
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli
=== KatieKitty-Offli is now known as KatieKitty
mnajem\j #latex02:00
sweemengyo mnajem 02:13
sweemengjus say hi02:16
sweemengme need to back to work liao02:16
=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieKitty-Offli
ApOgEEsalam ejat 03:26
ApOgEEsalam all03:26
ejataik .. 03:26
ejatbleh online plak arinie 03:26
ejatke mau request cloaking :)03:27
ApOgEEejat: hehehe03:27
ejatdpt x email ? 03:27
ApOgEEtgh request03:27
ApOgEEx dpt email pun?03:27
ejattu first time aku send email 03:27
ejatyang aku cc kat ko tu 03:27
ejatjerungkun 03:28
ApOgEEejat: ooo dapat03:29
ejatpapit aku suh dia apply gak 03:29
ejatdia cakap x ckp goals03:29
ejatantara org lamo yg x nak menonjol .. 03:30
ApOgEEya betul03:30
ApOgEESuMarDi pun 03:31
ejatyups .. 03:31
* ejat pang SuMarDi03:31
ApOgEEdia bizi layan iOS coding je tu kot03:31
sweemenglive long and prosper everyone03:37
ApOgEE /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-my add ApOgEE OP03:37
* sweemeng wishes to show the vulcan sign03:38
sweemengbut irc can't do that03:38
ApOgEEheheh sweemeng 03:38
ApOgEEsweemeng: couldn't find the vulcan sign... ;p03:44
sweemengwish to be more involved03:47
* sweemeng try to reduce the number of community commitment now03:47
sweemenglimit only to hackerspace and python03:47
sweemengtry to join ubuntu malaysia if have time03:47
ApOgEEsweemeng: hackerspace is a great place03:48
sweemengApOgEE, need to decide what else it can do03:48
ApOgEEi wish i could join you. since i like electronics alot03:48
sweemengmalaysia as you know don't have that many maker03:48
sweemengelectronic enthusiast or what nott03:48
sweemengand we can do advocacy all the time03:48
ApOgEEbut the place is quite far from my house03:48
sweemengand that03:48
ApOgEEsweemeng how much did u pay or get paid for being hackerspace members?03:49
sweemengcurrently RM50 a month03:50
sweemengbut might raise to RM100 soon03:50
sweemengbecause low price people don't come in anyway03:50
ApOgEEyou get Rm50 of you pay RM50?03:50
sweemengApOgEE, pay03:51
sweemengwe didn't get anything03:51
sweemengthe money is to pay bills03:51
sweemengand rent03:51
ApOgEEi see... 03:51
ApOgEEi wish i can join you... but paying RM50 and unable to use the facility (location problem), make me think thrice03:53
sweemengApOgEE, don't man03:54
ApOgEEtherefore, i just setup my own hackerspace room in my house... ;p03:54
* sweemeng feel guilty if you pay but don't come03:54
ejatApOgEE: screenshot your own hackerspace dowh .. 04:02
ApOgEEejat: will do later... only got soldering station and a pile of components there... got other underground project now (you already know.. shhhhh!)04:04
ApOgEEhi hyperair 04:37
ApOgEEejat: yay... dah recloaked04:38
ApOgEE!ping ejat 06:37
ejathuhu dah cloaking .. mantap 06:38
ejathyperair: r u here ?07:18
hyperairyeah what's up?07:18
ejatcan u help ApOgEE to setup his @ubuntu.com mail .. 07:19
hyperairwhat do you mean setup?07:19
ejati cant remember how i do it previously .. its years back 07:19
ejatforwarding .. 07:19
hyperairit doesn't need setting up, right?07:19
hyperairit's done at launchpad automatically07:19
ejathyperair: thats what i think of .. 07:20
hyperairi didn't do any setup07:20
ejatApOgEE: see .... 07:20
ejatthen .. how do u do?07:20
hyperairthe emails will go to your launchpad.net email.07:20
hyperairso for me everything lands in hyperair@gmail.com07:20
hyperairi think the setup is done by a cronjob on that side07:21
hyperairso it can take a bit of time before it starts working.07:21
ejatowh .. maybe the cronjob not run yet :)07:21
ejatApOgEE: ... ello ... 07:21
ApOgEEoh ok07:22
ApOgEEno problem then07:22
ejatbut mine is not land in my launchpad email :) .. 07:23
ApOgEEok, thanks hyperair, ejat 07:23
ejatlet me try my kubuntu.org email which i never tried07:23
hyperairApOgEE: if it still doesn't work tomorrow, then try asking on #launchpad. maybe someone will know07:24
ejatits goes to the same mailbox for ubuntu.com07:25
ejatfenris@ubuntu.com / fenris@kubuntu.org07:26
ApOgEEhyperair: ok, thanks 07:26
ejatApOgEE: x bz ker arinie 07:26
ApOgEEtgh tunggu testing board07:26
ejatguys .. when can we have meeting to get ready for our loco re-approval ? 07:26
ApOgEEini run test... so, kene run dan check log07:27
ApOgEEejat: aku takde akses nak update loco page ke?07:27
ApOgEEofficial loco page tu sapa yg boleh update?07:27
ApOgEEgambar semua07:27
ejatloco directory u mean ? re-approval kasi settle kat wiki page jerk 07:28
ejatloco directory ? gambar guna flickr or picasa 07:28
ApOgEEloco directory page tu takyah update?07:34
ejatupdate gak 07:34
ejatevent / meeting :)07:34
ejatcuba try 07:34
ejataku nye ctrl key mereng skit 07:34
ejatterus skit jerk aku highlight 07:34
ejathttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/September2011 <--- nie jerk ubuntu-my xde07:36
ejatkena fikir satu hari .. kite hackhaton update kat situ for a few month 07:37
ejatneed to transfer meeting yang dah ade kite letak kat our wiki tu there .. 07:37
ejatand after this .. we need to have meeting at least once a month .. 07:38
ejatthen update it to team reports07:38
ApOgEEejat: kene sit down, discuss camne nak resolve isu ini... no borak kosong, serious discussion 08:18
ejatyeah .. +10 agree08:18
ApOgEEkene aware bahawa setiap ahli pun ada komitmen lain, so straight to the point, hanya untuk proceed dan be productive08:19
ejatx kisah la. .. bak kate kata ko ... x leh tunggu org lain .. mana ade then proceed .. sbb benda bukan main208:19
ejatyeah .. 08:19
ApOgEEok je, aku free malam je. siang keje08:19
ApOgEEatau weekend... 08:20
ApOgEEweekend pun kekadang aku ada kelas kat UTM08:20
ApOgEEtapi still boleh buat, kalau kita susun kerja elok2 dan sama2 buat keje memasing08:20
ejattgh plan nak ajak staff canonical for mygosscon 08:22
ejathopefully ade la .. 08:23
ApOgEEmygosscon bila?08:24
ejatujung november 08:24
ejatsbb x class ngn UDS .. so harap2 boleh la 08:25
ApOgEEterdekat ni takde program ke ubuntu-my?08:25
* ejat nie pun tgh seram sejuk dalam standby list UDS nie .. 08:25
ApOgEEko pegi UDS?08:25
* ejat x de idea .. since "patah tangan/kaki" 08:25
ApOgEEejat: apa bikin kat UDS?08:25
ejatntah aku pun tatau ape lagi aku nak buat kat sane .. 08:26
ejatjoin community track la kut 08:26
ejatkalau sempat dev track 08:26
ejatharap2 ade rezeki .. 08:26
ejatdah bertahun2 apply .. 08:26
ApOgEEejat: camne bleh join UDS tu? develop apa?08:26
ApOgEEaku itu hari diorg jemput gak ... dari team UBT08:27
ApOgEEtapi aku la yg takde masa.. dan takde idea nak bikin apa08:27
ejatjemput mcm mana kah? 08:27
ejatbeginner team ? 08:27
ApOgEEdirg panggil sbb aku wakil Malaysia dlm Ubuntu Beginners Team08:27
ejatApOgEE: sponsorship .. 08:28
ejatwoo ... mantop .. 08:28
ApOgEElama dah ... masa aku tgh bizi giler08:28
ApOgEEso, layan tak layan je la08:28
ejatUD week ke summit ? 08:28
ejatsape yang invite ?08:28
ApOgEEaku pun tak paham sangat mendape UDS tu... Developer SUmmit 08:28
ApOgEEgeng2 UBT08:29
ejatthen plan for the next release ubuntu-P08:29
ApOgEEtak ingat dah aku08:29
ejatkat UDS la .. 08:29
ApOgEEmasa tu jemput2 kat IRC je... tapi sbb aku takles join, bye bye je la08:29
ejatooooo 08:30
ejatyg aku nie try jerk apply kat site .. 08:30
ejatsyazwan pun try gak .. 08:30
ejattp x berjaya 08:30
ApOgEEkene ada jemputan ke? aku ingatkan open je dulu08:30
=== EgyParadox is now known as xodaraPygE
=== xodaraPygE is now known as EgyParadox
ejat#topic Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Beta 1 Released !21:26
ejat#topic Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Beta 1 Released !21:27
=== fenris is now known as Guest31952
=== Guest31952 is now known as ejat
ejat#seen SuMarDi23:12
ubuntumyejat: I have not seen SuMarDi.23:12
ejat#seen hyperair23:12
ubuntumyejat: I have not seen hyperair.23:12
ejat#google mypapit23:13
ubuntumyejat: mypapit gnu/linux blog: <http://blog.mypapit.net/>; mypapit: <http://mypapit.net/>; Mypapit.net Photo Gallery - Home: <http://photos.mypapit.net/>; mypapit (@mypapit) on Twitter: <http://twitter.com/mypapit>; Mohammad Hafiz bin Ismail in Launchpad: <https://launchpad.net/~mypapit>; notehax - A JavaME compatible note taking application - Google ...: <http://code.google.com/p/notehax/>; Please Name (1 more message)23:13
ejat#seen ejat23:47
ubuntumyejat: ejat was last seen in #ubuntu-my 34 minutes and 33 seconds ago: <ejat> #google mypapit23:47

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