
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
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=== Destine is now known as Guest13319
=== Guest13319 is now known as Destine
head_victim_defyGood evening all.10:01
head_victim_defyI'm on my phone so apologies if I'm slow or sending typos10:02
ejathead_victim_defy: :)10:03
head_victim_defyGday. So have any of the applicants shown yet?10:04
ejatshani ? ubuntuku ?10:04
ejatsadeq , TeTeT ?10:05
Destineejat, haven't found anyone.10:05
ejatDestine: ;(10:06
Destineejat, do they know that we will have a meeting today?10:07
* ejat calling one of the candidate10:07
ejatDestine: apogee is coming ..10:08
ejatonly we 3 ?10:08
Destineejat, I guess so.10:08
ejatneed to find another 1 to fill the quorum ..10:09
ejatelky: ?10:09
head_victim_defyI propose we have a volunteer contact all the applicants by mail as suggested on the mailing list. Make them aware of the next meeting a as there hasn't ben any scheduled in a while10:09
ejathead_victim_defy: i agreed ..10:09
Destineejat, agreed.10:09
ejatsince the wiki page also not up2date10:10
ejatthey havent notice .10:10
head_victim_defyI don't mind doing that over the next few days if no one else shows up tonight10:10
ApOgEEhi all10:10
ejatApOgEE: welcome ..10:10
ejathead_victim_defy: thanks ..10:10
DestineApOgEE, Hi.10:10
* ejat pokes elky10:10
ApOgEEhi Destine10:10
Destineejat, elky was in the Regional Membership Board when I was applying for membership. That was long time ago.10:11
ejatDestine: yeah .. i know .. i think need to find other regional people to help us to start the meeting ..10:11
head_victim_defyhmmm any other board members around that can fill in to make quorum?10:12
* Destine board members plz...10:12
czajkowskiI'm here if needed what's up ?10:13
Destineczajkowski, we are calling for board members... only 3 has come.10:14
czajkowskiDestine: I'm on EMEA10:14
ejatczajkowski: mind to help us10:14
head_victim_defyOkay can someone on a real pc chair please?10:14
czajkowskiejat: yup sure10:14
ejatczajkowski: mind to chair ? :)10:15
czajkowskiejat: sorry pn the phone also10:15
czajkowskiyour board someone from your team should chair10:15
head_victim_defyOkay I will if need be10:16
ApOgEEhi czajkowski10:16
ApOgEEhi head_victim_defy10:16
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 13 10:16:36 2011 UTC.  The chair is head_victim_defy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.10:16
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired10:16
head_victim_defy#topic apogee's membership application10:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: apogee's membership application
head_victim_defyAs the only one present lets start with apogee10:17
ejatApOgEE: mind to intro your self10:18
czajkowskiwiki page?10:18
ApOgEEHi all, my name is Muhammad Fauzilkamil Bin Zainuddin from Malaysia10:18
ApOgEEmy wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApOgEE10:18
ejat#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApOgEE10:19
ApOgEEI've been actively helping Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo team since 200810:19
DestineApOgEE, I like the shirts you designed. :)10:20
ApOgEEThanks Destine10:20
czajkowskinice detailed wiki page ApOgEE10:20
elkyHi, I'm here now10:20
head_victim_defyAwesome wiki page10:20
ApOgEEI'm preparing new LoCo t-shirt for the upcoming OnericOcelot launch party10:21
head_victim_defyMakes it hard to ask questions10:21
ApOgEEI'm sorry, I didn't prepare much for this meeting. This is my working hour and I'm in the office right now10:22
ejati can testify what ApOgEE written on his wiki ..10:22
czajkowskiApOgEE: Can I ask with all your events happening in your team why you don't use the LD for your events http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-my10:22
ApOgEEmy blog is http://coderstalk.blogspot.com and http://artofapogee.blogspot.com where sometimes I use them to spread the words about ubuntu and FOSS Softwares10:23
ejatczajkowski: thats what we lack of .. we (ubuntu-my) previously havent full utilize the LD .. will update there a.s.ap10:23
czajkowskiApOgEE: what will becoming an Ubuntu member mean to you ?10:24
ApOgEEczajkowski: actually i'm trying to become official ubuntu member10:25
czajkowskiApOgEE: yes that's what I asked10:25
ApOgEEto encourage other newbies in our loco10:25
ApOgEEto get serious10:25
head_victim_defyAnyone else have questions?10:26
head_victim_defyOkay I'll put it to the vote. Only board members vote please10:27
ApOgEEthank you10:27
head_victim_defy#vote apogee membership application10:27
meetingologyPlease vote on: apogee membership application10:27
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)10:27
czajkowski+1 well done and keep it up10:27
meetingology+1 well done and keep it up received from czajkowski10:27
meetingology+1 received from ejat10:28
meetingology+1 received from Destine10:28
head_victim_defy+1 nice work with the loco10:28
meetingology+1 nice work with the loco received from head_victim_defy10:28
meetingology+1 received from elky10:28
ApOgEEthanks czajkowski ejat Destine head_victim_defy elky10:28
meetingologyVoting ended on: apogee membership application10:28
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:010:28
meetingologyMotion carried10:28
DestineApOgEE, congrats.10:29
head_victim_defyWell done apogee10:29
ApOgEEthank you very much10:29
ejatcongrate ApOgEE .. keep up the good work with loco ..10:29
head_victim_defyAre there any other applicants here?10:29
head_victim_defyOr does anyone else have anything to bring up tonight?10:30
ejati think only the one that u suggest just now10:31
Destineejat, agree. That page is really out of date.10:31
ejatwe need to notice or acknowledge the candidates for our next meeting10:31
czajkowskior else spring clean the wiki page fro start and if people are still interested they will re add themselves10:32
ejatczajkowski: agreed ..10:32
Destineczajkowski, agree.10:32
czajkowskiit's not fair on the candidates and also havng a full set of members here as well so meetings start on time is more encouraging for members10:33
head_victim_defyOkay if you are all happy me to do I'll email them all this week telling them to reapply when ready10:33
Destinehead_victim_defy, could you please tell me when is the next meeting?10:34
head_victim_defyThanks elky, ejat, destine and czajkowski10:35
ejatthanks to u too ..10:35
ApOgEEThanks all10:35
head_victim_defyDestine: 2nd and 4th tuesdays of every month according to the wiki10:35
Destinehead_victim, thank you, good chair.10:35
head_victim_defyWe can discuss I'd that suits on the mailing list so all members can have a say10:36
Destinehead_victim_defy, thx.10:36
head_victim_defyOkay happy to end meeting?10:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 13 10:38:59 2011 UTC.10:39
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-13-10.16.moin.txt10:39
head_victim_defyThanks one and ask I have to go back to work now10:40
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=== seeker_ is now known as seeker
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
jamespageOK - lets get started then16:00
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 13 16:00:22 2011 UTC.  The chair is jamespage. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.16:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:00
jamespage#topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review ACTION points from previous meeting
jamespageno action point from last meeting16:00
jamespage#topic Oneiric Development16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Oneiric Development
Daviey http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html16:01
jamespage#chair Daviey16:01
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Daviey jamespage16:01
Davieyis looking quite good, but also not making much progress.  Not seeing too much new stuff appearing, or some of the older stuff going away16:01
DavieySo we really need to look at what needs to be targeted.16:02
DavieyWe didn't get as many bug reports from beta 2 as we might have hoped.16:02
DavieyThis could mean it's already really, really stable16:02
Daviey(beta 1 rather)16:02
DavieySo please look over bugs, and see candidates for Oneiric16:03
DavieyThe main conerns i have regarding features are probably regarding arm at this stage.16:03
hallynDaviey: can I mark bug 827831 wontfix?16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 827831 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[FFE] Upgrade qemu-kvm for oneiric to version 0.15 from upstream" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82783116:03
DavieyIt's not clear what how that is looking.16:04
hallynDaviey: and can you target the qemu-kvm-spice one?16:04
Davieyhallyn: And take pleasure in doing so.16:04
Davieyhallyn: spice-gtk ?16:05
hallynno, qemu-kvm-spice merge16:05
Davieyhallyn: bug num?16:06
Davieybug 82878916:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 828789 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "[FFE] please enable spice support" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82878916:07
Davieyhallyn: thanks16:08
hallynthank YOU16:08
DavieyUrsinha: thanks for joining us. :)16:08
UrsinhaDaviey, autojoin failed, sorry16:08
Davieyanything else for devel?16:09
jamespageDaviey: does not appear so - shall we move on?16:10
jamespage#topic Ubuntu Server Team Events16:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Server Team Events
DavieyOpenstack Developers Summit and Conference is soon16:11
jamespageSo anyone want to raise awareness of events that members of the server team are attending?16:11
DavieyOct 3rd ->16:11
jamespageany other events that folk are attending?16:12
m_3Strata, mediawiki hackathon, hadoopworld to show off ensemble16:12
Davieym_3: where is that?16:12
m_3Strata/NY... mediawiki/NewOrleans... Hadoopworld/NY16:13
Davieybah. no good for me.16:14
jamespagem_3: are you attending all of those events?16:14
jamespagejust out of interest anyone attending javaone (1-6 Oct) or the Jenkins Conference just before it?16:15
jamespagehmm - guess not - moving on16:15
jamespage#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)16:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
jamespage#chair hggdh16:16
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Daviey hggdh jamespage16:16
jamespagejust in case he wants to action anyone :-)16:16
jamespagehggdh: any updates from the QA team?16:16
jamespagehmm - looks like no hggdh ATM - we'll come back to him later if he appears16:17
jamespage#unchair hggdh16:18
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Daviey jamespage16:18
jamespage#unchair Daviey16:18
meetingologyCurrent chairs: jamespage16:18
jamespage#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)16:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
Daviey(apologies, only half here - on the phone)16:18
jamespagehmm - no smb either16:19
jamespage#topic Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (NCommander)16:19
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (NCommander)
jamespageNCommander: any updates from you re ARM server?16:19
jamespageguess not16:20
jamespage#topic Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community16:20
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community
jamespageany updates from the community? hows the review of the server documentation set going?16:21
hggdhjamespage: hi, sorry, was on a competing call16:21
jamespagehggdh - np - we can backup to your topic now16:22
jamespage#topic Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community16:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community
jamespageor even16:22
jamespage#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)16:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
hggdhWe have the new opestack tests to be integrated into the QA cycle, as jamespage told me today16:22
hggdhI am looking at it16:22
hggdhRoAkSoAx: you were to give me a writeup of installing cobbler. Is it ready?16:23
hggdhwe want to get it set on the lab, and make it as near as possible to a standard16:23
jamespage#info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Oneiric/OpenStackTestPlan16:23
adam_ghggdh: we're still fleshing out some bugs on the provisioning side, but its coming along16:24
adam_gthere is currently an openstack installation there16:24
hggdhadam_g: nice, thank you. We had some tests on cobbler, but I really want to do it by the book (whenever the book gets to exist, it will conform, I mean)16:24
adam_gi should note, openstack hogging almost the enitre cluster, so if someone needs to use the cluster, please let me know and ill tear down16:25
RoAkSoAxhggdh: orchestra/ensemble16:25
RoAkSoAxhggdh: it is ready16:25
RoAkSoAxhggdh: i mean I have already made a write-up16:25
hggdhRoAkSoAx: cool! We need to figure out hardware requirements, but they will not be available in time for beta. Can we do it under KVM?16:26
RoAkSoAxhggdh: yeah, I'm also using smoser's cobbler-devenv for that16:26
hggdhapart from that, life is good. Please remember beta2 is approaching (like we would forget), and test coverage *is* a requirement ;-)16:27
jamespagegreat - thanks hggdh16:28
jamespage#topic Open Discussion16:28
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Open Discussion
jamespageopen floor - anyone got anything else they would like to raise?16:28
jamespage#topic Announce next meeting date and time16:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announce next meeting date and time
jamespageTuesday 2011-09-20 at 1600 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting16:30
jamespagesee you next week16:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 13 16:30:39 2011 UTC.16:30
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-13-16.00.moin.txt16:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 13 17:00:21 2011 UTC.  The chair is bjf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:00
bjf## This is the Ubuntu Kernel Team weekly status meeting.17:00
bjf# Meeting Etiquette17:00
bjf# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:00
bjf#       'o/' indicates you have something you'd like to add (wait until you are recognized)17:00
bjf[TOPIC] ARM Status (ppisati)17:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Status (ppisati)
bjf * Various arm kernel flavours: pushed out missing maverick/mvl-dove kernel,17:00
bjf   it marks the end of this round of kernel updates.17:00
bjf * Oneiric/ti-omap4: work continues on the video (latest kernel broke pvr driver17:00
bjf   and the omap fb seems incompatible with latest omap drm) and audio (we managed17:00
bjf   to get audio out of panda via aplay but not through pulseaudio yet) fronts.17:00
bjf[TOPIC] Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (ogasawara)17:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (ogasawara)
ogasawara=== Release Metrics ===17:01
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kt-meeting.txt17:01
ogasawara==== oneiric nominated bugs ====17:01
ogasawara * 39 linux kernel bugs (up 19)17:01
ogasawara==== Ubuntu ubuntu-11.10-beta-2 bugs ====17:01
ogasawara * 2 linux kernel bugs (up 2)17:01
ogasawara==== <series>-updates bugs ====17:01
ogasawara * 0 oneiric linux kernel bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara * 15 natty linux kernel bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara * 3 maverick linux kernel bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara * 7 lucid linux kernel bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara * 0 hardy linux kernel bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara=== Incoming Bugs ===17:01
ogasawara * 191 oneiric bugs (up 19)17:01
ogasawara * 1596 natty bugs (up 11)17:01
ogasawara * 1087 maverick bugs (up 3)17:01
ogasawara * 959 lucid bugs (up 1)17:01
ogasawara * 32 hardy bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara=== Regressions ===17:01
ogasawara==== regression-update bugs ====17:01
ogasawara * 0 oneiric bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara * 16 natty bugs (up 1)17:01
ogasawara * 40 maverick bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara * 78 lucid bugs (up 3)17:01
ogasawara * 0 hardy bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara==== regression-release bugs ====17:01
ogasawara * 7 oneiric bugs (up 1)17:01
ogasawara * 433 natty bugs (down 2)17:01
ogasawara * 237 maverick bugs (down 1)17:01
ogasawara * 213 lucid bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara * 2 hardy bugs (no change 0)17:01
ogasawara==== regression-proposed bugs ====17:02
ogasawara * 0 oneiric bugs (no change 0)17:02
ogasawara * 3 natty bugs (no change 0)17:02
ogasawara * 0 maverick bugs (no change 0)17:02
ogasawara * 1 lucid bugs (no change 0)17:02
ogasawara * 0 hardy bugs (no change 0)17:02
bjf[TOPIC] Milstone Targeted Work Items17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Milstone Targeted Work Items
bjf[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/milestones.html17:02
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-11.10-beta-2.html17:02
ogasawara|| apw       || other-kernel-o-bug-handling         || 2 work items||17:02
ogasawara||           || other-kernel-o-version-and-flavours || 1 work item ||17:02
ogasawara||           || other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review  || 1 work item ||17:02
ogasawara||           || desktop-o-xorg-stakeholders-request || 2 work items||17:02
ogasawara|| ppisati   || other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review  || 1 work item ||17:02
ogasawara|| sarvatt   || desktop-o-xorg-tools-and-processes  || 1 work item ||17:02
ogasawara|| smb       || other-kernel-o-server-requirements  || 1 work item ||17:02
ogasawaraIf your name is in the table above, please review your Beta 2 work items.17:02
bjf[TOPIC] Status: General Oneiric (ogasawara)17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: General Oneiric (ogasawara)
ogasawaraLast week we uploaded the 3.0.0-11.17 Ubuntu kernel.  I'm planning one more upload today in order to hit Kernel Freeze on Thurs.  I would like to remind everyone that after Kernel Freeze all patches are subject to our SRU policy in order to be applied.17:03
ogasawaraSome important upcoming dates to keep in mind are as follows:17:03
ogasawara * Sept 15 - Kernel Freeze (2 days)17:03
ogasawara * Sept 22 - Beta 2 (~1 weeks)17:03
ogasawara * Oct 13 - Final Release (~4 weeks)17:03
bjf[TOPIC] Status: CVE's (apw)17:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: CVE's (apw)
apw=== CVE Metrics ===17:04
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/cve/pkg/CVE-linux.txt17:04
apwCurrently open CVEs for each supported branch:17:04
apw|| Package                                  || Open      ||17:04
apw||                                          ||           ||17:04
apw|| linux Hardy                              ||   15 (+6) ||17:04
apw|| linux Lucid                              ||    7 (+1) ||17:04
apw|| linux Maverick                           ||   12 (+6) ||17:04
apw|| linux Natty                              ||   11 (+5) ||17:04
apw|| linux Oneiric                            ||    5 (--) ||17:04
apw|| linux-ec2 Lucid                          ||    7 (+1) ||17:04
apw|| linux-fsl-imx51 Lucid                    ||   12 (+6) ||17:04
apw|| linux-mvl-dove Lucid                     ||    7 (+1) ||17:04
apw|| linux-mvl-dove Maverick                  ||    7 (+1) ||17:04
apw|| linux-ti-omap4 Maverick                  ||   12 (+6) ||17:04
apw|| linux-ti-omap4 Natty                     ||   12 (+6) ||17:04
apw|| linux-ti-omap4 Oneiric                   ||    6 (+1) ||17:04
apw|| linux-lts-backport-maverick Lucid        ||   12 (+6) ||17:04
apw|| linux-lts-backport-natty Lucid           ||   11 (+5) ||17:04
apwWe had seven new CVEs appear this week.  One has already got patches applied, another is under review.  It is pleasing to note that the releasing still getting stable updates are already patched for a number of these.17:04
apwkernel.org being off the air is impacting triage of new reports.  We expect to make some progress over the next couple of days getting these closed out.17:04
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Natty/Maverick/Lucid/Hardy (sconklin)17:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Natty/Maverick/Lucid/Hardy (sconklin)
sconklin||== Status of kernels ==17:05
sconklin|| The stable kernel cadence no longer runs in sync for all kernels.17:05
sconklin|| The Natty kernel is not delayed for any other kernel, due to the value that17:05
sconklin|| this kernel has for many users wishing to obtain the latest fixes. This will17:05
sconklin|| remain the policy for kernels which are version development-1 in the future.17:05
sconklin|| Lucid is being respun due to a regression in the i915 driver. When it is complete,17:05
sconklin|| it will require some time in -proposed and verification to insure that the17:05
sconklin|| regression is solved. In addition, three patches were reverted due to a failure17:05
sconklin|| to be verified.17:05
sconklin|| There have been a dissapointing number of failures to verify fixes in the last cycle,17:05
sconklin|| resulting in reverting a large number of fixes which are probably of high value.17:05
sconklin|| SRU kernel status:17:05
sconklin|| * [[http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/sru-report.html|Detailed Information Here]]17:05
sconklin|| Kernel status for each series is as follows:17:05
sconklin||=== Hardy ===17:05
sconklin|| * Released17:05
sconklin||=== Lucid ===17:05
sconklin|| * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/836914|Lucid Tracking Bug]]17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836914 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "[regression] linux: 2.6.32-34.76 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:06
sconklin|| * Now building in the PPA, will enter Testing phase when complete and copied to -proposed17:06
sconklin|| * The following fixes were reverted due to a failure to be verified:17:06
sconklin||   [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/509180|ecryptfs sometimes seems to add trailing garbage to encrypted files]]17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509180 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "ecryptfs sometimes seems to add trailing garbage to encrypted files" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:06
sconklin||   [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/583760|Mouse cursor dissappears with nouveau]]17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 583760 in Gentoo Linux "[PATCH] Mouse cursor dissappears with nouveau" [High,Confirmed]17:06
sconklin|| * The following patch was reverted because it caused a regression:17:06
sconklin||   [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/836899|tunnels: fix netns vs proto registration ordering]]17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836899 in linux (Ubuntu) "revert tunnels: fix netns vs proto registration ordering" [Undecided,New]17:06
sconklin|| * The following patches will be reverted due to a regression:17:06
sconklin||     756de92 drm/i915: Remove BUG_ON from i915_gem_evict_something17:06
sconklin||     9b4fca6 drm/i915: Periodically flush the active lists and requests17:06
sconklin||     53e68e3 drm/i915/evict: Ensure we completely cleanup on failure17:06
sconklin||     38c2e45 drm/i915: Maintain LRU order of inactive objects upon access by CPU (v2)17:06
sconklin||     5ef2204 drm/i915: Implement fair lru eviction across both rings. (v2)17:06
sconklin||     3e69bf2 drm/i915: Move the eviction logic to its own file.17:06
sconklin||     1126f22 drm/i915: prepare for fair lru eviction17:06
sconklin||   These are being tracked in this bug:17:06
sconklin||     [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/849130|Revert various i915 patches]]17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 849130 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "Revert various i915 patches" [Undecided,In progress]17:06
sconklin||=== Maverick ===17:06
sconklin|| * Released17:06
sconklin||=== Natty ===17:06
sconklin|| * The following fixes were reverted due to a failure to be verified:17:06
sconklin||   [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/509180|ecryptfs sometimes seems to add trailing garbage to encrypted files]]17:06
sconklin||   [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+bug/795717 32bit rhel and centos 5.(56) hangs on boot on natty]]17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795717 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "32bit rhel and centos 5.(5|6) hangs on boot on natty" [Medium,Incomplete]17:07
sconklin||   [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/728835|[ath9] kswapd0: page allocation failure. order:1, mode:0x4020]]17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 728835 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "[ath9] kswapd0: page allocation failure. order:1, mode:0x4020" [Medium,Incomplete]17:07
sconklin|| * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/848246|Natty Tracking Bug]]17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 848246 in Kernel SRU Workflow security-signoff "linux: 2.6.38-11.50 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress]17:07
sconklin|| * Now in -proposed17:07
sconklin|| Current Kernel versions are available here: http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/versions.html17:07
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)17:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)
bjfthanks everyone17:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 13 17:08:01 2011 UTC.17:08
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-13-17.00.moin.txt17:08
kamalthanks bjf!17:08
ckingnice one17:08
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson

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