
knightvoidhi all00:13
CaseyPCDoes anyone know how I can install eee-control on 11.04?03:14
urlin2uCaseyPC, please don't double post multiple channels.03:18
r4yHow do I search through zip files for the name of a file within?03:27
Space-Duck /j #php08:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
democrezyi am a new user .I install some updates from update manager in ubuntu 11.04 then software centre got disabled and also update manager was not responding.When i restarted ubuntu, keyboard was not detected and i had to reconnect keyboard cable.Then i reinstall ubuntu. Can anybody explain me what was the problem?13:35
nlsthzndemocrezy, ouch... I suspect that the problem would have been easier to troubleshoot before you re-installed... now the problem has been erased basically so troubleshooting is impossible...13:38
democrezybut what was problem?13:38
democrezyi restarted 10 times but my keyboard was not detected????13:39
Sidewinder1democrezy, Did you perhaps have update Mgr, still running when you started Software Center?13:39
democrezyno, i restarted system 5-6 times and click on software centre icon but no response13:40
democrezyfriend can u tell me why keyboard was not detected although mouse was detected?13:41
Sidewinder1democrezy, I'm sorry, I can't really trouble-shoot; as nlsthzn said, the reinstall will have erased any logs, error messages, etc. :-(13:42
democrezyAlso i cannot add or remove icons from side dock in ubuntu 11.04.13:44
democrezyneither i can create shortcuts..13:44
Sidewinder1I use 10.04 so I can't address 11.04 specific issues, sorry.13:45
nlsthzndemocrezy, as soon as an application is running you can right click the icon and click on "stay in launcher"13:45
democrezy11.04 is similar to 10.04 almost...13:45
nlsthzndemocrezy, nope... with 11.04 Ubuntu introduced Unity... which isn't present in 10.0413:47
democrezyHow can i enhance visual effects?13:47
democrezyya, but for a new user like me, it is of no use...13:48
nlsthzndemocrezy, sorry I don't have more or better answers for you... but the unity interface is getting better and better, soon Ubuntu 11.10 will come (October) and it will be even more mature...13:55
democrezyok thanks for support13:56
PtitristSomeone can help me please ?14:34
PtitristI can't use my terminal..14:35
PDSmediahow do I copy a file into a root subdirectory using the file browser vs terminal?16:24
Sidewinder1PDSmedia, Try, in terminal "gksudo nautilus" that will provide root priv. BE CAREFUL!16:30
Sidewinder1PDSmedia, Just curious, how did you make out?16:36
PDSmediasidewinder1:  I'm working on it16:37
Sidewinder1PDSmedia, Please keep me updated; planning on loggin' off soon.16:38
PDSmediasidewinder1: b4 u go, I can't find a way to update open office by adding a software source16:40
PDSmediaI looked on the open office site and 3.3 is available as a deb file, but I rather add launchpad.net as a source16:40
Sidewinder1PDSmedia, Why not just use Synaptic? Or do you need a newer version.16:41
Sidewinder1Of Office, that is?16:41
PDSmediasidewinder1: is that another source server?16:44
PDSmediasidewinder1: I'm using open office 3.2 and want 3.316:44
Sidewinder1PDSmedia, Synaptic is a package manager. If you're trying to upgrade packages beyond your current distro version; that's not supported and a bad idea. Unless you really knoe what you're doin'.16:46
PDSmediasidewinder1: now I see that Synaptic is a package manage on my system.  let me see if the newer version shows16:46
Sidewinder1PDSmedia, While we're at it, please pardon my typing skills, or lack thereof. :-)16:47
PDSmediasidewinder1: 3.3 is not showing16:48
PDSmediasidewinder1: the way I finally got Firefox updated was to add this source to my package manager16:49
Sidewinder1PDSmedia, If it's 'not showing' you'll have to "go another path" which, as stated earlier can be somewhat tricky.16:49
PDSmediasidewinder1: thanks16:50
Sidewinder1PDSmedia, I prefer LTS; therefore do not use PPAs...16:50
Sidewinder110.04 here.16:50
Sidewinder1My pleasure. :-)16:50
Sidewinder1Have a great day!16:51
amartinHello. I have lost the ability to connect to my Ubuntu via SSH. I get "Network Error: Connection Refused. Any Suggestions?17:25
earthling_Anyone else having problems with Firefox 6 high memory usage?19:59
leeanneI am trying to clean up my system in order to facilitate updates.  when I go to terminal to run get clean, the system says :leeanne@leeanne:~$ apt-get clean22:54
leeanneE: Could not open lock file /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (13 Permission denied)22:54
leeanneE: Unable to lock the download directory22:54
leeanneanyone able to assist?22:55
philipballewleeanne, i can help22:56
leeanneawesome thank you phillip22:56
philipballewwhen you see the terminal say permission dennied like that it is because you are not root22:56
leeannewhat does root mean?22:57
leeanneI know in dos but not in linux...22:57
philipballewits super user22:57
philipballewyou can become root in the terminal by typing sudo at the beginning of a comand22:57
leeanneor maybe how do I get in root would be better question22:57
leeannehmmm...let me try quickly and see what happens...22:58
philipballewso i type sudo command i want to enter22:58
philipballewgo for it :)22:58
leeanneI just get another command line,,leeanne@leeanne22:58
escottleeanne, and if a gui application complains that it doesnt haver permissions use gksudo instead of sudo22:59
leeanneno action appears to have happened..22:59
philipballewwhere did you hear about apt-get clean22:59
philipballewa guide?23:00
leeannesearched it23:00
philipballewif so its odd they didnt say sudo23:00
leeanneyes, tried to update and system advised to run sudo get clean23:00
leeannedid say sudo23:00
philipballewcan you post what the error said when you update?23:00
leeannebut then I read about terminal and applications and did not realize what sudo meant23:00
philipballewor what else did it say23:00
leeanneposting now23:00
* philipballew prepares for giant post he's gonna get yelled at for23:01
leeanneleeanne@leeanne:~$ sudo apt-get clean23:02
leeanneabove it what displays using sudo23:03
philipballewno what was the error that told you to run that23:03
leeanneoh, the system cannot update, no room or memory or something23:03
leeannewhich is confusing because it will add programs23:03
leeanneadded this chat program no problem23:03
leeannebut not enough mem to add updates23:03
escottleeanne, when you install a package it downloads the install package but never deletes it until you apt-get clean23:04
philipballew^ very true23:04
leeannethe problem I have it that it won23:04
leeannewill not let me get clean..ha ha23:04
escottleeanne, you can check your disk usage (and see how much free space you have) with "df -h" in the terminal. the absence of output from sudo apt-get clean means it was successful, but its unclear what if any free space you got for that action23:05
leeanneees verboten=23:05
philipballewmaybe it did clean. and not show output. mine never shows output23:05
leeannereally?  I guess I am used to script in dos23:05
philipballewgood ol' dos23:05
escottleeanne, apt-get autoclean will print out the names of the files it preserves, but no good reason to print out the files you just deleted23:06
escottleeanne, you can check if a command succeed by running "echo $?" immediately after it finishes. a 0 indicates success23:06
leeanneok, thank you so much, I will try to update and see what happens.  i did try the df-h but terminal does not recognize...23:06
escottleeanne, df[space]-h23:07
leeannedf h gets this23:08
leeanneFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on23:08
leeanne/dev/sda2             3.4G  3.1G  135M  96% /23:08
leeannevarrun                247M  100K  247M   1% /var/run23:08
leeannevarlock               247M     0  247M   0% /var/lock23:08
leeanneudev                  247M   36K  247M   1% /dev23:08
leeannedevshm                247M     0  247M   0% /dev/shm23:08
leeannelrm                   247M  1.9M  245M   1% /lib/modules/2.6.24-24-lpia/volatile23:08
leeannegvfs-fuse-daemon      3.4G  3.1G  135M  96% /home/leeanne/.gvfs23:08
leeannethank you phillip!23:09
escottleeanne, /dev/sda2 (your systems main filesystem) is very small. if possible you should make it bigger23:09
leeanneas in add sticks?23:09
leeanneI use a netbook23:09
leeannetry to keep my stuff on thumbs23:09
escottthe one thing you can do, is put any non-critical system files on a USB stick and use fstab to map them into the location you want23:10
leeannesorry escott..but what is fstab? :)23:11
escottbut certainly avoid keeping music or large graphics files (games) on that system, with only 3.4Gb you want a very lean installation23:11
escottso unlike DOS unix does not have drive letters23:11
escottinstead the storage devices are attached to the existing tree23:12
leeanneok,makes sense23:12
escottso /dev/sda2 is your / partition23:12
leeanneahh.  interesting23:12
escottand you can attach a usb stick into another location like /media/music23:12
escottfstab is the file that controls the default location of those attachment points23:12
escottthere are some files like say /usb/share/games which are not required to boot or get a functional system23:13
leeannei think i get it23:13
leeannewhich kinda scares me.23:13
leeanneha ha23:13
escottyou could put those on an external usb, and add an entry that attaches a USB identified by a partiticular UUID to that location23:13
leeanneI will try to do so.  I tend to stay away from managing the system because i find it confusing, but you explain well.  have reached a point where I cannot ignore anylonger...23:14
leeannethanks so very much.  I bravely dive into Unbuntu...Linux...YIKES23:14
leeannehave a great day...from Alaska!23:15
escottyou too23:15

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