
Noldorinjelmer, doesn't like the upgrade :-(00:07
jelmer_Noldorin, which upgrade?00:07
Noldorinjelmer, to newest bzr-git/dulwich00:07
NoldorinUnable to load plugin u'git' from u'C:/Program Files (x86)/Bazaar/plugins'00:07
Noldorinbzr: ERROR: exceptions.KeyError: "Key 'git' already registered"00:07
jelmer_Noldorin, the bzr log file should have more information00:08
Noldorinoh wait; randomly working now hmm00:09
Noldorinbzr doesn't like symlinks in program files :O00:09
Noldorinjelmer, so a bit more playing around seems to reveal that this problem is due to the fact parent directories are not actually created (added to the git database?) before they get used00:12
fullermdgit doesn't track directories period, neh?00:13
Noldorinfullermd, hmm, maybe that's the problem then?00:14
Kamping_Kaiserno it doesn't00:14
fullermdNoldorin: With git?  One of them anyway  ;)00:15
Noldorinfullermd, no with this bug jelmer and i are discussing about bzr-git :-)00:15
Noldorinfullermd, though i agree, it's a problem with git too hah00:15
Noldorinjelmer, thoughts?00:17
jelmer_Noldorin, I'm looking00:20
Noldorinok :-)00:20
Noldorinright, so it's definitely one of the renames into tests/ failing...00:33
Noldorin*continues debugging*00:34
* jelmer_ writes a testcase00:35
yshavithi alll, I'm trying to use bzrlib (from python), but I keep getting an unsupported protocol exception. I'm using the remote_branch_url example from http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrLib, straight copy-paste. bzrlib.version_info=(2, 4, 0, 'final', 0).  Any ideas?00:44
Noldorinjelmer_, the minimal mergeset that creates the issue is tests/IrcDotNet/ and tests/TraceAndTestImpactSettings.tracesettings00:46
Noldorinthere are probably other equivalent minimals00:46
jelmer_yshavit: that example lacks this code: "from bzrlib.plugin import load_plugins; load_plugins()"00:47
jelmer_Noldorin, thanks00:48
yshavitjelmer_: thanks! is there someone I should email about that?00:48
jelmer_yshavit, I'm updating the page00:49
yshavitjelmer_: even better. Thanks for the quick help.00:50
Noldorinjelmer, sure. just some more playing around tells me (and trying to create new test branches which i dpush) that it's a highly order-dependent issue00:50
Noldorinjelmer, if you're digging through the code right now, i'll be here ready to assist :-)00:51
Noldorin(just not sure if there's much more i can do by *myself*)00:51
jelmer_Noldorin, thanks00:55
Noldorinjelmer, will be here watching TV for the next 2 hours about, so feel free to ping me with progress at any time then00:56
jelmer_heh, ok00:56
jelmer_I might get some sleep soon and look closer into this tomorrow00:56
Noldorinjelmer, heh okay, sure. i will be around tomorrow too00:57
Noldorinwe are both in European time zones i suppose?00:57
yshavitjelmer_: is there any page that's somewhere between that front page and the autogenerated pydocs?  A tutorial-type thing? I can't find one on google.00:58
jelmer_yshavit, for the API? Not really. I generally just look at the tests in bzr itself for inspiration00:59
jelmer_what are you trying to do?00:59
yshavitjelmer: ah, okay00:59
yshavitjelmer_: for now, just merge. I've got the branch branched locally (through bzrlib)00:59
yshavitjelmer_: but in the larger scope, I'm also trying to teach myself how to fish :)01:00
Noldorinjelmer, well, feel free to ping me tomorrow after about 1pm, if that works for you better...01:12
pooliehi all05:12
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pooliehi vila06:10
vilahey poolie, hi all :)06:22
vilajelmer: do we need to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for 2.4.1 on oneiric or is there some shortcut since we don't " introduce a new upstream version with new features and/or ABI/API changes" ?06:31
poolie<jelmer> zzzzzz06:31
vilajelmer, poolie: I think we qualify for "FeatureFreeze for bugfix-only updates" which says "Up through RC, if a developer believes an upload of a new upstream release that just has bug fixes in it is warranted, they may upload it."06:33
vilapoolie: by the way, can *you* upload ?06:33
pooliei probably can, yes06:33
pooliesince you said it was already up i just wanted to understand the situation06:33
vilathat was a rhetoric question, AIUI jelmer should already have the branch/package ready for that06:34
pooliei'm not sure if it's more appropriate to request a sync or to merge and upload06:34
vilapoolie: justasec, searching the IRC log06:34
vilaof course xchat history threshold is just where it shouldn't06:35
poolievila, so that "biweekly meetings" thread is quite relevant to our discussion last night06:35
vilaSep 13 17:30:51 <jelmer>vila: bzr-2.4.1-1 uploaded to debian, 2.4.1-1ubuntu1 now building..06:36
poolieoh ok, cool06:36
vilapoolie: which thread ?!?!?!06:36
poolieon udd06:37
poolieyou are subscribed?06:37
vilaAFAIK, yes06:37
vilaubuntu-devel@lists.u.c right ?06:38
poolieno, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-distributed-devel06:38
vilaright, both end up in the same mailbox here06:39
vila... wth, I have a filter for it but I'm not subscribed ???06:40
poolievila, i wouldn't say bug 849715 is a really high priority unless it's trivial06:41
viladamn, yes I am subscribed06:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 849715 in bzr Upload plugin "fails when upload_location becomes unreachable and doesn't provide an escape path" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84971506:41
poolieclassic case of of course per-project priority vs team priority06:41
vilapoolie: high in the plugin context and yes it's trivial06:41
vilaI agree it's not high in the team context06:42
poolieso you've got it?06:42
pooliei mean, got the mail from the udd list?06:42
vilamarked as read06:42
vilaexcept for james's one which I didn't recognize as matching your reference06:43
vilaok, read, I see your point, and I can only repeat that having goals bigger than bugs but smaller than strategic goals will help06:44
vilahuh, did james_w moved from UTC+1 tz to UTC-4 tz ?06:46
poolieyes, to canada06:48
bradmso, bug#78807206:48
bradmwe've got two servers being bitten by it now06:49
pooliebradm, does it consistently fail?06:49
pooliedid something on this machine change when it started happeing?06:49
bradmpoolie: seems to be consistent06:49
bradmI can't say if anything changed, its a lp builder so I don't know what else has been going on06:50
vilabug #78807206:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 788072 in Bazaar "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'trace'" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78807206:50
bradmthere's been general package upgrades, I don't usually use these machines all that often so I can't say when it started06:50
pooliehow urgent is it to fix this?06:50
pooliewe could change it so that it at least doesn't mask the error06:50
poolieif we try a fix, would you be able to run bzr eg from a branch to see if it fails the same way06:51
bradmI think its breaking our use of puppet on the boxes, since we've got etc in bzr06:51
pooliefor that matter, can you see if it works the same way with the latest bzr 2.3 from the ppa?06:51
bradmI can certainly try some stuff06:51
vilabradm: AIUI, we have never been able to reproduce it and my last debug attempts with lamont pretty much convinced me it was a weird local install issue06:52
poolievila, in the standup yesterday you said something about making udd robust about lp downtime06:53
bradmvila: fwiw, I don't know if we can rule that out, since these are both lp buildds, its possible there's something local06:53
vilapoolie: yup, that's my targets for today06:53
pooliei guess that's https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/795321 assigned to jr, not obviously started06:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 795321 in Launchpad itself "udd importer should make tea while launchpad is down" [High,Triaged]06:53
vilabradm: oh, new context then ! Can you add that to the bug ?06:53
vilapoolie: yup06:53
pooliei'm not sure that increasing the parallelism is all that important at the moment compared to some specific failures06:54
bradmthis is interesting, one of them is bzr 3.2.106:54
bradmer, 2.3.1 even06:54
bradmsilly fingers06:54
vilapoolie: you mean bug #724893 ?06:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 724893 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "concurrent db access are not handled" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72489306:55
bradmand the other is 2.3.306:55
vilapoolie: the issue here is not to increase parallelism but that this bug can happen *now* triggered by any tweak anywhere06:55
pooliedoes that show up as an actual import failure?06:56
poolieif so we should be able to measure how many suffer from it06:56
vilapoolie: what ? bug #724893 ?06:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 724893 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "concurrent db access are not handled" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72489306:56
poolieyes, that06:56
jammorning all06:57
vilapoolie: it's not package specific at all, it's a bug in the design and we are lucky that it doesn't trigger more often06:57
poolielet's finish with bradm first06:57
pooliebradm, that's worth adding too06:57
poolieso the short story is, if we have something we think will help, you can deploy and test it?06:57
bradmpoolie: I'd say so, given that the existing bzr stuff is busted06:57
pooliei assigned it to the team06:58
pooliehi jam06:58
bradmjust added a comment about the 2nd server and them being lp buildds06:59
poolievila, i know it's not caused by the particular package, but my question is whether the import logs will tell us how often it occurs06:59
poolieif it's not actually often, it doesn't need to be critical06:59
vilaok, I resign, downgrade it to low if you wish, the day we'll encounter it because some totally unrelated optimization make the imports faster... we'll marked it critical07:00
pooliei'm just trying to understand the situation07:01
vilapoolie: both mass_import and import_package want to update a db, as of today, there is no contention because imports are slow enough07:02
vilaincreasing parallelism (as I did as an experiment) revealed the bug and made it obvious07:02
vilabut the bug is there nevertheless07:02
jamMy 2c, if we don't have to stop everything and work on it, it isn't "Critical", it can be "High", it can be in our "bugs to work on next" list, but that doesn't make it *Critical*.07:03
vilaI don't think we still have the logs for the last debian massive import where this occured07:03
jamI don't think anyone has said it isn't a bug07:03
jamor worth fixing, etc.07:03
vilajam: you already said that in the comment and I disagreed and still do07:04
jamvila: then why aren't you working on it *right now*, if it is critical07:04
poolievila, jam said what?07:04
jamIf *you* feel it is critical, then certainly it should trump the config stuff you are doing, etc.07:04
jampoolie: I said I didn't feel the bug was "Critical"07:04
jamvila: I'm not trying to start the argument again. But that is what Critical is supposed to mean. At least in my understanding.07:05
jam"This bug should be fixed before all High priority bugs"07:05
pooliejam, that is what critical ought to mean07:05
pooliein fact "even ahead of other work that's already in progress"07:05
vilato me it means a bug that can break the whole package importer07:05
pooliewe haven't always been great about doing it but we shouldn't dilute it ay further07:05
vilaand that needs to be fixed to resurrect it07:05
bradmpoolie: anyway, let me know if you need any more info, or have something for us to try07:09
vilajam: I didn't start working on it because: 1) you pointed me to wal which is more complicated than a file-based locking, 2) as mentioned repeatedly this doesn't occur *yet* and I see nothing in the pipe that will trigger it (once 2.4 (and its optimizations)  is deployed on jubany, I may reconsider)07:10
pooliebradm, ok, i will, i'm not personally going to start on it now07:11
poolievila, il'l see if i can get your config things unblocked soon07:11
bradmpoolie: no worries07:11
poolieoneiric's borked, biab07:11
vilajam: I'd appreciate if you could make more constructive suggestions about config instead of considering a pet project, there are numerous, real and deep issues around this area07:11
bradmpoolie: looks like this bug has been around for a bit and it seems to only be hitting 2 servers, so its not ultra high priority07:13
poolieit would be nice to know why only those two07:13
poolieif you know when the problem started perhaps you can attach the dpkg.log07:13
bradmpoolie: the server I'm seeing started within the last day or so I'm guessing from some puppet stuff07:15
bradmpoolie: but the last thing in dpkg.log was apache stuff about 2 weeks ago07:16
pooliehalp! puppet!07:16
vilabradm: why are those builds still using bzr < 2.3.4 (not strictly related but well, who knows, may be some upgrade went wrong)07:16
bradmvila: I don't know, but they're fully up to date according to the current sources.list on them07:17
vilabradm: 8-/ no -updates there ?07:17
bradmanother random lp buildd has 2.3.1 as well07:18
vilaerr wait, what ubuntu release are they based on ?07:18
bradmvila: hardy07:18
vilaha, ok, thanks07:18
vilahmm, I think jelmer has backported 2.4 for hardy-cat recently07:19
bradmthese definately have hardy-cat on them07:19
vilaor is it jelmer_ :)07:19
bradminteresting, and hardy-cat-buildd07:19
viladunno about that last one but I'm pretty sure jelmer is already trying to address some buildd issues so I think he targeted the right one07:20
bradmvila: if there is a hardy-cat versoin of 2.4 its not on our servers07:20
bradmvila: I do see lucid-cat 2.407:20
vilabradm: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-bazaar/+archive/cat-proposed IIUC07:21
bradmvila: interesting - I don't know the mechanics by which that makes it into our hardy-cat suites, lamont would know more I'd say07:22
vilaright, so let's postpone that part of the discussion for when jelmer and lamont are around07:23
bradmfor sure07:23
bradmI'm just a lowly GSA seeing a problem on one server ;)07:23
vilabradm: sure, thanks for chiming in here07:23
bradmno worries, let me know if you need more info or anything07:24
vilabradm: do you have a direct access to one of the failing servers to try some diagnosis ?07:24
bradmvila: sure07:24
bradmvila: I'll be EODing shortly, but I can do some stuff07:24
vilabradm: no problem, start reading the comments in bug #788072 and see if you can follow the proposed steps starting in comment #207:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 788072 in Bazaar "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'trace'" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78807207:25
bradmvila: BZR_PDB=1 bzr st looks the same as bzr st07:27
vilabradm: i.e. python -c 'import bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx ; print bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx.__file__' with a bzrlib reachable from your pYTHONPATH07:27
bradmvila: I can't get anything from bzr version or bzr plugins -v other than the error07:27
vilagood, you're in the right context then (hopefully)07:28
vilabradm: i.e. python -c 'import bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx ; print bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx.__file__' with a bzrlib reachable from your pYTHONPATH07:28
vilabradm: python -V (just to be sure)07:28
bradm$ python -V07:29
bradmPython 2.5.207:29
vilabradm: and the python import above ?07:29
bradm$ PYTHONPATH=/var/lib/python-support/python2.5 python -c 'import bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx ; print bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx.__file__'07:30
* vila blinks07:30
vilaand if you remove the PYTHONPATH ?07:30
bradm$ PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python-support/python-bzrlib/python2.5/ python -c 'import bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx ; print bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx.__file__'07:30
bradmTraceback (most recent call last):07:30
bradm  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>07:30
bradmImportError: No module named _chunks_to_lines_pyx07:30
bradm$ python -c 'import bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx ; print bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx.__file__'07:30
bradmTraceback (most recent call last):07:30
bradm  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>07:31
bradmImportError: No module named _chunks_to_lines_pyx07:31
vilathat's the issue, the install is broken07:31
vilathe install and the context are not what bzr is expected may be more accurate and less offensive ;)07:31
bradmawesome, I can poke some other servers to see the difference tomorrow07:32
vilabradm: find / -name _chunks_to_lines_pyx.so -print ? Or something equivalent07:32
vilabradm: but if you can relate this missing files with failing servers, yeah, that would narrow down the problem space07:32
bradm$ sudo find / -name _chunks_to_lines_pyx.so -print07:33
bradminteresting, similar on another working server except it doesn't have a /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/bzrlib07:34
vilaif it has python-2.5 we don't care07:34
bradmright, since we're using python 2.507:34
vilabut the /var/lib/python-support part... I'm not sure we ever search there, let me check07:34
bradmoho, interesting07:35
bradmon a working server:07:36
bradm$ PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python-support/python-bzrlib/python2.5/ python -c 'import bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx ; print bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx.__file__'07:36
vilapython -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib ; print get_python_lib()'07:36
bradm$ python -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib ; print get_python_lib()'07:36
bradmsame on a working system07:37
vilaon a failing server ? ha, rats07:37
bradmokey, I've got a 4 year old boy wanting some attention, I'll have to take this up again tomorrow07:38
vilabradm: ok, no worries, that may be something in this area, some missing symlink here or there, hard to guess07:38
vilabradm: take care of your boy :)07:39
bradmvila: will do - thanks for the help, its given me somewhere to look :)07:39
poolievila, i'm reading the stacks patch now07:41
vilapoolie: \o/07:44
poolievila, i answered08:08
pooliecan you tell me: why a registry?08:08
vilapoolie: 1) you asked for it :) 2) it simplifies many issues including centralizing the way to get a stack, overriding by a plugin, etc08:10
vilait doesn't address (yet) more convenient ways to build stacks (more on that soon, but roughly a stack is already a list of tuples (store, section_matcher(context)) plus one optional mutable store, to reach one read/write by store we need to centralize the way stores are acquired so they can be shared, the stack registry is a first step08:12
vilapoolie: i.e. it's harder to track all stores if everybody build stacks at call sites instead of using a registry08:12
vilapoolie: we've been there (no registry) in other areas and always ended up fixing the issues by introducing a registry,08:13
vilathe only exception I can think of is transports but we already encountered issues that a registry could address (replacing or behind transport.get_transport)08:14
pooliewhy is a registry better for that than just having named functions?08:18
vilapoolie: because we all agree it was better when we start using registries ?08:19
pooliei don't think it's just universally better08:20
poolieit solves some particular problems08:20
poolieit's not obvious to me those problems exist in this case08:20
pooliei don't think people ought to build the stacks inline, but the simplest solution to that seems to be to have functions that build them08:21
vilapoolie: searching the relevant mp08:24
pooliei need to stop soon08:27
pooliecan we just talk?08:27
pooliehere is fine08:28
vilaI can't find it back, but *I* don't care about whether we use a registry or named functions at this point, I seem to recall that you suggested a registry for stacks in some discussion so I took that route08:29
mwhudsondoes accessing branches with bzr+ssh://user:pass@host/ type urls work in the way one might hope?08:29
=== lool- is now known as lool
vilaalong this route I indeed found that a registry was addressing some issues so I followed up on this route08:30
vilafrom a pure syntactic point of view, as explained in the cover letter, this makes sense too,08:31
vilaso this proposal is only about introducing the registry08:31
vilait doesn't show *how* it helps addressing the other issues to keep it small08:32
pooliewhat are the issues?08:32
jammwhudson: yes08:33
vilasingle point of access to control which stack is returned for a single context (this became a blocker when jelmer mentioned that subversion.conf was already implementing some additional feature that requires more flexibility when building branch stacks)08:33
vilathis can addressed differently but since this is now needed *and* that a stack registry provides *one* way to address it, I just went ahead08:34
vilas/can/can be/08:34
mwhudsonjam: thanks08:34
vilasingle point of access to control which stores are used so they can be shared,08:34
jammwhudson: of course, it leaves your password in bash history, kills babies, etc. :)08:35
mwhudsonjam: yeah yeay08:35
poolieis this to say that bzr-svn wants to hook into the creation of some stacks?08:35
mwhudsonjam: you can use authorization.conf too right?08:35
jammwhudson: You might look at authentication.conf, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't support passwords for ssh08:35
poolieso one other possible way to do this would be for it to override Branch.get_config?08:35
jamsince we figure "you already have ssh/config to set up a key"08:35
jamwhich is more secure anyway08:35
vilaotherwise migrating the branch options to the new config scheme will break the UUID default values for options08:35
mwhudsonjam: is there a chance that a user:pass in a url might end up in a traceback or other console output?08:36
mwhudsonjam: presumably that's fixable though08:36
jammwhudson: I *believe* we are good about omitting :pass from anything we log08:36
vilapoolie: yes, but that makes it harder to migrate the options08:36
vilapoolie: and also harder to control which stores are used08:36
jammwhudson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/688966/08:37
jam"does not appear in base" means it doesn't show up in stuff like tracebacks08:37
mwhudsonjam: ah nice08:37
jamwe strip it from the URL, and then hide it around as necessary08:38
vilapoolie: s/harder/different/ if you prefer but the proposal is an incremental progress in *one* direction08:38
poolie*well, it's adding some complexity08:39
vilawhich one ?08:39
poolieit's reasonable to ask why it's there08:39
vilafor who ?08:39
poolieadding a registry rather than just having functions08:40
poolieso the point of a registry is, in short, so that plugins can control how stacks are created for some particular purposes?08:40
vilabut you objected (rightly) that these functions are not good examples of how to build stacks and indeed they don't address the issues I mentioned above08:41
pooliewhich issues?08:41
vilataking command line overrides into account needs a central place, not requiring eveybody to modify these functions08:41
vila"which issues?" : overriding by plugins, centralizing store access08:42
pooliecouldn't handling command line options be done by just saying there's a global stack, which most others build upon, that includes per-command options?08:43
vilaI never talked about per-command options,08:44
pooliei meant per-process08:44
pooliecommand line overides08:44
vilacan you elaborate about build upon >08:44
vilacan you elaborate about build upon ?08:44
vilato me it means having helpers to create the appropriate list of (stores, section_matcher(context))08:45
pooliebasically just that branch_stack() should return stack(BranchStore(branch), LocationStore(), global_stack())08:45
vilaand one central place to ensure the command-line overrides always dominate08:45
pooliethen global_stack can include system-wide, per-user, and command-line parts08:46
vilacommand-line overrides should come first08:46
poolieok, i see08:46
pooliethat's true08:46
pooliehow does a registry help with this?08:46
vilaor do you want stacks to be able to be build recursively ?08:46
vilait provides this central point08:46
pooliebut how is it more central than the config module holding some functions?08:47
vila(I think recursive stacks are neat, but introduce complexity for users as well as devs so I'm more against than for)08:48
vilasome functions all implementing the same rules ?08:48
vilabut, it's not *more* central, it's just *as* central08:49
vilaand again, it's just one way, there are others, this one just seem to be the easiest and fastest...08:49
vilapoolie: what is this added complexity you're seeing there ?08:50
vilaeven get_config() or get_config_stack() are still possible, they are just implemented by querying the registry,08:50
vilahow is that complex ?08:50
poolieit's basically just one more level of indirection to go through the registry08:50
poolieit's not enormously complex, i just don't think you're communicating why it's helpful08:51
poolieit's not obvious to me how it's going to help with plugins08:51
pooliei assume the point of having it is to enable things from plugins?08:51
poolieperhaps one way to move this along would be for you to give some illustrative cases of what plugins want to do with this and how they would do it through the registry?08:52
_archI have a problem: During commit, I want to inject my new revision number to each modified file08:53
pooliehi _arch, you want http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/keywords-plugin.html08:53
_archI checked that out but I'm not sure if it helps. The $Revision-Id$ has a bunch of stuff I don't want apparently.08:53
vilapoolie: how will plugins implement command-line overrides ?08:54
poolievila i'd probably just do that in the core08:54
vilapoolie: do you want them to explicitly change their stack builder ?08:54
vilapoolie: but how will they get the feature from the core ?08:55
_archSo I figured I'll try to write a quick start_commit hook myself which injects the revno to the modified files08:55
vilapoolie: how would you output the help associated with a stack ?08:55
_archhowever I seem to have absolutely no clue of where to begin :)08:55
vilapoolie: how would support the plugin specific configs with 'bzr config' ?08:55
poolievila, i'm interested in the answers but i'm also suggesting that if in future you explain some cases like this in the mp, it might be better understood08:55
vilathat doesn't match my understanding of small piece easy to propose :-/08:56
poolie" but how will they get the feature from the core ?" - i'm not sure what you mean, but if you mean "how will they see values from the command line", i'd expect that all of the *_stack() functions will return a stack that looks at the command line08:57
vilaI'm not addressing rewriting 'bzr config' for now08:57
vilapoolie: indeed, that puts the responsibility on the plugin authors08:57
pooliei'm not sure if there needs to be help for a stack or whether that needs to be exposed to the user as such08:57
vilayou should do this and this and don't forget this, instead of: register your stack08:57
pooliei would not expect it needs any plugin changes08:57
poolie" doesn't match my understanding of small piece easy to propose "-- i think generally, saying "previously, you couldn't do X.  now, it works like so" is pretty helpful to establishing the change is worthwhile08:58
pooliethat can be either in the mp or in a bug08:58
vilabut we have no idea today that plugins implement config files, nor do we have any way to know they do08:58
poolie_arch, are you saying the problem is that bzr-keywords just puts in too much text? like the revision id and you just want the number?09:00
pooliemaybe then the easiest thing is to just add another option to  bzr-keywords?09:00
poolieyou should be able to just go off the existing code09:00
_archHmm, true. I'll check that out, thanks09:01
poolieif you fix it, please push up a branch so we can merge it09:01
poolieask here if you need any help09:01
poolievila, that might be true we don't know whether plugins are looking at config files but i don't see why it's actually a problem09:01
_archRight I'll check out the source and see if I can make something out of it.09:01
vilapoolie: no, I said *we* don't know that plugins use their own config files and/or if they introduce new features for our own config files09:02
poolieis this a bug?09:03
vilaand if jelmer didn't mention that subversion.conf use [UUID] sections I would have break it by migrating the branch options09:03
vilabug #83203609:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 832036 in Bazaar "Needs a config stack registry" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83203609:03
vilawe're running into circles09:04
poolieyeah, but that's basically the same problem09:04
pooliethat bug does not describe an actual problem09:04
vilaok, we don't have problems09:04
vilabetter un-migrate the global options and forget about that09:05
poolieis that sarcasm?09:05
vilaobviously I'm not able to explain the issues in a way we can agree upon09:06
vilano, it's just that I suck at this particular point and therefore cannot progress, so it's wasted time09:07
poolielet's shelve this until it's clear it's solving a pressing problem for plugins09:07
pooliedoes it block anything else?09:07
vilahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bugs?field.tag=config i.e. 40 bugs, plus all the ones I failed to file09:08
pooliei think 832036 is a good example of a bad bug, because it specifies a solution, not a problem09:09
poolieare you saying this blocks all those bugs?09:09
pooliei have some trouble believing it09:09
vilaoh, there are surely alternate ways to address them, someone just have to analyze them and find a relevant fix09:10
poolieok so of those bugs09:11
pooliethe one i care most about is 83204209:11
vilais that sarcasm ?09:12
poolienup, it's true09:12
pooliewell, more precisely09:12
poolieif these changes have a performance impact, i care about fixing it09:12
vilayes they do have one and I've added -Econfig_stats to track progress09:13
poolieistm an easy way to fix 832042 would be to just create the config stacks early on in the object they correspond to09:13
poolie the global-ish ones which have no obvious owner can go onto the library_state09:14
vilayou need a central place to share the stores (not mentioning how it interacts with library_state)09:14
pooliei think you can either have them on library_state, or inherited from one object to another09:18
poolieit seems pretty possible09:18
pooliei'v closed 832036  and i pushed down some of the others09:19
vilathen we should also revert all stack related stuff or it will make it harder to address these bugs09:21
pooliei don't see how that really follows09:22
pooliei think the stacks are just fine09:22
vilayou don't want to address sharing both stores and config files don't you ? Nor maintain both get() and get_user_option() and get_xxx APIs right ?09:23
pooliei don't really understand the question09:25
pooliei do need to stop09:25
pooliei'm sorry this is frustrating09:26
vilaI mean, I don't mind getting rid of this stuff if we can't agree upon, but in this case that's a non-sense to keep it because it means we have a fragmented API and this is definitely something that makes it harder to fix the remaining bugs09:26
poolieif you can think more about actual "X doesn't work as it should" bugs rather than what you want to write, i think that will help communicate it09:26
vilathat's what the devnotes doc was about :-/09:27
vilaha, I have some bugs mentioned with the corresponding issues in my uncommitted version09:28
pooliehm, so09:28
pooliei can see there's something in there about plugins wanting to add new files09:29
pooliei think for a particular mp just pointing to configuration.txt is not enough, because the specific connection is not clear09:30
vilasee also the part about not being able to delete some options ?09:30
vilaor the already existing fragmentation in the API ?09:30
pooliei really do not see how the registry would help with deprecating options09:31
vilathe stack registry ? unrelated,09:31
pooliei think if you filed a bug saying "there is no way to gracefully deprecate an option" we can agree on whether that's true, whether it's important, and then on whether a particular mp is a decent way to solve it09:31
vilabut the option registry can be used to say one option deprecates another one (or vice versa)09:31
vilafar from the top of my TODO list09:32
_archpoolie: have you used the keywords plugin? Am I supposed to add the keyword template (like, $Revision-Id$) to each of my files?09:32
poolie_arch, i haven't used it recently, but yes, add it where you want the text to come out09:32
poolievila, ok, so, i'm -1 on the registry until the reason is clear09:32
pooliei think it would overall be most excited about you doing bug 795321 or maybe bug 83204209:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 795321 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "udd importer should make tea while launchpad is down" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79532109:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 832042 in Bazaar "config files are read for each option" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83204209:33
poolieor bug 836782, which is just pushing #is perhaps09:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 836782 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "bzr-builddeb requires dpkg-dev >= 1.15.7" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83678209:33
poolieor rebuilding it?09:33
_archpoolie: and once the file is pushed the keyword is going to be replaced by whatever it's supposed to be? i.e, in place of $Revision-Id$, there's going to be the revid?09:33
pooliei think it will be expanded within the keyword09:34
poolieok, good night all09:35
_archRight, there's something wrong then :)09:35
Riddelljelmer: how long does it take for a package to move from debian incoming to unstable?09:43
jelmerRiddell: it happens several times a day (if it doesn't have to go through NEW)09:45
Riddellhmm those bzr packages are still there (according to the incoming.d.o and packages.d.o websites)09:45
jelmerRiddell: http://packages.debian.org/sid/bzr-explorer already has 1.2.1-109:46
Riddellyou're right, http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=bzr-explorer is slacking09:47
Riddellor maybe it's my browser cache09:47
Riddelljelmer: I'll sync bzr-explorer and qbzr, and make the necessary changes to bzr to upload that09:50
jelmerRiddell: I was about to do an upload of bzr to oneiric too09:51
Riddellgo ahead then09:52
jelmerRiddell: thanks09:54
Riddellis there a reason why printing text in builting.py is often done with self.outf.write() rather than note() ?09:57
vilaRiddell: the FIXME in trace.note are probably part of the answer10:33
* Riddell discovers bzr rocks10:50
Riddellthat'll keep our translators amused finding suitable localised equivalents :)10:51
jamRiddell: self.outf.write goes to stdout and is in terminal encoding. note() I think goes to stderr and is officially UTF-8 encoded. Further note() also goes to .bzr.log11:08
Riddellhmm, so use of note() in commands might break if you're not using a utf-8 language?11:18
Riddellwhat is the "cannot import name info" message I get all the time?11:18
Riddelloh it's a plugin at fault11:19
jelmerRiddell: ~/.bzr.log is your friend :)11:22
jamRiddell: .bzr.log and -Derror11:43
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
jammgz: ping13:34
jammgz: I just upgraded bzr and did "bzr st" outside of a working tree13:36
jamand got the giant-explosion of IndexError.13:36
mgztraceback in the message you just put on the lp:~gz/bzr/root_drive_file_url_841322 mp implies the branch didn't land correctly13:36
mgzFile "C:\dev\bzr\bzr.dev\bzrlib\urlutils.py", line 391, in13:36
mgz _win32_extract_drive_letter13:36
mgz    if len(path) < 3 or path[2] not in ':|' or path[3] != '/':13:36
mgzIndexError: string index out of range13:36
mgzthat's still `< 3` not `< 4`13:36
mgzdouble check the branch is at the right revision?13:37
jammgz: I'm at 6125.. Looks like update *didn't*13:38
jambzr: ERROR: Operation denied because it would change the main history, which is not permitted by the append_revisions_on13:38
jamly setting on branch "C:/dev/bzr/bzr.dev/".13:38
jamhow did we manage that?13:38
jammgz: so it looks like my branch is out-of-date.13:39
jamSorry for the noise. I'll poke at the other stuff13:39
mgzugh, not sure, don't think I have that setting on so pull works here13:40
jammgz: looks like discrepancy between PQMs13:41
jamspecifically, 'bzr.dev's rev 6124 is now by "Patch Queue Manager" instead of "Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager"13:42
jamso it seems we landed (and I pulled) 2 revisions on the old PQM, which are now gone from history in the new PQM13:42
jamvila, poolie, jelmer: ^^ Did you see this?13:42
jamI'm a little concerned that we lost revisions, but I guess if a plain "bzr pull" works, then we shouldn't have.13:43
vilajam: yes, mentioned a couple of days ago, occurred during the migration to the new pqm, was considered minor enough to deal with it13:44
vilajam: you have append_revisions_only set locally ?13:44
vilajam: pqm doesn't13:44
jamvila: Yes, I have it set here13:44
vilajam: again see log for discussions about why we considered not doing that13:45
jamthat way I don't screw stuff up locally13:45
jamvila: irc log?13:45
vilaaround pqm migration, I raised the issue as soon as I discover it on bzr.dev13:45
jamvila: so we did already merge them into the actual trunk. I was trying to look at the changes, and didn't specifically see it.13:46
vilajam: yes, the first succesful submission based on the trunk pushed by the old pqm carried all the diffs13:47
jamvila: I'm fine with the solution, I just wanted to make sure we didn't lose anything. so good enough.13:48
vilajam: nothing has been lost bar the cleaner history13:48
jamvila: yeah. no problem. I often start my day by running "bzr up" but not actually reading the output. So I didn't see that it wasn't updating.13:49
vilajam: yeah, same reaction here, I even blew the whistle before checking, but I did not check very deeply given that this didn't seem necessary (I was lucky enough to do a 'bzr missing' at the right time)13:49
jamI did 'bzr missing' but wasn't 100% sure it wasn't lying :)13:49
jammgz: so in the end, Yay for you! I don't get the traceback anymore. :)13:56
mgzgood good :)13:56
blackarchonhi all!14:07
blackarchonI just posted bug 850004, is it maybe already solved in trunk?14:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 850004 in Bazaar "Problem with non-ASCII letters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85000414:09
mgzthat sounds like a bug for me.14:12
blackarchon2.4.0 was entirely broken, and 2.4.1 seems also broken :(14:13
mgzthere's nothing obviously wrong from your log or traceback14:14
mgzdoes S:/v5_x/projects/10074_YYY-Lüftersteuerung/.bzr/repository/pack-names actually exist?14:16
mgzand if not, which is the first parent directory that does?14:17
blackarchonyes, it exists14:17
blackarchonwell the letter ü is (according to the log) sometimes coded in a wrong way, this may propably be the reason for this error14:18
mgzit's right in all the bits in that bug, and the error isn't related to non-ascii characters, so I think that may be a red herring14:19
mgzblackarchon: paste me the output of `dir S:/v5_x/projects/10074_YYY-Lüftersteuerung/.bzr/repository/pack-names` run in the cmd prompt please?14:20
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:20
blackarchonmgz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689235/14:23
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
mgzokay, fun. I'll try and repo here.14:24
blackarchonnote I have to use \ instead of /14:24
mgzone last thing for you to try, run the command bzr-explorer is passing, but at the command line14:25
blackarchonI should run "bzr explorer S:/v5_x/projects/10074_YYY-Lüftersteuerung" on the command line?14:26
Noldorinhi jelmer14:26
jelmerhi Noldorin14:27
Noldorinany progress on the issue? :-)14:27
mgzblackarchon: so, `bzr commit -m "Vor 2. Wegschicken zu Hr. xxx" YYY-Lüftersteuerung.sch`14:27
jelmerNoldorin: sorry, been distracted with other things so far14:27
Noldorinjelmer, no prob14:27
jelmerit's high on my todo list though14:27
Noldorinjelmer, just thought i'd let you know i'm here to assist you when ready :-)14:27
blackarchonmgz: If i run "bzr explorer S:/v5_x/projects/10074_YYY-Lüftersteuerung"14:29
blackarchonI get an error14:29
blackarchonunable to change to <path> - closing page14:30
mgzpaste me that, then try the command I suggested?14:30
blackarchonmgz: sorry, my fault - the command was fine14:31
blackarchonjust had a typo14:31
mgzI hope you're not having to retype Lüftersteuerung each time :)14:32
blackarchonmgz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689241/14:34
mgzinteresting. do `bzr add YYY-Lüftersteuerung.sch` too?14:36
blackarchonwhy should adding a file help if it is already added?14:36
mgzit's not clear what the state of the branch is, it might be there really isn't anything to do.14:37
mgzif you were committing in bzr-explorer, and it gave you an error, I was presuming you had outstanding changes that still needed to be comitted.14:38
blackarchonok - well, the problem is that committing seems to work. at the moment, I have 6 revisions in this standalone tree. But I also get these errors while committing.14:39
mgzthat's wrong I guess, either you already did that or reverted them, or bzr left things in a funny state.14:39
blackarchonso it seems to do something right, but not all.14:40
mgzcan you make a new change of some kind to that file, try the commit from the command line (you can always uncommit after trying) and see if you get the same error?14:40
mgzit looks like this may just be an problem in the explorer commit reporting code.14:42
blackarchonthis went fine without an error on the command line14:43
mgzgreat, thanks for testing all of that, will help me try and reproduce it locally.14:44
blackarchonbut there seems to remain a little discrepancy in umlaut handling: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689250/14:45
blackarchonis this really not a problem?14:45
mgzyes, that does look funny but is actually correct.14:45
blackarchonok :)14:45
blackarchonand thanks for your time! :)14:46
mgzsome parts of the code use a unicode string where ü is u'\xfc' and some use a utf-8 byte string where it's '\xc3\xbc'14:46
blackarchonwell this seems like a problematic approach14:47
mgzit is, but I think your bug is a different problem.14:48
davi_jelmer, hi, can you fix bzr-git trunk to work with dulwich 0.8.0? current trunk attempts to import HttpGitClient which i think is not implemented in dulwich 0.814:52
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Riddellvila: is https://code.launchpad.net/~jr/bzr/i18n-unoverride-no-i18n-tests/+merge/75181 ok now?15:00
vilaRiddell: didn't I approve it already ?15:02
vilaoh no,15:03
vilaRiddell: gha the diff makes no sense (not enough context), let me review that locally15:06
vilaRiddell: ok ,so, this is better. One thing that comes to mind reading the patch though is that there are two idioms to test i18n: either you allow installing one or you install one without asking15:23
systemclienthow can I export a repo with multiple branches to git?15:24
vilaRiddell: and I don't really understand what the two TestInstall tests do. Are they just smoke tests ?15:24
vilaRiddell: shouldn't test_custom_languages fails if there is no translations avaiable for nl:fy ?15:25
Riddellvila: I don't know, I didn't write those tests15:26
Riddellvila: yes the two ways to test i18n are documented with this merge proposal15:27
vilaRiddell: oh, so sorry, they are indeed documented15:28
vilaRiddell: alright, so, TestTranslate alreday calls self.overrideAttr(i18n, '_translations', ZzzTranslations()), the tests don't need to do it again. I know, you didn't write them either, but better fix them if they need to serve as examples15:30
Riddellvila: how about adding this to the end? self.assertTrue(isinstance(i18n._translations, i18n._gettext.GNUTranslations) ?15:32
vilaRiddell: for the TestInstall ones ?15:32
vilasounds good !15:32
mgzRiddell: can use assertIsInstance there.15:33
vilaRiddell: does that mean that i18n.install('nl:fy') succeeds even if the translations are not available ?15:34
vilaRiddell: if that's true, yeah, that will make the test intent clearer (and mgz remark applies too ;)15:34
RiddellI'm not sure, investigating15:38
Riddellvila: it'll produce a NullTranslation always, only if the language is there will is make a GNUTranslation15:42
Riddellso I've pushed a change to test for NullTranslation15:43
vilaRiddell: ha ha, won't that break if that translation *is* available ? Or should you have a test for a known always available translation and one for a known never available one ?15:43
Riddellno because GNUTranslations inherits from NullTranslations15:44
vilaok, but mgz mentioned assertIsInstance (provided by testtools maybe ?)15:44
vilaRiddell: and TestTranslate alreday calls self.overrideAttr(i18n, '_translations', ZzzTranslations()), the tests don't need to do it again. I know, you didn't write them either, but better fix them if they need to serve as examples15:45
vilabah copying my tyops now :-/15:45
vilaRiddell: assertIsInstance is provided by TestCase (not testtools)15:46
vilaRiddell: and will give a better error message than assertTrue(isinstance(...))15:46
Riddellvila: pushed15:49
Noldorinjelmer, had LP support for collocated branches arrived yet?16:02
Noldorini knwo 2.5b1 is being released tomorrow16:02
Noldorinwhich has support16:03
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Noldorinjelmer, let me know if you want me to send you my powershell script...16:22
Noldorinfor testing the issue16:22
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lamalexhey bzr folks- need some help17:14
lamalex(i'm tying my question- don't hassle me about asking to ask)17:14
lamalexi've got a branch which i want to merge into my trunk, but i want to squash the history of the old branch, as to basically not have it17:15
fullermdAw, man, you take all the fun out of it...17:15
lamalexthere is some private info in the history i don't want exposed to the world17:15
Noldorinlamalex, a normal merge does that17:15
Noldorinjust make sure it doesn't pull17:16
fullermdYou could merge, revert --forget-merges to dump the intermediate revs, then commit.17:16
lamalexNoldorin, but can't i go and do a bzr log -n0 and see the history of the branch?17:16
lamalexfullermd, ah ha, that sounds like a sane way17:16
lamalexi was trying to do a bzr diff  > and then patch it17:16
fullermdOh no.  What will taht do to my reputation?17:16
lamalexbut there are all kinds of renamed files and whatnot17:16
lamalexit was messy17:16
Noldorinlamalex, oh, i forgot about that17:17
Noldorinlamalex, fullermd has a decent solution :-)17:17
lamalexoh my god that worked perfectly17:18
lamalexfullermd, you're a genius17:18
Noldorinbzr send --no-bundle may also work17:19
Noldorini'm not sure though17:19
lamalexfullermd, do you work for canonical btw?17:19
* fullermd buffs his nails on his shirt and looks haughtily down on everyone.17:19
fullermdOh, no.  They'd make me run Linux and code in Python.  Who wants that?17:19
lamalexisn't it odd, some people /like/ coding in python17:21
* lamalex shudders17:21
Noldorinmany, in fact :-P17:22
fullermdStockholm syndrome is a terrible thing   :(17:22
Noldorinsome people like coding in obj-c17:22
Noldorinwhich is even worse17:22
fullermdIt could be worse though.  I know a guy who LIKES COBOL.17:22
fullermdHe has such scornful pity for the poor fools who don't like it, too.  It's incredible to watch.17:23
vilafullermd: you imply he's still alive ?17:28
fullermdWell, I dunno if you'd classify COBOL programmers as "alive" in any meaningful sense...17:28
vilawell, zombies walk but they don't TALK17:29
* fullermd _wishes_ he didn't talk...17:29
vilaon the other hand, I heard you could do subroutines and even pass parameters in COBOL these days...17:29
fullermdHe's actually so far off in his own world, it's impossible to argue with him about anything.17:30
vilaand did they fix the compiler saying: 'You miss a period here, it's a fatal error, but I will assume there is one so I can show your all your other errors' ?17:30
fullermdHe can actually say, with a straight face, that COBOL is totally relevant because it's kept up with the times, since it has all the modern bells and whistles like (I'm not making this up) while and for loops.17:31
vilathat also reminds me of this guy writing perl scripts to generate visual basic that inject data in excel documents...17:32
vilafortunately I only *heard* about him17:32
fullermdI use a perl script to generate my window manager config on the fly...17:32
vilafullermd: pff, you miss the vb part, too easy, doesn't count17:33
fullermdAt one time I had perl in my shell rc file too.  Only has sed and awk now, though.17:33
fullermd(at this point of course we x-ref the classic Know Your Sysadmin   :p)17:34
Noldorinhi jelmer19:15
GRiDhi poolie20:27
GRiDare you up early? :)20:28
pooliei am20:29
pooliehow are you?20:30
GRiDgood thanks. saw you had the flu, over i hope?20:31
poolieyes, fine now20:31
GRiDcool. we're just about to get into that season here, not looking forward to that...20:33
abentleypoolie: Didja know Martin Poole is a character on a Canadian TV show? http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0184436/21:04
pooliei did not21:06
abentleypoolie: it was rather bizarre watching for me.21:06
pooliestatik, hi?21:19
statikhi poolie21:19
Noldorinjelmer, hey21:40
jelmerNoldorin: hi22:00
Noldorinhow's it going..?22:00
jelmerNoldorin: it's alright22:11
jelmerhow are you?22:11
Noldoringood good22:11
jelmerg'morning poolie, statik22:11
Noldorinhaven't had chance to do much more investigating22:11
Noldorinjelmer, how about you?22:11
jelmerNoldorin: been busy with other things all day too22:11
jelmerI'm going to have a look now, but might fall asleep before I have a chance to...22:11
pooliehi jelmer22:12
pooliewell, it's a great day to bisect intermittent kernel bugs22:12
pooliebut i think i will anyhow22:12
jelmerpoolie: check out revision, recompile kernel, reboot, repeat?22:13
pooliei'm going to start just with the various sub-versions of packaged kernels22:13
pooliefor bug 833479 fwiw22:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 833479 in linux (Ubuntu) "e1000e connection drops out" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83347922:16
pooliejelmer, can i just confirm you started the process for 2.4.1 into oneiric?22:18
jelmerpoolie: yep - the package built fine, it's just waiting to be uploaded now22:19
pooliethat was really pretty smooth22:19
Noldorinjelmer, ok sounds good :-)22:19
Noldorinjelmer, looking forward to the 2.5b1 release tomorrow too22:19
Noldorinjelmer, something tells me the fix is going to be very small....just difficult to figure out22:26
jelmerNoldorin: I think the fix will be trivial once we have a test that reproduces the issue22:26
Noldorinjelmer, you were away earlier today, but i offered to send you my powershell script...22:29
Noldorinif you like22:29
Noldorinbut you know how to reproduce it anyway i think22:29
jelmerNoldorin: thanks, but I don't have powershell here (Linux)22:29
jelmerunless your script reproduces the issue in less revisions that the original branch?22:30
Noldorinjelmer, afriad not. everything happens at r47...22:31
jelmerit should still happen with the contents of r46 and the problematic changes22:31
Noldorinthat's what i mean yeah22:33
Noldorinmy script shows that22:33
Noldorinwe discussed it yesterday :-)22:33
jelmerNoldorin: I mean, if you commit the entire set of contents of r46 in a new branch as r1 and then make the same problematic changes that triggered the bug in your r4722:35
jelmeranyway, time for some sleep. g'night22:37
poolieGRiD, hi?23:53

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