
paultagHey release-ers. I was working with someone in Debian, and he requested a FFe (LP: #849167) which closes RC bug LP: #820983. It's a bugfix only upload, but it requires dropping the ubuntu1 patch (which failed to fix what it was intended to fix). Can someone triage, please?02:53
ScottKIf it's bugfix, it doens't need release team review.03:17
paultagScottK: Is there any chance you could fill me in on some of the process? I was just helping a friend, and I don't really know how to handle the paperwork03:18
ScottKSubscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug and someone will review.03:18
paultagScottK: cheers03:19
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Laneywe ask for FFe for dh_python2 transitions, but what about others? (CDBS → dh in this case)09:34
pittiLaney: I guess it could be argued that they need an FFE, but personally I don't care much09:54
pittiit's a matter of debdiffing the binaries to check the result09:54
maxbWould someone be able to tell me what is unusual about ubuntu/pool/universe/libc/libcdio/libiso9660-7_0.81-4_amd64.deb ?  It appears to be a 404 on archive.ubuntu.com, a 403 on gb.archive.ubuntu.com, but accessible on de.archive.ubuntu.com10:14
Laneypitti: thought as much, ta10:15
cjwatsonmaxb: the only unusual thing I can see is that it's a symlink into main10:15
maxbHmm... so that would explain the 403 if gb.a.u.c is configured with a http server that won't follow symlinks10:16
maxbIt's a 404 on archive.ubuntu.com even changing universe to main10:17
jpdsLast sync failed.10:18
jpdsmaxb: OK now?10:24
maxbYes, that works - thanks10:26
jussiAnyone know when skaet usully arises from her slumbers?11:12
nigelbjussi: Somewhere around when Texas wakes up :)11:16
ScottKLaney: I think build system changes are feature changes that should be reviewed, but OTOH if someone forgets to ask, I'm not going to go hunt them down unless they break something.11:25
davmor2jussi: I'm gonna say approximate 14:00-ish gmt11:26
jussidavmor2: excellent, thank you11:26
davmor2jussi: most of the states are online between 14:00-16:00 so somewhere around then at any rate :)11:27
ScottKI guess I should go back to bed then.11:27
slangasekI definitely should11:28
davmor2ScottK: you slangasek and persia ar eall androids so use UTC I'm sure of it :D11:28
davmor2see ^11:28
ScottKSleep is for the weak.11:29
davmor2sleep is something you do when you die right?11:29
ScottKThere's even a song about that.11:29
davmor2ScottK: there are several with the line in :)11:30
davmor2so it must be true the song said so11:30
ScottKNo doubt, but it's the title of a Frank Zappa song.11:30
davmor2ScottK: Indeed,  and also sung by Meatloaf, bon jovi, guns'n'roses, some bond theme has it I'm sure oh and others11:34
nigelbI'm glad I'm not the only person awake all night.11:37
davmor2nigelb: you're a rank amateur at it ;)11:40
nigelbI'm not sure if I wwant to be pro :P11:41
lamontslangasek: cjwatson skaet (anyone)... any armel livecd images planned in the next hour or 2? I need to do some work on annonaceae12:20
slangasekspeaking only for myself and the crontab, no12:21
lamontslangasek: ta12:21
cjwatsonme neither12:21
lamontbuildd's ssh auth keys file is currently disabled, fwiw12:22
cjwatsonwould like the x86 ones to keep working though12:22
lamontpurely an armel activity12:22
lamonttotal of 5 arm boxes are getting better disks, and I need to migrate things, starting with 4 of the lp-buildds12:22
lamont(for many, but not all, values of "*")12:23
ogra_lamont, well, i was just fiddling with mx5 images but i will wait for infinity anyway12:30
ogra_and worst case i can switch to sycamore for the moment12:31
lamontogra_: once the rsync finishes, it's a couple commands and a reboot12:34
ogra_yeah, no hurry, i'm stuck anyway12:34
ogra_(somehow mx5 is convinced it builds a DVD and not a preinstalled image and i cant find out why)12:35
lamontlucky you12:41
ogra_heh, yeah12:42
lamontin a different question, wtf does the lucid arm redboot world think that fsck can be omitted from the initramfs?12:42
ogra_muight be cjwatson's fault though i think there was something about the usb key stuff he fixed last night ... and that i end up with 1.6G ext3 files from live-build is suspicious12:42
ogra_lamont, how do you mean ?12:43
lamontgonna need some bigger CDs12:43
ogra_redboot doesnt do anything with the initrd but loading it12:43
lamontogra_: buildd reboots with errors on /dev/sda1, fails to boot, because fsck.ext2 is missing12:43
ogra_everything else is kernel12:43
lamontseems to be localized to the bbg3 machines12:43
ogra_uh, oh12:43
lamontergo "armel redboot world"12:43
lamontbut yeah, absolutely nothing to do with redboot itself12:44
ogra_i thought you mean redboot does anything with the initrd it shouldnt12:44
lamontit unpacks it.  that's not nothing. :p12:44
ogra_shouldnt mountall pull that into the initrd ?12:44
ogra_fsck i mean12:44
lamontone would expect something to.  I'll check into lucid's mountall12:45
lamontzcat < /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-24-omap | cpio -t | grep fsck12:46
lamont24033 blocks12:46
lamontiz fact on bbg3 boards and beaglexm12:46
cjwatsonogra_: mountall is not run from the initrd12:47
ogra_i thought mountall is what ships the fsck parts into initrd12:47
cjwatsonno, nothing does12:47
cjwatsonthere is a wishlist somewhere for making the initramfs generally more useful for recovery which would include fsck12:47
cjwatsonbut it's a feature12:47
cjwatsonmountall runs from the real system not the initramfs12:47
cjwatsonbug 51234912:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 512349 in baltix (and 2 other projects) "include filesystem repair facilities in initramfs (affects: 3) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51234912:48
ogra_ah, k12:48
lamontcjwatson: it's a personally annoying feature when you have to have someone physically in the data center to reboot the machine12:48
ogra_lamont, what are the exact fs errors you see ?12:48
lamont/sbin/fsck.ext2 /dev/sda112:48
lamonte2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)12:48
lamontext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to missing mtab file while determining whether /dev/sda1 is mounted.12:48
lamont/dev/sda1 contains a file system with errors, check forced.12:48
lamontand no actual errors12:48
lamontduring the run12:49
lamontanyway, buttercup and kaylaberry are back in the game now that I've fscked them12:49
ogra_hmm, sad, i was hoping for RTC relations12:50
cjwatsonnormally the initramfs can still do a read-only mount and the lack of fsck should not block it12:51
cjwatsonperhaps there's a 'rw' argument telling it not to do that?12:51
ogra_hmm, could be that there is no ro on the cmdline12:52
ogra_but that should still default to ro, no ?12:52
cjwatsonthough I haven't checked lucid, only oneiric12:52
lamonthaving a machine that refuses to boot until someone manually gets fsck into the initramfs and runs it strikes me as something closer to a bug than a feature12:53
ogra_we surely never set rw explicitly12:53
ogra_lamont, whats your cmdline ?12:53
lamontconsole=ttymxc0,115200n root=UUID=ff4d3b1f-c1f2-4a63-859c-71395c87e61c12:54
ogra_looks fine12:55
ogra_not that then12:55
cjwatsonlamont: point is that the absence of fsck from the initramfs should not cause that bug12:55
lamontmaybe I'll see if I can reproduce it on the home-panda12:55
cjwatsonfsck is not meant to be required in the initramfs for booting12:55
cjwatsonoh, *finally*, a working zh_CN livefs build13:00
cjwatsononly about ten attempts later13:00
cjwatsonnow I can see what the output looks line13:00
ogra_GRRR ... why is *every* armel package on the ftbfs list i look at a GL issue13:03
ScottKogra_: I see a lot of /usr/include/GL/glext.h:5072:19: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef ptrdiff_t GLintptr' - Is that what you're hitting?13:10
cjwatsonthat's standard GL vs. GLES, AIUI13:10
ogra_ScottK, yes, i saw that in several packages13:10
ScottK/usr/include/GL/glew.h has the same typedef.13:11
ogra_but often needs more than just changes of the build dep sadly13:11
ScottKI have no frickng clue why there's anything armel specific in there.13:11
ogra_GLES vs GL13:11
ScottKHmmm.  Is mesa-common-dev GLES on armel?13:12
ogra_not armel specific ... GPU specific :)13:12
ScottKI see.13:13
ogra_there is a specific gles lib iirc13:13
ScottKIn the case I'm looking at it's not installed.13:13
ScottKOh, wait.  It is.13:13
ogra_well, usually you need to change the build-dep, change configure to use GLES if possible and then clean up the fallout for missing or different declarations13:14
cjwatsonit'd be helpful if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/FTBFS discussed this for more than the Qt case13:16
mvopitti: I have a merge proposal for a update-manager httplib2 change, but it would add python-httplib2 to update-manager-cores and via that to ubuntu-standard - is that something acceptable at this point? the caching is greatly improved with that branch but its not OMG critical13:30
pittimvo: that sounds like it would restructure some code from e. g. urllib to python-httplib2?13:34
pittimvo: as for the dependency, that's mainly a question for the server guys (Daviey)13:34
mvopitti: yeah, the code itself is fine, I'm mostly concerned about the new dependency at this point, I will eventually merge it for P, I'm pretty certain about that13:36
micahgpitti: you should've rejected my dh_python2 conversions due to the extraneous X-Python-Version field since there was no minimum specified before :)13:40
* micahg just got yelled at in #debian-python...13:41
* micahg guesses that goes beyond the call of duty for the release team review though13:43
ScottKmicahg: They are not required, but they don't actually hurt beyond making the source very slightly larger.13:43
micahgScottK: that was the impression I had, but #debian-python said otherwise13:45
lamontcjwatson: for tracking, where should I file the (lucid/maverick at least) bug about needing ext2 for boot?  (note that the machines in question were not installed via the normal install processes, so it's likely pebcak)13:45
ScottKmicahg: I saw.  I'm not quite as pedantic as some other people.13:45
cjwatsonlamont: not sure, I guess initramfs-tools for starters13:59
* ogra_ wonders if febootstrap is what he suspects14:11
charlie-tcaCan we try a respin of Xubuntu Alternate images. There are no errors in the log, but the install fails and there was an email notiification for a fail14:26
cjwatsonwhat did the notification say?14:27
cjwatsonah, well, if nothing else report.html is non-empty14:27
pittimicahg: sorry, missed that14:28
charlie-tcaxubuntu/daily: Uninstallable packages:14:28
cjwatsonhas abiword installability been fixed then?14:28
charlie-tcaabiword 2.8.6-0.3ubuntu2 produces uninstallable binaries:14:28
charlie-tca  * abiword (amd64 i386)14:28
charlie-tca  * abiword-plugin-grammar (amd64 i386)14:28
charlie-tca  * abiword-plugin-mathview (amd64 i386)14:28
charlie-tca  * libabiword-2.8 (amd64 i386)14:28
charlie-tcaxubuntu-meta 2.137 produces uninstallable binaries:14:28
charlie-tca  * xubuntu-desktop (amd64 i386)14:28
* cjwatson checks in chdist to see if that's actually been fixed14:29
charlie-tcayes, that is the notification14:29
micahgpitti: well, according to ScottK it's YMMV, so not your fault14:29
charlie-tcaWhy doesn't http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/xubuntu/oneiric/daily-20110914.log show anything?14:29
micahgcjwatson: it installed fine on my ubuntu-desktop oneiric setup14:29
cjwatsonbecause it's not a CD *build* failure14:29
cjwatsonthe images built successfully, they just contain uninstallable pieces14:30
cjwatsonit's often useful to have the output anyway14:30
charlie-tcaSo, file a bug with the logs?14:30
cjwatsonmicahg: agreed, it seems fine in chdist14:31
cjwatsonI'll respin now14:31
charlie-tcaThank you14:31
micahgcjwatson: thansk14:31
lamontslangasek: cjwatson skaet (anyone)... annonaceae is back over to all y'all, fwiw14:52
slangasekthanks :)14:55
lamontmucking about with archive/i386 - manualized15:16
lamontshould be back in a couple min15:16
lamontand we're back15:17
charlie-tcaI need yet another respin. Something is wrong with the mirrors or server because it refuses to allow abiword to work.16:41
charlie-tcaPlease respin Xubuntu Alternates again16:41
Laneyphwoar, nbs looks good16:50
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: it's not clear that respinning will help, then16:52
cjwatsonI don't want to respin if nobody understands the problem16:52
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charlie-tcacjwatson: okay16:53
charlie-tcabug 850172 for Xubuntu failing to install17:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 850172 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu Oneiric Alternate images fail to find abiword dependencies when building images (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85017217:12
charlie-tcafailure on two different hardware systems17:32
cjwatsonhm, no local copy of xubuntu-oneiric-alternate-i386.iso18:19
cjwatsonUNLEASH THE JIGDO18:19
hyperairhi. is it feasible to sync a libgpod 0.8.2 from debian at this point?18:22
cyphermoxhi, could someone please ack https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/849994 ?19:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 849994 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "FFE: add NetworkManager DUID support (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]19:18
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* cjwatson goes to see if he can decipher the Xubuntu failure before falling asleep23:33
charlie-tcathank you very much, but sleep might be more important23:35
cjwatsonI have fairly frequent insomnia, it may be important but it's not always an option :-/23:36
cjwatsonmight as well do something useful with it23:36
charlie-tcaThen again I will say "Thank you very much". Your help is very much appreciated.23:39

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