
pleia2jedijf: doh, apparently I can't make you an administrator on launchpad00:46
pleia2once bret sorts you out you'll automagically be able to edit things on the loco directory though, it's all tied to launchpad00:47
pleia2actually, wait, I wasn't logged in00:48
JonathanDhey pleia200:48
pleia2ah, I still can't00:48
pleia2g'day jedijf00:48
pleia2err JonathanD00:48
JonathanDthe guy from walgreens wants me to help him make a wbesite.00:49
JonathanDnot sure how that'll pan out.00:49
JonathanDpleia2: how are ya?00:50
pleia2JonathanD: I'm good, you?00:50
pleia2jedijf: have you ever signed in to loco.ubuntu.com?00:50
JonathanDHope your feet are dry. We keep getting water in the holodeck.00:50
JonathanDI had to raise the equipment up by about a foot. Just to be safe.00:51
pleia2earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorists00:51
pleia2east coast has it bad00:51
JonathanDI don't care about terrorists.00:52
JonathanDHurricanes are more interesting.00:52
pleia2earthquakes are the mostest interesting!00:52
JonathanDours are not00:52
JonathanDI didn't even feel it.00:52
HowdyDoodyjedijf: I found the fan on the graphics card was NOT spinning.  Wierd shape.  Can't buy a repacement.  Googled found several that 'fixed' their fans.  Drilled one hole stuffed in some oil.  Hey Hey hey!!! its spinning.  Card's good too.00:58
HowdyDoodyNow back to original issues.00:58
jedijfpleia2: yes, but i am not an admin01:08
pleia2jedijf: I'm not seeing you in the list of users to add you as a contact01:08
pleia2ah loco directory01:08
jedijfpleia2: https://launchpad.net/~jedijf  <--if this helps01:10
pleia2yeah, I'm trying to find you in the dropdown to add you as contact in the loco directory but jedijf isn't listed01:10
pleia2we'll see what happens when bret adds you as owner of the team01:10
jedijfOne of the team admins (set in Launchpad) will need to log in to the01:17
jedijfloco-directory and edit that team's details.  Please note that you will01:17
jedijfneed to log into the loco-directory before your user account will be01:17
jedijfcreated, and it may take up to a day before that account syncs with your01:17
jedijfLaunchpad profile.01:17
jedijfthat was from the loco-contacts discussion list ^^^^01:17
jedijfso pleia2 wait 2 days01:18
MutantTu1keyon a positive note, my headphones seem to have dried out okay and are working well! :D02:39
pleia2jedijf: *nod* ok05:13
HowdyDoodyawwww, morning to you rmg5110:11
rmg51time for my walk11:02
rmg51morning andrew, waltman13:22
jedijfsolemn morning13:26
waltmanI've been trying to ignore it by watching the Formula 1 race...13:34
ChinnoDogIs there a way to make update-manager auto install all updates?18:55
TheEvilPhoenixafaik, no19:03
ChinnoDogI guess if I want that I should disable the update manager and cron an update job19:04
rmg51ChinnoDog: look in Software Sources19:11
rmg51it may not have all you want, but you can have some stuff load automatically19:12
ChinnoDogNo point in doing half the job automatically and still having to do the rest manually19:12
rmg51one choice is download all updates in the background19:15
ChinnoDogI still have to click on the icon every day and tell it to install them. The difference isn't even noticeable considering I don't watch them install.19:16
rmg51that's all the help I can be then :-/19:17
rmg51back to my movie19:18
ChinnoDogpleia2: This panel that appears at the bottom in xubuntu.. it seems kind of useless21:40
jedijfthat's what it's called; xuseless panel21:41
jedijfChinnoDog: she is going to scold you21:42
ChinnoDogI knew it21:42
ChinnoDogjedijf: :-(21:47

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