
bazhangon topic seems to mean : I have something to rant about (add the word Ubuntu in there)01:38
bazhang* [BB0t] (~bbot@ BBot the IRC Bot - aj00200.org02:13
bazhang* [aj00200] (aj00200@bbot/developer/aj00200): aj00200    seems to be his02:14
bazhang<x3qt0r> why does it have moodswings03:03
bazhangmath is moody03:03
bazhangmathematica has a CLI mode?03:05
bazhangdebian backports to solve the rtl8192U issue in an ubuntuforums post? augh03:13
ubottuIn #ubuntu, calmpitbull said: ubottu: problem is that i was on this page and i can't download new firmware06:13
bazhangtroll detected06:47
bazhangSingham, hi06:51
Singhamhello.. :)06:51
bazhangSingham, something you need help with?06:52
Singhambazhang : I want to become a channel operator of ubuntu..06:52
rwwSingham: ubottu gave you info on that the other day, right?06:53
rwwdid you follow the steps it discussed?06:53
SinghamHave created account in launchpad and also registered my nicname..06:53
Singhambut some steps arent understood by me..06:54
rwwWhich ones?06:55
Singhamwhat is Code of Conduct and Leadership Code of Conduct ?06:56
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct06:57
bazhangSingham, ^06:57
rwwSingham: Two documents linked at the top of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements , which the bot gave you ;)06:57
elkyis it not linked to in the page he was given to read to?06:58
Singhambazhang rww elky : Thanks for support...Will try my best to fulfil the requirements...  :)07:06
MyrttiSingham: anything else we can help you with?07:09
SinghamMyrtti : Thanks for aksing dude.No help required yet..If required will ask you myself.  :)07:11
Myrttigreat, see you then!07:12
Singham<Myrtti> : Thanks n bye..!07:12
elkySingham, it's customary to be aware of the topic of channels you're in when you're using IRC. Have you read the topic of this one?07:14
Singhamelky : Ok..07:16
elkyI believe he understood it.07:17
SinghamHi..i have problem in signing the Code of Conduct.I have read the instructions as on site but one thing is missing in my computer.please help..09:21
SinghamMyrtti : Please help me..09:23
Myrttiwell... first of all, you need to learn how to ask for help09:24
Myrttibecause "one thing is missing in my computer" doesn't give us anything to start with09:24
Myrttithen secondly, if the long term aim is to become an op, you really need to start paying attention to what happens on the channels09:24
MyrttiI don't know what channels you aim to be an op on eventually, but I'm not impressed by your conduct on #ubuntu09:26
SinghamMyrtti : I am sorry for that act.But I really didnt had the intention to hurt anyone.09:27
SinghamBY the way I am having problem importing OpenPGP fingerprint on my LaunchPad account.09:29
SinghamWill you help ?09:29
MyrttiI don't know if the instructions have changed since I signed the CoC, but when I did, the instructions were quite straightforward to follow09:31
elkyMyrtti, they've improved since we did that dance I believe.09:32
elkySingham, you open the public key file and paste it into the big box it gives you that tells you to paste the contents of your public key file into it.09:33
elkyHmm the default editgpgkeys screen doesn't say that anymore. It says to paste the fingerprint of the key. You will see that with gpg --list-keys iirc09:35
Singhamelky : gpg: error reading key: public key not found09:36
elkyThat's because you didn't push it up to a server.09:36
elkygo back to the instructions and find the bits that tell you how to do that.09:36
elkywhat are you using to do this? the command line or a gui?09:38
ubottuGallo called the ops in #ubuntu ()09:38
SinghamIn "My Personal Keys" tab The key which I have has PrivatePGP key..Whereas on the site it's written OpenPGP key..09:38
Singhamwhat to do elky ?09:39
elkythey are the same thing09:40
elkyin a terminal, type: gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <replace this with your key id>09:42
elkyIf you need this much help from us, sadly you're not going to have the skills to be an operator yet. You have lots and lots of learning to do.09:46
Singhamelky :http://paste.ubuntu.com/686745/09:47
elkynot the fingerprint, the key id.09:47
elkymine looks like CFBECCB909:47
elkySingham, it's the last 2 bits of the fingerprint without a space between the two bits.09:50
Singhamelky : Done..09:54
SinghamNow should I paste the fingerprint on the launchpad site ?09:54
elkywhat's done?09:54
SinghamThanks bro....the job is done.. :)09:55
elkyif it's pushed up to the server, wait a few minutes and paste the fingerprint again and it should link you to it09:56
Singhamelky : Yes it worked.. :)10:01
MyrttiSingham: anything else we can help you with?10:07
elkyOk, then if that's resolved, I'll remind you that this is neither a support channel or a place to hang out.10:07
Singhamelky : Yes..I have read the topic..Thanks. .  :)10:08
SinghamMyritti : Thanks for asking...will join this channel if need any help..Bye.. :)10:09
Singhamelky : BYe..10:10
elkywhat the beejeebus is gredeu on about?10:59
oCeanhe's been like that for a couple of days now.11:01
elkyhe appears to be tryign to troll the linux.com thing11:01
oCeanI wonder if it's a known-troll-with-a-new-name11:01
elkyalmost certainly11:01
elkyNobody puts "freenode" as their realname and "identd" as their ident without being a troll.11:05
oCean* asdfsdfdfsdf (57906d1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
ubottuasdfsdfdfsdf called the ops in #ubuntu (uoou)12:07
asdfsdfdfsdfhello want to complain12:07
asdfsdfdfsdf <uoou> I think you may be being a little silly12:08
oCeanasdfsdfdfsdf: you know better that to behave like that in our channels12:08
oCeanwe know12:09
elkyis he evading?12:11
oCeantechnically no, I think12:12
elkyanswer: yes.12:12
elky*!~larst@*dip.t-dialin.net$#ubuntu-ops by rww12:13
pazamquatlooking for shell but I reckon wrong channel lol sorry13:58
bazhangpidgin does email?14:27
IdleOneprobably has some plugin14:29
Myrttisuddenly, the idea of banning *!*jesus@* feels like a good idea15:04
Myrtti[18:03] < Guest17987> ola ai putillas a domicilio??15:05
PriceyMyrtti: Bah I remember people complaining about that a while ago because its a common forname in various parts of the world.15:59
MyrttiI know15:59
Myrttiit was trying to be some kind of a joke16:00
PriceyI who-fu fails me.16:00
PriceyAlso, hey Myrtti :-)16:00
rwwnaming suggestions for a factoid about "how to get GNOME UI on Oneiric+ that isn't Unity" plz16:10
ikoniarww: !normise-gnome16:12
rwwpreferably suggestions that aren't biased :P16:13
rwwI guess !notunity wouldn't be too bad16:14
rwwwill throw it on -#ubuntu+1 for now, we can move it when release happens16:15
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.16:15
rww!notunity-#ubuntu+1 is <reply> To use GNOME Shell on Oneiric, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place a new entry in the Sessions dropdown on the login window.16:18
ubottuI'll remember that, rww16:18
mneptokrww: new factoid already used.16:36
* mneptok bows deeply16:36
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!17:39
IdleOneshe deserves it17:39
* Myrtti strokes ubottu's hair17:40
Myrttiwe lubs you17:40
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
mneptokone hot summer night, lorraine said "now it's time for you to see the lighthouse," which was out on montok point. located at the end of a long, rocky peninsula, the lighthouse was set dramatically against the night sky. a beam of light circled around it. and the early morning fog was rolling in.17:50
* mneptok makes whooshing noises17:52
IdleOnelittle too umtss umtss for me17:57
IdleOnebut not bad17:57
mneptokyou can hear more William Orbit by calling Canonical support and being placed on hold. ;)18:01
* mneptok 's small contribution18:01
IdleOneodd that I listened to the entire song18:02
FlannelIdleOne: You really wanted that support, eh?18:02
IdleOneI don't call them when I need something, just drive over.18:03
oCeanqmr does not like our channel's guidelines20:15
oCean<qmr> you get your panties in a twist over a WORD?20:18
Flannelrww: I've got him in query too20:21
oCeanenough of him20:22
oCeanTold him next was a ban20:22
oCeanhad him in pm also20:22
rwwGoing afk for the rest of the evening. Best keep an eye on HappyNineEleven, I'm pretty sure they're attempting to cause disruption with their nick without actually violating guidelines themselves.20:23
FlannelSo, I've asked him to change his nick, he's dragging his feet somewhat.20:38
oCeanhe's asking in #u for a cloak20:39
MyrttiI hope that's not his account name...20:39
FlannelHe hasn't registered an account yet.  But I don't see how a cloak would make any difference.20:40
FlannelHe pulled the "I thought freenode had freedom of speech" card, so I explained to him that regardless of freenode policy, Ubuntu channels have a policy of showing respect and being considerate.20:41
Flannelbeen quiet for a while20:41
mneptok(s)he has freedom of speech20:42
mneptok(s)he can choose whatever nick (s)he wants. we have freedoms, too. freedom to disallow that nick from participating.20:43
mneptokeveryone is free to be as anti-semitic as John Galliano. just be prepared to deal with the consequences.20:44
FlannelWe'll see how long this lasts.20:59
Flannel(He's now GenericNickname)20:59
rwwBy rest of the evening I mean, "until I run out of work to do because I'm waiting on someone else doing stuff that was due THURSDAY"21:38
* rww PMs Gredeu21:38
bazhangthought sensors was removed in the latest21:39
rwwGredeu appears to have left the building :<21:42
Myrttiif you ever find out what he is aiming at, please tell21:42
bazhanghe accuses everyone of being rude to him, even when just simply replying in any way shape or form21:43
MyrttiI don't see what triggered him then tho21:44
ubottuLasers called the ops in #ubuntu (negger <3)21:44
bazhanglooks like he wants webscale for that21:44
bazhangthat nick is awfully close to something else though21:45
rww!away > jelatta_away21:45
rwwdon't see that hostname asking any questions, either21:45
bazhang<negger> how do I keyboard21:46
bazhangdual trolling #debian21:46
rwwb&, then21:47
mneptoktoo r&y21:48
FlannelHappyNineEleven could've been HuegWeev, as I see from a lastlog.22:40
rwwFlannel: given activity elsewhere, it wouldn't surprise me22:57
Myrttinini peeps23:00
bazhang<walter> no uploading virus to you23:54

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