
MutantTurkeyxuseless, don't you mean xfce4-useless01:52
MutantTurkeybut you have to install libuseless and then the python bindings, python-xuseless, which depend on libderp02:04
MutantTurkeybut you can't because of conflicting deps02:06
MutantTurkeyso you'll need to reinstall your whole operating system02:06
MutantTurkeyI LOVE LINUX :d02:06
rmg51good of you to notice :-/10:06
jedijfbeen noticing since 23010:07
jedijfbig moon10:07
rmg51that just means you like to get up in the middle of the night :P10:09
jedijfi don't know if /like/ is the right word10:09
rmg51either that or your really andrew ;-)10:10
HowdyDoodymid morning12:24
ChinnoDogbts3685|vps: I am looking at flights to Nola for next month. What is there to do there in October?13:35
* ChinnoDog pokes bts3685|vps14:00
ChinnoDogIs he ever here anymore?14:00
ssweenyhe's too cool for us14:10
ChinnoDogoic. :-(14:14
jedijfdidn't he say irc was lame, he was going fb only14:45
jedijfChinnoDog: i don't even know /where/ he is physically located anymore14:46
JonathanDlets all switch to facebook yay.14:50
HowdyDoodyhow do I know linux-headers got installed right ?14:56
jedijfjimf@lobby:~$ dpkg -l |grep linux-headers15:02
jedijfand compare to uname -a15:02
jedijfii is the key15:03
jedijfand the kernel #'s and type matching15:03
HowdyDoodyok got 3 sets from one install.   no.  ,    no.generic,  and  lbm.no.generic      PLUS  lots and lots of warnings    error parsing file   invalid char in revision no.  [older vbox revisions]15:10
HowdyDoodyno ==
HowdyDoodyare the warnings possibly causing issues ?15:11
rhpot1991bookface sucks15:24
jedijfHowdyDoody: uname -a shows current kernel - headers should match - kapeesh?15:26
HowdyDoodyYepper they match as always.  Should I be concerned about the numerous warnings ?15:28
HowdyDoodyvbox despite being uninstalled with dkms and linux-headers and REinstalled 3x. Still says kernel driver not installed.      --> run  sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup   -- then it has issues with headers.15:32
HowdyDoodyAll this started when I changed computer cases!   Same PS, MB, Mem, HD, etc.15:33
InHisNameHere is pastebin of warnings from linux-headers:  http://pastebin.com/iXy5eWTa15:38
InHisNameabove plus the output of vboxdrv setup and all its errors.    http://pastebin.com/YRrPXfzd16:38
n2diy Would copying /home between two boxes result in slowing them down? That's how I've been backing up my files, and one box has become so slow it is unusably.19:04
ChinnoDogI've seen resource usage problems with rsync and large numbers of files if that is what you are doing.19:05
Sadinhey guys back from school :D19:13
jedijfno homework?19:22
Sadinjedijf study halls are your best friend in high school19:27
jedijfgood answer19:54
jedijfSadin: what part of the state are you in?19:54
jedijfhive76 in philly is having a microcontroller workshop tonight19:55
Sadinjedijf i cant go im only 16 and im like 20min from reading19:55
jedijfJonathanD: how can *you* not know19:55
Sadini have my permit but my dad wont drive with me that far19:56
jedijfSadin: shucks19:56
Sadinnot yet lol19:56
jedijfhe gets an a too19:56
jedijfyet is forever19:56
Sadinvery true19:56
jedijfSadin: tell him you'll let him drive, and you'll watch for pointers19:57
JonathanDjedijf: I know nothing.19:57
jedijfi have a feeling JonathanD would let you drive him19:57
JonathanDWhat am I doing?19:58
jedijfyou're sadin's legal driver while he practices19:58
JonathanDjedijf: I believe we'll be at my parents tonight.19:58
JonathanDWhich is the wrong way.19:59
JonathanDI want to go to hive.19:59
jedijfthere's always the next month19:59
JonathanDI've still never been to hive.19:59
JonathanDI need 2 more days in the week.20:00
JonathanDI gotta crank out some stuff for SFD too20:01

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