
pittiGood morning03:51
pittijcastro: you normally assign it to canonical-desktop-team03:51
pittihey robert_ancell03:52
pitticharlie-tca, robert_ancell: there's usually three options:03:52
pitti(1) don't ship a config file at all, and use sensible internal defaults03:52
pitti(2) use ucf to maintain the config file instead of dpkg, i. e. ship it in /usr/share/03:53
pitti(3) provide an override location, i. e. /etc/.../foo.d/ or /etc/.../foo.custom03:53
ejatgood morning pitti04:03
robert_ancellpitti, the main issue with (1) is the config file contains the GTK+ theme (GTK+ defaults to something inappropriate), so you really need some file04:08
pittirobert_ancell: hm, then the easiest one might be (3)?04:10
robert_ancellpitti, yeah I guess so.  Is .custom the convention to follow?04:10
pittirobert_ancell: btw, did you see my lightdm MP for the "write files as root" issue?04:10
pittirobert_ancell: actually not, it should end in .conf04:10
pittirobert_ancell: perhapps <greetername>-custom.conf?04:11
pittiI have /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf, there could be a /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter-custom.conf ?04:11
pittirobert_ancell: it's not a very common scenario (most packages use .d/ dirs, as they are more flexible), so there's no real convention04:11
robert_ancellpitti, yup, does it need any conditional compilation, i.e. will it work on normal unix systems?04:11
pittirobert_ancell: yes, but you need GNU libc now, for setresuid()04:12
robert_ancellI think that's a given nowadays right?04:12
pitti       These calls are nonstandard; they also appear on HP-UX and some of  the04:12
pitti       BSDs.04:12
pittii. e. it will hopefully also work under kfreebsd04:12
pittibut there is no "more standard" replacement04:12
pittirobert_ancell: if it becomes a problem, the code could be rewritten to use fork() and setuid()04:13
pittibut fork() makes it a lot more complicated, too04:13
TheMusoMorning pitti.04:21
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?04:21
TheMusopitti: Not too bad thanks, finally getting more spring weather here. Yourself?04:21
pittia bit tired still, but quite fine, thanks!04:22
pittiuh, what is that: /tmp/unity_support_test.004:29
pittirobert_ancell: ^ I suppose that's something didrocks did to gnome-session or the lightdm session?04:30
robert_ancellpitti, it's run inside the unity-greeter to do the test before unity starts04:30
pittiah, does unity_support_test create that tmp file then?04:31
robert_ancellpitti, afaik, I haven't looked a the patch in detail04:33
robert_ancellit's not created by anything else I know04:33
pittirobert_ancell: ok, thanks; will talk to Didier04:33
pittior file/look for a bug04:33
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robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, I sent you a new unity-greeter, can you please test?05:55
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: yup... (jason fires up email...this might be a bad thing...trying to avoid email for a bit today ;) )05:56
rickspencer3didrocks, I'm updating right now06:08
rickspencer3should I resinstall the music lens too?06:08
didrocksrickspencer3: hey, yeah, you should try reinstalling it06:08
pittibonjour didrocks06:09
didrocksguten morgen pitti :)06:09
pittihey rickspencer306:09
rickspencer3aaah, this "mouse over the menu bug" is driving me crazy06:09
rickspencer3bonjour pitti et didrocks06:09
didrocksrickspencer3: I'm making up a list for today for dx about bugs to fix for this release06:09
didrocksrickspencer3: this one is on the list :)06:09
rickspencer3didrocks, this one better freaking be on it!06:09
didrocksrickspencer3: you mean, clicking on a menu and then using the key arrows?06:10
rickspencer3didrocks, yes06:10
didrocksjust to be sured to not be fired to not choose the right one :p06:10
rickspencer3I made a Ubuntu/Onereirc task for it yesterday and set it to High ;)06:10
rickspencer3didrocks, well, the random compiz crasher is a bit serious too :)06:11
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, some are already fixed in trunk, there are still 2 popular ones that are not. I added them06:12
didrocksand the stuck switcher should be fixed as well06:12
rickspencer3mine was pretty popular06:12
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: just back http://paste.ubuntu.com/688872/ same lag06:12
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, did you see the white flash?06:13
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: no, white flash was gone06:13
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, seemed to have a lot of fans :)06:13
robert_ancellok, well that's something I guess06:13
rickspencer3new xchat-gnome, interesting06:13
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: :)06:13
rickspencer3I don't see a new compiz :/06:13
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: let me know if you see anything in the logs...such a mystery!06:13
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, is this from a full reboot, or just a log out / log in ?06:14
rickspencer3alright, all up to date, brb06:14
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, the log makes it look like the X server is taking a long time.  The jumps in the log are when there's round trips to it06:15
robert_ancellbryceh, did you get the xdiagnose stuff working with lightdm?06:16
robert_ancellRAOF, ^ or you :)06:16
rickspencer3I'm back06:18
rickspencer3does anyone know an easy way to clear my zeitgeist history?06:18
didrocksrickspencer3: the whole one or just the fts (indexed file content) one?06:19
rickspencer3didrocks, I dunno06:20
rickspencer3just so I can do a video and not have my file browsing history show up in my dash06:20
didrocksrickspencer3: the whole one I guess so, one sec06:20
didrocksrickspencer3: ~/.local/share/zeitgeist06:20
didrocksyou want to either mv or remove it06:21
didrocksrickspencer3: kill maybe zeitgeist-daemon and zeitgeist-datahub before06:21
rickspencer3didrocks, I wrote an app that set all the files in that dir to read only and then back when the app was quit06:21
rickspencer3but I never finished it06:21
rickspencer3I thought it would be nice to have a "private" mode for using your 'puter06:22
pittithe "rofs" package might help here06:22
rickspencer3role on floor s*ing?06:22
rickspencer3where is what, exactly?06:23
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, a lot of people are asking for that. gnome-activity-journal (the zg viewer) has a way to remove some part of the history IIRC, but it can be integrated there06:23
rickspencer3didrocks, if I kill zeitgeist daemon and datahub, they'll start up again?06:23
didrocksrickspencer3: indeed, the lenses should restart them06:24
didrocksthe lenses have some cache, so maybe do a search again to ensure your history isn't shown06:24
rickspencer3hmmm, history is still there06:25
rickspencer3let me restart te session, brb06:25
rickspencer3didrocks, do I need to nuke recently-used.xbel too?06:27
didrocksrickspencer3: ah right, sorry about it, the datahub will bring it back06:28
didrocksrickspencer3: so you need to nuke it06:28
rickspencer3it's still there!!!06:29
rickspencer3didrocks, do I need to wipe my harddrive and copy zeros over it all to clear my history in the dash?06:30
didrocksrickspencer3: sure, do it three times :)06:30
pittiI bet it's autosynced to ubuntuone06:30
didrockspitti: not yet :p06:30
pittiyou say that!06:30
didrocksrickspencer3: so, did you, in the same round:06:30
didrockspitti: shhhhh ;-)06:30
didrocks- kill the datahabug06:30
didrocks- kill the daemon06:31
didrocks- then remove recently-used.xbel06:31
didrocks- then remove ~/.local/share/zeitgeist06:31
didrocks(as datahub is importing recently-used.xbel to ~/.local/share/zeitgeist)06:31
rickspencer3didrocks, trying06:32
=== Omega- is now known as Omega
didrocksrickspencer3: did it work?06:40
rickspencer3didrocks, I haven't tried yet06:40
rickspencer3I'm boring a friend in PM at the moment ;)06:40
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone06:41
pittihey chrisccoulson06:41
chrisccoulsondidrocks, i fixed your inbox-only problem ;)06:41
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?06:41
pittichrisccoulson: pretty well, thanks! how about you?06:41
didrockschrisccoulson: good morning! :)06:41
didrocksrickspencer3: heh ;)06:41
didrockschrisccoulson: nice \o/06:41
didrockschrisccoulson: can't wait to try it :)06:42
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, good thanks. my laptop arrived in the UK this morning, so i've got my fingers crossed that it will arrive today :)06:42
pittirobert_ancell: btw, I found a nice solution for bug 806559 with mvo06:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 806559 in lightdm "debconf prompt about DM to use during natty->oneiric" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80655906:42
pittirobert_ancell: I'll commit that to the packaging bzr today06:42
robert_ancellpitti, great, thanks06:42
pittichrisccoulson: juuuuuust a little longer!06:42
chrisccoulsonheh :)06:42
pittirobert_ancell: do you plan to do a new release tomorrow or so?06:42
robert_ancellpitti, I just did one half an hour ago06:43
chrisccoulsondidrocks, mind submitting some french translations? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~extension-hackers/messagingmenu-extension/trunk/view/head:/locale/fr/messagingmenu.properties :-)06:43
chrisccoulsonwe don't get many translations with it not being translatable in launchpad ;)06:43
didrockschrisccoulson: sure, will do :)06:43
chrisccoulsonthanks :)06:43
pittirobert_ancell: oh, you didn't merge https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/lightdm/write-user-files-as-user/+merge/75184 ?06:43
didrockschrisccoulson: 20 minutes, just finish "a list" :-)06:43
robert_ancellpitti, oh, sorry I meant a unity-greeter release.  I'll do the lightdm one tomorrow06:43
pittirobert_ancell: ok, I'll try to get the postinst stuff ready today then06:44
didrockswaow, I don't find any unity bug about Alt + <application menubar shortcurt) not working, that's weird06:45
rickspencer3didrocks, aren't I suppose to get search results for the music store in the music lens?06:45
didrocksrickspencer3: if you didn't setup banshee (that's what you told me the other day, isn't it?) you won't have results06:46
* rickspencer3 sets up banshee06:46
rickspencer3jasoncwarner_, robert_ancell still no text insertion cursor in the greeter?06:46
robert_ancellrickspencer3, what version are you running?  It should be fixed in 0.0.6+06:47
chrisccoulsonnice, my laptop is only a few miles from my house now :)06:47
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I just dist-upgraded like an hour ago06:47
rickspencer3didrocks, I'm not seeing results from the store06:47
robert_ancellrickspencer3, I've just uploaded a new version, should be there in an hour or so06:47
didrocksrickspencer3: you mean, from ubuntu one store? No, nobody made a scope for it06:48
didrocksrickspencer3: it only shows local banshee collection06:48
rickspencer3didrocks, I thoguht that was one of the main points of the music lens06:48
rickspencer3to search though the U1 music store for you06:48
didrocksrickspencer3: nobody did it though06:48
=== popey_ is now known as popey
rodrigo_good morning07:40
fredp'morning rodrigo_ and all fine people of ubuntu desktop.07:42
pittihey fredp07:43
pittihey rodrigo_07:43
rodrigo_hi fredp, pitti07:43
didrocksgood morning rodrigo_, salut fredp07:44
asacpitti: halloechen. do you know if and where I can http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/mcgrof/firmware/ath6k.tar.gz find in our archive?07:46
asacthat thing is not accessible due to kernel.org down... thats why i am asking :)07:46
pittihey assac07:47
pittiasac: hm, we seem to ship it in linux-firwmare?07:47
asacthats cool07:47
pittithat's even the free bit (i. e. not in l-firmware-nonfree)07:47
ejathey asac07:49
asachello ejat07:50
asacand czajkowski07:50
didrockssession restart, brb08:19
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* mvo finds it still amazing that he needs gnome-shell to install gnome-tweak-tool to change the theme … or is there a better way for this now?08:32
chrisccoulson_dconf-editor ;)08:32
mvoyeah, I will need this as gnome-tweak-tools does not work (at least when unity is running)08:33
chrisccoulson_hi mvo, how are you? :)08:33
mvowhat is the path in dconf-editor in the new world order?08:33
mvohey chrisccoulson! I'm good (mostly)08:33
mvohowever I could start a rant now about the theme changing difficulties08:34
mvobut I won't08:34
chrisccoulson_mvo, i think org.gnome.desktop.interface is what you want08:34
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
mvooh, gnome-terminal has "search" now in the terminal buffer? that is so awsome08:34
mvochrisccoulson: thanks for your help! how are you btw?08:35
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, good thanks08:35
mvogreat, that works now that I figured out the exact namaes08:37
chrisccoulsonmvo - did you see the e-mail i copied you on a week or so ago?08:41
mvochrisccoulson: no, let me check08:43
mvochrisccoulson: btw, I see "***" in thunderbird for the number of new mails, is that known?08:43
chrisccoulsonmvo - that normally means that you've got too many for the launcher to display. is this on a fresh account?08:44
chrisccoulsonyou should probably only see that on first run if you have a lot of unread emails08:44
chrisccoulsonbut it should work after that, as it only counts new mails, rather than unread08:45
mvoaha, cool08:46
mvochrisccoulson: I have the mail now, let me read08:46
mvochrisccoulson: so I just found that the appearance capplet let me change themes, that is pretty nice. no need for dconf-editor anymore :)08:50
chrisccoulsonmvo, oh, i forgot about that08:50
chrisccoulsonthat only works for Ambiance/Radiance though doesn't it?08:50
mvoand the high contrast ones08:50
pittiyeah, unfortunately08:52
pittinot sure why it doesn't display all available themes, e. g. Adwaita if you install gnome-themes-standard08:52
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didrockschrisccoulson: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/messagingmenu-extension/add-french-translation/+merge/7531409:00
chrisccoulsondidrocks, awesome, thanks. will merge that and then do a release :)09:00
didrockschrisccoulson: great!09:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you be able to provide some german translations too? :)09:00
pittichrisccoulson: sure, for what?09:00
pittioh, what didrocks was doing? sure09:01
pittichrisccoulson: hang ong09:01
chrisccoulsonpitti - https://code.launchpad.net/~extension-hackers/messagingmenu-extension/trunk09:01
rickspencer3looks like my compiz crasher is Fix Committed!09:01
pittichrisccoulson: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/messagingmenu-extension/locale-de/+merge/7531609:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent, thanks09:05
chrisccoulsonwill get both of those merged now and make a release09:05
pittic'est bon!09:05
didrockschrisccoulson: I know you needed the localization to use thunderbird in French, nice move! :)09:07
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:07
chrisccoulsondoes gedit keep leaving scrollbar overlays on the screen for anybody else?09:30
chrisccoulsoni keep getting them left on the screen here, and they appear on every workspace above every other window09:30
chrisccoulsoni have to kill gedit to get rid of them09:31
chrisccoulsoncould somebody running unity try opening the compose window in thunderbird, and checking that the "Format" and "Options" menus are disabled until you select the main text entry area?09:33
chrisccoulsonthey are always active in unity-2d, but i'm not sure if that's my bug or not :)09:33
didrockschrisccoulson: you meant "Insert" and "Format", isn't it?09:52
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah ;)09:52
didrockschrisccoulson: there is no theme evidence that they are, but you can't click on them yeah09:52
chrisccoulsondidrocks, ok, so it works in normal unity, but unity-2d allows those menus to opened09:53
chrisccoulsoni'll report a bug :)09:53
didrocksI think it's a agateau's thing ^ :)09:53
chrisccoulsonYAY, laptop :)10:02
pittichrisccoulson: !10:02
* pitti expects to not see chrisccoulson in the next two hours10:02
pittichrisccoulson: enjoy!10:02
pittiit's always such a nice feeling to unwrap a new toy10:02
didrockspitti: it's like you can smell it from here:-)10:03
chrisccoulsonit seems to boot, which is a good sign10:08
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: what model did you get?10:08
chrisccoulsontime to take it apart now and take the hard drive out :)10:08
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, e6410. basically, the same as seb128, but with 8GB RAM10:08
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/849733 we need this :)10:08
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 849733 in nautilus "No icon in notification area while transfering files" [Undecided,New]10:08
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: cool10:09
dpmpitti, just a heads up that language pack exports are broken right now. It seems they take quite a few hours and then they hit the time where the LP db is being disconnected for a couple of minutes, at which time they are interrupted and cannot be resumed. A workaround for now will have to be to make sure the exports start just after this daily db disconnection, so that they don't hit the next on the next day. henninge will be adjusting the export cro10:15
dpmn job in LP later on today and we'll need to adjust the langpack-o-matic one accordingly. If it's just a matter of changing the times on the langpack-o-matic crontab I can do it, but I thought I'd give you a heads up first10:15
TheMusochrisccoulson: Oh wow, you managed to get the laptop past the other half. :)10:20
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, she didn't have much choice. my old one has started falling apart (in additon to the fact that it's miserably slow already, and also needs a new battery)10:24
TheMusoah ok.10:24
chrisccoulsonone of the hinges failed at the end of last week, and the second one is failing now, so the display is basically held on by the flexi ;)10:24
pittidpm: ok, thanks; I already wondered about the tons of rejected uploads due to the same version10:25
chrisccoulsonexcellent, SSD fitted. that was nice and easy :)10:25
Sweetsharkpitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/84985510:42
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 849855 in libreoffice "[SRU] LibreOffice 3.3.4 for natty" [Undecided,New]10:42
Sweetsharkpitti: anything missing from that still? btw libreoffice-3.3.4-0ubuntu1 is on chinstrap10:42
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pittiSweetshark: wow, that's the whole patch? that's two magnitudes less scary than I feared :)10:45
pittiSweetshark: ah, can you please refer to the bug # in the changelog? it's a strict requirement for SRUs10:46
pittiSweetshark: also, it seems that the changelog got cut off?10:46
pitti   * disable test apply of patches -- do or fail (to allow git exported10:46
pittiSweetshark: would also be nice to list the fixed bugs, as this will be read by quite a number of users in update-manager10:47
* pitti -> lunch, bbl10:47
chrisccoulsonwow, the installer is totally awesome10:57
chrisccoulsoni haven't done a fresh install in a while10:57
didrockschrisccoulson: never test alpha/beta? :)11:08
chrisccoulsondidrocks, not for a while. i don't really have time for a fresh install, and my laptop has been incapable of running a VM for a long time :(11:11
chrisccoulsonwow, having things open instantly is nice :)11:11
didrockschrisccoulson: waow, it sounded that your laptop is worse than mine :)11:12
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, possibly ;)11:14
chrisccoulsonnow i've got a machine that will probably run a VM ok, but i might not have enough disk space11:14
chrisccoulsoni struggled with 160GB before, and i only have 120GB now ;)11:15
chrisccoulsonhuh, trying to install gconf-editor gives me a 404 on the GB mirror :/11:17
chrisccoulsoni guess this is why - http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gconf-editor/11:18
chrisccoulsonwhy would it be missing from there, but it's present in the main archive?11:19
jpdschrisccoulson: It's in mid-update right now.11:19
chrisccoulsonjpds, ah, ok. thanks11:19
jpdsShouldn't do that though.11:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's not good11:19
chrisccoulsonwow, oneiric comes with such an outdated browser already. time to install the firefox nightlies again :)11:21
ogra_not true, my chromium isnt outdated :P11:22
chrisccoulsonogra_, are you sure?11:23
chrisccoulsonseeing as nobody is maintaining it anymore11:23
ogra_heh, no, just wanted to tease you11:24
chrisccoulsonit will be updated at some point this week ;)11:24
chrisccoulsoni may as well take over it, i guess11:24
rodrigo_how do I check if a package is in main? I forgot :)11:34
pittirodrigo_: easiest/local method is apt-cache showsrc, and look at Section:11:35
rodrigo_pitti, ok thanks11:35
pittirodrigo_: or apt-cache show for a binary package11:36
rodrigo_showsrc seems to work11:36
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* rodrigo_ lunch12:09
cyphermoxgood morning!12:38
Sweetsha1kpitti: do those need to be launchpad bugs, or is freedesktop bug links enough?12:46
pittiSweetsha1k: at least one LP bug (your update request), the others are fine with just text12:47
pgranerdidrocks, any idea when the fix noted here will hit the archive?12:50
pgranerdidrocks, lp 81511412:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 815114 in unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::Area::FindKeyFocusArea()" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81511412:50
didrockspgraner: with tomorrow's unity release12:50
pgranerdidrocks, how can I get it earlier I can't work, my desktop crashes every couple of mins12:50
pittithere, a power capplet with a lid action combobox12:50
pitti(well, two -- ac and battery)12:50
didrockspgraner: I can't backport it as it's dep on other changes and trunk it still a little bit unstable. dx doesn't have any daily ppa, so you can still build trunk I'm afraid12:51
didrockspgraner: or you can switch to unity-2d until tomorrow at the login screen12:52
pgranerdidrocks, ok, not what I wanted to hear12:52
didrockspgraner: sorry about it12:52
=== dobey_ is now known as dobey
pittirodrigo_: hey13:02
pittirodrigo_: I just finished doing the c-c patch for adding back lid action configuration13:03
Sweetsha1kpitti: updated on chinstrap13:03
pittirodrigo_: want me to do another upload, or are you planning another one anyway today?13:03
Sweetsha1kpitti: also http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=blobdiff;f=changelog;h=fb384c5fa18848856b04fee1d7a195a71c85e112;hp=8c48782e0abbb2be96431904e69165b28edefa1e;hb=04fa58c8a39f5c72c6e2ccab1df814d4e1890e67;hpb=deb5a66b9633aec9b74f9355cf68788a94ddfb3f13:04
pittirodrigo_: ah, nevermind, need to wait for FFE/UIFE13:04
pittiSweetsha1k: at some point you might want to clean your ~ on chinstrap :)13:05
Sweetsha1kpitti: killed 4GB for greater good13:14
pittididrocks, Sweetsha1k, cyphermox, jasoncwarner_: does any of you have an ati or nvidia card?13:14
pittiSweetsha1k: uploaded, thanks!13:14
didrockspitti: I have an nvidia one13:15
cyphermoxintel intel intel13:15
pittididrocks: you get flickering boot as well, right? i. e. plymouth, text, X/lightdm13:15
cyphermoxactually, no that's not true. I have a kubuntu box with an ati card at home, can get to it tonight if necessary13:15
Sweetsha1kpitti: me has three.13:15
pitticyphermox: no, needs lightdm13:15
* Sweetsha1k fears for what this is leading to.13:15
cyphermoxpitti: I can reinstall it ;)13:15
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
didrockspitti: indeed, the small ugly logo and text13:16
pittiSweetsha1k, didrocks: would you mind patching /etc/init/plymouth-stop.conf with http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vorlon/ubuntu/oneiric/plymouth/lightdm-integration/revision/1398 (i. e. add "lightdm" to the pre-start part), and report your results to bug 849954?13:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 849954 in plymouth "FFe: enable flicker-free boot with lightdm" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84995413:16
cyphermoxpitti: otherwise, let me know and I can test a few machines in the Montreal lab, if it helps13:16
pittiwe should test this with nouveau/nvidia/ati/fglrx13:16
didrockspitti: sure, will do13:17
pittididrocks: merci!13:17
didrocksde rien :)13:17
slangaseknvidia/fglrx drivers should actually not be interesting13:17
slangasekbut feel free to test anyway, in case I'm wrong :)13:18
pittibetter be thorough13:18
pittislangasek: they will use the simple text UI?13:18
pittislangasek: actually, that can be tested as well in kvm13:18
pittidarn, I wiped my beta-1 vm13:18
* pitti brb13:18
slangasekit's a different code path because of the lack of DRM drivers13:18
slangasekI don't recall if you get text there currently13:19
slangasekbut you certainly don't get flicker-free13:19
Sweetsharkpitti: how does the 'flicker' look like? My oneiric machine is on nvidia closed source drivers and I havent noticed any flicker (maybe I just ignored it). Machine is on nvidia optimus.13:20
didrockstesting reboot, brb13:22
pittiSweetshark: the plymouth graphical boot screen disappears, then you get a text screen, and then X with lightdm13:22
pittiSweetshark: usually X/lightdm should replace the plymouth screen right away13:22
Sweetsharkpitti: ah, ok. I cant remember having seen a text login screen on this machine before.13:23
pittiSweetshark: no, not login, just some boot messages13:23
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
didrocksnothing better or worse for me13:25
* didrocks reports on the bug report13:25
pittididrocks: that's with free or proprietary driver?13:27
didrockspitti: proprietary driver13:28
pittididrocks: ah, good13:28
pittithat's expected then13:28
didrockspitti: still a regression from lucid, we only got the low-resolution plymouth, but no text on it13:28
didrockspitti: yeah, with the change, I had few expectations :)13:29
Sweetsharkpitti: is this a libreoffice bug? seems to me to be unity only: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/84411913:34
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 844119 in libreoffice "Hitting Alt-Tab does not display Libre Office in list of switchable open applications" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:34
didrocksSweetshark: should be a bamf bug I would say, is it on the launcher?13:35
pittiSweetshark: worth testing with gnome shell or classic gnome, I think; but in general it sounds like a bug in the unity switcher, yes13:35
pitti(or bamf)13:35
Sweetsharkpitti: well, bluetile at least handles it pretty fine.13:37
didrocksthe switcher is using bamf, hence my question about the Launcher, Sweetshark?13:37
OwaisLHey friends, I'm unable to run Skype since last updates on Oneiric. I keep getting this error. Anyone else with the same issue?13:52
OwaisLFatal: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40703) with this library (version 0x40704)13:52
OwaisLSorry wrong channel :)13:53
mterrypitti, thanks for updating gnome-control-center bzr for me.  Sorry13:57
pittimterry: no problem; good morning!13:57
pittimterry: thanks for fixing this bug so quickly!13:57
Sweetsharkdidrocks: hmm, just tried to test it with my vanilla default config user, but logging in, I seem to get only a nautilus global menubar (no dash, etc.). When I click 'new tab' in the menu I get a tab bar covering the screen from left to right.14:01
pittiSweetshark: NB, you can use a guest session to have a guaranteed fresh profile14:01
didrocksSweetshark: seems unity is not started for you, do you have is it a real vanilla user?14:01
didrocksyeah, guest session FTW :)14:02
Sweetshark(the user and his home was freshly created from the gnomes users-admin14:03
* Sweetshark retries just to be sure.14:05
Sweetsharkhmm, maybe I had an old home for that user. Anyway: now I have a dash, but cant reproduce the issue: I can alt-tab just fine over LO writer.14:16
rickspencer3pitti, FFE for flicker free boot?14:18
rickspencer3is that before or after the greeter?14:18
didrocksSweetshark: I think it depens if you start libreoffice by the launcher or by a command line?14:18
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Sweetsharkdidrocks: works for me for both: starting as 'libreoffice --writer' from the commandline or starting directly from the dash14:24
didrocksSweetshark: hum, isn't the use case:14:25
didrocks- start libreoffice14:25
didrocks(you get the generic icon)14:25
didrocksopen "new writer documentation"14:25
didrocksthen, see you still have the generic icon IIRC14:25
didrockscan be what puzzled the user?14:25
pittirickspencer3: before14:27
rickspencer3thanks pitti14:27
dpmpitti, the LP langpack exports have now been set to 9UTC instead of 22UTC -> https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule. I'll update the langpack-o-matic cron tab. Does 9UTC the next day of the export sound sensible to you? This will cater for full exports taking nearly 24h14:31
pittidpm: sure, that sounds fine14:31
Sweetsharkdidrocks: ahh, found it: 1) open launcher 2) type 'libreoffice' (not writer, the generic startcenter) observed behaviour: not alt-tabable, no icon in dash, expected behaviour: icon in dash, alt-tabbable14:31
didrocksSweetshark: ok, bug in bamf though, can you check i there is no duplicate?14:32
dpmpitti, ok, thanks, done now14:32
dobeychrisccoulson: is the tb couchdb gui extension packaged yet?14:34
Sweetsharkdidrocks: no guarantees ;) there are ~800 LO bugs. Ill take a look still.14:36
chrisccoulsondobey, not yet. sorry, been busy doing a mandatory reinstall today14:36
didrocksSweetshark: I guess just check only on bamf for duplicate14:36
Sweetsharkdidrocks: any objection against closing as invalid on libreoffice for now?14:37
dobeychrisccoulson: ah ok. we need to change ubuntuone-control-panel to install it I think, as currently we just install the evolution bits. and we also mention Evolution in the text, so we have to fix tht today, for string freeze :-/14:37
didrocksSweetshark: agreed, it will maybe need a patch on libreoffice (we discussed that at the OOo time), but not for now anyway14:37
Sweetsharkdidrocks: no dupes in bamf it seems14:39
didrocksSweetshark: ok, great :)14:40
didrocksthanks for confirming!14:40
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, you there?14:49
mvois there a way to start gvfsd (-http) in debug mode?14:52
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, yes15:00
chrisccoulsonhi rodrigo_. do you remember i talked a while ago about splitting evolution-couchdb?15:00
chrisccoulsonmind if i go ahead and do it? :)15:01
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, yes15:01
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, yes, I remember, and no, I don't miund :)15:01
chrisccoulsonah, cool. thanks :)15:01
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, do we have any sort of convention for naming packages that provide eds backends?15:01
chrisccoulsoni was going to keep the evo plugin in evolution-couchdb, and have a new package for the backend15:02
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, they all use evo, not e-d-s, like evo-exchange15:02
rodrigo_I think they always provide both e-d-s and evo stuff15:02
rodrigo_I can only think of evo-exchange, doesn't seem to be any other15:03
rodrigo_so yes, maybe it makes sense to call them e-d-s/evo-couchdb15:04
rodrigo_or evo-couchdb and evo-couchdb-backend15:05
cyphermoxrodrigo_: eex and evo-mapi ship both parts together15:15
didrocksreboot testing, brb15:15
rodrigo_cyphermox, yes, usually that's what we do, so yeah, no convention for e-d-s only packages15:15
pittididrocks: is unity or nautilus responsible for painting the background?15:22
didrockspitti: nautilus15:23
pittiah, thanks15:23
pittididrocks: looks like it's not making use of the wallpaper cache any more?15:23
pittithe cache is written, though15:23
pittianyway, not for now15:23
didrockspitti: oh really? It went upstream, but I saw some commits there15:23
didrockspitti: so maybe they broke it15:23
pittijust comparing the amount of CPU for nautilus in oneiric (http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-oneiric-20110914-disable-indicator-session.png) with lucid (http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100305-1.png)15:24
pittididrocks: anyway, thanks for the info15:24
pittididrocks: oh, in lucid etc. it was gnome-settings-daemon, wasn't it?15:24
didrockspitti: more than possible, I saw some commit upstream, I'll try to have a look to fix it15:25
didrockspitti: both are using the same libray in libgnome15:25
pittididrocks: no, I didn't meant to divert you from your stuff, I just wanted to konw which component needs to paint it15:25
didrocksand it's this one I hacked on15:25
pittithe cache file is there15:25
pittiit could very well be something completely different now15:25
didrocksit's creating the cache file when asking for a background15:26
ronocpitti, was there something up with i-session from your side ?15:26
didrocksso I guess it's basically an issue with name mangling (that's the part which changed)15:26
didrocksronoc: see the bug # I pasted to you15:26
pittironoc: yes, bug 850055, the most blatant offender (plus 13 seconds :) )15:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 850055 in ubuntu-boot-speed "Starts aptd during startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85005515:26
didrocksronoc: are you sure that you only look at the name on dbus to appear, doesn't it activate it?15:27
ronocdidrocks, pitti its doesn't activate it15:28
ronocit just watches for the name15:28
pittironoc: it does; if I chmod 0 /usr/lib/indicators3/6/libsession.so, it goes away15:28
pittironoc: doesn't it need to ask aptdaemon whether your packages are up to date?15:29
pittithat's the most likely thing it wants to know15:29
ronocpitti, right sorry it queries for updates using the apt interface15:29
ronocpitti, this was the way i was told to do it by mvo, if that is so slow that is apts issue15:29
ronocpitti, honestly that apt api needs alot of love15:29
pittiwell, aptdaemon is python, and apt just is slow because it has to read through megabytes over megabytes of package date15:30
dupondjeit is gnome-settings-daemon that writes to .profile ?15:30
pittidupondje: no, it's copied from /etc/skel/, and language-selector also touches it15:30
pittironoc: so I guess the only sensible and easy thing here is to delay it for a minute or so; I guess disabling this is out of the question?15:30
ronocpitti, don't think so15:31
ronocpitti, you will need to get mpt to drop it from the spec15:31
mvoronoc: are you using the apt c++ interface for this?15:31
ronocmvo, no the dbus api15:31
pittithe interface doesn't matter really; not using aptdaemon might cut the thing in half, but it's still taking more CPU than the whole desktop startup is supposed to take15:32
pittiand it's certainly not a thing which needs to be there right at startup; delaying this for a minute or so should be fine?15:32
ronocpitti, i can do this sure15:32
ronocmvo we need to talk at orlando about that api15:33
didrockspitti: I confirm that the cache isn't used, sounds a good task for after unity release15:33
* didrocks blames vuntz as someone has to be blamed to touch that :-)15:34
pittididrocks: if you want to look at it, sure; but I don't want to push this to you; for now my task is just to write a summary about the regressions15:34
didrockspitti: I hope it will be easy enough to track it down and fix it. If I spend more than 2 hours, will be for later then15:35
pittididrocks: I'm filing a bug for now for reference15:35
didrockspitti: thanks! assign it to me please :)15:35
pittiokay :)15:35
pittididrocks: libgnome or nautilus?15:35
mvoronoc: sure thing15:35
didrockspitti: libgnome15:35
dupondjeexport LANGUAGE="nl:zh_CN:en_AU:en"15:38
dupondjegreat ... it seems completely foobar15:38
pittididrocks: bug 850104 FYI15:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 850104 in ubuntu-boot-speed "[oneiric] does not use the wallpaper cache any more" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85010415:38
pittididrocks: presumably it's just a name mangling issue, as the cache file looks alright in eog15:39
didrockspitti: yeah, I guess a monitor number thing or something like that15:41
didrockswill dig15:41
chrisccoulsondidrocks, no stacking fix in the compiz upload? ;)15:42
didrockschrisccoulson: unfortunately not, smspillaz is still fighting with this15:43
dupondjeNo idea why Chinese is an option in language-selector, while its not installed ...15:43
didrocksbut we can upgrade compiz configuration15:43
didrockswhich is… amazing when you know the internals :)15:43
* didrocks broke a lot his box on testing this15:44
chrisccoulsoni guess i'll have to make do with metacity for a bit longer then ;)15:44
didrockschrisccoulson: I uploaded a metacity this morning just for you! :)15:44
chrisccoulsonbut i would like to switch back to unity 3d at some point before the end of the cycle15:44
pittigood night everyone, time for sports (and spent too much time on computer again anyway..)15:51
rodrigo_bye pitti15:51
didrockshave a good night pitti!15:51
m4n1shchrisccoulson: is there any xulrunner package in oneiric. In any PPA either?16:03
chrisccoulsonm4n1sh, no16:03
m4n1shany way of getting it?16:03
m4n1shI need to build something against xulrunner 1.9.216:03
chrisccoulsonm4n1sh, sure. you can grab the upstream source and build it yourself16:03
chrisccoulsonbut we're not supporting it at all anymore16:03
m4n1shI saw a packaging branch of xulrunner-1.9.2 for oneiric16:04
m4n1shtried building it16:04
m4n1shall patches failed to apply16:04
m4n1shchrisccoulson: so this means if I need to build anything against xulrunner-1.9.2 then I need to install natty?16:05
chrisccoulsonm4n1sh, it's up to you. like i said, we don't support it at all anymore16:05
rodrigo_m4n1sh, or build the package branch you mention without the patches16:05
m4n1shrodrigo_: that too fails :(16:05
rodrigo_then build the upstream source, as chrisccoulson suggests16:06
rodrigo_but there's no need to install natty16:06
chrisccoulsonyou'll need to figure that out yourself i'm afraid. i'm not spending any time on xulrunner anymore ;)16:06
m4n1shchrisccoulson: :)16:06
m4n1shrodrigo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689299/ is what I get from building without patches16:07
rodrigo_I'm afraid I can't help you, no idea sorry :(16:07
m4n1shand upstream doesnt have 1.9.216:08
m4n1shit has only 1.9.116:08
chrisccoulsonoh, man. i've got to install erlang and couchdb on to my nice, new, quick laptop16:14
chrisccoulsonnow to watch it grind to a halt already ;)16:14
rodrigo_it won't be quick anymore then :)16:14
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, yeah, i can already see the smoke coming out of the back of it16:15
chrisccoulsonand the power consumption jumped from 12W to 12kW too ;)16:15
chrisccoulsonnow to tidy up thunderbird-couchdb from a PoC to something a bit neater, before i upload it ;)16:16
rodrigo_ok, enough computer for me also, later all16:38
philwirehi, im trying to install a new d-link dge530T gigabit nic but neither eth0 or eth1 seems to use it.16:41
mptronoc, what would I need to drop from what spec? (And why aren't you on holiday?:-)16:42
chrisccoulsondidrocks, inbox-only seems to be working well here now :)16:42
chrisccoulsoni'll upload in a bit16:42
didrockschrisccoulson: excellent, can't wait to get it back tomorrow :)16:42
didrockschrisccoulson: are the notifications based on that as well or it's just the messaging menu?16:42
didrocksrodrigo_: see you!16:42
ronocmpt, nevermind and I'm done after today, don't worry I'm still being paid :)16:42
chrisccoulsondidrocks, just the messaging menu and launcher16:42
mptronoc, ah, the "Updates Available" wotsit16:43
didrockschrisccoulson: ok :)16:43
ronocmpt, yeah it was slowing down start up be 13 secs !16:43
ronocso now like before it will only query after 60 secs16:43
mptIf it was up to me, it wouldn't be in the menu, but anyway16:43
* mpt -> Ocelot16:44
ronocmpt, enough said :)16:44
njpatelskaet, hey, you guys were tracking a unity crasher that we were tracking in another bug (they have slightly different crash points but very similar traces, it's an issue with sound menu), so I've duped your bug to our main one and added it to your tracking list, just so you know when we fix it16:45
njpatelhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/809865 is the bug we are tracking16:45
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 809865 in unity "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Critical,Confirmed]16:45
njpatelskaet, and this was the one you were tracking originally https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/80420516:46
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 804205 in unity "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_trylock() (dup-of: 809865)" [High,Triaged]16:46
skaetthanks njpatel :)16:51
* didrocks waves good evening16:52
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, thunderbird gets an error, which i'm assuming comes from further down the stack:16:58
chrisccoulson"There was a problem opening the address book "Ubuntu One" - the message returned was: Cannot open book: Could not create DesktopcouchSession object"16:58
dobeychrisccoulson: i saw a bug about that filed earlier today17:53
dobeychrisccoulson: you got the same error in evolution?17:54
chrisccoulsondobey, yeah, the same happens in evolution too17:54
dobeyi just get an empty contacts list, now, and evolution won't let me click "new" if i have "Ubuntu One" addressbook selected17:55
dobeyand whee, core dumps17:56
chrisccoulsonbrb, need to bath my daughter17:57
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dupondjeSelecting language in gnome-control-center seems completely broken :(22:00
dupondjerodrigo_: there?22:02
dupondjemmm git.gnome.org hacked ?!22:34
=== tremolux_ is now known as tremolux
TheMusodupondje: Got a link?22:38
dupondjehad a weird cert error22:38
dupondjebut gone now22:38
dupondjeweird things here :)22:38
dupondjeyou cannot select a region with gnome-control-panel ? :s22:47
dupondjeits always nl_NL and no nl_BE it seems22:47
ubot2Ubuntu bug 850477 in gnome-control-center "locale not using the correct region" [Undecided,New]22:56

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