
akgranermoving stuff to the wiki now00:56
akgranerleaving the stories that still need summaries on the googledoc00:56
akgranerbut have place holders on the wiki00:56
akgranerone sec and I'll be out of the wiki00:56
akgranerpleia2, I fact checked one of the stories that we have listed "In the Press" with Canonical and the story contains incorrect information that DOES NOt need to be perpetuated so I pulled the story00:57
akgranerOk all that is left on the google doc is the stories that still need summaries.  I'll do the stats in the morning....01:01
akgranerAlso since nhandler is in college now who is reminding teams about team reports?01:03
akgraner7 summaries are left and if someone could go through the wiki and check for spelling and grammar as well as formatting that would be great :-)  Thanks!01:09
* nlsthzn has to make a turn at work... so I might be able to have a look again in a few hours... no promises... 01:27
pleia2akgraner: thanks02:14
pleia2last week 11.10 updates were included, but that is HUGE since it's not released yet, do we really want to be doing that?03:44
pleia2just leaving it blank for now, I've added the other ones03:45
pleia2ok, I was going to finish up these last few summaries, but my dinner has arrived and I've been working for about 13 hours :) I will probably need sleep after dinner03:58
pleia2there are three more The Planet ones to do03:58
pleia2I'll finish them up tomorrow if others don't, and I'll add the stats03:58
* pleia2 dinner03:59
* nlsthzn is hitting the last few links08:33
nlsthznok, the last two or so are done...08:37
Myrttiwhere do you collect the links for next weeks?11:32
akgranerpleia2, in the past we switched to reporting on the development release at Beta 112:10
akgranerand yep it's always been huge for Beta 1 and Beta 2 :-)12:11
akgranerI don't have a preference...so what every you all think12:11
Myrttianyway http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/09/12/qt-project/12:15
akgranerpleia2, BeautifulSoup error when I try to run the scripts15:33
akgranerand I installed it already so I don't know why I am getting the errors15:33
akgranerwe can figure all that out at UDS :-)15:34
akgraneradded the remaining summaries and I'll do the stats now...15:42
akgranerWhile I am puling the stats can someone do a read through - I'll fix the camelcases when I add the stats...15:43
pleia2akgraner: I think we shouldn't do it until release, it's way too long (and people don't love them anyway)16:06
akgranerfine with me16:09
akgranerI just didn't want to change protocol without talking to the team16:09
akgranerI get accused of doing that enough accidentally without doing it on purpose :-)16:09
akgraneraddind the Ask Ubuntu Stats now16:10
akgranerthe other ones are in16:10
akgranerand all the summaries have been moved over and I changed the dates on the googledoc to reflect Issue 23316:10
akgranerStats are in16:16
akgranerwiki saved :-)16:16
akgranerpleia2, I added the development team stuff last night16:17
akgranerand removed all the ## lines16:17
akgranerIf another set of eyes can read through it and test the links we can get this thing published and outta here :-)16:18
pleia2my eyes are too sleepy still16:20
akgranerpleia2, I know what you mean - I've looked at it too much atm...going to eat some lunch then if no one else has proofed it  -- I'll go back over it :-)16:36
pleia2nlsthzn: think you can take a few minutes to proof read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue232 ?16:38
pleia2(or anyone else :))16:38
nlsthznpleia2, sure...16:39
nlsthznI am very sleepy but the following doesn't scan right (at the end...)16:59
nlsthznJono Bacon presents the link to this report survey and kicks of discussions with the Technical Board and the Developer Membership Board where a discussion on findings from the survey can take place and some “next steps” can be started improvements in the issues highlighted16:59
Pendulumit's a run-on sentance17:01
Pendulumnlsthzn: are you in the wiki?17:01
nlsthznYup... just giving it a quick once over proof read... the last bit doesn't work... I am cross-eyes at the moment... been a long hot day in the desert17:02
Pendulumnlsthzn: try this17:03
akgranerof should be off17:04
akgranerand the sentence can become two instead on one17:04
PendulumJono Bacon presents the link to his report survery to kick off dicussions with the Technical Board and Developmer Membership Board. These discussions will be used to decide how to start improving the issues highlighted.17:04
akgranerPendulum, nods17:04
akgraneranyone in the wiki?17:04
akgraneroff not I'll drop that in there17:05
Pendulumakgraner: nlsthzn is (which is why I didn't just fix that)17:05
nlsthznOK... I will change it to that then (or try at least :p)17:06
akgranernlsthzn, thanks17:06
nlsthznhad one more minor tweak... anything else will have to be caught by someone else... I am running on empty :p17:10
akgranerDaviey, can you drop meetingology into #ubuntu-leadership18:48
pleia2akgraner: I mentioned this in -us-ca, but I think it's a waste of resources if we don't actually intend to have meetings there18:48
pleia2we want the regular log bot, not meetingology18:48
akgranerwell  - sometimes we have to fall back to the channel18:49
akgranerdepending on -meeting schedules and stuff18:49
akgranerjust want to be prepared18:49
pleia2shouldn't we just plan our meetings not to conflict?18:49
akgranerif possible18:49
pleia2I think it's vital that these meetings in particular are held in the main meeting channel18:49
akgranerbut sometimes it doesn18:49
akgraneralways work :-(18:50
akgranerI think you are right18:50
pleia2I think we shouldn't have a meeting if it can't take place in the main channel18:50
akgranerbut I just wanted to be prepared as we work the kinks out18:50
pleia2leadership impacts every single team, we need to have everyone aware of what we discuss18:50
akgranerI know I agree18:50
akgranerI don't *want* to hold the meetings in ubuntu-leadership I just wanted to be prepared if we ever had too18:51
pleia2I guess we just disagree18:51
pleia2(that's ok :))18:52
akgranerno we are agreeing18:53
akgranerI agree with you18:54
akgranerif we don't ever have to use then great18:54
akgranerit's just there18:54
pleia2I am saying that there should never be a case in which we should ever use it, if there is a conflict we need to reschedule our meeting18:54
akgranerok...I don't care really - other than I want it to be as public as possible18:55
akgranerand I just wanted us to be as prepared for anything as possible :-) that's all18:55
akgranerbut I totally agree the meetings should be held in -meeting18:55
pleia2bots are a finite resource, meetingology can't join every single channel18:55
pleia2just seems like a waste since we should never use it18:56
akgranerok then  - hey Daviey cancel that request18:56
akgranerbut mootbot was everywhere18:56
akgraneror at least all the channels I was in18:56
pleia2didn't you use mootbot-uk?18:56
pleia2that's a separate bot from moobot18:57
akgraneryep after I learned about it18:57
akgranerwe stopped using mootbot and moved to mootbot-uk18:57
akgranerit's a non-issue to me - I really do agree with you :-)18:58
pleia2for most teams I'd agree that it's ok to have meetings in their project channel sometimes, but I really feel strongly against ever doing that with -leadership18:59
akgraner100% agreement - I just wanted a contingency plan19:00
akgranerthat's all19:00
* pleia2 gives up19:00
akgranerno I get it...19:00
pleia2the contingency plan is "reschedule meeting"19:00
akgranerI don't care as long as this gets off the ground :-)  that's all19:01
akgranerpleia2, which hat are you commenting from - CC or other....I agree and I'll go with that but other teams are using their channel b/c they found themselves rescheduling all the time.  I just don't want that to happen to this and then there is no good time for a meeting etc...19:03
pleia2I probably won't participate in leadership meetings which aren't public, it feels wrong to me19:04
akgranerno I agree - everything will be public19:04
akgranerthe channel is public19:04
pleia2yeah, but only key team members are there19:04
akgranerthe mailing list and LP is public19:04
akgranerright now it's new we are getting it off the ground19:04
pleia2it doesn't get exposure from the rest of the community were people can peek in, that makes me very uncomfortable19:05
akgranertotally understand19:05
akgranerwe want this to be a public as possible19:05
pleia2to me it would be like the CC taking their meetings to their own channel19:05
pleia2that should never happen (well, the CC doesn't *have* a channel either :))19:05
akgranerand when all the resources are in place there will be a very public, widespread invite19:05
akgranerbut we need all the resources there before we go inviting people to join something that doesn't exsist19:06
akgranerpleia2, I agree with you...19:06
akgranerthe channel was invite only because we were waiting for a logbot19:07
akgranerpleia2, want me to publish or do you want to?20:53
pleia2akgraner: I'll take a turn this week :)20:53
pleia2make sure I haven't forgotten anything20:54
akgranerI have about 45 mins before I need to go celebrate Becca's 16th b-day20:54
akgranerpleia2, great!20:54
akgranerthank you!20:54
pleia2I'll do it at 00:00 UTC (am working until then)20:54
pleia2have fun at the birthday party, woo sweet 16!20:54
akgraneryeah she is excited- I just feel old now....:-)20:55
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue23223:59

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