
bazhang<mamece2> if god exist then why praying cant fix ubuntu?00:43
rwwbecause God's a Debian user.01:00
tonyyarussoFalse.  God builds his distro from scratch.01:09
Flannellinux ex deus.01:13
mneptok"Linux ex Deo"01:43
mneptok(use the ablative declension for "deus" in that context)01:44
mneptokand sorry, i'll go ram my Medieval Studies degree somewhere suitably uncomfortable as punishment for pedantry.01:44
rwwtonyyarusso: God is way too lazy, let evolution create a perfect distro.02:10
rww(named it Debian)02:10
Flannelmneptok: Pedantry is always appreciated02:13
Jordan_UExcept errant pedantry, up with which I shall not put.02:15
Jordan_UAnd of course I spelled "arrant" wrong.02:16
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from fus10nx1)03:37
HowPinburiousHow often do all bans get cleared at #ubuntu-offtopic?03:43
IdleOnethey don't03:43
Myrttithere is no schedule03:44
Myrttino autoclean03:44
Myrttiall need to be reviewed by an op based on a discussion with other ops and/or the banned03:46
rwwhrm, think this one's mine?03:47
* rww takes a look03:47
IdleOneit is03:47
rwwah, righty.03:48
rwwHowPinburious: I'll remove it now if you're fine with following our channel guidelines and being a bit more... mature. Here's the link, have a read and let me know if you agree with them.03:50
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:50
HowPinburiousok, thanks.03:51
HowPinburiousrww: It came from the old habit of having very little consequence for actions online; as soon as anyone started disdaining me, I'd just change my username and that'd be the end of their ill feelings.03:51
HowPinburiousNow that online social dynamics change fast, it's time for me to move on from those habits.03:52
rww*nod* #ubuntu* is a bit stricter and more structured than most, and some of our ops spend entirely too much time tracking people between connections.03:52
HowPinburiousOk, I find no ambiguity in those rules from what I can tell.03:55
mneptokHowPinburious: the other thing to consider is that the more you become involved, the more likely it is you will meet other users in meatspace. don't let an ill reputation ruin that for you.03:56
HowPinburiousNo kidding about that one.03:57
rwwHowPinburious: alrighty, so you're fine with the conditions I laid out?03:57
HowPinburiousOk. Hopefully I won't forget so as far as I know, it's fine.03:58
rwwHowPinburious: alrighty, your ban is removed. Please /join #ubuntu-offtopic and speak to check I removed it correctly.03:59
rwwOkay, looks good. Have a good evening.03:59
HowPinburiousYou too.04:01
rww(now that you're all sorted, you can /part #ubuntu-ops, helps us keep track of whether anyone needs help)04:05
bazhanglooks familiar04:40
bazhangsyberbot now in #k05:16
bazhanggoogle it, plus he's on bt405:24
* Jordan_U knew someone was going to !fr in #ubuntu05:28
MyrttiHowPinburious: hi!05:29
bazhang#ubuntu reminds me of Sartre at times05:29
HowPinburiousMyrtti: do i know you?05:29
mneptokbazhang: i rather like Sartre. please don;t be insulting. ;)05:29
mneptokHowPinburious: we have a "no idling" policy in this channel05:30
MyrttiHowPinburious: no, you don't. I was just greeting you, before asking do you have anything else I or we could help you with?05:30
bazhangHuis Clos mneptok :)05:30
bazhang<evilpaeprbag>  <--- first he's using bt, then moments later MINT05:31
HowPinburiousOk, welp, I was not aware of a no-idling policy. (Which, the following may be outta context, is a good policy for parking garages and other closed structures with inadequate ventilation for vehicles.)05:32
rwwmaybe if you wait five minutes he'll be using Ubuntu and you can help him!05:32
bazhangis he making any sense at all?05:42
mneptokevilpaeprbag is straight out of Hamlet, Act V Sc V05:44
mneptok"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"05:44
bazhangheh nice05:45
* mneptok shakes a spear at bazhang 05:45
bazhangis syberbot an actual bot?05:51
mneptokSomewhere on a South Pacific island. Sitting there and staring at the sun. His native girlfriend died a death quite violent. A tribal sacrifice unto the earth.05:51
mneptokbazhang: no05:51
bazhangmneptok, thanks05:51
mneptokbazhang: /lastlog will show you the client is in meatspace05:51
mneptokPlease don't go to the vol-ca-no.05:53
rwwI see mneptok's gone off the deep end again.05:53
mneptokrww: i was born without a shallow end.05:53
bazhangnever used lastlog with xchat, did not know it was possible05:53
bazhangmanster <---- troll06:02
rwwsomething in the water today.06:03
bazhanghe had several warnings06:04
ikonialars ?11:19
Myrttilars is just thick, not offensive11:19
ikoniaanyone who's an idiot on that range raises my thoughts on lars11:19
ikoniahe can be quite offensive11:20
elkywe were whackamoleing a dip.t-dialin the other day11:20
elkyit's that champ11:20
elkyah, that was lars we were whackamoleing11:22
ikoniawas it ?11:22
ikoniaare you sure ?11:22
SinghamHI.....can anyone please tell me which books should I read so as to become good in Linux and Ubuntu ?13:18
oCeanSingham: you could ask in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel13:20
SinghamoCean :Ok thanks.   :)13:21
ikoniaI wonder what made him join here to ask13:21
oCeanikonia: he wants to be friends, and become an op13:22
ikoniaI've never seen him before13:22
oCeanikonia: he's been in here recently (last weekend) asking for help on applying for/becoming channel op13:23
ikoniaprobably why I missed him13:23
h00kLemon`BRB in #ubuntu has had warnings about ignoring /queries (or blocking them)15:48
IdleOneif he wants to ignore queries that's his problem. when he gets removed he will then understand why maybe it's a bad idea.15:49
genii-aroundI wonder if that guy was talking about Goobuntu15:54
h00kwhat's that?15:54
genii-aroundh00k: Ubuntu-based internal OS Google uses15:55
h00kOho, cool.15:55
h00kI would even consider at least looking at it,15:55
oCeanoh, have lag, sorry16:05
oCeanand quite some :(16:05
h00kikonia: nice.16:08
oCean* Adolf666 (~Fuhrer@
IdleOne/cs fail :/16:20
rwwIdleOne: 0, Adolf666: 116:20
IdleOnethey also use the nick muie because they don't know that xchat changes the tab name when you change nick16:28
PiciIdleOne: I just changed the ban because of that.16:28
IdleOnePici: thank you.16:28
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
MyrttiCalinou must be a telepath17:38
mneptokMyrtti: 2 warnings is enough, i think17:46
MyrttiI wouldn't have banned tho... oh well17:48
* Myrtti continues to search for a scarf knit pattern17:48
CoreyIdleOne: Why'd you remove eir's quiet?18:26
CoreyShe sometimes gets chatty.18:26
IdleOneWhy was the bot banned?18:26
tsimpsonCorey: b != q18:26
IdleOneI didn't see the bot do anything18:26
CoreyIt's already there, and I *think* that eir may have override anyway. :-)18:27
CoreyI wouldn't swear to that, though.18:27
Corey+q makes sense potentially though.18:28
CoreyWhich it has.18:28
CoreyDisregard me. :-)18:28
tsimpsonCorey: the bots set +z when they quiet someone, and eir just so happened to be fail, so the bots could see the NOTICE and auto-banned it18:29
mneptokMyrtti: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-film-geek-scarf18:29
MyrttiI've got a halfmade http://web.archive.org/web/20071227182208/http://dabne.net/carolina/geekknit/linuxscarf-en.htm18:30
mneptokmonkey like!18:31
Gredeubastidrazor, is not a part of ubuntu21:05
IdleOneif he does this again I am banning him from #ubuntu21:09
mneptok"not a part of ubuntu" huhwha?21:18
ubottuIn #ubuntu, BUS73D said: ubottu: your bot is funny23:03
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263323:26
rwwyeah, that's going to have to go away at some point23:26
Jordan_Urww: Why?23:27
rwwGNOME Classic w/ metacity in 11.04 is on right, and GNOME Unity can't switch from left to right, afaik23:27
rwwfor maximized windows, anyway23:27
Jordan_UInteresting. On the bright side this is the first I remember someone asking about this for a long time.23:28
ubottuIn #ubuntu, xaphir said: ubottu: an ubu user is telling me that the gui went down with 'telinit 3' so that would mean that runlevel 3 and 5 are not equal.23:36

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