
Cheri703I have been doing all kinds of stuff :) I start a new job on tuesday00:00
Cheri703so does husband, so that is good :)00:01
MarkDudeNice to meet some of the Ohio team.00:56
gilbertCheri703: nic!01:08
gilbertCheri703: nice!01:08
gilbertyeah, nice to meet u too MarkDude01:08
Cheri703yeah, it'll be good :)01:08
Cheri703MarkDude: I wish I'd gotten to meet you!01:08
=== starkittn_brb is now known as starkittn
gilbertwhat up rrittenhouse02:05
rrittenhousenot much..first time since linux fest ive had to sit down and think about what all happened etc. Just thought id say hello. I used to be a member a looooong time ago back when Steve was starting the group but I fell out of touch with it for some reason.02:08
starkittnI was glad to meet some of you, & see some again. ^_^02:12
rrittenhouseI started out in the Ubucon on Friday but I couldn't get my conference buddy to stay there too long after the quick meet and greet session.02:14
starkittnI missed Ubucon :(02:59
starkittnhow was it rrittenhouse02:59
* Unit193 missed OLF :/03:02
starkittnUnit193: :(03:10
rrittenhousestarkittn: when I was there it was fun. I mostly enjoyed the talk that was given with the Unity dev from canonical.03:21
rrittenhouseI missed the second half of the ubucon because my friend wasn't 'into it'. I liked it more when Jorge Castro and Jono Bacon were there talking about the actual development side of things. I would be more interested in that kind of talks (personally). But I enjoyed what I did see and I appreciate the work that went into making it at least happen.03:23
rrittenhouseI'm starting to get to the point that i'm not enjoying OLF much and I hate that. I think I need to step it up next year and do something different instead of just watching the talks03:24
starkittnrrittenhouse: good plan03:28
rrittenhouseIt was my..7th year I think.03:32
rrittenhouseIt would be nice to try and do a talk or help man a booth or something a little different.03:33
Unit193Well, I have only been to LoCo events, but I hope there will be another statewide event this year (I know OLF won't :P )03:43
rrittenhouseI would love to be more involved in the Columbus area but its a bit of a drive for me. i'm in Newark about 30 minutes east of Columbus04:06
rrittenhousebut that is down from about 1 hour and 15 mins when I lived in Zanesville.04:06
starkittnyea, we drove a little over 3 hours to get there but we'd planned for it.04:13
rrittenhousefor OLF? I guess I'm referring to LoCo events, sorry.04:36
rrittenhousestarkittn: Was it your first one?04:37
starkittnrrittenhouse: 2nd :)04:39
rrittenhouseawesome.. were you there on Friday last year when Jono and Jorge were there?04:40
rrittenhouseI think that was last year.. they all run together.04:40
rrittenhouseWow..It was 2008 I think. Nevermind.04:41
starkittnrrittenhouse: no we missed Friday alltogether last year04:43
rrittenhouseI'm apparently forgetful anyhow he was the keynote in 2008! Wow.04:43
rrittenhouseI don't like this whole time flying thing as I get older. Not cool.04:44
Unit193I agree, but I'm not even old yet :/04:45
rrittenhouseIs there a release party in the works at all for the Columbus area?13:04
czajkowskiJon Buckley about ?13:13
paultagczajkowski: he goes by itsafork iirc, so, no13:14
czajkowskipaultag: ok thanks13:14
_bbbdang is it that time again already14:03
rrittenhousewhat? time for a release? :)14:12
KernelLitkeHey hows is it going ladies and gentlemen?14:50
KernelLitkeOh Paultag btw I do not know if you caught my conversation that I was having with some one in here but that eric cook dude you told me to talk to is no longer part of any ubuntu teams... Just figure I giver you a fyi on that one lol...14:51
paultaghahaha wtf14:52
_bbbwindows 7 was his idea14:53
thafreakHelllo Ohioooooo15:15
thafreakI'm finally getting back to normal post-OLF15:17
thafreakhad way too many free beers at the after party...then took the lpic-2 exams the next morning...15:18
thafreakand by back to normal now, I mean taking time to see what linux distro to install on my new laptop ;)15:19
thafreakI don't feel like working today....15:24
rrittenhousework? whats that?15:28
Cheri703I have to go to a "real" job for the first time in 9 months tomorrow...been self/un employed....not really looking forward to it15:32
_bbbtoday is my friday15:34
_bbbworked all weekend15:34
_bbbanother raisin i couldnt olf15:34
thafreakyou missed some new dual core tunes live...15:34
_bbbcest la vie15:39
_bbbbut i probably would have won a laptop too15:39
rrittenhouseAttendance seemed low this year..15:43
canthus13rrittenhouse: Eh? YOu weren't even there... :P15:59
rrittenhouseOh I was there. haha16:01
rrittenhouseI've been there for the past 7 years lol16:01
rrittenhouseI've only stayed for the after party once though..never seems to work out me staying saturday night.16:03
MarkDudethafreak nice to meet you in person16:06
MarkDudeWho else did I meet?16:06
* MarkDude grumbles and waves his cane in the direction of Boston, damn you paultag for not showing up. When I go to Boston next will you be in Cleveland or some crap like that?16:07
paultagMarkDude: perhaps :)16:08
canthus13rrittenhouse: Ah. thought you said you weren't there...16:10
rrittenhousecanthus13: If I did I didn't mean to. Sorry. I was there Thursday till Saturday evening.16:13
rrittenhouseI was sitting to the right of the projector with an iPad in the very front row (facing the front of the room from the door) of the first half of the Ubucon sessions16:14
Unit193Anyone get pics/vids?16:15
thafreakMarkDude: Nice meeting you in person as well!16:22
* MarkDude HAS PICS16:22
MarkDudesry to shout16:22
* MarkDude will post today16:22
thafreakI really only took pics of the dual core performance apparently16:23
thafreakand one of the booth16:23
MarkDudeI got a few of the Ubuntu booths16:23
* MarkDude should have got shot of himself in booth16:23
* thafreak has almost no pictures of himself16:25
MarkDudeWell I got sumthin16:31
MarkDudeI can photoedit your pics also16:31
MarkDudeGive you a cowboy hat, maybe an Amish beard also16:32
canthus13rrittenhouse: All good. :)16:33
rrittenhouseSo how active is this loco these days? I've read up about some new smaller meetings (ReLoco's?) and Ubuntu Hours.16:58
rrittenhouseThats all new since I was around last16:58
canthus13rrittenhouse: Somewhat active.17:23
thafreakwell, about to install oneric on that laptop I won...21:02
Unit193Won a laptop? Dang... Oneiric with Unity? I have heard good things, but it's too late for me21:03
thafreakwell, for starters probably unity...we'll see21:04
Unit193I will try flux, I'm just too dang lazy right now21:13
_bbbfluxbox right?21:20
_bbbbeen a while21:20
_bbbbut yeah21:20
_bbbcrunchbang uses openbox right21:20
_bbbthink so21:20
Unit193Correct, option for Xfce too21:21
_bbbwhat did you mean too late?21:21
Unit193As in, no matter how good everyone says, they already lost me :P21:22
_bbbdefinetly a gamble21:23
_bbblifes a gamble21:23
_bbblearn by example21:23
Unit193Strictly speaking, they lost me before Unity, just Unity is something I will ever want to use21:23
_bbbi hated it at first but it grew on me like a fungus21:24
_bbbi still prefer classical ubuntu21:25
Unit193I've already said many times what I use21:25
_bbbneed to get that UbuntuAllstars on tt.fm going again..21:27
_bbbunit - kde?21:28
paultag+1 _bbb21:28
_bbbjorge probably hates anything that aint metal tho amirite21:29
Unit193No, Lubuntu (mostly SSH) and Xubuntu21:29
_bbbyeah i went thru lxde phase21:29
_bbbits all good21:30
Unit193Oneiric of Lubuntu looks SWEET21:31
_bbbfscking ubuntus21:32
Unit193Too many for you now?21:33
_bbbnah i dont care.. used to more so.. i just stick with stock21:33
Unit193I didn't like Gnome, dislike Unity more21:34
_bbbso yeah oneiric ocelot21:36
_bbbwhats up with that21:36
_bbbsomeone really likes ocelots21:36
_bbbor some sort of therapy is in order21:36
Unit193I'm going to grep logs and see what names our LoCo came up with for P21:37
_bbbsecretly im in love21:39
_bbbor am i21:39
Unit193Not with me you're not!21:40
Unit193Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Ohio LoCo, czajkowski!21:46
starkittn_bbb: you're in love with ocelots ... ?21:48
=== starkittn is now known as starkittn_afk
thafreakSo...i install with full disk encryption...22:21
thafreakwhen I get to the create a user part...it asks me if I want to encrypt the home dir...22:22
thafreakdouble encryption22:22
thafreakseems kind of a waste22:22
=== starkittn_afk is now known as starkittn
dzhothat's probably even illegal in some states22:45
dmcgloneHi all23:04
Unit193Howdy, go to OLF?23:04
dmcgloneI didn't go23:05
canthus13thafreak: It causes a serious slowdown...23:05
canthus13thafreak: Oh wait. that's not in a VM. :P23:05
canthus13thafreak: Actually, it's a good idea on a multi-user system.23:05
dmcgloneI'm having a problem finding some malware on a windows computer.23:06
canthus13dmcglone: It's a really old one called 'Windows'23:06
dmcgloneLOL canthus23:06
dmcgloneI agree23:06
dmcgloneI've spent 2 days working on removing this crap. I've finally got things in pretty good working order but still getting re-directed when clicking on browser results23:07
canthus13dmcglone: Umm... try reinstalling the NIC drivers.23:09
canthus13also, check the whole thing over with HijackThis and make sure there's nothing lurking int he browser.23:09
dmcgloneI tried malware bytes, doesn't seem to have worked :-/ I'll try hijack this next23:10
dmcgloneI checked the LAN settings in the browsers and I used system restore to restore to a way earlier date and that worked pretty good, but now when clicking on search results it tries to re-direct me but takes me back to the search result page. after about 3 clicks I finally get the page I want23:13
canthus13Reinstalling the NIC drivers may help reset everything if you've actually removed the malware.23:15
Cheri703dmcglone: try super anti spyware23:15
Cheri703and/or avast23:15
canthus13also, try this:  from the commadn line,  netsh int ip reset reset.log and netsh winsock reset23:15
dmcgloneOn a side note, How come I can get a connection using rdesktop but not remote connection?23:16
dmcglonecanthus will that get a new IP?23:16
dmcgloneI can't get a new IP because I'm working remotely :-/23:17
canthus13that won't get a new IP. that will reset a lot of settings in the TCP/IP stack.  it also requries a reboot to take effect.23:24
dmcgloneOk, a little while ago I had to reboot the computer and I think it got stuck on the shutdown so I had to have the client go back to work and restart the computer with a hard shutdown. I'm afraid that may happen again23:27
* canthus13 shrugs. THose redirects are usually caused by something infecting the TCP/IP stack.23:28
dmcglonehe also had to get me the new IP address so thats another thing I need to do. I need to figure out a way I can get the new IP address if I need to reboot. I've only had to do a couple repairs using remote desktop23:29
canthus13dmcglone: Hmm... there's a neat function with goto assist that allows it to reconnect to you after a reboot.23:30
canthus13It's also helpful for tunneling through firewalls. :)23:30
dmcgloneis goto assist a linux program?23:31
canthus13I use it at work.  I *WISH* it were avalable for linux. :/23:31
canthus13I think there is a linux tech-side client...23:31
canthus13not sure, though.23:31
dmcgloneI see a 30 day free trial, I might as well try it23:33
dmcgloneah forget that. they asking for my cc # if it's 30 days free they shouldn't need that23:35
* canthus13 shrugs. It's a good program. I'm surprised by the responsiveness most of teh time, even over a 96k up/down link.23:38
rrittenhouseI just used teamviewer today from work back to my ubuntu box..it uses wine but it works decent23:58

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