
ixxuurlin2u, ofc it's still there but i can't find the active process00:00
urlin2uixxu, look in the side panel, and check this link  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/02/unity-systray-is-back-themable-top.html00:00
urlin2uixxu, click on it in the panel things are different in unity.00:00
ixxuurlin2u, it isn't in the sidepannel, i'll check your link00:01
shaun413if i check something in compiz either the top bar goes all wierd or i loose everthing off the screen00:02
urlin2uixxu, I find the same problem your having on a web search.00:03
shaun413can anyone help?00:03
ixxuurlin2u, i didn't post and only searched for common problem currently i'm reading your link00:04
ixxuurlin2u, i found that link http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/easily-configure-ubuntus-unity-interface-confity-linux/ but wasn't sure if that fits for me00:04
shaun413i really want some efeects can someone help me00:05
ikoniawhat effects do you want00:05
shaun413idk anytihng00:06
ikoniathen you don't want anything00:06
ikoniaif you don't know what you want, you don't know what you're missing00:06
shaun413i want all the effects00:06
ikoniaall what effects ?00:06
worldwalkerI'm having an issue installing new packages, and I keep getting an error related to 'aptdaemon,' is this the right chan for that question?00:06
shaun413the wobbly the fire00:06
ikoniaif you don't even know whats there how can you say I want them all00:06
shaun413rotating cube thing00:07
ikoniashaun413: then you need to look into compiz00:07
shaun413i have it00:07
shaun413it crashes untiy whe i use it00:07
ikoniashaun413: what's the issue then ?00:07
ikoniashaun413: not uncommon00:07
gentoo-intelshaun413, kubuntu has more effects00:07
ikoniait doesn't00:08
gentoo-intelshaun413, i think youll get bored of them all after like 1 minute though00:08
gentoo-intelso tacky00:08
ikoniait has a different engine, they are pretty much the same in terms of effects number00:08
sweetandyI disable every possible effect. It's cute, but completely worthless.00:08
shaun413wee then what about prorams?00:08
gentoo-intelshaun413, you have to know what you want00:09
gentoo-intelno one can tell you random stuff to install00:09
shaun413graphics and science00:09
ixxuurlin2u, in you link there is written something about the unity launcher, where should i find it ?00:09
urlin2ushaun413, you might try try #compiz  trying to get a hand hold through compiz is not really gonna happen to be honest.00:09
worldwalkerSo, when I'm in the ubuntu software center and I try to install a program, I get a "an unhandleable error occured" message00:10
gentoo-intelshaun413, gimp is an image editor, blender does 3d stuff00:10
shaun413yes i know00:10
mrdebgentoo-intel: is gentoo good00:10
gentoo-intelof course00:10
worldwalkerWhich is referring to "a programming error in aptdaemon"00:10
worldwalkerand since I'm a bit of a newb to ubuntu/linux I'm not quite sure where to go from here00:11
RvPuptrying to install puppy linux (frugal) but im told that ubuntus grub doesnt play well with others ...?00:11
shaun413ok so what sciency programs?00:11
urlin2uixxu, the left side panel is the unity launcher00:11
ikoniaRvPup: who told you that00:11
dr_willisworldwalker:  is this a new install?00:11
Luig1Is there a way (in bash) to call an arbitrary program X times?00:11
RvPuppuppy irc00:11
worldwalkerdr_willis yes00:11
ikoniaRvPup: I don't see them telling you that00:11
worldwalkerI've only installed a few things so far00:11
urlin2ufermulator, you get the pm info?00:11
gentoo-intelshaun413, sciency as in what?00:11
ixxuurlin2u, they are showing a config interface fort that, that what i am looking for00:11
RvPupsomething about grub 1 and 2 ??? not sure what they meant00:12
shaun413idk just cool programs00:12
dr_willisworldwalker:  from a terminal you may want to do a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-upgrade' that should update everything and may fix any known bugs/issues you are experienceing00:12
worldwalkerOk I'll give it a shot, thanks00:12
ikoniaRvPup: there is an issue in the way ubuntu uses grub2, it's config files are held in /etc on the ubuntu disk, which means updates to puppy won't be able to touch the grub config, however as puppy is quite static I don't see this as a problem00:12
urlin2uixxu, this is not an area I can really advise in other then give links and hope you will figure it out.00:12
RvPupi just got ubuntu 10.10 installed thanks to shaunlewis expert advice ....now am trying to add puppy to the mix00:13
ixxuurlin2u, ok thanks a lot anyway you helped me :)00:13
shaun413where is everyone getting 10.10?00:13
moymoyAnyone not idle?00:13
urlin2uixxu, sometimes all we can do is point and say wow look at that. :D00:14
shaun41310.04 is the newest isnt it?00:14
worldwalkerdr_willis: I'm still getting the same issue00:14
fermulatorurlin2u: yes thanks, sorry afk once in a while :-000:14
worldwalkerThe only bit from the 'details' that looks familiar is the ttf-mscorefonts-installer00:14
shaun413isnt 10.04 the newest?00:15
ixxuurlin2u, yeah i understand, i read a lot of text in the last 10hours ;-)00:15
zachk11.04 perhaps00:15
worldwalkerI remember seeing an error earlier about that when i was trying to install some proprietary stuff00:15
terr_shaun413: I found it in the ubuntu web site.  Its there.  I just couldn't get the USB formatted and loaded properly and I know how dd works!  and the boot loaders.00:15
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urlin2ushaun413, http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/00:15
shaun413i have 10.0400:15
worldwalkerdr_willis any thoughts?00:15
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gentoo-intelshaun413, 10.04 is fine00:15
ellogovernneed a little help00:16
gentoo-intelits an lts too00:16
shaun413i just got it today though00:16
moymoyAnyone know how to "add/subtract to/from path" like you can do with selections (in GIMP)?00:16
shaun413and there is a 10.10??00:16
RvPupso i can just use puppys installer and ubuntu wont care what i do ?00:16
urlin2ushaun413, 10.04 is the longterm support the highr the number the newer the release.00:16
shaun413i want the new one00:16
ikoniaRvPup: yes, just make sure you know which OS's grub you are using00:16
shaunlewisshaun413, 10.10 is currently beta, and therefore not recommended for general use unless you know what you are doing00:16
shaun413ok then00:16
shaunlewis10.04 is the latest00:16
Picishaunlewis: No. 10.10 is not beta.00:16
shaun413what about 10.500:17
urlin2ushaun413, http://www.ubuntu.com/00:17
worldwalkerAny thoughts on a aptdaemon error? Sorry to keep asking00:17
Kainoreaint 11.04 out ?00:17
RvPup11.04 is the lateset but it wont connect my wire less so i grabbed an old copy of 10.10 i had00:17
ikonia11.04 is the current ubuntu release00:17
Picishaun413, shaunlewis: Ubuntu release numbers are named for the YEAR.MONTH of release, and we release every 6 months.00:17
gentoo-intelshaun413, ubuntu goes 04 then 1000:17
urlin2ushaunlewis, your incorrect in several areas there.00:17
terr_shaun413: I have a dead machine which looks like won't post and I'm tyring to get the old IDE drive on a PI 200 mHz and do a CLI install - which should work just fine!00:17
shaunlewismy appologises, 11.1000:17
shaun413so 10.4 is newer?00:18
urlin2ushaunlewis, 11.10 is in development 11.04 is the latest , 10.04 was the last long term. :D00:18
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)00:18
shaun413i mean 11.400:18
moymoyAnyone know how to "add/subtract to/from path" like you can do with selections (in GIMP)?00:18
shaun413i have 11.400:18
urlin2ushaun413, yes 11.04 is the latest but not a LTS00:19
urlin2uterr_, to low of a cpu for ubuntu.00:19
worldwalkerCan someone give me a hand with an 'aptdaemon' error?00:19
urlin2uworldwalker, we ask for the erroes in a pastebin.00:20
worldwalkerok. (what is a pastebin, sorry X| )00:21
terr_urlin2u: not for CLI linux that I know of.  I just need to get the HDD bootable and use Rsync00:21
urlin2uterr_, p1 200mhz?00:21
urlin2uterr_, a cli only good luck.00:21
terr_urlin2u: it runs.  Old as the hills.00:22
terr_urlin2u: the athalon 2300+ died!00:22
urlin2uterr_, I would run puppy linux.00:22
terr_urlin2u: I jsut want to get a boot sector onto the HDD  plus the os00:23
worldwalkerurlin2u: Aptdaemon error: http://pastebin.com/s7hFKrJb00:23
worldwalkerI get it whenever I try to install something from the ubuntu software center00:23
terr_urlin2u: I guess the other option for that puter is recycling00:23
urlin2uworldwalker, several ideas here I would go to synaptic look in the broken package filter.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161015400:25
alazare619whats the terminal command to remove a folder its not rm...00:26
urlin2uterr_, I'm used to a desktop, so I roll that way.00:26
urlin2ualazare619, what is the folder?00:26
terr_urlin2u: I am too.  I want to u/g this desktop but I want to test the replacement 1st00:27
forrestvanybody know how i can make grub not wait indefinitely on startup?00:27
forrestvi don't have a keyboard to press enter with00:27
ixxuurlin2u, compiz config from the ubuntu packages helped me, now i can config the panel... at all a nice feature but no solve ;D00:28
gentoo-intelforrestv, it should be like 10 secs, or 3000:28
terr_Nuther problem.  I am getting a #python bitch.  Says I have to register with freenode.  I have.  I get a cryptic message:  Cannot send to Channel.  Like I must register.  Well I have been registered for like over 5 years00:29
urlin2uforrestv, you may need to run a sudo update-grub  look at this link.  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-the-grub-menu-timeout-on-ubuntu/00:29
urlin2uixxu, I think filezilla is not minimizing correctly in Unity is what I have seem=n on the web search00:30
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ixxuurlin2u, yeah propably00:30
shaunlewisalazare619, rm -r <dir> will delete the directory and all non-write protected files under it, so be careful!00:30
alazare619its in /tmp00:30
alazare619i just counldnt remember the command off hand00:30
xsznixy demented00:31
ixxuurlin2u, where is the best place to report bugs for ubuntu ?00:31
urlin2uixxu, launchpad, you just need to get a account.00:31
xanguaixxu: launchpad00:31
ixxuis it possible to learn firefox to go back on the "backspace" button it's probably working in nautilus00:33
ixxunautilus-open-terminal is always closed on the next restart of it, is there a way to get it stable ?00:34
moymoyAnyone know how to "add/subtract to/from path" like you can do with selections (in GIMP)?00:35
zykotick9terr_, do you see "-NickServ- You are now identified for terr" when you first connect?00:37
zykotick9ixxu, what do you mean "n-o-t is always closed on the next restart"?  When you right click in nautilus you don't see "open in terminal"?00:37
ixxuzykotick9, i did never see this... i missed that function i tried with suse before ubuntu00:39
knightvoidanyone familiar with compiz, help me get it to work00:40
ixxuzykotick9, after installing the nautilius-open-terminal the terminal was in included in the "explorer" upper half was terminal, lower half was file explorer00:40
zykotick9ixxu, did you install the nautilus-open-terminal?00:40
ixxuzykotick9, yes00:40
terr_zykotick9: yes.  I also can type in /msg nickserv identify blah.  Works00:40
zykotick9ixxu, sorry, i've never seen nautilus-open-terminal as embedded, it's always opened a new terminal window for me?00:41
zykotick9terr_, ask in #freenode perhaps?00:41
aeon-ltdknightvoid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingCompiz also ask in #compiz for more help (but ubuntu specific ask here)00:41
ixxuzykotick9, i'll reinstall and take a screenshot00:41
terr_zykotick9: hey thanks.  But can you post a message to the python ppl.  I'm looking for a one page cheat sheet00:42
zykotick9terr_, you'll have to post for yourself, I don't want to try to relay for you.  Good luck.00:42
ixxuzykotick9, now it's working fine... lol... thanks anyway00:43
terr_zykotick9: I'm blocked!  I can't!00:43
zykotick9ixxu, glad it's working.00:43
zykotick9terr_, so ask in #freenode then00:43
ixxui was happy about the embedded one... now it's gone00:43
zykotick9ixxu, i don't ever remember seeing it embedded, perhaps it wasn't n-o-t but something else that did that?00:44
ixxuzykotick9, i restarted nautilus now it's embedded again00:44
ixxuzykotick9, not something that i installed00:45
zykotick9ixxu, i've used n-o-t for years and never seen that behaviour?  strange, well glad it's working for ya.00:45
ixxuzykotick9, http://i52.tinypic.com/4hy3o2.jpg that's how it looks until next restart00:46
zykotick9ixxu, that's kinda neat, never seen that before.00:47
ixxuzykotick9, yeah dunno would be ok for me as long it's running stable ^^00:48
OerHeksixxu looks like nautilus-terminal >> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nautilus-terminal-an-integrated-terminal-for-nautilus.html00:48
zykotick9ixxu, i don't think that stable has anything do to with Ubuntu ;)00:48
ixxuOerHeks, you are right, just wondering why it always apperas when i install the nautilus-open-terminal00:51
ixxuOerHeks, not a good idea to run both of them at the same time ?00:51
ixxuzykotick9, better said constant :p00:51
OerHeksno problem, you can open as many terminals as you like00:51
ixxubut than one of the packages stops working for me00:52
ixxui'll see and report00:52
kasihow can I hide the top panel in unity? I can set the opaqueness value, but I can't set it to hide00:56
kasiI would like to hide it like the launcher panel on the side00:56
ixxukasi, try to get compiz via the packages there you find a tool for the unity00:58
kasiixxu, I have ccsm installed00:58
kasiI didn't find the option in unity to hide the top panel00:58
urlin2ukasi, you can't00:59
kasiurlin2u, so I have to use classic then?00:59
urlin2ukasi, if you want to hide the top panel yes.00:59
kasiurlin2u, tx01:00
trevsjoin #riak01:01
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schwiz2010can anyone help me add the include files to my system path for c++?  I am trying to use a command like "find /usr/include/ -type d -printf ":%p"" in my .bashrc but I get "No such file or directory" when I try to save it to a viaribale01:16
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poolbeckhey, just upgraded to 11.10. worse linux experience in my life, sorry01:16
bazhangpoolbeck, #ubuntu+1 for that01:16
xanguapoolbeck: don't upgrade to a beta release next time then...01:16
poolbecknothing but crashes01:16
milamberschwiz2010: what c++ files?01:17
poolbeckpanel crash, compiz crash, unity crash01:17
crimsonmanei have on this computer windows7, ubuntu10.04, and ubuntu current beta. how can i see which partition contains what so that I can use GParted to remove all but the current beta?01:17
poolbecknever seen anything like it!01:17
xanguapoolbeck: stop that please01:17
bazhangpoolbeck, this is not the correct channel for 11.1001:17
schwiz2010milamber the include files needed to use standard library stuff stdexcept, iostream, etc01:18
poolbecksorry, not meant to be negative, its just my experience of beta01:18
VesuvenIs there anyway to make my Ubuntu partition bigger? When I click on Places > Home Folder, I only have 5.9 gb available01:18
crimsonmanepoolbeck, your issues may be hardware specific. i've been using beta since release with only minor issues.01:18
MiramI was just going to ask this as well^01:18
milamberschwiz2010: did you install the build-essential package?01:18
crimsonmanevesuven and miram, find GParted in the software center01:19
MiramI've done that, just wondering if there's anything else I should be looking out for as well01:19
schwiz2010milamber not that I'm aware of.. just apt-get build-essential?01:19
poolbeckok, thanks crimsonmane, i'll check beta channel01:19
Vesuvencrimsonmane: I tried gparted, couldn't understand how to make my partition bigger with it01:19
milamberschwiz2010: sudo apt-get build-essential01:19
MiramI believe I have to boot to cd in order to increase the partition I'm using right now?01:20
milamberschwiz2010: install*01:20
milamber!gparted | Miram01:20
ubottuMiram: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:20
crimsonmanemiriam, no. run GParted. click the partition. at the top of the window is an arrow button01:20
schwiz2010says that it was already installed01:20
urlin2uMiram, yes for the live cd to resize turn off the swap as well.01:21
crimsonmanei have on this computer windows7, ubuntu10.04, and ubuntu current beta. how can i see which partition contains what so that I can use GParted to remove all but the current beta?01:21
urlin2ucrimsonmane, you want to remove what exactly and keep what exactly.01:21
crimsonmaneurlin2u i would like to remove the old ubuntu and the windows701:22
crimsonmanei would like to keep the beta ubuntu01:22
crimsonmanethe windows is easy to find. file system ntfs01:22
urlin2ucrimsonmane, boot to the beta open gparted turn off the swao and delete to your hearts content.01:22
VesuvenOk, I ran gparted. I have /dev/sda2 (Extended) dev/sda5 (ext4) dev/sda6 (linux-swap) dev/sda1 (ntfs) and unallocated01:23
crimsonmaneurlin2u won't this also delete the beta partition?01:23
urlin2ucrimsonmane, not if you dont delete its partition.01:23
MiramI am at the same screen as Vesuven01:23
crimsonmaneurlin2u that's my question. how do i know which partition its on?01:23
qincrimsonmane: in beta: sudo fdisk -l to see mount points01:24
crimsonmanemiram and vesuven, click a partition you want to resize.01:24
urlin2ucrimsonmane, you will be deleting partitions, if you want to resize the beta use a live cd.  I assume that the beta is not a wubi install here.01:24
crimsonmaneat the top of the screen next to the red circle is an arrow01:24
MiramAlrighty, this one is locked01:24
poolbeckcan you move the unity panel to the bottom of the screen? thanks01:24
studentzcrimsonmane first backup, second if you prefer GUI boot from CD , if you are comfortable with cli change the run level and unmount the  partitions01:24
Miramsorry, it just shows a key01:24
urlin2uMiram, you have to use a live cd.01:24
MiramAlright then01:24
Vesuvenso I can't resize without a live cd?01:25
urlin2uMiram, if you resize from the left end upo=you will probably have to reinstall grub to the mbr.01:25
boournshow difficult is it to change from using mysql package to a source version?  i want to recompile with sphinx.  can i retain my databases+users or do i have to backup and restore them?01:25
MiramI'm sorry urlin2u, I don't know what that means01:26
crimsonmanevesuven... i know he's saying you can't do it without a live cd, and that doesn't make sense to me. i'm able to do it with gparted01:26
crimsonmaneif yours has a key instead of the arrow thing, maybe try updated the software?01:26
urlin2uMiram, when you looka t a partition there  is a left end and a right end.01:26
Vesuvencrimsonmane may I pm u?01:26
urlin2uMiram, left equals the start right =end01:26
redboatCan someone help with this problem the error occurs when i issue the make command I am trying to install the drivers for the FTDI FT232RL chip...  fatal error: /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic-pae/build/include/linux/modversions.h01:28
urlin2u!pm | Miram01:29
ubottuMiram: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:29
poolbeckplease can you consider making the unity panel movable to the bottom of the screen or along any axis of the monitor. i am not on my own requesting this. in fact it seems completely logical http://askubuntu.com/questions/33605/can-i-move-the-unity-launcher01:29
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MiramI did not realize that, sorry. Only meant to cut down on clutter01:30
crimsonmanepoolbeck, it's a beta. these things are considered. you can probably already to it with command line edits or something01:30
bazhangpoolbeck, this is for 11.10 and thats #ubuntu+1 not here, as you know01:31
poolbecksure, that's the beauty of o/s :-) might have to find out more specifics on this, thanks01:31
crimsonmanemiram, check what version gparted you are using. i have 0.8.101:31
MiramI have 0.7.001:32
crimsonmanein the software center, i chose the second listing.01:32
poolbeckif there was life on that channel, I might consider it and since unity is in 11.04, i don't see you issue01:33
zewmWhat's a nice clean GUI based irc client these days? (I'm currently using irssi in a terminal window)01:33
MiramI will get the second listing going and then talk to you01:34
crimsonmanezewm - PIDGIN :)01:34
DarkStar1I'm using colloquy atm :)01:34
ixxuor xchat01:34
DarkStar1but otherwise P-I-D-G-I-N!!!01:34
celltechIs there a program I can use to make my thumbdrive a bootdisk for any iso I have?01:34
crimsonmanezewm Pidgin will connect you to every messenger service at one time. it's very clean. i choose it over empathy01:34
xangua!unetbootin | celltech01:34
bazhangcelltech, any iso? no01:35
ubottucelltech: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:35
Chamunkswhy is unity not giving me my compiz enhancements I have two sapphire radeon 6850's01:35
Chamunksthis should work :P01:35
crimsonmanechamunks: file a bug report for .that01:35
zewmHow well does Empathy handle IRC? I'm using it as my IM client currently.01:35
celltechNot what I'm asking at all. I don't want to instal ubuntu. I have an iso of windows for someone and I want to use my thumbdrive as the cd01:35
ChamunksAlso its not detecting my second radeon 865001:35
crimsonmaneempathy handles IRC very well, but is not "clean" like pidgin is01:35
Chamunkscrimsonmane, eeeeh i'm not sure how to do that.01:35
VesuvenI'm running Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit, downloading adobe air, which file should I get? .bin, .deb, .rpm or YUM?01:35
bazhangcelltech, ##windows not here01:36
zewmhrmm I'll give pidgin a try then01:36
bazhangVesuven, deb01:36
crimsonmanezewm if you don't like pidgin, i will eat my tie :)01:36
Vesuvenbazhang: thanks01:36
zewmI'm holding you to that!01:36
urlin2uVesuven, just install the ubuntu-restricted-extras   for flash and plugins needed.01:36
MonkeyDust I prefer irssi01:36
celltechInteresting. Ok. How about this question. I run a wifi network at my house. How can I find "spy" on it and see the traffic comming in an out. I want it to remain open. but I want to be able to monitor it01:36
zewmI love irssi. I'm just interested in seeing how a GUI based client looks. I just updated to 11.04 and have the bare minimum installed01:37
urlin2ucelltech, way off topic01:37
celltechawesome. I'll go find help with people that know a thing or 201:37
crimsonmanezewm i swear by Pidgin. first thing i do for anyone who gets into linux is remove empathy and replace it with pidgin01:37
xanguaurlin2u: adobe air != adobe flash01:37
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »01:37
xanguayou can get and keep adobe air updates from the partner repo Vesuven01:37
urlin2uxangua, ?01:38
crimsonmaneurlin he said adobe air does not equal adobe flash01:38
zewmbrb on pidgin01:38
urlin2ucrimsonmane, thought it was a mistaken identity. :D01:38
crimsonmanewelcome back zewm01:39
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DarkStar1what were you using before zewm ?01:39
zewmin terminal01:39
zewmcrimsonmane: Can you edit the way the timestamp appears?01:40
MonkeyDustirssi is really practical, in combination with screen01:40
crimsonmaneyes zewm.01:41
zewmI love irssi as a terminal client01:41
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zewmI was previously a BitchX / IrcII user (back when I ran slackware in the late 90s)01:41
flodine? is this ubuntu 11.10  gnome and unity mixed?01:43
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crimsonmanetdutra #ubuntu+101:43
bazhangflodine, #ubuntu+1 please01:44
crimsonmaneyou know you like it01:45
bazhang!test > MonkeyDust201:46
ubottuMonkeyDust2, please see my private message01:46
* MonkeyDust2 logs out to see what happens01:48
studentzbest toolkit for C++ QT  or GTKmm?01:48
xangua!best | studentz01:48
ubottustudentz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:48
crimsonmane... what was the command to see what partition this ubuntu install is located on?01:51
MonkeyDustor sudo fdisk -l01:51
crimsonmanethat shows all paritions and doesn't distinguish this particular install01:52
urlin2ucrimsonmane, mount tells you01:52
devcalaisHow do I log in as root in order to modify /etc/default/xorg.txt? I don't remember ever setting up a root password.. If I could do this through the xWindow system (non terminal) it would be alottt easier.01:52
crimsonmanecan you help with syntax?01:52
devcalaisI'm running 11.04 and Unity.01:52
urlin2ucrimsonmane, first line something like sda601:53
zewmdevcalais: you don't log in as root you simply type 'sudo' before the command01:53
urlin2udevcalais, sudo gedit /etc/default/xorg.txt01:53
crimsonmaneah ok. so it's on sda5. do i have to be careful to not remove the swapdisk this one uses?01:53
zewmand input your password01:54
urlin2ucrimsonmane, you have changed hyour nic again good luck.01:54
crimsonmanei didn't change my nic... ?01:54
urlin2ucrimsonmane, the user name purple comes up alot01:55
crimsonmane... ? what?01:55
urlin2uto much for coincidence=real name01:55
crimsonmanei am crimsonmane, and have never changed it01:56
xanguaurlin2u: purple is what comes by default for real name in pidgin.....01:56
urlin2uxangua, I didn't know that.01:56
crimsonmaneme neither.01:56
Flark706sorry i know this is the wrong chat for this but anyone here really good with aircrack-ng?...been trying to get help on it all day in the aircrack-ng channel and noone seems to be there01:56
dforthmanok, so i have 2 server 11.04 installations running in 2 seperate virtualbox vms. they're both using the same setting for the network in the VM (adapter type, bridged, etc), however my second VM is showing no eth0 when i type ifconfig.01:56
dforthmanwhen i try to bring it up, it says there's no such device01:57
urlin2ucrimsonmane, sorry about that there is a user on here who uses pidgeon always changing thier nic and is a pain to deal with, never actually using ubuntu.01:57
crimsonmaneah, troll. i see. i was mass confused a bit ago lol01:58
urlin2ucrimsonmane, so the swap will be obvious in gparted, if deleted it can be remade no biggie.01:58
urlin2uthey are my white whale muhahahha01:59
crimsonmanesomeone mentioned master boot record earlier. i think the MBR is on the windows7 install that i'm about to remove. is that a problem? as a clue to narrow the answer, grub boot menu shows up when the computer starts01:59
urlin2ucrimsonmane, cab you still boot windows?02:00
crimsonmanei can. but i don't.02:00
crimsonmanei haven't removed the partitions yet02:00
urlin2ucrimsonmane, grub in windows would be no consequence in this deleting, it does not belong there.02:01
crimsonmanei just want to be uber sure i'm not going to have to go through ubuntu install again.02:01
urlin2ucrimsonmane, your using gparted right?02:01
jxshxx_Howdy.  I've had trouble w/ the last 3 Lucid installs getting the error for ttf-mscorefonts after installing restriced extras.  Why is this happing, and what's the best fix?02:01
urlin2ujxshxx_, can you pastebin any errors02:02
urlin2ujxshxx_, do you accept the contract?02:02
BentFranklinwhat command shows info about your swap partition?  df does not report it.02:02
urlin2uBentFranklin, sudo blkid02:02
BentFranklinurlin2u: thanks02:02
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urlin2uBentFranklin, uuid and all. no problem\02:03
crimsonmanesolo engles02:03
jesusamaroI need help02:03
ubottuKanal za podporo slovenskim uporabnikom Ubuntuja je #ubuntu-si. Če potrebujete pomoč v Slovenskem jeziku, prosimo da se nam pridružite in probali vam bomo pomagati. Slovenian language support channel is #ubuntu-si02:04
zkriessejesusamaro: don't ask to ask, just ask :)02:04
urlin2ucrimsonmane, we should probably make sure that your bets has the grub control it probably does but since your in it we can install grub to the mbr to be sure.02:04
jxshxx_urlin2u: Can't pastebin at the moment, because I can't install anything until it's fixed.  There is an <OK> at the bottom of the screen that pops up, but nothing I can click on.02:04
urlin2ujxshxx_, you don't click you scroll down and use the tab02:04
urlin2ujxshxx_, tab wil highlight the accept02:05
jxshxx_urlin2u: I'll try it.02:05
urlin2ujxshxx_, 3 installs  bet you wont forget this one. hehe :D02:06
daddylinuxre unity, all i am seeing is "you can try another distro if you dont like it" well thats not true, ubuntu has more software availiable than any other distro (and nice ppa system) i suggest you respect this and get gnome3 fallback as good as gnome 2 classic or expect loyal ubuntu users to come out of the woodwork with muffled praise for the "innovations team" :-)02:07
jxshxx_urlin2u: Not after I hang the giant instructional poster on my wall02:07
bazhangdaddylinux, actual support issue? or just wish to chat02:08
jesusamaroI wish download ubuntu, but when I going to downloading  there are three options, "Desktop" - "Server" - "Cloud".. should be choose?02:08
jxshxx_urlin2u: Can't get lock.  How do I kill the processes?02:08
jesusamaroI wish download ubuntu, but when I going to downloading  there are three options, "Desktop" - "Server" - "Cloud".. should be choose?02:08
urlin2ujxshxx_, not sure what you mean02:08
daddylinuxactual real human feeling towards ubuntu issue02:08
jesusamaroIs for a normal machine02:08
uns0b1llim on nvidia drivers and my 1920-1680 dissapeared02:09
bazhang!ot | daddylinux02:09
ubottudaddylinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:09
uns0b1llim stuck on 1024X768 can u help ?02:09
xanguajesusamaro: desktop for a desktop02:09
BentFranklinurlin2u: Re blkid, I'm trying to find the size of the swap partition.02:09
jesusamaroxangua.. and the others?02:09
urlin2uuns0b1ll, have you looked in additional drivers for one available?02:09
uns0b1llhow so ?02:09
urlin2uBentFranklin, install gparted and look there that is what I do.02:10
urlin2uBentFranklin, sudo fdisk -l works to02:10
uns0b1lltheres only one generic-nvidia driver under Hardware Drivers02:10
uns0b1llnvidia_current inside additional driver02:11
BentFranklinurlin2u: Ah yes that should work.  I'm always leery of running partitioners unless I mean it.02:11
urlin2uuns0b1ll, are you using it02:11
jxshxx_urlin2u: I think I need to kill apt so I can get lock and run the restricted-extras command again ... other ideas?02:11
uns0b1llurlin2u, correct, and its only 1200x76802:11
urlin2uBentFranklin, no biggie as long as you don't hit the run. :D02:11
urlin2ujxshxx_, so what is it doing and where are you running it.02:12
uns0b1llits nvidia 21002:12
urlin2uuns0b1ll, nvidia is out of my pay range but you have the right info for help.:D02:13
bazhangBB0t, hi02:13
jxshxx_urlin2u: Not sure what it's doing.  I closed the ttf-mscorefonts box earlier, so maybe that?02:13
uns0b1llgetting this right now02:13
uns0b1llbut its run file02:13
FloodBot1uns0b1ll: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
uns0b1llwhat do i do with .run ?02:14
urlin2ujxshxx_, you in a terminal that is frozen?02:14
RvPupubuntu 10.10 ...i need to find the menu.ls file to edit it to add a puppy linux install ...how do i find it ...i seem to recall it was installed on dev/sda ///without partition numbers ...02:14
rwwaj00200: Unauthorized bots are not permitted in #ubuntu. Please remove yours from the channel.02:14
urlin2uRvPup, in ubuntu run sudo update-grub02:14
bazhangRvPup, check the grub2 wiki menu.lst no longer exists02:14
bazhang!grub2 > RvPup02:14
ubottuRvPup, please see my private message02:14
RvPupim logged into the puppy system now ...i must be in the ubuntu to find it?02:16
jxshxx_urlin2u: The terminal works.  I just can't use apt.  "Is another process using it?", it asks ...02:16
aj00200rww: I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was set to autojoin #ubuntu. I still have the config from a different network02:16
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bazhangRvPup, yes02:16
rwwaj00200: thanks :)02:16
urlin2ujxshxx_, you can only have one updater open, so check if the update manager softwrae sources or synaptic is open.02:17
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RvPupok ...logging out ...thanks02:17
jxshxx_urlin2u: E: could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg02:17
urlin2ujxshxx_, everything but the terminal closed?02:17
uns0b1lldo i need to quit X to install nvidia drivers?02:18
jxshxx_urlin2u: firefox open ... bad?02:18
uns0b1llhow to close X quickly02:18
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urlin2ujxshxx_, no run these two commands no other installers open.   sudo dpkg --configure -a  sudo apt-get -f install02:19
jxshxx_urlin2u: on it ...02:19
studentzuns0b1ll   stopx02:20
urlin2uuns0b1ll, did you install the driver and not logout or reboot?02:20
uns0b1lli did not installed anything yet.  i just got it - i need to quit X and install in from console02:20
urlin2uuns0b1ll, from the additional drivers.02:20
uns0b1llstopx doesnt work on my02:20
zewmsudo stopx02:21
uns0b1llnothing in additional. i got the driver from website02:21
jxshxx_urlin2u: first command returned dpkg: status database area is locked by another process02:21
studentzuns0b1ll you need to start from anonther run level02:21
uns0b1llwell... then i just run shutdown now02:21
uns0b1llto go level 302:21
studentzuns0b1ll start from grub in recovery and got to console02:21
urlin2ujxshxx_, did you try the second02:21
uns0b1llor whatever level that will be02:21
uns0b1llok be02:21
Bar_Can I cap the network bandwidth of a specific command I execute?02:22
=== Bar_ is now known as Bartzy
VampsBeastyok guys. i wanna use wine to run windows games, but i'm hearing that there's no front..is this true?02:23
jxshxx_urlin2u: second command returns E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:23
bazhangVampsBeasty, winetricks?02:23
Galaxor2Hi. I just installed an armel copy of ubuntu using debootstrap. It didn't create a sources.list for me. So I created o02:24
cobra679i am in need of my assistence02:24
jxshxx_urlin2u: only terminal open, nothing else02:24
bazhangcobra679, with what02:24
cobra679may i ask here?02:24
urlin2ujxshxx_, make sure the ubuntu software center, sysnaptic, and the update manager are not open.02:24
cobra679an error when i try run a program in that latest ubuntu02:24
VampsBeastybazhang, well i was noticing one called PlayonInux would that work too?02:24
cobra679inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-version.c: 230: _dl_check_map_versions: Assertion `needed != ((void *)0)' failed!02:24
Man_SouthI'm having problem with vi02:24
jxshxx_urlin2u: system monitor?02:24
cobra679ive search the internet but cant find much info02:25
Man_Southcan anybody help?02:25
urlin2ujxshxx_, what desktop are you running?02:25
Galaxor2I created a sources.list but when I apt-get update it 404s on all the repos.02:25
jxshxx_urlin2u: your mean 10.04 LTS?02:25
urlin2ujxshxx_, is it unity a panel on the left?02:25
bazhangGalaxor2, pastebin it please02:26
jxshxx_urlin2u: no02:26
urlin2ujxshxx_, you would see any of those open shpwing in the bottom panel02:26
cobra679any idea bazhang?02:26
studentzMan_South try emacs :)02:26
Galaxor2Bazhang one moment plz.02:26
urlin2ujxshxx_, or in the top panel in the notification area02:26
qinMan_South: #vi, #vim; also can you formulate question?02:27
cobra679nconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-version.c: 230: _dl_check_map_versions: Assertion `needed != ((void *)0)' failed!02:27
Man_Southi'm not able to "insert"02:27
cobra679thats the error im getting when trying to run a program02:27
jxshxx_urlin2u: I don't find anything02:27
urlin2ujxshxx_, take a screen shot of your desktop and pastebin it the prtsc key will take a screen shot.02:27
urlin2ujxshxx_, sorry imagebin02:28
qinMan_South: Esc and i (or some other)02:28
urlin2ujxshxx_, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add02:28
zewmIs there a way to change the sorting of software center lists?02:28
bazhanghttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/3427751/cannot-load-android-emulator-on-ubuntu-10-04 cobra679 this?02:28
studentzMan_South  it is not <esc>    i           the command to insert?02:29
cobra679u think it might be currupt02:30
bazhangcobra679, did you read the post? try the error troubleshooting listed02:30
Man_Southactually, earliear I used 10.04, there i could directly start using02:30
Man_Southby pressing i02:30
cereali'm having a werid issue with 10.04, whenever I attempt to use wget it resolves the domain to my local ipv6 address, however ping and dig work flawlessly (as in give the correct ip address), has anyone heard of this??02:31
Man_Southnow, i get like this-02:31
Man_SouthVIM - Vi IMproved                                 ~                                                                                ~                               version 7.2.330                                  ~                           by Bram Moolenaar et al.                             ~                 Vim is open source and freely distributable02:31
VampsBeastyhas any one used PlayOnLinux?02:32
studentzMan_South I launch vi from terminal and  i command works02:32
Man_Southi just want to do the way i used to do in vi from 10.0402:32
Galaxor2bazhang http://pastebin.ca/208071802:33
Man_Southno its not working02:33
Man_Southit's just giving some options?02:33
Man_Southcan I just make it simple?02:33
Man_Southlike pressing vi02:33
jumpkickanyone here have a MCT Trigger 1+ based USB2VGA adapter working (USB ID 0711:5100 -- i.e. MWS300, Tritton XD300)?02:33
Man_Southand pressing i02:33
Galaxor2Bazhang that was the apt-get update output.02:34
bazhangGalaxor2, why the armel repos02:34
Galaxor2bazhang cuz I'm on an arm device. Nvidia tegra.02:35
bazhangGalaxor2, perhaps try in #ubuntu-arm I honestly have zero experience with that02:36
studentzMan_South check the config file .vimrc.    I'm not expert on vi02:36
bazhangstudentz, he's gone02:37
Galaxor2bazhang Ooh, a whole channel just for arm? Cool I'll check it out thx.02:37
cobra679bazhang how would i go about replacing that file?02:37
cobra679just redownload it?02:37
cobra679in the package manager?02:38
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/517934 jumpkick this may be relevant02:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517934 in linux (Ubuntu) "sisusbvga driver does not work with StarTech USB2VGAE2" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:39
jumpkickbazhang: I've been there… I've found a bunch of other stuff02:41
jumpkickkind of need a wiki page to brain dump onto...02:41
* jumpkick wonders if there's a launchpad wiki page02:41
jxshxx_urlin2u: Public "thanks" for all your help and success!02:42
urlin2ujumpkick, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launchpad_%28website%2902:42
urlin2uyipee. jxshxx_ :D02:43
jumpkickI think the best spot will probably be another thread on ubuntu forums02:43
=== SEMI-NOOB is now known as peregrinator_six
jumpkicksince that might get the most users02:43
jumpkickand there a bunch of people on there already with similar gear + problems02:44
cobra679bazhung im going to download install http://mirror.eftel.com/ubuntu-dvd/8.04/release/ubuntu-8.04.1-dvd-i386.iso02:44
urlin2ujumpkick, good place for answers learned it all there my self.02:44
cobra679that will fix the problem yeah?02:44
bazhangcobra679, reinstall? why not get the most recent? thats the only relevant link I could find to your issue02:46
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cobra679bazhang its strange because im running same version as my friend02:51
cobra679and hes using the same program and not having a problem02:51
cobra679strange very strange02:51
VampsDaBeastis there a way to select which audio output in VLC when 2 sound cards are present?02:53
dekennedy93just installed 11.04 and my 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device is not working....what do i install to fix it?02:55
uns0b1llhow to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu ?02:56
VampsDaBeastuns0b1ll, nvidia site has linux drivers02:56
uns0b1lli went into inet3 and ran driver file but got "unable to build nvidia kernel02:56
uns0b1llVampsDaBeast,ye that one was latest 64bit for my GPU02:57
uns0b1llhow to check if my system 64 or 3202:57
VampsDaBeastuns0b1ll, let me get the link for 32 or 64 bit02:57
uns0b1llLinux CCIE 2.6.38-11-server #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 29 19:20:32 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:57
uns0b1lllink ?02:58
VampsDaBeastuns0b1ll, ya.. x86_64 is 64 bit02:58
uns0b1llheres driver im using02:58
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/541492 dekennedy93 this?02:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Lucid) "MASTER: [i845] GPU lockup" [High,Triaged]02:58
uns0b1llwhats hardy ?02:59
uns0b1lli found instructions for hardy02:59
dr_willisI always just use the addational-drivers tool to install the proper nvidia drivers.02:59
dr_willisuns0b1ll:  what version of ubuntu are you using?03:00
cerealhttp://pastie.org/2516372 <- has anyone seen wget use the machines local ipv6 address before valid dns responses???  I'm having one hell of a time here (apt also does this)03:00
uns0b1lltheres nothing in additional drivers :(03:00
dr_willisuns0b1ll:  and whats your exact chipset?03:00
uns0b1lllook above little03:00
urlin2uuns0b1ll, a earlier 8.04 no end of life release.03:00
uns0b1llhow do i get that03:00
dr_willisyes. lspci.03:00
urlin2uno is a typo uns0b1ll03:00
VampsDaBeasturlin2u, do you know how i would change my audio output from one sound card to another on VLC?03:01
uns0b1ll00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) SMBus Controller03:01
uns0b1ll01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2)03:01
urlin2uVampsDaBeast, not really.03:01
x3qt0rhey can anyone tell me what is wrong with mathematica03:02
x3qt0rwhy does it have moodswings03:02
x3qt0ron ubuntu 10.0403:02
x3qt0rsometimes it starts sometimes it doesnt03:02
uns0b1llis my version hardy ?03:02
urlin2u!details | x3qt0r03:02
ubottux3qt0r: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:02
dr_willis!version | uns0b1ll03:03
ubottuuns0b1ll: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »03:03
uns0b1llokay thnx03:03
x3qt0rI installed Mathematica 703:04
x3qt0r I have ubuntu 10.0403:04
x3qt0rIt didnt start after I installed it03:04
x3qt0rin GUI mode.03:04
dr_willisis mathematica a native linux app? ive never used it.03:04
x3qt0rSo I used it in terminal mode03:04
x3qt0rwhere it functioned well.03:05
x3qt0rAnd few days back I started it in GUI03:05
x3qt0rwith Mathematica -nosplashscreen03:05
x3qt0rit started!03:05
x3qt0rworked well too03:05
x3qt0rthen I closed it03:05
x3qt0rcame back after a while03:05
dr_williswe can handle more then 4 words per line x3qt0r .....03:05
x3qt0rand then it wasnt starting again.03:05
x3qt0rokay sorry.03:05
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x3qt0rAnyhow, the point is it started well in commandline mode, but the plot functions dont work, the output just reads "Graphics".03:06
uns0b1lli only see nvidia_current in my additional drivers03:06
uns0b1llgota give a try03:07
x3qt0rWhen I try to run it in GUI, it doesnt run, but I do see it in the task manager.03:07
karmstfor Ubuntu 11.04 what is the best virtualization platform?03:08
karmstI want Ubuntu as the host03:08
wildbatkarmst: VBox / VMware03:08
urlin2u!best | karmst03:08
ubottukarmst: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:08
Kardoswhats the commandline for apt to search?03:09
uns0b1lly u no like high resolution ubunut ?03:09
Kardosfor fedora, its yum search netcdf, but apt-get search netcdf doesnt work03:09
wildbatKardos: apt-cache search03:09
karmstI'm not trying to take a poll03:09
Kardosthank you :D :D03:09
karmstI just know that I'm using vmware workstation03:09
dr_willisx3qt0r:  you mean in the app listing in the panel?03:09
karmstand there's issues with it03:09
aeon-ltduns0b1ll: narwahl bacons?03:09
karmstso I would like to know what virtualization does not have issues with Ubuntu03:10
karmstand runs stable03:10
yeats!kvm | karmst03:10
ubottukarmst: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM03:10
x3qt0ryes dr_willis03:10
urlin2ukarmst, every bodies experience and wants are different .03:10
rectec794613is there any way I can manually turn my hard disk off and on in ubuntu?03:11
rectec794613not the automatic "spin down hard disks" idle method03:11
karmstkvm doesn't work with Windows 7 as a guest03:13
MonkeyDustvbox does03:13
urlin2urectec794613, if turned off how you going to turn it aback off the answer is no I believe.03:13
yeatskarmst: nope - it's based on the Linux kernel03:13
yeatskarmst: try vbox03:14
urlin2uback on*03:14
ramuinstalling packages witnout internet connexction03:15
rectec794613urlin2u: well I'm not sure, I'm not an expert on this type of stuff. But Ubuntu can turn it back on automatically03:15
CaseyPCDoes anyone know how I can install eee-control on 11.04?03:16
urlin2urectec794613, you might explan your actual reasoning here.03:16
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urlin2uCaseyPC, https://launchpad.net/~eee-control/+archive/eee-control/+index?field.series_filter=natty  Probably03:17
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ComputerBoy2Can anyone tell me why I can see one directory on my freenas that has more than 500 items in it?03:18
ComputerBoy2Can anyone tell me why I can't see one directory on my freenas that has more than 500 items in it?03:20
MonkeyDustis freenas an ubuntu fork?03:21
wildbatdon't think so ~ it is FreeBSD03:21
MonkeyDustComputerBoy2: try in ##freebsd03:22
ComputerBoy2It is a ubuntu problem.  It works fine in mac and windows.03:23
bazhangMonkeyDust, freenas is not freebsd03:24
MonkeyDustwell, it says "FreeNAS™ is an Open Source Storage Platform based on FreeBSD" on the freenas website03:24
qinMonkeyDust: Well, there is #freenas here03:25
MonkeyDustbut you should address ComputerBoy2 :)03:25
bazhanghttp://www.tomshardware.com/forum/250465-32-setup-freenas-ubuntu-server  ComputerBoy2 this?03:26
CaseyPCUbuntu tells me the eee-control deb is a package of bad quality!?03:26
CoJaBo CaseyPC: ?03:26
qinComputerBoy2: you can['t] see in ssh and web?03:27
ComputerBoy2It won't let me open the directory, but it is fine if there is less then 500 items in it.03:28
Marine1dot 4 reverse message on printer03:29
Marine1x-sane recognizes the printer/scanner but fails to scan03:30
Marine1latest hp file d/l and working correctly03:31
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ComputerBoy2I get this message:  sorry could not display all the contents of03:34
Marine1On my HP Officejet 4500 try to scan object via simple scan or X-sane and  neither seem to complete the operation. It has some sort of delay then  it goes dark gray with the following: Failed to start scanner error  during device I/o. It has no problem finding the device.03:36
Marine1This is from var/log/syslog: xsane:  io/hpmud/dot4.c 480: unable to read Dot4Reverse Data header: Resource  temporarily unavailable hp:/usb/Officejet_4500_G510n-z?serial=CN048H505M05HR03:38
Marine1xsane: sane_hpaio_cancel: already cancelled!03:38
urlin2uMarine1, have yo looked on the web with the model?03:41
Marine1urlin2u: yes I have and the update top the latest hplip library has been completed03:42
urlin2uMarine1, I tried looking with the errors, nothing what is the model?03:43
Marine1urlin2u: i even posted it to launchpad and there you only get incomplete answers03:43
Marine1urlin2u: On my HP Officejet 4500 try to scan object via simple scan or X-sane and  neither seem to complete the operation. It has some sort of delay then  it goes dark gray with the following: Failed to start scanner error  during device I/o. It has no problem finding the device.03:44
Marine1urlin2u: hp4500 officejet03:45
redboatCan someone help with this problem the error occurs when i issue the make command I am trying to install the drivers for the FTDI FT232RL chip...  fatal error: /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic-pae/build/include/linux/modversions.h03:47
Atukso what ub03:47
fermulatorurlin2u: hey; got compiz w/ unity; do you ever have the problem where the unity menu has some "rectangular artifact" behind it when it "avoids windows" (window dodge)?03:47
fermulatorI completed this setup on my media center (Radeon card) and my notebook (Intel card), same symptom03:47
urlin2uMarine1, I wonder if the drivers for it are not actually available in ubuntu did you try looking in printer.   http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/downloads.html03:48
x3qt0ris there a freenode mathematica support03:48
urlin2ufermulator, you have a screen shot.03:48
redboatCan someone help with this problem the error occurs when i issue the make command I am trying to install the drivers for the FTDI FT232RL chip...  fatal error: /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic-pae/build/include/linux/modversions.h03:49
Marine1urlin2u: that is the exact place where I d/l the latest hplip for it. Everything went well all dependencies are installed.03:49
urlin2ufermulator, I have a custom compiz setup I save and use every time so I don't recognize what you describe.03:50
x3qt0rI can see mathematica running in the "processes" tab in system monitor03:50
seatiacan anyone tell me how i can get some "widgets" for ubuntu   kinda like rainmeter?03:51
seatiarunning 11.04 classic03:51
fermulatorurlin2u: http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/3148/unitycompizbarartifact.png03:51
urlin2uMarine1, does that link have any clues, personally I don't know but was just looking around to see if there is an answer03:51
fermulatorurlin2u: basically, when the unity bar is showing, it looks fine, but when it "hides" i'm left with that black rectangular "shadow" of where it previously was, which is always on top of the actual window (whether it's maximized or not)03:51
urlin2ufermulator, says trash hmm.03:51
Marine1urlin2u: I have looked extensively and to no-avail03:52
urlin2ufermulator, you mean the black bar on the left edge of the screen?03:53
fermulatorurlin2u: yes03:53
fermulatorurlin2u: it hides anything that tries to go there. (i.e. is /in front/ of all windows)03:53
seatiahow can i get apps on my desktop like this http://tinyurl.com/3co5abc                thats blackbuntu   but im running 11.04 classic03:54
Atuk11.04 is shitty03:54
urlin2ufermulator, I know you can make the launcher translucent forget where though that is strange, never there before?03:54
fermulatorurlin2u: interesting, logged out and back in, it's gone.  I think something must trigger it to "break", i'll try to find out what (mostly likely compiz fiddling)03:55
urlin2ufermulator, did you install the displex app?03:55
paranoid_ndroidhello, is there any tool to analyse the harddrive's bandwidth usage in real time?03:55
x3qt0rIT STARTED!03:56
fermulatordisplex? (ubuntu package, or ?) -- not to my knowledge03:56
FloodBot1x3qt0r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:56
xanguafermulator: tried to reset unity¿ unity --reset03:56
excelsior1979So why does Wubi download the lucid-desktop-i386.iso? It's taking a whole hour, and I thought I had everything for my install on my cd/dvd/whateveritis...\03:57
Atukcant find the edit button on the software centre03:57
urlin2ufermulator, install this if not already and it works like the fusion icon, has a restart fro compiz, opens it and nice other controls including a kill app  http://sourceforge.net/projects/displex/files/displex-0.7.1/     you can put it in the autostart applications with the command indicator-displex  and it woill be in the top panel.03:58
SchalaI'm trying to compile some software that has a "gdkmm" prereq, and neither synaptic nor Google is pointing me to it. Does anyone know where I can get it?03:58
qinseatia: Thats conky and terminal and some gtk theme.03:58
seatiaqin yea i just started reading on conky.  prettysure thats what i had on 10.4  thanks03:59
urlin2ufermulator, I have my compiz set up crash so there is no widow header at time the restart in displex fixes that, and would have fixed that bar without the logout.03:59
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excelsior1979happy 9/1104:00
excelsior1979So why does Wubi download the lucid-desktop-i386.iso? It's taking a whole hour, and I thought I had everything for my install on my cd/dvd/whateveritis...\04:00
kevopshello, quick question, hoping some one can help, how do i tell the debian/ubuntu installer via preseed to us an alternate archive to down load packages etc....04:01
kevopsrather experienced but this is eluding me04:01
urlin2uexcelsior1979, you just need any live cd burned to a disc.04:01
urlin2uexcelsior1979, it will download the latest release what is the cd?04:02
benonsoftwareHi all04:02
kevopshttp://pastebin.com/41d4z9Nd current04:02
BladeMcCooltrying to install some asterisk packages but its not finding them .. what repo do i need?04:03
battlehandsI need to install ventrilo to my linux os04:03
dr_willisventrilo is a windows app isent it?04:03
benonsoftwareJust wondering are there any OpenOffice/LibreOffice temolates with the 'Ubuntu' look?04:04
jumpnmoveso question. fresh install of 10.04. i'm connected to my router via ether and reserved an ip for my computer. however with automatic configure ubuntu ignores the reservation and sets it own ip04:05
excelsior1979urlin2u: The cd is 10.04 i386...04:05
excelsior1979it's an older disk, so maybe that's the problem?04:06
urlin2uexcelsior1979, it will download the latest release I believe if you look on the ubuntu forums I believe there is a way to block that.04:06
excelsior197945 minutes to go... sigh04:06
urlin2uexcelsior1979, your better with natty anyway there are problems in earlier wubi's04:07
hoochi'm installing UEC (11) and i've come to the disk partition setup - can i do raid or otherwise assign all four discs to the UEC setup at this point?04:07
excelsior1979so do the latest one? sigh...04:07
hoochseems i can only choose a single disc and install on one disc?04:07
excelsior1979I thought LTS was there for a reason.04:07
excelsior1979I wanted to experiment with the upgrade feature to see what happened, actually...04:08
xanguaexcelsior1979: better make a real install ;)04:08
excelsior1979I thought LTS was real04:08
SuPrblyHello all04:09
urlin2uexcelsior1979, wubi is not designed for more then a try out, read what the developer says, and don't sigh in your lack of knowledge, you look like a ultra noob.  :D  http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/04:09
excelsior1979calling me a noob is against da rules. :)04:09
Marine1This is from var/log/syslog: xsane:  io/hpmud/dot4.c 480: unable to read Dot4Reverse Data header: Resource  temporarily unavailable hp:/usb/Officejet_4500_G510n-z?serial=CN048H505M05HR04:10
excelsior1979:P I'm supervising a party for a 50 year old lady. I'm the only white guy in the building, but there are several caucasians if you count the real indians...04:10
urlin2uexcelsior1979, well I said makes you look like one I have helped you for free deal with it.04:10
excelsior1979I'm cool, but I got botted for that before.04:11
Marine1need help on this: On my HP Officejet 4500 try to scan object via simple scan or X-sane and  neither seem to complete the operation. It has some sort of delay then  it goes dark gray with the following: Failed to start scanner error  during device I/o. It has no problem finding the device.04:11
excelsior1979that's where someone tells the bot to yell at you.04:11
excelsior1979It's a yell at by proxy.04:11
excelsior1979so here's a question, should I burn the latest iso on a new disk, or burn it over the old one?04:15
urlin2uexcelsior1979, if ot is downloading I believe it installs.04:15
dforthmanwhen I type 'apache2 -S' I get this - apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} - how do i fix that?04:16
urlin2uexcelsior1979, it started the download after you set up the install is this correct?04:16
excelsior1979I have a feeling it's all for naught, as this is the second time I'm doing it, and the first time I did it, the computer automatically booted windows, with no option for Ubuntu.04:17
excelsior1979I'm using the admin account on XP. Is that a possible problem?04:17
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urlin2uexcelsior1979, read the link on the intentions of wubi it may change your mine as far as using, a dual boot if you can is mor stable.04:18
excelsior1979ok, well here's why I'm using wubi: the USB dvd drive isn't recognized on boot.04:19
urlin2uexcelsior1979, you always install from admin with  wubi.04:19
excelsior1979and XP is cool, right?04:20
excelsior1979I'd prefer to partition and install a dual boot that way, but I can't get the USB drive recognized on boot, and I've looked at all the bios settings several times.04:21
urlin2uexcelsior1979, XP should be, the computer will boot a thumb though correct, there are key presses to get a post bios boot from menu.04:21
excelsior1979It's not a thumb, it's a DVD04:21
excelsior1979USB DVD04:21
excelsior1979or do you mean I should try a thumb drive instead?04:21
xsachai was wondering how best to setup my ATI switchable graphics on ubuntu. Is there a method available that allows me to switch to Intel on battery and back to ATI when i'm not?04:21
excelsior1979i considered it, and I'm considering it again.04:22
urlin2uexcelsior1979, same thing is the computer able to even use a dvd drive and do you know the post bios menu?04:22
excelsior1979yes, boot order is ok, BIOS is set to boot from USB,04:22
mcuserwhen my computer wakes from sleep I have to switch to tty7 to get back xorg04:22
mcuserdoes anyone know what to do?04:22
D-coym4v, sopla nucas xD!04:23
excelsior1979I'm not sure what else I've looked at or changed, I don't have it in front of me right now.04:23
urlin2uexcelsior1979, some times that is not enough all computers have anothe boot from menu outside the bios that is reached with a key prompt, mine is f12 yours may be that or another key set.04:23
excelsior1979yes f12, tried that04:24
urlin2uexcelsior1979, what is the computer model?04:24
excelsior1979dell tower,04:24
urlin2uexcelsior1979, what happened when you tried f12?04:24
excelsior1979optiplex gx28004:25
excelsior1979several options, I selected USB and DVD alternately04:25
fermulatorurlin2u: wow; displex is awesome :-)04:26
wildbatexcelsior1979: don't you have a USB Flash drive?04:27
urlin2ufermulator, thought you would like it. :D04:28
Besogonhi guys.  the volume icon disappeared from systray. How to tune the system tray? I had to add the volume applet near the systray but it's not the same :(04:30
excelsior1979wildbat: yes I have one, but it's my backup drive, so I don't want to really wipe it for an install disk. 8 GB. Can I use it to backup stuff while booting and installing from it too?04:30
Besogonps: I use xfce04:30
fermulatorurlin2u: since you're an expert here ... :-) ... after configuring compiz and everything, the "Workspace Switcher" no longer works, nor can we remove it from the bar.  I did some research last month and couldn't find a way at the time to remove.  Do you have a secret way to fix/remove it?\04:30
excelsior1979better yet, could I install multiple distributions from it?04:30
urlin2ufermulator, expert lol, I think it stays not sure seems like mine disappeared, I use docky at the bottom as well, and its switcher if needed I have my mouse set to roll the window withe the scroll button.04:33
wildbatexcelsior1979: hmmm ~ you can but thou during the process of making the USB you should put your backup else where04:33
urlin2ufermulator, I'm on Oneriric gnome 3 right now I will boot to natty to look hold on.04:34
fermulatorinteresting; yeah well I can still of course use Expo (Super+E), or the cube, or the cube shortcuts (CTRL+ALT+left/right)04:34
excelsior1979any good tutorials on setting up a multiple install USB?04:34
joseph_Hello how do i Update from 10.04 to 11.10 Beta using apt-get?04:34
wildbatexcelsior1979: check that  :  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/04:34
Guest9147how can i change the grub default partition04:35
Guest9147because now the default one is memory test04:35
Guest9147and i use partedmagic for just asking04:35
qinjoseph_: Maybe: sudo do-release-upgrade -d04:35
Guest9147pleaze can you answer to me ?04:35
excelsior1979wildbat: I don't want to use Windows to make this, any suggestions?04:36
joseph_qin: thanks04:36
fermulatorexcelsior1979: unetbootin <-- a program to load up ISOs, bootable, on USB keys04:36
excelsior1979can it do multiple installs from one USB?04:37
Guest9147how can i change the grub default partition04:38
qinexcelsior1979: yes04:38
excelsior1979tutorial link please?04:38
fermulatorexcelsior1979: it only supports one from the GUI, i've wanted to do it for a while myself, yes qin -- would be awesome if you have info on that04:38
qinexcelsior1979: Insert stick to pc A, install system, remove stick, repeat steps for pc B C D etc04:39
dr_willisGuest9147:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc is one way i belive.04:40
excelsior1979It would be sweet if I could install every flavor of Ubuntu from a single USB, plus other select Linuxes...04:40
Guest9147but i cant use ubuntu04:40
fermulatorqin/excelsior1979: clarification, are we trying to install multiple OSs onto a USB key, or have available multiple ISOs for booting to install OSs?04:41
dr_willisexcelsior1979:  thats doable.. with a large pendrive and grub2 setup to boot the iso files04:41
wildbatexcelsior1979: unless you have other source of booting you pc to linux ~ as far as i know you can boot USB DVD.  what's wrong with that win tools.?04:41
Guest9147because it begin with the memory test04:41
excelsior1979But what about the 32 bit v 64 bit?04:41
dr_willisGuest9147:  you mean the default grub selection.. not partition...04:41
Guest9147so i must change the memory test to other thing04:41
Guest9147that what i mean04:41
excelsior1979I don't trust Windows with my USB.04:41
dr_willisGuest9147:  your arrow keys dont work to select an item?04:41
Guest9147i am sorry about my english04:41
dr_willisGuest9147:  is it a usb keyboard?04:42
dr_willisyou CAN give a litle more details ya know. :)04:42
dr_willislaptop? desktop? no keytboard?  ect...04:42
Guest9147lenovo G55004:43
fermulatorexcelsior1979: yes, that's what i'd like to do as well, have a "library" of installers on a single USB key (and you can pick which one to install .. Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu alternate, Ubuntu server, 32-bit/64-bit, LTS, latest, etc.04:43
fermulatortheoretically once unetbootin does one, we should be able to easily augment the files to just add more ISOs to the file system, but I haven't had time to fiddle with it yet04:43
dr_willisi would plug in a USB keyboard and see if it works.. or go to the bios settings and see if theres a legacy usb setting to enable Guest9147  - the keyboard should work. Im not sure how memtest would be the default item either..04:43
wildbatexcelsior1979: like i said unless you have other PC that can boot to linux , or other way to boot your PC to linux. you are sticking with Windows .04:43
Guest9147me too04:44
dr_willisfermulator:  i found it easier to just use grub2 to boot the isos :) but each iso/disrto may need differnt options.04:44
Guest9147when i use super grub disk04:44
Guest9147it give me other selections04:44
excelsior1979I'm in Ubuntu right now04:44
Guest9147i use just up and down arrow ?04:45
dr_willisGuest9147:  so the keyboard works on the SUperGrubBOot CD? but not on the  installed ubuntu system?04:45
excelsior1979;) I'm trying to get a work computer to use Ubuntu. Everything here is sucky hardware. Which is why this tower requires an external dvd drive04:45
Guest9147not the installed04:45
Guest9147i cant change04:45
dr_willisdoes it work on a Ubuntu live cd Guest9147 ?04:45
Guest9147but i can use it in memory test04:45
wildbatexcelsior1979: okay, back the USB up, install grub in it and follow the links others have give you.04:46
Guest9147because it work normaly with me for change the memory test before but now i cant see the list of selections04:46
excelsior1979ooh, gotta go sing happy birthday!04:46
dr_willisGuest9147:  you could boot a live cd, and either chroot in and alter the grub defaults. or (not so great an idea) use a live cd. and edit the boot/grub.cfg file to select a differnt default.04:47
fermulatorI've forgotten how to do this; in Ubuntu, 11.04, how to disable the Restart/Shutdown/Login confirmation prompt?04:47
dr_willisGuest9147:  You cant SEE the menu?  or what exactly do you see?04:48
Guest9147it go directly to the memtest04:48
fermulatoroh here it is apps > indicator-session >04:48
fermulator> suppress_logout_restart_shutdown04:48
urlin2ufermulator, try this and then restart the using displex. http://askubuntu.com/questions/41730/is-there-a-way-to-disable-the-workspace-switcher-in-unity-launcher04:49
excelsior1979fermulator: you get that?04:49
fermulatorurlin2u: yes, if you reduce the number of workspaces to 1, the workspace switcher will go away;  however I want some workspaces :-)04:50
Guest9147 it go directly to the memtest dr_willis04:50
fermulatorexelsior1979: hmmm ... a windows app?04:50
excelsior1979boo it requires windows04:51
wildbatexcelsior1979: fermulator: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/04:51
dr_willisGuest9147:  if you edit the grub.cfg file you can make it not go there.04:52
qinexcelsior1979: It say run file.sh, unlikey to do it in windows: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39747/how-to-boot-10-different-live-cds-from-1-usb-flash-drive/04:52
fermulatorwildbat: oh yeah, nice -- i think that will do it; must be relatively new?04:52
Guest9147i am seeing that04:52
dr_willisGuest9147:  or chroot in, and altr the grub config files in etc/ to change thedefault.04:52
excelsior1979subtle difference, wildbat, we're want to multi-install, not multiboot.04:53
Guest9147i am using parted magiq parition04:53
dr_willisGuest9147: but you are saying you dont even see the other options or the grub menu at all?04:53
Guest9147so i can change the file04:53
Guest9147yes i dont see it dr_willis04:53
Guest9147what do you say if i delete the part of memtest from the file  grub.cfg file04:55
urlin2ufermulator, I have 4 in the horizontal, and 1 on the other two, I also found a link that goes like this in the terminal run gnome-panel this brings up the classic panel, add the workplace switcher, right click preferences, and change to one. That  with a restart removed the dektop changer in the unity panel, is that what you wanted?04:55
wildbatexcelsior1979: do whatever installation you like ~ but be care with partitioning and grub/bootloader.04:55
urlin2ufermulator, when you close the terminal the gnome-panel disappears.04:55
qinGuest9147: Maybe try liveCD, to see if your box is ok.04:56
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Guest9147how i can see that dr_willis04:56
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urlin2ufermulator, I assume you have the cube and spin it.04:57
dr_willisGuest9147:  be a bit more verbose in your questions.. see what?04:57
dr_willisGuest9147:  you will want to set the default item to be the one you want to boot.04:57
Guest9147see my box is ok or no ?04:57
Guest9147how can i set the default item to be the one that i want ?04:58
dr_willissee the grub.cfg file. its in there near the top04:58
dr_willisgrub menu items strt counting from ZERO also.. so the first item would be a '0'04:59
Guest9147i see  4 ?04:59
Guest9147set default="4"04:59
fermulatorurlin2u: so i enabled gnome-panel, reduced the num workspaces to 3, logged out, the switcher was gone, but the cube no longer worked (because workspaces=1), then i went into compiz, general settings, and increased again to 4 horizontal, yay, cube worked.  after a logout+login though, the workspace switcher returns on the unity panel04:59
Guest9147this is what i see in the grub.cfg file ?05:00
fermulatorurlin2u: /however/  now the switcher actually works ... interesting ...05:00
urlin2ufermulator, changr the gnome panel app to 105:00
namoamitabuddhaIs there any lightweight display manager?05:00
Guest9147i send to you the grub.cfg file dr_willis05:00
fermulatorurlin2u: changing the gnome-panel switcher app to 1 affects the compiz general settings (they're tied together) -- changing one changes the other05:00
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namoamitabuddhaHi, guys, is there any display manager which supports for switching user?05:01
dr_willisGuest9147:  theres a set default= line you will want to change the 305:01
Guest9147i send to you the file05:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:02
Guest9147and tell me what i must change05:02
dr_willis'set default=#  you will want to change the # to be the menu entry you want as default.05:02
urlin2ufermulator, your I checked the panel app back to 4 and restarted with diplex and the icon is back I guess I'm just used to ignoring ut.05:02
Guest9147ahhh ok05:03
Guest9147thx i will try that05:03
urlin2uyour right*05:03
Guest9147than i return05:03
Guest9147thanks dr_willis05:03
namoamitabuddhaHi, guys05:03
namoamitabuddhaIs there anyone using slim?05:03
fermulatorurlin2u: haha yep; I think it's stuck there at least for now.  I'm OK with ignoring it, it's only a /wee/ bit of real-estate wasted :-)05:03
urlin2ufermulator, yeah I set the scroll wheel on the mouse in ubuntu twek to spin the cube so I can do it without a key press, as well.05:04
fermulatorurlin2u: bwah? just scrolling the mouse spins the cube?05:05
dr_willisthat could get annoying. :)05:05
nac-godfatherchange it05:05
nac-godfatherYou probably mistakenly edited the initiate button.05:05
Desyncifyok, got another problem05:06
DesyncifyTrying to install java on ubuntu 11.0405:06
Desyncifywhen I type ln -s <Java installation directory>/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so my libnpjp2.so file seems to be broken every time05:07
Desyncifyand I can't get java to work05:07
nac-godfatherI'd like to know how to setup java too.  I put the plugins in firefox, but how would you install the source packages for system java?05:07
x3qt0rIn[1]:= Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2Pi}]05:08
x3qt0rOut[1]= -Graphics-05:08
x3qt0rthis what i get in mathematica 705:08
x3qt0rin command line mode with ubuntu 10.0405:08
x3qt0rI do not see the plot.05:08
fermulatorurlin2u: came across this list of indicators btw: http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/05/10-useful-application-indicators-for.html05:09
urlin2ufermulator, yeah I have several apps basic same instructions, I can't find the mouse spin, I think I did it in ubuntu tweak. but I have a compiz scfript I saved when I got it working I use.05:11
nac-godfatherAnyone know where I could get some more gnome emblems?05:11
bullgard4nac-godfather: More than what?05:13
Desyncifywhats easiest way to delete java after I installed the .bin file?05:13
rube I'm trying to install ubuntu but the cd just seems to sit forever when it gets to the ubuntu...... screen.  Any ideas?05:13
DesyncifyI did ./jre-6u<version>-linux-i586-rpm.bin05:13
SchalaI'm having a bit of difficulty finding a certain package by the name of "gdkmm" that I apparently need05:13
nac-godfatherKnow I'd like to know if there are any resources for getting some more (additional) emblems for gnome.  Maybe someone has some shared custom ones?05:14
nac-godfatheryeah, try using the vesa install.  Because you probably have some low ram or graphics trying to kick in, that your computer can't handle (rube)05:15
dr_willisnac-godfather:  i just collect them from various icon web sites or icon themes. or just make some :)  i dont use them much any more.05:15
nac-godfatherjust press the tab key at startup or try the text install05:15
nac-godfatherthen you can edit the boot line if necessary05:15
dr_willisgnome-look web site might have some emblem collections.05:16
nac-godfatherdid you just use icon files?05:16
urlin2ufermulator, found it if you have ubuntu tweak installed. http://imagebin.org/17198705:17
nac-godfatherI'm sure you could use almost any image, but was just curious.05:17
ericbatistai need help to fix problem with my wifi05:17
nac-godfatherwhat chipset ericbatista?05:17
ericbatistai dont know05:17
rubeok, I'll check that out. thanks05:17
ericbatistaim thinking intel05:17
nac-godfatherwhat is the output of lspci | grep 802.1105:18
nac-godfatheris it a pci card or usb/05:18
dr_willisnac-godfather:  i used any png files i happened to find.05:18
rubeshouldn't be low ram. I have 8gigs but it won't hurt to try05:18
nac-godfathercool, thanks05:18
ericbatistaits laptop05:18
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dr_willisnac-godfather:  anime screen shots + cropping = lots of them :)05:18
nac-godfatherwhat graphics u using ericbatista?05:18
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ericbatistaclose the terminal05:21
ericbatistafor know the chipset05:21
fermulatorurlin2u: hahaha, opening ubuntu tweak and flipping to "compiz settings" caused that black rectangle again behind the unity bar.05:22
urlin2ufermulator, do a restart05:22
fermulatorunity restart?05:22
fermulatoroh right05:22
nac-godfatheranyone know how to set a folder background?05:23
urlin2ufermulator, no the displex restart window manager05:23
fermulatorurlin2u: yep; that fixed it05:23
ericbatistahi i need help to fix a wifi problems with the driver05:23
fermulatorlooks like there's a weird bug in the "refresh" sometimes when fiddling with compiz adjustments05:23
fermulatorrestarting windows manager fixes 'er05:23
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ericbatista04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)05:24
urlin2ufermulator, If I press the scroll it shrinks the cube and I can spin with mouse move aa well, or just roll it to spin it.05:24
excelsior1979so does anyone have any idea what keeps wubi from installing correctly?05:24
fermulatorhmmmm , LoL, my Enter key has stopped working in the terminal ...05:24
fermulatorwhop, there it goes05:25
urlin2uyeah the refresh is funky compiz is part of the unity desktop, and we are tweaking it the restart window manager fixes that refresh.05:26
ericbatistahi somebody can help me please05:26
urlin2uexcelsior1979, I haven't followed all your posts, do you just have a natty cd burned to try with?05:27
excelsior1979not yet... sigh05:27
urlin2uexcelsior1979, that is the fix I think.05:27
excelsior1979disk inserted...05:28
bryanhello everyboody05:29
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urlin2u!broadcom | ericbatista05:29
ubottuericbatista: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:29
Guest18239i have installed the shrew soft vpn on my ubuntu ..  but i still dont know how to configure after reading the manual  does s05:30
excelsior1979what speed do I burn it at? DVD...05:30
Guest18239can someone have idea on this05:30
urlin2uexcelsior1979, lowest possible usually 4x but do what you have to do.05:31
excelsior1979urlin2u: what speed, slowest = 2.4, next is 4x, next 8x, then max = ?05:31
urlin2uexcelsior1979, I would use 4x05:31
urlin2uexcelsior1979, I never sigh I just mutter expletives.:D05:33
Guest18239no response05:34
excelsior1979I have the temperament of Charlie Brown.05:36
urlin2uexcelsior1979, hey its cool your sticking with it.05:36
moose-machinehi. has anyone tried the beta version of 11.10, by any chance?05:37
urlin2umoose-machine, yes many on #ubuntu+105:37
ericbatistathanx ubottu05:38
urlin2uericbatista, you working now?05:38
ericbatistai thinking i need restart to05:39
urlin2uericbatista, cool ubottu is a bot.05:39
ericbatistaa ok sorry05:39
urlin2uericbatista, it seems lifelike until you know. :D05:39
moose-machine urlin2u ok. and what do you think about it?05:40
urlin2umoose-machine, if you switch to #ubuntu+1 I can answer that id the 11.10 channel05:40
ericbatistaknow i need to do a ad-hoc in ubuntu 11.0405:40
excelsior1979here's another question: why isn't there a DVD iso that can install every flavor of Ubuntu?05:40
moose-machine urlin2u oh ok. i see.05:41
ericbatistaif i can do in a grafic ??05:41
dr_willisexcelsior1979:  because the demand for such a thing would be rather low. and i do belive ive seen onofficial dvd's that do such that.05:41
urlin2uericbatista, ?05:41
Jordan_Uexcelsior1979: That's pretty much what you can do with the DVD iso. It has the alternate installer as an option, and all of main on the DVD. So you can install any flavor you want.05:42
fermulatorbah;  the unity-launcher-editor doesn't actually work05:42
dr_willisi made a multi-disrto flash drive rather easially. :) using tools from the pendrivelinux siet.05:42
ericbatistausing my computer to conect to internet in lan to shared via wifi on ad-hoc connection?05:42
ericbatistacan do?05:43
dr_willisnot sure about moving it to a DVD. since i had like 12+ isos on it.05:43
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing05:43
dr_willisericbatista:  i recall not all wireless cards can do an ad-hoc network. but ive rarely ever tried ad-hocing  ecvept with my cellphone05:43
mikelissis there a clever way to run a command after another *that you've already started* finishes?05:45
mikelisse.g., I start a really long process, and then realize I wish I had an alert script that would run when it finished?05:45
fermulatormikeliss: if it's in a terminal, just type the command in the same terminal (it will look weird), and press enter; when the previous process returns, the STDIN you just gave it will auto-go05:45
dorkmafiashould i install 64 bit or 32 bit? I have 12Gb of memory currently on my cpu but I've never installed linux b405:46
paulbrianstewartI personally would use the 32 bit05:47
Jordan_Udorkmafia: 64 Bit.05:47
paulbrianstewartjordan_u: why?05:47
paulbrianstewartjordan_u: is it faster?05:48
dr_willisif you want full use of the ram. go 64bit.05:48
dr_willispae kernel can work. but can be slower. and i dont see a lot of reasons to go 32bit these days.05:48
Jordan_Upaulbrianstewart: Because with 12 GiB of RAM you actually have a possibility of wanting a single application to be able to use more than 4 GiB.05:48
ericbatistadr_willis:  right now my card is functional and connect ad-hoc right now.. but i can't shared de internet05:49
dorkmafiais most of the software available in 64?05:49
fermulatorFYI:  Creating an empty ".local" directory in your $HOME directory causes Unity launchers to break05:49
paulbrianstewartjordan_u: ..ok, thanks..I didn't know that.05:49
dr_willisericbatista:  see that ics guide/wiki? i recall it being a few clicks and its done sort of thing.. not dont it in ages...05:49
nac-godfatherAnyone know how I can change xscreensaver to run as root?  Or vlc withoult recompiling?05:49
dr_willisnac-godfather:  why would you want to do  that?05:50
nac-godfatheromg, he want's to run as root!  Let me decide what I do.05:50
nac-godfatherbecause I am root05:50
nac-godfatherI know what I'm doing05:50
mikelissfermulator: Friggin' clever. Never tried that before.05:51
dr_williswhatever then.. have fun.05:51
Jordan_Upaulbrianstewart: It can be faster. 99.9% of software is 64 bit compatible, with the main notable exception being flash. That said, if I didn't tell you, you probably would never notice that flash isn't 64 bit as Ubuntu handles installing a 32 bit wrapper automatically when you install flash. There is also a beta native 64 bit flash player.05:52
aaron11Hey there. Im experiencing problems on booting into my newly installed 11.04. On LiveCD 1st boot it became a black screen but you can faintly see whats going on and you can hear the drum sounds. On LiveCD 2nd boot, everything worked fine so I installed it. On HDD boot I have to restart it many times to get it to work right. Now im in nomodeset mode and I want to get it back to normal, care to help? Im very new to Linux so a very deta05:52
urlin2udr_willis, there are always the root runners, lol05:52
Jordan_Unac-godfather: We don't support logging in as root.05:53
paulbrianstewartjordan_u:..thanks for the explanation05:53
Jordan_Upaulbrianstewart: You're welcome.05:53
urlin2uaaron11, look in additional drivers.05:53
fermulatormikeliss: you're welcome! and if you copy/paste a command with "newline" or "whitespace" after it, it is like "auto-enter"05:53
urlin2uaaron11, also post the gpu.05:53
aaron11urlin2u: Ok05:53
aaron11urlin2u: But there is nothing to do there05:54
nac-godfathergood for u, you want a medal for trying to turn linux into a ms thing?05:54
urlin2uaaron11, this will identify the card.  lspci | grep VGA05:54
aaron11urlin2u: It just searches for drivers then says no proprietary drivers used05:54
aaron11urlin2u: Ok05:54
aaron11urlin2u: Lemmy try that05:54
urlin2uaaron11, post it I'm not a nvidia person but many others are.05:55
dr_willisaaron11:  whats the exact nvidia chipset in use?05:55
aaron11urlin2u: May I private message it to you?05:55
aaron11dr_willis: Its not nvidia05:55
aaron11its intel05:55
urlin2uaaron11, I doubt it will help this s not an area I'm even close to knowing.05:56
dr_willisthat is odd with intel.  Normally nomodeset is not needed.05:56
urlin2uradeon is at times05:56
fermulatoraaron11: please paste output of "sudo lshw -C video"05:57
aaron11fermulator: one sec lemmy try that05:57
fermulatoraaron11: into pastebin http://pastebin.com/05:57
fermulatoraaron11: as well as, "dpkg --list | grep nvidia"05:58
urlin2uaaron11, this is this user info   00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)05:58
aaron11fermulator: http://pastebin.com/vixUHaLX05:58
aaron11urlin2u: You told me to type that05:58
aaron11urlin2u: lspci | grep VGA05:59
fermulatoraaron11: yeah, Intel video card, not nVidia05:59
urlin2uaaron11, yeah , just need the channel to se.05:59
urlin2uI guessed nvidia05:59
aaron11urlin2u fermulator : How can I fix this?06:00
fermulatoraaron11: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-intel-82852855gm-drivers-in-ubuntu-using-ppa.html06:01
aaron11I think I saw a forum post with the exact laptop as me and same prob06:01
aaron11fermulator: Ill check that out06:01
uns0b1llhow to view which interface on nic is occupied by cat6 cord ?06:02
moose-machinehi everyone. i need some help with tethering my iphone 4 via bluetooth. it was working fine till it suddenly stopped doing so.06:03
aaron11fermulator: Wait, will this be effective if I do it on LiveCD?06:03
fermulatoruns0b1ll: in a terminal, run the command "ifconfig", it will list all of your interfaces, you're looking for "UP"06:03
fermulatoraaron11: not persistent, no. once you add the PPA, and install the driver, .... hmmm ... how to reload without restarting ...06:04
aaron11fermulator: So I should boot into hard drive and how do I get a terminal?06:04
aaron11or how do I even connect to the internet?06:05
aaron11How do I get nomodeset mode in HDD06:05
aaron11Too many questions sorry :S06:05
fermulatoraaron11: you should be able to choose "recovery mode" (hold escape before booting, it will prompt u)06:05
fermulatoraaron11: once you're in, CTRL+ALT+F1 should get you to a raw terminal (no gui)06:05
aaron11I try that06:05
uns0b1llfermulator,  all display UP06:05
uns0b1llbut only one cord is plugged in06:05
fermulatoruns0b1ll: do some say "no carrier"?06:05
uns0b1llno all up06:06
aaron11fermulator: I tried that but it just the same black screen06:06
aaron11fermulator: How can I boot into nomodeset mode in hard drive?06:06
uns0b1llLink encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:30:67:4e:f3:3f06:07
uns0b1ll          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:106:07
uns0b1ll          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:006:07
uns0b1ll          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:006:07
uns0b1ll          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100006:07
FloodBot1uns0b1ll: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:07
uns0b1ll          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)06:07
fermulatoraaron11: http://maketecheasier.com/solving-ubuntu-karmic-black-screen-issue/2009/12/2906:07
aaron11fermulator: Will it work for 11.04?06:07
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:07
uns0b1llsecond question - is there any1 setting up dynamips lab on ubuntu ?06:08
fermulatoraaron11: it should, the instructions vs. what you actually see on the screen might be a wee bit different06:08
aaron11Thx dr_willis06:08
dr_willisits a simple option to enable to test. :)  boot to grub menu, hit 'e' i think  change 'quiet splash' to be 'nomodeset'06:08
fermulatoruns0b1ll: pastebin it06:08
dr_willistheni think its f10 to boot the changed boot entry06:08
soreaudr_willis: not ctrl+x anymore?06:08
uns0b1llfermulator, its just ifconfig output - all interfaces UP state without any cords plugged in to them06:08
dr_willisIve not had touse nomodeset on my 11.10 test system. :)  used to need it all the time on the older releases.06:08
dr_willissoreau:  i think either work06:09
soreauoh ok06:09
soreaudr_willis: What gpu are you testing with?06:09
=== bluemoon is now known as Guest74791
calmpitbullok how to get brcm80211 drivers06:10
dr_willissoreau:  3 differnt nvidia;s and an ati. used to need nomodeset to install  with the nvidia systems.  havent needed to in the beta06:10
uns0b1llunder freebsd i remember converting windows driver06:10
soreau! broadcom | calmpitbull06:10
ubottucalmpitbull: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:10
uns0b1llbut this is ubuntu so i dontknow06:10
soreaudr_willis: oh cool06:10
soreaudr_willis: Ive never needed nomodeset with my radeon.. went to kms when it first came out and never looked back06:11
fermulatoruns0b1ll: hmmmm. ... AH, here it is, look for "RUNNING" vs. not06:11
fermulatoruns0b1ll: sorry, took me a while to see that06:11
calmpitbullubottu: thx ill check it there06:11
ubottucalmpitbull: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:11
calmpitbullubottu: he he06:12
firegasI need some help with my CD drive06:12
firegasit is not being recognized06:12
uns0b1llfermulator, np - odd thing is 4 interfaces Running06:12
soreaufiregas: Is it recognized in your system bios?06:12
firegasThe idea is 5 gallons of gasoline+fireants = great drink?06:12
firegasThe idea is 5 gallons of gasoline+fireants = great drink?06:12
firegasThe idea is 5 gallons of gasoline+fireants = great drink?06:12
FloodBot1firegas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:12
fermulatoruns0b1ll ... there's GOT to be a difference there, LoL; i'm looking at mine, and I have 2 interfaces, one is plugged in, only one says running06:12
uns0b1lli have total of 12 interfaces on 4 nic cards - i would guess this 4 interfaces on single NIC card - they all running06:12
fermulatoruns0b1ll: http://pastebin.com/K48kst8Y06:13
fermulatoruns0b1ll: server?06:13
uns0b1llfermulator, something like that06:13
calmpitbullubottu: problem is that i was on this page and i can't download new firmware06:13
wildbatuns0b1ll: ..... that's too much ~ give me one of your nic! XD06:13
calmpitbullubottu: from the link link is broken06:13
ubottucalmpitbull: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:13
uabn93hi, can anyone help me hide all files between separate users....or is there a link anyone can point me to that talks about user ids and managing groups?06:14
uns0b1llwildbat, :) need them for one project06:14
uns0b1llwildbat, once i pass it - u can have it06:14
calmpitbullcan anybody help me to get bcms80211 driver working06:15
urlin2ucalmpitbull, this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:15
wildbatuabn93: you don't hide them ~ you limit the access of it ~ read man chmod / chown.06:15
uns0b1llcalmpitbull, have u tried converting from windows ? when i was on freebsd 7 i think that was the only way for me :D06:16
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:16
fermulatoruns0b1ll: here we go:06:16
fermulatorfermulator@fermmy:~/scripts/games$ sudo ifplugstatus eth006:16
fermulatoreth0: link beat detected06:16
fermulatorfermulator@fermmy:~/scripts/games$ sudo ifplugstatus eth106:16
fermulatoreth1: unplugged06:16
uns0b1llfermulator, :D06:16
uns0b1llfermulator, ur the man !06:16
fermulatoruns0b1ll: you can get it from ifplugd package06:17
calmpitbulluns0b1ll: no man it could be done normally i did it before but i forgot how06:17
uabn93dr_willis: thanks06:17
uabn93and wildbat06:17
uns0b1llno out the box ?06:17
uns0b1lli'm not going to install anything... out of principle :D06:17
dr_willis!info ifplugstatus06:17
uns0b1lli want to find way to see that current on the nic interface06:17
fermulatoruns0b1ll: ifstatus is a regular command (in unix at least), but for some reason Ubuntu Linux doesn't include it06:17
ubottuPackage ifplugstatus does not exist in natty06:17
dr_willis!find ifplugstatus06:18
MeirDIs it possible to easily downgrade from Ubuntu 11.04?06:18
ubottuFile ifplugstatus found in ifplugd06:18
dr_willistheres ethtool06:18
abhilashI have a very basic doubt in PHP, can anyone help ?06:18
dr_willisMeirD:  nope.. no downgradeing.. :) reinstall.06:18
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.06:18
dr_willis!info ifplugd06:18
fermulatoruns0b1ll: why are you reluctant to install a package? :/ -- you can't expect a distro that fits on a CD to have /every/ package we'll ever need :-)06:18
ubottuifplugd (source: ifplugd): configuration daemon for ethernet devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.28-18ubuntu1 (natty), package size 61 kB, installed size 348 kB06:18
=== Guest64672 is now known as LjL-Temp
uabn93i just wanted to make sure i had everything set before trying out Prey for my laptop06:19
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest60789
fermulatoruns0b1ll: "ifconfig -s" kind of gives you a better "eyeball" way to see differences between interfaces, but I still see that you have 4x "RUNNING", which is weird if you only have one cable plugged in06:21
fermulator(tabular output)06:21
=== akSeya is now known as Guest99297
uns0b1llcould it be bug ?06:22
fermulatoruns0b1ll: do you have ethtool installed?06:25
fermulator!info ethtool06:25
ubottuethtool (source: ethtool): display or change Ethernet device settings. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.6.37-1 (natty), package size 76 kB, installed size 296 kB06:25
fermulator"sudo ethtool ethX"06:25
fermulator"sudo ethtool ethX" | grep Link06:26
fermulatorfermulator@fermmy:~/scripts/games$ sudo ethtool eth0 | grep Link06:26
fermulatorLink detected: yes06:26
fermulatorfermulator@fermmy:~/scripts/games$ sudo ethtool eth1 | grep Link06:26
fermulatorLink detected: no06:26
FloodBot1fermulator: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:26
Jordan_U!pastebin | fermulator06:26
ubottufermulator: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:26
fermulatorFloodBot1; sorry :-)06:26
fermulatorwhen does the slippery slope end?  should i pastebin after 2 lines? 5 lines?06:27
rwwfermulator: yes06:27
dr_willisdepending on the output. :)06:27
rwwI'd say anything over 2, but I'm a bit...06:27
dr_willisi dident see much need to paste what you pasted at all.. really.06:27
fermulatortrue, useless paste I guess06:27
fermulatorit's late at night for me, I'm no longer thinking heh 2:30AM06:28
uns0b1llfermulator, letme see06:28
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
fermulatoruns0b1ll: in answer to your question if this is a bug? ... I think maybe it is.  Why doesn't ifconfig show the "link status" of an interface?  It does in UNIX, not sure why it doesn't in Linux Ubuntu06:29
zHammeRzfermulator, it is annoying..I had to install ethtools same as you to get the info06:29
uns0b1llyea oh well as long as it wont affect my lab enviroment06:30
dr_willishow often do you even need to get link status? you seeing if the dog chewed up the cable?06:30
zHammeRzno, make sure it's at full duplex when your doing gigabit tuning to get more speed06:31
uns0b1llits not critical but nix* more serious when it comes to this type of stuff06:31
dr_willisI thought ethtool showed the duplex.. but im not on a linux box right now to check06:31
uns0b1lldr_willis, it shows duplex06:32
zHammeRzhe does, he was asking about ifconfig06:32
subhhi plz anybody help me to use library libcap libnet and openssl06:32
dr_willissubh:  thats a bit of a broad question.06:32
uns0b1llany way to see if my nic supports 1gpbs ?06:32
subhi am working on prevention of ARP cache poisoning06:33
zHammeRzuns0b1ll, check the model #, for me I consulted my motherboard mfg.06:33
subhso i need to write code06:33
subhso where should start06:33
zHammeRzbut ethtool will also tell you supported link speeds06:34
subhi don't know how to use such libraries06:34
subhcan u give me link for examples where i can learn06:34
fermulatordr_willis, uns0b1ll, zHammeRz: I've submitted this question to Linux Forums: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/182551-why-doesnt-ifconfig-display-link-status-carrier-status.html#post86027006:34
uns0b1llfermulator, sweetz06:35
zHammeRzbest of luck fermulator06:35
uns0b1llethtool showed eth as full duplex and 100mb/s06:35
uns0b1lli guess i cant get 1gpbs out of it06:35
uns0b1lloh wel06:35
fermulatoruns0b1ll: yes, ethtool tell syou the capabilities of the NIC06:35
uns0b1llfunny thing it shows 10mb/s and half duplex for disconnected ports06:35
uns0b1llbut i love link detected feature. too bad its not build in ;)06:36
fermulator!info ifconfig06:36
ubottuPackage ifconfig does not exist in natty06:36
fermulator!search ifconfig06:36
fermulatorinteresting ... what package provides ifconfig ... or built into kernel?06:37
uns0b1llokay one round at Red Orchestra 2 and im out ;) thanks roxorz06:37
fermulator!info net-tools06:38
ubottunet-tools (source: net-tools): The NET-3 networking toolkit. In component main, is required. Version 1.60-23ubuntu3 (natty), package size 232 kB, installed size 972 kB06:38
soreaufermulator: Yep, net-tools06:38
fermulatorFYI: also just tested against RedHat 5.6, w/ similar version of net-tools, both are missing the status field in ifconfig06:44
ihateeverythingis anybody awake?06:44
Gallohello all.06:44
ihateeverythingi think someone i'm into is lying to me06:45
ihateeverythingdo i confront her or let it slide06:45
dr_willisYes ihateeverything ...06:45
dr_willisand this is for Ubuntu support.06:46
bazhangihateeverything, thats offtopic here06:46
rww!ra | ihateeverything06:46
ubottuihateeverything: Relationship advice is not available in #ubuntu. If you want to chat about other offtopic matters try #ubuntu-offtopic. If you need to talk something through with a professional counsellor there is a global directory of support services at http://befrienders.org06:46
Gallohey folks I'm a linux newbie and setting up my wlan0 is kicking my @ss, can someone help, I've read a bunch of linux networking guides but still fuctured wlan006:46
ihateeverythingplease, just yes or no.06:46
bazhangihateeverything, please stop06:46
ihateeverythingdo you have any other suggestions than ubuntu-offtopic?06:46
dr_willisgo see a counsler..06:47
zHammeRzcall up dr. phil06:47
rwwlike the bot said...06:47
ihateeverythingthose are all horrible suggestions.06:47
rwwanyways. Back to Ubuntu support :D06:47
zHammeRzor montel, but etiher way please stfu :)06:47
Gallohe he06:47
rwwzHammeRz: language06:47
ihateeverythingi hope you all don' have girlfriends or relationships.06:47
dr_willisihateeverything:   to be nice about it.. we dont care.  take it elsewhere.06:47
zHammeRzwell it is a full moon on a saturday night..never know what your going to see in here lol06:48
rwwmoving on...06:48
winpipe425I was wondering if someone could recomend some software to me. I am looking for a free alternative to vmware06:48
rwwwinpipe425: VirtualBox06:48
Galloany hope of help on wireless set up in here ...lol   pleas don't kick I'll leave lol06:48
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zHammeRzwinpipe425, I used virtualbox06:48
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dr_willisGallo:  totally depends on the wireless chipset. Most all mine  work out of the box these days06:50
lqgr00vewhich log should i check to see why i'm failing to authenticate?06:50
Galloit's an intel06:51
Gallopro wireless496506:52
Gallodriver =iwl496506:52
erkan^Hello, which program can I make a pictogram?06:53
dr_williswhats a pictogram?06:55
anand__Is any ubuntu staff around to help me out?06:55
rwwanand__: best to ask your question and see :)06:55
anand__Hi, I've just installed natty(64bit) via wubi, and have virtually exhausted all possible guides to installing the nvidia drivers the "correct" way..06:56
anand__I was wondering if someone could help me debug the issue step by step06:56
Myrttianand__: er, staff? there is only volunteers06:57
Steristcan anyone verify for me that the amd64 download is not amd specific?06:57
devishhow could i know that nfs is running where is status thing06:57
Gallodmesg was showing ADDRCONF(netdev_up) : wlan0 link is not ready............. can anyone help out a noob lol06:57
dr_willisSterist:  its just called that because amd had 64bit first06:57
anand__Myrtti..yes, and knowledgeable volunteers too :)06:57
dr_willisSterist: it works for intel 64bit06:57
bingopajamaalo ha06:57
Steristdr_willis i dont doubt you but is there any documented info on that? i tried help.ubuntu.com to no success06:58
moose-machinehi. can anyone help me regarding tethering for my iphone 4 with ubuntu via bluetooth? it was working fine. but has stopped working all of a sudden.06:58
bingopajamahey willis do you know anything about the up coming arm cpu technology?06:58
bazhang!ot | bingopajama06:58
ubottubingopajama: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:58
dr_willisSterist:  its just called amd64 because amd had it first.. they could call it Bubba64 i guess. :)06:59
devishcan anyone tell ,how could i know that nfs is running where is its status thing06:59
bingopajamai was wondering if it supported linux ubuntu06:59
aurillianceDoes anyone know of an application that will display stats of how much internet I have used on my desktop or task bar?06:59
dr_willisSterist:  i THINK theres one very rare intel chip that it wont work on.06:59
dr_willisSterist:  but i maybe thinking of 32bit vs 64 bit. I think theres one intel chipset that cant do 32bit.07:00
anand__okay guess no number for jakucha07:00
Steristdr_willis like i said, i dont doubr you lol.... i just want to look into why this isn't mentioned in the downloads page as the lack thereof has cause me a lot of trouble07:00
dr_willislack of what? the download page suggests 32bit if you dont know what you are doing i recall.07:01
dr_willishit up search engine for 'why is 64bit called amd64' perhaps?07:01
rww32-bit is "(recommended)" specifically for people who don't know better, yes07:01
dr_willisi belive ive seen some distros trying to get away from that nameing convention.  but i dont recall which one was doing it.07:02
Gallodr_willis can you point me to where to get a good guide on ubuntu wireless setup, or pherhaps help me with this a bit ?07:03
bazhanghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64  <------ Sterist07:03
erkan^Hello, which program can I make a pictogram?07:03
rwwhttp://rww.name/articles/architecture-lingo O:)07:04
dr_willisGallo:  it would all depend on the chipset. theres the wireless wiki page07:04
bazhangerkan^, whats a pictogram07:04
Gallok thanks dr_willis07:04
dr_willis "AMD64" is the name chosen by AMD for their 64-bit extension to the Intel x86 instruction set. Before release, it was called "x86-64" or "x86_64",07:04
erkan^icons, bazhang07:04
dr_willisa pictogram is an icon?  that seems.. wrong. ;)07:05
erkan^i'm sorry dr07:05
erkan^do you understand what i ask?07:05
dr_willisA pictograph[1], also called pictogram(me), is an ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object.07:05
dr_willisso... its an image...07:05
erkan^GIMP is big07:06
erkan^simple software?07:06
dr_willisyou are asking how to make an image file.. theres dozens of images editors out there07:06
aurillianceDoes anyone know of an application that will display stats of how much internet I have used on my desktop or task bar?07:06
dr_willis!info mtpaint07:07
ubottumtpaint (source: mtpaint): painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.31-4 (natty), package size 640 kB, installed size 1780 kB07:07
sysop3 I could not get the installer to let me setup a software raid.  so I booted to a live cd setup the raid then boot to the server cd and boom I can setup software raid07:07
namoamitabuddhaIS THERE ANYONE USING LIGHTDM?07:07
erkan^ok thx07:07
urlin2uaurilliance, you can find pre-made conkies.07:07
dr_willistheres prob. a dozen other image editors/paint apps in the repos.07:07
bazhangnamoamitabuddha, no caps07:07
namoamitabuddhabazhang: ok07:07
dr_willisnamoamitabuddha:  and you may want to ask the actual question. Not 'who uses what...'07:08
Gallodr_willis hmm why amd 64 fact, lol for my wireless problem Gallo = noob to linux....07:08
namoamitabuddhaDoes lightdm support for switching users?07:08
dr_willisnamoamitabuddha:  install it, try it and see?  i never use switching users feature of any of the Xdms07:10
dr_willisits homepage may state its features also07:10
namoamitabuddhadr_willis: I've installed but I have no idea to switch users.07:10
dr_willismenu item on it screen if it supports it.. it might not.07:10
dr_willishttp://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/LightDM/Design  says it supports it namoamitabuddha07:11
dr_willisSupporting multiple simultaneous logins by exposing what users are logged in, and starting new X servers for each user (user switching).07:11
namoamitabuddhadr_willis: I'll see07:12
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
Gallodr_willis what cmd do i use, to pull up info needed for wireless set on ubuntu?07:17
urlin2ulspci | grep VGA07:18
nac-godfather"wireless set" ?07:18
dr_willisGallo:  various if* commands like ifconfig or iwconfig - ive rarely needed to do so.07:18
nac-godfatherlspci | grep "802.11"07:18
nac-godfatherthat'll give you chipset, unless it's a usb dongle07:18
dr_willisive not had to fight with wireless in a few years. :)07:18
Gallono usb thnx07:18
nac-godfatherthen you look up the driver for the chipset.  Better to find the monitor mode supported (injection) ones07:19
aldoshi. I have a problem with Totem: I can't seek some mp3s. Any solutions?07:19
devishGallo, airmon-ng...;)07:19
nac-godfathertotem itself or the plugin for firefox?07:19
aldostotem itself07:19
aaron11Hello. Ive installed 11.04 and now when it finishes with the purple screen it just shows a dark screen. You can tell its working right because you can hear the drum sounds and you can very faintly make out the windows that come up. Im suspecting this has something to do with my backlight, so I need a way to boot into 11.04 without having to shine a flashlight to see. http://pastebin.com/6ZgeEhXD is lspci | grep VGA. I am currently wo07:19
aldosi am using 64bit version. i don't know if it's a useful info07:20
=== Guest60789 is now known as LjL-Temp
wildbat!nomodeset | aaron11: try this07:20
ubottuaaron11: try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:20
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest49971
Bumhi how to place app shrtcuts on the desktop07:20
urlin2unac-godfather, uh I guess not its late here ben a long day.07:21
dr_willisaaron11:  so the plymouth animation works? but the login screen is all dark?07:21
aaron11wildbat: I know that I can do that, but that just ruins the whole experience07:21
nac-godfatheryeah the nouveau drivers suck ass, not sure why they are the default now.07:21
aldosno one can help me?07:22
aaron11dr_willis: well not really but its just a blank purple screen first, then it goes dark and you can see the ubuntu logo in the purple screen then goes into login screen07:22
dr_willisaaron11:  so you are using an nvidia video chipset?07:22
aaron11dr_willis: Asked this question here before, maybe you dont remember. Im using intel card07:23
Gallointel Corp Pro/Wireless 4965AGN [Kedron] network connection rev. 6107:23
dr_willisaaron11:  im lucky to rember my own name.07:23
dr_willisive never seen a laptop that could go that dark. :)07:23
aaron11dr_willis: Well it is going dark07:23
dr_willisaaron11:  the live cd - worked properly?07:23
nac-godfatheryeah, probably the problem is the initial driver detection and set.  You should just use that nomodeset or use the vesa boot, to get it to install, otherwise if it's already installed, completely remove those drivers if the nomodeset works (nouveau).'07:24
wildbataldos: the mp3 isn't indexed properly may be? try other player see if like vlc/ mplayer seek?07:24
aaron11dr_willis: Well, the first boot, no, same problems. Second boot yes, it worked fine. I thought it was just something small that went wrong so I just installed it07:24
urlin2ualdos, try rhythm box mp3 is audio.07:24
aaron11Stupid mistake07:24
dr_willisaaron11:  Hmm.. tested a live cd lately?  It would suck if this is actually some hardware issue you are chaseing.07:25
Gallodoes that info help, for setting up wireless ?07:25
nac-godfathertrying to capture a wpa handshake right now devish, fun stuff07:25
aaron11dr_willis: No, it worked fin in fedora 1407:25
aldoswith rhytmbox and vlc the seeking function works fine07:25
Gallodriver installed or at least showing is iwl496507:25
aaron11dr_willis: Its a similar problem that I experienced with Gnome 3 in Fedora 1507:25
nac-godfatherlooking to find other pyrit user's with new nvidia GPU's, maybe we could setup a remote cluster for cracking wpa!07:25
nac-godfatherwe could all share.07:26
urlin2ualdos, totem has its limitations.07:26
paul3guys, hi, can someone help me with the language issue? please07:26
aaron11dr_willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174257507:26
aaron11dr_willis: This guy has the same problem, going to try his solution.07:27
Gallonac-godfather ?07:27
aldosno solutions? :(07:28
nac-godfatherhold on, wasn07:28
nac-godfatherpaying attention07:28
Silent_Samuraierkan^, I saw the pic and now I'm going to look for Guitar Hero on my Smart-Touch XD07:28
Gallointel Corp Pro/Wireless 4965AGN [Kedron] network connection rev. 6107:28
Gallodriver installed or at least showing is iwl496507:28
aaron11dr_willis: It could be the problem with the newest kernels07:29
Gallodoes that info help, for setting up wireless ?07:29
dr_willisaaron11:  tried  the beta release yet?07:29
aaron11dr_willis: How can I get an older kernel?07:29
aaron11dr_willis: The Beta of 11.10?07:29
dr_willisaaron11:  they are in the repos i belive. ive rarely needed them07:29
nac-godfatherGallo:  I would suggest following this guide http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=iwlagn&DokuWiki=b3968baeb6cbcf075e80cde04b07d7bd07:29
dr_willisaaron11:  if it dont work properly. it would be worthit to file a bug befor release07:29
nac-godfatherif ur interested in ever cracking wep and other wireless networks ;)07:30
Gallothanx nac-godfather07:30
devish  Gallo don't do that07:30
kaushik_hi all07:31
aaron11dr_willis: hmm... im going to reboot with the changes ive made to the rc.local. If it doesnt work ill come back.07:31
nac-godfatherGallos, if you're looking for a easy install, you could probably check restricted drivers manager, if it's still included or download (jockey)07:31
GalloI'll start with my own lol07:31
kaushik_has anyone  worked on linuxfromscratch.com07:31
excelsior1979so I'm attempting to burn an iso (11.04) and it won't burn. It says 195 hours left to go. But the title bar says "Burning Disc (100% Done)", below that, "Burning image to DVD", below that time bar, below that "Creating image checksum" and then the cancel button. I'm considering hitting that button.07:31
Galloheh, looking to learn linux well07:32
nac-godfatherjust eject it (force) and see if it works, or check the checksum afterwards to confirm it worked.07:32
nac-godfatherprobably won't though, from my experience07:32
nac-godfathermaybe a scratch?07:32
nac-godfatheror use a different burning program (brasero) or whatever07:32
excelsior1979I think I am using brasero07:33
nac-godfatherk3b was awesome but I'm running gnome now.  if you're kde, give it a shot07:33
nac-godfatheryou could still use it, but I don't mix apps like that07:33
excelsior1979straight ubuntu07:33
nac-godfatheryeah, me too, I use brasero or nautilus07:34
nac-godfathersometimes discs are just finnicky07:34
excelsior1979you can burn iso's in nautilus?07:34
nac-godfathermaybe erase it a couple times or maybe use mac os x's disk utility to zero it out.  I think there might be a linux solution, but not sure07:35
nac-godfatheri'm not sure about iso's I'd have to look.07:35
urlin2uexcelsior1979, hey you got installed eh.07:35
nac-godfather"Nautilus can also burn ISO DVD and CD images. Just insert a blank DVD or CD disk and then drag to ISO disk image file to a blank CD/DVD icon"07:36
=== travis is now known as Guest34211
yagootrickyj, yelp?07:38
trickyjI am  sorry Thx :)07:38
excelsior1979I tried $ eject07:40
Guest34211is hddtemp installed by default in natty?07:40
excelsior1979so how do I check the disk for errors?07:41
damnois there any pdf viewer plugin for FF other than adobe's?07:41
AwwwCrapI'm trying to use joy2key in a script, but the next command (for the emulator) doesn't start because joy2key doesn't quit... how do I start a command line process as a standalone, in a bash script07:41
yagooexcelsior1979, check the filesystem? ( a disk can contain many partitions -- which contain different filesystems)07:41
yagooexcelsior1979, e2fsck (an offline filesystem)07:42
damnois there any pdf viewer plugin for FF other than adobe's?07:42
Gallonac-godfather, Well....airmon -ng start wlan0, gives me the same results as on the link you suggested , but....am I suppose to have PID 1349 dhcpclient3 in there ?07:42
AwwwCrapexcelsior1979: best do do it from a live session so that the scan target isn't mounted07:43
yagoodamno, probably evince..07:43
trickyjscreen -d07:43
damnoyagoo: evince has a ff plugin??07:43
Gallonac-godfather, you looking in ?07:43
yagoodamno, a plugin may be mentioned in the descriptions, if u search for "pdf" keyword in the pacakage manager07:44
nac-godfatherGalla, did you already install the drivers and get it working?  airmon-ng is probably to check injection support and monitor mode.07:44
damnoyagoo: nope.no plugin coming up for evince in synaptic07:45
Gallonac-godfather, actually...hmm can i pm you a sec?07:45
nac-godfathersure if you get this, computer is freezing upsu07:46
yagoodamno, i don't think there is any alternate.. other than the pdf will open in a separate window outside FF..07:46
excelsior1979how do I check an install dvd I just burned for errors?07:46
damnoyagoo: hmm.. a plugin for inbrowser viewing like chrome would've been good. anyway , thanks.07:47
coolgoosehi guys, I'm running ubuntu 11.10 and i was wondering if soembody knows how to modify the timeout in gtk3 for the small "filter" box that appears when you start typing in a list / nautilus folder (in 2.x it stays up a lot, in 3.0 it acts more like kde in the way that you can almost only have 1 letter a a time)07:47
wildbat!cn | xiaotuyi07:48
ubottuxiaotuyi: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:48
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yagoodamno, oh really?07:48
wildbat!md5sum | excelsior197907:48
ubottuexcelsior1979: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:48
yagoodamno, it may be still experimental..07:48
yagooxiaotuyi, "??" english.07:49
xiaotuyiI know a little07:50
robotti^read a?07:50
xiaotuyiare you foreigner07:51
robotti^Are you? :D07:51
robotti^I am from Finland07:51
excelsior1979cd /media/cdrom07:52
excelsior1979md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep -v "OK$"07:52
yagooexcelsior1979, what if its not ok?07:53
yagooexcelsior1979, (try using "tee" it may be helpful)07:53
travis_is there a list of apps that are preinstalled in natty?07:54
travis_i checked google and ubuntu website07:54
OmniscientToolswhat's a good dictionary tool for ubuntu07:54
robotti^xiaotuyi: I cannot speak chinese07:54
robotti^xiaotuyi: yes, finland07:54
yagooOmniscientTools, there's a widely known one, it's pretty mucvh in all linux distros (search package manager --i'm sure u'll see it)07:54
travis_OmniscientTools: gnome-dictionary07:54
elkyxiaotuyi, you need to use english here. there are channels with other languages though. #ubuntu-cn or #ubuntu-tw07:55
travis_i believe that's the package name07:55
xiaotuyi#ubunto -cn07:55
xiaotuyi#ubuntu -cn07:55
yagootravis_, there's always the base system.. u can always see what's installed with the package manager07:56
xiaotuyii am going to study07:56
Whitesquallxiaotuyi: /join #ubuntu-cn07:56
xiaotuyibye  robotti07:57
travis_yagoo: what section is it?07:57
OmniscientToolsI'm looking for a dictionary that doesn't require internet07:57
travis_lol you're never gonna get out of here if you keep typing "#ubuntu -c"07:57
yagootravis_, should be in the menu.. one of the modes should show checkmars for whats already insatlled07:57
dr_willisa dictionary to do what exctly?07:57
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OmniscientToolsdr_willis, umm to look at words07:57
dr_willisspelling? definitions?07:58
dr_willisone to use as a password cracker?07:58
OmniscientToolsi guess both mainly definitions07:58
yagoodr_willis, dictionaries tell stories. It's interesting to read 'em just for fun i guess..07:58
excelsior1979how do i blank a disk and rewrite it07:58
dr_willisA is for Aardvark... who lives in a hole... :)07:58
yagoodr_willis, look up ubuntu.07:58
MrokiiHello. I am following a tutorial that wants me to make a ".asoundrc"-file. There is this entry: pcm "hw:0" #Or whatever your card # is". How can I find out what I have to change in that line?07:59
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:59
dr_willis!find dictionary07:59
yagoodr_willis, Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:59
excelsior1979how do i blank a disk and rewrite it?07:59
ubottuFound: aspell-en, aspell-tl, dict-foldoc, dict-gcide, dict-jargon, dict-vera, gnome-dictionary, hunspell-ar, hunspell-da, hunspell-de-at (and 216 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dictionary&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all07:59
dr_willisexcelsior1979:  i recall k3b having that feautre in its menus.. other burner tools prob do also.07:59
yagoodr_willis, ubuntu is an african word.. you don't even know what it means.. LOL07:59
dr_willisor the command line cdrecord tool.07:59
dr_willisyagoo:  i never said i dident know.07:59
yagoodr_willis, that's not ubuntu defined. HAHAHAH08:00
yagoodr_willis, look up your proper dictionary.08:00
dr_willisYour question was vague.08:00
yagoodr_willis, it's a philosophy.. look -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu08:00
yagoodr_willis, bet u didnt know that!08:01
dr_willisyagoo:  i wrote it.. :P08:01
travis_the thing is, im not using ubuntu but im writing the documentation for an app...08:01
yagoodr_willis, that's what dictionaries are for!08:01
urlin2uyagoo, found the path to get evince to open pdfs in FF.08:01
dr_willistravis_:  :) thats interesting job you got.08:01
yagoourlin2u, u changed aliases?08:01
travis_do i have to install ubuntu in a virtual machine to get a list of the preinstalled files08:01
yagoourlin2u, thought u said u trying googlechrome.. but dunno if linux version has pdf support08:01
dr_willistravis_:  a list of ALL files/packges? or just the main tools instgalled?08:02
urlin2uyagoo, no I thiought the other user had not figured it out08:02
yagoourlin2u, he said he's trying googlechrome.. but dont think the latest linux edition has pdf embed support..08:02
zakwilsonChrome on Linux has PDF support.08:02
dr_willistravis_:  since it can change from release to release.. or even with some updates after the initial install.08:02
yagoozakwilson, thanks..08:02
yagooi'll check that out sometime later in the week :)08:02
yagoozakwilson, good stuff..08:02
travis_dr_willis: u mean writing the manual for an app that's going to be used on os 108:02
travis_but writng it using os 2?08:02
yagoo(i'm sick and tired of relying on adobe/sometimes slow pdf rendering)08:03
travis_i mean is that what you thought was interesting?08:03
dr_willistravis_:  yep.  why does this apps manual need a list of all installed apps?08:03
urlin2uyagoo, no I just installed mozplugger and changed applications in FF to use /user/bin/evince    adobe is a pain.08:03
travis_well i just need to know if 1 app is installed by defualt right now08:04
yagootravis_, your goals here sound very trivial.. u can list ur insatlled packages simply with-> dpkg -l08:04
dr_willistravis_:  what app? the bot can tell us.08:04
rokraNeed help on 11.10, not able to apt-get install anymore : dpkg: warning: 'ldconfig' not found in PATH or not executable08:04
urlin2uyagoo, thanks for the idea I had not thought of using another reader.08:04
travis_yagoo: i know, sort of. i just dont want to look stupid telling users to do an apt-get install when the app is already installed08:04
yagoourlin2u, alternate readers is not a problem.. i think he wants a "plugin"..08:04
dr_willis!info hddtemp08:04
ubottuhddtemp (source: hddtemp): hard drive temperature monitoring utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-beta15-46 (natty), package size 54 kB, installed size 288 kB08:05
dr_willisits 'extra' so not installed by default. :)08:05
dr_willisbut it dosent hurt to tell them how to install it anyway.08:05
travis_you don't think so?08:05
dr_willissome variants could have it by default. or theuser installing other apps could pull it in.08:06
dr_willis!info bash08:06
ubottubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.2-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 531 kB, installed size 1240 kB08:06
travis_i mean, seriuosly, im asking because this is my first time writing tech docs08:06
dr_willis'is extra' means to me its not installed by default.08:06
travis_no, i know that08:06
dr_willisIbelive the terms are 'standard' 'required' 'extra'08:06
travis_i mean, you think i should throw that in the manual just to be sage08:06
dr_willisof course... its trivial to tell them how to install it.08:07
DoomtronHello guys, I'm trying to block a user from seeing the processes(?) of another user, I tried creating one group for each user, but the permissions are 555 for all pid's in /proc, so there is another way to do that ? i did some search, but didnt found anything relevant.08:07
travis_thats true,08:07
travis_and too much info is better than not enough08:07
dr_willisplus its not aparently installed by default.. so they will need to install it. :)08:08
travis_they should put that extra/standard/required stuff on packages.ubuntu.com description08:09
dr_willisive rarely ever looked at that site. :)08:09
excelsior1979goodnight good guy.08:09
dr_willisim not even sure where the bot is getting that info from08:09
yagoodr_willis, for u man->"Nelson Mandela explains the concept of Ubuntu" (video on top of page) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28philosophy%2908:09
travis_maybe apt-cache type thing08:09
dr_willisyagoo:  thrilling...08:10
yagoomaybe he uses ubuntu linux..08:10
urlin2uI doubt that08:10
dr_willishe prob has a iPAD.08:10
yagoodr_willis, u think mandela may have anything to do with ubuntu linux?08:10
urlin2uUbuntu the word and concept is a misappropriated ideal by an anglo, colonialism has a long history with Africa.08:12
travis_!info misappropriated08:13
ubottuPackage misappropriated does not exist in natty08:13
ComradeHaz`Hey all, I am finding that 'hot connecting' a SATA drive does not work in that the drive is not detected until a reboot. I have this issue on 10.04 and 11.04 and have tried on at least 3 different computers. Can anyone assist with getting this working, please?08:13
yagoourlin2u, i find it funny i see mandela on that definition page.. sort of reminds me that Richard Stallman.. the great philosopher of OSS movement08:13
ComradeHaz`(Or at least tell me a work-around)08:13
travis_idea: bot functions as a dictionary also08:13
dr_willisComradeHaz`:  i thought it required special bay/hardware to work.08:14
travis_do you mean stolen/hijacked?08:14
ComradeHaz`Well, I seem to recall 'getting it working' on another machine I have where it does work.08:14
urlin2uyagoo, I use it in spite of this though, but lets be real on this; the Ubuntu concept is very old, in the African usage sense ans very diverse.08:15
ComradeHaz`gah, brb08:15
mang0I'm trying to install eggdrop, but apparantly I don't have TCL installed....how do I install it?08:16
yagoourlin2u, I trust mandela's version of the word ubuntu than you :)08:17
travis_okay thanks 4 the help, yagoo and dr_willis08:17
DesyncifyHello again :), what command can I use to scan my network to see if anyone is connected with my wireless?08:17
yagootravis_, there's often the dependency for this same "back" dictionary package/engine .. *dict something.. it can also do more than just english..08:18
yagootravis_, if u search that engine's "name" in the package manager.. u should be able to see other dictionaries that can be served..08:18
urlin2uyagoo, I don't argue with Mandela's explanation that is the real Ubuntu , this operating system and pseudo humanist ideal system has ripped of the real thing.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28philosophy%2908:19
rigved!info tcl | mang008:19
ubottumang0: tcl (source: tcltk-defaults): The Tool Command Language (default version) - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.16-2 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 68 kB08:19
travis_oh, yeah i was just saying it'd be cool08:19
mang0rigved: Thanks :)08:20
rigvedmang0: use the software center to install tcl08:20
travis_but it would kind of give away the fact that you don't know what words mean08:20
yagoolol urlin2u is really weird.. I posted that link to dr_willis like 10 minutes ago08:20
mang0rigved: Ah okay08:20
rigvedmang0: you are welcome08:20
travis_urlin2u: you've got to be kidding08:20
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travis_nobody owns the philosophy08:21
mang0rigved: Ooooh strange, it's already installed. Eggdrop must be looking in the wrong place :/08:21
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travis_quit trolling08:21
rigvedmang0: maybe you need something else as well. maybe some additional tcl libraries...08:21
mang0rigved: I'm going to check the readme and install again... :/08:22
travis_ok c-ya08:22
executionistis there a list somewhere of supported network cards for ubuntu? dont want to buy another device for which I cant find the drivers08:22
rigvedmang0: do this in the terminal: apt-cache show eggdrop08:23
rigvedmang0: that will tell you which version of tcl you need (like 8.4 or 8.5 etc.)08:23
rigvedmang0: then check whether you have the same version installed or not08:23
mang0rigved: Ah, okay08:23
rigvedmang0: apt-cache show tcl08:24
yagooexecutionist, http://cateee.net/lkddb/08:24
dr_willisif you installed an eggdrop bot package. i would think it would pull in tcl if needed.08:24
rigvedmang0: that will tell you which version you have installed.08:24
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dr_willisUnless some support scripts just need it. or it was just reccomended.08:24
dr_willistcl is a bit old-school08:24
mang0rigved: tcl 8.5.0 is required, I've got 8.4....08:24
dr_willisexecutionist:  you are refering to wired or wireless?08:25
rigveddr_willis: tcl is in the depends part of the eggdrop package.08:25
yagooexecutionist, google " <chipset name> site:http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/ "08:25
rigvedyet, it is not installed is what mang0 is saying08:25
mang0dr_willis: eggdrop won't install without tcl.08:26
dr_willisexecutionist:  i cant say ive ever seen a wired card that dident work.. but when in doubt. Its hard to not recommend  the intel wired nics.  :)08:26
dr_willismang0:  installing from source? or a package?08:26
rigvedmang0: ohh see that's the problem. are you compiling a new version?08:26
dr_willis!info tcl08:26
ubottutcl (source: tcltk-defaults): The Tool Command Language (default version) - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.16-2 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 68 kB08:26
mang0dr_willis, rigved: Source, I've got to ./configure to build, and then install it08:26
executionistdr_willis, it works in a sense that I am online. But it is not properly recognized I am told, cant see the device in wireshark or any other packet sniffer08:26
dr_willisexecutionist:  so  to better phrase the question. You need a wired nic that has the extra features to do sniffing. :) i forget what its called.08:27
rigvedmang0: i am not too sure about this but this could break packages.08:28
rigvedmang0: are you sure that there is no ppa available for the eggdrop version that you need?08:28
mang0rigved: I see. Is there any other way to install eggdrop then?08:28
executionistdr_willis, that is an extra feature? I thought all of them were supposed to do that08:28
dr_willisexecutionist:  the wireshark homepage/faq might have reccomendations08:28
dr_willisexecutionist: i dont think its on all of them.08:28
mang0rigved: I did exactly what the install readme said ("Open terminal, cd to the location of eggdrop folder, ./configure") etc etc08:29
dr_willisI seem to recall some mode that some nics/chipsets can use to do the sniffing feature.08:29
dr_willisbeen ages since i last bothered to  mess with that stuff08:29
yagoo!promiscuous mode08:29
yagoodr_willis, that's what it's called08:30
rigvedmang0: yes, but you need tcl8.5. is tcl8.5 available in your software center?08:30
dr_willisyea just  about to paste the line from the wireshark faq. :)08:30
yagoodr_willis, tcpdump says so..08:31
dr_willisif an Ethernet adapter on such a network is put into promiscuous mode, all packets on the network will be seen by that adapter and thus can be captured with that adapter.08:31
yagooi believe only root can do that08:31
dr_willisyep, root has to enable the mode08:31
mang0rigved: I've got tcl 8.5 bindings...? it's called TCL bindings for graphviz08:31
executionistdr_willis, wireshark tells me I dont have a nic08:31
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dr_willisthat url has some neat info.08:31
yagoobtw that reminds me to try out the barracda ethertap device i got few months ago.. (this cool little box can take a 9v battery)..08:32
rigvedmang0: no. you need the tcl8.5 package. which version of eggdrop are you trying to compile?08:32
mang0rigved: eggdrop 1.6.2008:32
Chris64some greeks her? just wanted to tell them that they country is like an alcohol addict which needs total collaps to realize that they cannot pay more than they earn for that long time. the naivety of the people there makes just speechless.08:34
rigvedmang0: ohh that is an experimental version. it is not even avaliable in 11.10. one moment. let me check08:34
Chris64just stupid. we give them money, but they don't care..08:34
mang0rigved: O.o I just downloaded the tar.gz off the downloads page on eggheads.com08:35
Guest40513!info lm-sensors08:36
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.2.0-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 95 kB, installed size 460 kB08:36
dr_willis!info eggdrop08:36
ubottueggdrop (source: eggdrop): Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.19-1.2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 425 kB, installed size 1200 kB08:36
rigvedmang0: yes. i understood that much. ok so i have found a ppa which contains the same version that you want. add this to your software sources: ppa:dns/irc08:36
dr_willisdo you really need the latst eggdrop? ;)08:36
mang0dr_willis: Probably not....heh, I just wanna experiment with an eddgrop bot :<08:37
dr_willisshows how long eggdrop bots have been around if they are using tcl. :)08:37
rigvedmang0: then update your software sources. then do this in the terminal: sudo apt-get install eggdrop. that will give you version
mang0rigved: Okay, how do I update my software sources? ^.^ is it just sudo apt-get update?08:39
rigvedmang0: yes08:39
yagoomang0 ya08:39
yagoothat updates the index files08:39
yagoosource locations remain unchanged..08:40
rigvedmang0: this is a much better way than compiling tcl and eggdrop from sources.08:40
saquibhello all , flash plugin is  install but on the software center its says not installed 11.0408:40
mang0rigved: Okay, getcha :)08:41
almoxarifesaquib: there are a few variations to the way 'flash plugin' is named08:42
saquibI will check that just curios08:42
almoxarifesaquib: look for flash in synaptic, you should see your install08:44
saquibhi anyone here from India Delhi08:45
mang0rigved: Great, eggdrop is installed :D. However, if I "eggdrop" in terminal, it doesn't run....08:45
yagoosaquib, what's india delhi? a restaurant?08:46
sagaciyagoo, it's a place08:46
yagoosagaci, they server beer too?08:46
sagacidoesn't really matter...?08:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:46
Singhamsagaci  : Whats d matter ?08:47
saquib@yagoo just need some local support08:47
saquibthier comes the bot08:47
yagooSingham, he looking for ubuntu kiosks at a indian delhi restaurant i think08:47
yagoosaquib :)08:48
saquibare u indian yagoo ;)08:48
Myrttisaquib: you could try #ubuntu-in08:48
saquib@myrtti .. its empty08:48
yagoosaquib, well europeans thought they landed in india 500 years ago.. depends :)08:49
yagoosaquib, i think you know the story :).. what's up with ur ubuntu?08:50
saquibneed some assistance with samba08:50
yagoosaquib, samba is old skool stuff..08:50
mainrainfor awhile now i have been unable to watch any kind of streaming video online.  firefox/chrome/konqueror doesn't matter.  All videos play the first few seconds and then just sit frozen(although the download bar keeps going) any ideas?  happens on youtube, vimeo, liveleak, i havn't found any streaming video that does work08:51
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:51
saquibthank u bot08:51
yagoosaquib, remember samba is not a protocol.. it's a set of tools to work with smb/cifs08:51
Gallohey can someonetell me why I get error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8b2a) Please...08:52
saquibwell i m a new bie ... i will keep that in mind08:52
yagoo(it's easy to configure smb/cifs with "swat")08:52
Singhamsaquib : By the way ...how are the people in Delhi after the bomb blast ?08:52
yagooSingham, that's not needed here.08:52
saquiblife never stops08:52
jiltdilhi all08:53
Singhamyagoo : Actually..!08:53
Singhamyagoo :   ;)08:53
MyrttiSingham: actually08:53
jiltdili m unable to connect my "Enter" webcam to Ubuntu08:53
yagooSingham, u sure don't want to say this on sept 11. don't try to be wise.08:54
saquibi have 3 pcs sharing a external drive all on windows 7  .. i want to connect with ubuntu .. please give meeh the link08:54
executionistwhat is the bittorrent app with the most functionality, transmission is primitive08:54
bjorn_248how can I revert to an older kernel? I've upgraded a few times and grub automatically added new entries in my menu.lst, but I want to revert to 2.6.34 or earler08:54
yagoosaquib, i just did.. its ubottu's links08:54
saquib@executionist I have also the same question08:55
bjorn_248executionist, I use rtorrent, but honestly transmission is a pretty nice GUI08:55
yagoosaquib, look into install swat.. then http://localhost:601 or its :901 i forget the exact port #..08:55
jiltdilCan someon help me in connecting my Webcam to Ubuntu???? I am able to get the microphone connected, but Video isn't working...:(08:55
yagoosaquib, oh.. u mean "windows" being the server and linux being the client..08:56
saquibthanks 2yagoo  lemme check08:56
jiltdilCheese is getting closed automatically!08:56
yagoosaquib, konqueror and gnome may already be able to do that.. (use smb:// in url field of either these two)08:56
saquibthe external harddisk is hoot to windows 708:56
yagoo,/gnome nautilus/gnome08:56
Singhamexecutionist : Deluge08:56
yagoosaquib, um.. u'd need to setup permissions on ntfs, then permissions on the share..08:57
yagoosaquib, there's lots of win7 help out there..08:57
mang0rigved: I've installed it and everything, but if I try to run eggdrop from terminal then I get an error "Config file not loaded (not found or error)" any ideas?08:57
bjorn_248executionist, deluge is pretty nice too, but I've heard it's heavy on the ram08:57
dr_willismang0:  make a config file? :)08:57
saquibi know that part lemme  try .. 2day Sunday nothing else to do .. Bye Guys happy Ubunting :)08:57
yagoook saquib good luck08:58
saquibthanks bye now08:58
yagoosaquib, btw i don't think it's important where people come from.. take care buddy08:58
mang0dr_willis: Yeah, I would do, but I don't know the install dir of eggdrop. There is no .eggdrop folder....08:58
bjorn_248can anyone tell me how to revert to an older kernel installation?09:00
brunnerif I have 8GB of RAM, do I really need a swap partition?09:01
mang0bjorn_248: Why?09:01
dr_willismang0:  make one? :) if thats what the docs say to use09:02
Gallocan someone help with this ----> "iwconfig wlan0 essid "<name_of_router>" key "<encryption_key>" ------ > gives me error for wireless request " Set Encode" (8ba2) Please...09:02
oCeanbjorn_248: when booting, press shift, this will bring up your grub menu. There should be a selection of all installed kernelimages09:02
mang0dr_willis Hmm....I should probs read the docs first hahah09:02
dr_willisbrunner:  if you want to use suspend/hibernate you will want one of a little over 8gb. I always make one of at least 1 gb just in case..09:02
dr_willismang0:  for running an eggdrop.. Yes.. you will be reading the docs. :)09:02
mang0dr_willis: hehe09:03
Singhambrunner : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-swap-space.html09:03
brunnerdr_willis: is there a way to disable swap for everything except for hibernation?09:03
brunnerdr_willis: I'm just trying to spare the life of my SSD09:03
brunnerSingham: thanks. I will have a look.09:04
Singhambrunner : Welcum..09:05
o_portista17hello, my computer just crashed, and i have no idea why..here is the log from, kern.log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/686729/09:06
sitaktifIs there an easy way to go from LTS to non-LTS ?09:06
Myrttisitaktif: to an upward version, depending on how big delta you are talking about, yes09:08
brunnersitaktif: yes, it should be fine. change your /etc/apt/sources.list file to point to the version you want to upgrade to and apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade09:09
bjorn_248oCean, say I wanted to install an even older kernel than what I've had?09:10
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sitaktifI'm on 10.4 and would like to switch to Stable basically - thanks, any links to the list of sources for natty/oniric ?09:10
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sagacisitaktif, you want to upgrade to natty?09:11
Myrttisitaktif: you already are on the most stable version available09:11
Myrttisitaktif: if you want to switch to the newest available, then there really is no "easy" shortcut way09:12
sitaktifok so say I want to go to unstable :)  (I always complain my packets are not up-to-date and I am tired of installing ppas)09:12
sitaktifI am not especially looking for a 1-click solution - a list of sources is good09:13
sagacisitaktif, you'd be better off reinstalling from the beta 1 oneiric iso09:13
soreau! oneiric09:13
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:13
sagacior wait a month and reinstall the final release of it09:13
travis_!info ssh09:13
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB09:13
travis_is optional means it's installed by default?09:14
Myrttitravis_: no09:14
Myrttitravis_: default means default09:14
travis_so there's default, optional, and extra09:14
sagacitravis_, you can connect via ssh but not have people connect to you09:14
sagaciby default09:15
travis_yeah i know09:15
travis_i was checking to see if it was preinstalled09:15
travis_thanks though09:15
travis_!info sshd09:15
ubottuPackage sshd does not exist in natty09:15
sitaktifI I'm not especially fond of the idea of reinstalling my distro.. and it is not really the linux way. What about brunner's solution?09:15
dr_willisisent ssh installed by default on the server edition?09:15
Myrttidr_willis: doubt it09:16
dr_willissometimes its justg easier to reinstall :)09:16
sagacisitaktif, then sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace every lucid with oneiric09:16
Myrttisagaci: you are giving bad advice09:16
dr_willisyea.. thers a do upgrade command that does it all.. :)09:16
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade09:16
brunnersorry, I didn't read my buffer because I was talking to others elsewhere09:17
brunnerwhy is dist-upgrade bad?09:17
brunnerI used to do it all the time09:17
dr_willis'used to' :)09:17
dr_willisits been  replaced by newer methods.09:17
brunnerdr_willis: I used to use pure debian. now I'm lazy and use the GUI, otherwise I still would.09:17
brunnerdr_willis: please tell me why the old method is bad.09:18
GalloMyrtti any idea on post?09:18
dr_willisbrunner:  No idea.. its been replaced by smarter methods.09:18
dr_willisI rarely upgrade. i tend to always do clean reinstalls.09:18
brunnerdr_willis: you're the one saying that the old method is bad or not as smart, no? so you should be able to tell me why?09:18
dr_willissince i beta/alpha test.. by the time of release.. my system is very very 'bloated'09:18
brunnerdr_willis: that doesn't sound smart to me.09:18
sagacisitaktif, sorry mate, my commands aren't supported. Try reading up on the official documentation and choose what's best for you09:18
travis_!info openssh-server09:18
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 303 kB, installed size 820 kB09:18
dr_willisbrunner:  i am telling you whats common advice and reccomended in this channel and the ubuntu way09:19
brunnerdr_willis: fair enough09:19
dr_willissee the upgrade factoid for all the info i know of on the topic.09:19
Myrttibrunner: do-release-upgrade makes sure all the packages that were installed are up to the latest version available, cleans out some excess, and IIRC disables non-official repositories so that they don't break anything during the process09:19
travis_!info openssh-client09:19
ubottuopenssh-client (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines. In component main, is standard. Version 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 844 kB, installed size 2232 kB09:19
dr_willisYea. non official repos.. can be a big issue.09:19
dr_willistravis_:  standard = installed by default. :)09:20
travis_Myrtti: i guess default isn't default after all09:20
travis_: )09:20
dr_willisI think default maybe 'default for ubuntu' ? ;)09:20
dr_willis!info bash09:20
ubottubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.2-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 531 kB, installed size 1240 kB09:20
dr_willisand required is? :) even more imporntant..09:20
Myrttitravis_: yeah sorry, been on the channel for years, I've learnt to selectively ignore ubottu09:20
rigvedmang0: hi. i had gone away. now i'm back.09:21
sitaktifsagaci: Myrtti dr_willis Thanks, it looks actually quite straightforward (and it's documented so thumbs up :) )09:21
dr_willis!info dash09:21
ubottudash (source: dash): POSIX-compliant shell. In component main, is required. Version (natty), package size 76 kB, installed size 228 kB09:21
travis_myrtti: itsallgood09:21
travis_thanks for the help09:21
mang0rigved: Ah okay, did you see what I wrote earlier?09:21
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rigvedmang0: yes09:21
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mang0rigved: Cool, any ideas?09:22
rigvedmang0: are you sure that you are going through the right steps. what does the documentation say about how to run the bot?09:22
mang0rigved: I'm doing exactly what the readme says, and what the docs say09:22
travis_!info libsoup2.4-dev09:23
ubottulibsoup2.4-dev (source: libsoup2.4): an HTTP library implementation in C -- Development files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.34.0-0ubuntu1.1 (natty), package size 257 kB, installed size 1340 kB09:23
=== iPhone is now known as Guest98684
travis_im writing the documentation for hardinfo09:23
Myrtti!msgthebot > travis_09:23
ubottutravis_, please see my private message09:23
dr_willis!info hardinfo09:23
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 238 kB, installed size 680 kB09:23
rigvedmang0: does the doc say anything about the config file?09:24
dr_willisdosent have any docs tobegin with? or you writing a better wiki/guide?09:24
travis_myrtti: thanks. i guess that's proper IRCiquette?09:25
Myrttitravis_: on our very busy channel, yes09:25
travis_sorry. i guess it's needless to say that its my first time on irc09:26
travis_used linux for three yers now too09:26
rigvedmang0: http://forum.egghelp.org/viewtopic.php?t=18318 <-- does this help?09:26
mang0rigved: http://www.eggheads.org/support/egghtml/1.6.20/install.html it says to run ./configure from the eggdrop dir, but I don't have a dir for eggdrop, because I sudo apt-got eggdrop (hehe)09:26
travis_dr_willis: no documentation09:26
travis_i couldn't believe it myself09:26
cpfrhey folks, it a fit of sheer stupidity i typed rm -r /usr/lib/python2.609:27
cpfris there a sane way to repair my system without total system reinstall09:27
rigvedmang0: you need to specify a config file "(full path) at the commandline, as far as i can tell from that forum post09:27
mang0rigved: Right, but afaik I don't have a config file...09:28
rigvedmang0: you need to create one.09:28
mang0rigved: okay....how would I go about doing that?09:28
rigvedmang0: does the doc have anything? the doc from which you were initially reading about ./configure command...09:29
rigvedmang0: there should be a README file in the folder. check to see if it has instructions on how to use it.09:30
rigvedmang0: here you go: http://eggwiki.org/Eggdrop.conf <-- that is a wiki article on the default config file...09:32
zHammeRzthe website go offline?09:32
zHammeRzinitial page is there..but then click 'download' and you get a site offline msg09:33
mang0rigved: quote: "Type './configure' from the Eggdrop directory. The configure script will determine how your system is set up and figure out how to correctly compile Eggdrop. It will also try to find Tcl, which is required to compile."09:33
mang0but it's still saying no tcl09:33
rigvedmang0: you do not need to run ./configure any more09:33
rigvedmang0: you already have the compiled verision installed now, from the ppa (version 1.6.20)09:34
mang0rigved: okay, but if there's no tcl (or at least it's not detecting tcl) surely it's not configuring correctly?09:34
* mang0 is confused09:34
DrQwhats up09:34
scarleowhats up with startup disk creator? I just downloaded Ubuntu and put it on a USB like always but no I just get a lot of text output and then stdin: error 009:34
rigvedmang0: the version which you have installed uses tcl8.4 . you do not need tcl 8.5 anymore. i'll explain09:35
DrQwhat are you trying to boot09:35
mang0rigved: Okay, thanks :)09:35
scarleoDrQ: Ubuntu 11.04 x6409:35
rigvedmang0: you have the source code for version 1.6.20, from which you are trying to run ./configure09:35
DrQdoes he notice me09:35
* DrQ naked09:35
mang0rigved: Correct.09:36
rigvedmang0: you also have the same version (1.6.20) installed from the ppa.09:36
mang0rigved: yes....09:36
rigvedmang0: so, as you can see, you do not need the source code any more. you can use the ppa version automatically now. just run the command: eggdrop -m <config-file>09:37
rigvedmang0: where config-file is the default config file, for which i already gave you the url.09:37
mang0rigved: Okay thanks, heh, sorry for being so silly :309:38
rigvedmang0: here is the url for the config-file again: http://eggwiki.org/Eggdrop.conf09:38
rigvedmang0: np :)09:38
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!09:38
elkyGallo, what are you calling us for?09:38
MyrttiGallo: where is the emergency?09:38
Gallo!op "iwconfig wlan0 essid "<name_of_router>" key "<encryption_key>" gives me error for wireless request " Set Encode" (8ba2) can someone help with this ?09:38
ubottuGallo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:38
MyrttiGallo: that's not an emergency09:39
elkyGallo, you must not use the bot like that.09:39
rigvedGallo: that is only for channel related emergencies, like some bot not functioning properly etc.09:39
ssk_the_gr8do i need a live cd for running memtest or is it possible to run the memtest without it?09:39
rigvedssk_the_gr8: if you have memtest installed, then you do not need the livecd. otherwise, the livecd can be used.09:41
ersoyhello, can iinstall ubuntu 11.04 on my netbook? (atom proccessor)09:41
scarleoersoy: yes09:42
rigvedersoy: yes, just make sure that you install the 32-bit version, to be on the safe side.09:42
Gallook but really, can someone help me connect ubuntu to my wireless wep, I'm a noob but it can't be that difficult to do though....09:42
michael_phi i have a question anyone know how to get a logictech webcam pro c910 to work in ubuntu09:43
thotzhello I'm looking for a new notebook: which notebook can you recommend for me. i want to have a nvidia graphics card.09:45
cpfrhey folks, it a fit of sheer stupidity i typed rm -r /usr/lib/python2.609:45
cpfris there a sane way to repair my system without total system reinstall09:45
superoscpfr: That one might be difficult. Python is an important part of Ubuntu. Maybe you can copy that directory from someone else?09:46
ersoyhello, can iinstall ubuntu 11.04 on my netbook? (atom proccessor)09:47
superosersoy: You have been told yes.09:47
ersoydownload 11.04? I dont find 11.04 netbook version09:48
superoscpfr: You have tried sudo apt-get install python2.6 ?09:49
cpfrsuperos, doesn't help09:50
cpfrit can't find the os module09:50
fmhe, i am running 10.10. when i start the login manager is for 20 seconds totally unresponsive, i cannot even mouse the mouse, but there is nothing on the CPU. anybody a pointer to a launchpad issue?09:50
kentstaaleI am trying to run catalyst as super user, but I dont know where the path to the program is, or what command I should use. Anyone who knows?09:51
kilonanyone has dual boot ubuntu in macbook air ?09:52
Polahcpfr: You could just try reinstallingg python2.609:52
Sebohi! Could you tell me how can I set up some program to run at tty console and to not require the user to sign in.09:52
jiltdilcan someone tell me the channel for ATMega809:52
oCean!alis | jiltdil09:53
ubottujiltdil: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*09:53
PolahSebo: You'll want to look at Upstart for that09:53
Polah!upstar | Sebo09:53
Polah!upstart | Sebo09:53
ubottuSebo: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/09:53
superoscpfr: Download from here http://pkgs.org/download/python2.6 and install with dpkg -i packagename09:53
SeboPolah: I knowthat09:53
scarleoersoy: there is no netbook version anymore, just go with standard Ubuntu, it's the same as former netbook09:53
kilonI love macos, but because i develop in python would like to try my python apps in ubuntu too , any tried dual boot a mac with ubuntu ?09:53
cousteauwho's in charge of modifying the keyboard layouts?09:53
SeboPolah: I had edited the /etc/init/tty4.conf09:54
superoskilon: Another option is VirtualBox or vmware?09:54
SeboPolah: and changed the getty login command to that program - but that tdoe not work09:54
ssk_the_gr8rigved: memtest installed?09:55
cpfrsuperos, Polah is there a place i can pastebin the error?09:55
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rigvedersoy: also, make sure that you use the 32-bit version to be on the safe side09:55
Polahcpfr: http://paste.ubuntu.com09:55
cousteauin particular, the spanish one... there suddenly appeared lots of apparently useless circumflexed consonants I'm never going to use, and caused the removal of some symbols such as the copyright one09:55
rigvedssk_the_gr8: do you have ubuntu installed?09:55
ersoyscarleo rigved thank you09:55
kilonsuperos: yeah i have tried vm with my imac, have ubuntu there too. But dont know how a good representative  a vm is for testing an app in a diffirent os09:56
PolahSebo: Oh I see, you want the program to start up and post output automatically? Hmm, I imagine it would be possible, but I couldn't really help you do it I'm afraid.09:56
ssk_the_gr8rigved: yes.... i'm running ubuntu, its my only OS09:56
kilonsince the vm offer partial support in many areas09:56
rigvedssk_the_gr8: if yes, then you most probably also have memtest installed. just reboot. at the grub menu, select memtest.09:56
ersoyI'm trying now09:56
mang0kilon O.o09:56
rigvedssk_the_gr8: you may have to hold down the Shift key to make the grub menu appear09:57
Polahcpfr: purge it and then do install again.09:57
SeboPolah: I changed the tty4.conf into:09:57
Seboexec /sbin/getty -8 -i -l "/usr/bin/ssh -i /home/sebo/smabiKey tato@EtchVBX" 38400 tty409:57
ssk_the_gr8rigved: right after i power on the system? when it's showing dell splash screen?09:57
cousteauoh my god, now I know what happened... Apparently, "Spanish" distribution got mixed with "Esperanto" one... maybe something to do with "Esp" and "Esp"?09:58
cousteauOH MY GOD!! the problem turned out to be that I'm stupid!!09:58
superoscpfr: What about unpacking the python2.6 deb package and the copy all the files from it into the directory you deleted?09:58
oCeancousteau: please calm down09:59
cpfrsuperos, good idea09:59
Sk|phi guys.. need some help.. i'm running ubuntu 11.04.. and tried to install Deluge Bit Torrent Client then as the installation continues i just prompted an error from the software-center which ask me to repair.. so i click it but still nothing happens.. it keeps on popping.. pls help.. tnx in advance..09:59
Sk|phere's the error log from the terminal09:59
Sk|p2011-09-11 12:56:21,554 - softwarecenter.backend - WARNING - daemon dies, ignoring: <AptTransaction object at 0xa2454dc (aptdaemon+client+AptTransaction at 0x9dd1520)> exit-failed09:59
Sk|p2011-09-11 12:56:23,083 - softwarecenter.backend - WARNING - _on_trans_error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)09:59
Sk|p2011-09-11 12:56:23,626 - softwarecenter.backend - WARNING - daemon dies, ignoring: <AptTransaction object at 0xa2459b4 (aptdaemon+client+AptTransaction at 0x9feada0)> exit-failed09:59
Sk|p2011-09-11 12:56:25,123 - softwarecenter.backend - WARNING - _on_trans_error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)09:59
SeboPolah: And what I get is only 'login' promt at the tty - but no acctual connection to the given host09:59
FloodBot1Sk|p: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:59
cousteauoCean, sorry... I had just selected an option to add esperanto circumflexes, and forgot about that :(09:59
rigvedssk_the_gr8: yes, when the dell splash screen is shown, keep the Shift key pressed for a few seconds.09:59
PolahSk|p: Transmission comes with Ubuntu by default which can handle torrents, you know.09:59
Sk|psorry for the flood..10:00
ssk_the_gr8rigved: thanx, i'll do a reboot and give it a try , i checked synaptic i have memtest86+ installed10:00
Sk|pPolah, yep but i wanted to use other client10:00
rigvedssk_the_gr8: ok. all the best!10:01
Sk|pis there anything i can do to fix the problem :(10:01
PolahSk|p: They both do the same thing you know.10:01
rigvedSk|p: it is just a warning. you can ignore it10:01
ssk_the_gr8rigved: one more thing, how do i stop the test?10:01
ssk_the_gr8Sk|p: have you tried searching online?10:02
rigvedssk_the_gr8: i don't remember, but i think that there is a key to do that. it'll be shown on the memtest screen. or just reboot; it will not affect anything and you can run memtest again also.10:02
ssk_the_gr8u might just find the fix, if someone else faced the issue10:02
superoscpfr: Don't copy all the files, just the ones that should go into the dir you delted.10:02
Sk|pPolah, yep indeed.. but unfortunate when i tried to remove the Deluge it still didn't fix the problem..10:02
Sk|pssk_the_gr8, yes and tried to issue "sudo apt-get install -f" but still failed10:03
PolahSebo: Yeah, I can't really help you. I guess -l /usr/bin/ssh  would start it with an SSH prompt, try it with that without passing any arguments to ssh and then go forwards from there.10:03
rigvedSk|p: if you have closed the software center, then run this in the terminal: sudo dpkg-configure -a10:04
SeboPolah: Ok - lets try :]10:04
Sk|prigved, seems like i don't have dpkg-configured installed.. it says command not found10:05
rigvedSk|p: sudo dpkg-configure -a10:05
rigvedSk|p: it's not dpkg-donfigured10:05
umbralfoxnick Mercutio10:05
Element9I can see I have both 4.4 and 4.5 version of gcc installed, but gcc --version says 4.4. How do I switch to 4.5?10:06
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rigvedSk|p: there is no 'd' at the end of the word10:06
Polahrigved: Sk|p: Shouldn't that be dpkg --configure -a?10:06
rigvedPolah: oh ya. sorry about that. thanks10:07
rigvedSk|p: ^^ what Polah said10:07
Sk|poks will try again..10:07
ssk_the_gr8rigved: i just ran the test it says ram settings as 2828 mhz (DDR565)10:07
ssk_the_gr8sorry 282 mhz10:07
rigvedssk_the_gr8: hi.10:08
ssk_the_gr8what does this mean? what is the speed of my ram? i thought it was 800 mhz!10:08
Sk|pcoolio.. fixed.. thanks guys! :)10:08
rigvedssk_the_gr8: i have no clue. but yes, it should be atleast 800 MHz10:09
ssk_the_gr8rigved: i have DDR2 ram10:10
Polahssk_the_gr8, What processor do you have?10:10
ssk_the_gr8Polah: amd athlon x2 tk-5310:11
rigvedssk_the_gr8: i just googled it. it seems that everything is fine as it should be. - http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/32785710:13
rigvedssk_the_gr8: i think that the max speed is 800 MHz, but it can run at slower speeds as per demand, i think. but i am just speculating here.10:13
ssk_the_gr8rigved: looks like my mother board supports only 533 mhz ram10:15
ssk_the_gr8i bought 800 mhz ram ... i should have checked before buying10:15
ssk_the_gr8so now it is running at a lower speed of 565 mhz10:15
Minkbenis there any problems with 64bit ubuntu? Also, what's the difference between netbook and normal ubuntu?10:17
javier_Hi. In Ubuntu 11.04 Evolution works normally with NetworkManager but doesnt detect internet connection under Wicd, which works much better for me. Any idea why this happens?10:17
Gallohey can someone tell me how to install wicd_1.5.6_all.deb from a usb stick on ubuntu ?10:17
icerootGallo: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/the/stick/file.deb or double-click the file10:17
rigvedssk_the_gr8: oh. ok.10:17
icerootGallo: but why not using the one from the repo?10:18
Gredeuhere to go10:18
Galloiceroot thnx bro10:18
ssk_the_gr8is ubuntu.com down?10:18
Minkbenssk_the_gr8, yes10:18
michael_pwhats the next release of ubuntu10:18
icerootssk_the_gr8: yes10:18
icerootMinkben: 11.1010:18
icerootmichael_p: 11.1010:18
ssk_the_gr8Why? whats up?10:19
michael_pis that still in beta mode10:19
rigvedmichael_p: yes. in beta 110:19
rigved!11.10 | michael_p10:19
ubottumichael_p: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:19
javier_this is exactly my problem with evolution: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6912310:20
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Gredeuready to work10:23
SealedWithAKissWhat's wrong with? my $horse[$count] = <STDIN>;10:26
Galloiceroot I get , there is no application installed for debian package files when I dbl click wicd_1.5.6_all.deb..missing something?10:26
cpfrsuperos, yep no luck10:27
Gallohow can i Install wicd_1.5.6_all.deb in ubuntu, it's a debian package file and ubuntu says no app is installed for it10:30
Galloor is there another site to get wicd that can be used in ubuntu10:31
Aquixwicd is in the repos10:31
Galloapt-get install says no10:31
Aquixaptitude seach say yes10:32
Gallogallo = noob lol., help out with this please10:32
glebihanGallo, you need to enable the universe repos10:32
Gallohow lol ?10:32
glebihanGallo, from software sources, edit -> software sources, then check the "universe" checkbox10:33
glebihanGallo, I meant from software manager10:33
superoscpfr: sudo aptitude reinstall python2.610:34
Galloaccess software manager from cmd line ?10:35
cpfrsuperos, python installs fine now but when i try to install python-apt or other systems essentials it doesnt seem to install them in /usr/lib/python2.610:35
superoscpfr: What Ubuntu version?10:35
glebihanGallo, you can access it without command-line, otherwise to access software sources directly from command-line, type "software-properties-gtk"10:36
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superoscpfr: Isn't 2.7 the default in 10.10?10:37
Guest67969Ubuntu 11.04 \n \l  is my ubuntu version and i have 8GB memory, but my ubuntu says that i have only 2.9GB10:37
Guest67969BIOS says 8GB10:37
cpfrsuperos, nope 2.6 is this default for 10.1010:38
dianehey so i've been trying to get ubuntu to install on my macbook pro for awhile now, i ended up being completely unable to resize the partition so i just erased it (since i have a backuup) and created a new smaller partition, can i install ubuntu first or do i need to restore my mac osx partition first before installing ubuntu or does order not matter?10:38
Galloglebihan, and whats the other way, ?10:38
glebihanGallo, what do you mean "the other way" ? why does this one not suit you ?10:38
Gallogleb, yes but learning this10:39
glebihanGuest67969, did you install 32bits or 64bits version ?10:39
wildbatdiane: i suggest you get the OSX back up first . then ubuntu.10:39
Guest67969glebihan, i have 32-bit10:39
glebihanGallo, well another way would be to manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list10:39
glebihanGuest67969, then that's the reason, 32 bits cannot handle that much memory10:40
Guest67969glebihan,  ahaa :D thanks10:40
Guest67969so i have to install 64-bit version :)10:40
superoscpfr: apt-cache show python-apt  copy output to a pastebin please10:40
Guest67969glebihan,  thank yuou10:41
Guest67969 :D10:41
fluidoAnyone using chrome 15.0.874.5 dev? Specifically this version.10:41
glebihanGuest67969,  you're welcome10:42
fluidoAnyone using chrome 15.0.874.5 dev? Specifically this version. I'll like to confirm a weird bug, it'll very quick.10:44
shelleyhi , having problems installing my new 2 TB sata drive10:45
shelleydual boot10:45
shelleyi install w7, and then ubuntu 10.04 but it doesnt see w7 partition10:45
shelleyi can mount w7 partition when i run ubuntu from cd10:46
Galloglebihan, heh I didn't even have "software-properties-gtk" intalled, just now did that...am I gonna be able to use software sources even though I can get wlreless to connect ?10:50
superoscpfr: Sure it does not install into /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ ? Sorry for asking you again.10:50
cpfrsuperos, hmm it did10:51
cpfrits just not detecting in the other tools10:51
Galloglebihan ?10:52
glebihanGallo, if you don't have an internet connection, software properties will be useless10:52
superoscpfr: Tried dpgk --configure -a ?10:53
cpfrdoesn't work10:53
cpfri have used apt-get -f install afterwards as well10:53
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Guest49061What command in terminal to install KDE desktop, NOT Kubuntu10:53
Galloyeah, glebihan been trying to get this running for some time now, trying to get wicd for wireless set up....10:54
Guest67969glebihan, btw...hmm if i switch to 64-bit version does it now support adobe flash??... some time ago in my ubuntu when i had 64bit version flash didint work :/10:54
Gallobut now thats fuctured since I need to get online for it10:54
glebihanGuest67969, I'm using 64bits version and flash runs fine10:54
superoscpfr: apt-get clean, then configure and last force install is what I usually try. Too bad it not works in this case.10:54
Guest67969glebihan, ok :)10:55
cpfrsuperos, i think i might need to just burn a cd and reinstall over all this10:56
Galloglebihan you think you can help set up wireless wep on ubuntu without using wicd ?10:56
glebihanGallo, never used wicd, sorry10:56
Guest49061What is the command in Terminal to install KDE, NOT Kubuntu10:56
superoscpfr: Yes :-(10:57
oCeanGuest49061: there's a metapackage called kubuntu-desktop, you can do  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:57
Gallowell, I can't get it dwnloaded either and haven't used it but was reading a guide tht said tis would help set u wireless easier10:57
Galloif you can help me set up with out i... would be awesome10:58
Guest490610cean: Many thanks10:58
stretchmarkdoes anyone know an iptables to ip converter ?10:59
minkbenmy ubuntu installation freezes when it's done11:03
minkbenI installed via wubi11:03
minkbenit's just frozen, and I can't move my mouse pointer anymore11:03
Gallocan someone help me resolve wireless connection with ubuntu....please....tried everything11:04
wildbatminkben: alt+ctrl+f111:04
minkbenwildbat: then what?11:04
minkbenwildbat: doesn't work11:05
wildbat!sysrq | minkben11:05
ubottuminkben: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key11:05
superosGallo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide11:07
oceantypeIs there any way to find out which key of the keyboard belongs to which number in the keymap?11:08
Unknown17_hello everyone11:08
minkbenwildbat: thanks11:08
drexlarThere is a bug in the installation program of the new LibreOffice 3.4.3. The bug is this:11:09
Unknown17_Is anyone out there interested in time travelling because i made a 100% method of it11:09
drexlarIt is not possible to select a different drive (in Windows 7) different than C:11:09
jribUnknown17_: no, this channel is for ubuntu support only.11:09
Unknown17_ok thanks for info :D11:10
drexlarok, thank you. Bye.11:10
oceantypeIs there any way to find out which key of the keyboard belongs to which number in the keymap?11:13
Fuchsoceantype: look in the other channel11:15
FuchsI answered there11:15
Spectre5So I'm needing to reinstall ubuntu. Instead of backing up all my files to a disk or USB device could I partition a section of my HD off and store my files there? Then reinstall ubuntu and copy them back?11:18
rigvedSpectre5: yes, you can do that if you want.11:20
Spectre5rigved could you tell me how?11:20
oCeanSpectre5: it's always a good idea to make a backup when performing such operations. Having said that, yes - if you have a separate /home for example, you can choose not to format it11:20
fmSpectre5, look at gparted11:20
rigvedSpectre5: ^^ what fm said.11:21
Spectre5Is it not possible to resinstall ubuntu but tell it not to remove my user in the home directory?11:21
oCeanSpectre5: only if it's on separate filesystem11:21
oCean!home | Spectre511:21
ubottuSpectre5: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving11:21
rigvedSpectre5: you need to make sure that the partition which you are trying to split is not alreay mounted.11:21
ComradeHaz`Hi all. I have an array that I cannot start. I think the best thing I can do is show you what I've been doing as I think it probably says it all. I've pastebinned it at: http://pastebin.com/ubU7bw1n11:21
rigvedSpectre5: no. not unless you have a seperate /home partition. then you can tell ubuntu to not format that partition.11:22
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rigvedSpectre5: if your patition is already mounted, then use gparted from the LiveCD.11:23
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aeplusmay want to preserve uid mappings somehow11:23
BenjamiXi am on karmic koala (9.10) do i have to upgrade to 10.04?11:25
p01sonyes if you want to11:26
oCeanBenjamiX: yes, it's end-of-life since last april11:26
iophkHi, where is a current list of laptops that work well with Ubuntu, including wireless and other stuff?11:26
BenjamiXoCean, p01son, so, how can i keep this human theme on 10.04?11:27
oCean!hcl | iophk not sure if it's very comprehensive though11:27
ubottuiophk not sure if it's very comprehensive though: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:27
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BenjamiXand is it true that ubuntu will not use X ws anymore?11:28
oCeanBenjamiX: I have no idea about themes, you could download a 10.04 image and try it as live-cd, see if you can enable that same theme again. Also, most recent version is 11.0411:28
p01sonBenjamix : yes same as Ocean11:29
SealedWithAKissI have installed Ubuntu and can no longer boot into Windows. What might have caused this?11:29
BenjamiXdamn, ill just upgrade then LTS, and if the unity stays in ubuntu, im switching to mint or some thing else...11:29
p01sonSealedWithAKis : your boot manager11:30
BenjamiXSealedWithAKiss your MBR11:30
BenjamiXor that :D11:30
p01sonSealedWithAKis: ir maybe you did something  wrong in filesystem11:30
SealedWithAKissBenjamiX, surely GRUB would create an entry for Windows, that points towards the MBR?11:30
BenjamiXmy mistake11:30
BenjamiXi meant boot manager, not master boot record :D11:31
Gredeuthank you11:31
BenjamiXSealedWithAKiss, check gparted for filesystems11:31
SealedWithAKissBenjamiX, well GRUB isn't displaying. Despite holding shift.11:31
iophkubottu: is there a more up to date listing of supported laptops11:31
ubottuiophk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:31
p01son<SealedWithAKiss: than you have deleted windows !11:32
BenjamiXsame as p01son11:32
SealedWithAKissp01son, I think you'll find that you're mistaken. I'd have to be quite the retard to write the new OS to the existing Windows partition!11:33
SealedWithAKissp01son, GRUB just hasn't created an entry.11:33
BenjamiXfix grub then11:33
p01soni don't think so !11:34
Onepamopaanyone knows what can cause this: http://pastebin.com/t5bR1mbp11:34
BenjamiXOnepamopa, perhaps no root access?11:35
Sidewinder1SealedWithAKiss, Did you try sudo update-grub?11:35
p01sonif you have installed win OS first than the linux one ,  using the option booting dual operating system than ....11:35
OnepamopaBenjamiX its not that11:35
Atlantic777Hi! I've just installed ubuntu 11.04 but max resulution is 640x480. Installed proprietary drivers but it says, „driver is installed but currently not in use“.11:35
BenjamiXOnepamopa, #11:35
BenjamiXIf are sure you want to downgrade to 5.1, remove the file11:35
BenjamiX/var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag and try installing again.11:35
FloodBot1BenjamiX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
OnepamopaBenjamiX the problem is that I dont want to downgrade11:36
Onepamopaand Im not doing downgrade11:36
OnepamopaIm updating version 5.5 with newer 5.5 version11:36
BenjamiXWell remove then this file11:36
OnepamopaI had 5.1 3 months ago but I removed it and installed 5.511:36
SealedWithAKissSidewinder1, coincidently just before you mentioned it. Going down for a reboot now.11:36
BenjamiXremove this and then try the downgrade11:36
Onepamopawell, it says that if I remove it, it will "downgrade" ?11:36
OnepamopaBenjamiX I AM NOT DOING DOWNGRADE11:36
OnepamopaIm upgrading 5.5 with NEW version of 5.511:37
Sidewinder1SealedWithAKiss, Good luck.11:37
Onepamopa5.1 was removed 3 months ago11:37
BenjamiXOnepamopa, sorry my mistake, read it wrong11:37
Onepamopaso, what has to be done now .....11:37
Onepamopain order for the upgrade to succeed ..11:37
p01sonwell it seams that you hate to google it :D11:39
Onepamopap01son didnt find anything I havent done already11:41
Onepamopaso, here I am11:41
heisenberghow do I install and use unity on 10.04?11:42
ComradeHaz`Hi all. I have an array that I cannot start. I think the best thing I can do is show you what I've been doing as I think it probably says it all. I've pastebinned it at: http://pastebin.com/ubU7bw1n11:42
Sidewinder1Onepamopa, I can't help you, sorry; I guess you've searched ubuntuforums.org?11:42
OnepamopaSidewinder1 Ive searched google11:43
Onepamopathat includes ubuntuforums11:43
Onepamopaidf you know something I dont, link it here11:43
Sidewinder1Nah, just a suggestion, lame as it was. :-)11:44
Onepamopanot saying that it's lame11:44
Ellipsis753Can I have a cross shaped desktop layout? 3 high, 3 wide? But with only 6 desktops in total?11:44
Onepamopaits just that IM in a hurry, 3000 users wait for me ...11:45
heisenbergI have ubuntu 11.04 and unity isn't installed. How do I get it?11:45
Sidewinder1Onepamopa, No, I know you weren't; I just wish I had a better suggestion.11:45
p01sonheisenberg:well use package manager11:46
zHammeRzComradeHaz`, it says assembled from 6 drives and 1 rebuilding...what is rebuilding?11:46
Onlyodinheisenberg, isn't installed, or not available because you don't meet the "hardware requirements"?11:47
qinheisenberg: found this: http://digitizor.com/2010/05/10/how-to-install-unity-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/11:48
Ellipsis753Can I set ubuntu up so that The same desktop is always above your current desktop and the same desktop is always to the left of it. So regardless what desktop your on ctl+alt+left should always take you to the "left" desktop.11:48
asdjaputraleft most?11:48
heisenbergOnlyodin: not installed, but I installed "ubuntu-netbook" package now, gonna see if I can choose unity session now11:48
lightaOnepamopa, what does dpkg -l | grep percona say ?11:49
BluesKajHowdy all11:51
oCeanOnepamopa: mysql-server is 5.1 in lucid in the official repositories. Percona is some 3rd party software?11:52
p01son<lighta: it's the list of .deb files . then you grep percona program11:52
nanicoarCtrl+Alt+F1 to F6 doesn't open a tty terminal for me anymore11:53
nanicoarI just get a message about my HDD.11:53
nanicoarI'm using Natty. Any clues one what to do?11:53
lightap01son, wasn't for me... just refer for Onepamopa issue : anyone knows what can cause this: http://pastebin.com/t5bR1mbp11:54
iophkHow can I find laptops with Ubuntu pre-installed?  The Ubuntu site seems to say that Dell sells them. http://www.ubuntu.com/dell, but the Dell site does not seem to offer Ubuntu11:56
Lassemanhey, I need help to get my matlab started, i have it installed but when I want to run it by type "matlab" in the terminal it doesnt start:(11:57
Polahiophk: I believe Lenovo sells some models with some forms of Linux available, or they used to at least.11:57
jrib!matlab | Lasseman11:57
ubottuLasseman: MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks. More info and install instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB11:57
fluidoAnyone using Chrome browser 15.0.874.5 dev? this version specifically.11:58
glebihaniophk, http://www.ubuntu.com/dell11:58
fluidoI just want someone to reproduce/confirm a bug, it'll take 2 seconds.11:58
iophkglebihan: right, but that goes to the Dell page with then only shows legacy systems no Ubuntu11:59
LassemanOkey, i think i know what i did wrong, i didnt install it in /usr/local/MATLAB, if i change that and creat a symbolic should it work?12:00
iophka white box laptop or notebook would be good, too, but I am looking ideally for Ubuntu pre-installed12:00
shaunlewisLasseman, you will need to have the matlab executable/script in your PATH12:01
p01soniophk: why do you need ubuntu pre-installed laptop !12:01
Polahp01son: To use it would be the obvious answer.12:01
p01son<Polah: wow , you are so smart12:01
* JiMbo_dR4ke pats on the shoulders 12:02
Lassemanhm, okey, how do i get the executable/script?12:02
p01son<Polah: i mean you can install afeter buying the lap12:02
Polahp01son: Ask silly questions, get silly answers (: Getting it pre-installed saves time.12:02
glebihaniophk, you're right, looks like they don't sell models with ubuntu anymore (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2366953,00.asp)12:02
p01son<Polah: you are so smart you should work in NASA12:02
Polahp01son: Now, no need to be sarcastic (:12:03
shaunlewisLasseman, creating the symlink might work, but'll have to go in a directory in your PATH, like /usr/local/bin, rather than /usr.12:03
p01son<Polah: ok ok just kidding12:03
=== JoeGazz84 is now known as AFK
ServerTech|LaptoEven on second try, the dang installer does not continue after 5% during select and install software, even though i never really did select any software?:/ Ubuntu 11.04 Server.12:03
Polahp01son: I could actually work at NASA considering I'm going to study aeronautical engineering :D Anyway, time to get back on topic12:04
shaunlewis"/ local/MATLAB" *12:04
Justushi, I'm using wubi to install ubuntu parallel to win7, now the installer finished allright told me to restart, so I restart and select ubuntu from the windows boot loader, but all that happens is an error message by ubuntu about a missing root directory and a initramfs shell...12:04
=== ServerTech|Lapto is now known as ServerTech
Justusany ideas how to fix this?12:04
xircxgood morning12:04
p01son<Polah: woow we have a NASA scientist in ubuntu channel12:04
=== frankiejay is now known as ech0
ServerTechHelp : Even on second try, the dang installer does not continue after 5% during select and install software, even though i never really did select any software?:/ Ubuntu 11.04 Server.12:05
Lassemanok... hm12:05
shaunlewisLasseman, although the instructions jrib requested for you make reference to an actual MATLAB launcher, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB12:05
shaunlewisLasseman, where did you install MATLAB to?12:05
=== ech0 is now known as jaybear
wildbatJustus: uninstall it ~ and do a real install :) wubi tend to have issues.12:06
asdfsdfdfsdfi am using ubuntu 8.10 right now12:06
heisenberga deb package says: "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (>= 2.22.0)" but I can't find libgdk12:06
asdfsdfdfsdfwanted to upgrade to 9.0412:06
Polahiophk: There's some smaller companies that do, if you search around for them on Google12:06
ubottuasdfsdfdfsdf:: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:06
=== ServerTech is now known as ServerTech|Lapto
asdfsdfdfsdfok what is not eol12:06
asdfsdfdfsdf9.10 ???????????ßß12:06
uoouI think you may be being a little silly12:07
=== ServerTech|Lapto is now known as ServerTech
Gredeui'm curious as to why people stay with older version when newer ones have more features and are perhaps slightly more demanding resource wise ?12:07
Lassemani installed it to another partiton on my harddrive12:07
asdfsdfdfsdf!ops |uoou12:07
ubottuuoou: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!12:07
oCeanasdfsdfdfsdf: stop that immediately12:07
PolahJustus: Agree with wildbat. Wubi is rather for trying Ubuntu without having to repartition and suchlike, it's not really intended for proper working installations.12:07
asdfsdfdfsdfocean he said i am supid12:07
ServerTechHelp : Even on second try, the dang installer does not continue after 5% during select and install software, even though i never really did select any software?:/ Ubuntu 11.04 Server.12:07
uoousilly, not 'supid'12:07
uoouvast difference12:07
oCeanasdfsdfdfsdf: even so, you know you should join ubuntu-ops to report these things12:08
PolahGredeu: Stability for hardware and software I'd expect, sometimes security benefits or some new features outweigh the risks of system failure due to some drivers no longer functioning or something to that effect. Although that's why we have LTS releases12:08
heisenbergwhy can't I find the gdk-pixbuf package in my default sources? the package seems to be in the ubuntu repo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/natty/gdk-pixbuf12:08
GredeuPolah, some older versions are more secure than newer ones ?12:09
Gredeugot it12:09
iophkPolah: I12:09
PolahGredeu: No, newer releases should typically be more secure, as security updates would be released and as older releases reach eol those security updates are no longer available for them.12:09
iophkPolah: I've been searching.  Are there any specifics that you know of with Ubuntu (or any other linux) pre-installed?12:10
BluesKajServerTech, try the alternate install12:10
PolahGredeu: What I actually meant to say was that sometimes the risk of failure outweighs the possible benefits of security updates or new features, I got my sentence the wrong way round (:12:10
Gredeuthank you Polah12:10
BluesKaj!alternate | ServerTech12:10
ubottuServerTech: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal12:10
glebihanheisenberg, this is a source package, there is no binary package with that name12:10
Polahheisenberg, that's the source package.12:10
heisenbergthen how do I get the package?12:11
Polahiophk: A search for "laptops with ubuntu preinstalled" gives me http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/09/7-providers-of-pre-installed-linux.html and http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/05/10-ubuntu-1104-pre-installed-laptops.html among other links12:11
glebihanheisenberg, what do you need exactly ?12:11
heisenbergglebihan: trying to install clementine from .deb file, says I need libgdk-pixbuf12:12
Polahheisenberg: sudo apt-get source gdk-pixbuf and then configure/build/install it12:12
ComradeHaz`Sorry hammerz, it was reshaping from RAID 5 to 6 (drive added) when a drive failed. Now I need to remove the partially rebuilt spare to start the array, but I do not know how to issue commands to an array that's not running.12:12
rokraI have an error /usr/bin/ldconfig: 1: libc-bin: not found , by mistake and I m not able to install package now , any ideas?12:12
iophkDon't Acer and Asus have Linux, too?  I've found the ZaReason and System76 units.12:12
glebihanheisenberg, then  install libgdk-pixbuf not gdk-pixbuf (I believe the exact package name is libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0)12:12
Polahiophk: I think some of those companies that offer Linux preinstalled on laptops are resellers for larger companies, and they just verify Linux works, install it and then resell it.12:13
ServerTechHelp : Even on second try, the dang installer does not continue after 5% during select and install software, even though i never really did select any software?:/ Ubuntu 11.04 Server.12:13
PolahDoes Ubuntu One conflict with Dropbox? I have both set to sync the same directory through symlinks. Dropbox syncs fine, but Ubuntu One claims to but doesn't actually move or store any of the files in the directory.12:14
glebihanheisenberg, btw why don't you install clementine from the repos ?12:15
wildbatServerTech: checked the CD for error yet? or the iso with md5sum ?12:15
PolahServerTech, have you verified your ISO and CD?12:15
Gredeuclementine is a nicer player12:15
ServerTechPolah : yep i have.12:15
Gredeuoops nice12:15
ServerTechwildbat: yes.12:15
heisenbergglebihan: did. thanks12:16
glebihanheisenberg, you're welcome12:16
PolahServerTech, are you using CD or USB?12:16
ServerTechPolah: CD.12:16
PolahServerTech, ah, nevermind then. There's apparently some issues with installing the Server from USB.12:17
ServerTechPolah: well so any idea what im supposed to do with this? like try making another disc and installing?12:18
SpaceBasshey folks12:19
uooudoes the boot menu have a thing for verufying the CD?12:19
wildbatServerTech: hmmm ~ do a memtest then.12:19
heisenbergIn windows, I can set my VGA screen to 1680x1200 (or something like that, don't remember exactly), but in ubuntu I can set it to max 1280x768. How can I increase the limit? I have prop. drivers activated12:19
SpaceBassusing mhddfs (like Unionfs) to create a fuse file system spanning several physical drives. One drive failed to mount and now I have files in the mount path on the boot drive. I can move them elsewhere, but whats the best way to merge them back into the mhddfs structure? rsync?12:20
Sidewinder1uoou, It should, yes.12:20
ServerTechwildbat: well.. i dont really think its a mem problem though.12:21
uoouI recommend that then. And writing a new CD on the slowest speed your drive can manage. That kinda thing always tends to be a wonky CD for me (but I am no expert)12:21
wildbatServerTech: alt+ f1-6 to get in other shell , see if you can put the logs and fing something then.12:22
PolahServerTech, just because you don't think it's the memory doesn't mean it isn't. Give it a test and find out, I believe there's memtest included with the ISO12:23
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Sidewinder1uoou, Md5sum should be used on the ISO, prior to burning aslowest...12:23
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest95556
catphish_is there any chance of a major firefox upgrade in 10.04?12:24
uoouaye, that too12:24
catphish_a lot of users are still using firefox 312:24
ServerTechPolah, wildbat: started the mem test.12:25
Polahcatphish_, 10.04 is still FF3 unless it's changed, the same with 10.10. There are minor updates to it though12:26
catphish_i know, that's why i asked if there was any chance of it being upgraded12:26
catphish_i realise major version bumps are uncommon12:26
catphish_but with firefox's progress it seems necessary12:27
FxIIIhi all12:31
wildbatcatphish_: there are ppa for firefox12:31
FxIIII'm desperate: my ISP ppp is buggy (...) and it becomes mad because i ask him for a ms-dns and ms-wins. is there any way to avoid pppd to ask for such amenities?12:32
sitaktifbeh it was not a good idea to play with my window manager during an Ubuntu upgrade :)12:32
oCeancatphish_: there are FF stable PPA's For example ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable providing FF6 for lucid12:32
catphish_wildbat: yeah, probably best to use those for my org, i was more concerned about web devs having to continue to support html4 because of it12:33
oCean!pl | ubuntu_12:33
ubottuubuntu_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:33
catphish_thanks oCean, i'll def use that ppa myself12:33
catphish_is there no chance of that making it into the main repos though?12:34
catphish_or do mozilla still actively support ff3?12:35
wildbatdon't think so ~ no update for a year or so .12:35
catphish_well the ppa works well for me, thanks12:36
workесть живые ? совет нужен12:44
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:44
FxIIIany idea about how to tell pppd to not ask for ms-dns and ms-wins12:45
p01sonFxIII:  you want it to start automatically ?12:48
Atlantic777On random basis I can't boot up the Ubuntu 11.04. I have vertical black/white stripes after GRUB and before plymouth. It's not due to hardware, the „other“ OS works well.12:48
Atlantic777After few reboots all is ok.12:48
FxIIIp01son: i did a script on boot that check for the presence of the usbmodem an then calls pon12:49
Atlantic777I havn't mentioned that before, and it becomes annoying... Where to start looking for a problem?12:49
FxIIIp01son: so I can do whenever is needed before and after the pppd start12:49
p01sonFxIII: aha !12:50
zykotick9Atlantic777, it does "sound" like a hardware issue.  Sorry no suggestions.12:50
p01sonFxIII: did you write in sh script12:51
FxIIIp01son: in a python script but the pon call use the bash12:52
FxIIIp01son: is this a problem?12:52
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest54675
dagon666does something changed with the i915 driver between ubuntu 10.10 and xubuntu 11.04 ? I get 1500fps in glxgears with the old release and only 300 with the new xubuntu. Or maybe xubuntu uses completely different versions of X and gfx drivers ?12:54
ikoniadagon666: try with "intel" driver12:55
julie101010does anyone have any clues why my screen does not refresh when I close a window on 11.04...  it was the same with previous versions...  since this bug is so annoying, I have to suppose it doesn't affect everyone...  using a Acer notebook12:55
dagon666ikonia: I do not define any driver in xorg.conf - everything gets loaded automatically, I only see that kernel module i915 and all dependencies are loaded and "intel" driver has been selected in Xorg logs12:56
uoouwhat do you mean, screen does not refresh, julie101010 ?12:56
ikoniadagon666: kernel module is not an xorg driver12:56
dagon666wondering why such a loss of performance12:56
FxIIIp01son: any idea?12:56
zykotick9julie101010, is this a physical install, or are you running in VirtualBox?12:57
julie101010uoou, if I open a small window (program) over another one and then close it with the X, its image stays on top of the other program until I play with the window like minimize/maximize12:57
ikoniadagon666: I'm wondering if it's not actually loading the intel driver, try forcing the i810 driver, and then forcing the intel driver, see if there is anything different12:57
uoouthat does sound annoying12:57
uoouis this with the open drivers or proprietary?12:57
uooualso, do you know what graphics card/chip you have?12:58
julie101010uoou, didn't install any proprietary drivers12:58
dagon666ikonia: I dont think that my intel 8245G is supported by i81012:58
x3qt0rHow do I install motif and/or athena12:58
ikoniadagon666: it's worth trying it to see if/how it falls back and comparing the logs12:58
uoouahh ok, I believe there's no proprietary drivers for intel12:58
uoouthis is a laptop?12:58
dagon666its an old dell gx26012:59
julie101010yep, notebook12:59
dagon666heh, two separate very similar threads going on :)12:59
uoouand this is only when closing windows? (i.e. doesn't happen when brining windows in front of other windows etc.?)13:00
julie101010uoou, it actually happens in a few other cases, the display simply does not refresh properly13:00
dagon666join #perl13:01
julie101010while searching for this problem I found a thread on a forum that mentioned the Intel driver was responsible but there was no solution proposed there13:02
=== bais is now known as bzz
zykotick9julie101010, i get a very similar issue when running compiz inside VBox, do you know if you disable compiz does the issue still happen?13:03
julie101010sorry, I don't know compiz...  where do I check if I use it?13:03
uoouI *think* (someone may correct me) that if you set 'none' on 'visual effects' in 'appearance settings' it will stop using compiz13:04
julie101010mmm, let me check my settings13:05
davrosystem -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects "select none"13:05
uooulike I say, I may be talking rubbish about that13:05
uoouseems I'm not! amazing13:06
julie101010it's worth a try13:06
julie101010hold on13:06
sunilhow to use webcam on yahoo messenger13:06
ServerTechI made it work:) ty for your suggestions though Polah and wildbat.13:06
OnkelTemHI all. My Software Center on 10.10 is empty. Why this could happen?13:07
wildbatServerTech: what happened thou ?13:07
sunilhow to use webcam on pidgin?13:07
sunilhow to use webcam on pidgin?13:08
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:08
ServerTechwildbat: apparently i did not use the cd check on the iso, i was checking about the verification during cd burning, and also, i found a few ram errors, which weren't that serious and the installation would have still worked. Well apparently i added two extra ram sticks yesterday, which seem to have a frequency different than my two main ram sticks. I removed two and made a new disc, works like13:09
saganbyteis it possible to run tascam us 144 or behringer xenyx1204 USB audio interface under Ubuntu somehow13:09
=== Gallo is now known as Guest68971
acehello. I have a problem with my hp probook touch pad. It fails to right click and some solutions I have found on the web that actuall help end up disabling edge scrolling. is there a solution here?13:10
linusoleanderAnyone knows how to pass ForwardAgent=true when using ssh?13:10
julie101010uoou, davro: can't find an option to disable visual effects in the appearance program13:10
uoouyou don't see something like this: http://www.techotopia.com/images/4/4a/Ubuntu_visual_effects_settings.jpg ?13:11
wildbatServerTech: i see, ^^ grats it work now :>13:11
aceSECOND PROBLEM: my ubuntu wireless led stopped working. How do I re-enable it?13:12
ServerTechwildbat : ty:) btw im using like a wireless keyboard so idk if my caps is on.. and i have to enter passwords for the installation you know.. is there any way i can know if caps is on? cause i apparently touched the caps lock by mistake, and this wireless keyboard doesnt have lights to show it.13:12
julie101010uoou, only have 3 tabs: theme, background and fonts13:12
julie101010ikonia, would you happen to know a way to disable compiz to see if that resolves my problem?13:13
wildbatSeverTech, i think there are some panel applet / screenlet that show that .but i don't on top my head now.13:14
ServerTechwildbat: im in the installation process, so i doubt it.13:14
uooujulie101010, you in gnome/Unity?13:15
wildbatServerTech: hmmm right you are server edition , just test it out in some terminal before entering :<13:16
aceSECOND PROBLEM: my ubuntu wireless led stopped working. How do I re-enable it?13:17
acehello. I have a problem with my hp probook touch pad. It fails to right click and some solutions I have found on the web that actuall help end up disabling edge scrolling. is there a solution here?13:17
julie101010uoou, don't know...  just using the default interface on 11.0413:17
uoouok, apparently opening a terminal and doing: metacity --replace13:17
julie101010let me try that13:17
uoouwill switch compiz off (but I'm not convinced it's running)13:17
uooubut yeah, shouldn't do any harm13:17
zykotick9uoou, careful with that that's for Gnome, not Unity I believe.  julie10101013:18
julie101010I'm not worried :)13:18
uoouoh, unity has to use compiz?13:18
ServerTechwildbat: true:) well its postgresql so it doesnt matter that much13:18
zykotick9uoou, i think so13:18
uoousorry julie101010, I didn't know that13:18
OnkelTemWhat software can I use to create system backup?13:19
rigvedi thought that unity in 11.04 uses metacity. in 11.10, unity uses compiz.13:19
uooujust out of interest, try: ps ax | grep compiz13:19
uoouto see if it is running13:19
rigved!info deja-dup | OnkelTem13:19
ubottuOnkelTem: deja-dup (source: deja-dup): Backup utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.1.1-0ubuntu1.1 (natty), package size 614 kB, installed size 4276 kB13:19
Guest68971Hey folks, do I have to do anything with network-manager for wicd to work, had it working and connecting fine, now it tells me bad password even though I know it's the correct password ?13:19
* Sk|p brb13:19
Guest68971anyone ?13:20
uooujulie101010, does this (the bit under "windows don't update") describe your problem? http://wiki.compiz.org/Troubleshooting#Windows_Don.27t_Update13:21
OnkelTemrigved: thank you. There are tons of backup software, have no time to try them all :)13:21
rigvedOnkelTem: deja-dup is good. it is now the default backup program from 11.10 onwards.13:22
OnkelTemrigved: what I really need - is to backup /var/www and all the databases. Hope this utility will help13:22
Peste_Bubonicahi all13:22
rigvedOnkelTem: yes. you can do that. it is a GUI program. if you want to do this on a server, then use duplicity.13:23
julie_uoou, it does look quite similar if not the same13:23
Peste_Bubonicasomeone could indicate some doc of how to build the usb install stick of ubunto from another distro?13:23
Peste_BubonicaI dont have windows on  my computer now, and I dont have ubuntu installed here...13:23
Peste_Bubonicaso, I want to use my distro to build the usb stick13:23
IdleOnePeste_Bubonica: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/13:24
=== Guest95556 is now known as LjL-Temp
irvkenmy new wifi connection says it's connected to my access point but I can't surf or ping the network (unreachable)13:24
irvkenwhere can I start to t/s this?13:24
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest49958
julie_where is the default xorg.conf so I can change it?13:24
zykotick9julie_, it's not there by default, xorg.conf has to be created13:25
Peste_BubonicaIdleOne, cool.. Gentoo haves a ebuild for it.. many thanks13:25
=== max is now known as Guest80952
julie_zykotick9, would you mind saving me a 15 minute search and tell me how?13:25
Peste_BubonicaIdleOne, the ISO haves only 699Mb. I can use a 1GB Pendrive?13:25
IdleOnePeste_Bubonica: welcome, any further support with unetbootin on gentoo should be asked in #gentoo13:26
new2netWhere can I find the flatfile (I would think) containing the rules for iptables in Natty?13:26
IdleOnePeste_Bubonica: 2GB minimum I believe13:26
uoouok, julie101010 I guess that solution is worth a shot then13:26
uooudo you know how to edit xorg.conf?13:27
dominicdinadahow to remove old kernals ?13:27
dominicdinadaall but the most current and last one13:27
julie_uoou, yes but I don't know how to generate it by hearth13:27
democrezyi am a new user .I install some updates from update manager in ubuntu 11.04 then software centre got disabled and also update manager was not responding.When i restarted ubuntu, keyboard was not detected and i had to reconnect keyboard cable.Then i reinstall ubuntu. Can anybody explain me what was the problem?13:27
zykotick9julie_, stollen from #debian's "xorg conf squeeze" but may apply:  use "X -configure" ("X -configure :1" if server is already active)13:27
uoouwell that's interesting, two Julies both editing xorg.confs13:28
dominicdinadaerrrr how do i remove old kernels on a headless unit moreso13:28
uoouoh, same one13:28
zykotick9dominicdinada, "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" then uninstall the ones you don't want.13:29
=== jincreator is now known as ndsin
dominicdinadazykotick9: ty ill try13:29
=== ndsin is now known as jincreator
dominicdinadaok second question i have a new server i am throwing together the bios doesnt support boot from usb img just usb-fdd usb-hdd etc13:30
julie_zykotick9, got a fatal error trying X -configure13:30
dominicdinadaand it wont take the live usb ? how to install without cd,dvd drives13:30
zykotick9julie_, if Xorg is running use the "X -configure :1"13:30
shaunlewisjulie_: As far as I know, sudo Xorg -configure will work better on Ubuntu. Make sure the X is capitalised13:30
julie_zykotick9, did that... will try shaunlewis' alternative13:31
zykotick9julie_, they should be the same - you probably have to use sudo13:31
dominicdinadahttp://pastebin.com/RqxnsjVA hmmmmm 10 kernels :/13:32
zykotick9dominicdinada, that's a lot of kernels ;)  I'd recommend you keep 2 at all times: current and one backup known good.13:33
dominicdinadazykotick9: ya i said i wanted to keep 213:33
dominicdinadabut umm.... i never flushed old kernels on updates13:34
julie_gees, both Xorg and X fail to consider the display set (even set manually to :1)13:34
=== jincreator is now known as girl
uooujulie_, try it this way: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8382188&postcount=413:34
uoouwait, no, don't13:35
=== girl is now known as jincreator
Guest68971Hey folks, do I have to do anything with network-manager for wicd to work, had it working and connecting fine, now it tells me bad password even though I know it's the correct password ?13:35
zykotick9julie_, FYI "sudo service gdm stop" will log you out of your GUI!!!13:35
zykotick9Guest68971, if "it" (whatever it is) says "bad password" it's most likely a bad password.13:36
BiKER-JENSdamn.. it13:37
Guest68971I know it's right though.....it was working fine then started telling me that13:37
BiKER-JENSI had LAMP from today13:37
democrezyi am a new user .I install some updates from update manager in ubuntu 11.04 then software centre got disabled and also update manager was not responding.When i restarted ubuntu, keyboard was not detected and i had to reconnect keyboard cable.Then i reinstall ubuntu. Can anybody explain me what was the problem?13:38
zykotick9Guest68971, could it be connecting to the wrong network then?  That would give bad pass as well.13:38
saquibhi all ;)13:38
Guest68971not sure, noob at this....how can i check, don't see how though there's only one available, I rural here13:39
zykotick9Guest68971, if you only see one wireless network, it's not connecting to the wrong one then.13:39
zykotick9Guest68971, why did you switch to wicd?13:40
Guest68971yeah, figured...but what else could be messing wicd up?13:40
Guest68971do i need to apt-get remove network-manager?13:41
IdleOnehaving both installed would conflict and possibly cause issues13:42
Guest68971because i couldn't connest ubuntu any other way13:42
Guest68971was getting errors13:42
IdleOnecan you connect to your wifi with network manager?13:42
Guest68971tried all kinds of guides13:42
Guest68971could connect at all b413:43
IdleOnehow are you connected now? wired?13:43
Guest68971so i got wicd and installed, work fine for a bit then it got fuctured, dunno if i did something wrong13:44
Guest68971was doing cmd iwconfig wlan0 essid "<name_of_router>" key "<encryption_key>"13:44
Guest68971but was getting error13:45
Guest68971any ideas what's up with wicd, or wireless set up ?13:46
ixxuGuest68971, did you choose the right encryption for your wireless ?13:47
stevehi all13:47
Guest68971check it 10 times, like I said it was conectig fine evnwas able t finaly d apt-get update13:48
steveI just set up natty inside a Xen domU, it boots fine but doesn't show any info relating to starting services - but they DO start - is it normal for it to be so quiet?13:48
steveit pretty much goes straight to the console13:48
democrezyHow can i enhance visual effects in ubuntu 11.0413:49
zykotick9steve, Ubuntu tried to hide all the boot process - you can try remove "quiet splash" from your kernel boot config, in /etc/default/grub, then run "sudo update-grub2" to apply any changes13:49
stevezykotick9: i'm not using any bootloader13:50
Guest68971only thing i tried was  staticweb.sh cmd ...something I read in a guide that I wrote and it auto connects and pings google to verify lol13:50
zykotick9steve, i have no idea then, good luck.13:50
glebihansteve, someway you are, you do have something in the mbr that's launching your OS and passing the options to the kernel13:51
steveglebihan: this is a xen domU, not a baremetal server13:51
Djmaster329I burned Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop to a DVD and installed it at on of my computers.13:53
Djmaster329works great but13:53
Djmaster329My notebook has a broken screen/video card13:53
Djmaster329when I boot the disc it only shows a black screen13:53
democrezydjmaster329, are u a new user?13:54
Djmaster329not really, I also used 9.0413:54
Djmaster329and I also have 9.04 in a virtual machine13:55
PtitristWhere can i found a french server please ?13:56
zykotick9!fr | Ptitrist if you mean IRC13:56
ubottuPtitrist if you mean IRC: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:56
democrezydjmaster r u satisfied with ubuntu? is it eazy to use? i m a new user and i m suffering a lot13:58
PtitristIt's very easy ubuntu13:58
Djmaster329Yes, I really love Ubuntu.13:58
Djmaster329It's way better than Windows13:59
francesco_Someone can help me with kdenlive from the latest svn trunk? It crashes when i try to add a clip. Please reply. Thanks13:59
bryanhi everybody14:00
zykotick9francesco_, if you're using the SVN version of kdenlive, you should try to find if they have a support channel.14:00
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Guest48588can someone help me to configure my shrew vpn  on ubuntu14:00
bronzenoobcan any1 help... i need to download syslinux but syslinux.org and kernel.org are down14:00
bronzenoobi just can't find it anywhere14:00
bronzenoobany1 have a copy?14:00
Guest48588i want to learn if someone  help me14:01
zykotick9bronzenoob, see if what you're looking for is on the github repo https://github.com/mirrors/linux-2.6 good luck.14:02
malkihello i got 2 big problems: first: is there anyway to disable sudo pass? so i dont have to type the password everytime? autologin etc?14:02
Djmaster329Bronzenoob, give me a second14:02
bronzenoobthanks dj14:02
new2netmalki: you can extend the time between when you are asked to authenticate. I think the default is 5 or 10 minutes.14:03
Djmaster329Bronzenoob, you should be able to find something here: http://mirror.muntinternet.net/pub/linux/boot/syslinux/14:03
malkiwhat about autologin? without having to enter the password?14:03
sl33k_Which is a good open source cd burning s/w for ubuntu like nero in windows?14:03
zykotick9new2net, 15 min is default sudo timeout.14:03
thrillERboyHi, How to add user and assing to a group in one step14:03
bronzenoobnice thanks14:03
new2nets/5 or 10/5 plus 10/g14:03
bronzenoobgot it14:04
thrillERboysay assign to sudo group14:04
Djmaster329You're welcome :)14:04
Sidewinder1sl33k_, FFMPEG or DeVeDe.14:04
zykotick9sl33k_, it requires the KDE libraries, but K3B is ALMOST worth the huge size.14:04
zykotick9sl33k_, i don't understand Sidewinder1's suggestion neither ffmpeg or devede is burning software14:04
sl33k_Sidewinder1: does it require kde14:05
sl33k_zykotick9: any gnome alternative?14:05
zykotick9sl33k_, gnomeburner (not sure on exact package name)14:05
Sidewinder1zykotick9, Don't they burn? I was under the impression that any encoding/decodeing software would also burn. Guess I was wrong. :-(14:06
julie101010uoou, zykotick9:  just applied the option to my xorg.conf and will need to wait a few minutes to see if the problem is now resolved but so far it looks ok, although compiz is still running14:06
new2netmalki: maybe you can make your main group root and get the same result14:06
malkii installed ubuntu on a secondary partition from windows with windows installer cause no usb and no dvd available on my notebook. but now the problem is if i start my notebook it first starts the windows bootmenu where i can choose windows or ubuntu, and then the linux bootmenu appears if i choose ubuntu. I want to have the linux bootloader alone as default. i want to completly delete windows14:07
zykotick9Sidewinder1, ffmpeg is encoding only, devede is for creating DVD ISO images from movies14:07
adam_What kind of specs does ubuntu need to run?14:07
Sidewinder1zykotick9, I just use the default burner that comes w/10.04.14:07
adam_I have 64kb RAM ;)14:07
zykotick9adam_, troll elsewhere.  If you want the requirements see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements14:08
Sidewinder1zykotick9, OK, thanks; I've obviously never used either. I'll go back to hiding in the corner. :-)14:08
BluesKajhis pc must be 20 yrs old14:08
zykotick9Sidewinder1, ;)14:08
new2netmalki: I would warn you, incase you don't already know, executing everything as root is an easy way to break your install.14:08
sl33k_Sidewinder1, zykotick9: is the default burner good? its name is brasero14:08
Gredeuis gbrainy better than math at mind strengthening ?14:08
thrillERboyHi, How to add a new user and add him to sudo group, in one step?14:08
malkimy other question is more important :D14:09
malkibut thanks for the warning14:09
zykotick9sl33k_, brasero is fine (personally, I can't stand it but that's a personal opinion)14:09
adam_Not trolling, I just want to see if its possible to run Ubuntu on Commodore 64.14:09
malkii want to install grub as default ... it should replace windows bootmenu14:09
malkihow can i do that?14:09
aceled on hp probook is not working. I need help14:09
Sidewinder1sl33k_, Sometimes it throws crazy error messages but burns perfectly, in spite of the error messages.14:09
new2netmalki: Did you install windows or unbuntu first?14:09
thrillERboymalki: from my experiance windows update break grub :(14:09
malkifirst i installed windows, then my usb port dvd drive broke14:10
malkithen windows was screwed14:10
zykotick9sl33k_, actually, brasero is the only burning software I currently have install!  so i can't dislike it that much.14:10
malkii installed ubuntu with windows installer14:10
sl33k_zykotick9, Sidewinder1: thanks for the help. i'll try brasero14:10
malkiso now windows boot menu starts first14:10
Sidewinder1sl33k_, NP. :D14:10
zykotick9sl33k_, K3B really is the most powerful burning software I've seen in my many years of gnu/linux use - i just hate the fact that it's KDE based.14:11
Sidewinder1malki, WUBI?14:11
malkiyes with wubi14:11
malkii installed ubuntu from windows with wubi14:11
Sidewinder1malki, There's your problem.14:11
new2netmalki: grub-install -v14:12
zykotick9malki, FYI WUBI isn't a real ubuntu install - it's installed inside windows, and is thus dependent on windows14:12
acehey hey hey14:12
new2netmalki: no guarantees on that. Might want to read the whole page. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Grub#Recovering_GRUB14:12
malkiis there no way to let grub replace windows boot?14:12
Sidewinder1malki, WUBI's intention is to try ubuntu, within win. environment; certainly not for long term use. :)14:13
zykotick9new2net, i'd be careful with your suggestions, unless you are familiar with wubi14:13
Gallo1anyone here use wicd ?14:13
Sidewinder1malki, Not surprising that win. update would break wubi.14:13
=== Guest68971 is now known as gallo1
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OnkelTemI can't unmount USB device - its like busy. But I CAN'T find anything using it14:16
OnkelTemfuser -m /dev/sdb1 - shows nothing14:16
OnkelTemfuser -m /media/38b55b81-615e-4886-9e20-10b2c0ece5a7 (the fs) - shows nothing14:16
BluesKajSidewinder1, zykotick9 , one of the best dvd tools for authoring and creating dvd images is tovid ...cli but it gives instructions what to do in each step as the build to a dvd progresses14:17
OnkelTemlsof | grep /dev/sdb1 shows nothing too14:17
RocketmanTTHello everyone, I'm having trouble getting PPTP client to work in 11.0.0414:17
RocketmanTTI'm trying to get PPTP to work via the GUI14:18
zeroedoutrocketmantt: using network-manager i presume? What problem is it having?14:18
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Oh my goodness, CLI, Sidewinder1 doesn't know how to type; that's why I stick to GUI as much as I can.14:18
RocketmanTTthe VPN is created but when I select it and look at the connection info, it says there are no active connections14:19
zykotick9BluesKaj, I haven't heard of tovid before (it's not a debian package, but I might try it out sometime), thanks.14:19
malkiokay one last question... is there any GUI for GRUB?14:19
zeroedoutrocketmantt: You'll need to get more detail into what's going wrong. you can check dmesg, but I'm not sure if there will be much useful info there. You can try /var/log/syslog and other logs there to see if you get any more info14:20
bastidrazorzykotick9: its in the ubuntu repo's. tovid is a good converter14:21
RocketmanTTlet me check14:21
zeroedoutYou might also want to try the the cli version of network-manager it might give more info14:21
bastidrazorBluesKaj: there is a gui version too.. tovidgui14:21
Sidewinder1malki, I don't believe so but you can edit the grub config. files via gui by issuing sudo gedit.14:22
x3qt0rWhen I try to plot something in CLI mode in mathematica, on ubuntu 10.04, i get an output as " -Graphics-" and nothing more14:22
Sidewinder1malki, Make that "gksudo gedit!14:22
BluesKajbastidrazor, ok, good to hear ...I haven't used tovid for a while since I just play videos from this media server hdd14:22
Sidewinder1malki, Sorry.14:23
bastidrazorBluesKaj: same here.. ushare and the xbox/ps3 make it all pointless to make dvd's now.14:23
RocketmanTTthere's nothing in dmesg and /var/log/syslog14:23
RocketmanTTat least nothing related to the PPTP connection14:23
BluesKajbastidrazor, yup14:24
uthpala@RocketmanTT is this about a mobile broad band connection14:24
uthpalaI also have a question regarding mobile broad band in ubuntu 11.0414:25
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RocketmanTT@uthpala, I'm trying to connect via PPTP to HideIPVPN14:25
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[THC]AcidRaini guess there is no way at all that i could recover an email that i dont kow the email address to?14:25
oCean[THC]AcidRain: I don't see how that's an #ubuntu issue14:26
uthpala<RocketmanTT> forgive my knowledge on Ubuntu networking is out dated14:27
[THC]AcidRainits more of a pidgin issue14:27
* Sidewinder1 Thought pidgin was an IM client.14:28
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete14:28
RocketmanTTsigh, i've been trying to follow the docs online, but nothing specific to 11.0.414:28
[THC]AcidRainit is. but pidgin had this issue a few months ago where it wouldnt handle my large contact list so i stopped using IM all together, now i want to see if they have fixed their bugs14:28
oCean[THC]AcidRain: I think you need to clarify your issue more, then14:29
uthpalamy problem is in the network manager my modem profile does not appear14:29
uthpalaI was able to connet using the modem when installing but after installing I am not able to connect14:30
stalkeri installet ubuntu, but i cant swich between windows14:31
MissingPersonhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1841925 can anyone help me with this problem?14:31
IdleOneMissingPerson: are you running Mint?14:32
Fate1anyone know what package I need for openssl development library. Ubuntu version: Natty14:32
cpfrsuperos, fixed it14:32
Fate1I can't seem to get it14:32
cpfrturns out i needed to symlink site-packages to dist-packages and then that to /usr/shared/pyshared14:32
MissingPersonIdleOne: yes, why?14:32
oCeanFate1: isn't it libssl-dev package?14:32
IdleOne!mint | MissingPerson14:33
ubottuMissingPerson: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:33
cpfri ran a script to reinstall all my python packages for safe measure14:33
Fate1I tried libssl-dev.. but it says it's unable to locate package14:34
MissingPersonIdleOne: I can never get help in the linuxmint channel14:34
IdleOneMissingPerson: I feel for you but we don't support mint in here14:34
oCean!info libssl-dev14:34
ubottulibssl-dev (source: openssl): SSL development libraries, header files and documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8o-5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1972 kB, installed size 5748 kB14:34
uthpalaHi I need some help on Ubuntu network manger14:35
oCeanFate1: ^it is the correct package name. Maybe problem with your current repo mirror?14:35
uthpala<Fate1> can you help on this problem14:36
hydruiduthpala, what is your problem14:36
centHOGGMissingPerson: you get what you pay for14:36
centHOGGsorry to say14:37
MissingPersoncentHOGG can you be any more condescending?14:37
centHOGGwasn't trying to be14:37
uthpala<hydruid> I installed Ubuntu 11.04 when installing I was able to connect with my modem14:37
bloodlufehello.. i need help in setting up of UEC14:37
bloodlufeUbuntu Enterprise Cloud server...14:38
GredeuMissingPerson, you just can't get support for that here and Mint is free.14:38
TurkkkMerhabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ubuntu 11.10 (çalışmayan düşünüyorum) can sıkıcı bir durum! WiFi çalışma değildir! Lütfen yardım edin!14:38
bloodlufeny one...14:38
IdleOnebloodlufe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall14:38
Fate1!info sources.list14:39
ubottuPackage sources.list does not exist in natty14:39
student= = ''14:39
studentdc c14:39
studentWhat are you doing?14:39
Turkkktahitian translator Did you mean: Drama Kid 12 Type text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel English to Turkish translation lütfen cevap!haha azgın14:39
=== Taftse2 is now known as Taftse
FloodBot1Turkkk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
MoD_7will compiz fusion work on gnome 3 ??14:40
hydruid!Guidelines | Turkkk14:40
ubottuTurkkk: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:40
bloodlufe<IdleOne> i'm struck at 1 point.. give me an error "Debootstrap error" when installing base system...14:40
bloodlufe"Failed to Determine the Codename for the release"14:41
IdleOnebloodlufe: sorry I know nothing about UEC14:41
MoD_7will compiz work on gnome 3?? is it worth upgrading ??14:41
bloodlufeany complete installation documentation...?14:41
PolahFate1: sources.list is the list of sources that packages can be downloaded from, it's not a package itself.14:42
bloodlufeHelp required in Installing UEC...!!!14:42
bloodlufeny one pls...14:42
oCeanbloodlufe: there is a specific #ubuntu-cloud  channel for uec14:43
Polahbloodlufe: If someone knows, they will help you. Please don't post lots of messages.14:43
bloodlufeoh.. thanx for the info..14:43
Fate1!info libssl-dev14:44
ubottulibssl-dev (source: openssl): SSL development libraries, header files and documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8o-5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1972 kB, installed size 5748 kB14:44
bhaveshI did WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-test wine ./Desktop/SkyFights2/pawno/pawno.exe  in terminal it worked.. but when I did same in Add Custom App Launcher to panel> Command , it returns No such file or directory14:44
bhaveshAny other way to make a shortcut for starting app with terminal command?14:46
monkey_kjubhavesh: use ln -s14:47
MissingPersonGredeu: I get it, but did I ask for salt in the wound?14:48
RocketmanTTAnyone has experience creating a PPTP client from Ubuntu Server 11.0.4?14:49
monkey_kjuHi everybody ! I want to implement the draw line algorithm as DDA, Bresenham14:49
monkey_kjuin linux. How  can I do it ? Thanks14:49
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:49
yeatsRocketmanTT: what's your actual question about it?14:50
RocketmanTT@yeats My issue is that I'm able to create the VPN connection but when I click it in NetworkManager, nothing happens14:51
bhaveshmonkey_kju: ln -s creates a symbolic link instead of hard link?.. but How am i supposed to use it in my case..?14:51
abdiis possible to upgrade my nvidia drivers from 260.19 to 270?14:52
yeatsRocketmanTT: did the NM icon change at all?14:52
RocketmanTT@yeats no it didn't14:53
lolmausI've created /etc/conf/uwsgi.conf, but "sudo start uwsgi" says "unknown job". Why? What should i do to start it?14:54
=== element is now known as Guest76560
pcmaster112any one know where i can get One Piece?14:54
bhaveshmonkey_kju: it says Its not an absolute path14:54
yeatsRocketmanTT: (the @ is not required in IRC - just type my name - tab complete works too) no error message at all?14:54
Polahlolmaus: sudo service start uwsgi.conf, provided you've properly set up it's init scripts and suchlike with Upstart14:54
lolmausPolah, i have only created the "/etc/init/uwsgi.conf". Is taht enough?14:55
RocketmanTTyeats no errors...i used sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog but there are no errors except for this - <info> Unmanaged Device found; state CONNECTED forced. (see http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/191889)14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191889 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu Hardy) "[MASTER] [WORKAROUND] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager." [High,Triaged]14:56
subr00thi there14:56
monkey_kjubhavesh: use the command ln -s TARGET /home/username/Desktop/linkname14:56
abdican somebody help me installing the nvidia 270 drivers? I'm using ubuntu 10.1014:56
Polahlolmaus: Probably not, you need to add a line to your runlevels too and suchlike. Other people can explain better. Have a look at !upstart and perhaps this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto#Other_Upstart_Commands14:57
monkey_kjuthen refesh the desktop14:57
yeatsRocketmanTT: so how did you set up the PPTP connection? via NetworkManager?14:57
Polahpcmaster112, the anime/manga? Probably Amazon or some other retailer.14:57
RocketmanTTyeats: correct, it was configured via NetworkManager and no errors encountered during configuration14:57
subr00tim using kubuntu 10.10, i want to install gnome, but my connexion is too low, can i install it from ubuntu 10.10 cd? i dont want to reinstall the whole system, i only want to add the gnome environment14:57
monkey_kjubhavesh: TARGET is the exec file14:57
=== jesus is now known as Guest17987
yeatsRocketmanTT: okay - sounds like you might want to set it up manually then - do you know how?14:58
Guest17987espeakin espanis please14:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:58
RocketmanTTyeats: not really14:58
PolahDoes jockey report usage of proprietary drivers incorrectly?14:59
subr00tis there a way to add Gnome to kubuntu from ubuntu 10.10 cd?14:59
RocketmanTTyeats: well i've looked at the docs on the net but they're for the older versions14:59
IdleOnesubr00t: install ubuntu-desktop package14:59
yeatsRocketmanTT: they're probably still useful - that functionality hasn't changed really at all14:59
subr00tIdleOne, can i install it from the cd?15:00
Guest17987wats your name ??15:00
monkey_kjuHow can I implement draw line algorithm DDA, Bresenham in C/C++ on ubuntu :)15:00
RocketmanTTyeats: can you give me a link that will be most relevant to v11.0.415:01
IdleOnesubr00t: should be able to, not sure if you can from the kubuntu cd.15:01
Polahsubr00t: See !aptoncd15:01
subr00tpolah, i will google that, thx15:01
Polahsubr00t: If all the packages were there and you set up your apt to use the CD then it should be able to pick them off.15:01
Polah!aptoncd | subr00t15:01
ubottusubr00t: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline15:01
PolahPsh, who uses Google when ubottu is here? (:15:01
IdleOnesubr00t: probably not, ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that fetches all the needed packages. they may not all be on the cd.15:02
yeatsRocketmanTT: this looks pretty much right on: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-configure-pptp-vpn-in-ubuntu-intrepid-and-jaunty.html15:02
yeatsRocketmanTT: that's more or less what I do15:02
* yeats has not gotten NM do to what he wants it to do for PPTP15:03
Guest17987ola ai putillas a domicilio??15:03
RocketmanTTyeats: thanks very much, i'll give it a shot15:04
=== James is now known as Guest17795
Guest17795hi all Q) were is the best place to get live-helper support for Ubuntu building15:04
MissingPersonhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1841925 can anyone give me help with this?15:04
yeatsRocketmanTT: feel free to ping me again if you hit a wall - I'm up and down, but paying attention ;-)15:04
RocketmanTTyeats: no probs, we'll catch up15:05
hydruidMissingPerson, post your problem not a link for us to read with many posts15:05
bastidrazorMissingPerson: is using Mint.15:05
IdleOneMissingPerson: I told you we do not support mint here. Stop asking.15:05
PolahGuest17795, here.15:06
DamasceneHi, every time I run AIDE IDS check I get this "open_dir():Not a directory filenamegoeshere"15:06
MissingPersoni'm really sorry, i thought i was in the mint channel15:06
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RocketmanTTyeats: question, is that link for hosting PPTP server?15:10
linuxmintmanQuestion for anyone- I am running gnome 2 and Pidgin... I want to be able to dock pidgin on the right side of the screen so that it is always visible, and other windows are down sized so you can still see pidgin. You can do this on the windows version, how do you do it on gnome 2?15:11
bastidrazorlinuxmintman: compiz settings. #compiz would be the best place to ask since they know this subject well15:13
linuxmintmanok cool thanks!15:13
TripleTeadoes anyone else encounter frequent applet crashes when starting up ?15:15
PtitristSomeone to help me ? My consol is not working..15:17
PtitristI can't log myself, it put me a mistake error15:17
PtitristNo one to help me ?15:18
seI'm having a very annoying problem. During high CPU load, the processor gets throttled back to a lower frequency (I monitor this with Conky). This problem appears in both 32 and 64 bit Ubuntu.15:19
julie101010se:  could it be due to cpu overheat by any chance?15:20
sejulie101010, I haven't thought of that. I think I'll clean the fans before further debugging. Thanks.15:21
alexxioquesto canale è in ita?15:22
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umejuno non credo15:22
umejucmq è la prima volta che mi connetto15:23
glebihan!it | alexxio15:23
ubottualexxio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:23
alexxiohi i want to install ubuntu from within the harddisk without usb disks nor cdroms15:23
alexxiothe guide i followed are not clear15:23
umejusorry ubottu it was only a test15:23
alexxioi want to know if i have to copy the casper/vmlinux and initrd.img in the cdrom into a boot folder then boot there with grub15:24
umejuihow can i find this channel: openkinect15:24
alexxioumeju: type "/j openkinect" without " "15:25
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gallo1hey can someone help get me setup with ubuntu wireless, resulted to using wicd and it worked for a short while then stopped working....15:31
AmbivertWhat are the main different between this distro and gentoo linux?15:33
DamasceneHi, every time I run AIDE IDS check I get this "open_dir():Not a directory filenamegoeshere"15:33
marcnesiumthis works mostly out of the box and gentoo is for more advanced users...15:34
Ambivertthanks marcnesium15:35
Ambivertso i should have little trouble switching15:35
marcnesiumfrom where?15:35
Ambivertfrom gentoo to ubuntu15:36
marcnesiumwhy would you want that?15:36
Ambivertmarcnesium: im sick to deft of compling everything from source15:37
Ambivertitstaketoo long15:37
marcnesiumthan ubutu is the right 4u15:37
Ambivertthanks marcnesium15:38
* w30 notices the big differences in distros is the various add ons that overwrite default config files; resolv.conf for example15:39
Ambivertis there a help botin this room|?15:39
oCean!bot > Ambivert15:39
ubottuAmbivert, please see my private message15:39
marcnesiumdisadvantage is, that ubuntu don't always have bleeding edge newest versions of packages...15:40
edbianmarcnesium: like arch15:40
edbianAmbivert: what's a botin?15:40
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TrueColorsI'm trying to install Ndiswrapper15:43
TrueColorscan anyone help me?15:43
w30!bot botin15:43
TrueColorssoryr I know not to ask to ask15:43
TrueColorsbasically I'ev extracted the .tar.gz file15:44
TrueColorsand the install readme thing tells me to run Make uninstall, make15:44
TrueColorsthen to login as root and run make install15:44
TrueColorsI can't find these files?15:44
mneptokTrueColors: why do you think you need ndiswrapper?15:44
TrueColorsMy wifi adapter doesn't have any linux drivers15:45
TrueColorsand ubuntu won't install it15:45
mneptokTrueColors: what is the chipset in the adapter? is it PCI(ish) or USB?15:45
TrueColorsSo ... I can't use ubuntu really.15:45
mneptokTrueColors: lsusb -vvv15:45
TrueColorsim guessing in terminal?15:46
mneptokTrueColors: that will tell you who made the hardware in the device.15:46
samuelsappshave you try the apt-get ndiswrapper15:46
samuelsappshave you try the apt-get install ndiswrapper15:46
TrueColorsmneptok, that has a bunch of data come up...15:47
TrueColorsbut i don't understand any of it15:47
Zoffix_Hey, I'm trying to record a video from my webcam using ``cheese'', but it crashes 80% of the time in the first 10-20 seconds saying "Reason: Took too much time to process"15:47
TrueColorsroot hubs...15:47
Zoffix_How can I fix that?15:47
mneptokTrueColors: go look for the entry for the USB device. it is plugged in, right?15:47
TrueColorsyeah it's plugged in15:47
mneptokTrueColors: or just pastebin the entire output15:47
TrueColorsbare with me. I'v enever used ubuntu properly before and I have no net on it. so I have to swap between desktop and laptop with my external15:49
mneptokTrueColors: use a wired connection?15:50
TrueColorsI haven't got a cable long enough to travel up two flights of stairs15:50
mneptokTrueColors: buy a smaller house? ;)15:50
TrueColorsit is small15:50
TrueColorsI'm in the attic15:50
TrueColorsplus it's rented too xD15:51
mneptokTrueColors: my parents kept me up there until i was 21, too.15:51
TrueColorseh, my mum would give me 5 bedrooms ... if she could afford it15:51
TrueColorsbut we had no alternative15:51
TrueColorsbuy a 2bed house and stick me in the attic xD15:51
irks0me_your desktop does  not run ubuntu i suppose?15:51
TrueColorswell, rent a 2 bed house15:51
TrueColorsmy desktop runs ubuntu xD15:51
irks0me_lsusb should give the same output there as on the laptop15:52
TrueColorshavent' got it installed on laptop.15:52
TrueColorslet me pastebin15:52
irks0me_at least for the adaptor15:52
TrueColorsadaptor isn't broken btw, it works on windows (desktop is dual boot)15:52
lxyuhello, I'm trying to setup nfs-server for local lan access. I follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo15:53
TrueColorsIt's got microsoft corp... that's my microsoft wireless usb and mouse15:53
TrueColorsI've searched the web for my model number of the adaptor but everyone says there is no linux driver15:53
TrueColorsand I was recommended Ndiswrapper15:53
lxyuBut I'm stucked at the 'mount --bind' part, the --bind folder can be connect, but shows nothing inside.15:54
mneptokTrueColors: have you tried booting the machine with the device connected, and seeing if Ubuntu offers restricted drivers for it?15:54
lxyuHow shall I solve this? to make nfs support `mount --bind` folders15:54
TrueColorsI keep it plugged in at all times15:54
TrueColorsubuntu shows up with no drivers15:54
TrueColorsno graphic drivers15:54
TrueColorsnone of my hardware is really installed.15:54
TrueColorsI wanted internet connection so I could install drivers15:55
mneptokTrueColors: NDISwrapper is a really horrible solution. so it's a last resort.15:55
TrueColorswhat does it do?15:55
mneptokit takes the Windows driver and tries to make it work in Linux15:55
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TrueColorsBelkin F7D110215:57
TrueColorsis the model15:57
cpyouHey all15:57
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Ambivertall i did was enable non-open source drivers and it worked15:57
edbianTrueColors: what's hte chipset?  (sudo lscpi | grep Network)15:57
TrueColorssudo: lscpi: command not found15:58
BluesKajTrueColors, I have a Belkin with the rt2870  module and wicd network manager works with it15:59
mneptokTrueColors: that uses the RealTek RTL8188CUS chipset15:59
TrueColorsI have no idea what a wicd network manager is.15:59
TrueColorsmneptok... so what does that mean?15:59
yeatsRocketmanTT: no - it's for the client15:59
TrueColorsI know realtek is a sound driver ... isn't it?16:00
edbianTrueColors: you made a typo.  It's lspci not lscpi16:00
BluesKajit's an alternative network manager to the default , TrueColors16:00
BluesKaj!info wicd16:00
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-6 (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB16:00
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:01
Sidewinder1edbian, Ahem, WADR, I think you made the typo. :)16:01
mneptokTrueColors: that chipset has a Linux driver. it should be included in newer kernels. what version of Ubuntu are you using?16:01
battlehandsUrgent.  I need to install Ventrilo on 32bit unity ubuntu16:01
edbianSidewinder1: thanks16:01
edbianTrueColors: colors, the correct command is sudo lspci | grep Network   (I made the typo)16:02
cpyoubattlehands: are you using it to run the server or just for joining channels?16:02
Sidewinder1edbian, And with my typing skills, or lack thereof, I should be the last to talk. :-)16:02
battlehandscpyou, joining channels.  I have a conference call 2 minutes ago.16:02
edbianSidewinder1: thanks though :)16:02
TrueColorssudo lspci | grep Network...16:02
TrueColorsdoes nothing16:02
cpyoubattlehands: they have alternatives.16:03
mneptokTrueColors: update to 11.04 and see if that helps. RealTek released the Linux driver in November, 2010. after 10.10 was released.16:03
TrueColorsso that's a whole new download of ubuntu right?16:03
battlehandscpyou, not interested in this time.  I just need help getting it installed.16:03
TrueColorsis it possible to uninstall ubuntu? xD16:03
TrueColorsso I can instal it with the newer16:03
Zoffix_Hey. I'm trying to align video track to the audio track in PiTiVi, the video is lagging a few miliseconds, but I can't seem to align it that perfectly with a mouse. Is there a keyboard shortcut for moving the video/audo tracks?16:03
mneptokTrueColors: not if you can get a wired connection and upgrade over the net.16:03
cpyoubattlehands: I believe it's called mangler. Works exactly like vent, and you can join vent servers16:03
edbianTrueColors: really.  Can you pastebin sudo lspci -k  ??  paste.ubuntu.com16:03
cpyouWhich is what you're looking for.16:03
TrueColorshold on16:03
mneptokedbian: it's a USB dongle.16:04
TrueColorsI'll move the computer downstairs16:04
TrueColorsand use ethernet16:04
battlehandscpyou, ubuntu software center?16:04
TrueColorsdont' go anywhere, I'll be back soon.16:04
cpyouShould be there16:04
battlehandsUrgent.  I need to install Ventrilo on 32bit unity ubuntu16:04
edbianmneptok: a-ha!16:04
edbianTrueColors: can you see the dongle in the output of sudo lsusb16:04
mneptokedbian: and he already pastebinned the output of lsusb -vvv16:04
cpyoubattlehands: if not, I'm sure there is a .deb package on their site.16:04
edbianI'm an idiot16:05
cpyouI had it installed a while back16:05
ajahi setup wireless network with iwconfig from iwlist scanning i can see it but from other but i can`t see the network from ipod or from other laptop16:05
battlehandsjust interested in installing ventrilo16:05
mneptokedbian: the problem is that the kernel he's using was released before RealTek released drivers for the chipset in question.16:05
Zoffix_Never mind, I used CTRL+Scroll wheel to zoom in and then adjusted the length with a mouse.16:05
fermulatorHas anyone tried unity with dual monitors?  the top right "indicator" area is duplicated on both monitors :-( -- was wondering if any1 had fiddled with this yet, and if they knew how to make the top right indicators/chat/shutdown/logout icons ONLY appear on a single monitor (ideally, the right monitor, top right)16:05
edbianI am a useless idiot16:05
mneptokedbian: but you look good in that blouse! ;)16:06
edbianAre we referencing something?16:06
mneptokedbian: no. i'm just undercaffienated.16:06
* mneptok tootles off for more coffee16:07
cpyoubattlehands: The issue is that they don't have a client app for Linux.16:07
battlehandscpyou, They have a script that can be used.  I just dont know how.16:07
cpyoubattlehands: So you either install Mangler and use that, or not run anything at all, unless you want to do a Wine workaround16:07
luc_hi   does anybody   know if  i  can  get my files from windows an burn them to disk in ubuntu16:07
fermulatorbattlehands: http://www.osalt.com/ventrilo16:08
battlehandscpyou, I cant find mangler in ubuntu software center16:08
cpyoubattlehands: what's the script (url)?16:08
Zoffix_luc_, yes, you can.16:08
yeatsluc_: dual booting?16:08
battlehandscpyou, http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php16:08
fermulatorbattlehands: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/FAQ#Can_I_use_Mumble_to_connect_to_Ventrilo.2FTeamspeak.2FSkype.2F..., darn, apparently you can't use mumble to connect to a ventrilo server16:08
cpyoubattlehands: open terminal and just do: sudo apt-get install mangler16:09
fermulatorbattlehands: oh, and here we go! http://www.mangler.org/16:09
cpyouthat's all.16:09
Zoffix_luc_, if you click on "Places" menu, there's probably your windows hard drive right there, already available. Just click on it, and navigate to whatever files you want.16:09
luc_yeats, yesbecause windows      7willnot        reboot even   in  safe   mode16:09
w30mneptok, w30  chases a VICODIN HP 10-660 with a shot of Folgers16:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
battlehandsfermulator, trying mumble16:10
alkafoow30: best part o' wakin' up16:10
cpyoubattlehands: did you try apt-get install mangler?16:11
w30alkafoo, doesn't help the typing though...16:11
w30alkafoo, medicare doesn't have co-payment for heroin or even weed though16:13
luc_Zoffix_, how  can get all  my  utorreent files   moved      to         ktorrent for linux16:15
cpyoubattlehands: Did you fix your issue?16:15
Zoffix_luc_, just open the .torrent files and ask it to download it to the same directory where your already-started downloads are. It will resume automatically.16:15
battlehandscpyou, Im trying to use mumble, but I there is no place to enter a password16:15
luc_hi   does anybody   know if  i  can  get my files from windows an burn them to disk in ubuntu16:15
w30alkafoo, hehheh16:16
TrueColorsbooting up now16:16
cpyoubattlehands: lol did you try: sudo apt-get install mangler?16:16
cpyoubattlehands: it's far easier to use, imo.16:16
battlehandscpyou, yeah.  it said there is no mangler16:16
cpyouthat's interesting16:16
battlehandscpyou, invalid operation mangler16:17
ghoulhi all, the background color of the console during boot is dark purple by default, i'd like to change that, anyone know how ?16:17
luc_Zoffix_, even    from  windows to  linux16:17
cpyoubattlehands: you didn't put "install" in there.16:17
antonio_housegiorno a tutti16:17
alkafooghoul: is it an image?16:17
Zoffix_luc_, yes, it doesn't matter for Linux.16:17
TrueColorsethernet works16:17
TrueColorsOk so..16:17
TrueColorswhat do you guys want me to do16:17
luc_Zoffix_, they are different   programs16:18
ghouli mean before the login screen. i don't think it's an image, still console mode. default ubuntu natty install16:18
mneptokTrueColors: run the Update Manager.16:18
Zoffix_luc_, yeah, but they implement the same BitTorrent protocol :)16:18
mneptokTrueColors: it should tell you a new release is available. go ahead and update to it.16:18
TrueColorswhere is the update manager16:18
cpyoubattlehands: http://www.mangler.org/downloads/debian/mangler_1.2.0-1_i386.deb16:18
sburwood1why can I update on my desktop computer opera, but on my EEEPC, it refuses based on an untrusted download site?16:18
mneptokTrueColors: System > Admin16:18
alkafooluc_: http://superuser.com/questions/178680/migrate-from-utorrent-to-ktorrent16:18
cpyoubattlehands: Download that. If you need help installing it, let me know.16:19
BluesKajluc copy the torrent files to the pathto folder you have seup in ktorrent >settings/configure ktorrent/application>"copy torrent files to"16:19
=== aron is now known as Guest65948
alkafooluc_: the only danger is if you accidentally start the torrent client and it isn't looking for the data in the right place, and you start downloading files you already have to a new location16:19
Guest65948I am trying to use skype and the mic in my webcam is not working any ideas?16:19
scarleoIs there no one else that has problem with putting the Ubuntu ISOs on a USB and get it to boot? I've done this several times before but it seems close to impossible tom get it to work with 11.0416:19
alkafooluc_: to protect against that, make sure you start it with everything paused first, or with the download speed throttled16:19
mneptokTrueColors: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade16:19
cpyouGuest65948: Did you make sure they're not muted in Sound Preferences and that they are selected?16:19
alkafooscarleo: could be the computer or the stick16:20
TrueColorsupgrade ubuntu first?16:20
Guest65948cpyou: yes16:20
TrueColorsI have 157 updates16:20
Lasersscarleo: Installing system from USB or boot system from USB?16:20
TrueColorsyeah I'll upgrade16:20
TrueColorsmight aswell16:20
FloodBot1TrueColors: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:20
BluesKajluc copy the torrent files to the pathto folder you have seup in ktorrent >settings/configure ktorrent/application>"copy torrent files to"16:20
scarleoalkafoo: I've tried several different so I's say that chance is pretty slim16:20
cpyouGuest65948: In Gnome panel, not Skype. :P16:20
TrueColorsoops. I need to stop thinking with my enter.16:20
luc_Zoffix_, so  i                      onlyran live cd  before now were   should  i  install  ubuntu16:20
scarleoLasers: Both, I want to make it boot and then install it16:20
Guest65948cpyou: yes16:21
Lasersscarleo: The route I usually take -- Can install system from USB -- but not boot system from USB.16:21
scarleoLasers: All I get is the initramfs prompt16:21
cpyouGuest65948: Hrm. Are you on a laptop?16:21
scarleoLasers: How do you install from USB if you're not booting from USB?16:21
Guest65948cpyou: no a desktop with the newest xubuntu on it16:21
Lasersscarleo: Booting system from USB -- Mean LiveCD/LiveUSB.16:21
cpyouGuest65948: open terminal and type: lsmod | grep snd16:22
cpyouSee if anything pops up16:22
scarleoLasers: Just to clarify, I want to boot the iso on the usb and then install it from there, is that not how it's done these days?16:22
scarleoLasers: I've tried both the live versions and the non-live whatever they are called16:22
Lasersscarleo: For LiveCD, it is.16:22
TrueColorsthis is gonna be a long while... 157 updates.16:22
Lasersscarleo: Natty 11.04?16:22
scarleoLasers: Yes16:22
w30scarleo, I just saw a comment that EFI boot systems have a problem with usb stick booting. Have you got a EFI or a bios boot?16:22
Lasersscarleo: i386 / amd64?16:23
Guest65948cpyou: it did nothing16:23
scarleow30: Bios. I heard something about sectors and not makeing the partition start at sector (or block) 1. Is that true and is there any ionformation about that?16:23
luc_alkafoo, if i install  ubuntu where16:23
scarleoLasers: Both, preferably amd6416:24
manixorHey guys. I just install Ubuntu, and google-chrome, but the online video is working very slow, I need to install something else for browser, new flash player?16:24
cpyouGuest65948: that means that their are no sound modules loaded (i.e. no sound at all will be played back)16:24
Lasersscarleo: Download 13MB -- http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/boot.img.gz16:24
w30scarleo, I cannot enlighten you any more as to what to do, sorry16:24
Guest65948cpyou: what should i do then?16:24
cpyouGuest65948: Are you using onboard sound?16:25
TripleTeaanyone got Japanese Anthy(ibus) to work with skype 2.2 ?16:25
rypervenchemanixor: You need Adobe's flash.16:25
scarleoLasers: I have had success on one computer with the mini.iso but I'm a bit frustrated with this and want to make it work with the standard installs16:25
rypervencheTripleTea: Which version of Skype do you have? "skype -version"16:25
Lasersscarleo: When you're done downloading, plug in the USB and run "sudo fdisk -l" to determine which sd* to use.16:25
=== erkan^ is now known as zippo^
Lasersscarleo: I think Ubuntu also have Disk Creator -- but yeah, your mileages may vary.16:26
ghoulbootup console background color : trying /lib/plymouth/themes/text.plymouth16:26
TripleTearypervenche: ?16:26
scarleoLasers: Yes I know, and I know about several workarounds to get it to install, but why doesn't standard way work?16:26
=== Guest13258 is now known as LjL-Temp
scarleoLasers: I have tried both Ubuntu startup disk creator, dd, and unetbootin, all with the same result16:26
Lasersscarleo: I don't know. Everything (not just linux) is complicated.16:26
rypervencheTripleTea: Should work then. I have anthy and works fine on Skype.16:26
yeatsmanixor: you can add the Flash Aid addon for firefox, which optionally allows you to install to Chrome16:26
Lasersscarleo: You're dealing with outdated manuals -- then there are scripts then there are new manuals.16:27
ohyalinuzubuntu is going in the wrong direction16:27
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest61484
luc_alkafoo, what  is   the   best  torrent    program on linux16:27
Lasersscarleo: Not to mention people created their own GUI, etc. I just use this one because I know it worked wonders for me.16:27
TripleTearypervenche: woot !? are you sure ?O_O i have no way of inputting Japanese text in skype at all16:27
Lasersluc_: Transmission!16:27
ohyalinuzluc_ transmission bittorrent client16:27
Lasers!best | ubottu16:27
ubottuLasers: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:27
zewmYeah Transmission is great16:27
auronandaceohyalinuz: feel free not to use ubuntu16:27
zewmeven on mac16:27
Lasersluc_: See above. Oops.16:27
scarleoLasers: But you haven't heard abt creating a partition that doesn't start at sector 1? On USB that is16:27
rypervencheTripleTea: Is it not working for you? It works fine for em. If it isn't working, what is it doing?16:27
w30scarleo, I have used usb-creator to make flash drives bootable with Ubuntu iso's16:27
=== zippo^ is now known as erkan^
TripleTearypervenche: can you tell me what you did to make it work ??16:28
ohyalinuzauronandace: just installed ubuntu :D newest build16:28
Guest65948cpyou: what do you mean? there is a mic in the webcam16:28
ohyalinuzauronandace: very unstable user interface16:28
Lasersscarleo: MBR? Well -- If you want to install from USB, let me know.16:28
rypervencheTripleTea: You may need to export something to get it to work. What is it doing when you try to use it?16:28
auronandaceohyalinuz: i stick to xfce16:28
TripleTearypervenche: nothing happens O_O16:28
cpyouGuest65948: Ah, okay. The webcam is USB, I'm assuming. In that case, what's the webcam you're using?16:28
scarleow30: I'll try that as well16:28
ohyalinuzauronandace: how to install xfce in ubuntu natty narwhale16:29
scarleoLasers: Wht do you mean?16:29
TripleTearypervenche: it just doesn't change to the Japanese input at all16:29
Guest65948cpyou: Yes its usb. it is a microsoft lifecam vx-80016:29
auronandaceohyalinuz: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:29
Lasersscarleo: I can assist you with setting up Installation (and non-live) USB.16:29
ohyalinuzauronandace: thanks16:30
scarleoLasers: Yes please, I'd be happy to get this to work16:30
auronandaceohyalinuz: no worries :)16:30
TripleTearypervenche: can you brief me on what you did that made it work ??16:30
Lasersscarleo: Okay. Use "sudo fdisk -l" to determine which USB is located at (/dev/sdb, maye?)16:30
rypervencheTripleTea: Does it work elsewhere or is it only in Skype?16:30
scarleoLasers: /dev/sdc16:30
TripleTearypervenche: it works else where16:30
ohyalinuzauronandace: why don't they default to xfce then and why their crap new user interface16:30
w30scarleo, advantage is that you can dedicate 4 gig to config persistance across reboots16:30
cpyouGuest65948: Did you plug the camera in *after* you started Ubuntu?16:30
Lasersscarleo: Okay. "sudo -i" to get in root terminal (this is where you should be careful but I assume youk new that).16:31
scarleoLasers: Yes I do16:31
elegidohi there16:31
auronandaceohyalinuz: ask canonical, they do xubuntu (which comes with xfce by default)16:31
Gredeuwhy shouldn't i run my cpu at full power ?16:31
Lasersscarleo: Then "zcat /home/scarleo/Downloads/boot.img.gz > /dev/sdc"16:31
Guest65948cpyou: I have restarted since i plugged it in but yes I believe I did the first time16:31
rypervencheTripleTea: Put this at the end of your .bashrc file, http://pastebin.com/zXcXFZC116:31
ohyalinuzauronandace: they promote ubuntu with their crap interface ;) they should promote xubuntu instead16:32
cpyouGuest65948: That's weird. Out of the box, that camera should have both working video and audio.16:32
TripleTearypervenche: ok ill have a look at that thanks!16:32
rypervencheTripleTea: Then restart your X session16:32
Ambivertauronandace: opion notfact16:32
Lasersscarleo: Wait until it's done writing everything. "exit" to get back to regular terminal and unplug the USB. Try it.16:32
ohyalinuzany canonical developers or anyone from canonical in this channel?16:32
auronandaceAmbivert: what?16:32
cpyouGuest65948: I know you said that you checked to make sure that nothing was muted on the sound preferences, but I want you to check to see if you have the webcam selected as your primary input device.16:33
Ambivertauronandace: I like the gnome GUI16:33
Guest65948cpyou: I know. it has the video and when i do a sound check in skype I cant hear anything16:33
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mneptokohyalinuz: you're more likely to find such people in #ubuntu-devel16:33
alkafooohyalinuz: why do you ask16:33
ohyalinuzAmbivert: they removed gnome and made some other crappy interface16:33
mneptokohyalinuz: but ... it IS the weekend.16:33
joker_rekneed help with inspird.16:34
auronandaceAmbivert: i don't (good thing there's choice)16:34
Guest65948cpyou: is that in sound preferences?16:34
elegidowich torrent client do you recommend for ubuntu?16:34
alkafooohyalinuz: nothing you say is going to change that16:34
scarleoLasers: Ok, I'll try it now16:34
cpyouGuest65948: You're getting video, so that's a good sign. You need to change the primary devices for both you audio input and output16:34
TrueColorsok i restarted16:34
cpyouGuest65948: Yep.16:34
TrueColorsand now there is a ..16:34
alkafooelegido: Deluge16:34
TrueColors2.6.32-33-generic on my boot menu16:34
mneptokohyalinuz: and the "Unity sucks! you suck! this is crap!" argument has be heard and re-heard. you're flogging a dead horse.16:34
Lasers!torrent | elegido16:34
ubottuelegido: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:34
TrueColorsand a
nathanelhello. I am having an issue on the gnome-terminal unity quicklist I've created. rthe command issued for that menu is Exec=gnome-terminal --commmand "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y". When I run it after doing unity --replace, it pops a terminal, asks for sudo p/w and then just closes.. nothing going on... how can I resolve this16:34
cpyouGuest65948: Sound preferences in Gnome not Skype. Once you've made the changes, restart Skype.16:34
TrueColorswhich one should I boot up with?16:34
ohyalinuzelegido: transmission16:34
mneptokTrueColors: the latest16:34
TrueColorsso 3316:34
elegidoi want a light one16:35
Ambivertunity well whatever it looks like gnome to me16:35
elegidothose are light?16:35
TripleTearypervenche: erm.....can you tell me where exactly is the .bashrc ? /etc/bash.bashrc ?...forgive me im a linux newbie16:35
Guest65948cpyou: I am in alsa mixer thats where i need to be right?16:35
Lasersnathanel: Use GUI. I'm not sure what it's called? synaptics? software center?16:35
ohyalinuzalkafoo and mneptok they are still going to keep the new crap interface and is it called unity?16:35
Sidewinder1elegido, I prefer Vuze, formerly Azureus; it's java and a bit "heavy."16:35
zewmTripleTea, it's ~/.bashrc16:35
mneptok!notunity-#ubuntu+1 > ohyalinuz16:35
ubottuohyalinuz, please see my private message16:35
elegidonot good for my netbook then16:35
TripleTeazewm: ok thank you !16:35
alkafooohyalinuz: until they find something else they'd like to replace it with yes16:35
TrueColorsok, ubuntu is now up to date16:36
nathanelI understand your recommendation but I rather do it through term as "dist-upgrade" ensure a FULL upgrade16:36
cpyouGuest65948: You can be there, too. BUT, you can just right-click on the volume icon on your panel, and click the preferences there.16:36
alkafooohyalinuz: but you can use non-Unity if you like, it's even an option in the default install16:36
TrueColorsstill haven't got my graphics driver, or wireless16:36
elegidothanks all16:36
cpyouTrueColors: What is it that you're trying to do?16:36
mneptokTrueColors: lsb_release -a16:36
Lasersnathanel: Make aliases for it and launch a terminal. Run that command.16:36
Guest65948cpyou: I dont see the webcam there16:36
mneptokTrueColors: Maverick or Natty? (10.10 or 11.04)?16:36
TripleTeazewm: erm....i dont see any .bashrc in ~/16:37
dekennedy93hello, i just installed a fresh copy of 11.04 and my Intel Intergrated graphics card is working, does anyone know how to install a driver for that?16:37
dekennedy93....is not working i meant16:37
TrueColorsi installed from a 10.10 disk...16:37
zewmTripleTea, it's a hidden file16:37
mneptokTrueColors: so run System > Admin > Update Manager again16:37
cpyouGuest65948: What devices do you see there for your input?16:37
nathanelas in $TERM-UPGRADE16:37
alkafoodekennedy93: is _not_ working?16:37
TrueColorsit says there are no updates16:37
alkafoodekennedy93: ah you said16:37
zewmTripleTea, open a terminal and type sudo gedit ~/.bashrc16:37
mneptokTrueColors: follow that guide i gave you16:37
TrueColorsi did16:37
TrueColorsit shows no updates16:37
mneptokTrueColors: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade16:38
Guest65948cpyou: It just gives me a big list of things i can select to be visible16:38
cpyouTrueColors: I'm assuming you're trying to get an ATI card working?16:38
mneptokTrueColors: read carefully, please16:38
cpyouGuest65948: Wait, are you on alsamixer?16:38
TrueColorsno, cpyou ... i'm trying to get my wireless usb working16:38
ohyalinuzmneptok: he will be angry once he sees the new user interface ;)16:38
TripleTeazewm: even if its a hidden file, ls -a would show it right ? O_O16:38
gallo1hey guys how do I install wicd from a usb stick in ubuntu?16:38
Lasersnathanel: Add a line in ~/.bashrc -- alias emergeWorld='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y'16:39
cpyouTrueColors: oooh.16:39
ohyalinuzmneptok: dont suggest him to upgrade16:39
Guest65948cpyou: yeah16:39
Lasersnathanel: And save it. Start a new terminal. Try typing "emergeWorld"16:39
mneptokohyalinuz: please stop.16:39
zewmTripleTea, Yea16:39
ohyalinuzmneptok: and my upgrade failed so i had to download the iso and burn > install16:39
mneptokohyalinuz: Unity bashing is offtopic for this channel. /join #ubuntu-offtopic16:39
cpyouGuest65948: Get out of that. Just right-click on the volume icon in your panel and go to those preferences.16:39
TripleTeazewm: yes....I don't see it anywhere16:39
Lasersnathanel: You can change that to "updateWorld" or "aptUpdate" -- Whatever suits you.16:39
TrueColorsmneptok, can I pm you - it's a bit... noisey in here :P16:40
zewmTripleTea, try looking in /home/<username>/16:40
mneptokTrueColors: feel free16:40
gallo1hey guys how do I install wicd from a usb stick in ubuntu? please16:40
zewmTripleTea, If it's not there then you have to create it16:40
TripleTeazewm: i only see .bashrc in /etc/bash.bashrc16:40
zewmTripleTea, It should be in your home folder for the current user16:40
zewmTripleTea, if it's not there then you have to create it16:41
rypervencheTripleTea: /home/username/.bashrc16:41
nathanelmhm... i figured.. i started one... just hadn't done that in a bit... gonna test now... thx16:41
Guest65948cpyou: when i do that it doesnt give me that option. it just goes to panel preferences. like its not even there16:41
alkafoogallo1: have you tried the normal way?16:41
TripleTeazewm: yup it's not there....ok i will create it16:41
TripleTeathanks for the help guys16:41
Lasersnathanel: It's better than assigning a button because at least you'll see some progress going on.16:41
cpyouGuest65948: Oh. Just try left-clicking the icon then and, at the bottom, you should be able to select the preferences. My bad.16:42
Gredeuwhy shouldn't i run my cpu at full power ?16:42
nathanelmhm... but the command anyway calls on gnome-terminal no?.. it should then stay open right?16:42
BusMasterhi, i just installed ubuntu 11.04. I am trying to install flightgear 2.4.0 from http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/11.04/?q=flightgear but when the software center opens up, it wants to install v2.0.0 how should i install v2.4.0?16:42
photonin which directory should I usually put programs (and their files) which I compiled myself? just home?16:43
luc_i tried  installing ubuntu    and it says erase disk and install no operating system found16:43
BluesKajgallo1,  just copy it to your /home/user folder ..what file extension does wicd use /16:43
TripleTeaerm.....how do i go about making the .bashrc ?16:43
zewmTripleTea, Open a terminal window and type 'echo $SHELL'16:43
zewmTripleTea, What does it say?16:43
Lasersnathanel: No. Just open a terminal and type "emergeWorld" -- That'll do it.16:43
Guest65948cpyou: I think I got it thanks man16:44
Lasersnathanel: And if you insist on using a button (launcher) -- then you should use GUI that takes care of updates.16:44
TripleTeazewm: it says /bin/bash16:44
Lasersphoton: /usr/local/bin IMO.16:44
nathanelmhm.. too bad :(, im used to doing it through gnome-term16:45
nathanelany way to ensure full  dist-upgrade through a switch for update-manager?16:45
Lasersphoton: ~/bin could work -- but that's for scripts mostly.16:45
t0kenhi folks.  Ubuntu 11, using default desktop.  What's the thing that causes windows to maximize when they get put close to an edge of the screen?  I wanna kill it...kill it with fire16:46
photonLasers: /usr/local/bin sounds what I was looking for, thanks.16:46
gallo1BluesKaj  wicd-1.7.0.tar.tar16:46
luc_any help on installing ubuntu16:46
Lasersnathanel: Dunno. I never used GUI-update-manager. I just fire up a terminal and use an alias that'll trigger the said commands.16:46
Lasersphoton: No problem. /opt is the other option too.16:46
nathanelmhm.. basically the way i do it but shorter :), i like.. I'll keep the alias until i figure how to trigger a full upgrade through unity'S list. Thanks for the help :)16:47
der hi, using 10.10 and latest moonlight-plugin-mozilla but can't see vids on http://www.rugbyworldcup.com/video/index.html16:47
derany suggestions?16:47
zewmTripleTea, in a terminal type 'cd ~ && touch .bashrc && chmod 744 .bashrc'16:48
zewmTripleTea, then just edit it how you like16:48
auronandaceder: complain to them for picking silverlight16:48
TripleTeazewm: erm.....actually what do i need to have to run the .bashrc properly ?16:49
Lasersnathanel: You can use aliases for hundred things. It's kinda easier. Make one for "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and name it "source-update" or something. :)16:49
BluesKajok gallo1 open a terminal install unp , the run,  unp wicd-1.7.0.tar.tar16:49
TripleTeazewm: in order to run this http://pastebin.com/zXcXFZC116:49
nathanelgreat... apparently the switch on update-manager is --dist-upgrade16:49
gallo1BluesKaj thnx16:49
zewmTripleTea, .bashrc is essentially a text file. You just open it and add those commands16:50
zewmTripleTea, you can edit it with gedit or vi16:50
xanguader moonlight doesn't support al silverlight features16:50
TripleTeazewm: so nothing else ? i mean except for those export commands ?16:50
zewmTripleTea, yea, then save it, log out and log back in16:50
BusMasterhi, i just installed ubuntu 11.04. I am trying to install flightgear 2.4.0 from http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/11.04/?q=flightgear but when the software center opens up, it wants to install v2.0.0 how should i install v2.4.0?16:50
TripleTeazewm: ok ill try it16:50
TripleTeazewm: thanks for guiding me !16:51
xanguaBusMaster: sudo apt-get update and try again16:51
zewmBusMaster, have you added the playdeb repository?16:51
BusMasterzewm, yes16:51
zewmBusMaster, did you run apt-get update?16:51
BusMasterzewm, no.. doing so now16:51
phitechI'm having trouble setting up a basic postfix server for SMTP.  It seems to be working correctly on the local machine, but cannot connect from a remote machine on the same network.  In the postfix configuration I set up the network blocks to respond to my local IPs (  Anyone have any ideas for me?16:51
zewmYea you have to update apt once you add new repositories16:51
zewmtry to download it again after you've updated apt16:52
gallo1BluesKaj, : ( part of the reason I was installing wicd, I gave up trying to connect using iwconfig wlan0 essid "<name_of_router>" key "<encryption_key>"16:53
luc_any help on installing ubuntu to fix windows freezing16:53
awsoonnhi all, quick one here I hope: i want to do a global search and replace via CLI via sed but it doesn't work quite right. I use sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' file which works for words with spaces on both side of the search argument, but not if what I'm searching for is in (foo). help?16:54
BusMasterzewm, xangua thanks. i did apt-get update and it now seems to be installing v2.4.016:55
t0kenawsoonn: are you trying to change the name of the file or contents in the file?16:55
gallo1BluesKaj, no connection atm so can install unp16:55
zewmBusMaster, np16:55
awsoonnt0ken: contents16:55
aron_cpyou: It still isnt working. it says it appears you have pulse audio running16:55
alkafooluc_: http://www.sysresccd.org/16:55
alkafooluc_: ##windows16:55
mkanyicyawsoonn: what do you mean by 'spaces on both side of the search argument'?16:55
gallo1can it be un pack to a usb and intalled from usb?16:56
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binarycodesawsoonn: how exactly are you running it?16:57
t0kenawsoonn: http://my.boxonthe.net/pb/?716:57
t0kenseems to work for me16:57
awsoonnsed -i 's/foo/bar/g' on "hi foo (foo) will leave me with "hi bar (foo)" but I wanted "hi bar (bar)"16:57
t0kenno matter where the 'foo' is16:57
awsoonnsed -i 's/S[23].0/b_flash/g' Zone_1.L5X16:57
mkanyicyawsoonn: I see what you mean16:58
awsoonnand when I run it it does not change any instances of (S[23].0) :916:58
mkanyicyawsoonn: no, I dont see it16:58
t0kenhi folks.  Ubuntu 11, using default desktop.  What's the thing that causes windows to maximize when they get put close to an edge of the screen?  I wanna kill it...kill it with fire16:59
awsoonnlet me prepare a pastebin for you16:59
binarycodesawsoonn: you are trying to match '.' literally or any char?16:59
mkanyicyit works on me, awsoonn16:59
mcl0vinhowdy folks16:59
awsoonn... litterally16:59
TripleTeaanyone got Japanese Anthy(ibus) to work with skype 2.2 ??16:59
mcl0vincan someone please help me get lm-sensors to work16:59
awsoonn*nods* now I feel silly.... :P thanks17:00
TripleTearypervenche: are you there ? I have tried the method that you suggested but it didn't work....17:00
awsoonnt0ken: "window snap" and I think its in compiz settigns17:02
icerootmcl0vin: whats the exact issue?17:02
TrueColorsHow do you stop ubuntu from going ... well idle and bringing up the login screen?17:04
binarycodesturn of the screensaver17:04
zewmTrueColors, change your screensaver settings to allow a longer idle time17:04
jqkedisable the screen saver ?17:04
TrueColorsWhere do I change the settings for that?17:04
t0kenahHa!  It was 'Grid'17:04
alkafooTrueColors: xscreensaver-demo, IIRC, or it'll be in the prefs menu somewhere17:05
TrueColorsah yeah17:06
TrueColorsdisabled it :)17:06
TrueColorsit was on 1 minute... ouch :P17:06
binarycodesmake it 1 sec :P17:06
TrueColorshell no lol17:06
TrueColorsthat'll be irritating17:06
binarycodesiirc you cant actually do that :P17:07
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Guest77734Hi, I want to remote by reverse into someone else's computer, my ports are open. What do I do next.?17:09
icerootGuest77734: why not just use normal ssh?17:09
cfeddetheir machine has to have some kind of listener.17:09
Guest77734the port on the other side cannot be opened.17:10
icerootGuest77734: teamviewer17:10
julie101010is there a way to place the dock on the right of the screen?17:10
Guest77734iceroot, teamviewer works on linux?17:10
calmpitbulldont know if this i the right channel but can u add all backtrack tools to ubuntu17:10
cfeddeGuest77734: you need colusion with the user on the other side.17:10
icerootGuest77734: yes17:11
IdleOneGuest77734: yes, teamviewer has a linux client17:11
Guest77734ok wonder ful17:11
Guest77734thank you17:11
icerootGuest77734: its using wine, there is no nativ client17:11
mcl0viniceroot: i can't get it to worl17:11
icerootmcl0vin: error message?17:11
ohyalinuxlol wine~17:11
calmpitbullGuest77734: i use teamviewer all the time in ubuntu17:11
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kernelpanickercan I install google earth from apt-get?17:12
ohyalinuxcalmpitbull: use vnc instead ;)17:12
icerootmcl0vin: install lm-sensors, run "sudo sensors-detect" and then use "sensors"17:12
mcl0viniceroot: i already installed it17:13
calmpitbulldont know if this i the right channel but can u add all backtrack tools to ubuntu17:13
alkafookernelpanicker: apt-cache search earth17:13
mcl0vin1 sec i will get u the error from sensors-detect17:13
kernelpanickeralkafoo: thx17:13
mcl0viniceroot: can i pm u the error17:14
iceroot!paste | mcl0vin17:14
Jordan_Umcl0vin: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com17:15
mcl0viniceroot: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/687033/17:15
fruitbagGuys, I want to execute a shell script and need authentication, but don't know what password sudo expects. I've tried the password that I've set and it fails to authenticate.17:16
ikoniafruitbag: the password it expects is the password of the user running sudo17:17
fruitbagYou must excuse my ignorance, guys. Is this the password I use to log in?17:17
t0kenfruitbag: yes17:18
ikoniafruitbag: it is the password of the user running sudo, if that is your login user, then yes17:18
fruitbagThat password did not work.17:18
ikoniaexplain does not work17:18
ikoniawhat is the error ?17:18
fruitbagI get an authentication failure.17:18
fruitbagIt's not so much as an error.17:18
TripleTeacan anyone enlighten me on how to add a user into the sudoers list ?17:19
ikoniarun this outside the script17:19
ikoniafruitbag: try "sudo ls"17:19
ikoniafruitbag: does it take your password ?17:19
fruitbagThere's a difference. When I run su, I am just asked for a password, but when running 'sudo ls' I am asked for 'password for navid'.17:20
IdleOne!adduser | TripleTea17:20
ubott2TripleTea: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo17:20
ikoniafruitbag: you're not running su - you're running sudo17:20
fruitbagI see.17:21
ikoniafruitbag: sudo and su are totally different things17:21
photonIn which folder do the scripts/launchers for the application menu reside?17:21
ikoniafruitbag: you should not be able to su as there is no root password in ubuntu, however sudo should work fine17:21
TripleTeaIdleOne: i have created a new user, but whenever i use sudo, it says im not in the sudoers list17:21
fruitbagI'll try that.17:21
alkafoopresumably sudo passwd would create one, however17:21
ikoniaalkafoo: that is not advised and we don't appreciate it being recommended17:22
t0kensudo /bin/bash17:22
edbianTripleTea: add that user to the admin group (or to the sudoers file manually, visudo -f /etc/sudoers)17:22
alkafooglad I didn't recommend it, then17:22
TripleTeaedbian: thank you17:22
IdleOneTripleTea: that new user needs to be added to the admin group17:22
julie101010is there a way to place the dock on the right of the screen?17:23
fruitbagI'm actually trying to install Quake 3 Arena demo.17:23
alkafoojulie101010: for Unity?17:24
julie101010oh well17:24
TrueColorsyeah imo it would be better on the right.17:25
uoouscrollbars are on the right17:26
fruitbag"bash: ./linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh: Permission denied"17:26
fruitbagEven though I ran it as root.17:26
uoouit would be annoying if it popped out every time you tried to scroll17:26
uoou(although yeah, no one uses scrollbars anymore)17:26
ikoniafruitbag: how did you run it as root ?17:26
TrueColorsgood point. I still use scrollbars but not as much17:26
fruitbagI entered '/sudo /bin/bash'.17:26
uooudid you mark it executable, fruitbag?17:26
ikoniafruitbag: why are you just not using sudo as I told you ?17:27
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fruitbagikonia, how?17:28
TrueColorsupgrading to 10.10 takes longer than bloody windows takes to install17:28
ikoniafruitbag: "sudo $command" where command is the name of the command or file you want to run17:28
alkafooTrueColors: and?17:28
swimI cannot change permissions on my /var/www..  i've used lamp on ubuntu for years, never had this happen before17:28
SealedWithAKissI was playing about with Compiz when suddenly the bar at the top of my applications vanished. Any idea how I get it back? The bar meaning, minimize, close etc.17:29
TrueColors10.04 took like.. 30 minutes, if that... to install. xD17:29
alkafooTrueColors: flying a kite takes longer than walking a dog17:29
ikoniaTrueColors: your downloading software over the interent, what do you expect17:29
TrueColorsI've downloaded the packages, it's just installing the upgrades17:29
TrueColorsI'm assuming that doesn't need internet as it's all downloaded... right?17:29
ikoniaTrueColors: if it's all downloaded, no17:30
fruitbag'sudo linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh'17:30
ikoniafruitbag: you need to be in the same directory as it17:30
Jordan_UTrueColors: Why would it all the upgrades be downloaded if you are doing a fresh install?17:31
TrueColorswell usually the installation process comes after the download process17:31
fruitbag'sudo: linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh: command not found'17:31
fruitbagI am in the same directory.17:31
TrueColorsit's downloaded all the packages and currently it's on "Installing the upgrades" ... so.. it must all be downloaded17:31
TrueColors(plus when I had a breif disconnection not long ago - it carried on)17:31
ThinkT510fruitbag: its a script: sudo ./blah17:31
quiescenswould need ./ to run something in the current directory directly, and then the next question will be that it still complains about permissions because it doesn't have execute set17:32
uooufruitbag, do: chmod +x  linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh17:32
fruitbagThinkT510, I've tried that too. I get the same message.17:32
ThinkT510fruitbag: make sure you've chmod + x the file first17:32
uoouand then: sudo ./ linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh17:32
uoou(errant space in there, delete that)17:32
uoouso: sudo ./linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh17:33
* quiescens pats ubottu 17:33
fruitbagIs this version of Quake 3 even compatible with Xubuntu?17:34
fruitbagA new log window came up with alot of 'no such file' messages.17:34
uoouit'll run if its dependencies are satisfied17:34
idefixwhat is the best browser there is?17:35
uoouok, you need to find out what libraries and stuff it requires17:35
Jordan_UTrueColors: Sorry, I misunderstood and thought you were talking about the feature in recent releases of Ubuntu that updates are installed during the initial install process if internet is available.17:35
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:35
ShogootHi people. Im trying ot find out how i can list the storages availables on a remote server using /bin/bash...  anyoone know the correct command? having a hard time finding it out on google. :)17:36
dropsonif NSFv4 suddenly crashes, is there a way to ensure it is always running / restarted if it hangs / start if it is stopped?17:36
alkafooactually there are quite frequently obvious bests =) but browsers are running neck and neck lately17:36
mcl0viniceroot: any idea17:36
alkafooidefix: firefox and chromium and their derivatives are all fine17:37
mkanyicyShogoot: 'df'17:37
dropsonShogoot: "ls -la" or "df"17:37
idefixalkafoo what about netscape?17:37
uooufirefox is netscape17:37
Shogootthanks, gonna check it out17:37
idefixwhat is IE then?17:37
uoouwine iexplore17:37
julie101010Shogoot, you can't get the storage information remotely17:37
alkafooIE has its own engine17:37
fruitbagGuys, how does mkdir exactly work? In what way is a new directory created?17:37
idefixI remember using netscape in the 90s, it was a very special feeling17:38
icerootfruitbag: ?17:38
jribfruitbag: read its source code...17:38
fruitbagMy knowledge of C is not that good to be able to understand it, jrib.17:38
jribfruitbag: then I don't understand what you hope for as an answer17:38
fruitbagNever mind.17:38
ruffner7fruitbag: or just man mkdir17:38
julie101010fruitbag, a file is created in the inode table and inserted in the parent directory file17:38
swimwhy don't ubuntu changes the permissions of a directory when using root priviledges?17:39
jribfruitbag: is there a reason other than curiosity that you want to know?17:39
fruitbagPure curiosity.17:39
jribswim: on what filesystem?17:39
mkanyicyswim:  you are not clear17:39
zastaphthere's not difference from apt-get install and aptitude install right?17:40
Shogootjulie101010, seems i can. im authenticated http://pastebin.com/aFLH53Nh17:40
safirehey guys, dhclient3 is giving no output17:40
jribzastaph: there is17:40
icerootsafire: what command you used?17:40
safirei'm running dhclient eth117:40
icerootsafire: sudo dhclient3 eth017:40
zastaphjrib, which17:40
safireyes i'm doing that17:40
julie101010Shogoot, those are all local filesystems17:40
jribzastaph: for one, aptitude keeps track of what packages were installed automatically vs which were explicitly requested to be installed in a different way17:41
bonhofferhow could i use locate to find all *.log files updated in the last day?17:41
zastaphjrib, so aptitude is recommended over apt-get ?17:41
Shogootjulie101010, dont think so, im on Win717:41
jribzastaph: no17:41
icerootbonhoffer: use find17:41
bonhoffericeroot: gotit17:42
julie101010Shogoot, I suppose I should try to guess that your using a remote session such as telnet or ssh?17:42
zastaphjrib, i always do aptitude search before apt-get install17:42
Shogootjulie101010, and i know i got sda1, sda2 and sda3 on my machine17:42
jribzastaph: that's fine17:42
Shogootjulie101010, yes. :) i guess that makes the difference17:42
jribzastaph: both are good ways to install.  I would just suggest you choose one and stick to it for installing and removing17:42
julie101010Shogoot, then the disks are local to your session17:42
Skummelzastaph apt-cache search also works.17:42
GeekyAdamwhats the easiest way to mount a linux partition on a server on a windows machine? should i just use smb?17:42
mkanyicyjulie101010: you like the word 'local', huh17:43
icerootGeekyAdam: yes, samba17:43
iceroot!samba | GeekyAdam17:43
ubottuGeekyAdam: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:43
safiresorry, can anyone help with my dhclient3 problem?17:44
alkafooGeekyAdam: a remote partition?17:44
w0_hi.  besides the 24 standard libs, where did all the other .h files in /usr/include come from? did they come with ubuntu?17:44
GeekyAdamalkafoo: server is on local network (but considering doing same for a couple-few remote servers as well17:45
mkanyicyGeekyAdam: then on windows you create a mapped drive17:45
julie101010GeekyAdam, other than getting a commercial nfs client for windows, you don't have much choice17:45
GeekyAdamjulie101010 mkanyicy right right, thanks17:45
alkafoocifs/samba is going to be your best long term choice17:46
alkafoobut you could use sshfs and various other approaches17:46
=== damn is now known as Guest10821
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mkanyicy!who | alkafoo17:46
ubottualkafoo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:46
Guest10821Hi all! how can i scroll up on tty1? ive had an output which exceeded the given Lines...?17:46
quiescensshift pageup17:46
alkafoomkanyicy: already did17:46
mkanyicyi know, alkafoo17:47
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alkafoodidn't seem like you did...17:47
alkafooGuest10821: might check out the program 'screen' sometime, too, very useful17:47
beachedcan anyone recommend a good graphics editor similar to Photoshop. Gimp sucks17:47
julie101010Guest10821, or learn to pipe things to less17:48
trismw0_: dpkg -S /path/to/file; will tell you which package installed the given file (generally)17:48
Guest10821alkafoo: it might be.. but i need to scroll up the output i was given by nmap now17:48
mkanyicybeached: Gimp17:48
uooubeached, stick with Gimp, it's no worse than PS, just different. Or use PS via Wine. There's nothing else witht he same kinda power17:48
Guest10821beached: Photoshop.17:48
w0_trism: hey cool.  thanks!! =)17:49
Guest10821julie101010: yeah but ive some important output now which im eager to see17:49
alkafoobeached: there are hacks for making GIMP more like Photoshop, but if you're going to use a new tool, you should just learn how to use it the way it was meant to be used17:49
quiescensGuest10821: shift pageup17:49
alkafoobeached: you might like krita, though... but it's a KDE app17:49
Guest10821quiescens: wouldnt work..17:50
julie101010alkafoo, gimp is extremely different from Photoshop and not very pleasant to use for those who know Photoshop17:50
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Guest16004umm k17:50
Guest16004new to this17:50
alkafoojulie101010: you can say that about anything new to someone17:50
mang0<julie101010> alkafoo, gimp is extremely different from Photoshop and not very pleasant to use for those who know Photoshop17:51
alkafooGuest16004: if the output is still coming it might not work, you might have to pause the output first17:51
quiescensGuest10821: well that's all you've got to try to scroll back on a console terminal unless you were already using screen or piping the output to less17:51
beachedanything similar to illustrator?17:51
mkanyicyjulie101010: try making Photoshop look like Gimp because its also unpleasant to use if you know gimp17:51
beachedor would that be gimp too17:51
quiescenswrong guest, i think17:51
alkafoobeached: inkscape17:51
uooubeached, Inkscape is closest17:51
quiescensyou're trying to talk to number 10821, not 1600417:51
Guest10821quiescens: thats kinda awkward..17:52
beachedi can aquire via apt get correct?17:52
alkafoobeached: undoubtedly17:52
uoousudo apt-get install inskscape17:52
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Guest16004and i have probally a reallly newb question but im attemptin to download a program but its in a dos/windows exe any way to open it and get it to run17:52
uoouGuest16004, Wine or Dosbox, depending how old it is17:53
beachedGuest16004, have wine installed, make it as executable and pray17:53
LasersGuest16004: What program?17:53
uoouor a virtual machine of course17:53
beachedor what uoou said17:53
quiescensGuest10821: as, alkafoo was trying to say, i think, you will have to pause the output if your command is still running, in order to be able to scroll back17:53
Guest16004its a java program17:53
uoousee if you can find a pure java version then, not one wrapped up as an exe17:54
LasersGuest16004: Minecraft?17:54
uooubut yeah - tell us what program and someone might have an alternative you're happy with17:54
alkafooGuest16004: which java program17:54
quiescensGuest10821: ctrl-s should pause and ctrl-q can unpause when you're done if that is the problem17:54
Guest10821quiescens: i see... thanks17:54
claudiuvladhi, is there an Oneiric channel ?17:54
Lasers!ubuntu+1 | claudiuvlad17:54
ubottuclaudiuvlad: Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+117:54
claudiuvladoh, thanks !17:54
Guest16004ubottu its a bot program for a browser based game17:55
ubottuGuest16004: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:55
quiescensGuest10821: but otherwise, if shift-pageup isn't working, you're really out of options unless you prepared something beforehand with less/screen/etc17:55
uoouGuest16004, for legitimate use?17:56
roothello peoples17:56
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Guest10821quiescens: thx!17:56
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corecodei'm trying to install a lenovo laptop with gpt/uefi17:59
corecodebut there is sparse information out there17:59
corecodeanybody have pointers?17:59
swimI cannot get Ubuntu to change the directory permissions of my /var/www.. i've tried nautilus as root and terminal chmod, will not apply to enclosed folders18:00
corecodechmod -R18:01
Jordan_Ucorecode: Why do you want to use EFI. Does it not have an option for BIOS?18:01
dagerivhttp://pastebin.com/xf1qxqXq why am i getting segmantation fault here?18:01
swimcorecode, that's exactly what i did18:01
corecodeJordan_U: yes, but i want to try uefi18:01
corecode777 is really bad18:01
swimi know, i'm desperate18:02
chiniI was installing globus toolkit on ubuntu 11 and I got an error saying unable to compile with SSL. please help me with it.18:02
corecodeswim: what do you type exactly?18:02
quiescensswim: maybe you could start with what you're trying to do, rather than how you're trying to do it18:02
Jordan_Ucorecode: The Ubuntu install images contain grub-efi. I'm not sure if when booted via EFI ubiquity (Ubuntu's installer) knows to install grub-efi rather than grub-pc, but if it doesn't you can just install grub-efi manually.18:02
corecodeJordan_U: i'm perfectly fine to do the installation manually18:03
Jordan_Ucorecode: Be prepared for graphics drivers to not work properly when booted via EFI.18:03
corecodeJordan_U: oh?18:03
corecodehow do i find out?18:03
Jordan_Ucorecode: Yes. Most current linux graphics drivers depend on BIOS hooks.18:03
swimquiescens, i just want to change my permissions for /var/www and all enclosed folders to show user as owner and have unlimited access..  just like i've done the hundreds of times before via file browser running as root18:03
ProphetZIs there any way to get graphics acceleration (DirectX, OpenGL etc) working in a virtual machine under Ubuntu?18:04
corecodeswim: maybe it is just a symlink?18:04
swimwhat is that?18:04
Jordan_UProphetZ: Yes. Virtualbox has an option for 3D accelleration.18:04
ShogootWhere does linux usually locate the logs reporting security errors? like poeple trying to use sudo when not in sudoers file? /var/log/messages/somefile.txt?18:04
corecodeswim: tell us the output of stat /var/www18:04
quiescensShogoot: probably /var/log/auth.*18:05
swim  File: `/var/www'18:05
swim  Size: 4096      Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   directory18:05
swimDevice: 801h/2049dInode: 805742      Links: 718:05
swimAccess: (0777/drwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 1000/    swim)   Gid: ( 1000/    swim)18:05
swimAccess: 2011-09-11 08:57:59.505604097 -090018:05
swimModify: 2011-09-11 08:14:13.843365712 -090018:05
swimChange: 2011-09-11 08:57:58.822481847 -090018:05
FloodBot1swim: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:05
Jordan_U!pastebin | swim18:05
ubottuswim: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:05
corecodeswim: so what happens if you say chmod -R 777 /var/www?18:06
ProphetZOy, I've been trying to do it with Virtual Machine Manager and it only gives a handful of Video devices to add, all with 9mb video memory...18:06
corecodeJordan_U: assuming i am prepared to take this risk, any ideas how i proceed to partition the hard drive with gpt?18:06
swimcorecode, that's what I had done, it just started new line, like as if it had worked18:07
chiniI was installing globus toolkit on ubuntu 11 and I got an error saying unable to compile with SSL. please help me with it.18:07
corecodeswim: then it worked18:07
corecodechini: insufficient information18:07
swimBut, root still owns all the files and I have to open the files with applications running as root18:07
corecodeyou just changed the mode18:07
corecodenot the owner18:07
corecodebut you chould be able to write to them as user18:08
swimokay, lemme give it another shot.  thanks..18:08
lightcatcheri have GRUB2 as my primary bootloader (dualbooting win7 and debian), and I'm trying to install ubuntu-server from a flash drive. I'm getting BOOTMGR is missing, which is a windows error. could this be because the flash drive is NTFS?18:08
chinicorecode: tell me how i can give you more info18:09
corecodechini: show the exact error message18:09
swimcorecode, thanks, this time it read out all the files it was changing the permissions of..  i bet that one worked18:09
chinicorecode: "configure: error: Unable to compile with SSL"18:10
mneptok!info libssl-dev18:10
ubottulibssl-dev (source: openssl): SSL development libraries, header files and documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8o-5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1972 kB, installed size 5748 kB18:10
mneptokchini: ^^^^18:10
claudiuvladis there a log for the logging in and loading desktop process ?18:10
claudiuvladsome things are crashing around every time I log in18:10
chinimneptok: thank you18:11
claudiuvladthere si so much silence on #ubuntu+118:12
kernelpanickeryes there is18:13
ipv6jesusHow can I determine what OS I am running from a terminal?18:13
claudiuvladis there  a log file for desktop sessions ? because there are things crashing all around me18:13
mneptokchini: np np18:13
mneptokipv6jesus: lsb_release -a && uname -a18:14
trismclaudiuvlad: ~/.xsession-errors sometimes has useful information18:14
claudiuvladoh, le me see18:14
ipv6jesusmneptok: Thank you, kind sir!18:14
claudiuvladtrism, thank you a lot18:15
claudiuvladtrism: thank you a lot18:15
luc_hi can anybody help me i nee to reinstall windows but first can i install ubuntu to move files and save them18:15
chinimneptok: I was guessing there must be separate developer packages didn't know how they were named. i had searched openssl headers; but in vain.18:15
ssokolowI'm at my aunt's house right now and she uses "Add a wireless device" in the Windows 7 Network panel to authorize PCs for WiFi access. Given that the router is in an awkward place to connect to via CAT-5 for prolonged use, is there a way I can get a Lubuntu laptop to show up in the "Media Devices" list like the rest of the PCs in the house?18:16
mneptokchini: devel libraries usually have the same name as userspace, with the -dev tacked on.18:18
luc_any one18:18
BarkingFish!info openssl-dev18:18
ubottuPackage openssl-dev does not exist in natty18:18
kernelpanickerI just installed google earth with apt-get, but it hasn't shown up in the gnome menus... how can I find the app?18:18
Levitanybody see me now??18:19
chinimneptok: ah18:19
ShogootSo, wtmp ...... its says on a site im reading that : Log of all users who have logged into and out of the system. The last command can be used to access a human readable form of this file. It also lists every connection and run-level change.  Anyone that can help me witht he right command to do this? that is make a outpring of the wtmp.log in human readable form?18:19
mneptokchini: and "apt-cache search $NAME" is something you'll learn to love :)18:19
TrueColorswhat kind of languages are built into 11.04?18:21
TrueColorsLike php, python etc18:21
G00053fglrx, give me 11.9 of give me death!18:21
BluesKajkernelpanicker, you probly just installed the installer package..look in your /home/user for GE , you jave to build the package from that18:22
kernelpanickerBluesKaj: cool18:25
chinimneptok: :)18:26
MonkeyDustTrueColors: i guess you need apache in order to use php18:27
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kernelpanickerAnother question... my friend's laptop keyboard has frozen with ubuntu 10.10... any suggestions about how to troubleshoot it?18:28
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BarkingFishkernelpanicker, that one goes in #ubuntu+1 :)18:29
BarkingFishsorry, no it doesn't18:29
FlannelTrueColors: I think python may be the only scripting language (besides bash) installed by default.18:29
quiescensor ubuntu-1?18:29
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Zoffix_Hey, does anyone know how to make PiTiVi stop creating wide-screen videos? My vid is in 4:3 ratio, and after two conversions I need to do, I end up with a small square in the middle of black screen, thanks to PiTiVi always adding black bars to make it wide-screen. Any help?18:29
BarkingFishquiescens, I noticed the mistake :)  Sorry all.18:29
quiescensFlannel: perl, the ever present perl18:29
* Zoffix_ waves to Flannel 18:30
kernelpanickerBarkingFish: OK18:31
Flannelquiescens: Oh, perl is installed by default, alright.18:31
FlannelHowdy Zoffix_18:31
TrueColorsso perl and python?18:31
safireguys, /etc/init.d/networking isn't getting me networked with dhcp18:32
FlannelTrueColors: and bash.  If you're looking for something in particular, see if it's here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.manifest18:32
safiredhclient is timing out, no output18:32
safiredhclient3 eth0 as root18:33
safireI'm not sure if my routing table is correct18:33
luc_trying to install ubuntu and cannot install to a harddriveneed to partition it some how18:33
quiescensTrueColors: and you can probably install whichever you want pretty easily unless there is some particular reason you need to use something that is installed by default?18:33
TrueColorsna I was just curious.18:34
TrueColorsI cannot get Perl and Python to work with my hostgator host even though it's apparently supported.18:34
TrueColorsXampp does... perl I think18:34
TrueColorsso it's good to be able to use perl and python :P18:34
TrueColorsbut I'm more into php but xampp has that anyway18:35
mneptokTrueColors: you on wireless?18:35
TrueColorswireless for laptop. xD18:35
TrueColorsStill installing 11.0418:35
TrueColors34 minutes remaining18:35
* mneptok heads out for a motorcycle ride18:35
safirecan anyone help me out18:35
luc_can anybody help me on installing ubuntu18:36
TrueColorsWhats the problem luc_ ?18:36
TrueColorsI had problems like.. unable to find medium containig live file systems18:36
flintstoneGuys, i want to install AVG for linux. Is it the "linux server edition"  that I should download?18:36
TrueColorsalso unable to detect hard drive in general18:36
nickneed some help18:37
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luc_imtrying to install to my harddrive to save my files says no root system found18:37
TrueColorsflinstone: http://free.avg.com/gb-en/download.prd-alf18:37
TrueColorsperhaps that?18:37
Guest19318how can i run a mine craft sever in this OS18:38
flintstone@TrueColors > thanks for your help :)18:38
flintstoneHave a good evening!18:38
TrueColorshmm I've not had that issue, luc_ ... to fix my issues, I had to bring up the boot menu (rather than the boot device order) which ... sorted it out.18:38
Guest19318without all the SSH PuTTY18:38
alkafooluc_: probably want to back up your files before installing over them18:38
tensorpuddingGuest19318: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_server#Linux_Instructions18:38
luc_TrueColors, i want to just install ubuntu on my second drive and wipe out my first18:39
TrueColorsI'm assuming it's not partitioned in windows, it's just.. .free space?18:40
alkafooluc_: what says no root system found, the install image you booted?18:40
luc_alkafoo, can i just install ubuntu to my 2nd drive where all my torrents are and wipe out windows on my 1st drive18:41
luc_alkafoo, trying to install ubuntu to harddrive stuck on allocate drive space18:42
antidany guide on partitioning disk before/during the installation?18:43
ExplodingpigletsI need a terminal command to kill the update manager18:44
alkafooluc_: you can, you can also copy your torrents to the first drive first, and wipe out nothing when you install to the second18:44
zelozelosExplodingpiglets, try killall term(then hit tab for autofill)18:44
alkafooantid: doesn't really matter if it's not for a server and if you have a backup system in place18:45
zelozelosExplodingpiglets, i mean killall update(tab)18:45
ExplodingpigletsI want to kill the update manager, not the terminal18:45
legijaCan anyone help me?18:45
alkafooExplodingpiglets: pgrep -l update, you might get lucky and find it18:45
alkafoolegija: with what?18:45
borysiatkohello everyone :)18:46
Explodingpigletsok thanks18:46
zelozelosExplodingpiglets, also killall -l18:46
luc_alkafoo, the first drive has windows 7 on it and willnot boot up and the 2nd drive has all my torrents on it18:46
executionistwhy wont ubuntu allow me to check "allow executing file as program"? the check disappears as soon as I mark it18:47
alkafooluc_: do you have more data you want to save than will fit on one of the drives alone?18:47
legijaI have installed gnome3, but when I type sudo nautilus in terminal I got an error18:47
alkafooexecutionist: which file?18:47
alkafoolegija: what error18:47
luc_alkafoo, my 2nd drive is where i want to install ubuntu18:47
alkafooluc_: I know, you're getting ahead of yourself18:47
legijaNautilus could not create the required folder "/root/.config/nautilus".18:47
zelozelosexecutionist, try a terminal, its chmod a+x (filename or PathFilename)18:47
aLinuxN00bWould it make any difference between installing a 32-bit or a 64-bit version of Ubuntu on a machine with 3GB of RAM?18:47
alkafooluc_: if you can fit all your data on one drive, you should copy it there first so you don't have to lose anything18:47
legijaBefore running Nautilus, please create the following folder, or set permissions such that Nautilus can create it.18:48
alkafoolegija: interesting, does that directory exist? sudo ls /root/18:48
luc_alkafoo, my 2nd drive is about half filled18:48
alkafooaLinuxN00b: there's no reason to not use 64-bit, there hasn't been for ages18:48
zelozelosaLinuxN00b, the same diffs between the two still apply18:48
legijanot shown when I type what you said18:49
alkafooluc_: what capacity are your two drives?18:49
srgjameswhat all options do i have to run a dos exe18:49
antidalkafoo, what is the difference between 'partition size' and the 'actual size' ?18:49
tensorpuddingsrgjames: DOSBox18:49
alkafoolegija: try ls / | grep -i root18:49
srgjameszelo wines not running it18:49
tensorpuddingsrgjames: DOSBox provides a reasonble DOS emulator environment, it can run many/most MS-DOS programs18:49
alkafooantid: I'm not sure what you're referring to, but it could be accounting for how much space will be taken up by the filesystem's overhead18:49
legijawhen I type that, it shows root (red color)18:50
zelozelosvirtualbox with a dos system then ? srgjames18:50
luc_alkafoo,my 1st is  320 gb which i think is going bad and my 2nd is a 1tb18:50
alkafoolegija: okay18:50
alkafooluc_: okay, and your 1TB already has all its space partitioned as one big partition, right?18:51
srgjamesthat should work lets trys it18:51
luc_alkafoo,  i guess18:51
tensorpuddingsrgjames: DOSBox is available in the software center18:52
alkafooluc_: is there any data on your Windows install you want to save?18:52
luc_alkafoo, not really i can reinstall it if i want to18:52
zelozelossrgjames, you may find one already set up here, all youll have to do is dl and make a vm to point to it18:53
DocPlatypuswhat's the recommended procedure for making a backup of an Ubuntu 10.04 system if I need to upgrade it to 11.04 LTS?18:53
luc_alkafoo, i really just want all my torrents saved18:53
legijathere is .config folder, and there is nautilus folder but I can run nautilus at all18:53
antidalkafoo, when i was in the partitioning tool, the partition size didn't match my 200 gb....it was something like 19gb and some other value for the "system restore" partition(?)18:53
zelozelosDocPlatypus, you mean if you need to you want to "downgrade"?18:53
antidalkafoo, 200gb is what i have in total space on my disk**18:53
DocPlatypuszelozelos: in case the upgrade goes sour, and I want to get my friend back to his old 10.04 setup swiftly18:54
zelozelosDocPlatypus, once upgraded, un-doing it is not possible, however you can back up the entire system, if you have a second drive w the space18:54
srgjamestensor not 100% sure but i dont think that will work its  a new program thats a dos/windows exe  and its a java program .... i guess best bet would be a virtual  machine of windows 7 but i was hoping to get fully away from windows18:54
alkafooantid: like 199 or like 19? =P18:55
DocPlatypuszelozelos: and we do. it's a 1.5T drive with about 140 gigs free18:55
alkafooluc_: okay then I suggest you install to your first 320GB hard disk18:55
zelozelosDocPlatypus, is it a different drive then the one being upgraded?18:55
DocPlatypuszelozelos: yes18:55
zelozelosa different "physcal" drive - if so 1 sec i have to remember what that backup program was18:56
luc_alkafoo, i dont think it is reconized here though18:56
alkafooluc_: why don't you think so?18:56
antidalkafoo, pretty sure it was 19000 something MB...also i'm reading this guide of a guy installing ubuntu10.10, he doesn't specify his disk size but in the pictures he has ~11k MB18:56
luc_alkafoo, it only shows my 1tb to install to18:57
DocPlatypuszelozelos: yes, it's an external USB 2.0 1.5T drive18:57
zelozelosI think it is sbackup, its been a while however and i found something else interesting   check this page out...http://ask.metafilter.com/69793/How-do-I-transfer-my-current-Ubuntu-system-to-a-new-larger-hard-drive18:58
alkafooluc_: it what?18:58
luc_alkafoo, install ubuntu18:58
sbsquareshHey... I was wondering if my computer was ment for ubuntu or not. It is a 1999 Computer18:58
fermulatorDoes anyone here have experience with virtualbox on Ubuntu 11.04?18:59
alkafooantid: well there are some considerations, like 200GB being only 186.3GiB, and when formatted that will be slightly less, even18:59
zelozelossbsquaresh, id go for version 918:59
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fermulatorsince upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04, virtualbox3.2 no longer works18:59
alkafooantid: nothing worth spending much time considering, though18:59
luc_alkafoo, i try to install on it says i need to partition it18:59
alkafooluc_: okay, well if it says that then obviously it sees the disk19:00
alkafooit should allow you to partition it though - you might have to destroy your existing Windows partition/s first, hwoever19:00
lockheedhow can i view the files in my natty partition from windows 719:01
ipv6jesusI have 3 different OS's on my netbook - Backtrack, Ubuntu and W7, all installed alongside eachother. How do I remove all of them, essentially swiping the harddrive clean in an efficient way? Any suggestions welcome.19:01
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org19:01
tensorpuddinglockheed: you probably can't19:01
dr_willisive heard those tools are now working with ext4 in recent updates19:01
luc_alkafoo, im going to turn it off and startup again and see if it finds my 1st drive19:01
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dr_willisipv6jesus:  just use fdisk and delete every partiton. then remake them.19:02
tensorpuddinglockheed: if you want to share files, it's best to use NTFS19:02
ipv6jesusdr_willis: Thanks, will do that now.19:02
fermulatorlockheed: from Windows, I've used this application before: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2read/19:03
quiescensfermulator: any error message or a description of what happens? "no longer works" is not particularly helpful19:03
fermulatorlockheed: WARNING: last time I checked, it doesn't support write, you can only read19:03
srgjamesis there a way to link files to irc19:03
tensorpuddingsrgjames: what is it you want to do19:04
dr_willissrgjames:  clarify what you mean19:04
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srgjamesnvm i got it i think19:04
fermulatorquiescens; sorry, indeed my message wasn't very useful.  Specifically, I /believe/ I have figured it out -- from the Maverick installation, I had a virtualbox-3.2 installation from Oracle (using checkinstall), /that/ was what was failing.  I'lkl troubleshoot a bit more, -- using the later vbox, giving it a shot19:04
alkafoolockheed: do you want to read these files often, or just once?19:05
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srgjamesum kk19:05
alkafoolockheed: fermulator's suggestion is good for one offs, for long term I'd suggest http://www.ext2fsd.com/19:06
luc_alkafoo, trying to install ubuntu19:06
alkafoofs-driver is antiquated19:06
alkafooluc_: yes I know19:06
quiescensfermulator: well there are ubuntu/debian packages if they are suitable, likely cause is out of date virtualbox modules if you haven't done the vboxdrv stuff for your newer kernel19:06
srgjamesmaybe this will be easier to get some help im attempting to download this file at http://www.epicbot.com/download.php and run and install it but i cant get it to work at all19:07
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PFHi. I accidentally removed notification area. After bringing it back it changed a lot: there is no volume control, log out, and there is something wrong with battery icon which is different from elementary theme and doesn't change regardless of battery state. How to fix the battery problem?19:07
luc_alkafoo, still comes up allocate drive space opt 1 erase disk and install ubuntu or opt 2 something else19:08
mrdebwow ff. that is a problem19:08
urlin2usrgjames, you using wine?19:08
srgjameswine doesnt work19:08
alkafooluc_: as long as it's not talking about your 1TB, I'd go with opt1 erase & install19:08
urlin2usrgjames, that is a .exe though19:08
oCeansrgjames: that link results in a dos/windows executable to be downloaded. What do you want to do with that?19:09
guntbert!ask | sampath19:09
urlin2usampath, ask your question please19:09
ubottusampath: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:09
srgjamesi know =(19:09
sampathwer r u from19:09
ciss_handicappedhi, how can i move the offset of a logical volume? i need to get a lv out of an area containing bad blocks19:09
luc_alkafoo, if i click opt 1 erease disk will it give me the option of my windows 7 driveto wipe out only and not my 2nd drive19:09
oCeansampath: this is technical support, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic19:09
srgjamesocean i want to run instal it19:10
alkafoosrgjames: sometimes you just have to install additional libs, for example with winetracks; you might want to talk to #winehq19:10
oCeansrgjames: on linux? That's not possible19:10
alkafooluc_: my guess is that it is already presenting that information if it can19:10
alkafooluc_: do you not see two disks?19:10
alkafooluc_: with capacities?19:10
srgjamesocean ive seen it done  with other programs19:10
srgjamesalso the program is  java19:11
urlin2uluc_, you need to use something else19:11
oCeansrgjames: only if you use wine, and still then, not *all* programs work, there's a list of specific programs that do work on wine19:11
luc_alk not without clicking it but on opt 2 it only shows my 2nd drive19:11
sampathwats all tis i am new to dis19:11
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alkafooluc_: well you want option 1 with your first drive19:11
alkafooluc_: is that available or not?19:11
oCeansampath: I explained this is a support channel, if you don't have a supportquestion, please use #ubuntu-offtopic channel for chat19:12
alkafoosampath: /topic19:12
sampathi want to learn terminal ...?19:12
oCean!manual | sampath19:12
ubottusampath: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:12
MonkeyDustsampath: type /j #ubuntu-offtopic19:13
luc_alkafoo,  yes it shows it there19:13
srgjamesany other possible ways to get this to run19:14
guntbertMonkeyDust: he *is* there...19:14
corpusmainusis it possible to change the login screen in 11.04?19:15
oCeansrgjames: no, not on linux19:15
Arthur7xhow do I see my local ip on linux?19:16
Arthur7xI know it's like run -> cmd -> ipconfig on windows but I Have no idea about it on linux.19:16
oCeanArthur7x: type  ifconfig -a  in terminal19:16
oCeanArthur7x: only slightly different19:16
luc_alkafoo, so if i install on my 1st drive it will not erease my 2nd drive19:16
oCeanArthur7x: the -a actuall shows all devices (lan, wlan, loopback)19:17
alkafooluc_: it shouldn't19:17
Arthur7xI type ipconfig but it says the order hasn't been found19:17
luc_alkafoo,  ok19:17
oCeanArthur7x: ifconfig, not ipconfig19:17
TrueColorsI've updated to 11.04, but my wifi dongle is still not found.19:17
TrueColorsI did... lspci -v19:18
TrueColorsand it wasn't listed19:18
Arthur7xoh true thanks19:18
Arthur7xThanks oCean19:18
oCeanArthur7x: welcome19:18
antidalkafoo, well, idk what exactly is the 'partition size' as shown in the ubuntu installation but reading this guide i can see that the person's 'partition size' is 10.7gb but he uses values that go way beyond it. for example he enters 6000 MB for the "file partition" ,it shows as "1737" MB of 'partition size'19:18
luc_alkafoo, comes up with error input/ output error during reading on /dev/sdb19:18
PolahTrueColors, if it's USB, try lsusb19:19
TrueColorsPolah ... that does say "Belkin Components" ... my wifi dongle is a belkin19:20
luc_alkafoo, what does that mean19:20
TrueColorsI need to install it h19:20
alkafooantid: are you trying to achieve some end result, or understand some person's actions?  For the latter, see #psychology19:20
alkafooluc_: it could mean the hardware used for that device is indeed failing19:21
alkafooluc_: to install to your second drive, you're going to want to defrag it then resize its existing partition until there's enough free space to setup and install Ubuntu to19:21
Polahluc_: Try running a SMART test on the drive, see what comes up19:21
luc_alkafoo, so how can i install to my 2nd drive and save my files on it19:22
corpusmainusis it easily possible to change the login screen on 11.0419:22
alkafooluc_: to install to your second drive, you're going to want to defrag it then resize its existing partition until there's enough free space to setup and install Ubuntu to19:22
luc_Polah, how do you run a smart test on it19:22
alkafooluc_: alternatively, you might take this opportunity to get another drive and implement a proper backup system, so you don't have to deal with this issue again19:23
luc_alkafoo, how to defrag with out a operating sys on it19:24
Polahluc_: You can do it from Disk Utility19:24
luc_alkafoo, i do have another drive in my other computer can i take it out andreplace it19:25
luc_Polah, i dont have a operating system on it any more19:26
Polahluc_: You can do it from a live session19:26
srgjamesha ha i fail19:27
srgjamesturns out theres a linux version19:27
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alkafooluc_: yes if you have a spare drive, that would be simpler19:28
alkafooluc_: you can even copy its contents to your 1TB beforehand if you want19:28
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lockheed alkafoo: I tried ext2fsd yesterday but it couldn't 'see' the ubuntu partition19:29
scarleocorpusmainus: yes it is, there are guides if you google. I think Ubuntu tweak can do it as well19:29
alkafoosrgjames: secondary =P19:29
alkafoolockheed: was probably ext4, then19:29
corpusmainusthanks scarleo19:29
Tigerboyis it possible to easily transition from Debian to Ubuntu? Or is it a complete reinstall but can I use the smb.conf and make it easier to move from debian to ubuntu?  I am  just having a bad time with the sound system in debian.19:29
mrdebyes reinstall19:30
mrdebin ubuntu you put in the stick and install19:30
alkafooTigerboy: you should be able to use many of your old confs19:30
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alkafooTigerboy: why the transition?19:30
Tigerboyok that is good to know19:30
mrdebhi welcome19:32
djskiddI'd like some help19:32
djskiddI want to install Ubuntu 10.10 on this computer19:32
Tigerboywell because I am having too many problems with sound not working. I have multiple sound-- hdmi usb and the sound card... i have a problem no way to change the default easily and it keeps failing after so much time. Debian has pulse in "experimental" but the pulse in the wheezy/sid is not working right and there is no support for it19:32
djskiddWithout messing up Windows19:32
sampatheven i want some help about this19:32
alkafoodjskidd: is there free disk space?19:32
djskiddLet me check19:32
djskiddThe computer has 3 HDDs:19:33
TigerboyPlus something with gtk or other where the window manager keeps failing unpredictably and I can't move windows around.19:33
alkafooTigerboy: I'm not sure moving to Ubuntu will help you with that19:33
Tigerboyi use compiz and metacity alternately19:33
djskiddC: (windows and other crap) F: (my own drive for games) and E: (my mom's)19:33
alkafoosounds like you haven't been maintaining your system properly, which will cause problems on any distro19:33
alkafoodjskidd: what capacities?19:33
Tigerboyyes it works much better and ubuntu supports pulse audio19:33
alkafoodjskidd: what amount free?19:33
djskiddC: has 150GB19:33
Tigerboythe audio in debian is broken19:34
djskiddF: has 75 GB19:34
Tigerboyit works ok for simple systems to a point19:34
djskiddI won't bother with E:19:34
alkafoodjskidd: the best solution would be if you can fit all the data of one drive temporarily on another, so you can repartition that drive to have more than one partition19:34
djskiddCrap, I miscounted19:35
alkafoodjskidd: maybe temporarily move F's data to C19:35
lockheed alkafoo: ok I've got it working now, is there one i can use to write to that partition19:35
djskiddF: only has 7 GB open19:35
djskiddIt's total size is 75 GB19:35
jackhelp - what do i do when livedvd-ubuntu fails to recognize/mount my ext4 partition on hd?19:35
alkafoolockheed: if it's ext4, I'm not sure there is if ext2fsd can't do it19:35
safirehow do I get udev to not have multiple ethx entries in 70-persistant-net.rules?19:35
alkafoodjskidd: do you have 68GB free space on C?19:35
safireI'm changing the hardware ethernet using virtualbox19:36
daniel__if you guys had a computer with 80gb hdd, 2gb ram, how big would you make / and /home partitions and swap partition?19:36
safirethere's only one card, I don't want multiple entries19:36
Gredeui do19:36
alkafoojack: why do you want it to mount it?19:36
djskidd60 GB free19:36
djskiddon C:19:36
TrueColorsIs ubuntu suppose to flicker when shutting down ?19:36
jackalkafoo, i need to write files there19:36
Tigerboytruecolors: no19:36
TrueColors10.04, 10.10 and 11.04 flicker19:36
alkafoodjskidd: k... you could look for 8GB of data you can happily delete, copy F's data to C, repartition F to have two partitions, copy that data back from C to F, install Ubuntu to new partition on F19:37
TrueColors11.04 takes a while to load up... though apparently my hardware doesn't support unity.19:37
HuegWeevHAPPY 9/11 FROM THE GNAA19:37
Tigerboytruecolors: are you seeing text?19:37
alkafoodjskidd: the alternative is to defrag C, resize its partition(s) (potentially dangerous), then make a new partition there19:37
TrueColorsna... um19:37
TrueColorsI'll show you what I mean19:38
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HuegWeevHAPPY 9/11 FROM THE GNAA19:38
Tigerboywhat is GNAA19:38
alkafooTigerboy: group of dorks =P19:38
TelendrithHi, when I launch certen applications the volume control goes nuts for about 30 seconds+  jumping up and down from mute to full volume and back and forth. You lose control of your computer, and when you kill the process it's back to normal. Ideas?19:38
Tigerboylol ok19:38
TelendrithAlso tried ALSA & padsp. Nothing..  Touching the volume strip does not help.19:38
abstraktare the different RAID specifications, i.e. RAID 0 and RAID 1, hardware or software based?19:39
HuegWeevHAPPY 9/11 FROM THE GNAA19:39
alkafooabstrakt: something else entirely19:39
abstrakti.e. if I see a computer online that says RAID 0, could I switch that later to be RAID 1 easily through the kernel for example?19:39
TigerboyWell 9/11 was a terrible assault on our country by sick morons trying to take control of the world...19:39
HuegWeevHAPPY 9/11 FROM THE GNAA19:39
alkafooabstrakt: depends on your definition of "easily"19:39
jackraid 0 is striped19:39
abstraktTigerboy, and also off topic19:40
jackraid 1 is different19:40
Tigerboyoh it is?19:40
TigerboyI was just responding to you19:40
TigerboyI guess you are a supporter of them19:40
luc_alkafoo, can i just install to new drive and keep all my files intact on my 1tb drive19:40
abstraktjack, err... what does striped mean?19:41
TigerboyI just wish I could get the sound working and i would stay with debian19:41
abstraktjack, and how is RAID 1 different than striped?19:41
Tigerboyit's working fine on most of my machines19:41
abstrakti mean, really I'm looking at buying a laptop and RAID is fairly popular on some of the high end models, I'm wondering, if I went RAID, how easy it would be to change from i.e. RAID 0 to RAID 119:42
jackabstrakt: means raid 0 gives you as much disk space as you have - as one volume19:42
abstraktbasically i want RAID 1 but they really only offer RAID 019:42
w30Telendrith, I had a computer go nuts like that for a different reason. It ended up being a keyboard key problem. Some key kept self firing.19:42
abstraktjack, yeah i know the essential functionality of RAID 0 vs RAID 119:42
abstraktjack, i've just never heard the term "striped"19:42
TelendrithCould I switch out the 'shortcut' and drop the keys for volume control?19:43
Polahabstrakt: To switch from RAID 0 to RAID 1 you'd need to rebuild the array. Also, they do laptops with two drive bays now?19:43
MonkeyDuststarred & striped19:43
abstraktseems that if you want SSD these days it's better to make a 256G SSD drive out of two 128G SSDs in RAID 019:43
abstraktand by better i mean cheaper :)19:43
abstraktPolah, aaand, by "rebuild the array" you mean actually replace some hardware?19:43
Polahabstrakt: Sure, if you want to compromise your data integrity.19:43
TrueColorsubuntu crashed on shutdown19:44
abstraktyou can use any old IDE/ATA19:44
abstraktPolah, yeah actually I want RAID 119:44
Polahabstrakt: I mean destroy the RAID 0 array and thus the data on it and then recreate it as RAID 1 and start afresh19:44
abstraktbut no one is offering as much space as I want in RAID 119:44
abstraktand in SSD19:44
cykroshmm...i have a question that is hopefully easy...i just grabbed streamripper last night, and recorded a radio show with it, which I know was sending out id3 tags with the stream.  However, my output files have no id3 information. i'm assuming I need to specify the --codeset-id3= option, but I don't know how to determine what codeset to specify.19:44
cykrosso, if anyone knows, i'd appreciate it19:44
TelendrithAnd random question. if I had a system and used raid 5 how much of speed hit would i take?19:44
luc_Polah, i tried to scan disk error19:44
Polahabstrakt: Well, you could always get two larger drives and replace them after you get the laptop19:44
Gredeugonna watch season of the witch19:45
lrojashi all, simple question, why is canonical recommending to install 32 for the desktop? what if i have a i5 processor taht fully supports 64bit and have8 GB of ram?19:45
abstraktPolah, uhh... wait, i'm just asking if the physical hardware will need to change...19:45
abstraktPolah, ahh yeah i suppose that's true19:45
rwwlrojas: then use 64-bit19:45
abstrakti've been thinking about just getting an SSD in maybe a year when prices hopefully become more reasonable19:45
cykrosoh, and if it matters, i'm using the -a -A options to make it all one long stream, as the complications of actually splitting files when there are dj's talking and such makes little sense.19:45
TrueColorsSounds like me lrojas :P I have the same specs. I think I have 64 bit but im not sure19:45
dr_willislrojas:  its idiot proofing.. if you dont know what one to get.. it suggests 32bit because it should always work.19:45
lrojasok, what i'm asking is why does canonical recommends 32 ?19:45
abstraktPolah, i'm not so concerned with needing to reformat, i would take it for granted that you'd need to reformat when moving from RAID 0 to RAID 119:45
Polahabstrakt: Yes, if you want a larger RAID 1 array then you'd need bigger drives. RAID 0 would give you the total capacity of the two drives together, but you'd be splitting your data in half and if one drive goes down then all your data is gone, it's not even guaranteed to give any performance benefits.19:45
abstrakti mean, that's just... obvious I guess19:45
rwwlrojas: because most people don't know what their processor model or architecture is, and 32-bit works on x86 and x86_64 processors19:45
cykroslrojas: better legacy support for more programs.  and yea, idiot proofing.19:46
dr_willislrojas:  you can always install a pae kernel :) for 32bit to get access to the ram.. so its a failsafe suggestion.19:46
cykrosi know if i went with the 32 bit installation though, i could have tradewars 2002 running from dosemu. as it is, i can't19:46
lrojas*sigh* so i need now to redownload the dvd wit the right version...19:46
abstraktPolah, ok but pretend I were to have say a storage container about 4TB19:46
abstrakton my LAN19:46
abstraktso backup is not a problem19:46
cykrosbecause tw2002 requires a 32 bit arch.19:46
dr_willisHmm. dosbox ran fine on my 64bit system last i tried it...19:46
cykros...nothing a VM doesn't fix, but still...that's a lot of overhead.19:46
dr_willisnot used dosemu in ages that i recall.19:47
cykrosdr_willis: i run dosemu fine.19:47
cykrosit's tw2002 that doesn't run in 64 bit arch19:47
Polahabstrakt: Well then yes you could use RAID 0, but like I said, there may not be any performance increases. There could be, certainly, but there's no guarantee. The only guarantee you have is compromised data integrity19:47
abstraktPolah, so I would keep the same drives and just move from RAID 0 to RAID 119:47
dr_willisI got dosbox on my android phone.19:47
cykrosi run plenty of other DOS door games on my bbs19:47
Polahabstrakt: Yes, and you'd have the storage capacity of the smallest drive and the data would be mirrored on both19:47
dr_willisweird that one dos game is somehow able to determine the hostos is 64bit..19:47
abstraktyes i understand19:47
abstraktPolah, now, in this instance, is a hardware change required19:47
cykrosdr_willis: yea, not sure what the deal there is. it runs fine in my windows xp vm19:48
cykrosfor all i know, it may work in dosbox but not dosemu19:48
cykrosbut i don't know how to set up dosbox with synchronet19:48
hydruidcykros, it's an easter egg, HAHAHa lol j/k19:48
luc_alkafoo, ok can i just install to my 1tb drive then19:48
Polahabstrakt, in what instance?19:48
abstraktPolah, point is, so now i'm no longer buying drives... do I still need to buy a new RAID controller (and hence possibly, or very likely) a new laptop19:48
alkafooluc_: what happened to the spare drive plan?19:49
abstraktPolah, the instance we're talking about now... not buying new drives, but switching from RAID 0 to RAID 119:49
abstraktand yes i know the data capacity is halved19:49
abstraktpretend I either have backup or don't care, or both19:49
abstraktdo I need to buy a new RAID card (hardware)19:49
abstraktto move from RAID 0 to RAID 119:49
corecodewhere can i find the kernel config used for the install iso?19:49
abstraktor will any RAID card do any kind of RAID19:49
abstrakt0-6 i think isn't it?19:49
Polahabstrakt: Oh, that one. Hmm, if the RAID controller ONLY supports RAID 0 (I think most do support at least 0 and 1, since RAID 0 isn't really RAID since it's not redundant. If it does only support RAID 0 for some silly reason then yes you will need a new laptop.19:49
urlin2ucorecode, whay?19:50
guntbert!enter | abstrakt19:50
ubottuabstrakt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:50
abstraktPolah, ah ok, great thanks... that's what I wanted to know :)19:50
PolahI believe 0, 1 and 5 are typical though. Just look up your laptop specs and check abstrakt19:50
corecodeurlin2u: i need to use the 3.0 kernel to install on my new laptop19:50
luc_alkafoo, i will buy a new drive next week19:50
abstraktPolah, ok will do thanks19:50
urlin2ucorecode, 3.0 is only on the Oneiric19:50
corecodeurlin2u: yes, that's why i want to compile it myself19:51
corecodei could download the oneiric kernel19:51
alkafooluc_: if you're going to buy a new drive, I wouldn't bother trying to install to your 1TB19:51
luc_alkafoo, why not19:52
urlin2ucorecode, why not install the release Natty then install the kernel you need?19:52
corecodeurlin2u: natty kernel doesn't boot19:52
urlin2ucorecode, I doubt it has rto do with the kernrl, is that your contention, and what happens when you try to?19:53
corecodeurlin2u: it is the kernel.19:53
corecodeurlin2u: known problem.19:53
corecodeurlin2u: let's move on.19:53
urlin2ucorecode, what happens?19:53
corecodeblank screen right after grub19:53
urlin2ucorecode, sure no oroblem19:53
beachedanyone here a python programmer?19:54
alkafooluc_: because defragging even a fraction of 1TB will take some time, and resizing is a risk19:54
alkafoobeached: #python19:54
luc_alkafoo,ok then i will put other drive in then19:54
alkafooluc_: good idea19:54
MonkeyDustbeached: type /j #python19:54
corecodeis oneiric stable enough to be used?19:54
oCeancorecode: it's still beta, discussion in #ubuntu+1 channel19:54
=== beached is now known as register
urlin2ucorecode, works fine for me .19:55
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Guest92435so how do I unfreeze my nick?19:55
w30corecode, #ubuntu+1 has a link to the known issues, quirks. Check those19:56
w0_does anyone know where/how I could find a list of packages that come with 11.04? much thx19:56
oCeanGuest92435: help on network usage is in #freenode channel19:56
xanguaw0_: packages.ubuntu.com19:57
w0_sweet thanks!! ;)19:57
guntbertGuest92435: ask in #freenode please19:58
=== Guest92435 is now known as Beached
oCeanguntbert: he's already there asking :)19:59
ShogootIm confused. in ubuntu do i use /etc/cron.d/anacron or /etc/init.d/cron to automate tasks?20:02
TrueColorshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6_p_n1ZhMQ - this is my ubuntu restarting... there is a slight flicker when it boot downs, then when it boot ups... well... yeah that's more visible.20:03
TrueColorsthen when I shut down.. it got stuck here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj6c2Q-AXSQ20:03
TrueColorsit wouldn't go past it20:03
FloodBot1TrueColors: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
BBBThundaI have an ubuntu server machine that can ping internal machines but can not get to the internet.  All other machines on the network can.  Anyone that can help me troubleshoot?20:03
Polahshogoot: Use crontab -e   to edit your cron20:04
BBBThundaI think it started after I installed a 2nd nic on that machine (one that is not yet in use)20:04
qmris there some secret to keeping gnome-panels from getting fucked up every reboot?20:05
guntbert!language | qmr20:05
ubottuqmr: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:05
ShogootPolah, well i did you see, but the ob i sheduled for once a minutte is not executing20:05
qmrguntbert: thanks for being useless.20:05
PolahShogoot: Pastebin your crontab please20:05
guntbertqmr: no, I'm serious20:05
qmrguntbert: me too.20:05
ShogootPolah, http://pastebin.com/gghEK7E520:08
w30qmr, there are lots of places to swear on the net; Go there.20:09
qmryou people are useless.20:10
oCeanqmr: please dropt that attitude20:10
BBBThundaqmr, if you come to a place for help and break their guidelines and act disrespectful when called on it, you just alienated 1500 people that may have wanted to help you20:10
m_fuldersomeone in here using webanlizer on ubuntu? .. can I check somehow how often it should clear the log?20:10
Polahqmr: Well, we shan't offer you any help then. We're not the ones that are asking from help here.20:10
qmrPolah: you mean you don't know what the answer is.  ok then.20:11
uriel1998qmr, I know the answer.  But I agree with the others.20:11
Polahqmr: Sure, I could suggest some ways to stop your panels breaking, as could many other people. I'm just saying that if you're going to insult people when you're asking them for something which they're doing for nothing in return, you're not going to get very far.20:11
qmrPolah: kiss my ass.20:11
Shogootplease drop it, im more intrested in not missing anyone that is answering my question ;)20:12
Polahqmr: I'll pass thanks.20:12
oCeanlet's move on please20:12
PolahShogoot: What is your question?20:12
chaseCan someone tell me what key selects a check box in dpkg-reconfigure and similar command line UIs?20:12
qmrOhhhh so this superior attitude people have is ok?20:12
Shogooti guess it is, why crontab is failing20:12
PolahShogoot: Oh yeah the crontab, hang on just a second.20:12
qmrwhy don't you kick them?20:12
oCeanqmr: please drop it and move on20:12
Polahchase: Space usually20:12
chasePolah: Thanks! Didn't say it anywhere and was driving me crazy!20:13
HappyNineEleveni'm having a problem with samba20:13
HappyNineElevencan anyone help?20:13
alkafooHappyNineEleven: not until you explain it20:13
ShogootHappyNineEleven, dont ask to ask, just ask :)20:13
PolahShogoot, change 01 on your line to */1, currently it's running at one minute past every hour.20:13
ShogootPolah, ooooooooooooooooohh ok. get it20:14
HappyNineElevenwell, it's not installing20:14
HappyNineElevenapt-get is being a POS20:14
alkafooHappyNineEleven: what's not installing?  What command are you using?  What error do you get?20:14
PolahHappyNineEleven, provide error messages please. Pastebinned or similar preferably20:14
GredeuHappyNineEleven, use windows McVeigh20:14
rwwGredeu: that's not helpfup20:14
rwwor helpful20:14
Gredeulook at his nick20:15
* Gnea looks at Gredeu's nick instead20:15
alazare619happynineeleven, wow not cool20:15
Gredeuis 9/11 something to be happy about ?20:15
ShogootPolah, is not working, is the command correct? will the  -O overwrite the existing file?20:15
alazare619so terrorist even dont like windows ironic20:15
soreauHappyNineEleven: apt-get works fine though it's not intended to be a point-of-sale system20:15
oCeanalazare619: Gredeu drop it please20:16
rwwGredeu, alazare619: If you don't want to help them, don't help them. Doesn't mean you get to make snarky comments about it. Thanks.20:16
chiniI am installing globus toolkit. now i have to set a few env vars as root and also run a perl script. when I give the command as "sudo GLOBUS_LOCATION=/home/chini/Desktop/gt5.0.4-all-source-installer/gt; GLOBUS_SH_TMP=`pwd`; perl gt-server-ca.pl -y" I getting sudo usage. pleas suggest how do I do it properly20:16
TrueColorsI don't really mind 9/11, we've all gotta move on at some point - sure it was a tragedy but... what can you do?20:16
HappyNineElevenit complains about dependanices20:16
soreauHappyNineEleven: What are you trying to install?20:16
qmrchini just do sudo su, then do whatever you need to do as root20:16
alazare619oCean ok ill listen to a mod and not you or you RWW you guys can bite me20:16
rwwalazare619: oCean and I are both channel operators for #ubuntu.20:17
soreauHappyNineEleven: Can you pastebin the complete output to pastebin.com, beginning with the command you're running?20:17
guntbertchini: don't follow his advice, it is bad20:17
alazare619happynineeleven is obviously a /b/ troll20:17
qmrguntbert: how is my advise bad?20:17
BladeMcCoolany way to make 'apt-get install asterisk-espeak' do actual installing instead of saying 'Couldn't find package asterisk-espeak' ?20:17
PolahShogoot: Change your wget around:     wget http://prosjekt.uia.no/users/simonl09/2oktinnlevering/2oktoberinnlevering.html -O /home/anatomist/script2taskhtmldownloadfile20:18
guntbertchini: if you really need a root shell use sudo -i20:18
PolahBladeMcCool: That's because it can't find the package. Have you spelt it correct and enabled any necessary PPAs/alternate repositories and ran apt-get update?20:19
HappyNineElevenoh wait samba is working now20:19
HappyNineElevenis there any wiki page20:19
=== LoganCloud is now known as GoJetsCloud
HappyNineElevenwhich documents on how to make shares?20:19
rww!samba > HappyNineEleven20:19
ubottuHappyNineEleven, please see my private message20:19
GeekyAdami need help getting unicode to work. i set UTF-8 in putty on my windows machine, and my ubuntu server's locales are all en_US.UTF-8, but unicode doesnt seem to work right. here's an example of a "toilet test": http://i.imgur.com/KrRzo.png20:19
HappyNineElevenfantastic rww, thanks20:19
kernelpanickerI'm -xterm_clipboard in my 10.10... I need to be able to use the clipboard... anyone know how to get that to be +xterm_clipboard?20:19
BladeMcCoolPolah: i have spelt it correctly yes. maybe i need to enable a repository. how to see waht repos i have?20:20
qmrwhy was I just kicked20:20
rwwqmr: use of lmgtfy is not permitted in #ubuntu* channels, as it's rude and unhelpful. Please do not use it in future.20:20
w30sudo su works in unexpected ways as environment path etc. Good computing practice would be knowing why.20:21
luc_Polah, ok i install me other hard drive in and want to format it to install ubuntu on it how to do it20:21
Gredeuniether are watermarks20:21
HappyNineElevenCan I use 'sudo su -' to get root?20:21
qmrrww: here's a crazy idea... maybe someone shoudl say that instead of randomly kicking me20:21
rwwHappyNineEleven: try sudo -i20:21
PolahBladeMcCool: cat /etc/apt/sources.list will output to console. I see asterisk-espeak in the source repos, but I don't know about binary packages. You can get the source using sudo apt-get source asterisk-espeak20:21
qmrhttp://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=samba+wiki  what is the third result?20:21
threefishHappyNineEleven, or su root20:21
chiniguntbert: thank you. however I would like to know how sudo su is bad.20:21
soreauHappyNineEleven: In most cases, you don't need to become root20:21
PolahHappyNineEleven, sudo su is a bit hacky, use sudo -i for an extended period root shell.20:21
ShogootPolah, it works, but just a bit.... i made the extension to be downloadifle2, it ticks in at the change of the minutte, but i dont want several files, i want 1 file that is overwritten each time. anhy clue on howto?20:24
BladeMcCoolPolah: ok i my sources.list is an entry like: "deb http://packages.asterisk.org/deb lucid main" i guess i need to poke around some more ty for some info tho20:24
luc_any body know how to format harddrive to install ubuntu on it20:24
ShogootPolah, thanks btw troubleshooting dluxe20:24
PolahBladeMcCool: Like I said after that, there's the source packages and I can't find anything for the compiled .deb to install from. You'll need to get the source and build and install it20:24
soreauluc_: In most cases, you can use the ubuntu live session to do the partitioning/formating for you20:25
hgelpmeHey guys, I am installing ubuntu with dual boot and i need a shared hard disc partition can anyone guide me trough the whole partitioning part??20:25
hgelpmei dont weant to f it up you know ;)20:25
soreauhgelpme: You could set it up to where each OS can access the others filesystem..20:25
guntbertchini: lets put it differently: you almost never work as root, and usually use sudo for single commands; in the rare cases when you really need a shell you should use sudo -i, sudo su - might get you into problems because the environment is set differently20:26
soreauhgelpme: For example, ubuntu can access ntfs partitions in the same system by default20:26
luc_hgelpme, i hope not on win 720:26
ubuntu__Hey guys. I'm trying to install Xubuntu 11.04 (Natty) on an old box - specs are more than the minimum requirements.... 1300 mhz cpu, etc.  But it keeps freezing during install. I checked the CD and it's a good burn. Any suggestions?20:26
HappyNineElevenwhat's wrong with 'sudo su -'? works for me20:26
soreauubuntu_: How did you check the cd?20:26
BladeMcCoolPolah: so for example, if i look at http://packages.asterisk.org/deb/dists/lucid/main/ in a browser, i see stuff there .. but do i see the _right_ stuff tehre i dunno? is there a missing architecture maybe? my uname says i686 somethingorother20:27
ubuntu__I used the CD to install it on this machine20:27
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:27
PolahBladeMcCool: You can't packages that way. Do sudo apt-get source asterisk-espeak and then configure, build and install from source.20:27
soreauubuntu_: That doesn't explain how you checked the cd for defects20:27
soreau! md5sum | ubuntu_20:27
ubottuubuntu_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:27
DonJuan692006Does anyone have the name of the Grub2 fix utility that you can run from LiveCD?20:27
hgelpmesoreau: i know that i have allready intalled windows with the partition zize i need it to have and now im in the "ubuntu instalation part" i just need to know what kind of filesystem ubuntu needs? and yes it is windows 7.. does it make a difference?20:28
guntbert!wfm | HappyNineEleven20:28
ubottuHappyNineEleven: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/20:28
guntbertHappyNineEleven: and please read what I said above20:28
ShogootPolah, it works, but just a bit.... i made the extension to be downloadifle2, it ticks in at the change of the minutte, but i dont want several files, i want 1 file that is overwritten each time. anhy clue on howto?  thanks btw troubleshooting dluxe20:28
PolahDonJuan692006, just boot the live session and you can use grub-install to reinstall grub20:28
BladeMcCoolPolah: will give it a go ty20:28
luc_hgelpme, u putting on windows 720:28
soreauhgelpme: No, it doesn't make a difference. ubuntu should probably use ext420:28
=== Guest96693 is now known as LjL-Temp
DonJuan692006Tried that already and it's not working.20:29
BladeMcCoolhrm.. gives 'Unable to find a source package for asterisk-espeak' :(20:29
BluesKajubuntu__,  perhaps the alternate install will work for your pc20:29
soreau! work | DonJuan69200620:29
ubottuDonJuan692006: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.20:29
PolahShogoot: That makes more than one file? Strange, there's nothing on the line to tell it to do that, unless wget automatically picks up that it has a number and used it before20:29
hgelpmeluc_: yes i need it only for games that is not suported by wine20:29
ubuntu__soreau: I used the option on the disk to scan the disk for errors, etc.20:29
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest70216
hgelpmesoreau: should it be primary or ligical?20:30
DonJuan692006Polah: Tried that already and I'm still not getting the Grub boot menu. There was some GUI tool that I used the other day to fix Grub on my desktop and I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.20:30
soreauubuntu_: How does it freeze exactly? and at any specific point?20:30
soreauhgelpme: primary, in most cases..20:30
hgelpmesoreau: most casses?20:30
soreauhgelpme: You only need logical if you use msdos partition table (as opposed to gpt) and you have more than 4 partitions20:31
ubuntu__soreau: It seems to freeze right after I choose "English" as the language.  The mouse will freeze shortly after I click "next"20:31
ShogootPolah, no, its not making a second file Crontab is working but the command is not allowing to overwrite the existing file (when it executed for the second time from crontab).20:31
PolahShogoot: What does it say when it tries to overwrite?20:31
soreauubuntu_: Try this: When the cd first loads, hit Esc (when you see the little running man at the bottom)20:31
hgelpmesoreau: primary it is! thanks :)20:31
ShogootPolah, imnot getting any error...20:31
soreauubuntu_: select english then 'try ubuntu without making any changes'20:31
luc_hgelpme, thats what i just did and had to reformat my drive allover20:32
djjonexany good app to backup my pics from phone?20:32
soreauubuntu_: After that, it should load into a live session from which you can start the installer20:32
soreaudjjonex: cp?20:33
ubuntu__soreau: Thanks lots.. I'll give that one a try. :]20:33
Polah Shogoot you could change your line to rm /path/to/file && wget blah blah blah20:33
djjonexsoreau: whats cp?20:33
soreaudjjonex: cp is the copy command in linux20:33
djjonexsoreau well but first i need to sync the phone and idk how20:33
soreaudjjonex: Did you try plugging it in?20:34
BladeMcCoolis it maybe a gpg thing with the repo?20:34
ShogootPolah, will try20:34
DonJuan692006Polah: Found it...it's called Boot-repair and instructions for it can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair20:34
BladeMcCoolwhat are the Hit and Ign prefixes meaning of the 'apt-get update' output?20:34
soreauDonJuan692006: FWIW, I did not have successful results when I tried that applet20:34
hgelpmeluc_: crossing my fingers20:35
DonJuan692006soreau: I used it the other day on my desktop and it worked like a charm. Maybe just another troubleshooting step that can be taken.20:35
PolahBladeMcCool Ign prefixes are for repositories that are in your sources.list but are commented out and thus they are ignored and their package lists not downloaded.20:36
soreauDonJuan692006: In it's defense, I do have a somewhat complex setup..20:36
hgelpmesoreau: By the way, do i need to set a specific mount point or should i just leave that part blank?20:36
soreauhgelpme: Depends on what partition you're referring to20:36
soreauhgelpme: For the root filesystem, the mountpoint should always be /20:36
BladeMcCoolPolah: but when examining sources.list they do not appear commented out .. is there something else that decides to ignore them?20:36
ubuntu__Any idea why Unity won't load on my core 2 quad machine, with Asus  1gb GPU?  It kicks me into Gnome and says my hardware isn't sufficient for Unity. :/20:37
DonJuan692006soreau: That may contribute to it not being successful. I think it's probably more useful for those like me that have a pretty basic dual-boot setup with Windows and just need to get Grub re-installed and pointed in the right direction should MBR overwrite it.20:37
djjonexsoreau: is plugged in already20:37
soreaudjjonex: I think you need to define what you're trying to do a little better so we can better assist you20:37
DonJuan692006Thanks for the assist fellas.20:38
PolahBladeMcCool, lines prepended with # are comments20:38
djjonexsoreau: let sc... i have a non smartphone ..and the emory is full...i need to export some pics that i have there20:38
plouffetar command: I've tried excluding directories several ways, placing --exclude=/tmp in various locations within the command string. The directories keep getting included. Does anyone know how to solve this?20:38
soreaudjjonex: So you're trying to copy pics from your phone to your hard drive with ubuntu?20:39
frussellHello, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 and I'm having startup issues, can anyone help please?20:39
djjonexsoreau: yes20:39
soreaudjjonex: Assuming it connects via usb, can you show the relevant line from the output of 'lsusb' in your terminal?20:39
frussellIt flashes startup messages a few times, then just hangs on a text screen with loading the display manager20:40
frussellLast message reads "Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support"20:40
djjonexsoreau: what page i can paste the output?20:40
soreaudjjonex: It should only be one line..20:40
djjonexsoreau: Bus 006 Device 003: ID 04e8:6640 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd Usb Modem Enumerat20:41
TopknoticusAfternoon everyone20:41
soreaudjjonex: Now after plugging in the phone, check the output of 'dmesg|tail' for a device node such as sdc20:41
ubuntu__Greetings, Top20:41
hgelpmesoreau: the partition that i need to install ubuntu on... / right?20:41
soreauhgelpme: yes20:42
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Linuxnub
djjonexsoreau: it shows up like 10 lines20:42
treydogghowdy all20:42
soreaudjjonex: Does it say anything like sdb or sdc?20:42
treydoggbefore anyone flames me.. I have googled, I have read the forums.. I have even made it work ONCE.. but can ANYONE help me with getting myth:// on the xbmclvie install to work?!?!20:43
soreau! pm | djjonex20:43
ubottudjjonex: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:43
djjonexmy bad20:44
treydoggI have just reinstalled  a FRESH copy of xbmclive and my backend is working perfectly20:44
hgelpmesoreau: and the partition that i need to share between the systems soul be what kind of mount point?20:44
soreaudjjonex: Just pastebin those lines to pastebin.com20:44
treydoggand I am SO new the using the git protocl20:44
treydogger.. protocol20:45
soreauhgelpme: Well like I said, you do't really need such a partition. But if you choose to create dedicated space for a shared partition, it's up to you what filesystem type to make it20:45
soreauhgelpme: What type of data will you be storing on the shared partition?20:45
djjonexsoreau: http://pastebin.com/qjLTfBZ220:45
treydoggso can anyone give me the step by step howto on updating to the development trunk of xbmc?20:46
hgelpmesoreau: films and music and pictures..20:46
soreaudjjonex: Ok, that has nothing to do with your phone. You should run dmesg directly after plugging the phone in20:46
BiKER-JENSsome expert in Apache and Webmin online?20:46
PolahHow can I get the /dev/ path of plugged in USB devices?20:46
BiKER-JENSsomething went wrong in my installation and I need some help20:46
hgelpmesoreau: it is mainly so i can still acces my media when in windows...20:46
PolahBiKER-JENS, we can help you set it up but if it's Apache specific then ask in #httpd20:46
soreauhgelpme: So media. Which shouldn't require permissions. And since the other party sharing it is windows, it might make sense to make it ntfs type20:47
guntbert!webmin | BiKER-JENS20:47
ubottuBiKER-JENS: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:47
treydoggor at least point me to a link that has step by step?20:47
BiKER-JENSokay thanks :-)20:47
milkbyobu question - playing around with the settings, i changed the help shortcut to the non-F key option, but now i'm stumped as to what the heck 'Menu:<^"-@>' means. any advise?20:47
soreauhgelpme: But what I'm telling you is that you don't need a dedicated media partition, you can just access the windows file system directly from ubuntu20:47
bazhanghttp://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=MythTV#myth:.2F.2F_Source  treydogg this is using mythbuntu ?20:48
treydoggyes, and like I said backend works PERFECT, I can even install mythfrontend on my xbmclive and can watch live tv20:48
djjonexsoreau: http://pastebin.com/fmvZp7U320:48
TopknoticusPreface:I am using ubuntu 11.4 , and am trying to set it up as a simple FTP server. I have tried ProftpD, and PureFTPd (PureAdmin). Both are giving me issues. Question: Does anyone know of a simple FTP server software to use that might be easier to use than the two I mentioned?20:48
soreauhgelpme: So for example, you could tell it to use sda2 as ntfs and mount point /mnt/windows and tell it not to format it20:48
tensorpuddingTopknoticus: vsftpd20:49
treydoggtop:  are you connecting to the ubuntun server from a windows machine?20:49
BiKER-JENSTopknoticus: I use vsftpd20:49
GneaTopknoticus: all ftp servers are going to present a challenge20:49
BiKER-JENSit runs out of the box20:49
PolahTopknoticus, vsftpd has a single .conf file and that's pretty much it20:49
soreauhgelpme: Then when you boot, it would auto-mount your windows partition on /mnt/windows20:49
TopknoticusTensorpudding: I forgot to mention that one as well, I have used it as well, but experienced issues. Let me try to reinstall it now and run a simple config through it. tyvm, brb.20:50
plouffesolved it, seems like tar exclude doesn't accept absolute paths20:50
treydoggbaz:  I followed those to the T and it shows the channels, but when I click livetv it just shows ..20:50
soreaudjjonex: Oh man, my friend has one of these and the brief time I got to mess with it, I couldn't get it working to access the files on the phone20:50
soreaudjjonex: because it recognizes it as a modem instead of a block device20:50
guntbert!tab | treydogg20:50
ubottutreydogg: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:50
BladeMcCoolhrm fark i think there is no asterisk-espeak for lucid. ... so that blows. can i use the one for ... maverick?20:50
treydoggtop:  I asked because sometimes NT machines have issues with passive mode connecting to *nix boxes20:50
=== ben_ is now known as benoliver999
djjonexsoreau: so i should use windows?20:50
LinuxnubSoreau: I'm logging for now, but I'll drop back by later and let you know if your method solved the issue. Thanks again for the assist.20:51
soreaudjjonex: If it works, I guess that may be easiest..20:51
djjonexsoreau: thanks ...20:51
soreaudjjonex: There's probably a way to do it in linux but I don't know how yet20:51
bazhangtreydogg, that is the most relevant I could find relating to myth, ubuntu, and xbmc; never done it myself though so not much more help20:51
djjonexsoreau: thats fine bro thanks for ur help!20:51
nnullwhen you chance the mouse pointer in Apperance, how do you get it to actually change? (yes ive saved profile etc) ive noticed this happens for a few releases now..20:51
hgelpmesoreau: ahh i know  what you mean now, but still i have allredy made the windoze partition, and i dont want to go trough the instalation proces again, and secoond i want my media drive to be seperated from the windoze partition in case of virus infection20:51
bazhangyou might try #ubuntu-mythtv treydogg20:51
treydoggbazhang:  can you walk me though how to use git to update mine to the development trunk?20:52
treydoggbazhang:  itn's not a mythtv issue.. I can connect with a frontend just fine just don't wanna Alt-Tab between apps20:52
soreauhgelpme: Then just make it ntfs file system of whatever size and mount point /media/shared or whatever20:53
chiniis defined by default in ubuntu ?20:53
benoliver999Anyone having trouble streaming live video in Chrome?20:53
treydoggoh my god sorry guys I though I was in the xbmc-pvr channel!20:54
soreautreydogg: We really only support ubuntu packages. If you want to build from source, try the channel bazhang suggested or20:54
soreau! compile | treydogg20:54
ubottutreydogg: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall20:54
hgelpmesoreau: ok, (the installer can for some reason only make it FAT 16 or 32 but that is irrelivant) so i need to make the mount poin /?20:54
TopknoticusTensorpudding: Looks like vsftpd is working to allow my user account to log into the server. How can I create an additional user with only FTP access on the system?20:54
tensorpuddingTopknoticus: i don't remember20:55
tensorpuddingit's been ages20:55
BiKER-JENSSomeone online that can help me with Apache2 + webmin on Ubuntu server. I've tried to install but when in https://ip:10000 thers is no answer at all20:55
soreauhgelpme: No, you do not want to mount your media partition to /. Use /media/whatever20:55
Topknoticusheh, ok, ty.let me see if anyone else knows :D20:55
soreauhgelpme: / is exclusively for the root system20:55
oCeanBiKER-JENS: webmin is not supported20:56
soreauhgelpme: / is kinda like the equivalent to C: in windows20:56
guntbertBiKER-JENS: don't use webmin - it will mess up your system20:56
TopknoticusQuestion: Can anyone tell me how to add a user to ubunto so that they only have permission within vsftpd?20:56
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:56
hgelpmesoreau: i seeee :) but when i chose fat 32 it gives me the choise between /DOS and /Windows20:57
chiniis defined by default in ubuntu ? i have a system which has one defined. i am not sure if it is intensional change or it came with the disto20:57
BiKER-JENSokay - what should I use insteed20:57
soreauhgelpme: Sure or you can change it to whatever you want like /media/shared20:57
Zoffix_chini, it is defined on my box (by default)20:57
guntbertTopknoticus: does https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html  help?20:57
soreauhgelpme: However there is a bug IIRC, that you cant type it directly but you can copy/paste into that field20:57
guntbertBiKER-JENS: command line20:58
bazhang!ebox | BiKER-JENS20:58
ubottuBiKER-JENS: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).20:58
Topknoticusgnutbert: checking it out now, ty. Will let you know.20:58
chiniZoffix_: any idea why it is so?20:58
Zoffix_chini, no clue. :)20:58
chinican any one explain to why is defined by default?20:59
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chiniZoffix_: it is strange.20:59
hgelpmesoreau: cool sorry i didnt know you could type into the field (facepalm) but thanks for the help hope it works :D20:59
soreauhgelpme: It will ;)21:00
hgelpmesoreau: :D last question, how much swap space d oyou recomend for a 64-bit system?21:00
chiniZoffix_: are there some IPv6 entries defined too?21:01
mkanyicychini:  is it giving you problem?21:01
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Zoffix_chini, yup. Here's what I got: http://pastebin.com/J3Di5BxC21:01
luc_any help, i just do a fresh format and install of ubuntu and it will not load stays on black screen and blinking curser21:01
soreauhgelpme: Depends on how much system ram.. about 1.5-2.0 times your memory in the system21:03
chinimkanyicy: may be. I am installing globus toolkit and there is is associated with a name which a script is using. i think the script needs the hostname to be mapped to
chiniZoffix_: thank you.21:03
fission6how can i trace where an IP came from geographically?21:03
chinimkanyicy: can you tell me the reason why this is so21:03
hgelpmesoreau: ok kcool thanks a lot21:03
soreauhgelpme: It's mostly for doing things like suspend-to-ram where the systems memory contents are dumped to hard drive. On linux, to the swap partition21:03
ubunHey guys. I got a question. How do i go about changing(upgrading) the graphics card. just switch? do i have to something with the drivers first??? is it possible to screw it up???21:03
hgelpmesoreau: i love you ;P21:03
soreauhgelpme: I wish I could say the same :P21:04
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fission6any ideas?21:04
kamilkaHi guys :)21:06
Topknoticusgnutbert: looks like I was able to add a user, and login with it. tyvm.21:07
Topknoticusgnutbert: next step is understanding why a 'Passive connection' is failing.21:07
ubunHey guys. I got a question. How do i go about changing(upgrading) the graphics card. just switch? do i have to something with the drivers first??? is it possible to screw it up???21:07
luc_hi any help with fresh format and install has black screen and blinking curser21:07
ubunluc: when i had to do that i used dban to clean the harddrive and then installed ubuntu after21:08
jrtechluc_:  check video xard21:08
ubunluc_: i would do what jrtech said21:09
luc_i used disk utilities to format21:09
jrtechluc_:  what o/s21:09
luc_nvidia card21:10
zykotick9_luc_, if you have an ati or nvidia video card you might want to try nomodeset see "/msg ubottu nomodeset"21:10
jrtechluc_:  it can either hardware or driver issue for the video card21:11
ubunluc_: if you want to do a fresh install on an HD- that has possible errors. i used DBAN to clean the hd completely, then i did a fresh install. (if that is what the problem is.)21:11
luc_where do u get dban at21:11
ubunluc_: google it. but that is a no turning back option. make sure you have to do it first.21:12
shooterslt les linuxiens21:12
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luc_it worked in live cd mod21:12
Lasersluc_: Google "dban" -- It should be on top of the search result.21:12
TrueColorshow do I check if Im running 32 or 64bit ubuntu21:13
ubunluc_: so you could use it in live cd., but not with the install?21:13
TrueColorssystem information states...21:13
TrueColorsis that 64 bit?21:13
luc_so the ubuntu formatted isn't any good then21:14
TrueColorsok ty21:14
ubunluc_: well, did you download the 32bit or 64bit? what is your computer?21:15
mcl0vincan someone please help me with lm-sensors module21:15
LasersTrueColors: "uname -m"21:15
luc_not sure21:15
mcl0vini cant get it to work :(21:15
luc_ihad windows 7 64 bit on here before21:15
TrueColorshow can I check what graphic cards are installed?21:16
bindiTrueColors: lspci | grep VGA21:16
zykotick9_TrueColors, "lspci | grep -i vga" as alternative21:16
tomodachimcl0vin: 00:0c.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP79 PCI Express Bridge (rev b1)21:16
ubunluc_:if you had 64 bit windows then you can have ubuntu 64bit21:16
tomodachi00:10.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP79 PCI Express Bridge (rev b1)21:16
jrtechluc_:  boot with live distribution cd and see if there log with error regarding video card21:17
tomodachi00:15.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP79 PCI Express Bridge (rev b1)21:17
tomodachi00:16.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP79 PCI Express Bridge (rev b1)21:17
TrueColorsi opened up additional drivers, and thats gort my graphics card in it21:17
tomodachi00:17.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP79 PCI Express Bridge (rev b1)21:17
FloodBot1tomodachi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:17
mcl0vinluc_: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=dban21:17
TrueColorsnot suppose to use lmgtfy21:17
fission6is there any sites that create a url i can have a user click and find out their IP?21:17
zykotick9_mcl0vin, don't use lmgtfy in this channel, it's not helpful/funny21:18
mcl0vini didn't know that , sorry21:18
fission6or does someone have a link and a log opened?21:18
zykotick9_fission6, http://www.whatsmyip.org/21:19
luc_live cd works21:19
luc_no error messages21:19
mcl0vincan someone assist me with lm-sensors please to work with ubuntu 1021:20
mcl0vinluc_: what are you trying to accomplish21:20
Lasersmcl0vin: See !sensors?21:20
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.21:20
jrtechluc_:  if you are seeing the cusor and black screen possible you at console neet to start x21:20
fission6zykotick9_: no i mean like almost a unique url shortnet which i can have someone click and then see there IP21:20
mcl0vinLasers: ok i am stuck with that right there21:21
Lasersmcl0vin: Which part?21:21
zykotick9_fission6, that like does that?  it shows you your current external IP address.21:21
fission6yea my current IO21:21
luc_install ubuntu in a fresh formt and install with out freezing on black screen21:21
TrueColorsI'm on the new 11.04 theme now, it lets me use it after i installed my graphics card (whats the theme called again?) how do I access preferences?21:21
fission6i want to see "theirs"21:21
zykotick9_fission6, don't know of such a service no, good luck.21:21
mcl0vinLasers: sensors-detect21:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:22
Lasersmcl0vin: Well -- Did you run "sudo sudo sensors-detect" -- What was the result? One word is usually not helpful.21:22
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zykotick9_mcl0vin, FYI you can use "/msg ubottu FOO" to get factoids privately21:23
jrtechluc_:  ok use the live cd to the installation you did21:23
luc_jrtech, what does that mean21:23
mcl0vinLasers: yes yes i know am trying to paste it for you, so just give me a sec :)21:23
Lasersmcl0vin: Just report YES/YES/YES to all questions.21:23
luc_jtrucks, yes it works21:23
quemgood evening. any duplicity users around?21:24
mcl0vinLasers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/687161/21:24
luc_jrtech, yes it works21:24
jrtechluc_:  boot with the live cd and it should mount your hhd21:25
Lasersmcl0vin: What does "sensors" report?21:25
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jrtechcheck if any error log21:25
mcl0vinLasers: No sensors found! Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need.21:25
yangshello everyone21:26
=== kevio is now known as Carbonite
jrtechluc_:  yes I know the live cd work21:26
Lasersmcl0vin: Meh. Try installing ipmisensors (if it exists?) then reboot. And try "sensors" afterward.21:27
jrtechluc_:  use it to try resolve you issue21:27
Lasersmcl0vin: Did you reboot though? (Usually it works right away for me).21:27
Lasersmcl0vin: If it didn't work -- then well. :(21:28
mcl0vinLasers: numoruse of times21:28
=== Carbonite is now known as Kevlar_
mcl0vinLasers: apt-cache search ipmisensors return nothing21:29
jrtechtry install different o/s luc_21:29
luc_jrtech, but how though21:29
Lasersmcl0vin: Then you can't view sensors for unknown reasons. Sorry. It's pretty straightforward steps -- but I guess your machine is incompatible.21:29
mcl0vinluc_: what problem are you having ?21:29
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luc_mcl0vin, black screen on start up after fresh format and fresh install of ubuntu 11.04  from windows 721:31
luc_mcl0vin, live cd works perfect21:31
mcl0vinluc_: do you see bios screen thu21:31
mcl0vinluc_: laptop or desktop?21:32
luc_mcl0vin,  i can start to it if i hold f2 down21:32
luc_mcl0vin, desktop21:32
jamesim back21:32
srgjamesi gots me a new issue21:34
mcl0vinluc_: try to re-seat you video card just for gigs21:34
quemanyone know if i can trust the --asynchronous-upload option for duplicity? :)21:35
luc_mcl0vin, ok21:35
soreauluc_: What graphics card is it?21:35
srgjamestrying to get runescape.com to work but when go to java.com to download java it says application not found21:35
mcl0vinLasers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/687167/21:35
mneptoksrgjames: install via the package manager21:35
soreauluc_: Have you tried booting with nomodeset?21:35
mcl0vinLasers: you think any of these might cause a conflict21:36
srgjamespackage manager21:36
mneptok!java > srgjames21:36
ubottusrgjames, please see my private message21:36
mcl0vinluc_: also, if you desktop got a built in vedio card , try to use that21:37
mcl0vinluc_: remove your video card and then try to use the built-in one21:37
soreaumcl0vin: Thats a bit of an extreme suggestion IMHO, especially since the live session reportedly works ok21:38
Lasersmcl0vin: I don't know. Try installing sensord and run the daemon. See if you get anything. Otherwise, I really have no solution for you.21:38
srgjamesim confused21:39
mcl0vinsoreau: true... but could be some weird config causing that21:39
mcl0vini see that happining21:39
mcl0vin*i ve seen that happining b421:39
soreaumcl0vin: So address the config problem instead21:39
=== Evil is now known as Guest2268
davidsoreau: you still here?21:40
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soreaudavid: nope ;)21:40
Guest90280soreau: my nick before was hgelpme21:40
soreauGuest90280: Well please change it to that21:41
TopknoticusQuestion: can anyone here help me with vsftpd? I cannot get it to work with 'Passive Mode'21:41
soreauGuest90280: /nick hgelpme21:41
=== Guest90280 is now known as hgelpme
luc_soreau, what is that21:41
soreau! nomodeset | luc_21:41
ubottuluc_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:41
linusoleanderAnyone knows what permission that should be used for ~/.ssh/authorized_keys21:42
hgelpmesoreau: when linux boots now fails to mount the /media/shared partition for some reason21:42
soreauhgelpme: Are you sure the partition was actually created successfully?21:42
soreauhgelpme: Try to see what sudo fdisk -l says21:43
hgelpmesoreau: 2 seks21:43
FloodBot1negger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
dorkmafiais there a quicklook type application for ubuntu?21:44
Lasers!ops | negger <321:44
ubottunegger <3: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!21:44
MyrttiLasers: er, you're a bit lat4e21:45
rwwLasers: yes, we know, FloodBot told us :)21:45
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mcl0vinLasers: ok, i installed sensord how do i run it21:45
LasersMyrtti, rww: Ah. I just saw it. Nobody reported so I... <3 you.21:45
Lasersmcl0vin: Try "sudo service sensord start"21:45
Lasersmcl0vin: You have incompatible machine for the sensors -- That's what I really think.21:46
mcl0vinLasers: it fail :( . its a Dell server21:46
Lasersmcl0vin: You could try #ubuntu-server -- but yes, I have many machines and they all works great with sensors. :)21:47
dorkmafiais there an application on ubuntu that has the same functionality as quicklook on osx?21:48
soreaudorkmafia: It might help if you explained what quicklook does since some havent used it21:48
fabiosalve a tutti21:49
soreauhm. not french is it?21:50
bazhang!it | fabio21:50
ubottufabio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:50
dorkmafiasure thing when you select a file and press space a preview of the file opens up21:50
anasemhi all21:50
hgelpmesoreau: i cant get on the internet right now because of driver issues, so i cant give you a precise copy paste. but i does show /dev/sda& witch is the only partition that is formated as fat3221:50
dorkmafiaat least for some file types so for example if it's a image a quick view of the image shows up21:50
dorkmafiafabio boun giorno?21:51
bazhangdorkmafia, in irc client? or desktop app or what21:51
hgelpmesoreau: and it says that partition 1 (the windows partition) does not end on cylinder one21:51
bazhangdorkmafia, its english only here please21:51
KrenairRunning Ubuntu 11.04 with gnome classic desktop. Some of the elements on the pannels have a funny right click context menu look21:52
dorkmafiadesktop client21:52
soreauhgelpme: Now check /etc/fstab and see if things match up there21:52
anasemhow can i register an account on irc21:52
KrenairThere it has space for one less option than is displayed21:52
bazhangdorkmafia, desktop client? for what21:52
KrenairSo everything gets crammed in and it looks weird21:52
bazhanganasem, check #freenode21:52
Skummelanasem /msg nickserv help21:52
dorkmafiabazhang scroll up to see my full question :)21:52
hgelpmesoreau: what is the comand for that? (im not werry good aat terminal)21:53
soreauhgelpme: gedit /etc/fstab21:53
bazhangdorkmafia, no need I read it. still not clear, unless you mean via nautilus21:53
hgelpmesoreau :)21:53
Fatalnixjust showing someone IRC.21:54
dorkmafiai think this is what i'm looking for21:54
Krenair11.04. Any ideas?21:55
LasersKrenair: Dunno. Wait until 11.10 comes out and see if it's same behavior. Or go ahead and search for it on bug report / file a bug report.21:56
LasersCould be just a theme.21:56
tensorpuddingthe new context menus are ribbed for your pleasure21:56
KrenairLasers: 11.10 doesn't have the classic desktop AFAIK.21:56
KrenairI think there's gnome-session-fallback but I wont be upgrading to 11.10 for that reason.21:56
KrenairI am using the default theme21:57
LasersKrenair: Try different theme and see if that's the same thing.21:59
hgelpmesoreau: i have no idea what i am looking at but what do you want to know?'22:00
soreauhgelpme: fstab is what tells linux how to mount what filesystems where22:01
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soreauhgelpme: Most times the uuids can be confusing but there should be some helpful comments22:01
hgelpmesoreau: ah ok, the comments is marked with #?22:02
soreauhgelpme: Correct22:02
timothyhello i am new to ubuntu. i am trying to access files off of my windows computer through the network but i do not see any of my other computer on the network. can someone help?22:02
soreau! samba | timothy22:02
ubottutimothy: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:02
timothyok thank you.22:02
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neavewhat does it mean if 'sudo lshw -C network' produces no output?22:11
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chiniwhat is ubuntu's preferred way of creating a daemon: inetd, xinetd or some home grown method like in Gentoo and Archlinux?22:14
BiKER-JENSI'm in love with my ubuntu server22:14
chiniusr13: thank you.22:15
=== Pilif12p is now known as homework
FollowerOfMendaxif i have AMD Turion X2 should i use i386 or AMD64?22:15
usr13neave: Could mean that you have no network22:17
aeon-ltdFollowerOfMendax: 64 X2?22:17
FollowerOfMendaxaeon-ltd yes22:17
skegeekHey all22:17
chiniI did not know ubuntu provided globus toolkit. do you have a wiki where I can check the configuration? I don't have to do everything by hand then as it seems.22:18
dorkmafiaI have a 30 GB hard drive I would like to install ubuntu on I downloaded the latest 64 iso from the website… I'm trying to install ubuntu to my desktop… it's a windows box… that I plan on triple booting from :)22:18
skegeekHas Ubuntu had any big changes in the past year or so, other than Unity?22:18
aeon-ltdFollowerOfMendax: 64bit then use amd64 but both should be fine (it's all preference though there are some bugs that are in 64bit that are not in 32bit)22:18
usr13skegeek: /msg ubottu !globus22:18
corecodeany reason not to use a swap file?22:19
luc_still boots to black screen even after 2 fresh installs22:19
corecodei mean, swap file vs swap partition?22:19
chadwinhey guys22:20
Gneacorecode: partition is more efficient22:20
usr13swap partition is better22:20
aeon-ltdcorecode: virtually the same performance on sata hdds, though a partition can be mounted on other distros on your hdd22:20
dorkmafiahow big of a usb drive do i need to put the usb installer on there?22:20
treydoggcorecode: swap partition = shorter disk reads22:20
aeplus1GB is good enough22:20
usr13dorkmafia: 2G22:20
corecodeGnea: https://lkml.org/lkml/2006/5/29/322:20
skegeekubottu doesn't seem to know about globus22:20
ubottuskegeek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:20
usr13aeplus: is correct.22:20
treydoggdepends on hwo much ram you have.. think of the swap partition as a NT pagefile22:21
chiniusr13: the packages are provided in the repo but there is no wiki it seems.22:21
corecodetreydogg: ssd22:21
usr13chini: What are you trying to do?22:21
treydoggcorecode:  how big is the ssd and how much ram?22:21
corecode120GB, 8GiB22:21
corecodemostly for hibernate22:22
chiniusr13: install globus toolkit and setup certificates so that I can tinker with gridftp22:22
treydoggcorecode:  meh.. 1GB is plenty22:22
corecodetreydogg: but hibernate22:22
luc_anybody can i install 11.04 to my  old windows drive and keep all my files and use them22:22
dorkmafiathanks so currently I'm on a my mac but I plan on installing ubuntu to my pc… does it matter if I create the usb install drive on my mac?22:22
treydoggluc: yes22:23
aeon-ltdluc_: yes by dualbooting, you'll still be able to access the win partition by mounting22:23
aeon-ltddorkmafia: not really, no22:23
skegeekAny ideas why applications I run aren't available on the bottom panel? They used to be there similar to Windows Taskbar...22:23
treydoggcorecode:  you shouldn't have any issues with hibernation22:23
DeadmanIncJSim on blogtv right now, and for some ungodly reason, when i hit the spacebar, the web page scrolls down... any reason why?22:23
Gneacorecode: a file can be accidentally removed, a partition cannot22:23
luc_aeon-ltd, i had to take my other drive out and replace it22:24
dorkmafiaaeon-ltd: what about triple booting? win7, ubuntu, osx8622:24
treydoggskgeek: what desktop manager?22:24
aeon-ltdcorecode: on a ssd though why hibernate?22:24
Gneahibernate would kill an SSD22:24
treydoggdork:  shouldn't be an issue I quad boot, ubuntu, winxp, windows7 and solarius22:24
corecodeGnea: why?22:24
corecodetreydogg: i guess i need at least as much swap as i have memory22:24
corecodeaeon-ltd: alternative?22:25
aeon-ltddorkmafia: what do you mean?22:25
Gneacorecode: because SSD's don't have the shelf-life that platter-based HDD's do in regards to the number of I/O that their overall lifespan can support22:25
treydoggcorecode: that's plenty of space for a 1gb swap partition what is your reason for asking?22:25
luc_aeon-ltd, i pit in a drive from my other c omp and wiped the drive clean and tried to install 11.04 but it will not startup22:25
treydoggcodecore:  NNNAAHHH22:25
corecodeGnea: true, but how does that make your point?22:25
Gneacorecode: are you on a laptop?22:25
corecodetreydogg: oh, perfect then22:25
domino14does anyone know what this means in my syslog?22:25
domino14INFO: task jbd2/sda1-8:168 blocked for more than 120 seconds.22:25
CodeOmegaPrimeI resized my windows 7 NTFS partition and created empty space, burned the Ubuntu 11.04 install CD, went through the install, selected install next to windows everything went fine. Computer rebooted right back into windows, no option for for booting into Ubuntu. I looked in Windows Disk Manager the partitions were created and seem to be there just fine. Any recomendations on how I should move22:26
CodeOmegaPrimeforward I do not want to break windows, and I deffinatly do not want to break grub that lives on the Ubuntu partition.22:26
Gneacorecode: my point isn't to provide a definite solution for you, but to help guide you in the direction of a solution that will work best for your situation22:26
treydoggcorecode:  I use a ssd in my carpc.. 1GB works PERFECT, and I have no probs withhibernation22:26
escott!grub | CodeOmegaPrime22:26
ubottuCodeOmegaPrime: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:26
aeon-ltdluc_: was the install a success? if so was it set to boot first in the BIOS?22:26
DeadmanIncJSre-install GRUB22:26
dorkmafiaaeon-ltd: currently I have windows 7 installed on one hard drive. I want to install ubuntu on a separate hdd and then osx (hackintosh) on a third hard drive22:26
treydoggcodeomegaorime:  reinstall grub22:27
luc_aeon-ltd, yes and yes22:27
corecodeGnea: yea, you're not helping.  also i would say that you are wrong.  hibernate will not write so much to the ssd to destroy it in any significantly faster way; at least not if you hibernate once or twice a day22:27
luc_aeon-ltd, just get a black screen with blinking curser22:27
treydoggdomino:  run an fsck22:27
CodeOmegaPrimetreydogg, thats the problem I dont even get to grub it just loads me into windows.22:28
aeon-ltddorkmafia: creating the usb install stick, it doesn't matter about the host if done correctly as long as it can boot by the BIOS it's fine22:28
treydoggcodeomegaprime:  boot to your live cd22:28
Gneacorecode: you're not paying me, I don't have to. when hibernate occurs, it writes everything to the swap, whether it's a partition or file matters not.  a write is a write.22:28
dorkmafiaok thanks22:28
escottCodeOmegaPrime, we dont know why your grub didn't work, but the first thing is to follow the instructions above and reinstall grub22:28
dorkmafiawhat controls the booting for ubuntu is there a boot manager or do i just select the drive I want by using the bios?22:29
CodeOmegaPrimeescott: ok ty I will read it and be back.22:29
aeon-ltdluc_: how many times have you tried?22:29
skegeekI'm using Gnome 2.32.122:29
luc_aeon-ltd, 4 or 522:29
aeon-ltdluc_: if 64bit is it supported by the cpu?22:29
luc_aeon-ltd, even zorin same thing22:30
escottdorkmafia, usually grub is used but the hackintosh loaders will recognize and load linux22:30
dorkmafiak thanks22:30
Gneacorecode: the point is that the hibernate process will use more i/o on your ssd than a standard shutdown/bootup process will, per instance.22:30
corecodeGnea: then let me put it in a different way: you are wrong and are confusing people with wrong advice22:30
luc_aeon-ltd, yes windows 7 was 64 bit22:30
corecodeGnea: ah, of course22:30
corecodeGnea: but that does not mean that it will break the ssd22:30
Gneacorecode: feel free to prove me wrong, not with your pointless rhetoric, but with fact.22:30
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aeon-ltdluc_: describe the boot process22:31
luc_aeon-ltd, live cd works perfect22:31
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aeon-ltdwait a sec i'm gonna leave but i'll be back22:31
treydoggcorecode:  you can edit the boot.ini as well, but when you install ubuntu it should automatically see the windows partition22:31
skegeekI've been considering switching to Xfce, maybe I should make the switch instead of trying to fix it.22:31
luc_aeon-ltd, goes through start then bios steps then to black screen22:32
corecodeGnea: you stated that ssds die because of hibernate, so you are the one who will have to show facts22:32
Gneacorecode: it means that the ssd is more likely to break sooner, if the i/o load over the lifespan of the drive is high, than if a similar i/o load is presented over a similar timeframe to a platter-based drive.22:32
corecodeGnea: yes22:33
Gneacorecode: negative, I said that they will die faster than platter-based drives.  you are the one that arrived to that conclusion on your own.22:33
corecodeGnea: fair enough, then i misunderstood you22:33
Gneacorecode: it happens22:33
dataspyi love ubuntu22:33
corecodethe option here is not platter vs ssd22:33
corecodefor me it is "how much swap do i need for hibernate"22:33
Gneacorecode: I usually go with twice the amount of ram22:34
Gneaif I have 2g ram, a 4g swap partition (or file) will suffice22:34
escottcorecode, hibernate swap >= ram + running swap22:34
sum1nilI object to the lack of support for ati in Oneiric!!!22:34
vehemothI deleted my Documents folder and then created a folder by the same name, do I just right click and set a picture for it to be like before?22:34
Gneasum1nil: ATI seems to not care about your feelings on the matter.22:35
corecodeescott: that's recursive :)22:35
corecodeGnea: yea, but 16GB swap seems quite excessive22:35
aeon-ltdluc_: okay, can you descibe the boot process?22:35
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escottcorecode, running swap is not the same as hibernate swap22:35
corecodeescott: ah?22:35
escottcorecode, what i mean by running swap is the swap your system actually uses when running22:35
corecodeah ok22:35
VampsWin7can anyone tell me what i would search for to find, install and add the launching icons to the dock/launcher/menu bar?22:36
escottVampsWin7, alacarte22:36
luc_aeon-ltd, starts then bios steps then black screen with blinking curser22:36
sum1nilwell it put the k-bob on Oneiric for now for my laptop.]22:36
VampsWin7escott : is that a package making things easy to use?22:36
Gneacorecode: I suppose it depends how much HDD space you've got to work with. Entropy is a well-known occurance with computers.22:36
escott!info alacarte | VampsWin722:36
ubottuVampsWin7: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13.2-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 52 kB, installed size 336 kB22:36
corecodeGnea: 110GB :/22:37
dorkmafiaI downloaded ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso from the ubuntu website does that mean I downloaded the amd version? Is there an intel version?22:37
corecodei'm trying to do a ubuntu in luks in gpt/uefi22:37
Gneacorecode: that's not bad, gives you 94G. it's not like you're creating a stash of movies, right? :)22:37
VampsWin7dorkmafia : NO you downloaded the 64 bit of Ubuntu22:37
Myrttidorkmafia: amd64 is the codename for 64-bit processors22:37
aeon-ltdluc_: no GRUB? (holding Esc or shift depending on the version)22:37
corecodeGnea: no, but i'm close with my current homedir22:37
luc_aeon-ltd, what on start up or on black screen22:38
Gneacorecode: aaah, perhaps it might be time to come up with a backup solution22:38
dorkmafiaoh ok22:38
aeon-ltdluc_: on start up then if grub shows there should be some options22:38
corecodeGnea: :)22:39
corecode8GB it is22:39
treydoggluc:  keep pressing 'e'22:39
Gneacorecode: if necessary, you can always create a swapfile and add it on-demand to increase your overall swap - that might help with any possible hibernation issues in the future22:39
luc_aeon-ltd, u mean my bios setup22:40
VampsWin7escott : think you may have misunderstood what i was looking for.. let me try to reword it. I am lookin for something to allow me to add remove and find the "applets" like sound, networks, and the like to the menu/dock/launcher22:40
Gneacorecode: concursively, you can always delete it :)22:40
escottVampsWin7, start them first, then right click on the icon and pin it22:40
aeon-ltdluc_: no, after the bios boot (after POST)22:40
dansis there a way of booting one partition inside a window in another (both linux)? im tired of rebooting over and over to try and get my gnome3 working22:41
luc_aeon-ltd, nothing22:41
escottdans, you are describing a virtualmachine, but its not really appropriate. what is happening with gnome322:41
dansi am, why is it not appropriate?22:42
corecodeext4 still suggested in oneiric?22:42
dansim just having trouble getting it to recognise the display, its an arch installation22:42
escottcorecode, btrfs is still a good 6months+ away from being anyones suggested FS22:42
dansfglrxinfo returns unable to open display and i get module load errors in Xorg.5.log22:43
CodeOmegaPrimeWill GRUB2 Detect Windows 7 64bit?22:43
gateway_hello, is anyone there?22:43
Gneacorecode: oops, that should have been 'conversely'22:43
gateway_I'm trying to use my blackberry as a tethered modem on my ubuntu22:43
escottCodeOmegaPrime, it should22:43
VampsWin7escott : when you open the add to panel what is the name of the objects you are adding22:44
luc_aeon-ltd, if i install on my other drive will i beable to access them and burn them to a disc22:44
CodeOmegaPrimeescott: Ok just making sure did some additional research and saw there was some issues with that awhile back. I just wanted to make sure they were either A)Resolved or B)Just people doing things they shouldnt LOL probobly B22:44
VampsWin7CodeOmegaPrime : my main tower has both Ubuntu x64 Natty and Win 7 install.. grub recognized and setup so that i can boot to either22:45
escottVampsWin7, im assuming you are running unity, and that you start the application from the "Windows Key Menu", then on the left panel you can right click the icon for the running application and keep it on the panel22:45
CodeOmegaPrimeVampsWin7 TY ok brb  going to re-install grub222:46
aeon-ltdluc_: burn what? the install ISOs?22:47
VampsWin7escott L i'm runing Ubuntu CLassic. i'm refering to when you right click on the Menu bar and the submenu allows you to add what i believe is applets, but that's what i'm tryin to figure out.22:47
aeon-ltdluc_: if you can just try this boot but hold shift throughout22:47
escottVampsWin7, for classic i think you want to add a "launcher" applet22:47
gateway_well, heck, still waiting for someone to talk to me about blackberry tethered modems22:48
luc_aeon-ltd, no my files on my 2nd drive i have in my computer22:48
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VampsWin7escott : not a launcher, i want to find more of the packages like trash bin, desktop switcher, network setup, email notify, and the link22:49
* Gnea is so glad to have gotten rid of his blackberry22:49
escottVampsWin7, i guess make sure that the gnome-applets package. its been a long time since ive used classic. sorry22:49
aeon-ltdluc_: yes, but what other OSes do you have on the pc (all hdds that work)22:50
corecodeoh wow the oneiric installer is nice22:50
VampsWin7escott : understandable. so the icons left in the dock for trash bin and desktop switcher are called applets?22:50
escottVampsWin7, yes22:51
VampsWin7escott : is there a way to easily search for different applets that are available?22:51
VampsWin7escott : SMP makes it a little tricky to find them easily.22:52
VampsWin7err SPM22:52
luc_aeon-ltd, some screen came up with ubuntu with 5 options on it22:52
escottVampsWin7, it should list them all when you click on the panel. verify that you are right clicking on the panel itself and not on an applet in the panel. if your panel is full it may be hard to find a pixel that will get you the panel menu instead of an applet22:52
VampsWin7escott : correct that does work, but is there a resource to find others that are out there? like the Package Managers does .22:53
luc_aeon-ltd, checking disk for defect now22:54
aeon-ltdluc_: whilst doing the shift thing?22:54
escottVampsWin7, most of the more popular ones should be packaged up, but they dont generally come individually22:55
luc_aeon-ltd, yes22:55
aeon-ltdluc_: good this is progress22:55
corecodemeh, grub setup fail22:55
VampsWin7escott : aww ok, thanks. the snypatic package manager will still find others that exist either mainstream or otherwise correct?22:56
luc_aeon-ltd, it is finding a lot of errors reading sectors22:56
escottVampsWin7, no you would have to compile non-packaged applets from source. I'm not sure where you can find them22:57
murielgodoihi guys. How can I add a flag then using dpkg-builpackage?22:57
escottcorecode, any errors?22:57
VampsWin7escott : got ya now. thanks for the info.22:57
luc_aeon-ltd, can i install to mt 1tb drive that has all my files on it before from windows 722:57
luc_aeo screen is half green now22:58
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aeon-ltdluc_: static or is there some changes happening?22:59
escottluc_, errors reading sectors is concerning. use the disk utility tool to check the SMART status of the disk22:59
luc_aeon-ltd, dont know all most full green23:00
luc_aeon-ltd, as bad sector reads it goes up a line green23:01
aeon-ltdluc_: hmm okay iguess :) i'd just wait it out for a while23:02
murielgodoiHow can I add a cflag then using dpkg-builpackage?23:02
luc_aeon-ltd, if i disconect my other drive do u think thats the problem because it was i ntfs23:03
luc_aeon-ltd, full green screen now23:04
aeon-ltdluc_: other drives should not affect the OS on another drive23:04
aeon-ltdluc_: now we play the waiting game23:05
luc_aeon-ltd, thats what happened to my windows 7 when i live cd ubuntu on it23:06
luc_aeon-ltd, should i just turn it off23:07
aeon-ltdluc_: how long has it been?23:07
luc_aeon-ltd, 8 to 12 minutes23:07
luc_aeon-ltd, still reading errors23:08
aeon-ltdluc_: where did this hdd come from?23:08
luc_aeon-ltd,the one i am trying to install to   off of my other comp that had win xp23:09
luc_aeon-ltd, it worked fine before i took it out23:10
aeon-ltdluc_: heh the errors say otherwise :) if you are going to restart hold shift and try all possible boot options and see if they lead anywhere23:11
MonkeyDustoff-topic: my ACPI is not really reliable ;) http://paste.ubuntu.com/687206/23:12
zykotick9_MonkeyDust, @mint-laptop what distro are you using ;)23:13
MonkeyDustpercentage goes down, but number of minutes does not23:13
MonkeyDustidd zykotick9_ :)23:14
frank_how do i have to build my PRUNEPATHS in updatedb.conf to tell updatedb to just index one additional mountpoint (iscsi target) but not usb sticks that are occasionally plugged in and left in the usb slot a few days (updatedb runs every night)23:15
luc_aeon-ltd, im going totry installing 32 bit version23:17
aeon-ltdluc_: okay, did all boot options not work?23:17
luc_aeon-ltd, aeo correct23:18
escottfrank_, what about adding vfat to PRUNEFS?23:19
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momoruWhat's the status of NTFS support nowadays?23:24
bazhangmomoru, very solid23:24
momorubazhang, the last time I tried messing around with NTFS, it was read-only.  So I'm assuming write-support is stable now?23:25
bazhangmomoru, for many years now, yes23:25
escottmomoru, there are two ntfs drivers one in kernel which is read only, the other in userspace which can write23:25
escottmomoru, neither can fsck23:25
DeviceZer0momoru, I dont really write to ntfs..but for reading it has been fine for many years...in the last few years i have read that writing works fine too23:26
DeviceZer0ntfs-3g being the driver im familiar with.23:26
DeviceZer0though. There was a bug a long time ago with ntfs-3g that destroyed your data and unfortunately for me...i was effected by it several times...but from what i have read its a rare bug that only effected a small number of ppl.23:27
dorkmafiaso i followed the instructions on this page http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download to create a usb stick on the mac and when i tried to boot off the usb stick it said failed to find boot disk23:28
escottdorkmafia, you probably need bootcamp installed. boot it like it was windows23:29
dorkmafiano i'm using this on my pc23:29
dorkmafiai'm just creating the usb key on my mac23:29
escottdorkmafia, and your bios supports usb devices as boot devices?23:30
dorkmafiai have a ud7 x58a23:30
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AethHow can I analyze which files all processes have opened? Is there an ideal app for that?23:32
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escottAeth, lsof will indicate what processes hold a given file open23:33
luc_aeon-ltd, trying to install now23:34
marvelboa noite23:34
momoruI was just curious whether NTFS write-support was safe because I have a 1TB external HD formatted to NTFS with all my files on it.23:34
Aethescott: Is there something that is more real-time in monitoring than lsof?23:34
bazhang!br | marvel23:34
ubottumarvel: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:34
bazhangmomoru, yes very23:35
ProphetZarquonIntel Centrino2 Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 2gb RAM 128mb video memory (possibly shared?), VM gets 1024mb RAM, 64/128mb video memory (tried both), updates OK, can't verify DirectX. dxdiag crashes the VM. Any ideas why?23:35
bazhangProphetZarquon, ubuntu guest? ubuntu host?23:35
ProphetZarquonUbuntu 11.04 host, Tiny XP guest which usually works fine with Direct X in PC to PC VMs.23:36
ikoniaProphetZarquon: what virtualisation ?23:37
bazhangProphetZarquon, vbox?23:37
ProphetZarquonVirtual Box OSE was the only one I could find with video acceleration.23:37
ikoniaI suspect it's not enabled/working hence the dx failure23:38
dorkmafiamy guess is that the usb key didn't get created poperly?23:38
dorkmafiahow big should the installer be for the 64 bit version?23:39
dorkmafiai am looking at the usb drive and it says ubuntu 11.04 amd23:39
escottAeth, /proc?23:39
ProphetZarquonikonia, What's not enabled? 3d and 2d acceleration are enabled in the Virtual Box settings and VM Additions are running on the XP guest.23:39
escottAeth, or look into any of the kernel tracing functionality23:40
ikoniaProphetZarquon: it would appear to not be working.....23:40
dorkmafiacapacity on the disk is 732.1 MB23:40
dorkmafiait should work right?23:40
ProphetZarquonAnd it doesn't just fail, it dumps the whole VM. Bam, shut off.23:40
ikoniaProphetZarquon: I'd call that a failure23:40
escottdorkmafia, i thought the USB had to be bigger than a CD. 732 may not be big enough23:41
dorkmafiawell that's what it created23:41
ProphetZarquonRight but it's a test. Failure is a potential test result. I want to be clear that the whole VM exits, not just a "not running" or "not installed" result.23:42
ikoniaProphetZarquon: whats your localhost host video card ?23:42
ProphetZarquonWhat should I try?23:42
ProphetZarquonIntel integrated video.23:43
ikoniareasonably well supported23:43
ikoniaProphetZarquon: I'm wondering if the pass through to the host hardware is failure when it hooks into the hardare module for it23:43
fujinyo if I'm using debconf-set-selections to preseed values to a package, is there anyway I can reset all of those? manpages don't make it clear.23:43
bazhangfujin, in debian?23:44
fujinwhat? no23:44
fujinin Ubuntu.23:44
fujinIt's a debian tool, but I'm on ubuntu.23:44
bazhangfujin, you just asked in #debian , thus my query23:44
fujinright. It's a tool common to both, part of dpkg/apt.23:45
ProphetZarquonikonia, how would I test that?23:47
ikoniait would be quite hard to test, the easier way is to try it on a different machine to find out if it's specific to that software/hardware combo23:47
ProphetZarquonAny way to check crash reports from Virtual Box?23:47
mamece2hello guys, ive erased the swap partition of my ubuntu, how can i restore it?23:48
bazhangmamece2, erased? how23:48
mamece2bazhang i went to the partition manager and just click in erase or format, i dont remember23:48
ProphetZarquonThat makes perfect sense. I've been wanting to do that, but don't have another box to turn into Ubuntu right now.23:48
bazhangmamece2, gparted?23:49
mamece2now when i try to boot ubuntu 11 i cant get to the desktop, just to the cli. i tried dpkg restore packages but i need a internet conection23:49
mamece2bazhang it was something similar to gpart, i was in ubuntu 10 when i did it, im almost sure it was with gpart. why?23:50
ProphetZarquonmamace2, what about an Ubuntu Live CD? Boot to that and repartition?23:50
mamece2prophetzarquon im right now in the ubuntu live CD, how can i restore what ive done?23:50
mamece2im opening gpart and wow , i got a lot of partitions, trying to organize this is what made me erase the swap :(23:52
walterwuzzzzzzzzz  up23:53
nsqmamece2, its not bad if you erase swap, just create a new swap partition.23:53
bazhangwalter, hello, ubuntu support issue?23:53
walterno uploading virus to you23:53
ProphetZarquonOy, I hear you. I have too many physical drives and hardware & software RAID layers in my tower. Can't make sense of them all anymore.23:54
neggerHow do I use aptitude to install package lists from a file23:55
neggerb\h.Or)+ Jr"SoXB1 Bi\^ U wx~z<nn{ {NG=5N> Q Nr-GY (Cu++>gt23:55
negger|`OckJ)" BVJW)9  VIDVDIhh :H:Dw9b K2Iq-=E NseWjAhX G-NRn-R23:55
negger.}lWQ>E} JZ^p<F_y yT5$U$ 9EvVXF T "^q-w(* V+VFl@v hAxqEV|g23:55
ProphetZarquonThe swap space should be at (or near) the end of a physical drive, only a few gigs.23:55
negger{d#{K&TV 0`C y}og #.%tf`^ KERWI( Lky]~[.{ Fp@y^v7a nDmp2ROV23:55
DuolosI'm running Kubuntu 11.04.  I just installed the ubuntu-desktop packages.  However, when attempting to login to Gnome, I'm shown only an empty desktop.  No panels, no launchers, nothing.  The only way to get out is to restart.  Logging into it in safemode works fine, though.23:55
DuolosUnity issue?23:55
Graath lib/init/upstart-job is missing on my system after an apt-get upgrade, any way to restore it?23:55
karmst__Does anyone else's ubuntu go dim on a window sometimes and take forever to respond?23:56
mamece2nsq all started when i erased wicd23:57
dorkmafiahas anyone else had issues when trying to boot off a usb key?23:57
ProphetZarquonDuolos perhaps transparency/ other video effects, hence it works in safe mode?23:57
bazhangdorkmafia, sure, when the key is too small, the md5 does not match, or others23:58
mamece2i have ubuntu 11 and ubuntu 10, and two swap partition, but i still cant boot ubuntu 1123:58
dr_willisdorkmafia:  nomrally if the key is made wrong, or system cant boot off usb.23:58
dorkmafiait's a 4gb usb key...23:59
ProphetZarquonUbuntu 11 probably doesn't know which swap partition to use anymore. Can you reach safe mode or any other 11.04 recovery without the CD?23:59
dorkmafiai just downloaded the ubuntu 11.04 and followed the instrcutions23:59
ikoniaProphetZarquon: the grub menu has it23:59
mamece2prophetzarquon yes i can reach safe mode23:59
bazhangdorkmafia, did you just drag and drop the iso on it?23:59

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