
dholbachgood morning07:09
bkerensahi dholbach07:10
bkerensadholbach: Can I pm?07:10
dholbachhi bkerensa07:15
dholbachbkerensa, nice work - are you going to link to some LoCo documentation or something?07:31
dholbachand instead of "LoCo's" I'd write "LoCos"07:32
dholbachbut that's all I have to remark :)07:32
bkerensadholbach: Yeah I will be doing much linking.... Thats just a roug draft which I will improve upon over the next day or so07:32
bkerensadholbach: Thanks for the feedback07:32
* bkerensa is going to pass out now :D07:32
dholbachexcellent - sleep tight :)07:33
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
Ronnie1jono: sorry to bother you again about the use of the name Ubuntu in our Foundation. I have two questions. 17:06
Ronnie11. do you know when you can have a clear answer to this question. 17:06
jonoRonnie1, sorry about this, I will call Michelle tomorrow and see what is going on17:07
Ronnie1jono: do you think after the phone call, we can get a clear answer?17:08
jonoRonnie1, yes17:08
Ronnie1oke, in that case, the 2nd question isnt needed anymore17:09
Ronnie1ill be probably online here tomorrow at this time. But you can also send me (and gemeenschapsraad@lists.ubuntu-nl.org) the mail with the details17:10
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
locodir-sherinhi 19:15
locodir-sherinI just wanna know about more about ubuntu loco team 19:16
locodir-sherinim naive user so wanna be in this open source world & connected 19:16
=== Ronnie2 is now known as Ronnie

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