
evthis prepare page sizing is proving most annoying, especially without being able to use glade14:20
evI've got everything set to expand=false and it's still growing unnecessarily large14:21
stgraberis it since the switch to pygi?14:23
stgraberI noticed some layout difference on one of the edubuntu page where elements would use as much vertical space as possible even though they're set not to expand (but at least it's not too bad so didn't bother investigating)14:24
evstgraber: indeed14:34
evperhaps I should see if I can get a gtk3 build of parasite going to figure out exactly what's going on14:35
bdmurrayev: I'm looking at bug 847475 and wonder if mvo should look at it since it seems to be an upgrade issue.14:59
ubot2`Launchpad bug 847475 in ubiquity "Installer Crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84747514:59
bdmurraySep 11 20:05:31 ubuntu ubiquity: WARNING:root:can't add at-spi (pkg at-spi not marked upgrade)15:00
evbdmurray: doubtful, it looks like the locked database issue we've been seeing quite a bit of as of late15:00
bdmurrayev: which is that?15:01
evoh, I was looking too far down in the log15:01
evSep 11 20:12:09 ubuntu plugininstall.py:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/debconf.py", line 65, in command15:01
evSep 11 20:12:09 ubuntu plugininstall.py:     self.write.flush()15:01
evSep 11 20:12:09 ubuntu plugininstall.py: IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe15:01
evbut I see what you're pointing at now15:01
evyeah, if mvo has time to look at the traceback around resolver.resolve, that'd be awesome15:02
bdmurrayev: and are there any tells in the log that this is an upgrade?15:02
bdmurrayAptDaemon: INFO: UpgradeSystem() was called with safe mode: 1 ?15:03
evbdmurray: apt-clone is only run if it's an upgrade15:04
evbut you'll only see it in syslog if it fails15:04
bdmurraywell we don't usually get bugs about successes15:04
NCommandercjwatson: (or anyone familiar with netboot images), is there a way to have linux-firmware available? I'd like to make panda wifi work in d-i, and it needs a firmware blob from linux-firmware18:41
cjwatsonNCommander: linux-firmware already builds nic-firmware udebs which are already built into d-i initrds ...20:33
cjwatsonNCommander: linux-firmware already builds nic-firmware udebs which are already built into d-i initrds ...20:38
NCommandercjwatson: hrm, are all the firmwares copied into nic-firmwares or select ones? GrueMaster said the issue was a lack of firmware for the panda20:59
cjwatsonNCommander: I expect that it's manual22:09
cjwatsonyeah, see debian/nic-firmware.lst22:10
cjwatsonyou can just send kernel-team@ a patch to add stuff22:10
NCommandercjwatson: will do23:01

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