
danielveazeyhi all15:10
danielveazeyi installed gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04 a couple days ago. i like it, but i have just now run into a little hiccup that's puzzling me15:11
danielveazeyafter i installed gnome 3, i installed pidgin through the terminal, a la "sudo apt-get install pidgin"15:11
danielveazeynow when i press the logo key and type pidgin in gnome 3, no matches come up, but i can go to the terminal and type pidgin and it runs15:12
kwadrokesorry, connection dropped.15:17
kwadrokeI haven't used gnome 3 myself15:17
kwadrokeI use LXDE15:17
kwadrokewell, I guess he's gone15:18
danielveazeywell i uninstalled and reinstalled it and now it's showing up. i'm going to try restarting the computer to see if it does it again15:20
kwadrokeit might take it a bit to show up in the menus15:25
kwadrokeI don't use gnome anymore and haven't tried gnome3 yet15:26
kwadrokecourse there might be a command to re-generate the menus too15:26
danielveazeyok, it seems like every time i restart, i get a message after the login screen that says something like "we encountered an error and we can't recover from it" with a restart button. i press the button and it doesn't actually restart, it just goes back to the login screen. i log in again and it goes to the desktop, no problem. but pidgin disappears again from gnome 3's applications while still being able to run from the terminal15:27
a_unix_geeki would create the menu shortcut manually15:28
danielveazeylet me see if i can figure out how to do that ...15:29
kwadrokemake sure there's a pidgin.desktop in /usr/share/applicatins15:30
kwadrokegnome should be building the menu there15:30
kwadroke*from there15:31
a_unix_geekLauncher and Menus is the app that you create a new link in.15:32
danielveazeyinteresting, there is no pidgin.desktop in there ...15:32
a_unix_geekWell, I thought it was15:32
a_unix_geekThis new interface isn't so friendly15:33
a_unix_geekok, Main Menu is the app that lets you customise the menu.15:34
a_unix_geekKwa, are you using the new unity thing?15:34
kwadrokeI've only played with it briefly on a livecd15:34
a_unix_geekoh yea, you're using lxde15:34
a_unix_geekmuh bad15:34
kwadrokeif I was going to use it, I'd go with unity2d15:35
a_unix_geekLong ago my choice was Icewm15:35
danielveazeyok i added it ... going to restart and see if it sticks. i'll be back in a couple minutes. thanks for the help. brb15:35
danielveazeydid not get the error screen. pidgin shows up in the menu now. thanks for the help15:38
kwadrokeI'm guessing something wasn't allowing the .desktop file to be generated15:39
kwadrokewhich was what was crashing15:40
danielveazeyi reckon so. otherwise, i really like gnome 3. it's pretty like kde, but to me it's more intuitive15:40
kwadrokebrb fire alarm15:44
a_unix_geekI'm going to try both.15:44
a_unix_geekhave fun on your break kwad15:45
GreyWolfgood evening23:58

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