
=== Joeb454_ is now known as Guest11608
dholbachgood morning06:58
=== popey_ is now known as popey
jussiDoes anyone remember how to forward a whole gmail thread of messages?07:10
czajkowskinope sorry07:17
tsimpsonjussi: more -> forward all07:44
tsimpson(the "more" on the top bar)07:44
jussitsimpson: thank you :)07:50
* tsimpson actually didn't know it existed until he looked07:51
kim0Morning all07:55
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=== Joeb45 is now known as Joeb454
ejatmorning kim008:06
kim0ejat: hey there08:13
kim0new kernel on updates .. reboots08:34
* popey hugs dholbach 10:04
kim0is that a normal b letter in back10:06
* kim0 wipes screen10:06
nigelbI did that as well10:07
akgranerjcastro, did you see the pics of our new kitten....she still doesn't have a name yet13:33
jcastrohe looks awesome13:34
jcastroWe miss our cat, but everything is so much cleaner now!13:34
akgranerno outfit is complete without cat hair :-)13:39
akgranerjuju and charms  - all I can think of is Sammy Hagar and breakfast cereal ;-)  /me reads some more14:46
akgranerbut I like the artwork...14:47
mhall119akgraner: name her oneiric14:54
akgranermhall119, http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ws my juju and charms reference - https://juju.ubuntu.com/14:55
akgranerBecca said we can't name her *anything*  Ubuntu related14:56
mhall119first link didn't work14:56
mhall119they renamed ensemble?14:56
mhall119sheesh, between that and unity, I can't keep up with what anything is called14:57
kim0mhall119: yeah they did :)14:58
dholbachjcastro, kim0, dpm: team call now? let's apply some juju and get Jono here15:00
dpmdholbach, he moved it to tomorrow, didn't he?15:00
* mhall119 hopes czajkowski is having a good first day15:01
dholbachdpm, oh?15:01
kim0dholbach: it's tomorrow yeah15:01
kim0He's off today15:01
dpmdholbach, oh, it seems Jono didn't cancel today's event on the calendar, though15:01
dpmbut yeah, it'll be tomorrow15:01
mhall119jcastro: what's with all the Hackfest room names in summit?15:05
mhall119oh, it's from the track15:06
mhall119jcastro: I don't think we assigned tracks to rooms the last several UDSes15:07
mhall119I'm not sure it even adds anything in terms of functionality15:07
jcastroit's for linaro15:08
jcastrothey want a few dedicated hackrooms in the afternoon15:08
mhall119besides displaying it on the schedule page, I'm not sure it does much though15:10
dholbachkim0, you need to re-do all your videos!15:10
kim0dholbach: don't you just love it :)15:11
* akgraner is happy I pushed and article I was doing search and replace now needed 15:12
akgranerjuju FAQ page - https://juju.ubuntu.com/FAQ15:16
akgranerkim0 voice overs on all your videos...15:17
kim0:) rub it in yeah15:17
akgranerI've got this great book on Audacity you want to borrow it :-)15:19
kim0lol :)15:20
* mhall119 liked the name ensemble better15:40
nigelbensemble is renamed to juju?15:43
nigelbIs it April 1?15:43
nigelbI like ensemble better :(15:45
mhall119we sound like old folks complaining about change15:45
akgranerjuju has negative implications in some parts of the world15:59
akgranerbut I'm such a Sammy Hagar fan it makes me smile :-)15:59
mhall119it makes me think of movie theatre candy for some reason15:59
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day16:10
dholbachsee you all tomorrow16:10
* dholbach hugs you all16:10
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
czajkowskiit was a great day18:34
pleia2yay :)18:34
ejatczajkowski: your unity prob solve ?18:38
ejatwith the latest update?18:39
czajkowskiejat: eh no18:40
ejatouch .. btw ... is it only me seing the planet not updating .. or anyone else also notice ..18:41
ejatsince i cant see my blog post feed into the planet ..18:42
mhall119ejat: I think it updates once an hour ro so18:48
ejati think my post already more than 5 hours ... :(18:49
ejathow should i check / trace ...18:49
ejatmy feed running ok ..18:50
ejatmhall119: http://feeds.feedburner.com/myfenris18:50
jcastroI think we let the magic smoke out18:53
jcastroit's a term from electrical engineering18:54
ejatowh ..18:54
jcastrowhen you break something and let the smoke escape it stops working18:54
ejatbut how to trace where have the smoke gone ?18:54
ejatwink wink18:54
ejatcant bcoz its magic ?18:55
ejat!ping kim018:55
ubot2`Factoid 'ping kim0' not found18:55
czajkowskithe amount of times that factoid is used but doesnt exist is amazing18:56
jussi!ping | ejat18:56
ubot2`ejat: another contentless ping... sigh...18:56
czajkowskior the !seen one18:56
ejatkim0: are u available on nov @ december ?18:56
ejatmind to submit RFP for http://mygosscon.oscc.org.my/2011/18:56
ejatfor cloud computing?18:57
kim0what does nov @ december mean18:57
ejatmeans .. r u bz or got something else in hand already after the UDS ..18:58
kim0just usual stuff18:58
* ejat would luv if got a few speaker from canonical for that event18:58
kim0ejat: anyone at malasia willing to pay some air tickets ? :)18:59
ejatouch .. that i need to check with the organizer ..18:59
kim0np I'll need to check if I or someone else can go there as well19:00
kim0let me know when you do19:00
ejatkim0: thanks ..19:00
ejatbut did u guys think that i can ask jono to come for the event ?19:00
ejatsure it will big crowd for APAC region ..19:01
czajkowskiejat: ask and see sure19:02
ejatczajkowski: ok .. ill wait till see jono is here then ill try to ask him ..19:03
ejator should i just email to him ..19:03
ejatbecause .. few years back the date always clash with UDS ..19:04
czajkowskiejat: I sugges emailing19:06
* ejat back to planet .. how should i check ... 19:08
doctormopleia2 & jono: Thoughts on my video: http://blip.tv/martin-owens/we-can-work-it-out-555302819:13
ejatthanks doctormo .. suddenly compiz crash to view your clips ..19:18
* ejat reporting the bugs.. 19:18
doctormoejat: lol! Compiz doesn't like the beatles! :-P19:19
ejatat least .. discover something .. ;)19:19
ejatowh .. someone already report the bugs 84751219:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 847512 in nux "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84751219:22
ejatanyone could help me check either my blog hv problem with the rss feed or something else ...19:25
pleia2ejat: canonical maintains the planet, so you might want to submit a ticket to rt@ubuntu.com if it's not updating (there doesn't appear to be a way to see "last updated" with this planet theme)19:27
ejatpleia2: ok thanks ..19:27
pleia2doctormo: first comment: I now have a beatles song stuck in my head19:29
pleia2doctormo: I like the overall message, but encouraging lively discussion is tough when we're not all on the same page conflict-wise (some people really act aggressively, we should make them watch anti-conflict videos before engaging :))19:30
pleia2err anti-take-it-personally?19:30
doctormopleia2: Yeah, it's hard to split the hair on idea conflict vs personal conflict.19:31
* AlanBell observes Iain Farrell going for Ubuntu Membership20:06
jonojcastro, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urzCX4eZ6Bc20:06
Pici.. wrong window.20:31
ejatAlanBell: part already :)20:51
AlanBellthanks, I have rejoined it now20:51
ubot2Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:51
ejatdo ping me if u r ready20:52
AlanBellyeah feel free to rejoin20:52
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head_victimpleia2: ping21:52
pleia2head_victim: pong21:52
head_victimpm ok?21:53
ejatjono .. here ?23:21
jonoejat, kinda23:21
ejatmind to pm ?23:22

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