
shaunoI'm not sure I'll ever understand this country.  met eireann is giving us storm, flood and .. potato blight warnings?  http://met.ie/forecasts/warnings.asp00:45
directhexshauno: if there's a potato blight, everyone will starve00:46
shaunoheh, I'm not going there ;)00:47
shaunowound up on a bus/tourist tour recently, where the driver kept getting stuck on the very same topic.  rather awkward00:48
hamitronmy potato crop has been poor this year00:57
directhexyou can't survive on a diet of only guinness, y'know. the potatoes are needed to supply the essential starch needed by the irish digestive system00:58
shaunoI sometimes think not being able to live on guinness alone, is a purely budgetary constraint01:03
ali1234android browser does not support css fonts. or preformatted whitespace. or handle float:left properly01:47
ali1234lol i crashed the browsershots vm01:55
ali1234silly ie601:55
ali1234i guess it does not like vendor specific unicode01:55
ali1234i think it's working now. teletext from 1996: http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/teletext/02:34
ali1234look at this aardvark: http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/teletext/520.html02:38
ali1234btw, you can click page numbers to go to that page02:38
ali1234or the coloured fasttext links at the bottom work too02:39
sammmHazRPG: OMG dude I just went for a dump and so much blood come out of my arse and made the toilet all red. :(02:39
sammmAnd I ate a whole packet of high-fibre cereal too.02:39
sammmHazRPG: I'm also thinking of lowering my mouse sentivity from 55CM/360 back down to 45CM/36002:40
sammmHazRPG: My mouse mat is too small :(02:54
sammmHazRPG: But it was the biggest I could find online02:54
=== Samuel-NotAFK1 is now known as sammm
kaushalI have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM06:03
kaushalHow do i reset root password of guest OS in KVM ?06:04
Myrttithe same way you would without KVM06:20
kaushalMyrtti: i did virt-viewer --wait vm306:26
kaushalhow do i get into grub prompt06:26
kaushalits 10.0406:27
MartijnVdSkaushal: just press escape (or turn on caps lock) when it's booting up, like on a normal machine?06:28
MartijnVdSanother option is to stop the guest, mount its filesystem on the host, "fix" /etc/passwd, unmount and start the guest06:29
MartijnVdSbut that's not always easy/possible06:29
directhexwoo 3g07:20
kaushalMartijnVdS: Thanks07:20
kaushalit worked07:20
kaushalMyrtti: thanks07:20
kaushalis there a way to check a specific server whose date is out of sync with the NTP Server ?07:20
kaushalin the form of shell script ?07:20
popeyMorning all07:22
jpdskaushal: ntpq -p07:29
christelGood morning07:37
MartijnVdS\o christel07:37
christelhullu \o/07:37
bigcalmMorning peeps :)07:44
christelheya bigcalm, Myrtti <307:45
* bigcalm hugs christel and goes in search of coffee07:45
diploMorning all07:47
=== aquarius_ is now known as aquarius
bigcalmI can smell coffee!08:00
* bigcalm still doesn't wake up08:00
czajkowskidates are out for FOSDEM 4&5th February08:07
bigcalmMorning czajkowski :)08:08
directhexczajkowski, i should write a talk! i like fosdem!08:18
popeyi like it too08:18
popeyI think I'll go this year08:18
* AlanBell looks forward to more during the week type conferences08:26
JamesTaitHappy Monday, everyone! :)08:27
popeyHappy birthday JamesTait08:29
bigcalmHappy thingy wotsit JamesTait & S. Popey08:30
* directhex is on vdsl08:36
ikoniapopey: ahh you're active08:36
ikoniapopey: http://calculon.dnsdata.co.uk/images/stuff/popey-facebook.png08:37
ikoniapopey: it came back, slightly different, but the same thing08:38
bigcalmdirecthex: Vino Drenched Sardines & Licorice?08:38
directhex"Very-high-bitrate digital subscriber line"08:39
ikoniadirecthex: finally on fibre08:39
ikoniadirecthex: any good08:39
directhexno word yet on reliability08:40
directhexspeed is good08:40
directhexbigcalm, yeah08:42
oimonhmm getting a lot of referrer traffic on my blog from ibmforums.ibm.com but this seems to be some private ibm forum. anyone in here have access?08:43
popeyikonia: I have never even _seen_ that video08:55
ikoniapopey: it's slightly different than normal as it normally looks like you've posted it, however this time it shows you like it08:56
ikoniain this situation I can't actually see where it's come from08:57
popeyi never hit 'like' on 3rd party sites08:58
ikoniapopey: I don't doubt it, I never hit like, I thought it was you last time as it appeared to come from you, however this time, I can't understand where it's come from / who's posted it08:58
ikoniait appears to be ever so slightly different08:58
directhexI hate hate hate sites which integrate with facebook08:59
ikonia(but the same video/base content)08:59
directhexfacebook gives so little control over what bullshit gets posted to your wall (and therefore force-fed to your internet friends)08:59
ikoniadirecthex: it would appear that way, this one has me geniunly stumped of who/what posted it08:59
ikoniabefore it was clear popey posted it (even though he didn't) now, I can't work it out09:00
directhexfaked "like" clicks, courtesy of dodgy javascript?09:01
ikoniaI only posted it to show popey as I couldn't get a screen shot of it last time09:01
ikoniadirecthex: but normally it shows who posted it09:01
ikoniaif you look att he screen shot it appears to have come from no-one09:01
popeywhat do you get if you hit the x?09:02
ikoniablock or report as spam09:02
popeydoes it mention a group or person it came from?09:02
popeyblock it ☺09:03
ikoniahide all be kalau light saber09:03
popeybright green scroll bars :D09:03
ikoniahowever I have no group or friend called that09:03
directhexlike is a plague, because you can't block the source of a like09:03
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:03
directhexe.g. i block farmville, but if someone likes farmville spam, it appears in my feed09:03
ikoniapopey: they are amaazing scroll bars !09:03
oimon"interesting" theme..09:04
ikoniajust a basic dark one09:06
directhex2011-09-12 10:07:52 (4.37 MB/s) - `ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso' saved [718583808/718583808]09:08
popeydirecthex: 3g?09:08
directhex100%[======================================>] 718,583,808 4.69M/s   in 2m 37s09:08
AlanBelldirecthex: have you wall mounted the white box?09:16
directhexAlanBell, not yet. i'd need to get some wall plugs of suitable lengths09:17
directhexalthough supposedly the 3rd-gen huawei doesn't fail so much under load09:18
directhexstill gets hot, but cares less about it09:18
AlanBelldoes it have a big "2B" on the base?09:18
AlanBellthe first one I had was the old model and cooked itself to crashyness within an hour09:19
directhexAlanBell, the 2B is 3rd gen09:22
directhex2V is 2nd gen09:22
MezHas anyone had Nvidia working on Natty?09:22
MezMine is still totally fucked.09:22
AlanBellI have a 2B now, it is wall mounted but seems cooler anyway09:22
AlanBellLanguage Mez!09:23
directhexi'll see how we go horizontally for now.09:23
MezAlanBell: apologies.09:23
popeyworks for me09:24
Mezpopey: Hmmles... mine won't work whatsoever... I can't get any kind of 3D acceleration.09:25
popeyis nvidia-current installed?09:29
popeywhat do you have in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?09:30
MezInstalled but not activated09:34
ikoniaput it in your xorg to activate iut09:34
ikoniaxorg.conf even09:35
Mezseems to load compiz, but crashes09:36
Mez*** glibc detected *** compiz: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000001765260 ***09:36
ikoniadisable compiz and test it09:36
Mezikonia, huh?09:36
MezI was referring to compiz there.09:37
MezI'd ran it manuall09:37
ikoniaso do you get a stable working nvidia accelerated enviornment without compiz running ?09:37
MezI don't know.09:37
ikoniadisable compiz and try it09:37
MezI'm NOT running compiz.09:38
ikoniasorry, your line "seems to load compiz and crashes" suggested you where09:38
popeyI still want to see Xorg.0.log09:38
MezI attempted it to get the error log - then when it froze - replaced owith metacity09:38
popeyhave you rebooted since installing nvidia-current?09:39
MezAbout 700 times.  I've been having to run Gnome-classic with no Desktop effects since Pre-Natty09:39
gordattempt again :)09:39
Mezglxgears runs @ 1200 FPS09:39
gordXorg.0.log is the key here09:40
MezSo I'm presuming that's actually a stable 3d environment09:40
MezMy terminals playing up. one sec09:40
gordglxgears is not a good indication of anything09:41
popeylooks good09:42
bigcalmLooks pretty though09:42
Mezhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/687503/ before anyone asks09:43
gordisn't the 7300 that card that just bugs out all the time?09:43
MezIt never bugged out before though.09:44
gordMez, right its the nvidia drivers or something, you might have more luck with Nouveau in accelerated mode to be honest. i was pleasantly surprised that it ran unity with all the bells and whistles just fine on my revo the other day09:45
MezSo, something that was previously supported is no longer supported after the drivers were updated.  Now I know that Canonical have no control over it... but man... That's f**king annoying09:46
popeys/canonical have no/nobody has any/09:46
bigcalmMez: please try not to swear, even *ing out letters doesn't look nice09:47
gordsometimes there are bugs, nvidia don't reeeally care about old gpus in their new drivers09:47
AlanBellso noveau sounds like the way forward then09:48
gordnouveau has its own shedload of problems too :)09:48
gorddepends if your usecase falls in line with them or not09:49
oimonhaving persistent problems with a particular .ashx feed in liferea. what other feed readers do people use?09:52
oimonmy workaround is to add it to google reader and then add google reader to liferea :-S09:52
bigcalmThe wind is now setting off car alarms09:54
* bigcalm is alarmed09:54
gordbecause you are a car alarm too?09:55
Mezbigcalm: yes - I know - I'm just very very frustrated.09:55
MezNow is about the time I'd be upgrading to +1.09:56
olyanyone here got any tips on helping bugs get resolved in particular i would like to see this one resolved https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/77438509:58
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 774385 in linux (Ubuntu) "dell studio 1749 sd reader not working " [Undecided,Confirmed]09:58
bigcalmoly: doesn't work in my studio either, though I've never looked for a fix as I have a usb sd card reader as well10:01
olyyeah, its annoying it used to work perfectly pre 10.04 and its still broken in 11.0410:02
olyi mean 11.04 and 11.10 its broke10:02
oly10.10 it used to work perfectly10:02
olywant to try and get some tracktion behind it now, as once its released they dont seem as intrested in fixing bugs for a current release :)10:03
AlanBelloly: try and find out if the same hardware is in a certified laptop10:03
bigcalmMine isn't on the list :(10:05
olybigcalm, does everything else work on your laptop from livecd as this is the only thing i have found that does not10:06
gordone of the big reasons i bought the thinkpad X220 was that it was ubuntu certified :)10:06
gordor something akin to taht10:07
gordit was on an wiki ;)10:07
olyAlanBell, those models dont actually list the sd card reader device from what i can tell10:08
davmor2morning all10:08
olylspci tells me its this SD Host controller: O2 Micro, Inc. Device 8120 (rev 01)10:08
* davmor2 prods czajkowski just to say hi10:08
davmor2MooDoo: anything?10:08
AlanBelloly: yeah, it isn't massively helpful they way they do that site10:08
czajkowskidavmor2: oi oi 1 more day left me of me on irc before new job :)10:09
davmor2czajkowski: I know that's why I'm making the most of prodding you while I can :P prod10:09
czajkowskidavmor2: :)10:10
olybigcalm, have you subscribed to the bug,10:10
olymay help it get some traction if they can see more people with the issue10:11
CaMasonguys, one of my staff is having issues whereby sometimes the screensaver will not close10:18
CaMasonany thoughts on how to allow him to get back into his workstation?10:18
gordCaMason, ctrl+alt+f2; killall -9 gnome-screensaver10:18
CaMasonum, 'touch: cannot touch `/tmp/test': Read-only file system'10:19
CaMasonhow on earth has that happened?10:19
gordCaMason, time to do a fsck - prolly why gnome-screensaver was going wonky10:20
CaMasonI can write to /home/ different partition - same disk10:20
MartijnVdSdifferent partition = different file system, which might not be mounted read-only10:21
gordyour root partition being read only is never a good thing ;)10:21
CaMasonstrange. This only becomes apparent when his screensaver is on10:22
dogmatic69unless its (readonly) friday10:22
popeyor no print tuesday!10:23
oimonanyone know of a feed reader client that supports google reader folders/tags? (liferea doesn't)10:30
bigcalm3.75MB/s - thank you Soundcloud for having decent pipes :)10:31
bigcalmLoads of Solidsteel podcasts to catch up on10:32
* bigcalm be happy10:32
directhexCaMason, try "mount -o remount,rw /"10:33
dogmatic69could anyone shed some light on this? its happening every 20 seconds or so http://bin.cakephp.org/view/63773258310:38
oimonmy 20 month-old son can count to 10 in even numbers only \o/10:39
dogmatic69oimon: time to start working on binary addition?10:40
oimondogmatic69: maybe primes first :)10:41
dogmatic69anyone have an idea what the logs i pasted mean?10:44
oimondogmatic69: is mysqld running?10:54
dogmatic69oimon: i believe so10:54
dogmatic69not using mysql on that box though10:54
oimonmaybe that's what the errors are then, why not disable mysql from starting?10:56
dogmatic69ye, i stopped it now10:59
dogmatic69maybe should just apt-get remove it10:59
=== seeker_ is now known as seeker
ali1234CaMason: does workstation have the "extra" screensavers installed? those can crash the machine11:37
CaMasonit's running the 'electric-sheep' screensaver11:38
CaMasonbut it was crashing with the normal screensavers too. It just seems  little coincidental that the machine has often entered screensaver mode, then the drive goes RO.11:39
smittixAnyone had the "can't guess meta-package" Error on 11.10?11:41
smittixCan't update the system at all on a clean install of oniric11:41
directhexCaMason, did it remount rw okay?11:47
CaMasonwe rebooted and ran fsck11:48
CaMasonat least, I think it did. I did `touch /forcefsck` and rebooted.11:48
directhexCaMason, ext3 or ext4?11:56
directhexhm. i've encountered times in production where ext4 passes a fsck, but still throws up io errors11:57
smittixI don't like it how they have taken the options away to change theme options :/11:57
smittixGnome-Tweak-Tool it is.11:57
CaMasonI'm doing a full smart scan on the disk. He's using the machine at the moment11:58
DJonesIs it wrong to check which way the wind is blowing you see a headline about an explosion at a nuclear power plant in France11:58
smittixDJones: No it's perfectly normal heh11:59
DJonesReading the headline again, nuclear plant rather than a power plant11:59
smittixDJones: Link?12:00
DJonessmittix: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14883521?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter12:01
DJonesJust realised, one of my staff is going to France on holiday on Friday........ She might not be happy when she comes back in from her lunch12:01
smittixOr comes back from holiday with an extra toe.12:02
DJonesThe glow in the dark would be handy though in winter when she's riding her bike to work, it'll save on lights12:02
jpdsDJones: Reflective gear.12:04
smittixAnyone any idea when AMD will be releasing their 11.9 Catalyst drivers?12:05
directhexsmittix, before the end of the month.12:06
smittixdirecthex: Ta12:22
MartijnVdSisn't that like the Ubuntu release number though12:22
MartijnVdSit'll be 11.10 if they don't make it this month12:22
smittixCan't say I am liking the latest version of Ubuntu yet. But I also said that when 11.4 came out.12:22
directhexMartijnVdS, yes! 8D12:22
* MartijnVdS uses the free ATI driver, no problems12:23
MartijnVdSeven unity works12:23
directhexMartijnVdS, didn't support my card last time i tried12:25
ubuntuuk-planet[Paul Tansom] Auto naming terminal tabs - http://www.linuxlore.co.uk/2011/09/12/auto-naming-terminal-tabs/12:31
directhexwell, 5 hours since getting infinity, and it hasn't randomly disconnected yet12:51
Laneywhat speed?12:52
directhexLaney, 37M down, 8M up12:53
MartijnVdS nice12:53
Laneyneaty wheaties12:53
oimonE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'unity-2d'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details.12:57
Azelphurlol woo, finally convinced the shop that I bought my tablet PC from that it's actually meant to have a touch screen in it14:03
Azelphurand that touch screens are not optional on tablet PC's14:04
Azelphurthat only took 1.5 weeks \o/14:04
dogmatic69what tab is that?14:04
AzelphurInspiron mini duo14:04
Azelphurhttp://www.dell.com/us/p/inspiron-duo/pd \o/14:04
oimonhow does it run with buntu?14:05
Azelphurseems to run ok, there's a couple little tweaks you have to do it14:05
AzelphurI was trying to get the touch screen to work for ages until I noticed there was no touch screen connected according to lsusb.14:06
oimoni suppose you had already trashed the windows that came with it?14:07
Azelphuroimon: it actually came no OS, was a refurb14:08
oimonexcept for the quality control14:08
Azelphurclearly it had a broken touch screen and someone stupid replaced the screen with a non-touch14:09
=== The_Fred is now known as TheFred
ubuntuuk-planet[Dan Fish] Deterring foxes, the arduino way - http://www.ossmedicine.org/home_automation/arduino/09/deterring-foxes-the-arduino-way/14:31
TheFredjacobw, A Big THANKYOU for all your help the other day with my networking problems14:35
* oimon wonders how long linux.com and assoicated websites will be down for. Need a printer driver :(15:11
gordAlanBell, ping15:14
bigcalmSurely a bell goes ding, not ping?15:15
gordyou are completely right15:15
gordAlanBell, ding15:15
AlanBello/ gord15:17
gordAlanBell, so i asked about, "so the on-screen keyboard needs to get the window id of the window it's inputting into and set its WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint to that window and its _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE to _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY"15:18
AlanBellPendulum: ^^15:18
AlanBellthat sounds like a generically good thing for it to be doing to all windows right?15:20
AlanBellcan it do that for the unity window?15:20
xr1Anyone know if it is possible to use a evolution backup in thunderbird mail?15:20
gordAlanBell, yup, unity has its own window for events15:21
christeloimon: its playing havoc with my upgrading freenode plans, as i was going to do a kernel upgrade of one of our servers :(15:24
oimonsux badly :(15:24
davmor2xr1: not that I'm aware of did a google search throw up anything obvious?15:26
xr1davmor2: No I couldn’t find much, that's why i asked here ;)15:27
daubersAnyone who is considering teaching new people to program should have a look at sense.open.ac.uk15:27
daubersIt's a bit fisher price, but does look to get the basics across (without having to learn a language)15:28
diploAlanBell: Was it you who had a friend in HP ?15:54
AlanBelldiplo: it was TheOpenSourcerer16:05
TheOpenSourcererAhh - yes it was me.16:06
diploah, just saw on the Reigister thatHP staff are to get a delivery of 6k of Touchpads if you didn't get yours16:08
diploOnly for HP staff though16:08
TheOpenSourcererYes - I had an email from him this morning ;-)16:08
TheOpenSourcererHe has registered his interest...16:08
diploNice, well saw and thought I'd let you know16:09
diploWell if he gets more than one :)16:09
TheOpenSourcererI asked for two.16:09
diploWell if he  wantsa little profit I'm up for 1 :)16:12
diploRight, better go and take my boy to swimming lessons, catch you all later.16:12
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: make it 3 :D16:28
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: get me one and I'll take your turn to queue for beerex tickets :D16:29
TheOpenSourcererHey popey - it's probably too late - he put his order in this morning but you never know....16:33
MartijnVdSpopey: http://www.newsbiscuit.com/2011/09/09/homeopathic-leak-threatens-catastrophe/17:45
MartijnVdSalso, running in 50-60ish km/h winds is.. interesting :)17:48
dutchiemy friend is cycling land's end to john o groats17:48
dutchiehe's up in cumbria atm, and apparently the wind is sufficient to keep his bike at a 70 degree angle17:48
MartijnVdSdutchie: I can imagine17:49
MartijnVdSapparently it's even worse near the coast (here at least.. Cumbria is even closer to the "action")17:49
shaunocurious.  that's not the first time that's happened today18:28
MartijnVdSshauno: what happened?18:29
shaunonot sure.  my vps keeps dropping off irc.  but I'm not losing it via ssh18:30
shaunoaltho I might have a silly-long timeout on ssh.  I can never remember what I've played with18:30
shaunobut I think if bitfolk were bouncing, it'd be a little more noticable.  fairly sure I'm not the only one in here18:35
popeyshauno: o/18:43
MartijnVdSGreat, Vodafone18:52
MartijnVdSWebsite claims: "Sorry you are not retainable. reason, you have a porting out request"18:52
MartijnVdSStore claims: "We don't see any active porting request on your account"18:52
MartijnVdS(I agree with the store, btw)19:25
oimon1anyone with experience of xfs_repair on large filesystems? using 100% and using 24GB RAM and taking couple of hours on a 10TB filesystem19:49
oimon1ah found a workaround :)20:18
safiyyahwhat are you all up to??20:20
TheFredme? I'm waiting for my android emulator to boot so i can test my code20:20
TheFredwhat about you safiyyah ?20:21
TheFredmeh! and its all gone wrong...20:21
safiyyahwell kids went to bed, felt lonely came to see what was going on around here20:22
safiyyahin geek land20:22
TheFredsafiyyah, there's some googd games on google+...20:23
TheFredI like edgeworld20:23
safiyyahi do like some card games20:23
safiyyahbut it will excite me and put me at 100% alert20:24
safiyyahI need to sleep in about an hour20:24
TheFrednah! its quick at a first, but then as you level up its a waiting game20:24
TheFred.. but then i styart playing in different secors ata the same time while im waiting for upgraded20:24
Azelphurif we're talking about good linux games, hedgewars20:25
Azelphurreally, hedgewars...if you havn't tried it yet, hedgewars20:25
Azelphurif you don't like games, I don't care. Play hedgewars :D20:25
TheFredoh gawd, the 'droid emu is trying to boot a virtual device with a 120080 x 800 screen on a my machine which on has a 1024 screen...20:25
safiyyahI think I would rather watch a korean drama than the game TheFred20:25
TheFredfair enough20:25
TheFredAzelphur, yea, Hedgewars rocks20:26
Azelphurthey are porting it to android20:26
AzelphurDO WANT.20:26
TheFredthey... the internet ninja's...20:27
TheFredperfecting their arts of porting foo20:27
TheFredI take my hat off to an effort like that, I do a lot of 'droid dev work and its NOT easy20:28
TheFredThat will make online games more interesting tho.. assuming (hoping) they can all use the same game-servers20:28
Azelphuryea :)20:30
AzelphurTheFred: if your brave there's an alpha in the market, crashes a lot though20:31
TheFreddoubt it'll work on my phone, its a real cheap droid - zte racer : 128 Mb internal ram, and 500Mhz20:32
AzelphurTheFred: I bought my mum a ZTE Blade, very nice phone :)20:33
TheFredyea, i only use cheap pnes because dev work can hammer them, esp with gps testing in all weathers...20:36
AzelphurI have a desire Z :D20:36
TheFredthose phones rock20:37
TheFredwell-build, very decent display, and rapid to use20:37
TheFredtoday i'm having hassles with virtual devices not playing ball for some reason... you'd think that with them being virtual theyd behave same every day, but nooooo.....20:38
safiyyahI was in love with my HTC until I saw my friends Samsung20:42
Azelphursafiyyah: welcome to my world20:45
TheFredSo i'm going to install the x86 port of droid to my spare pc to help speed up my dev work20:48
aquariusright, let's canvass #ubuntu-uk for opinions on my NAS choices.20:49
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:49
lubotu3Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:49
mgdmaquarius: you already have my opinion :)20:50
aquariusI'm trying to decide between a D-Link DNS-320 and an HP microserver.20:50
popeymgdm: what did you suggest?20:50
mgdmpopey: HP, on the basis it's more likely to be fixable if it goes boom20:50
popeyhow many usb ports does the dlink have?20:50
mgdm(I'm getting one, soonish)20:51
aquariusD-Link thing. Pros: is £65. Does what I want, broadly (UPnP streaming of music/video, takes my 1TB SATA drive, BT client), theoretically expandable to run whatever I want through fun_plug, silent. Cons: will format my drive when I put it in, not as expandable as a real server.20:51
Myrttii vote for hp too20:51
popeyaquarius: have you asked twitter and/or Google+?20:52
aquariusHP microserver. Pros: is a real server that I can install whatever I want on. Less likely to go mysteriously belly-up if my house gets struck by lightning again. Can expand with new hardware in the future. Cons: is twice as expensive. Is four times as expensive until I send a form in the post (!) to HP. Have to install Ubuntu and server software myself, which is hassle. Not silent.20:53
aquariuspopey, I have indeed20:53
popeyget someone else to do the install for you :D20:54
aquariusmy basic question boils down to: am I prepared to pay extra money and extra hassle (send form in post, install Ubuntu myself, be a sysadmin which I hate doing) just in order to (a) give me future expandability, and (b) not have to copy all the data off my 1TB drive and then back on again afterwards?20:54
aquariusand I have spent all day vacillating about what my answer to this question is :)20:55
popeyi have gone from one disk in my hp...20:55
popeyto 4x2TB in RAID 10.20:55
popeybecause I hoard data20:55
popey/dev/mapper/data-data 2.9T  2.1T  673G  77% /srv20:56
aquariussee, if I have to even think the phrase "RAID 10", or look at dev/mapper, whatever the byOurLady hell that is, then I have lost. This is what concerns me about buying a server; my days of fiddling with stuff so I can make the stream to PS3 work are in the past :)20:57
MyrttiI need brainbleach20:57
* StevenR wishes the price of 2TB disks would drop a little20:57
aquariuspopey, also, you're not kidding you hoard data if you've got 2.9TB lyingn around.20:58
popeyaquarius: backups of lug.org.uk :()20:58
popeyamongst other stuff20:58
aquariuspopey, oh, right, fair play then20:58
TheFredMyrtti, brainbleach? wassat?20:58
MyrttiI read aquarius' text and my inner voice imitates a certain Stuart...20:58
Myrttiget im off me brain aaarrrggghhh20:58
popeyaquarius: would you like me to buy an HP microserver, install Ubuntu on it, get the cash back and then send it to you and invoice you?20:59
TheFredlool Myr20:59
TheFred* Myrtti20:59
aquariuspopey, no. the problem isn't installing Ubuntu -- I have no problem with that (that's not even hassle, really). It's that at some point after that I'll install, say, mediatomb to stream to my PS3, and then that won't work. And I'll have to go dig through forum posts to find out why, and then ssh in and tweak a config file, and, and, and, life's too short. :)21:00
aquariuswhich is how I feel about it 75% of the time.21:00
popeyI could offer a remote support contract21:00
aquariusin the old days I found that stuff *fun*, but the fun in it has sorta disappeared :)21:00
* aquarius laughs21:00
aquariusyou saw above how I can pay less on the hardware and have it work, right? :)21:00
Myrttiaquarius: you need an in-house geek21:01
aquariusMyrtti, sure thing. If you know of one, say the word21:01
aquariusideally she'd like me, but I can live without. :)21:01
popeyarent you moving down here to the tropical prosperous south?21:01
popeywhere the roads are paved with servers21:01
aquariusnope. It's the glorious Midlands for me :)21:02
aquariusso: opinions welcomed. You have about 40 minutes to give me your thoughts, and then I'm buyingn something from ebuyer so it arrives tomorrow :)21:03
aquariushm, the HP will let me actually get going on it tomorrow. The D-Link won't, because I'll have to copy all the data off my drive first. Advantage Microserver, there.21:03
popeyMy opinion is thus:- Buy an HP microserver, do a base install of Ubuntu, ping someone (me happily) here to add whatever other bobbins you want and you're set21:03
aquariuspopey, assume that I don't want to do things other than media stuff with it, for the purposes of this argument. You really think it's worth twice as much money?21:04
aquariusI look forward to hearing justifications thereof :)21:04
MyrttiI'd offer my services too but I've got too unpredictable schedule21:05
StevenR(I know I'm not popey, but the microserver is more expandable, almost a proper server, probably faster)21:05
bigcalmaquarius: At some point you'll think "I wish this thing could do XYZ. Should have bought that micro server"21:05
bigcalmGood evening btw21:06
aquariusStevenR, if I just want media stuff, though, what does expandability and proper-serverness buy me? It just has to sit there in a corner and export samba shares. the NAS can do that.21:06
popeymore space21:06
popeyyou can add disks to it21:06
popeyyou could add an optical drive to it21:06
aquariusbigcalm, aha, that's why the fun_plug stuff is interesting. the NAS can run additional programs.21:06
popeyto enable you to rip stuff21:06
popeynowhere near as much stuff21:06
popeyaquarius: backups of your laptop21:06
aquariuspopey, the NAS has two drive slots, and I've only got a half full 1TB drive right now -- disc space is not likely to cause me a problem, I don't think, although I'm open to challenge on this point.21:06
popeydo you use get_iplayer21:07
aquariuspopey, agreed that fun_plug can do abouut 20 things and Ubuntu can do 20,000 :)21:07
aquariusI don't use get_iplayer, or when I do it's rare21:07
aquariusbackups are in U1. :)21:07
popeynot much use when you have only one computer21:08
popeyuseful for people like me with 8 computers on  :D21:08
aquariuswhy would I want a proxy server?21:08
popeyyou probably dont, some people do, you dont21:08
Myrttito have an ip in uk21:08
popeyoh, that21:08
aquariusI already have an IP in the UK :)21:08
Myrttiwhen travelling21:08
aquariusah, right. Don't need that.21:09
StevenRaquarius: you could also stack the microserver out with RAM and play with VMs21:09
popeya know why you need a proxy21:09
popeyso you can make U1 work with proxies!21:09
aquariuspopey, I saw that coming. :)21:09
aquariusStevenR, I could do, true. I could also stack the microserver out with wool and then play with knitting, and I don't wanna do that either ;)21:10
Myrttiknitting ♥21:10
aquariussee, this is what worries me: most (not all) of the cool stuff that you can do with a real server (as opposed to a limited-use NAS) is stuff I don't really wanna do, and it'll cost me extra money for the privilege21:10
aquariushence my vacillation :(21:10
popeydo get the dlink then?21:11
StevenRaquarius: what are you precise requirements?21:11
Myrttihttp://m.flickr.com/#/photos/myrtti/6053606228/in/set-72157627455086640/ ;-)21:11
StevenRjust serving audio and files? Anything else?21:11
aquariuspopey, if it didn't wipe my drive I'd have already bought it. My other question is: am I prepared to pay an extra £165 just to avoid copying all the data off? Which I might be ;)21:11
aquariusStevenR, er, I think that's it. (Not even sure I need serving files or audio. Just video.) BT client for extra credit.21:12
StevenRaquarius: you *will* want to add more disk later.21:12
aquariusextra extra credit: be able to be put in my car and taken to dad's house, there to act as a USB device to be plugged into his computer so I can download things on his behalf.21:12
aquariusStevenR, sure I will. The D-Link has two slots for drives. So I could put 2x2TB in it. By the time I've filled that, there will be 4TB drives or something21:13
aquariusI suppose it's possible that I'll suddenly discover a need for 4 separate drives, but at that point (I need 8TB of data storage) I'm bottlenecking on my internet connection to download all that anyway :)21:14
aquariusI can't decide whether my problem is that I'm indecisive or whether the two things are genuinely about evenly matched.21:15
aquariuswhich is in itself indecisive :)21:15
popeyi have a co-worker who has a nas type thing21:15
popeybufallo iirc21:15
popeyhe does the copying files around dance now and then21:15
popeybut he has a couple of computers and photos and stuff21:15
aquariusdownsides with NASes: 1. they lie about whether they work or not (my existing one never worked *properly*), 2. not as expandable, 3. less robust (which is why current one is dead; house got struck by lightning)21:16
=== denny- is now known as denny
* StevenR has a DAS instead21:16
bigcalmaquarius: so the ethernet ports on the router I gave you did work, it was just your NAS that was buggered?21:16
StevenRthough I've not got any disks for it yet21:17
aquariusbigcalm, indeed, which I was just about to confess :)21:17
aquariusbigcalm, it finally occurred to me that I could plug my laptop into the router to see if they worked21:17
aquariusand they were perfect21:17
aquariusnas fail21:17
bigcalmYay and bummer21:17
aquariusT minus 30 minutes and counting.21:19
aquariusCurrently leaning towards the microserver21:19
aquariusalthough my inner Scrooge is horrified that I'm basically prepared to pay £165 to save myself a few days of waiting and copying files around. :)21:19
popeyit will put fun back into computing dude21:19
popeythe dlink i just an appliance21:19
popeydesigned for joe-dipstick21:20
popeyare you joe-dipstick?21:20
popeyor are you better than that?21:20
aquariuspopey, ah, I am expecting all my fun-by-poncing-around credits to get used up by the raspberry-pi in two months. ;)21:20
StevenRaquarius: the microserver will be the better bet in the log run.21:20
popeywhich will go in a drawer and never be used21:20
* StevenR wants a raspberry pi too21:20
StevenRI wonder if it can be a myth frontend21:21
aquariusheh. I would quite like the *option* of being Joe Dipstick sometimes. It's not that I always hate fiddling -- I mean, my job's in computing, right? -- but sometimes it'd be nice to not *have* to.21:21
aquariusStevenR, it can, as long as your videos are encoded right.21:21
popeyshame it cant run ubuntu21:21
* aquarius is debating building an e-ink book reader with it :)21:21
ali1234you mean, shame ubuntu chose not to support it?21:21
StevenRaquarius: well. They're encoded as the mythbox records the DVB stream21:21
aquariuspopey, yeah. That's our fault rather than theirs though :)21:22
aquariusStevenR, ya, so you get to transcode21:22
popeyali1234: did they ask for help then?21:22
popeyor just a byproduct of canonical dropping some arm revs?21:22
StevenRaquarius: booooo21:22
ali1234not that ubuntu would run well on it anyway21:23
popeywell, there is that ☺21:23
aquariusit's a bit short of ram, indeed :)21:23
ali1234i mean i can understand dropping armv5 when your distro need 4gb to run nice21:23
ali1234i'll probably get one if it is really as cheap as they say21:25
aquarius'zactly. £25? can't go wrong21:25
ali1234i hope it has a nice programmable dsp though21:26
ali1234otherwise it's useless, might as well get a maple mini or something21:26
aquariusthe media stuff is some clever broadcom thing21:26
aquarius"useless" is a bit strong :)21:26
ali1234yeah it will be binary drivers21:26
aquariusthe maple thingy is more like an arduino than a real computer, isn't it?21:27
ali1234most likely outcome, you will only be able to use the dsp for opengl-es, and only if you use the specific supported versions of xorg and the kernel21:27
ali1234the raspberry is also more like an arduino than a real computer21:28
ali1234pretty much the only difference between it and the maple is it has (probably proprietary) video out and more ram21:28
popeydo we have a BOM of the Raspberry Pi yet?21:28
ali1234it's a BCM283521:30
TheFredhey folks, which is the best route to go for starting my own open source project?21:32
AlanBellfind the one someone else has already started that does the thing you want to do21:33
aquariusyou jest, surely. The raspi has ethernet, two proper USB ports, HDMI out.21:33
AlanBellaquarius: it is an SOC :)21:33
AlanBellall you need to know is the C21:33
TheFredthanks AlanBell21:33
AlanBellaquarius: it also has composite out21:34
aquariusAlanBell, yeah, I was responding to ali1234 claiming that a maple is the same thing :)21:34
AlanBellah, ok21:34
hamitronAlanBell: surely never starting something new, reduces the chances of new ideas? ;)21:34
AlanBellI was urging them to move the ethernet port so it has a free side, which would allow it to slide into a keyboard21:34
AlanBellhamitron: first prove that it is a new idea21:35
aquariusyeah, quite a few people have said "it would be nice if there weren't ports on all four sides" :)21:35
ali1234TheFred: just start writing it21:35
aquariusnihil sub sole novum.21:35
hamitronali1234: "just do it"21:36
AlanBellaquarius: so it would have USB on the left, power and ethernet on the back and HDMI on the right21:36
popeyQuidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.21:36
* aquarius laughs 21:36
AlanBelland would slide into the top right corner of a keyboard with the USB slot making the connection into the keyboard21:36
TheFredali1234, thats one way to go, I'm considering starting a different approach to voice recognition via an android app21:36
aquariusindeed it does :)21:36
ali1234do not attempt to build "an open source project"21:38
ali1234just write the software21:38
ali1234attempting to build a community around vapourware never ever works21:38
bigcalmStart coding on things to amuse yourself or address a problem you've been having and aren't satisfied with what's out there21:39
bigcalmTheFred: ^^21:39
TheFredgood point21:39
* popey resists posting the url which has a very rude word in it21:39
popeybut has programming mother in it21:39
hamitronpopey: pm it?21:39
bigcalmhamitron: it's easy to guess21:40
Azelphurpopey: would the hp microserver be good as a mythtv front/backend?21:46
* hamitron thinks it would lack grunt for the backend21:47
ali1234the backend is very light21:50
hamitroneven recording?21:50
ali1234recording is trivial21:50
ali1234transocding is pointless, why would you ever want to do that?21:51
Azelphurisn't the advert detection expensive21:51
ali1234but it rarely works anyway21:51
hamitronI'd get something with a faster cpu, just cuz you can21:52
hamitronI keep getting tempted to get one, just to "save" £10021:54
Azelphuryea, as I say it needs to be a frontend anyway21:54
Azelphuratm I have an old P4 3ghz with 1GB RAM doing it21:54
Azelphurand it's a bit sluggish, and I'm out of hdd space21:54
ali1234for frontend you need good graphics21:54
hamitronP4 3ghz will be faster21:55
hamitronwon't it?21:55
AlanBellyou need a good power to fan ratio21:55
AzelphurIt's got a 9500GT for graphics21:55
=== TheFred is now known as The_Fred
AzelphurAnyone feel like giving me some git(hub) help for a bit? :P22:13
Azelphurthis is so frustrating, I've almost spent more time trying to figure out how to use git than I did writing the code I'm trying to submit22:48
The_FredAzelphur, is that via sourceforge?22:48
Azelphurno, github22:49
gordpretty much why i don't like git much22:54
gordevery time i have to use it i have to relearn it and its never natural22:54
gordevern simple things just have weird naming22:55
AzelphurI just want to undo a commit I made to github22:57
Azelphurand it's driving me insane :/22:57
The_FredAzelphur, i just seen with my sourceforge account that there is an option to have a Git project...22:57
Azelphurwoo did it23:02
* The_Fred offers Azelphur a biscuit to help celebrate23:06
Azelphurpopey: https://github.com/MostAwesomeDude/bravo/pull/343 woo my first being useful :D23:29
popeywhy not use the same format as mc?23:29
AzelphurI did?23:29
popeytp popey Azelphur23:30
popeytp Azelphur popey23:30
popeyso tphere is kinda redundant23:30
popeytppos is handy tho23:30
Azelphuroh yea, dunno why I didn't do it the same way23:30
* popey files a bug23:30
Azelphurnoooo >.< lol23:30

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