
ProphetZarquonI'm no help with USB keys, never had any luck booting from them.00:00
dr_willisdorkmafia:  so you boot the usb.. and what does it do exactly00:00
bazhangdorkmafia, do it again, with unetbootin perhaps00:00
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dorkmafiadr_willis: it says boot disk failure00:00
dr_willisdorkmafia:  that is a sign that the iso file was currupted. or  the tool failed to install  the iso to the flash correctly00:00
mamece2prophetzarquon can ubuntu 10 and 11 use the same swap partition_00:00
ProphetZarquonTry having Ubuntu 11.04 do the Swap partitioning in it's own safe mode... Just thinking out loud.00:01
dr_willisdorkmafia:  check the md5 of the iso file. and try one of the other tools at pendrivelinux to put it on flash00:01
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:02
dorkmafiai used hdiutil00:02
mamece2prophetzarquon so i should go to graphic mode in ubuntu 11 and then open gpart , and then?00:02
ProphetZarquonMine always say that. I've tried numerous pendrive distros and they install but then aren't bootable despite seeming to have all necessary files on the drive.00:02
rlmccormickHi all.  Is it possible to have the xubuntu desktop and ubuntu desktop installed at the same time?00:03
ikoniaZeelot: sure00:03
ProphetZarquonAnd then try assigning the lost partition as the Ubuntu swap file. It's one of the properties options if I recall.00:03
corecodehm, that uefi boot didn't work out00:03
ikoniarlmccormick: sure00:03
mamece2prophetzarquon one last question, can ubuntu 11 and 10 use the same swap partition?00:04
rlmccormickWhen I use syanptic and select the xubuntu packages it lists unbuntu desktop as an item that will be removed (after I hit the "Apply" button)00:04
dorkmafiawhat is md5sum command on a mac?00:04
ikoniarlmccormick: don't worry about that, it's just a meta package00:04
ProphetZarquonikonia, any idea where to find Virtual Box error logs and dump files? I see no reference...00:04
ikoniadorkmafia: md5sum00:04
ikoniaProphetZarquon: it won't dump as you want00:04
josephseraosHI there. I'd like build my own web server. Who knows a great book to help me? I want create a web server with some services like apache, php, mysql or postgresql. I'd like run in own server but in secure.00:04
ikoniaProphetZarquon: there is a debug mode, but I can't find the info on it00:05
dorkmafiai don't have md5sum installed then?00:05
ikoniajosephseraos: the ubuntu wiki has guides on how to install and configure ubuntu with apache/mysql/postgres/php etc00:05
bazhang!hashes | dorkmafia00:05
ubottudorkmafia: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.00:05
ProphetZarquonmamece2, that I have no idea. I don't see why not, unless you hibernate one and wake the other while stuff is still on disk. Probably not though.00:06
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mamece2prophetzarquon when i try to boot ubuntu 11, i see some FAIL messages. something about network, i will take a picture and try the swap thing, brb , thx00:07
ProphetZarquonNetwork fails are typical if net boot is enabled but no bootable network drive is connected...00:08
dorkmafiaMD5 (ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso) = 7de611b50c283c1755b4007a4feb0379 which maps to ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso on the documenation page00:10
dorkmafiabut when i run it on the usb key i get MD5 (/Volumes/Ubuntu 11.04 amd/) = 57ccf4e0c8ce2031c26326293d294ccd00:11
dorkmafiais that the reason?00:11
ProphetZarquonI can't imagine an installed bootable drive would share the same hash as the ISO it's made from...00:13
josephseraosikonia: Great. but it shows divided. I'd like a book to have all informations including secure tip00:13
ikoniajosephseraos: you're not going to find one00:13
josephseraosikonia, why?00:14
ikoniajosephseraos: treat each component seperatly, make your own notes based on the good notes in the wiki00:14
syriusdoes latest ubuntu still use gnome or did I download the wrong ubuntu?00:19
josephseraosif I exceed login limit (more then 5 trying), how many times I have wait?00:20
ikoniasyrius: it uses an interface called unity00:20
rwwsyrius: All released versions of Ubuntu use GNOME 2. Ubuntu 11.04 and above use Unity. Ubuntu 11.10 will use Unity and GNOME 3.00:20
syriusso no more gnome?00:20
rwwsyrius: Unity is a UI for GNOME.00:20
ikoniajosephseraos: there isn't a limit on ubuntu00:20
rwwor shell, if you like00:21
josephseraoson ubuntu server yes00:21
rww!classic | syrius00:21
ubottusyrius: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".00:21
ikoniajosephseraos: there isn#t00:21
syriusno problem I like the new ubuntu interface00:21
syriuslooks very cool00:21
syriusI was just curious00:21
syriusso gnome doesn't use metacity anymore?00:22
syriusor is it like openbox?00:22
dr_willisgnome can use metacity00:22
ikonia!unity | syrius00:22
ubottusyrius: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.00:22
dr_willisthe eyecandy is handled by compiz however syrius00:22
rwwsyrius: GNOME upstream uses metacity or mutter. Ubuntu GNOME uses Compiz or metacity.00:23
ikonia          [Quit: iamaquitmessage]00:23
ikoniaoops, sorry00:23
nsqthe only thing i hate about unity is, i cant use the "launcher" on the bottom :/00:24
mamece2its me again, it seem that since ive erased the swap partition i dont have enough space in my ubuntu 11 partition. how can that be?00:25
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ScuniziSuddenly (I think after the last update) my numeric keypad on my desktop stopped working.  I looked at the configuration for the keyboard and it's correct.. Any ideas how to fix this?  I use it a lot.00:25
syriusyeah I noticed that too nsq00:25
alkafooScunizi: did you try hitting numlock?00:25
Scunizialkafoo, DOH!...... several times00:25
alkafoomamece2: it can't be, you've done something else00:25
alkafooScunizi: an even or odd number of several times? =P00:26
Scunizialkafoo, both..00:26
mamece2alkafoo first i erased wicd, then i mess with gpart and erased my two swap partition00:26
ProphetZStill can't find any logs to indicate why Direct X keeps crashing my Virtual Box of XP, but so does Now Playing in WMP and so does VLC directx setting.00:26
alkafooScunizi: wireless keyboard?00:26
alkafooProphetZ: Wine might be a better approach for that00:26
dr_willisjust deleting a swap partition does not resize the other partitions.. :) unless you resized them00:27
alkafoomamece2: two?00:27
Scunizialkafoo, nope.. MS cumfort curve 2000 which is recognized by the system.. Oh.. this is the release prior to 11.04 and unity.. ie 10.1000:27
josephseraosI'm running ubuntu server in virtualbox. And virtualbox is running in Ubuntu. How can I access the Server00:27
alkafooScunizi: if you CTRL+ALT+F2 does it work?00:27
josephseraosThere is running Apache. How can I access it?00:27
alkafoojosephseraos: ssh00:27
Scunizialkafoo, yep.. no issues getting to the TTY00:28
alkafooScunizi: does numpad work there00:28
alkafoo(try toggling numlock as well)00:28
dr_willisjosephseraos:  you can access it as you would any other real machine on the network. ssh , ftp, whatever.00:28
Scunizialkafoo, I'll check..00:28
mamece2alkafoo one partition that i already had with ubuntu 11 , and another that was created when i installed BT500:28
dr_willisjosephseraos:  you just set up the right servies on the virtual machine00:28
mamece2alkafoo when i boot in safe mode, i cant get the graphic mode to work, just console00:28
LocoenelCocohello, wich one is the best ubuntu to use on the desktop: 10.4 LTS or 11.04???00:28
ProphetZWine won't run anything I've tried. Went round and round. Need XP for games and Rosetta Stone.00:28
Scunizialkafoo, it does work there.. (my password is a mix of number and characters.. )00:29
alkafoomamece2: one problem at a time =P00:29
Jordan_U!best | LocoenelCoco00:29
ubottuLocoenelCoco: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:29
alkafooLocoenelCoco: LTS stands for long term support00:29
alkafooJordan_U: seriously? =P00:29
RenardHello, is there a way to share a physical device (/dev/dvb/adapter0) so it can be accessed by other machines on the same local network?00:29
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nsqLocoenelCoco, ubuntu 10.04 it doesnt really matter, LTS just means, it is longer supported, so you could use it in a company without upgrading so much00:29
alkafooRenard: what sort of device?00:30
RenardDVB-T usb tv tuner00:30
alkafooor so you'll have the same system without any radical upstream changes longer00:30
mamece2alkafoo my problem is that i cant get to ubuntu 11, the screen is just black and with the following message> disconected from plyouth00:30
alkafooRenard: I'm sure you could stream whatever you process with it over a network, anyways00:30
LocoenelCocook got it00:31
Renardalkafoo, it would lack EGP, Channel selection, and the like00:31
syriusubuntu! rules down with microshaft and small mac apples!00:31
Scunizialkafoo, any other clues to check? or a diagnostic solution?00:31
syriuslong live ubuntu!00:31
josephseraosalkafoo, How do I do that?00:31
alkafooRenard: not if you set up a remote control00:32
alkafoojosephseraos: do what?00:32
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josephseraosaccess using ssh.00:32
ProphetZYes, Renard tuners will need an app to run on the physically connected machine. Try VLC and use its webUI for remote control and viewing its stream across the network.00:32
Renardthat would allow channel surfing, but not EGP00:32
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mamece2how can i reinstall ubuntu without losing my information and upgrades and additional software00:32
alkafoojosephseraos: make sure sshd is running in the guest (probably is for a server, but /etc/init.d/sshd start or the like), run sudo ifconfig to get the IP, then from host you run ssh user@IPhere00:32
soolHi all! im looking for a document viewer (just as sleek as eviance) for pdf-files which allows me to annotate the documents (ie underscore, highlight etc.)00:33
alkafoomamece2: shouldn't be a need to00:33
alkafoosool: I think xournal has that00:33
RenardI figured that since everything is a "file", sharing it - at least to experiment - on the network could somewhat work00:33
ProphetZEGP? The guide? Yes that works fine on mine.00:33
alkafooeverything isn't a file, just almost everything00:33
Renardbut that's probably a simplistic view00:33
alkafoobut you don't need to share the device, because you can control it over the network00:34
alkafooit and any of its output00:34
ProphetZYou view the guide through VLC.00:34
mamece2alkafoo thisis my problem, when i get to grub i choose ubuntu11 and then after a while i cant get to the graphic mode, just black screen with a message about disconnectec from plymouth00:34
Scunizialkafoo, I think I figured it out, or at least what the problem is. I even knew the solution a year ago but can't remember it.. the numeric keypad is now an assistive device and moves the mouse.  I checked the preferences for Assistive Tech. and nothing it ticked for keyboard.  There use to be a hot key combination that would toggle the numeric keypad between assistive and "keypad".. do you know what that hot key combo is?00:34
bastidrazorScunizi: ctrl alt shift numlock .. i think00:34
archie_aitmy wifi isn't working00:34
alkafoomamece2: you said00:34
alkafooScunizi: shift+numlock I thought00:35
RenardI'm confused on how to set this up00:35
Scunizibastidrazor, alkafoo .. You both have the winning answer!  Thanks for the assist!00:35
mamece2alkafoo should a dpkg restore help me_00:35
alkafooScunizi: I doubt we both have =P00:36
Scunizialkafoo, both solutions worked..00:36
alkafoomamece2: first thing I'd do is a search of ubuntuforums.org00:36
nsqarchie_ait, if it is a usb stick, type "lsusb" in a terminal, if it is some sort of integrated laptop wifi, try "lspci", and look what wifi card do you have, we need to know that.00:36
alkafooScunizi: naturally if shift+numlock works [ctrl+alt+]shift+numlock might work00:36
mamece2alkafoo im in this chat because i though its gonna be faster..00:36
ProphetZRreeargh! Everything keeps crashing this VM. I'll try turning off acceleration, first both then 2d then 3d.00:36
alkafoomamece2: how's that working out?00:37
mamece2its useless00:37
alkafooProphetZ: VM isn't the right approach for graphics stuff00:37
alkafoomamece2: no it isn't, I just told you to search the forums =)00:37
josephseraosthis is the point: I'm running Ubuntu Server on VirtualBox. When I do ifconfig command, it returns some informations, that one of that is its IP: - But I cannot access typing this address in my browser.00:38
ProphetZalkafoo, so I'm back to dual boot. I'll need to shrink my Linux partition... Any help on that?00:39
soolalkafoo: thanks, it does a nice job!00:39
MonkeyDustapplications in my Automatic Startup list won't start automatically -- hints & tips?00:39
josephseraosI cannot access from Guest OS00:39
alkafoojosephseraos: into a terminal: ssh user@
alkafooProphetZ: what do you ened Windows for, exactly?00:39
josephseraosthis user is the guest or the host?00:40
alkafoojosephseraos: you said you wanted to access the guest from the host, no?00:40
mamece2alkafoo the problem with things in forums is that i can break more things trying to fix this one00:40
alkafoossh remoteuser@remoteip00:40
ProphetZmamece2 it sounds like reinstall time, use another OS to copy your media and archives and wipe the Ubuntu 11.04 (I've done it thrice this week)00:40
alkafoomamece2: maybe you should hide in your fallout shelter, then00:41
josephseraosI think the gues is the Real SO and host is the VirtualBox00:41
ProphetZalkafoo, apps.00:41
mamece2prophetZ :(00:41
alkafooProphetZ: wow, you really should stop doing that00:41
urlin2uMonkeyDust, how did you load any not there in the basic install?00:41
alkafooeven if your Linux install _doesn't boot_ (his does), the chances you need to reinstall are incredibly minimal00:41
MonkeyDusturlin2u: yes, dropbox, guake and wally00:42
MonkeyDustah, 'how'00:42
ProphetZWell it'll take less time than re-reading the same unhelpful forum discussions when a fresh install is guaranteed to fix.00:42
mamece2if god exist then why praying cant fix ubuntu?00:42
MonkeyDusturlin2u: by pushing 'Add'00:42
alkafooProphetZ: 'copy your media and archives' takes less time?00:42
alkafooyou people have been using Windows too much00:43
urlin2uMonkeyDust, add then?00:43
alkafoomamece2: because God uses Dettu[Xx]00:43
ProphetZYou haven't offered a solution to his problem. Mine will fix it. Who's advice is better in that case?00:43
josephseraosalkafoo, My REAL SO is Ubuntu I think this is the guest00:44
bazhangProphetZ, thats terrible advice. please dont00:44
mamece2im with prophetZ but first i will try this xorg.conf thingy00:44
josephseraosalkafoo, Ubuntu SERVER is running on VirtualBOX00:44
alkafoojosephseraos: what?00:44
alkafoohost = box VirtualBox is run from; guest = box run inside VirtualBox00:44
urlin2uMonkeyDust, so many of the launchers end up in usr/bin/"app name"  you would use the browse in the add section to ger there.00:45
ProphetZIf Ubuntu can't boot to GUI because the swap partition was wiped out due to deletion /format and nobody can offer a fix to get it reestablished, then the logical fix is to reinstall since it worked before.00:45
urlin2uMonkeyDust, some will run with just the app name, for example conky.00:45
alkafooProphetZ: maybe in a vacuum it is00:45
alkafoofor starters if you delete your swap partition, the system will still boot00:46
ProphetZSo what's your advice then? I offered a fix, what's your fix?00:46
josephseraosalkafoo, Sorry if I cannot do you understand. See: My SO is Ubuntu-Linux, OK? And I have other SO (Ubuntu Server) running on VirtualBox. Ok? And in Ubuntu Server, there is a webpage. So, I'd like to access it (server) from my browser on Ubunto (out of the virtualbox) Understand?00:46
alkafoomy advice is that he learn what his problem is and not waste his time installing like he's using a closed source OS00:46
MonkeyDusttnx urlin2u00:46
alkafoojosephseraos: ah00:47
ProphetZWell his doesn't. You want to guide him? Do it, but saying "go read the forums" doesn't help someone who's already done that and got nowhere.00:47
urlin2uMonkeyDust, no problem, hope that helps.00:47
bazhangProphetZ, thats enough please00:47
alkafoojosephseraos: VirtualBox makes that easy, IIRC; http://www.google.com/search?q=virtualbox%20web%20server00:47
ProphetZOK. But neither of you are helping him.00:48
dorkmafiaI just created the usb drive again and I still get the same error00:48
alkafooProphetZ: I believe he has a problem, but it isn't the swap partition00:48
dorkmafiaDISK boot failure insert system disk00:48
VaRenanyone here?00:48
dorkmafiai guess i'll just download the windows installer00:49
dorkmafiathis usb key thing is full of fail00:49
VaRenany one can help me?00:49
NeoncamouflageIn 11.04, you can add things to path by typing PATH = $PATH:/home/username/directory right?00:49
urlin2udarkcharl, how are you do the usb load and is it a HD or a pendrive.00:49
alkafooNeoncamouflage: what is it you want to add?00:49
alkafooVaRen: not unless you state your problem00:50
dorkmafiait's a flash drive00:50
Neoncamouflagehome directory/bin/Python/Tutorials00:50
urlin2udarkmafia:  how are you do the usb load and is it a HD or a pendrive.00:50
dorkmafiai just followed the instructions on the unbuntu page00:50
Neoncamouflageor basically anything inside of ~/bin00:50
DuolosOkay, so I have installed Kubuntu 11.04 and ubuntu-desktop.  However, I can't get the normal Ubuntu/Gnome/Unity to work.  It logs me in with an empty desktop (no panels, launchers, etc).  I've tried it with both the OSS and proprietary video drivers.  I can run Unity in a terminal, but it's very buggy when doing it that way.  Ubuntu Classic works fine.00:50
josephseraosalkafoo, Thank you. I'll try now00:50
alkafooNeoncamouflage: why not make use of /usr/local/bin/ ?00:50
urlin2udarkmafia, is it a pendrive or a HD?00:50
dorkmafiaurlin2u: It's a usb flash driveā€¦00:51
Neoncamouflagealkafoo: Ease of access mainly00:51
alkafooDuolos: what graphics device?00:51
urlin2udarkmafia. try unetbootin it is on the web.00:51
dorkmafiapendrive = flash drive?00:51
bastidrazorNeoncamouflage: i have PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"  added to my .bashrc00:51
eossanyone know regex for grep here?00:51
dorkmafiathere is no pen though ;)00:51
alkafooNeoncamouflage: you think ~/bin/ is easier to access than /usr/local/bin/ ?00:51
alkafooeoss: ?00:52
dorkmafiai just want an installer00:52
Lasersalkafoo: It is easier because it's located in home directoy.00:52
Neoncamouflagealkafoo: Open terminal, cd bin, and I'm there. So yeah. :P00:52
dorkmafiathe drive i want to install ubuntu on is in my pc00:52
eosstrying to list the multiple strings that occur inside this pattern xmlUrl=[all of this] and ends with />00:52
alkafooNeoncamouflage: ln -s /usr/local/bin/ ~/bin00:52
dorkmafiait's empty just stitting there saying "hey install ubuntu on me"00:52
urlin2udarkmafia, there never is we just have to rely on what people call it I call it a thumb drive.  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/00:52
eossgrep doesnt like brackets or something00:52
Neoncamouflagealkafoo: What's that do?>00:53
bastidrazoralkafoo: do you know how to add directories to ones path?00:53
dr_willisYou should just add usr/local/bin to your PATH00:53
alkafooNeoncamouflage: makes cd bin go to /usr/local/bin/ transparently00:53
bastidrazorNeoncamouflage: symlinks those two directories. add PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"  to your .bashrc and you're done00:53
urlin2udorkmafia, format it to a fat32 so it is fresh and use ubetbootin.00:53
Dazzledanyone else sometimes has application windows maximizing to right beneath CHrome's tabs?00:53
AethDoes anyone have a direct link to a repo's web interface?00:53
MrKeunerNeoncamouflage, bastidrazor's suggestion will work. PATH definitions are not recursive though...00:53
v0lteoss: escape the brackets?00:53
AethI need to wget a file directly.00:53
dorkmafiaurlin2u: will this give me a way to install ubuntu onto a hard drive in my pc? or will it install ubuntu on to the 4gb drive?00:53
alkafooAeth: packages.ubuntu.com00:53
dr_willisI dont see the need to link /usr/local/bin to ~/bin/00:54
Dazzledit causes the window to be off centre, and the mouse to miss its intended targets00:54
NeoncamouflageThat's fine, can add each directory individually. Many thanks alkafoo, bastidrazor, and MrKeuner00:54
alkafoodorkmafia: latter, and the former by way of the latter00:54
urlin2udorkmafia, it is the live cd loaded to the thumb for install, or use.00:54
alkafoodr_willis: nor do I00:54
zaccagninoIs there any way I can watch the live feed of the Jets vs Cowboys game it uses Silverlight Im trying moonlight and it just says loading00:54
srgjameshow can i get to a general ubuntu chat channel00:54
bastidrazoralkafoo: you're making no sense.00:54
Duolosalkafoo: it's a built in ATI Radeon HD 420000:54
bastidrazorsrgjames: #ubuntu-offtopic00:54
dorkmafiai'll give it a shot right now00:54
dr_williszaccagnino:  if its drm protected. not on linux.00:54
alkafoozaccagnino: it's quite likely there is another stream you can use00:54
alkafoobastidrazor: you're00:54
Aethalkafoo: which category is mysql under?00:54
alkafooAeth: no idea, ask apt-cache search mysql00:55
urlin2udorkmafia, not a full install just the live cd loaded, you can use the persistent function in unetbootin if you want to save stuff though00:55
bastidrazoralkafoo: i am, what?00:55
zaccagninoWell moonlight is supposed to play silverlight apps but it is not working00:55
dr_willisunetbootin finally added a persistant option?00:55
dr_williszaccagnino:  not video streams with 'copy protection'00:56
urlin2udr_willis, beeen there for a little while ubuntu only I believe.00:56
mamece2can someone explain me the third step? 2) Go into the /etc/X11 folder and rename the xorg.conf to some other file such as xorg.conf.jimbo.backup. Copy the xorg.conf.failsafe to xorg.conf.00:56
zaccagninogood point00:56
mamece23) Issue the two commands above about initramfs and the framebuffer.00:56
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Onionnion1,454 total users, uffda00:58
zaccagninoha i got it00:58
OnionnionWell hallo00:58
zaccagninoLets go Cowboys lol you guys have a good night00:58
dr_willismamece2:  you aer just moving a file to a new name. and keeping the old under a differnt name00:58
dorkmafiawhat version of ubuntu do i want live or hdlive?00:59
dr_willishdlive? never heard of that term.00:59
dr_willisThe Desktop cd is a live cd.00:59
mamece2dr_willis i mean the 3th step, issue the two commands above about initramsd and the freambuffer01:00
OnionnionNot sure if this is the right channel or not..but could somebody take a look at this log from a grub-install error?01:00
dr_willismamece2:  no idea what you are doing or how those apply,01:01
mamece2dr_willis i have a disconnected plymouth error01:03
eosswhy does this regex return nothing01:03
eosscat feeds | grep xmlUrl=\"[.+]01:03
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alkafooeoss: because it doesn't match anything01:04
dr_willismamece2:  personally - i just disable plymouth normally. I find it adds pointless problems for little gain.01:04
mamece2dr_willis have you heard about it_01:04
ravenThis is my Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250 (rev 5f). When I sit next to my friend (she's on a mac), her connection to the internet is just dandy (fast/modern). My connection is crap! The difference is broadband vs aol 1.0... is it my hardware/driver?01:04
eossthats not even the correct regex i need im simply trying to get the . to match everything like its supposed to01:04
eosslike this should work01:05
eosscat feeds | grep xmlUrl=\"[.+]\"$01:05
eossand it doesnt01:05
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alkafooeoss: egrep -io 'xmlurl=".*?"' feeds01:05
dikhey guys01:05
ravenWe are sharing the same wifi, btw. I wonder if that's part of why my laptop was so cheap?01:05
diklook what i drew: http://i.imgur.com/1XoDF.jpg01:05
L1nuxRuleseoss that grep wouldnt work01:06
eosswow that works alkafoo01:06
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eossthanks man01:07
L1nuxRuleseoss you cant use things like " in grep01:07
alkafooL1nuxRules: shhh01:07
eossyea that \" worked01:07
eosswas just my [.+] that didnt01:07
b7i want to set up lvm in plain cryptsetup on an ssd. how do i make sure the alignment is right?01:07
ubuntuguyI'm trying to change my laptops swappiness to 10. I have 2g of ram btw. I type in the command sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf and now I'm confused about what to do next01:08
L1nuxRulesalkafoo was on about his not yours01:08
urlin2ub7, alignment?01:08
L1nuxRuleseoss you can when its within ''01:08
L1nuxRulesor ``01:08
eossthat *? combination ...thats saying....0 or more times...multiple times..or something right alkafoo01:08
edbianubuntuguy: hi01:08
L1nuxRulesalkafoo not on*01:08
edbianubuntuguy: go to the very bottom and add vm.swappiness=1001:08
urlin2uubuntuguy, have you posted a question?01:08
alkafooL1nuxRules: doesn't matter what you were on, what you said was wrong...01:09
b7urlin2u: yeah, apparently ssds get chewed up more quickly if the alignment is wrong.01:09
urlin2ub7, not true01:09
ubuntuguyAnd how do I save?01:09
edbianubuntuguy: here's mine:  http://pastebin.com/n4nA6k9401:09
edbianubuntuguy: ctrl +01:09
L1nuxRulesalkafoo yes I am should read things 3 times after drinking01:09
edbianubuntuguy: ctrl + x     to save01:09
eossi want to isolate what it finds inside the quotations like this..but this isnt working01:09
eossegrep 'xmlUrl="(.*?)"'01:09
alkafooL1nuxRules: or drink more =)01:10
ubuntuguyand then I type in what? Y?01:10
dorkmafiai just used unetbootin to create the install drive and it said "operating system missing"01:10
ubuntuguyI box came up, FILE NAME TO WRITE:01:10
dorkmafiaor missing operating system after it booted01:10
ubuntuguyWhat do I type in?01:10
b7urlin2u: well, you could be right, but everybody on the net seems to disagree.01:10
edbianubuntuguy: ctrl + x  -> y  -> enter01:11
b7urlin2u: see stuff like gdisk, pvcreate --dataalignment, etc.01:11
edbianubuntuguy: use my name if you're talking to me01:11
urlin2ub7, it is a old wives tail a OCD argument really.01:11
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fus10nx1If I need to give another user access to a folder, how can I set those permissions ?01:11
alkafooeoss: | perl -pe 's/xmlUrl="//g','s/"$//g'01:11
ubuntuguyand do I change name?01:11
fus10nx1i want another user to have full access to /var/www and all subdirectories01:11
L1nuxRulesdorkmafia not familiar with netbootin but the boot loader is pointing to the wrong /boot partition or the install is corupt01:11
edbianfus10nx1: permission to read or write or execute?01:11
fus10nx1all of the above01:12
fus10nx1but not to the public, only for this one other user01:12
L1nuxRulesby the sounds of it *01:12
dorkmafiaso should i download the img again?01:12
edbianfus10nx1: make the file owned by a group both of you are in.  then chmod 770    (owner and group can do anything, others can't even read)01:12
fus10nx1whats weird is I made this user a super user01:13
dorkmafiathe md5sum looks fine01:13
fus10nx1but they still dont have access01:13
edbianfus10nx1: Then they could sudo   and access it01:13
fus10nx1well im trying to have them be able to FTP01:13
fus10nx1and they keep getting access denied01:13
edbianfus10nx1: what do you mean you made them 'super user'01:13
dr_willisfus10nx1:  I belive the use of groups is the proper way to allow access to /var/www/01:13
L1nuxRulesdorkmafia do an md5 on the img or try installing it in a vm to verify it , personally Id reinstall to the usb01:13
fus10nx1what about chown'ing the directory01:14
fus10nx1chown username: psaserv -R /var/www/*01:14
dorkmafiai've reinstalled to the usb several times01:14
urlin2udorkmafia, so where are you at is it that a thumb wont bot?01:14
dorkmafiaseveral diff ways01:14
dr_willisfus10nx1:  I belive the use of groups is the proper way to allow access to /var/www/  .. proper way. vs some dirty way. :)01:14
fus10nx1ill investigates groups01:14
dorkmafiait says missing operating system now01:14
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:14
edbianfus10nx1: that makes psaserv the owner of all those files01:14
dorkmafiaso i guess that's progress01:14
dorkmafiait boots but can't find os01:14
urlin2udorkmafia, did you format the thumb and use unetbootin?01:15
dr_willisfus10nx1:  check askubuntu.com and the forums - i see that same question asked all the time in here. so it has to be asked there  dozens of times also01:15
L1nuxRulesthe use of groups on /var/ww/vhosts or where ever is for ftp01:15
urlin2udorkmafia, the error is can't find OS, at what point?01:15
L1nuxRulesin things like Plesk01:15
ubuntuguyUnder File Name To Write: what do I put?01:15
fus10nx1what group is my default 'ubuntu' user part of /01:15
dr_willisubuntuguy:  whatever filename you are wanting to write to... ive no idea what you are doing exactly. :)01:15
dorkmafiaurlin2u: so it gets passed the bios01:15
dorkmafiathen it just dumps that msg out a billion times01:16
dr_willisfus10nx1:  you used ubuntu as the name for your initial user?01:16
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 on an ubuntu server provided by an host?01:16
fus10nx1EC2 from amazon01:17
dorkmafiai'm trying again01:17
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 any control panels like Plesk or c panel on it?01:18
smwfus10nx1, ti answer you question. type "groups"01:18
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 will be the ftp user group then and owned by root01:18
smwfus10nx1, in a terminal!01:18
fus10nx1ah, haha ok01:18
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: I am trying to make 'user1' have the same FTP "power" as the Ubntu user01:18
fus10nx1i.e. they can read/write/execture in /var/www and all sub dir's01:19
urlin2udorkmafia, so let try this when you power on tap the f12 key and see if you get a pout of the bios boot from menu, and see what is offered.01:19
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 dont do that you will insecure your box01:19
fus10nx1well you still need the auth file01:19
fus10nx1so its fine01:19
dorkmafiaurlin2u: i d o that already ;) press f12 and select usb fdd01:19
al4nc4ds<fus10nx1> ah, haha ok [br detected]01:19
dorkmafiai also tried with usb hdd01:19
smwfus10nx1, did you find what you were looking for?01:20
JoFoHello. Iā€™ve tried to make a boot USB flash drive with Ubuntu Lucid (the last LTS) 32 bits. When I try to boot on the USB flash drive, on two different computers, I get the message ā€œvesamenu.c32: not a COM32R imageā€. Is that a deficiency of the flash drive which I should replace or did I forget something important?01:20
urlin2udorkmafia, it may be that that is not the right one at times a thumb can read as a HD or even a cd reader, tey every one.01:20
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 why do you want to give an ftp account root?01:20
fus10nx1becuase i need to be able to create stuff /var/www01:21
urlin2uJoFo, how did you load the usb?01:21
dorkmafiahaha ok01:21
dorkmafiai will01:21
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 if you need ftp access to / then use sftp and the root login01:21
smwfus10nx1, use scp01:21
smwfus10nx1, there is an sftp client for windows if you need it01:21
fus10nx1it needs to be regular FTP unfort01:21
fus10nx1for programming reasons01:22
Graywhat is the 'run dialog' in Ubuntu?01:22
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 secure your scripts or get better devs01:22
fus10nx1for now I just need to get my other user to FTP and be able to write in /var/www and all sub dir's01:22
fus10nx1regardless of security right now, for testing01:22
smwfus10nx1, this is not very secure :-\01:23
fus10nx1i know but this is just for a test01:23
fus10nx1to verify server connection stuff01:23
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 if its only /var/www then that would be ok to give to user101:23
fus10nx1ya, tahts all, and all sub dir's01:23
dr_willischmod it 777 and hang on     uf security dint matter01:23
josephseraosalkafoo, couldn't01:23
fus10nx1so /var/www/*01:23
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 thats ok01:24
fus10nx1well chmod 777 gives all of the public access too, correct ?01:24
surfnsoundcan anyone answer what is probably a pretty simple question for me? Google has failed me so far01:24
L1nuxRulesyou wanty 75501:24
dr_willisyou saud you dident care about security01:24
fus10nx1well, within the system, not to the public !01:24
lnghi! after Ubuntu version upgrade, I couldn't boot to my system in normal mode. I used grub to enter recovery mode, but my display is screwed up - entire picture moved left so that the left part appeared at right. what should I do with it?01:24
urlin2usurfnsound, we can't until you ask,:D01:25
L1nuxRulesmake sure owner is root to so you want root:user101:25
qindr_willis: I made it once, as experiment. Server lasted for 12 hours.01:25
jrtechsurfnsound:  ?01:25
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: what do you mean?01:25
dr_willisqin :-D01:25
fus10nx1in /etc/groups ?01:25
brian_surfnsound, u writing a novel01:25
ttotissoi! novo em linux e meio perdido aqui01:25
surfnsoundWhere can I find files saved to the desktop if I'm trying to recover them later?01:25
L1nuxRulesmake sure the permissions are within group as opposed to owner01:25
L1nuxRulesat os level01:26
picolottotiss: Entao vai para o IRC do ubuntu br #ubuntu-br01:26
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: so chmod /var/www 75501:26
dorkmafiastill says missing operating system.01:26
alkafoosurfnsound: ~/Desktop/, frequently01:26
urlin2usurfnsound, on the desk top using another live cd to boot01:26
fus10nx1 ok01:27
qinfus10nx1: You would be better to have ftp group and ssh user.01:27
fus10nx1its fine, theres only two users on the system01:27
fus10nx1so both users should have full access to /var/www/*01:27
dorkmafiaverifying dmi pool dataā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ then missing operating system01:27
urlin2usurfnsound, you might consider cloning any install, and backing up regularly.01:27
dorkmafiaova and ova01:27
JoFo<urlin2u> JoFo, how did you load the usb? ā† The flash drive was formatted in FAT 32 and is bootable. I used usb-creator-gtk. I googled for my error message and it seems Iā€™m not alone to experience that error. Iā€™ll try the solution proposed here (http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=405857) in a few minutes.01:28
surfnsoundI booted with a live USB, but the original was a wubi install, I maneged to get the home folder, but I can't find the files that were on the desktop01:28
fus10nx1didnt work01:28
L1nuxRuleswubi dont use it just use the proper install01:28
jrtechif they were on the desktop that were they would be01:28
ListenerServer: irc.chatitup.org01:28
* dorkmafia sighs01:28
surfnsoundyeah, I am going to do a proper install now, but my x server failed and I can't get back into the wubi to revoer01:28
dorkmafiausb drive y u can't find operating system?01:29
fus10nx1not workin'01:29
urlin2uJoFo, unfortunately I can't read French.01:29
jrtechiso is not recoverable though01:29
fus10nx1find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;01:29
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 whats not working?01:30
fus10nx1still not letting me upload a file01:30
fus10nx1via FTP01:30
L1nuxRuleswhats the group aand owner of the dir?01:30
ListenerHow do I connect to a new server?????????? -using xchat01:30
urlin2usurfnsound, wubi is a file in windows easyliy gotten to.01:30
qinListener: /connect your.server.xxx01:31
dorkmafiaurlin2u: i think i'm going to break down01:31
dorkmafiaand just download the windows installer01:31
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 whats the group and owner on the dir?01:32
fus10nx1how can i check that?01:32
fus10nx1ls -lah ?01:32
dorkmafiawould that be the easiest way? I have windows on the pc i am trying to install ubuntu on01:32
L1nuxRulesyou only need -lh though01:32
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surfnsoundurlin2u, if i reinstall using wubi of a newer version, will i be able to recover all files?01:32
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: http://pastebin.com/uY97awyZ01:33
urlin2udorkmafia, might just be the thumb, even if the md5sum is correct also does not n=mean it is workable at times as well, a lot of variables, I'm surprised your having problems though.01:33
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AethHow do I secure a mySQL/apache/php server?01:33
L1nuxRulesthe dir is owned by root and in the root group thats why it wont work01:33
acetolinehi all, I got a wireless bluetooth headset and am using it with ubuntu, it supports a2dp and the sound is of average quality, but I noticed that it uses SBC and I was wondering if my settings are too low quality. How would i change SBC coding parameters?01:33
urlin2usurfnsound, you can only have one wubi, open the wubi folder in in C and pull out what you need.01:34
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: is there any way to fix that?01:34
fus10nx1what if I make 'user1' part of the root group ?01:34
L1nuxRulesyou can use sftp instead but apache will need to have permissions01:34
urlin2usurfnsound, updates are not available but any media or docs are.01:34
fus10nx1using SFTP isn't an option unfort.01:34
L1nuxRulesyou can upload using sftp but no sites will load01:34
JoFo<urlin2u> JoFo, unfortunately I can't read French. ā† They simply suggest to delete the line ā€œdefault vesamenu.c32ā€ in the file ā€œsyslinux.cfgā€.01:34
surfnsoundi can't find the docs that are currently on there01:35
fus10nx1well i created a file on the server it-self01:35
fus10nx1the test.php01:35
surfnsoundi pulled everything else out by creating a virtual disk01:35
fus10nx1crated it using vi as the 'ubuntu' user01:35
fus10nx1and it works fined01:35
urlin2uJoFo, never have seen that error, hope that works.01:35
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 basically to run a web server for ftp you need to chroot every ftp user to a directory01:35
JoFoIt seems that works. I donā€™t know where it comes from.01:35
alan502Hi, where can i find the graphics driver for my computer? (lspci: http://pastebin.com/2e4kPXkr)01:36
urlin2usurfnsound, I have only installed wubi as a training exsperience, where are the docs and what are they?01:36
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 your best bet is to setup an ftp server proftp maybe01:36
surfnsoundjust some open office files01:36
fus10nx1i'm using vsftpd01:36
surfnsoundi had them saved to the desktop01:36
L1nuxRulesthats ok not used it in a while though01:36
urlin2usurfnsound, where in the wubi?01:36
fus10nx1why can't i just make 'user1' part of the root group and be done w/ all this ?01:37
urlin2usurfnsound, open wubu , open home and then desktop.01:37
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surfnsoundfound it, thanks01:38
L1nuxRulesyou need to look into your vsftp config to fix the permissions on your website dirs if you configure it to use those directories then it will chroot them to the ftp user01:38
urlin2usurfnsound, cool it can be a challenge. :D01:38
L1nuxRulesyou will need to reinstall it though01:38
surfnsoundno w to proper install01:39
alan502_Hi, where can i find the graphics driver for my computer? (lspci: http://pastebin.com/2e4kPXkr)01:39
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fus10nx1im confused, why cant my 'user1' just be the same exact as my root user?01:40
fus10nx1via the groups01:40
urlin2ualan502, anything not running?01:40
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 because that is insecure01:41
OnionnionCould my motherboard be corrupt if the FS is being mounted as ro as opposed to rw?01:41
urlin2u unbuntu01:41
alan502_Hi, where can i find the graphics driver for my computer? (lspci: http://pastebin.com/2e4kPXkr)01:41
alan502_lenovo g47001:41
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: ok, let's forget about security at the moment except 77701:41
fus10nx1how can I make 'user1' part of teh root group ?01:41
fus10nx1so that i ca test this upload01:41
jackassplusanybody here good at macvlans01:42
dhyealan502: what kind of graphic card? ati? nvidia? or?01:42
urlin2u alan502_ what makes you think you need a graphics driver?01:42
L1nuxRulescreate the user and add it to the root group01:42
L1nuxRulesnot adviseable though01:42
alan502_urlin2u: the resolution is not showing properly and the ubuntu effects are at the simplest01:42
fus10nx1usermod -g root user101:43
L1nuxRulesthis is Linux main security the permissions01:43
urlin2ualan502_, have you updated and looked in additional drivers?01:43
alan502_urlin2u: i have ran the update manager, i have been googling for additional drivers but havent found anything I think is useful01:44
fus10nx1sudo usermod -g root user101:44
fus10nx1even that didnt work01:44
alan502_so i came to the channel :)01:44
PoeirI'm trying to compile Banshee from source.  Part of it requires gtk-sharp-2.0 >= 2.12.10, but the version I have (on Lucid) is 2.12.9-4.  This page shows that Maverick has .10: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gtk-sharp  How can I install the 2.9.10 version on my Ubuntu install?01:44
urlin2ualan502_, there is a additional drivers i n the menu lok there.01:44
alan502_urlin2u: up in the bar?01:44
alan502_urlin2u: no01:44
Listener2 newbie questions: How come when I try to connect to a server with /connect I get 'can't connect, you are not an administrator' and 2) What use is it to have a list of servers under "IRC" (Xchat-gnome), but no way to enter one not in the list?01:45
rypervenchePoeir: You can apt-pin.01:45
ubuntuguyMy swappiness value won't change in ubuntu, help?01:45
L1nuxRuleshangon this isnt an ubuntu server? your using sudo?01:45
urlin2ualan502_, in the menu the are a number of desktops you have not identified yours.01:45
JoFo<urlin2u> JoFo, never have seen that error, hope that works. ā† Iā€™ve just tried with Nattyā€™s ISO file and thereā€™s no problem at all. It seems that problem is specific to Lucid.01:45
alan502_urlin2u: what do you mean?01:45
jackassplusguess that's a no on the vlans then?01:46
urlin2ualan502_, what is the desktop your running ubuntu, unity,classic deskop, xubuntu, kde.01:46
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: THis is a ubuntu server01:47
L1nuxRulesyour using sudo though have you got root?01:47
alan502_urlin2u: gnome01:47
fus10nx1well ive got the account 'Ubuntu'01:47
alan502_urlin2u: im using 10.0401:48
fus10nx1which amazon set's up by default01:48
urlin2ualan502_, what distro ?01:48
mamece2ive been all day long trying to fix this and i just keep making everything worse.. this freakin mountall disconected plymouth01:48
fus10nx1there's no 'root' account when they set it up for you, Ubuntu is the account01:48
fus10nx1I can upload fine to /home/user101:48
fus10nx1but i need to upload to /var/www01:48
urlin2ualan502_, in 10.04 in the admin area is a additional drivres look there.01:48
fus10nx1what if i just give ownership of /var/www to user101:48
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 type this in your terminal mkdir /root/test01:48
alan502_urlin2u: ubuntu01:49
alan502_urlin2u: ubuntu 10.04, gnome desktop01:49
fus10nx1mkdir: cannot create directory `/root/test': Permission denied01:49
mamece2i get to a black screen when i try to boot ubuntu11, now NO ONE can help me.. #fail01:49
rypervenchefus10nx1: you have to use "sudo"01:49
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 you aint got enough permissions on the box to do anything than they allow you you will need to contact your host01:49
fus10nx1well if i just type sudo, ic an do everything01:49
fus10nx1no password required01:50
rypervenchefus10nx1: Then they have it set up that way.01:50
alan502_urlin2u: doesnt show anything01:50
dr_willisgood old amazon changeing stuff for their ec2 stuff :)01:50
L1nuxRulesso its like an ubuntu desktop ok01:50
urlin2ualan502_, you have a additional drivers you just have to find it, what you need may be there, or what is running now may support a different resolution but needs to be set up your kind of going in a backwards way here.01:50
ListenerIn fact, xchat completely ignores /connect... unless I disconnect from here first01:50
L1nuxRulestry sudo mkdir /root/test01:50
Escape_Artistson of a bitch!  i remember why i quit linux back in the day01:50
mamece2how can i make bigger my ubuntu 11 partition? i had some unallocated amount of hardisk, now they are ext401:50
smwdr_willis, how else ubuntu does not change much for their ec2 images.01:51
Escape_Artisti want to use IRC without mIRC - jeebus!01:51
rypervenchemamece2: You can use gparted while on a liveCD to change it.01:51
Escape_Artisti end up here.01:51
fus10nx1 sudo usermod -g root user1 -- if i sudo it, why wouldn't it work01:51
rypervencheEscape_Artist: You're not making any sense.01:51
alan502_urlin2u: the thing is, when i try to start normal or extra effects it doesnt work01:52
Escape_Artistas awful, unintuitive, and warlike as it was the first time01:52
dr_willisi have to wonder how oficially/much this channel is supposed to be supporting  The ec2 stuff.01:52
L1nuxRulestry sudo mkdir /root/test want to make sure they arent restricting anything01:52
mamece2rypervenche i tried but i cannot get it more bigger, should i need to make them ext4 in order to merge, i see no merge option01:52
fus10nx1in /etc/group i have user1:x:1001:01:52
L1nuxRulesor the enviroment is chrotted01:52
smwdr_willis, considering it is just another ubuntu install... why not?01:52
urlin2ualan502_, as far as resolution I can't help but sisnce that is your problem I would go from that route on this channel with using this command to isolate the graphic card.  lspci | grep VGA01:52
rypervenchemamece2: Oh, you want to merge...I'm not sure if that is possible or not. I would think it is...but I have never tried.01:53
wcchandleris there a 32bit openssl library package for 64 bit 11.04?01:53
fus10nx1this is a PITA !01:53
mamece2rypervenche i should merge partition in order to make them bigger, right?01:53
Escape_Artistone comment, then i'm out - research, you fucking pussies - you have google, and no huge books anymore to go through.  LOOK IT UP.  works 9 tenths of the time.  Taking my own advice now. Jeez.01:53
smwdr_willis, the ubuntu images are officially made by canonical and have very few changes.01:53
L1nuxRulesgo back to windows then and get your server pwned01:53
urlin2ualan502_, yes the effects don't work it may be that a later release has al the support yo need for the card download a Natty cd and see if they do on a live cd boot.01:53
mamece2escape_artist my problem is not in the forums, i just keep crashing more my ubuntu 1101:54
Poeirrypervenche: Alternate plan.  Upgrade to Maverick.  :)  Or whatever's after that, but it looks like I at least have to do Maverick as an intermediate step.01:54
smwdr_willis, they make sudo passwordless (better than the alternatives) and run a script at boot called cloud-init. All else is the same.01:54
rypervenchePoeir: Yes, it would be the quickest and easiest way by apt-pinning, as it takes care of the dependencies.01:54
dr_willissmw:  if you say so. ive never really looked into it.01:54
urlin2umamece2, you can't merge in linux, does messing with compiz make these crashes?01:54
rypervenchePoeir: http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html01:54
dr_willissmw:  i definatly seen others in here with strange ubuntu setups on other hosting providers. :) good to know ec2 is at least 'sane'01:55
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: so there's no way to do this ?01:55
smwdr_willis, and if people have cloud specific questions... there is always #ubuntu-cloud and ##aws :-)01:55
Poeirrypervenche: Yeah, I found that.  But when I started investigating doing it, I realized I was on a pretty old version of Ubuntu.01:55
L1nuxRulescan you write to /root?01:55
L1nuxRulesusing sudo?01:55
fus10nx1if i type 'sudo'01:55
L1nuxRulesyeah so you need to use sudo for everything01:56
dr_willisit may be time to learn some ubuntu/linux basics :)01:56
syriusUBUNTU school!01:56
edwardthefmahello all01:56
smwdr_willis, yeah. ec2 has its quirks though. On first boot ubuntu fetches the ssh public key for the root account (named ubuntu with sudo NOPASS).01:56
mamece2anyone knows about mount all disconnect plymouth? i did someting i saw in a forum and now i cant even get to CLI, just black screen01:56
fus10nx1Smw: thats correct01:56
* edwardthefma is looking for some 1 who knows how to use inadyn01:57
smwdr_willis, it then sets hostname and that is pretty much it.01:57
urlin2umamece2, you have only ubuntu installed and what release?01:57
michael_pfor 3gb of ram whats the recomend swap partion01:57
dr_willismamece2:  at the grub menu, you could hit 'e' to edit the lines and replace 'quiet splash' with text, and get to  the console that way normally.01:57
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L1nuxRulesI use proper ssh and keys not anything like ec201:57
bsmith0931i have my emails as plain text, how do i combine them into an mbox file, or something i can put into an email client and read that way?01:57
mamece2i have unbuntu 11 and ubuntu 10 (BT5) , now im in ubuntu 10 cuz i cant get to ubuntu 11 GUI01:58
michael_phits a 1gb now01:58
* edwardthefma is looking for some 1 who knows how to use inadyn01:58
michael_pits at 1gb now01:58
smwL1nuxRules, not sure how that relates. lol01:58
fus10nx1so why not just take ownership of /var/www01:58
fus10nx1and make the owner user101:58
syriusone gigabyte should be fine michael_p or half that you really don't need swap if you have that much ram swap was more back when ram wasn't that much in size01:58
urlin2umamece2, what is the gpu?01:58
L1nuxRuleser ?  On first boot ubuntu fetches the ssh public key for the root account (named ubuntu with sudo NOPASS).01:58
urlin2umamece2, and post that link to the plymouth01:59
fus10nx1that worked01:59
fus10nx1sudo chown user1 /var/www01:59
fus10nx1that was easy01:59
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 I didnt advise you that as your server is now insecure01:59
syriusI have 1 gigabyte ram and 1 gigabyte swap and I never seen my swap being used in the monitor manager michael_p01:59
L1nuxRulesgood look when it gets hacked01:59
L1nuxRuleswhats your IP?02:00
fus10nx1but now that i posted there, public can't get to it02:00
edwardthefmaany 1 know how to use inadyn02:00
L1nuxRulesthe os is ok but your websites arent secure and if your ftp is exploited then could then compromise some of the os02:01
fus10nx1that's a pain, ill have to chmod each and every file02:01
L1nuxRulesbasically instead of finding the easy setup just aim for the proper setup02:02
fus10nx1wrell thats what i was trying to do02:02
fus10nx1but it didnt seem like it'd be possible02:02
fus10nx1so i can now upload as user102:02
L1nuxRulesyou want a proper server you need root02:02
fus10nx1but i need it to set the permissins properly02:02
fus10nx1well thats not possible w/ amazon cloud and other people are using this as FTP server so i must be missing something02:02
L1nuxRulesso they dont give you a front end or a control panel?02:03
fus10nx1i have an idea, i can just write a script that runs every minute that chmod all files in /var/www/*.*02:03
edwardthefmaany 1 know how to use inadyn02:03
fus10nx1to 77702:03
fus10nx1unfort. not02:03
FloodBot1fus10nx1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:03
Shwaiilhi ppl02:03
ShwaiilQ: How can I update software ? Thanks02:04
L1nuxRulesits nothing to do with permissions anyway you need to learn how to config vsftpd02:04
fus10nx1its just a bit of a pain how complicated this simple thing should be02:04
urlin2uShwaiil, sudo apt-get update02:04
Gallowassup people...02:04
Galloanyone have wicd working correctly ...02:04
Shwaiilurlin2u,  tks for looking. sudo apt-get update program_name ?02:04
urlin2uShwaiil, the sudo apt-get upgrade02:04
fus10nx1ah, i see02:04
fus10nx1so maybe i should give ownership to /var/www back to root haha02:04
L1nuxRulessudo aptitude upgrade > apt-get upgrade02:05
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urlin2uShwaiil, if a particular ap sudo apt-get install "app"02:05
Shwaiilurlin2u, for updateing > sudo apt-get update rabbitSVN ? like this ?02:05
L1nuxRulesyes give it back to root02:05
fus10nx1i do02:06
L1nuxRulesnow you need to find out how to add users to vsftp02:06
urlin2uShwaiil, update just looks for apps needing update install is for a exact package.02:06
L1nuxRulesman vsftp02:06
Shwaiilurlin2u, I see. I'm having a problem with a program, this is Rabbit SVN and it can be a bug from what I've been reading02:07
Gallocan anyone help with wicd issue, trying to get past the bad password problem02:07
Shwaiilso, I would like to see If I could get a update or something02:07
urlin2uShwaiil, this, http://www.rabbitvcs.org/02:08
knightvoidanyone familiar with this message after installing ubuntu "Its seems that you do not have the hardware required to run unity. Please choose ubuntu classic at the login screen and you will be using the traditional environment."02:08
urlin2uGallo, wicd may say that logout and back in it should work ig=f the password is correct.02:09
cheakoHello, I've forgot the email address I used for my launchpad account...  Can I login via username (mmestnik)?02:09
x010101how do I send through control to screen?02:09
x010101I need to send control S to program, but control S is caught by screen02:09
Shwaiilurlin2u,  what happens if I install it again ?02:09
urlin2uknightvoid, use classic update and look in additional drivers for the graphics card.02:10
fus10nx1that simple02:10
knightvoidthanks urlin2u02:10
rajmahendraI have installed Ubuntu 11.4 resently i feel that some video application is not running properly how can i configure the VGA settings in ubuntu 11.4 please help02:10
urlin2uShwaiil, is that the correct ap your talking about, I see in the link that there is a ppa.02:10
Gallowell I had it working fine, asnd the pw is correct but it broke somehow.....other machines are using that pw fine, but wicd keeps saying bad password??02:10
Shwaiilurlin2u,  yes this one02:10
rajmahendraI am trying to run Secondlife on Ubuntu 11.4 each time i start the application it crashes.02:11
fus10nx1now im so fucking confused haha02:12
L1nuxRulesyeah it was that simple you did it so quick :)02:12
urlin2uShwaiil, never used it so not sure here is the ppa.  https://launchpad.net/~rabbitvcs/+archive/ppa02:12
cheakoOnce I login I just want to start a question or feature request: http://bit.ly/oKZvDN02:13
rajmahendraI have intel VGA card on my laptop and graphic applicaiotn are not running. anyone help me ?02:13
Galloeverything looks right in the wicd/wireless-settings.conf file as well urlin2u, so kinda stuck here02:13
urlin2uGallo, did you logout then back in?02:13
fus10nx1appears you hasve to use 'virtual users'02:13
cheakoCan some one lookup the email address of a launchpad user for me?  uid mmestnik  or send an email to me/him.02:14
Galloyeah, I few times02:14
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 basically you need to let vsftp own those dirs as youve changed and modified perms reinstall it02:14
L1nuxRulesthen you will need to find out how to add users to it but thats beyond this channel02:14
urlin2uGallo, so network-manager does not work?02:14
fus10nx1running sudo apt-get remove vsftpd02:14
fus10nx1maybe i need to reinstall apache as well02:14
L1nuxRulesno need for apache02:15
urlin2uGallo, this is a regular install right, not a wubi, or virtual, and you know the wifi card?02:15
Gallocouldn't get it to work for me, thats why i tried wicd, that worked a while then broke02:15
fus10nx1running 'sudo apt-get install vsftpd'02:15
fus10nx1Adding user ftp to group ftp02:15
Galloyeah on hhd02:15
urlin2uGallo, what s the wifi card?02:15
L1nuxRulesI dont need the stdout from apt02:16
Gallointel pro/wireless 4965agn02:16
L1nuxRulesunless it errors02:16
Gallousing the iwl4965 driver02:16
L1nuxRuleswould be stderr then :)02:17
fus10nx1set it up according to http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-vsftpd-ftp-service-server/02:17
Gallourlin2u, all was working then broke, so, i don't think it's a driver issue....but hey I'm a noob @ it so02:18
L1nuxRulestest your port for response telnet to it or use nmap02:18
fus10nx1its working02:18
fus10nx1i can FTP in02:18
fus10nx1and it crated /var in /home/user102:18
fus10nx1but if i SSH in and try to go to /var in /home/user1, i get permission denied02:19
fus10nx1and if i try to get to that file from the web, it doesn't work02:19
L1nuxRulesthats because user1 is /nologin02:19
urlin2uGallo, supposed to work out of the box, network manager should work, and wicd, I suspect your just setting it up wrong, are you trying a static IP or just DHCP?02:19
fus10nx1ah, OK02:19
L1nuxRulesftp users cant ssh02:19
fus10nx1well I'm SSH'd in as Ubuntu02:19
fus10nx1not as user102:19
fus10nx1user1 can ssh in also, just so u know02:19
fus10nx1maybe i should just crated a whole new user02:20
Galloit did work very short time though02:20
L1nuxRulesyouve locked your ssh login user from those dirs02:20
fus10nx1ah, o02:20
fus10nx1is that gonna be a problem?02:20
urlin2uGallo, are you trying a static IP or just DHCP?02:20
L1nuxRulesnot unless you nedd ssh access to them02:20
fus10nx1no need02:20
Galloit did work very short time though02:21
rajmahendraAnyone help me for my graphic settings ?02:21
fus10nx1but i do need the public to be able to access these files i.e. when they go to http://x.x.x.x/whateverFile they can access it02:21
Gallothen quit working02:21
urlin2uGallo, you using a router?02:21
Galloyeah, modem/router02:21
rajmahendra xorg.conf file is missing on my Ubuntu 11.4 laptop02:21
Gallohave other machines with same pw getting on fine wireless02:22
L1nuxRulesand this way your restricted to ftp so everything web site wise will work because it doesent have the wrong permissions it would if you created via ssh02:22
urlin2uGallo, I use OPendns and set that up in the router rather then the network manager you can set the router to do that I belive.02:22
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: ok, so I uploaded a file....but i cant get to it from a web browser02:22
fus10nx1just says 'not found' -- so i'm missing a step somewhere02:22
L1nuxRulesthey will be publicly accessible as long as apache is configd to serve them02:22
fus10nx1so apache conf needs to look at /home/user1/var/www02:23
Gallourlin2u can i pm you a sec?02:23
rajmahendralinux4u, i have some issue in graphis can you please help me02:23
urlin2uGallo, wont help this is not a area of expertise really.02:23
IvanBliminseanyone here a grub2 expert?.. I have an issue with grub 2 not seeing a xp partition...02:23
L1nuxRulesnot like that it needs to be setup for each domain02:23
fus10nx1I only have 1 domain02:24
urlin2uIvanBliminse, can you run a script for me?02:24
Gallolol, cool....better then being a noob though....sure you know more  he he02:24
IvanBliminseurlin2u, how do you mean02:24
fus10nx1so should i have a second Apache install on a different listen port or something? so confused at this point02:24
L1nuxRulesyou still need to point the domain to the domain dir02:24
urlin2uIvanBliminse, http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/  post the RESULTS.txt in  ap atebin02:24
L1nuxRulesapache has a default dir02:24
cheakofus10nx1: You should make a dedicated FTP user for managing the site content with /var... as it's home folder.02:24
fus10nx1so just change that dir and i should be good to go02:24
IvanBliminseurlin2u, oh okay, hold on02:25
fus10nx1thats what ive been trying to do02:25
urlin2uIvanBliminse, http://paste.ubuntu.com/  cool02:25
fus10nx1cheako: thats what ive been trying to do02:25
rajmahendracan anyone help me, i am using Intel VGA card and my ubuntu 11.4 system is not recoginizng the VGA02:26
cheakofus10nx1: What FTPd?02:26
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fus10nx1perhaps i should use another FTP daemon that's more integrated02:26
L1nuxRulesno you need to create a config file in the ubuntu equivalent of conf.d/02:27
urlin2urajmahendra, run this for the exact card info lspci | grep VGA02:27
Gallourlin2u, hmm note sure how to use OPendns02:27
fus10nx1apache2.conf ?02:27
L1nuxRulesnothing to do with ftp you need to configure your web server now02:27
zykotick9_rajmahendra honestly with Intel graphics, the autodetected settings are ususally what you want.  xorg.conf isn't created by default anymore, do you have specific knowledge of what you want to put in there to fix the issue?  If not, creating one probably won't help (it's possible to generate one if you need one however).02:27
urlin2uGallo, not saying you should just an example.02:28
L1nuxRulesthis is not os specific so you need to ask in web host or the ubuntu server channels02:28
knightvoid lspci | grep VGA  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)02:29
zykotick9_rajmahendra, i'm not really sure of the graphics requirements for second life, but I know openarena doesn't exactly fly on my intel graphics on my netbook.02:29
fus10nx1this is so damn confusing02:29
Gallois anyone using wicd ?02:29
fus10nx1i dont understand where the problem is02:29
knightvoidanyone familiar with this driver02:29
rajmahendra00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)02:29
fus10nx1can't i just tell apache to look at /home/user1/var/www ?02:29
rajmahendraurlin2u, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)02:30
L1nuxRuleswell you could point the default directory to there yes02:30
urlin2urajmahendra, did yo see zykotick9_ post?02:30
IvanBliminseurlin2u, http://paste.ubuntu.com/687305/02:30
L1nuxRulesbut thats a bad habit and what if you want to add further domains02:30
rajmahendraurlin2u, how to find it ?02:30
fus10nx1i dont02:30
fus10nx1just this 102:30
fus10nx1literally just this 102:30
fus10nx1so ill do it that way, what file do i need to edit for that ? /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ?02:31
ghostcartwould anyoen happen to know where I could find cint?02:31
L1nuxRulesthen upload all your content to the apache default directory I only know what it is for red hat based servers though sorry02:31
IvanBliminseurlin2u, I had an Windows 7 partition, and an ubuntu 11.04 partition, i am trying to install a windows xp partition as well. I carved off 20GB, told windows XP installer to use it. On restart it trashed grub2, which after i reinstalled it wont load windows 7 anymore, and doesn't even see the xp partition02:32
rajmahendrazykotick9_, last time someoen created it for me and it worked but i dont know what goes inside that file.02:32
urlin2uIvanBliminse, so you have XP and vista, the XP boot should be in the vista boot gui.02:32
cheakofus10nx1: This looks overly complex: http://linuxforfun.net/2008/04/05/vsftpd-virtual-users/  My suggestion is to use "adduser --home /var/www webmaster"02:32
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rajmahendrazykotick9_, i see some graphic applicaiotn is not running in startup most of the site says check the vga settings.02:32
zykotick9_rajmahendra, and is it possible to contact that someone again, to find out?02:32
IvanBliminseurlin2u, actually, i have 7, xp, and ubuntu.. or should have rather.. it never got to the install part of xp.. it just copied the files to the harddrive02:32
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IvanBliminseurlin2u, i would normally load win 7, download EasyBCD, add XP, and reboot, but i get the error "A Disc Read Error Occurred, Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart"...02:33
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fus10nx1we mayt have just solved it by simply pointing Apache to the home dir02:34
fus10nx1but i cant seem to find it in apache2.conf02:34
rajmahendrausr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d folder also not created on my system02:34
fus10nx1where's the httpd.conf file for apache2 on linux ?02:34
FFForeverHow can I clear my dns cache?02:34
FFForeverfus10nx1, /etc/apache2/httpd.conf?02:35
L1nuxRules/etc/apache2/apache2.conf no thats not the file you want to modify the contents to pastebin would be useful so I can see where apache is looking for cofigs though02:35
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fus10nx1no httpd.conf file in /etc/apache202:35
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FFForeverfus10nx1, I have an httpd.conf in there (ubuntu 11.04)02:35
urlin2uIvanBliminse,  the sda1 boot should be this yours is different to be honest #windows will be better here.   /bootmgr /Boot/BCD /Windows/System32/winload.exe02:36
urlin2u                       /ntldr /NTDETECT.COM02:36
IvanBliminseurlin2u, so I suppose i need to reinstall the windows MBR.. that's whats giving me the issues?02:36
L1nuxRuleshttpd.conf is anything other than debian based then its apache202:36
fus10nx1maybe its the way it got installed02:36
Gumbyhi all.  I am trying to figure out what is using up all my ram.  I have 8GB and almost all of it is in use but top isnt showing me that anything is using an excessive amount of memory. Can anyone suggest something other than top to use?02:36
aauthorDoes Ubuntu 10.04 LTS support PHP 5.3+?02:36
fus10nx1im sorry, i do have it, but it's empty02:36
urlin2uIvanBliminse, /bootmgr /Boot/BCD /Windows/System32/winload.exe02:36
urlin2u                       /ntldr /NTDETECT.COM02:36
IvanBliminseurlin2u, I sent that last message at the same time you sent yours... so what do I need to change?02:36
FFForeverfus10nx1, What are you trying to change?02:36
L1nuxRulesls your /etc/apache2 dir02:37
IvanBliminseurlin2u, or how do I change it?02:37
fus10nx1where it look for files by default02:37
fus10nx1instead of /var/www02:37
urlin2uIvanBliminse, is what should be there, that is a bit beyond me and a windows problem,02:37
fus10nx1i want it to point to /home/user1/var/www02:37
FFForeverfus10nx1, Edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default02:37
Gallourlin2u, hey maybe you can help with this... "iwconfig wlan0 essid "<name_of_router>" key "<encryption_key>" I get Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8b2a)  can figure what I'm doing wrong..02:37
fus10nx1this is it02:37
L1nuxRulesI already told you anyway upload your website to the apache default directory you dont need to change any configs then02:38
urlin2uGallo, wireless problems I have never had so I know little really.02:38
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fus10nx1and how do i restart apache ? sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart ?02:38
FFForeverL1nuxRules, He said he didn't want the default in /var/www anymore02:38
FFForeverfus10nx1, sudo service apache2 restart02:38
Gallolol, wish I had that problem....he he02:38
L1nuxRulesah ok missed that02:38
IvanBliminseurlin2u, how come windows xp shows up 3 times in my results??02:38
FFForeverAny way to refresh my local dns cache?02:39
fus10nx1got it02:39
fus10nx11 sec02:39
cheakoCan some one lookup the email address of a launchpad user for me?  uid mmestnik or send an email to me/him.02:39
urlin2uIvanBliminse, DUDE this is a windows problem your on the wrong channel go to #windows.02:39
IvanBliminseurlin2u, alright thanks for your help02:40
Gallocan anyone help with "iwconfig wlan0 essid "<name_of_router>" key "<encryption_key>" I get Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8b2a)  can't figure what I'm doing wrong ?02:40
L1nuxRulestheres no need to /flushdns like windows02:40
urlin2uIvanBliminse, excellent help there in this arae.02:40
Optimus55How do I compile c code in the command link that includes other *.c files in the headers?02:40
fus10nx1when i upload to /home/user1/var/www it only posts it there as -rw------02:40
fus10nx1maybe i need to change something else in the vsftpd config02:40
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FFForeverL1nuxRules, Any idea why on Linux my dns still shows the old record, but windows shows the correct new record?02:41
L1nuxRulesthats all the ftp user can set but you can chmod that02:41
FFForever(I'm using the same dns servers and dig on linux for testing)02:41
fus10nx1but i dont want to have to chmod each time a new file is uploaded02:41
L1nuxRulesdns is cached and how you mean they show different on lookups?02:41
fus10nx1i want all files to be 755 or 777, whatever the public can download02:41
Optimus55I have a file main.c that i'm trying to compile but it needs to find another file server.c to complete. Any ideas to link them?02:42
cheakofus10nx1: Yeah, doing maintanace of the /var/www folder isn't well suted over FTP.  you'r going to have to chmod and perhaps chown(if possible) things.02:42
L1nuxRulesfus10n0x1 I will set your server up for a fee?02:42
fus10nx1wahoo !02:43
fus10nx1ket;s try02:43
cheakocome to link of it: www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh  This would be the account to use... set a password for it :(02:43
fus10nx1think i go tit02:43
fus10nx1chmod 777 foldername -R02:43
kasidoes anyone use wmctrl to switch workspaces from the command line? somehow it doesn't work on natty for me. Try this: 'wmctrl -o 2,2' and you should be on your workspace with that x,y coordinates02:43
fus10nx1just a sec02:43
ghostcartSo, does anyone know a place I can install cint from?02:43
cheakoThat's where modifying PAM to use a virtual user database for vsftp is a good idea!02:43
fus10nx1that didnt work02:44
fus10nx1it set it once02:44
fus10nx1how can i make it permanent02:44
FloodBot1fus10nx1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
L1nuxRuleslearn the unix/linux basics02:45
fus10nx1so any time i put something in /home/user1/var/www it always gets 77702:45
fus10nx1this is my last step and this thing is doe02:45
fus10nx1chown instead if chmod ?02:45
Braber01are there any font pacages for unicode fonts for say writeing apl programs?02:45
L1nuxRulesyou would break vsftp then02:45
Braber01or just unicode fonts in genral02:46
Braber01*font packages02:46
fus10nx1i can upload files to teh dir I want, just the public can't see them02:46
fus10nx1so close but yet so far !02:46
L1nuxRuleslike I said not being funny but learn the Linux basics02:46
fus10nx1I just need /home/user1/var/www to always set the files as 77702:46
fus10nx1im trying to do exactly that02:46
fus10nx1but it doesnt seem that chmod is the right command i want02:47
L1nuxRuleswhy do you want 777 though as thats insecure for script injections02:48
fus10nx1that seems to modify files after they are created and in place, not going forward i.e. i would have to run that command each time a file is uploaded, as where i want the permissions of the files to be set automatically02:48
fus10nx1or 75502:48
L1nuxRuleschmod 755 is a ll you need whats the error again?02:48
fus10nx1when i upload something as user102:49
fus10nx1let's say whatever.zip02:49
fus10nx1then from my broweser I go to www.1234.com/whatever.zip - i get permission denied02:49
fus10nx1403 forbidden02:49
fus10nx1because after the file is uploaded via FTP, its set as 60002:49
fus10nx1not 75502:49
L1nuxRulesthats your directory permissions its denied because theres no default index02:49
fus10nx1how do I set the default inded02:50
fus10nx1or is this using an .htaccess or something /02:50
L1nuxRuleseasiest way make an index.html that meta refreshes to the zip02:50
fus10nx1that cant be right02:50
fus10nx1isnt it a linux issue?02:51
fus10nx1that its setting the files to 60002:51
L1nuxRulesotherwise allow directory listing in apache (insecurish)02:51
austinbvWhat shell do most people use, i have been looking at zsh, but all posts about it are from lik 08.02:51
L1nuxRulesno its a user issue02:51
Gumbycheck to see you are also hitting the right directory by looking at the logfiel02:51
fus10nx1if i do 'chmod -r 755 /home/user1/var/www' then it works02:51
fus10nx1but i dont want to have to issue a command each time i upload a file, ya know ?02:51
fus10nx1i want all files to default to 75502:51
fus10nx1when uploaded, like any other web server does i.e. godaddy02:52
L1nuxRulesthey do where there being served by apache02:52
zykotick9_kasi, if you are using Unity and/or Compiz it makes sense that wmctrl doesn't work.  It doesn't support compiz (worked as expected with metacity however) http://tomas.styblo.name/wmctrl/ for list of supported.  It was able to move to switch to screen 0 from several commands with Compiz on my box.02:52
L1nuxRulesyour setting dirs that shouldnt be02:52
fus10nx1its not an apache issue, its a user issue, correct ?02:52
L1nuxRulessorry your not experienced enough for me to give you any more advice02:52
fus10nx1im trying to figure it out man02:52
Gumbyfus10nx1: its a permissions issue02:52
kasizykotick9_, oh, I use the standard ubuntu with compiz02:53
Gumbyits not a "user" issue02:53
kasizykotick9_, is there something like wmctrl for compiz?02:53
anonop05how do i restore ubuntu grub menu after installing another linux distro?02:53
fus10nx1so why cant I perm. set the permissions on /home/user1/var/www to 755 and all the sub dir's after that as well02:53
L1nuxRulesgumby by user i meant the admin02:53
GumbyL1nuxRules: then don't help if you are just going to degrade a person for their lack of knowledge.  Educate02:54
Gredeui've seen logs of ssh into machine despite the fact that i've never installed that package02:54
L1nuxRulesGumby I have tried02:54
fus10nx1I'm just trying to understand the issue02:54
fus10nx1so I can read about how to fix it, but i dont get the issue02:54
zykotick9_kasi, i've never even seen wmctrl before, i've kinda always wanted to be able to do that from cli/script/shortcut actually :)  i owe you a big thanks.  But i certainly don't know a compiz alternative ;)02:54
qinGredeu: That logs?02:54
Gredeurouter logs02:55
Gredeunever turned the service on02:55
fus10nx1end goal -- how can I have a file default to 755 when i upload it like any other normal web server02:55
qinGredeu: Is it: /var/log/auth.log ?02:55
Gredeudont' recall02:55
L1nuxRulesGumby this is also advising how to do things and making a web server insecure02:56
qinGredeu: sudo service ssh status; sudo netstat -tulp (to be sure)02:56
Gumbyfus10nx1: that is not what you want as it is insecure.  YOu want to set up the proper permissions02:56
Gredeui an certain there was an ssh login despite the service never turned on02:56
Gumbyfus10nx1: you should try adding www-data user to the user's account where the files reside02:57
fus10nx1OK....so where do I start? What am I missing? it seems so close but so far02:57
fus10nx1is www-data a user ?02:57
Gumbyapache is telling you that it doesn't have permission to access the file02:57
L1nuxRulesI advised learning the basics to prevent insecurities, you can ask advice but can be dangerous02:57
Gumbyso, lets give it permissions02:57
qinGredeu: How can you be? /var/log/auth.log contains all logins, also last and lastlog02:57
Gredeuit was in my router, not my computer02:58
fus10nx1Gumby: OK, when you say 'apache' you mean apache as a user or the software ?02:58
Gumbyapache as in the web server02:58
L1nuxRulesthis will break vsftp fus10nx1 Gumby02:58
fus10nx1ok so i need to chmod apache ?02:58
Gumbyfus10nx1: if you do a ps aux |grep apache you'll notice it runs as the www-data user02:58
L1nuxRulesoh dear stop advising Gumby02:59
fus10nx1so www-data is a user, got it02:59
qinGredeu: ISP or someone else. Reconfigure router (after factory reset - to be sure)02:59
GumbyL1nuxRules: why?02:59
L1nuxRulessorry Im red hat based carry on03:00
Gumbyfus10nx1: have a look at /etc/group  these are your permissions "groups"03:01
Gumbyread up on how to add a user to a group03:02
fus10nx1so i want to add user1 to www-data group ?03:02
L1nuxRulesthing is the dirs are owned by the ftp daemon03:02
Gumbyalso read up on what the file permissions of a file/directory mean http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html03:02
L1nuxRulesits nothing to do with ownership just file permissions03:03
Gumbyfus10nx1: depends on where the files are.  if you want to add permissions to a file/directory in a users folder then you'd need to add www-data to that users group03:03
zykotick9_fus10nx1, is it user1 that you want in www-data group?  If so the command "sudo usermod -aG www-data user1" should add user1 to the www-data group, using append as not to remove any groups (the -a is important)03:04
GumbyL1nuxRules: if www-data has read permissions then its access would not be denied03:04
fus10nx1didnt work03:05
zykotick9_fus10nx1, FTI you need to logout/login for it to apply03:05
fus10nx1but still get permission denied03:05
fus10nx1ah 1 sec03:05
L1nuxRuleswhat you trying to execute if its a script it has to have global execution permissions03:05
Gumbywww-data:x:33:user1  <--- backwards03:05
kasizykotick9_, you might want to look into the xdotool as well, however, it doesn't seem to support large desktops like you have with compiz03:05
Gumbywell, that userid will be different03:05
zykotick9_kasi, thanks :)03:06
fus10nx1i have it backwards03:06
Gumbyand logging out is not necessary03:06
Gumbynot in this case03:06
fus10nx1"sudo usermod -aG user1 www-data NOT  "sudo usermod -aG www-data user103:06
fus10nx1so now how do i remove user1 from www-data haha03:07
* fus10nx1 googles03:07
Gumbysudo nano -w /etc/group03:07
zykotick9_fus10nx1, that's wrong!  YOU have it backwards03:07
L1nuxRulesfus10nx1 I could hack your server within a day :) Gumby yours also03:08
fus10nx1usermod -G sales tom03:08
GumbyL1nuxRules: good for you03:08
L1nuxRulesdont advise noobs how to insecure stuff ffs03:08
fus10nx1sudo usermod -aG user1 www-data03:09
fus10nx1so that should do it03:09
zykotick9_L1nuxRules, those sorts of commends don't belong here, tread carefully.03:09
Gallocan someone help..."iwconfig wlan0 essid "<name_of_router>" key "<encryption_key>" I get Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8b2a)  can"t figure what I'm doing wrong.. wicd also gives me bad password error even though it's corret...3 other machines are using same pw03:09
fus10nx1nope still only giving it 60003:09
treydoggHACKER WAR!!!! LOL03:09
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L1nuxRuleszykotick9_ sorry but people shouldnt advise how to break stuff03:10
GumbyL1nuxRules: how is adding a user to a group that would normally have read access to a web site anyhow being insecure?03:10
treydogggallo:  what kernel?03:10
ubunHey guys...help please. if i want to upgrade video card, do i have to do anythingt with drivers first???03:10
L1nuxRulesGumby its not but the way he has been going about it is03:10
treydoggubun: what kinda card?03:10
GumbyL1nuxRules: then why are you telling people to not advise him of doing insecure stuff when nobody has03:11
fus10nx1I've done it as the instructions said, thats all03:11
Gallointel pro/wireless 4965agn03:11
treydoggf it.. jsut chmod 755 all of it!! :)  JK03:11
Galloiwl4965 driver03:11
L1nuxRulesGumby how long have you been reading what hes been asking?03:11
fus10nx1it should be simple what im trying to do03:11
ubuntreydogg: im going from ati x300, to a nvidia gforce840003:11
Gallowas working ok with wicd then broke03:11
zykotick9_L1nuxRules, i agree (infact i believe editing groups file by hand is also probably a bad idea, but i think someone is suggesting it right now).  I believe in pointing errors out as well (for doing that kudos).  But the "i could hack you" and using "noobs" is non-#ubuntu policy.03:11
Gumbyfus10nx1: it is, don't confuse your lack of knowledge with something being hard03:12
fus10nx1fair enough03:12
L1nuxRulesyes it is simple just not adviseble to someone who doesent know how to do it properly and seccurely03:12
fus10nx1but i mean all of those godaddy servers and VPS I use have it set by default03:12
treydoggubun:  yeah you are gonna need to install the nvidia drivers.. but pop in the card.. and boot it up, if I were you I would rename your xorg.conf to xorg.old.. and start X03:12
fus10nx1so the ftp user can write to /var/www03:12
fus10nx1whatever FTP user i create i.e. user103:12
treydoggubun:  ubuntu will ask you to install alternative drivers03:12
* zykotick9_ thinks FTP really needs to Die03:13
L1nuxRuleszykotick9_ yeah sorry for that was well out of order03:13
ubuntreydogg: ok what do you mean by start x?03:13
fus10nx1whatever teh case, it's still writing the files as 600, any other ideas ?03:13
treydoggstart your xsession..03:13
treydoggie "startx"03:13
ubuntreydogg: is that the command...?03:14
fus10nx1perhaps the virtual user thing is the way i hvae to do this03:14
treydoggubun:  dont worry about it.. first I would just try to pop in the card and boot.03:14
Gumbyfus10nx1: there is also a reason why VPS servers get hacked all the time (because they make it easy for the end user which often makes things less secure)03:15
Gumbyfus10nx1: the reason vsftp sets 600 as the default permissions is for security.03:15
edwardthefmaany 1 know how to use inadyn03:15
Gallotreydogg, can i message you a sec man?03:15
fus10nx1so there's this thing about the virtual users, should I try that?03:16
new2netDoes anyone know what the bug in python's nfqueue module (for netfilter hooks) is for debian based OS?03:16
dompyuinhi, i have a problem to join the ##java channel, i just wanna open and view this file http://bit.ly/qMWK0H, on netbeans, im using ubuntu 10.04, can anybody kindly help me to open this file as project in netbeans 6.8. thanks in advance03:16
fus10nx1should i just switch to proftpd ?03:17
L1nuxRulesshared hosting maybe?03:18
Gumbynice queries on my webserver03:18
GumbyI wont bother posting here what they were/are03:19
fus10nx1chown vsftpd.users /home/users/user103:19
fus10nx1i think this is what i need to do03:19
L1nuxRulesvsftpd Ive not seen for a while proftpd seems to be used by the control panels so might be better03:20
momoruI just did a fresh install of the latest version of Ubuntu and I'm having some problems with the video.  I'm not sure if it's my video card or my monitor though.03:20
L1nuxRulesif its a server that only you admin and only you host just do it all via ssh03:21
fus10nx1i just feel like im so close to vsftpd03:21
L1nuxRulesif you know it inside out then stick with it otherwise...03:22
momoruWhenever X starts all I get is a blank desktop and a cursor.  Every so often I'll see a desktop icon and an application window flash on the screen and vanish.03:22
blsh0pis there a chat for talking about video games?03:22
urlin2umomoru, how old is the install, and what is the gpy?03:23
fus10nx1so aggrivating !@03:23
L1nuxRulessounds like a kernel upgrade03:23
momoruurlin2u: Fresh install. gpy?03:23
L1nuxRuleson the gfx03:24
urlin2umomoru, GPU sorry.03:24
fus10nx1Problem solved! To fix this either give permissions to www-data to the new directory or edit /etc/apache2/envvars and change APACHE_RUN_USER and APACHE_RUN_GROUP from www-data to your user name.03:24
momoruurlin2u: Ah.  It's an nVidia card.  Can't remember the exact model since the machine is a few years old.03:24
duiuHow much better is driver support for an nvidia gtx 560 Ti vs amd 6870, I'm going to dual boot windows / linux and want to know if the extra $70 is worth it03:25
urlin2umomoru, use the recovry boot from grub choose failsafe at the first gui for a low graphics desktop update then look in additional drivers.03:25
jribfus10nx1: wait what?  You're making apache run as your user?03:25
fus10nx1bad idea?03:25
jribfus10nx1: yes, bad idea...03:25
fus10nx1haha ok03:25
fus10nx1im reading off forums at this point03:25
momoruurlin2u: How do I get into the recovery boot?03:25
jribfus10nx1: better to give www-data permissions it needs on specific directories03:25
GumbyProblem solved! To fix this either give permissions to www-data to the new directory  <-----03:26
fus10nx1so www-data should have access to /home/user1/var/www03:26
fus10nx1how do i grant folder permissions ?03:26
fus10nx1to that user?03:26
urlin2umomoru, there is a recovery in the grub menu do you se the grub menu when you boot if not tap the shift key at powering on.03:26
jribfus10nx1: what do you want to accomplish in the end?03:26
fus10nx1or what do i google to figure that out ?03:26
fus10nx1writing files w/ more than 600 (chmod) to /home/user1/var/www03:26
fus10nx1so then i can access the files via a web browser03:26
momoruurlin2u: No, I don't see a grub menu but I'll give that a shot.  Thanks.03:27
L1nuxRuleshacking a linux server for your google search :)03:27
Gumbythats more than likely an ftp server setting03:27
fus10nx1seems like a common problem03:27
urlin2umomoru, no problem, this is a dual boot not a wubi?03:27
fus10nx1cd /var/www03:27
fus10nx1sudo chgrp www-data files03:27
fus10nx1sudo chmod g+rwx files03:27
fus10nx1ah ! so i could just give 'user1' access to the /var/www03:27
Gumbyfus10nx1: that is only 1/2 of your problem03:27
fus10nx1but now ive pointed apache to it03:27
fus10nx1so doesnt matter....03:27
FloodBot1fus10nx1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:27
urlin2umomoru, or just a single install?03:27
momoruurlin2u: Single install.03:28
Gumbyfus10nx1: as I see it, you have two problems03:28
fus10nx1i only see 1 now?03:28
urlin2umomoru, cool yeah you need to tap shift I think to get the grub menu.03:28
fus10nx1and that's allowing the files that are FTP'd to have more than 60003:28
fus10nx1then im done03:28
momoruurlin2u: I'll give it a shot.03:28
fus10nx1because if i manually change them to 755, everything works fine03:28
jribfus10nx1: please do not press enter to break up your thoughts03:28
fus10nx1sorry about that03:28
Gumby1) you want your ftp server to by default write as group readable 2) you want apache to be able to read these new files.03:29
fus10nx1it reads them if i manually chmod03:29
L1nuxRuleswhat you should have done is upload and change perms by ftp but because you changed by ssh you made root the owner03:29
fus10nx1so let's say I FTP in, upload a file then go to a web browser and try to download or load that file, let's say test.php, it does not work. When I manually chmod the file, it works fine03:30
fus10nx1no i changed to 755 via FTP03:30
fus10nx1i did do it by ftp, not by SSH03:30
fus10nx1user1 is in the root group03:30
L1nuxRulesah ok03:30
fus10nx1so i just need the files to automatically defalt to 75503:31
fus10nx1so this should fix all of my issues.....let me give it a shot03:31
L1nuxRulesthey all should below htdocs ot httpdocs or whatever its set to03:32
Gumbyfus10nx1: as L1nuxRules has pointed out, you are asking for trouble by doing that03:32
Sonarpulsehello everybody, I'm having trouble uninstalling kubuntu-desktop03:32
Sonarpulsefound the nice command line at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome03:32
Gumbyfus10nx1: you can change the default umask in the vsftp settings03:33
cheakofus10nx1: Yeah, you should be using the www-data login!03:33
fus10nx1didnt work anyhow03:33
jamescarris there someway to see packages installed by date?03:33
Gumby    The permissions with which uploaded files are created. Umasks are applied on top of this value. You may wish to change to 0777 if you want uploaded files to be executable.03:33
Gumby    Default: 066603:33
cheakofus10nx1: No chmoding things.03:33
FloodBot1Gumby: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:33
urlin2uSonarpulse, you running natty?03:33
Sonarpulsebut when i try it, apt-get fails saying it could not resolve dependacies for INSTALLATION03:33
jamescarrI want to see the 10 previously installed packages03:33
GumbyBUT, I wouldn't do it that way03:33
Sonarpulsethere is no items to install in the command line03:33
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fus10nx1i dont see that in my config03:34
fus10nx1file open mode03:34
urlin2uSonarpulse, install what?03:34
fus10nx1in the /etc/vsftpd.conf03:34
Sonarpulsei am trying to UNinstall kubuntu-desktop03:34
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest94709
Sonarpulsethe common line is one long sudo apt-get remove ................03:35
cheakofus10nx1: Configure the pam.d/vsftp file to use a separate password/shadow file per the virtual-users example I posted an hour ago.  Then login using the www-data username.03:35
Sonarpulseyet apt tries to install things03:35
Sonarpulseand then says it can't resolve the dependancies for the stuff it is trying to install03:35
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cheakoThat should fix it up so that the files are created with the proper ownership that apache will be vary happy.03:35
urlin2uSonarpulse, only the ubuntu-desktop,  so what was the install kubuntu?03:35
fus10nx1im gonna have to03:35
fus10nx1ive changed so many things at this point03:35
fus10nx1im gonna start fresh03:36
watermarkany opinions on outlook 2007 support in crossover?  They say it works, anyone running it?03:36
SonarpulseI have ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop currently unstalled03:36
Gumbyfus10nx1: if it doesn't exist, then add it ;)03:36
Sonarpulseand i want to go back to just having ubuntu-desktop03:36
momoruBugger.  I really wish I could remember what model nVidia card I had in this box.03:36
Gumbyfus10nx1: but I still don't recommend this.  It is a bandaid for proper permissions03:37
cheakofus10nx1: Yeah trying to use FTP to manage /var/www was likely your first mistake...  Though I'm not sure there is a good method, any takers on writing a howto?03:37
fus10nx1where are you seeing this ?03:37
watermarkmomoru: dmesg | grep -i nvidia .  give it a go03:37
fus10nx1ah !03:37
fus10nx1this is my exact problem03:37
FloodBot1fus10nx1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:37
Gumbyfus10nx1: its not quite your problem.  you aren't uploading as an anon user03:38
mneptok!enter | fus10nx103:38
momoruwatermark: didn't say.03:38
ubottufus10nx1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:38
yeatsSonarpulse: have you seen this?: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome03:38
HowPinburiousHow often do all bans get cleared at #ubuntu-offtopic?03:38
Sonarpulseyeats: that is what i was trying03:38
cheakofus10nx1: umask only removes permissions it dosn't ever increase access as is needed here.03:38
yeatsSonarpulse: ah ok ;-)03:38
urlin2uSonarpulse, can you pastebin the error?03:39
yeatsSonarpulse: can you pastebin the error?03:39
Gumbycheako: the real problem is that he needs www-data to have read permissions ;)03:39
urlin2uyeats, jinx. :D03:39
cactihow do i check display driver, opengl driver, and display server ?03:39
watermarkmomoru: lspaci | grep -i nvidia03:39
bsmith0931when i import messages from text files into thunderbird do they stay in their own section or do they get mizxed in with whats already there03:39
watermarkmomoru: *lspci03:39
cheakofus10nx1 Gumby: He should just bit the bullet and login as www-data!03:40
raven what is a great usb wifi card? I have an ASUS and my built in network card just isn't good enough. i would like to find a compatible usb wifi card that has a big antenna since I am a couple floors up from the wifi....03:40
SIFTUcheako: are you sure umask only reduces permissions03:40
urlin2uraven, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported03:40
SIFTUcheako: not that I caught the whole convo.. but all umask does it set the perm for when you create files.. to whatever the mask is03:41
HowPinburiousOnce again, How often do all bans get cleared at #ubuntu-offtopic?03:41
cheakoSIFTU: 110% positive...  though a umask on 0777 can seam to have that effect, if an applications 'default' perms are 640 then umask will do not.03:41
yeatsHowPinburious: might want to ask in #ubuntu-ops03:42
cheakoThe concept is <default mode> & umask = mode applied.03:42
L1nuxRulesumask of 0777 means its still owned by root dont know much more that that though03:42
HowPinburiousk thx03:43
L1nuxRulesthe 0 is the owner03:43
cheakoSo increasing the umask has the effect of being able to squelch applications that have promiscuous permissions.03:43
edwardthefmaany 1 know how to use inadyn03:43
cheako...that's all.03:43
L1nuxRulescheako as long as you can set it and the user is valid03:43
SonarpulseOK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/687339/03:44
SIFTUL1nuxRules: yes, so that will give full owner and no other access03:44
urlin2uraven, old school  http://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/has.html03:44
cheakoHowever if an application explicitly setting the perms, then umask should have no effect (correct?).03:44
AtharvaHi..can I turn off the monitor of my computer for some time using terminal ?03:44
SonarpulseBTW: I allready uninstalled the kubuntu-desktop meta-package03:44
SIFTUcheako: yes correct03:44
Sonarpulsei had the same problem before and after so i figure it's not an issue03:45
SIFTUcheako: it is just for inital file creation permissions03:45
jribAtharva: yeah, check out xset.  I use: xset dpms force off03:45
L1nuxRulesumask is for proper system lock downs mainly?03:45
SIFTUL1nuxRules: it just the default file permissions for newly created files under that user.. the files can be changed later03:46
yeatsSonarpulse: yeah - uninstalling the metapackage doesn't do anything03:46
fus10nx1now im totally screwed haha03:46
fus10nx1i have no idea whats going on03:46
cheakoL1nuxRules: The leading 0 means this is a file that dosn't have any of the suid/gid bits set.  Other bits in the first oct diget represent things like folder/symlink/device03:46
fus10nx1i cant even upload files to the folder03:46
FloodBot1fus10nx1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:46
fus10nx1drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2011-09-12 03:45 .03:46
fus10nx1drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K 2011-09-12 03:45 ..03:46
SonarpulseI also tried uninstalling half the things (just coppied some of the stuff to the command line03:47
fus10nx1im trying to uplaod to drwxr-xr-x 2 root     root 4.0K 2011-09-12 03:45 www03:47
Atharvajrib : If I want to turn it off for 1 minuite then ?03:47
SIFTUL1nuxRules: I use a umask of 077 in my .bashrc so that owner has full permissions and the rest have none03:47
Sonarpulseand there were no errors as you can see, but it was still trying to uninstall stff03:47
urlin2uSonarpulse, did you remove the kubuntu-desktop bfore this?03:48
cheakoSIFTU:  I was incorrect in my original equation, it's a mask so the operation is an !& (inverted and)  thus 022 is no(to squelch) group or other write permissions.03:48
fus10nx1now i can't even upload files to /home/user1/var/www03:48
jribAtharva: check the man page for how to turn it on.  I just hit my space bar to turn mine on03:48
fus10nx1via FTP03:48
Sonarpulsebut i got the exact same error either way03:48
L1nuxRulescheako & SIFTU thanks03:48
urlin2uSonarpulse, reinstall it then run the command.03:48
SIFTUcheako: 022 is u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx03:49
urlin2uSonarpulse, basically you have done this wrong, you would run that remaoval list only.03:49
cheakoIn  any case the only logical answer is to use the www-data user to create the files to begin with...  or another username with the same uid(Though I think this became a not supported legacy feature.)03:49
cheakoSIFTU: 110% correct.03:50
L1nuxRulesfast-cgi usually uses the ftp user03:50
Sonarpulsealso when i started to reinstall it claimed it would have to re install and download everything03:50
urlin2uSonarpulse, can't really guarantee anything here but that might get you going03:51
Sonarpulseurlin2u: do you mean autoremove?03:51
SIFTUcheako: anyway.. what was the original question?03:51
Atharvajrib : Thanks..03:51
fus10nx1ok im switching to proftpd03:51
cheakoSIFTU: How to remotely manage the contents of apache's default web folder "/var/www"03:51
urlin2uSonarpulse, you should have if you wanted kubuntu gone just removed it with the pschocats list, but you tried with the desktop first this is a cleanup as the mobsters say now.03:52
phatphotonIf anybody has the time, I have a question about automounting of Ipods.03:52
SonarpulseI first tried the psychocats list03:52
Sonarpulsebefore everything03:52
SIFTUcheako: not sue I follow.. yeah mean with files created by apache?03:52
SIFTUcheako: *sure03:52
cheakoSIFTU: To upload web content.03:52
L1nuxRulescheako one thing to realise is thats not apaches dir03:53
rypervenchecheako: ssh, scp, sftp03:53
urlin2uSonarpulse, as much as I like that site I would never advise it in Natty to many changes, personally I would just use the other desktop.03:53
Sonarpulsei think i will try to try bits of that list at a time03:54
phatphotonWhat channel should I go to for Ipod automounting problems/quirks?03:54
Sonarpulseuninstall anything installed by mistake03:54
Sonarpulseand then just hope for the best03:54
frame45Does anyone know how to setup a key pair for ssh from ubuntu server to a Mac remote machine?03:54
cheakoWe were going off on a huge tangent with vsftp and umask.  After using "adduser --home /var/www webmaster" apache was unable or unwilling to serve files uploaded by this user.03:54
urlin2uSonarpulse, yeah that is a doable plan.03:55
cheakorypervenche:  That's a great suggestion, but the issue is permissions and ownership.03:55
L1nuxRulesif your using an ftp daemon it has to own the dirs you chown you will break it03:55
cheakoL1nuxRules:  Yes, that's why I think the only logical method is to not attempt to use any use other then www-data....03:56
L1nuxRulesthe apache user makes no diff03:56
cheakoThere is a method of altering pam.d/vsftp to use a separate shadow file so that the system user dosn't have to have a password set.03:56
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L1nuxRulesupload via ftp execute via web browser unless someones messed a config it will work03:57
urlin2uSonarpulse, this command will give you a installed list in home run it in ubuntu. dpkg --get-selections > installed-software03:57
fus10nx1Thanks for your help guys, im gonna build this bad boy from scratch, deff. learned a lot in the process and hopefully I can resolve w/ ProFTPD03:57
cheakoL1nuxRules: Hmm, the default index.html should be read-only for example.03:57
urlin2uSonarpulse, might help03:57
GumbyL1nuxRules: the apache user does make a difference though for the second half of the problem.  This being that apache needs to be able to read the files since those files are being served via httpd03:58
L1nuxRulesno should be rw03:58
cheakoL1nuxRules: ohh it's owned by root to start with...03:58
urlin2uL1nuxRules, would you please tab. :D03:58
cheakoL1nuxRules: here it's 064403:59
L1nuxRulesvsftpd should configure apache to be aloud access03:59
ravenurlin2u: haha. that looks fun.03:59
Sonarpulsei will try that too03:59
GumbyL1nuxRules: vsftpd should be scrapped :)03:59
urlin2uraven, thought you might like it. :D03:59
Sonarpulsehopefully 11.10 will further kick out old stuff (vai dist-upgrade)03:59
Loki__Hello all.03:59
L1nuxRulesbut again people are giving advise to unexperienced people that breaks things03:59
cheako...kinda eave, but it let's you then make a user like webmaster and then upload after chown -R...  wonder why it didn't work?04:00
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urlin2u!tab | L1nuxRules04:00
ubottuL1nuxRules: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:00
cheakoBPM just restarted in the middle of a song for the station announcement.04:00
cheakosorry ot.04:01
Sonarpulseoh shit04:01
mneptokSonarpulse: watch the language, if ye please04:01
Sonarpulsereallized this whole time i was ssh'd onto a lubuntu-desktop computer with a similer name04:01
Sonarpulsemy bad04:01
AtharvaHi..Does anyone know how to protect a folder using a password ?04:01
mneptokAtharva: "protect" from what?04:01
Sonarpulsewow /facepalm04:02
cheakoAtharva: Group's can have passwords.  there is also folder encryption where a key would be needed to unencrypt the contents.04:02
cheakoAtharva:  Wait are you talking http/apache?04:03
phatphotonDoes anybody know some good docs on the Ipod mounting process in vanilla Ubuntu 11.04?04:03
cheakoWe are #apache today.04:03
Atharvacheako : have you seen folder lock in Windows ? I want a software like that04:04
urlin2uAtharva, a older web page but I think applicable. http://newtoubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/12/18/password-protected-folders/04:04
cheakoAtharva: ohh, yeah then encryption is likely what you want.  Let me look it up.04:04
mneptokAtharva: why not just use Unix permissions to solve that?04:04
cheakoAtharva: Ohh no idea, what's Windows again?04:05
L1nuxRulesjust to add to my ebough not that people are giving incorrect advice just not giving it to the right people04:05
mneptok"above" ;)04:05
L1nuxRulestoo much drink and smoke*04:05
Atharvacheako :"Folder Lock"is a software for windows..04:05
* mneptok sighs04:06
Atharva<urlin2u> : Thanks for the link..reading it now.04:06
cheakoAtharva: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome  and forget it, I just have no idea what Windows is or why any one would ever use it.04:06
L1nuxRuleswishes my brain used init it could do with a reboot04:07
L1nuxRulesthats going to be a t shirt Im going to print04:08
L1nuxRulesany feedback?04:08
L1nuxRulesis everything 2>&104:10
cheakoL1nuxRules: Hmm, kinda windows like for a Unix concept.  Perhaps "Single user mode." would be better.04:11
Atharva<urlin2u> Thanks a lot..04:11
L1nuxRulescheako do you even know what 2>&1 means , windows wtf lmao04:11
urlin2uAtharva, sure personnaly I would use a external and truecrypt.04:12
swarthyhow can i prevent ubuntu 11.04 w/ unity from remembering my recent files?04:12
L1nuxRulesor are you gui linux04:12
cheakoL1nuxRules:  Huh,  no front "Wished my brain used init" back "I could use some Single user maintenance."04:13
Atharva<urlin2u> : Ok..04:13
L1nuxRulesah ok sorry lol04:13
L1nuxRulesthat woud be a nice 1 :)04:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:15
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux04:15
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/04:16
L1nuxRuleswhys it off topic?04:16
mneptokL1nuxRules: you need someone to explain why your t-shirt ideas are offtopic in a support channel?04:17
L1nuxRulesit did go off topic but for 3 lines04:17
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urlin2ucobra679, what is up.04:17
cobra679Is it ok if I asked a question about an error im getting when trying to run a program in ubuntu??04:17
cobra679Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-version.c: 230: _dl_check_map_versions: Assertion `needed != ((void *)0)' failed!04:18
cobra679thats the error04:18
mneptokcobra679: what is the app?04:18
cobra679its oscam04:18
cheakoI was off-topic to complain about my MPD.04:18
L1nuxRulesand off topic whilst it was quiet04:18
urlin2uL1nuxRules, let it go man.04:19
fus10nx1almost got my fresh server up and running now04:19
mike-whi,i have a problem04:20
* Sk|p brb04:20
L1nuxRulesurlin2u theres soemething I need to let go :)04:20
mike-w  Unable to find ncurses library04:20
fus10nx1L1nuxRules: think its worth skipping vsftpd entirely and going w/ proftpd /04:20
cobra679any luck Mneptok04:20
mike-whow can i install ncurses library?04:20
L1nuxRulesyeah fus10n0x1 vsftpd is old04:20
fus10nx1proftpd supports both pasv and active modes04:20
mneptokcobra679: where did you get the binary? how did you install it? is it known to work on Linux (the GitHub entry has OSX folders throughout the source tree)? etc etc04:21
L1nuxRulesdidnt know it was that old t didnt support passive lol04:21
cheakoOhh, I have a huge problem I believe some one can help me with.  I don't know what email address my account used https://launchpad.net/~mmestnik Can some one please send me an email or tell me the address I need to use for the login screen?04:21
cobra679mneptok it works on my friends computer and other friends computer04:21
cobra679but when i try run it thats the error i get04:21
almoxarifemike-w: are you compiling?04:22
mike-walmoxarife, yes04:22
cheako"Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: mmestnik@launchpad.net"  How about help with this error?04:22
mneptokcobra679: ask one of the friends how they got it running? i have never even heard of that software, never mind used it.04:22
cobra679ok :(04:23
cobra679thanks anyway04:23
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mneptokcheako: LP is not a mail provider. you do not have an lp.net mailing address.04:23
mneptokcheako: you might try asking in #launchpad04:23
cheakomneptok: ohh ;)04:24
phatphotonMy Ipod is mounting on a "/tem/ipod??????" and not showing up in "/media/" or banshee. It has worked recently.04:24
cheakoThough I think any one with a LP account could send me(this user) a message.04:24
jabagaweehey guys i have a lenovo x220 laptop and i just wanna disable the touchscreen capabilities of it. how would i go about doing that?04:25
momoruI installed the latest nvidia drivers for my card and now X won't start.04:25
momoruI get a fatal server error: no screens found message04:26
L1nuxRulesmomoru wont start in what way?04:26
momoruL1nuxRules: Fatal server error: no screens found04:26
cheakomomoru: Likely you need a different version of some installed software.  How did you install the latest nvidia drivers?04:27
L1nuxRulesfresh insatll?04:27
rasustomost likely your x.org config file is messed up04:27
L1nuxRulesyou installed succesfully before?04:27
rasustoi use the older version of the drivers and they work fine04:27
momorusays "Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration"04:27
mneptokmomoru: did you install via the package manager?04:28
momoruNo, I downloaded them from nvidia's website.04:28
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rasustowell theres your problem04:28
mneptokmomoru: did you install the compiler toolchain so that the drivers could be compiled against the kernel headers for the kernel you're using?04:28
almoxarifemike-w: sorry, what are you compiling?04:28
rasustouse additional drivers04:29
cheakoI got into LP, thank you mneptok.04:29
momorumneptok: I have no idea what that is, so I'm going to assume no.  I followed instructions I found on the Ubuntu forums for installing nVidia drivers.04:29
=== tony_ is now known as C0keNC0de
mneptokcheako: wgrant is helpful like that :)04:30
C0keNC0deguys, i need a linux equivalent of vitamin d04:30
mike-walmoxarife, thx,i've compiled ncurses04:30
dr_willismomoru:  so you did not even try the drivers in the repos first?04:30
C0keNC0desomething to allow my pc to capture video from my webcam04:30
C0keNC0dethis is REALLY important04:30
dracmasIs there a command for the terminal that can change the theme of xfce?04:30
allu2Where is the conversation about 11.10?04:31
dr_willisC0keNC0de:  cheese does that04:31
L1nuxRulesmomuro you dont have to do anything but go to properiatry drivers with ubuntu thats why I always use it for desktop04:31
momorudr_willis: I'm not used to there even being drivers in the repos.04:31
C0keNC0dedr_willis, cheese keeps crashing for me04:31
almoxarifeC0keNC0de: vlc also works04:31
momoruL1nuxRules: I was just trying to update the drivers because after a fresh install, I was having problems getting X to work.  I was getting a blank desktop with a cursor and occasionally a desktop icon or two would flicker on the screen.04:32
C0keNC0dealmoxarife, how do i find out the video device name04:33
rwwallu2: #ubuntu+104:34
L1nuxRulesmomuro that usually happens after a kernel upgrade its just a case of reinstallingt the drivers usually (easiest way is going to the gui section for hardware drivers)04:34
dr_willismomoru:  whats the chipset?04:35
almoxarifeC0keNC0de: it should show up in 'input devices'04:35
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momorudr_willis: Geforce FX 520004:35
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hogu_has anyone gotten mouseemu to work with ctrl-click?04:35
hogu_I can get it to work with single keys04:36
hogu_but not modifier + key combinations04:36
hogu_or anything with the mouse04:36
EntityRebornHi. 11.04 on mt Toshiba L25 can't connect to my WPA router, tho it can to my WEP router.04:36
EntityRebornAnyone know of this?04:36
almoxarifeC0keNC0de: it should show up in video capture, sorry04:36
swarthyhow can I customize the colors and behavior of scrollbars in natty/unity?  Specifically, I want the Ambiance theme but with a slightly more contrasted scrollbar position indicator, and i want to disable the "pop-out" scroll bars that are used in some windows04:37
momoruL1nuxRules: I suppose I'll try rebooting into recovery mode and see if I can't reinstall drivers from Synaptic.04:37
L1nuxRulesmomuro system> administration > hardware drivers04:38
cheakomneptok: Yeah, wgrant put me on the path.04:39
momoruL1nuxRules: Thanks.04:39
EntityRebornI cannot connect to my network using WPA security, is there any fix for this?04:39
fus10nx1i fucking give up04:39
almoxarifeEntityReborn: is your network wpa secure?04:40
bazhangfus10nx1, no cursing here04:40
cheakoalmoxarife: No such thing, is there?04:40
L1nuxRulesyour wireless network issue is not an ubuntu issue04:40
almoxarifecheako: wifi04:41
EntityRebornalmoxarife: define WPA secure?04:41
EntityRebornThe network is secured using WPA Personal, yes04:41
EntityRebornwpasupplicant is installed, `iwlist auth` shows wlan0 supporting WPA and WPA204:42
cheakoalmoxarife: Every wifi eyncription I've heard about has a fatal flaw that makes trivial attacks possible...  WEP is actually the most difficult to break currently.04:42
L1nuxRulesits not an os issue04:42
almoxarifeEntityReborn: the security key then has been set on the router04:42
C0keNC0dehmmm, i cant find my webcam04:42
C0keNC0dei'm on an acer aspire one04:42
C0keNC0dedoes ubuntu support my webcam04:42
EntityRebornI have access to the router, I copied and pasted the PSK into the keybox in Ubuntu, still no joy04:43
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras C0keNC0de04:43
EntityReborn(The router is running dd-wrt, for the record)04:43
cheakoWEP requires capturing a lot of network traffic where as WPA is breakable using only the auth tokens.04:43
almoxarifeEntityReborn: can you ping the router?04:43
cheako...Granted I think you need to be able to hear both parties clearly.04:43
momoruL1nuxRules: I'm not seeing a "hardware drivers" entry.04:44
cheakoFor WPA.04:44
EntityRebornalmoxarife: kinda hard to ping a router i'm not associated with :/04:44
almoxarifeEntityReborn: true04:44
L1nuxRulesif your wireless is failing on authentication look at it lower than os04:45
EntityRebornI'm connected to the router wired right now, so that works04:45
cheakoEntityReborn: One instance of wpasupplicant I have here used to work vary well, but now it fails to insert the WEP key into the interface.04:45
EntityRebornAnd I am connected to another router which uses WEP, fine04:45
almoxarifeEntityReborn: fine then, assuming there is zero security on the router, can you acess it?04:45
EntityRebornalmoxarife: define access and security04:45
EntityRebornWhen connected wired, I can access the config interface04:46
cheakoEntityReborn: I guess all I can say is that I've known wpasupplicant to be more then a bit fussy.04:46
EntityReborncheako: ah04:46
EntityRebornI might downgrade to WEP then, tho its less secure.04:46
cheakoAs for an alternative, I'm using some GUI here.04:46
bambanxguys where is the executable of gedit ?04:47
cheakoNetworkManager Applet 0.8.104:47
L1nuxRuleswpa2 works fine04:47
bambanxin wich folder?04:47
L1nuxRulesIm a noob to ubuntu but not Linux and it all works out the box04:47
EntityRebornL1nuxRules: :/ your peanutgallery comments aren't helpful04:48
Gallohey L1nuxRules, hmm can you help in setting up wireless on bt?04:48
almoxarifeEntityReborn: routers also hang=stop working properly sometimes, perhaps a cold restart=pull the plug on it for uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1min? and try again?works for me04:48
EntityRebornalmoxarife: as I mentioned before, I can connect wired to the router, but I will try pulling the plug04:49
L1nuxRuleswell it shows where the errors are04:49
Guest66840I want to use a proxy for HTTP but not for SSL. What ip and port do I use for the SSL for it to mean "no proxy"?04:49
fus10nx1this is proving to be impossible04:49
fus10nx1what. the. fuck.04:49
L1nuxRulesif you cant use a computer stick to windows04:49
C0keNC0dei'm upgrading to 10.1004:49
C0keNC0dehopefully that works04:50
bazhangL1nuxRules, stop that04:50
bazhangfus10nx1, thats enough please04:50
L1nuxRulesok sorry04:50
EntityRebornAnother interesting thing is, when trying to associate, the radio icon animates once, then flickers to the "waiting" icon, then back to the radio animation, and so on04:50
Gallohey L1nuxRules, hmm can you help in setting up wireless on bt? lol no for real though04:50
NisstyreI would tend to disagree with that viewpoint04:50
L1nuxRulesGallo not at all sorry Im going to bed within 10 mins04:51
Gallofair enough man04:51
EntityRebornNisstyre: what viewpoint?04:52
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L1nuxRulesinfact might be less than 1004:52
yekomswhat would i use to install a new gdm theme?04:52
Gallohmm, I should probably do the same lmao04:52
yekomsgoogle says use gdmsetup, but there is no tabs for themes.04:52
LocoenelCocowow ubuntu 11.04 is great! i was afraid to upgrade from 10.10 so i made a fresh install, it even recognizes my wifi, unity is good too! i noticed its a bit slower prolly due to unity04:54
EntityRebornSo, does anyone else have ideas about the WPA issue I am having?04:56
yekomsso no ideas eh?04:57
arch_is_awesomeHow do I close irssi?04:57
cheakoL1nuxRules: Agreed it does work out of the box, much like some other product.  However it's happened once or twice where months/years later some problem crops up and some function becomes crippled...  Though it's totally fixable if you ever discover the problem, where as with some other products starting from back in the box is the only cure.04:57
K`zanHi folks, got a program that wants /dev/dsp which I don't have (U10.10) looked around the net and tried a few things but I am totally lost, what  /dev is dsp now ?  If I sound confused, I am :-./,  TMIA!04:58
OverDrivegee where is the menu in xchat04:58
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EntityRebornOverDrive: press F904:58
grendal-primejust got the new thor on dvd.  I cant play it05:01
grendal-primewhats up with that shiznit?05:01
grendal-primelooks like some new encryption thing going on there.05:01
grendal-primesomething marvel came up with all on their little onesies.05:02
K`zanCan anyone tell me what /dev/dsp equates to in Ubuntu 10.10 ?05:03
minnilloanyone there?05:04
EntityReborn_Hey, figured it out.05:04
minnillohi guys i have a question05:04
minnillohow do you update programs in ubuntu?05:04
EntityReborn_I changed the WPA algorithms on the router to TKIP+AES05:04
Lithos84minnillo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:05
minnilloLithos84: is that the same as update manager?05:06
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)05:06
donCamshow do I install a theme?05:06
donCamsI'm in Appearance Preferences > Install05:07
Gallognight all, thnx for the info05:07
donCamscan't find a theme package from the theme I installed05:07
Lithos84minillo: Yes.05:07
K`zansudo modprobe snd-pcm-oss05:07
catinthehatI messed up my system a bit when trying to set up tor, so now whenever I want to update or apt-get I receive the following: "Unable to connect to localhost:8118: [IP: 8118]"05:07
catinthehathow do I change it back to localhost?05:08
minnilloLithos84: cause i wanna update firefox to the latest version but can't seem to find how to do so. im using 10.0405:08
EntityReborn_minnillo: open terminal, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:08
catinthehatI've tried making it direct connection, but it still hasn't changed anything. :(05:09
Lithos84minillo: You need to add a PPA: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable05:09
minnillook guys i'll try it. im doing it now05:09
minnillothank you!05:09
Lithos84minillo: The instructions are there.05:09
Lithos84minillo: You're welcome.05:10
grendal-primeanyone on the dvd thang?05:11
grendal-primestrange encryption deal.  Like nothing i have ever seen.05:11
minnilloLithos84: thank you lithos. but how about for example i wanna update devede or say totem player. do they get updated by sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?05:11
SyberBot-LOKI-PCHello all05:12
Jordan_Ugrendal-prime: Do you see any io errors in dmesg?05:12
=== blah is now known as evilpaeprbag
Lithos84minillo: They will be upgraded as far as your version of Ubuntu allows. 10.04 is not as updated as newer versions.05:12
evilpaeprbagi kinda don't like the latest ver. of ubuntu05:13
SyberBot-LOKI-PCPress 887 if anyone receives this message. Testing an IRC client.05:13
evilpaeprbagnatty 11.0405:13
minnilloLithos84: Oh i see. So that means I stil need to upgrade to the latest Ubuntu version to get newer updates of applications?05:13
SyberBot-LOKI-PCThanks evil. Is my message visible to everyone on the channel?05:13
Jordan_USyberBot-LOKI-PC: This is not a channel for testing. /join ##testing.05:13
Lithos84minillo: Exactly.05:13
SyberBot-LOKI-PCSorry about that. Apologies.05:14
Jordan_USyberBot-LOKI-PC: #test rather.05:14
evilpaeprbagid rather the LTS ver of ubuntu mainly cuz its easier to edit display settings05:14
mneptokSyberBot-LOKI-PC: using the term "Bot" in your nick may very well cause unwanted attention from network staff.05:14
minnilloLithos84: ohhhh ok. but is there still any way though to update them applications to the latest versions even without upgrading to a latest release of Ubuntu?05:15
UnMeilleurReve_Hey all. I goofed up.05:15
mneptok!offtopic | evilpaeprbag05:15
ubottuevilpaeprbag: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:15
=== fayimora_ is now known as fayimora
Lithos84minillo: You can try to look for them at Launchpad.net05:15
evilpaeprbagyea there is a way but i suggest staying with 10.0405:15
UnMeilleurReve_Story is: I deleted the linux partitions from windows, rebooted, and discovered I deleted my bootloader. The 10.10 live cd won't let me just reinstall in the free space I created....05:16
mneptokevilpaeprbag: you are offtopic for this channel.05:16
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evilpaeprbagdid u try recovery mode from the grub menu05:17
minnilloLithos84: i see. through PPAs on Launchpad?05:17
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: une bete noire. ;)05:17
Lithos84minillo: That's right.05:17
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: vrai. trop vria05:17
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: is your goal to reinstall, or to get the Windows bootloader restored?05:17
evilpaeprbagyea what Un person said05:18
evilpaeprbagword of not to dual boot u need windows installed first05:18
minnilloLithos84: ok cool. so launchpad is only where you get PPAs? are there any other sites?05:18
UnMeilleurReve_Windows is still there and fine. I just have no bootloader.05:18
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: unused disk space (e.g. 200GB free of a 500GB NTFS partition) is not the same as free space to partition.05:18
evilpaeprbagwhat ver. of windows u have05:19
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: trust me, it's free.05:19
meomichey is there a way to "reset" the memory used by xorg? with out reboot pc? after 2 weeks of hmm alot been done on this machine the metacity went up to 400mb and xorg 600mb (ive restarted metacity - now using few mb) - is there a way to do the same to xorg?05:19
Lithos84minillo: Have a look at repogen.simplylinux.ch05:19
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: then the Ubuntu installer should see it as unallocated free space, and allow you to partition it.05:19
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: I deleted the linux partitions from the 7 partition manager05:19
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: it will allow me to partition it, but I'm a bit at a loss from where to go from there.05:19
evilpaeprbagtheirs a way to get the boot loader off the CD but i forgot how05:20
cheakoI passed this on the the xorg-edgers contact http://bit.ly/oKZvDN05:20
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: install Ubuntu to a partition you create. at the end of the installation process you will be asked about installing the GRUB bootloader.05:20
evilpaeprbagits some kind of command line entry05:20
evilpaeprbagtry googleing your problem cuz ive fixed a few pcs like that where all i had to do was reinstall the boot loader05:21
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: It seems that I'm going to have to manually specify the partitions. Any nice handy link that'll tell me how and which partitions to specify?05:21
evilpaeprbagbut i can't think of it right now05:21
grendal-primeJordan_U, like the drive is broke?05:21
evilpaeprbaginstalling BT4 to a jump drive for class so thats y im here05:22
grendal-primei mean if thats what your asking im pretty sure the drive is ok05:22
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: you'll want at least 10GB or so for Ubuntu. whether or not you need a swap partition is mostly a matter of how much RAM you have, and if you plan to hibernate the machine.05:22
minnilloLithos84: alright thanks for that. one last question, is there any danger with installing latest versions of applications on an older Ubuntu like mine which is 10.04? Cause like you said versions of applications only go as far as how a Ubuntu version would allow them.05:22
evilpaeprbagstick with 10.04 LTS its a much stable ver.05:23
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: 4gb ram, going with 12 gigs to install, installing 10.10 x86 and not caring about the lost .75 of ram. I do usually hibernate, however.05:23
mneptokevilpaeprbag: i will not warn you again with regards to your ranting about 11.04. let it drop.05:23
Jordan_Ugrendal-prime: No, like many commercial DVDs are written with purposely incorrect checksums so to generate IO errors that are likely to make DVD players crash.05:24
Lithos84minillo: There won't be security updates from Ubuntu team. I think that's all. I installed newer versions of software on Ubuntu 10.04, and it's working fine.05:24
Jordan_Ugrendal-prime: Do you see any IO errors in the output from "dmesg"?05:24
LynnaHello, I just installed Ubuntu, I dont have a lot of experience with linux, and I am wanting to install a program that I downloaded from a web site. The file ends in tar.bz2 how would I go about that?05:24
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: in order for hibernation to work, the contents of the RAM have to be flushed to a swap partition. so make sure you create a swap partition equal to or greater than the total memory.05:24
grendal-prime[107502.173006] UDF-fs INFO UDF: Mounting volume 'THOR', timestamp 2011/07/12 00:27 (1e5c)05:24
fus10nx1If I need to give a user full access to /var/www, how do I do that?05:24
fus10nx1I am trying to let a user FTP upload some files there05:25
minnilloLithos84: alright that answers my question. Thank you very much for your help :)05:25
fus10nx1so then we can load them w/ Apache05:25
evilpaeprbagnot mai area ill just sit and watch05:25
Lithos84minillo: You're welcome (^_^)05:25
bazhangevilpaeprbag, enough with the offtopic commentary05:25
grendal-primethats it05:25
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: alright. So 3.75 swap, but how much do I give to /ext4 and what others do I specify? If you have a link that might give me that info, I'll look at it to save you time.05:25
Jordan_Ugrendal-prime: How are you trying to play the DVD? What happens when you try to play it?05:26
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: / should be ~10GB (to allow for extra apps to be installed, etc)05:26
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: and that's about it05:26
grendal-primeahhh Jordan_U now i get...05:26
grendal-prime[107619.027172] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 640005:26
EntityRebornAlright, another issue05:26
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: so 10gb to / , the rest to swap, and then I can ignore the rest?05:26
EntityRebornWhen booting to Gnome Classic, usually X freezes, while the mouse is still responsive. I can Ctrl-Alt-F[x] to another console05:27
grendal-primeya vlc gives me a file read error now05:27
Lithos84Lynna: Have a look on this: http://ur1.ca/52ev405:27
evilpaeprbaghow much swap u have05:27
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: exactement.05:27
Lynnathanks Lithos, will do.05:27
Jordan_Ugrendal-prime: Use GNU ddrescue to copy the dvd to an iso on your hard drive, then play it from your hard drive.05:27
evilpaeprbagi normaly run about 10-15% swap on the drive05:27
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: merci beaucoup mon ami. Let's see how this goes!05:27
grendal-primeill give it a shot...thanks bro05:27
Jordan_Ugrendal-prime: You're welcome.05:28
EntityRebornRunning Ubuntu Classic (no effects) seems to be ok tho05:28
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: de rien. mon plaisir.05:28
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en franƧais, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.05:28
grendal-primehey jordan is there a package for that...or ..do i need source..or do i need a ppa for it?05:28
grendal-primethat was ment for Jordan_U05:28
Lithos84Lynna: You're welcome.05:28
Jordan_Ugrendal-prime: The package is "gddrescue".05:29
evilpaeprbaganyone has had issures with HDMI audio on 11.04 cuz im having issures getting audio threw HDMI (running mint 11 but uses ubuntu sources)05:30
grendal-primeya found it Jordan_U thanks again..05:30
mneptokevilpaeprbag: we do not provide support for Mint05:30
Jordan_Ugrendal-prime: You're welcome.05:31
grendal-primeis it like a gui type tool or is it simalr  to like dd?05:31
Lynnaok, Im sorry maybe I should be more specific. I know how to open it and extract it I just dont know where I am supposed to extract it to.05:31
LynnaAnd how If after extracting it, is that considered installed and ready to use?05:32
bazhangSyberBot-LOKI-PC, hi05:32
hemingsenCould anyone help me.  I have been searching for day about how to get my wireless speed on par with my windows partition.05:32
bazhang!mintsupport | evilpaeprbag05:32
ubottuevilpaeprbag: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:32
MyrttiLynna: what are you trying to install to be exact?05:32
Lynnaa viewer for second life05:32
LynnaI downloaded the file its in my download folder05:33
LynnaI made a folder in my home folder called programs05:33
Lynnabut It didnt automatically start when clicked so05:33
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: it worked! and is working.05:33
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LynnaI was wondering if there was a step by step guide on installing software like that05:33
MyrttiLynna: tar.bz2 and tar.gz are just packaging formats, just like zip, unextracting them doesn't mean it's installed.05:33
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: bon fait!05:34
evilpaeprbagdosn't ubuntu come with a package installer05:34
Lynnaok, so what do I need to install it ?05:34
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: so, should I expect difficulties when trying to boot to windows do you think?05:34
MyrttiLynna: it may be that the file isn't executable, in Linux there are no file extensions to mark it such, rights to execute is a separate thing05:34
bazhang!apt-get > evilpaeprbag05:34
ubottuevilpaeprbag, please see my private message05:34
grendal-primeevilpaeprbag,  on the best one ever maid05:34
mneptokUnMeilleurReve_: at the end of the Ubuntu install process, you will be asked about installing GRUB to the bootloader. you should do so. GRUB should detect the Windows partition, and add an entry for Win7 to the boot menu.05:35
MyrttiLynna: have you read through this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linux_Viewer05:35
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LynnaI dont see a way to get the software package installer to open or unpack it into the software directory on ubuntu05:36
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LynnaThanks Myrti, had read some docs but not that one.05:36
Lynna will give it a look.05:37
UnMeilleurReve_mneptok: I love automated functions.05:37
mbrigdanHey, I need some really quick information, without starting any arguments or anything. Did WTC 7 collapse in a way that was similar to the other two towers?05:37
AlessonZaireDoes anyone know if there'sa cross-plataform software development studio like Anjuta?05:37
bazhangmbrigdan, wrong channel05:37
mbrigdanbazhang, oops, sorry. I think xchat switched when it connected over to ubuntu05:38
mneptokAlessonZaire: Eclipse?05:38
AlessonZairemneptok Oh but isn't eclipse used mostly for java?05:38
mneptokAlessonZaire: what language are you using?05:38
evilpaeprbagi thought it was iced-tea or something like that but java has scrips for linux now05:38
AlessonZairemneptok C\C++ and Python05:39
mneptokAlessonZaire: costs, but look at http://wingware.com05:39
AlessonZairemneptok thank you very much, I'll give it a try05:39
* mneptok bows05:40
TophenHey guys. Everytime I boot off Ubuntu 11.04 (Didn't happen on 10.10) it says 'err: HD0 out of disk... press any key to continue'. It DOES boot but it's very annoying. Anyway to fix?05:40
vaeveclipse can be just as well used for python or c/c++ or many other languages with its plugins05:40
grendal-primehe Jordan_U05:41
evilpaeprbagtry the fix broken packages in the apt command05:41
bazhangevilpaeprbag, who are you addressing05:41
grendal-primesorry hey Jordan_U what if i just use brazero to copy it to an iso you think that would work as well?05:42
evilpaeprbagsorry i was randomly responding to an admin for something05:42
evilpaeprbagwell im getting tired night yall05:43
TophenOh... no worries.05:43
TophenSO anyone else got any advice?05:43
zykotick9_Tophen, not sure it will help, but if I where you (and hadn't tried already), I'd run "sudo update-grub2" and see if grub automagically figures it out.  Good luck.05:46
TophenThanks mate.. I'll try that out.05:46
flynnI'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and Firefox 3.6.17.  Internet flash videos (youtube dailymotion) are running slow like they never have before.  Same computer.  Same Internet connection as before but, suddenly videos are slow.05:51
flo__hello, I have a problem with aptitude always returning some error, any idea on how to fix? http://paste.ubuntu.com/687391/05:52
SyberBot-LOKI-PChello all06:00
SyberBot-LOKI-PChow're you?06:00
bazhangSyberBot-LOKI-PC, please dont test here06:00
SyberBot-LOKI-PCI'm not testing.06:00
bazhangSyberBot-LOKI-PC, ubuntu support question?06:00
SyberBot-LOKI-PCYeah. Does Wine work with all versions of Ubuntu?06:01
SyberBot-LOKI-PCer. be right bacj.06:02
manstero HAI!06:02
mansteri sure am happy to be here06:02
flo__i tried -f install and clean so far..06:02
mansterthe linux guys are such jerks06:03
fus10nx1im losing my fucking mind over here06:03
mneptokmanster: *pat*pat*06:03
mansterso any playstation 3 owners want to comment on if it would be possible to ddrescue a ps3 game bluray06:04
mansterthen burn the image onto a disk, then Play the newly burned image/backup06:04
mneptokmanster: piracy is down the hall in #preteens06:04
flo__manster, the problem is, without modding the ps3 it wont play the burned disk06:04
fus10nx1how can i make it so whenever i put a file in a directory via FTP it automatically gives it 775 ?06:04
fus10nx1it keeps defaulting to 60006:04
fus10nx1and its killing me06:04
mansterflo__: I'd apreciate if you could elaborate06:05
patrickhello all06:05
manstershouldnt a ddrecue create a perfect copy?06:05
mneptokfus10nx1: that's usually a function of the ftpd config file.06:05
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mansteras in any encryption should be exactly as it was on the original06:05
mansterso wherer is the issue?06:05
flo__no, there are parts on the disk that cant be written upon06:05
wildbatmanster: there is not perfect copy for ps3 ~ home equipment ain't possible to make 1:106:05
mneptokthat's the end of piracy discussions06:05
mansterbackup discussions06:06
bindihow is that piracy06:06
fus10nx1mneptok: thanks06:06
bindiin my country, you are allowed to make backups of what you have bought... you can even download them, as long as you own a physical copy06:06
manstergo to #lifelessoldman06:06
fus10nx1i changed it from 077 to 77506:06
fus10nx1made a bit of a different but still can't execute06:06
fus10nx1giving it --w-rw---- instead of -rw-------06:06
fus10nx1so getting closer06:07
mneptokbindi: anything else on your mind while i'm opped?06:07
bindino, thanks06:07
mneptokbindi: thanks for that. an Ubuntu support channel is not the place for discussions of copying PS3 games.06:08
flo__so, any idea on this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/687391/06:08
fus10nx1I think it worked !06:12
fus10nx1fuck. yes.06:13
Flannelfus10nx1: Please mind the language, thanks.06:14
=== flo__ is now known as id10t
flynnI'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and Firefox 3.6.17.  Internet flash videos (youtube dailymotion) are running slow like they never have before.  Same computer.  Same Internet connection as before but, suddenly videos are slow.06:17
executionist"The drivers are activated but not currently in use" How can I use these drivers for my graphics card06:17
Shah_Help regarding pon and poff bluetoothdialup06:21
Shah_Help regarding pon and poff bluetoothdialup,  when connected it onley seems firefox is able to connect to internet06:23
Shah_Hello there, can anyone help me with bluetooth dialup06:26
MyrttiShah_: please have patience06:26
Shah_okay, sorry06:27
Shah_hi iceword06:27
iceswordubuntu-hp, what notebook do youhave?06:29
LigHIs there any more advanced GUI based grub.cfg editor than the StartUp Manager?06:30
Shah_Help on pon bluetoothdialup ?06:33
iceswordwhat dialup?06:33
glebihanLigH, maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10340183#post10340183, and fyi startup manager does not work with grub206:34
LigHObviously not, glebihan ... that doesn't even recognise submenus correctly.06:34
Shah_iceword, dialup is method by which you connect to internet through a modem, in my case my cellphone06:35
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iceswordnever use it, only heard of wifi06:36
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=== lud_ is now known as lud
XdeptDoes anyone know how swap space works?06:38
iceswordwhy don't you use a ADSL or a cable, can be quite easier to config06:38
Shah_its, slow, my 3g provides me with around 10mbps, only problem i am only able to surf net, none other applications like evolution or emphanty  work06:40
Shah_and its there whereever i go06:41
urlin2uXdept, swap is for hibernate, and the overflow of ram basically look on the web.06:43
iceswordwhat phone is it?06:43
Shah_LG KM90006:43
Xdepturlin2u, Wouldn't that mean it is REALLY slow?06:44
urlin2uXdept, to some extent yes if put of the disc though it works faster, you can adjust the swappiness to use it farther into ram usage.06:45
iceswordsha, it has wifi, isn't it?06:46
urlin2uXdept, but you need it to hibernate an equal amount to the ram at least.06:46
Xdepturlin2u, Ohhhh, That clears things up06:46
Shah_Help on pon bluetoothdialup ? anyone06:46
iceswordyou should wifi06:46
urlin2uXdept, cool I sometimes have my swap on a class 10 sdhc card06:46
XdeptBecause it is faster than sata06:47
XdeptShah_, What is your Question06:47
urlin2uXdept, off the disc mainly.06:47
sevithHow can i install the python module urllib2 ... for some readon i cant find it anywhere in synaptic and google yields useless results...any ideas?06:48
Shah_urlin2u, well, i am trying to connect to internet through bluetooth using pon and i can connect but only use firefox, none other applications like evolution works !06:48
Shah_sorry that question will be to Xdept06:49
urlin2uShah_, I wouldn't have a clue.06:49
sevithHow can i install the python module urllib2 ... for some reason i cant find it anywhere in synaptic and google yields useless results...any ideas?06:49
XdeptShah_, So you can get it to connect to the phone? And get Firefox to work?06:50
Shah_yes, i can surf internet06:50
Shah_but not use other applications like evolution and emphaty06:50
XdeptCan you surf to port 443 (HTTPS) Or 70?06:51
Xdeptinside the web browser?06:51
Shah_how can i check that ?06:51
XdeptGoto https://www.bankofamerica.com/06:51
Shah_its loading06:52
sevithurllib2 is not installed anyone help me. I cant find it on google or in synaptic.06:52
Shah_and fully loaded06:52
XdeptShah_, Try Mibbit.com06:53
Shah_its loaded too06:53
XdeptShah_, See if you can connect to IRC06:53
urlin2usevith, you might stae why you need it.06:54
lambda_xis there a way to switch to contant bleeding-edge repos? (I mean like switching to unstable repo in GNU Debian)06:54
sevithurlin2u, I have a python script and I need this module to parse some urls.06:54
sevithurlin2u, I cant find it anywhere. Its actually kind of weird.06:54
LigHglebihan: Good hint, grub-customizer seems to support GRUB2 a lot better. Thanks. Bye! \o06:54
urlin2usevith, out of my area, but usually the details might find a easier way.06:55
Shah_yes i can06:55
XdeptShah_, http://quux.org:70/06:55
glebihanLigH, you're welcome06:55
Shah_yes sir06:56
Shah_i can connect there too06:56
XdeptShah_, That probably wont prove much unless you have a gophor based browser.. Hmmm.... Have you tried thunderbird?06:57
Shah_but what about other applications06:57
Shah_like emphaty06:57
XdeptShah_, Also, can you try go to terminal and type ping www.google.com06:57
Xdepttell me if it connects?06:57
XdeptIt does o.O06:58
Shah_well, some good news somehow emphany started to work06:59
XdeptShah_, Can you do: tracert www.google.com and give me the first two lines on pastebin?06:59
Shah_how should i tracert06:59
Shah_can you tell me command for that07:01
Shah_i have opened terminal07:01
Xdepttracert google.com07:01
napsterI've accidently deleted ~.eclipse! I've lost all of my plugins. How can I install them again as "Available Software Sources" is blank?07:01
Shah_tracert google.com07:01
Shah_tracert google.com not found it says07:02
XdeptBut it pings?07:02
Shah_i mean command tracert07:02
rwwit's traceroute, not tracert07:02
Shah_thanks, i will try that07:02
XdeptMy bad :S Stupid Dos Class has ruined me07:02
iceswordwhat does trace do? trace the route of who?07:03
Xdepticesword, It shows you the route your computer takes to the chosen destination07:04
Xdeptie www.google.com07:04
ethanolmy firefox keeps failing at starting up, I end up with a defunct process07:07
ethanolhow can I debug the issue?07:07
ethanol6.0.2 btw07:07
cactiany guidance to install ATI 9802 driver on ubuntu?07:08
Shah_in evolution it always shows as disconnected by symbol in lower left corner07:10
ethanolok I take it back, it took like 5 minutes, but now firefox suddenly decided to show up.07:10
ethanolwhat the hell? :<07:10
iceswordram is out..07:10
ethanolthe defunct process is still around though07:10
iceswordsha, did you config firefox to make it online?07:11
Shah_on, no changes made07:12
iceswordyou login your email client, what does it show? any msg?07:13
Shah_when i start evolution nothing happens07:15
ethanolevolution has reached a dead end07:16
ethanoldevolution is new evolution :<07:16
iceswordwhat if you do connect to your account07:16
Shah_i cannot send/receive is greyed out07:17
iceswordi am not sure, ppl says may should use proxy, btw, where are you?07:18
Shah_well, i will try that, anyhow thanks to everyone there.07:19
Shah_Good day07:20
Gumbyhi all.  I am trying to figure out what is using up all of my memory.  Top is telling me that the largest memory user is mythtv but it is only using 0.7% of the total memory available.  This doesnt make a lot of sense07:20
GumbyI know linux uses as much memory as it can, but 8GB for a system that isn't doing a whole lot is quite a lot07:21
ethanolGumby, you realize 80% is probably caching?07:21
ethanolwhich means it will be freed up instantly if something more pressing requires it07:22
Gumbyethanol: thats a lot of caching for a system that doesn't do a whole lot and has only been running for 2hrs07:22
GumbyI guess my recorded shows are being cached then?07:23
ethanolGumby, regardless, you come in here yelling assumptions, yet you have not provided us the slightest idea as to what those assumptions are based on.07:23
Gumbyethanol: I'm not yelling anything.  I'm just asking a question07:23
ethanolfine, you're describing then.07:23
Gumbyand I'm just trying to be thorough in order to get the best answer07:24
ethanolcare to elaborate now?07:24
quiescensif you are looking at the output in top, it probably shows how much of your memory is being used as cache and buffers at the top07:25
ethanolthat's just it, you're not being thorough. you still haven't told us why you think your system is using up all your ram.07:25
Gumbyethanol: if I knew, I wouldn't be here asking and trying to figure that out07:25
jasonmspack!  help!  I was renaming one of my mounted drives and remounting it and I accidentally did an rm -r on the drive. the drive is /dev/sdb3.  Data is gone.  Is it recoverable?07:25
Gumbyquanmec: that makes sense.  I guess top is showing me two things then07:25
Gumbysorry, quiescens07:25
ethanolGumby, but you DO KNOW. cause you came in here and said "I am trying to figure out what is using up all of my memory."07:25
ethanolGumby, so SOMETHING made you make that assumption07:26
ethanolwe want to know what that something is.07:26
* auronandace wonders how anyone can "accidentally" rm something07:27
ethanoljasonmsp, was it important data?07:28
Gumbyethanol: I'm not here to argue semantics or be pedantic.  I'm just here to hopefully learn why.  I believe that quiescens, in a matter of one sentence has shown me why/how top shows total mem incl. cache up top but not below07:28
Gumbythanks quiescens07:28
scarleoWhere can I find md5sums for Ubuntu downloads?07:29
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:29
kaihi folks07:29
ethanolGumby, are you blind or just dense? I asked a simple question, nothing more. I simply wanted to know _what_ made you think that your system is using all your ram.07:29
jasonmspethanol: yes.  Its all of my business files.  I have a backup but not an incredibly recent one.07:29
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ethanoljasonmsp, boy you must really regret using rm like that now then? :p07:29
Gumbyethanol: ok, sorry.. fair enough...  top did07:29
jasonmspethanol: yeah no kidding.07:30
blahi'm getting a crash when i try and install ubuntu with wubi, usually hangs after "squashfs: version 4.0..." is printed07:30
ethanolGumby, then yeah, exclude cache and buffers from used ram. Also, htop has a bit more elegant display of ram usage. You might want to try that instead.07:30
jasonmspethanol:  I was just trying to remove the created dirctory that fstab uses.  They were both named similarly.07:30
kaifor some reason recently my numpad stopped working as a numpad and started moving the mouse. I had that before, and could switch it off in the assistive technology settings, but now it claims to be off and still moves the mouse07:30
kaiwhat other setting am I looking for?07:31
ethanoljasonmsp, you can try data recovery, but nothing is guaranteed.07:31
lws1wow, jasonmsp, unlucky07:31
Gumbyethanol: I think what confused me in top is that the "cached" information appears inline with the swap memory so I was dismissing it07:31
lws1jasonmsp: i haven't read the backlog, what exactly did you do?07:32
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blahis there a way to get a log or crashdump after a failed install?07:32
jasonmsprm -r on what I thought was just the folder that linked to /dev/sdb307:32
scarleoI can't seem to get a clean download, md5sum never matches. What can I do?07:33
lwsjasonmsp: oh dammmn.07:33
goerHow to change Plymouth Theme?07:33
Gumbyethanol: and thanks for htop.  its a bit of a strain on the eye but I already see how it can be of more use07:33
lwsjasonmsp: keep that partition unmounted, and try 'foremost' to recover any important files07:33
folivoraGday, I am creating custom images for PXE server use, which is the best way if I need two imagesd 32 / 64bit. Which includes our companys basic installation files? Like pre installed applications ect.... '07:34
denysonique_irsapt-get install runs setup commands when I install a package for the first time. How can I manually rerun these commands?07:34
quiescensjasonmsp: if you haven't done anything else to the drive you might have a reasonable chance depending on the filesystem type and what settings are in use07:34
lwsjasonmsp: there's also apparently and 'extundelete' tool which undeletes files from ext3/ext407:34
kaijasonmsp: http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/data-recovery-linux-and-ext307:35
jasonmspyeah i haven't done a single thing except scared my wife by freaking out.07:35
lwsjasonmsp: cool07:35
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=== Versuz is now known as Verzuz
lwsjasonmsp: first thing you want to do is remount read-only, to avoid trashing anything by writing to the disk07:35
jasonmspdrive is still unmounted07:35
kaijasonmsp: which explains the process using the formost tool lws mentioned07:35
kaiactually, if you have the disk space, I'd work on an image of the partition07:35
lwsjasonmsp: kai +107:36
lwsanyway, foremost is a surprisingly good tool07:36
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lwslast time i had to use it, it was because i slipped and typed "mkfs.ext /dev/sda1" instead of "mkfs /dev/sdb1", causing me to nuke my 500gb hdd07:37
lwsforemost got a surprising amount of stuff back07:37
jasonmspsince I'm pretty worked up right now and obviously not thinking clearly lets baby step this.  "mount /dev/sdb3 /argh"  look right?07:38
lwsand this is why we never operate terminals when sleep-deprived!07:38
lwsjason: add the -o=ro flag, for read only07:38
jasonmspok so "mount -o /dev/sdb3 /argh"07:39
lwsmount -o ro /dev/sdv3 /mountpoint07:39
goeranyone know how to successfully change Plymouth theme pls?07:40
lwsgoer: what is "plymouth"?07:40
jasonmsp"mount point /mountpoint does not exist"07:40
quiescensboot splash etc07:40
goerlws: :(07:40
urlin2ugoer, what release07:40
Gumbyjasonmsp: perhaps you should sleep first07:40
goerurlin2u: err.....Mint10 gnome07:41
lwsjasonmsp: actually, sleeping on it may be a good idea ;)07:41
jasonmspits 10:30 in the am where I'm at..07:41
lwsjasonmsp: heh, what timezone are you in?07:41
oCean!mint | goer07:41
ubottugoer: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:41
goeryeah...I know I know07:41
Gumbymount -o ro /dev/sdv3 /mountpoint <---- /mountpoint must be a directory on your filesystem07:42
lws(1541hrs local time, Perth WST 0800 for me)07:42
* Gumby was in Perth in 200607:42
Gumbywas nice, but expensive07:42
lwsGumby: it hasn't gotten any cheaper :P07:42
oCeanGumby: please keep the offtopic in #ubuntu-offtopic07:42
goerMint is the child of ubuntu. Ubuntu is a Daddy :) Now, how to change Plymouth theme pls :)07:42
oCeangoer: you might reason so, but this channel cannot help you with mint. Please stop asking07:43
urlin2ugoer, we don't support mint here.07:43
urlin2uoCean, sorry missed your post Doh.07:44
goerOk then. How to change plymouth theme in Ubuntu Maverick? ;)07:44
ethanolgoer, just drop it. go to the official mint channels.07:44
goerNot even for dual-boot Mint and ubuntu?07:45
ethanolgoer, in ubuntu it's under appearance. good luck :)07:45
goerethanol: no, ur are wrong there. bum steer!07:45
jasonmspi forgot /media in front.  anyway.. that didn't work.  "mount: /dev/sdb3 already mounted or /media/help/ busy07:45
jasonmspmount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb3 is mounted on /media/drive107:45
ethanolgoer, I am not :)07:45
lwsjasonmsp: sudo umount /media/help07:46
goerethanol: Plymoputh casnnot be changed under 'appearance'. only backgrounds, etc07:46
oCeangoer: I told you to drop it, last warning07:46
lwsgoer: googling "change plymouth theme" gives me several results for tools to do so07:46
oCeanlws: don't continue the discussion please07:47
lwsoCean: noted07:47
goerlws: thnx. been doing that unsuccessfully since yestreday, hence my asking here07:47
jasonmspi think it is saying that /dev/sdb3 is still mounted to /media/deleteddrive07:47
lwsjasonmsp: then try sudo umount /dev/sdb307:47
lwsyou can tell 'umount' what to unmount by naming either the partition name or the mount point07:48
goeranyway, thnx for all the cheerful help :) Hv a nice day07:48
jasonmspok..  /help is now mounted to sdb3 read only07:49
lwsso when you did rm -r, did you interrupt it or did it actually finish deleting every single file?07:49
jasonmsplws: got rid of them all.  left me with an empty drive07:49
jasonmsp(or i should say, empty mount folder)07:50
lwswow, that is bad mojo07:50
lwsare you wanting to recover all, or are there just specific things you're after?07:50
lotuspsychjeim looking for a channel supporting youtube questions07:50
oCean!alis | lotuspsychje07:50
ubottulotuspsychje: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*07:50
jasonmsplws: it would be good if I could get everything07:50
lotuspsychjetnx oCean07:50
kaiactually that reminds me to put "automated backups at home" further up my todo list07:52
lwskai: aye, me too07:52
lwsjasonmsp: recommend you try extundelete first07:53
jasonmspyeah..  if only this was my server.  daily automatic backups!  =)07:53
lwsif that doesn't get everything, then fall back to foremost07:53
jasonmspok..  working the man page07:53
lwsinstructionf for extundelete are on the sourceforge page07:53
lwswhich is, from memory, extundelete.sourceforge.net07:53
ethanolgood memory :p07:55
bullgard4What is the default sys log daemon in Ubuntu 10.04?07:56
ethanolrsyslogd I think?07:57
lwsyeah, rsyslogd07:57
lws(well, that's what it is in the currest relase, at least)07:57
bullgard4ethanol: No.07:58
executionisthow can I control bandwidth on my network?07:58
irong33kjust got a copy of pinguy a derivative of ubuntu 10.04, followed guide on b43-wireless and installed the b43 drivers successfully, when i do "iwlist scan" the card can't detect any wireless network ?07:58
ethanolbullgard4, uhm, yes.07:59
ethanolactually I'm on 11.04, ignore me.07:59
amh345does this linux breach have any ramification on our ubuntu distros?07:59
oCeanbullgard4: hmm, not sure what was in 10.04, sysklogd maybe?08:00
dr_williswhat breach?08:00
ethanolI guess08:00
irong33kany help will be greatily appreciated08:00
bullgard4ethanol: If it was, it should run on my system. My system is functional. And rsyslogd is not running. I did not manipulate it.08:01
ethanolbullgard4, then it's syslogd08:01
jasonmsp"You must also have installed a C++ compiler and a make utility to be able to compile extundelete." ---  dpkg -l | grep ????08:01
urlin2uirong33k, we don't support pinguy08:01
amh345dr_willis: the breach that's taken linux.com kernal.org offline08:01
oCeanethanol: there's no such package, he's asking specifically for Lucid 10.0408:01
lwsjasonmsp: sudo aptitude install build-essential08:02
amh345err. kernel.08:02
lwsjasonmsp: that should install you a compiler and a make tool08:02
irong33kurlin2u, its an ubuntu derivative 10.04 to be exact, plus the channel for pinguy is dead,..08:02
bullgard4ethanol: It is neither syslogd.08:02
dr_willisamh345:  from what ive read the kernel sourve has not been comprimized thanks to "git" i think i rememrer that right08:03
jasonmspthanks..  already installed so we are good.08:03
urlin2uirong33k, this is not my decision it is the channels, sorry.08:03
oCeanbullgard4: it's either syslog-ng or sysklogd, I think it's the last one08:03
amh345dr_willis: i guess we'll have to wait and see. hopefully we're all safe.08:03
irong33khmmm..another dead end08:03
urlin2uirong33k, install ubuntu pinguy is a good distro, but the support is rather low.08:04
kaiamh345: well, if you discount that this will keep a couple of the kernel folks busy reinstalling the kernel.org servers, I don't think too much harm was done08:04
dr_willisamh345:  read an aetical on it the other day. any unusual changes to the source would get flagged08:04
mae_taeis that possible to assign different port no for webserver?08:05
kaiamh345: basically the way the kernel development happens makes it really hard to slip in changes08:05
kaimae_tae: yes08:05
lwsmae_tae: yes, see /etc/apache2/08:05
amh345good to know guys.  had a slight panic attack when i read it.  im a few days behind in my news08:05
amh345thanks for clearing it up08:05
mae_taekai: and lws how?08:05
irong33kurlin2u, i believe running away from a problem is pure cowardice,..i am sure therz a solution installing a new kernel can it fix it ?08:05
bullgard4oCean: hm08:06
kaimae_tae: assuming you use apache, there's a Listen directive08:06
oCeanmae_tae: in /etc/apache2/ports.conf you can configure on which interfaces/ports httpd is listening, in the various vhost configurations you can specify what vhost listens at which port08:06
lwswell answered, oCean08:07
kaiirong33k: that's a effort/result tradeoff, usually08:07
mae_taeoCean: where can i find that alos that vhost, are you talking of that http port accel?08:07
executionistare there any network administration apps for ubuntu ?08:07
Cheesynubbswhat happened to kernal ?08:07
oCean!vhosts | mae_tae have a read here08:07
ubottumae_tae have a read here: Virtual Hosts allow Apache2 to be configured for multiple sites that have separate configurations. Configfiles can be found in /etc/apache2/sites-available. See https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html08:07
lwsoCean: is there a list of ubottu's macros available?08:08
lwsthey would mae informative reading08:08
oCeanlws: sure, http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi08:08
urlin2uirong33k, that is a faulty ideal with a OS the b43 will not be fixed by a kernel change. I would use a OS that has support and ubuntu like other major distros, like fedora, archlinux, have excellent wiki's and busy channels..08:08
irong33kkai, hehe...i do understand, but if you did that nothing would get solved, right now i am just tethering with my android phone,..just curious installing a new custom kernel would that fix anything ?08:08
kaiirong33k: as I don't know what's causing the issue, I couldn't possibly give a good answer to that, could I? :)08:09
lwsoCean: thanks08:09
irong33kurlin2u, its  a great OS buy checking the network properties, i found it has ipv6 as the default, would that be the problem ?08:10
lwsirong33k: i'm confused: please explain your problem from the start08:10
urlin2uirong33k, ipv6 is not really being used yet08:11
irong33kkai, certainly, i checked dmesg everything seems to be working fine...08:11
irong33klws, i installed pinguy os a derivative of ubuntu 11.04, everything is running fine but wireless is not, i installed b43 drivers succesffuly, and my card is being detected but when doing a "iwlist scan" for my network is not detecting anything...08:12
bazhangirong33k, thats not supported here. please stop asking08:13
ethanolbullgard4, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes mentions that they moved from syslogd to rsyslogd on 10.04. so I guess I am right after all :)08:17
ethanolbullgard4, the only one was actually sysklogd08:17
ethanolbullgard4, new one is called rsyslog (with config in /etc/rsyslog.d/08:18
ethanolthough they mention this chance was actually already made in 9.1008:19
oCean!info rsyslogd | ethanol hmm, weird:08:19
ubottuethanol hmm, weird:: Package rsyslogd does not exist in natty08:19
oCeanoh wait08:19
oCean!info rsyslogd lucid | ethanol08:19
ubottuethanol: Package rsyslogd does not exist in lucid08:19
llutz!info rsyslog08:19
ubottursyslog (source: rsyslog): enhanced multi-threaded syslogd. In component main, is important. Version 4.6.4-2ubuntu4 (natty), package size 209 kB, installed size 704 kB08:19
ethanolllutz, thanks08:19
ethanoloCean, rsyslogd is the daemon.. not the package08:20
mae_taewhere and what file is the documentroot is specified? i couldnt find it08:20
shaibnHi :) I was wondering if it was possible for me to use two video cards on the same machine? I have two GeForce 8400 GS cards, both show up on 'lspci' and while the first has two monitors attached and working to it, the 2nd video card that has another 3rd monitor attached to it, doesn't work and the NVIDIA X Server Settings doesn't recognize it... only GPU 0 is shown and no GPU 108:20
oCeanethanol: oh, you're right. I was looking for the package indeed08:20
mae_taeoCean: where can i find that documentroot, i dont find it in apache2.conf?08:25
oCeanmae_tae: in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled is the default config file. There's also your www root specified08:26
bullgard4ethanol: The packages rsyslog and sysklogd are not installed on my Ubuntu 10.04 system. I have not manipulated my system in this respect, and still it performs system logging.08:28
daroluI can't log in to hotmail or msn/live IM protocol (with any IM client); I can do so in this same machine when using Windows, any other website/online service work fine. Where should I start looking?08:31
oCeanbullgard4: do you have a /etc/syslog.conf? Using this command you can check what package installed that:  dpkg -S /etc/syslog.conf08:31
lwsdarolu: do you have a firewall enabled?08:32
darolulws: I have already shut it down, same result08:32
lwsdarolu: what firewall, and how did you shut it down?08:33
darolulws: my router's firewall, it has a shut it down option, I have also used DMZ; I don't have a firewall installed that I'm aware of08:34
kaipossibly MSN fudged with their protocol again?08:34
kaithough pidgin currently works for me08:35
kaiwith libpurple 2.7.1108:35
lwsyeah, i'm using finch (pidgin) right now, no issues08:35
lwsdarolu: what account settings are you using for your MSN account?08:36
lwsany funky proxying or anything?08:36
darolulws: I also tried opening the port 110 (the one msn uses) both tcp and udp, it's very weird it only happens with hotmail and msn when using Ubunut.08:36
ethanolbullgard4, you're not very responsive.. :<08:37
darolulws: right now I'm just trying to open hotmail on my web browser, on pidgin I use the regular account settings (default values on pidgin). What account settings are you refering to?08:37
lwsjasonmsp: you recovere everything?08:37
bazhang!ot | jasonmsp08:37
ubottujasonmsp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:37
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jasonmspalmost 100%!!!!!!!!08:37
ethanoljasonmsp, congrats08:38
lwsdarolu: wait, you mean that you can't get to hotmail.com in a web browser?!08:38
kaijasonmsp: congrats :)08:38
falcon900has anyone here completely switched to ubuntu for at least a year withount suffering withdrawal08:38
lwsjasonmsp: which route did you take, extundelete or foremost?08:38
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bullgard4oCean: '~$ dpkg -S /etc/syslog.conf; sysklogd: /etc/syslog.conf'. I maintain that the package Ā»sysklogdĀ« is not installed according to my Synaptic.08:38
darolulws: exactly, I can browse anything else, check gmail, yahoo mail, everything but hotmail08:38
urlin2ufalcon900, from what?08:38
lwsfalcon900: yes, arch linux / ubuntu user for five years08:38
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jasonmspextundelete..  since the file system was ext4 extundelete says its the clear choice for recovery.  "extundelete /dev/sdb3 --restore-all"08:39
lwsjasonmsp: a winner is you!08:39
falcon900lws: wow, I always find something that i really need which i just can't get to work on ubuntu08:39
darolulws: I get Error 101 after logging in in hotmail.08:39
lwsjasonmsp: i'll have to keep extundelete close to hand08:39
lwsdarolu: whats the text of error 101?08:39
jasonmspand it got almost everything.  The funny thing is that the last few documents that were changed were the ones that didn't recover with the restore all..08:40
lwsi'm thinking somekind of funky DNS caching bug, or possibly a stray entry in your /etc/hosts08:40
darolulws: 101 err_connection_reset08:40
lwsdarolu: what do you see in /etc/hosts?08:40
kaifalcon900: well, I did, some time back in 2006, but ubuntu made some decisions recently that make me look for another distro for my next install08:40
lwsdarolu: can you do traceroute hotmail.com, or ping hotmail.com?08:41
jasonmspmoral of the story is if you are not on ext4 it would probably be a good idea to upgrade.08:41
lwsnah, jasonmsp, moral of the story is really htat we should all be using zfs08:41
darolulws: yeah I thought that too, I have a large blacklist pointing to in my hosts file, I have already cleared it, same result. I also flushed my dns's08:41
lwsbut ext4 will do08:41
kaibackups, lots of backups08:41
lwsanybway, i'm happy that you restored all your files08:42
darolulws: uhmm I haven't tried to ping it, gimme a sec08:42
lwsdarolu: try a traceroute too, i'm curious to know how far it gets08:42
darolulws: couldn't ping 100% packet loss. Here's the creepiest part: I actually tried to log in using a Live CD, it didn't work. I have reseted my router like 3 times already, didn't work either.08:43
bullgard4ethanol: There are so many nerds that mob Ubuntuusers but are sensitive if another ubuntero contradicts them. --  You told me "so I guess I am right after all :)". What remains on my side? Silence.08:43
darolulws: ping is weird since I can actually go to hotmai.com it just won't let me log in.08:43
Gumbythe real moral of the story is to not rm -r the wrong mount point :)08:44
jasonmspyeah and backups too..   I'm taking the rest of the day off.  Have a good one everyone.  If its past 2am in your time zone go to bed!  =)08:45
lwstraceroute to hotmail.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets08:45
kaifalcon900: notably they keep breaking my stuff on 10.04 LTS08:45
lwsbye, jasonmsp08:45
lwsdarolu: can you traceroute to that IP?08:45
jasonmsplws:  thanks again.08:45
darolulws: traceroute done, what's that website that let you paste code?08:45
lwsdarolu: pastebin08:45
dkdkhas anyone successfully gotten netbeans to work with JavaFX on ubuntu?08:46
jasonmspGumny: yeah anb probably a good idea to get a new screen name too!08:46
dkdki know its possible, but my experience is nothing like the tutorials ive seen08:46
lwsoh, and @ jasonmsp's story, the REAL moral of the story is to think very, very carefully before hitting 'enter' on destructive terminal commands08:46
lws'rm -rf' shoudl come with one of those giant red buttons with the striped yellow and black cover you need to flip up before you can press it08:47
kailws: dunno. I've found that you still get second thoughts right after hitting "ok"08:47
celltechAnyone know how to make a VM of Mac OS?08:47
lwsactually, i wonder if you could patch rm -rf to give you a list/count of files it's about to delete, before it deletes them08:47
kailws: alias rm 'rm -i" ?08:48
lwswhat's the 'i' flag?08:48
jasonmspsad thing is thats in place for me already!08:48
darolulws: oh boy now pastebin is giving me 50508:48
kaiit's a bit annoying08:48
lwsdarolu: are you sure your router isn't crapping out?08:48
maxagazthe touchpad of my vaio vpcf1 works, but is not handle fy the Mouse preferences, I tried to change some stuffs on xorg.conf, but no result. Does someone have an idea ?08:48
falcon900kai: I have natty now, i've been on and off for many years(mostly off when the system crashes and i vow never to return), then i did kde 10.04(never again) but i recently installed natty, the slowest so far, i'd like to keep it though08:48
Gumbymaxagaz: I have a vpcfw1, which mouse prefs are you referring to?08:49
kaijasonmsp: as I said, even if there's a dialog asking me "are you sure", I get second thoughts only after clicking "yes"08:49
kaithat's why I believe in backups :)08:50
darolulws: not sure, this is the last actual jump: 10  MICROSOFT-C.car1.LosAngeles1.Level3.net (  82.521 ms  118.800 ms  120.213 ms08:50
darolu11  xe-3-0-2-0.bay-16c-1a.ntwk.msn.net (  89.862 ms  91.589 ms  93.063 ms08:50
lwsdarolu: yeah, the point is it made it out of your local network08:50
maxagazGumby, in system > prefs > mouse, I don't have the touchpad tab08:50
darolulws: after that it prints "* * *" until 3008:51
lwsyeah, that's because there's less than 30 jumps between you and the host08:51
lwsthe min point is that your DNS probably works08:51
lwsyou say this works on windows just fine?08:51
Gumbymaxagaz: is your touchpad not working?  or is there an option you are wanting to change?08:51
darolulws: the weird part is it works when using windows, same machine, same router08:52
lwsdarolu: that's hella strange08:52
ethanolanyone else having trouble with firefox 6.0.2 on ubuntu 11.04 ?08:52
maxagazGumby, it's working, but very basically, for instance, I can't copy-paste by clicking the two buttons, the touchpad is not handled by xorg08:52
darolulws: yeah it does, what creeps me out is I even tried using a Live CD, Ubuntu and Fedora; it's really weird08:52
Gumbyethanol: not here, but Ive only been running it for a few hours08:52
maxagazGumby, I just realized it a few days ago08:53
darolulws: I also have a laptop running Ubuntu I can log in just fine using it08:53
lwsdarolu: nfi, maybe someone else knows more08:53
lwsdarolu: in the meantime i sugest sacrifcinga goat08:53
darolulws: man I've been googling for a while now, that sacrificing a goat actually makes sense lol thanks for your help, the tracerout was a great idea at least I know it does go out of my LAN08:55
kaifalcon900: kde4 was pretty bad on 10.04. but I don't care about unity much either. and the breaking the 10.04 LTS kernel by changing the kernel ABI between -22 and -23 was just unprofessional, especially seeing how they still didn't fix it08:55
shaibnI have two GeForce 8400 GS video cards installed in my PC, both are shown in lspci but only one is actually recognized as GPU 0 and has two working monitors to it. I can't get Ubuntu to find the 2nd video card. Can someone help me out please?08:55
maxagazGumby, your touchpad is fully working ?08:55
kaiso I'm back to debian for server installs, and need to evaluate xubuntu for my next desktop install. my 10,04 systems are getting a bit old08:56
Gumbymaxagaz: yes08:56
topspeedgumby, are you from slovenia?08:57
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Gumbytopspeed: no08:57
maxagazcould you tell me the section you have in your xorg.conf about it ?08:57
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Gumbymaxagaz: oddly enough I have 3 button emulation off in xorg.conf09:00
maxagazGumby, could copy paste it to me ?09:01
maxagazGumby, just the section09:01
Gumbyoh actually wait....09:01
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Gumbyits been awhile since I got everything working on this laptop so that second entry might not be relevant09:02
rudrai want to create a web based mail server can some one help me out please09:03
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Gumbymaxagaz: another thing you can try is adding "i8042.nopnp" to grub09:04
rudrai want to create a web based mail server can some one help me out please09:06
bjhaidI am connected to two different networks, on eth0 network and wlan0 interfaces, I can access internet on the wlan0 and some local resources on eth0, how do I configure my machine to access both resources, i think it can be done with routes, but I am mixing it up somewhere09:06
obert-hello. is it correct to do  sudo appName& in order to launch an app as root and dont get it closed when you continue to work on the terminal?09:06
dc5alarudra, this is the wrong channel for such question.09:07
rudra <dc5ala> any channel which you are aware of for these?09:07
Shogootrudra, i guess it depends on what programing language you want to use09:08
NMRanyone in here point me in the right direction as far as a sudoers question?09:10
rudra<Shogoot> actually i have no idea i'm in with just some basic knowledge so anything if you can suggest me09:10
maxagazGumby, I already have it, but your InputDevice section is different from mine and you have this InputClass as well, I'll try it right now and let you know...09:10
urlin2uNMR, just ask the question.09:11
dc5alarudra, you could try #ubuntu-server, but you are probably better off with some www search rather than getting help through IRC. Setting up a mail server (with proper configuration and security) is not a trivial task.09:11
NMRhow do i modify the parameters for a command in sudoers, to allow it to like, "use" sudo privs as it carries out its task with subcommands09:11
NMRlike i want to be able to run /etc/init.d/ssh restart , but09:11
NMRgive it permissions to run its like "ssh kill"09:11
NMRand to load the host keys and stuff, which it apparently also needs sudo privs or somethin09:11
vehemoththose folders in the home directory with the different pictures (Pictures, Documents etc) how are those done, can I create my own so that when I change the theme the icon also changes?09:12
=== Gumby` is now known as Gumby
Gumbymaxagaz: good luck09:13
NMRthe ssh restart process starts if i just enable ssh restart in sudoers, but it cant finish its routine, cause it doesnt have permission for example to kill the old ssh09:13
Shogootrudra,  ubuntu server seems  a good idea to me to, do soem research on the www on how to set up a mailserver properly from ubuntu server OS.09:13
bjhaidI am connected to two different networks, on eth0 network and wlan0 interfaces, I can access internet on the wlan0 and some local resources on eth0, how do I configure my machine to access both resources, i think it can be done with routes, but I am mixing it up somewhere09:14
Shogootrudra, to make it proper it takes a little more then just basic knowledge, so go and fid yourself some guides on how to :)09:14
ikoniabjhaid: access both resources ? you already are accessing both resources09:14
bjhaidikonia: i cant access both of them, i am connected, to only one @ a time, I need to define how the machine would route traffic to the other, which I really dont know how to get done09:15
ikoniabjhaid: are both of them internet services ?09:15
bjhaidikonia: only wlan0 has internet09:16
bjhaidikonia: wlan0 cannot access some local resources which eht0 has access to09:16
ikoniabjhaid: what are the IP ranges ?09:16
bjhaidikonia: eth0 has a class B address and wlan0 has a class C address09:17
rudrathanks <Shogoot>09:17
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maxagazGumby, it didn't change anything...09:19
niwi_Can anyone tell me if a zombie process will be killed of automatically? :)09:22
Gumbymaxagaz: something that also fixed some of my touchpad issues before (I dont appear to need it now though) is to add i8042.nopnp to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= line in /etc/defaults/grub09:22
Gumbymaxagaz: then run sudo update-grub and reboot09:23
lwsniwi_: generally no09:23
niwi_lws: Ok, thanks.09:23
Gumbyalternately, you can edit your grub entry on boot and just add  i8042.nopnp to the end of the linux line and then boot09:23
bjhaidikonia: any ideas?09:24
maxagazGumby, I had it already => GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="i8042.nopnp"09:24
Gumbyok then.  I have no more ideas then :(09:24
ikoniabjhaid: are they on the same ranges though (sorry I was just talking to someone)09:24
GumbyI assume you have tried emulate3buttons = yes ?09:24
maxagazGumby, thanks for your help09:24
bjhaidikonia: no, one is a class B address and the other class C09:25
maxagazGumby, only in the class09:25
Gumbymaxagaz: and to copy you are highlighting text and not ctrl+c09:25
maxagazGumby, actually, the problem seems deeper09:25
ikoniabjhaid: so the resources you can't access, are they name based resources, or IP09:25
maxagazGumby, highlighting text ? I'm using vim...09:25
Gumbymaxagaz: I just mean copy/middle button paste09:26
maxagazGumby, it seems the touchpad isn't recognized by the system09:26
bjhaidikonia: I think i should explain better, wlan0 is on a different network, eth0 is on a different network, I can use only one interface @ a time, but think with routes I should be able to connect to both networks via only one interface09:26
Gumbyat all?09:26
krishnanIm using ubuntu 10.04 for my desktop and when I lock my computer and then unlock it after some time the wi-fi disconnects and connects only when I restart my computer. What to do? PLease help.09:27
ikoniabjhaid: I understand that, connect both at the same time and tell me which resources are failing, I suspect the non-internet one will be the issue09:27
maxagazGumby, it seems the touchpad isn't recognized by the system, I forgot the command to test it, it's not lspci09:27
bjhaidikonia: the non-internet fails right now09:28
Gumbymaxagaz: try cat /dev/input/mice09:30
Gumbymaxagaz: then touch the touchpad.  if you see output it is being recognized09:31
xxzzhi, I want to create Ubuntu usb from 10.10 install cd and use the key to install it on netbook, is it possible09:31
xxzzi can install on key as well but then i will need ubiquity09:31
maxagazGumby, I get some results09:31
maxagazGumby, could it come from this grub variable ?09:31
Gumbymaxagaz: I'm a bit confused.  How are you testing if the touchpad works?09:32
ikoniabjhaid: connect both, look at the routing (or pastbin it) what interface should the traffic you want to send to go out of09:32
xxzzcan someone please help me09:33
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ShogootThe wtmp file under /var/log/wtmp is a file that logs the login logout of a given system, i nanoed it and got lots of symbols (i guess its HEX) anyone know how i convert taht to human language?09:34
maxagazGumby, at least two things do not work : 1. it's not pasting when clicking on both buttons after highlighting some text (while it works using the mouse), 2. there's no touchpad tab in the Mouse prefs09:34
ShogootGumby, have you tried the program "pointing devices" from the ubuntu software thingy? It workt for me and i also had a unresponsive touchpad.09:35
GumbyShogoot: I'm not having mice problems... maxagaz is.09:36
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ShogootGumby, oh sorry.09:36
Shogootmaxagaz, have you tried the program "pointing devices" from the ubuntu software thingy? It workt for me and i also had a unresponsive touchpad.09:37
ShogootThe wtmp file under /var/log/wtmp is a file that logs the login logout of a given system, i nanoed it and got lots of symbols (i guess its HEX) anyone know how i convert taht to human language?  :)09:37
Gumbyhis responds, but doesnt paste when pressing both buttons.09:37
Gumbymaxagaz: have you tried unplugging the usb mouse and then restarting X (or even rebooting)09:38
Gumbyif you have a mouse plugged in and it is grabbing /dev/mouse0 then that is possibly the only mouse configured to emulate 3 buttons09:38
Gumbythe touchpad might be getting /dev/mouse1 or something else09:38
maxagazShogoot, yes I have it too, but nothing about the touchpad in it09:39
maxagazGumby, yes, I tried that too09:40
xxzzhi, I want to create Ubuntu usb with hardisk install capability from 10.10 install cd and use the key to install it on netbook, is it possible09:41
Gumbymaxagaz: can you paste your xorg.conf ?09:41
Shogootmaxagaz, there should ba a touchpad 'tab'09:41
GumbyShogoot: our sony laptops touchpads are kind of weird in that regards09:41
Gumbythey dont seem to show up anywhere as touchpads09:41
maxagazGumby, perhaps I should change /dev/psaux by /dev/input/mice in xorg.conf09:42
Gumbymaxagaz: paste your xorg.conf09:42
Shogootim gonna stay out of this, Gumby is far better troubleshooter then me ;)09:42
Gumby(not here)09:42
maxagazGumby, http://pastebin.com/0iJwxdgx09:43
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NMRlooking for a tip about a sudoers issue,  got a command (ssh reload) in a user privilege directive, but, when attempted to run, it does not have permissions to run its subprocesses (such as ssh kill)09:46
NMRis there a way i can modify that entry09:46
NMRto give permissions to ssh restart's subroutiens09:46
Gumbymaxagaz: for fun, I'd unplug the external mouse and reboot.  see what your results are09:48
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maxagazGumby, I didn't have it with me actually09:49
Gumbymaxagaz: sorry then, I am out of ideas.09:50
GumbyI'd have to install fresh to be able to figure it out or boot from a livecd and its almost 3am which means its way past my bestime09:51
Gumbygood luck with getting it to work09:51
nataliehowdy all. I have lubuntu based on 10.4, any idea what tools i could use to get ubuntu one up. it's xfce09:56
nataliemainly just want a folder to sync09:56
Stanley00natalie: I just can find ubuntuone-client...10:00
natalieyeah, will give it a go. not sure how it will go10:01
haha_guyzcan anyone help me my thumbdrive cannot be mount in ubuntu..10:02
haha_guyzi also try open it using windows and it say the drive need format.10:02
nergal_Hi, I've just installed openssh server and I can't login with my user account. I've never experienced this problem before. I get permission denied when I enter password. I've tried "AllowUsers <my_user>" without success. I also tried to use pam with sshd.allow and still not success. Any ideas what I've missed?10:03
haha_guyzbut the disk utility detect it..10:03
nataliehaha_guyz, do you know what file system you have on the drive?10:04
aruncn1@nergal_  please check the log messages. what does it say?10:04
nergal_aruncn1: ah ofc...sigh...I'm tired. Now I see, wrong path to my tcsh shell was the problem10:05
nergal_thanks ;P10:05
haha_guyzfat32 i think..10:06
natalieso when you connect the drive, it is not mounted automatically? when you say you can see it in disk util, what does it say?10:07
haha_guyznatalie: yes,its not mount automaticaly and in disk utility i doesn't show my partition in thumbdrive at all..10:12
computer_Hey there all you fine open source folks, say is there anything I can do about making the windows management less impossible while using 11.10 Beta210:13
haha_guyznatalie,  yes,its not mount automaticaly and in disk utility i doesn't show my partition in thumbdrive at all..10:13
smwcomputer_, ditch unity?10:14
computer_I hear you smw, hear you10:14
Sidewinder1!oneiric > computer_10:14
ubottucomputer_, please see my private message10:14
haha_guyznatalie, i also df command in terminal and it doesn't show my pendrive10:15
computer_Sure ubottu10:15
nataliehaha_guyz, what do you see in ls /media10:15
smwubottu is a bot10:15
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.10:15
smwcomputer_, ^10:15
computer_Oh sorry about that channel ops10:16
Weust`hi, i added multiple network configurations in interfaces eth0 eth1 ... , each has a gateway, but how can i define the DEFAULT gw ?10:16
haha_guyznatalie, nope nothing..10:17
obert-thanks the same.10:18
nataliehaha_guyz, try sudo fdisk -l and see if it lists the drive.10:18
learnubuntuI use ubuntu without network-manager, in order to configure everything from scratch and things work fine that way. However, sometimes, for instace when I have connected to a different network than usual, I have problems (when trying to connect to the network I usually connect) and such problems remain even if I turn off the computer, invoke ifup, ifconfig, etc. manually, they seem to be problems "running deep", so to speak. They a10:18
schnitziSorry, bit of a n00b here - I'm trying to get my VGA output going under Natty...  First step, I think, is to generate an xorg.conf, which I'm having some probs with.  Is this the proper forum for this question?10:20
g3nt3lg1antWeust try in command line 'route add default gw (ip address) etho1 or etho2' and i think that will work10:21
haha_guyznatalie, nope..10:21
Weust`g3nt3lg1ant: but if i reboot the server, that entry will be gone ?10:21
haha_guyznatalie, does this mean my thumbdrive need to be format?10:22
nataliehaha_guyz, if it's not important information on it, i would just bite the bullet and do it10:22
nataliehaha_guyz, you could see if it even detects the drive properly with lsusb, but that wont tell you much10:23
learnubuntuI use ubuntu without network-manager, in order to configure everything from scratch and things work fine that way. However, sometimes, for instace when I have connected to a different network than usual, I have problems (when trying to connect to the network I usually connect) and such problems remain even if I turn off the computer, invoke ifup, ifconfig, etc. manually, they seem to be problems "running deep", so to speak. They a10:23
nataliehaha_guyz, testing is detailed here also10:24
nataliehaha_guyz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TestingStorageMedia but if you dont see it listed as a device in fdisk you might not have much luck10:25
g3nt3lg1antWeust is it for a VPN??10:26
Weust`g3nt3lg1ant: no its just a server10:26
Weust`8 servers with 4 nics running ubuntu server10:26
haha_guyznatalie, thank you natalie...10:27
virgohi, how can i make some applicatoin to be executed when i type the application name into terminal?10:27
Weust`but if i ping from a foreign network, it wants to send the icmp reply back on a random gw10:27
g3nt3lg1antWeust: what else have you tried??10:27
haha_guyznatalie, i think i want to format it..10:27
Weust`g3nt3lg1ant: the order in /etc/network/interfaces file10:27
Weust`and reboot every time10:27
Weust`so i thought i'd check irc10:28
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haha_guyznatalie, if it still can't.. ithink i need to change my thumbdrive...10:28
g3nt3lg1antWeust: yeah cause all that I can think of it either to 'sudo ip route add default via' or 'sudo route add default gw' for a server10:30
Weust`ok g3nt3lg1ant i'll look for a way to fix that10:30
Weust`thnx g3nt3lg1ant10:30
g3nt3lg1antWeust: all good10:30
timfrostschnitzi: xorg in natty doesn't need a config file, unless you have a video card that needs proprietary drivers10:32
sms_About file permissions, who is/are "group"?10:32
Dazzledwhat is the most current usplash or xsplash?10:32
DazzledI want to make an animated bootscreen10:33
Dazzledand stay as far away from Plymouth as humanly possible10:33
plouffeI just copied my Ubuntu install to a new laptop (ext3 partition), then did a chroot to the new install to try and do a grub-install and grub-update, but I get the error "is /dev mounted" (I excluded /dev on the transfer). Any ideas how to install grub2 from the liveCD?10:33
MaximLevitskyI need a guide on howto use console for newbie, to refer them to10:34
Sidewinder1!permissions | sms_10:34
ubottusms_: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:34
MaximLevitskyAny suggestions?10:34
bazhang!terminal > MaximLevitsky10:34
ubottuMaximLevitsky, please see my private message10:34
plouffethe error is cannot find devive for / (is /dev mounted?)10:34
Sidewinder1MaximLevitsky, Here's a link, it's old but has many sublinks with commands for CLI: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17150710:35
MaximLevitskySidewinder1: asks me for login for some reason10:36
MaximLevitskySidewinder1: its not guide for me, I know console well10:36
ludri7Hi, does somebody know how to make caret (^) symbol via keyboard?10:36
Sidewinder1MaximLevitsky, Oh OK, that means that it is an archived thread and you need to join ubuntuforums.org in order to view. Go ahead and join; it's free. :-)10:37
MaximLevitskySidewinder1: I have account there10:37
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Sidewinder1MaximLevitsky, Then, login and paste that link.10:38
g3nt3lg1antMaximLevitsky: how much of a newbie are you??10:38
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ludri7MaximLevitsky,  is keymap dependent? I get with shift+6 & symbol. Estonian keymap is used.10:38
MaximLevitskyeveryone is a newbie there or there10:38
g3nt3lg1antDoes anyone know how to set up OpenVPN??10:40
MaximLevitskyludri7: could very well be10:40
MaximLevitskytry other numeric keys with shift10:41
MaximLevitskyI had this with rusian keyboard10:41
ludri7MaximLevitsky, ok, thanks. found it. with mine layout it is Alt Gr  + letter Ƥ.  ^^10:42
virgodoes anyone know shell script command to create shortcut?10:43
MaximLevitskyvirgo: ln -s10:44
calmpitbullproblem installing10:44
urlin2ucalmpitbull, we don't advise on backtrack.10:45
calmpitbullit is only repository10:45
karthick87Hi can anyone help me with puppet configuration?10:45
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:46
varikonniemiis it normal for the calendar in ubuntu to change only after i click on it10:50
varikonnieminormally it is 1 day, sometimes even 3 days after before i click on it10:51
urlin2uvarikonniemi, change, in what way?10:51
varikonniemithe date i see in upper right corner10:51
varikonniemii have to click it once, to show it, once again to hide it, and after this it has updated the view10:52
urlin2uvarikonniemi, in other words the date is wrong unless you click it?10:52
varikonniemihas been going on for months10:52
varikonniemiit does not update unless clicking it10:53
urlin2uvarikonniemi, should not be happening, hard for me to say why.10:53
varikonniemiyea i figured it out it *should* not be happening :)10:54
varikonniemii have lived in the belief it will be updated shortly10:54
varikonniemibut now many months later, i felt compelled to ask :)10:54
urlin2uvarikonniemi, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160324310:55
krishnanMy wi-fi gets disconnected whn I lock and unlock my computer. Im using ubuntu 10.04. Pls help10:55
urlin2ukrishnan, do you have it set to auto connect and all users?10:57
varikonniemiit says to go and right-clicl10:57
varikonniemii get it right by just only opening and closing the calendar10:57
krishnanurlin2u: Yes I do. I dnt have this problem at home wi-fi. I face this problem at officer wi-fi.10:58
urlin2uvarikonniemi, just find time and date and reset it.10:58
varikonniemii just need to open and close the calendat and it updates with that10:58
varikonniemino need to make it harder than it is10:58
urlin2uvarikonniemi, a reset is to hard for you.10:59
urlin2ukrishnan, does it ask for a password to restart tthe wifi when this happens10:59
varikonniemiyeah i have no idea what you are talking about.. the time&date settings menu item has never done anything for me so i dont know whats behiund it11:00
varikonniemithe reset button?11:00
krishnanurlin2u: it tries at first and then asks. however thrs no need to enter as the correct password is already present. Still the problem persists.11:00
Johnny_Gigglesis there a development channel for Ubuntu?11:01
varikonniemii have no idea why i should be required to hit a reset button once per day to have my calendar up to date?11:02
urlin2ukrishnan, so without "your password" it connects.11:02
krishnanurlin2u: no without the password it doesnt connect.11:02
urlin2ukrishnan, not sure really.11:03
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krishnanurlin2u: Now Im using the wi-fi. it is present in network connection and thr is no problem with tht. If I now lock and go and come back after 15 mins it will be disconnected and try to connect once I log in. but it never connects. and just keeps trying.11:05
krishnanIm using the wi-fi. it is present in network connection and thr is no problem with tht. If I now lock and go and come back after 15 mins it will be disconnected and try to connect once I log in. but it never connects. and just keeps trying.  Pls help11:06
=== magentar_ is now known as magentar
Johnny_GigglesWhen packages are compiled for Ubuntu, what optimization level is generally used?  Is it -O3 ?11:09
varikonniemi(sorry i have no clue, just keeping up with the trend of the other helpers of this cahnnel)11:10
=== David_Guetta is now known as ubuntuis
glebihanvarikonniemi, don't do that please11:11
Sonderbladei'm pretty sure it is -O2 -g which it has been for ages11:12
varikonniemias i said, im sorry, just feel frustrated when users luike uriln2u troll me11:12
=== ubuntuis is now known as ubuntuisgay
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F_U_C_K-NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>. not good11:15
elkyChange your nick if you wish to stay in this channel please.11:16
Adnanhi people, I have a wlan usb stick with a 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. and i cannot find the drivers can someone help11:17
=== F_U_C_K is now known as F_U_C_Kchanged
Johnny_GigglesWhoever gave me the O2 answer, I did see it before my computer crapped itself11:17
MyrttiF_U_C_Kchanged: not good enough11:17
herkupus...and the award for most childish behaviour goes to ubuntuisgay/opensuse/kubuntu/F_U_C_K11:17
Myrttiherkupus: no need for commentary, thanks11:18
thincedAdnan: have you tried lspci11:19
thincedand check for chip information11:19
Adnanit is a usb thumbstick11:19
Adnanso lsusb11:19
thincedlsusb then :)11:19
herkupusthinced: he already gave the usb id11:19
johwilHi, I wounder if anyone has succeeded in installing the Tascam us144mkII external sound card on Ubuntiu?  I can't find any success stories on the net..........11:21
ikoniajohwil: tascam as a rule has terrible support with linux11:21
ikoniajohwil: that doesn't mean your card won't work, but the norm is not good support11:22
thincedBus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter <- Adnan like this?11:22
johwilso it seams, ikonia11:22
johwilthe net is empty, ikonia11:22
Adnanthinced: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.11:23
thincedhmm... I was hoping some chip information like RTL818711:24
herkupusthinced: seems to be RTL8188CUS: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,1598,1630,quote=111:24
virgois it possible to execute shell script with mouse clicks so that applications starts without prompt?11:25
Adnani checked various ubuntuforums but i alway mixed the numbers up11:25
johwilikonia, I haf a thought thou, may be there is another USB2 external sound card with better linux support? I could try to mimic that!11:25
ikoniamimic ?11:26
=== JoeGazz84 is now known as AFK
ikoniajohwil: the issue is there is no kernel based "driver" for these cards, you can't just pick another usb external sound card to use it's kernel module for your device11:26
johwilikonia, install that driver instead..11:26
ikoniajohwil: you can't do that11:26
krishnanwi-fi gets disconnected from my laptop running ubuntu 10.04. pls help11:26
talinhello. how can i install the latest teamspeak? i  tried apt-get install teamspeak-server... but it tries to install teamspeak 2. i want teamspeak 311:27
johwilikonia, how bad :(11:27
thincedAdnan: They provide linux drivers11:27
thincedAdnan: at realteks site I mean: http://www.wireless-driver.com/realtek-rtl8188cus-rtl8192cu-windows-linux-driver-ver1011/11:27
thincedAdnan: download and compile. Not sure if there is deb packages for it11:27
Adnanthinced: i didnt find my number11:28
thincedAdnan: ?11:28
johwilikonia, are there anything I could do?11:29
herkupusAdnan: the usb id is not necessarily the chipset name11:29
ikoniajohwil: contact the vendor ask them to provide any linux information they have? ?11:29
Adnanwhere can i find the chipset name11:29
herkupusAdnan: i guess i's RTL8188CUS11:29
talinhow can i install teamspeak-server 3 with apt-get?11:29
Adnanill trz that11:29
johwilikonia, I'll try that,11:30
glebihantalin, with apt-get, you can't11:30
krishnanwi-fi gets disconnected from my laptop running ubuntu 10.04. pls help11:30
Adnantalin: apt-get install teamspeak-server11:30
talinglebihan: hmm, why? can't you choose between 2 and 3? i think 3 is stable?11:30
tomodachikrishnan: it could be a crappy wifi driver. Have you checked the forums? you have the same issue if you change to wep instead of wpa?11:30
glebihantalin, stable maybe but not in the repos yet11:31
tomodachikrishnan: on your wifi netork device11:31
talinglebihan: hmm, okay11:31
glebihantalin, if you reallly want to install it, download it from the website and install it manually11:31
krishnantomodachi: no I do not face this problem in wep and in some wap wi-fi.11:31
talinglebihan: thank you11:32
glebihantalin, you're welcome11:33
krishnantomodachi: any help11:34
plouffehow can it be that (from liveCD) I run "sudo update grub-pc" gives the message "grub-pc is already the newest version. 0 updated" but when I run sudo grub-pc it tells me "command not found"?11:35
BluesKajhiyas all11:37
plouffeand what does update-grub breaking off with "grub-probe: error: cannot stat aufs" mean?11:37
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dexterwhere can I checl if a rainbow hop pocket surf wireless mouse is ubuntu or linux compatible?11:41
tomodachidexter: it is i believe. all usb devices are pretty muchstanrard. like mice and keyboards11:42
dextertomodachi, the packet didnt say anything of linux compatibility, and I need to install some drivers, with instructions only for windows, will it work under ubuntu?11:43
glebihandexter, you very likely won't need to install any drivers11:45
dexterwould you recommend logitech?11:45
dexteras the mouse brand11:45
BluesKajdexter, I have alogotech on my other linux pc..works fine.11:47
glebihandexter, no particular recommendation, any should work fine11:47
ir0b0tHow can using Yahoo like in windows for Video|Voice call?11:47
BluesKajerr logitech11:47
dexterok, laser or digital mouse?11:48
glebihandexter, that's your choice depending on what you prefer11:48
dori922hey! :) i have a question on SSH Keys... i have set up a sftp chrooted user: "test1", and now i want to give him an sshkey to use.(have the config set up and following this guide:" http://blog.famzah.net/2011/02/03/secure-chroot-remote-file-access-via-sftp-and-ssh/ ")11:51
symejust go on to your local host11:51
dori922if i set up a public key through a keygen command(still learning these commands but that not my q :P) can i just send that key to client-pc1?11:51
symethat will make your ssh key pair in /home/.ssh11:52
dori922and client-pc1 logs in with pub-key?11:52
symethen use this11:52
symessh-copy-id -i /path/to/rsa.pub user@remotehost11:52
dori922im able to make the keygen pair but i dont understand how the clients access the key to use(i dont have direct access to clients)11:52
symethat sends your public key copy to the accepted hosts11:52
symecalled authorized_users11:52
symeon the remote server11:53
FloodBot1syme: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:53
sipiorauthorized_keys, to be precise.11:53
dori922can they be used on windows PC's?11:53
dori922or is a workaround needed11:54
dori922yes they can..11:54
dori922so its just a matter of copying the keypair to the client-pc1?11:54
symesorry about that miscommunication11:55
symeon windows you may have to generate the ssh pair in a like11:56
=== newton is now known as Guest16660
symeprogram if you dont have openssh installed11:56
symeand ssh-copy-id idk if its in windows11:56
Pici!enter | syme dori92211:56
ubottusyme dori922: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:56
symeaw >.<i gotta stop spamming11:56
Picidori922: If you're using putty to connect to your Linux computers, you'll need to convert your key into a format recognizable by putty. There is a utility that comes with their install to let you do that. Then all you do is specify that keyfile in your putty config.11:57
dori922i dont mind the spam ;P11:57
dori922Pici:  i was thinking of using sftp11:57
dori922err winscp11:57
symeputty has its own thing11:57
ikoniait makes them into a ppk format11:58
Picidori922: winscp supports private keyfiles as well, I do not know if it requires putty's keyformat though.  Both putty and winscp both do support putty's key agent though.11:58
dcorbin_workI have an ubuntu system with a time problem.  NTP is setting the  time to UTC (I think) even though the system is configured to be local11:58
karniHi guys! If there are any Android users out here, we'd like you to give latest Ubuntu One Files a spin. There was a serious issue that caused CPU load on slower/older devices, and I'm seeking users to help us test if this fix resolves the issue: http://goo.gl/RlQRk v1.0.3.111:58
dcorbin_workI've change /etc/default/rcS so it says UTC=no11:58
karniMuch thanks!11:58
Guest16660hi every body11:59
dori922thanks a million for this syme , Pici  and ikonia gonna go set this up now :D11:59
karniOh, it's about uploading multiple pictures, so if you happen to test it, snap a few and see how the auto-upload feels. Thanks!11:59
symedori922 , ssh-copy-id is part of the linux openssh thing11:59
dcorbin_workOddly, when if I stop ntpd and run ntpdate, it sets the time correctly.  However, running ntpd with the "-g" option does not set it correctly.11:59
symeyou may not have it on windows, but you can always scp , and ssh in and use cat11:59
Picikarni: Please do not advertise here, this is a support channel for Ubuntu only.  #ubuntu-offtopic might be more appropriate.11:59
karniPici: Do you really believe this is advertising? I took 3 lines on this busy channel to seek fellow Android users to help us test an Ubuntu-related app (i.e. Ubuntu One related). And you, I am sure, know the #ubuntu channel is one of most attended. Give developer some slack :)12:02
Pici!guidelines > karni12:02
ubottukarni, please see my private message12:02
Calinou!guidelines > Calinou12:04
ubottuCalinou, please see my private message12:04
executionistin ubuntu, is there a way to see thumbnails of images in image folders?12:05
executionistsry, I mean when selecting a file for attachment12:05
lwsexecutionist: what program?12:06
lwsi believe any program that uses a standard GNOME or KDE file selection dialog should give you an option of views, including list, icons, thumbnails12:07
mrintegrityexecutionist: not in the gnome file chooser unfortunately12:07
executionistgmail, when attaching images I have to click each to see a preview12:07
mrintegritycould be wrong though ^12:07
lwsstand by12:07
lwsby the way, gmail will let you drag files onto the browser window to attach them12:07
lwsah, mrintegrity is correct, no way to select thumbnails from gnome file chooser12:08
lwsdrag and drop instead12:08
executionistk thx12:08
uoouhello, I saw someone yesterday mention a room for oneric but I forget where, could someone please remind me?12:15
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:15
uoouthank you :)12:16
ServerTechHelp : Okay so I installed Ubuntu 11.04 Server Edition without setting up DHCP, and now after i have plugged in my internet to the server, it does not find it. What should i do?12:18
Adnanok, tried various things and it is the 8188cu and now im a little confued and need some assistance12:18
essaihi all12:18
SimonJaihey guys12:20
SimonJaii just replaced my 9600GT video card with a HD645012:20
SimonJaibut i'm not getting anything on my monitor12:20
SimonJaidoes ubuntu not like changing hardware after install?12:20
uoouyou'll still be using the nvidia drivers and you've now got an ATI card12:21
lwsServerTech: add the following line to /etc/network/interfaces: iface eth0 inet dhcp12:21
uoouI don't think it auto-detects that the drivers you specified will no longer work12:21
uoouyou'll have to revert to the vesa drivers I think if you then want to proceed and install ATI drivers in a graphical way12:22
Milosshhey; ubuntu 11.04 installs chromium after removing firefox. I tried unchecking it in synaptic, but that doesn't work. how do I override that?12:22
lwsSimonJai: try sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old and restart X12:22
Milosshthat works vice versa too12:22
SimonJaiuoou: so what do i need to do?12:22
uoouI'm not entirely sure, but I'll have a google12:22
uoouok, no need, lws has rescued us12:23
ScatterBrainOK, so how do I disable the two sounds when starting up Ubuntu?  (the drums and the whatever default sound after logging in.)12:23
SimonJaiwhen i reboot and boot up12:23
SimonJaii can see the ubuntu loading screen12:23
erpone#j crypto12:23
SimonJaibut it can't see the login screen12:23
ir0b0tWhat is name app in linux for yahoo messenger to make video and voice call?12:23
MilosshScatterBrain, system, preferences, sound12:23
lwsreasoning behind that: driver will be specified in xorg.conf, if you remove that then xorg should try and autodetect12:23
SimonJailet me try...12:23
SimonJaifingers crossed12:23
uoouyeah that's natural SimonJai, it's not passed over to the graphics drivers yet12:23
SimonJaifair enough12:24
lwsnote that in newer versions of xorg, xorg.conf isn't even used by default12:24
SimonJaiyes nice!12:24
SimonJaithanks alot uoou and lws12:24
lwsso it's not actually necessary to have an xorg.conf, only if you want to do strage stuff likje dual monitors12:24
uoounow you want to run the additional drivers thing and getthe ATI drivers installed12:24
lwshang on, so that worked, simonjai?12:24
uoou(assuming you want hardware acceleration)12:24
SimonJaiyeah i removed the xorg.conf file12:25
SimonJairebooted and i can see the desktop12:25
SimonJainow to install the driver12:25
lwsshit, my suggestions never work first time12:25
uoouI think installing the proprietary drivers writes an xorg.conf, lws. Maybe only if you change settings.12:25
* lws pats self on back12:25
SimonJailol lws, it does now12:25
lwsuoou: yeah, nvidia-settings persists its configuration by writing an xorg.conf12:25
SimonJaii actually modified my xorg.conf12:26
uoouok, oneric channel is silent, I wonder if anyone here can help12:26
SimonJaidvi -> hdmi (samsung lcd tv)12:26
SimonJaii had to strip the audtio12:26
LynnaHello - anyone have any experince running a SL Viewer on Linux ? I just installed Ubuntu and I think it's missing some stuff necessary for running that program.12:26
Piciuoou: Then you need to be patient there.12:26
lwsbut yeah, new Xorg autoconfigures everything on the fly, does a rather good job of it actually12:26
Milosshhey; ubuntu 11.04 installs chromium after removing firefox. I tried unchecking it in synaptic, but that doesn't work. how do I override that?12:26
uoouI installed Gnome 3, but every time I reboot/logout it's defaulting to Unity, regardless of what I chose last - is there a way around this or a way to set Gnome 3 as default?12:26
uoouaye Pici, just giving it a shot here too as I'm not sure it's oneric specific as such12:27
lwsuoou: select the appropriate session type at login?12:27
SimonJainow i hope i don't lose the sound again =/12:27
* ScatterBrain goes to see if the sounds are gone now.12:27
uoouyeah I can do that but it's a pain (only slight obviously, just an annoyance)12:27
ServerTechHelp : Okay so I installed Ubuntu 11.04 Server Edition without setting up DHCP, and now after i have plugged in my internet to the server, it does not find it. What should i do?12:27
lwsservertech: see my reply to you above12:27
lwsadd 'iface eth0 inet dhcp12:28
lwsto /etc/network/interfaces12:28
lwsand reboot12:28
uoouSimonJai, if you lose sound it'll probably be because it's trying to use the HDMI sound on the graphics card, just tell it not to in sound settings and all should be fine12:28
SimonJaiyeah i know12:28
SimonJainvidia didn't let me do that12:28
SimonJaii had to modify the EDID12:28
uoouheh, odd12:29
lwsdamn the future12:29
SimonJaiokay restarting now12:29
lwsat least 3.5mm audio jacks always work12:29
SimonJaihope i get the sound12:29
lwsServerTech: success?12:29
lwshlo, kai12:29
ScatterBrainMilos|Netbook: That got rid of the login sound, but not the drums after GDM (login screen) loads.  Where can I get rid of that one?12:30
kaihow do I fix the headers for 10.04 2.6.35-30? linux-headers-2.6.35-30 is a virtual package and the -generic package that I want for my kernel doesn't seem to have the correct provides12:30
ScatterBrainSorry wrong person.  Xchat auto-complete.12:30
SimonJaiwoooot it works12:30
SimonJai<3 ati12:30
SimonJainow to get utorrent running12:31
ServerTechthanks lws. mIRC doesn't seem to highlight my name for some reason12:31
kaiI can't use the 10.04 stock kernel version because I run LXC VMs, and the stock kernel is broken for that12:31
ScatterBrainSo does anyone know how to stop the login screen sound (the drums)?12:31
lwsServerTech: so, success?12:31
lwsScatterBrain: you mean when the login screen becomes ready?12:31
lwssounds like it would be a property of the GDM settings12:32
lwsstand by12:32
lwsSystem > Administration > Login Screen > "Play Login Sound"12:32
lwsuncheck that12:33
ScatterBrainlws: Yeah, Been there.  That checkbox is not selected.  :(12:33
Adnani need some help with my wlan stick12:33
ScatterBrainlws: yup12:33
lwshella strange12:33
lwslemme go digging around in the gdm conf12:33
Mas0ne_Ok, what happened to compiz-core-abiversion today? Anyone know?12:34
lwsbahaha, things found in the gdm config:12:35
lws  # FIXME: is this all right?  Is this completely on crack?12:35
lws  # What this does is move the xkb configuration from the GDM_PARENT_DISPLAY12:35
lwsno mention of sound, though12:36
ServerTechlws: didn't work:/ i have two ethernet cards, but i think disabled the inbuilt one in the bios, i don't much remember.12:36
lwsServerTech: when you do 'ifconfig', what interfaces do you see?12:37
lwsi have eth0, eth1, wlan012:37
ScatterBrainlws: yeah, it's weird.12:38
lwsScatterBrain: damn, you ruined my streak12:38
lwsi was 2 for 2 problems solved12:38
lwsIT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! ...12:39
=== Guest26680 is now known as LjL-Temp
* uoou makes lws a nice cup of tea12:39
ServerTechlws: i see only local loopback:l btw i have 2 ethernet cards and 1 wlan card.12:39
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest16390
lwsServerTech: do you see the network cards when you do a lspci?12:40
lwsfor example: 04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)12:40
ServerTechlws: Yes, as my inbuilt one is diabled via the bios, it isn't there. Now, i have Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter and VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105/VT6106S [Rhine-III] Wired Ethernet Controller12:42
Adnanwhen compiling my driver i get the following message12:43
AdnanCompile make driver error: 2, Please check error Mesg12:43
Adnanwhere can i see the message12:43
ServerTechlws_: Yes, as my inbuilt one is diabled via the bios, it isn't there. Now, i have Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter and VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105/VT6106S [Rhine-III] Wired Ethernet Controller.12:47
lwssorry, back on station12:47
lwscan you try sudo ifconfig eth0 up; sudo ifconfig eth1 up?12:48
lwsthen another ifconfig12:48
ServerTechsure. hold on12:48
ServerTechlws: Thanks. Now the ether controller is working and visible in ifconfig. But i still can't access the internet.12:50
lwsservertech: OK, stand by12:53
lwsservertech: can you please try "sudo dhclient eth0"?12:53
=== mterry_ is now known as mterry
lwsthen another ifconfig12:54
SimonJaican i ask12:54
SimonJaiwhat port do you open for torrents?12:54
lwsSimonJai: it's a range, actually12:55
SimonJaiwhat range?12:55
lwsyou can set the range in your client's settings12:55
SimonJaimy torrent doesn't go past 30kb/s12:55
SimonJaibut you gotta port forward12:55
ServerTechhuge range, depends on what port you set on your torrent client12:55
luc_can any body help i did a fresh format and install of ubuntu 11.04 and it just freezes on black screen with blinking curser12:55
ServerTechlws: chown and chmod: failed to get attributes of12:56
Adnancan someone look at my error message and tell me what is wrong with it??12:56
ServerTechlws: '/etc/resolv.conf': No such file or directory12:56
ServerTechlws: sorry pressed enter too soon:l12:56
SimonJaii can't stand any bt clients except utorrent12:56
SimonJaii gotta run wine12:56
lwsServerTech: change tack12:56
lwserr, lemme look up the appropriate incantation12:57
xanguaSimonJai: there is utorrent for linux12:57
ServerTechSimonJai: i think there are bt clients for linux?12:57
SimonJaiit'ss like alpha12:57
ServerTechso? still works12:57
xanguawell at least the server12:57
SimonJaidoes it work well?12:58
SimonJaiit hasn't been updated since march?12:58
ServerTechSimonJai: i guess so. never tried. Well in the options, it lets you select a port. Get a random port which is not in use, add exceptions to firewall and port forward.12:58
SimonJainah i got the port forwarded12:59
SimonJaijust asking what port you guys use12:59
SimonJaiwow my torrent just hit 8kb/s!12:59
ServerTechwell random ports, it has a randomize button12:59
SimonJaiyeah i know12:59
ServerTechSimonJai: Did you like select a good torrent with a nice seed peer ratio?12:59
SimonJaii can get like +100kb/s on my windows comp13:00
ScatterBrainlws: sorry.  But I don't think this is your fault.  It sounds like it might be a small bug.13:00
SimonJaibut ubuntu... it's hovering around 5kb/s13:00
ServerTechSimonJai: Well Eztv is a torrent portal. I'm asking 'bout the torrent.13:00
lwssudo nmcli con up id "Auto eth1"13:00
lws^ ServerTech: try that incantation13:00
SimonJaithere's good health13:00
ServerTechlws: thanks. hold on lemme try it13:00
SimonJaithe torrent is relaly good health13:01
SimonJaithis is really shitting me, i don't understand13:01
lwsalso, SimonJai: what's wrong with transmission?13:01
ServerTechlws: dangit.. nmcli: command not found. lmao.13:01
SimonJaii just don't lie it13:01
SimonJainot as easy to use as utorrent13:01
SimonJaiwell to me13:01
lwsServerTech: yeah, i kinda half expected that13:01
SimonJailie = like13:02
lws'nmcli' is the command-line version of the network manager applet13:02
grahambaeWhen I tag my FLAC files in Easytag, the changes are't recognised by Amarok or Rhythmbox. I have both of the "Write ID3v1 and v2" checked, as well as "Write ID3 tags in FLAC files" and "Automatically convert old ID3v2 tag versions".13:02
ServerTechi wanna install gnome.. only if i had internet connectivity.. it would be so much easier. lws.13:02
wildbat!wine | SimonJai use utorrent then .....13:02
lwsto be perfectly clear, you added the line i orignally suggested to /etc/network/interfaces, and restarted?13:02
ubottuSimonJai use utorrent then .....: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:02
ServerTechSimonJai: I also kinda get slow torrent speeds on ubuntu (linux in common) for some reason13:03
SimonJaiyeah i am using utorrent with wine13:03
SimonJaii get REALLY SLOW speeds13:03
SimonJaimy torrent is hovering around 0.1kb/s13:03
Mikoserver irc.epiknet.org13:03
SimonJaiconnected to 15 seeds and 14 peers13:03
xangua!enter | SimonJai13:03
ubottuSimonJai: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:03
SimonJaireally don't understand....13:03
wildbatSimonJai: are you firewalled?13:03
SimonJaiunless ubuntu has default firewall, then no13:03
ServerTechwildbat: pretty sure he's firewalled13:04
ServerTechdang i pressed .13:04
wildbatlol ~13:04
oCeanSimonJai: for support with applications on wine, join #winehq13:04
ServerTechlws: any ideas on what i could do?13:04
lwsServerTech: can youi please paste the contents of /etc/network/interfaces to pastebin?13:04
ServerTechlws: well its enough for me to type.. lmao. so yeah hold on13:04
SimonJaiis 1500 the default MTU?13:05
luc_any help on installing ubuntu13:05
lwsSimonJai: yeah, 1500 is the default MTU, and don't mess with that unless you Know What You Are DOing13:05
ServerTechluc_: repeat question?13:05
lwssetting the MTU isn't going to make your torrent go faster13:05
lwsyou will only anger the ethernet gods, and they shall split your oversized packets in twain13:06
OerHeks!cn | congge13:06
ubottucongge: å¦‚ę¬²ē²å¾—äø­ę–‡ēš„協助ļ¼Œč«‹č¼øå…„ /join #ubuntu-cn ꈖ /join #ubuntu-tw13:06
victor_uvaWhich packages are supposed to make AMD Graphic Cards work, apart from xserver-xorg-video-ati and mesa-utils? I'm doing some tests with Stellarium: if I open it in Ubuntu Oneiric, there's no problem; however, doing the same with Debian Squeeze, Stellarium works very slowly and words are shown incorrectly. In Debian Squeeze free drivers are the default install, and if I install fglrx, Stellarium works great; so there must be some packages in Ubuntu that13:06
victor_uvaare installed by default and are not in Debian; otherwise Stellarium should work the same in both OS13:06
conggethis chat can not use chinaese13:07
LocoenelCocowhen i "apt-get upgrade" on my ubuntu11 it tries to install packages i dont even have installed instead of jus upgrading the ones i have. what should i do to upgrade just the packages i really hav?13:07
victor_uvaI would like to know which packages in Ubuntu are installed by default and make AMD Graphic Cards work properly, in order to compare with the default Debian packages13:07
ServerTechlws: #This file describes... (description)... ** # The loopback network interface ** auto lo ** iface loinet loopback ** iface eth0 inet dhcp. ** denotes line change.13:07
lws\n is the standard notation for linebreak ;)13:07
lwsso you restarted and that didn't work for you, and you don't have networkmanager instealled13:07
id10tanyone running a local ubuntu mirror with apt-mirror?  i've got a question about linking to the /ubuntu directory... if i have multiple sources (main canocial and partners) and they both have /ubuntu directories, how do i deal with that?13:08
ServerTechlws: ty:P i didn't use irc (or ubuntu) for like months.. :13:08
lwstry replacing the 'dhcp' line with simply 'auto eth0'13:08
lwsrestart, etc, etc13:08
zykotick9_victor_uva, FYI ubuntu ships non-free firmware, while Debian does not (not sure if that explains your AMD/ATI difference, but it might)13:09
LocoenelCocohello how to make "apt-get upgrade" to only upgrade packages i realy have and dont install other packages?13:09
ServerTechlws: thanks. started working:D13:09
lwsi am heroic13:09
ServerTech:P true;D13:09
lwsLocoenelCoco: what kinds of 'other packages' is it trying to install?13:09
lwsgive a sample of the package names13:09
LocoenelCocolws, its trying to install samba, cups and many other13:10
lwsLocoenelCoco: those are all packages you already have installed as part of the base ubuntu install13:10
victor_uvazykotick9_: Debian has firmwarelinux-free installed but firmwarelinux-nonfree is not installed; I installed this one, rebooted and Stellarium was still giving problems13:10
LocoenelCocolws, i already have removed them13:10
LocoenelCocolws, and it stills try to install, how o workaround it?13:10
lwsLocoenelCoco: right, the metapackage 'ubuntu-desktop' is probably trying to pull them in again13:10
lwsLocoenelCoco: solution is to apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop13:11
ServerTechlws: would you rather choose gnome, kde or xorg?13:11
lwsLocoenelCoco: though i have no idea why you would want to remove samba and cups13:11
zykotick9_victor_uva, try in #debian for Debian issues - I don't think the ATI drivers are in firmwarelinux-nonfree13:11
LocoenelCocolws, i dont have printer nor share files13:11
lwsServerTech: 'xorg' underlies both gnome and KDE, null question ;)13:11
thomasis it posible to install ubuntu in a none  grapahicmode?13:11
urupicasometimes my keyboard keys get remapped randomly. really weird. using xubuntu 11.04. any idea?13:11
xangua!alternate | thomas13:11
ubottuthomas: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:11
thomasin the graphicmode is hanging when i try to install and he ask "location"13:12
ServerTechlws: right i just was thinking that.. and i started googling:l i feel bad not using linux for so long.13:12
luc_ServerTech, i did i fresh format and a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04  on my harddrive  and it willnot boot up13:12
lwsServerTech: personally I prefer gnome, but i've been a heavy KDE user in the past; right now I happen to prefer gnome because it's a bit cleaner and things integrate a bit better13:12
victor_uvawhat it's cleared is that Ubuntu must have something installed that Debian doesn't, because in Ubuntu my AMD Radeon HD 6370 M works great without fglrx (in fact, fglrx makes it work worse), and in Debian Squeeze I couldn't get free drivers working13:12
ServerTechlws: yea i prefer gnome too13:12
lwsServerTech: note: using 'classic Ubuntu' == gnome2, nont of this "unity" for me13:12
victor_uvazykotick9_: I asked in #debian channel and I was told to ask here hehe13:12
ServerTechluc_: bios boot up order set correctly?13:13
luc_ServerTech, yes13:13
LocoenelCocolws, it didnt worked, same thing13:13
LocoenelCocolws, sill trying to install those packages13:13
lwsno idea; also not sure why you're so set on cleaning out cups and samba13:13
LocoenelCocolws, bcuz i dont need it13:14
luc_ServerTech, do u think its because i formated it ext 4 or something13:14
ServerTechhmm luc_.. ubuntu needs ext413:14
lwsLocoenelCoco: sounds like premature optimisation to me, you aren't exaclty going to save scads of RAM or anything by uninstalling a few daemons13:14
lwsServerTech: incorrect, ubuntu will install on any filesystem13:14
ScatterBrainlws: Found it: http://tinyurl.com/3g69mpq13:14
lwspossible exceptions of FAT32 and NTFS13:14
luc_ServerTech, live cd works perfect13:15
LocoenelCocolws, ok thx anyway13:15
ScatterBrainlws: for the sounds.13:15
lwsScatterBrain: whaaaaaaaaaat13:15
ServerTechi would have wish to use ntfs for ubuntu, possible lws?13:15
lwsScatterBrain: that is totally an intuitive place to put that setting.13:15
ScatterBrainlws: tell me about it.13:15
lwsServerTech: i believe it doesn't work, i tried it before13:15
urupicasometimes my keyboard keys get remapped randomly. really weird. like a virus. using xubuntu 11.04. any idea?13:16
ServerTechluc_: live cd is running from the cd, so doesn't prove the hard drive is working fine. Have you tried re-installing? Well i can't advice anything else. Try another hard drive.13:16
lwsServerTech: doesn't work because it doesn't support UNIX permissions, which makes linux apps sad when they try and make files like /etc/passwd non-readable and can13:16
Fabshello, i have an ubuntu server 10.04 LTS box running ppp (ipv4) and nat masquerading. I've set up 6to4 tunneling now, using the anycast endpoint. I'm using radvd and router advertisements appear to be working because my network machines show the advertised prefix at the start of their ip address and the default gateway is correctly set to the linux router's local interface link local address. My ubuntu router can ping ipv4 addresses such as ipv4.13:16
Fabsgoogle.com. I have chagned the sysctl setting for ipv6 forwarding to 1. I am using iptables and have set the ipv6 policies to accept for input output and forward. Yet my LAN machines are unable to reach the outside ipv6 world. Does anyone know how to help troubleshoot my problem? Thanks13:16
zykotick9_ServerTech, you can use NTFS partitions, but you CAN'T install onto an NTFS partitions, if that's what you want13:16
Fabsyou sort of can with wubi13:17
lwsServerTech: zykotick9_ is correct13:17
ServerTechzykotick9_, lws: yes i have a second drive to ntfs. I wanted to install on ntfs you know, if we could.13:17
luc_ServerTech, i did put another  drive in to yesterday13:17
lwsServerTech: linux also doesn't like your /home to be on NTFS, again the permissions issue13:17
zykotick9_ServerTech, use a "real" filesystem, not NTFS13:18
lwsServerTech: my partitioning scheme is ext4 root /, ext4 /home, NTFS 'shared data' between windows and linux, which is all my music and movies and so forth13:18
FabsServerTech, is there a reason you are eager to use NTFS? You can get drivers for windows to read ext2/3 partitions13:18
FabsOr you can put shared driver on the ntfs partition, but you will need to install to a linux partition13:18
lwsServerTech: Fabs is also correct, i recommend 'ext2fsd' for read-write access to ext3 partitions13:18
lwsext2ifs is a little crummy13:19
ServerTechFabs: nahh i just prefer ntfs rather. I don't have windows installed on my ubuntu computer.13:19
LocoenelCocohow to make my wireless connect when ubntu11 starts? i think it doesnt bcuz it aways ask the keyring thing before i connect after the startup13:19
xanguaLocoenelCoco: auto log in enables'Āæ13:19
ServerTechluc_: then i guess i can't help:/ does it show an error? What happens exactly when you boot up?13:19
FabsServerTech, you can use NTFS but not for your system. Maybe you can use symlinks to put certain folders on the NTFS drive13:19
lwsLocoenelCoco: Click on networking icon, "Connection Settings", go into the settings for your WLAN connection, check the box "make this connection available to all users" and "connect automatically"13:19
saTTYLocoenelCoco, please check the autostart in NetworkManager13:20
LocoenelCocoautostart already checked13:20
Fabsis anyone here familiar with ipv6 configuration for ubuntu server, or is there a good place I can ask?13:20
saTTYthen save the key LocoenelCoco13:20
lwsyou also need the 'available to all users' checkbox13:20
scottjdo browsers support some kind of urgency message that highlights the tab and notifies the OS?13:20
LocoenelCocosaTTY, how?13:20
LocoenelCocolws, will try that13:21
lws@ServerTech, Fabs, zykotick9_ : don't hate on NTFS, it's miles ahead of ext313:21
luc_ServerTech, in live cd boots up and regulary just a black screen with a blinking curser13:21
lwsit was a good filesystem when it was released13:21
zykotick9_lws, your hilarious13:21
ServerTechlws: thats why i prefer it.. i've been using windows for about 11 years now. So its just.. preferrable. lol.13:22
lwszykotick9_: i'm being perfectly serious; NTFS is at least as good if not better than ext3 when considered on its own merits13:22
lwsreally, we should all just use zfs and move on13:22
Fabslws, i love ntfs, but i wouldn't trust it with the open source drivers even though by now they're probably pretty stable and well-tested13:22
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Fabslws, you are welcome to use debian-freebsd and use zfs13:23
gupingwhois ServerTech13:23
ServerTechdo you have to guping?13:23
lwsFabs: pretty much; NTFS is technically nice, but the open-source drivers make me nervous13:23
aleuckhello, i've installed awesome wm but I can't figure out how to initialize the wireless network manager ubuntu uses13:23
ServerTechwell anyone has ideas about stopping ping timeouts? it happened to me when i used irc last... doesn't seem to be happening now13:23
lwsaleuck: 'nm-applet'13:23
Fabsindeed lws, i would only use it on windows13:23
Fabseveryone i bid you farewell in my quest to find someone with a brain of ipv6 experience13:23
luc_serv could it be that my other harddrive in my computer with all my movies on is in ntfs format13:23
aleucklws: thanks :D13:24
kaiany idea on how to work around https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-backport-maverick/+bug/847828 ?13:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 847828 in linux-lts-backport-maverick (Ubuntu) "linux-headers-2.6.35-30-generic fails to install because linux-headers-2.6.35-30 is a virtual package" [Undecided,New]13:24
lwsaleuck: other keywords are 'network-manager'13:24
ServerTechluc_: not really. did you format your harddrive for ubuntu before installation?13:24
compdocServerTech, ping timeouts using names rather than ip addresses?13:24
ServerTechcompdoc: don't get it?13:25
luc_ServerTech, yes during install13:25
LocoenelCocolws, ty it worked13:25
ServerTechluc_: hmm.. what happens during boot? does anything show up?13:25
lwsLocoenelCoco: sweet, that's three problems solved tonight13:25
lwsi'm winning! bi-winning! TRI-winning!13:26
luc_ServerTech, no just bios steps13:26
compdocsettle down, charlie13:26
LocoenelCocoi installed 11.04 yesterda im trying to get used to unity13:26
bluefiredoes anyone know how to download DEB packages using ubottu ?13:27
luc_ServerTech, is there a better hard drive formatter then in disk utilities13:27
conggeubuntu č½Æ件äø­åæƒ13:28
Picibluefire: Using ubottu? What exactly are you looking to accomplish?13:28
Pici!zh | congge13:28
ubottucongge: å¦‚ę¬²ē²å¾—äø­ę–‡ēš„協助ļ¼Œč«‹č¼øå…„ /join #ubuntu-cn ꈖ /join #ubuntu-tw13:28
bluefirei downloaded some packages using some link on internet which had "ubottu" in it, someone on IRC told me, but now i forgot the link13:28
ServerTechluc_: it may be memory problems. Try running the memory test on the cd? I can't really think of anything else.13:28
luc_ServerTech, because it did have windows 7 on it before13:28
conggegoogle it13:28
Picibluefire: ubottu is our channel bot. Perhaps you mean on http://packages.ubuntu.com  ?13:29
LocoenelCocobluefire, u can download .deb packages here http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=dpkg13:29
lwsLocoenelCoco: if you can't get used to unity, you can always revert o 'ubuntu classic' at login13:29
PiciLocoenelCoco: You should not install packages out of the debian repositories onto Ubuntu.13:29
LocoenelCocolws, yeah i know13:29
LocoenelCocoPici, thats up to him if want to install or not hehe13:29
LocoenelCocolws, im just giving it a try13:30
PiciLocoenelCoco: Its not funny. Please don't try to mislead our users.13:30
ServerTechlws: when'd ya start using linux? random question 'cause atm i fail at linux.13:30
bluefirei want to download deb packages of an application along with all its dependencies so that in future i may be able to install that application offline13:30
LocoenelCocoPici, im just answering his question13:30
Pici!behelpful | LocoenelCoco13:31
ubottuLocoenelCoco: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.13:31
bluefirethe link i am talking about generated a list of all dependent deb packages13:31
bluefirei just forgot that link13:31
Picibluefire: http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/13:31
ahmad_hi guys... im new to ubuntu and i got a question regarding Nvidia.13:31
lwsServerTech: err, when i was in 2nd year uni, which is five years ago now13:31
bluefirePici: yeah exactly this is what i wanted, thank you13:32
conggeyou are good13:32
ServerTechdang lws.13:32
lwsServerTech: stuck with it because all the cool kids were using linux and I wanted to be cool, yo13:32
conggei am newer13:32
ahmad_my screen only gets to 640x480. i cant change it.13:32
LocoenelCocoPici, his question was: "how to download .deb packages", i gave the answer http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=dpkg i cant c nothing wrong on that...nvm13:33
ServerTechahmad_: nvidia graphics cards require third party drivers. Install the driver and it would be fine.13:33
PiciLocoenelCoco:  Your answer may have been correct on #debian, but it is not correct for this channel.13:33
ahmad_severtech: i installed the driver thought the hardware driver program13:33
Dazzledis there any way I can dual monitor in Ubuntu without turning my screen into surreal art?13:34
lwsDazzled: nvidia or ATI graphics card?13:34
ServerTechahmad_: enable the driver?13:34
LocoenelCocosurreal art13:34
DazzledATI, Catalyst driver enabled13:34
lwsyou've tried using ATI's settings program?13:34
DazzledI tried it's (Management) GUI13:35
Dazzledin "Screens" the monitor gets detected13:35
ahmad_servertech: it says activated but not in use13:35
Singhambluefire : sudo apt-get install -d <name of package>. When download is complete you can copy the downloaded .deb packages from /var/cache/apt/archives13:35
bluefirePici: how did you find this link? i googled for hours to find this link but did not find anything13:35
DazzledI enabled it tehre13:35
ServerTechahmad_: not enabled then.13:35
ahmad_servertech: how can i enable it then?13:36
Dazzledand Catalyst sees it, but claims it's disabled13:36
Pici!offline | bluefire13:36
ubottubluefire: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD13:36
Dazzledand when I try to activate it by selecting an option like clone screen, I don't see anything changing13:36
BoomerBilewhere does ubuntu keep it's xorg.conf?13:36
ServerTechahmad_: i don't exactly remember the location:/ i would tell you after my ubuntu finishes installation13:36
lwsBoomerBile: by default there is no xoreg.conf, X11 configuration is performed fully on the fly13:37
ahmad_ServerTech: ok thx :D13:37
lwsBoomerBile: but if you do have an xorg.conf for some reason, then it will be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:37
BoomerBilelws, hmm same as my gentoo box... why doesn't compositing work with no xorg.conf?13:38
lwsBoomerBile: eh, worksforme?13:38
ServerTechahmad_: ^_^ do you have the nvidia settings application?13:38
ahmad_ServerTech: yes13:38
bullgard4How do the DEB program packages libreoffice-core and libreoffice-core:386 differ? The associated descriptions are identical.13:38
BoomerBilelws what card?13:38
ServerTechahmad_: which nvidia graphics card are we talking of here?13:39
zykotick9_BoomerBile, if you have Intel then no xorg is required for compiz stuff (for nvidia/ati that might be different)13:40
ahmad_ServerTech: Geforce 250GTS13:40
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lwsBoomerBile: nvidia and radeon13:40
BoomerBilezykotick9_, heh, well i'm using intel actually...13:40
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lwsand intel, come to speak of it (my laptop uses intel)13:41
BoomerBilezykotick9_, not using compiz though, kde13:41
lwsshouldn't matter13:41
BoomerBilei wonder why it's not working13:41
BoomerBileit worked the first time13:41
BoomerBileafter one reboot, nothing13:41
ServerTechahmad_: 2560x1600 thats the maximum digital resolution. Open up the application and does it allow you to change the resolution? Also, is your monitor capable of going to such a resolution?13:42
BoomerBilewell, i guess i'll try this xorg.conf and see what happens... brb13:42
Dazzledso no dual monitor on ATI then in 11.04?13:43
ahmad_ServerTech: i can only change to 640x480. My monitor is an 22" monitor that can handle 1,680 x 1,050.13:43
ServerTechahmad_: hold on. my gui update will finish in sometime.13:45
ahmad_ServerTech: ok thx13:45
lwsServerTech: are you installing ubuntu-desktop on your server? :P13:46
vercingetorixIs there a tool for ubuntu/linux that cleans up your metadata in your music files automatically from online sources? Like say you have [track - artist - genre] [Track%%1 - DJ Artist - http://random-spammy-sites-signature.com] into [Awesome Beats - DJ Artist - Rap] ?13:46
lwsvercingetorix: try checking the plugins for your favourite music player13:46
vercingetorixI've been looking for something like this for awhile13:46
lwsi believe amarok had a plugin along those lines, though i havne't used amark since the terrible 3.0 release13:46
lwsseriously, UI disaster13:47
ServerTechlws: apparently yep im installating gnome with the recommended apps though i dont need them lol13:47
lwsServerTech: don't feel bad, my server is running the full ubuntu desktop13:47
ServerTechlws: im very unconfortable with a only command line system.13:47
lwsi used to be an elitist, but i realised a GUI is just faster sometimes13:47
vercingetorixhmm, there seems to be some "Metadata Fixer" in banshee that I just got (<3 banshee btw) so i'll try that. thx lws13:48
lwsvercingetorix: no worries13:48
lwsthat's 4!13:48
ServerTechlws: i just use the terminal whenever i need it. I am not really an expert with command line.13:48
lwscertain things are faster for me to do at the command line13:49
kailws: there's still bug 847828 if you feel bored ;)13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 847828 in linux-lts-backport-maverick (Ubuntu) "linux-headers-2.6.35-30-generic fails to install because linux-headers-2.6.35-30 is a virtual package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84782813:49
lwsother things are faster to do in the gui13:49
Dazzledso, now it's dual screen when the login screen shows13:49
lwskai: that is black magic, dogg13:49
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lwskai: not touching that issue with a barge pole13:49
Dazzledbut when I log in, the left screen helpfully disappears13:49
Dazzledand I don't know why13:50
AFDAny reason the root user on ubuntu would be able to open PDFs and not other users?13:51
Dazzledit seems I had to return to the Screens thing13:51
Dazzledand enable it _again_13:51
sipiorAFD: sure, if the read permission bits on the file are set poorly.13:52
AFDthe permissions on the PDF file are definitely ok for the user13:52
sipiorAFD: and the containing directory?13:52
DazzledI just hope that when I boot again on one screen when I'm home, it won't be puzzleview again13:52
bullgard4How do the DEB program packages libreoffice-core and libreoffice-core:386 differ? The associated descriptions are identical.13:53
sipiorAFD: don't suppose we can get you to paste some details?13:53
AFDthey can read and write all files in their home folders (the same goes for all 30 users we have on this server) - it's just the root user that can open PDFs. All other file types seem ok13:53
kailws: fair enough13:53
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kaiand a blocker for me,, unfortunately13:53
sipiorAFD: how are they attempting to open the pdfs?13:54
AFDjust a double click13:54
AFDsipior thanks for helping btw13:54
sipiorAFD: can we get an example permissions list?13:54
kaiok, let's try if I can fix my other issue then13:55
AFDsipior I think you might be on to something actually13:55
kaiwhen booting, grub fails to find any partitions on my secondary hdd13:55
AFDjust double checking permissions now13:55
jonavastylewhere i can find  source codes?  i want to look firefox source's.  sorry for green question.13:55
jrib!source | jonavastyle13:56
ubottujonavastyle: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html13:56
kaithe primary hdd has a GPT, the secondary an old-fashioned MBR13:56
lwsman, if there is source code that is full of black magic, firefox must be it13:56
kaiI suspect that this comes into play somehow, the MBR seems ok looking at it from the disk utility13:56
lwswell, there would be a lot more magic in the linux kernel source, but i wouldn't look at the firefox source for fun...13:56
kaialso, when I boot from the primary hdd later I can mount partitions from the secondary hdd just fine13:57
kaibut grub can't find the partition13:57
kaiah, I need GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_msdos"13:58
AFDsipior: the permissions did seem wrong but that is corrected and the problem remains14:00
AFDanything else to help troubleshoot?14:00
sipiorAFD: can we get an example permissions list?14:00
AFDIf I ls -l or right click I can see the permissions are now correct14:01
night-hacksim using default installed gnome 2.32 on 11.04 , it uses X or wayland ?14:01
AFDthe user and group is both cman114:01
jonavastylewhere i can find any projects to help other developers? or e.g. now i will take firefox sources and then, when i find (if i find) any bugs, and fix it, where i need to post what i have done?14:03
AFDsipior: the permissions are now correct... can you help me troubleshoot a little further please14:03
IdleOne!contribute > jonavastyle14:04
ubottujonavastyle, please see my private message14:04
sipiorAFD: you expect me to spend my time helping, and then ignore any question i put to you. you've wasted enough of my time, i think.14:04
jonavastyleIdleOne: ?14:04
luc_how much space should there be allocated on  a install14:05
AFDsipior: I said please and pointed out that the permissions were now correct... How would you like your favoured evidence of a "permissions list"14:05
sipiorAFD: i wouldn't. i have other things that need doing.14:05
luc_and will it delete all my movies and files on me drive14:05
MonkeyDustluc_: you can expand an existing partition, use gparted for it, your data won't be erased14:06
luc_MonkeyDust, im installing and it is only showing o space14:08
luc_MonkeyDust,  how do u get to gparted on a install14:09
MonkeyDustluc_: i missed the install part in your question14:09
luc_mon it doesnt show how much space it will use on install14:10
ahmad_ServerTech: Are you done?14:10
TehAndrewRyanhey, i'm using ubuntu 10.10 with the regular desktop ("classic desktop") and i have to use the frequency scaler add in the panel to make my CPU run properly when gaming14:10
TehAndrewRyancan i fix the frequency scaling so that ondemand works better?14:11
ServerTechahmad_: sadly there's still 10 minutes left. dang it its acting slow.14:11
luc_MonkeyDust, does it matter that my drive is set up for ntfs with my movies on it14:11
ServerTechahmad_: i have to install my nvidia geforce too, so i would be happy to check anyways:P14:11
ahmad_ServerTech: oh ok:P14:12
ahmad_ServerTech: btw how do i cd to a folder with a space in the terminal?14:12
llutz_ahmad_: cd "the folder" or cd the\ folder14:13
luc_MonkeyDust,  i tried installing and it says no root system is defined please correct this from the partitioning menu14:13
ahmad_llutz_: ok thx :D14:13
milesHello, is there a way to allow users to login without a password in LightDM (11.10) ?14:13
Picimiles : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.14:14
TehAndrewRyanis there a way to make the CPU scale the frequencies properly so i don't have to manually set them to avoid game lag?14:14
luc_does anybody know hot to fix   i tried installing and it says no root system is defined please correct this from the partitioning menu14:16
LocoenelCocoi recommend using Clementine to play music its really good and have features like amarok14:16
LocoenelCocoits my new player14:16
luc_any help14:18
Hyperbyteluc_, you need to define a / filesystem.  Let it partition automatically if you don't need manual customization.14:20
luc_Hyperbyte, it came up on a fresh install that i have my movies installed on14:21
BoomerBile[ 10030.100] (**) Extension "Composite" is enabled <-- it's enabled... but apparently not working...14:21
VampsDaBeastlet's see who has time and brains to help today, I've got a tower that has 2 sound card. i'm tryin to set them up as 2 different outputs. how would i do this?14:21
kivoddoes anyone knows how to reset the updates? I've the feeling that some of them get skipped14:22
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, I have that setup... what's there to do..14:22
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, what DE?14:22
luc_Hyperbyte, it picked my drive14:22
VampsDaBeastubuntu clasic14:22
aleuckkivod: it checks all packages everytime you run update14:23
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, Ah, i have no idea... don't use gnome14:23
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, really easy in kde14:23
edbiankivod: It is impossible to skip updates (unless you manually hold them back).  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get safe-upgrade14:23
bastidrazorluc_: i fairly sure you've been told / can not be put on an ntfs drive14:23
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile : does it carry over from KDE to Gnome?14:23
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, i don't know, i don't use gnome lol... i could go check14:23
luc_Hyperbyte, why not it reads and plays all my files and movies in it14:24
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, in kde, in the configuration panel, multimedia, you can order your sound devices14:24
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, what little i know bout ubuntu, those are just frontend displays, confs like that would be written to the kernel14:24
kivodedbian k good to know... just got some bug in the middle of an update and when after restarting my pc it told me that everything was updated ...14:24
kivodedbian suppose its fine ...14:24
edbiankivod: Can you explain the bug?14:25
auronandaceluc_: you don't install linux on ntfs14:25
kivodedbian my pc just freezed ^^14:25
edbiankivod: I think you're fine then14:25
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edbiankivod: The command I gave would fully update in any case14:25
blue112Hello here.14:25
blue112How can I raise my ulimit FD on ubuntu ?14:26
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, hmm i've nothing against KDE.. let me install that and see if it works like i'm hoping for.14:26
kivodedbian ok thanks14:26
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, the kernel has little to do with that part of your sound card... in order for two cards to work you need certain kernel config options enabled, and then you have to either configure alsa yourself to output to the cards in a certain way, or use the options in your program to select the card to output to14:26
luc_how can i partition it then to linux style and still keep half for my movies then14:26
auronandace!partitioning | luc_14:27
ubottuluc_: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap14:27
id10tanyone running a local ubuntu mirror with apt-mirror?  i've got a question about linking to the /ubuntu directory... if i have multiple sources (main canocial and partners) and they both have /ubuntu directories, how do i deal with that?14:27
BoomerBileI installed kubuntu-full, I reboot my laptop... now compositing is enabled, according to the xserver log, and I've restarted X... trying to enable shadows and transparency in KDE is not working14:27
froqso my audio will eventually go bad after I play music for a certain amount of time... anyone know how to reload the audio driver without rebooting???14:27
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, what i'm tryin to end up with is settin one sound card to main sounds (ie games, editing, and the like) the other card i want for my music.14:28
ahmad_ServerTech: i will be back in 20 min.14:28
jabbajacI need some help with JNI14:28
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, yeah i know... i did the same thing... i have problems with apps like skype grabbing one sound card and not letting other apps use it... if you have too much trouble let me know i can go look over my config, but it's not ubuntu, it's gentoo14:28
jabbajacI have a jar, jpcap that is dependent on libpcap.so and libjpcap.so14:29
froqAnne gets a14:29
jabbajacBoth are in the correct directories and referenced14:29
jabbajacbut I still get --> http://pastebin.com/A1V4jV0a14:29
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, understood.. i just need to get it setup...runnin a 3 day old ubuntu natty install...14:29
jabbajacalso ldd on libpcap and libjpcap show no missing libraries14:30
jabbajacso I'm completely confused as to what is not being loaded14:30
BoomerBilei have nothing against gnome VampsDaBeast but i haven't used it since e16 was it's default window manager14:30
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VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, understand that. i have yet to find the GDM that i will truly stick with..14:31
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, same14:31
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, what is the main package for KDE, so i can look thru the SPM and install it..14:31
f3bruaryIn firefox and chrome when I watch a flash video like on youtube the video keeps freezing ( audio continues ) and when I scroll with my mouse the video resumes and several second later it freezes again untill I use scroll. It happens in both full screen and normal view14:32
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, i seem to turn a lot of heads using kde, using gnome, and showing people linux, gets them to turn their heads and say... i won't use that14:32
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, i do like the way KDE Plasma looks and works :D14:32
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, i just installed kubuntu-full, not sure if that is proper for ubuntu, i only use ubuntu on my laptops and only recently started using it... my main distro is gentoo14:32
lwsi liked kde 3 :(14:33
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, my main like about kde is the panels and widgets... and i love konqueror, gnome's apps just don't cut it for me14:33
BoomerBileya gotta do to many extra things to make what you want in gnome vs what you have to do in kde14:34
organiksis ubuntu 64bit backwards compatible with 32bit?14:34
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, is the plasma desktop the "newest" codename for kde14:34
BoomerBilewhat do you mean exactly14:34
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, plasma-desktop is kde's new kdesktop, i believe kde 4 is a total re-write of kde... 3.5 was the last kdesktop, now it's plasma, kwin is still there14:35
organikscan i use 32bit programs in 6414:35
BoomerBileorganiks, yes14:35
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, i used to have a super custom kde config where i turned off kdesktop, and kwin and used e16 as my desktop and window manager... haven't fiddled with the new kde because i like plasma14:36
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, so when lookin in SPM i should focus on KDE Plasma14:37
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, let me open synaptic and see what i can find14:37
slickbNeed help! :( lol I have my ubuntu server (with ubuntu-desktop) installed on it running on vga into my HD tv. I need to figure out either the command line tool to adjust the display resolution (I can't see half of the left portion of the screen. :( any ideas? I have only a keyboard of course too.. :\14:37
summatusmentishi all. I'm on a work provided Natty machine, and I'd really like to be able to use gm-notify. Is there a way to install it under my homedir or something without needng sudo?14:38
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, you probably want kde-plasma-desktop if your looking for minimal14:39
BoomerBilesummatusmentis, yes14:39
BoomerBilesummatusmentis, would require some work though14:39
summatusmentisBoomerBile: define "work"?14:39
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, eh, i've got a good hardy system.14:39
summatusmentisI should specify, I'd really prefer not to build it myself14:39
summatusmentisbut I will if I absolutely have to14:39
BoomerBilesummatusmentis, you'd probably have to build it yourself or modify the ubuntu package14:40
su-geIs allience in the Ubuntu's software source? Alliance is a free CAD tools and libraries for VLSI design. I'm using arch. Thank you for help first.14:40
krambiorixhi guys, i have a file from my email server with all my today's mails in it. How can i decode and view my mails from that file?14:40
luc_never mind im going back to windows14:40
f3bruaryIn firefox and chrome when I watch a flash video like on youtube the video keeps freezing ( audio continues ) and when I scroll with my mouse the video resumes and several second later it freezes again untill I use scroll. It happens in both full screen and normal view14:40
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, i always install kde and gnome side by side, on my laptops, on my desktops i have all the wm installed14:40
stimpieI would like to start 4 terminals from a shell script and place them in the corners of my screen (same as using  ctrl-alt-numpad [1-3-7-9] ) is that possible?14:40
VampsDaBeastPrays for a good luck install with the KDE options i got14:40
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, if you want the full porky, kubuntu-full14:40
summatusmentisBoomerBile: I downloaded the .tgz from the launchpad, and ran setup.py --root </path> but now I can't get it to run without root14:40
=== Guest43108 is now known as LjL-Temp
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, ahh yes.. i thnk that was what i used on my test machine.. kubuntu-full or kde-full.. i dont remember now...lol14:41
BoomerBilesummatusmentis, is that something that has to be run with root privs?14:41
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest93010
su-geHera I come again:Is allience in the Ubuntu's software source? Alliance is a free CAD tools and libraries for VLSI design. I'm using arch. Thank you for help first.14:41
organikswhat the cmd to get root open14:42
Picisu-ge: You can search yourself on http://packages.ubuntu.com14:42
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, yeah kde-full would be ok too14:42
su-gethank you.14:42
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, i'm using VLC to play my radio streams, which is where i'm tryin to "split" the sound.. any experience with that..14:42
ServerTechhow much time does it take to install gnome on ubuntu server? im getting impatient now :(14:43
summatusmentisBoomerBile: as far as I can tell, it won't install without root privs14:43
oCeanorganiks: setting a root password is both pointless and not supported by this channel. If you do it, please do not ask for help with it here14:43
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, let me get off this laptop and to my desktop..... too hard to do things with a touch pad14:43
BoomerBilesummatusmentis, brb14:43
krambiorix i have a file from my email server with all my today's mails in it. How can i decode and view my mails from that file?14:43
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, lol hahah. ya not a prob.14:43
organiksno no im i want to take off the password for now14:43
organiksto give root14:44
organiksi know the pass14:44
organiksjust want to take off14:44
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:44
Neo31hello, please I need to make sure that "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" does update the software but doesn't upgrade the ubuntu version. and I am not sure the equivalent command with aptitude14:44
MonkeyDustkrambiorix: i'm from .be, you speak dutch or french?14:44
oCean!sudo | organiks14:44
ubottuorganiks: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:44
TechnicusHello, when I log in I get the message: "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/user/.ICEautho", how do I correct this?14:45
organiksyeah i want to take it off so i dont have to use sudo14:45
MonkeyDust!nl| krambiorix14:45
ubottukrambiorix: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl14:45
naftilos76hi everyone, has anybody succesfully transfered a big multilevel tree of folders and its' contents (emails) from kmail to evolution through an automated process/script?14:45
bastidrazorNeo31: those commands will only update your packages not ubuntu version14:45
Neo31bastidrazor: what is the equivalent command with aptitude please ?14:46
russellwoCean, setting a root password is pointless? You mean you can arrange it so that when you need to use sudo, you don't get prompted for a password?14:46
bastidrazorNeo31: aptitude upgrade14:46
oCeanrussellw: indeed14:46
Neo31thank you bastidrazor14:46
Picirussellw: setting a root password is different than using sudo to access root.14:46
yeatsorganiks: this channel won't support you trying to circumvent the default sudo system - FYI - you might try another distro ( I would suggest Debian, from which Ubuntu is derived )14:47
organiksim just trying to unlock it so i can install this printer14:47
MonkeyDustrussellw: it is adviced to not use root acces, if you are not experienced14:47
VampsDaBeastorganiks, you should only have to enter for root access once. once you enter it you will be in superuser until the install is finished.14:48
russellwPici, well basically it would be handy to not have to enter a password when I need to do things like apt-get - security isn't an issue for what I'm doing - so is it the case that you can arrange to not have to do so? If so, how?14:49
genii-aroundYou can make a sudoers entry for your user which allows it to run programs without password14:49
oCeanorganiks: you can use sudo -i to invoke a temporary root shell, but be VERY careful when running in a root shell14:50
organiksk thnx14:50
rigvedrussellw: you can create a script in which you can store the password and call sudo. then you do not need to enter password.14:50
VampsDaBeastoCean, is there a way in SPM to hide installed packages14:50
bastidrazorrussellw: "sudo visudo"    then add "razor ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/apt-get"   ..substitute razor for your username14:51
oCeanrussellw: see the documentation on the /etc/sudoers configuration. You can use the NOPASSWD specification for certain groups not to require a passwd14:51
russellwOkay, thanks!14:51
oCeanVampsDaBeast: what is SPM?14:51
VampsDaBeastoCean, Synaptic Package Manager,14:51
bastidrazorrussellw: read the documentation too for a better understanding of what its doing.14:52
oCeanVampsDaBeast: ah, sorry I have no Idea, have not used that in a long time14:52
VampsDaBeastoCean, ahh must be a terminal jockey eh?14:52
organiksdone and done14:52
oberststenHi, I'm having a bit trouble with the "find" command, is there a way I can tell it to search in / by -name but exclude one directory?14:53
Parsindlinux.com is down!14:53
oCeanVampsDaBeast: the basic apt-cache (to search) and apt-get (to install) commands are not that hard to learn14:53
oCeanParsind: that has nothing to do with this channel14:53
yeatsVampsDaBeast: try playing with the custom filters (Settings -> Filters)14:53
jriboberststen: it has exclude options, check man page14:53
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VampsDaBeastoCean, with a little experience i've done with Ubuntu Server, i'm becoming more and more comfortable with terminal14:54
Parsindthey arent running ubuntu server ?14:54
jriboberststen: I don't see anything for "exclude", but you can negate options so that should work14:54
Parsinder worent14:54
* MonkeyDust loves Terminal14:54
oCeanjrib: oberststen -prune is the option for find to ignore14:54
oberststenthanks oCean14:55
jriboCean: good call14:55
VampsDaBeastVLC works in both Gnome and KDE correct?14:55
yeatsVampsDaBeast: correct14:55
monkey_kju1how  can I  find users have User ID greater than 100 ? in terminal14:56
VampsDaBeastyeats, if install in gnome will i need to install in KDE?14:56
yeatsVampsDaBeast: nope14:56
VampsDaBeastyeats, yaaay for small miracles14:56
* aleuck loves dvtm14:56
yeatsVampsDaBeast: all programs I have tried *work* in both environments... whether they are *attactive* in both is another question ;-)14:56
ahmad_ServerTech: You here?14:57
yeatsParsind: of course14:57
VampsDaBeastyeats, beauty is skin deep, true "love" comes from use :D14:57
Parsindtrue love comes from lack of alternative?14:58
VampsDaBeastParsind, hmmm not really14:59
oberststenoCean: I still have a problem though, as I read on the man page, I can't use -prune if I'm using -depth, this is the command I have: "$ sudo find / -name ".DS_Store" -depth -exec rm {} \;" but I want to exclude the /Volumes/MobileBackups folder, any idea?14:59
VampsDaBeastParsind, i believe that is called being content14:59
jribmonkey_kju1: you could use awk or cut15:00
blackcat73Hi, his there a way to test a custom LiveCD without the need of all those steps of putting it all back to the .iso file?15:00
jribmonkey_kju1: awk is probably a little nicer in this situation15:00
rajmahendraI have installed Ubuntu 11.4  using CD. Can i downgrade to Ubuntu 10.4 ? Anyone help me15:00
monkey_kju1jrib: thanks15:00
jribmonkey_kju1: here's how I would do it:    getent passwd | awk -F: '{ if ($3 > 100) {print $0} }'15:01
Dazzledanyone knows the command to list available graphics drivers15:01
llutz_oberststen: find ... |grep -v MobileBackups |xargs rm               ugly but ..15:01
DazzledI know I've seen it, but I can't remember15:01
yeatsoberststen: if that's the only directory you want to exclude, maybe temporarily move it out of the parent directory where you're running 'find'?15:01
oberststenyeats: I'm using "/" so that's gonna be hard15:02
jribDazzled: jockey-text15:02
rajmahendraCan anyone answer my doubt ?15:02
yeatsrajmahendra: no way to downgrade - sorry15:02
jrib!helpme | rajmahendra15:02
ubotturajmahendra: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:02
yeatsyeats: you can back up your files and reinstall 10.0415:02
oCeanoberststen: not sure if you need the -depth in your case. Also, I'd suggest to TEST with -exec ls -al {} \;15:02
LoonaticAnyone has recommandation for usb wireless device like keyboard/mouse to use with Ubuntu15:04
Parsindcan some one point me out another linux news site instead of linux.com?15:05
jrib!ot | Parsind15:05
ubottuParsind: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:05
MonkeyDustParsind: lxer.com15:05
VampsDaBeasthow well does KDE work with a dual head/multi-monitor setup?15:06
kloplop321Can anyone tell me why all my spell checkers keep acting like I'm in the UK or something? I went to system-Admin->language settings and it is set to the US, yet consistantly Empathy and Thunderbird seem to act like my spelling is wrong and should be the UK english spelling15:06
Hot2Trotfor some reason when I do 'find . -iname '*thing*'' it produces a whole list of searches BUT when I do 'find . -iname '*thing*' |cat > txtile' txtfile only contains the first found item... can anyone tell me why?15:06
GneaVampsDaBeast: about as well as gnome does15:06
yeatsVampsDaBeast: last time I used KDE (probably 9.10) it was a bit of a bear - dunno now15:07
llutz_Hot2Trot: find . -iname '*thing*'  > txtile15:07
qinHot2Trot: Skip pipe and cat15:07
ikoniaHot2Trot: cat is the wrong command to use15:07
ikoniaHot2Trot: > is the right pipe to use also not |15:07
VampsDaBeastyeats, right now i have dula head on gnome.. only issue i'm running in to is using my keyboard on the secnd monitor.15:07
Hot2Trotikonia: I see15:07
Hot2Trotthanks to all of you15:07
yeatsVampsDaBeast: hmm - I don't remember except that I had to fuss with it for days before it did what I wanted ;-)15:08
yeatsVampsDaBeast: I should mention that I was also using the proprietary ATI driver at the time - no fun15:09
kloplop321can anyone please tell me how to change it so my programs' spellchecker are not using UK english?15:09
VampsDaBeastyeats, ahh. i'm using a nvidia gt 220 with the driver from the nvidia site. now i'm not sure that has anything to do with the fact i am unable to use my keyboard on the second monitor15:10
Hot2Trothmm... now the command works on the command line, but still doesn't work in my python script15:11
rulliehey folks, what's the executable command of "Hardware Drivers" panel?15:12
qinHot2Trot: Not sure if using bash in python is that easy.15:13
qinrullie: jockey-gtk15:13
Hot2Trotqin: it's maddening15:13
rullieqin: thanks15:13
filePeterIs ubuntu automatically doing some cpu frequency scaling or stuff like that? Or is there yet another frontend to accomplish that?15:14
qinHot2Trot: Try external bash script.15:14
filePeterfilePeter: i7 laptop15:14
qinHot2Trot: Also #python15:14
Hot2Trotqin: thanks15:14
ServerTechlws. you there?15:14
VampsDaBeastyeats, is there a open source package tha tworks like display fusion (binaryfortress.com)15:15
bastidrazorfilePeter: normally it does it automatically. cpufrequtils can help you deteremine it.. cpufreq-info15:15
slickbhow can i change my default session from ubuntu to ubuntu classic in 11.04 from command line? would that be in the bashrc?15:15
filePeterbastidrazor: Thank you!15:16
bastidrazorfilePeter: you're welcome15:16
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VampsDaBeastslickb, log out of ubuntu and when u select ur username theres a WM/DE selector at the bottom15:16
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ServerTechHelp: Okay so my internet on my Ubuntu Server 11.04 is not working. I just solved that problem after some trouble without gnome. I installed gnome and its not working anymore. Ideas?15:17
MonkeyDustServerTech: disable network manager and set a fix IP15:17
bullgard4How does the range of application of the DEB program packages libreoffice-core and libreoffice-core:386 differ? The associated descriptions are identical.15:17
IdleOnebullgard4: maybe email the package maintainer?15:18
dori922hey :p got another q on SSH.. If i use keygen to create a keypair on my Server, can i then copy the keypair to a usb drive, give that USB to a client who i have nothing to do with(cant ssh to them etc), can they use that keypair on the USB to ssh to SERVER15:22
llutz_dori922: you can15:22
h00kdori922: the private key can connect to the server if the public key is on that server15:23
h00kdori922: as long as the private key is on one side, the public key is on the server, yeah.15:23
dw-i want to use gnupg keys in LibreWriter for signing PDFs, which uses NSS.  Any tips?15:23
h00kdori922: If they need to ssh in, I would consider creating a separate key pair for them.15:24
h00kdori922: this way, you can revoke access if necessary. Private keys shouldn't be shared15:24
yeatsVampsDaBeast: not sure what display fusion is - don't know - sorry15:24
meta-coderDid anyone notice that http://kernel.org/ is down?15:25
shadey_must be doing a kernel update on the server (oh i couldn't resist)15:26
dw-#ubuntu is being trolled http://ircanswers.com/15:26
qinmeta-coder: It was owned while ago, so it natural (me too).15:26
h00kdw-: please do not spam.15:26
h00kmeta-coder: yes, it is still down.15:27
VampsDaBeastyeats, Display Fusion allows you to setup different aspects of multi-monitor displays. i guess what i'm lookin for is how the hell am i able to drag a window across displays.15:27
IdleOnedw-: no it isn't that is a sanctioned bot afaik see IRCAnswersBot15:27
dw-idleone: ty15:27
meta-coderqin: "owned"?15:27
rajmahendrahow to install SSE2 on ubuntu ?15:27
h00kdw-, IdleOne: Ah, I see what you were referring to.15:27
qinh00k: Still, i do not think that site is helpfull, it start dominating search results with rubbish, they bot should be removed.15:28
w30meta-coder, it's being rebuilt, whatever that means...15:28
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IdleOnedw-: good looking out though :)15:28
meta-coderrajmahendra: SSE2 is an instruction set. What do you mean by "install SSE2 on Ubuntu"?15:29
dori922h00k: im making a backup system with chrooted sftp for clients that ill never see so im trying to get RSA up(for security) without being able to access the clients pc's.. im also trying to keep it working with winscp to keep a wide net of clients15:29
h00kqin: You can take that to the IRC Council, they granted external access to that bot (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots)15:29
h00kqin: if you'd like15:29
yeatsVampsDaBeast: ah - so you have dual monitors set up as one big desktop and you're not able to drag across?15:29
h00kdori922: Make a public/private keypair for each of the clients, I'd recommend15:30
VampsDaBeastyeats, yes.. at the edge of my first monitor the window stops and will not allowit to move to the second15:30
uRockIs there a way to download and place the driver used by Addition Drivers for wifi on a thumb drive?15:30
rajmahendrameta-coder, i am trying to run Secondlife on Ubuntu 11.4 and its not runnign i read that "Viewer 2.5 and up now require SSE2 which the Athalon XP does not support."15:30
neggerIn Linux, is there a way to upgrade from LSB 3.2 to LSB 4.0 without fucking up the system?15:30
qin!test > negger15:30
ubottunegger, please see my private message15:30
oCeannegger: control your language here, please15:31
yeatsVampsDaBeast: hmm - I haven't experienced that before - hopefully someone in the channel can help (or you might try #kubuntu)15:31
neggerI'm trying to install google earth15:31
Lemon`BRBwhy i cannot connect with ftp to root on my VPS with same password i am using for SSH with success?15:31
KafferWho ca help me with dvd ISO protection?15:31
Lemon`BRBits ubuntu server15:31
h00k!googleearth | negger15:32
ubottunegger: Google Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth15:32
neggerDVD was cracked in 1999 by MIT,p surely software should exist that decrypts it15:32
neggerthat's cool15:32
VampsDaBeastyeats, just installed KDE.. so ya..i'm gonna switch to it and see if it works differently. :D15:32
neggerI tried typing ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin and it requires Redhat's Linux System Base 4.0, when I only have 3.2 on my system15:32
yeatsVampsDaBeast: oh - so you're having that problem in GNOME?15:32
KafferHallo anyone?15:32
VampsDaBeastyeats, yes15:32
ryanngreetings.. will adding the existing lucid repository urls to sources.list in an ARM installation properly discern ARM packages via apt-get?15:32
rymate1234I has a problem with my microphone15:32
yeatsVampsDaBeast: hmm - I've never had that problem15:33
* Gnea eyes the troll distinctly15:33
Pumpkin-Lemon`BRB: most likely whatever ftp server you are using denies root by default. ftp'ing as root seems an even worse idea than using ftp in the first place though :)15:33
h00knegger: this is the Ubuntu support channel. Please see the factoid for installing Google Earth with Ubuntu.15:33
KafferCan anyone help me to protect a data DVD15:33
Lemon`BRBhm.. dont know protocols so idk why is it bad xD15:33
Lemon`BRBhow do i modify a file in /usr/local/bin?15:33
=== ishinozaki is now known as beefcakes
GneaKaffer: don't put it in the microwave15:34
rymate1234Ubuntu 11.04 seems to not work with my built in microphone15:34
Lemon`BRBrymate1234: laptop model?15:34
rymate1234Yep :15:34
VampsDaBeastyeats, when i open monitor preferences i only see 1 monitor. and when i click "detect monitors" it doesnt show the second montor either.15:34
neggerIs there a way to get .deb files of GoogleEarth from a place OTHER than earth.google.com?15:34
bastidrazorLemon`BRB: edit it with a text editor.15:34
rymate1234Its acer aspire 55115:34
neggerlike with the installer15:34
Lemon`BRBits ubuntu server, on VPS15:35
VampsDaBeastyeats, could that soemthing within the nvidia settings?15:35
Lemon`BRBit will be a little hard15:35
bastidrazor!googleearth | negger15:35
ubottunegger: Google Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth15:35
KafferGnea> I won't...Does Ubuntu have any DVD protaction/encryption software?15:35
MonkeyDustnegger: check tombuntu.com15:35
jpdsKaffer: Normla partition encryption with LUKS/cryptsetup?15:35
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, sorry about that15:36
anghelokohi guys... i have a new acer aspire 4750G but i couldn't install Ubuntu using CD... I was able to get to the grub menu (try, install, check cd)... Selecting any of the options just leads to a blank screen and an unresponsive machine... any ideas?15:36
yeatsVampsDaBeast: it might be - my dual monitor situation currently uses ATI/Radeon15:36
ServerTechMonkeyDust: My internet still not working. I switched to static IP addresses.15:36
Kafferjpds> I need to set protection to a DATA DVD..How can I do this?15:36
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, did you get it? i no more than came downstairs and my router apparently forgot my passowrd... finally figured it out and got re-connected15:36
rymate1234is anyone gona help with my microphone problem?15:36
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KafferIt's allready an ISO form15:37
VampsDaBeastyeats : what is vBlank, do you know15:37
MonkeyDustServerTech: did you restart the network?15:37
dori922h00k:  so make a pub/priv keypair for each user/client on the server (in the .ssh folder on their chrooted /$home) and then send the keypairs to the clients?15:37
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, welcome back.. i got KDE installed. am working out a small snafu with my multi-monitor setup15:37
ServerTechMonkeyDust: yep15:37
Dazzledanyone knows if Ubuntu comes with VDPAU by default?15:37
yeatsVampsDaBeast: fraid not :-/15:37
Dazzledit's a package15:38
KafferGuess no one knows...15:38
Simoneplease msg me if you know how to use ubuntu backtrack on a flashcard(not usb)15:38
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, what's asking you for vblank?15:38
* Iamred made his own Linux distro15:38
bastidrazor!backtrack > Simone15:38
ubottuSimone, please see my private message15:38
rymate1234Ubuntu 11.04 seems to not work with my built in microphone15:38
KafferSo I'm not so dumb after all.15:39
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, nothing yet.. but oen of the 2 monitors has it enable..reason for asking is i'm unable to use my keyboard on the second montor15:39
BoomerBilerymate1234, check your mixer levels15:39
rymate1234BoomerBile: I'll check them again15:39
* angheloko want's 11.04 but cannot install it on a Acer Aspire 4750G, i5 with Nvidia GEFORCE GT540M15:39
BoomerBilerymate1234, make sure it's selected as the input source15:39
BoomerBileKaffer, what are you using for buring that dvd15:40
filePeterangheloko: Why not? apt-get distupgrade ?15:40
Lemon`BRBangheloko: why 'cant' you install it?15:40
anghelokofilePeter, its going to be a fresh install.. i just got the machine15:40
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, i believe vBlank is for screen blanking from in-activity15:40
bastidrazorfilePeter: dist-upgrade does not change distro versions15:40
KafferI can use any software...I have WindowsXP as well15:40
Lemon`BRBangheloko: then whats teh problem?!15:41
Lemon`BRBi am using aspire 5738ZG and everything is perfect except for touchpad15:41
Lemon`BRBwhen i click button to turn it off temporary15:41
anghelokoit's stuck at the grub menu (with the try, install, check CD option)... after selecting any options, i just get a blank screen.. laptop becomes unresponsive too (cannot ctrl+alt+del)15:41
Lemon`BRBi cannot turn in on after that15:41
Lemon`BRBeverything else is fine15:41
ServerTechMonkeyDust: Anyways thanks. I got it to work.15:41
=== Guest93010 is now known as LjL-Temp
Lemon`BRBit might be teh CD15:41
Lemon`BRBif you didnt treat it properly :)15:42
anghelokoi tried nomodeset and acpi=off options also15:42
Myrtti!enter > Lemon`BRB15:42
ubottuLemon`BRB, please see my private message15:42
MonkeyDustthumbs up, ServerTech (y)15:42
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yeatsangheloko: you might try the alternate installer CD15:42
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yeats!alternate | angheloko15:42
ubottuangheloko: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal15:42
Lemon`BRBMyrtti: write it yourself?15:42
KafferBoomerBile> I haven't tried any software for protection. But I know that this ISO doesn't have any protection.15:42
anghelokoyeats, thanks... i'll try the mini after trying install from usb15:43
h00kLemon`BRB: we have factoids for that :)15:43
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile or yeats : do i need to have Seperate X screens or Twin View enable??15:43
Lemon`BRBserver side pm blocking is for spam15:43
Lemon`BRBwhy not write it yourself?15:43
yeatsVampsDaBeast: sorry - I think your issue is beyond my experience/expertise ;-)15:44
Lemon`BRBor atleast do it in channel :)15:44
rymate1234YAY MY MIC WORKS THANKS :D15:44
IdleOneLemon`BRB: Please stop using the enter key as punction. More content less ENTER. thank you.15:44
MyrttiLemon`BRB: try not to keep the enter key down that much, your text is much more legible if it's not scattered all over the place15:44
VampsDaBeastyeats, no prob, thanks for trying.15:44
Lemon`BRBthat was in pm?15:44
VampsDaBeastyeats, if you arent able to.. maybe Boomer can15:44
h00kLemon`BRB: Also, note that you may miss important information from ubottu if you ignore /queries from people. we aren't responsible for this.15:44
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yeatsVampsDaBeast: hope so ;-)15:44
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, i used to prefer separate x screens, now i prefer twinview15:45
Lemon`BRBhm... important information from a bot that has factoids only...?15:45
BoomerBileKaffer, so you want to put something like securom on your dvd?15:45
BoomerBileto prevent copying15:45
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, what's the difference?15:45
BoomerBileKaffer, heh, why?15:45
h00kLemon`BRB: yes, or warnings about behavior, etc.15:45
adataaim running ubuntu from usb live, and i type fdisk -l in the terminal and nothing shows up15:45
adataashouldn't it list the hdd?15:45
BoomerBileKaffer, i'm not saying you shouldn't but it's probably going to cost you money... and it doesn't work anyway15:46
anghelokoadataa, try sudo fdisk -l15:46
Lemon`BRBeverything i need to know is on channel if case is normal15:46
adataahow do i change to admin?15:46
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, well, in separate screens, i don't think you can move one window to another screen15:46
adataaroot i mean15:46
blognewbhey guys can somebody help me find how to do enable ssh on the plesk control panel? :(15:46
h00k!sudo | adataa15:46
ubottuadataa: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:46
adataathanks angel15:46
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, i used to run that and i think that was how it worked, you can still copy and paste between screens, but i don't believe you can move windows across screens15:47
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, if i was you i'd go with dynamic twin view15:47
Lemon`BRBh00k: !enter nick is viable if you put it on channel too15:47
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, then set up some metamodes so that applications know how to use each of your monitors independantly15:47
IdleOneLemon`BRB: drop it please.15:47
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, that would allow moving across screens and use of keyboard on both screens15:47
KafferBoomerBile> So Linux doesn't have an option to put copy protection to a Data DVD?15:48
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, it is treated as one screen15:48
BoomerBileKaffer, i didn't say that, i don't know much about it... i'm still looking for you15:48
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, ahh there we go.. i thnk that is what i'm looking for.15:48
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, if you need an xorg.conf to go by i can paste mine15:49
asurai find my freemeteoweather in scteenlets always disapear form my desktop ,who can help me to make it show?15:49
KafferBoomerBile> I did some search but could only find for Windows. But thats useless coz you could access it via Linux15:49
u001estou tendo problema em compartilhar pastas no ubuntu 11.0415:49
h00k!es | u00115:49
ubottuu001: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:49
IdleOne!br | u00115:49
ubottuu001: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:49
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, i've got the nvidia x setting tool.. got it set and written to xorg.. now gonna log and see if it did it correctly.15:49
qinasura: Screenlets are medieval, use conky.15:49
h00kI totally got that one wrong.15:49
BoomerBileKaffer, i've been around computers and software since i was 12, there is no copy protection in the world that works15:50
BoomerBilenever has, never will15:50
BoomerBileKaffer, when you give or sell that dvd to someone, it has both the question and the answer on it15:50
ahmadim getting tierd of this unstable os.... is Fedora more stable15:50
BoomerBileKaffer, after a matter of time anyone can figure out how to bypass it15:50
qinahmad: /j #fedora15:51
erik_1984I don't think Fedora is more stable15:51
asuraqin: but i find it first disappear from unity mode, but it disapear form everymode ,i think some worng with my compiz15:51
oCeanahmad: this is ubuntu support only. We don't discuss other distributions15:51
Parsindwere can i download google linux distro?15:51
h00kParsind: check the documentation for it, we don't support that here.15:51
=== eyes_ is now known as EyesIsServer
ahmadi know but im asking which is the most stable os.. ubuntu or fedora?15:51
SubjectOneuse google to find it Parsind15:51
oCeanahmad: not in this channel please15:51
IdleOneahmad: ask #fedora15:51
h00kahmad: this isn't the place for that discussion.15:51
u001I'm having problem in ubuntu 4.11 to share folder between ubuntu and ubuntu15:51
KafferBoomerBile> Yes but only for experienced users. Protection will stop standard users from copying it http://www.cdmediaworld.com/hardware/cdrom/cd_protect_cd.shtml15:52
qinasura: That is why many people ditched screenlets, they are hard to control; perhaps too hoggy.15:52
u001can someone help me15:52
BoomerBileyeah it will stop standard users, who will just ask a pro to do it for them15:52
MonkeyDust!helmpme| u00115:52
BoomerBileKaffer, ^^15:52
=== caio is now known as Guest57235
KafferBoomerBile> I need protection from a DVD15:52
MonkeyDust!helpme| u00115:52
ubottuu001: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:52
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, you rock dude. TwinView is exactly what i wanted. :D15:53
Parsindu001 just upload the files onto bitorrent15:53
BoomerBilehttp://club.myce.com/f80/how-create-copy-protected-disc-114915/ <-- Kaffer15:53
asuraqin: but i really like the freemeteo weather ~15:54
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, glad it worked... make sure to set metamodes or your full screen apps and windowed apps will behave funny, like centering on both screens instead of one15:54
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VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, hmm Hero's of Newerth on 2 screens....15:55
qinasura: Well you could try to run: skreenlet manager from terminal to see if it is going to tell you something in case of crash.15:55
Deathvalley122can someone help me with fail2ban15:56
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, you wanna come over and fix my sound issue now.. lol.15:56
Deathvalley122I am getting these errors http://pastebin.com/K38rbKSK15:56
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, i'll even make you dinner15:56
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, haha... i can try15:56
BoomerBileyou live in MN?15:56
ubunhello. i upgraded a bit with my graphics card. Can i get help with the drivers please???15:56
VampsDaBeastboom Minne?15:56
mrzzzzzzhey is there som issue with the latest install media i have burned it on 3 separate cd's and tested them on 3 diffrent computers but screen is just getting black after the blinking dots under setup ??15:56
Guest57235haw are you15:56
Guest57235o que Ć© rima15:56
FloodBot1Guest57235: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, yeah minnesot15:56
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, your just north of me15:57
anthony_Devguys, how to enable these functions in ubuntu? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kecnm8rmS6M (short vid)15:57
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, i'm in Illinois15:57
asuraqin: that's may be a idea ,15:57
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!15:57
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, ah, i was thinking Iowa, i just live north of the border15:58
qinanthony_Dev: compiz, install ccsm15:58
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, can you give me more info on your sound?15:58
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, Minnesota is bout 8ish hours from me15:58
ubuncan anyone help me with video driver?15:59
BoomerBileubun, what card15:59
anthony_Devqin, I already installed this software. I got two machines: pc and netbook. netbook already has these funcs, pc still not. I think its bcz of the whole ubuntu installation. at first steps ubuntu didnt found video driver automaticly, so system said that it will turn off all fxs.15:59
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, ok, i have 2 sound cards, one is on board, one is a SOund Blaster Card. the Sound Blaster is my primary card i want to use for games, system sounds, the on board i want to use for music thru a media play such as VLC15:59
ubunBoomerBile: i went from ati x300 to a nvidia gforce 8400.16:00
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, that's my setup pretty much, onboard nvidia hd sound and a creative labs sound blaster audigy 216:00
qinanthony_Dev: With some risk: compiz --replace (x may crash)16:00
anthony_Devqin now I checked every setting in netbook's ccsm and pc. and they are eq.16:00
BoomerBileubun you need nvidia-drivers16:00
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, awesome. shouldnt be to far out of your reach then.16:01
ubunBoomerBile: do i have to uninstall ati stuff? thats pretty much my concern16:01
BoomerBilenope, you in kde?16:01
qinanthony_Dev: What version are you using? 9.10?16:01
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, not currently but can be :D16:01
BoomerBileubun, you don't have to but i would16:01
krautanyone an idea, why this happens if i mount a crypted disk? http://pastebin.com/f3wMjKwb16:01
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, let me switch to KDE. brb16:02
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, yeah lets go there16:02
anthony_Devqin 11.0416:02
anthony_Devqin ubuntu classic session compiz.16:03
BoomerBilewhat?! kernel.org was hacked?16:03
qinBoomerBile: A week ago, or something, offtopic16:04
anghelokoBoomerBile, yeah.. also linux.com16:04
Parsindlinux.com is down  for balance16:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:04
mrzzzzzzhey is there som issue with the latest install media ?? I have burned it on 3 separate cd's and tested them on 3 diffrent computers, but the monitor is just getting black after the blinking dots under setup ??16:04
ikoniaBoomerBile: no-one said, that16:04
ikoniaangheloko: please stop it, this channel is for ubuntu support discussion16:04
BoomerBileangheloko, yeah i was just looking something up to help Vamps, and i went to linux.com and they said that16:04
oCeanBoomerBile: that has nothing to do with this channel16:04
BoomerBilehelping vamps with ubuntu?16:04
BoomerBilei believe your wrong16:05
PiciBoomerBile: Asking whether $website is up.16:05
BoomerBilei did not ask that16:05
BoomerBiletry again16:05
ikoniaBoomerBile: stating sites are down, what ever you want, the channel is ubuntu support discussion only. Please keep to that16:06
PiciBoomerBile: Keep in mind that #ubuntu-offtopic exists and is active if you want to chat about other non-support things.16:06
knobydobshello - every time i start a graphics intensive game i.e. Openarena i get an error as such: X Error of failed request: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error) Major opcode of failed request: 65 (X PolyLine) Serial number of failed request: 1350 Current serial number in output stream: 135116:06
ikoniaw d16:06
uRockIs there a way to download and place the driver used by Addition Drivers for wifi on a thumb drive?16:06
Polahmman ls16:07
qinuRock: With presistent space, yes16:07
VampsDaBeastBoomerBile, ok im back in KDE now16:08
winutkde rox!16:08
uRockqin, I would like to download the package to one machine and transport it to another.16:08
BoomerBileVampsDaBeast, check your pm16:08
uRockvia USB16:08
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qinuRock: Not sure.16:09
genii-around!offline | uRock16:10
ubottuuRock: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD16:10
Satuboa tarde16:11
IdleOne!br | Satu16:11
ubottuSatu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:11
SatuI've done all the configuration and the NFS does not work ... I wonder if there is any model so I can follow ...16:11
uRockthanks genii-around16:12
genii-arounduRock: You're welcome16:12
eligijus_hey guys have som1 of you fully working linux system with nvidia optimus?16:13
Satucan someone help me16:13
anghelokoSatu, what's the problem with your NFS setup?16:13
MonkeyDustSatu: didi you do this? => sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start16:14
Satuyes I've done what I could on the net did not work ... NFS16:14
MonkeyDustSatu: no errors?16:15
ranjanHi all16:15
Satuyes installed sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server e nfs-common16:15
anghelokoeligijus_, im also trying to install on my acer aspire with nvidia optimus.. just finished dl'ing the alternate installer to see if that works16:16
ranjanIs it possible to boot a iso in the harddisk using grub2 and install that into the same harddisk?16:16
MonkeyDustSatu: but did you start it?16:16
Satudid the server configuration in / etc / exports16:16
MonkeyDustranjan: try unetbootin16:17
ranjanMonkeyDust, the problem is that i dont have a usb stick now16:17
MonkeyDustSatu: ok, but did you start it in init.d?16:17
ranjanMonkeyDust, and i want to reinstall my machine16:17
ranjanMonkeyDust, and i have the image in my harddisk16:17
noharmIs there any way to stop the graphic effects in the new Ubuntu?16:18
paladinlawhi, i just updated my 11.04 with the program updater(or what it is called) and when i restarted my computer freezes at the logo screen. what can i do16:18
Satuthe client sudo mount-t nfs / home/u002 but it does not connect16:18
Adolf666no haiu sugeti pula16:18
noharmce ai ma?16:18
Adolf666mars la cacat16:18
noharmte-a apucat injuratu'-n romaneste?16:18
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:19
Adolf666pute aici de voi16:19
noharmfututi anafura matii16:19
ranjanpaladinlaw, is your an HP laptop?16:19
Adolf666sa-mi trag cacatu-n gura matii16:19
Satunot init.d16:19
noharmAdolf666 is saying bad words in Romanian.16:19
Adolf666no engles16:19
paladinlawranjan: own build comp16:19
noharmbai cacatule16:19
MonkeyDustSatu: it's mount -t, not mount-t16:19
Adolf666you pig16:19
noharmstii macar romana?16:19
ranjanpaladinlaw, oh thats great16:19
noharmda' germana?16:19
Adolf666stiu cand sunt in mata16:19
Adolf666stiu tot16:19
noharmbaga-mi-as ceva in mata16:19
Adolf666sa ma fut in pizdocu matii de fatalau16:20
paladinlawranjan: anyway i can restore it?:P16:20
ranjanpaladinlaw, did a kernel update happen in the update step?16:20
noharmn-ai ascultat o data Rammstein si te dai mare neo-nazist16:20
rwwalrighty, that's enough kids16:20
paladinlawranjan: no idea.. 210 updates16:20
gxblaryHi, I just opened my ubuntu and all my configs disappeared as well as the files and folders in default directory (Documents, Images, Desktop, etc...). Is there something I can try before photorec or ddrescue?16:20
noharmthank you16:20
Satuif it is to follow such a scheme would be that I could do this sharing16:20
ranjanpaladinlaw, oh, its the fresh update right? then the kernel might have been updated16:20
noharmHow do I stop the special graphic effects in Ubuntu folks?16:21
ranjanpaladinlaw, either you restore, or choose the previos kernel version from the boot menu and try to boot16:21
Adolf666me no engles16:21
paladinlawranjan: there is no boot menu... directly to the logo16:21
ranjanpaladinlaw, soon after the bios and post just hit escape key, you will get the boot menu16:22
Adolf666noharm sa-mi bag pula-n tot ficatu matii si-n toata fasolea din curu lu tacto16:22
SatuSite staff are very restricted and ubuntu do not support or show how to make ... Ubuntu Linux has a graphical function that fassa that ...16:22
paladinlawranjan: ok i got to the grub menu.. should i do a restore?16:22
ranjanpaladinlaw, do you see multiple kernel versions in the grub menu?16:23
noharmTranslation of Adolf666: I would put my pen** in all of your mother's liver and all the cabbage from your father's arse.16:23
aleuckhello, I need suggestions to change my gtk settings for non-gnome wm's16:23
noharmThis is what he is telling me.16:23
Picinoharm: Thats enough. He's gone.16:23
paladinlawranjan: i see ubuntu with linux 2.6.38-11-generic and one more with (restoration or something.. diff lang)16:24
paladinlawranjan: one says "previous linux versions" and two more with memory test16:25
ranjanpaladinlaw, so which is the previos linux version?16:25
noharmjoin #linguistics16:25
anghelokohi guys, so - still no success with installing ubuntu using the alternate CD - selecting install now or install using expert mode only brings me to a blank screen, laptop freezes also... any ideas?16:25
ranjanpaladinlaw, have you done a multiboot?16:25
paladinlawno i got only ubuntu16:26
aeplusang, the alternate cd is screwed up16:26
SatuSite staff are very restricted and ubuntu do not support or show how to make ... Ubuntu Linux has a graphical function that fassa that ...16:26
paladinlawranjan: the prev is 2.6.38-816:26
aepluscheck out what the real filename on the CD, then update the grub commands used in the grub menu16:27
paladinlawranjan: i only got ubuntu16:27
anghelokoaeplus, real filename of what file?16:27
aeplusthe initrd and the kernel16:27
Satuyou can help me16:28
ranjanpaladinlaw, good then boot the previos version :)16:28
ranjanpaladinlaw, and check whether the machine passes the boot screen16:28
paladinlawranjan:ok lets see :D16:28
aeplusang, good luck... i need to head out to work16:28
ranjanpaladinlaw, nice16:28
paladinlawranjan: nope fail16:29
anghelokooh man.. aeplus just left... anybody knows where i can get the "real" filename of the initrd and kernel from the alternate cd installer?16:30
ranjanpaladinlaw, then some serious troubleshooting is needed16:30
paladinlawranjan: should i run the prev with (restore mode)16:30
ranjanpaladinlaw, check it, i am not sure about that as i have not tried it yet16:31
ranjanpaladinlaw, good luck16:31
paladinlawranjan: ok:D lets see16:31
=== Lemon`BRB is now known as Teh_Lemon
memand_soreau: you allive?16:31
aleuckhow do I change my gtk theme on awesome?16:31
paladinlawranjan: i got a resto menu.. should i choose dpkg?16:32
ranjanpaladinlaw, which are the other options?16:32
ranjanpaladinlaw, by the way do you have any video card?16:32
paladinlawranjan: resume,clean,failsafex,fsck,grub,netroot, root                 Yes geforce 250GTS16:33
ranjanpaladinlaw, did you install the proprietary graphics driver?16:34
paladinlawranjan: in the additional drivers. but i couldnt choose a resolution greater than 640x48016:35
paladinlawranjan: so i tryied updating the system :P16:35
ranjanpaladinlaw, so that might be the problem16:35
paladinlawranjan: but i could restart my comp many times... it was after this update i made16:35
ranjanpaladinlaw, so while booting you are greeted with a blank screen right?16:36
paladinlawranjan: no, it freezes on the ubuntu logo16:36
ranjananyway do one thing16:36
ranjanpaladinlaw, do you know to alter the grub menu entry?16:36
paladinlawranjan: ye...16:37
paladinlawranjan: its set on nomodeset16:37
ranjanpaladinlaw, oh is it :)16:37
ranjanpaladinlaw, i was about to say that solution :)16:37
paladinlawranjan: ye it actually fixed my problem i had at the begining16:38
ranjanpaladinlaw, hey which is the version you are using?16:38
bersecksaven php16:38
paladinlawranjan: the newest. 11.0416:39
paladinlawranjan: from the website16:39
ranjanpaladinlaw, ok16:39
ranjanpaladinlaw, check this http://www.sebdangerfield.me.uk/2010/10/upgrading-to-ubuntu-10-10-not-booting-freezing-on-loading-screen-nvidia-driver-issue/16:39
berseckphp help16:39
Pici!ask | berseck16:40
ubottuberseck: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:40
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html16:40
gxblaryHi, I just opened my ubuntu and all my configs disappeared as well as the files and folders in default directory (Documents, Images, Desktop, etc...). Is there something I can try before photorec or ddrescue?16:40
berseckablan espaƱol16:40
Pici!es | berseck16:41
ubottuberseck: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:41
=== emilio is now known as Freelance
btarunnrhellow there :D16:41
=== Guest27309 is now known as LjL-Temp
btarunnri didnt like unity \:D/16:42
FreelanceI tried to download entire web site with wget recursive from a 2nd domain url , but i get only the index.htm. Probably the hyperlinks are linked in php. How can i do?16:42
etiainenI found out today that there is a monospace font in the Ubuntu font family, and that it was supposed to be on Natty by default, but I can't seem to find it anywhere .Anyone else have this problem?16:42
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest58757
=== _sour is now known as sour
* _you have just encounted a fatal error...press alt+f4 to fix immediatly16:42
etiainenor, how can I get it now? Using the beta PPA?16:43
btarunnr@freelance #wget -i urlist.lst -bs16:43
emmanhi, need some help with zoneminder setup,source entry is red , no video is showing, xawtv works.16:43
Freelancebtarunnr: what -bc option does?16:44
Picietiainen: I was under the impression that it was only available for private beta testing at this point.16:44
btarunnrfrelance - i used it to download my download list :D16:45
rullie_hi, I lost my /etc/init.d/gdm16:45
etiainenPici; ah, ok I was not aware of that. All the information I saw said it would be a part of the Natty release16:45
rullie_when I boot, I'm greeted with the ubuntu loading screen and no login comes up16:45
etiainenPici: thanks16:45
=== canree is now known as veilsoen
Freelancebtarunnr: so you download you download list and then you put it in mouth to wget?16:46
emmanzoneminder help anybody16:46
Freelancebtarunnr: -bc wrote the log onto a file!!16:47
btarunnrfreelance looks like that16:48
rullie_hi, could someone help me restore gdm. I don't have /etc/init.d/gdm for some reason, and when I boot, I'm stuck at the ubuntu logo loading screen.16:49
Freelancebtarunnr: I do not need a log file..16:49
paladinlawranjan: didnt get fixed... i managed to get in with safe mode and change the thing but when i restarted the same thing happend16:50
=== dm is now known as Guest68512
Guest68512Please debanned me in #ubuntu-ru:16:55
paladinlawranjan: yey managed to fix it16:55
ranjanpaladinlaw, how?? :)16:56
spudneckhey there16:56
paladinlawranjan: i went into safe mode and saw that i had chaneg the xorg.conf file to some weird things.. made a new and started it :D16:57
ranjanpaladinlaw, Great!! Rock On!! ;)16:57
paladinlawranjan: but still got the resolution problem...16:58
ranjanoh i think for that you should disable the noveau driver16:58
mutley89I have written a script for backups on my laptop and put it /etc/cron.weekly, what does cron do if my computer is switched off  when it is supposed to run, does it run on next boot or just ignore it?16:58
paladinlawranjan: it says unknow monitor16:58
paladinlawranjan: how do i do that?16:59
ranjanpaladinlaw, just a min16:59
ranjanpaladinlaw, do you have a nvidia configuration tool installed? just check the Syste> Administration menu17:00
ranjanor System>Preferences menu17:00
paladinlawranjan: ye17:01
ranjanpaladinlaw, doesnt that detect the monitor?17:01
ranjanpaladinlaw, open a terminal and try $sudo nvidia-xconfig17:01
paladinlawranjan: already done that17:02
CoJaBoHow do I install Firefox 3.6 in ubuntu 11.4 64bit?17:03
paladinlawranjan: im getting model: dfp-0 on gpu-017:03
Guest68512Please, debanned me in #ubuntu-ru:17:04
=== MetaPhaze is now known as BoomerBile
paladinlawranjan: i read that modeline can fix it.. i will try17:06
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
Sentenciai have a ar file that seems to be corrupted17:08
Sentenciabut most of files are ok17:08
Sentenciahow can i extract the correct files and exclude the bad17:08
arfer12CoJaBo, you would have to manually install the file.17:08
sms_What's the default terminal font & size in ubuntu?17:08
=== arfer12 is now known as RedWar
CoJaBoRedWar: From where?17:08
RedWarI am sorry, I thought you already had the source file.17:09
RedWarSo CoJaBo, you need the source file, where to get Firefox?17:09
RedWarthe old version17:10
opPlease, debanned me in #ubuntu-ru:17:10
Piciop: please join #ubuntu-irc and ask there.17:10
dlynesworkIs there a way to tell apt-get install to forcefully reinstall a package?  i.e. it currently detects that it's already installed, and I want to reinstall it17:14
Picidlyneswork: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename17:15
dlynesworkPici, thanks...figured there was a switch, but I wasn't finding it17:15
xircxhi all17:17
RedWarCoJaBo not sure if you figured this out yet... you can go to mozilla.com and there is a link where you can get all older browsers17:17
RedWarDownload then you can install17:18
RedWarDid that help CoJaBo?17:18
=== alazare6190 is now known as alazare619
alazare619ooo im not muted anymore...17:19
paxanŠŸŃ€ŠøŠ²ŠµŃ‚ Š²ŃŠµŠ¼))))17:20
thiago_hey... ubuntu minimal installtion have a pppoe-connection option enabled?17:21
CoJaBonormally, ctrl alt f1 drops to a terminal. why does this not work?17:21
paxanŠšŃ‚Š¾ тут ŠæŠ¾ русŠŗŠø ŠæŠøшŠµŃ‚?17:23
Gnea!ru | paxan17:23
ubottupaxan: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° Š½Š°Š±ŠµŃ€ŠøтŠµ /join #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:23
Simon14Hi, I have the ubuntu server installed but I can't find the "lamp-server" packager in the repository17:26
PiciSimon14: Its not a package, its a task in tasksel.17:26
Guus_Anyone in here that would like to help us with packaging #openteacher? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/68285217:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 682852 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] OpenTeacher" [Wishlist,In progress]17:26
Simon14Pici: Oh ok, thanks17:27
glebihanSimon14, you can install it with tasksel of with "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^" (with the "^" at the end)17:27
PiciGuus_: This isn't a development channel, try #ubuntu-packaging or #ubuntu-motu if you need help.17:27
edoceoHey, I'm making a modified LiveCD - installed MySQL but when it starts on the CD update-notifier throws a warning dialogue17:28
sms_Someone please check default terminal font in ubuntu17:28
Simon14glebihan: ah ok, I was missing the ^17:28
edoceoDo I need to remove some hook file, or just stop updatete-notifiier from running?17:28
glebihanSimon14, that's the way to select tasks in apt-get17:28
glebihanSimon14, you're welcome17:28
Simon14Thanks, I'm not familiar with tasks, I'll look into them17:29
kcollinsSo I want to backup an certain directory and all the files and sub-directories inside of it.  But I don't want the tarball to have the entire path, I want it to begin at the current directory.  Meaning the paths will be stored as: foo/file...  instead of /home/me/test1/foo/file....  How do I do that?17:30
edoceokcollins: -C .17:30
=== fl0rent_ is now known as fl0rent
julianoliveris there a way, without using wmctrl etc, to start an application from the shell in a specific workspace?17:32
julianolivergnome-session-save isn't working out well..17:33
jwpeddledoes anyone know of a painless way to join an l2tp over ipsec vpn? I've exhausted google on the issue.17:33
mihael_i need help17:34
mihael_i need help17:34
mihael_i need help17:34
mihael_i need help17:34
FloodBot1mihael_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
cage_raphelhello.. i am able to play youtube videos on ubuntu17:34
jwpeddlethat's good17:34
mang0cage_raphel: Why wouldn't you be able to?17:34
Calinouyes, cage_raphel17:34
Calinouas long as you have flash installed, I think17:34
mihael_HELP!!!! My xbuntu performance is very low HELP!!!!!!!!!!!17:35
=== DaGeek247_ is now known as DaGeek247
cage_raphel@ Calinou .. how do i check if flash is installed?17:35
mihael_HELP ME17:35
glebihanjulianoliver, what do you mean exactly by "workspace" ?17:35
Myrttimihael_: you must understand we can't help you at all because you tell nothing that can help up help you17:35
julianoliverglebihan: desktop. workspace is X speak.17:35
spudneckDoes anyone know about where to find a decent useful channel for wireshark?17:36
julianoliverglebihan: i don't want to start the application and then move it, with wmctrl etc, rather start it in that desktop directly.17:36
glebihanjulianoliver, then something like "DISPLAY=:0.0; appname" should work (adjusting the value of DISPLAY to the correct one)17:36
Calinou<mihael_> HELP!!!! My xbuntu performance is very low HELP!!!!!!!!!!!17:36
Calinouinstall the closed source drivers, and please note ATI isn't friend with linux17:36
julianoliverglebihan: glebihan you're talking about screens though, not desktops..?17:37
Calinousorry. open source lovers can't use ubuntu fully17:37
spudneckDoes anyone know about where to find a decent useful channel for wireshark?17:37
MyrttiCalinou: who are you talking to? he left ages ago17:37
glebihanjulianoliver, oh yes sorry, didn't understand what you were looking for, no idea then17:37
CalinouI know17:37
cage_raphel@ spudneck .. are u reff to channel utilization?17:38
rwwIrony: ATI's open-source drivers are better than Nvidia's open-source drivers.17:38
spudneck@cage_raphel not exactly17:39
mneptokrww: s/better/less\ horrific/  ;)17:39
spudneck@cage_raphel need a channel to discuss about packet analyzers and stuff17:39
paxan_ ŠŸŃ€ŠøŠ²ŠµŃ‚ Š²ŃŠµŠ¼:) ŠšŃ‚Š¾ Š¾Ń‚ ŠŗуŠ“Š°?17:39
paxan_Hi all:) Who is from where?17:39
mneptok!ru | paxan_17:39
ubottupaxan_: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° Š½Š°Š±ŠµŃ€ŠøтŠµ /join #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:39
=== paxan_ is now known as DesiRE
cage_raphel@ spudneck .. pls join wireshark17:40
luc_how do u get the computer to stay at the choice screen and not log in to windows in 5 seconds17:42
cage_raphel@ luc_  i dont get u ?17:42
ichbinderhello. How can I delete/reset svn cached login information in Ubuntu 11.04? It seems like it has still old cached info even though the password was changed by the server side... it hangs right after the svn command and there is no error log or so...17:42
edoceoluc_: grub boot loader options17:42
=== Guest58757 is now known as LjL-Temp
edoceoichbinder: ~/.subversion17:43
glebihanluc_, edit /etc/default/grub and comment the GRUB_TIMEOUT line, then run "sudo update-grub"17:43
ichbinderedoceo: thanks. I'll look there! :D17:43
ichbinderedoceo: so obivous... -.-17:43
paxanŠ²Š¾ Š½Šµ уŠ¶ŠµŠ»Šø ŠæŠ¾ руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼Ńƒ ŠæŠøшут))))17:43
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest40611
=== paxan is now known as DesiRE
luc_i want my computer to stay at the windows 7 or ubuntu choice screen and not just log into windows automatically after 5 seconds17:43
edoceoluc_ glebihan told you how17:44
DesiREŠŗтŠ¾ Š³Š“Šµ Š¶ŠøŠ²ŠµŃ‚?17:44
Myrtti!ru | DesiRE17:44
ubottuDesiRE: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° Š½Š°Š±ŠµŃ€ŠøтŠµ /join #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:44
filePeterDesiRE: åƹ17:44
attjHi, I downloaded Cold war demo just for fun and test. When I start the game I get messages: open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory17:45
attjwarning: Can't open default OpenAL device, using no-sound mode.17:45
attjI'm using 11.04 64-bit17:45
DesiREŠŗтŠ¾ тут ŠøŠ· Š Š¾ŃŃŠøŠø?17:46
MyrttiDesiRE: seriously, English17:46
yvemathHeya, i am unable to setup networking b/w Ubuntu Lucid Host and Windows XP Guest OS in VirtualBox, any link .. or advice ?17:46
yvemathI've tried bridging and using NAT adapter and failed in both :(17:47
yvemath(smiles) Calinou, hehe17:47
luc_is there a way to copy and paste from xchat17:48
ichbinderedoceo: you know if svn stores error messages somewhere? A logfile or so? Couldn't find anything in ~/.subversion or /var/log17:48
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
SerafeimI think my laptop suffers from overheating. Can anyone tell me what is the ideal temperature?17:48
opŠÆ Š·Š“ŠµŃŃŒ ŠæŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Š¼Ńƒ чтŠ¾ Š½Š° ru Š½Šµ ŠæусŠŗŠ°ŃŽŃ‚17:48
glebihanluc_, select the text you want to copy and press Ctrl+C17:48
edoceoichbinder: not the client, writes to stderr when failure, that's it17:48
cage_raphel@ luc_  ofcourse!17:48
cycl0nite how many times can a vga connection be split?17:49
cycl0niteie, one dual splitter from the card.  two dual splitters to each end.  leading to 4 terminations.  only three monitors display17:49
cage_raphel@ luc_  copy and paste it the way u do it in windows... control+c and then control +v17:49
ichbinderedoceo: ah, kay... the server does? I talk to the admin, maybe he can look up what's going wrong...17:49
edoceoYes, would be server logs (apache, if DAV+SVN) or other location - depending on SVN setup17:49
supercar_heavenguys what are make files ??17:51
glebihansupercar_heaven, compilation instructions used by the "make" command17:52
supercar_heavenglebihan: ok :)17:53
Skummelsupercar_heaven it's a file that is used to give instruction to a compiler. wikipedia got a decent article if you want to know more.17:53
ichbindersupercar_heaven: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_%28software%2917:53
supercar_heaventhanks skummel and ichbinder :)17:54
lauratikahello every one17:57
cage_raphelhello lauratika17:58
lauratikai cant launch nautilus folders this just happens now, beeing working all day as usual... now when i try to launch via terminal i receive this message laut@mekka:~$ nautilus17:59
lauratika(nautilus:27225): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.17:59
lauratika(nautilus:27225): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.17:59
FloodBot1lauratika: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
TheMatrix3000how do I set ubuntu system to use wpa autoconfig18:00
RinsmasterHow can I free my mouse when using remote desktop to log into a vnc server (just a terminal, no mouse). Is there a button to release my mouse to my OS again?18:00
TheMatrix3000wpad* i mean18:01
rullieHi, I have a system that doesn't boot.  Could someone list a number of things I should start checking?  i'm chrooting with a cd18:03
amogh_cjoin #ubuntuone18:04
ichbinderrullie: at what point does it not boot? you can always check in /var/log if there are error messages in any of the logs.18:06
mangdoodHi, how can insert "math" symbols into programs other than LibreOffice?18:07
rullieichbinder: it failed to load NVIDIA kernel module18:08
rullieichbinder: I have nvidia-glx-185 installed... not sure how to go about configuring it though18:08
ichbinderrullie: ok, give me a second.18:09
rullieichbinder: thanks18:09
TheMatrix3000is it possible to set the system to use autoproxy18:09
TheMatrix3000like if i had a wpad/wpad.day18:10
duncan-nzserard, hello. What's your question?18:11
serardI want to install a paravirtualizer on my local machine. Which one of xen and kvm should I use ? I need one main desktop env for development + some VMs for testing. Need near-raw performances18:11
[THC]AcidRainhttp://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17806/ has this exploit been patched?18:11
serardtesting VMs will be server machines (ubuntu, debian, gentoo)18:12
ichbinderrullie: still looking... :)18:13
mangdoodserard: I doubt most people can give you an answer here. You could try the forums18:13
rullieichbinder: modprobe nvidia results in FATAL error... if that means anything18:13
rullieichbinder: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.32-28-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory  being the exact message18:13
serardthank you mangdood18:13
ichbinderrullie: hm... can you do "$ uname -a" and paste that?18:14
mangdoodrullie: You should use www.pastebin.com or other pastebin next time18:14
rullieichbinder: http://pastie.org/252226918:14
rullienote that i'm in chroot18:15
ichbinderrullie: well, but it uses the same kernel that is used normally, right?18:16
o_portista17hello, i have a problem with my ubuntu, this keeps hanging, and i have to shutdown manually...the error is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/686729/18:16
mangdoodrullie: Oh, you are trying to configure nVidia?18:16
mangdoodrullie: did you just install it?18:16
rulliewell, /initrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-11-generic18:16
rulliemangdood: I'm trying to boot my system :)18:16
rullieichbinder: mangdood: http://pastie.org/252227618:17
rulliewait.. that may be a wrong paste18:17
duncan-nzHow do I kick my wireless back to life after a failed attampt at improving connectivity with ndis wrapper?18:17
duncan-nzNow I have no wireless at all.18:17
duncan-nzI've uninstalled ndis wrapper.18:18
Homeany 1 know c programming???18:18
ichbinderrullie: i just try to figure out if it even trys to load the correct modules for the correct kernel. So I compare 2.6...18:18
rullieichbinder: mangdood this may be more relevant: http://pastie.org/252228718:18
qinHome: /j #c18:18
ichbinderrullie: and then, I just look for an apt-get way to uninstall all your nvidia stuff and reinstall it... :) But never done it with apt-get, myself... :)18:18
IdleOne[THC]AcidRain: take a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/usn18:18
Home@ qin what does that mean18:19
mangdoodrullie: Did you install nVidia drivers yet? and did you install from the nVidia site?18:19
=== sour is now known as fstash
qinHome: /join #c (channel)18:19
rulliemangdood: so, which one is the master meta package that I should install to pull in everything it needs?18:19
mangdoodrullie: you might try the open source drivers instead, just to get it working18:19
rulliemangdood: it worked with nvidia-185 before, then I did something and screwed it up18:19
Homeit says it is invite only18:19
mangdoodrullie: the driver you are trying to load, I don't think is in the repositories; it's a proprietary driver... I think18:20
ben10i have one question18:20
rullieichbinder: I think I did that. and that's what brought me to this state :p18:20
qinHome: Sorry.18:20
ben10why is windows better then....ubuntu?18:20
ichbinderrullie: "system's kernel log", maybe that says more... but mangdood is probably right, try the open source version...18:20
afatso ben10 I mean this is a long shot but I think linux stinks.18:20
ben10windows is much much much more better18:20
[THC]AcidRainIdleOne, that exploit is not being listed as patched...18:20
[THC]AcidRainactually its not listed on the ubuntu page at all18:20
ben10all the people of this room should join #windows18:20
rullieichbinder: mangdood http://pastie.org/252230318:20
afatyeah. it doesn't compare.18:21
ben10and leave this toom18:21
wildgooseben10: Stop.18:21
ichbinderrullie: mangdood says it: the nvidia drivers are proprietary and not allowed. Possible that you screwed it up trying to install those instead of the default ubuntu open source ones... :)18:21
ben10stop what? wildgoose18:21
afatlinux isn't a serious operation system.18:21
ben10its a fact18:21
ben10linux us all broken18:21
wildgooseben10, afat: Take it to offtopic18:21
ben10not stable18:21
afati dreamt with you last night wildgoose.18:21
FloodBot1ben10: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:21
mangdoodrullie: ichbinder brb; leaving class : D18:21
ben10shut up floodBot18:21
ben10what do you know?18:21
rullieis nvidia-glx-185 the opensource one?18:21
[THC]AcidRaini just wanted to out of no where say that i love linux. it is very stable. and it is the best thing to ever happen to me18:21
afatben10 really I mean you can't use it in business.18:22
ben10do you know that windows rocks?18:22
[THC]AcidRainif i had to deal with windows another day i would of merc myself18:22
ben10do you know that...ubuntu sucks?18:22
ichbindermangdood: :D18:22
ben10even kde is better18:22
afatI mean u can even invest in windows stocks.18:22
[THC]AcidRainnah you can pretty much use linux for anything18:22
Homecan any 1 help me with a c programming question??18:22
ben10even if lunix is free18:22
ben10it still sucks18:22
afatdoes linux have shares wildgoose ?18:22
wildgooseI bet you're sitting next to each other giggling like schoolgirls18:22
ben10as they say things that are free....sucks18:22
[THC]AcidRainlinux = heart and soul. windows = profit only18:22
clakeshm... it's not my first choice when it comes to media production18:23
ichbinderoh come on, he's trolling you. Can somebody pls kick him? :)18:23
afatnot the least wildgoose,18:23
IdleOne[THC]AcidRain: may not be fixed yet.18:23
ben10i mean does the people who created the filty of lunix get paid?18:23
ben10they dont18:23
ben10you know why18:23
[THC]AcidRainben10, if you look at the windows exploit list. i promise its at least 100x longer than linux18:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:23
duncan-nzben10 give up, you have no idea what you're talking about.18:23
ben10the operating system cannot do much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:23
wildgooseichbinder: I like playing until the !ops come by.18:23
afati mean if I had this graphic studio and I want to use ubunto on all the machines my business would go out of business the next day heh benn?18:23
afatben10 exactly.18:24
ben10that correct afat18:24
[THC]AcidRainactually linux has epic rape when it comes to that.18:24
ben10i need to intall vmware and those shit18:24
afatI would add that it should be rolled back inside the programmers asses.18:24
FloodBot1ben10: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:24
qinben10: Remeber to not skip your medicines.18:24
ben10and bos18:24
duncan-nzWould some admin  please kick those two?18:24
ben10to install windows in it18:24
afatow shit.18:24
[THC]AcidRainhow annoying :/18:24
MonkeyDustthe war of the os'es ;)18:25
BarkingFishHow on earth did eir get banned? :)18:26
BarkingFishFirst time I've seen a network bot get the boot18:26
duncan-nzGood question18:26
Dmoleanyone know a good truecrypt tutorial?                 (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume is a bit out of date otherwise and lacking)18:26
[THC]AcidRainif we get enough people i here to spam, then FloodBot will kick itself :)18:26
duncan-nzAnyone can tell me how to breath life back into my wireless after I gave up on ndis wrapper?18:27
[THC]AcidRainduncan-nz, what is your issue?18:27
lauratikahi again... my ubuntu one sync service it's giving me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/687821/ and this create conflict with  folders in nautilus... cant launch any folder. any ideas what this is about. was working just fine a few hours ago.18:27
ichbinderDmole: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/TrueCrypt maybe18:27
duncan-nzConnectivity problems which I thought ndis wrapper might solve. It didn't. Uninstalled it and now no wireless at all.18:27
[THC]AcidRainduncan-nz, if all else fails. i would just get a wireless bridge. thats what i used. if i messed with ndis wrapper id prolly still be internetless18:27
BarkingFishduncan-nz, if you want help with ndiswrapper, I'm your guy :)18:28
ichbinderlauratika: give the channel time... you disappeared to fast before! :)18:28
[THC]AcidRainduncan-nz, what version of linux?18:28
BarkingFishI've used it so much I'm practically integrated with it18:28
bennisi'm trying to print onto an HP Officejet 7410 and i can print test pages but documents are stuck on 'processing'. I managed to print one page somehow, i think it was a fluke though. any ideas on why it sticks?18:28
duncan-nz11.04 with an RTL-8185 - so it should just work right? But now it's quite dead.18:28
no_gravityHey People! What do I apt-get install to get Wine?18:28
Myrttino_gravity: "wine"?18:28
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:28
aeon-ltd!package wine18:29
BarkingFishduncan-nz, can you give me the usb ID of the stick you're using please?18:29
duncan-nzBarkingFish, it's a PCI card.18:29
[THC]AcidRainyour PCI card may not be supported. thats the scary thing18:29
no_gravityMyrtti: no easy "apt-get install wine" or something?18:29
Jonathan458hey guys18:30
BarkingFishafaik ndiswrapper only works on USB wireless - I've never seen it in use on a PCI card18:30
[THC]AcidRainno_gravity, that is the package18:30
IdleOneno_gravity: have you tried that command?18:30
duncan-nzfrom lshw I can read '*-network UNCLAIMED'18:30
qinno_gravity: sudo apt-get install wine<TAB> (to pick version)18:30
lauratikaichbinder: i disappear because the box freeze... so had to restart... sorry18:30
mangdoodichbinder: did rullie leave?18:30
Mronoanyone set up pptpd before?18:31
Jonathan458anyyall know alot about perm mounting a network drive?18:31
cheaterhi guy18:31
no_gravityIdleOne: yes, it gives me "couldnt find package wine"18:31
cheaterand girls too18:31
Onyx47hi, my home folder (not the whole partition, just my folder) got corrupted, fsck gets stuck on trying to fix some of the multiple inode references, anyone know of a good data recovery program that might help me?I only care about a single folder tbh18:31
cheateri have some packages that i need to have in the apt cache, for use with debsums (which check the integrity of installed packages)18:31
memandanybody who knows of an alternative to ALSA?18:31
ichbinderlauratika: no problem. ^^ was just writing you how to look up errors... :) besides that, I don't have a solution for your problem? Maybe #ubuntuone can help you more...18:31
aeon-ltdmemand: OSS18:31
cheaterthe gz files are missing (they have been cleaned out), how can i make apt-get download them in the exact same version as is installed?18:32
no_gravityqin: i dont think i have that tab completion thingy18:32
Onyx47no_gravity, apt-get install wine1.2 for latest stable, for 1.3 you need to add wine's ppa18:32
ichbindermangdood: don't think so, he's still in the channel... maybe he's afk.18:32
ChariblazeIs the general recommendation to use a partition for GRUB or to let it overwrite the MBR?18:32
no_gravityOnyx47: ok, ill try 1.218:32
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mangdoodichbinder: I cant seem to tab complete his name though18:32
bennisanybody know anything about printer issues?18:32
ichbindermangdood: i'd give him the apt-get line, but don't know the exact package to remove the old nvidia drivers and install the open source ones18:32
BarkingFishduncan-nz, one of the requirements of ndiswrapper when you use a driver with a device is that you must supply the USB Ident for the device - mine for example is 0bda:8176 - if the device you're using isn't USB, you're not going to get ndiswrapper to work with it.18:32
ichbindermangdood: hm, not anymore... i could a few secs ago...18:33
duncan-nz[THC]AcidRain, so any idea how I can justkcij my wireless back to life? I don't understand why things aren't just back to before I installed ndis wrapper.18:33
Piciitmannen: they are no longer here.18:33
ichbindermangdood: rullie (~rullie@h216-235-10-210.host.egate.net) has quit (Quit: leaving)18:33
lauratikaichbinder: thanx maybe i try there... maybe someone here has an idea i'll stick around for a while18:33
mangdoodichbinder: if you see him again, you can tell him to apt-get remove nvidia*18:33
JonathanDw/hois benpro18:33
duncan-nzBarkingFish, that's good to know. It should say that somewhere on the box though. How was I meant to know that?18:34
bennisc'mon peoples, all i have is a little printer issue :D18:34
duncan-nzBarkingFish, anyway, how do I get back to how things were before I installed ndis wrapper?18:34
Onyx47duncan-nz, are you probably blacklisted native driver before installing ndiswrapper, have you removed it from the blacklist?18:34
ichbindermangdood: and then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ?18:34
duncan-nzOnyx47, I did'nt manually do any blacklisting - but I wondered if it was something like that. How do I check?18:35
BUS73Dsomebody do knowwhat this commandline do?18:35
mangdoodichbinder: time to head home :> and yeah, that sounds good. Tell him not to remove Nouveau though; he'll need a backup driver if he needs to remove the nVidia drivers18:35
ChariblazeIs the general recommendation to let GRUB overwrite the MBR, or to make it its own partition?18:35
BarkingFishduncan-nz, I have no idea, sorry.  I can get people onto ndiswrapper, I have no idea how to get them off of it :( Sorry18:36
ichbindermangdood: kay... we'll see whether he'll come back. :)18:36
BarkingFishAnyone else able to help duncan-nz with this please?18:36
Onyx47duncan-nz, sorry, forgot where the blacklist file is located, been ages since I used it, try googling for how to blacklist something, should tell you what file it's located in18:36
BUS73Dthis oneabove;)18:36
duncan-nzBarkingFish, tnx18:36
duncan-nzOnyx47, thanks I'll try that.18:37
ichbinderduncan-nz: BUS73D also seems to speak to you... :)18:37
MronoWhen I set up ttptd and try to connect i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/687824/ in the debug log18:37
BUS73Dwhat this pliz? setcap'CAP_NET_RAW+eipCAP_NET_ADMIN+eip'/usr/bin/dumpcap18:37
BUS73Dno ichbinder18:37
BUS73Di am on my reality;)18:37
ichbinderBUS73D: oh, sorry... :D18:37
duncan-nzichbinder, danke.18:38
ichbinderduncan-nz: bitte. :)18:38
gigglesi'm in my own reality18:38
antiphysicistwhy would ubuntu installer skip the step where you have an option to install alongside etc18:38
duncan-nzantiphysicist, because it didn't see any other OS?18:38
ChesterXhi, I am trying to connect myself to the QQ network, however none of the ubuntu im clients can't make a connection to the server (empathy, pidgin, eva). Aim I missing something? Is there any other known alternative to the official Win/mac QQ client? Thank you :-)18:39
antiphysicistduncan-nz why would it then display a blank screen where the choice of where to install should be18:39
jwpeddledoes anyone know of a painless way to join an l2tp over ipsec vpn? I've exhausted google on the issue.18:39
duncan-nzantiphysicist, blank how? the whole screen? Live environment or alternative install?18:40
FrozenFireCurrently I'm using ushare to stream media to my Xbox 360. While ushare *works*, it doesn't work very well. Are there any other lightweight UPnP servers that work better than ushare?18:40
MronoFrozenFire: what's wrong with ushare18:40
FrozenFireMrono, Refreshing the shared file list requires accessing the web interface, so doing it automatically requires wget hacking.18:41
antiphysicistduncan-nz, the table which would normally show your available partitions and stuff has nothing in it, the  box where you type where to install (something like /dev/) is stuck on one option and won't change, i'd thingk the hard drive was broken but it was previously working with windows18:41
FrozenFireIt also seems mildly unstable.18:41
MronoFrozenFire: just have it run a cron job ever ~5 min18:42
FrozenFireWell, what I do is I have my torrent client set to perform the query when a torrent completes. But, still, I'd prefer a better-designed server, if one is available.18:42
Dog_MatixFrozenFire: I don't think ushare is developed any more.18:43
MronoFrozenFire: http://elinux.org/DLNA_Open_Source_Projects18:43
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antiphysicistwhy would the ubuntu installer not detect a working hard drive18:43
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mneptokantiphysicist: software RAID?18:44
duncan-nzantiphysicist, sorru no idea. Cancel the install for sure and have a look at your partitions in the live environment with gparted.18:45
antiphysicistduncan-nz i am on the live enviro now i ran a hard disc diagnostic which it said passed, what other checks should i perform18:46
antiphysicistmneptok, i have no idea what that means, but how would i check for it18:46
ChariblazeI want to set up a triple-boot Windows/two Linux distros machine, and I came across a slight snag: Is the general recommendation to make a partition for GRUB, or to let it overwrite the MBR?18:46
duncan-nzantiphysicist, sorry, no idea. I assume your trying a non-beta version.18:46
ichbinderChariblaze: if you want to use GRUB as your bootloader, it will have to overwrite the MBR.18:47
Onyx47Chariblaze, I personaly never had problems with Grub overwriting MBR, only eventual problem is if you reinstall windows you'll have to recover grub from a live distro18:47
ichbinderChariblaze: I guess you are not sure whether to make a special partition for GRUB or to let it be installed together with the rest in /18:47
XanoI'm running 11.4 on my htpc, but the network connection is buggy as hell. It takes several attempts to log onto it using SSH or VNC, if it works at all. My main computer, which has no wifi trouble at all, is situated right above the htpc and both connect to the same wireless router on the other side of the apartment.18:48
duncan-nzOnyx47, it was /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist18:48
ichbinderOnyx47: how could you use GRUB as bootloader without installing it in the MBR?18:48
XanoWhat are the common debugging steps for wifi trouble?18:48
BUS73Dneed a hand18:48
mneptokantiphysicist: how is the drive connected? is it a straight-up SATA connection? does the machine have a hardware RAID chipset that may not be supported by Linux?18:48
duncan-nzich bindi just set another partition aside and select it under advanced settings at the end of the installation.18:49
antiphysicistmneptok: i think it is a direct SATA connection, but there is something funny going on with the drive because although it was previously working with windows windows xp was not allowing me access to partition it either18:49
duncan-nzichbinder, just set another partition aside and select it under advanced settings at the end of the installation.18:49
mneptokantiphysicist: try another SATA port on the mobo.18:50
Onyx47ichbinder, tbh, not sure how to do it but you COULD, in theory, set it so it chainloads GRUB, like what GRUB does with Windows18:50
BUS73Dneed a hand18:50
ichbinderduncan-nz: yeah, install it to another partition. But MBR will select what is booted as bootloader... so it will always need to be installed to MBR, not?18:51
Onyx47duncan-nz, do you see some version of rtl driver listed in there?18:51
BUS73Dhow to run dumpcap with elevated privileges??18:51
antiphysicistmneptok: i have tried that already but now feel clever18:51
ichbinderOnyx47: oh yeah, could be... but some bootloader needs to be loaded by MBR... you could use another bootloader and then chainload GRUB. But why would you want to do that, if you want to use GRUB anyway...18:51
duncan-nzichbinder, no, you could use GAG as a boot loader and Grub as a kernel manager. Look up GAG boot  manager.18:52
mneptokantiphysicist: got an external enclosure you can put the drive in? if that works, you can narrow your suspect to the mobo and its ports.18:52
duncan-nzOnyx47, still looking.18:52
duncan-nzthere are 9 files.18:52
BUS73Dplease..howto run dumpcap with escalated privilige?18:52
Onyx47ichbinder, dunno, I personally always use GRUB and it works like a charm. Why you would do it and what the low-level implementation of it is is way over my head18:53
ChariblazeI'm a little foggy about bootloaders, but thanks for the help, overwriting the MBR sounds good. Is it simple enough to recover GRUB with a live CD, should the need arise?18:54
Onyx47just saying, it is possible18:54
mneptokBUS73D: sudo18:54
ichbinderduncan-nz: ok thanks, I'll look it up18:54
BUS73Dthx mneptok but i m not usin dumpcap straight but through wireshark18:54
duncan-nzOnyx47, GAG can also rewrite the windows entry in MBR - sometimes useful when the system is really borked.18:55
Onyx47Chariblaze, it's no big deal, there's also instructions on how to do it all over the net18:55
mneptokBUS73D: then you need to invoke wireshark with sudo18:55
cpruittI'm trying to run  xfs_check ( xfs_check <device>).  I'm embarrassed to need to ask, but how do I determine the device name for my main partition?18:55
BUS73Dsays me : couldn't run /usr/bin/dumpcap in child process:permission denied18:55
ChariblazeOnyx47, Ah, thanks much. Sounds good.18:56
BUS73Dthx mneptok but how to run wireshark in graphical mode with sudo?18:56
antiphysicistmneptok: no i have no enclosure but i ordered a new hard drive since i wanted one anyway, i was just wondering if anyone could work out what was going on18:56
mneptokBUS73D: gksu wireshark18:56
BUS73Din the console?18:56
mneptokBUS73D: or alt-f218:56
duncan-nzOnyx47, nope, nothing in there refering to an RTL driver18:57
mneptokantiphysicist: if the new disk works, well, you will then know the real culprit. i guess ...18:57
Onyx47cpruitt, mount -l ?18:57
evo4360bhpI keep getting an error when using wine; trying to install/run need for speed world, it get's to a point where it says I have to and rename the path/folder? Anyone running need for speed world through wine?18:57
antiphysicistmneptok: I have just used "gparted" to "created a partition table" on the disc, is this the right course of action?18:58
Onyx47duncan-nz, hmmm... did you run lsmod and see the driver running?18:58
BUS73Dmneptok thxvery much that work! but i created a wireshark group with a wireshark user.. i meant to use wireshark with this ..18:58
cpruittOnyx47: Thanks18:58
mneptokantiphysicist: yes. you need a partition table before you can create partitions18:58
cpruittI think that's what I need (still learning this stuff)18:58
antiphysicistmneptok: thanks for all your help i will go try installation again much love <318:59
Onyx47I know some RTL driver were removed or whatnot, a friend had such problem, dunno if he resolved it18:59
dolphmare the ubuntu "software center" ratings available on a website somewhere?18:59
mneptokBUS73D: so make sure dumpcap has a umask set to allow the wireshark group to execute it18:59
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Onyx47so, no idea on how to recover my files from a borked ext4 partition? :(19:00
duncan-nzOnyx47, no reference there to an RTL module. One there for ndis wrapper though, with value 0. Which I assume means it's 'switched off'?19:00
BUS73Dmneptok : do not know how to be sure sry:/19:00
EmeryDoes the server edition of ubuntu have the same detection rate for wireless devices as the desktop edition ?19:00
mneptokBUS73D: what does "which dumpcap" say?19:00
Onyx47duncan-nz, try to unload it and restart network just in case (rmmod then service networking restart)19:01
aleuckhello what is the name of the sound-applet on ubuntu?19:01
duncan-nzOnyx47, can you give me the command for that please?19:01
Onyx47sudo rmmod <module name>19:02
n2diyWould copying /home between two boxes result in slowing them down? That's how I've been backing up my files, and one box has become so slow it is unusably.19:02
Onyx47sudo service networking restart19:02
qinaleuck: gnome-volume-control-applet19:02
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qinn2diy: top, htop, iotop -to monitor situation, in general: yes19:04
duncan-nzwhat do I type in cli to reinitialise my networking hardware??19:04
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duncan-nzOnyx47, tnx19:04
Onyx47duncan-nz, no luck after restarting networking service?19:05
BUS73Dmneptok nothing happens when i do which "dumpcap" or "/usr/bin/which dumpcap"19:05
n2diyqin, ok, top has show high "wa" percentage, which is i/o wait states I believe?19:05
duncan-nzOnyx47, actually I've tried that and just got "restart: Unknown instance: "19:05
mneptokBUS73D: sudo updatedb && locate dumpcap19:06
Onyx47duncan-nz, weird, try just start instead of restart, maybe ndiswrapper caused it to crash on initial start19:07
opamp_I was trying to change the settings of unity (to make it visible every time) but messed up. Now, though I am able to search(window button+'text') but for selecting I am unable to use array keys. I have to use mouse everytime. How to resolve this issue?19:08
xanguaopamp_: tried to reset unityĀæ unity --reset19:09
duncan-nzOnyx47,  now i get "networking stop/waiting"19:09
BUS73Dmneptok ok that sort /usr/bin/dumpcap     /usr/share/wireshark/dumpcap/html19:09
Onyx47duncan-nz, are you sure it was running before? maybe you logged in recovery mode without networking or something?19:10
opamp_ xangua thanks a lot :)19:10
macer1Hi. I have a small problem. Why unity 2d is looking so much better than 3d(ubu 11.10)? why unity 3d is made in gtk? why?19:11
duncan-nzOnyx47, it's the box I'm on now. So the wired connection is running fine.19:11
xangua!oneiric | macer119:12
ubottumacer1: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:12
req^Hello! How do upgrades impact performance? I have lubuntu and it's asking to upgrade to 11.04. My netbook is struggling as is, would updates and upgrades impact performance; how?19:12
macer1xangua: i know that19:12
macer1my question is why unity 3d is in gtk. unity 2d looks better19:13
Onyx47duncan-nz, sorry, I didn't catch the beginning: did it work before installing ndiswrapper?19:13
duncan-nzOnyx47, only intermittently annot all types of network. It couldn't see my open network for example only the WPA one.19:13
Polahmacer1: That isn't a problem. You thinking that Unity 2D is better looking is an opinion, not a problem. Unity is based on GNOME which uses GTK, as do several other environments.19:14
macer1Polah: OK.19:14
macer1But there are lot of animations for example in unity 2d.19:14
macer1and unity 2d is made for gnome too19:14
rwwand this continues to be offtopic for #ubuntu19:15
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ChariblazeCan one swap partition be shared between two Linux distros easily?19:15
skaiChariblaze: yes19:16
zelozeloswhats the command for starting a windows program thats not installed..via link   This isnt working   env WINEPREFIX="/home/zelo/.wine" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe19:16
duncan-nzChariblaze, no problem, thay do that automatically.19:16
tylerl Chariblaze: but you can't hibernate if you do.19:16
genii-aroundChariblaze: Not if you plan to hibernate19:17
zelozelosoops i mean this isnt working:    env WINEPREFIX="/home/zelo/.wine" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /home/zelo/Programs/RWCursorEditor/RWCursorEditor.exe19:17
Chariblazetylerl: Good to know, thanks.19:17
Onyx47duncan-nz, well, I'm stuck, you'll need someone with far greater knowledge than me, I never dabbled much with networking hardware, I was lucky to have hardware that works natively so I never dug any deeper than this19:18
cpruittIf I disable nouveau is there a lower level generic VGS driver that will take over?  I'm running an ubuntu server and 99.9 % of the time have no monitor (just SSH) but on the off chance that I need one I'd like it to work.19:18
cpruittSuspect nouveu may be causing lockups / reboots19:18
Bootvisany solutions for this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159502019:19
duncan-nzOnyx47, I'm really kicking myself for not doing more homework before I put this machine together... Thanks for the help.19:19
zastaphcan I change my /etc/hostname without any implications whatsoever?19:19
Polahzelozelos: Your last part should be "we /path/to/executable", you don't need C:/windows and so on before the path to the executable19:19
zastaphproblems i mean19:19
Onyx47duncan-nz, np, sorry I can't be of any more help19:19
zelozelosPolah ah so it should beenv WINEPREFIX="/home/zelo/.wine" /home/zelo/Programs/RWCursorEditor/RWCursorEditor.exe  ?19:20
zelozelosyup that worked, thank you Polah19:21
memandhey guys, can someone explain me how to un-install a kernel package?19:22
zelozelosmemand you can use ubuntu tweak, its the easiest way it wont let you remove the current one ;) google it and the package will install via the software center19:23
zelozelosmemand, otherwise use the package manager and search for the version numbers like 2.4.5-32 or whatever to get the exact ones19:23
arcaicoHello, I need to install cp210x on Ubuntu-2.6.2819:23
arcaicoCan anyone help-me?19:23
memandzelozelos: ok thanks19:24
BarBlitzwhat find of kernel package ?19:24
BarBlitzrmmod module ?19:24
BarBlitz*kind even19:24
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:24
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Polahzelozelos, wine home/zelo/Programs/RWCursorEditor/RWCursorEditor.ex19:24
zelozelosPolah oh ok thank you again just wine and path/filename works ;)19:25
nitAIdoes anyone know this problem? my WLAN works, but if I try to connect by a cable connection (LAN) internet does not work :(19:25
n2diyI think I've polluted my xorg-config file by copying /home between two machines, what is the command syntax to reconfigure x?19:26
zelozelosanybody know where to find a list of cursor names and which cursor the particular name is for ..like for an obvious one..arrow is prob the regular cursor..but some of the names are just strings of numbers and letters?19:26
zelozelosim working on making mouse pointers, i have most of the info..and its all working ..just need to know which cursor is what so i can set up the theme19:28
n2diyI think I've polluted my xserver file(s) by copying /home between two machines, what is the command syntax to reconfigure x?19:29
qinn2diy: Did you copy dot files? Make new user.19:30
skain2diy: dpkg-reconfigure?19:30
n2diyqin, will that cure the problem system wide, or just for the new user?19:30
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yuvatejafor using p2p networks napster or gnuella which is better?19:31
qinn2diy: For new user, but you will get clean configs, and in the end, you can rename users.19:31
zelozelosoh nevermind..i found the master list ;)19:32
arcaicoHello, I need to install cp210x on Ubuntu-2.6.2819:32
arcaicoCan someone help-me?19:32
Polahzelozelos: Are you making cursors for Linux using a Winodws program?19:33
memandhey guys i have just installed ubuntu (10.04) on my new laptop but i have a feeling that it is really poorly supported (since almost nothing is working properly) if anyone has the time i would really appreciate some major help here19:33
memandthe laptop is this one19:33
memandexept mine is with an i519:33
zelozelosPolah no..well yeah but for both windows and linux, im using xcursorgen for the linux cursors19:34
DilbertoAnybody still hungover from celebrating 911?19:34
n2diyqin, so I create a new user, delete the old user, then rename the new user as the old user, and the new user inherits the old users files? Wouldn't the include the bad xserver files?19:34
memandDilberto: yep19:34
zelozelosPolah do you know of a program for linux that has a gui?19:34
yuvatejahow to use nap in ubuntu19:34
DilbertoTired of niggers?19:35
DilbertoSick of their monkeyshines?19:35
Polahn2diy: No, the new users associations would be changed. Move your old users home directory somewhere else first, then make the new one, delete the old one then rename the new one and move back program configuration files (but not special ones like X org settings and suchlike, obviously.19:35
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qinn2diy: NO, make user New, rename Broken user into Old, rename New into Broken, copy important (!) files, remove Old.19:35
memandhey guys i have just installed ubuntu (10.04) on my new laptop but i have a feeling that it is really poorly supported (since almost nothing is working properly) if anyone has the time i would really appreciate some major help here19:35
imarkmemand: 10.04 is supported until 201319:36
corecodecan i use natty as a source for packages in oneiric?19:36
corecodei'm missing opie-client19:36
Polahcorecode: You can, but some things might not work.19:36
qinn2diy: You will need to chown your files too.19:36
corecodePolah: think it would be better to use debian testing as a source?19:36
Polahimark, memand: 2015 for the server editions19:36
memandimark: ok poorly formulated there what i meant to say is that i think my laptop is poorly suported by linux19:37
imarkthanks polah, shouldnt overlok servers19:37
Polahcorecode: Probably the same issues would apply. You can try, but I'm just saying it might not work. Why not just use Natty anyway and then you can upgrade to Oneiric in a month or so?19:37
xanguamemand: try latest ubuntu then19:37
imarki see19:37
[snake]Hello, I need to know how to turn my effects on automatically when I log in. I've been using the compiz fusion icon to load/stop compiz, and now it always logs in with them off.19:38
imarkthe newest linux kernel has loads of new drivers19:38
n2diyqin, Polah, ok, this is becoming more complex then I was hoping for, but I suspect re-installing, WITHOUT formatting /home won't solve the problem either?19:38
corecodePolah: i need the 3.0 kernel19:38
corecodePolah: natty didn't install19:38
Polahmemand: What xangua said. Try 11.04 to see if that has better support, if not you may be able to find drivers for your hardware on Linux online, or perhaps use Windows drivers with ndiswrapper if necessary.19:38
zelozelosdang the list dosent have any of those wierd names w the numbers and letters...i think theyre the accessibility cursors but im not sure19:38
Polahcorecode: You could check the source repositories or PPAs for later version suitable for Oneiric. Ask in #ubuntu+119:39
memandxangun: i tried but every ubuntu cd i have put in since yesterday has failed to load19:39
Polahn2diy: Just create a new user (adduser), set it up in sudoers and with any necessary permissions, log in under that user, delete the old one and then rename the new one if necessary.19:39
memandpolah: i tried but every ubuntu cd i have put in since yesterday has failed to load19:39
Polahmemand: Have you verified your ISOs and checked CDs are burned correctly?19:40
imarkmemand; the dicks failed to load entirely, what versions have you tried, and are you getting error messages19:40
imarkhaha discs*19:40
[snake]Has Ubuntu 11 gotten better yet? with support and stuff, because last time I updated, I hated it so much that I reinstalled ubuntu just to get away from it.19:40
nilsh Hi, is there some way to copy the settings I've recently done in grandr? It keeps resetting everytime I log out, and I would like the changes to be permanent19:41
qin[snake]: Yes19:41
memandPolah: how to verify the iso? i got it from the ubuntu front page19:41
[snake]qin, how, better?19:41
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[snake](how much19:41
imarkmemand; run in a terminal md5sum <path to iso file>19:42
imarkand compared to the iso downloaded from ...19:42
corecodePolah: ubuntu+1 is silent :/19:42
qin[snake]: I think, it just my point of view shifted.19:42
B0g4r7What's the apt command to show all of the files installed by a given package?19:42
n2diyqin, Polah, ok, I think I'll try reconfiguring X before trying the new user approach, thanks.19:42
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n2diycan someone tell me the syntax for reconfigure the xserver?19:43
B0g4r7(an already installed package)19:43
qinBootvis: dpkg -L packege19:43
memandimark: on it19:43
imarkhere : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes19:43
B0g4r7Thanks qin.19:43
Polah!md5sum | memand19:45
ubottumemand: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:45
memandthe md5 is good19:45
[snake]I need to know how to turn my effects on automatically when I log in. I've been using the compiz fusion icon to load/stop compiz, and now it always logs in with them off automatically. there is no setting to change this that I am aware of, and logging out with effects on doesn't change anything either. I'm on 10.04 64 bit ubuntu19:45
memandpolah: the md5 is good19:45
imarkthen try using unetbootin or ubuntu's usb creator to put the image onto a usb instead if you have one19:46
imarkif it still doesnt work, well need some more details about what its doing]19:46
genii-aroundOr burn the CD at 2x and make sure you verify the burn19:47
memandimark: do you think i can use my android to boot from?19:47
zastaphi would say remote desktop is slower than tightvnc.. and when I choose a resolution from the remote desktop client it is not used.. instead it's the current resolution on the guest OS that is used, and if my RD resolution is lower i just can't see the rest of the picture19:47
zastaphwrong channel19:47
imarkuse your phone,.... maybe, ive never tried, if you set it to act as a hard drive, in theory it should work19:48
memandimark: and i shouldnt have to format it right?19:48
Bootvisqin: which package?19:49
edgarmagalhaesAlgum brasileiro?19:49
Pici!br | edgarmagalhaes19:49
ubottuedgarmagalhaes: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:49
shadow98hey guys im trying to wget a file and it needs a license key on the end...i can get it to work with lynx by using single quotes19:50
imarkmemand; thats the difficult part, the usb creator might try to add boot flags to your phones sd card, it could get messy, its uncharted territory i think19:50
shadow98but it opens the lynx browser first19:50
memandbetter make backup then ;)19:50
memandill try19:50
shadow98how can i download file with wget that require extra parameters19:50
B0g4r7shadow98, enclosing the url in single quotes always worked for me.19:51
MonkeyDustshadow98: http://linuxmanpages.com/man1/wget.1.php19:52
shadow98B0g4r7, i tried that with get...19:52
shadow98but it puts a long string and doesn't download the tar.gz file19:52
imarkmemand; at least android has that restore to factory state as a failsafe, all of your contacts backup up on google?19:52
memandimark: i dont think ill need that big of a backup, it only gives the computer access to the sd-card! right?19:53
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B0g4r7shadow98, hm...I would expect the same thing that works using lynx to work using wget.  After all, it's the shell that is likely to be reacting in an undesired way to some characters in the URL.19:54
shadow98yeah lynx works it pops browser and ask me questions19:54
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imarkmemand; this is true, in theory your safe to try19:54
B0g4r7Oh, asks questions huh...19:55
cad4jI'm brand new to Linux. Can anyone help me install a java plugin for firefox19:55
xangua!java | cad4j19:55
ubottucad4j: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.19:55
B0g4r7shadow98: Yeah, that's a bit more complicated.  I would look at using curl to accomplish your goal.19:55
shadow98i did try curl --silent19:55
shadow98and quote19:55
nixprohey guys19:56
memandimark: i will report back ;)19:56
Picishadow98: Whats wrong with just putting quotes around the URL and specifying the output file using -O ?19:56
B0g4r7If it's asking questions (like asking you to authenticate), you will need to find some way to give the expected answers in advance. (assuming that your goal is non-interactive operation)19:56
imarkmemand; good luck, ive got to go, but if thats just the same it could be your hardware not liking the kernel, if thats the case i would use the most up to date alternative buil found here http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily/current/19:57
nixproquestion, Im running ubuntu 11 and my touchpad shows up as a ps/2 mouse instead of an alps touchpad. how can I re-install the touchpad driver so it shows up as a touchpad again?19:57
memandimark: thanks19:57
imarkmemand; its development but if it works, it works right19:57
imarkgood luck19:57
memandthanks again19:58
Tabnow A STAFF MEMBER.19:59
FloodBot1Tabnow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:59
daddyeta me19:59
Canaimero-72c5buenas tardes20:00
Canaimero-72c5alguien de VZLA?20:00
urlin2u!es | Canaimero-72c520:00
ubottuCanaimero-72c5: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:00
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi Ā« /join #ubuntu-it Ā» senza virgolette)20:01
nocilisdoes anyone know how to display all urls that are being connected to by localhost?20:01
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nocilisi've found wireshark and tcpdump, would those accomplish this?20:03
tylerlnocilis: you'd have to examine the traffic stream and extract the URLs. You can do it easily after-the-fact with wireshark, but it's a report, not a realtime graph.20:03
B0g4r7nocilis, is your goal just to do this "for now", or is it to collect these URLs on an ongoing basis?20:03
cad4jI looked at the sun java thing but it didn't help me. I'm really just looking to find a java plugin for firefox20:04
rullieis there an URL that can educate me all about nvidia driver and ubuntu?  I have absolutely no idea what kind of driver I'm using20:04
Polahnocilis, netstat can print active connections20:04
nocilisjust display them to see what my browser is connecting to B0g4rl20:04
zemus_usrSounds like a web server log kinda solution20:04
nocilisPolah trying that thx20:04
nocilistyler1 ok I have wireshark that's helpful20:04
zemus_usrProxify your browser through some locally running logging proxy20:05
B0g4r7nocilis, wireshark can probably accomplish that.20:05
nocilisPolah perfect, solved it20:05
nocilisB0g4r7 yeah, looks like a bit more than I need20:05
zemus_usrnetstat will not display urls, just hostnames20:05
MonkeyDustnocilis: try lsof -i20:05
Polah!info icedtea | cad4j20:05
B0g4r7Also, the proxy solution would be a nice way to go.20:05
ubottucad4j: Package icedtea does not exist in natty20:06
kernelpanickerI need to install spamassassin on ubuntu 10.04 (which has postfix/dovecot/mailman)... any suggestions for a good tutorial?20:06
Polahcad4j: Perhaps not then. icedtea-plugin is the browser plugin for java.20:06
cad4jPolah, thank you20:07
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nocilishmm Polah after a few seconds it stops20:07
Guest73129should not programs under /etc/init.d start automatically?20:07
nocilisdumps a whole bunch of lines on screen unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     642120:08
B0g4r7nocilis, try using the -nn argument.20:08
rasustohello all20:08
B0g4r7That will disable dns lookup, which is what takes so much time.20:08
rasustowhat are you trying to do?20:08
nocilisB0g4r7 then the stopping happens instantly20:08
B0g4r7Yes, that is how netstat behaves.20:08
nocilisis there anyway to have an ongoing printout of urls being connected to?20:09
B0g4r7It prints all connections at that instant in time.20:09
rasustonetstat --inet20:09
B0g4r7I would go for the proxy setup to accomplish that.20:09
B0g4r7Squid makes some nice logfiles.20:09
MonkeyDustnocilis: try lsof -i20:10
nocilisrasusto it still stops after printing a few urls20:10
rasustoit prints all active network connections20:10
rasustoi dont know why it would stop after a few20:11
nocilisMonkeyDust yes, but I want an ongoing printout of network connections20:11
rasustooh, like a rolling printout?20:11
nocilisrasusto every time localhost makes a connection I want an echo of the url20:11
B0g4r7I again recommend using squid.  It's not very hard to set up really.20:12
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rasustoso, is there a way to have both iproute and arping installed at the same time?20:13
nocilisB0g4r7 would that accomplish a rolling printout?20:13
nocilisthat's all I want20:13
MonkeyDustnocilis: try watch 'lsof -i'20:13
B0g4r7nocilis, sure, if you use tail or whatever to watch it's logfile.20:14
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nocilisMonkeyDust I get a blank screen20:14
MonkeyDustnocilis: with the single quotes20:15
rasustoyou can always watch netstat --inet or watch lsof -i20:15
rasustoits a little better20:15
ferlegendsee this url20:15
nocilisMonkeyDust and rasusto -- perfect!20:15
nocilisi didn't know about the watch command20:15
MonkeyDustthumbs up, nocilis (y)20:16
rasustoit will update every 2 seconds, but that is only after the command finishes listing all the connection. it could take a few seconds for that to happen but you can watch your connections in somewhat-realtime20:17
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nocilisyay now I can see what my computer is doing in the background20:18
* nocilis doesn't trust the internet.20:18
Steristhow do i prevent the CPU Frequency Monitor applet from resetting to core 1 after each log out / reboot?20:18
rasustowait till you open firefox and it explodes with google connections20:18
kv102ti forgot to start transmission in gui.20:18
rasustoanything to 1e100 is google20:19
kv102ti forgot to start transmission in gui.  How do i do in terminal?20:19
rasustouse rtorrent20:19
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Steristhow do i prevent the CPU Frequency Monitor applet from resetting to core 1 after each log out / reboot?20:19
Tixoshey, is there a free alternative to itunes which is drag and drop for ipod?20:22
rasustorhythmbox works, as well as banshee20:24
urlin2uSterist, what release that cpu monitor is a ppa in Natty20:24
Tixosill take alook20:24
Steristurlin2u sorry could you rephrase that for me?20:24
rasustothey come with ubuntu. rb prior to 11.04 and banshee after20:25
sjefen6How can I make the grub menu timeout (ubuntu server) http://pastebin.com/SwsK1xPL?20:25
urlin2uSterist, what release20:25
jrib!grub | sjefen620:25
ubottusjefen6: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:25
sjefen6jrib: yeah, I have read that page up and down sereral times.20:25
zettermy gmail notifier thingy and the network thingy disappeared from my panel20:26
zetterhow do i restore them to the panel?20:26
jribsjefen6: the second page in the link tells you how to modify grub timeout settings20:26
Steristurlin2u Lucid. i dont know if you remember my past questions about the 32/64bit OS issues, but i took someone's advice when reinstalling the OS and went with Lucid instead of Maverick20:26
Jordan_Usjefen6: The problem you're having is that the menu never automatically boots an entry?20:26
sjefen6Jordan_U: yep20:26
Jordan_Usjefen6: Can you pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/grubenv ?20:27
Steristurlin2u kind of want to go back to maverick though... which on a side note, this applet did work fine with20:27
urlin2uSterist, slightly, it just helps to know which release you dealing with in natty that cpu monitor is not there you have to get it from a ppa, not sure of a fix for you.20:27
zetterare the internet gods ignoring my question because i am a noob?20:28
zetterhalp! gmail notifier and network icon thingy disappeared from panel!20:28
zetterwhat do i now?20:28
sjefen6Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/9AkBF0a320:28
Jordan_Uzetter: You're not being ignored. If nobody knows the answer to your question then nobody will answer.20:28
zetterdo you know the answer to my question?20:29
zetterJordan_U, *20:29
B0g4r7Perhaps your lower-level network thingie has also vanished.20:29
urlin2uzetter, first you don't mention important details such as the release and desktop20:29
Steristurlin2u kind of want to go back to maverick though... which on a side note, this applet did work fine with20:29
Steristurlin2u oops disregard20:29
zetterurlin2u, natty narwhal gnome20:29
Jordan_Uzetter: No. If I did I would have answered it.20:29
zettergnome problem20:29
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zetterthe network icon disappeared from my panel20:29
urlin2uzetter, have to tried loging out then in20:30
zetterurlin2u, yes20:30
B0g4r7Does your network stuff still work?20:30
urlin2uzetter, have you tweaked compiz?20:30
zetterit's just the icons that disappeared20:30
zettereven the sound of the gmail notifier still works20:30
zetterso when i get a new mail20:30
zetteri get the sound20:31
zetterYou've got a new mail!20:31
B0g4r7I assume you have tried rebooting, yes?20:31
Jordan_Usjefen6: Odd, the menu really should be timing out. Can you run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces?20:31
zetterbut the icon disappeared20:31
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:31
jribzetter: stop pressing enter please20:31
Jordan_U!bootinfo | sjefen620:31
ubottusjefen6: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:31
zetterB0g4r7, yes20:31
zetterjrib, i panic, i press enter prematurely20:31
jribzetter: ok, well stop...20:31
zetterwhy? do you get a beep nois every time i press enter?20:32
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jribzetter: no20:32
B0g4r7zetter, see topic.20:32
Sterist!spam | zetter20:32
Steristubottu doesnt know anything about spam :(20:32
ubottuSterist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:32
zetterB0g4r7, i may have slipped with the mouse and then they both disappeared both the icons... is that possible?20:33
meegoooif i install gcc 4.1 with apt, will it remove the current gcc  4.5  ?20:33
jribmeegooo: no20:33
zetterB0g4r7, what is the name of the network thingy under ubuntu natty narwhal?20:33
meegoooi need the both version20:33
executionistcan I dial a ppoe connection from ubuntu? If yes then from where, ty20:34
B0g4r7I dunno zetter.  I'm not that familiar with gnome really.20:34
rasustoin the repos it is called gnome-network-manager20:34
zetterthanks, nm.applet, that's it20:34
meegooojrib: so just must change the gcc link ?20:34
urlin2uzetter, gnome-network-manager-applet  should start it, but will disapeer if you claose the terminal.20:35
jribmeegooo: you'll have gcc-4.1 and gcc-4.520:35
urlin2uzetter, look in startup applications if it is clicked on20:36
rasustognome-network-manager-applet &20:36
rasustomakes it run in bkgrnd20:36
urlin2urasusto, cool did not know that20:36
Steristis there a way to upgrade to maverick from lucid without CD or USB?20:36
jrib!upgrade | Sterist20:36
ubottuSterist: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:36
zetterit is checked on in startup applications. weird.20:36
Jonathan458anybody know much about transmissions for ubuntu?20:37
rasustoi recommend rtorrent20:37
jribJonathan458: ask an actual question20:37
zetterso both the gmail notifier and the network manager are running, it's just the icon have disappeared from the gnome panel.20:37
sjefen6Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/JNqu87wt20:38
executionisthow can I dial a pppoe connection :/20:39
jrib!pppoe | executionist20:39
ubottuexecutionist: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE20:40
mattpatHi there, I just installed 11.04 Server on a Eee Box, and sadly it doesn't contain the network driver for my chipset (the Desktop version does, however). I'm looking for the jme module for the JMC250 controller20:40
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mattpatAny idea how to go about doing that? Without network access? :P20:41
zetterthis is in the network manager box: nm-applet --sm-disable20:42
popeyusb stick? mattpat20:42
zetterwhat's ---sm-disable?20:42
mattpatpopey: Yeah, I have one, but I'm not sure where to *find* the module; can it be found on the Desktop ISO?20:42
tzhuangI'm looking for a file I know is in a folder20:42
popeymattpat: i assume its jme.ko?20:42
tzhuanghidden in one of the subdirectories20:43
rasusto@zetter most likely startup options20:43
popeymattpat: on my 11.10 system there is a /lib/modules/3.0.0-11-generic/kernel/drivers/net/jme.ko20:43
tzhuangif i do a ls -R | grep "pattern"20:43
tzhuang i can see it20:43
tzhuangbut i just don't know which subdirectory it's in20:43
tzhuangany idea?20:43
executionistty jrib, also how can I check if my nic is properly installed and working?20:43
zetterrasusto, let me remove the --sm-disable and see what happens20:43
Aquixtzhuang    man grep20:43
rasusto@zetter if you remove it it doesnt show up in the panel20:44
jribexecutionist: I don't know, just try to use it I guess20:44
tzhuangAquix: doh. okay20:44
zetterrasusto, but it's not showing up in the panel as it is20:44
rasusto@zetter im glad you pointed that out i was wondering how to restart the nm without having to reboot20:44
urlin2usjefen6, your missing /etc/fstab  Jordan_U is better in this area hold on.20:44
bastidrazorzetter: you're seeing that on nm-applet?20:44
jribtzhuang: use "find"20:44
popeymattpat: i see the same file on my 11.04 system too.. /2.6.38-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/jme.ko20:44
memanddoes ubuntu suport intel 64-bit?20:44
Steristjrib ubottoo is not the solution to everything unfortunately. his upgrade commands regarding lucid -> maverick are not up-to-date: it would lead to a Natty install.20:44
rasusto@zetter unity right?20:44
mattpatpopey: Well. It's here. Is there a way to tell if it's being loaded, and if not, load it? (I'm not very familiar with drivers)20:44
xanguamemand: yes20:44
zetterrasusto, natty narwhal classic view?20:45
popeymattpat: lsmod | grep jme20:45
Steristis there a way to upgrade to maverick from lucid without CD or USB?20:45
memandxangua: cool20:45
zetterbastidrazor, startup applications20:45
popeymattpat: that will show if it's loaded20:45
urlin2uSterist, no20:45
rasusto@Sterist the internet20:45
xanguaSterist: just run update manager20:45
mattpatpopey: Well then. It is being loaded. So clearly there's another issue going on, which is considerably more of a problem20:45
popeymattpat: is that a wifi or wired device? (sorry, I only know that computer by name, never used one)20:46
sjefen6urlin2u: this is my fstab http://pastebin.com/VCPMCcaQ20:46
urlin2uSterist, sorry yes20:46
Steristxangua i would just like to reiterate real quick that update manager no longer installs maverick20:46
mattpatpopey: It's wired (and the wireless doesn't work either, but I can live with that)20:46
xanguaSterist: need to enable normal updates, lts default set is to upgrade to lts20:46
tzhuangjrib: thanks!20:46
popeymattpat: anything in dmesg?20:46
popeymattpat: dmesg | grep eth20:46
popeymattpat: or, dmesg | grep jme20:46
urlin2usjefen6, it is not showing in the script in tthe sda120:46
mattpatpopey: Well it looks as though it's just as simple as the network cable isn't working.20:47
popeymattpat: that would be best-case scenario :D20:47
mattpatpopey: I assumed it was more since the installer said it didn't recognize the network interface, but after changing things it seems that the interface is now being recognized, it's just that the cable doesn't work :P20:48
popeymattpat: Huzzah! Time for beer!20:48
urlin2usjefen6, any reason sda1 is a extr220:48
n-iCemy mic works, I can here typing and clicking mouse, but not my voice, how's that even possible?20:48
jribn-iCe: are you a vampire?20:48
mattpatpopey: Thanks for the help :) I'll try it on another port and hope it works. And if it doesn't, well I'll probably be back.20:49
bastidrazorsuper hearing when one turns to the dead side..?20:49
sjefen6urlin2u: it is a default ubuntu-server 11.04 install20:49
n-iCedon't know what's happening20:49
Jordan_Un-iCe: Is this a laptop?20:49
n-iCehow do I configurate my microphone20:49
n-iCeJordan_U:  yes a laptop20:49
urlin2usjefen6, ah, never ran a server20:49
n-iCemic is built in20:50
Jordan_Un-iCe: It makes sense that clicking and typing would be particularly loud at least then.20:50
Jordan_Un-iCe: Do you know where in the laptop the mic is?20:50
n-iCeJordan_U: no20:51
n-iCebut I supposed is next to the webcam20:51
zettergnome is so irritating at times...20:51
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zettericons just disappear, it doesn't launch properly every now and then20:52
tkenneyn-iCe: look for a pinhole anywhere near it, that's usually the mic20:52
n-iCenext to the webca,20:52
n-iCebut no sound20:53
tkenneyn-iCe: usually, yes, but other times is still somewhere on the frame of the LCD20:53
n-iCehow's that important anyway20:53
tkenneyn-iCe: that's the mic20:53
Guest32511Hello Everybody20:53
n-iCeI am screaming at it, and no sound20:54
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tkenneyn-iCe: since I came late to the discussion, what program are you using to listen to the sound?20:54
n-iCetkenney:  well skype, the record one20:55
n-iCetkenney:  http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/screenshotzod.jpg/20:55
n-iCehope that helps, all is set20:55
n-iCejust no sound20:55
tkenneyn-iCe: and you can hear your typing through the speakers, but not your voice, correct?20:55
zetterok, let's assume the nm-applet is not running for me, how would i add it to my gnome panel? natty20:56
n-iCetkenney: right20:56
urlin2uzetter, we told you already20:56
arkhonhey fools20:56
zetterurlin2u, no need to shout20:56
urlin2uzetter, I wasn't20:57
arkhonhow can i place some attributes to my pendrive in linux?20:57
urlin2uzetter, THIS is shouting20:57
zetterso i type gnome-network-manager into terminal and press enter?20:58
=== GoJetsCloud is now known as LoganCloud
anonissimuswhen trying to cnonvert some tiff files I get a cannot open file20:58
urlin2uzetter, gnome-network-manager-applet &20:58
SilverFoxwhere is bash autocomplete configured (what's it called?)20:58
zetterurlin2u, thx20:58
MonkeyDustzetter: try nm-applet20:58
dracmasnm-applet &20:58
urlin2uzetter, NO PROBLEM lol20:58
anonissimuswhile the file is owned by the user runnign the tiffopen cmd20:59
zetterurlin2u, command not found20:59
w30arkhon, you have to make one with persistant storage20:59
zetteri will try MonkeyDust's tip20:59
MonkeyDustzetter: try nm-applet20:59
erkan^which programma can you make a blog for wordpress?20:59
urlin2uzetter, try dracmas command20:59
tkenneyn-iCe: it looks like the system is recognizing more than one mic device. Make sure to check your Sound configuration within Skype21:00
zetterAn instance of nm-applet is already running.21:00
zetter** (nm-applet:2413): WARNING **: <WARN>  constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager.21:00
zetterbut the icon is still not on my gnome panel21:00
dracmasdo you have a tray section on your panel?21:00
MonkeyDustzetter: you can add nm-applet in dconf, moment21:00
n-iCetkenney:  I have selected all the mic options in skype, and is the same21:01
zetterdracmas, what's a tray section? i have clock and weather app21:01
paladinlawcan someone help me with a solution to my low resolution problem? i have searched the web everywhere and tryied their solutions but doesnt help me. My max resolution is 640x480.21:02
rwwSyberBot-LOKI-PC: If you do not stop joining and quitting this channel repeatedly, you will lose access to it.21:02
MonkeyDustzetter: use dconf-editor -- Desktop - Unity - Panel -- there you can add nm-applet21:03
zetteri don't use unity21:03
zetteri changed to classic view21:03
MonkeyDustgreat, neither do i21:03
zetterdconf or gconf?21:04
kon_i am experiencing random lags on one of my systems, some monitoring with iostat showed the cpu is in IOWAIT while this happens. how can i find what the cause for this is and does anybody have some pointers what this could be?21:04
DaSingeHow do i set a script to run at shutdown??21:04
explodesIs there a keyboard command, or a way to assign one, that switches between workspaces (like Expose` on a Mac)21:04
tkenneyn-iCe: just out of curiosity, have you launched Skype as root from the terminal and tested the audio that way?21:05
Polahexplodes, ctrl+alt+arrow keys by default21:05
w30explodes, or control aternate down arrow21:06
uns0b1lli need to automatically run this every time my ubuntu starts up : udo ifconfig tup0 up21:06
uns0b1llany way to automate it ?21:07
explodesexcellent, thanks everyone21:07
Polahuns0b1ll: Add it to cron with @reboot21:07
explodesuns0b1ll: system > preferences > startup applications21:07
explodesbut Polah's answer is more technical21:07
PolahDaSinge: Adding it to /etc/rc0.d might work.21:08
MonkeyDustzetter: try killall nm-applet, it will disappear and reappear21:08
uns0b1llcant edit /usr/bin/crontab or cron21:08
uns0b1llforgot how to edit crontab21:09
w30uns0b1ll, maybe rc.ocal?21:09
zetterMonkeyDust, some guy in gnome helped me... i added the notification area applet to the panel21:09
zetterand they appeared again21:09
llutzuns0b1ll: crontab -e21:09
zetterboth icons21:09
Polahuns0b1ll, crontab -e , you may want to do it with sudo to run the command as root if it's for networking21:09
nessusI run Ubuntu 10.04 off of a key drive! Will the 32 bit version run on a 64 bit processor21:09
uns0b1llwhy is there 2 daemons ? crontab and rc.local ?21:09
paladinlawcan someone help me with a solution to my low resolution problem? i have searched the web everywhere and tryied their solutions but doesnt help me. My max resolution is 640x480.21:09
llutzuns0b1ll: rc.local isn't a daemon, it is a script running at boottime21:10
sjefen6Jordan_U: you got anything?21:10
uns0b1llperhaps i use that instead ? can i just type same commands there21:10
zelozelosanybody know about xcursorgen, i know how to use it, i was wondering in the config file is it necessary to use the full path of the image or will it work in the directory the config and terminal is in when invoked?21:10
Uxihii ppl!!21:10
uns0b1llsince i rather not change cron too much21:11
zetterMonkeyDust, i must have slipped with the most and deleted the notification area applet from my panel21:11
uns0b1llIn order to enable or disable this script just change the execution21:11
uns0b1ll# bits. =- what is that mean /21:11
uns0b1llcan i just type my "ifconfig tap0" there ?21:12
MonkeyDustzetter: we're here to help and learn (amen)21:12
zelozelosin other words can i change 50 8 0 /home/zelo/Desktop/arrow12/0010.png 100 so all the line has is    50 8 0 /0010.png 100  to save a ton of extra typing when i make multiple config files?21:12
zetterMonkeyDust, yes thank you21:12
w30paladinlaw, maybe your video driver ony supports 640x480?21:12
Polahnessus: Yes. 32-bit will run on 32- and 64-bit capable processors. 64-bit architecture will only run on 64-bit capable processors21:12
paladinlaww30: the driver or the card?21:12
nessusThanks Polah21:13
paladinlaww30: because i got a geforce 250 GTS21:13
Polahzelozelos, ~/Desktop/0010.png  would replace /home/user part of the path21:13
w30paladinlaw, probably the driver unless your video card is 40 years old21:13
paladinlaww30: hmm i used the driver that came with "additional drivers"21:14
paladinlaww30: the card is like 1 year old or something21:14
zelozelosPolah well  that helps a little ;_) thankyou21:14
w30paladinlaw, additional drivers as in Nvidia? propriatory21:15
Polahzelozelos: Or if you're doing multiple lines with the same thing in a single script, you could use variables to define it once them just replace the value with the variable later in the script.21:15
paladinlaww30: the hardware driver software which is in ubuntu.21:16
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zelozelosPolah i guess ill try without the path and just the filename, its not a script persay its strictly formatted no extra spaces, entries, even blank lines or it wont read the config file correctly21:16
Polahzelozelos: Can't put them in ""?21:17
zelozelospolah i dont think so but i havent tried, im not that good w that kind of stuff yet21:17
kon_anyone had performance issues due to CPU iowait on ubuntu 64 bit with multicore + raid?21:17
w30paladinlaw, I use the Nvidia drivers avaiable when you enable the mutiverse repos or whatever they are caed21:17
zelozelosPolah i figured if it errors out on an extra space it prob wont take anything other then the specified line21:18
paladinlaww30: what do you mean?21:18
Polahzelozelos, if you have a space in an unconfined string then it'll attempt to parse the values on either side of the space as two strings, if you put the entire string with spaces in "", '' or similar then it'll read it as a single string, or should do. Or you could try escaping your spaces by putting a \ before them, for example  /etc/file\ space/blah21:19
paladinlaww30: im new to ubuntu:P21:19
w30paladinlaw, goto system admin additiona drivers and use that21:20
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paladinlawi am21:20
mattpatpopey: Turns out the network jack on my Eee does not appear to be properly seated. If I hold it in tightly, I get a link, but if I just let it sit there I don't. That, I can solve later. The other issue, though, is that I only get an IPv6 address. Thoughts?21:20
zelozelosPolah i wish i could write a script that would run xcursorgen, and allows for input for the numbered items to be entered in only once and would read the folder and make the config on the fly as it read each image in the folder varibles21:20
paladinlaww30: i am doing it21:20
popeymattpat: thats odd, no idea, sorr21:21
zelozelosif that makes any sense to you ;) not sure it even does to me hahaa21:21
meegoooi need gcc 4.1 header files in  /usr/include , but they are  4.5 ? what should i do ?21:21
paladinlaww30: i think before i installed it i could have 800x600 but when i installed it i can only choose 640x48021:21
zelozelosPolah, maybe i should do a psudo code for the logic and see what i can come up with...it would save a TON of work even for just one pointer theme21:22
Polahmattpat: That'll be configuration on your computer or whatever you use to assign IPs to your network (probably a router)21:22
mattpatPolah: Do you know where to look for those settings?21:22
paladinlaww30: brb going to restart comp.21:22
uns0b1llhow to view all my usb serial adapters ? dmesg or lscpi21:24
ni1suns0b1ll, lsusb21:25
paladinlaww30: back21:25
uns0b1llye just remembed it :) thanks - now i see each line for individual serial port21:25
uns0b1llbut i cant see my usb-to-serial adapters ;(21:26
uns0b1lli have 4 total but only one showing21:26
paladinlawis envy good to use to install graphic drivers?21:28
w30paladinlaw, when you install the propriatory drivers you (me any way) gets a System admin NVIDIA Xserver settings21:28
paladinlaww30: ye i got that21:28
w30paladinlaw, mess with that then21:29
paladinlaww30: tryied... no luck21:29
mattpatAnyone familiar with getting wifi to work on the eee box eb1007 under Ubuntu Server? I'm not even sure what to add to /etc/network/interfaces, or what driver it uses (it's an Atheros chipset, but not sure what to look for in lsmod)21:29
paladinlaww30: max resolution 640x480.21:29
mouse_I have a imwheel question.  I've mapped page_up and page_down to a couple of extra mouse buttons but what I'm wondering is there a way to use these buttons in a window by hovering the cursor over it and without changing focus to it?21:30
meegooois there gcc 4.1 available for install on 11.04 ?21:31
w30paladinlaw, another thing: the additional driver tool is very confusing to me anyway, there is two driver choices and you have to activate one. and it seems to work the opposite as to what I percieve it to be.21:31
johwilHi. tryed usx2yloader did NOT WORK to install TASCAM us144mkII. Anyone? I need help.21:31
genii-around!info gcc natty21:32
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.98ubuntu3)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.2-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB21:32
paladinlaww30: i installed both :P21:32
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w30paladinlaw, you have exceeded my knowledge unless you can pick a different monitor somehow?  :=(21:33
johwilWhy can't I get TASCAM us144mkII working?21:34
paladinlaww30: hmm.. cant .... nvm thx for your help. i will try to remove the driver and install it again :D21:34
w30paladinlaw, all my installs find me a decent monitor spec  though21:35
erik1984Just a quick question, how to search in your commands history? I forgot21:35
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mattpatWould it make sense that my Atheros-chipset wifi adapter might be called phy0? Trying to add that in /etc/network/interfaces results in no success, but I see a few lines in dmesg that seem to indicate that's what it's called21:35
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Hingerik: up arrow, if that's what you're asking about.21:36
paladinlaww30: wierd... well well21:36
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paladinlaww30: i will try to fix it. anyway thx for your help :D21:36
erik1984Hing: I mean outputting the history and then grep the keywoard you are looking for.21:37
evil_andyI'm having issues with multicast traffic.  It appears that the kernel is throwing away multicast traffic unless I explicitly set the promisc flag on the interface. I've already set all of the rp_filter sysctls to 0 and added the route to This is driving me crazy21:37
evil_andyany help would be greatly appreciated21:37
funkeyyHi evrbdy!! i just set up a new 550 GTX TI in my ubuntu 10.04 machine.. now everything works just fine BUT when i reboot, the resolution is always set back to an awkward eye-cancer-inducing clumsy-FTW-Resolution.. does anyone know how to fix that?21:37
evil_andythe system is ubuntu 10.1021:38
w30erik1984, cat $HOME/.bash_history21:39
llutzerik1984: ctrl-r21:40
Dog_Matixnessus: yes the 32bit version will work on a 64 bit processor21:42
nadiyamaHi all, while my speakers work fine as soon as I plug headphones it doesn't. It's not a headphone/sound card problem as it works in Windows. My sound card is HDA Intel PCH, and in alsamixer the headphone bar is at 100<>100, any hel please?21:44
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erik1984w30 and llutz, thanks!21:46
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n-iCeanyone can help me? I use INTEL HDA but my microphone is not working, any idea how to activate it I use a laptop and it is built in21:47
techcrisissup all21:47
Guest7544I am trying to set up a webcam. i have video but the microphone has no sound. any ideas?21:47
techcrisisdid you try changing it in the sounds menu?21:48
techcrisisit allows you to select an input21:48
nadiyaman-iCe: install alsamixer, run it, press f4 and put everything at 10021:48
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n-iCenadiyama: done, does not work21:49
nadiyaman-iCe: now go to the sound menu and check if it's selected or muted21:50
erik1984Anyone having trouble uploading stuff to UbuntuOne lately? It happened quite a few times that I dragged a file to the UbuntuOne folder and it kept syncing.21:50
Dog_Matixn-iCe: Does the mic work in other applications?21:51
n-iCenadiyama: is not21:51
n-iCeDog_Matix: does not work at all in any21:51
andorubuntu isn't recognizing any usb devices plugged into my machine, lsusb hangs, cat /dev/bus/usb/002/002 does the same but all other ports seem okay, and all ports work fine under windows21:52
Dog_Matixn-iCe: How about in alternative operating systems?21:53
n-iCenadiyama: indeed when I try to record I hear lot of noises but no voice, in windows working fine21:53
Guest7544I am trying to use skype and it says, "your system has pulseaudio running and i need to change it. does anyone know what that means21:53
nadiyaman-iCe: I think I've got the same card as you and it doesn't work for me also21:53
nadiyaman-iCe: do headphones work for you?21:54
andorGuest7544: did you get skype from the software center, or did you download it elsewhere?21:54
Guest7544andor: software center21:54
n-iCenadiyama: I have not tried21:54
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Jordan_Uandor: I would file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug linux" then try a vanilla upstream kernel.21:55
nadiyaman-iCe: what model is your card?21:55
Jordan_UGuest166: What version of Ubuntu?21:55
n-iCe00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)21:56
mouse_I have a imwheel question.  I've mapped page_up and page_down to a couple of extra mouse buttons but what I'm wondering is there a way to use these buttons in a window by hovering the cursor over it and without changing focus to it?21:59
w30mouse_, I think in your config somewhere you can change focus to hover, would that help? but that is for every thing mouse22:03
_6502_Hello, i'm trying to get my hp 1018 working with ubuntu 10.10/64bit. After connecting the printer the system tells me downloading a plugin from an hp server is required but after dowloading the plugin i get the error "plug-in file does not match its digital signature". What can I do?22:03
_6502_except moving to windows, i mean :-)22:04
mouse_w30, So that would make it so the window focus would change to whatever the cursor is hovering over?22:04
w30mouse_, yeah22:04
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mouse_w30, That seems a little excessive but maybe it would be handy to know later.  Do you know the name of this?22:06
w30mouse_, it might be in compiz config  or system preferences mouse22:07
mouse_w30, Oh I think I know what you're talking about.22:07
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w30mouse_, its not in system preferencs mouse; I just checked22:10
newerthherohi all22:10
newerthheronvidia-settings dont save screen resolutoin22:10
newerthherowhen i reboot the resolution changes back22:10
w30mouse_, look around in compiz config settings manager22:11
Jordan_Usjefen6: At the grub menu, can you press 'c' to get to the grub shell then run "echo $timeout; echo $recordfail"?22:11
newerthherohow do i change this?22:12
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mouse_w30, From my personal experiences I know that feature is most common in xfce and openbox.22:13
Hinghey guys22:14
andorhaha, apparently ubuntu-bug runs into the same problem i'm already having with usb22:14
andorand can't get anywhere22:14
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Aqua23Has anyone on here used Wine?22:15
yeats!anyone | Aqua2322:15
ubottuAqua23: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:15
Jordan_Uandor: Then file a bug report manually, and try the latest vanilla kernel.22:15
Aqua23How come when I run Team Fortress 2 in wine and play it all the characters appear white??22:16
Aqua23I use Steam as my client22:16
sjefen6Jordan_U: sorry, I dont have physical access to the tardware at the moment. Will try it tomorrow22:16
Aqua23and also  how come when I click the system info tab on Steam . Steam crashes?22:16
Aqua23What is the cause?22:16
yeatsAqua23: probably better to ask in #winehq22:16
andorJordan_U: is there a repository i should get the kernel from, or should i install it manually?22:17
Jordan_Uandor: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.1-rc4-oneiric/22:17
Jordan_Uandor: You're welcome.22:17
HingI've been struggling with this for some time: I never use email clients, I always go and use the web browser to check my email, anyway, do you know, how to paste a html code into your mail? I know it's not what this room supports, but I don't know where to go.22:17
newerthheroi dont get sound in id tech 4 games22:17
newerthherothey dont use pulseaudio22:18
newerthherohow do i enable another sound library?22:18
mamece2i hav several problem, please help me, first: starting configure network device FAILED, seccond:mount all disconnected from plymouth, what do?22:19
Jordan_Usjefen6: My guess is that the next time you boot, if you don't pres any key, the grub menu will timeout.22:20
ubottuEn la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:22
andornewerthhero: alsa is installed by default, and you can get the alsa-oss package to enable alsa to handle oss22:22
newerthherocan i only enable oss without alsa?22:23
Hinganyone? (html question)22:25
andornewerthhero: you could replace alsa with oss4, with the oss4-base package22:25
newerthheroandor: do i install that with synaptic?22:25
andoryes, or apt-get from the command line22:25
mamece2i hav several problem, please help me, first: starting configure network device FAILED, seccond:mount all disconnected from plymouth, what do?22:26
ChogyDanmamece2: how did you get into this mess?22:26
urlin2u!details | mamece222:26
ubottumamece2: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:26
mamece2chogydan i installed ubuntu 11 and BT5 (ubuntu 10) then i erased wicd22:27
mamece2chogydan ubottu and then i erased some partition with free space. i cant get to ubuntu 11 GUI22:28
Shwaiilhi ppl22:28
YcareneSo, when is Canonical going to drop pulseaudio from its future releases?22:28
urlin2umamece2, and your trying to fix the b43 in backtrack correct?22:28
matheus_hello, anyone?22:28
ChogyDanYcarene: I think pulse is the standard beyond Ubuntu now22:28
ShwaiilQ: I forgot to create some directories and since I'm programming, my script created for me. The thing is, I dont have permissions. How can I change it directly on the folder ? Thanks!22:28
kon_anyone familiar with slowness caused by high cpu iowait cycles?22:28
Jordan_UYcarene: Not for the foreseeable future. If you'd like to rant about pulseaudio please do it elsewhere.22:29
mamece2ubottu chogydan urlin2u when i get to GUI mode (sometimes i can) i get this message about no hard drive space22:29
ubottumamece2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:29
YcareneChogyDan - Oh22:29
sheroroxhas anyone had any luck ordering anything using hhgregg online checkout? ive been trying to order something for like 4 hours22:29
bkerensaJordon_U: Its not very polite to address others that way22:30
newerthheropulseaudio is crap22:30
ChogyDanShwaiil: chmod is the command you are looking for, I believe.22:30
mamece2i tryed this to fix the mountall disconnected from plymouth , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1602767   with no positive result22:31
ChogyDanmamece2: did you check your harddisk space?22:31
newerthheroandor: after installing it, how do i start the game with that package?22:31
ShwaiilChogyDan, tks for looking! I can used chmod in cli right ?22:31
mamece2chogydan the sda1 partition have 6 GB left but still i get the message about no hard drive space22:31
urlin2ubkerensa, I suspect this is not their only encounter.22:31
sparcI've been spoiled by Redhat...  what's the correct way to check and manipulate which services start on boot?22:32
sparcor on runlevel x22:32
andornewerthhero: here's a good guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound22:32
ChogyDanShwaiil: yeah, you may want to google for some tutorials or examples to learn how to use it.  If you still need help, post here with the specifics of what changes you want to make22:32
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bkerensaurlin2u: Perhaps but I did not see any recent comments today so it was a bit uncalled for22:32
ShwaiilChogyDan, I use chmod in ftp, tryed right now trough > chmod 777 folderName22:32
ChogyDanShwaiil: that should do it :)22:33
ShwaiilChogyDan, it didnt.. the folders in ubuntu have a symbol locked22:33
ChogyDansparc: Ubuntu uses upstart right now,22:33
ni1sShwaiil, try chmod u+rwX /path/to/dir22:33
mamece2chogydan i cant merge ext4 partition to the sda1 partition, how can i make that partition bigger? why i have the no harddrive message if i got 6 GB left?22:33
Shwaiilnils tks i'll try :)22:33
rubbitydibdabIf I replace the regular linux hernel with nvidia-kernel-2.6.32-5-686, will it automatically use OpenGL22:34
Shwaiilnils didnt worked the folder is kept locked. the symbol22:34
rubbitydibdabI can't ask in #debian cuz I'm +qed there22:34
ChogyDanmamece2: you need space on the partition where you have it installed22:34
rubbitydibdabmaia ho maia ha ha22:34
rubbitydibdabma-i-a he!  ma-i-a ha ma-i-a ho ma-i-a ha ha22:35
urlin2ubkerensa, this is abusy channel and there are regulars who come here for help in various forms that are not within even close to the topic, even after being told this many times. Not any of is perfect, so calling out a Ubuntu is not much better to be honest.member22:35
ni1sShwaiil, then I would assume its owned by another user, try chmod a+rwX /foo22:35
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xsinickHey has the new unity ubuntu been getting updates22:35
mamece2chogy i have 6 GB left. how can i make more space in the clean up harddrive wizard?22:35
xsinickis ti getting better22:35
xsinickthose any one know?22:35
urlin2uubuntu member*22:35
ChogyDanxsinick: ask in #ubuntu+122:35
Element9anyone know how can I get libstdc++.so.6.0.15?22:35
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ChogyDanmamece2: Im sorry, Im getting confused,  where is your ubuntu installed?22:36
silverarrowDoes anyone know how to download videos from livestream.com?22:36
Shwaiilnils nopppp didnt worked :) maybe I should do it from php, thats how I created the folder ?!22:36
sparcHey, do you all think update-rc.d, is the right program to use, to manipulate which services start at which runlevels?22:36
Shwaiilbut I wish I could do it directly in the cli :P22:36
symesparc its more complicated than a lot of people want22:36
symebut thats what it does22:36
ChogyDansparc: what are you trying to do?  You may want to use upstart22:37
xsinickChogyDan: why not here?22:37
silverarrowdoes anyone downloads videostreams in Ubuntu?22:37
mamece2chogydan my ubuntu 11 is installed in partition sda1, sometimes i can get to GUI repair mode, but i only have this wizard to see how is my space distributed in the partition22:37
bkerensaurlin2u: Code of Conduct applies channel and being rude to others is not appropriate... It was simply a kind reminder22:37
urlin2ubkerensa, k22:38
ni1sShwaiil, thats odd, getfacl /foo might give you some clues22:38
sparcChogyDan: I want check check what's running at runlevels 3, 4, and 5, and turn some of them off.  I also want to get my company's packages, to start on 3-5 using either upstart or SysV22:38
ChogyDanxsinick: because all improvements go into the next release,22:38
Shwaiilnils i'll try :D tks (i'm sorry about so much questions, I come from win :P )22:38
xsinickChogyDan: I see, thank you22:38
memandhi guys, does someone here have the skills to help me install grub and a kernel thru the shell?22:38
xangua!grub | memand22:38
ubottumemand: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:38
ni1sShwaiil, no worries22:39
ChogyDan!upstart | sparc you probably need to at least look at this22:39
ubottusparc you probably need to at least look at this: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:39
symei vouch highly for the supergrub2 disk, freeware22:39
sparcChogyDan: thank you :)22:39
Shwaiilnils this told me who the owner is.22:39
symesaved a lot of installs22:39
seag33kAnyone setup a server to stream a webcam? I am looking to use a webcam to monitor our front door which is downstairs.22:39
mamece2chogydan what if i remove the xorg.conf ? to get rid of the "mount all disconnected from plymouth" problem?22:39
Shwaiilnils the thing is the username is the same as my login :T22:39
urlin2u!tab | syme22:40
ubottusyme: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:40
ni1sShwaiil, what happens when ls -l /foo/*22:40
Shwaiilnils i'll try :)22:40
ChogyDanmamece2: what partition did you install Ubuntu to?22:40
mamece2ChogyDan: sda122:41
memandxangua, I am in rescue mode and need to chose weather to execute the shell in /dev/sda3 or in the installer environment?22:41
Shwaiilnils, I can see all the files on that folder22:41
ChogyDanmamece2: do you know how big sda1 is?22:41
Shwaiil-rwxrwxrwx 1 www-data www-data  6625 2011-09-12 23:15 167f0cffb5794450c498ad8202e2779f8dfaea90.cache22:41
Shwaiillike this22:41
Jordan_Umemand: What problem are you trying to solve?22:41
silverarrowwho uses youtube-dl in terminal , or download addons in firefox?22:42
mamece2ChogyDan:  yes, 126 GB , 6GB free22:42
ni1sShwaiil, well it looks fine now22:42
memandxangua, BTW I am writing from my Android so sorry for looong response time22:42
andybrinedoes anyone know any software on ubuntu that wil convert audio to text22:42
rasustoi have a download addon for chrome22:42
andybrinelike text to speach but the other way round22:43
symealso known as voice recognition22:43
silverarrowrasusto, can you download this video? http://www.livestream.com/private/rebeccamessenger/video?clipId=pla_86fd63cc-151b-43d0-bbdf-f18ff7405e56&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb22:43
Shwaiilnils, oh yeah, this was the ones I created, I forgot to try over the actuall fodlers the script created <-- duh :X I'll try the commands u gave me sorry about this lol22:43
silverarrowoh, really long link22:43
Shwaiilchmod: changing permissions of `espana/menu_lib/': Operation not permitted22:44
Shwaiilchmod a+rwX folder22:44
silverarrowrasusto, you might have to use password azna22:44
heylelshalemhey anybody know about sound mixers?22:44
heylelshalemim totally stumped22:44
silverarrowheylelshalem: alsamixer?22:44
Shwaiilahh placing the sudo before chmod maked it work22:44
ChogyDanmamece2: so you have 6GB left on that partition, you installed only to that. and how did this problem start?22:45
heylelshalemyeah well i installed a external soundcard22:45
heylelshalemand im running music software in wine22:45
memandJordan_u, I where trying to install the newest dev kernel because I have very new laptop and I where hoping for better hardware support, but it could not load the kernel or grub22:45
ni1sShwaiil, add the -R argument to chmod to make the changes recursive22:45
memandso now I'm fed22:45
mamece2ChogyDan:  because i erased the swap partition and the free space partition22:45
funkeyyHI everybody! my new graphic adapter works jsut find (550 GTX TI).. but after every login it forces some wired standard-resolution to be set.. how can i permanently define 1920x1080 as set Resolution? (The button in NVIDIA Settings saying "Savee to X Configuration File" does not work)22:45
Shwaiilnils thanks a lot for your help!!22:45
heylelshalemmy music player and video player works but i get no sound from my music software22:45
ni1sShwaiil, you probably wernt the owner of that dir22:45
Jordan_Umemand: What could not load the kernel or grub? What happens when you try to boot Ubuntu?22:45
heylelshalemit looks like it is muted but i cant figure out how to unmute it22:46
Shwaiilnils nop! I created trough my php script22:46
rasusto@silverarrow that isnt a youtube video22:46
memandJordan_u, the installer22:46
newerthheroi installed oss422:47
szal!sound | heylelshalem22:47
ubottuheylelshalem: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:47
newerthherobut no sound22:47
ChogyDanmamece2: yeah, Im unsure.  I may be able to reinstall over top your ubuntu install, and keep all your files.  Maybe you need to edit fstab so it points to the correct partitions or something22:47
silverarrowrasusto, no it's not, but it's suppose to be down loadable,  I'm not shore how22:47
ChogyDanmemand: 3.0 kernel?  I don't think it is a good idea to install that kernel on earlier Ubuntu releases22:48
mamece2ChogyDan:  how can i reinstall and keep my files? i didnt see that option when i started with LIVE USB22:48
memandJordan_u it says grub>rescue no such file found. or something along those lines... aka it does not load grub22:48
symealong the lines of youtube-dl , anyone know if theres a program similar to that that can record from silverlight or moonlight?22:48
szalmamece2: depends on your partitioning22:48
Jordan_Umemand: That likely has nothing to do with installing a newer kernel. Do you have more than one hard drive?22:49
ChogyDanmamece2: is there any way that you could backup your files?22:49
silverarrowsyme, maybe some of the firefox addons, or gnome-player extentions, I am searching for much the same22:49
mamece2szal chogydan i have one for ubuntu 10 and one for ubuntu 11 and their swap partition22:49
symei used to be able to do it in an older firefox22:49
memandJordan_u no but more than one partition22:49
symebut the newer firefox has severely cramped the operation and , even , compatibility of silverlight at least for 64 bit22:49
mamece2ChogyDan:  yes i have a external HD, what the folder that i need to keep? the one with my user name? thats all?22:49
szalmamece2: iow, you don't have a separate /home partition?  if so, there's no way you keep your files w/o a backup22:50
Jordan_Umemand: Have you changed partitioning or tried to do anything with grub (other than just installing a new kernel package) recently?22:50
ChogyDanmamece2: sure, I mean, you have some 100GB+ files, whatever those files are, back them up.  Maybe just the whole drive.    THEN, I would try just reinstalling over top.  It should keep all your files intact; the back is just in case22:51
heylelshalemdamn im screwed lol22:51
mamece2szal i dont have a separate /home partition, i would like to have one from now and on.. :(22:51
mamece2ChogyDan: so i should choose install and pick the sda1 partition (the one wheres installed right now)?22:52
ChogyDanmamece2: folks from Canonical said you don't need separate /homes anymore, just make the backup just in case22:52
memandJordan_u, no... but anywho I am now in rescue mode from the cd and I have the choose between launching a shell I either /dev/sda3 or in the installer environment, can we work with this?22:52
cassieCan anyone give me a suggestion for using grooveshark in ubuntu?22:52
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mamece2ChogyDan:  i will try to empty the trash can from CLI , and then try rescue mode GUI, what do u think?22:53
symejust launch in the installer environment memand22:53
ChogyDanmamece2: sure22:53
memandsyme ok22:53
symeonly need to launch on the hard drive in specific cases22:53
ChogyDanmamece2: regarding the install, I *think* you need to do manual partitioning, and select the partition there.  You will get a warning that critical folders will be deleted; that is a good sign22:54
Jordan_Umemand: Choose to launch a shell in /dev/sda3.22:54
memandsyme, ok I have shell where do I go from here?22:54
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symeidk ive never installed from a command line <8 i just use automated grubdisk to fix grub problems22:54
memandJordan_u I launched it in the installer now :/22:55
Jordan_Umemand: Can you connect to the internet from within this shell?22:55
memandjordan_u I should be able to22:56
pr0xyHow can I connect to a wifi network?22:56
BUS73Dif i run wireshark with "sudo wireshark" do i become vulnerable?22:56
urlin2u!details | pr0xy22:57
ubottupr0xy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:57
prakasBUS73D: no22:57
Jordan_Umemand: Do you have a LiveCD? It will make life easier if you do as I'd like you to download a script and pastebin its output.22:57
ChogyDanBUS73D: 2 things, use gksu for graphical programs, and second, I can't get wireshark to work without gksu anyway, so I hope not22:57
Jordan_U!gksudo | BUS73D22:57
ubottuBUS73D: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use Ā« gksudo Ā», as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:57
BUS73Dprakas : thx i thought yes cause wireshark pops up a warning message about running it as root22:57
memandI can't get any of my live cd's to work on this machine... it's quite weird22:58
pr0xyMy friend has a problem on 11.04 connecting to a WiFi network using a usb wifi antenna.22:58
BUS73Dubottu: thx!22:58
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=== Sagacious is now known as Dice-Man
memandJordan_u I can't get any of my live cd's to work on this machine... it's quite weird22:58
marriedman624Can someone help a noob with moving HOME from root partition to and empty partition?22:59
andybrinesorry just got back23:00
bastidrazor!seperatehome > marriedman62423:00
ChogyDanmarriedman624: what guide are you following?23:00
urlin2upr0xy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported  these might help.23:00
LorenzoCould someone help me set up a hotmail account using Evolution23:00
bastidrazormarriedman624: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving23:01
andybrinedos anyone know any software to convert speech to text?23:01
memandJordan_u, I can take a picture of the screen with my phone and send it ...23:01
marriedman624ChogyDan: I have looked at a few guides but haven't gotten of them to work23:01
marriedman624bastidrazor: Thanks, I'll check it out23:01
ScuniziI'm considering doing the "upgrade path" from 10.10 to 11.04.  I typically don't have much success with that but wondered how 11.04 is with a dual monitor setup both after the upgrade and during?23:01
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lion42andybrine, there's none that really work on linux yet. There's none that really work well on anything, but the situation especially sucks on linux. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Speech_recognition_in_Linux23:02
LorenzoCould some one help me set up Evolution using hotmail?23:02
andybrinelion42 damn thats a shame!! Thanks for the link though23:02
bastidrazorLorenzo: do you have a paid hotmail account?23:02
ScuniziLorenzo, unless you're paying for their service I don't think you can..23:03
symeScunizi , i prefer the "classic desktop" 11.04's new setup imho hasnt been optimized yet23:03
symefor dual monitors23:03
symejmho though23:03
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Scunizisyme, how 'bout with kubuntu? any idea?23:03
BUS73Dubottu: your bot is funny23:03
bastidrazorLorenzo: please keep the conversation in channel. you can not use hotmail with evolution if you don't pay for hotmail. they block forwarding23:04
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Lorenzookay thank you.23:04
symeScunizi kde has some cool features but there are also tradeoffs.  i like ubuntu classic gnome desktop the most but kde is generally able to be configured more powerfully , easier23:04
urlin2uandybrine, here is a link with a little web search, http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/55794.aspx23:04
bastidrazorLorenzo: gmail works great with evolution!23:04
Lorenzookay, I'll see if i can get the person to convert23:05
andybrineurlin2u, thanks23:05
Scunizisyme, I use both (or 3) classic gnome on desktop and kde.. lappy is unity.. I guess my real question is will the upgrade hang in the middle with dual monitors?23:05
bastidrazor!gmail > Lorenzo ::if you get them to convert23:05
ubottuLorenzo, please see my private message23:05
Lorenzothank you.23:06
bastidrazorLorenzo: you're welcome23:06
symeScunizi from the default configuration and with only minor effort and tweaks, i did not find the unity desktop to be taking the most advantage of 2 monitors23:07
memand(memand) Jordan_u, I can take a picture of the screen with my phone and send it ...23:07
symeIt seems like a thing where, they're kind of demo'ing it now, and it will be a lot more refined later on23:07
Jordan_Umemand: Never mind about boot info script for now then. Run "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt && sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev && sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc && sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys && sudo chroot /mnt"23:07
Jordan_Umemand: Tell me when you're done with that.23:08
memandJordan_u, all as one line?23:08
Jordan_Umemand: Yes.23:08
symei quit ubuntu after being a steadfast follower, and switched to kde cause unity desktop i dont think is refined enough yet really23:08
rasustounity works for me23:09
symeunity seems promising as hell23:09
rasusto11.10 is gonna be awesome23:09
lion42Someone let the fanboys out.23:10
andybrineaparently festival does speech to text??23:10
andybrineI thought it was the other way round23:10
urlin2ulion42, hehe23:10
kionIs there a way to have Realplayer on Ubuntu 64 bits?23:10
andybrineyeah you can doenload it and just install it23:11
andybrinejust go to the realplayer website, it will have an installer23:11
Dog_Matixrasuto: It is awesome.23:11
=== BoomerBile is now known as HackAPhaze
ScuniziWhen changing the Power management settings, do they take effect immediately or only after a logout and login?23:13
urlin2uScunizi, imm23:13
Scuniziurlin2u, good.. thanks23:13
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memandJordan_u, says "/bin/sh: sudo: not found"23:14
Jordan_Umemand: Remove sudo from all of the commands (you can press the up arrow so that you don't need to type it all again).23:15
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kionandybrine: they apparently just have a .deb file that only works for 386 architecture...23:16
andybrinekion, you can install that one and it should work fine23:17
memandJordan_u ok done :)23:17
andybrinei used to use it on a 64bit install23:17
Jordan_Umemand: Now run "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" It will ask you some questions, for the first two questions about kernel parameters simply leave them at their defaults and continue on by pressing enter. Stop when you get to the question about install devices and upload a picture of what you see.23:18
kionandybrine:  I try to open that but ubuntu software center will disable the install button and tell me that the architecture is not compatible...23:18
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andybrinekion, you will have to install from terminal amnd force architecture23:19
memandJordan_u it just says "strxfrm() gets absurd."23:20
kion andybrine: i found a place that states to use this: wget http://www.real.com/realcom/R?href=http://forms.real.com/real/player/download.html?f=unix/RealPlayer11GOLD.bin23:20
kionandybrine: but as I do not see any .bin on the realplayer page, I don't really trust it.23:20
andybrinekion, yeah that should work also23:20
=== BarBlitz is now known as Smoo
Jordan_Umemand: Are you able to / do you mind burning another CD?23:21
andybrinekion that install is fine23:21
andybrineI have used the same link many times23:21
andybrineit is a trusted link23:21
kionandybrine: ok should i just chmod +x it and then run?23:21
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memandactually I just used my last one :/23:21
Jordan_Umemand: OK. Are you back at a prompt?23:22
cassie_Could someone help me with using hotmail with evolution?23:23
memandyeah 2 minutes I just have to change room, my mate is going to bed23:23
zebastianortishello there, I have (L)ubuntu on my laptop on dual boot with windows 7, I am having to reinstall windows 7 due to a virus, i have already backed up, I am thinking of upgrading to (L)ubuntu 11.04 my question is the following, can I leave ubuntu untouched and install the new version of windows where the version of windows i am deleting is currently on(partitionwise) and otherwise what is more convenient, installing ubuntu first or windows first th23:23
zebastianortisank you -YT: Sebastian Ortiz, first principles23:23
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Jordan_Umemand: Run "grub-install /dev/sda"23:24
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=== mikec11_ is now known as mikec11
urlin2uzebastianortis, you have a install disc for W7?23:25
cassie_Could someone help me with using hotmail with evolution?23:25
andybrinekion you fwill have to run force architecture on the insall23:25
MonkeyDustzebastianortis: windoze will overwrite GRUB, you will have to repair it23:25
OerHekscassie_, hotmail does not work with evolution, ... unless you pay for it, forwarding23:25
lion42zebastianortis, if you have a backup of your ubuntu partition, I'd just go ahead and install windows over everything and then use the default 11.04 installer to repartition later. That'd be the fastest method if you don't have a lot of files, or if you have a recovery disc and not an install disc especially.23:25
zebastianortisurlin2u,  yes i do23:25
bastidrazorcassie_: didn't you just ask that earlier with a different nick?23:25
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skegeekHow do we get the close/minimize/maximize buttons back to the right corner of the window?23:25
OerHekscassie_, you have asked this before23:25
Jordan_U!controls | skegeek23:25
ubottuskegeek: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263323:25
xanguaOerHeks: cassie_ hotmail via pop3 works23:25
urlin2uzebastianortis, no problem have it write to that ntfs and as suggested grub will need to be reloaded in the mbr.23:25
tatrasielright click and ckick settings then customize to chang eit23:26
zebastianortislion42, so basically install windows, then install and leave no unused space then install ubuntu and repartition part of the windows partition?23:26
tatrasielright click and ckick settings then customize to change it23:26
urlin2uzebastianortis, the disc is not the OEM right?23:26
Smoois it cause of windows partition being at end of drive ?23:26
cassie_but it's linux, can't you do anything w/linux?23:26
zebastianortisurlin2u, oem?23:26
lion42zebastianortis, that's what i'd do IF I had a "recovery disc". But I can't tell you what to do if you have vanilla windows, as I don't know if it has tools to specify a partition.23:26
pr0xyis it possible to use a linksys WUSB11 for wifi in 11.04?23:27
memandJordan_u ok I'm back, what was the question?23:27
lion42zebastianortis, did you get your windows cd from a windows box, or from your computer manufacturer?23:27
urlin2uzebastianortis, OEM is what you get from a distibuter like Dell lets say it will write the who;e HD.23:27
ScuniziIs there a "show desktop" shortcut in Unity?23:27
Jordan_Umemand: Are you at a prompt again?23:27
zebastianortislion42, windows cd, ultimate 723:27
zebastianortisnot that i am name dropping stephan kinsella or anything23:27
MonkeyDustzebastianortis: OEM allows you to do a basic install, without personal data, the user then can continue the install whenever he wants23:28
zebastianortisI have a cd that says windows 7 ultimate!23:28
zebastianortiscomes in a black box23:28
djskiddI need more help23:29
djskiddI am installing Ubuntu 10.10 on my mom's computer23:29
djskiddbut she also wants to keep Windows XP23:29
Jordan_Udjskidd: Why not 11.04?23:29
Brutus-djskidd, Hi, more than what? :D23:29
urlin2uzebastianortis, your good that is a install disc you can overwrite the NTFS or partion how you want with it.23:29
xangua!dualboot | djskidd23:29
ubottudjskidd: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:29
cassie_Could someone help me with using hotmail with evolution?23:29
xaphirHey does ubuntu support runlevels?  can I do 'telinit 3'?23:29
memandJordan_u well before I did the long command it said "~ #" now I am just "#"23:30
djskiddJordan_U: Cause I hate hate hate Unity23:30
rumpe1xaphir, yes, but i usually use "init 3"23:30
Jordan_U!classic | djskidd23:30
ubottudjskidd: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".23:30
Smooxaphir, yes23:30
zebastianortislion42, i have both my windows and linux files back up, i have a disc for windows and an image disc for ubuntu, so install windows, use whole disc and then install ubuntu and repartition with ubuntus partition manager?23:30
Jordan_Umemand: Good. Try running "grub-install /dev/sda".23:30
djskiddLovely. Anyway, I'll update it later23:30
brainspoilcassie_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20040823:30
Smoo, telinit is the safer way23:30
cassie_I tried that and it didn't work23:31
urlin2uzebastianortis, you can use that windows disc to make any partition size you want.23:31
djskiddSo. I want to install this to MY partition (there are 2 HDDs, 1 for windows, one my mom and I split)23:31
Jordan_U!runlevel | xaphir Smoo23:31
ubottuxaphir Smoo: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.23:31
zebastianortisurlin2u, so i just leave some empty space for when i install ubuntu right?23:31
memandJordan_u sda3 right23:32
djskiddMy mom has a larger partition, so I know which one I want to install to.23:32
Jordan_Umemand: No. sda.23:32
djskiddBut I want to make sure I'm not about to screw it up23:32
zebastianortisok, so now, there's a program to mount the windows partition from linux and vice versa can someone link me to it23:32
urlin2uzebastianortis, yep just go slow I forget the exact hoe to but any windows install disc allows a build of partitions.23:32
brainspoilcassie_: yeah I'm sure Microsoft keeps changing things around with upgrades, sorry23:32
cassie_I said that "Reading package lists... Done23:33
cassie_Building dependency tree23:33
cassie_Reading state information... Done23:33
cassie_E: Unable to locate package hotway23:33
cassie_E: Unable to locate package hotsmtp23:33
FloodBot1cassie_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:33
Jordan_U!pastebin | cassie_23:33
ubottucassie_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:33
memandJordan_u grub-install not found23:33
f2knightzebastianortis, what are you looking for exactly?23:33
djskiddI am in the "Change" dialog of the Install window looking at my partition23:33
cassie_okay thank you23:33
djskiddWhat mount point do I use, and what Use as: do I choose?23:34
zebastianortisf2knight, I am looking for freedom(ainradio.com) specifically the freedom to read and write files on the windows partition logged from linux and to read and write files from the linux partition on windows23:34
memanddjskid /23:34
urlin2uzebastianortis, you use the custom advanced to make custom partion sizes and or overwrite the ones you may have.23:34
djskiddmemand: ya?23:34
urlin2uzebastianortis, http://www.techtalkz.com/windows-7/514412-windows-7-installation-guide-tutorial.html23:35
memanddjskid. for the system partition right?23:35
xaphirubottu: an ubu user is telling me that the gui went down with 'telinit 3' so that would mean that runlevel 3 and 5 are not equal.23:35
djskiddNo, I'm looking at my own partition, I don't want to screw up Windows23:36
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skegeekAlso, whatever happened to running apps showing on the bottom panel?23:36
zebastianortisurlin2u, I understand that, but now that I am about to do it, I wanted to ask, how can i access the linux partition with read and write privileges from windows and vice versa23:36
zebastianortisthis is a feature that i got on here once but i forgot how to do it23:36
urlin2uzebastianortis, easier from ubuntu to windows, the reverse is usually done with a shared NTFS, really the safest way probably.23:37
Aqua23join /winehq23:37
zebastianortisi think there is a program that helps one access ext# partitions from windows23:37
zebastianortisi.e. "mount them" if you know what i mean23:37
djskiddAlright, just to know: can Ubuntu boot from NTFS?23:38
djskiddIf not, what EXT do I use?23:38
Jordan_Udjskidd: No.23:38
cassie_how do you get root privileges in a terminal?23:38
djskiddExt2? 3? 4?23:38
yeatsdjskidd: current default is ext423:38
Jordan_U!sudo | cassie_23:38
ubottucassie_: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:38
xaphirJordan_U: some of that bot's advice needs to be revised23:38
tatrasielsudo -s23:38
djskiddI love Sudo...23:38
memanddjskid well Windows should be on the partition that is ntfs format and it also has a small 100mb partition don't touch those rwo23:38
yeatsdjskidd: ext3 is a safe option too23:38
cassie_okay thank you!23:38
djskiddWill pick Ext323:38
djskiddWhat mount point23:39
Jordan_Uxaphir: If you'd like to suggest specific changes you can do so in #ubuntu-ops.23:39
urlin2uzebastianortis, there is ext2 and ext3 quite outdated, and really you have to be careful with rewriting windows, depends on your intentions really.23:39
xaphirJordan_U: I think when I responded to the bot it got forwarded23:39
djskiddI want to have this partition, and only THIS partition, to have Ubuntu23:39
xaphirat least that was the info23:39
zebastianortiswhat is ubuntu 11.04 on?23:39
Jordan_Uxaphir: It did.23:39
yeatsdjskidd: then the mount point would be /23:39
memanddjskid no you should use ext2 for system partition and / as mount point23:40
zebastianortisi have so far been able to access my files regardless of what i am logging on23:40
urlin2uzebastianortis, ext4 but yo can partition it to any other that works.23:40
Jordan_Umemand: djskidd: I would not recommend ext2 for the root filesystem. Journaling is a good thing.23:40
djskiddOkay, 80GB, Ext3, Mount Point /, and format:yes. Will this f*** up my Windows installation?23:40
zebastianortisurlin2u, how do you mean partition it to any other that works? i am not sure i understand, linux can't run on a ntsf or fat as far as i know, and i feel like going from one ext to another would be something beyond my level23:41
urlin2uzebastianortis, what is it you want to reaf=d and write both ways?23:41
djskiddWindows is on a seperate HDD, I'm more worried about my mom's work23:41
Jordan_Umemand: Do you get any error from "chroot /mnt/"?23:41
yeatsdjskidd: have you done data backups?23:41
yeatsdjskidd: that is always the first step of any installation23:41
zebastianortisanything, from .txt to just be able to open pdfs and media files while being able to copy, paste, delete23:41
Jordan_Udjskidd: Important files should be backed up no matter what you're doing.23:41
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urlin2uzebastianortis, just use a shared ntfs ubuntu will read and write and so will windows.23:42
yeatsdjskidd: both linux and Windows can be easily replicated - files cannot ;-)23:42
memandJordan_u it fails to run /bin/sh no such file or dir23:43
djskiddK, I'm backed up. Just to save time, can I set the installer to only screw with the F: partition (where I want to install to)?23:43
urlin2uzebastianortis, a shred is a ntfs that is just a partition with no OS both OS will see it.23:43
zebastianortisurlin2u, what is a shared ntfs? and how do i do that, i mean i remember once on ehre someone told me to use some program on windows IFS or something like that23:43
Jordan_Umemand: OK. Do you get an error from "sudo test"?23:43
urlin2uzebastianortis, you just have an extra ntfs that has no OS but your stuff that you want to access from both Ubuntu will ee it and so will windows.23:44
memandJordan_u no it gives no output23:44
djskiddAlright, told it to install Ubuntu and the bootloader to sdb5. Let's hope nothing gets F'ed up.23:45
memanddjskid: you should be fine23:45
zebastianortisurlin2u, hmmm, does that take extra space? like i am installing windows then i ask it to have an extra ntsf partition and there i put 80% of my storage space? as far as i understand i have currently just the windows partition which mounts on ubuntu by clickcin on it on the file manager and viceversa23:45
ShadesEdgeHello, when I try to mount my drive like that: mount -t ext4 /mnt/extract/root/root-image.fs /mnt/archlinux with the Ubuntu Live-CD (?), it says: mount: /mnt/extract/root/root-image.fs is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)23:45
ShadesEdgeAny ideas?23:45
abtexasanyone here ?23:45
Jordan_Umemand: OK. Try "apt-get install grub-pc".23:45
Jordan_UShadesEdge: Try adding '-o loop'.23:46
djskiddHere goes23:46
memandJordan_u segmentation fault23:46
ShadesEdgeIt isn't a correct command, doesn't exits23:46
Jordan_Udjskidd: You should install grub's boot sector to the mbr, not to a partition.23:47
ShadesEdgeRemoved the ext4 part23:47
Jordan_Umemand: That's a bad sign.23:47
zebastianortisthere must be a way to do this as that's the way i am doing it currently23:47
zebastianortisi just need to know how to do it again23:47
memandJordan_u lol, I guessed that much23:47
vachowhat is a good way of transfering files from a FTP to another bypassing my own computer?23:48
Fabstry the ftp command vacho23:48
vachousing terminal ? :)23:48
vachoI am not that comfy in terminal, rather use a UI?23:48
Fabsis it a text file or binary?23:48
vachoit's a bunch of files and images23:48
memandJordan_u oh wait, can it be because launched the shell in the install environment and not in sda3?23:49
djskiddAwesome, here it goes!23:49
Jordan_Umemand: No, because I had you use chroot.23:49
Fabshmm vacho, what is the scenario?23:49
djskiddNow I will add my mom as a user after23:49
vachobunch of files I want to move from a server to another23:50
bastidrazordjskidd: sudo adduser mom23:50
vachoftp is good since it will set the right user permissions etc and file owner23:50
Fabsif you can ssh into the destination computer23:50
Fabsthen you can tunnel X server23:50
zykotick9_vacho, ftp is nerver "good" ;)  FTP should die.23:50
Fabsso you can use a GUI program on it23:50
djskiddbastidrazor: Actually I think I will do sudo adduser Terisa23:51
memandJordan_u shouldn't it be chroot air-get then?23:51
Jordan_Umemand: "grub-install" is a command that you should definitely have, and apt-get / dpkg segfaulting is very bad. This situation was caused by a lot more than trying to install a new kernel and will likely require a re-install.23:51
Jordan_Umemand: No.23:51
zebastianortisin any casey, I thank you all for your help, now I go into reinstalling OSystems thanks for watching, and till the next one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpLNOvbaR1823:51
urlin2uzebastianortis, to be honest I think you need to ask around more about using a from windows to read ubuntu, it is possible yes but most don't do that, the apps to do this are not being kept up to date, most just have a extra partition a NTFS do this in so your no read writing in a actual OS to keep things safe.23:51
vachozykotick9_, you are crazy, ftp rules the world.23:51
Fabsvacho, if you wish to use a gui client on your destination machine23:52
Fabslook up tunnelling X over SSH23:52
memandJordan_u is it possible to reinstall from the shell?23:52
Fabsand you can use it23:52
djskiddI need an FTP for my house23:52
Fabsif your current machine is windoes you can do it with PuTTY and xming23:52
vachoim on ubuntu sucka..23:52
zebastianortisalright, so basically use the bare minimum requirements for windows and ubuntu to run and the ntsf is the "storage" partition, will this take extra space, i.e. as compared to what i currently have there will be less storage? urlin2u23:52
vachowhy would I be asking in #ubuntu if I am on a win machiner23:52
Jordan_Umemand: The fact that you don't know what caused the problem is even more concerning. I don't see how this type of problem could be caused by hardware problems (like a failing hard drive) but it's worth checking if you have no other idea what could have caused this.23:52
Fabstype ssh -X username@destination23:53
Fabsthen in the shell when you l og in you can type for example23:53
Fabsgraphicalftpclient &23:53
vachodjskidd, Im buying my girlfriend an FTP for her car as a birthday gift23:53
Fabsand it will appear on your screen23:53
vachoare you sure?23:53
Fabspretty sure23:53
memandJordan_u its a brand new laptop so everything should be a ok23:53
Fabsdepends if you have graphicalftpclient installed on your remote machine mwahaha23:53
Fabsreplace it with the name of a real program23:54
vachofabs: remember I am on ubuntu.23:54
vachoFags: thanks for the help23:54
Fabsvacho: Good luck23:54
urlin2uzebastianortis, this is a problem here you don't have some basic understanding of file systems=partitions and this is making it a long drawn out conversation that is not needed to be honest.23:54
muslIs it possible to create a package from a only a system with the package installed? (like freebsd's pkg_create)23:54
Jordan_Umusl: No.23:54
zebastianortisurlin2u, I understand, I will do further research and if i need further help return, thank you and thanks for watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjiWoRg0iMk23:55
muslJordan_U: That definitively? Did the dpkg guys intentionally leave that feature out?23:55
vachothat's enough, that goes for all you in the #23:56
djskiddFamily Guy: Retarded, but funny23:57
urlin2ummm spoon feeding23:57
mamece2ChogyDan: hello, im in the live cd23:59
ChogyDanmamece2: hi23:59
mamece2ChogyDan:  i could not fix the mount all thing...23:59
extenderI have a VPS with ubuntu, can I install windows on it somehow?23:59
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ChogyDanmamece2: can you pastebin the full error messages?23:59
Guest78971hi all!23:59
mamece2ChogyDan:  ive mounted the sda1 partition, it says cero bytes free...23:59
djskiddI once did something stupid23:59

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