
thelinuxerAndChat|: What happened to your nickname ?10:25
BooDythelinuxer: انت بتقول انك بتدي مين على دماغه كل يوم الصبح ياد؟14:14
thelinuxerBooDy: enta 3ala fekra ...14:14
BooDythelinuxer: و ديني ما انا سايبك :D14:14
thelinuxerwe balash tasyee7 odam el nas14:14
thelinuxerPronco: jonathanhindi da7'eel men EGLUG zabatoooooooooooo14:15
BooDythelinuxer: محدش هيلحقك14:16
thelinuxerBooDy: yabny tab leeh nefarrag el nas 3aleena14:16
thelinuxermanet7'ane2 fel maktab we 7'alas!14:16
* Pronco hayzabat BooDy 14:17
thelinuxerPronco: a7san wo7oosh14:17
BooDyPronco: 2odamy 3ala #eglug ya zbala14:17
Proncometla2a7 henak.14:18
BooDythelinuxer: don't you dare! :D14:20
ProncoI'll start a new channel to kick you both.14:23
thelinuxerPronco: LOOOL14:25
BooDythelinuxer: will you do the honors here?14:26
thelinuxerYes please, one 3 ...14:26
thelinuxerPronco: e7na asfeen ya Pronco :D14:29
BooDyPronco: احنا آسفين يا برونكو14:29
thelinuxerKolena Pronco14:29
Proncoerfa3 rasak foo2 enta pronco :)14:29
lubotu3Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:31
lubotu3REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu-specific packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU  Please consider maintaining new packages in Debian rather than Ubuntu, they can be easily synced across.14:31
ProncoBooDy, ezayak ya beta3 haz el tareya.14:32
Proncothelinuxer, enta far7an beh wala eh14:32
thelinuxerjust demoing it to BooDy14:32
jonathanhinditheliunxer: miien dah el da5il min Eglug ?!14:33
thelinuxerjonathanhindi: enta me6tag nadara ya 7ebeeby ?? mesh tesalem 3ala 3ammak BooDy :D ?14:33
Proncojonathanhindi, streaming is stopped, ta3ala el dor el gay.14:33
jonathanhindimna mesh h3od a22ra el transcript dieh koolha :D14:34
jonathanhindiPronco:  3mil eih ?14:34
Pronco7elwa el transcript deh.14:35
Proncoshaklak men el nas betooo3 el thawra el modada14:35
jonathanhindiPronco:  2ella dieh :D14:36
BooDyya ged3an, 3andena fi eglug wa7ed men el senior members folool14:40
BooDya3mel feeh eih14:40
thelinuxerBooDy: mabda2eyan toz fel AUP14:41
thelinuxerhatlo 3eyal so3'ayara tezeffoo14:41
BooDythelinuxer: el AUP masla7tak awalan14:41
BooDyfolool el 3ahd el ba2ed14:45
Proncoma3reftaksh ana keda14:46
thelinuxeraaaah ... this is how internet was meant to be...14:47
thelinuxerlove hanging out in text mode14:47
BooDythelinuxer <--- gedo 3abdo 3ando kharoof14:47
jonathanhindiBooDy: hehe !14:48
Proncoالشعب و"سمير" وثورة التغيير14:55

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