the other direction.03:52
twbIt's more that I'm asking lilstevie for help and he is here, not in #debian-arm03:53
twbI do use ubuntu x86-64, but not arm.03:53
Galaxor2Ok, I  found the answer. In my sources.list, I s/us.archive.ubuntu.com\/ubuntu/ports.ubuntu.com/. That did the trick.03:59
lilstevietwb: it is a tarball to make it smaller04:03
lilstevieit is a 4GB image or 950MB compressed04:04
twbWhy not gzip it04:05
twbAn archive of one file is silly04:05
twbI mean: ubuntu.img.gz rather than ubuntu.img.tar.gz04:09
lilsteviedoesn't really matter tbh04:11
twbI guess not, it's just a bit wasteful04:15
twblilstevie: what's the GPT partition table for?04:22
twbWhen you said yesterday that I can blow away everything after EBT, I think that GPT needs to stay04:23
lilsteviewhen I say you can blow it away I mean that they are mobile04:24
lilstevieGP1 and GPT are bookends04:24
lilstevieGP1 at the start and GPT at the end, everything between them will be able to be addressed from /dev/mmcblk0px04:25
twbOK, let me put it this way.  default.cfg ships with: BCT, PT, EBT, SOS, LNX, BAK, GP1, APP, CAC, MSC, USP, PER, YTU, UDA and GPT.  Of these,04:30
twbBCT, PT, EBT, GP1, GPT -- leave these completetly as is.04:30
twbBAK, APP, CAC, MSC, USP, PER YTU, UDA -- can all be removed.04:30
twbLNX and SOS should exist, but everything except the label can change04:30
twbIs that right?04:30
lilstevieeverything else is irrelevant if you aren't using android04:34
lilsteviemy current layout is MBR for u-boot04:35
lilsteviebut I have BCT PT EBT as standard04:35
twbOh, OK04:36
twbI thought you needed e.g. EBT still if you wanted to use nv3p/nvflash04:37
lilsteviethen MBR UES (u-boot environment store) UIM (u-boot information and media) UBT (ubuntu) MPT(MBR Partition Table endpoint)04:37
lilstevienv3p resides in the bootloader you upload04:37
twbAnd the APX stuff is baked into a separate ROM, and I *can't* accidentally host it?04:38
lilstevieEBT is so it is picked up as the bootloader during boot04:38
lilstevieAPX is baked into the SoC04:38
twbin allocation_attribute, which 8 in 0x808 is "allocate to the end of the disk"?  And what does the other 8 mean?04:51
lilsteviethe allocation attribute as a whole means that04:53
lilstevie0x808 is the allocation attribute to allocate to end of disk04:53
twbOh, I misread.  YTU has 8, UDA has 80804:54
lilsteviein which case size= is an exclusion04:54
lilstevieYTU has 8 UDA has 0x808 :p04:54
lilsteviethere is a difference04:54
twbYeah sorry04:54
twbWhat do you mean by exclusion?  As in, leave that much off the end unallocated?04:55
twbYou omitted "ro" from the recoveryimg.cfg -- any reason for that?04:59
lilstevienobodys perfect :p04:59
twbOK, do you expect this to result in something that'll boot?05:01
twbOops, the id=3 in flash.cfg doesn't match your bootimg.cfg abootimg args05:01
twbI'm doing a first test using your kernel, ramdisk and rootfs, so that I know that much of the process works, and because building a rootfs is a bit more tedious than I hoped05:03
twbYou have root=/dev/mmcblk0p8, but I has set the partition number to 3 in flash.cfg05:03
twbAlthough when I look, your purelinux.cfg sets UBT to id=16, so clearly those don't need to match up05:05
lilstevieit is a bit different to that05:06
lilstevieyour thing is wrong05:06
lilstevieBCT must be ID2 PT needs to be 305:06
lilstevieand the config starts from 205:07
twbThought you said I didn't need that stuff since I wasn't using android05:07
lilstevieif you read I said that is the bare minimum you must keep always05:07
twbOK, sorry05:07
lilsteviethat is a requirement from the tegra205:07
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/129315/ how about that05:08
lilstevieok better05:09
lilsteviestill one more thing05:10
lilstevieyou need to wrap in a partition format05:11
lilsteviefor the partitions you want to have a /dev/mmcblk0px05:12
twbAaaah, that's how it gets to p8 being UBT in your one05:12
lilsteviewell it is p8 because it is the 8th partition after the GP105:13
lilsteviecount them :p05:13
twbI get that now05:13
twbDo you also put LNX and SOS "inside" GP1/GPT, so that you can reflash them from within the TF101?05:14
twbOr can flash-kernel(?) do that without a mmcblk0px ?05:14
lilstevieyes that is the "blobs-be-gone" enhancement05:15
lilstevieanything outside is a pita05:15
twbOK, I think I get that05:16
twbAnd if I calculate correctly, your purelinux.cfg leaves space at the end for 1MB more than the size of LNX+SOS+UBT -- is that the space required for the GPT partition?05:16
lilsteviethats the placeholder space yes05:17
twbOK.  And you have GP1 and GPT because it's basically GPT-style partitioning, and that's why you're also passing "gpt" to the kernel in bootimg.cfg?05:18
lilsteviethe GPT on the command line is to force though05:18
lilsteviebecause the GPT at the end of the disk ALA traditional GPT doesn't actually work05:18
lilstevieit needs to use the backup GPT which is located at GP105:19
twbIs that because nvflash is fucked up, or what?05:19
twbI mean: why is the end-of-disk GPT buggered05:19
lilstevienvflash is badly put together05:19
twbOK, I'm trying it now05:20
twbHeh, no asus splash, it was going straight into APX mode and I didn't realize at first.05:23
twb(My first upload failed because I told it to use EBT.bin but the file was called EBT.img.)05:23
twbAnd again with recovery.img vs. SOS.img05:24
twbIt seems that after it bork borks, I need to reboot back into APX mode05:24
twblilstevie: could you use e.g. parted from inside the TF to fix the GPT partition?05:27
twbGoddammit, OS.img is too large for partition05:27
lilstevieoh yeah05:27
lilsteviethis is another issue due to how poorly nvflash is coded05:27
lilstevieremove filename= from the config05:28
lilstevieafter the create go back into APX05:28
twband use --download?05:28
lilsteviethen --download05:28
lilsteviealso no parted does not work05:28
twbIs that because the validation thing doesn't check if size is 0x808'd ?05:29
lilsteviedue to the lack of pmbr05:29
twbparted speaks GPT05:29
twbNot just msdos I mean05:29
lilstevieyeah parted speaks mbr but it likes a protective mbr05:29
twbOh right05:29
lilstevieto let it know that it is GPT05:29
twbIt rebooted and I got penguins and into initramfs prompt05:30
twbIt was even fast05:30
lilstevieok so now drop her back into APX05:31
lilstevieand upload that nice osimg05:31
lilstevienow, do you have a  dock?05:31
twbCan't hit volup fast enough anymore, it boots too quick :-/05:31
lilsteviehold volup and power05:32
lilstevienot power then volup05:32
twboh, that kicks in *after* the penguins05:32
twbI thought I had to hit power, then hold both while I had the asus splash logo05:32
lilsteviebootrom man :p05:32
lilstevieneeds to detect that button within a few hundred miliseconds of the reset vector05:32
twbI'm used to PCs where if you get penguins you have missed the boat05:32
lilstevieso as long as both are triggered at the same time if not before power you are good05:33
twbOh fuck, I really shouldn't have done --download from within Emacs' terminal05:36
twbI can see it writing each char of b y t e ... s05:36
twbHmm, it seems to be doing the writes themselves OK, though05:37
twbIt's done 10% of the 2GB already05:37
twbMaybe nvflash is smart enough to STFU and write progress slowly if you have TERM=dumb or something05:37
twbAm I write in thinking the eMMC is going to have a "modern" number of writes?05:38
lilstevieit is a toshiba nand05:38
twbI mean, it's not like those really early MTD devices where you get like 100 writes and then you're fucked05:38
lilsteviewell at least on the 16GB one05:38
lilstevieand a hardware drivven FTL05:38
twbAlthough it would be nice if I had an open implementation of the FTL, to go with Coreboot and OpenFirmware ;-)05:39
twb50% done05:40
lilsteviewell when we are looking at the FTL is so hw driven that the raw device is post processing05:42
twb100% done, now to reboot05:44
lilstevie./nvflash -r --go will work too05:44
twbCan I issue a reboot via nvflash, or do I need to let the kernel-05:44
twbIt's refusing to work because the ext last-mount timestamp is in the future.05:45
lilstevieyou never booted android once did you?05:45
lilstevieRTC wasn't set :p05:45
lilstevieyou could always drop into single and run fs recovery though right?05:46
twbActually I did but then I reset it to factory defaults, and I couldn't get it on the network because I use WPA2 Enterprise, and I couldn't get it to recognize an ext2 SD card with the SSL cert on it05:46
twbsingle ≠ break05:46
twbI will try tho, because otherwise I need to reupload the whole rootfs again05:46
lilstevieI have not had a problem with the RTC losing time though05:46
twboh nm I can just hit "stfu fsck, continue anyway"05:47
twbI am so used to mountall just completely failing05:47
twbesp. with diskless clients05:47
twbScreen is nice and high-res compared to my 1005PE05:47
twbThe map part of ubuiquity still needs work tho, hard to pick melbourne instead of hobart or sydney with my chubby fingers05:49
lilstevieso tsp is working?05:49
twbyeah single touch anyway05:49
lilstevieheh I have skinny fingers and it is still hard to pick melbourne05:49
twbThe trackpad thing beneath the keyboard isn't05:50
lilstevieyeah expected05:50
lilsteviethere is a patch for that somewhere in the thread on xda-devs05:50
twbkeyboard is, which is the importantest thing05:50
lilsteviekeyboard works great05:50
lilsteviekeymap could do with a tweak05:50
lilsteviewhich it does have in teh uboot kernel05:50
lilstevieif you compiled from my kernel though you have the important 205:51
lilstevieesc, and ctrl05:51
twbI'm currently just testing your pre-compiled kernel05:51
twbThe APX-flavoured one, not the u-boot flavoured one05:52
lilstevieoh so you didn't compile your own?05:52
twbNot yet05:52
twbI think I want the CrOS one but then I need to learn about u-boot05:52
twbAnd having my own rootfs is more important than my own kernel, at least until Debian starts pre-rolling them for me with everything =m05:53
lilstevieheh yeah05:53
twbStupid password checker thinks passwords are weak unless they contain at least one uppercase character05:53
lilstevieI already have tat05:54
lilsteviebut meh, bruteforcable passwords are not the issue that todays society faces05:54
lilstevieit is password entropy :p05:54
twbMy old laptop has no password at all05:54
twbIf you want to log in remotely you have to use multifactor auth05:54
lilstevieI use cert based authentication myself05:55
twbOne of the things I'm thinking about doing is LUKSing the user partition05:55
twbAnd keeping the something-you-have on an SD card or something05:56
twbHmm, it's looking for /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-omap/modules.dep05:58
twbWhen oem-config finishes I have a white bar down the left, presumably there are supposed to be apps there05:59
lilsteviehmm you are using the ubuntu fs?05:59
lilsteviethe bar is white due to a bug in unity05:59
twbthe apps take quite a while to come up06:01
twbEven for gnome06:01
twbIs it supposed to wake up from suspend?06:03
lilsteviethe power one, push it06:04
twbit didn't like it06:04
lilsteviesometimes it glitches waking up though06:05
twbAlso the backlight was still on06:05
lilstevieoh, that isn't suspend06:05
twbI managed to power it off by holding the power button down06:05
lilsteviethat is just screensvaer06:05
twbI put it into suspend by hitting power button and picking suspend frmo teh gnome-power-manager popup06:05
lilsteviepower management is up the creek though06:05
lilsteviedue to how android handles it vs. a real os06:05
twbI remember all that wakup crap that android wanted to get into mainline06:06
lilsteviethe most god aweful system ever :p06:06
twbyeah, well I'm not a fan of upstart or polkit/consolekit or udisks either :P06:07
twbI guess i can expect at least 30% faster once I switch to armhf06:14
twbI was talking to somebody yesterday and they said "so when you have the tablet part disconnected, how does the kb work... bluetooth?"06:17
twbAnd damn that would be awesome if it did06:17
twbIn unity, where's the equivalent of the gnome preferences menu?06:20
lilsteviethere isn't really one06:20
twbthe scrollbar in the gnome appearances pane is really fucking with my head, I can't work out how to make it scroll06:21
lilstevieit is a bit odd to get used to06:22
twbIt's got a little thin bar instead of a scrollbar, and when I try to scroll on it, an up/down arrow thing appears, but doesn't seem to do anything06:22
lilsteviehold the up/down arrow thing and drag it06:22
twbOK I got it06:22
twbThat would give Fitts a fit.06:23
twbIs that part of that libhildon stuff that nobody uses?06:23
lilstevieno idea where it comes from but it is in unity06:23
twbIt's not smart enough to know it's upside-down, either06:25
StevenKUnity does not make use of hildon06:26
twbThere should probably be an easy way to start onboard from within unity or gnome06:30
lilsteviethere is :p06:31
twbBoy, I hope I can remap the magnifying glass to Alt_L06:31
lilstevietwb: yeah look at my kernel06:31
lilsteviealready done :p06:31
twbThat's what I'm running isn't it06:31
lilstevienah, the prebuilt one is the asus drop06:32
twbBut surely you can do it in /etc/default/kbd or so06:32
lilstevieyou can edit the keymap too06:32
twbLooks like the asus one has RT stuff in it too06:34
twbThat's what "PREEMPT" means, right?06:34
twbWhat's /bin/adbd?06:35
lilstevieadbd :p06:35
twbYeah but what is it.  There's no manpage06:35
lilsteviethats because it is from android06:36
lilstevieandroid developer bridge daemon06:36
twbAnd it's not provided from deb06:36
lilsteviethat is so people without a dock can get through ubiquity06:36
twbPresumably it does something useful even when there's no android?06:37
lilstevieyeah it allows usb connection using adb06:37
twbOh, it's an RPC listener to allow you to connect from other other- right06:37
twbFYI, it's still running even after ubiquitity is done and a restart06:38
lilstevieit is started every boot06:38
lilstevieit does have more uses than just ubiquity06:38
twbIt just sounds to me like an attack vector06:39
twbGah, I'm so used to Caps being a control key06:39
twbThis is why I never learnt dvorak – too disonnant on random other devices06:40
lilstevietwb: adbd may be an attack vector, but that is moot as you would already have the device in your hands :p06:43
twbYeah, I *mostly* agree with that06:46
lilstevieadbd ONLY works over usb06:46
lilstevieas it requires the kernel interface06:46
twbresize2fs worked on the device, as expected06:47
twbIOW I made a 2G image from your 4G one, uploaded that, then grew it to the full ~30GB06:47
lilsteviemy new image is 2GB06:49
lilsteviejust need to get around to uploading it06:49
twbHmm, bluetooth doesn't work?06:57
twbHmm, in /sys/class/power I have ac, battery and usb07:00
twbWhere's the second battery?07:00
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
twbHmm, acpid isn't installed07:03
twblilstevie: when you build your kernels, do you use "make deb-pkg zImage" or what?07:31
lilstevietwb: the second battery stats arent in all kernels07:48
lilsteviebluetooth requires you to compile brcm_patchram_plus07:49
lilstevieand no I just make CROSS_COMPILE= LOCALVERSION= BLAH=07:49
twbOn all the other Eee's I just leave this stuff to SynrG to get folded into the debian kernel :P07:49
lilstevieand been using linaro packaging to get debs build07:49
twbdeb-pkg is handy because it gives you a deb with the =m .kos07:50
lilstevielinaro packaging does too07:50
twbWell, I'm done for today.07:57
twbSee you next weekend or so07:57
lilsteviehaha kk07:58
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=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
travalasHello, I'm trying to get networking up on a beagleboard-xM12:50
travalaswhat is the recommended module12:50
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rsalvetitravalas: smsc95xx15:52
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travalasis anybody here using natty on a beagle board-xM rev C?  I installed it and ethernet and usb doesn't work16:50
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