
trinikronoi wonder if any of the other loco teams has any success with creating a facebook fan page to promote the team itself09:31
head_victimtrinikrono: I have NO idea about facebook but http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=4323588812 is our team's page. Might be useful09:33
trinikronohead_victim: thats interesting , is it active?09:34
head_victimWe're trying to revive social media on our team a bit09:36
head_victimIt's a steep learning curve for me as I've been a conscientious objector to social media in general.09:36
ejattrinikrono: we did 09:38
ejatgetting kinda good respond 09:39
trinikronowell the people are more social in my country09:39
ejatsometime .. they making it as forum posting their problem there ... 09:39
trinikronoso i am think to go the facebook way for a bit09:39
trinikronoand when they get more able09:39
trinikronothen to bring them in irc09:39
ejatmore quick respond compare to mailinglist now days09:39
head_victimWe've also started an identica/twitter account as well09:39
* ejat feels its kinda weird .. but thats what happening now .. 09:40
trinikronoejat: which loco are you with09:40
ejattrinikrono: ubuntu-my09:40
trinikronowhen i tell people about irc down here they run away09:41
* ejat not making a fan page .. but creating a group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntumy/09:42
ejatso they also can discuss about ubuntu there .. 09:43
head_victimWe're trying to decide which way to go with that because apparently FaceBook is changing how things are done09:43
trinikronolol yes they are head_victim09:43
trinikronoit seems they where heading to the pages09:43
head_victimejat: how do you find the group as opposed to the fan page? We're trying to use it to promote meetings and things09:43
trinikronojust to have a idea09:50
trinikronoyou named the group head_victim ubuntu austrilia09:50
head_victimIt existed long before I knew about it so someone named it that.09:52
trinikronoi named mine Ubuntu Trinidad09:53
trinikronoill add tobago when they come on lol09:53
* ejat for me .. i think group .. 10:04
* ejat sorry .. away for a while just now .. my mum asked me to go to shop buying some stuff :)10:04
head_victimTis ok my loco meeting is on right now10:05
ejathow to apply the meetingology? 10:21
nigelbczajkowski: heh, I thoguht you went to bed :)10:25
czajkowskiI'm trying to 10:25
czajkowskipeople keep poking me and calling my name 10:25
head_victimSomeone on the Internet is WRONG!10:25
nigelbGo sleep :)10:26
* nigelb notes he has been bad at sleepign lately.10:26
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ejatczajkowski: thanks 10:37
gilVmay tao b yan?12:48
=== ejat- is now known as ejat

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