
SpamapSslangasek: thanks! :) I had a much simpler one that basically just does "Waiting for network configuration ..." .. I suppose thats the right thing to do for a first pass. :)00:00
slangasekSpamapS: "if there's only an 'auto ethX' line" - if that's the only line, with no iface, /etc/init/network-interface.conf certainly won't bring it up00:01
seqcjwatson: Problem: About 40 minutes ago I removed the 'auto eth0' line00:01
cjwatsonthen put it back from memory and pastebin that :-)00:01
SpamapSslangasek: you sure?00:02
slangasekSpamapS: er, absolutely00:02
* SpamapS just had it boot like lightning in that configuration00:02
slangasekSpamapS: if the only thing in /etc/network/interfaces is the 'auto' line, there's nothing that tells ifup to do anything with the interface, only that it's *allowed* to be brought up automatically00:03
SpamapSok, this is weird00:03
slangasekso it won't be brought up by ifupdown, ever00:03
SpamapSit actually dhcliented it00:03
slangaseknot NM?00:04
SpamapSno NM installed00:04
slangasek-sf /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action00:04
slangasekreally? ;)00:04
SpamapSoh wait00:04
SpamapSHAHAH I did install n-m on this to test something00:04
seqcjwatson: /etc/network/interfaces: http://paste.ubuntu.com/688725/00:05
seqcjwatson: /var/log/installer/syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/688724/00:06
seqcjwatson: I actually found the blank media, it was an amd64 alternate daily from 2011082700:06
SpamapSok so yeah, if n-m is installed, and there's only an auto line, the system ends up booting because n-m starts and brings it up00:07
SpamapS(and its plugged in, of course)00:08
seqSpamapS: /run/network http://paste.ubuntu.com/688728/00:09
seqSpamapS: note that it isn't my boot state anymore00:09
SpamapSseq: is that after a 2 minute delay?00:09
seqI've brought stuff up since then00:09
SpamapSseq: yeah thats not as helpful, but I think I get whats going on now anyway. Thanks.00:09
seqno. I'd have to reboot. Unfortunately I only have the one machine currently, so I can't run my stable natty at the same time as my testing oneiric :/00:10
slangasekSpamapS: right; so this is a bug in /etc/network/if-up.d/upstart:get_auto_interfaces(), treating things as auto interfaces that aren't really interfaces at all from ifupdown's perspective00:10
slangasekprobably needs to use ifquery + the check for auto00:12
cjwatsonseq: ok, so there was an iface line, but /usr/lib/NetworkManager/ifblacklist_migrate.sh removed it00:13
SpamapSslangasek: ifquery has some kind of braindead notion of aliases that made it unsuitable IIRC00:13
SpamapSslangasek: I'll ask smoser about it tomorrow.. I'm pretty much burnt out on debugging it for today.00:13
cjwatsonso therefore the upstart job needs to consider auto-but-no-iface as "ignore, it's NM's problem"00:13
cjwatsonsince that's what the NM blacklisting script does00:13
seqI'm free to test if I'm waiting on network with the original /etc/network/interfaces file with SpamapS' failsafe.conf from his proposed branch above. Any other things I should be aware of or consider?00:14
SpamapSI have to agree though, that we should filter it out if it has no config in /e/n/i00:14
seqor think you've got a handle on it?00:14
* cjwatson shoves back in the "not an installer problem" bin :-)00:14
slangasekSpamapS: right, I'll be interested in the details as I was pretty sure I accounted for aliases when coding up ifquery00:14
SpamapSslangasek: I believe the problem was that one couldn't easily match them up to the auto lines.. but my memory is fuzzy.00:15
SpamapScjwatson: thanks for looking at this so carefully. :)00:15
SpamapSwhole brain is fuzzy actually.. I'll get back on this in the morning.00:16
smoserslangasek, you are sure that it is ?00:16
smoserthat it is a bug in that code identifying things as auto that are not ?00:16
slangaseksmoser: there is definitely a bug in the code, yes00:16
SpamapSsmoser: the code just looks for auto lines, it doesn't verify that they have configuration00:16
slangasekit waits for 'auto' interfaces that are never defined00:16
smoserso what should it be looking for ?00:17
slangasekit needs to check both for the auto line and ask ifupdown to confirm that there's actually an interface definition00:17
smoserask ifupdown00:18
slangasekyes, i.e. ifquery00:18
slangasekto avoid writing your own interfaces(5) parser00:18
cjwatsonand since ifquery is an Ubuntu extension to begin with, it makes no sense to work around it rather than fixing it if it's broken00:19
smoserthe parser i have should support aliases:q00:21
seqOne more unrelated question for you: What does Meta+p do? In natty+unity I had this bound to move a window to top/right, but in oneiric+unity it just flashes the screen and causes X to hang for about five seconds.00:21
SpamapSsmoser: you mean mappings right?00:21
SpamapSsmoser: I'm trying hard to remember why it wasn't suitable00:21
smoserwhen we were using ifstate it had sutff that worked to decide if something was up00:23
smoserit read ifstate00:23
smoserbut now we dont read ifstate00:23
SpamapSsmoser: so we can just change get_auto_interfaces to use ifquery ..00:25
smoserslangasek, do you have a suggestion on how to call ifquery ? ifquery --no-mappings ?00:25
smoseri dont know. maybe. that would be nice00:25
SpamapSsmoser: as long as thats the interface name that comes in as $IFACE00:26
slangaseksmoser: not sure yet, but I guess 'ifquery --allow auto --list --no-mappings' is how we would /want/ it to work00:27
slangasek(the --no-mappings doesn't seem to work so well in practice at the moment)00:28
smoserit seems you dont need --allow auto00:28
smoseri just tested that if i commented out 'auto eth0' and 'ifquery --list --no-mappings' then did not show it.00:29
SpamapSsmoser: I think thats just the default00:29
SpamapSwhat I'm confused by is how to test the mappings00:30
smoserand i'm not sure that --no-mappings is functioning right.00:30
smoserwell. anyway.00:30
smoserwe can come up with a solution here.00:30
YokoZarslangasek: What's the status of OpenSSL 32 bit these days?00:31
SpamapSsmoser: yeah, --no-mappings is busted00:32
YokoZarslangasek: The current build log for Wine:  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/79822996/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.wine1.3_1.3.28-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz  (ctrl+F for not found)00:32
SpamapSanyway, brain fried, and time for karate00:32
smoserat very least 'ifquery --list 2>/dev/null' seems to ignore 'auto' interfaces that do not have configured section00:33
SpamapSsmoser: it shows mapped interfaces though, whereas the real interface seems to be passed to the scripts00:34
smoserSpamapS, do you have an example interfaces ?00:34
SpamapSsmoser: auto eth0-foo\niface eth0-foo inet dhcp\n00:35
SpamapSsmoser: sudo ifup eth0=eth0-foo ...00:35
SpamapSsmoser: eth0 is passed as $IFACE00:35
SpamapSsmoser: but ifquery -a --list shows eth0-foo only00:35
smoseris that a valid config ?00:36
SpamapSsmoser: yep, brought up the physical eth0 as the logical eth0-foo00:36
SpamapSsmoser: tho.. we can use $LOGICAL to check00:37
smoserSpamapS, you should go to karate00:37
SpamapSYeah, late == pushups :)00:37
smoserbut that is not a config we're worried about i think00:37
SpamapSsmoser: I think $LOGICAL is the way to go00:37
* SpamapS is gone00:37
smoserbecause in that config, eth0-foo is not an auto interface. and it wont be brought up by ifup on first boot.00:38
smoseri think its fine'00:39
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slangasekYokoZar: libssl0.9.8 is still included in ia32-libs; though perhaps the fact that I was hand-hacking it into the source package caused the dev symlink to not be where it should and we need to regenerate ia32-libs now that openssl0.9.8 source is in the archive?00:49
YokoZarslangasek: I'll experiment with an ia32-libs freshening, see if that clears it00:55
slangasekSpamapS: 'sudo ifup eth0=eth0-foo' - I don't think that's how it would be invoked in practice though01:00
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YokoZarslangasek: btw I'm gonna try building true multiarch wine and see if it's less broken ;)01:57
YokoZar(it will likely build at this point, however it will complain about 15 different things being disabled since they're not multiarched yet)01:58
SeqIs there a way I can force myself to end up at a basic shell in my initrd before my disks mount?03:08
pittiGood morning03:50
pittibdmurray: hm, I don't see anything wrong with the cronjob03:51
stgraberGood morning pitti03:51
stgraberstill wondering how you manage to wake up and start working before 6am ;)03:52
pittistgraber: I actually had thought it was 6 am, but seems my wife got up earlier today03:54
stgraberpitti: hehe :)03:56
* TheMuso is a 6am riser, although I don't jump on the computer for a good 2 hours after I get up. :)_04:21
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dholbachgood morning06:58
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dokodebfx, ScottK: please could you address this within the kubuntu umbrella: bug 77078907:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770789 in plasma-runner-amarok (Ubuntu Oneiric) "plasma-runner-amarok version 0.6-0ubuntu2 failed to build on amd64 with GCC-4.6/oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77078907:12
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dokoDaviey, please have a look at bug 75610707:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 756107 in php-imap (Ubuntu Oneiric) "php-imap version 5.3.5-0ubuntu1 failed to build on i386" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75610707:46
dokodebfx, ScottK: same for bug 83285607:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 832856 in phonon-backend-xine (Ubuntu Oneiric) "phonon-backend-xine version 4:4.7.0really4.4.4-3ubuntu1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83285607:53
dokopitti: please have a look at bug 832778 (pg 9.1 issue)08:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 832778 in pgsql-asn1oid (Ubuntu Oneiric) "pgsql-asn1oid version 0.0.20100818-1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83277808:21
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pittidoko: thanks, will do08:22
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dokojelmer, please could you have a look at bug 832901?08:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 832901 in pam-krb5-migrate (Ubuntu Oneiric) "pam-krb5-migrate version 0.0.9-1build1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83290108:43
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jelmer_doko, ok09:04
alexbligh1Is it too late to request an update of Oneiric for a minor point release from upstream? (specifically bird-1.3.2 to bird-1.3.3 and ditto bird6). If not, how do I do it?10:03
dupondje正在处理用于 gnome-menus 的触发器...10:06
dupondjesuddenly there are things in Chinese ?! :)10:07
DavieyI think i am doing it wrong.10:28
Laneyalexbligh1: if they are bug fix releases, then that's easy (request a sync). otherwise, it's a bit harder but can still be done if necessary (request a freeze exception)10:30
ubottuHelpful information for filing a sync request can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess10:30
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.10:30
Davieycjwatson: I've created a udeb for libxmlrpc, but it also seems i need one for libcurl, and now libidn.. am i doing it wrong?10:39
cjwatsonif you're using libraries, you need them to be in udebs10:39
cjwatsonlibcurl sounds an extremely unfun thing to drag in what with the openssl/gnutls duality10:40
Davieycjwatson: Well libcurl3.so seemed to be enough to satisfy the concern,10:40
DavieyI'm trying to work out why the heck it needs libidn10:41
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cjwatsonI do have to question whether it's still appropriate to be adding udebs at this stage ...10:46
cjwatsonespecially if you're running into trouble10:46
Davieycjwatson: Well yes, that is a valid concern.10:47
alexbligh1Laney, thanks. It's mostly bugfixes, including failing to use /etc/default/bird (which is my problem)10:49
ScottKdoko: 832856 is now a removal bug.11:13
ScottKdoko: 770789 too.11:23
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sastudioHello,is there a way to get the last path that Nautilus accessed?12:05
sastudiofrom a bash script or C12:05
ScottKsastudio: That sounds like a question for #ubuntu.  This channel is for development of Ubuntu, not support.12:22
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks for taking a crack at the boost related failures.  I'll see if there are any in the other archs stack I can figure out.12:23
cjwatsonScottK: I think I'm out of steam for now, but have finished frogatto12:25
sastudioForgive my mistake,since I needed it for developing a little project for Ubuntu I thought this was the right one.So no external ubuntu projects in here?12:26
didrockssastudio: (see /topic): #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu12:30
sastudio@didrocks Thank you,Sir!12:31
udevbotError: "didrocks" is not a valid command.12:31
desrtsastudio: may also want to try #nautilus on irc.gnome.org, but i suspect the answer to your question is 'no'12:31
micahgslangasek: is there any was to use a bigger hammer for people on oneiric to enable multiarch?  we keep getting bug reports about flash not being installable12:33
slangasekmicahg: infinity was going to add a config file to dpkg12:34
slangasekwhich would help us sweep up the people who run alphas but don't read release notes or u-d-a :)12:34
micahgslangasek: that sounds great, thanks12:36
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pittislangasek: hm, flicker-free boot doesn't work for me with gdm either13:08
pittislangasek: but anyway, great that you got this fixed!13:08
slangasekpitti: define "not work"?13:09
pitti(will take a look at the FFE soon, just saw it coming in)13:09
pittislangasek: it looks exactly like lightdm -- plymouth, then text, then X/gdm13:09
pittiI thought it wasn't DM specific13:09
slangasekI've not seen that at all13:09
slangasekcould be that something kills plymouth early for you for some reason13:09
slangasekpitti: anyway, the flicker-free needs wider hardware testing before I'm comfortable landing it post-beta... any chance you have !intel video? :)13:11
pittislangasek: all intel here ..13:11
slangasekmaybe you at least have a non-cryptsetup system, to test that case?13:11
pittiI guess a more widespread call for testing might trigger more feedback?13:11
pittislangasek: yes, I have switched to ecryptfs a year or two ago13:11
pittislangasek: but I know some people in my team with ati/nouveau :)13:12
pittioh, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vorlon/ubuntu/oneiric/plymouth/lightdm-integration/revision/1398 is all that's needed?13:13
pittii. e. that can easily be applied manually on test systems, no need to enable a PPA etc.13:13
slangasekwould be great to have their testing :)  if we need to put out a wider call, we can do that too13:13
slangasekyes, it's a small change13:13
slangasekjust make plymouth-stop not stop13:13
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pittislangasek: heh, without cryptsetup I only see plymouth for some 0.3 seconds :)13:22
slangasekyep, that's pretty typical13:22
pittiand a blinking text cursor for like 10 s before13:22
pittifor some reason, looking for the root fs takes ages these days (http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/donald-oneiric-20110902.png)13:23
slangasekthe problem is it's a tradeoff between bringing up the splash early, or booting faster13:23
pittiI think that's the main reason why I install cryptsetup these days :)13:24
pitti(well, also because I still have an encrypted USB stick)13:24
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slangasekthe wait-for-root is within resume.  do you have a broken resume setting somewhere on the disk?13:24
pittihm, this is a fresh beta-1 install13:25
pittibut I kept the original partitioning13:25
pittiso maybe the swap partition still has some cruft13:25
pitti$ cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume13:26
directhexlamont, would it be possible to arrange a non-package build on one of the i386 builders, since the only machines in the universe which reliably reproduce the problem we're showing are vernadsky and one other of the ubuntu buildds? i don't want to break the published package in oneiric with a speculative patch13:26
pittithat one?13:26
pittislangasek: oh, http://paste.ubuntu.com/689186/ - might be that cryptsetup did that13:26
lamontdirecthex: ew13:27
directhexlamont, ew indeed13:28
lamontdirecthex: give me a sourcepackage in a ppa somewhere13:28
directhexlamont, you're a star :)13:28
slangasekpitti: I don't think cryptsetup touches /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume13:29
pittislangasek: then it's probably ubiquity when you enable/have ecryptfs13:29
slangasekcould be13:29
micahglamont: I got a chroot error on an armel panda buildd, do you need anything from it or should I retry?13:32
lamontmicahg: which machine?13:32
micahglamont: nihal13:32
lamontbuild record?13:32
micahglamont: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/2.6.11-2ubuntu3/+build/278435713:33
lamontmicahg: I tossed it back into the pool just to see what it has to say13:36
lamontthe exact failure bothers me.13:36
lamontdata integrity issues are always an interesting corner case13:36
kirklandpitti: slangasek: what's the ecryptfs question?13:36
micahglamont: ok, thanks13:37
lamontand cleaned out filecache-default on the box, I'll go give back all the chrootwaits in a moment13:37
slangasekkirkland: the question is, what created the bogus /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume on pitti's system that slows down the initramfs waiting for a device that apparently isn't there13:39
cjwatsonsome bit of the installer creates that13:39
cjwatsonif the UUID then changes, probably nothing updates it13:39
cjwatsonbase-installer and ubiquity both do it13:40
cjwatsonAFAIK the installer has to do that or else hibernation can't work13:41
cjwatsonit has nothing to do with ecryptfs anyway13:41
pittikirkland, slangasek: confirmed, when I clean up the conf.d/resume bit, it's 5 secs faster13:41
pittidoes hibernation even work on an encrypted swap?13:42
kirklandpitti: slangasek: yeah, i concur with cjwatson;  I don't know of any part of ecryptfs that would have touched that13:42
pittikirkland: not ecryptfs itself; I mean, ubiquity probably sets up an encrypted swap if you choose to encrypt your home dir13:43
kirklandpitti: yes, it used to, anyway, using ecryptfs-setup-swap13:44
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directhexlamont,  https://launchpad.net/~directhex/+archive/monoxide/+sourcepub/1940712/+listing-archive-extra14:59
directhexlamont, i assumed you'd be happier if i gave it time to test-build successfully before you waste your time with it14:59
lamontheh. ta14:59
directhexlamont, previously it was reliably failing to build when building the docs (look for cs-errors in the build log) on vernadsky and... i think rothera. definitely vernadsky. upstream's patch should cause it to build okay but print some debug spew when it would previously fail (the debug spew would be helpful to pass to upstream)15:09
* lamont stuffs vernadsky on manual15:10
lamontdirecthex: and this is mono, yes?15:12
directhexlamont, yes15:12
lamont2.10.5-1+wtf1 to be specific15:12
directhexlamont, yes15:14
* lamont puts all of i386/archive on manual, waits for zirconium to finish failing the build he killed15:15
lamontdirecthex: there, building15:18
lamonton vernadsky, even15:18
directhexlamont, brilliant15:18
lamontdirecthex: can you see the build?15:18
directhexhah, yes then ;)15:18
directhexlamont, and this way there's even a proper log. you're a star15:19
lamontanyway, I'm going to leave it in your lap then15:19
lamontbut I'm going to kill the armel build15:19
lamontunless there's some reason to leave it running15:19
lamontit might be nice to see how long a panda takes to build mono15:20
micahg+1, I'd be interested in seeing how long mono takes on a panda15:21
lamontmicahg: I shall let it live then15:22
directhexlonger than it used to. building the (C) runtime 4 times takes a while. the c# compiler is pretty fast on arm15:22
micahgdirecthex: well, we can see apples to apples, that build took 7 hours on the old armel machines15:23
lamontmicahg: bbg3 or beaglexm, I wonder15:25
dokohmm, why doesn't libjack-dev depend on jack1d?15:34
doko-dev has a .so symlink to a library in jack1d15:34
dokoI'll call adding libraries in LDFLAGS monkey linking ...15:40
cjwatsonScottK: uploaded libnet-server-perl from pkg-perl - testing in an amavis context would be welcome since this is entirely different from the patch the amavis people suggested15:45
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.  I'll see if I can find someone to test.15:45
cjwatsonjelmer: are you aware of bug 831374?15:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831374 in cia-clients (Ubuntu Oneiric) "cia-clients version 20110719 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83137415:51
Laneydirecthex: we have point passingness15:59
directhexLaney, good good - but i missed the failure point, so need to wait for completion to access the log16:00
Laneyit didn't say anything16:00
Laneymaybe earlier16:00
Laneydid you export MONO_DEBUG?16:00
directhexsigh. this is why i shouldn't do hacking whilst on the clock16:01
cjwatsonbah, libnet-server-perl failed to build16:03
tkamppeterwhen is beta2 freeze?16:09
micahgtkamppeter: tomorrow16:09
directhexLaney, can you take care while i go sit in a corner & sob?16:09
tkamppeteris missing on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule16:10
micahgskaet: ^^16:10
skaetmicahg, tkamppeter - thanks.  Fixed.16:19
Laneydirecthex: don't think i will have time today16:20
Laneyshould just be one line though16:20
directhexat least we know the build passes :/16:20
Laneyexport MONO_DEBUG=116:20
Laneyput it in for the next normal upload if you don't want to bug lamont again16:20
tkamppeterskaet, thanks, another bug: beta1 is alink, beta2 not.16:21
directhexLaney, i guess put it in the .6 upload?16:21
charlie-tcatkamppeter: they don't become links until after they release16:22
skaettkamppeter, actually that link tends to get added after the release is out.  Its a pointer to the release notes.  :)16:22
Laneydirecthex: yeah, if meebey does it soon. we can ask for it to be done on vernadsky again.16:24
Laneyb2 freeze is tomorrow though ...16:24
lamontdirecthex: does that mean it failed in a way you didn't want?16:27
Laneyforgot to export MONO_DEBUG to get the debugging info upstream wanted16:27
directhexlamont, it means it succeeded whereas previously it would have failed... but i forgot to enable the debug spew, because i'm an idiot16:27
lamontif you want me to toss it through again, I'm fine with that.16:28
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ogra_funny, must be the first time i see someone asking for an FTBFS on purpose :)16:34
slangasekwendar: is there something yet to be done wrt DEX for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-python-versions ?16:34
Laneyimagine a build failure that only happens on two boxes, and imagine that both of those boxes are ubuntu buildds16:34
SpamapSslangasek: so I've been monkeying with mapping's..16:35
SpamapSslangasek: seems like ifquery doesn't work with them as I'd expect it to..16:35
slangasekSpamapS: confirmed; I got halfway down that rabbit hole in the code yesterday before I gave up16:36
slangasekif only ifupdown was written in C, I'd probably have it done already16:36
SpamapSslangasek: Ok, so in light of that, we can take two stances. 1) we can add 'iface' to our parser that we already have in shell for 'auto' ...16:36
SpamapSslangasek: amen brother.. webm terrifies me16:37
slangasek1) no no16:37
SpamapSslangasek: 2) we can just say that mappings will be waited upon for 2 minutes16:37
slangasekno, as discussed yesterday we should fix ifquery to actually dtrt with mappings16:37
SpamapShonestly, what is the server use case for mappings ?16:37
slangasekbut you don't need to block on it, certainly16:38
micahgcjwatson: is this anything I need to worry about/file a bug for? http://paste.ubuntu.com/689338/16:38
slangasekSpamapS: so if you want to go for 2) with ifquery, that's perfectly fine with me16:38
slangasekand then the ifquery bug can be on my shoulders... or on smoser if he's keen to take it :)16:38
SpamapSslangasek: did you open a bug yet, otherwise I'll open one.16:39
smoserSpamapS, so what is wrong with ifquery ?16:39
smoserbecause i think it is right in the example you gave yesterday.16:39
wendarslangasek: it's been adopted as a DEX project, so the workitem is DONE16:39
slangaseksmoser: ifquery doesn't do anything at all with mappings16:40
smoseri dont think it matters.16:40
SpamapSsmoser: it is, but that example wasn't useful. ;)16:40
wendarslangasek: there's still work to be done on the bugs, but our goal was to contribute, not close them all down16:40
slangasekwendar: cool, ticking the box :)16:40
slangaseksmoser: right, for the server case the mapping bug probably doesn't matter.... I'm going to try to get it fixed in ifquery all the same16:41
SpamapSsmoser: this interfaces file (/map just echos 'FOO') doesn't show eth016:41
SpamapSSo actually.. we can use ifquery, but note that mappings will *not* be waited on16:41
wendarhmm... somethings up with bugs.debian.org16:42
smoserSpamapS, right, and eth0 would be auto'd on that.16:43
smoserSpamapS, so do you want me to fix the upstart script to use ifquery ?16:43
slangasekI do :-)16:45
SpamapSsmoser: to be clear, eth0 with that interfaces file is brought up at boot time, but is not shown in ifquery -a --list .. so it would not be waited on.16:46
SpamapSI'm *OK* with that16:46
SpamapSbecause I don't see a huge use case in mappings16:46
SpamapSits like a poor man's NetworkManager16:47
smoserifquery shoudl be fixed, and we should open a bug16:47
smoserbut yeah.16:47
SpamapSok, I'll open said bug16:48
SpamapSYay throw it on the pile.. oi16:48
slangasekthrow it on my pile16:48
slangasek(i.e., assign)16:48
smoseri'll fix ifup upstart job to use 'ifquery --list'16:48
smoserslangasek, SpamapS is that the "right" arguments ?16:48
smoseras ifquery sparse documentation, hard to decide what is right16:49
smoserseems to me that is right.16:49
SpamapSI think it defaults to --allow auto, but I would explicitly pass that16:50
cjwatsonmicahg: dunno, where's grub-pc configured to install GRUB to?16:50
slangasekSpamapS: yes, please explicitly pass that, because I'm planning on fixing that in ifquery :)16:51
micahg cjwatson: no idea, I haven't modified this AFAIK16:51
slangaseksmoser: ^^16:51
cjwatsonmicahg: debconf-show grub-pc16:51
directhexlamont, i added the env var to https://launchpad.net/~directhex/+archive/monoxide?field.series_filter=oneiric16:52
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micahgcjwatson: it has a /dev/disk/by-id output16:52
smoserslangasek, ok.16:52
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ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases16:54
SpamapSslangasek: bug 850166 opened for you16:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850166 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "ifquery does not respect mappings" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85016616:55
cjwatsonmicahg: yes.  what exactly does it say though?16:56
micahgcjwatson: /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST9500420AS_5VJBCYN816:57
cjwatsonmicahg: ok, so it's managed to work around the problem but only in a fragile way because your partitioning is bad16:58
cjwatsonmicahg: there should be at least 63 sectors before the first partition (nowadays, 1MiB is usuall)16:58
cjwatsonmicahg: it may be hard for you to change this now, of course16:58
micahgyeah, the drive came preinstalled16:58
micahgcjwatson: so, you don't need a bug report then I take it?16:58
cjwatsonmicahg: nope16:59
micahgcjwatson: thanks :)16:59
lamontdirecthex: building on vernadsky: wtf216:59
lamontafk for a few16:59
directhexthanks :)17:00
smoserSpamapS, i think that bug is moderately bogus17:01
smoseras 'ifquery' is then going to have to run code (/map) that is only expected to be run at ifup time17:02
smoseri guess its not so bad. but kind of wierd17:03
SpamapSIts a little weird, and might scare some people, but the scripts are meant to map every time ifup is run. Honestly, I'd be happier with just *ditching* mappings and saying thats what connman or network-manager is for.17:04
SpamapSBut easier, right now, is for us to just say that they won't be waited on.17:05
apwpitti, do you have any binary.debs for the plymouth flicker issue17:07
apwpitti, am trying to do some testing here17:08
chrisccoulsonjono - do you have evolution-couchdb installed btw?17:09
jonochrisccoulson, aha!17:10
jonoinstalling now17:10
chrisccoulsonheh :)17:10
chrisccoulsonjono - it stil doesn't work though. i get a new error from the eds couchdb backend now :(17:10
jonoI think I uninstalled it as rodrigo suggested to get rid of the constant errors17:10
jonowell test now17:10
jonochrisccoulson, ahh17:10
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jonothanks chris17:11
jonothanks chrisccoulson17:11
chrisccoulsonnp :)17:11
jonochrisccoulson, I am getting an error about not opening ubuntu one address bug because of the process17:12
chrisccoulsonjono - i get "Cannot open book: Could not create DesktopcouchSession object"17:13
chrisccoulsondo you get something similar?17:13
jonochrisccoulson, nope17:13
chrisccoulsonthat comes from the evolution-couchdb backend, and suggests that desktopcouch is still broken for mw17:13
jonoThere was a problem opening the address book "Ubuntu One" - the message returned was: Cannot open book: Cannot process, book backend is opening17:13
jonothat is what TB tells me17:13
chrisccoulsonjono - perhaps try killing e-addressbook-factory, restarting thunderbird and trying again. maybe it needs a restart to load the new backend17:14
jonochrisccoulson, killed it, now I don't see an error but no contacts in the address book17:16
chrisccoulsonjono - yeah, it's broken here too. but it's also broken in evolution :/17:20
jonochrisccoulson, good luck, pal17:22
chrisccoulsonheh :)17:22
jonoit would suck if we have another release with broken U1 contacts17:22
chrisccoulsonwas it broken last cycle too?17:22
chrisccoulsoni have to admit, i've never used it before because couchdb was the first thing i uninstalled after doing a fresh install ;)17:23
jonochrisccoulson, it kind of worked17:25
jonofor a large number of contacts it broke17:25
dobeyjono: what version of couchdb-bin do you have installed?17:30
lamontdirecthex: lol17:31
lamontdirecthex: let me know when you're ready for wft317:32
directhexdare i ask?17:32
lamontmake[9]: Entering directory `/build/buildd/mono-2.10.5/mcs'17:32
lamontInvalid option for the MONO_DEBUG env variable: true17:32
lamontAvailable options: 'handle-sigint', 'keep-delegates', 'reverse-pinvoke-exceptions', 'collect-pagefault-stats', 'break-on-unverified', 'no-gdb-backtrace', 'dont-free-domains', 'suspend-on-sigsegv', 'suspend-on-unhandled', 'dyn-runtime-invoke', 'gdb', 'explicit-null-checks', 'init-stacks'17:32
directhexbloody computers17:33
jonodobey, :-)17:36
dobeyhrmm, evolution is weird17:37
SpamapSanybody know how to get skype working on oneiric?17:38
SpamapSdo I have to download the skype from their site now? :(17:38
micahgSpamapS: add natty partner repo, install skype:i386?17:39
SpamapSI forgot to add the foreign arch17:41
SpamapShad already tried that.. :p17:41
directhexlamont, wtf3 just uploaded to my ppa.17:43
dobeyskype + unity do not mix17:43
micahgSpamapS: wfm17:44
SpamapSmicahg: its not necessary tho17:44
micahgSpamapS: what's not necessary?17:45
SpamapSmicahg: its in oneiric's partner repo.. just need the i386 foreign arch17:45
micahgSpamapS: no, it's not in oneiric's partner yet17:45
dobeySpamapS: not according to my apt-cache :)17:45
SpamapSreally? hrm.. this is the suck17:46
ScottKpartner is rarely populated much before release.17:47
* SpamapS should just abandon skype anyway.. :-P17:47
dobeySpamapS: is there a version of skype that works right with unity?17:48
SpamapSIt worked fine w/ unity 2d .. haven't been able to run it in a couple of weeks.. and since then I switched back to regular unity17:48
dobeySpamapS: is there some indicator that handles the old notification area icons that's not installed by default in oneiric?17:50
SpamapSerr, they were whitelisted in natty17:51
micahgAFAIK, the notification whitelist was dropped for oneiric17:51
dobeythere is definitely no icon on my panel in oneiric17:51
dobeyi closed the skype window and got left with a process with no UI :)17:52
dobeyof course, also a bug in skype, but i can't go patch it :P17:52
SpamapSawesome, so enabling i386 as a foreign arch has made my i386-only printer drivers cause huge issues17:52
SpamapSnow apt wants to remove libc-bin17:52
ScottKdobey: It's not really a bug in Skype.  It's Ubuntu being different than every other Linux distro and expecting the entire FOSS world to follow.17:55
ScottKKDE implemented the same notification area technology, but with a fallback.17:55
ScottKIt's a deliberate choice to have issues like this.17:56
dobeyScottK: no. it's a bug in skype if it doesn't properly handle the notification area not being there. if we have something running that is embedding the icon and just not showing it on-screen though, i would be inclined to agree17:57
barrycjwatson, slangasek: so, by disabling python-docutils in python-defaults, i'm making progress again.  too early to declare victory, but i'm past the latest roadblock17:58
micahgbarry: was there a reason why python-debian didn't get ported to dh_python2 for beta1?17:59
barrymicahg: no reason i can think of except that perhaps it didn't make it onto the list of cd packages?17:59
barrymicahg: does it still need porting?17:59
micahgbarry: yes, Debian did it in the latest upload, but there are quite a few changes, I didn't know if they were safe at this point since that library is used heavily18:00
barrymicahg: let me take a quick look18:00
micahgbarry: I have a task open for the xubuntu CD conversion bug, feel free to take it18:01
barrymicahg: bug #?18:01
micahgbug 84751418:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 847514 in python-debian (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Convert Xubuntu CD to dh_python2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84751418:01
barrymicahg: got it18:01
micahgbarry: thanks!18:02
dobeyScottK: it has the same problem under gnome-shell. it doesn't properly handle the notification area icon not being embedded. -> bug in skype. :)18:02
ScottKWhen infrastructure changes under an app with no fallback, I don't think that's a bug in the app.  It's poor project planning on the infrastructure's part, but there's not much chance of either of us fixing it, so we can agree to disagree.18:04
smoserSpamapS, slangasek thinking more about that bug in ifquery...18:09
smoserthe way we're using it, not only would ifquery call the mappings scripts on 'list' (when normally they'd only be expecting to be called on ifup), but also we're going to be basically calling them recursively.18:10
[swe]jeppehi everyone18:10
smoser - ifup -a18:10
smoser  - mapping script called18:11
SpamapSand returned from18:11
smoser  - upstart job calls ifquery -a --list18:11
smoser  - ifquery calls mapping script18:11
SpamapSrepeatedly, but not recursively18:11
smoserSpamapS, bug 850226 opened.18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850226 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "static-network-up script waits for 'auto' devs without a config stanza" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85022618:12
SpamapSsmoser: oh good thanks. :) I meant to do that yesterday18:13
[swe]jeppecan someone tell me whats the biggest obstickle why its not working to play games on linux?18:13
dobey[swe]jeppe: i don't think this is the channel for answering that, but i presume the answer is "you haven't installed them" :)18:14
Pici[swe]jeppe: #ubuntu-offtopic is the channel for general discussion.18:14
[swe]jeppeno, im just woundering whats block when u install games on linux. hard to explain in english18:16
barrymicahg: how truly odd.  bug 788514 has a task for python-debian, which is marked fixed released, and i have a branch sitting here with the necessary changes.  i usually never manually flip the fix released status, so i'm not sure what's going on.  maybe i never uploaded the change.  anyway, i'll do that now18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788514 in pyxdg (Debian) "python packages on the CDs not using dh_python2" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78851418:16
Pici[swe]jeppe: And this channel isn't for general disucssion, its a working development channel.18:17
[swe]jeppeok sorry will move :-)18:18
hyperairhi. any ubuntu-release members around?18:21
smoserslangasek, around ?18:21
smoserso if i pass '--allow all' to 'ifquery --list', then it is busted at the moment.18:21
jdstrand@pilot in18:21
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta 1 released | Archive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand
smosernever mind.18:22
slangaseksmoser: --allow auto :)18:23
smoserit is also broken if i pass --allow moser-youre-an-idiot18:23
slangaseksmoser: as for ifquery calling the mapping scripts... the design says it's fine to call the mapping script as long as the interface is down, but not while it's up, but we don't need to call it while up to get the mapping because that's in the ifstate file... this is the bit that needs stitching together, and where I threw my hands up in irritation with noweb last night18:24
smosersweet sweet noweb18:24
slangasekSpamapS: what i386-only printer drivers are giving you problems?18:25
SpamapSslangasek: 3rd party18:28
SpamapSslangasek: I had to force install them long long ago18:28
SpamapSslangasek: canon pixma mp560 to be specific18:29
skiy1337I've just written a piece of software. If you have an FTP server, it let's you store you documents on it.18:30
SpamapSslangasek: it seems to be something else actually.. I removed them and apt still wants to uninstall libc-bin when I try to install skype:i38618:30
slangasekSpamapS: oh, lovely18:31
hallynlp:ubuntu/libvirt is just an alias to lp:ubuntu/oneiric/libvirt right?18:31
slangasekSpamapS: any better with 'apt-get install skype:i386 libc-bin'?18:31
hallyn(quick test says 'yes' :)18:32
SpamapSslangasek: yes that works.. but.. wtf?18:32
* SpamapS wonders why gcc-4.6-base:i386 is needed for skype.. :-P18:32
slangasekSpamapS: because gcc-4.6-base is needed by libgcc1 is needed by $world :)18:33
slangasekgcc-4.6-base is really very base18:33
slangasekwhat's the delta of installs/removals look like between the "I want to remove libc-bin" and "ok boss" cases?18:33
SpamapSwow.. one gets a week behind on upgrades and oneiric has replaced nearly everything18:33
SpamapSslangasek: very similar, just this time it doesn't want to remove libc-bin18:34
slangasekthen it's probably picking a bad upgrade path on account of eglibc being out of date; I've seen that a couple of times before18:36
slangasekhaven't gotten around to filing a bug for it yet, maybe you could?18:36
SpamapSslangasek: a bug in apt?18:41
slangasekSpamapS: yep18:41
* SpamapS looks through log to find what version of libc-bin was replaced18:42
SpamapSPreparing to replace libc-bin 2.13-17ubuntu2 (using .../libc-bin_2.13-20ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...18:43
SpamapSslangasek: for the record, aptitude also just refused to do anything18:44
slangasekhow sensible of it :)18:44
SpamapSalright, filed bug 850264 with, hopefully, enough of the details18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850264 in apt (Ubuntu) "given a foreign architecture of i386 on amd64 machine, and an outdated libc, apt tries to remove libc-bin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85026418:48
slangasekSpamapS: looks good, thanks18:50
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micahgbarry: ok, thanks much19:14
barrymicahg: no worries19:14
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lamont(took 1 hour, 34 minutes, 49.9 seconds) <-- micahg19:46
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Amoznotice like a boss20:26
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hallynregcomp succeeds on "^\\s*(\\S+),(\\S*),(\\S+),(\\S+)\\((\\S+)\\),(\\S+),([0-9]+),?\\s*$" , but fails on "^(?:\\s*(\\S+))?\\s*(\\S+),(\\S*),(\\S+),(\\S+)\\((\\S+)\\),(\\S+),([0-9]+),?\\s*$" (identical except for the &(?:\\s*(\\S+))? at front).21:04
hallynI assume it's failing on the '?:'.  Can anyone confirm if that is not supported, and if there's another way to do that?  (namely, match the \s* if it is there, but not return it as a match)?21:05
hallynmaybe i should just do '.*'...21:06
slangasekhallyn: isn't that specific to perl regexp, not posix regexp?21:23
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hallynslangasek: sadly it would seem so.  So is there any posix way to do that?21:27
hallynATM I'm resorting to hacking the c code around it to discard the prefix if present21:27
hallynbut ideally I could do it in the regexp21:27
broderhallyn: you could look at the number of groups you get back, if that's the only one followed by a ?21:31
broder(sorry, there's a bit too much punctuation in there for me to actually parse what's going on)21:32
hallynbroder: the structure of the existing code is such that one function passes the regex and # expected fields into another  :(21:32
hallynnow if i could have it return an empty match i suppose that would be fine21:32
broderyeah, i can't come up with any way to do that21:33
broderwell...i guess you might be able to do something like (|\\s*(\\S+))21:34
broderwith no ?21:34
hallynthat code does take multiple regexes, so maybe i could just pass 221:34
hallynyeah that might work too ('|')21:34
broderyou'd want to be sure to drop the group around the inner \\S+21:34
hallynthanks - lemme see if what i'm doing now works, and then maybe i'll try that21:34
broderit's not necessary, and changes the number of groups based on the matched expr21:35
hallynyou mean '(|\\s*\\S+)' then?21:35
hallynok thanks21:36
hallyn(gotta run, may try that later)21:36
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dupondjehow is it possible to have this: LANGUAGE=nl:zh_CN:en_AU:en ?!21:48
dupondjeselected nl in the control panel, and made it a weird combo ...21:48
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dobeyjdstrand: hi. care to prioritize sponsoring of https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntuone-installer/release-174/+merge/75437 so it gets approved before string freeze? :)21:55
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jdstrandI'll look at it22:04
jdstranddobey: this needs a new orig.tar.gz22:08
jdstranddobey: can you provide me with a signed source package?22:10
dobeyjdstrand: huh, i've not had anyone say this before for merges into lp:ubuntu/ branches. where should i put the source package?22:12
jdstranddobey: well, it is a new upstream release and I want to be able to verify the checksums on the orig.tar.gz with the upstream source22:13
jdstranddobey: you drew the short straw getting a security/archiveadmin member :P22:13
jdstranddobey: chinstrap is fine22:14
dobeyjdstrand: https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~dobey/22:15
YokoZarslangasek: uploading fixed ssl ia32-libs now...probably finish uploading in a few hours :D22:15
jdstranddobey: thanks, I'll process it now22:15
dobeyjdstrand: thanks22:16
slangasekYokoZar: did it require anything more than the refresh?22:17
YokoZarslangasek: I had to add SSL 1.0.0 in there as well22:17
YokoZar(for Wine)22:18
jdstranddobey: can you adjust the perms of the dsc and debian.tar.gz files?22:18
slangasekYokoZar: hmm.  how/why does it depend on the newer ssl?  I'm rather unhappy with the idea of having two copies of libssl in ia32-libs - one is quite bad enough22:18
YokoZarslangasek: because ssl-dev requires the 1.0.0 copy and Wine is building against that22:19
dobeyjdstrand: fixed, sorry22:19
slangasekYokoZar: does it need headers or just the .so?  Far better to manually add the .so symlink if that's all it needs22:21
YokoZarslangasek: I'm not sure it's good to open the can of worms of building with newer header files than the actual linked library...22:25
slangasekcertainly not, that's why I asked if it needs headers22:25
YokoZarYeah it does22:26
slangaseksigh. ok.22:26
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jdstrand@pilot out22:36
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta 1 released | Archive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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bdrungjamespage: around?22:51
doko"Gentoo sanity check failed!" does this even exist?23:40
desrtdoko: ;)23:42
broderduh, why do you think it faileD?23:42
dokobug 77074923:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770749 in libspf (Ubuntu Oneiric) "libspf version 0.999-1.0.0-p3.dfsg-3 failed to build on amd64 with GCC-4.6/oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77074923:43

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