
dholbachgood morning07:09
ejatmorning dholbach  :)07:12
dholbachhey ejat07:14
ejathey back …07:15
dholbachhey kim0, hey czajkowski08:09
kim0dholbach: czajkowski hey there08:09
czajkowskidates are out for FOSDEM 4&5th February08:09
czajkowskiloads of notice not to have sprints around then08:09
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
dakermhall119, yep10:06
kim0daker: How's it going buddy10:25
dakerkim0, Stress :/10:25
kim0daker: oh why :) hard time at dayjob?10:26
dakerkim0, i am working since 02/09 non stop :/10:29
* kim0 hugs daker 10:30
* dholbach hugs daker10:30
kim0This can't be good for anyone .. talk to your manager, man10:30
dakerkim0, we are in commando mode because we are going to launch a new website this week10:33
* kim0 hands a grenade 10:34
kim0I hope it's almost ready then :) All the best man10:34
dakerkim0, have you seen the match yesterday ?10:37
kim0daker: the wedad one .. hmm not really :) I'm not a football guy, but I still hope we won hehe10:38
dakerkim0, have you seen the "Tifou" ? http://youtu.be/gfmmP1WRMqw ?10:40
kim0daker: Nice :)10:41
kim0daker: oh 3-3 .. guess that makes both of us happy :)10:43
dakerkim0, 1-110:43
kim0doh .. well ok then10:43
dholbachdpm, do we have somebody who could test https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-nanum/+bug/835304? (Korean)10:44
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 835304 in ttf-nanum "contained fontconfig setting files force to make it default font" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:44
dholbachI'm happy to build a test-version of it10:44
dpmdholbach, I've assigned the bug to the ubuntu-cjk-testers team, but I'm not sure how active the Korean people there are. Perhaps we could talk to the Korean translation team leader: https://launchpad.net/~namhyung10:48
dholbachah thanks for adding them to the bug10:48
mhall119daker: do you speak french?11:27
dakerplutôt oui ツ11:27
mhall119cool, I may come to you for help then11:27
mhall119I'm taking it for the firt time this semester11:27
Pendulummhall119: next time say 'parlez-vous francais?' or probably with daker and how well you know him 'parles-tu francais?' :P11:29
AlanBellor français for bonus points11:36
AlanBellI wonder if "how to type accents" is now part of french lessons in school11:37
dakerPendulum, right ツ11:39
mhall119AlanBell: not yet, the online courseware has a button for each of the different accented characteres11:56
mhall119is 'vous' the formal?  I thought it was plural11:56
mhall119dang, am I the only one here who doesn't know french?11:57
czajkowskimhall119: we have to do english Irish maths and another language to enter into uni, most do French from the age of 1211:57
mhall119I did 2 years of Spanish11:58
czajkowskispanish is done in some places but rare11:58
czajkowskinext popular is German and I did 18 months of that11:58
mhall119spanish is more useful in this hemisphere I guess11:59
dakermhall119, both plural & formal, but in this case it's formal12:06
Pendulummhall119: I took french from ages 12-2012:12
Pendulum(I was given a choice of French and Spanish at 12 and was part of the minority who chose French)12:12
AlanBellI did french age 12-16 like most kids in England12:15
AlanBellnot posh enough to do Latin12:15
PendulumI've forgotten most of the French I learned, however, I still do okay reading French (writing and speaking less well)12:15
Pici(smiling because we had a similar thing in my school, except the choice was Spanish, French, or Latin, (sorted by popularity) and I chose Latin)12:16
PendulumI could have done Latin in high school, but I wanted to stick with French and coldn't find room to add Latin in12:16
AlanBellapart from ordering food I can't say much more than A/S/L type questions :)12:19
mhall119Michelle did Latin12:20
PiciI don't remember any of the Latin that I learned.  It has helped me with reading other languages though.12:21
Picihi kitten12:22
PendulumI guess that was her opinion of languages12:26
IdleOnecan someone point me to the USerDays archives?14:13
IdleOneor somewhere to search past classes that were given14:14
nigelbIdleOne: yeah14:20
jcastrojames_w: ping14:21
jcastroshould I change "Register" to "Register for UDS" and "Register for Linaro Connect Q4.11"?14:22
IdleOnenigelb: specifically a class or classes about bug fixing, howto/wheere to submit fixes and all that.14:22
james_wjcastro, where would that change be?14:24
nigelbIdleOne: Hrm, I don't think so.14:25
jcastrokim0: for some reason negronjl's last post isn't syndicated, I think it's his feed14:25
jcastrojames_w: on the top of uds.ubuntu.com14:25
kim0jcastro: I emailed him my morning asking for why is that14:25
jcastroah ok14:25
kim0jcastro: his rss doesn't have it indeed14:25
jcastroI saw his post this weekend and tried to figure it out14:25
jcastrook whew14:25
nigelbIdleOne: Go down from wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/maverick, keep changing the release name14:25
nigelbI think we started in lucid.14:25
jcastroI thought it was good weekend content, heh14:25
kim0yeah sure was :)14:26
nigelbjcastro / kim0: what are you guys talking about?14:26
IdleOnenigelb: thanks.14:26
jcastronigelb: the syndication on cloud.u.c14:26
jcastrobut it's juan's feed that is busted, not wordpress14:26
nigelbjcastro: No, I was asking about the actual article14:27
jcastrobah, sorry for the link14:29
nigelbjcastro: thanks :)14:29
jcastrojames_w: do you have a dedicated registration page I could link to?14:49
james_wjcastro, we don't, I think that's what Stephen is asking about14:50
jcastroah ok14:51
dholbachhey jono14:51
jcastroping me when you have one and I'll make a link14:51
jonohey dholbach14:52
jonokim0, good to chat in 8?14:52
jcastrojames_w: It doesn't make sense to me to have another launchpad sprint page14:52
jcastrois there a way to link to the UDS page but have a vanity URL?14:52
james_wjcastro, why doesn't it?14:53
james_w(not saying it does, just wondering why)14:53
kim0jono: yeah14:56
jcastrolike "Click here to register for the AMAZING Linaro blah blah 4.11!!!!" but we really send them to the UDS launchpad page14:57
jcastrowhich is kind of what we do now14:57
james_wah, yeah14:58
james_whe doesn't care that much about uds.ubuntu.com I expect, because we won't be sending people there14:58
jcastrocan someome who doesn't work at Canonical click on "download the sponsorship prospectus" and lmk if you get a PDF? http://uds.ubuntu.com/uds-sponsors/14:58
james_whis big issue is that after registration you end up on https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-p14:59
popeyjcastro: i get a google doc14:59
popeynot a downloaded pdf14:59
popeywell, its a pdf, but hosted on google docs14:59
james_wwhich mentions UDS 20 times, links to uds.ubuntu.com as the meeting homepage etc.14:59
jcastrojames_w: yeah there's not really any way for me to add more branding on those sprint pages in lp14:59
james_wjcastro, yeah, that's understood15:00
james_wso I think Stephen is asking about having an alternative sprint registered in Launchpad15:00
jonokim0, lets do skype15:00
james_wwhich has Linaro branding, and that Linaro can point people to15:00
jcastrojames_w: refresh15:00
james_wbut still works for registering with summit etc.15:01
jcastroI at least added that15:01
jcastrook do we know if it's possible to have 2 registered sprints, one summit?15:01
james_wI don't15:02
james_wI doubt it's already implemented15:02
jcastroI agree15:02
kim0jono: seems like I need to kill skype15:02
jcastroyou'll have 2 different naming conventions for meetings15:03
jcastroI bet that will break spectacularly15:03
jonokim0, ok15:03
jonocall me back15:03
james_wjcastro, we should be able to apply one naming convention across both15:03
kim0jono: call again please15:03
james_was it's just <track>-<whatever> and we have to have unique tracks if it is one summit15:04
jonodpm, all set?15:29
dpmjono, yep!15:29
jonodpm, lets do skype15:29
dpmjono, ok, all set then15:30
jonodpm, ringing15:30
jcastrokim0: ah, looks like the RSS got sorted!15:46
mhall119jono: ping16:13
mhall119or jcastro16:13
jonohey mhall11916:14
mhall119can either of you request that RT #17895 be worked on before Oct. 116:14
mhall119it's a request to monitor cranberry's processes to figure out why Summit and LD keep getting out of memory errors16:14
nigelb*request for specific monitoring to try and guess16:15
mhall119I don't want to wait until a month before UDS starts to begin figuring out why Summit is having memory errors16:15
nigelbHrm, i just realized I don't actually know UDS dates.16:15
nigelb31 Oct. Woah.16:16
nigelbWhere did this cycle disappear to.16:16
mhall119I know, right?16:16
mhall119nigelb: hmmm, didn't you tell me they had the rt waiting until Oct 1?16:16
mhall119I don't see that on the RT itself16:17
nigelbmhall119: The RT's escalation date is Oct 1.16:17
nigelbThat still doesn't mean it will get done by then.16:17
nigelbJust means if its not done by Oct 1, it will jump ahead of the queue and wwe have a better chance of it getting done sooner.16:17
mhall119where are you seeing that?16:18
nigelbFairly sure I saw that in a mail.16:18
mhall119at any rate, if we can get that escalated so we know summit will be stable during UDS, that would be fantastic16:19
nigelbmhall119: Sorry, that was from IRC.16:20
nigelbI can paste that line for you if you wwant.16:20
mhall119I believe you16:20
nigelb21:28 < tiaz> nigelb: sure, it's a good start. I have thrown it into the queue. on 2011-10-01 it will jump to the front of the queue in case it hasn't been worked on by then.16:20
jcastromhall119: I don't have escalation privs16:26
dholbachjono, ready? :)16:34
jonodholbach, sorry call ran over16:42
jonoall set16:42
dholbachhowever you like it16:43
dholbachI'm logged in16:43
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day17:04
dholbachsee you all tomorrow17:04
jussibah, sometimes I really miss the configurability of KDE...17:25
jussithere is here options to turn the screen off after so many different times, but not a "never turn off" option.17:25
dpmjussi, if you've got a minute, would you fancy giving me a hand making #ubuntu-app-devel non-invite-only? I basically don't know where to start17:32
jussidpm: Im just about to watch a movie, probably easiest to drop in #ubuntu-irc-council and ask there, otherwise, in about 100 mins ;)17:33
jussiIm off now, laters.17:34
jussi(any of the ircc can help with that iirc )17:34
* tsimpson is here17:35
dpmjussi, I'll try that, thanks!17:36
tsimpsondpm: does the channel have a use again?17:36
dpmtsimpson, what do you mean? It is linked to in http://developer.ubuntu.com/support/ and we want to keep that page and channel when we launch the new developer site. You mean it was set to invite-only because there was no activity?17:38
tsimpsonyeah, it died a painful death17:38
jcastrojono: fyi I need to be g+ or normal phone today, my skype situation is pretty messed up atm17:38
jonojcastro, np17:39
dpmtsimpson, can we reopen it again in preparation of the developer.ubuntu.com launch and try again how it works out?17:39
tsimpsongive me a minute and I'll re-open it17:40
tsimpsondpm: should be open now17:43
dpmthanks a lot tsimpson17:47
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
scott-workjcastro: this will be the first UDS i've even attended, when will the scheduled meetings be posted so i can start signing up?17:53
jcastroscott-work: yeah there will be instructions posted to ubuntu-devel when we get closer17:56
jcastroand they show up on the schedule, etc.17:56
jcastrospeaking of17:56
jcastromhall119: I should probably wait until the memory thing is sorted before I schedule?17:56
mhall119jcastro: I have no idea when that'll be sorted17:57
mhall119jcastro: I'm prepping a big release for summit that'll give you private rooms and other improvements though17:57
mhall119so you might want to wait for that17:57
jcastrothough I don't do private meetings17:58
mhall119jcastro: you can check out the latest trunk at http://ec2-50-16-76-22.compute-1.amazonaws.com/uds-p/17:58
jcastrois someone going to show marianachelle how to use it?17:58
mhall119jcastro: marianachelle? lol17:58
mhall119yeah, one of us can walk her through the difference17:59
jcastromhall119: do you have a memory problem with it in ec2?17:59
scott-workjcastro: cool, thank you :)17:59
jcastroscott-work: the tl;dr is to subscribe to blueprints that interest you, and then you'll be subscribed to things as they get put on the schedule18:00
jcastroand you'll have a personalized schedule, etc.18:00
jcastrobut mostly you'll walk to a big monitor at the beginning of each day and decide where you want to go18:00
ejathope to see u guys too .. since im in standby list ...18:00
czajkowskii have a non working oneiric :/18:00
mhall119jcastro: not that I've noticed, no18:00
ejatczajkowski: the same prob like u ask help from pitti ?18:01
jonojcastro, invited you to the hangout18:01
scott-workjcastro: currently i do not see many blueprints, do i need to RTFM more or is this correct currently?18:01
czajkowskiejat: no gotten a lot worse18:01
mhall119jcastro: but my ec2 has different data, much less traffic, and no crons18:01
czajkowskicant even get to my desktop18:01
czajkowskii get to login18:01
ejatczajkowski: i just manually recovered after upgrade ...18:01
ejatfrom the bug 81144118:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 811441 in dbus "Unable to connect to the system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused (oneiric)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81144118:01
czajkowskiso what go to a terminal and do more updates18:01
* ejat can say .. oneiric is aw3s0m3 :) 18:02
czajkowskiyeah i have other words18:02
* AlanBell updates oneiric . . .18:02
mhall119jcastro: http://imageshack.us/f/835/trackcolors.png/18:03
ejatczajkowski: i just half an hour using oneiric ... hehe18:03
czajkowskii cant do any updates as it fails to connect to everything18:04
ejatouch ..18:05
akgranernigelb, you around?18:07
AlanBell220MB of downloads and I too could have the same czajkowski oneiric experience18:08
AlanBellmust work out what to do with the appmenu lens18:09
ejatouch .. AlanBell .. u get what czajkowski experience ?18:14
* ejat upgrading now .. will i ? 18:14
AlanBellnot yet, installing the upgrades now18:15
ejati just 15.3MB of updates18:15
czajkowskinever restarting again18:15
popeyczajkowski: reboot to previous kernel perhaps?18:17
* popey reboots to oneiric to update it18:17
czajkowskipopey: how can i change the kernel on booting up ?18:17
popeyhold shift after you hit the power button18:21
akgranerpopey, shouldn't it be left shift18:22
popeydoesnt matte18:26
dakermhall119, http://www.eyecon.ro/colorpicker/ would be usefull t18:26
czajkowskiit wont do it18:27
popeyit will18:27
dakermhall119, useful too*18:27
popeyyou either have to be quick18:27
popeyor stab repeatedly after bios18:27
czajkowskioh thank you god18:27
AlanBellno, you can just hold down shift18:27
czajkowskii can boot into unity 2d18:27
AlanBellthat is why it is shift18:28
czajkowskihah i beat you, dumb laptop18:28
ejatczajkowski:  :)18:28
czajkowskiAlanBell: nope comes from drop down choice on login18:28
czajkowskithat and i had the bf laughing offering his mac18:28
czajkowskii refuse to be beaten18:28
popeyall updated18:37
popeynow, do I reboot :D18:38
AlanBellyeah, holding shift is the thingie to get you to the grub prompt for different kernels, shift is a modifier key so the bios doesn't complain about a key being held down, so you can hold shift right from power on18:39
jcastrojono: I found you a squealer song18:40
jcastrojono: pls queue up Becoming, on Far Beyond Driven.18:40
jonojcastro, love that tune!18:41
AlanBelland yeah, unity2d seems way more stable than the 3d version, I was doing lens stuff and 3d was a mess18:41
jcastroAlanBell: yeah me too18:41
jonojcastro, the song I was thinking of was Suicide Note Pt. II18:42
popeyI still want the drop shadow on the top panel to die in a fire18:42
jonofrom TGSTK18:42
popeyits so badly implemented18:42
popeyhowever, all updated and working fine \o/18:42
jcastrojono: god this song is so crap though18:42
jcastro10's is my fave on this one18:43
* jcastro queues up a few hours of banshee madness18:43
nigelbOh god. I juts rickrolled into the cake song. *faceplam*18:46
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
jonojcastro, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_VTfrF6TWU18:47
jcastrotoo late, I'm in my qeue!18:48
jcastroI will check it after my neck starts to hurt tho18:48
jonook, grabbing lunch, back soon18:50
jcastrojono: FOUND IT.19:39
jcastroSeptember 17th, 2007 is my date.19:39
jonojcastro, cool19:41
jonomy birthday19:41
jonoI should have rememberd that19:41
jcastrolol right, of course19:41
jcastrohah, we suck19:41
jonowe do indeed19:41
jcastroI think we've had this exact conversation .... 4 times19:41
nigelbsince 2007?19:42
nigelbjcastro: joining date?19:42
AlanBellczajkowski: mine booted and I could log in to the desktop19:44
AlanBell boots to a zeitgeis-daemon crash, but hey19:44
jcastronigelb: yeah19:44
jcastrokees' post today reminded me that I'm close19:45
nigelbjcastro: 4 YEARS \o/19:45
* jcastro is sad to see kees go, he's totally awesome19:45
* nigelb goes to planet19:45
nigelbOh, wow. Google.19:45
AlanBelllenses have been unbroken in a few ways but the app lens is still not very good at finding apps19:48
AlanBelland an off-by-one bug in the more results twisty19:48
jcastrohah weird, Larry Augustin added me in g+19:49
jcastrothere's a name blast from the past19:49
popeyshould something actually happen in gwibber when you click someone's nicek?20:23
popeylike someone mentioned by someone you follow20:23
popey\o/ FOSDEM20:24
jonoanyone on oneiric here?20:51
jonojcastro, http://img.ly/images/1967498/full20:52
mhall119oh sweet!21:03
* mhall119 really needs to upgrade now21:04
jcastrojono: nice!21:06
jonojcastro, in oneiric, if you type 'scan' into the home place do you get any results?21:07
nigelbjono: <321:07
jcastroI get simple scan21:07
jcastromy blur seems to have gotten slower recently too21:08
jonoodd, I don't get anything21:08
jonojcastro, when did you last upgrade/21:08
jonojcastro, when did you last upgrade?21:08
jcastrothis morning21:08
jonojcastro, hmmm, same here21:08
* akgraner thinks I need to upgrade my oneiric machine now...21:10
akgranerupdate even grrrrr21:15
AlanBellhmm, if you have the dash open and screensaver cuts in and locks the screen the login box shouldn't be drawn under the blurry dash should it . . .21:18
* AlanBell waits to reproduce after rebooting21:19
* AlanBell reproduces21:24
popeyAlanBell: got a bug number for that?22:25
DavieyAlanBell: Got a patch? :)22:41
popeyi cant even find the dialog for screensaver on my 11.1023:31
popeypress super then type screensaver I get nothing23:31

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