
=== Squt is now known as Sput
valorieis Muon our package manager by default in 11.10?06:42
valoriedownloading the 11.10 isos is so incredibly slow -- why didn't I start torrenting last week?06:43
tsimpsonvalorie: looking at kubuntu-desktop, I'd say "yes"06:47
jussiapachelogger: !! I found a job for you... http://www.mol.fi/paikat/Job.do?lang=fi&jobID=7776326&index=553&anchor=7776326 (scroll down for english)06:48
jussi(the job title says "Ice princess") :D06:49
valoriewell, I've given up on my liveUSB etc. and am just making my netbook Oneiric06:55
valoriewish me luck06:55
* valorie could be Mrs. Gingerbread06:57
ejatmorning bambee08:07
=== lool- is now known as lool
apacheloggerjussi: I could do that09:01
apacheloggerdebfx, yofel_: did someone fix startkde yet?09:17
danimois there a doc on how to backport a package from sid to ubuntu?09:48
danimo(any version, really)09:48
danimojust replace the files?09:48
apacheloggerdanimo: depends on what version is in ubuntu and what version is in sid... if the ubuntu version diverges from debian you'd get the debian version the ubuntu version is based on, diff those two, then get the new debian version and apply the diff09:52
apacheloggerno idea if we have documentation on that09:52
apacheloggerhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/Merging-and-Syncing that might be as close as it gets09:52
danimoapachelogger: ok09:52
apacheloggerdanimo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging09:52
danimoapachelogger: I noticed that icecc needs some love. getting in touch with fabo09:52
apacheloggerthat seems more useful09:52
bambeesee kde-packagers (performance related bugfix in kwin for kde 4.6), we could import this patch to kubuntu-ppa/ppa ... no?09:53
apacheloggerdanimo: I think the 11.10 icecc should be in line with debian again, natty might indeed need some love09:53
apacheloggerbambee: see mail on kubuntu-devel :P09:53
danimoapachelogger: we have builders as old as 8.0409:53
danimoapachelogger: (yay for backwards compat!)09:54
apacheloggeroh dear09:54
danimoapachelogger: what can you do?09:54
apachelogger8.04? I do not even think that is supported anymore :S09:54
danimoapachelogger: it's LTS09:54
apacheloggernot for kubuntu :P09:54
danimoapachelogger: that's not relevant, we do not use any gui packages09:54
danimoapachelogger: they are purely builders09:54
apacheloggerah, fair enough then09:54
bambeeapachelogger: "I think we have enough feedback to move the patch into Oneiric." ?09:54
apacheloggerbambee: I should hope someone pushes it to the bzr branches09:55
apacheloggeror more likely someone already did09:55
* bambee checks09:55
apacheloggerhttp://i.imgur.com/AsYcU.png :D :D09:56
apacheloggergood times09:56
danimoapachelogger: but even sid/oneiric are missing icecc features in the init script09:56
apacheloggerdanimo: oh, you should definitely talk to fabo then09:58
danimoapachelogger: yepp, waiting for him to return from a meeting09:58
bambeeapachelogger: kubuntu-ppa/ppa contains nothing about this fix. I will import it after dinner09:59
apacheloggerbambee: you mean backport to versions older than natty?09:59
bambeeor maybe we could import it to natty-updates... don't know (it's an important fix...)10:00
bambeeor both 10:01
apacheloggerupdates makes more sense IMHO10:01
apacheloggerbackports ppa will get the fix with 4.7.210:01
didrocksdebfx: thanks for the fix!10:11
ScottKapachelogger: What's the deal for phonon-xine?  Should it be removed?11:06
ScottKbambee: I think it's fine to push the kwin performance thing to kde 4.6.5 in the PPA.11:07
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.  Will do.11:08
bambeeScottK: not in natty-updates ? some user might use archives and not the ppa :)11:19
ScottKbambee: We need to get 4.6.5 into -updates.  That's how we solve that.11:20
bambeeI agree now11:20
apacheloggerbambee, ScottK: someone needs to backport http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kde-workspace.git&a=commit&h=fc34fa863f7b61fd32ae6736be925db20bae950a11:42
apacheloggerfirst step towards fixing root-only kcms11:42
ScottKapachelogger: If only there were a Kubuntu developer that was familiar with the patch ...11:43
* apachelogger is busy fixing systemsettings upstream11:44
apacheloggeralso I still have no flat11:44
* apachelogger needs a cig11:44
ScottKapachelogger: Then it's fortunate that smoking is allowed under the bridge.11:48
apacheloggerdo we have any kcms other than partitionmanager and userconfig that need root?11:49
ScottKNot that I know of, but there's legions of stuff I don't know, so take it FWIW.11:51
debfxapachelogger: nope, I haven't worked on startkde12:14
ryanakcaScottK: We're seeing progress from the sysadmins on that RT ticket :)12:20
ScottKryanakca: Excellent.12:21
apacheloggeralso http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kde-workspace.git&a=commit&h=a80fd773d376a715f5d1a5320b0a40c8e954d2da needs to be applied12:21
faboScottK: debfx: what about a FFe for Qt Creator 2.3.0?12:28
fabodebfx: have you disabled the QML Designer because it fails to build on armel?12:29
ScottKfabo: If you think it's the right thing to do and have packages, have tested, etc, I'd say sounds reasonable.12:31
apacheloggerbambee: do we have a FFe for bluedevil yet?12:33
debfxfabo: yes, we've disabled it on armel12:33
fabodebfx: ok, it should be fixed in 2.3.012:36
faboScottK: I have the package ready and tested12:36
faboneed to check the arm build to make sure QTCREATORBUG-5547 is fixed12:37
ScottKdebfx: Generally we shouldn't remove a package from an architecture for temporary issues like that.  Leaving it FTBFS is better so if the bug is fixed in an later upload you don't have to mess with the architecture list.12:40
debfxScottK: which package are you talking about?12:41
ScottKdebfx: qtcreator.12:41
ScottKNevermind if I misunderstood what you said.12:41
debfxwe haven't removed it, just disabled the qmldesigner plugin12:42
ScottKI see.12:43
ScottKNevermind me then.12:43
* ScottK goes for more coffee.12:43
skfinfor coffee12:45
bambeeapachelogger: assuming I've assigned the FFe to the wrong project (just assuming :P), I need to re-assign it to the "ubuntu" project right? (there are too many ubuntu related project through launchpad :\)12:47
* bambee has assigned the bug to "Launchpad itself" o.O12:48
* bambee hides12:48
micahgbambee: at least now you can easily move stuff from project -> distro12:48
* bambee blames himself12:50
debfxapachelogger: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/revision/56412:51
bambeeapachelogger: bug 84993612:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 849936 in Ubuntu "Feature Freeze Exception for bluedevil 1.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84993612:55
* ScottK thought from the ML there were still some unresolved questions?12:56
ScottKIce creaming is working again on the arm boxen: ICECC[23972] 12:54:25: Compiled on
debfxis anyone interested in writing a script that generates rebuild uploads of the kde sc packages and pushes the changes to bzr?13:01
debfxotherwise we have to do that manually :/13:01
ScottKWho was working on digikam?  IIRC we still need that one.13:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: ping ping13:51
shadeslayerso i hear you wanted a iCal parser13:51
shadeslayerand oh13:52
shadeslayerwhat is this i see13:52
shadeslayerhackfests @ UDS ?13:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: would it be acceptable to write a qt wrapper around libical?13:53
apacheloggerdebfx: cheers14:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: aye14:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: actually14:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: it might be even better to just us a javascript only solution14:09
apacheloggersurely there is some js impl for turning ical into json objects14:09
shadeslayeroh .. uh .. i'm not that well versed with js14:09
apacheloggerwhich would be a good enough solution IMHO14:09
shadeslayerthere's a perl parser i can see14:09
shadeslayerbut thats pretty much it14:09
shadeslayerinteresting :D14:11
apacheloggernot that it'd be the best solution14:11
apacheloggerwere just thinking yesterday14:11
apacheloggerdoing the parsing in JS might not be all the inefficient14:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: i think C++ as the backend for the parser would be faster ... just a thought, no proof to back that theory14:12
apacheloggerit certainly would be, but I am not sure it would be sufficent14:13
apacheloggerI mean, if you can whip up a low effort ical wrapper that would just be fine14:13
apacheloggerof course doing it in js has the advantage that we need not worry about a dependency14:13
apachelogger(FWIW libical is available on harmattan, but thinking about ultimate portability we'd have to have it available on other platforms)14:14
apachelogger(other platforms being mostly symbian ^^)14:14
apacheloggerlooking at the js ical parser I think we could just do the same in Qt14:16
apacheloggerwe do not need full ical support for UDS schedule14:16
apacheloggeronly need event support14:16
=== bipolar_ is now known as bipolar
apacheloggerrdieter: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kde-workspace.git&a=commit&h=a80fd773d376a715f5d1a5320b0a40c8e954d2da http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kde-workspace.git&a=commit&h=fc34fa863f7b61fd32ae6736be925db20bae950a kevin was pulling a captain obvious earlier, so I am not sure he is going to move away from the weird rootonly stuff14:19
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Feature Freeze in effect - 11.10 Beta 1 Released | TODO: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-flavor-kubuntu.html | 4.7.1: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Congratulations to bulldog98
shadeslayerapachelogger: so what do you want me to do ?14:24
apacheloggerselect the best solution :P14:24
shadeslayerand that library seems to have no active solution14:24
kubotushadeslayer meant: "and that library seems to have no active contributors"14:25
shadeslayerthe one written in js14:25
shadeslayerlast release is in ... Feb 2008 @_@14:25
apacheloggerRFCs are not changing very often :P14:26
shadeslayerwell, no, but what about bugs in the library?14:27
apacheloggerwe can fix em14:27
apacheloggeror you start writing a Qt parser for ical :P14:27
shadeslayerqt wrapper for libical you mean :P14:28
apacheloggertoo fat14:28
shadeslayeror do you mean design something from the ground up14:28
apacheloggerjust reimplement that js thing in Qt14:28
shadeslayerheh, for that i'll need to read the RFC myself :P14:28
apacheloggeras I said, we do not need the entire RFC14:28
apacheloggerwe only need to be able to parse events14:28
apacheloggerthe thing does not have to do anything but parse the events and spit out a qlist<Event *>14:29
rdieterapachelogger: thanks14:39
ScottKfabo: Do you have an opinion on http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?msg=20;bug=640210 - I grepped the code a bit and it seems reasonable at a glance, but I'm no expert.15:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: question, i'm not sure i understand the 'Convert the js library to Qt' part15:28
shadeslayerif its a js lib, can't you directly use it in yer QML app15:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: if it were working :P15:35
apacheloggerplus the code is a bit ewww15:36
shadeslayerew ew ew15:47
shadeslayerregex ... in js 15:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: exactly15:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: my eyes burn15:53
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
bulldog98why does ubottu or kubotu not show a line for qt bugs?16:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://i.imgur.com/dvnrm.png16:12
apacheloggerbulldog98: ENOTIMPLEMENTED16:12
apacheloggerdreadfully slow though16:13
apacheloggeralso interestingly enough the parser algorithm uses recursion for lists16:13
debfxapachelogger: I guess I should keep desktop-template-list in pkg-kde-tools for now so kde-l10n doesn't fall over it?16:19
apacheloggeror you fix kde-l10n :P16:19
debfxyeah I'll fix it in bzr, but I don't want to upload all those packages for no reason16:20
apacheloggerthere surely will be another release ^^16:22
debfxnot during this cycle16:26
bambeedoes someone have an USB audio headset ?16:30
bambeeit works perfectly on natty with a great sound , however on oneiric I get strange sizzles :\16:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://i.imgur.com/zap0I.png16:41
shadeslayershow me the code16:42
apacheloggeryou really dont wanna see16:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: but i want to :P16:42
bulldog98shadeslayer: run before you see it, run :)16:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: are you using that js lib>16:43
apacheloggerparts of it16:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: kde:scratch/sitter/uds-qml 16:45
apacheloggeryou better clone from git.kde.org as anongit apparently takes some time16:45
* apachelogger needs to buy cigs16:46
shadeslayer*cough* qmake *cough*16:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw a simple readwhile parser would be way better than all the regex there16:47
apacheloggerical has a block begin and end line, so you can simply do while (!blockend) parseLine(line)16:48
apacheloggeror something similar, that really can be done in way more readable code16:48
apacheloggeralso using qobject you can do arbitary property injection if you want to16:48
apacheloggerthough since we have a limited use case static Q_PROPERTIES would be totally sufficient16:48
apachelogger-> 16:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: file:///home/shadeslayer/kde/uds-qml/build/qml/ubuntudevelopersummit/main.qml:1:1: module "QtQuick" version 1.1 is not installed 16:52
shadeslayeryofel_: time to update project-neon-qt16:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: mind that you will also need the meego qt components17:05
apacheloggeralong with the artwork (which is tricky to get unless you have either the emulator or a harmattan device)17:05
apacheloggereasy enough to solve17:10
apacheloggerjust write a desktop ui :P17:10
apacheloggeroh, actually17:10
* apachelogger whips one up17:10
shadeslayeri be QML nub17:10
shadeslayerand as much as i like the entire UI ... somehow js isn't really something i forsee learning :P17:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: push'd17:11
* apachelogger points out that qml != javascript17:12
shadeslayersure, but most of it is :P17:12
apacheloggerin qml you do not use half the stuff of javascript17:13
apacheloggersince you do the business logic in cpp anyway17:13
apacheloggerso what is left is the declarative markup and maybe a couple of signal handlers17:13
apacheloggernow I could really use a design idea17:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: you tell me design idea17:13
shadeslayerhmm ... well, you could do a grid like thing17:14
shadeslayerand then when you touch a grid box, you get a list view of all the events for that day17:14
shadeslayeras for what is actually shown in the grid boxes, i'm not swure what info we should sho17:14
apacheloggeralso a grid?17:14
apacheloggerI mean17:14
apacheloggerthere are 3 relevant data as I see it17:15
apacheloggera) the day17:15
apacheloggerb) the room17:15
apacheloggerc) the track17:15
apacheloggerwell, day == time17:15
shadeslayerah ok17:15
shadeslayeri'll bbiab, need to run a errand17:15
Riddellbulldog98: congratulations on getting membership, sorry I missed the meeting17:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: right, but then if you represent the all days in boxes, what info do you display in the box itself apart from the date?17:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: I do not follow17:29
shadeslayerhold on17:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.8-snapshot/images/gridview-simple.png << we would have something like that right?17:33
apacheloggerwe can have whatever we want17:34
shadeslayertrue that17:34
apacheloggerI do however believe that a calendar like view might make most sense17:35
shadeslayer!find pull-lp-package18:18
ubottuPackage/file pull-lp-package does not exist in natty18:18
bulldog98Riddell: kthx18:19
* bulldog98 needs a hook for finding an host to build on18:20
shadeslayerbulldog98: host to build on?18:20
shadeslayerwhat does that mean? :P18:21
bulldog98shadeslayer: I have tree pc and all three should build one package each, so I need a hook or script to get a free host and run pbuilder on it18:21
bulldog98would speedup my packaging nearly 3 times18:22
shadeslayeror .. you could hook all of them together with icecc and speed up the builds18:22
bulldog98shadeslayer: doesn’t work if main is amd64 and others are i38618:22
* bulldog98 guesses there is a bug either in icecc or pbuilder18:23
bulldog98and I reported that as debian bug18:23
bulldog98nice rebuilding for natty gives lots of missing in symbols18:26
shadeslayerprobably because of different gcc versions18:28
bulldog98could be. I just patch that stuff in and check if something rdepends on it18:28
bulldog98and is not rebuild18:29
shadeslayerand where is Quintasan these days?18:29
bulldog98shadeslayer: Microsoft send guys to cut his inet off18:29
shadeslayeroh .. 18:29
* shadeslayer dispatches some penguins to ward off the MS people18:30
bulldog98no some workers did something wrong and he has no access18:30
bulldog98shadeslayer: they’ll need some time until they are near Quintasan18:30
bulldog98shadeslayer:  640199@bugs.debian.org18:31
ubottuDebian bug 640199 in icecc "icecc builds local if building in an i386 pbuilder on amd64 and useing ccache" [Normal,Open]18:32
shadeslayerright, sawn18:32
* shadeslayer shakes his fist at rfc 524518:33
bulldog98!search rfc 524518:34
ubottuFound: 18:34
shadeslayer~google rfc 524518:35
kubotuResults for rfc 5245: 1. RFC 5245 - Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE): A Protocol ...: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245 | 2. RFC 5245 on Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE): A ...: http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ietf-announce/current/msg07383.html | 3. Information on RFC 5245: http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc524518:35
bulldog98nice kubotu, bad ubottu18:35
charlie-tcaI have to ask. Is Kubuntu going to have an accessible installer this cycle, or did it get postponed to LTS?18:35
bulldog98fregl: ping ^18:36
rbelemScottK, kdelibs active-development branch merged into KDE/4.7 :-D18:44
rbelemScottK, we don't need to separate the dev packages anymore18:45
ScottKWell, that seems to break compatiblity a bit, but OK.18:45
rbelemScottK, notmart is working to merge kde-runtime active-development18:45
ScottKWhen will it be done?18:45
rbelemScottK, he made the kdelibs today18:51
ScottKBeta 2 freeze is tomorrow.18:52
rbelemScottK, and already started kde-runtime18:52
ScottKcharlie-tca: I don't think maco ended up getting a lot done on that.18:52
charlie-tcaOkay, There's always next cycle18:52
macoback when the installer didnt run i had time :P18:53
bulldog98!find soprano19:03
ubottuFound: libsmokesoprano-dev, libsmokesoprano3, libsmokesopranoclient3, libsmokesopranoserver3, libsoprano-dbg, libsoprano-dev, libsoprano-doc, libsoprano2.0-cil, libsoprano4, soprano-daemon (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=soprano&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all19:03
bulldog98!find libsoprano-dev19:04
ubottuFound: libsoprano-dev19:04
bulldog98!show libsoprano-dev19:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about show libsoprano-dev19:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:04
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/19:05
bulldog98doesn’t ubottu has a man page?19:05
shadeslayerbulldog98: its a suppybot i think19:07
shadeslayeror sth thats spelled like that19:07
shadeslayer!find suppybot19:07
ubottuPackage/file suppybot does not exist in natty19:07
shadeslayer!info supybot19:07
ubottusupybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 430 kB, installed size 2676 kB19:08
charlie-tca!ubottu, tell bulldog98 about yourself19:08
ubottubulldog98, please see my private message19:08
shadeslayerbulldog98: ^19:08
bulldog98shadeslayer: I simply want to get to know the version of a package in natty19:08
shadeslayerbulldog98: use !info 19:08
charlie-tcabulldog98:  just use !info PACKAGENAME19:08
shadeslayercharlie-tca: hah, that as neat19:08
bulldog98!info libsoprano-dev19:09
ubottulibsoprano-dev (source: soprano): development files for the Soprano RDF framework. In component main, is extra. Version 2.5.63+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1.1 (natty), package size 107 kB, installed size 1376 kB19:09
* shadeslayer forgot what he was doing19:09
charlie-tcaThose !info things are always for the latest release, so if you need a different one, add it after package19:09
charlie-tca!info libsoprano-dev lucid19:09
shadeslayerah right, kde-wallpapers19:09
ubottulibsoprano-dev (source: soprano): development files for the Soprano RDF framework. In component main, is extra. Version 2.4.2+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 109 kB, installed size 1364 kB19:10
shadeslayercharlie-tca: can we get the info for the current development release in the devel channels?19:10
charlie-tcajust add oneiric instead of lucid19:10
shadeslayercharlie-tca: my question was, can oneiric be made default for devel channels?19:11
charlie-tcaI don'19:11
shadeslayertoday is not my day to phrase questions/replies19:11
charlie-tcaI don't know, most people prefer not to have the development release there19:11
* bulldog98 thinks he also has to backport soprano to get pykde4 compiling19:11
shadeslayerah, in that case, chuck it19:12
bulldog98shadeslayer: should I adjust the dep in bzr?19:13
shadeslayerbulldog98: if it builds with older soprano, then yes19:14
shadeslayerbulldog98: if cmake says you *need* newer soprano, i can backport it right now19:14
bulldog98shadeslayer: cmake doesn’t says that, but that’s what I read from the buildlog19:17
shadeslayerbulldog98: can you pastebin this somewhere? I don't understand what you're trying to do :)19:18
shadeslayerlike i said, today is not my day :P19:18
bulldog98shadeslayer: I’m trying that, but batpaste laggs19:19
bulldog98or my inet19:19
shadeslayerbulldog98: use kpaste :P19:19
bulldog98shadeslayer: where is it in?19:19
shadeslayeralias kpaste='pastebinit -b http://paste.kde.org'19:19
bulldog98shadeslayer: nice19:21
bulldog98shadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689457/19:22
shadeslayerbulldog98: -- Found Soprano: /usr/include  .. looks just fine19:23
bulldog98shadeslayer: look to the place, where the build fails19:24
shadeslayerthis needs to be fixed in pykde as well19:25
shadeslayerbecause CMake should fail if it can't find proper version19:25
shadeslayerbulldog98: soprano needs backport, which is a PITA itself19:26
shadeslayerbulldog98: http://paste.kde.org/121411/19:26
bulldog98shadeslayer: I should patch batpaste to be something like that: http://paste.kde.org/12141719:28
bulldog98and nice log19:28
bulldog98maybe we should patch batpaste to be something like the above19:28
shadeslayerbulldog98: lets look at that over the weekend then19:29
bulldog98then I could also unify the completion into _pasteing and add #compdef batpaste kpaste19:29
bulldog98shadeslayer: I’m not at home on Saturday19:30
shadeslayeroh ok, Monday then19:30
* bulldog98 has lots of time on Monday19:31
bulldog98shadeslayer: don’t hurry with the backport pykde isn’t that important19:33
bulldog98perlqt is neither19:33
shadeslayerbulldog98: thats alright, i'm taking my time :P19:33
shadeslayerfound the issue tho19:33
bulldog98so marble is up19:34
shadeslayerwill upload in a couple of minutes if it builds fine19:34
bulldog98mean while I’ll upload kde-baseapps19:34
bulldog98btw couldn’t we split the packaging into to tables and include them?19:36
bulldog98wiki Packaging TODO19:36
bulldog98note to myself add an -b option to kgetsource (for backporting -> set different release etc)19:37
shadeslayerbonkers : /usr/include/rasqal/rasqal.h:910:81: error: 'raptor_message_handler' has not been declared19:37
shadeslayer!info librasqal2 oneiric19:37
ubottuPackage librasqal2 does not exist in oneiric19:37
shadeslayer!info librasqal3-dev19:38
ubottuPackage librasqal3-dev does not exist in natty19:38
shadeslayer!info librasqal3-dev oneiric19:38
ubottulibrasqal3-dev (source: rasqal): Rasqal RDF query library development libraries and headers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.26-1 (oneiric), package size 231 kB, installed size 836 kB19:38
shadeslayerthere we go19:38
shadeslayerthat needs a backport now19:38
shadeslayerbulldog98: i'm off to sleep, cya19:39
bulldog98shadeslayer: cya and good sleep19:39
shadeslayerwill look at this on friday since i have 0 time tomorrow19:39
=== bulldog98 is now known as bulldog98_
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
debfxapachelogger: do you want to the keep the SVNURL and SVNREV stuff in the debian/rules file of kde-l10n?20:29
debfxit's only used by the get-desktop targets but there is also an empty get-messages20:30
apacheloggerbetter leave it there20:33
apacheloggeryou never know when we need it again20:33
bulldog98yofel_: again new digikam release http://www.digikam.org/drupal/node/62420:41
ScottKWe need to get digikam 2.0 at least.21:21
BarkingFish!info ttf-me-quran21:31
ubottuPackage ttf-me-quran does not exist in natty21:31
BarkingFishoh whoop... this is good.  I need that for a program I'm wanting to run, it's listed as a depend and we don't have it packaged :)21:31
lunarcloudhey guys, I can't talk much at the moment, but I wanted to report back where I was with the release announcements. 21:33
lunarcloudi've done some work on the beta 2 announcement in the wiki21:33
lunarcloudand i've got a draft of the release announcement on google docs21:33
lunarcloudlet me know what you think. I'm off and on with irc - but email at samuelsarette@linux.com is always a good way to reach me.21:33
lunarcloudttyl :)21:33
apacheloggerlunarcloud: cool21:35
apacheloggerlunarcloud: but why not write it on the wiki directly? :)21:35
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I see you will be attending after all. :P21:35
apacheloggerattending who?21:35
lunarcloudyea, not a bad idea - i wasn't sure of what to do for that because It's intended for the website's release announcement. 21:36
lunarcloudI thought that was separate from the wiki stuff as it's more official 21:36
apacheloggerlunarcloud: we traditionally do not put beta announcements on the website direclty21:37
apacheloggeror alpha and rc for that matter21:37
* apachelogger is not quite sure why21:37
lunarcloudno, the first one is the beta 2 one, which is on the website21:37
lunarcloudthe second is what's intended for release21:37
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: which raises the question whom I get to spoon with21:37
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: have you registered on LP yet?21:38
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: I dunno where21:38
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DarkwingDuckapachelogger: http://uds.ubuntu.com/register21:39
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DarkwingDuckIf you want me a roomie, I didn't request anyone :P:P21:39
lunarcloudoh, sorry - launchpad thing intended for other. getting used to irc...21:39
lunarcloudbut yes, the other document isn't on the wiki because the release announcement is on the website directly and i don't have a process for that21:40
lunarcloudapachelogger: is the google doc an okay place for the final release announcement - or is there a more typical place?21:42
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: I think we should have a competition on who gets to room with me21:45
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: what do I do on that page if I do not have no travel info yet?21:47
lunarcloudapachelogger: well, until a better place for it is found - my proposed final release announcement is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H0tjlWrnTVqpZNbrGbJYzNXWMUASBwZ3zZs__SFEdgU/edit?hl=en_US21:49
lunarcloudapachelogger: and this internet connection is really wonky21:49
DarkwingDuckAhhh, righto21:49
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I would wait till after you have you flight info21:49
apacheloggergives us time to work on the roomie competition :P21:50
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: you know who else from Kubuntu is planning on being there?21:51
DarkwingDuckI know Riddell will be there.21:51
apacheloggervalorie I think21:52
apacheloggerQuintasan depends on whether he will get a visa IIRC21:52
DarkwingDuckjussi and ScottK wont be able to make it21:52
apacheloggerno scott? :O21:52
apacheloggergreat, so I need to find a new drinking partner too :S21:53
jmichaelxi just installed a round of kde 4.6.5 updates from the kubuntu ppa, which totally hosed my desktop. would anyone here know anything about this?22:18
jmichaelxalso, this is not the first time i've had my desktop trashed by kubuntu ppa updates.... is there any testing done with these updates before they are rolled out? sometimes it sure does not seem like it22:22
ScottKjmichaelx: Looks like bambee is your person.  https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1940627/+listing-archive-extra22:23
jmichaelxScottK: ty22:23
ScottKThat said, the patch was from the upstream kwin developer and so I'd be suprised if that was really it.22:23
bambeejmichaelx: what is your problem exactly?22:24
ScottKIn fact it looks like it would have zero effect if effects are disabled.22:24
ScottKjmichaelx: Do you still have problems if desktop effects are disabled?22:24
jmichaelxbambee: i installed the updates to 4.6.5 from the kubuntu ppa a few hours ago, and now my kde desktop is basically gone22:24
jmichaelxScottK: i have no way to enable them/disable them now... no way to get to menu22:25
ScottKWell they will generally disable themselves if there are problems, so I doubt that's it.22:25
jmichaelxi could edit the config file... but it is saying it cannot find any widgets.... desktop view, etc22:26
jmichaelxi have no panel, no background, although there are black boxes where widgets should be22:26
jmichaelxstrangely though, yakuake works, lol22:27
jmichaelxand has transparency22:27
bambeejmichaelx: does krun (ALT+F2) work?22:27
jmichaelxbambee: i will have to fire the machine back up to check... will let you know here in several minutes22:27
bambeeit works just fine on my laptop o.O22:28
jmichaelxbambee: and you are running 4.6.5?22:29
bambeemy laptop is on natty and uses kubuntu-ppa/ppa22:29
jmichaelxbambee: same here22:30
jmichaelxyes,krunner works22:30
jmichaelxbambee: was there something you were thinking i should tryto start in krunner? like i said, i also have yakuake terminal22:34
bambeenothing weird in ~/.xsession-errors?22:35
jmichaelxlemme check22:36
ScottKSo to answer your first question, he did test it ...22:36
ScottKAlso what type of video? Intel/Nvidia/ATI?22:37
jmichaelxScottK: intel22:37
jmichaelxbambee: there are tons of problems being reported in .xsession-errors22:39
bambeejmichaelx: could you paste it ? (use pastebinit)22:39
jmichaelxbambee: a lot of messages saying that icons not found, wallpapers not found, containment not found, etc22:40
bambeedoes not make sense, assuming kwin effects are broken it should at least disable compositing... :\22:40
jmichaelxbambee: grrr... i would, although i have no network access on this thing atm22:40
jmichaelxbambee: like i said, it looks like kwin effects are working. yakuake and krunner both have transparency22:41
ScottKI think you have another problem and it's only co-incidence the kwin change hit today.22:41
ScottKWe should figure it out though.22:41
bambeeplasma probably...22:41
bambeejmichaelx: can you start plasma-desktop by hand from yakuake?22:42
bambee(assuming you use plasma-desktop)22:42
bambeejmichaelx: ?22:49
Guest19615bambee: this is jmichaelx. here is my .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689582/22:52
jmichaelxbambee: i can try that. fortunately i have lxde installed on this laptop as well, so was able to get network there22:54
bambeeKServiceTypeTrader is borked apparently22:56
jmichaelxbambee: i ran 'plasma-desktop'. nothing happened22:57
bambeeapachelogger: opinion?22:58
apacheloggerfile:///usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/nokia/extras/ListDelegate.qml:49: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString text22:58
apacheloggerall I have opinions about22:58
jmichaelxsomething new breaks for me in kde nearly every day... although most of my complaints have to do with kde4.722:58
apacheloggerif someone were to provide a summary of what I should have an opinion on that would probably help the opinionism22:58
bambeeapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689582/22:58
bambeejmichaelx: pasted his ~/.xsession-errors and it's http://paste.ubuntu.com/689582/22:59
* jmichaelx hates kde 4.722:59
bambeenothing works22:59
bambeeon natty22:59
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apacheloggerthis all seems royally fckd23:00
apacheloggerrm -rf ~/.kde/cache-*23:01
apacheloggerbest run kbuildsycoca4 after that23:01
apacheloggersee if that throws suspicious warnings23:01
apacheloggerbambee: are you coming to UDS?23:02
bambeeapachelogger: don't know yet, I start to work for my employer the 1st october... I cannot really go on vacations the 31th october :\23:06
* apachelogger doesn't see why TBH23:07
apacheloggermight be a french thing23:07
jmichael_laptopapachelogger: bambee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689591/23:09
jmichaelxyea, kbuildsycoca4 certainly threw a few errors23:10
apacheloggerhow can you ahve a ksycoca if you deleted the cache dir?23:10
apacheloggeroh, hold on, that might actually just have removed the link23:10
apacheloggerrm -rf /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER23:10
apacheloggerrm -rf /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER/*23:11
apacheloggerbetter yet23:11
jmichaelxok, bbib23:11
jmichaelxapachelogger: that brough back much of my desktop.... although i have no panel (so no task manager/sys tray/etc)23:14
apacheloggerturn on everything23:15
apacheloggerlog out23:15
apacheloggerback in again23:15
apacheloggerthen paste your xession-errors23:15
claydohapachelogger: can I get that for android?  ;)23:18
apacheloggeractually you could23:19
apacheloggerits only using qt currently, so it is possible to deploy it in android23:19
* claydoh has narrowed his android phone choices from 213427771 phones doown to 223:19
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: oh, yeah, claydoh is attending23:19
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: also he did not add himself to the wiki page yet, so you should get the whip23:20
claydohwhich page?23:20
* claydoh scrolls back23:20
apacheloggerthe spec page I emailed about23:21
claydohahhh that is probably stick in the middle of literally 150 identical/duplicate emails on that account23:21
claydohkmail2 is so fun sometimes23:22
claydohmake that 150*5 different messages23:22
jmichael_laptopapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689604/23:24
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=== Wiki-Ninja is now known as starcraftman
claydohso who wants to be my roomie?23:28
jmichaelxok, i just added a new panel, so all is at least working atm.... many thx for all the help23:37
apacheloggerclaydoh: we are having some entertainment competition to decide who gets to spoon with him23:49
* apachelogger really should go to bed23:49
claydohspoon with whom?23:49
claydohapachelogger: I am a big teddy bear I guess23:55
apacheloggerI am a famous person :P23:56
apacheloggerclearly I win23:56
* apachelogger feels like his eyes might pop out any minute23:57
apacheloggeralso I just broke my plasma23:59

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