
* gmb lunches11:09
danilosah, lunch, good idea :) hi gmb btw :)11:10
bacdanilos: when you get back let's talk about bug 30244911:50
_mup_Bug #302449: Uploading a file with the same name triggers a database constraint. <lp-translations> <oops> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by danilo> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/302449 >11:50
danilosbac, hey, I am actually working on it right now (still haven't had lunch, though I'll probably drop out for a bit to get some food)11:51
bacdanilos: ok, i have to eat too11:51
bacthere are a couple of problems.  one the tests blow up b/c the objects you get now are security proxied11:51
bacthat's easy to fix.  there is another proble in the call to query to get the list of blocked items is failing and i can't figure out why11:52
bacwhen my dev box comes back up i'll push the branch where i've made some changes11:52
bacdanilos: ^^11:52
danilosbac, yeah, I am looking at that particular problem right now (the sourcepackagerelease*.txt failure was an easy one to fix)11:53
danilosbac, btw, thanks for looking into it, I appreciate that11:53
danilosbac, I really look forward to your changes, so do let me know once you push them up11:54
bacright now my laptop is not booting.  :(11:54
danilosbac, should I guess at an oneiric upgrade? :/12:10
bacdanilos: nope...  it was the other side of my dual boot attempting to install a security patch post-boot12:10
danilosbac, btw, my factory change was broken: I removed the entry.status setting completely which caused the test failures here (someone said earlier how we should have tests for factory methods)12:12
danilosbac, ah-ha, interesting that mac does that as well12:12
gary_posterdanilos!  you have some news?12:17
danilosgary_poster, unfortunately, no, still a student :/12:17
gary_posterdanilos oh :-(12:17
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb call in 1-ish12:29
gary_posterdanilos, skype?12:31
danilosgary_poster, I was on, but it seems to have crashed12:31
danilos(like a minute ago)12:31
gary_posterack danilos ping me when I should retry12:31
danilosgary_poster, please retry12:31
bacdanilos: my branch is at bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/danilo-30244912:37
bacit is really unsurprising, just a sprinkling of rsp where necessary12:38
danilosbac, cool, thanks12:38
bacdanilos: any idea why getBlockableDirectories returns nothing?12:40
danilosbac, yeah, that's what I mentioned above: my factory change removed the setting of the entry status field, so it was never set to BLOCKED12:44
bacdanilos: oh, sorry, didn't see that message12:44
danilosbac, btw, I can't seem to get to your branch12:46
bactry this spelling lp:~bac/launchpad/danilo-30244912:47
danilosbac, Launchpad seems to think the same if I look at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad12:47
danilosbac, I did already12:47
bacdanilos: my bad.  try now.12:48
danilosbac, cool, it worked, I've merged your changes now, thanks again12:53
bacdanilos: np.12:56
bacgmb: you have time for a pre-imp about bug 831991 ?14:27
_mup_Bug #831991: When the Janitor autoconfirms a bug, it should explain why <escalated> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/831991 >14:27
gmbbac: Certainly. I'll just start skype14:27
bacbac: and i'll stop spotify14:27
* danilos -> out, see ya tomorrow15:23
* gary_poster goes to lunch15:54
* bac <- food17:20
gary_posterThe result of approx 6 hours of blood sweat and tears trying to get some tests to pass:19:08
gary_posterbzr diff | wc -l19:08
gary_poster...sigh... :-)19:08
bachey gary_poster19:38
gary_posterhey bac.  sorry, I was in full screen terminal mode19:59
gary_posterwhat's up19:59
bachey i wanted to ask about auto-confirmation of bugs19:59
bacbug 831991 implies that having dupes would autoconfirm a bug20:00
_mup_Bug #831991: When the Janitor autoconfirms a bug, it should explain why <escalated> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/831991 >20:00
bacbut the code shows otherwise20:00
gary_posterbac, it is supposed to.  Note that "also affects" is affected by dupes20:01
gary_posterso perhaps that's what is confusing you?20:01
bacit re-evaluates when a bug is duped...but only marks it if affected by >1 peeps20:01
bacso just having a dupe does not autoconfirm20:01
gary_posterbac, ah true.20:01
bacis that correct?20:01
gary_posteryes, bac20:01
bacand as designed?20:01
gary_posteryes, bac.  Let me make sure we're clear20:02
gary_posterif a bug is duped, then "also affects" is adjusted by the people who are in the new dupe(s) but not already existing20:02
gary_posterso if I make a bug20:02
gary_posterand then a second20:02
gary_posterand I mark the second as a dupe20:03
gary_posterthen perhaps it is re-evaluated20:03
gary_posterbut the number will not increase20:03
gary_posterif I make a bug20:03
gary_posterand then you make a bug20:03
gary_posterand I marke yours as a dupe20:03
gary_posterthen "also affects" will increase by one20:03
gary_posterand so the code will be triggered20:03
gary_poster(the same happens in other scenarios,20:04
gary_posterlike I make a bug20:04
gary_posterI make another bug20:04
gary_posterthe second bug "affects you"20:04
bacbut, a bug will get autoconfirmed only the number of affected users is > 120:04
gary_posterand then the second bug is a dupe of the first20:04
gary_posteryes bac20:04
baci found that surprising due to the comment in the bu20:05
bacthanks for the clarification20:05
* gary_poster looks at bug...20:05
gary_posteryeah, comment is confusing20:05
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