
ScottLknome, pong :)00:47
knomeScottL, hey00:48
knomeScottL, http://temp.knome.fi/ubuntustudio/www/ <- a variation/proposal for the frontpage style00:48
ScottLknome, do you think the tabs could be inside the area that changes?  just to free up vertical real estate00:49
ScottLit's looking good though00:49
ScottLi'm always worried about vertical real estate00:49
knomeScottL, yeah. with this way, we can actually just make the whole "bar" lower00:50
ScottLi'll see if i can find the svg for the logo tonight00:50
knomeScottL, but because it is "only" on the front page, i don't think it's TOO BAD :)00:50
knomeScottL, well i found something, after which that logo is created00:50
knomeScottL, you still want to keep that alignment (vs. the "new" style-like, where the circle is on the right?)00:51
shnatsel|insomniScottL: lol00:51
shnatsel|insomniScottL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ubustulogo.svg00:51
shnatsel|insomniScottL: Wikipedia always has the rarest SVG logos ;)00:52
shnatsel|insomniIf I find an app that doesn't, I fix that immediately00:52
ScottLknome, we also have a logo where the logo is like a copyright symbol as superscript behind "ubuntu studio"00:57
ScottLthat might be the one that i have00:57
knomejust tell me whatever you want to use, or if you want me to work on a new version00:57
ScottLwow shnatsel|insomni , that's crazy.  i would have never thought about looking there Oo00:57
ScottLknome, i'll find what i can tonight and get it too you either tonight or tomorrow00:58
knomesure, no problem00:58
ScottLknome, would you be able to use percentages to set the <div> (or whatever) widths so it will fill up a widescreen?00:59
knomeyes, that's the idea, it's just set to pixels right now. the layout is completely flexible already though00:59
ScottLthank you again, knome , for helping us with this....it's really amazing01:12
knomeno problem, and thanks :)01:13
knomeScottL, the other option is to add « » arrows to the left/right side of the bar, and just leave the "tabs" out.01:32
knomeScottL, what do you think of that rather than the current style?01:33
knomeanyway, got to sleep. it's soon 5am. see you tomorrow01:38
ScottLknome, wow, i get up at 6am most day and haven't stayed up till 5am in years and years and years ;)   i'm on old man, lol01:43
ScottLhi Daviey :)  are you david h. by chance?01:43
ScottLshnatsel|insomni, are you still working through the lightdm xubuntu session issue?01:44
ScottLi seem to have trouble with that before until i realized that it doesn't work for an existing user but did work for a new user01:44
shnatsel|insomniScottL: it didn't work for me01:44
ScottLwhen the package is installed it sets 'xubuntu' as the default for new uses and at the end of the install you create your user, which is "new" user01:45
ScottLi believe i got it to work when i created additional new users for my test machine that was already installed01:45
shnatsel|insomniScottL: in my case the user is created at boot time, casper switches it01:45
ScottLshnatsel|insomni, ah01:45
shnatsel|insomniScottL: LiveDC01:45
shnatsel|insomniScottL: but, it doesn't work :(01:46
ScottLright, hmmmm01:46
shnatsel|insomniScottL: for some mysterious reason01:46
shnatsel|insomniScottL: I'm not sure what exactly went wrong01:48
shnatsel|insomniScottL: so I'm going to integrate our new login screen first01:49
shnatsel|insomniScottL: elementary's I mean01:49
shnatsel|insomniScottL: and then see what's wrong01:49
ScottLhi micahg 02:34
micahghi ScottL 02:35
shnatseluh, it's 06:55 here and I still don't want to sleep02:56
shnatselI'm on my way to fixing the default session, just made one more step02:57
ScottLshnatsel, good that you made another step :)   bad that you are up so late :(03:05
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