
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:11
superflymorning Kilos05:11
superflymôre maiatoday06:03
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:03
maiatodayhi Kilos06:07
Maazmaiatoday: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell maiatoday thank you very much" 3 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes and 46 seconds ago06:07
Kiloshi bmg505 06:09
bmg505adsl is sucky again06:13
nuvolario/ mornings oom Kilos, superfly, maiatoday, bmg505 06:13
superflymorning nuvolari06:13
Kiloslo nuvolari 06:13
Kilosmy voda connection is flying06:14
bmg505bbl customer on phone with wek06:14
Kilosk bmg505 06:14
Kiloshey superfly is the grass showing yet?06:36
superflyno, not yet06:37
superflystill waiting :-)06:37
Kiloswhat seed did you use?06:37
Kilosthose glowmail packets?06:38
superflyKilos: no, it's from Stark Ayres, it's called Play Mix06:38
superflyit's supposed to be for grass that your kids are going to play on06:38
Kilosah. oh well then it will just take patience  then06:39
Kiloshi nlsthzn 06:46
nlsthznAlo Uncle Kilos 06:47
KilosMaaz, weather in cape town south africa06:48
MaazKilos: That didn't seem to agree with me06:48
KilosMaaz, weather in durban south africa06:49
MaazKilos: In La Mercy, South Africa at 8:00 AM SAST on September 12, 2011: 21°C; Humidity: 78%; Wind: SSW at 13 km/h; Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Sunrise/set: 5:58 AM SAST/5:46 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 5:59 PM SAST/5:36 AM SAST06:49
Kiloshe seems to have lost connection to some sa weather sites06:50
Kilosstupid bot06:50
SuperhumanMaaz: weather in Irene, South Africa07:09
MaazSuperhuman: That didn't go down very well. Burp.07:09
SuperhumanMaaz: weather in Pretoria, South Africa07:09
MaazSuperhuman: That didn't seem to agree with me07:09
Superhumanawe Squirm07:09
Superhuman[09:18:19] <Superhuman> GeekChick: Weather for Irene, South Africa07:15
Superhuman[09:18:20] <GeekChick> Superhuman: In Pretoria Irene, South Africa at 8:00 AM SAST on September 12, 2011: 17°C; Humidity: 30%; Wind: NE at 15 km/h; Conditions: ; Clouds:; Sunrise/set: 6:08 AM SAST/5:59 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 6:10 PM SAST/5:47 AM SAST07:15
Kiloshi Superhuman 07:16
SuperhumanHey Kilos07:16
Kiloshi Squirm 07:16
magespawnmorning all07:34
Kiloshiya magespawn 07:34
magespawnkilos i think you could replace Maaz.07:46
Kiloscocooncrash, will fix him when he has a chance i hope07:51
magespawndid not realize he was broken.07:52
Kilosits only with some of the sa weather stations07:52
Kiloseverything else seems fine07:53
Kiloswould be much worse if he forgot how to make coffee07:53
magespawnanybody else having problems with libreoffice?08:16
maiatodayhmm libreoffice has given me hassles08:18
maiatodayI tend to use google docs as far as I can. the printing of images especially weird08:19
magespawnmine keeps on closing randomly.08:20
* nlsthzn can't recall having issues with libreoffice... but been a while since I used it...08:26
magespawni'll see what google says.08:37
nlsthznIs the ubuntu-za.org/planet feed also going to start popping up on loco.ubuntu.com?08:39
superflymagespawn, maiatoday: never had any issues09:12
maiatodaynlsthzn: we could put the ubuntu-za feed there, but maybe we should put the main screen stories there rather as our blog feed duplicates the planet ubuntu feed someplaces and all the posts aren't always ubuntu related10:13
maiatodayoops I missed him10:14
nuvolariye, me not having issues with LO either 10:40
nuvolaribehaving pretty well actually10:40
marcogmaiatoday: here now11:02
marcogbloody traffic11:02
magespawni want to propose to my sons primary school to set a ubuntu/pc club in their pc lab. any ideas?11:04
magespawnwith workshops to teach open source and other tech topics.11:04
tumbleweedmarcog: I thought PDB files were ascii? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pymol/+bug/83589611:30
marcogtumbleweed: should be, see http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/format33/sect1.html#Basic11:33
tumbleweedmarcog: thanks11:34
marcogtumbleweed: i'd ask for the pdb file that causes the problem, i doubt it's a curated one as i've processed all of them without hassle11:35
magespawnlater all11:38
* superfly is not sure if he's supposed to take "tim@cybersmart" seriously13:28
Kiloslol. does it work?14:07
magespawnhi all14:52
Kiloslo magespawn 14:52
nuvolarihmm, how do i force search on "-" in google?14:59
nuvolarieg. "api-" "impl-"15:00
Vhatayou don't15:02
inetproVhata: it would be nice if we could15:05
Vhatagoogle doesn't match like that15:07
Vhatasearching for 'impl' will include "impl-" matches15:07
Vhatapeople aren't very clever, and google needs to give the best results15:08
Vhataso it has to take into account stupid searchers *and* stupid people who write the stuff that is being searched15:08
marcogmore fundamentally, google just doesn't index punctuation15:16
maiatodayI am on my way out marcog but I was wondering where the banner and table cloth was. Maybe SULUG can use it for the software freedom day unless you guys are using it. Leave a note under maaz's big letter stone and I'll catch it later tonight.15:18
magespawnhome time later all15:20
marcogMaaz: tell maiatoday they're by tumbleweed's desk at uct. we haven't used them since o-week at the beginning of the year, so i'm sure you can take them.15:20
Maazmarcog: Got it, I'll tell maiatoday on freenode15:20
Kiloscan someone check this please. i dont know why my pc nearly dies when i try go to this pastebin16:29
Kilos http://paste.ubuntu.com/687731/16:29
Kilosits about a boot repair 16:29
Kilosand who has an idea why slexy works kiff here but our pastebins wanna kill this pc16:31
nuvolarihmm, no clear reason oom Kilos 16:39
Kiloscan you read that paste bin story16:39
Kilossorry nuvolari 16:39
Kilosit is unreated16:39
nuvolariit might be the javascript that tries to beautify the text16:40
nuvolaribut I can't say for sure16:40
Kilosits the auto report from the tool boot-repair16:40
Kilosoh ok ty laddy16:40
Kilosi cant even change workspaces when the browser is looking for that bin16:41
Kilosits not a prob if i dont use it16:41
nuvolariwhat browser oom?16:41
Kilosff and epiphany16:42
Kilosno worry nuvolari 16:42
Kilosits not serious16:42
Kilosi was just interested to see what boot-repair actually does and reports on16:45
Kilosnow i go reboot and see if it crashed me16:45
nuvolariI hope the oom's coming back!16:47
Kilosyay it didnt kill me. it is supposed to be able to repair boot sectors on multiple drives at once16:50
Kiloswb nlsthzn 16:52
nlsthznThanks Uncle Kilos ... seems I had a bit of an unstable connection there16:55
KilosMaaz, ubuntu-za meeting16:56
MaazKilos: ubuntu-za meeting is on Wednesday 5 August at 10h00 SAST16:56
Kiloshave we had this months meeting16:57
Kilosand that time is inna morning16:57
nuvolariMaaz: are you ok?17:00
Maaznuvolari: Excuse me?17:00
nuvolariMaaz: you're pardoned17:01
Maaznuvolari: Excuse me?17:01
nlsthzn... however I am also off to bed now... was a hard day in the desert sun for me... got to get my beauty sleep... night all17:27
superflyoom Kilos, I have exciting news!17:27
Kilosnight nlsthzn yes superfly 17:28
Kilosthe grass is up17:28
superflyKilos: yes it is! :-D17:28
Kilosim happy for you superfly 17:29
superflyI heard it raining outside, so I wanted to see how hard, and then I shone a torch on my patch of grass, and behold, there it was!17:29
Kilosits horrible to plant something and it doesnt grow17:29
mrs_flyhe's pathetically excited about this :P17:29
Kilosevening mrs_fly 17:29
mrs_flyoh no...now he's bouncing17:29
mrs_flyevening Oom Kilos17:30
Kilosthats is what is nice about farming17:30
Kilosyou get pleasure out of watching crops grow17:30
Kiloshee hee hee17:30
mrs_flyOnly with farming you actually get something productive and not just grass that the dog will tear up again :P17:30
Kilosenjoy superfly 17:30
Kilosyou get a little shock machine17:31
mrs_flyOh he is. The grass is now famous on all his social networks :P17:31
Kilosi forget the name now17:31
Kilossimilar machine as for electric fences and you string the kinda rope around where you want to protect and after one shock the dogs stay away from wherever they see that rope/string17:32
mrs_flyunfortunately we can't really justify keeping the dog off of the grass- we don't have a very big garden, and she and Zak need the run of it. The soil is so loose here (mostly sand) that the roots of the grass can't hold it together and the grass gets torn up easily17:32
mrs_flywe're hoping this grass will last longer than the cape royal grass we had originally though17:33
Kilosim happy for him17:33
Kilosthere is another quite tough one17:33
mrs_flyI'm happy about the grass too- it's just that I can't resist teasing superfly17:34
Kilossimilar to kikuyu17:34
superflyKilos: buffalo?17:34
Kilosya you chicks are all the same17:34
Kilosride us poor guys at every opportunity17:34
Kilosya buffalo17:34
mrs_flyand you guys still love us- gosh, what is wrong with you? ;-)17:34
Kilosa mix of that and kikuyu is quite tough to remove17:35
Kilosaw we got soft hearts17:35
Kilosmrs_fly, did he let you listen to my baby sing?17:36
mrs_flyI heard her sing the Mary Poppins songs a long time ago, but I didn't see the X-Factor show. She has an amazing voice though, I'm sure you must be proud!17:37
Kiloslisten to the xfactor audition17:37
Kilosshe has matured some17:37
mrs_flydo you have a link, Oom Kilos?17:37
Kilosyeah , very proud17:37
Kilosoh my17:38
mrs_flyIf you can find it, I'd love to see!17:39
* Kilos needs help please. whats the youtube link17:40
Kilosnuvolari, ??17:40
Kilosinetpro, ??17:40
Kilosfound it on external17:41
Kiloslooks funny though17:41
Kilosthere wa mrs_fly 17:42
mrs_flyThanks! I'm letting it load while zak_attack watches some more Thomas the Tank Engine17:43
Kiloshope you enjoy as much as i did17:44
mrs_flyWell, as her father I'm sure you get first dibs on liking it the most, but I know I'll enjoy it17:45
Kilosim biased, thats why i asked for opinions that time already17:46
Kilosone doesnt see faults in one kids17:46
* nuvolari gets goosebumps and watery eyes every time17:51
nuvolarimust be the onions17:52
mrs_flybsolutely beautiful- I agree with nuvolari- gave me chills too!17:54
Kilosapparently there were peeps that didnt like her singing on twitter and fb so who knows17:54
mrs_flyThere are always critics, even of the most famous, big voices17:54
Kilosty thats fodder for my heart17:54
Kilosor ram for my cpu17:55
Kilossuperfly, i dunno if they say how to bind sandy soil here but i will keep thinking, there is someway to kinda make it tougher18:05
Kilosonce the grass is up you can add topsoil thats got lotsa clay in18:10
* inetpro happy to see superfly jumping up and down like a kid18:26
inetprowell done superfly!18:26
Kiloswat nog bind sanderige grond inetpro 18:27
inetproguten abend Kilos18:27
Kilosabend mein her18:27
inetproKilos: daai gras se wortels sal tog seker self mooi bind?18:27
superflyKilos: actually, my soil is a little more loamy18:28
inetproas dit goed bemes en gewater word18:28
superflyit's not seasand18:28
superflybut it is quite dry and fine18:28
Kilosah then it will come right with kikuyu kinda grass18:28
inetprosuperfly: I'm sure it will be fine if you pamper it a bit18:28
superflyKilos: I looked all over the box to see if they said what type of grass, but not a name was in sight18:29
Kilosneed a sa gardening site18:29
Kiloswhat is written on the packet18:30
Kilosno larny name18:30
Kilosand if you ask start airs18:30
* inetpro wonders why we have not heard more from the linuxfoundation18:30
Kilosthem guys18:30
Kilosthey gotta big job clean installing all servers inq18:31
superflyoom Kilos, this is the box (8KB) http://www.skupics.co.za/gallery/MANUFACTURERS/S/STAY%20Starke%20Ayres/gallery_STAY271C.jpg18:31
Kiloslol i dont see a starke ayres forum18:34
superflywow, interesting array of images when searching for "Starke Ayres playmix lawn seed"18:35
superflyMuslim clerics on trial in indonesia, a moose, the karate kid, cup cakes, cabbages, US navy and indonesian nacy admirals, a helicopter, oranges, the MDC, some student hanging out at Kirstenbosch gardens...18:37
Kilospannar they are looks like we used lotsa pannar seeds18:37
superflyoh, and an F/A-18C18:37
Kilosi dont see any images18:38
* inetpro lol18:38
Kilosall blocked18:38
inetprosuperfly: it's the mix of the words18:38
superflyinetpro: I know... but I've never seen a more mixed set of images in my life18:39
Kilosmost likely if its made for kids and dogs play grounds there will be kikuyu and/or buffalo added to whatever else they use18:39
Kiloslol did they playmix search and got a blank page18:41
Kiloslets wait and see what it looks like in 3 weeks time18:41
superflyyeah, I'm excited :-D18:42
Kiloshee hee18:42
inetprosuperfly: you should take the dog for walks outside18:42
Kilosmore dancing around18:42
inetproseems to be frustrated with such small space18:42
Kilosyeah but you guys havent really got much time for any more hey18:43
superflyinetpro: we do18:43
Kiloshe must become a maplotter18:43
Kiloswhat you stay in one of those complexes superfly 18:44
superflyKilos: yes18:44
Kilos5m by 10m yard18:45
Kilosget tropical fish18:45
Kilosif they upset you, you can just flush them18:46
inetproKilos: eish!18:46
magespawnevening all18:52
Kiloslo magespawn 18:53
magespawnhi kilos18:54
magespawnwe good become like the door and walls of this room18:54
magespawnanyone else been around?18:56
Kilosyeah the fly's gras is growing18:56
Kilosand mrs fly chatted and inetpro and nuvolari 18:56
inetprogood morning magespawn18:57
Kilosquestion-do peeps actually use empathy18:58
magespawninetpro i have a question about subnetting19:00
inetpromagespawn: don't as to ask, just shoot the question19:01
inetprodon't ask to ask*19:01
inetprohmm... Kilos: did I scare him with that?19:02
inetproahh, ok :-)19:03
Kiloshes a banana boy19:03
Kiloswe dont get scared19:03
magespawni just have to type on my phones keyboard19:03
inetpromagespawn: np19:03
Kilosmagespawn, inetpro is one of my main helpers 19:03
Kiloshim and fly and nuvo19:03
Kiloscarried me for 2 years19:03
Kiloswith now and again the crash kid and tumbles19:04
magespawn192.168.1.0 mask is so is a class C network with 254 possible hosts. is this correct?19:05
Kilosnow they all cant wait for kbmonkey to get settled19:05
Kiloshee hee i found twitgin19:07
inetpromagespawn: hmm... I don't think we talk about class C anymore but 254 is what you should get19:10
magespawnwhat do we talk about then?19:10
inetpromagespawn: is it important?19:11
inetpromagespawn: see http://jodies.de/ipcalc?host=
magespawnnah i am just an info hog19:11
magespawnwill do19:11
Kilosinetpro, help19:12
inetpromagespawn: Symmetria is the networking guru here19:12
Kiloswhats the pin at twitter web page19:12
inetproKilos: help?19:13
magespawni remember he gave us a routing tutorial once19:13
Kilosknew that would get a reaction19:13
inetproKilos: pin at twitter?19:13
magespawninetpro what do you do for work?19:14
Kilosyeah i added twitterim in pidgin but before login in it says get the pin number from the webpage19:14
magespawnlook like me might not exist here soon.19:14
Kilosdoesnt often kill us19:15
Kilosinetpro, what are they talking about19:16
Kilosmy password or what19:16
Kiloswhere do you see pin numbers on webpages19:17
inetproKilos: check your browser, should open a page with a pin code19:17
inetproand if it doesn't then your pidgin has no browser configured19:17
magespawnpin code to oauth the program to connect, i think19:18
inetprowhat happens when you click on a link in pidgin?19:18
Kilosit doesnt open yet it pops up a tiny window saying get pin from webpage and i see epiphany already tried to go there but cant get in19:19
inetpromagespawn: heh19:19
superflyKilos: I already have fish, and 3 cats, and a dog, and a snake19:19
inetproKilos: try setting your browser to firefox temporarily19:20
Kiloslol just teasing superfly 19:20
superflyKilos: (cold water fish)19:20
superflyKilos: and I have a large but empty fish tank for my tropical fish, one day19:20
Kiloswow you dont play hey19:20
superflyKilos: mrs_fly said I can't have any birds though19:21
superflyunless they're in an outside aiviary19:21
Kilosinetpro, after 2 retry epiphany went there to a authorize window and then gave the pin19:22
Kilospidgin rocks19:22
inetproI used to have fish when I was still a bachelor in a flat in Sunnyside19:22
Kilossuperfly, you dont have time for any more19:22
magespawninetpro as what is your job?19:23
inetprountil a friend of a friend came to visit late at night one evening while I was already sleeping19:23
inetprothey where both very drunk19:23
inetproand they poured beer into the fish tank19:23
inetproneedless to say, them fish did not survive the ordeal19:24
inetprothere we go19:24
* inetpro is still here19:25
Kilosfish dont like beer19:25
magespawnfunny that.19:25
inetproKilos: clearly not19:25
inetpromagespawn: you also survived19:26
magespawnjust about.19:26
Kilosthat was short and sweet19:26
inetprowb highvoltage, bmg505, nuvolari19:26
Kilosonly 4 got killed19:26
magespawnthe beer thing is all about quantity. they gave the human equivalent of a swimming pool19:27
nuvolaridankie dankie19:28
nuvolarithat was a fast upgrade19:28
nuvolarididn't even notice I was gone19:28
inetpromagespawn: I was not a happy chappy the next morning19:29
inetprodrubin: wb19:29
magespawninetpro i can imagine. what fish were they?19:30
nuvolarinight everyone19:30
Kilosnag boetie19:30
inetpromagespawn: I honestly can't even remember19:31
nuvolarinag oom19:31
inetprobye nuvolari19:31
Kilosinetpro, you watching twitter19:32
Kilosnight magespawn 19:32
Kilossleep tight19:32
inetproKilos: anyone see this message from twitgin?19:33
magespawnno not me, to nuvolari19:33
inetprogood night magespawn19:33
Kilossay what you mean. you guys type well so dont be lazy19:34
magespawni only need about 6 hours a night.19:34
Kilosinetpro, whats this mean19:34
Kilos(09:32:58 PM) error sending status19:34
magespawnso if i go now i will be up at 419:34
inetproKilos: it says "error sending status"19:34
Kilosthats on pigin as a reply to me tweeting19:35
Kiloswhats the staus19:35
Kilosyou got the mesage19:35
inetproKilos: ask Maaz to google it19:36
magespawnpidgin equivalent of the fail whale?19:38
KilosMaaz, google twitgin gives error message of error sending status19:39
MaazKilos: "microblog-purple - Libpurple (Pidgin) plug-in supporting microblog ..." http://code.google.com/p/microblog-purple/updates/list :: "microblog-purple - Libpurple (Pidgin) plug-in supporting microblog ..." http://code.google.com/p/microblog-purple/ :: "README - microblog-purple - Libpurple (Pidgin) plug-in supporting ..." http://code.google.com/p/microblog-purple/wiki/README :: "Free as in freedom…not as in free beer…" http://aswin19:39
inetproKilos: did you type more than 140 characters?19:39
Kilosno 5 or 6 words19:39
Kilosisnt staus the away or available goody19:40
Kiloskinda crazy the whole status thing19:40
Kilosget messages on fb sometimes some commented on your status19:41
inetproa twitter message is also called a status message19:41
inetproor a tweet19:42
Kilosthe last one i put @inetpro and it didnt give the error message19:45
Kilossay something to me please in twitter19:46
inetproKilos: twitter is not supposed to be like IM19:46
magespawnthat's a mention19:46
magespawnwhat is your twitter name19:47
Kiloswhats +rt19:47
magespawnwhere ReTweet somebodies tweet19:48
Kilos(09:46:29 PM) inetpro: @sharpeys it's working * rt19:48
Kilosoh well at least it works19:49
inetproKilos: ek weet nie19:50
Kilosmaar ek sien jou darem. dankie oompie19:50
Kilosso say something mage19:50
magespawntrying to log on, not getting there yet.19:51
Kilosyou go online to it19:51
Kilosif you got min data get pidgin19:52
Kilosif lots get choqok19:52
Kiloschoqok needs to download 39m of kde stuff into gnome19:53
magespawni am on my phone19:53
Kilosmaybe i could try that some time. fones use much less data online19:54
Kiloseven to facebook19:54
magespawndepends. my phones browser is seen as a full browser so does not go to the mobi site, uses less if i use a client.19:55
magespawndid you get that?19:56
Kilosnothing yet19:56
Kilosthere is a mobile twitter19:56
magespawnyes i have to go there specifically i am not auto redirected19:57
inetpromagespawn: Linux Foundation sites hacked, but kernel said to be safe http://bit.ly/nqT1Lo19:58
magespawninetpro just the websites then? isnt the kernel free for download anyway?20:00
inetpromagespawn: the kernel is relatively safe anyway, due to the use of DCVS20:01
Kiloshow can a trojan get into the kernel20:01
KilosDCVS ??20:02
inetproDistributed Concurrent Versions System20:02
inetprothe code lives in many places20:03
Kilosim sure the enemy is involved20:06
magespawndid anyone else the story about the new chip ibm is going to launch?20:07
magespawnworking with 3m they sticking the chips together. apparently keeps the cooler and allows more to be kept togther will run about 1000 to 2000 times faster than the fastest today20:09
superflyinetpro: actually, it's DVCS - Distributed Version Control System20:09
superflyinetpro: you're thinking of CVS which stands for Concurrent Versioning System20:10
magespawnwill be available somewhere in 201320:10
inetprosuperfly: oops, I guess you're right20:10
Kilossounds good magespawn but will be expensive20:12
Kilosi dunno why no one has used cpu's outa xbox and playstations yet20:12
magespawnthey said about what you for top of the range now20:13
Kilosthey 8 core i think and are fast but very little ram used and no place to plugin more20:13
magespawnwhy would you do that.20:13
magespawnthere is a server chip i was looking at 12 cores and server that could take 256 gb of ram20:14
superflyKilos: an XBox is already just a PC in a console box20:15
Kilosyeah superfly but very fast to be able to play the modern games20:15
superflyKilos: because it has decent hardware and isn't running Microsoft Office 201020:16
magespawnbut it cannot do much else,can it? 20:16
magespawnnot running windows either?20:16
superflymagespawn: it is20:17
magespawnthe full version?20:17
Kilosno but you can install an OS on them but wont be able to add ram there iarent extra plugin places20:17
Kilosyou guys understand windows20:18
Kiloswhat is the ultimate edition20:18
Kilosi only know about home and professional20:19
magespawnwhat i am saying is:  can you do everything on an xbox that you can on a windows laptop?20:21
Kilosyes but if it could take 4g ram it would really fly hey?20:21
Kilosand arent they same price as a pc20:22
Kilosnot many peeps can afford a server20:22
magespawnno i cant that is why i was just looking20:23
Kilosinstall ubuntu on it and then see what you can do20:24
Kiloslo JabberwockyA19 20:25
JabberwockyA19naand oom Kilos :)20:25
superflymagespawn: as far as I know it is Windows running on there, but probably a stripped down version20:28
superflyI don't see MS *not* using Windows20:28
Kilos(09:46:29 PM) inetpro: @sharpeys it's working * rt20:28
superflyafter all, if you want to develop games for the xbox, you have to use that XNA thing that only runs on windows and visual studio20:29
Kilosskuus man20:29
magespawnso presumable the xbox can get windows viruses?20:31
inetproKilos: waarvan praat jy op twiiter?20:33
Kilospidgin op die oomblik20:33
magespawngood night all, me this time20:36
Kilosnight magespawn sleep lekker20:36
Kilosnag julle. lekker slaap20:40
Kilosmôre is nog n dag20:40

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