
=== testguy349687369 is now known as Tohuw
=== Tohuw is now known as Guest9413
spilllooking for a way to daily email log files to a external email from maverick server, any ideas?02:40
spilltwb, do i need a email server configure for that to work?02:41
twb`If your server cannot send email, it is broken02:42
twb`It is critical that any Unix server be able to send email, because this is how services like cron, atd, smartmontools, mdadm send panic emails about the system dying.02:42
twb`Note that this doesn't mean you have to be able to *receive* emails as well.02:43
spilltwb, well, its a default install of maverick with postfix installed but I've never sent mail from it, is why I ask.02:43
jmarsdenspill: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix      # will configure it, in that case :)02:44
spilljmarsden, k thanks ;)02:45
twb`postfix isn't installed by default unless you configure RAID02:45
twb`(Which IMO is a bit of a silly distinction -- it happens because mdadm Recommends: m-t-a)02:45
twb`FWIW I use msmtp on my satellites, rather than configuring a full-on MTA on each of them02:46
twb`And then have msmtp set to syslog to the central loghost02:46
=== Nigel is now known as G
dravekxanyone familiar with scponly?05:43
dravekxIm trying to figure out how to add a user to that.05:43
twb`http://paste.debian.net/129510/ <-- the Right Thing, AFAIK05:44
dravekxtwb` yeah. i got that but they can still login to shell.05:45
twb`And "Subsystem sftp internal-sftp" of course05:45
twb`dravekx: then you did it wrong05:45
twb`If ForceCommand is working, they can't get to /bin/sh or anything05:45
dravekxok. let me recheck05:45
twb`Pastebin your whole sshd_config05:45
twb`dravekx: is the user in question in the sftponly group?05:50
dravekxah no.05:50
dravekxlet me try their login now.05:50
twb`Also you need >= 5.1 or so05:51
dravekxahh ok. I forgot to add them.05:51
dravekxworks now. :)05:51
twb`Before that sftp-internal didn't exist- ok, good05:51
dravekxtwb` any idea on how I can use a script for adding users for web hosting? I have userdir setup with public_html in home directories, but I want to automate a batch file to add new people.06:18
twb`for i in alice bob trent mallory; do adduser $i; addgroup $i sftponly; done06:19
twb`You should probably make their chroot into /home/%u/public_html in that use case, so they can't create e.g. .forward files06:19
greppyyou could also look at using mysql for user auth, libnss-mysql06:24
twb`Except then you'd be using mysql, and mysql is crap06:24
twb`If you really want to do it properly, go study kerberized LDAP, but don't expect to get it working in an afternoon.06:24
Myrttiooo novel06:25
* Myrtti makes a note06:25
twb`FWIW I use unkerberized LDAP + slapo-ppolicy + exop + TLS-only, with an autonomous X.509 hierarchy, and no root binddn whatsoever.  It means NFS is wide open, but it works well enough for my homogeneous lucid environment.06:26
greppy*shrug* there may be "better" options, but mysql can work :)06:26
twb`greppy: so can flat files.06:26
greppytwb`: true, but if you want to manage users with scripts/web apps, mysql can make it easier.06:27
twb`It should also be noted that anyone logging in via SSH keys will bypass PAM entirely.06:27
twb`greppy: if you are managing users from a web UI you are already screwed.06:27
greppyit works for me, and for them.06:29
twb`There are people out there who think that *webmin* works for them06:34
greppyI use froxlor to manage web/mail hosting customers, everything else is managed over ssh.06:35
dravekxman. I understand what needs to written for the bash script, but I have no idea how to format it. lol :S07:06
ersidravekx: start with something and then worry about the iterations/layout :P07:22
ersiand remember to test and debug it as you go07:22
jamespagemorning all07:57
dravekxwhere do I save a bash script if I want to run it anywhere on the server? /etc/init.d/ ?07:59
remix_tjdravekx: /usr/local/bin/ ?07:59
dravekxbin or sbin?08:00
DavieyHow is everyone this fine Monday morning?08:19
dravekxhead scratching08:20
Davieydravekx: As dravekx said, /usr/local/bin/ for system wide, or ~/bin/ for just your user.08:20
dravekxDaviey I know. Im trying to make this work: http://pastebin.com/DDejSKdH08:21
dravekxI want to put addwebuser user1 user2 user3 and it run the command for all 3 users. :S08:21
lynxmanDaviey: good morning to you sir o/08:22
jamespagedravekx: hmmm - so whats not working for you ATM08:25
remix_tjdravekx: if i said bin is bin08:27
dravekxjamespage i want to type addwebuser user1 user2 user3 and it run the command for all 3 users.08:27
dravekxalmost works08:28
jamespagedravekx: OK so I can see what you want todo - but what is not actually working for you ATM - the script? or locating it so you can just type addwebuser xx xx xx?08:29
Daviey~mornign lynxman08:29
dravekxI keep getting an error on line 3.08:29
dravekx./usr/local/bin/addwebuser: line 3: parbarman: command not found08:29
dravekxparbarman = user08:29
eagles0513875hey guys i have a dovecot-imapd server + postfix MTA08:30
gacyou don't need "do $u"08:30
jamespagedravekx: OK - you need to remove the $u from that line - the script is trying to execute $u08:30
Davieydravekx: google for bash for loop. :)08:30
eagles0513875how can i adjust the size of attachments that are acceptable by my server08:30
dravekxjamespage echo doesnt run teh commands though, does it? it just prints them on screen?08:31
gacit's the "do $u" that's confusing it though08:32
jamespagedravekx: yes - so remove echo to make it run them08:32
gacthe echos will work, but you're crashing out before getting to the loop08:32
jamespagegac: aye - thats whats causing the error08:32
dravekxk test run #5 :)08:32
dravekxinstead of adding sudo to each line, can I remove that too and say sudo addwebuser user1 user2?08:33
dravekxhmm group add didnt work :S08:35
dravekxcool. everything else did :) woot!08:36
rohlikHello, I would like to ask, if it is possible to run a virtual machine with GUI (preferably natty desktop) on a non GUI server. This virtual machine should be accessible from network, to allow users to work on it and use the server memory. Can you please point me to what I should read? Is KVM the thing I need?08:45
greppyYou should be able to do that with VirtualBox08:47
hgb^harryrohlik: vmware server would be a very easy solution to start with... (probably not the best regarding performance)08:47
dravekxi keep adding a user to a group with usermod -g group user, but it's not showing the user as a part of the group when I edit /etc/group. any idea why?08:48
maxbsounds like you have some confusion between primary and supplementary groups08:49
ersirohlik: Yes, it's totally possible.08:49
greppyuse -G for supplemental groups.08:49
greppyyou can also do that with adduser, to avoid having to run multiple commands.08:50
dravekxthat was it. i was getting there. :)08:50
dravekxgreppy looking into that also. :)08:50
dravekxso for adduser, i would just add -G group to the end of it?08:53
rohlikthank you guys )08:53
rudrai want to create a web based mail server can some one help me out please?09:14
rudrai'm seriously struck with this help needed in this09:15
ersirudra: Do you have the mail server setup already? In that case, I suggest looking at Roundcube09:17
rudrahey <ersi> i dont have it i want it from scratch09:18
rudra<ersi>i dont have it i want it from scratch09:19
ersirudra: I suggest starting here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html09:20
rickb|Hello, I have a 11.04 x86 machine hooked into my hd tv via vga.. i can't see anything that is on the left. the dell bios screen comes up fine, setup comes up fine centered, no missing areas. What's going on?? :(09:20
ersiPlease do note that I chose the ubuntu 10.04 version, adjust that to the version you're running (10.10, 10.04 etc)09:20
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Davieyjamespage: I'm right in saying sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name doesn't work on arm?10:34
jamespageDaviey: Confirmed - sudo: dmidecode: command not found10:35
=== JoeGazz84 is now known as AFK
ServerTechHelp : Okay so I installed Ubuntu 11.04 Server Edition without setting up DHCP, and now after i have plugged in my internet to the server, it does not find it. What should i do?12:19
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zuladam_g: ping when you are around13:09
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hallynDaviey: ok, so re bug 828782 - do you have a roadmap in mind?  For this release, are you thinking only spice itself?  or spice-gtk too?  And if spice-gtk too, then how about the kvm-spice?13:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 828782 in Ubuntu Oneiric "[FFE] Please sync spice 0.8.2-2 (universe) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82878213:53
hallyn(I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused about where we left it last time, and whether there is evan an Acked kvm-spice package ffe)13:54
hallynI guess there's no way we can FFE kvm-spice for o13:57
hallyn(and we can't enable it in qemu-kvm as spice is heading for universe, so PPA it will have to be)13:57
Davieyhallyn: So i've put in the spice sync..13:59
DavieyI wanted to talk to you about spice-gtk..13:59
DavieyAs in, whilst it it is universe - i still think we (you?) should look after it for the life of Oneiric.14:00
DavieyIf that is OK.. then lets do it.14:00
Davieyhallyn: I don't know anything about kvm-spice14:01
DavieyIf it is a totally different source package, then sounds safe?14:01
hallynDaviey: yes, i don't see how i'd have any choice but to look after it for the life of O anyway :)14:02
hallynDaviey: kvm-spice is same source, but different packaging, as qemu-kvm,14:03
hallynDaviey: it compiles with --enable-spice, calls the result qemu-kvm-spice, so it doesn't conflict with qemu-kvm14:03
DavieyYeah, i mean for distro view. Is it a seperate source package or built from qemu-kvm?14:03
hallyni had it as a separate source package (https://launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/+archive/spice2/+files/qemu-kvm-spice_0.14.0%2Bnoroms-0ubuntu8.dsc)14:04
hallynshould be possible to do it in qemu-kvm package itself14:04
hallynjust needs to rebuild qemu-kvm with --enable-spice, and rename the result14:05
hallynDaviey: if i proceed with a new binary package in the qemu-kvm source package, is that more likely to be FFE'd?  o ris it too late anyway for this cycle you figure?14:08
hallyni always forget - it's the binary packages, not source packages, that are designated to main/universe right?14:09
Davieyhallyn: both..14:10
DavieyA main binary package should be built from main binary, and binary in main should be built from main source.. but not all binaries need to be in main14:11
DavieySo, kvm-spice could be in universe from a main source package, for example.14:11
Davieyhallyn: if the impact on the rest of the package is minimal, a FFe is still viable.14:12
=== manjo` is now known as manjo
sjefen6Hi I am trying to install http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ on my Dell Optiplex GX260 and the install stops after dhcpv6 have run during regular install. Is there a bug or something?14:16
hallynDaviey: great!14:23
sjefen6I ment http://ftp.uninett.no/linux/ubuntu-iso/oneiric/ubuntu-11.10-beta1-server-i386.iso14:23
hallynDaviey: when do you think the spice package might go to archive?14:26
hallyn(as that affects the qemu-kvm-spice package of course)14:26
Davieyhallyn: blocked on an AA accpeting it.14:29
hallynDaviey: ok in any case i'll try to get a proposal ready for the binary package by EOD14:29
DavieyMight get done today, or whenever.14:29
DavieyI gave it a FFe ack.14:29
hallynsaw that, thanks!14:29
zulDaviey: just in the process of uploading swift 1.4.3 final14:39
Davieyzul: eeeeeek14:47
hallynDaviey: say i wonder if bug 819486 is fixed15:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 819486 in qemu-kvm "cannot boot from network - roms missing" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81948615:02
Davieyhallyn: that is surely a dupe of the one you fixed a while ago?15:03
hallyni think so15:03
Davieyhallyn: send a ping on the bug for it to be checked.15:04
hallynDaviey: but, no,15:04
hallynDaviey: we haven't yet made it suggest/recommend/depend ipxe15:04
hallynas i recall soren was complaining that the purpose of kvm-pxe was to pull the simpler ones out of etherboot15:04
hallynbut, since ipxe is now in main, that's moot15:04
hallyn(a potential cause for huge pain, but moot :)15:05
Davieyhallyn: Really, it should be a recommend.. but not everyone with kvm really needs this - i'd make it a Suggest15:05
Davieywhich doesn't really mean anything tbh15:05
hallynDaviey: but that was the whole basis of this bug,15:05
hallyn'suggests' wasn't enough for the guy15:05
DavieyI wonder how many people that use kvm need network booting?15:06
hallynno idea.15:06
hallynbut can you think of a good place to document it?15:06
Davieyapt now exposes suggests as a comment, doesn't it?15:06
hallynyes, i see it when i install15:06
hallynso should we just call that bug wontfix for now?15:07
hallynOr maybe mention it in the package descrition?15:07
DavieyCan you paste the comment you see?15:07
hallyn'network booting is supported with the extra ipxe package' ?15:07
Davieyon the bug report, stating why you feel it's WONT FIX15:07
Davieyhallyn: Yeah, adding it to the extended description of kvm wouldn't hurt15:08
Davieyhallyn: for alice i did that, http://pb.daviey.com/EKZo/ (see last line)15:09
Davieyit's marked as a Suggests, but i added it to the extended description aswell15:10
hallynDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/687685/  (text when isntalling)15:10
Davieyhallyn: Yeah, i would say adding it to the description would help.. If that bug gets more noise, we can reconsider.15:11
hallynok.  i'll do that and cite it as fixing that bug15:12
hallynwhich then leaves us with only the capslock bug for qemu, meaning 0.15 is hard to justify :)15:12
hallynDaviey: so should i add ipxe to the suggests, or replace kvm-pxe?  (or neither)15:13
hallyni guess i'll replace15:13
Davieyhallyn: kvm-pxe doesn't have a place anymore, does it?15:14
Davieygenuine question.15:15
hallynwhat do you mean?15:15
hallynit's probably going away, but it's still in universe15:15
Davieyhallyn: You added symlinks to ipxe to make kvm notice the roms, right?15:15
hallynuh, but did you? :)15:15
DavieySo i can't see what kvm-pxe offers anymore.15:15
* hallyn goes and check ipxe15:16
hallynyeah that change is there15:16
Davieytalking of ipxe... lynxman, did you try that branch?15:17
lynxmanDaviey: on it15:17
Davieylynxman: Would like to upload that today, based on your feedback. :)15:18
hallynwhat changes?15:18
lynxmanDaviey: you'll have my feedback in ~1 hr tops15:18
lynxmanDaviey: was busy with cloudfoundry :)15:18
Davieylynxman: bah, excuses!15:19
lynxmanDaviey: but hey, they're very good excuses15:19
lynxmanDaviey: :)15:19
Davieylynxman: mediocre, at best.15:19
hallynDaviey: is changing the Suggests something that needs FFE?15:19
lynxmanDaviey: will try to make them better15:19
hallynDaviey: put another way:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/687695/   can i just dput that?15:20
Davieyhallyn: nah.. Suggests don't mean anything.. If an admin has instal Suggests by default, they are doing it wrong.15:20
Davieyhallyn: ask it's a more techie audience, you could add - "which provides the boot roms"15:21
lynxmanfrak, the daily build is badly broken today :/15:21
hallynDaviey: oh yeah, then there is bug 814222.  I think after some arguing my patch was accepted upstream, so i should be able to cherrypick that cleanly15:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 814222 in qemu-kvm "kvm cannot use vhd files over 127GB" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81422215:22
smoserhallyn, around ?15:23
hallynDaviey: ok will add 'which provides the boot roms'15:23
hallynsmoser: yeah15:23
Davieylynxman: how so, i see powerwake breaks the cd.. but what else?15:23
lynxmanDaviey: tried to install a VM and installer couldn't proceed because "didn't find any suitable package for the kernel"15:23
lynxmanDaviey: I'm trying with yesterdays15:24
Davieylynxman: ah. might want to use the prior cd image15:24
Davieythat will be a transient issue15:24
lynxmanDaviey: :)15:24
DavieyRoAkSoAx: Around?15:25
Davieykees: Have you been able to look at nova MIR yet?15:26
DavieyUrsinha: How did you get on with your apport investigation?15:35
sorenhallyn: I'd recommend building a package that holds only the ROM's relevant to kvm from the ipxe source package and recommend/suggest/whatever that from qemu-kvm.15:38
sorenhallyn: IIRC, the full ipxe package is rather heavyweight?15:38
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yes15:40
RoAkSoAxDaviey: what's up?15:41
DavieyRoAkSoAx: scapy is still a depends of powernap?15:42
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yes it is15:43
RoAkSoAxDaviey: no no not depends15:43
RoAkSoAxjust Suggests15:43
DavieyRoAkSoAx: are you sure?15:44
RoAkSoAxDaviey: uhmm wtf! I know what happened15:44
RoAkSoAxDaviey: I uploaded a new upstream bugfix release which didn't have that change15:45
DavieyRoAkSoAx: you broke the daily ISO :)15:47
RoAkSoAxDaviey: argh.. sorry :(15:47
RoAkSoAxDaviey: fixed again15:48
TheEvilPhoenixDaviey:  oh, so the ISOs are still brokenish?15:48
RoAkSoAxDaviey: ok made sure the change is in trunk too15:49
GrueMasterRoAkSoAx: Hey,sorry about not getting back to you about your preseed file.  Still running the install.  I got distracted Friday after starting it, and just noticed it was prompting me for task selection.  Will let it continue and see what I can see.15:50
RoAkSoAxGrueMaster: Hey! No worries man! thanks though15:51
keesDaviey: that's today (nova)16:06
UrsinhaDaviey, not really far, sorry :/.16:07
Ursinhawas working on prioritized report... you might like it16:07
adam_gzul: pong16:08
zuladam_g: hey can we switch to the  ubuntu archive version of nova/swift/glance in the ensemble formulas?16:08
adam_gzul: yeah, its configurable in each formulas config.yaml16:09
zuladam_g: cool can you make it default?16:10
adam_gzul: it is16:10
zuladam_g: cool thanks16:10
adam_gcheck config.yaml in any of the formulas16:10
robbiewUrsinha: can you approve my ubuntu defect analyst team membership?16:11
Ursinharobbiew, sure16:11
Davieykees: rocking!16:11
DavieyUrsinha: looking forward to it.16:11
Ursinharobbiew, done16:11
SpamapSwow.. the rebuild fairies were busy this weekend.. 518 messages in oneiric-changes.. :-p16:12
* genii-around makes a note not to check his email from the phone today16:12
hallynsoren: true, it is16:22
hallynsoren: perhaps for P, I should make it a point to update kvm-pxe to use ipxe source, then point kvm back at kvm-pxe16:23
hallynbut i don't expect that for o16:23
hallyndon't expect to have time for that for o16:23
* zul lunches16:28
spillhaving problems with "logrotate" not emailing logs when it rotates them, any sugestions?16:38
lynxmanDaviey: ipxe patch tested, it's golden :)16:46
koolhead17hi all16:56
Davieylynxman: golden as in sweet as a nut?16:57
lynxmanDaviey: yeah, it works smoothly16:57
spillhaving problems with "logrotate" not emailing logs when it rotates them, any sugestions?16:57
lynxmanspill: that means you have the problem twice?16:58
lynxmanspill: jokes aside, I'd check my mail logs and see why it's not emailing them if the config is correct16:59
spilllynxman, ;) well, Im using postfix and it manually sends a test mail fine, just wasnt sure if that what logrotate was using to send the logs17:00
lynxmanspill: it should use the default MTA, which is postfix17:00
Davieyspill: Do you have a root alias?17:00
Davieyit's probably emailing them to root, and you don't have a root alias.17:01
spillDaviey, how do I fix that?17:01
spillDaviey, also I'm emailing to an external address, again postfix does this fine manually.17:02
lynxmanspill: edit /etc/aliases check if root has an alias, if not add one, then run newaliases17:02
spilllynxman, roger that, I'll give it a shot. thanks for the tip.17:03
lynxmanspill: no worries ;)17:03
spilllynxman, ok, I had an alias from root to my admin account and still nogo on the email.17:08
lynxmanspill: and did you check the mail logs? did something go through? :)17:09
lynxmanspill: can you pastebin your logrotate configuration somewhere?17:10
spilllynxman, opps, let me take a look now ;)17:10
lynxmanspill: did you actually modify it to send an email?17:10
spilllynxman, i'm using webmin to configure it.17:10
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:12
spillubottu, thats a bummer, well, I can configure it in a terminal. let me take a look and see whats its doing then, didnt realize webmin was an issue.17:14
ubottuspill: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:14
spilljust replied to a bot ;) trying to be polite. geeeze.17:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #848055 in amavisd-new (main) "amavisd-release not working when message contains empty X-Envelope-To-Blocked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84805517:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #847744 in samba (main) "Panic or segfault in Samba" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84774417:17
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GrueMasterRoAkSoAx: Ok, I finished with your preseed installing on SD only.  It fails to create a fat partition for the bootloader, and also sets up an odd partition table.  247 heads, 63 Secctors.  Should be 255/63 with Cylinders matching ($Drive-Size/$heads/$sectors/512).17:33
GrueMasterI think it is part of bug 806751.17:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 806751 in debian-installer "Boot partition on SD is too small on omap/omap4" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80675117:34
GrueMasterNot sure.17:35
RoAkSoAxGrueMaster: uhmm I see17:35
RoAkSoAxyeah that might be right then17:35
GrueMasterafaik, the recommended install path for netinstall is usb anyways, with SD only for bootloader.17:36
RoAkSoAxGrueMaster: ok cool, that what I'll end up doing17:36
GrueMasterMy preseed is here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/687793/17:37
GrueMasterIt works without fail.17:38
RoAkSoAxGrueMaster: cool! thanks!!17:39
BleghGood evening, I'm afraid I'm here to be a support leech, could somebody please point me in a direction to send all mail except for a few local addresses to one of the local accounts?17:40
BleghI've been trying to figure it out for 6 hours -_-17:41
BleghHmm, or even stop it from sending out towards the internet, oic, it's postfix btw17:43
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jmlI was wondering if someone could give me a hand trying to fix this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server/+bug/84553617:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 845536 in rabbitmq-server "rabbitmq user showed as being logged in" [Medium,Confirmed]17:58
BleghNevermind, got it sorted.18:26
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methods1does ubuntu server use upstart too ?18:50
ersimethods1: Yes.18:54
RoyKmethods1: the difference between ubuntu desktop and server is mostly the set of packages installed18:59
RoyKmethods1: only exception I can think of, is the kernel18:59
SpamapSRoyK: is there kernel even different anymore? I don't think it is.19:13
* SpamapS tends to try really hard to ignore the kernel19:13
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hallynDaviey: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/qemu-spice-sep12.2011.debdiff20:21
hallynseems to be working here.20:21
dravekxwhy would you do this? usermod -d / user20:23
dravekxor better question.. why would you do that if you want to jail your users to /home/user ?20:24
* hallyn bbl20:24
ruben23hi guys i have installed apache2 on my ubuntu server now, i wanted to enable web server on port 8080= i already set the apache2 to listen to port 8080 but still i get this error ---->http://pastebin.com/kq9V7jMM---------------.20:33
ruben23see tath ^^20:33
dforthmandid you restart the webserver after changing the port?20:34
Jeeves_ruben23: You need to fix your vhost definition20:40
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hallynDaviey: and hey - that version of kvm with spicec client is looking very nice22:13
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
hallynDaviey: debdif attached to the FFE bug.  i'm out for awhile22:16
Davieyhallyn: cool, will look tommorrow22:33
Davieyadam_g: What orchestra bugs were you blocked on?22:37
sms_rtorrent won't keep downloading after I detach the screen session, and logout22:46
sms_The logout part stops it22:46
cloakablelocal session or ssh?22:46
sms_either way22:47
cloakableBecause stuff I run in screen keeps running22:47
sms_Yeah the process is running after I log back in, but the downloads have halted22:47
sms_rrrr.. I don't get it22:58
sms_I also can't ftp into it after I logout23:04
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
sms_"File chunk write error no such file or directory" rtorrent says on one of the torrents after I restart it23:15
GrueMasterBTW, not sure if anyone noticed, but we now have ubuntu-core images available for x86 & amd64.  For more info, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core.  Much easier than createing from debootstrap. (not a replacement).23:37

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